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Unit Title: Sub Unit Title: Lesson Title (Day X of Y)

Name: Kayla Wipf

Grade Level: 10-11
School: Colman-Egan HS
Date: 11-16-16 (Wednesday)
Time: 10:16-11:06

Contextual factors/learner characteristics: (What do you need to keep in mind as you plan and deliver
this lesson? About the students? The facility? Time restraints? Technology? Group formation? Etc?)

50 min class period; small class (9); projector available

Standards: (Include the information that tells what the student is to master)

Performance Expectation List the 3 hormones and what they regulate 80%
Science and Engineering Plan and conduct an investigation individually and
Practice collaboratively to produce data to serve as the basis for
evidence, and in the design: decide on types, how much,
and accuracy of data needed to produce reliable
measurements and consider limitations on the precision
of the data, and refine the design accordingly.
Disciplinary Core Idea Feedback mechanisms maintain a living systems internal
conditions within certain limits and mediate behaviors,
allowing it to remain alive and functional even as external
conditions change within some range. Feedback
mechanisms can encourage or discourage what is going
on inside the living system.
Crosscutting Concepts Feedback can stabilize or destabilize a system.
CCSS ELA / Math RST.11-12.1; SL.11-12.5; WHST.11-12.7; WHST.11-12.8;
WHST.11-12.9; WHST.11-12.9; WHST.9-12.2

ABCD Objective Assessment I Can / Target Statement

After the presentation, Exit Ticket
students will be able to list the
3 hormones produced by the
thyroid gland and what they
regulate with 80% accuracy.

Materials and Resources needed:

Computer, flash drive, note cards
The Lesson (Provide a brief summary here)

1. Introduction (Engage) (Script what you plan to say include how you plan to get attention,
access prior knowledge, assess knowledge, create a need to know and share the objective)
5 min
Good morning! Today we are going to talk about the thyroid gland.

2. (continue your actors script) Core of the Lesson

What you Tell what me what you are doing, what you will say or ask.
are doing / If you are asking a question put in acceptable student responses.
Methodolog Tell me what the students are doing. This is the area for your script.
35 min Who knows where their thyroid gland is? throat
PPT Thats basically right.
Research The thyroid gland sits around the trachea, just below the larynx, or Adams
apple/voicebox. It has 2 main lobes the left and right lateral lobes. Some
people, about 50%, have a 3rd lobe, called the pyramidal lobe. It looks like an
extra projection on the superior side of the thyroid. The thyroid is also highly
Why do you think this might be? hormones are released into the blood
Thats right!
The thyroid gland is composed of follicles cavities lined with follicular cells
that produce and secrete hormones. Follicular cells surround a space called the
colloid that is composed of thyroglobulin a substance necessary for hormone
production. Yet another type of cell goes to work in the thyroid the
extrafollicular cells.
Since we know where the follicular cells are, where do you think the
extrafollicular cells are? beside the follicular cells Thats right!
How many hormones does the thyroid produce? Does anyone know? 3
The follicular cells produce 2 of them thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine
(T3). The 3 and 4 in their names designate the number of iodine atoms the
hormone has. Together, they are known as thyroid hormone (TH).
The extrafollicular cells produce the third, calcitonin (CT).
TH regulates the metabolism of carbs, lipids, and proteins; increases the rate
of protein synthesis; and stimulates the breakdown and mobilization of lipids.
This all determines what your basal metabolic rate (BMR) is, which is how
many calories you need to live. TH is necessary for normal growth and
development. It is controlled by thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) from the
We talked about T3 and T4 having iodine. Where does that iodine come from?
food right!
It starts out as iodide then goes through digestion in the stomach and is taken
up into the bloodstream. An iodide pump takes it from the blood into the
follicular cells of the thyroid, where it is converted and concentrated into
That iodine and the amino acid tyrosine are used to produce TH from the
thyroglobulin in the colloid. Follicular cells breakdown the thyroglobulin and
release the hormones into the bloodstream.
What do you think happens when TH levels in the blood get too low? more
TSH is released until normal right!
There is more T4 in the blood than T3 because T4 is the inactive form of T3.
Nearly 1/3 of T4 is converted in to T3 in peripheral tissues. T3 is 5x more
potent than T4 because it can be readily used by the body.
So far weve talked about 2 hormones produced by the thyroid. How many
were there? 3 Right. Calcitonin is the last one.
Calcitonin (CT) is produced by the extrafollicular cells, also called C-cells.
CT controls the blood calcium and phosphate ion concentrations by decreasing
the rate they leave bones by inhibiting osteoclasts. Do you remember what
osteoclasts do? breakdown bone right!
They also increase the rate the ions enter bones by stimulating osteoblasts.
Now what do they do? build bone good.
So what stimulates the release of CT? When there is a high concentration in
the blood (usually after eating) or when gastrin is present when is gastrin
released? digestion good. CT helps prevent prolonged elevation of calcium
and phosphate levels after eating.
Why do you think CT is important for young children? bone building yep!

Now, I want you to do some research on different thyroid disorders and share
what you find with the class.
- Have list so each student gets different one
- Disorder name, target population, hyper/hypo, physical characteristics,
internal characteristics, treatments

3. (continue your actors script) Closure (X min) (A good closure includes allowing students to
gage if they met the lesson objectives, reviewing the lesson objectives, and possibly hinting about
what is to come.)
5 min
To wrap up today, I am going to have you fill out an Exit Ticket. You need to write the 3
hormones we talked about and what they are responsible to regulate. You have the remaining
class time to complete these. Please turn them in to me when you are finished.

4. Back Pocket Idea (What are your plans if the lesson is running long? What are your plans if the
lesson is running short?)

Long: wrap it up before the research play video instead

Short: play video and then do reasearch

Resources: (What resources did you use which would be of interest to the classroom teacher? You most
likely did not create this lesson from scratch?)

Textbook, NSTA, Pinterest, YouTube

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