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Im Taylen LePeak
4140 Erika Dr.
Pleasant Lake , MI 49272
(517) 745-0376

Im good at multitasking. I am a people person, Know how to run machines. Creative,
adaptable, and I am quick thinker. I work well under pressure. Im always a honest, hard
working guy willing to learn. Being patient is one of my best qualities. I have a sense of humor
and I can be a risk taker when I need to be. Im also loyal, polite worker who is very organized at
the workplace.

October 2015 - PRESENT
Technique Inc, 1500 Technology Drive- Quality Technician
When I first started I was a guy that washed a lot of parts and also deburred parts as well.
Back in June I was transferred into the quality lab where they do final inspections and pretty much
have the last say in whether we can ship a part, assembly, or a kit.
This upcoming January I will be transferred to the mazak lasers which are lasers that can cut metal in 6
different axises with plasma.

September 2013 - Present
Northwest High School, 6900 Rives Junction Rd, Jackson, MI 49201
Jackson Area Career Center, 6800 Browns Lake Rd, Jackson, MI 49201

Out in the career center I am apart of the Precision Machining program. In this class I learn how to run
certain machines, make almost anything I want and I am also able to design my own parts on a computer.

Jackson College, 2111 Emmons Rd, Jackson, MI 49201

Outstanding Mountie award
Academic Achievement for math & english
Volunteer work- Jackson nazarene every saturday for the months July- October giving food
to the people that can't afford groceries

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