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Will Burgman, Jess Cannon, Olivia Ciardi, Taylor Click, Kelly Cohane

Advertising: Fall 2016, 9:30 a.m.

Creative Brief
Target Audience: Millennials
21-29 year-olds
Americas largest generational group
25% of the total population

Millennial Psychographics
Responsible, realistic, compassionate

Millennial Lifestyle
Only 20% live alone
36% live with parents
Usually in urban areas

Millennials in the Workplace

Highly educated
Many are still studying
Target Audience: Millennials
Social Media Usage
57% visit Facebook once a
44% visit more than once
Other popular sites include:
Twitter, Instagram,
Pinterest, YouTube,
Tumblr Reddit

Millennials and Brands

Purchase brands they feel a
connection with

Grocery Shopping
Prefer specialty stores
39% grocery shop online
Target Audience: Millennials
Breakfast preferences
Favor healthy choices
Least likely generation to buy cereal
Meet Danielle
Who is Danielle?
Full-time student at a university
Lives with 3 friends
Health conscious
Active on social media

Because of Danielle's demanding

schedule and active lifestyle she
does not have much time to eat
throughout the day. Shes on the
look-out for healthful and
convenient food options that fit into
her lifestyle and dont force her to
compromise taste for health.
Consumer Insight
I eat cereal every morning for breakfast and sometimes as
an afternoon snack.
-Emily T., 21

I believe that there need to be healthier options for

-Megan M., 21

I like cereal in the morning and sometimes as a snack. Ill

have a bowl after a night out, its a good go-to and it can
stay in the pantry for awhile.
-Steph C., 21
Posts Honey Bunches of Oats with
Strawberries: Current Ad
Posts Honey Bunches of Oats with
Strawberries: Current Ad
Posts Honey Bunches of Oats with
Strawberries: Current Ad
Posts Honey Bunches of Oats with
Strawberries: Current Ad
Posts Honey Bunches of Oats with
Strawberries: Current Ad
Posts Honey Bunches of Oats with
Strawberries: Social Media
Posts Honey Bunches of Oats with
Strawberries: Social Media
Kellogg's Special K Red Berries: Current
Kelloggs Special K Red Berries: Social

1. To market Tiny Toast as a healthful and fun

breakfast and snack option for consumers.

2. To help consumers understand how Tiny Toast

fits into their busy lives.

3. To build Tiny Toast as an empowering and

motivating brand among millennials.
Single-Minded Proposition

Empowering millennials to thrive
within their busy lifestyles by
choosing health while celebrating
the small joys of life.
Supporting Evidence
I buy cereal because it is a very quick and cheap way to eat.
-Emily T.

Cereal makes me feel full and powerful!

- Megan C.

If I was to describe Tiny Toast in 3 words, I would choose:

unique, fun, and fruity!
-Steph C.
Tiny Toast features:

2 flavors
Can be eaten traditionally
or on the go
Whole grain oats = most
abundant ingredient
120 calories per serving
(3/4 a cup)
All natural
Tone of Voice



Advertising Campaign
Big Idea: Tiny Victories
Celebrating small accomplishments
Making healthy lifestyle choices
Encouraging millennials to get more out of
everyday life
Social Media

Social Media: Facebook
Social Media: Facebook
Social Media: Instagram
Social Media: Snapchat
Social Media: Twitter
Digital: Native Advertising
Digital: Native Advertising
Digital: Native Advertising
Buzzfeed Quiz
Digital: Native Advertising
Buzzfeed Tasty
Digital: YouTube Preroll

Alarm rings, Hits snooze Pours Tiny Toast into a bag. Running to class

Didnt miss breakfast AND Lifes too crazy to worry about Take it wherever life takes
made it to class on time? Now preparing breakfast. Grab you, and celebrate the tiny
thats something to celebrate! Tiny Toast on the go so you steps of your crazy journey
dont have to. with Tiny Toast!
Print Advertisements
Print Advertisements
Print Advertisements
Media Budget
Vehicle Description/Length Cost

Print Cosmopolitan Magazine Full page print ad $85,000

New York Times Full page print ad $104,000

Vogue Magazine Full page print ad $196,000

Wall Street Journal Full page print ad $174,895

Digital Snapchat Sponsored Lens Sunday - Thursday $450,000

Buzzfeed 5 articles $100,000

Youtube Preroll $0.10/view across 3 channels $112,500

Media Budget References
"2016 Open Rates General." Wall Street Journal 2016: n. pag. Print.

"Advertising in Cosmopolitan Magazine." {{meta.facebook.siteName}}. N.p., n.d. Web. 14

Nov. 2016.

"And Now, a Word against Our Sponsor." Reuters. Thomson Reuters, 8 Mar. 2013. Web.
14 Nov. 2016.

"General Rates." Cond Nast. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Nov. 2016.

"How Much Does Advertising on YouTube Cost?" Quora. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Nov. 2016.
O'Connell, Meaghan. "The Cost of a Full-Page Ad in The New York Times." The Billfold.
N.p., 11 Aug. 2014. Web. 14 Nov. 2016.

"Snapchat Advertising Costs - A Breakdown Of Each Offering - Wallaroo Media." Wallaroo

Media. N.p., 06 Oct. 2016. Web. 14 Nov. 2016.

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