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HARIHAR MAJUMDER, Jyotishshastri
B. A . LL. B . (Ca/.), A . C. 1.1. (Land,)

in Bengali language




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Boolcs on Astrology Palmistry & Tantra-Mantra etc.

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First P u b l i s h e d , April 1 9 8 1
Reprinted, September 1983
R e v i s e d Print, J a n u a r y 2000

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Bhaswati Printing
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l a our time, the study o f astrology was l i m i t e d to o n l y a
certain section o f people who were profound scholars a n d
who studied deeply the various branches o f I n d i a n commoQ
philosophy of w h i c h astrology is one. There was another
section of pepple w h o were professionals i n the truest sense o f
the term and earned their livelihood through this profession;
their methods o f prediction were kept as trade secrets and c o m m o n
people who were interested i n studying this subject obtained
little help from these professionals w h o m people ot r u r a l areas
called acharyaa and held i n h i g h esteem. D u e to their conserva-
tive habit many branches of astrology a n d palmistry have been
d y i n g . O f these branches we may mention a few, such as
horary astrology and the method o f f i n d i n g out b i r t h
particulars from the p a l m .
A p a r t from the aforementioned scholars and professionals i n
those days others showed l i t t l e interest i n the study of this
subject. But this attitude is now completely changed. Y o u n g
men and women o f the. present generation are t a k i n g great
interest i n studying and understanding the basic concepts o f
astrology and their a p p l i c a t i o n i n m a k i n g astrological forecasts.
T h i s is evident from the very large number o f astrological
books and periodicals i n different I n d i a n and Western languages
w h i c h are available i n the market.
T o a beginner as well as to a n advanced student o f astrology
the most difficult problem is to assimilate the basic concepts,
because i n doing so, they find that some sutras appear to be
contradicted by others and students are p u z z l e d and f a i l to take
logical approach to the understanding o f the subject.
In fact the difficulty can only be avoided by adopting the
correct methodology i n the study of the subject. It must
be admitted that astrology is a science and l i k e the study o f
other sciences it must be based on systematisation. Mere
compilation o f the contents from classical texts provides little
assistance to an astrologer or to a researcher i n astrology. I have
been a sincere student of astrology for the last fifty years and I
have always felt the need for a book w h i c h can help an earnest
student of astrology i n f o l l o w i n g a systematic approach to the
understanding of this subject. Attempts have been made to
make this volume a comprehensive and systematic c o m p i l a t i o n
so that both a beginner and an advanced student may not
be bewildered by the apparent contradictions between certain
In c o m p i l i n g this volume, I have received immense help from
my distinguished friends S h r i N i f m a l C h a n d r a M o i t r a and
Prof. B i m a l a Prasad M u k h o p a d h y a y a and I w o u l d l i k e to
record here that I shall ever remain indebted to them.
Lastly it would be a great fault on my part i f I do not offer an
apology to my learned readers for the undernoted lapses.
Certain Sanskrit terms and names are spelled differently i n
different places, such as :Vrhaspathi is spelled somewhere as
V r h a s p a t i , M a k a r as also M a k a r a etc.
In appendix some of the important matters which missed my
attention have been explained elaborately.

14th April 1981 HARIHAB MA/UMDni

S H R I N . C . MoiTRA, M . A.

but for w h o s e enthusiastic
efforts t h e b o o k w o u l d
not h a v e s e e n t h e
light o f t h e

Astrology is as old as c i v i l i s a t i o n . But of course there can be

no precise pin-pointed date for the outbreak of the phenomenon
or rather the phase we c a l l 'civilisation'. The leftist writer
Lionel Britton i n his 'Hunger and L o v e ' described it aa
' S y p h i l i s a t i o n ' ; but that is another story.
It might just as well be said that 'Astrology is as o l d a i
superstition.' N o r can there be any precise pin-pointed date for
the outbreak of the phase we call 'superstition'. Historians may
parade the A g e of Reason, as i f this ended the A g e of F a i t h or o f
superstition. But that is a l l F a c i l e generalisation and tendentious.
F o r , ' c i v i l i s a t i o n ' and 'superstition' have always co-existed. In
fact they may be described as indistinguishable phases of a single
reality. The terminology has varied according to the point o f
view of the viewer. The rationalism of to-day may be the
"superstitions' of tomorrow. The changes are so r a p i d and
kaleidoscobic. We shed o l d superstitions to take on new ones
also o l d rationalising for new ones, l i k e new lamps for o l d .
R e l i g i o n had its own categories of mummery, superstition,
b l i n d dogma, repeated rituals, l i t a n y and a special esotorically
trained priesthood. A n d thus R e l i g i o n has been the notorious
w h i p p i n g boy of H i s t o r y .
M u c h the same deteriorations have been proceeding i n
Science. It entered the scene with a bang, doubtless broke d o w n
many o l d conceptions and imparted marvellously new ideas o f
the universe, but, as it developed, has been going the same way
that R e l i g i o n had taken.
It created its own esotoric quarrels, w i t h a special language,
special rituals, assumptions and dogmas and its own acolytes and
priestsspecially trained i n its o w n esotoric methods and habits
of thought. The time, we reckon, is not probably far o i f when
there w o u l d be a reaction to Science as we now k n o w it, to be
followed by a sort of reversal or throw-backjust as there vvras
ox had been a reaction to r e l i g i o n . The beginnings of this
reaction are already here.

It is more or less against this background that Astrology has

to be considered. A s t r o l o g y has never been quite on the
defensive ; for there is a case for it w h i c h is stronger than many
people w o u l d imagine. A n d it offers, to use the language o f a
book-reviewer of the N e w y o r k Times w r i t i n g about the Chinese
book o f changes, " A release from a discredited Science and
rationali&m a relation between i n d i v i d u a l and his worlds
undreamed i n the schemes of social ingenuous engineers."
H u m a n society, as we find it now is only too obviously
pervaded with a sense o f unrest and insecurity. There might
have been s i m i l a r experiences w i t h human society i n the patt,
but that is not our current concern. Probably society is facing
an evolutionary crises for m a n k i n d ; we seek, but donot find any
co-ordination between our ancient faith or religion and the
modern scientific or pseudo-scientific environment where we
l i v e , move and have our being. T h e resultant mal-adjustment is
a major malaise and a good reason for a fresh look at Astrology
and other o l d values.
" I n recent years", as a distinguished writer has observed,
'a great deal o f attention has been given to the idea 'of an
expanding conscienceness'a conscious awareness that can reach
out to perceive and understand a n 'object' separate f r o m t h a
'subject'. T h a t is, the perceiving instrument, yourself. There
are many ways to experience this expanding awareness. They
range from drug taking and flagellation to meditation and
religious experience.
Students o f Aldous Huxley and Raymond Mortimer would
recall the drugs w h i c h open the 'door of perception' : flagellation
would be remembered along with mysticism. ' M e d i t a t i o n ' and
experience' is a phrase probably too often to be profaned afresh.
A n d that is exactly where Astrology comes on.
T h e word 'moon-struck' is a reminder that since time
i m m e m o r i a l people have believed that the moon exercises
influences on m a n . A n d this beliel was louud by close, repeated
observauon and experience. So, i f the moon influences man,
why should not the other planets ? A n d Astrology grew as soon
as such questions were posed. Research followsa sequal to the
laboratory research of our limes, the only oifference being that
i n ancient research the h u m a n system itself was the laboratory.

There i t a sutra in Patanjali Yoga that deep meditation and*

concentration i n a specific manner w o u l d produce i n the yoga an
intimate knowledge o f the constitution of stars a n d constellationsi
A n d this is thus one example.
H i n d u astrology w h i c h is introduced i n this book is just a
section of the vast subject, but nevertheless an important section.
The ancient B a b y l o n i a n , C h a l d e a n and G r e e k systems of
astrology are as good as l o s t ; the Chinese and the H i n d u systems
remain a n d these are m u t u a l l y complimentary. M o d e r n research,
i n its o w n way, w i t h the b a c k i n g of modern science is doing its
best to supplement H i n d u astrology. There has never been any
question of supplanting it. It is one of the a b i d i n g intellectual
treasures o f m a n k i n d .
I a m happy to be privileged to introduce this book. For, it
is not one o f the run-of-the m i l l books that drive good books out
of market, but on the contrary as has been written by a m a n
devoted to the subject w h o has spent the best part of his life
studying i t .
1 have k n o w n the author for nearly four decades now and
can respectfully testify to his deep knowledge o f astrology a n d
a l l i e d subjects.

April 1981 N . C . MOITRA

A l l glories to S h r i S h r i G u r u and G a u r a n g a , H a r i , H a r i B o L
This new book by S h r i H a r i h a r M a j u m d e r , is a very important-
contribution to the w o r l d o f Vedanga Jyotisha. It is a great
asset to the neophyte and master astrologer a l i k e due to the
l u c i d and masterly way i n w h i c h the subject matter has been
The very basis o f becoming a successful astrologer is the
thorough understanding o f the meanings of the different grahas,
rasis, nakshatras and bhavas. Thus i n this book y o u w i l l not
find mechanical lists o f rasi or bhava-phala w h i c h are often^
misleading (They are also easily obtainable i n many other
books), rather the emphasis is on the student becoming w e l l -
acquainted with the basic b u i l d i n g blocks o f astrology w i t h
w h i c h he can make many grand constructions.
It should be mentioned at this point that S h r i H a r i h a r
M a j u m d e r , i n the t r a d i t i o n of the Vaisnavas has tried to faithfully
follow i n the footsteps o f the previous acharyas of astrology. F o r
the most part he has given the essence of M a h a r i s h i and w h e n
there has been some moot point he has given the opinion of
other eminent astrologers and o f course his own vast experience-
of over 40 years i n the field. I have read dozens o f books i n the
field of Vedic Astrology i n the E n g l i s h m e d i u m , but to be quite
honest none of them have come close to the extent of t h o r o u g h -
ness i n content and presentation that this book has attained.
Some of the salient features that make this book indis-
pensable are : delineation o f the meaning o f the Nakshatras,
V e d i c methods of rectifying the lagna, the meaning and use o f
the A r u d h a c h a k r a , the importance and meaning o f the
Shayanadi bhava. There is a whole section dealing i n A r i s h t a ,
A y u r d a y a and the unique technique of the P a t a k i c h a k r a . T h e
author has spared no pains i n carefully delineating a l l the bhavas
and the result of the bhava lords i n different bhavas. One of the
greatest and most significant sections is the one describing the
famous but little understood Shodasa vargas of Parasara, no one,,
as yet has taken the trouble to deal w i t h this perplexing topic

4ind its discussion should stimulate a lot o f research into the

subjict of Shodasa vargas to help us expand our knowledge i n
this field. V i m s h o t t a r i dasa is amply discussed with the
exclusion o f the usual mechanical tables for dasa and bhukti
phala w h i c h are often unreliable. A s was stated before the
p r i n c i p a l is to become thoroughly acquainted with the theory so
that the student can handle a l l the exceptions to the mechanical
rules w h i c h are usually met w i t h i n day to day astroiogy.
It should be noted that while a chapter has been provided
for the c a l c u l a t i o n o f the so-called 'bhava-sphuta' or division of
houses, this is meant Folely for the information of the students
who desire to k n o w it and is not used by either S h r i Harihar
Majumder or myself. W h e n questioned as to the nature of
bhavas and their extent, S h r i Majumder answered that the bhava
is equal i n extent to the rasi, and that this was the practice of
Parasara, Varahamihira and other ancient eminent astrologers.
T h u s the chapter on bhavasphuta is really superfluous, but has
only been included because of its present day p o p u l a r i t y .
I pray to the Lotus Feet of S h r i S h r i R a d h a K r i s h n a and
S h r i S h r i G a u r a - N i t a i that S h r i H a r i h a r Majumder may be
a b l e to continue i n his work and bring to the E n g l i s h speaking
w o r l d the authoritative knowledge o f the Vedanga Jyotisha.



1. Predictive Astrology ... 1
2. Astrology and Forecasts ... 12


1. S^lar SystemEarth, Planets & Stars ... 22

2. Names of Bhavas ... 24
3. N i k s h a t r a { constellations) ... 25
4. Symbols of Planets ... 26
5. T h e P e c k i n g order among Rasis ... 26
6. List of benefic and malefic Planets ... 27
7. Planetary Relations ... 27
8. A l l o c a t i o n o f Planetary R u l e r s h i p ... 28
9. E x a l t a t i o n and M o o i t r i k o n e signs of Planets ... 29
10. Aspects ... ... 30


11. Peculiarities of R a s i i explained ... 32

12. Peculiarities of Nakshatras ... 39
13. Signification o f Planets ... 53
14. N a t u r e a n d characteristics of Planets
described by other eminent Astrologers ... 62
15. Structure and temperament of Planets ... 64
16. Abodes o f Planets ... 65
17. Specification of influences o f planets i n
different bhavas ... 65
18. A few important planets, their various
moods and derivative influences ... 66


19. W h a t is l a g n a ? ... 69
20. M e t h o d of c a l c u l a t i o n of lagna and lagnasphuta . . . 69
21. H o w to find out grahasphuta ... 71
22. Lagnasphuta ... 72
23. Bhavasphuta ... . 73
24. H o w to test correctness of lagna ... 77
25. Determination of Sex from D r e k k a n a ... 80
26. W h a t is G u l i k and Pranpada lagna ? ... 82
27. Testing correctness o f lagna from G u l i k ... 84
28. Pranpada ... ... 84
29. A r u d h a C h a k r a ... ... 87
30. G e n e r a l rules to judge an A r u d h a C h a k r a ... 89
31. Shayanadi Bhava ... ... 93
32. Planets i n different Bhavas and results thereof ... 97


33. Rules for determining merit of moods or bhavas ... 110

3+. Summary of the rules indicated above 115
35. W h e n a planet is considered weak ? 116
36. Delineation of Sada-Varga 116
37. When a planet is said to have acquired strength
in a Varga ? 119


38. Indication of Bhavas 120

39. The first bhava 120
40. Position o f the l o r d of the 1st house i n diflferent
bhavas and results thereof 121
41. D h a n a bhava (the 2nd house) 125
(0 Eye-disease, (ij) Dumbness 126
42. Indication o f disease from the 2nd house 127
(') T h e yoga that makes a man a liar 127
{ii) T h e yoga that makes a man r i c h 127
(JJ7) D a r i d r a yoga (Poverty) 130
43. Results of the lord o f the 2nd house occupying
different bhavas 131
44. T h e T h i r d house 133
45. Affinity w i t h brothers and sisters 136
46. Positions of the l o r d of 3rd house i n different
bhavas and results thereof 137
47. The F o u r t h house 139

4t. Concerning M o t h e r ' i death 140

(0 N a t u r e o f disease of mother 141
(//) Longivity of the mother 141
(Hi) The yoga that confers happiness 142
(iv) The yoga that confers unhappiness 142
(v) Ownership of Vehicles 142
(W) Ownership of houses 14J
(vii) Loss o f houses 143
{viii) C o n c e r n i n g possession of landed property I4J
(i;c) A c q u i s i t i o n of wealth buried underground 144
49. Position of the lord of the 4th house i n different
bhavas and results thereof 144


50. T h e Fifth house ... 146

(0 Signs of sterility ... 145
(ii) A woman who bears only one c h i l d ,., 147
(/) Yogas signifying b i r t h to one c h i l d and yogas
concerning a woman giving birth of dead
children ... 148
(iv) Y o g a of childlessness i n a woman's rasichakra ... 148
(v) Birth of children at a very late age ... 149
(vi) Adopted son ... 14&
(vii) Other importaat things about the 5th house
and its l o r d ... ItO
(viii) Yogas that make man an author ... 151
(ix) Yogas causing sharp intellect ... 151
(x) Results of the lord of the 5th house i n different
bhavas ... 152
51. The S i x t h house ... ... 154
(i) Special yogas concerning disease . 156
(ii) Occupaiion of 6th lord i n different bhavas and
results thereof ... 159


52. Jaya bhava ... 161

(i) Number of wives ... ... 161
(ii) T w o wives ... 162
{Hi) One wife and one son ... ... 162

(if) Three wives ... 162

{v) M o r e than two wives ... ... 162
<W) C o n d u c t o f the wife ... 163
( v ) A good, honest, religious-minded and
faithful wife ... 164
(///) A religious-minded wife practising penance ... 164
(ix) A bad, cruel, ill-behaved or haughty wife ... 165
{x) Possibility of early marriage ... 166
(xi) T h e yoga that makes a person bachelor or
spinster ( A n u r h a yoga) ... 166
(xii) Late marriage ... 167
(xiii) Illustration of late marriage ... 16S
(xiv) Inspite o f these yogas marriage is possible
under some circumstances ... 168
Important factors for determining time of marriage . . . 169
(i) Definite period of marriage ... 170
(ii) Yogas o f i m m o r a l i t y , loose morals or bad
character ... 172
(Hi) Yogas that make a person moral-minded,
chaste i n sexual life ... 173
(iv) G o o d and honest wife or husband may be
expected from the following yogas ... 174
(v) Other unfavourable yogas regarding the 7th
bhavapremature death o f wife or husband ... 175
(vi) Widowhood ... 173

The following configaration of planets nullify the

yogas of widowhood 176
(i) Determination o f wife's ( or husband's )
F a m i l y standard or Pedegree ... 176
(ii) Love marriage, C i v i l marriage, Intercaste
marriage etc. ... 177
(Hi) C o n j u g a l life ... 177
(iv) Occupation o f planets i n the 7th bhava and
results thereof ... 178
(v) Occupation o f the 7th l o r d i n different bhavas
ahd results thereof ... 180


53. The E i g h t h house ... 182

54. Bsla-ristha ... 183
55. Ganda ... 186
56. Pataki c h a k r a ... 187
57. D i v a yamardha and D a n d a p a t h i ... 188
58. D i v a >amardha T a b l e ... 189
59. M e t h o d of finding out Dandapathi ... 189
60. H o w to determine Pataki-ristha ? ... 190
61. W h a t are protective factors 7 ... 191
62. Pitri-ristha ... 191
63. Matii-risha ^ 192
64. Bala-ristha ... 194
65. Occupai i o n of the 8th l o r d i n different bhavas
and results thereof ... 194
66. U n h a p p y or painful end of life ... 1^6
67. Planets i n the 8th house ... 197
68. Cancellation of ristha yogas 202
69. A few ins'arces of ristha yogas that are nullified
under special conditions . 204
70. Longivit> or A y u ... 205
71. Reduction or increase of Z o n e of longivity ... 208
72. R o l e ot V r h a s p a t h i w i t h regard to increase of the
Zone of longivity ... 209
73. A n o t h e r method of determining span o f life 209
74. Death inflicting dasa and antardasa 210
75. Sani as a M a r a k a "* 211
T6. A few important hints given by M a h a r s h i
Parasara 212
T7. A few more yogas stated by M a h a r s h i Parasara
to ascertain longivity 213
T8. A few formulas stated by Mahairshi Parasara by
w h i c h Zone o f long life may be aicertained 213
J9. A few formulas of Uttara Kalamrita about
Iddgivity 214


80. Bhagya Bbara. The Ninth house 215

81. Configuration of planets that constitute good
bhagya yogas ... 218
82. Configuration o f planets a n d bhava-lords
i n d i c a t i n g prosperous life i n different ages 21*
83. R e l i g i o u s i n c l i n a t i o n etc. ... 220
84. O c c u p a t i o n o f 9th l o r d i n different bhava ,., 220
85. The Tenth or Karma bhara 221
86. Positions o f some o f indicators o f K a r m a bhava
of the l o t h l o r d 224
87. H o w to judge K a r m a bhava ? A n illustration
and delineation of the chart ... 224
88. F u r t h e r informations about lOth house, its
lord and R a v i 221
(/) Death o f parents ... 226
(J7) E a r n i n g o f money, position, distinction i n
social life and professional career 227
(J7/) Means o f livelihood or nature o f profession 22t
{iv) A n o t h e r o p i n i o n supported by majority o f
astrologers .. 230
(v) Descriptions o f planetary combinations and
indications of vocation ... 231
(vi) O x u p a t i o n o f 10th lord i n different bhava* 232
89. Eleventh house ... 232
90. Occupation o f the l o r d o f 11th house i n different
bhava 233
91. Twelfth house ... 234
92. Occupation of the 12th lord i n different bhavas ... 235


93. Beneficial planets according to different lagna 239

94. Benefic or malefic bhavas a n d their lords ... 237
95. Sthira K a r a k a 239


96. V i m s o t t a r i D a t a and A n t a r d t s a or B h u k t i or
Period and Sub-period 248
97. C a l c u l a t i o n of dasa and A n t a r d a s a 250, 251
98. Vimsottari D a s a and Antardasa T a b l e 253
-99. Fundamental principles of j u d g i n g dasa and
antardasa i n p r e d i c t i n g events 255
100. A few important points to be noted carefully 259


101. A t t o t t a r y Dasa and Antardasa 262

102. M e t h o d of calculation of Antardasa 262
103. Astottary dasa Table 263
104. Method o f calculation of balance o f dasa at the
time o f birth 264
105. Astottary dasa-antardasa Table 266


109- Judgment of dasa and antardasa according to

Uttarakalamrita 268
107. Special rules for dasas o f R a h u and K e t u 270
10^. A few more instructions about judgment o f dasa 272
109. Interesting results of the dasa and antardasa o f
S u k r a and Sani 273
110. Dasa and antardasa of S a n i an J R a v i 274
111. M a h a r s h i Parasara's instructions about judgment
of dasa and antardasa 274
112. Determination of favourable, unfavourable
antardatas M. 275
113. Results of dasa and antardaias of planets of
different stages 276
114. Results of Mahadasa and A n t a r d a s a (according
to Sarvartha Chintamoni) 277

115. Rajayogas 283

W h e n Rajayoga is considered defunct t 284
tl7. M a h a r a j a yoga 286

118. W h e n these yogas w i l l be fruitful ? - 39a

119. W h e n a native has sense o f decency or
aestheticism ? ... 293
(/) A d h i yoga ... 294
(//) Sunapha yoga, A n a p h a yoga, D u r u d h a r a or
U v a c h a r y yoga 293
(/I'O Cbatursagara yoga 297
(/v) E k a b a l i yoga 298
(v) Yogas according t o / f l / a * a - A i r / / a / 298
(vi) R u c h a k a yoga, Bhadra yoga, H a m s a yoga,
M a l a v y a yoga 299
(vii) Sasa yoga, Bhaskar yoga, Indra yoga, M a r u t
yoga, B u d h a yoga 300
(viii) L a g n a d h i yoga, Gajakeshari yoga, Jeeva
yoga, Parvata yoga ... 301
{ix) K a h a l a yoga, M a l i k a or M a l a yoga ... 302
{x) S a m k h a yoga, B h a i r i yoga ... 303
{xi) Srinath yoga, M a t s n yoga, L a k s h m i yoga ... 304
{xii) I C u r m a yoga, Parijata yoga, K a l a n i d h i yoga ... 305
(x<) Yogas that are effective according to
Jataka-Parijat 306
{xiv) W h e n a native becomes a m i l l i o n a i r e ? ... 308
(a!v) Yogas that make a man educated and learned . 309
{xvi) Yogas that make a man astrologer and
mathematician 311
(xv//) Y o g a that makes a man scientist ... 311
( x v j / i l Conveyances ... 3-1
{xix) Ownership o f houses > 313
{xx) Prabrajya or Sannyas yoga (religious
mendicancy) ... 314
{xxi) W h e n Sannyas yogas are defunct ? . 317
(xxii) Y o g a s of glorious and virtuous deeds ... 317
(xsaii) T a k i n g bath i n holy river or sea 318
(jsxiv) Y o g a s that make a m a n an orator or
fluent speaker . 319'

120. AsthSTarga System 320

121. R a v i and other planets' asthavarga 321
122. Mahasthavarga 325
123. A i i h a v a r g a chakraan i l l u s t r a t i o n 325
124. T o determine dhana yoga (from M a h a s t h a v a r g a ) ' " 328
125. G o c b a r p b a l a or results of transits o f planets i n
different houses 329
126. A few general rules of application o f gocharphala o f
planets 339
127. Table of Vedasthana o f each planet 342

I. Diseases ... 343
(i) Blindness ... 343
(ii) Loss of one eye, night blindness ... 345
(iv) E y e disease, dumbness ... 349
(v) Deafness or disease o f ears ... 347
(v) Dental disease ... 348
(vi) Disease of the throat .. 349
{vii) Disease o f A s t h m a or respiratory organ ... 349
(viii) Phthisis or Consumptive disease ... 350
(ix) Haemacemesis (spontaneous haemorrhage
from the stomach) ... 352
(x) Indigestion, dyspepsia, c o l i c p a i n and gastritis 352
(xi) Strong diarrhoea and V o m i t i n g 354
(xii) Dysentery ... 355
(xiii) Hernia 357
(xiv) Diabetes 358
(xv) Enlargement of prostate gland ... 359
(xvi) G o n o r r h e a or Syphilis 360
(xvii) Disease o f Prameha ... 361
(xv///) Enlargement of Scrotum 362
(xix) Rheumatism or gout 363
(xx) Impoiency ... 364
(xxi) Heart disease 364
(xxii) Hysteria or Epilepsy ... 365
(xxiii) L u n a c y or Insanity 366
(xxiv) Disease of ovary and uterus ... 368

(KXT) Disease o f fever " 369'

mxvi) Disease o f cancer 369
(xxvii) Disease of leukaemia (blood cancer ) 371
(xxviii) Yogas i n d i c a t i n g bad health 371
(xxix) P a i n f u l or unnatural death ... 373
(xxx) Suicide and unnatural or accidental death . . . 376


129. m e n Rajayogas are ineffective ? ... 37B

(/) T h e yoga that makes a m a n a beggar 378
(7) A few more yogas of beggary ... 378
{Hi) E x t i n c t i o n of F a m i l y lineage ^ 380>
(iv) W h e n a native is considered a disgrace
to the family ? ... 381
(?) Rekhayoga 382
(vi) The yogas that indicate poverty 383
(vii) Yogas quoted from Hora Ratna 384
(viii) Yogas of poverty quoted from Laghu Parasari 385
{ix) Yogas of poverty quoted from Sarvartha
Chintamony 386
(r) Yogas o f poverty quoted from Bhavartha
Ratnakar 388
{xi) A few D a r i d r a and other unfavourable yogas 389*
130. Delineation o f some Vargas as dealt w i t h by
M a h a r s h i Parasara and some other authors.
(a) S a d a - V a r g a ; {b) D a s a - V a r g a ; (c) Sorasha-Varga 391
(i) W h a t these different Vargas indicate ? ... 392
(ii) H o w to determine a favourable V a r g a of a
planet 7 - 393
{Hi) H o w V a r g a - C h a k r a s are analysed ? 395
(iv) I n d i c a t i o n of results for lords o f some other
bhavas ... 396
131. A b o u t 9th l o r d 397
132. TABLES : 1

133. APPENDIXA. Method of Calculation ii

134. APPENDIXB. DreamsA M y s t e r y ix

Astrology, older than the C h r i s t i a n E r a , flourished greatly

i n ancient E g y p t , Greece, B a b y l o n and I n d i a . T o what extent at
that time ancient I n d i a n culture influenced them is not exactly
determinable. A n d reasons for this are that d u r i n g the twilight
that descended upon India as a result o f the consecutive
invasions o f the H u n s , Sakas and M u s l i m s to mention only the
conspicuous ones of the series, the ancient c i v i l i z a t i o n of India
was not o n l y smothered but nearly obliterated c r driven
underground, to produce i n a m u c h later period, not a
syntheses, but a queer amalgam. T h i s is a matter on w h i c h
there should be no controversy. It is not possible i n consequence
to trace the origins and the development of such disciplines
as Philosophy, Physical Sciences, Mathematics, Astronomy
and Literature i n their correct historical perspectives, nor to
assess the influences w h i c h an enormous land-mass l i k e India
must have exercised over her neighbours i n the various
spheres of culture both i n the M i d d l e East, as also i n the East.
If the evolution of A s t r o n o m y as also A s t r o l o g y has to
be consecutively retraced step by step and their right places
have to be assigned i n the scheme of knowledge, i i we have
to disentangle it a l l from the general history, chiefly the history
o f Egypt, Greece and B a b y l o n then, as is w e l l k n o w n as these
c i v i l i z a t i o n s naturally lead down to European c i v i l i z a t i o n s , it
is l i k e arguing i n a circle, for i f one starts enquiry about
E u r o p e a n c i v i l i z a t i o n s , one has to go up the stream, as far as
different c u l t u r a l histories are i n v o l v e d , to Egypt, Greece and
Babylon. It is a compulsive, there being no other way ; and a n
appraisalor right estimate of the importance o f A s t r o n o m y
and Astrology i n the history of these ancient c i v i l i z a t i o n s , is
possible only i f historical, pre-historical and archaeological
enquiry is intensive enough.
Unfortunately, there is controversy as to whether predictive
astrology is scientific enough to be called a Science. Needless to
add, most of the Scientists are not prepared to accept it as Science

because of conservatism and the o l d grooves of thought,

and the o l d landmarks die-hard. But Astronomy is an
accepted Science and, for the advancement of it there has been
no l a c k o f money to spend and what has been or is being spent
already is just an earnest of more to be spent in future. Those
who pursue A s t r o n o m y call A s t r o l o g y a superstition and use
abusive epithets to garnish their prejudices. The scientific
spirit, w h i c h includes or rather should include, curiosity and
toleration as basic factors, is thus entirely lost p r o v i n g
incidentally that Science can be almost as despotically dogmatic
as the C h u r c h w h i c h condemned G a l i l e o . M o d e r n Science
has evolved its own hierarchy and rituals and mumbo-jumbo
w h i c h are as u n i n t e l l i g i b l e beyond a certain charmed circle,
as the l i t u r g y and litanies of the C h u r c h are. Science has its
own priest-craft, and its acolytes. It is they who compete w i t h
one another i n describing Astrology as a pseudo-Science,
without of course the obligation of learning anything o f
it. Late Pandit J a h a w a r l a l Neheru who stood at the apex of
the p o l i t i c a l p y r a m i d was the most fashionable k n o w - a l l
the I n d i a n scene and other p o l i t i c i a n s who aped h i m d i d not
deprive A s t r o l o g y o f its ration o f abuse. It is k n o w n to a l l
or should be, that, w h i l e astrologers o n l y try h u m b l y to
interpret M a n ' s fate, the p o l i t i c i a n s sneer at the astrologer
as l o n g as they are successful then, when things take a n adverse
t u r n , rush to ashramas and quack astrologers to be sneered at.
N o t w i t h s t a n d i n g a l l this, as l o n g as c i v i l i z a t i o n s endure, both
politics and astrology s h a l l co-exist, both undecapitatednot
o n l y w i t h their heads on, but possibly w i t h their heads h i g h .
T h e Q u e s t i o n often bandid about is " w h y should the planets
take any interest i n h u m a n affairs ?"
Let the point be examined a l i t t l e . W e a l l know and
w o u l d be prepared to admit that creative evolution is not a
h a p h a z a r d process. T h e evidence of design is omnipresent right
from the a t o m i c and sub-atomic stages upto the highest, i n
close integration. T h e c h a i n o f causation and sequence is
intensively real but so usual and so m u c h taken for granted
that it is hardly perceptible, i n v o l v i n g as it does a pattern o f
fusion of animate and inanimate creations. The animal
w o r l d , the vegetable w o r l d and even the solar system f a l l into

their assigned niches but w i t h a sort of symbiosis r u n n i n g a l l

through. A t least it merits some t h i n k i n g . We s h a l l have
occasion to discuss the relations of the a n i m a l world to the
planets ; but for the present one or two illustrations may suffice.
W i t h too many cloudy days and the Sun's rays at discount a sort
o f fungus-like insects grows i n crops w h i c h destroys the green
shoots and causes famine. F o o d cooked d u r i n g the solar or
lunar eclipses gets s t a l e ; it has been observed that toxic
b a c i l l i grow i n it and cause disease.
F r o m many observed cases of this nature it w o u l d be quite a
correct inference to make that the planets of the solar system
do influence both animate and inanimate creation on E a r t h .
T h e results of the Sun are self-evident, we only wish, the results
of other Planets were equally so. I f they were, the questions
about the good and the e v i l of humans t h r o u g h food or
otherwise w o u l d be almost self-explanatory. It is the result
of vast and subtle observation encompassing considerable
experience that planets and their positions do afiect the E a r t h
generally and the lives o f the inhabitants o f the E a r t h i n
particular, to a great extent i n detail. It is not only not
i r r a t i o n a l , but quite r a t i o n a l i f the superstitions o f pseudo-
Science are not preferred. A c c o r d i n g to a l l canons o f common
sense and reasoning this s h o u l d be so. T h e planets are i n
ceaseless motion. T h i s w o u l d mean that everything related to
these is also constantly i n a state o f flux.
One acts and reacts perpetually and each delicate shed o f
action and reaction amounts to an influence. F r o m star to star
vibrates l i g h t , also from soul to soul.
Astrology tries to find out and delineate the generally
u n k n o w n and imperceptible reasons for these influences.
Whether the general principles that have been evolved are
correctly applied i n any particular case is a matter of
knowledge, experience and s k i l l . So, while the Astrologer
may be praised or blamed, a c c o r d i n g to his experience or
capacities the p r i n c i p l e of Astrology can h a r d l y be dismissed
off-hand. They go m u c h too deep, almost strike at the root o f
It is i n this context that the Astrologer uses the w o r d
"destiny'the term fashionable people i n prosperity so much

laugh at. Whether however, the first l a u g h is also the last i s

another matter but the philosophers and wise men a l l the world
over and through the ages have accepted the hypothesis o f
'destiny'. It is h u m a n 'character' i n (reversecharacter'
producing action, w h i c h again produces 'destiny'. A s the
Episcopal C h u r c h admits, 'Predestination to life is the everlasting
purpose of G o d . ' The Bible clearly indicates the future of man
w h i c h is the same as his destiny. The history of the Jews
is set forth i n the Bible from the Genesis to the R e v e l a t i o n .
Was not the life of Jesus and account of his M i n i s t r y written
i n the H o l y W r i t long before he was born ? Was not the
R a m a y a n a written before R a m c h a n d r a also ? I f the H o l y W r i t
is believed the anticipations of Jesus C h r i s t i n it are to be
believed also, and i f that is so, there is no reason either to
convict the R a m a y a n a as post facto wisdom.
Let us take an instance of the most recent times. C h e i r o
i.e. C o u n t Louis H a m m o n predicted most accurately the time o f
Late K i t c h n e r ' s death along w i t h the attendant circumstances,
long before this important event occurred. A n d how could
he do it ? There have been other famous or notorious predictions
equally uncanny i n their accuracy. A n d how is it explained ?
In any case. Astrology is one of the oldest mental and
intellectual disciplines of the w o r l d and it is necessary to
enquire about its development, proficiency and extent of it.
Cheiro writes i n the preface of his ' Y o u and Y o u r H a n d ' ,
"People who i n their ignorance disdain the wisdom o f
ancient races forget that the past o f India contained secrets
of life and p h i l o s o p h y that following c i v i l i z a t i o n s could
not controvert, but were forced to accept. F o r instance,
it has been demonstrated that ancient H i n d u s understood
the precession of E q u i n o x and made calculations that i t
took place once i n every 25,870 years. T h e observations and
mathematical precession necessary to establish such a
theory has been the wonder and a d m i r a t i o n of modern
astronomers. They w i t h their modern knowledge and
up-to-date instruments are still q u a r r e l l i n g among themselves
as to whether the precession, the most important feature
in astronomy, takes place every 25,870 years or every
24,500 years. The majority believe that the H i n d u s made no

mistake, but how they arrived at such a c a l c u l a t i o n is as great

a mystery as o r i g i n o f life itself." In this preface C h e i r o has
rated Indian A s t r o n o m y highlythe calculations about the
precession o f E q u i n o x w h i c h have been established only i n our
own times with precision had been done by the ancients almost
as accurately and w i t h o u t the help o f the mathematical
gadgets we boast of. T h e H i n d u sages achieved these triumphs
long ago and without any m a r g i n o f error.
T h e history of a l l c i v i l i z e d nations w i l l bear out on
enquiry that Astronomy and Astrology have been studied
everywhere quite intensively and a l l nations were and have
been more or less proficient i n these branches of Science.
Chinese c i v i l i z a t i o n is older than the I n d i a n ; priceless ancient
manuscripts on A s t r o n o m y and A s t r o l o g y are preserved i n
their temples to this day. T h o u g h there are numerous accounts
of A s t r o n o m y and A s t r o l o g y i n Babylonian and C h a l d e a n lore,
treatises from these epochs have not come d o w n to posterity.
E g y p t i a n Astronomer-cw/M-Astrologer Petosiris has been many
times mentioned i n ancient E g y p t i a n manuscripts. It appears
that he was a holy m a n , a priest or a pedlar of r e l i g i o n . H e
appeared to have written books on these subjects as early as
the 8th century B . C . d u r i n g the E m p e r o r Niceps. Unfortunately
none of his writings have survived. C l o d i u s Ptolemy mentioned
Petosiris many times i n his works. Western Astronomy
a n d A s t r o l o g y have followed the lead of Ptolemy. M a n y
startling things are said o f A l - H a k i m of Persia and detail
about h i m can be obtained i n the national library o f Iran.
It is said that he predicted b i r t h of Jesus. J u d i c i a or
J i m i p s i a is a name that frequently occurs i n the writings
of the famous historians of these days. They say, the methods
of calculations of A r a b i a n astrologers were rather strange but
nevertheless most significant, but there is hardly any l i b r a r y
w h i c h has preserved the A r a b i c works, Collections of nomadic
Gypsies m i g h t contain traces of them, though no systematic
volume can be obtained. T h e methods of calculations of the
Gypsies have been followed i n E u r o p e w i t h results astonishingly
accurate. N o wonder i f it is someday revealed that
Y a v a n a c h a r y a , T a j i k , and Y a v a n R i s h i s of our country were the
descendants o f A r a b G y p s i e s or vice versa. A n y w a y , fragments

from A r a b i a n Astrology and A s t r o n o m y used from time to time

have yielded results breathlessly astonishing.
Whatever might have been the fate of astronomical and
astrological works i n the history of ancient Egypt, C h a l d e a ,
A r a b i a and other ancient countries, the fact remains that
i n the treatises o f C h i n a and I n d i a priceless treasures o f
wisdom exist and are easily available. N o systematic history
of Indian astronomy and astrology has as yet been attempted ;
but when it is, it w i l l prove incontestably that before the
Western countries were l i t up by c i v i l i z a t i o n s , many thousand
years before that time I n d i a had made phenomenal
progress i n Science, P h i l o s o p h y a n d literature, and astronomy
and astrology were a part of holy disciplines o f the Vedas.
E . M . Plunkett i n ' A n c i e n t calender and constellations' writes
"The opinion of G r e e k writers at the beginning o f C h r i s t i a n
E r a may be quoted as showing the high estimation i n w h i c h
Indian astrology was held." It appears that the Greek.
Scholars used to hold Indian astronomy and astrology i n
the highest esteem and also along w i t h these, the practitioners
of this Science. Needless perhaps, but nevertheless necessary
to mention that i n the ancient world astronomy and astrology
were not as differentiated as they are now, but were
integrated, one merging into and inseparable from the other l i k e
Chemistry and A l c h e m y . In the life of ApoUonius of T y a n a who
was a great scholar among distinguished scholars of his time
we learn that he had opportunity of l e a r n i n g astronomy at the
feet o f Indian astronomers.
After a l l this it is h a r d l y necessary to emphasise the Indian
astronomers' depth o f astronomical and astrological learning.
A n d a l l of them worked on the basic conception that the planets
do influence human life i n various ways and i n detail. T h e y
collected their data accordingly and also collated, classified
and co-ordinated them a c c o r d i n g l y . It was the result of
ardorous t r a i n i n g converging upon a single objective and spread
over countless years.
Western Scientists have also researched i n astronomy for
a long time and accepted A s t r o n o m y as a Science. But it is
curious that i n regard to Astrology they do not employ the same
rationality as i n astronomy and as a result failed to accept it as.

a branch of the same science. Let us take the definition of

Science as set forth i n F u n k and W a g n a l l s ' Standard D i c t i o n a r y
" A knowledge of facts, laws and proximate causes gained
and verified by exact observation and correct thinkingalso,
sum o f universal knowledgean exact systematic statement
or classification o f knowledge concerning some subject i n w h i c h
the results of investigation have been systematised."
There can be no two opinions about the wisdom of the
definition quoted above. A n d i f that is so, predictive
astrology would obviously rank very h i g h as a Science. F o r ,
it is not the result o f only a year's enquiry but has stood
the test o f "thousand o f years on the basis of amassed data
researched and processed over the same long time. Scientists
wonder how the ancients could secure a l l this accurate
knowledge about the planets without the help of laboratory
instruments. The result w h i c h the ancient Indian sages
obtained through their mathematical calculations i n w h i c h
their proficiency was i n their own times unsurpassable, was
put to the test in a l l succeeding ages and have h a r d l y ever
been found wanting ; and it was on this that their formulae
were involvedthe Formulae w h i c h are the guide-lines of the
H i n d u Astrology. T h e y have come d o w n to us and are
being tested i n our own times and found to be true and they
appear to bear a l l the scrutiny quite w e l l . W e have to go
back thousands of years for the age w h e n these Indian sages
worked. Most of the European peoples had not been born
a n d knew nothing about them ; they were just non-descript
primitive people i n forests w h i c h covered whole the land area.
In India at the same time the A r y a n Rishies were setting
themselves hard for rigorous tests for their scientific
enquiries. Observations and experiments went together
and results were passed through the sieve o f a system w h i c h
triumphed i n summary intellectual conclusions. Predictive
astrology of to-day as we know it now carries their ancient
conclusions to this day. A s said before they took astronomy
and astrology i n the same stride and those who looked after
the cure of disease, the healers and physicians, had to be versed
i n not only the run-of-the-mill writings i n medical lore, but
also i n Tantras, Yoga and Vedas. They were a l l integrated.

SO as to form a corporate core. It was not possible for one i n

those days to be a competent physician or a Tantrik without
adequate knowledge of predictive astrologythe right
propitious time for use of medicines and administration of
therapeutic remedies. One might recall w i t h profit that
great c u l t u r a l epoch w h i c h we c a l l the Renaissance. The
calendar was used to be consulted always for the right time
for administration of medicines.
It has been said that the Vedas represent the ultimate
knowledge, The key to the Vedas has been lost, but fitful
glimpses may be had of the immense range and profound
depth of the learning that was embalmed i n the Vedas,
A s t r o n o m y and A s t r o l o g y have been described as the eve
that is to say, the instrument of vision of the Vedas. A n
A m e r i c a n scholar says, "Astrology is indeed a synthesis of
a l l branches of knowledge. It includes, into various ramifica-
tions, such modern Sciences as Astronomy, Medicine,
Biology, Chemistry, Physics and many others."
In fact predictive astrology is the co-ordination of
various SciencesAstronomy, M e d i c a l sciences. Biology,
Chemistry, Physics etc. The astrologer has also to be
assumed to be a psychologist and this is a 'must' for h i m .
The real place for Astrology ist hat of a sort of enclave i n
Metaphysics and Philosophy. But is not a l l Science, i n a
deeper and more permanent sense, a s i m i l a r enclave i n
Metaphysics and Philosophy ? Has not the work as
Einstien, E d i n g t o n and other sages gone beyond the sphere
of matter and touched, i f not delved into the greater world
of spirit ?

The Scientists of our own times are so apt to forget that

the ancient sages of India were not holy and religious
people only. They were also Scientists with result-oriented
research through observation and experiment as their
special 'metier'. Take for instance Yoga, w h i c h is older
than Patanjali, who o n l y wrote down for posterity something
of the unrecorded knowledge of his predecessors. M o s t
of the Y o g i c postures are taken and reproduced from
animal life, w h i c h had been observed w i t h luminous
intelligence and close minute realism. The men who d i d

the observations were not religious men o n l y , they were also

great secular investigators, that is. Scientists. Predictive
astrology and astronomy, to the H i n d u Sages were just
indistinguishable aspects of the same great variety and reality.
The moderns have broken up the integration, fragmented them
and pride themselves on their top-sided results w h i c h they
c a l l speculations. A s t r o n o m y ceases to be down-to-the earth
useful to everybody, i f divorced from its astrological
counterpart. It may remain useful to the mariner, but i n the
case of others it becomes too l i m i t e d and circumscribed. T h e
interest evoked becomes academic and hardly anything
m o r e ; whether M a r s is bigger than Pluto or Pluto is bigger
than M a r s is by no means a n o r d i n a r y man's cup of tea.
Nine-tenths of the popular u t i l i t y of the science is thus lost.
Scientists now-a-days preen themselves on their close and
vast knowledge of Solar system. A n d r i g h t l y enough, there is
much to boast of. But it is equally obvious that a l l the
knowledge accumulated so far is only a very small fragment of
the enormous knowledge that s t i l l lies beyond. O u r modern
Scientists can very well e x p l a i n such phenomena as cyclones
and tidal bores and there are many interesting stories current
i n E n g l a n d about this. But d i d the H i n d u V a r a h a M i h i r o f
the ancient times lag m u c h behind ? T h e H i n d u A l m a n a c
{ Panjika as it is called ) indicates w i t h quite substantial
certitude the incidents of such phenomena as flood, earthquake,
cyclone, draught and w i t h absolute accuracy, the time of
Solar and lunar Eclipses. The earthquake i n A s s a m , largescale
floods i n various parts of India and many other happenings
of similar nature were predicted quite correctly, w h i c h hardly
left much room for modern science to improve upon. If that
is soand it isthere is no well-reasoned justification for
expenditure o f so m u c h money, time and endeavour on
Astronomy o n l y , to the exclusion of its sister-science
Astrology. What Benian observes i n this connection is
worth quoting. " the most of the so-called exact
knowledge now i n our possession, w h i c h concerns the actual
movements of the Stars, and other heavenly bodies is a
legacy handed down to us by the ancient Star-Scientists,

The H i n d u Rishis divided Astronomy into two parts. The

tirst part Astronomy proper, dealt w i t h only the positions
of the planets, their correlations w i t h space and their motions
T h e second part Astrology dealt with the various effects, the
varying positions of the planets have on humanity, or rather
on the whole animate creation of the earth. They dealt
extensively i n the second, i.e. A s t r o l o g i c a l part w i t h the natural
scientific changes and how they bring about earthquakes,
famines, accidents etc., another section dealt w i t h births and
deaths, the evolution o f i n d i v i d u a l and collective human life,
sentiments, affections, cruelty, love, desire and hate, in fact
everything that makes up human life.
It is probably superfluous to add that the ancient
astrologers' quest for the A b s o l u t e i n natural laws, particularly
in respect of the solar system, led them, as from one thing to
another, to the minutiae i n astrology. It is a pity that, while i n
our o w n times, advanced m e c h a n i c a l means have been evolved
to help researches i n A s t r o n o m y , and nothing l i k e a l l that,
nothing even approaching it, has been done so far i n
Astrology. T h e reason is that quite a lot of superstition exist
among scientific people about Astrology. It is open to argument
whether scientists who c l a i m i m m u n i t y from superstition are
not themselves superstitious i n certain things. Probably they
shed o l d superstitions to take new ones. A few illustrations
might not be out of place.
(i) There is a close nexus between the sea and the waxing
and waning moon, the flow-tide and the ebb-tide prove i t .
{ii) There is also a s i m i l a r nexus between female
menstruation and the w a x i n g and waning moon, and also
{Hi) between the moon and the m i n d of man. Cases of
lunacy, that is to say, cases where the human m i n d is
derranged permanently or temporarily bring this into clear
belief. These should prove, if it were not self-evident that the
planets do have something to say i n the fate of mortals.
It is a matter of common observations that diseases like
A s t h m a and gout respond variously to the waxing and
waning moon. Cases of child-birth are also effected. It is
also common experience that, while the i n d i v i d u a l destinies
are matters of engrossing, even obsessing, interest to individuals.

and they want to k n o w as m u c h they can about themselves

and their future, they w o u l d readily be prepared to admit
that, only w i t h a mathematical yard-stick, the unknown
cannot be fathomed. W h a t can the conch-shell thrown up
by the ocean k n o w of the vast ocean itself? True indeed
that human beings have, what is called reason and, not to lose
grounding i n terra firma, a man has got to depend on it. But
only as far as it goes. Reason is given to m a n for certain
particular mental adjustments. One cannot, should not, even
expect to do everything with i t . Just like spectacles,
they are just a device to help the failing eye, this far and
no further. If one w o u l d try to do everything with
spectacles, for example, eat, it w o u l d be as absurd as a
man t r y i n g to encompass everything w i t h reason. T a k e for
instance the enjoyment of a picture, the feeling of love, a
father's love for his c h i l d r e n , the children's love for the father,
the male's love for the female and vice versa, the appreciation
of beauty ; these are not matters where reason is of m u c h
a v a i l . It is emotion that helps and that is implanted i n man
just as reason is, but o n an entirely different plane. Intuition
is such another. It opens the doors of perception, probably
m u c h sooner than reason or even emotion can ; but only a
few are blessed with it.
Our H i n d u R i s h i s developed and disciplined their reason,
but d i d not neglect either emotion or i n t u i t i o n . They put
equal emphasis o n a l l o f them.

M e a n i n g a r a t i o n a l statement is acceptable even though it

might come from the lips of a c h i l d ; anything i r r a t i o n a l should
be rejected l i k e straw even though Brahma might have said it.
C o u l d the apotheosis of reason the more clearly put ? The
H i n d u Y o g a Shastra is f u l l of instances of apotheosis of
i n t u i t i o n , as also as the methods to develop and discipline it.
R a y M o u l t o n wrote, "a scientist and astronomer of the
highest rank advances the theory that there is an order i n the
universe, w h i c h embraces not only the regularity of the motion
of celestial bodies, comprising the universe, but also includes

the r h y t h m of the physical, mental and emotional activities

of human beings."

Astrology and Forecasts

A question is frequently asked w h y astrological forecasts

w o u l d come out true or i f there is any well-proved reason for
such predictions to materialise. A s a matter of fact, i n the
modern scientific age a person w o u l d l i k e to understand
everything as a p l a i n mathematical sum and place himself
on solid logical foundation. A n y t h i n g else w o u l d not satisfy
h i m . A n y forecast about his future, even i f found correct i n
the long r u n , w o u l d inevitably raise such questions,how
d i d it come to pass ? W h a t is the relation between the stars
and planets and o u r lives ? He may be told that astronomers
calculate the exact timings of h i g h and low tide i n rivers,
can fortell solar and lunar eclipses or storms and cyclones.
So there is nothing to wonder at i f i n personal life positions and
combinations of stars and planets bring about a same k m d of
effect as i n the w o r l d of nature. But the person who questions
w o u l d not accept it as a v a l i d explanation. Because astrology is
not the same thing as astronomy. A n astronomer deals
exclusively w i t h the material w o r l d but a human being is not
just a particle of matter. H e has undoubtedly certain intimate
connection, some indissoluble ties w i t h the w o r l d of matter.
But it cannot be refuted that man is .something more than
different from matter. Hence how can calculations o f a man's
past and future based on planetary positions be true when
there is so much o f qualitative difference and dissimilarity
of character between man and nature. H e may well ask, even
i f such calculations prove to be correct, what is the l o g i c a l
ground for assuming that the correctness of those calculations
is related to positions and combinations of certain stars and
planets ?
It is true that our ancient Shastras ( texts ) donot contain
detailed statements, references to w h i c h can satisfy the
modern scientific m i n d or be accepted as sufficient evidence.
I n Science and r e l i g i o n or prescription o f social norms our
sages of o l d have recorded their deep impressions while on
occasions they have l a i d down certain important injunctions

and on the whole left behind their conclusions and findings

derived from immense experience. It is hard to believe that
they reached a number o f conclusions without any deep
t h i n k i n g or c r i t i c a l analysis and shifting of data. We have no
sufficient documentary evidence gathered from o l d texts and
records w h i c h can answer questioning minds satisfactorily.
Probably, the writers o f ancient texts d i d not t h i n k it necessary
to leave such evidence on records or possibly the records
were there at one time but have been lost to us for ever. W e
have therefore to go on with persistent researches into the
texts, t r y i n g to find out clues so that treasures lost i n the way
may be retrieved. M a n y well-known scholars o f different
countries such as M a x w d , C l a y t o n , Tice, P i k a r d i and others
have made intensive researches i n this direction. D r . B . V .
R a m a n , the w e l l - k n o w n astrologer, is a tireless worker i n this
field and his scholarship is beyond dispute.
I n astrology there are even now some fundamental problems
or questions w h i c h c l a i m our careful attention, e. g.,
(0 how do we arrive at astrological predictions ? A r e
these derived through any p a r t i c u l a r law of average from
mathematical and statistical princles or do they issue from
something basic or fundamental w h i c h is not just mathematics
or derived from statistics ?
() W h a t is the real character of the planets ? D o their
material existence and their relative remoteness or p r o x i m i t y
affect the animate and the inanimate w o r l d w i t h i n the solar
system ?
(Hi) Is there any such well-ordered regulating p r i n c i p l e ,
more or less mechanical, i n the conduct and action o f the
planets which would i n v a r i a b l y influence every l i v i n g
creature ?
(iv) What is the real c o n t r i b u t i o n o f astrology to the
unfolding of life's hidden secrets and its mysteries ?
Here I s h a l l enter into some discussion and try to e x p l a i n
that i n order to follow the true nature of astrological prediction
one has to understand i n what ways and to what extent certain
unseen forces influence or regulate the tenor of life. N o w a few
words are necessary at the beginning. F i r s t l y researchers i n
science know w e l l that the data must be w h o l l y dependable.

that their truth or falsity or other attributes must be beyond

doubt or dispute. T o rely on heresay and to use unverified
evidence definitely goes against proper scientific enquiry.
Secondly, any preconceived notion or personal bia's i n regard
to an i n d i v i d u a l is sure to hamper astrological calculations
and finding (at a r r i v i n g astrological decision) about h i m . The
astrologer must proceed to work l i k e a true researcher. F o r
example, my limited knowledge through personal contact leads
me to believe that M r . X is an honest man. But i f on the
basis of this conviction I say that M r . Z i s thoroughly honest
and that he can not be dishonest then I assume or anticipate
something w h i c h naturally would vitiate my prediction.
T h i r d l y , and this is the most important fact as stated by the
great poet K a l i d a s who i n c i d e n t a l l y has left some authoritarian
astrological works that "astrology can only indicate a possible
future, G o d only determines it. In other words, astrology
c a n speak of the possible ups and downs or the good and bad
incidents i n the life of an i n d i v i d u a l and can also give a
sketch or some pattern of durations of those good and e v i l times."
N o w , i f we c l a i m or expect from a n astrologer something more
than this, then he has to b r i n g i n t o play his vast experience and
knowledge and use his own sense o f discretion. T h i s can be
done i n some cases by knowledgeable men w i t h wisdom born of
experience. It is neither fair nor reasonable to ascribe to any
shastra or branch of knowledge the credit for i n f a l l i a b i l i t y or
discredit for inaccuracy.
It would be well to remember a l l this. But one must not be
led to suppose that astrology as a Science is inadequate or
worthless. A s a matter of fact, astrology is neither incomplete
nor useless. It must be admitted, however, that there are
limitations and impediments i n the process of calculations.
Experience shows that findings or careful calculations have been
falsified because of errors regarding the time and place of
b i r t h and such other basic data or because of the astrologer's
preconceived notion about the native. It is needless to say that
a l l this does not signify the futility or inadequacy of the
It would be very true to say that a well-versed astrologer free
from bias and preconception can w i t h the help of his insight and

tested experience draw an accurate picture o f an i n d i v i d u a l ' s

career i f there is no error i n v o l v e d i n the p r i m a r y data such as
birth time and place, combinations and position of planets at the
particular moment of his b i r t h . But.such accurate information
OT correct data may not be at the disposal of the astrologer w i t h
total knowledge and the scientific m i n d i f he cannot acquire
it by his o w n effort.
Hence my thesis is that astrology is neither untrue nor
illusory nor even something queer. T h e astrologer's
knowledge may be l i m i t e d , his calculations may even be
wrong but for that, the shastra itself can not be discredited.
To-day i n the w o r l d of Scientists there has begun an intensive
xesearch i n astrology w i t h a new zeal.
The celebrated R u s s i a n Scientist Prokofaire has entered a
new sphere of astrological research and termed it H a l i o b i o l o g y .
G e r m a n researchers have c a l l e d the same branch of knowledge
C o s m o b i o l o g y . S u c h t e r m i n o l o g i c a l differences are i m m a t e r i a l .
T h e important point to note is while one section of present day
scientists try to laugh away the entire shastra, another section o f
distinguished Scientists are simu Itaneously m a k i n g eager efforts
to know closer and better the role of astral influence on the
-course o f i n d i v i d u a l life and its material conditions. Perhaps,
they have not been able, at the moment to find out the nexus or
the k i n d of relationship existing between the stars and planets
i n remote space above and infinitesimal h u m a n lives below. O r
i t may be that they have not been able to k n o w precisely at yet
the causal relationship or the intimate connection between these
two remote worlds i n their actual w o r k i n g s . But at the same
time i t is hardly l i k e l y that a group of renowned scientists
follow a mirage without getting a glimpse o f some chance o f
auccess i n the pursuit o f their object o f e n q u i r y .

It is not impossible for an average person w i t h common

sense to see even i n some c o m m o n place instances the direct
manifestation of the influence of astral bodies on the animate
w o r l d . It is a w e l l - k n o w n fact that the f u l l moon and the newmoon
have closer connection with the neap tide a n d ebb-tide i n rivers
and oceans. S i m i l a r l y , it is a matter of common experience that
the ailments of a rheumatic or asthmatic patient are usually
aggravated on the Ekadasi ( l l t h day of the bright or dark moon)

and the new & f u l l moon days. Physicians a l l over the world as
well as l a y m e n have noticed the changes o f development o f
labour p a i n on those days. O r d i n a r y persons without the gift o f
scientific interpretation must have pondered w h y of a l l times on
the new or f u l l moon days rheumatics and asthmatics suffer
more acutely. Such facts or matters of a c t u a l experience
cannot be refuted even though they cannot e x p l a i n how these
coincidences occur. Hence one is naturally led to think that
a close connection w i t h the stars and planets does exist on the
physiological plane.
There are certain points w h i c h need serious t h i n k i n g . The
p r i m a r y , and perhaps the most important question i n future
researches i n astrology is why our ancient sages, for the matter
of fact, wise men o f other climes h a d selected specifically a few
of the m i l l i o n s o f astral bodies and founded their basic science
on the workings o f these alone ? W h y again d i d they accord
superiority to these selected heavenly bodies and brush aside the
rest as o f lesser importance or consider them outside the scope
of their investigation ? O n a satisfying answer to these
questions depends the explanation of the fundamentals o f applied
I donot k n o w i f modern Western Scientists have been able to
offer any solution o f the points raised. B u t to make research
fruitful some solution is imperative. W h a t is more, i f some day
a reasonable, well-considered answer to the pertinent questions
is found, astrology as a branch o f knowledge w i l l have extended
its h o r i z o n , a n d the scope and range o f its operation would be
limitless. B u t this is not what I i n t e n d to discuss at present.
I am simply m e n t i o n i n g i t because I want to indicate the
difficulties i n the present state o f l i m i t e d knowledge and to hint
at the tremendous possibilities i n some future time. W h a t I
t h i n k to be most significant i n this connection is that astrology
as a l i v i n g sphere of human knowledge is not static. L i k e other
branches o f Science i t is m a k i n g progress sure a n d steady
though not swift.
O u r p o i n t of d e l i b e r a t i o n iswhy s h o u l d we accept
astrological prediction as i n f a l l i b l e by proceeding along the lines
l a i d d o w n ? T h e astrological method or procedure as it has come
d o w n to us a n d the way it has been determined forms a separate

theme though this also is a prime question. But why do we

assume that astrological predictions based on the p r i n c i p l e s and
formulae l a i d down i n the shastra are not liable to error and
totally dependable ? T h i s is what we propose to examine.
A fact or a statement is taken to be true only when it does
not contradict, at least tallies fundamentally w i t h proved facts
or statements.
Water runs from a higher level to a lower onethis is a
well-established fact. N o w i f we posit any statement about water
that is found w h o l l y incompatible w i t h its t r a d i t i o n a l , well-
established property, it w o u l d be unacceptable as a scientific
proposition. T h e Upanisadas say that to understand the secret
of creation and its reality, i.e. to acquire Para Vidva' ( ultimate
knowledge ) one has to resort first to Apara Vidya (finite
learning ). In other words, the acquisition o f finite learning
( Apara Vidya) is the m e d i u m through w h i c h one has to proceed
with utmost care and a p p l i c a t i o n towards the goal of Supreme or
ultimate truth. A s t r o l o g y is one o f the branches of that finite
learning to w h i c h a special value has been given because it
helps i n u n r a v e l l i n g the mysteries of the Universe and p r i m a l
secrets o f nature.
Thus, the u t i l i t y of astrology does not consist i n merely
getting a n idea o f the possible course of material life or some
indications of future incidents o f i n d i v i d u a l lives. A s a matter
of fact, enquiries based on the principles of astrology help
considerably i n lifting the veil of mystery that surrounds the
secrets o f i n d i v i d u a l life as w e l l as covers the deeper meaning
and purport of universal life.
It has been admitted by almost a l l the ancient shastras that
it is not possible to understand the nature o f destiny or the
purpose o f life by i g n o r i n g or being indifferent to the basic
truths on w h i c h our existence depends. F o r , that would o n l y
impede the progress of life or even lead it astray.
Astrology as a shastra illumines that great and true path by
following w h i c h we can reach the eternal goal, know the eternal
principles w h i c h regulate our i n d i v i d u a l existences and share
and acquire ultimate knowledge. N o w by whatever term this
universal existence may be described. D i v i n i t y or Destiny or by
any other name, its predominance as a governing factor, its

capacity to convey the supreme meaning of life is acknowledged

equally by a l l the shastras. Its preponderating influence is
indivisible, unequalled. I f the diff'erent heavenly bodies are
accepted self-sufficient and supreme i n their i n d i v i d u a l spheres
i.e. i f a similar k i n d o f supremacy is attached to them and
admitted, then what has been characterised as ultimate reality
loses its importance as the greatest cohesive force. T h e n one
has to admit the supremacy of many i n the non-material sphere.
As a matter of fact, i f the goal or objective becomes diversified
the way to the goal loses its precise, distinct character. Hence
what needs acceptance i n astrology is the w o r k i n g of an
undeviating intellect free from doubt and hesitancy, one firm
undivided end and the presence of an all-pervading 'Supreme
M i n d or Intelligence'.
T h i s is the k i n d of M o n i s m spoken o f by S r i C h a i t a n y a to S r i
Sanatana. He said, " B r a h m a n is the prime cause of the Universe.
F r o m H i m it originates, i n H i m does it exist and finally end.
Matter or Physical Nature is not the cause of the Universe, its
source is G o d , the Creator."
Secondly, i n the human w o r l d the w o r k i n g o f a D i v i n e w i l l
or according to some, the presence of supramundane force rising
above environments has been posited. It has been said that the
b i r t h of life is not just a matter of sexual reproduction but
something more. Besides the physical u n i o n of the male and
female, there is a t h i r d force, often described as divine force
w h i c h is beyond the w o r l d of senses. T h i s is now accepted
more or less unanimously. Hence i n lifeScience the p r i n c i p l e
of selection governing the U n i o n of sperm and ova has been
admitted. It is said that the fusion of the male sperm w i t h the
female egg does not always c l i c k or fructify u n f a i l i n g l y . In a
successful u n i o n or semination some voluntary or self-guided
selective process is at work. Hence every i n d i v i d u a l is born
w i t h his or her life-pattern or destiny. A n d the main reason for
this is that each one has a distinct and specific end and that a l l
these v a r y i n g life-patterns arc sustained by an omnipotent,
all-pervading W i l l - p u r p o s e .
So, where do we go to seek the origin of these divergent
patterns of life, that is, the main source of such variables ?
It is i n the combination of stars and planets under w h i c h a

person is born that we have to seek an answer to the differences,

in life-trends and specific ends, between one i n d i v i d u a l and
T h i r d l y , every i n d i v i d u a l life is governed by his own action
which is really a c o n t i n u i n g stream. Whatever had been done
i n the past w i l l react on the present life and its action, and
present actions w o u l d s i m i l a r l y influence the course of future
life. A s a matter o f fact, the doctrin o f R e b i r t h and the L a w
o f K a r m a is complementary. K a r m a and R e b i r t h together
determine man's future life or destiny. That is why h u m a n
life is said to be pre-ordained.
But this is o n l y an explanation of the origin of life-process
an i n d i c a t i o n of its future course. W e are also to examine
how the influence of planets, their aspects and degrees of
interrelation determines and shapes the o r i g i n a l crust or pattern.
Once we adopt the a n a l y t i c a l method, we s h a l l see that a person's
life w h i c h appeared to be so m u c h predestined is not as r i g i d l y
bound as assumed.
Judicious examination would reveal that h u m a n life is not
completely enmeshed by predestination. A n i n d i v i d u a l has
some scope of exercising F r e e - W i l l . I f he can strive for his goal
through discipline and exercise of W i l l he can by sustained
effort attain truely superhuman heights.
N o w such a statement may appear to be l i m i t i n g the accuracy
o f astrological prediction. So, it requires more clarification.
Astrology as a discipline does not depend on 'accident'. If its
success really depended on coincidence or was determined i n a
*'post-hoc, ergo-propter hoc" fashion, then it could not survive,
as it has done t h r o u g h a l l those centuries since prehistoric
A s systematised knowledge Astrology is obviously based on
axioms and principles w h i c h may look somewhat nebulous to
a realistic objective eye. The real point is this that a subject
of study whose roots go deep, whose problem is to lift the
mystery v e i l i n g the face o f truth w h i c h has to be discovered
through the clear vision of super-science can not be grasped
and perceived by a m i n d that lacks c u l t i v a t i o n and is dimmed
by common superstition. T h e value o f our beliefs or disbeliefs

is largely determined by question of material gain and

Let us suppose, for arguments' sake, that we donot believe i n
the efficacy o f astral influences. But if, inspite o f that, it is
possible to get a more or less correct picture o f the important
incidents of our lives by considering the position ot our birth
'Stars' or by reading the role of planets and their contributions
then the question o f our faith or doubt becomes really irrelevant.
If again some prediction does not come out true i n a particular
context or i n some specific situations, it is quite l i k e l y that the
influence of a particular planet escaped the astrologer's notice,
or it may be that his knowledge was l i m i t e d or conditioned. It
has been said that human existence and heavenly bodies are
equally encompassed by an all-pervading s p i r i t and knowledge.
Hence the nearer the astrologer comes to that Supreme S^iirit
or Knowledge or shares it, he can, to that extent hope to
succeed i n u n r a v e l l i n g the mystery o f existence, a truth
behind it.
N e w the question arisesif K a r m a is a l l determined by the
planets, also i f K a r m a determines the evolution of i n d i v i d u a l
lives, their purpose and retrocession by w h i c h the present
becomes the past and the present blazes a t r i a l i n (he future,
then why should the same K a r m a produce the different results
i n different i n d i v i d u a l lives ? 'The hostility o f planets' a phrase
w h i c h we hear or use so often, means exactly this. W h a t we c a l l
the mystery of creation is certainly a mystery, but not i n the
sense that it is a l l meaningless or purposeless, or significanceless.
The significance a n d the meaning of creation are rooted i n
premordial past and consistency o f it allthe last day o f
creation (if there is any last day), the grand c u l m i n a t i o n of the
first day of creation (if ever there was any first day) reflect the
sway of sovereign intelligence and design. T h e planets themselves
derive their authority from the same grand cavalcade, the
unceasing procession of events w h i c h constitute the creative
evolution. The purpose and the significance of creation, organic
or i n d i v i d u a l sway the evolutions of i n d i v i d u a l lives, the planets
being used as instruments for specific accomplishments of parts
of the design. T h e planetary charts for i n d i v i d u a l lives are so
contrived that each i n d i v i d u a l life is diff'erent, but sum total o f

them a l l contributes to the w o r k i n g out the ultimate pattern.

Thus K a r m a is not the beginning of the unfoldment of any
particular v i r t u e or strength, not a cause but an effect. E a c h
tiny act i n an i n d i v i d u a l life operates w i t h i n the frame work of
that particular life and produces varient results a c c o r d i n g to
the placing o f the various planets i n that chart. T h e subtle
shades and nuances of the results of each act thus vary
according to differences i n the i n d i v i d u a l horoscope. A n d it is
impossible to say off-hand what effect any particular act to
produce i n variant contexts of i n d i v i d u a l destinies. That is why
the Great Poet K a l i d a s observes i n the first chapter of his
U t t a r a k a l a m i t r a that only the creator knows the whole meaning
and the significance of the mystery of life.
It may be asked whether, i f that is so. Astrology denies human
free w i l l and v o l i t i o n . The question is a common one, but not
The denial of free w i l l need not be assumed. I n d i v i d u a l
h u m a n life is itself a part of the cosmic mystery which o f course
is inexplicable and predestined. But that does not mean that
w i t h i n the narrow l i m i t s of each i n d i v i d u a l life, there
is no scope for free w i l l . In a larger sense, free w i l l may be
predetermined, being the resultant o f the particular p l a c i n g of
the planets. But to each i n d i v i d u a l is left a m a r g i n of option to
decide between the one course of action and another. It is not
given to man to see the ultimate seeds ; a few steps are always
enough for h i m before the shadows close i n and w i t h i n the
narrow compass he is left to exercise his 'Free W i l l ' . "Free
W i l l " may thus be an ultimate i l l u s i o n , but very m u c h a real
guide as far as the s m a l l shining space w h i c h we c a l l life
between a sleep and a sleep is concerned. T h e most fragmatic
w o r k i n g view of it a l l may be summed up i n the following stanza
from Mathew A r n o l d :
"I say, fear not
Life s t i l l leaves h u m a n effort scope
But since life teems w i t h i l l
Nurse no extravagant hope
Because thou must not dream
T h o u needst not then despair."


H i n d u A s t r o n o m y considers Solar System i n reference

to its constituents, the 9 planets and tlie stars ( N a k s h a t r a s or
Constellations). T h i s is o n l y a fragment o f the solar system
we know and there are other solar systems beyond it. It is given
to man, it is not possible for h i m to know of the vast firmament
as a w h o l e . H e has to be content w i t h only a very tiny
fragment. T h e 9 planets are :
R a v i (Sun), C h a n d r a (Moon), M a n g a l ( M a r s ) , Budha
(Mercury), V r h a s p a t i (Jupiter), S u k r a (Venus), S a n i (Saturn),
R a h u (Dragon's head) and K e t u (Dragon's tail).
Y e t it must be noted that the planet does not have the same
meaning i n A s t r o n o m y and A s t r o l o g y . T h e M o o n i n Astronomy
reflects light from the S u n ; but i n Astrology they rank the
same. T h e Dragon's head and Dragon's t a i l are just the nodal
points beyond w h i c h they have no other form of existence.
Y e t Astrology ranks them as full-scale planets, on parity w i t h
the rest.
T h e Sun is at the centre of his system which is called h i s .
The other planets are r e v o l v i n g round the S u n but the Sun also
is i n a state of constant motion on his axis. A n d the whole
cavalcade or procession is also i n a state of incessant motion.
The Earth we live i n is also a planet, and i n a d d i t i o n to the
nine said already. Western astrologers name 3 other planets
Herschel or U r a n u s , Neptune and Pluto so that the total
works out as 12. H i n d u Astrologers do not k n o w much of
Herschel, Neptune and P l u t o . T h e E a r t h has one M o o n against
4 for Jupiter.

Earth, the Planets and the Stars

Prithivee, Graha and Nakshatras
A s is w e l l - k n o w n , the earth takes 24 hrs. to turn on its axis
and 365 days and 6 hrs. to c i r c u m a m b u l a t e the Sun once. As
a result o f these motions the phenomena w h i c h we c a l l sunrise

and sunset takes place. In reality there is neither, but for a l l

practical purposes, i n c l u d i n g astrological, they are very much a
part o f r e c k o n i n g .
The Z o d i a c has no b e g i n n i n g or end, it is just a circle o f
light. I n order to measure the distance an arbitrary point is
considered and taken i n t o account, w h i c h is the first point o f
Aries (Mesa Rasi). T h e Z o d i a c is marked by 27 Constellations
or Nakshatras. T h e first point of A s w i n i , the first N a k s h a t r a
coincides w i t h the first point o f Mesa w h i c h is starting point
of Z o d i a c .
Nakshatras: The m a t h e m a t i c a l system w h i c h is the
foundation o f H i n d u Astrology i n fact a l l subsequent Astrology,
considers 27 Nakshatras and 12 Rasis (signs). L i k e the i n v e n t i o n
of Zero, this is another marvellous product of H i n d u Astronomy
and Astrology, that is to say, of H i n d u Mathematics, a major
achievement i n the exact sciences.
A n o t h e r fundamental basis of H i n d u calculations is the
ecliptic, that is, the path o f the S u n . It has been seen from
numerous observations and deduced that w i t h i n 8 degrees on
either side of the ecliptic the presence of Nakshatras and planets
effects and influences results.
T h e influence of the Sun as it passes along the ecliptic
tincture with the results of other planets and Nakshatras near
enough to influence and determine the career or destiny of
creatures on earth.
It is the job of Astrology to assess the nature and extent of
these influences, as far as possible precisely. E a c h R a s i is 30
degrees and the total ecliptic 360 degrees. 8 degrees to the N o r t h
of the ecliptic and 8 degrees to the South are taken along with
the ecliptic itself and a l l the Nakshatras that fall w i t h i n this
range are also considered simultaneously. T h e Nakshatras
d i v i d e d into 12 Houses work out at 2 i Nakshatras for each
house. A n d each Nakshatra has 13 degrees and 20 minutes
(Kalas). The Sun travels r o u g h l y 1 degree i n each day and 12
houses that is 360 degrees i n 360 days.

(1) List of 12 Rasis and 27 Nakstiatras.

Rasis. n g . Equivalent Name. Symbol

I. Mesa Aries

2. Vrsa Taurus
3. Mithuna Gemini n:
4. Karkata Cancer
5. Simha Leo
6. Kanya Virgo

7. Tula Libra
8. Vrscika Scorpio

9. Dhanus Sagittarius /
10. Makar Capricornus
11. Kumbha Aquarius
12. Mina Pisces 3

Names of Bhavas
There are twelve Bhavas w h i c h constitute a R a s i - C h a k r a or
B i r t h Chart. The bhavas are to be counted from lagna i n anti
clockwise way. T h e names of the twelve bhavas are stated here
below :Tanu or Lagna (1st bhava), D h a n a (2nd bhava), Sahaja
(3rd bhava), S u k h a (4th bhava), Putra (5th bhava), Satru (6th
bhava), Jaya (7tk bhava), M r i t y u or N i d h a n (8th bhava), Bhagya
(9th bhava). K a r m a (10th bhava), A y a y a ( l l t h bhava), V y a y a
(12th bhava). Significance of these twelve bhavas w i l l be dealt
w i t h elaborately at the time of delineation of twelve bhavas
in Chapter I V and V . A t present we are giving i n short the
significance of twelve bhavas.
(1) T a n u P h y s i c a l body, head, health, complexion,
character and conduct etc.
(2) D h a n a W e a l t h and accumulated wealth, speech, eye,
face, teeth, relatives, food etc.
(3) SahajaBrother and Sister, effort, courage, servants,
tenacity etc.
(4) S u k h a E d u c a t i o n , happiness, mother, heart prosperity,
friend, m i n d , qualities, house, vehicles, conveyance etc.
(5) P u t r a C h i l d r e n , intellect, merit, talent, virtue, belly and
i n t e t i n e etc.

(6) SatruEnemy, hostility, obstacle, litigation, maternal

uncle, disease etc.
(7) J a y a M a r r i a g e , wife or husband, married life. Sex
and Sexual act, business and trade, business-partner,
journey etc.
(8) M r i t y u or N i d h a n a D e a t h , longivity, litigation,
speculative act, imprisonment, misery, family troubles. G e n i t a l
organ, abdomen, rectum, palatial b u i l d i n g , ancestral property,
wealth acquired through lottery etc.
(9) BhagyaFortune, r e l i g i o n , religious acts, ascetism,
journey to holy shrine, grace o f spiritual guide, father, previous
birth, long journey etc.
(10) KarmaProfession, vocation, dignity, reputation,
positional influence, fame acquired through b r i l l i a n t academic
career, wealth o f father, environment etc.
(11) A y a y a E a r n i n g , income, profiteering, friend and
relatives, elder brother and sister, peaceful c o n d i t i o n etc.
(12) V y a y a E x p e n d i t u r e , left foot and eye, material
enjoyment, sacrificial act, bed-room comfort, punishment
inflicted by government, downfall etc.

(2) Nakshatra (Constellations) 14. C h i t r a V i r g i n i s Spica

1. AswiniArietus 15. SwatiBootis
2. BharaniArietisa Mus 16. V i s a k a L i b rae
3. KrithikaTauri Alcyoni 17. Anuradha
4. RohiniTauri Aldeboran 18, JyestaAritares
5. MrigasiraOrionis 19. MoolaScorpionis
6. A r i d r a (Adra) 20. Purvashadha
7. PunarvasuGemini P o l l u x 21. Uttarashadha
8, Pushyami or P u s h y a C a n c r i 22. SravanaAquilae
9- AsleshaHydrae 23. D h a n i s h t a D e l p h i n i
10. M a k h a (Magha)Leonis Regulas 24. S a t a b h i s h a A q u a r i i
11. Purba FalguniLeonis 25. Purvabhadra^Pegasi
12, Uttar F a l g u n i 26. Uttarbhadra
13. HastaCorvi 27. R e v a t h i P i s c i u m .

(3) Symbols of Planets

1. R a v i , Surya(Sun)

2. C l i a n d r a (Moon)

3. M a n g a l (Mars)

4. Budha (Mercury)

5. V r h a s p a t i (Jupiter)

6. S u k r a (Venus)

S a n i (Saturn)
8. R a h u (Dragon's head or ascending. Node)
9. K e t u (Dragon's t a i l or descending Node)
10. Indra or Prajapati (Herschel or Uranus)

11. V a r u n a (Neptune)

12. R u d r a , Y a m a (Puto)

13. P r i t h i v i (Earth)

T h e learner of predictive Astrology has to master, at the

outset, the nature of 12 Houses and 27 Nakshatras and 9 Planets
and is also of the Lagna w h i c h is the position of the earth i n the
east at the time of b i r t h of a c h i l d .
The various and subtle conduct of each of the planets has
also to be learnt. It cannot be too strongly emphasised that
this is based on very minute observations i n a vast number
of cases with encyclopedic knowledge as the subjacent
instrument of research. H o w the planets behave is called

The 'Pecking order among the Rasis'

A l l four-footed Rasis except the S i m h a are subordinate to the

two-footed Rasis. The aquatic Rasis are edibles for two-footed
Rasis and creeping Rasis as well as the aquatic ones subject to
the d o m i n a t i o n of the two-footed. S i m h a R a s i claims supremacy
over a l l except the creeping Rasis l i k e V r s c i k a (Scorpio),.
K a r k a t a (Cancer) etc.

The physical parts of K a l p u r u s h ( Z o d i c a l Signs)

MesaHead T u l a T h e lower part of N a v a l .
VrsaFace VrscikaRectum.
MithuneArms DhanuThigh
KarkataHeart MakaraKnee
Simhabelly K u m b h a S h i n b o n e , from region below
Knee and w i t h i n feet where there are
tebia bones.
K a n y a L o i n , Waist. MinaFeet
(If benefic planets have favourable influences on these parts
of the K a l p u r u s the native derives beneficial results and i f
otherwise the result so far these parts are concerned is not to
be favourable).

List of benefic and malefic Planets

R a v i , M a n g a l , S a n i , R a h u , and K e t u are malefic planets.
F r o m 8th day of the dark M o o n upto the 8th day of the bright
M o o n C h a d r a is malefic and from the 8th day of the bright moon
upto the 8 th day of the dark, C h a n d r a is benefic. B u d h a when
conjoined with a malefic is considered as a malefic planet,
otherwise he is a benific. O n l y Vrhaspati and Sukra are natural
benific Planets.

Planetary Relations
O f these nine planets some of them are friends to each other,
some are e n i m i c a l and some are neutrals. So, relations o f planets
may be termed as Friendship, E n m i t y and N e u t r a l . Friendship
may be both permanent and temporary.
Here below the relations ot planets among themselves are
shown :

Permanent F r i e n d s h i p etc :
Friends Enemies Neutrals
R a v i (Sun) Chandra, Mangal, Sani, S u k r a . Budha
Chandra R a v i , Budha None A l l other
Mangal. Vrhaspati, C h a n d r a , Sani, Sukra Budha

Friends Enemies Neutrals

Budha Ravi, Sukra Chandra Mangal,
Vrhaspati Ravi, Chandra, Budha, S u k r a Sani
Sukra B u d h a , Sani Ravi, Candra Mangal,
Sani Budha, Sukra R a v i , Chandra, Vrhaspati
Rahu S u k r a , Sani R a v i . Chandra, Budha,
Mangal. Vrhaspati.
Ketu R a v i , Chandra. S u k r a , Sani. ditto.
Besides natural friendship planets become temporary friends
by virtue of their relative position i n houses or isigns. Planets
become temporary friends i f they are posted i n the 2nd, 4th,
10th, l l t h and 12th signs from any other planets. In the
remaining signs planets become temporary enemies. W h i l e
j u d g i n g a horoscope both the types o f relation should be
considered carefully.
T e r m permanent friend is called N a i s a r g i k a M i t r a , Temporary
friend T a t k a l i k a M i t r a . So, N a i s a r g i k a M i t r a or Permanent
friend and T a t k a l i k a M i t r a together means ' A d h i M i t r a '
or Bosom friend. Table of friendship. E n m i t y , temporary
friendship or enmity etc. is shown below :
Permanent friend and T e m p o r a r y friend together Basom
friend (Naisargika M i t r a ) (adhi M i t r a )
Permanent friend enemy N e u t r a l (Sama)
Enemy friend If
enemy Great enemy
( A d h i Satru)
Neutral E n e m y (Satru)
friend F r i e n d (Mitra)
Allocation of Planetary Rulership.
E x c e p t i n g R a v i and C h a n d r a a l l other five planets are lords
or owners of two Rasis or signs each. R a v i and C h a n d r a own
one R a s i each.

Ravi Owner or l o r d o f S i m h a R a s i S u k r a owner or l o r d o f

Chandra i > K a r k a t a V r s a & T u l a Rasis.
Mangal 11 11 11 Mesa and Sani owner or L o r d o f
V r s c i k a Rasis. Makar & Kumbha
Budha Mithune and
K a n y a Rasis
Vrhaspati ,. D h a n u and
M i n a Rasis.
In short we m a y describe the ownership of planets i n the
following manner :
Mesa a n d V r s c i k a are ruled by M a n g a l ; Vrsa and T u l a by
Sukra ; M i t h u n e and K a n y a are governed by Budha ; Vrhaspati
rules D h a n u and M i n a ; a n d M a k a r a and K u m b h a are
owned or ruled by S a n i . R a v i governs Simha and Chandra
rules K a r k a t a .

Exaltation and Mooitrikone signs of Planets

R a v i is exalted i n the 10th degree of Mesa, o f course the
entire Mesa R a s i is his exalted sign.
C h a n d r a is exalted i n the 3rd degree o f V r s a R a s i
Mangal 28th M a k a r " . the entire R a s i
is his exalted
Budha 15th ., Kanya Rasi.
(Budha has some pecularities i n this respect. Budha's
M o o l t r i k o n a begins after 15 degree o f K a n y a R a s i and extends
upto 25th degree, the remaining 5 degree is his o w n house i.e.
Kshetra as we c a l l it.)
V r h a s p a t i is exalted i n the 5th degree o f K a r k a t a Rasi, the
entire R a s i is his exa'.ted
Sukra 27th M i n a R a s i , the entire
Rasi is his exalted sign.
S!?ni 20th T u l a R a s i , the entire
R a s i is his exalted sign
Rahu 20:h Mithune
Ketu 20th Dhanu.

* R a h u ' s o w n house is K a n y a , H i s m o o l t r i k o n a house

is K u m b h a , K e t u ' s o w n house is M i n a and S i m h a is his
M o o l t r i k o n a house. A c c o r d i n g to M a h a r s i Parasara R a h u is
exalted i n Vrsa R a s i , K e t u is exalted i n V r s c i k a R a s i .
M i t h u n e and K a r k a t a Rasis are R a h u ' s M o o l t r i k o n a signs
and D h a n u is Ketu's M o o l t r i k o n a K s h e t r a .

R a v i is i n M o o l t r i k o n a i n the first 20 degrees i n S i m h a R a s i and
the remaining part
is own house,
Chandra last 27 of V r s a R a s i .
Mangal first 12 Mesa
Budha after 15 to 25th degrees of
K a n y a Rasi.
Vrhaspati first 10 of D h a n u , the last
20 degrees are
his own house
Sukra 15 T u l a , the last 15
degrees i n his
own house,
Sani 20 in Kumbha, the
remaining part is
his Kshetra.
D e b i l i t a t i o n (Nicha) house :
The 7th house or the 180th degree from exaltation point is the
point of debilitation. R a v i is debilitated i n the lOth degree of
T u l a and C h a n d r a i n the 3rd degree o f V r s c i k a and so o n .
E a c h planet has good or e v i l influence o n an i n d i v i d u a l .
Tl^eir influence is modified to a great extent by sympathetic or
antipathic aspect on planets or houses of the b i r t h chart. Hence
aspect of planets is an important thing to be considered first.
Aspects are counted from sign to sign. They are good or bad,
as the case may be, according to relation between the aspecting
and the aspected planet. Malefic or benific planets when
aspecting a bhavayields good or e v i l influence as the case
.may be.

T h e table o f aspects is d r a w n below for ready reference :

F u l l aspect. Three-fourth Half aspect. One-fonrth

aspect. aspect.
Ravi 7th. house from 4th & 8th 5th &9th houses 3rd & 10th
his position. houses from his from his houses from
position. position. his position.
Chandra do do do do
Mangal 4th, 7th & 8th do do ,
houses from his
Budha 7th. house do do do
VihftBpati 5th., 7th & 9th do X do
houses from his
Sukra 7th. house from his do do do
Sani 3rd, 7th. & 10th. do do X
houses from his
Rahu 5th, 7th, 9th & 12th do X do
houses from his

K e t u has no aspect as he is considered to be b l i n d .

A c c o r d i n g to Maharshi Parasar R a v i , Chandra, B u d h a a n d
Sukra each has full aspect on the 7th house, M a n g a l has
one-fourth aspect, V r h a s p a t i h a l f aspect a n d Sani three-fourth
aspect o n the 7th house. K e t u too has similar aspect
like Rahu.
A c c o r d i n g to Venkateswar D a i v a n g y a R a h u and K e t u have
full aspect o n the 7th house only.



M e s a Rasi : H e a d of K a l a p u r u s h , very noisy, harsh voice,

rough appearance, strong determination, diligent, arrogant,
lascivious, likes pomp and grandeur, moves hither and thither,
sensitive, brave.
It has a challenging attitude, likes to i n v o l v e itself i n betting,
dashing, clashes w i t h opponents, its protest is not merely vocal,
it does not feel shy to protest w i t h p h y s i c a l force.
It tends to stop the opponent with head or chest, it is
arrogance personified, it exerts itself completely to attain the
thing desired and to get that thing it may fight unto its last
breath, fiery warfare, b a l l of fire, fiery arms and armaments,
wealth plundered d u r i n g war, fertile l a n d where grains are
grown i n abundance, deaf and stammerer, constipation, diseases
relating biles. V e n e r e a l disease, stricture, fire that helps
digestion of food, top of mountain. It is a store house of kinetic
T h i s is the first sign or rasi of the Z o d i a c , consists of A s w i n i ,
V a r a n i and | part o f K r i t t i k a nakshatras. L o r d is M a n g a l ,
Symbol is a R a m .
V r s a R a s i : L o r d is S u k r a , S y m b o l is a b u l l . It is sober and
obstinate, it is as i f immovable or can not be moved easily. I n
mythology the G o d Siva is considered to be sober but obstinate.
H e can not be activised easily. So, b u l l is his conveyance. The
rasi is conservative, it does not care any body else, it is full
of ego, its gait and movement speak of its nature and
Attributes are :pouring, effervescent, discharge, emit,
impregnate, m a k i n g fertile, grow, beget or to be begotten, to be
vexed, to chastise, to give profusely, manhood and manliness,
productive power, leadership, moral qualities, egoist, sobriety,
sanctimonious hypocrite, childless w o m a n or a woman having
manly nature, encouragement, impetuousness, beauty, sweet odour

(fragrance) patience. T h i s rasi comprises of | part o f K r i t t i k a ,

R o h i n i and 5 of M r i g a s i r a Nakshatras.
It pertakes of the qualities o f R o h i n i N a k s h a t r a that repre-
sents good dressing, and using extra quality toilet-products to
look beautiful. M r i g a s i r a N a k s h a t r a represents sexual acts,
calm and cool temper, and also cruelty. The rasi speaks of
personality of a native, it is sober, has immense strength to
forbear the onslaught of attack from the opponent. The rasi is
full of self-conceit.
If it is influenced by malefic planet the result referred to
above is reversed. It represents Tamo guna, indicates throat,
ears, thumb and scrotum of K a l a p u r u s .
Mithuna Rasi : Joyful, n o r m a l l y a pleasant talker. Its L o r d is
Budha, symbol the t w i n figure of a man and a woman. T h e
rasi consists of | mrigasira, A d r a and | Poonarbasu Nakshatras.
From the s y m b o l it can be i m a g i n e d easily that there is a dual
personality i n it. It represents the middle stage o f frivolity and
sobriety. There is a d u a l i s m i n it. T h e store-house of creation
in a womau and creative power of a man are mixed up i n it. So,
conservatism of a woman and frivolous nature and power of
renovation of a man are found i n it.
A t t r i b u t e s : M i x t u r e , conjoining o f things, t w i n , a man and
a woman, d u a l i s m , indecisive m i n d , o s c i l l a t i o n , w o r k i n g together
i n a friendly atmosphere. In the reverse way to quarrel w i t h
colleagues, or d u a l fight. In another way it may mean sexual
intercourse, companionship between a man and woman,
mysteriously going to a secret place.
W i s d o m , intelligence of B u d h a and his calmness are found
in this rasi, softness, lively beauty o f M r i g a s i r a Nakshatra,
wisdom of " A d r a " and creative source of Poonarvasu are found
in abundance i n this rasi.
T h i s rasi represents the m i d d l e stage of happiness and
miseries. T h i s peculiar feeling i n a man cannnot be described
It indicates twc shoulders, arms and hands of K a l a p u r u s .
Karkata Rasi: C o o l , good talker, large flabby body, intelligent,
temperate, barren. L o r d is C h a n d r a , symbol crab. Consists
of \ of Poonarvasu, Pusya and A s l e s h a Nakshatras. It is a watery
rasi and is a reservoir of energy. Therefore it is a complete

manifestation of kinetic force. A s it is a watery sign, it par-

takes the character of sentimentalism and at times effervesce
exuberantly, or overflow and flows so fiercely that it breaks
through a l l the obstacles that befall on its way. When obstruct-
ed it is filled up w i t h sentimental feelings and carries away
everything w i t h it and destroys a l l obstructions. It is then
impossible to check its current. If it does not face any obstruc-
tion even then it becomes full w i t h sentimental feelings but it
dies down silently w i t h i n it. T h e sign is introspective. Its l o r d
C h a n d r a also is a sentimental planet. The sign represents
idealism. It is fanciful, affectionate, sympathetic and cool
i n nature.
It is versatile, artistic, joyous, l i v e l y , h i g h l y intellectual,
l i g h t l y influenced by ideas, gives pleasure to others, j o k i n g ,
flowing w i t h m u r m u r i n g sound, spreading, b o i l i n g , blooming,
invigorating, a cocoanut fruita t h i n g the exterior of w h i c h is
hard and strong but the inner contents are watery and fluid,
s t i c k i n g to a thing, to be very m u c h friendly to one who is i n
its own l i k i n g , to take the shape o f something, to sacrifice for
other's cause, philosophising, to scan others' qualities and
frailties, phlegmatic constitution, to fall i l l due to slight c o l d ,
sceptic habit, u n w o r l d l y , always l o o k i n g everything from ideal-
istic point o f view, truthfulness, noble-mindedness, cleanliness,
beauty, fame, independence, freedom and liberty, endlessness, to
invigorate, fertilisation, flabbiness.
Ifmalefically influencedto surround secretly, to render
unholy or unclean, worried m i n d due to c l i q u i s h temperament,
to poison. Chest and Lungs of K a l a p u r u s .
Simha R a s i : H o t (Not so hot as Mesa R a s i ) , determination,
diligent, greedy, angry, a d d i c t i o n to sensual pleasure, brave,
moving, likes a few companions, h i g h sounding, harsh but grave
voice, appearance full o f gravity, t a l l figure, not fertile.
Its L o r d is R a v i (Sun), symbol is a l i o n . It consists of M a g h a ,
Poorbafalgooni and | o f U t t a r f a l g o o n i . The sign is full c f
glamour and l i g h t . Its s h i n i n g glamour as i f lights up every-
t h i n g around it. It is a fixed sign. So, it is not frivolous but
f u l l of life. It is a creative s i g n . T h i s is the o n l y sign that has the
gravity o f a t a l l b a n i a n tree. It is a fiery sign but has no b u r n -
i n g q u a l i t y o f Mesa rasi. It has the character o f a L o r d , a k i n g .

a n d it is majestic i n style and gait. T h o u g h f u l l of ego its

personality attracts others. W o m a n of S i m h a rasi (if C h a n d r a is
situated i n this sign) is not lilced by astrologers as she is f u l l o f
pride and likes to lord over others. T o w i n over everything,
always strives hard to w i n over a l l kinds of obstacles, to want
supremacy, patience, powerful, to show respect, d i g n i t y , bravery,
k i n d , prosperous, it is accorded highest honour, to establish its
own reputation, patronage, to give shelter to others, to protect
those w h o m it gives shelter.
Heart and stomach of K a l a p u r u s .
Kanya Rasi : C a l m , pleasant talker, t a l l figure, intelligent,
barren (unfertile), cold, green colour. L o r d is Budha (Mercury),
symbola v i r g i n g i r l standing on a floating boat w i t h a bunch
of ears of corn i n one hand.
NakshatraUttarfalgooni, Hasta and \ C h i t r a . T h e rasi is
a mixture o f ' S a t w a ' and 'tamo' gunas. It is sometimes joyous
and at other times grave. A v i r g i n , chaste g i r l , fully grown up
-young just a b l o o m i n g y o u t h , a woman of bright c o m p l e x i o n ,
innocent girl. Beauty, decent, soft, to grow j o y f u l and obedient,
t o be pleased, to hanker after, to be admired by any other person,
benevolence, beamining w i t h knowledge, to give vent to one's
feeling decently, to be enlivened by learning, to dispel darkness,
painting, artist, s k i l f u l , imagination, to accomplish any work
.properly, doubt, want of faith, want of deep t h i n k i n g ,
uncertainty, to float l i k e a floating boat, to analyse and judge a
t h i n g accurately, advise, culture of knowledge, any pleasurable
sensation, amorous.
Intestine and waist region of K a l a p u r u s h .
Tula R a s i : W a r m , f u l l o f sound, even but pleasant talker,
c a l m , t a l l figure. L o r d is Sukra (Venus), symbol is a man with a
scale i n his hand weighing something.
Nakshatra\ C h i t r a , Swati and | Visakha. It has the speed
of wind (vayu), many-sided, characteristic of spreading hither
and thither, to compare, to examine or scrutinise, to counter-
balance, to possess i n the same degree, tribunal, assessment o f
real worth, business, buying and selling, store house, scale, always
restless, unsteady i n a place, to roam, to establish a self-idealism,
social, an active worker, to l i k e to lord over others, tools or
implements to analyse a thing, to accomplish a v/ork, to remain

engaged i n various types of work, changing, assortment,

K i d n e y and buttok of K a l a p u r u s h .
V s c i k a Rasi : W h i t e colour, phlegmatism, fertile, stammerer
or dumb, inaudible tongue, tall figure Tamo guna. L o r d is
M a n g a l (Mars), symbol is Scorpion-like creature.
NakshatraJ V i s a k h a , A n u r a d h a and Jestha. Conservatism,
Inertia. It is a watery sign, therefore, there is some sort of
restlessness i n it. If met w i t h any obstruction from outside
agent it reacts sharply. It is an introspect sign. Its ugly
appearance is not manifested i f its feeling is not wounded. It
gets angry and restless like a scorpion. It has the acute tendency
to hurt the opponent. I i is full of ego, and crookedness. Under
an adverse c o n d i t i o n it becomes cruel and hurts its opponent
fiercely. When it becomes very enraged and annoyed with its
opponent but is unable to take vengeance it gets very much
agitated and the vehemence is consumed w i t h i n itself and the
sentiment dies down. It is the negative sign of M a n g a l . Hence
malefic character of this planet is very m u c h evident i n this sign.
T h e autocratic temperament, oversensitiveness and arrogance
of M a n g a l is manifested i n the V s c i k a Rasi.
T o pierce, to cut into pieces, to sting, to poison, to spoil, to
destroy, to wipe out, to smitten with bitter words, to bring
disaster to somebody, loss due to some inimical work of others.
The Rasi is prominently unpopular for its cruel characteristic,
but it does not care other's criticism and faces everything
stubbornly and challenges its critics. A n y t h i n g that causes
obstruction, to fight. A n extremist and critic, an upsetter of
existing ideas and ways of living, and where it cannot do this, a
sarcastic and c y n i c a l critic.
Its beneficial characteristics are to love or be affectionate, to
arrange things, to adorn, to be alert, to guard, to act as a police.
Generative and excretory organs of K a l a p u r u s h .
Dhanu Rasi : Deter.tiined, diligent, restless, pompous, want
of foresight, greedy, noisy, harsh talker, calm, composed, pleasant
talker, medium height, imprudent, lack of foresight.
L o r d is Vrhaspati (Jupiter). Symbol is horse (front portion of
the body) with a rider on its back and armed w i t h bow and arrow
(Its front part is quadruped).

NakshatraMoola, Poorbasarha, and ^ Uttarasarah, The

negative sign of Vrhaspati. It is more materialistic than
spiritualistic. It indicates energy and represents kinetic force.
From the symbol the character is evident. Universality,
invincible spirit. " T h e archer points out his shaft at higher and
better things. The sign of a seer and prophet, idealist, aspirant
to a life of devotion. The app3arance of tiie sign is warlike
w h i c h it really is. Persons born under its iniluence are fiery and
w a r l i k e i n nature. Endowed with great strength, ths Sagittarious
are highly intelligent, respected for their good qualities." Vide
Astri-Magazine. Feb, '51. It is not lover of imagination, because
it has to proceed through many obstacles, mountainous regions
and defeat its enemies. So it is a practical idealist sign. It is a
sign of a n i m a l and man. So, the a n i m a l is controlled by highest
knowledge and wisdom of a man. It is a searcher of knowledge
and truth. N a k s h a t r a M o o l a speaks of a n i m a l power, and
Poorba and Uttarasarha represent energy, calmness, perseverance
a n d truth, speed, to proceed w i t h highest speed, to shoot arrows,
bow and arrow, to pierce through the mark, to shatter a l l sorts
o f obstructions, to search for light, to be armed with weapons,
endov.'cd with merits. Encouragement, bravery that gives
impetus to others, to know the source of a l l Sciences, arts and
truth or to practise devotional austerities to k n o w a l l .
Hips, buttock, thigh of K a l a p u r u s h .
M a k a r Rasi : Perseverent, diligent, industrious, restless,
foppish, lover of a few companions, addicted to sensual pleasures,
brave, very noisy, h i g h sound, harsh voice, medium figure.
L o r d is Sani (Saturn). Symbolthe front portion is a goat,
and the hinder part is that of a crocodile,
NakshatraI Uttarasarha, Sravana and | Dhanistha.
It is a cardinal sign no doubt but it is not a high-speed sign.
This can be easily imagined from the appearance of its symbol.
It can h a r d l y move on a p l a i n . The movement is slow but sure.
It has earnestness to reach its goal i n spite of obstacles that may
befall on its way. It represents matter and material thing but it
is industrious and a sure climber. It proceeds breaking through
obstructions or move i n a zig-zag way to avoid them. T h e
structure of the body shows that it cannot be indiscip.ined.
Materialistic, d i s c i p l i n a r i a n , and an expert industrialist.

uriver sality, a social figure, to settle into definite form of m i n d , to

create, letting loose, builder o f a career, the sign of a businessman
who is sometimes exacting to the point o f dishonesty, a politician-
Knees of K a l a p u r u s h .
Kumbha Rasi : W a r m , rheumatic and bilious constitution,,
c a l m and gentle, noisy, normal talker, short figure.
L o r d is Sani ( Saturn ). Symbol is a man with a waterfuL
pitcher on his shoulder.
Nakshatra\ Dhanistha, Satabhisa and | Poorbavadrapada.
Symbol indicates that it is sobre, has an end i n view and
always alert and careful. It has confidence i n itself, and is
earnest i n its undertakings. The pitcher is a significant sign no
doubt. Because i f it looses its confidence i n itself, be a bit careless
or be less earnest it is not possible to move with a pot f u l l o f
water. F o r i f his attention is i n any way diverted the water of
the pitcher w i l l fall down. Moreover, its path and goal is fixed.
It has a great attraction for them. T h e discipline, fixity of
purpose and slow but sure progress of Sani is found i n the nature
of this R a s i .
Earnestness, carefulness, to fill up, to cover, two different
kinds, to fill up with water or air, to move on a fixed goal,
conservation, selfishness, prominence i n the upper part of the
forehead, self-indulgence, heart trouble, abundance.
Shanks of legs of K a l a p u r u s h .
Mina Rasi: D a y and night, c a l m , soft, silent, dumb o r
stammerer, restless m i n d , intelligent, faithful, impatient, slow and
steady, short figure. It represents Satwa guna.
Nakshatrai Poorbavadrapada, Uttarvadrapada and Rebati.
It is the last rasi of the Zodiac. L o r d is V r h a s p a t i . Symbol
is two fishes i n the deep seakissing each other's t a i l .
A sea has two appearances. E x t e r n a l l y it is violent and
restless, but its bottom is c a l m and cool. Its external appearance
speaks of restlessness, sentimentalism, r o a r i n g sound etc.,' but the
bottom is c a l m but dangerous. There lies a l l kinds of Jewels.
T h e two fishes, as i f bathe deep i n water and are influenced by
each other's sentiment. So, this rasi is manifested within itself,
the exuberance i n the outer region is not its own real feeling.
T o be joyful, to be actuated by sentiments, to be happy, to be
comfortable, to be agitated, to be haughty, to prosper step by step

or by hopping, to flow intermittently, to sink deep into water, to

think of one's emancipation, to be influenced, itching, eczema,
bunches of curling hair. T h e wife of the person having this Rasi
dies an early death or becomes paralysed, and the native gets
married again, "a restless and creative mind w i t h romantic and
imaginative outlook necessary for successful writer of fiction,
liable to be obsessed w i t h curious fancies. Pisces ( M i n a R a s i ) is
the sign of artist and author." Diseases relating to urine, diseases
of the intestine or stomach.
T w o feet, ankles of K a l a p u r u s h .

( Nakshatras' K a r a k a t a )
I am not aware of the existence of any original systematic
exposition o f sidereal influences and effects of Nakshatras. I
do not know of any secondary compilation either. Besides
Astrology, the Vedas, the Puranas, the M a h a b h a r a t a etc. provide
occasional hints, glimpses and insights w h i c h have to be colated,
i n order to appreciate the importance of the stars ( Nakshatras )
a tentative examination follows.
It has been said already that each R a s i extends over 2 | stars
(Nakshatras) i n the z o d i a c a l space ; w h i c h is the same as saying
that 2 i Stars make up each R a s i . It would follow from this that
the influence of the stars should help us to determine the nature
and the influence of R a s i itself. It is necessary however to enter
upon 'Caveat'. The sidereal effect is by no means the whole of the
Rasi-effect, though is certainly a large ingredient of it. The
Stars certainly influence the R a s i .
The Mesa R a s i consists of A s w i n i , B h a r a v i and K r i t h i k a .
The first two is 13-20' each a n d the t h i r d one is 3*-20', the
remaining 10 degree is i n V r s a R a s i .
Aswini Nakshatra: ' D e v a t a ' for A s w i n i N a k s h a t r a is Aswi
or the D u a l i t y k n o w n as A s w i n i K u m a r T w i n s , the physician of
the G o d s . Symbolthe head of a horse. So, by the influence
of this star the native is expected to be equestrian (horse-ride) or
a soldier, also a physician w i t h marvellous power to heal. The
after-speak o f physician's excellence or process. It is possible,
in the horoscopes of these physicians it w i l l be seen that the.

planet for successful m e d i c a l practice is positioned i n A s w i n i

N a k s h a t r a . F r o m Aswi is supposed to be derived carraiges for
animals for transport, everything related to transport and
transport department. The Puranas relate that the two A s w i n i
Kumaras were born of mother Sanga and father Ravi. The
mother held the solar semen i n her nostrils, for otherwise she
could not hold it, it is so strong. They are the twins of Sanga
and therefore this N a k s h a t r a is supposed to produce twins.
M a n g a l i n this Nakshatraspecially i f the Lagna is i n K u m b h a
and M a n g a l i n bhatristhan indicates twin brother and sister for
the native. O r i f R a v i , V r h a s p a t i or P i t r i K a r a k a or l o r d of the
bhava signifying father or son i n a similar way is i n this
Nakshatra then the father or any of the uncles or any of the
children may be one of the t w i n .
Bharani Nakshatra : Devata Yama ; b i r t h star of R a h u .
It extends from 13-20' to 26-40'.
Symbol : Orifice of the womb (oss-mouth), l o r d M a n g a l . It
is possible to have an idea of the nature of Bharavi N a k s h a t r a
from the nature of R a h u , M a n g a l and Y a m a . T o take R a h u
1. Rahu gives extravagant enjoyment of material pleasure
and is later on the cause of sorrow,
2. Mangal gives courage, strength, exaltation and hope,
3. Yama p u r i t y , cleanliness, justice and integrity. T h e sense
of restraint is also Y a m a ' s g i f t ; he is the lord of D h a r m a , a
stern d i s c i p l i n a r i a n , a ruthless expositor of truth, and a refuge
for kings and l a w - a b i d i n g subjects. We should not always
confine his interpretation to his being only the l o r d of death ; he
is the great 'judicature', the ultimate dispenser of reward and
punishment. The story of ' Y a m a - N a c h i k e t a ' is a p a r t i c u l a r l y
exposition of the hospitality of Y a m a , his sense of dharma and
knowledge of it, his superb honesty and great integrity and other
divine virtues. The Nakshatra of w h i c h he is the devata (God)
is also i n consequence the giver of enjoyment and pleasures,
courage and upward thrust o f the spirit and on the other hand
the giver of whatever is good, pure, truthful and honest.
T h e etymological meaning of B h a r a n i is " w h a t deserves to be
cultivated and preserved" that is dependence, servitors, retainers
or anything by w h i c h l i v i n g is earned, for example salary.

Krithika Nakshatra : T h i s is the birth star of Chandra.

M a n y constellations gather at the tail end of K r i t h i k a group. It
extends from Mesa 26-40'. T h e residuary 10' degree f a l l i n
Vrsa. The devata is A g n i , L o r d ( A d h i p a t i ) is M a n g a l and S u k r a .
A g n i is the great purifier, the great consumer and the giver of
light, heat and brightness. A g n i causes the fire of life and the
drive. It is also the spark of life. W i t h o u t fire creation would
not exist. A g n i is at the base of creation and of the continuation
of existence. It consumes everything. The fire of digestion i n
the human system and the external fire for c o o k i n g are only
diff'erent manifestation of the same p r i n c i p l e w h i c h is A g n i .
A g n i is the symbol of brightness and brilliance, a l l weapons
with fire-power. A n d other things o f the same category come
w i t h i n the range of K r i t h i k a group. T h e fire is considered as
purifier ; for it burns away a l l that is sordid, dark and d u l l , also
a l l that is low and sinful and inauspicious i n the world. The
dross thus blazed away, only eft'ulgence and light remain. F i r e
gives the earth its activity and d y n a m i c and revives it after the
spells of cold that p e r i o d i c a l l y inflict comatose condition of
the earth. It is easy enough to deduce from fire the causal
effect of the K r i t h i k a group. M a n g a l is the l o r d of that part
of K r i t h i k a w h i c h is in Mesa R a s i and M a n g a l is l i k e a mass o f
lightning i n s h i n i n g splendour. So, the K r i t h i k a i n Mesa is
devastatingly b r i l l i a n t , the effulgence being closely associated
w i t h also an incendiary character.

The K r i t h i k a of V r s a R a s i is b r i l l i a n t but u n l i k e the K r i t h i k a

o f Mesa, not incendiary. The lord of Vrsa R a s i is S u k r a and
S u k r a stands for worship of beauty and for poetry and i m a g i n a -
tion. H e is rediantly white like snow, the ' K u n d a ' flower and
the ' U t p a l ' . He is also the encyclopedic expounder of a l l
branches of learning. It follows that the K r i t h i k a of V r s a R a s i
is b r i l l i a n t but the b r i l l i a n c e does not burn, it is soft and sweet,
a n d benign. The K r i t h i k a of Mesa R a s i is doubtless brilliant, it
-has plenty of heat w h i c h burns. T h e K r i t h i k a of V r s a has on
the contrary a softensd radiance, a wave of brightness that does
not hurt. In Western Astrology K r i t h i k a has been described as
a n incendiary star.
Rohini N a k s h a t r a : The word is derived from " R o h a n "
which means 'to rise' or 'to bring into existence'. It extends i n

the Vrsa R a s i from 10 degree to 23-20'. The l o r d of it is S u k r a ,

the symbol a Cart drawn by Cows. The ' D e v a t a ' is Brahma,
the prime creator of a l l things l i v i n g , from the meanest insect
to M a n , the beauty of the weird, the paragon of animals. R o h i n i -
group therefore encompasses everything that comes within the
range o f creationbeasts, birds, animals etc. It would also
connote the process of growing, begetting, birth, production etc.
i n brief production, b i r t h and creation. R i s i n g means process of
ascending, that is to say the creative evolution, the cultivation
and the improvement. M y t h o l o g y describes ' R o h i n i ' the wife of
C h a n d r a . O f a l l the 27 Starsall wives o f C h a n d r a R o h i n i is
said to have been fond of fine dress, cosmetics and decore and
was the most beloved of C h a n d r a . The R o h i n i (group) is, i n the
line w i t h this, considered to be the cause of a taste for fine dress,
perfume, and other articles o f toilet. Creation continues to
exist m a i n l y on the basis of food ; and R o h i n i is supposed to be
the cause of food. T h e direct and immediate cause o f food is
A g n i and Brahma the remote cause. F r o m this point of view
the G o d who gives food, that is A g n i , is the s p i r i t u a l principle of
R o h i n i (group) N a k s h a t r a and because, Brahma the remote cause
o f food is also the devata o f R o h i n i ; the range of influences
of this group runs over the whole gamut of the visible and
invisible a n i m a l w o r l d .

Mrigasira Nakshatra: M r i g a s i r a Nakshatra extends from

after 23-20' i n Vrsa R a s i upto 6-40' i n M i t h u n e . Presiding deity
C h a n d r a . S y m b o l A n t i l o p e or Deer. T h e word ' M r i g a ' represents
forests, gardens, a search, a seeking to find, to roam about i n the
forests and a hunter, to seek, to blaze the t r a i l , a guide and
preceptor. A n erotic affair, beauty of the countenance w i t h
particular emphasis on the fadiant lustre of the face, because o f
the M o o n . T o seek as the p r i m a r y characteristic of the star, to
discover hidden treasures after the c h u r n i n g of the Sea, the
Samudra M a n t h a n ' of the H i n d u M y t h o l o g y , the mother,
motherly conduct that is to say maternal instincts, self-sacrifice
without hope of requital etc. C h a n d r a is the lord of the mind,
so a l l mental attitude, good or bad, sympathies and antipathies,
patience and impatience, the fidgetiness and placidity, i m a -
gination, the gift o f poetry, purity, sweetness and light, physical
and mental aspects, a l l these come w i t h i n this star and when

things of sweetness and light of physic as also of the m i n d , both

derivatives from the moon, the horoscope o f R a b i n d r a N a t h
comes to mind. H i s Janma lagna was M i n a w i t h Chandra there
and Vrhaspati was i n K a r k a t a R a s i . Because of this yoga
Rabindra N a t h had something l i k e physical translucence w h i c h
was object of admiration a l l the world over, wherever people met.
Also, at the same time his poetry enthralled the whole world.
The Moon is a sub-planet round the earth and that is why the
influence of the M o o n on a l l that happens i n the earth is so
paramount. A n d again that is why the influence of the M o o n on
both the body and mind is simultaneously so very great. Sukra
and Chandra both are female grahas ( Planets ) w i t h difference
that while the M o o n is the L o r d o f motherhood, maternal
instincts and a l l that, S u k r a is the lord of feminine beauty, the
structure of feminine form, the physical excellence of women and
all that. In the former there is elegance and d i g n i t y of the
feminine while in the latter, the physical beauty and the lure of
feminine form w h i c h leads a male captive dominates. T h e moon
is the lord of marine products and of medicines ; that it was from
the sea that the moon rose. A n d it is to the moon that the
influences and causalities have to be traced.

Adra Nakshatra : In M i t h u n e from after 6'-4Q' to 20'. T h e

presiding deity the R u d r a , the wielder of the trident. S y m b o l a
tear-drop. The lord of A d r a is Budha, when the Sun enters A d r a
the earth is said to be starting its menstrual course, that is
" A m b o b a c h i " . A d r a means wet or surcharged w i t h water, that
is fat. Because the earth is running her menstrual course there
are tear drops falling one after another. F r o m R u d r a comes a l l
suffering, persecutions and oppressions, anger, ferocity of counte-
nance or hideousness of noise. R u d r a is another name o f S i v a ,
the 'Five Faced' (Panchanana). In knowledge, asceticism, renun-
ciation, as also i n enjoyment, he is the supreme consummation of
a l l desires. H e is a blue-throated one, the wielder of the most
tremendous powers, what could not be attempted far less achieved
by other Gods, when the churned Ocean at the time of 'Samudra
M a n t h a n ' exhaled poison Siva achieved quite simply by h o l d i n g
the exhalation i n his throat. O n one side he is the symbol of
the most perfect placidity and serenity, on the other hand he is
the symbol of a l l that is terrible. H e holds the great serpent on

his head and on his forehead crescent M o o n w i t h his sweet-soft

light. H e is at the same time the most peaceful and also the
most terrible. A n d i n a l l these are to be traced the intrinsic
characteristics of A d r a . Superficially, on the surface of it, A d r a
stands for suffering, hardness, cruelty, murder, prison, theft,
adultery etc. The root characteristic is oppressionin order to
purify. A l l male kidney trouble and connected urethral disease
comes within the jurisdiction of A.dra ; so also uterine diseases of
the female.
T h e s k u l l of K a l a p u r u s h and hair on it.
Punarvasu Nakshatra : Spread from 20 degree M i t h u n e upto
3-20' K a r k a t a . Presiding deity ' A d i t i ' , the L o r d is Budha and
C h a n d r a . S y m b o l Q u i v e r ( receptacle for arrows ).
The word Punarvasu is derived from Puna + Vasu, w h i c h
means return, renewal, restoration or repetition. The 12 Adityas
were born of Kasyapa i n the womb of A d i t i . The 12 Vasus are
Indra, V i s h n u , V a g a , Twasta, Barun, A r y a m a , Pusa, M i t r a , A g n i ,
Parjyanya, V i v a s w a n and D i n a k a r . The mother A d i t i of whom
the Gods are born is the repository of everything goodtruth,
generosity, magnanimity, purity, aristocracy, beauty and renownt
It follows that this start is the cause for these virtues. To start
afresh after having once broken off, to start a new life, to come
back from a distant l a n d a l l these are signified by Punarvasu.
It stands for freedom from restriction and l i m i t a t i o n , and
boundless space. T h e Gods, the c h i l d r e n of A d i t i , are basically
and essentially are different from children of D i t i , who are
demons. T h e demons never had a taste of divine nectar and
therefore miss the knowledge of fundamentals, fundamentals of
creation and mystery. They were engrossed w i t h or deeply
emerged in enjoyment of the externals, the materialistic aspect o f
the universe. G o l d and sex were the two immediate pursuits,
w h i c h made them extroverts. The Gods however, could rip into
the deeper texture of things, they had tasted the divine nectar
and become partners i n supreme divine bliss and Punarvasu
represents a l l these.

Pusya N a k s h a t r a : Spread from 3-20' to 16'-40' K a r k a t a .

L o r d C h a n d r a . SymbolTeat of the Cow, the word etymologi-
cally means "to nourish" and that again means to preserve, to
protect, replenish, m u l t i p l y and strengthen. E v e r y t h i n g of the

very best comes w i t h i n the scope of this Star. Enjoyment of

wealth and prosperity follows from it.
V r h a s p a t i is described as the great teacher of a l l creation
f r o m amoebae to the G o d s and is the source of a l l knowledge and
wisdom. T h e mystery of creation is no mystery to h i m . H e is
the eloquent preceptor, the wise minister, pontifex, head of a l l
religious ceremonies. H e takes pleasure i n a l l worshipful r i t u a l .
A n d . that is why the Pusya is composed of these virtues. It has
been described as blossoming and flourishing. It is the mouth of
Aslesha Nakshatra : Spread from 16-40' to 30' degree
K a r k a t a . C h a n d r a is the lord. It is the b i r t h star of K e t u .
S y m b j l c o i l e d up snake. It is the nature of a snake to hide
himself, to encircle and entwine, to creep on the chest, to
embrace, and to enjoy or unite surreptitiously. A l l this is an
attribute of Aslesha also. The cunningness of the serpent, its
devious nature, the b u r n i n g sensation of poison and pain along
w i t h a l l consequences that poison connotes are to be read i n the
constitution of Aslesha. The virtues and vices of the serpent are
a l l i n it. T h e M o o n in Aslesha sicklied over w i t h various faults
i n great intensity. Whoever w o u l d have his or her K a r m a p a t h i
( L o r d of the 10th house ) or bhagyapathi {Lord of the 9th house)
i n this star w o u l d run the risk of having a l l his or her p r i n c i p a l
acts i n life handicapped, jeopardised or spoiled by many kinds of
danger and obstruction. If the lagna is i n this star, the native
would possibly be of w i l l y disposition. Such people w o u l d l i k e
to work i n secret and their words would carry the sting of poison.
Magha Nakshatra : Spread from 0 degree to 13-20' Simha.
R a v i is the lord, the deity ' P i t r i g a n ' . SymbolThe royal Court
w i t h a royal throne. AttributesThe virtues and vices o f the
father's family, wealth, glory, beauty, strength and prowefs,
lustre and effulgence, superior qualities, sharpness c f intellect,
nobility, prestige, replenishment, and increase, wisdom, b r i l l i -
ance, capacity and willingness to donate, ancestors on the
paternal sideall these are effected by M a g h a . In no star the
position of R a v i is so magnificent and dignified. R a v i in
" A s w i n i " is b r i l l i a n t no doubt but the brilliancy of incendiary
character. It burns everything about it. T.he Sun is then a
terrible b a l l of fire. But i n M a g h a R a v i is like an empercr.

confident and self-assured. If happy and pleased he is i n a

mood to make any benediction or gift.
W h e n R a v i is i n M a g h a Sani gets alarmed and that is natural.
For Sani is by character, of a mean disposition, the nature of a
slave, no wonder that mean and lowly Sani cannot brook the
beauty and the dignity of the position of R a v i i n M a g h a , That
is why Sani is ' N i c h a ' and anti-meridional in A s w i n i and
meanness and willyness of Sani so much increases. If Sani is the
lord of 9th & 10th houses and is placed i n the 4th house and
associated with M a g h a he acts adversely the effects of the 4th &
10th houses. M a g h a is the causes of brightness and light.
Therefore o l d and gloomy planets cannot stand it, M a g h a
stands for noble impulses and incentives, the gift of M a g h a must
always be a noble one. M a g h a has been described as glorious
one. A n t h r o p o m o r p h i c a l l y it is the nose of K a l p u r u s h .

Poorva Falguni Nakshatra : Spread from 13-20' to 26''-40'

Simha. L o r d R a v i , deity " S h i v a l i n g a " , SymbolSwinging
hammock. It is also called the Bhagadaivata Star. A l l the six
majesties, pleasures and prosperities, love, enjoyment and sensual
delights are caused by this N a k s h a t r a . The origin of creation
is the " S h i v a l i n g a " . It i s t h e s y m b o l o f t h e c a l l f o r c r e a t i o n . i t
announces creation and development. T h e closure of it means
destruction. The i n d i v i d u a l who i n personal life succeeds i n
mastering the six impulses, that is the impulse of creativity w h i c h
masters also death. Therefore, on the one hand this star symbo-
lises the j o y of creation and enjoyment, and on the other han'd
signifies desirelessness and asceticism. O n the one hand it is the
gateway to creation, basic seed of it, on the other hand it aims at
renunciation, dissolution, and a merger i n 'Brahma'. Fame and
renown are the s p j c i a l feature of this star. Poorva F a l g u n i and
U t t a r F a l g u n i are s y m b o l of good fortune and luck. It is the
birth star of V r h a s p a t i .

A n t h r o p o m o r p h i c a l l y it is the upper l i p of K a l a p u r u s h .
Uttar Falguni Nakshatra : Spread from 26-40' Simha to 10
degree K a n y a . T h e lords are R a v i and Budha, symbol is a bed.
Poorva F a l g u n i and U t t a r F a l g u n i are pair together. Its attributes
are much the same as those of Poorva Falguni. The only difference
is that generosity, kindness, patronage and an eagerness to help

and succour the distress, to help friends and intimates and those
who seek help are more pronounced i n this star.
Hasta Nakshatra : Spread from 10 to 23-20' K a n y a . D e i t y
Sun, Lord B u d h a , symbolclosed hand. The 12 names of the
Sun are : (I) Arun, (2) Aditya, (3) Tapan. (4) Divakar,
(5) Bhaskar, (6) Bhanu, (7) Martanda, (8) Mihir, (9) Ravi,
(10) Bivakar,{n) Sahasramsu and (12) Sura.
A l l the attributes of these names etymologically connotes are
caused by this star. F r o m the Sun we derive creativity and
creation, and from creation we derive light, lustre, a n d strength.
The Sun is the prime cause of dominion, kingship, power of
immunity and the light that dispels darkness. B u d h a is the
cause of knowledge. If placed i n this Star he sheds light a l l
around. R a v i with this Nakshatra enhances the instinct of
dominion and the capacity to rule over others. It brushes up
human intelligence, making it more luminous and makes a man
vibrant with life and light.
The symbol is a closed hand or fist. It w o u l d follow that i t
signifies determination and clenched resolution. T o keep every-
body within one's grip, the possessive instinct follows from the
nature of this star. The magician and the pick-pocket are also
born under this starvariation from nobler attributes.
A n t h r o p o m o r p h i c a l l y it is the hand o f K a l a p u r u s h .
Chitra Nakshatra : Spread from 23-20' K a n y a to 6''-40' T u l a
Rasi. The lords are B u d h a and S u k r a , deity V i s w a k a r m a , the
symbol is the gem on the serpent's crest. C h i t r a is very beautiful
to look at, V i s w a k a r m a , the great artist and artificer to the
Gods, the lord of practical arts and applied asthetics. T h e
knowledge and capacity to paint, the gift of narration and
well-ordered conversation. F r o m C h i t r a is derived the painter,
specialist i n paints, the artist, the musician, the s k i l f u l surgeon,
the imaginative writer, the specialist i n aromatic herbs a n d
dreamer of intricate paterns. The art o f construction, the art of
engraving, embroidery, frame-making and everything that
constitutes an artistic complex from fine embroidery to the
Tajmahal and on the other hand industrial engineering and s k i l l
and the organisation of machinery and plantseverything is
caused or influenced by C h i t r a .
It is A n t h r o p o m o r p h i c a l l y the forehead of K a l a p u r u s h .

Swati Naksliatra : Spread from 6-40' to 20" T u l a . L o r d is

S u k r a , the deity is the W i n d and because of this latter factor
this causes the attributes of the W i n d . Restlessness of disposition
or physical restlessness, inability to stay still at any place comes
from it ; also fidgetiness and noise. It is self-assured and
asserting. T h e winds :(Marut) are the Lords of North-West. The
^ 9 of them under t h e ' P a b a n ' , of a l l Gods he i s t h e strongest and
most obstinate. F r o m these are derived the knowledge, the
physical internal adjustments of the 5 W i n d s , P r a n , Apan, Vyan,
U d a n and Saman. A l s o from this comes the storms and the
w h i r l - w i n d , the concrete disturbance of the atmosphere. A
person born under this star is good at buying and selling, his
wealth and property come and go quite easily. He is an
independent sort of man, always striving for more independence.
Asceticism is yet another attribute of this star. Diseases of the
wind are to be treated i n reference to this. The W i n d is the great
scavenger, it sweats the dross and purifies. The winowing of rice
bears comparison to this.
Visakha Nakshatra : Spread from 20 degree T u l a upto 3-20
Vrscika Rasi. The lords are Sukra and M a n g a l , Deity is Satragni,
Symbola leaf-decked t r i u m p h a l gate. A n o t h e r name of this
Star is R a d h a , a compliment to A n u r a d h a , the birth star of the
Sun. F r o m this is derived the fulfilment of action, variety of
enterprise, achievement irrespective of the means employed and
fearless and unscrupulous pursuit o f self-interest. The only
objective being to reach the end justifying it by any means fair
or foul. R e a l friendship h a r d l y happens. A man born under
this star works at various things but h a r d l y concentrates on any
one of them. T o spread about and to dissipate is another
attribute of this star. The native of this star aims at success and
is pleased w i t h it when it happens, nothing else matters. A m o n g
other attributes may be mentioned obedience to religious;
injunctions, quickness on the uptake, and also loss and disaster
from enemies, sometimes even death or lunacy.
Anuradha Nakshatra : Spread from 3-20' to 16-40' Vrscika
R a s i . L o r d is M a n g a l , Symbolthe same as that of Visakha
V i s a k h a and A n u r a d h a are complimentary to each other. F r o m
A n u r a d h a is derived friendship, love, affection and other tender
feature of a person's character. F r o m V i s a k h a is considered the

ultimate objective while from A n u r a d h a is indicated the 'action'.

The difference between V i s a k h a and A n u r a d h a is that while the
Visakha-native forgets after success about benefits derived as also
the persons who helped, the A n u r a d h a - n a t i v e retains soft feeling
about them, he keeps his friendship intact and does not forget
the benefits. T h e Anuradha-native's m i n d is always alive and
receptive to a l l feelings and gestures of friendship and love. H e
is like the sentinel always a mounting guard over emotions, but
lacking the hardness or toughness of the official sentinel.
Jestha N a k s h a t r a : Spread from 16-40' upto 30 degree
V r s c i k a R a s i , L o r d is M a n g a l , the deity is Indra, equivalent to
R a v i , the k i n g of the firmament. Indra is the great l o r d , the
mighty w a r r i o r and a hero among heroes by tradition and i n the
plenitude o f power he reigns supreme. H e is the first among
courtesans. W h e n this star is unfavourable it causes sorrow and
Anthropomorphically M i d d l e Finger and Neck of K a l a p u r u s h .
M o o l a Nakshatra : Spread from 0 degree to 1 j-20' D h a n u
R a s i , L o r d is Jupiter (Vrhaspati). S y m b o l a bunch of roots tied
together, deity ' N i r i t h i ' or ' A l a k s h m i ' . It also means the
'opposite' or 'reverse'. M o o l a is not one of the good stars w h i c h
is evident from this that the deity is A l a k s h m i i.e. G o d of i l l l u c k .
M o o l a signifies roots, that is to say, everything o f basic nature,
its motion is finite and limited. It does not go beyond its narrow
orbit. O l d servant, pedlar of seeds, physician administering
herbal seed remediesevery such t h i n g is determined from this
star. T h e M o o l a native looks into scientific, literary, philosophic
and other basic subjects. Mortgage and Mortgaged property
are governed by this star and its h o r i z o n is not r u r a l but urban.
Poorbasarha Nakshatra : Spread from Vi-IQ' upto 26"'-40'
D h a n u R a s i . L o r d is V r h a s p a t i , the deity is ' B a r u n ' (Lord o f
the Waters), s y m b o l a 'hand fan'. Its attributes are extensiveness
like that o f the waters, concealment, protection o f the dependant,
firmness in danger, kindness, forgiving nature, power o f
endurance, w i l l to victory, b i t i n g time for opportunities for
victory, declaration of war, the courage never to submit or y i e l d ,
travel by water, cold things, marine life, fish or a n y t h i n g
concerning fish trade, bridge-making, fisherman's occupation, the
watery part o f the h u m a n system, the watery diseases like


^rjig^js^ts; 4|sea5e kidpiey trouble, tilings titat float o n waters

igijiiludji^^vb^Ats.^aips a n d otaer vessels, mist berges, a i l these
tfcJiigSjCfipf.Wiithia the purview of tnis star. .
j^jntA^fa^Ming to somejtbe deity o f 'Poofbasarlia' is ' D a k s h a ' the
s a i (ff P r w a p ^ t i . f i e was the father o f ' S a t i ' , h was the most
pQWegfill. among G o d s bat h a v i n g incurred the displeasure of
'^iva' he ; was beheaded and had a goat's head i n place of his,
o)m- iRrPfitt *hts It is possible to ascribe attributes l i k e truth,
desire andjOthei qualities of P u r u , K.uru, Pururaba a n d others to
lbi^.,^?jir.,;, - ,
o) Mt*ar,aswba IN^kshatra: Spread from 26-40' D h a p u to 10'
defgreg o f M a k a r a , L o r d is V r n a s p a t i a n d Sani. T.he derivative^
fe^ii;yi,t^^^ ailico to inose ofPootbasarh^.
1br;,j>pifl;l> 9 f difierence are as follows. Poorbasarha^prted*
<li[^ i l ^ s ;()nQe;raed with exiensivene&s. Utta/asaTha. is iniro.-
spcctive a n d penetrative and is concerned with intensiven^ss, the
tfiSftUSo o f Jthe lajtier being more permaiient than the fprmer
QPi^jpjilb^saiifaa^. T b e deity who prcservis this w ^ r ^ a n d tnakcs
fer>itS)<jJfaj*( is c a l l e d 'ganadevata'. There arc ten ganadevatas
BafUitSktfm- Kratu, Dakfha^ Kola, Kama. Diiritt Kuru^ Pururaba.
Mmiraba,, AlHkeii attributes are i n this star. T h e warrior* tho
\^c8fleE,ht^!painter,iChe artist, the magician, the well-dressed
aian$theiaihfappy; a n d successful men are influenced by this star.
A s p e d t a l c h a i ^ a c t e r i s t i c o f i t is that i t causes a p ^ s o a to be
KlmDed ;and. socially applauded. A n o t h e r characteristic.of it is
^ t i t under the influence of this star the native falls i n love witii^
aaiiauraari^ied gtrh Y i s h n i a o f the M a h a b n a r a t a was one o f the
8 S a ^ i s V so,mnder this star one possesses. s6lf-<coqtrol, restraint^
endu^tance, a n d firm character. There are special rituals for the
vrtirship o f <gana:devatas, w h i c h are mdre or less o f specialised
iattire. T l i e juice of Soma plant plays a pa.rl i ' y a g n a ' a n d

. n %|!|Xf[i>^ Nakshatra : Spread after 10 degree upto 23-20' i n

l ^ a k a r . L o r d S a n i , symbol 3 footprints, deity H a r i who takes
ftlJl fornis of Brahma, V i s n n u , S i v a , etc. It is toe birth star of
S&tii#wati. F r o m this is derived Ught-rays, l i o n , beasts, horse etc.
* ^ a r i " . m e a n s " i o tajce a w a y " . F r o m Sravana is derived the art
oC'tbearingaadi education a n d auaiici education. A s the b i r t h star
o f % r a s w a t i i t sigoifles a n d bestows cholarshii), educational

ppoficiencjf, cespecfcfor th&sllastfa*, jkqowledge etJj. , T h e cmii^ent

m e n ittitbe.field o f education a n d k f l o w l e ^ jthe, ^man yyho ,:|s
iifcuencd.. to! (by, Others w i t h respect, is influpnqed b y i t b i * st&C* U,
^ u ^ s f l s o disease Oifiaheurctljir^lch^^^^ ,
iiPlwi^istha nakshatra : Spreaf| fron), ^aft^r, 2?-2p' ip,,, ^^^M
vtpto6r,4Q', i n , K u m b h a . L o r d Basudaibata. . S y m b o l , d r u n i f J ^
t^bla.M Because Basudaivata is the deity of thi?, siar,T-it is;, t , ^
giver of wealth, precious stone, valuable articles,, gold, opijl^Qce
etc. AstUavasu derives frorn Q a n g a . T h e virt^i^es. o f these; gods
aire a*|o<;iated w i t h this star. Perspits born . i^in^der jth-is, s t ^ r a r e
hoatitetqvyomQn, Because, thfy lack adegii^ite sex p<)wer..vlf
Satr'ni:is..lhe?(lQr4<of tbe 7tb bouse and also^is ?tarT-,aay ptlj^f,
p ^ n e t ioi the 7th house an4 asspciate4, w i t h thisi sta,r w i l l j U s p
dothe native w i l l be sexually weak.,, It has jtp be npted th^t
SatHri^ h i m s e l f is eunuch. The native o f the Star seldom marries
at; .marriage^ i s difficult for h i m , i f m a r r i e ^ cpnjugal relation is
^Idomh^ppy. ' .
Aftthrqpomorphically it is the back of K a l a p u r u s h . ;
, SataTisa Nakshatra: Spread from after 6-40' upto 2(0 i n
K u m b h a . L o r d Sani. S y m b o l a circle. ,
T h e Ocean, rivers, lakes etc. are derived from this star and it
signifies aquatic marine life. It concerns boats, concealment, the
v e i l , and to hide beneath the v e i l , covering, armour, places to hide
i h i n g s , failures, no-easy success, sorrow, death, restrain, idleness,
peevishness, c y n i c i s m and a mania for excessive cleanliness.
Diseases indicated by this star are dropsy, rheumatism and
iieart disease.
Purvabhadrapada Nakshatra: Spread from after 20 i n
K u m b h a upto 3-20' i n M i n a . L o r d Sani and Vrhaspati, deity
A j o p a d a (Rudra). S y m b o l double-faced man.
It causes burns, punishes by fire, to cause p a i n , to b u r n things
to ashes, to use words that burn, conduct that blisters, to use
i a r s h words, e v i l disposition, cruelty, greediness, restlessness,
fenling of dispair and unsatisfied a m b i t i o n , to burn by slow
-degrees, sudden excess of anger etc.
A n t h r o p o m o r p h i c a l l y the side of the body of K a l a p u r u s h .
Uttarbhadrapada Nakshatra : Spread from after 3-20' upto
16-40' i n M i n a . L o r d Vrhaspati, deity O h i b r i d n a , symbol the
last I.e. funeral bed.

The Star is adorned w i t h serpent-like symbol. It looks like

rice, its properties and attributes are like those of A d r a , some
attributes of Purvabhadrapada also are found. Purvabhadrapada
shows signs of contrition and atonement w h i l e Uttarbhadrapada
shows restrain. F r o m this are to be calculated long distance
journeys, renunciation of vv'ordly possessions and mendicancy etc-
O n the other band knowledge, learning, good counsel, personality
these also come within the purview of this star.
A n t h r o p o m o r p h i c a l l y the sole of the feet of K a l a p u r u s h .
Revati Nakshatra : Spread from after 16-40' upto 30th degree
i n M i n a Rasi. L o r d Vrhaspati. Deity Pusa. Pusa is the keeper
of Cows of the G o d s , causes C o w keeping and a n i m a l husbandry,
protection and nourishing of dependants, foster-father etc. Pusa
means the cherishing of protected people, nourishment,
excellence, increase etc., material enjoyment, wealth, prosperity,
superfluity, fatnessthese are the attiibutes of R e v a t i . A n o t h e r
attribute is that the native of this star advances by leaps and
bounds, that it is io say by fits and starts. B i r t h Star of Saturn.
Anthropomorphically cavity of the abdomen, groins of

R a v i (The Sun) signifies soul, nature of the native can be
judged from R a v i . It represents pomp, power, position i n one's
career, d i g n i t y , self-relianca, prestige, ego, gravity, sobriety,
nobility, social leadership, h i g h l y placed person i n any G o v e r n -
mental Institution, p o l i t i c a l power, k i n g or emperor, a middle-
aged man, despotism, ho<^ and pungent taste, chemist, druggist,
goldsmith, sacrificial places, coronation chambers, bones, head,
brain, courage. It -indicates father, Satwa guna, windy and
bilious temperament, a male, K s h a t r i y a , day, east direction.
Disease indicated by R a v i : A n y disease due to bad biles,
disease of head, b r a i n or bone or esophagus, fever, eye-disease,
disease o f nerve, arteries, veins, lungs or heart. It also causes
disease o f mouth or cholera.
Metal : Gold, Mercury, Ruby.
Colour : G o l d e n colour, red-copper colour.
Vocation : P h y s i c i a n , engineer, administrator i n a G o v t .
B i r t h star : V i s a k h a (16) and A n u r a d h a (17).
Digit: 12, 33, 48, 70.
Strength : R a v i is strong when he occupies Mesa, S i m h a or
V r s c i k a R a s i or while full moon is associated w i t h 7, 13, 16 or
17th Stars (Nakshatras).
A man may possess Satwa guna i f R a v i is conjoined w i t h
C h a n d r a but there is chance of his losing power o f t h i n k i n g due
to dark moon (Amabasya). T h e native may be endowed w i t h
real Satwa guna i f these two planets are posited opposite to each
other. In that case the native becomes t r u l y an energetic person
and a lover of independence. W h i l e i n case o f a weak R a v i the
native cannot easily be successful i n any o f his endeavours.
C o m b i n a t i o n o f R a v i and Sani or i f they are opposite to each
other, or i f Sani is combust the native may experience many
changes i n his career, suffer from various sorts of troubles, meet
with unsuccess i n life or pass through many vicissitudes i n life.

Chandra (the M o o n )
The S u n is the creator a n d the M o o n is the protector o f
creation or i t Cause's * dev*e'ibi5i^lnV oV Ct^^^^ It is-
repository (reservoir) of life a^^^evelops energy, vitality, vigour
of life. T h i s is w h y its role is so important a n d essential i a
ascertaining a child's l o n g i v i t y a n d physical strehgth.
I t ' s i g n i f i e s mfiid, mother, woman, tender feeling, IdVeahd
aiTection, politeness, socialism, sympathy, kindness, idealism,
s o c i a l ' work, excellent physical stature, stored energy, mental
Ti'appines's, mental strength, family life, happiness and miseries,
'treasury, people, artistic s k i l l , silk, water, watery things, t h i n k i n g ,
ib'v'c marraige, fat, marrow, stomach, Satwa guna, phlegriiatic
kt^fca'se^'^alt, '<^uttivl4ti6h, aHi^iioT, m i l k , manners, psychophysio-
l o g i c a l cbhsciousnesis, ttbraT a n d r e l i g i o u s ' actis, fcitoinitte
' t^isea'sie: disease o f if6e s t o m a c i cough and cold, l u n a c y ,
'dis^ise oi"(he nerve, phthisis, colic pain, intestinal disease, kidney
disease. ' - ' ' ' '
M e t a l : C o n c h s h e l l , Silver,' Moonstone. It signifies (Calcium.
.Colour: W h i f c n e s s ^ ^ '
Vocatioh :' Cier'kship,' d^iileir' ' of silk or fine machineries, o r
business concerning watery things.
B i r t h star : kAtM^'^aiii ilhini.
Digit.: 2 , 5 , 1 5 , 1 7 , 4 9 .
]ti^y&th'"'W''^tf'mSo^'^ ttSximiiifl'^rbngtb
M W M b ^ ^ ^ i i a ^ii'sl'We W S ' I r i " k s i i 6 c i ' a t 6 d .'With stars
(Nakshatras) N o . 3,4. 5. ;* i^'-
'^''^Vi^^i{^^oyi/W^a^"i^ V " i i ' a n * i ^ m ' ^ b i i k r < ' ^ ^ ^ be i
^^il^otfi^ya' "^il*^ '^i's '^^eiiif ^r^ha't{ifa1 'nialefic"6i'li<J ik'detote^
4#,MlVfe8&^^'Mi^'ii{inaei Whdh tli^iiBbhls afei^cteA
'W'hi'bSi^im^^i^his^^ W Native'liccbmesmoi)dy,
1 ^ > ^ W^^t^^^pt^r^ ' a n d ; 'i^t^W ;sSine; tiiui^ l i ^
(the native) Decoiniesmbro^^^^

^''-oqno M., ':=MaigaI (MarsV

^elf^^sscrtion,^ and initiative temperament, alei'tness,
'fecen iritejlect, zeal, enthusiasm, prowess, i^aniiness, struggle
for existence, combativeneSss, a m b i t i o n , briavery," c'oiita^fe,
enterprising, energetic, aggressive, passionate, brothers a n d

sisters, battle, war, warrior, army, commander-in-chief,

military operation, strife, l i t i g a t i o n , accident, oBsliiiacy,
<J'rgahising capability, a n excellent m a t h e m a t i c i a n ; ' lafad Hliti
iJinded prbperty, ownership o f l a n d and house, to build a'hoti^fe^
fiery temper, appearance o f a bandit or dacoit,pr'6'ii)hyiadWH
medicine, earthquake, scars and wounds, weapons of oflfehc^'e
and also defence, blood, cannon, burning gases, irori and steef,'
inetali o r things that grow i n ore or under the earth.

M a n g a l signifies intestine, rectum, excretory glai?4?ibUp?:r

T a m o guna, bitter taste, a male, K s h a t r i y a , southern directi9p,

Disease: Dyisentry, piles, fissure, ulcer i n intestinfef, typbbicfi

cholera, pox, disease due to morbid condition o f w i h d a M ' b r l e ,
accident, boils, gangrene due to any k i n d o f wounditlfin^l-'
difficulty due to stricture o r enlargement c f prostate giatfd'; ' '

Metal: I r o n , lead. , , ^
Gem: C o r a l (Prabal)
Colour: Red. , i

Vocation: Army or police officer, enginter, i i i r g ^ o h ;

contractor, officer or proprietor of a machinery factory,^ dfelhti^tl
chemist, metal worker, a l l vocations connected w i t h sttelanid
iron industry, bandit, executioner, p o l i t i c a l agitator. > ' *
Birth S t a r : Poorbasarha a n d Uttarasarha. ; '
Digit: 3 , 1 0 , 3 9 .
Strength: D a r k moon when posited i n Mesa,0fEiVr.scika
Rasi, or full m o o n when associated with Nakshatras (Stairs): No>
20 or 21. The native becomes energetic, brave a n d active, wbep
Mangal is situated in U p a c h a y a houses (3, 6,10 & llth,h<?|ises
from lagna are termed as Upachayas). j ui

When M a n g a l being the owner o f malefic houses is filS^^^ i n

K n d f a position from lagna the native becomes obstitfatJ,
liaughty, turbulent. W h e n the moon is influenced by urifiVbur-
able M a n g a l the native becomes short-tempered and iuffers'lfebrii
loss o f Wealth and l u c k . Favourable M a n g a l bc<b'tipyirf^'ihii'd
house from lagna makes the native skilful, coiifd'^eousibtit'4
powerful M a n g a l i n that house may be the cause b f p i - d m a f e i ' t
death of the native's elder brother or sister. : '

Budba (Mercury)
B u d h a is the herald of the day always preceding the Sun. H e
is always d a n c i n g closely around the Sun sometimes preceding,
sometimes t r a i l i n g h i m (the Sun). Budha rules the mindthe
moral mindthe rational b r a i n , pure reason and a b i l i t y to think
logically. A n a t o m i c a l l y he is represented by the cerebrum, the
larger part of the brain which may be termed as superior brain.
The planet Budha signifies education, conscious m i n d and
w i l l . H e endowes a person w i t h knowledge that can discern
good from evil ; he denotes power of speech, memory, wisdom,
intelligence, accountancy, accountant, to copy, to commit to
memory, or c r a m m i n g , orator, public speaker, shrewdne;s,
cunning, dexterity, commerce, publishers, advertisement,
childishness, p r i n t i n g , printers, go-between, ambassador,
merchandising, partnership, broker, mathematics, versatility,
lawyer, hawker, j o u r n a l i s m , astrologer, export and import,
industries, beauty, elegance, wit, humour, psychological
development, refined taste, Rajo guna, betal leaves, nuts and
limestone. H e signifies teeth, esophagus, physical apparatus
of breathing, hand and mouth, sour taste, temperate disposition.
H i s gender is neuter, and a boy eunuch, convertible. H e pertakes
the nature of the planet w i t h w h o m he is conjoined.
Disease : head i n w h i r l , epilepsy, loss of memory and power
of speech, disease of the tongue or mouth, dyspepsia. The planet
represents carbon and soda.
Colour : Green like grassblade.
Vocation : Lawyer, barrister, attorney, astrologer, writer,
clerk, journalist, businessman, painter, m a g i c i a n , accountant,
auditor, publisher, bookseller, broker, c o m m e r c i a l agent.
Birth star ; Sravana and Dhanista.
D i g i t : 4, 20, 54.
Strength : W h e n the full moon is associated w i t h R o h i n i ,
Hasta, Sravana or Dhanista B u d h a becomes strong. Favourable
relation between B u d h a and benefic C h a n d r a makes the native
highly meritorious, intelligent and educated. A g a i n beneficial
relation among the Sun, the M o o n and Budha enables the native
to enjoy unstained peace of mind and he (the native) can raise
himself beyond the material surrroundings by practising 'Japa
and Tapas'. A l s o favourable disposition between these two

planets (Budha and Chandra) endows the native with sharp

A man becomes a poet of extraordinary calibre i f strong
Budha, S u k r a (Venus) and R a v i (The Sun) or the M o o n are
conjoined together (see Rabindranath's birth chart). Favourable
relation among Budha, Vrhaspati (Jupiter) and S a n i (Saturn)
makes a native a successful astrologer. The native also becomes
a successful astrologer when B u d h a is i n a favourable house
from lagna (ascendant) and S u k r a o c c u p y i n g the 2nd place i n
the b i r t h chart is exalted i n Navamsa C h a k r a .
The native is an engineer when i n his birth chart B u d h a
having been associated w i t h 'hasta' N a k s h a t r a (Star N o . 13) is
placed i n a K e n d r a position from lagna.
Temperamentallybeneficial B u d h a indicates activity, agility,
energy, intellect, talent, wit, adaptability. W h e n he is
unfavourable the native indulges i n illegal practices, he becomes
a forgerer, thief, burglar, swindler and racketeer.

Vrhaspati (Jupiter)

Vrhaspati represents truth, wisdom, the knowledge that

enables a man to realise G o d . H e signifies intellect, conscien-
tiousness, merit, i n t u i t i o n , education, peace, peaceful state of
m i n d , power of speech, Vedas, Vedantas, devotion, m o r a l i t y ,
religiousness, proficiency i n arts and sciences, religious institution,
temples, sobriety, philosophic wisdom, oratory, i n v e n t i o n ,
idealism, fraternity & equality, universality. University, one
who can attain divine bliss, justice, n o b i l i t y , belief i n divine
predestination, phlegm, l o n g i v i t y , p h y s i c a l development, the
tree full of fruits.
Vrhaspati is the judge, the noble judge, the wise judge, he is
Solomon o f a l l ages, pious, p h i l a n t h r o p i c . Vrhaspati's native
(a Jupitaranian) believes i n fraternity and equality, he is
sagacious, a friend to a l l men and beasts a l i k e . H e signifies
fortune, manliness, reputation, c h a r i t y .
T h e planet denotes digestive organ, liver, breathing apparatus
of the physical body ; he signifies sweet taste, c h i l d r e n , father,
b r a h m i n . N o r t h e r n direction.
Disease : Diarrhoea, dyspepsia, disease of cough and c o l d .

disease of the palate and throat, asthma, pfethisis,, epilepsy,

C o l o u r : C o l o u r o f gold, yellow.
G e m : E m e r a l d , yellow sapphire.
V o c a t i o n : Priest, jurist, judge, profession connected w i t h
G o v e r n m e n t a l administration, temple, or c h u r c h ; preceptor,,
professor i n a school or college, philosopher, preacher o f
religious doctrines, scientist, engineer etc.
Birtfc Stat-: Poorba and U t t a r F a l g u n i Nakshatra.
D i g i t : 5, 12,34, 52,56,60.
Strength : W h e n Vrhaspati is associated w i t h P u s y a N a k s h a t r a
o r w h e n the Sun and the M o o n occupy D h a n w o r M i n a R a s i o r
when f u l l moon is associated w i t h 11 o r 12 N a k s h a t r a Vrhaspati
rti||ains his strength.
T h e nitl'vt! suffers from ihdigestion or s i m i l a r chronic disease
#b($n V r h a s p a t i occupies the 2nd or 5th place f r o m lagna due t o
overeating of sweets a n d meat. Malefic Vrhaspati occuspyiag a
K e n d r a or K o n a place from lagna makes the native an egoist,
tyrant and he (the native) wants to rul.e over his subordinates
ruthlessly. W h e n the planet is strong and favourable and i s
posited i l l K e n d r a or K o n a from lagna the nativd is bestowed
w i t h Very m a n y qualities such as h i g h education, I e a r h i t l | ,
honesty, morality, intelligence and piety. . . .

S u k r a (Venus) .
S u k r a as a general significator holds absolute sway over t h e
vast d o m a i n o f knowledge. T h i s is the o n l y planet that can give
y o u acumen and intelligence of how to utilise Shastric codes
i n the practical field o f life. F o r , it knows theintricates o f aU
Shastras. Moreover influence of S u k r a over the adornitecnt o f
body and laxuries o f life is well-known to a l l astrologicalpandits.
y T h e planet denotes fashions, perfumes, a l l artistic 'expresstoos*
interior decorating. S u k r a is beauty persondfiedi T h e ipJanet
signifies ipractical knowledge, desire, passion* sexual pleasur4S,
material prosperity and comfort, artistic s k i l l , poetic faculty,
music; musicidn, actor, feminine grace, lustre i n t h e eyes,- aulhor-
Shipi danciiig; learning, a m i a b i l i t y , kindness, persriverano^
v i t a l i t y , marriage, sexual intercourse, adultery, scandals, d e n S i i ^ f
prostitutes, harems, pomp and grandeur, infinite .faeiilties.
A p p 4 i e d S c i n e e , young man and' woman, flower, garment,
machines, medicines, aesthetic sense, Affection, ;seiisliosSiiess,
,MMfia%c^,<conveyancej painting. ; ; :
i ' . ' i l t signifies prostate glafld^ ov*ry d f a woman, testicte,
p n a t i a g organ, Rajo gtitia, sour taste, south-eastern or eastern
direction. ; j,.;
Disease : Veneral disease, disease of the uterus' or oVarj* o f a
woman, diabetes, or disease o f kidney, stricture dut* to gbWoWhoea
bi" Syphilis, or enlargement o f prostate gland, asthtta o f any
'dthersdiseaseduetoeonghandcold, phthysis. ; ;i
ai'Colour?^ W h i t e .
> Venation : Engineer* poet, artist, musician, p u b l i c i t y business;;
or business of advertisement, actor, physician, business concern-
ing conveyance, jwellery or m e d i c i n a l products, astrologiBr.**
Birth star: M a g h a .
'-'D1gif:i-6,-37, 52.^ > - . . '
' Strfength > ' Sukra is strong w h e n the Sun a n d t h e M o o n
bcctipy Vrsa or T u l a R a s i , or when the full moon is associated
with either of the Nakshatras (Stars), v . A s w i n i ^ AsJeriia,
M a ^ h a ; Jestha, M o o l a - o r R e b a t i l AfiElicted S u k r a b y association
Mifh malafies Or by occupation i n an unfavourablte house causes
IbbSistnofals. 'Aga'in when Sukra- conjoins w i t h oraspeoted by
Sabi thei-e i s every possibility of late marriage or marriage
diSrteJgarding t h e n a t i v e s social customs or environmeais.
feieildlyaspect between S u k r a and C h a n d r a may make the native
<t)l6piilat<,i ambitious^ and prominent i n p u b l i c l i M b u t the natiye
Ma^'1)*'8en6ubus.: - ; i-u

, Sani(Saturn) , .
01d, infirmiv conservative, a n i m a l that is utilised as carrier
of ;heal>ly,.loads, lame man, lonely, obstacles^ misery, l o n g i v i t y , .
Y a m a (lord of death), death, selfishness, reality, m e n d i ^ p j t i who
practises severe austerity dutifulnfsic a slow ascent after great
struggle, retarded results,' sfbi*' rtbbgnition, s l i m and sickly
Cbtistitiitibn, buffalo, horse, dohkey, goat, bilSeedj" % o a l ,
^ti(ulticolour6d cloth, teeth, bone, nerve, hair, trftisclfe, T o m o
gtitf^V'piin'gftht taste, imprisonment, demoralisaiton, 'bondage,
ferVitliiddi idiosyncrasies, servant, sorrows, injuries,'-miners, briijk-
isiVerS, thieves, risks, dninkenness, gamblers, seeds', 'Oil,'cereals.

woolen fabrics, architectural s k i l l , iron, lead, w h i r l w i n d and

storms, low people, western direction.
Disease : Rheumatism, gout, indigestion, chronic dyspepsia,
disease of the gall bladder, rickets, disease due to calcium
deficiency, deafness, pthysis, consumption, disease of spleen
enlargement, insanity.
Colour : Black, blue.
M e t a l : Iron, lead black sapphire ( N i l a m ) .
Vocation: M i n i n g engineering or engineer, mine owner,
coal industry, lead or iron industry, masonry, building and
real property, farmer, tannery and leather industry, h i g h
oflScials, business of o i l seeds and grains etc., speculative
business etc.
Birth star: R e b a t i .
Digit : 7 , 3 9 , 4 9 , 5 6 , 7 2 , 8 2 .
Strength: W h e n the Sun and the M o o n occupy M a k a r
(capricornus), K u m b h a (acquarius) or T u l a (libra) R a s i or the full
moon is associated with any o f the stars, viz. C h i t r a , Swati,
RebatiSani is strong.
Sani signifies obstacles, impediments, and sorrow or miseries,
it afiaicts the house where it is posited and the native's miseries
and sorrows from that house are indicated. A native cannot
be a true ascetic unless S a n i is strong and favourable. T h e
planet is a gruelling tester o f strength and character. It is a
blessing i n disguise. S a n i melts away the dress i n man through
pain and suffering and by a process o f fiery baptism, builds up
the native, of course i f Sani is favourable. If unfavourable he
brands the native w i t h inevitable disaster and doomeven
though a l l other planets might contrive to make h i m apparently
prosperous and successful. H e is wrath of G o d N a r a y a n or
rather sorrow of G o d , imparted to man, made as He is i n
H i s image.

Rahu and Ketu

R a h u and K e t u are intersection points of the Sun's path
and the Moon's, the Nodes. P h y s i c a l l y non-existent, i n motion
they are very much there, directly exercise their influence
w h i c h is an intensive and also far reaching as the influence of
any other planet. It is well observed and ascertained fact that

Jhe influences of Rahu and Ketu are direct and positive in

character, making and unmaking yogas.
The Epics relate that when the divine nector came out of the
charred primeval ocean, Rahu stole a sip of it and acquired
immortality. So, he survived even when Vishnu cut off his head.
Thus Rahu is the Dragon's head and Ketu the Dragon's tail,
both immortal, that is to say, effective. There is a mythical
story to explain the active nodal points.
The myth explains also other essential features to be consi-
dered because Rahu is an Asurha (demon), his passion, lust and
greed are consequential. A subtle point about it is that as Rahu
has no actual material body, the passion, the greed and the lust
are endless and insatiable. Nothing can slake the thirst that
Rahu gives the nativeif he is powerful in the horoicope. It
follows from this that insatiable desire causes intense heart
burnmg, sorrow and pain, and to satisfy desire the native would
stop at nothing ; the strong Rahu would sweep away virtue and
vice alike if it stands in the way. He would not bat any eyelid
to do anything that is likely to advance his cause, truth polite-
ness, civility included. A powerful Rahu and propitious would
give the native great wealth.
It is an attribute of Rahu to enhance or aggravate the
characteristics and properties of the houses which it occupies or
aspects. If favourable, the result is better than what would
have been without Rahu's and if unfavourable worse.
Because the nodal points move clockwise, Rahu and Ketu are
described as having reverse motion. A n d some scholars equate
this with Purba-Janma. A n d philosophically this seems to be
quite justifiable. If the seven planets, minus Rahu and Ketu
and their placing in a horoscope represent their astronomical
positions at the point-instant of birth. And if, as the Hindu
pailosophy believes, the current birth is just one of an astro-
nomical number of births and rebirths, just an urge out of
innumerable urges connected like leads on thread of garland
by Samskerexperience. It is quite logical that there should be
some planetary force to carry on or perpetuate the continuity.
Disease : Indigestion, disease due to accumulated gas or wind
in stomach or intestine.
Colour: Rough black.

Metal'Vs Lead. \ ,;.^itr o o

Gem : Garnet (Gomed). ; s !
: Vocation: Any kind of 'itinerant job, it gives the, profession
0f the plaUfit with which it is associated or aspected by. i y .; ^ ,
* Birth star: Bharani. , . jr i ; *
: Digit:- 8i41,.42.-: , tr r
Strength: Duringsjiar or lunar eclipse or when the fiilli
moon is associated with Bharani Nakshatra or i f Chandrff>
occupies Mithune Rasi Rahu is strong,

,j ', Ketu , , . '/.^^ ^/^^.j'j

The symbol of Ketu is Serpent. Subtlety and seccecyt
indolence and all the inferior aspects of a man's nature are caused
or dettniined by Ketu. One thing however is importaintu
Because Ketu is a part of Rahu, yeit not a part of it but the othsfi
side to it, it represents asceticism. A n d i f aspected by bensficial)
planet it goes to the farthest length of it by giving the nativftioi"
course i f well-placed particularly i n the 12th house) idtimate
self-realisation, o '

Nature and characteristics of Planets (coinmonJly tqrmed as

Karakata) described by other eminent Astrologers,
1. Ravi (Sun): Through Ravi one ought to C e r t a i n ; *
person's copper, gold, father, ownself, prowess, courage, service'
under King or Government, glory, prosperity, vocation,
prole ssional pursuit, acuteness and enthusiasm. <
He is Kshatriya by caste. /
2. Chandra (Moon): From Chandra one ought to determine'
the wellare of the mother, mind, mental tranquillity, sea-bath,
white choAri, moonstone, umbrella, good fan, fruits, tenderness,'
fame, flowers, corn, agriculture, acquisition of pearls, bsU-metal,^
silver, sweet substances, milk, water, cows, good meals, bodily
heblth and beauty. '-^
He is Vaisya. "
3. Mangal (Mars): Mangal represents strength, eneisgy,
valour, daring act, odium, battle, brothers & sisters, accident.

litigation,.sin, pites^ fissure, uttering falsehood, cruelty, products

derived from the earth, landed property, house, activeness,
<liiarreli fevd, kindred.
Mangal's caste is Kshatriya.

4. Biidha (Mercury): Budha is the planet that influences

one's learning, eloquence, skill in fine arts, eulogy from thp
lieajned, maternal uncle, dexterity in speech, cleverness in
xehgious meditation and the like, aptness for acquiring know-
ledge, intelligence, truth-speaking, skill in mechanical arts, an^
religious rite relating to Vishnu, sacrifice, one's sister's sons or
By caste Budha is Sudra.
. 5 . Yrhaspati (Jupiter ) : Vrhaspati represents knowledge,
wisdom, good qualities, teaching, magnanimity, learning, meirit,
knowledge pf Vedas, Shastras and Smrities, reverence to Gods
a^if^^j Brahmins, penance, religious faith, treasurerhouse, conquest
of,senses, honour,,prestige, personality, compassion, children,
mijlis^r,; acquisitiqq of knowledge of self-realisation, wealth
and; happiness*
He is Brahmin by caste.

6. Sclera (Venus): One should know the following from

Sukra, v/z. wealth, grandeur, prosperity, beautitude, pleasure
ipi jpoetry, learning that gives material success, triple symphony
(union pf song, dance and instrumental music), acting, beautiful
eyes, vehicles, clothes, ornaments, hoarded goods, happiness,
cents, Ifbwers, $;ouch, sport, ministership, ct^arming speech, wife,
marriage and festivity, house, sexual intercourse, addiction to
many women and lasciviousness.
. H e is also Brahmin by caste.

1. Sani (Saturn): Sani is an indicator of one's longivity,

-death, fear, degradation, misery, humiliation, poverty, sickness,
reproach, sin, impurity, misfortune, resorting to low people,
drowsiness, debts, iron, servitude, labourer, agricultural
am^enients, jail and captivity. ^
Sani is a leader of outcasts.


Ravi : R i v i is of biiiius tempsrametit. He is strong in bones
in the body. He possesses a dark-red form and has limited
quantity of hair, his eyes are of reddish brown colour, he has a
square-built boJy, is valiant and wrathful and has massive arms-
Chandra : Chandra has a huge body, is both young and old,
lean and white, has fine lovely eyes, black and thin hair. She
governs blood. She has beautiful complexion, wear's a white
garracn:. She has wi;id and phlegm in composition and is mild
in temper;:ment.
Mangal : Mnngal has a slender waist, curled and shining
hair. He has iitrce eyes, he is bilious and cruel in temperament
and is of reddish hue. He is wrathful but exceedingly
generous. He has a youthful appearance, governs marrow in the
body and wears a red garment.
Budha : His complexion is green as the blade of 'durva' or
panic grass. His body is full of veins, he has red and long
eyes and is clad in green ; he governs the skin, is fond of fun
and possesses, even eyes. He is pleasant in his speech and is a
mixture of three humoursVata (wind), Pittha (bile) and Kapha
Vrhaspati: He has a body of yellowish hue (colour of gold).
His eyes and hair are brown. He possesses a fatty body, with
elevated chest and big belly. He is phlegmatic in temperament
and is exceedingly intelligent. His voice is similar to that
of a lion or the sound of the conch. He is always after wealth.
Sukra: Sukra has black curled hair and very lovely broad
eyes. His limbs and body are huge. He has much wind and
phlegm in his composition. His complexion is of the colour of
Durva Sprout. He has treasured his virile power.
Sani : H i is dark in form, lame and has wind in his
composition. He has got deep eyes, a lean and tall body full of
arteries and veins. He is idle and is exceedingly calumniating.
He is cruel and has no pity. He is dull-headed. He has
got large nails, teeth, stiff hair, and limbs. He is dirty and is of
sinful disposition. He is fierce and is a personification of anger.
He is ripe with old age and wears a black garment. He governs
the muscle in the body.
R a y i : Ravi generally moves in all open area where there is
light. He lives in a temple of Siva and in a place where there
is no water. Ravi signifies Eastern Quarter.
Chandra ; Chandra lives in a place where there is Goddess
Parvati, the place is occupied by women, full of water, herb and
plant and the spot is also full of honey or liquor.
Chandra indicates North-West Quarter.
Mangal: Mangal lives in places where there are thieves or low
people, the place is one where there is fire, it is a battlefield too.
Mangal indicates Southern direction.
Budha : Budha moves in places where there are learned men.
His place of choice is the spot where God Vishnu is kept. He
likes an assembly, a recreation ground and a mathematical hall.
Budha indicates Northern direction.

Vrhaspati: His places of liking are Treasury, the Aswathi

(Peepul) tree, or the dwelling places of Gods and Brahmins.
Vrhaspati signifies North-Eastcrn direction.
Sukra : His abode is courtesan's quarter, the harem, dancing
hall, bed room. Hs indicates South-Eastern direction.
S a n i : He lives in places where there are only low ami
outcast people, his liking is dirty places and his house is
dilapidated leaf-thatched hut. Direction is Western Quarter. >

Specification of influences of Planets on

different Bbavas (hons&s)

Ravi governs 10th bhava, vocation, profession. v

Chandra governs M i n d , 4th bhava, mother.
Mangal governs 3rd bhava, brothers & sisters.
Budha governs 2nd (power of speech, eloquence), 4th
(Education & Learning) & 6th bhava (Kins).
Vrhaspati governs 2nd, Sth, 9th & l l t h bhavas.
Sukra governs 4th & 7th bhavas.
Sani governs 3rd & Sth bhavas (longivity)
A few important Planets, their various moods
& derivative influences.
The various moods of the planets vis-a-vis the different houses
are most important for all astrological purposes. Basically
howe/er it will be perceived that from a realistic point of
view they arc also essential to the setting up of an integrated
mathematical structure, twelve houses which are by no means
natural, but altogether man-made on the basis of exhaustive
observation, set off against nine planets, are the coping-stones of
the mathematical edifice. It is now further complicated, with the
aid of further researched observation by the introduction of the
working hypothesis of planetary moods.
The fundamental symbolism are as follows :
R a v i the sun is taken as a symbol of Atma (the soul); the
M o o n of the mind, Mangal (Mars) of energy, Budha (Mercury) of
Jiimbleness of wit and intelligence, Vrhaspati (Jupiter) of learn-
ing and wisdom, Sukra (Venus) of material plenitude, Sani
(Saturn) of sorrow and effort, Rahu and Ketu because of their
vacuum they symbolize everything that a l l the houses primarily
stand for. In these categories, the subtleties and variations are
R a v i ; The Sun is the lord of the Solar system. The Hindu
sacred books refer to him as the "Lord of the Earth" and a
creator, reserver and destroyer. So, if the Sun is good and
strong i n a horoscope, posited i n any of the 3rd, 6th, 10th or
l l t h houses or aspects the 10th, the house of Karma, it follows
that the native w i l l be favoured by the king and would be
minent. A t least he would occupy a high position in life. If
however the Sun is joined or aspected by Saturn it causes a lot
of impediment i n native's risehis favourable disposition in
relation to other benefics is to some extent adversely effected.
If the Sun is badly positionedthe 6th, Sth & 12th houses are
considered to be bad houseshis rise is obstructed. The Sun
is also the symbol of father and i f he is placed in the 6th the
relatives on the father's side cause the native considerable
annoyance and pain.
The Sun also stands for vitality, i f favourable he increases,
i f bad diminishes it. Curiously enough the Sun, who is the

brightest, most effulgent visible G o d in the Hindu pantheon, the

lord of the earth and the symbol of the soul has been classed
as a papa (natural malefic) graha (planet). It can be explained
only on the hypothesis that the Sun is also responsible for the
final destruction of the Earth at the time of "Maha-pralaya" (the
great Dissolution) when the Sun operates through 12 replicas
of himself. Not a very convincing explanation but the only
one that occurs to us.
The Sun as also the Moon are particularly concerned with
infants' danger to lifeIndian Astrological term is A-ristha or
Bala-ristha yoga. Infants' longivity be cut short i f they are
badly posited.
Chandra (The Moon): The Moon is said to represent the
mind and this has bearings on also such aspect of Hindu
mythology as lie outside astrology proper. To take just one
example :One name of Shiva is 'Chandra-churha', the moon
being on his brow. The implication is, Shiva, the ultimate
summit, rises higher than the mind to a point which the mind
approaches but cannot reach. In other words, the sublimation of
the mind and to get beyond itthat is the fullest realisation.
In astrology it represents also the Mother, i f in conjunction
with malefic Rahu or Sani, the mind is considered to be
afflicted and is seldom at peace. The disturbance in poise
pursues the native in his social life. The moon is the cause of
emotional exaltation or depression as the case may be. A
favourable moon tends to make a man an idealist. A too
favourable moon is again like too much of a good thing, it would
rob a man of all practical or pragmatic virtues. He would lose
himself into a morass of emotion. Such a moon might enhance
a native's religiosity. If Vrhaspati and Sani are in favourable
conjunction with or are related to Moon and Vrhaspati in his
own house which is Kendra or Kona the religiosity is bound to
be there. The importance of the moon in calculating an
infantile danger (Aristha) is as great as that of Ravi.

Mangal (Mars): The general among the planets, bestower of

all military virtues and toughness. Incendiary in character,
antipodal to Sani ( Saturn) in attitude and methods but
complimentary to Sani in various ways in working out the

pattern of life. While Sani is freezing Mangal is fiery. While

Sani is slowest moving of all planets (name 'Sanaischara' makes
it self-evident) Mangal is very quick. He upsets all careful slow
going human calculations. While the Sani is normally the
plantt of poverty, slothfulness, Mangal is generally a planet of
process, valour and niches and also a planet of wealth (if
favourably disposed). While Mangal lives in a Fort of Castle,
Sani lives in leaf-thatched hut, while Saturn is symbolised as a
very old man Mangal is symbolised by youth. In the 2nd or
9th house Mangal is the cause of sorrow being extremely
unfavourable. Bad luck and poverty invariably follow. If
Mangal is debilitated in a Kendra the results are good. In
Makar (Capricorn), Mesa (Aries) and Vrscika (Scorpio) Mangal
gives rise and promotion i f any of those houses is the 10th or any
other 'Upachayasthan', as already said Mangal in the 2nd or the
9th, spoils luck but i f it is Mangal's exalted position or own
house this does not happen. Mangal in the 3rd house generally
kills off the elder brother or sister.

W H A T IS L A G N A ?

Every Almanac (Panjika) carries a table of lagnaman and

lagnas as a discord. It varies slightly in detail from year to
year and place to place. The lagnaman is extremely important
in determining the lagna. The word 'lagnaman' roughly
interpreted, means calculation as to which Rasi stays how long
to eastern side of the horizon. The calculation reaches upto
'pala' and 'bipala' and is noted against each Rasi. Because the
basis of calculation for Almanac is not in each case the same,
each Almanac shows slightly different or variant lagnaman. We
setforth below the method for determining the lagna according
to two Almanacs then current in 1360 Bengali year namely
'Jagatjyoti' and *Susiddhanta'. It will be seen that they are
different in respect of the lagnaman for all the most important
places i n India, necessarily due to different latitude and

The Method of Calculation of Lagna and Lagnasphuta.

Let us take the case of a boy born at 10 A . M . (Local Time) in
Calcutta, Thursday the 17th Baisakh of the Bengali Year 1360.
English corresponding date is 30th A p r i l , 1953. Now how to
find out the lagna ?
The first thing is to find out the Lagnaman for Calcutta. Then
we should find out from the Almanac the exact hour and minute
for sunrise on the 17th Baisakh (if the birth is at night) the
exact hour and minute for sunset). Then we have to look up
how many dandas (ghaties) and how many palas after lagnaman
starts did the sunrise occur. The Susiddhanta Panjika notes
the following lagnaman of different Rasis^:
Rasi Danda Pala Bipala
Mesa 4 10 10
Vrsa 4 54 25
Mithuna 5 32 32
Karkata 5 39 33

Rasi Danda Pala Bipala

Simha 5 28 35
Kanya 5 25 22
Tula 5 34 58
Vrscika 5 39 37
Dhanu 5 14 10
Makara 4 28 43
Kumbha 3 54 15
Mina 3 47 20

Now how long after the sunrise the Jatak (Native) was born
is to be noted, i f the birth was at night then how long after the
The sunrise on that date was 5 hrs. 8 min. 43 sec. (I. S. T)
+ 24 min. (according to Indian Ephemeris 23 min. 30 sees.) = 5
hrs. 32 min. 43 sec. (The boy was born at 10 A . M.Local Time)
The boy was born 4 hrs. 27 min. 17 sees, after sunrise. Reduced
danda, pala etc. it works out 11 danda 8 pala 12 bipala
30 anupala. This is called Jata-danda or Isthadanda.
The lagnaman for Mesa Rasi is 4 danda 10 pala 10 bipala.
2 danda 9 pala 32 bipala has to be subtracted as consumed
(Bhukti) by Ravi at sunrise and then it has to be seen what
Rasi specifically the Isthadanda comes. The same would work
out like this.

Mesa Man Danda 4-10-10

Ravi bhukti -2-9-32
Vrsa Man + 4-54-25
Mithuna Man +5-32-32
Isthadanda is 11-8-12-30. Mithuna Rasi-Man terminates at
Danda 12-27-35 bipala. Isthadanda is included in it. Hence
lagna falls in Mithuna Rasi. It has to be learnt how to examine
the placing and positions of the various planets (grahas) in the
natal chart (Rasichakra). Susiddhanta Panjika shows the
positions of all the planets for each day on the margin to the left.
Where the planets were on that morning at 6 A . M . is shown :

Ravi- 0- 16-9-30 Vrhaspati I- 4-34-11

Chandra 6-25-56-32 Sukra II- 22-9-58
Mangal 1- 5-56-14 Sani 5-29-34-2
Budha ll-23-5-:0 Rahu 9.14-33-58
Ketu 3-14-33-58
The position of planets reckoned by Amsa, K a l a etc. is called
grahasphuta and how does it show the exact position ?
The Sun is recorded at 0-16-9-37 bikalas. It means that R a v i
having traversed Mina Rasi is now in Mesa Rasi which is 0
Rasi and its precise position in Mesa Rasi is 16 degree 9' K a l a
(Mini'te) 37 bikala (second). The Moon having passed 6 Rasis
is in the 7ththat is in Tula Rasi, the exact point 25 amsa
(degree) 56' Kala (Minute) 32 bikala ( second ). This is the
grahasphuta for 6-24 A . M . (Calcutta Local Time i.e. 6 A . M .
Indian Standard Time or I. S. T). The boy was born at 10 A . M .
(Calcutta Local Time). The grahasphuta for this time has to be
found out.

How to find out the grahasphuta (or Degree of Planets):

Each Almanac (Panjika) gives a variant version of the
grahasphuta. In the present case we depend on the Susiddhanta
Panjika. So, it is necessary to find out right at the start what
precise time the grahasphuta is indicated for. Nearly, but not
all the Almanacs start with the grahasphuta for sunrise. So,
the first step is to see how long before or after this the child is
born. It is easy enough to know from the Almanacs the
grahasphuta for the whole daythat is 24 hours. The
grahasphuta for how long has also to be worked out. It is easy
after this to work out the grahasphutas for Isthadanda or for
hours and minutes adding to or subtracting from the grahasphuta
in the Almanac, the grahasphuta that is worked out for the
birth time is found. One particular point is that the Rahu-
sphuta decreases and always in the nature of things, it has to be
subtracted from grahasphuta in the Almanac. If the birth takes
place before the grahasphuta in the Almanac, it has to to be
added, of course. Add 6 Rasis to the grahasphuta you get
Ketu's sphuta. When a graha is in retrograde motion then the
sphuta has to be found as we did in the case of Rahu.

Now, as an illustration the grahasphuta of 10 A . M . of the

17th Baisakh has to be found. The Almanac gives the graha-
sphuta for 6-24 A . M . (Calcutta Local Time). The child was born
3 hrs. 36 minutes after sunrise.
Ravisphuta on the 18th Baisakh ... 0-17-7'-5G"
_^ 17th ... 0-16-9'-37"
Ravisphuta for 24 hours ... 0-0-58'-13"
3 hrs. 36 min. = 216 min., 24 hrs. = 1440 min. Now, by Rule of
Three we have to find out Ravisphuta for 216 min. That is :
1440 m i n . ; 216 min. : 58 kala : X (13 kala is omitted)
216 X 58 =8 kala 42 bikala
Therefore Ravisphuta for birth time : 0-16-9'-3?"
+ 0-8'-42''
Because, Sani is retrograde, we show the method of
calculation of Sanisphuta.
On the 17th Baisakh Sanisphuta ... 5-29-34'- 2"
On the 18th 5.29-29M5''
Sanisphuta for 24 hours ... 0- 4 ' - n "
Now, by Rule of Three :
1440 min : 216 min : 4' kala 1?" bikala ( =257 bikala ) : X
216 X 2.57 = about 39 bikala
This is to be subtracted from the Sanisphuta of the 17th
Baisakh. That is : 5-29-34'-2"
(-) Q'-Zb"
The word ' R ' is to be written against 'Sani'. " R " means
We have seen that on the day of birth Mithuna Lagna lasted
till 12 danda 27 pala and 35 bipala. Mithuna Lagna started from
after 6 danda 55 pala 3 bipala. The native's Jathadanda (or
Isthadanda) is 11 danda 8 pala 12 bipala 30 anupala. The child
was born at 4 danda 13 pala 9 bipala 30 anupala after Mithuna
Lagnaman started. This may be put differently, we may say
that after Mithuna has been used up for 4 danda 13 pala 9 bipala

and 30 anupala the boy was born. A n d it has to be worked

out how many 'Amsa' (degree) and Kala (minute) of Mithuna
it covered. Y o u have to remember, each Rasi consists of 30
degrees and it takes 5 danda 32 pala and 32 bipala to cover 30
degrees of Mithuna Rasi. By the Rule of Three you are to find
out the used up extent of Mithuna at the time of birth.
5 danda 32 pala 32 bipala == 19952 bipala
4 danda 13 pala 9 bipala = 15190 bipala (9 bipala 30 anupala
is taken as 10 bipala )
So, by Rule of Three 19952 : 15190 : 30 amsa : X
.-. 15190 X 30 =22 amsa (degree) 50 Kala (min.)
That is after Mithuna Rasi used up exactly at 22 degree 50
minute the boy was born. This is called Lagnasphuta. It is
indicated in English as Asc. (Ascendant) 22-50'. It should be
noted down in the natul chart by the side of the Lagna or
There are other ways of finding out the Lagnasphuta. The
Table of Ascendant, so called, is now readily available in market;
and it shows the calculation of Lagnasphuta and Dasamasphuta.
Any learner can take advantage of this and work out the lagna
and dasamasphuta without any other aid. Shri Nirmal
Chandra Lahiri's 'Table of Ascendant' is the best help in
this line.

The Zodiacal chart is, as has been said above, divided into
12 equal parts. There are also 12 bbavas (this is more or
less a technical astrological expression), that donot always
coincide with the Rasi. A single Rasi may be covered by
more than one bhava or a single bhava may cover one whole
Rasi and overflow into another, we shall examine the 12 bhavas
in detail later on. They make up the Jata-Chakra ( or birth-
chart ) and life of the native. The reason why each bhava does
not always cover 30 degrees may be said in brief as follows.
Unlike the Rasis the bhavas do not cover exactly 30 degrees
each. The reason for this, briefly stated, is that though the
Zodiac is divisible into twelve 'Rasis' of equal length, the bhava-
chakra (sphere) has to be calculated from the point of the lagna ;

so, the 'Rasi-chakra' and the 'bhava-chakra' overlap and donot

coincide. The lagna-point may fall anywhere on the earth
planet; so, in relation to the 'Rasi-chakra' some bhava may be
bigger than the 'Rasi', some smaller. In the first place the 'Rasi-
chakra' is ecliptical. A n d in the second the lagna-point would
be on that part of the arc, which is the eastern horizon and fill
equal parts of the arc from east to west, above, and fill equal
parts of the arc, below would make up the Zodiac. But even
though it may be possible in theory to cut up the sky like this,
the 'Rasi-chakra' would not in fact admit of being divided into
twelve exactly equal parts. It is an instance of theory not
precisely coinciding with, but slightly diverging. In fact the
exact coincidence of theory with fact would happen only i f the
arc passed meridionally over a l l places on earth. Really
speaking however, only those places which fall on the equator
have the arc of the 'Rasi-chakra' actually bisecting the sky.
The 'bhavasphuta' has to be determined after lagnasphuta
and 'dasamasphuta' { Tenth bhavasphuta ) are worked out. If
the 'tenth lagnaman' is known then of course, 'bhavasphuta'
can be found out. But since it is difficult for the beginner I
have explained how the 'tenth sphuta' has to be worked out
according to the Table of Ascendant.
We have seen that the boy mentioned illustratively was born
at 10 A . M . on the 30th April, 1953.
Let us follow Table of Ascendant by Shri Nirmal Chandra
In table No. I in the Column of 30th A p r i l at 12 noon, we find
2 hrs. 30 min. 59 sec.
In " " II in 1953 correction to different years... +38 sec.
2 hrs. 31 min. 37 sec.
In table N o . I l l correction for different
localities ( birth place is Calcutta,
therefore for Calcutta ). 4 "
2 hrs. 31 min. 33 sec.
" " N o . IV corrected time Minus 2 hrs. 0 min. 20 sec.
This is called Sidereal Time ... 0 hr. 31 min. 13 sec.
Why we subtract 2 hrs. 0 min. 20 sees, need further
explanation. If you look into the Table I of the Table of
Ascendant you will see that Sidereal Time at 12 hr. Noon Local
Mean Time for any of the places of the world is given in Table
No. I. The boy was born at 10 A . M . Local MeantimeCalcutta.
This means he was born 2 hrs. before 12 Noon. Y o u will find in
the Table of Ascendant correction to increase the time interval.
In this case time interval is 2 hrs, for 2 hours 'increase' would
be 20 sees. Hence we have to add 20 sees, to 2 hours i.e. 2 hrs.
0 min. 20 sees.
Because the boy was born 2 hours before 12 Noon, we have
to subtract 2 hrs. 20 sec. from the Sidereal Time for 12 Noon.
Now at 10 A . M . on that day
Sidereal hrs. etc. are 0 hr. 31 min. 13 sec.
Now the Ascendant Table (or Lagna Sarani) for Calcutta shows.
For 0 hr. 32 min. lagna falls at 2 Rasi - 23 amsa - 29 kala
" 0 hr. 28 min. " " 2 " - 22 " - 37 "
Difference of Lagnasphuta for 4 min. = 52 kala
We are required to find out Lagnasphuta for 0 hr. 31 min.
13 sec. ( Kala ). In other words we have to add sphuta of 3 min.
13 sec. to the Lagnasphuta ofOhr. 28 min. Now, by Rule of
Three, 4 min. : 3 rain. 13 sees. : 52 sees. : X
i.e. for 3 min. 39 sees, and for 13 sees, we find 3 sees.
i.e. 39 sees.+ 3 sees=42 sees.
Therefore 2 Rasi 22 amsa 37 kala or sec.
+ 42 "
2 Rasi 23 - 19''
Ayanamsa correction
for 1953=^ minus ( - ) 13'
2 Rasi-23 - 6'
We shall speak about 'Sidereal Time' later ; for the present
let us confine ourselves to the working out of the tenth 'sphuta'
( dasamasphuta ). We have seen that Sidereal Time of 10 A . M .
( Calcutta Local Time ) is 0 hr. 31 min. 13 sec. Sidereal Time is
necessary to work out dasamasphuta. In Table of Ascendant
look at the table of Tenth house.
At Sid. Time... 0 hr. 32 m. = l l Rasi 15 degree 45 sec. (kala)
0 hr. 28 m. = l l Rasi 14 degree 37 sec. (kala)
Difference of sphuta
for 4 minutes 1 degree 6 sec.
i.e. in 1 minute approx. 16 sec. ( kala )

We are to find out sphuta for 3 m. 13 sec. This msans 48 sec.

for 3 min. and 3 sec. for 13 sec. equal to 51 kala or sjc. A d d to
the sphuta for 0 hr. 28 min. which is ( 11 Rasi 14 degree 37 kala
+ 51 kala ) 11 Rasi 15 deg, 28 kala.
Ayanamsa correction for 1953 = minus 13 kala.
So, 11 Rasi 15 amsa 28' kala minus 13' k a l a = l l Rasi 15 amsa
15' kala = dasamasphuta.
A l l the bhavasphutas may be determined, if the lagnasphuta
and dasamasphuta are known. We would state this in the form
of a formula.
(Lagnasphuta - dasamasphuta) -r- 6 = A .
Dasamasphuta + A = Dasamasandhi.
Dasamasandhi + A = l l t h bhavasphuta.
l l t h bhavasphuta + A = l l t h bhavasandhi.
11th bhavasandhi + A = 12th bhavasphuta.
12th bhavasphuta + A = 12th bhavasandhi.
12th bhavasandhi + A = lst bhavasphuta.
The last count is not necessary, for we know it already. This
may be counted only to see whether lagnasphuta found here
coincides with the correct lagnasphuta.
(4th Bhavasphuta Lagnasphuta) 6 = B.
Lagnasphuta + B = Lagnasandhi.
Lagnasandhi + B = 2nd Bhavasphuta.
2nd Bhavasphuta+ B=2nd Bhavasandhi.
2nd Bhavasandhi+ B=3rd Bhavasphuta.
3rd Bhavasphuta + B=3rd Bhavasandhi.
3rd Bhavasandhi+ B=4th Bhavasphuta.
Now, adding 6 Rasis to these bhavasphutas we shall get all
the twelve bhavasphutas and Sandhis. Let us work out these
twelve bhavas and arrange them one after another.
(Rasi means 'Sign'. Hereafter we shall put 'S' to indicate
Rasi Degree for 'Amsa'. 'JVlin' for Kala).
Lagnasphuta 28-23" - 6'
Minus 10th sphuta ns-15-lS'
Now, 10th sphuta 1 Is-lS^-lS'
+ 16-18'-30"'
10th bhavasanhdi Os-l-33'-30''

+ l6-18'-30"
l l t h bhavasphuta 0-17-52'-0"
+ 16-18'-30"
l l t h bhavasandhi" l-4''-10'-30''
+ 16- 8'-3G"
12th bhavasphuta l-20*-29'.0"
+ 16-18'-3G"
12th bhavasphuta 2-6-47'-iO"
+ 16-18'-30"
Lagnasphuta 2-2J-6'-0"
How to test correctness of Lagna
The rising sign (the word 'Sign' is English equivalent of Rasi)
is the lagna Rasi which is termed as lagna and English equi-
valent is Ascendant. We have already described the method of
erecting a birthchart vis-a-vis Lagna but to determine the
Ascendant we must depend on birth data which may not be
correctly quoted due to various reasons. So, it is quite reason-
able for an astrologer to test the correctness of lagna-pcsition in
the birth chart before he makes any forecast about the native.
There are more than one such method to test the correctness of
lagna, which will be stated in the following paragraphs.
According to Maharshi Parasar no lagna is to be taken as correct
until and unless the lagna is tested by 'Pranpad' method. We
however give below the general methods first; in most cases
these methods are suflicient for beginners to find the correct
lagna. Subsequently 'Pranpad' and ' G u l i k ' or 'Mandi' will be
taken up.
1. According to 'Sasthidas', an astrologer of remote days,
lagna may fall there where Chandra is situated or from the
position of Chandra lagna may fall in the ^th or 9th house, or
Sth or 9th house from the position of Chandra-lord [i.e. the lord
of the Rasi where Chandra is placed).
But our experience is that this method is successful in SO
percent cases ; so, it is not dependable.
2. Another method:
(a) If a person is born within the first half of the day
calculate 7th Nakshatra from the Nakshatra associated with
Ravi. Lagna will fall in the Rasi indicated by that Nakshatra.
Please remember, each Rasi consists of 21 Nakshatras. Let us

t ike an example. Say Ravi is associated with 24th Nakshatra

i.e. Satavisha. From Satavisha 7th Nakshatra is Krithika (No. 3
Nakshatra). So, lagna will be either in Mesa or in Vrsa.
[b) If a person is born in the second half of the day calculate
from Ravi's Nakshatra the 12th Nakshatra. The Rasi indicated
by the Nakshatra will be his lagna Rasi. From Satavisha the
l i t h Nakshatra is Pusya which indicates Karkata Rasi. So, lagna
falls in Karkata Rasi.
Cc) If a person is born within the first half of the night Rasi
iadicated by 17th Nakshatra from Ravi's Nakshatra will be the
lagna Rasi.
(J) If a person is born after midnight or we may say second
half of the night lagna-Rasi will fall in 24th Nakshatra from the
Nakshatra of Ravi. 24th Nakshatra from Satavisha is Purba-
sirha (No. 20 Nakshatra) which indicates Dhanu Rasi. This
holds good in my case. I was born at 2 A . M . that is after
midnight, Ravi in my chart is associated with Satavisha and my
lagna falls in Dhanu.
There is difl:erence of opinion among some eminent
astrologers on some points. They are as follows :
(/) If a person is born after midday within the sunset from
Ravi's constellation count 12 Nakshatra and you will find
lagna Rasi.
[ii) If a person is born within midnight Rasi indicated by
19th Nakshatra and after midnight 24th Nakshatra from the
constellation associated with Ravi will be the lagna.
In more than 60% cases these rules are quite helpful.
Moreover, there are other difficulties too. We know, there are
some Nakshatras which fall in two Rasis. In such cases true
Lagna Rasi cannot be found out.
3. Another method :
A d d the number of Rasi where Rahu is posited, number of
lagna Rasi and number of Ravi (Ravi's number is always 1) the
total obtained by addition of three digits is to be divided by 7.
If the remainder indicates even number it is the chart of a
Female, if the remainder is odd number a male child is
Take for exampleRahu is in Simha Rasi which is No. 5
Rasi i n the Zodiac, Ravi is 1 and lagna being in Dhanu lagna
Rasi is 9. The grand total is 15 to be divided by 7 and remainder
H O W TO T E S T O O R B E G T N E S S O F L A G N A 79

is 1 which is odd number. Therefore it is the birth-chart of

a male.
4. Another method :
(/) When a person's lagna falls in fiery or windy Rasi the
person is seldom fat.
() While a person's lagna falls in earthly or watery Rasi
the native may be fat and bulky. Vrhrspati, Sukra and Chandra
are watery planets. If any one of these planets is associated with
lagna the native may be fatty. Aspects of different planets on
lagna or Chandra or on both give different results, such as :
(a) If lagna or Chandra receives the aspect of Rahu the
native may be lean and dry-looking and texture of his skin is
dry having no glamour at all.
(6) If Mangal aspects lagna or Chandra (particularly lagna)
ihe native may be well-built, strong and stout.
(c) If it is Sukra, he has large beautiful eyes, curling hair and
graceful appearance, and he is affable and phlegmatic.
(d) If it is Sani aspecting lagna or Chandra or he is
posited in lagna or is associated with Chandra the native is lean
and thin, he will be hungry looking with deep eyes with no fat
in his body.
(e) Ravi indicates strong physique, i f he aspects or conjoins
with lagna the native will have strong physique, bald head, his
gait will be dignified and he will be sober.
(/) If Chandra aspects lagna or is associated with it the
native may have sublime look, soft body, he may be a
beautiful man to look at with curling hairs and large round
[g) If Budha aspects lagna or is conjoined with it the
complexion of the native may be green like durba grass and he
will have medium height.
This is to be noted that every Rasi has different peculiarities.
The planetary aspect on or association with lagna or Chandra
may give different complexion, structure, and countenance as
said above, and on scrutiny and by applying one's common
sense he can adjust his reading and ascertain the true lagna-
5. From Drekkana one can determine the sex of the native.
Determination of Sex from Drekkana
Rasi 1st Drekkana. 2nd Drekkana. 3rd Drekkana. Sex
Male Female
Mesa X 55 X

do X >
X X 55
Vrsa X 55 99 X

do J
X X X 55
Mithune X 5 55 99 X

do X X X 5
Karkata X 55 !9

do X
X X 9*

Simha J 95
X 55 X

do X X 55 X 55
Kanya 5? 99
X 55 X

do X X 55 X J

*Tula 5 X 55 X

do X X 55 X 55
Vrscika 5 yy X 55 X

do X X 99 X 95
Dhanu > X * 55 X

do X JJ X X 55
Makara X 99 55 X

do X X X 55
Kumba X X X 55
do X 99 99 X

Mina X 99 99 X

do X >
X X 5>

* If a person born in the 3rd drekkana of Tula Rasi is a male

child he will be an expert in artillery and shall possess a
large face.
Drekkana means one-third of a Rasi. Each drekkana is equal
to 10 degree, e. g., If the lagna is 8 degree in Dhanu, the
person is born in the 1st drekkana of Dhanu Rasi. So, the native
i s a male.
This method also does not give us the sure result. So, we
cannot rely on it absolutely.
There are other ways of testing the correctness of lagna.
These methods are general no doubt but experienced astrologers

depend on these methods in majority cases of doubtful lagna

when some of the rules described earlier donot agree with the
true lagna position. Even when methods previously mentioned
do agree with the actual lagna position they apply these methods
(to be written in the following lines) to become doubly sure about
the correctness of lagna.
To explain furtherFor argument's sake let us say that a few
methods described before have been applied strictly and we are
sure about correctness of the lagna. Even then an experienced
astrologer may apply the following methods to be more
certain about the position of lagna.
The nature of test is as follows :
(i) From Navamsa of lagna or Lagnadhipathi (Lord of lagna)
counienance, complexion, nature of a native can be determined.
A man's nature, complexion, countenance may be influenced by
the planets aspecting lagna or lagnapathi. These points were
discussed earlier to a great length.
Some Astrologers take recourse to the following methods and
verify the exact position of lagna, viz.,
(ii) If the 3rd house from lagna is occupied by Sani, Mangal,
Rahu or Ketu the younger brother or sister as the case may be,
may not live long (i.e. there is possibility of their early death ).
{Hi) If the lord of lagna is in conjunction with malefic
planets or the lagna-lord is aspected by inauspicious planets, or
the lagna-lord is hemned in between malefics or if that lord
occupiesany dusthan( 6th, 8 t h o r l 2 t h place) the native may
not be keeping good health. But this is to bs remembered that
without being aspected by or being in conjunction with any
malefic i f the lord of lagna occupies the 6th place from lagna
the native shall be keeping perfectly good health.
(iv) If the lagna or lagnadhipathi (Lagna-lord ) is not
associated with or aspected by any benefic the native's road to
prosperity is not free from thorns.
(v) When lagna, lagnapathi or Chandra is aspected by all
the planets the native shines extraordinarily in almost all spheres
of life materially or spiritually.
Mahapravu Shri Chaitanya Dev's horoscope shows this
brilliant yoga.
(vi) When the lord of lagna is weak and at the same time he

is aspected by Sani the native may have to pass through many

vicissitudes of life and he may sustain monetary loss due to
wrath of the king of the country or through the activities fo
It is needless to add that different houses ( Rasis ) or bhavas
indicate different parts of the body. If the lord of dusthan
aspects or conjoins with certain bhava or house ( R a s i ) the
native may suffer from diseases pertaining to that part of the
body indicated by that bhava or Rasi. This unfavourable results
may happen during the dasa-antardasa of those malefic planets.

What is Gulik and Pranpada Lagna ?

{Another name of Gulik is Mandi, we may use any one of this term)
1. The span of the day { which is termed as Diva-Man and
it is found in every Alamanac ) is divided by 8. Each part is
ruled by a planet. Thus the part which is ruled by Sani is called
Gulik or Mandi. The lord of the date is the first lord of the
1st part, 2nd part to be ruled by the planet next to the 1st lord,
3rd part to be ruled by the planet next to the 2nd lord and by
this manner the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th lords will rule over each part
or division of Diva-man and Sani will certainly be lord of a part
and that will be G u l i k .

2. In case of birth at night the span of night is to be divided

by 8. Each part is ruled by a planet and the part ruled by Sani
is Gulik. The mode of determining lord of different parts is as
follows :
The first part is ruled by the Sth planet from the lord of the
date of birth. That is, if the birth date is Sunday the first lord
is to be ruled by the fifth planet from Ravi i.e. Vrhaspathi,
2nd lord will follow Vrhaspathi, i.e. Sukra, 3rd lord is
Sani etc.
We have drawn two charts showing the lords of different
parts of the day and also night.
Gnlik Chakraat day time.

Date. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Sth 6th 7th Sth

part. part. part. part. part. part. part. part.
Sunday Ravi Chandra Mangal Budha Vrhas. Sukra Sani x
Monday Chandra Mangal Budha Vrhas. Sukra Sani X X
Tuesday Mangal Budha Vrhas. Sukra Sani X X X
Wednes. Budha Vrhas. Sukra Sani X X X X
Thursday Vrhas. Sukra Sani X X X X X
Friday Sukra Sani X X X X X X
Saturday Sani x x X X X X X

Gulik Chakraat night time.

Date 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Sth 6th 7th sth

part. part. part. part. part. part. part, part
Sunday Vrhas. Sukra Sani X X X X X
Monday Sukra Sani x X X X X X
Tuesday Sani X x X X X X X
Wednes. Ravi Chandra Mangal Budha Vrhas. Sukra Sani X
Thurs. Chandra Mangal Budha Vrhas. Sukra Sani X X
Friday Mangal Budha Vrhas. Sukra Sani X X X
Saturday Budha Vrhas. Sukra Sani X X X X

Let us.explain the two charts and find out the G u l i k time and
For instance
1. The span of the day is 32 danda or ghati when divided by
9, each part is equivalent to 4 danda or ghati, the 1st part will
be ruled by Sun the lord of the date Sunday ( as the birth date is
Sunday ), 2nd part begins from after 4 danda upto 8 danda, the
lord is Chandra, the 3rd part begins from after 8 danda upto
12 danda, the lord is Mangal and so on. Thus we get 28th danda
which is Gulik time, because that part is ruled by Sani. Now
we have to convert 28 danda into hour and minute and calculate
lagnasphuta which will be Gulik lagnasphuta.

2. If the birth is at night the span of the night will be 2S

danda ( span of the day is 32 danda, hence span of the night is
28 danda ). If it is divided by 8, each part is equal to 3 danda 30.
palas. The first part will be ruled by Vrhaspathi. Because in
case of birth at night 5th planet from the lord of the birth date
will be the lord of the first part and the 2nd lord w i l l follow the
ist lord. That is, first lord is Vrhaspathi, 2nd lord is Sukra and.
3rd lord is Sani. Add these three parts and you will find 10 danda,
30 palas. This is G u l i k time. Convert this time into hour and
minute and find out lagna for that hour and minute, which will
be Gulik lagna.
One thing is to be noted that Gulik danda will have to-
be converted into hour and minute according to sunrise or sunset
of the birth day of the native.

Testing correctness of Lagna from Gnlik or Mandi

Now i f the lord of the Rasi where G u l i k lagna is placed is.
powerful the 5th or 9th house from Gulik lagna-Ragi w i l l be the
native's lagna. Again from Navamsa Rasi from Gulikamsa
(i.e. Gulik lagnasphuta ) the Sth, 9th or 7th Rasi may be thd
native's lagna-Rasi.
Gulik lagna is necessary to judge a horoscope on othec
important matters also.

Convert the birth hours and minutes into danda and pala, w&
generally call them Jata-danda or Isthadanda. See the method
of erecting a birth chart and of working out a lagna. Now, this.
Jata-danda and Pala are to be converted into Rasi and.
15 Pala = l Pran
1 Danda=4 Pran
1 Pala=2 Amsa
1 Pran or 15 Pala=:30 Amsa, i.e. 1 Rasi.
The native's Jata-danda and Pala is to be converted into Prart
[i.e, Rasi) and Amsa.
Let us test the lagna of a birth chart which was drawn already
in Chapter I. Let us again quote the positions of lagna and

R a v i : Lagnasphuta is 2 Rasi 23 Amsa 6 Kala (may be written

as 2s-23*-6'), Ravisphuta is 0 Rasi 16 Amsa 18 Kala (bikala is
omitted) in other words Ravi is in Mesa Rasi, 16 degree 18
Now these points are to be considered first, viz.:
(/) If Ravi is in Sthira ( F i x e d ) Rasi, 9th Chara Rasi
from Ravi's actual position should be imagined as Ravi's
(//) If Ravi is posited in Dwatyaka Rasi (dual Rasi) the 5th
"Chara Rasi is to be taken as Ravi's position.
{Hi) If R a v i is in Chara Rasi no change in his position is
necessary. We have already worked out from Jata-danda-Pala
the Rasi and Amsa. With this Rasi and amsa add to newly
found Ravi's (his degree & minute to remain as it is, only Rasi
will be changed i f necessary) degree etc. This new Rasi and
amsa is the Pranpada lagna. If Pranpada lagna and Amsa-kala
(or degree & minute) are similar to actual lagnasphuta we should
say lagna Rasi and Amsa found out from birth hours and minutes
are correct. If not we shall have to experiment the process of
iPranpada by changing the Jata-danda and Pala t i l l we get the
correct lagna & amsa etc.
We may examine our previously drawn birth chart as quoted
above. The boy was born on the 30th April, 1953 at 10 A . M .
Calcutta Local Time, corresponding Bengali date is 17th
Baisakh, 1360 B. S. Thursday. Jata-danda Pala is 11 danda 8 Pala
12 bipala.
Now the process of conversion of Jata-danda-Pala to
Pranpada lagna is as follows :
1 danda ... 4 Pran
11 ... 44 Pran
44 Pran ... 44 Rasi which means 36 Rasis
already consumed, only 8 Rasis remain.
Hence, we take only 8 Rasi.
1 Pala ... 2 Amsa
8 ... 16
1 bipala ... 2 Kala
12 ... 24
So, it comes to 8 Rasi 16 amsa 24 Kala.

Ravi is posited in Cliara Rasi in the birth chart, therefore

Ravi's position should remain unchanged.
Next step : 8 Rasi 16 amsa 24 kala
And Ravi' sphuta 0 16 18
Total 9 Rasi 2 amsa 42 kala.
This is Pranpada lagna.
Original lagna worked out is 28-23*-6'. This does not tally
with the Pranpada lagna worked out on the basis of Jata-danda-
pala quoted already {i.e. 11 danda 8 pala 12 bipala).
We have to change the Jata-danda & Pala with an eye to
make it exactly at par with Pranpada lagna, then we shall be
able to correct the lagna and sphuta vis-a-vis birth hours and
minutes very very correctly. Students should experiment the
process of change of Jata-danda & Pala and shall gain experience
to find out the exact birth time and correct lagna. However^
we have to rectify the error in Jata-danda-pala in this case.
If we change the present Jata-danda & Pala (11 danda 8 Pala
12 bipala) into 11 danda 3 Pala 24 bipala we get 8 Rasi 6 amsa 48
kala (by converting the newly imagined danda-Pala etc. into
Pran & amsa).
So, 8 Rasi 6 amsa 48 kala &
Ravisphuta 0 16 18
Total 8 Rasi 23 amsa 6 kala
This is Pranpada lagna.
This tallies with the lagnasphuta found in the birth chart of
that boy born on the 30th A p r i l , 1953. There is another point
to be looked into. The lagna position in relation to Pranpada
lagna should be at a distance of Sth, 7th or 9th house (This is to
be measured from Rasi to Rasi from the true lagna.)
Now here Pranpada lagna falls in Dhanu and Lagna in the
birth chart is in Mithuna i.e. they are at a distance of 7 Rasis
from each other.
So, the correct lagna is found according to Pranpada system.
Now, convert 11 danda 3 Pala 24 bipala into hours, minutes
& seconds. It will be 9 hrs. 57 m. 35 sec. ( Calcutta Local Time ).
This means there is a difference of 2 min. 25 sees, in quoting the
exact birth time which error is possible no doubt.
If the lord of any bhava or Mood in a horoscope is at a
distance from the house the same distance calculated auti-clock-
wise from the position of that lord is the Arudhapada of that
bhava. Take for instance, the lagna which is the house of
physical health, reputation etc. is in Vrsa (Tauras) and Sukra,
the lord of Vrsa Rasi is in Tula (Libra). This puts Sukra, the
lord of the house of self (physical health and reputation etc.) six
houses removed from the lagna. So Lagnarudha-sthan (or
Lagnapada) would be 6 calculated from Tula (Libra);
Then lagnapada falls in Mina Rasi.
The indication of Arudha-sthan from the points of view of all
the twelve bhavas(1) health, (2) wealth, (3) effort, (4) happi-
ness etc., is set forth in Parasari Hora but Uttar Kalamrita
gave only 8 Arudha-sthanas. The Arudha Chakra based on
this kind of calculation hel'ps assessment or apprisal of the value
of a horoscope. There are also many ways of assessing or
evaluating a horoscope, but this is one of the mosi; significant.
Various other things also can be determined from the calculation
about Arudha-Chakra ; they w i l l be dealt with as far as possible

in due course later.

X Jo

If the Arudha-Chakra is drawn fully and completely it will
be seen that some house has two or three padas, some are empty
but i f the lord of a mood (bhava) is placed in its own house then
that pada will fall in the house of his own. For instance when
lagna rises in Dhanu and Vrhaspathi is in Mina, the Sukhapada
will fall in Mina rasi and again i f Vrhaspathi in the birth chart
is in Kanya (Virgo) the Sukhapada in this case also will fall in
Mina (Pisces) Rasi.

We have drawn in the previous page a birth chart and at

the same time an Arudha-Chakra. These chakras will give
clear idea of the method of erecting an Arudha Chakra.
In this manner all the padas are to be determined. We have
seen that there are lagnapada, dhanapada, sukhapada etc.
Maharshi Parasar narrated the results arising out of these padas
according to the aspect of Subha (favourable) and Asubha
(unfavourable) planets and their positions. If padas are afflicted
due to aspects (dristhi or conjunction) of any malefic planets
that pada which it represents also is afflicted. Again, the pada
for that bhaba may not bestow favourable result on the native
if the lord of that pada (that is the ruler of the house where a
pada is placed) is not otherwise strong. For instance lagnapathi
Vrhaspathi is in Mesa and therefore lagnapada falls in Simha rasi
where there is Rahu and in Kumbha rasi there are Ravi, Sani,
Budha and Ketu. Under this circumstance lagnapada is
associated with a natural malefic Rahu and aspected by two
malefics viz. Sani and Budha. The lord of lagnapada (Ravi
aspects the lagnapada) is not very favourably disposed as he is in
conjunction with his dire enemy Sani and is aspected by Rahu
who is also inimical to Ravi. Ravi's aspect on lagnapada is
technically said to be favourable but as he is afflicted his
aspect on lagnapada will be of little help to the native in respect
of maintaining good health. Vrhaspathi, the lord of lagna in the
natal chart aspects lagnapada as also lagna. This is slightly
better. The result w i l l be that the native though not of
perfectly good health shall be able to maintain mediocre health
due to the aspect of Vrhaspathi but i n malefic dasa-antardasa he
shall suffer from various ailments. Actually the native
suffered heavily during Vrhaspathi's dasa and Rahu's antardasa
and also during Sani's dasa. Budha also did not let him free
from suffering during malefic antardasa as Budha is a maraka
both from lagna of the natal chart and lagnapada.
We may judge the educational career of the native. Look at
the Arudha Chakra and you will find Sukhapada is placed
in Vrsa Rasi, the Rasi-lord Sukra is exalted. Generally
educational career is determined from 4th, Sth and 10th bhava
and bhava lords. Besides Vrhaspathi, Sukra and Budha are
natural significators of education.
In the present Arudha chart Putrapada and Karmapada
along with Sukhapada are to be looked into. We must know the
position of these padas. We have already seen that Sukhapada
is not very much afflicted by any malefic planet though it is
aspected by Mangal who is the lord of the Sth bhava in the
natal chart. Putrapada is in Mesa Rasi associated with
Vrhaspathi, a natural benefactor and significator of education.
This is favourable no doubt but this pada has become ominous
due to aspect of Sani, Rahu and the Sth lord Chandra. Of course
to go deep into the aspects of educational career of the native
other favourable points should not be overlooked, viz.,
Chandra though weak and lord of the Sth house in the natal
chart is in Vrhaspathi's constellation and Sani is associated with
Sth lord Mangal's constellation. Over and above Sukra the lord
of the Rasi where Chandra and Mangal are posited is placed in
his house of exaltation and is in Kendra from lagna. The
Karmapada falls in Karkata, its lord Chandra will give mixed
result due to conjunction of the Sth lord Mangal who is
Chandra's friend. These two planets are aspected by natural
benefic Vrhaspathi.
Maharshi Parasar is of opinion that if the Kendia & Kona
positions (particularly Kendra position) from a Pada are occupied
by any benefic, favourable result of that pada may be
This is the method how padas arc determined and result
good or bad acrued thereby is to be judged.

General Rules to judge an Arudha Chakra.

1. If lagnapada is placed in an auspicious house or the lord
-of the Rasi where the Arudha Pada is situated is favourable, or
associated with beneficial planet or planets and, at the same time
that lord of the Rasi (where Pada is placed) is strong and
-occupies Kendra or Kona house from the Pada the native
prospers in life and earns name and fame. But if the lord of
that sign where the pada is placed is a natural malefic and
occupies the Kendra or Kona position from the pada the native
will get unfavourable result in respect of that Arudha Pada.
2. If the l l t h place from lagnapada is aspected by auspicious
planet the native becomes popular, lucky and is a perfect

gentleman. He earns money through a respectable profession

and believes in God.
(a) If the lagnapada is aspected by inauspicious planet he
earns money through dishonest means, at the same time i f the
lagnapada receives the aspect of both auspicious and
inauspicious planets he earns money through both honest and
dishonest means.
3. If a planet aspects, the l l t h house from lagnapada and he
has no aspect on the 12th place from the Lagnapada such a yoga
according to Maharshi Parasar is very brilliant dhana-yoga.
Let me cite an example.

Lagnapada falls in Kanya (Virgo) and the l l t h place from

lagnapada is Karkata aspected by powerful Sani who has no-
aspect on the 12th place from lagnapada.
Maharshi Parasar says that aspect of some planets on the l l t h
place from lagnapada will also be effective and i f the aspecting
planets are powerful the result will be more productive. H e
further says that the position of planet or planets on that l l t h
place from lagnapada will be an additional force to give sure
result through this yoga. This yoga is termed as "Disthya
4. Aspect of auspicious and inauspicious planets on the 12th
place from the lagnapada gives the following results, viz.,
(i) If that 12th place is aspected by Ravi, Sukra and Rahu
the native shall have to spend money due to some act against
king or administrative authority. These results may be more
effective if Sukra is aspected by Chandra.
{ii) If Budha in conjunction with and aspected by a favourable
planet is posited in that I2th place (from Lagnapada) the native
shall have to spend money for his own kinsmen. A n d i f Budha
is aspected by and conjoined with malefic planets he may
be the cause of monetary loss for litigation or quarrel with
some one.
[Hi) If Vrhaspathi is posited in the 12th place from lagnapada
and is aspected by any other planet the native may have to spend
money to pay off Government tax etc.
{iv) If Sani is there in that 12th place from Lagnapada the
native may have to spend money for his brother.
5. If Rahu or Ketu occupies the Rasi (Sign) where Lagna-
pada is placed) or these planets are posited in the 7th place from
Lagnapada the native may suffer from some sort of pain in the
stomach or intestine. Ketu's position in those two places is more
effective and unfavourable.
6. If the lagnapada or the 7th place from that pada is
aspected by Ketu being in conjunction with or aspected by a
malefic planet the native will be brave, grey haired and tall.
7. If the lagnapada or the 7th place from lagnapada is
associated with Chandra, Vrhaspathi and Sukra the native will
certainly be a lucky man. The result will be more and more
prominent i f one, two or more of them are there i.e. if there is
Chandra the result is favourable, if it is Chandra and Vrhaspathi
it will be more favourable and i f the three planets are there the
result will be very favourable.
8. If the lagnapada or the 7th place from that pada is
occupied by any planet, be it naturally favourable or unfavour-
able, the native w i l l be lucky and a notable personality provided
that house (or sign) is planet's house of exaltation.
9. The same result shall occur if the 2nd place from
lagnapada is occupied by an exalted planet.
10. If the 2nd place from lagnapada is occupied by Budha
the native becomes a King (now-a-days there is hardly any king
anywhere, so it should be construed that the native shall hold
an eminent position in the society).
(i) If Vrhaspathi is posited in the 2nd place from lagnapada
the native shall be omnipotent.
{ii) If it is Sukra in that 2nd place the native shall be a poet
and an orator.

11. If the following places are occupied by a powerful

planet or planets the native becomes famous and lucky, viz.,
i) Kendra or Kona from Lagnapada,
Ji) Lagnapada itself,
Hi) Jayapada and,
Jv) Ayapada,
The yoga will be effective i f all these places are occupied by
powerful planets. If the 6th, Sth and 12th places from lagna-
pada are occupied by strong malefics the result will be very
12. If the 2nd, 6th or Sth place from Lagnapada is occupied
by malefic planet and those places are aspected by malefics the
native may be a thief. If there are also auspicious planets in
those places or those places are aspected by auspicious planets
the result will not be unfavourable.
[ Generally we call those people thieves who steal things by
breaking the lock and key or enter stealthily i n a house and steal
away things and money, but truly speaking the definition of
theft should not be limited to that. Those who collect
money by dishonest means may be classified in that category of
thieves. ]
13. If the 7th place and other Kendra or Kona or Upachaya-
sthan (3rd, 6th, 10th and l l t h place) from lagnapada is
occupied by a powerful planet the native enjoys happy conjugal
(a) Again i f the Sth place from lagnapada, Kendra or Kona
houses or Upachayasthanas are occupied by powerful planets
affinity between the father and son may be expected.
There is another versionif from the 7th place Kendra or
Upachayasthanas are occupied by powerful planet happy conjugal
life will be the result. If these planets or a planet is naturally
benefic and strong the more favourable result will be evident.
14. If lagnapada and jayapada are in Kendra or Kona
positions from each other or they are in 3rd and l l t h place from
each other this is considered to be a 'Rajayoga'.
15. In the birth charts of father and son i f their Lagnapadas
happen to be in Kendra from each others the true affinity
between the father and the son is possible.

If their lagnapadas happen to be i n Kona from each other

the result will be neutral and lagnapadas of both of them are in
dusthanas (6th, 8th or 12th) from each other, the relation between
the father and son may remain strained.
16. If the 2nd and 8th places from lagnapada are occupied by
equal number of planets it is a sign of poverty. Similarly i f
the 2nd and 8th places from atmakarakamsa lagna are
occupied by equal number of planets this also is a sign of

There are 12 Shayanadi Bhavas, namely
1. Shay ana
2. Upaveshana
3. Netrapani
4. Prakashana
5. Gamana
6. Agamana or Gamanechha
7. Savabasa or Savabasati
9. Agama
9. Bhojana
10. Nrityalipsa
11. Kautuka
12. Nidra
These twelve names are symbolic terms to explain the results
of planets heing i n any of these twelve bhavas. This is alio,
to be noted that the Shayanadi bhavas of a l l the 9 planets
including Ketu are to be calculated. The process of calculation
is more or less mechanical but the results deduced from the
bhava or 'Abastha' are claimed by authoritative books on
astrology, to be very effective. Maharshi Parasar went to the
length of warning his readers that it must be seen whether a
certain planet gives favourable result in Shayanadi Bhava. If
that planet is unfavourable the planet is expected to impart
some sort of unfavourable result. So, in determining the strength
and well disposition of a planet Shayanadi bhava is an important
factor for consideration.

Calculation of Shayanadi Bhaba :

1st Step : Planet's Number (i.e. Ravi 1, Chandra 2, Mangal 3,
Budha 4 etc.) to be multiplied by number of Nakshatra with
which that planet is attached. {Nakshatra's Number meaning
Aswini 1, Bhavani 2, Krithika 3 etc.). The results obtained
after multiplication of these two figures are again to be multi-
plied by the number of Navamsa the planet enjoyed [Say Ravi
in Vrsa 20 degree 3 min. His first Navamsa house is Makar and
actual position in Navamsa chart is Karkata. So, number of
Ravi's Navamsabhukti is 7 ].
Let us write this by way of a Mathematical Formula, viz.
(Planet's Number) X (Pit's Nakshatra) X (Pit's Number of Navamsa
2nd Step: i.e. The next step : Number of Lagna-Rasi,
Janma Nakshatra {i.e. the Number of Nakshatra attached with
Chandra in Natal Chart) and Istha danda (or Jata-danda), these
three figures areto be added together. The total thus obtained is to
be added with the figure obtained in the first step (If Isthadanda
happens to be 10 danda 1 Pala it will be taken as 11 and not 10).
3rd Step : The total figure thus obtained (after addition of
the above figures) is to be divided by 12, the remainder will show
the Shayanadi bhava of the planet. In other words, i f the
remainder is 1, it is Shayana bhava, if it is 2, it is Upaveshana
bhava, i f it is 3 it is netrapani bhava etc.
After the calculation of Shayanadi bhava of planets, their
capability to give definite result, medium result or no result at
all is to be examined.
We have seen that after division by 12 of the sum total of
-figures obtained after addition of the digits in the Ist and 2nd
step there is a remainder which is termed as "Shesanka" i.e.
residue digit. This 'Shesanka' digit is to be multiplied by the
same digit {i.e. if Shesanka digit is 6, it is to be multiplied by 6,
in other words square of Shesanka digit) and the resultant figure
is to be added to "Swaranka" reckoned below, and the total
figure is to be divided by 12 and the remainder is to be added to
Planetary "Dhrubanka" shown hereafter.
* Some astrologers are of opinion that instead of the
planet's navamsa bhukti planet's amsa-kala is to be taken, say
Ravi in Vrsa 20*-3'. So the amsa that is to be taken is 21.
This digit thus found is to be divided by 3. Now, if the
lemainder is 1, it is "Dristi" which means little result.
is 2, "Chcsta" which means maximum result.
is 0, "Bichesta" which means no result.
Our readers are definitely tired after following these
cumbrous process, i f they go deep into the processing and
practise it they will find it very easy. To help them we are
elaborately treating this matter in the following paragraph.
Here we shall take birthchart, jata-danda etc. of the boy who
was born on the 30th A p r i l , 1953 at 10 A . M . Calcutta Local Time
corresponding to 17th Baisakh, 1360 B. S. Thursday. We draw
herebelow the birth and Navamsa Charts and give planetary
degrees and number of Navamsa they consumed :

V f 5 e 9.



Jata-danda is 11 danda 3 Pala 24 bipala (rectified according to
Pranpada) to be taken as 12 danda,
Janma Nakshatra16, Janma Lagna Rasi3
total is 31. This is a constant figure.
We may arrange Planets' degree and number of Navamsa
they consumed.
Degree of Planets. Nakshatra. No. of Navamsa.
Ravi 0.16*-18' 2 5
Chandra 68-27'-59' 16 9
Mangal l-6*-4' 3 2
Budha llB-23'-20' 27 7
Vrhaspathi ls-4'-37' 3 2
Sukra(R) ll!-22*-21' 27 7
Sani(R) 5s-29*-33' 14 9
Rahu 9-14'-33' 22 5
Ketu 38-14'-33' 8 5
To explain the working process of Shayanadi bhava we shall

work out Shayanadi bhava of Ravi only. Our readers can get
practical idea of calculation of the bhavas of all other planets.
1. Planet's number I
2. Planet's Nakshatra 2
3. Planet's Navamsa 5
That i s : 1 x 2 x 5 = 10
Add to this number 31. This is the constant figure showi>
Total 41
This number 41 is to be divided by 12
Remainder 5. This is the Shesanka digit.
5 indicates that Ravi is in Gamana bhava ( See the list of
symbols and their meaning ).
Here comes the questions of "Swaranka" & "Dhruvanka".
Swaranka "Dhruvanka" of Planets.
1 2 3 4 5 Ravi 5
A I U E O Chandra 2
K Kh G Gh Ch Mangal 2
Chh J Jh T Th Budha 3
D Dh Tha Thha Dh Vrhaspathi 5
Dhh N P F B Sukra 3
V M Y R La Sani 3
W Sh Shh S H Rahu & Ketu 4 each
[ It is difiicult to write Swaranka in English because Indian
alphabetic letters cannot be pronounced i n English tongue and
therefore exact translation is not possible ]
The name of the native is Hiren. So, first letter is " H " ,
Swaranka is therefore "5".
4tb Step : Shesanka digit ( i n the 3rd step ) is 5
5* 25
Swaranka 5
Total 30 to be divided by 12,
the remainder 6
add with this digit dhruvanka
of Ravi 5
Total 11 to be divided by 3
remainder is 2 which indicates "chesta"
This means Ravi who is in Gamana Bhava will give maximums
result. It may be good or bad, which we shall see later on.

(1) In Shayana bhava: The native may be suffering from
indigestion, colic pain, piles, or disease in anus and may be
always in distress.
(2) In Upaveshana bhava : Poverty-stricken, expert mechanic,
quarrelsome, ill-educated, cruel, unhappy and passes his days in
(3) In Netrapani bhava: If Ravi being in that bhava
occupies Sth, 7th, 9th and 10th places from Lagna the native will
be robust," strong, always cheerful, conscientious, benevolent,
very happy, and feels himself very much dignified due to the
charitable disposition to him by king or head of the State.
According to "Jataka Chandrika" if Ravi be placed in any
other houses other than Sth, 7th, 9th or 10th place from lagna,
the native may be cruel hearted, hot-tempered and envious of
others, and he may be suffering from eczema, itches, and eye
(4) In Prakashana bhava : The native may be wealthy, a
good parliamentarian, pious, very strong built, a good looking
person of excellent complexion and respectable. If Ravi under
this bhava occupies 7th or Sth house from lagna the native's
first born son dies early and he becomes a widower.
(5) In Gamana bhava : The native lives in a foreign land.
He is unhappy, lazy, timid, short-tempered, and bereft of money
and intellect.
(6) In Gamanechha bhava: Cruel hearted, misguided
intelligence, miserly, addicted to other's wife. If Ravi under
this bhava is posited in the 2nd or 12th place from lagna the
native's sons die at early ages and the native may have no wealth.
(7) In Savabasati bhava: The native is pious, religious-
minded, physically strong and stout, versatile in many branches
of knowledge, a man of very charitable disposition, and of
blemishless conduct, orator and benevolent. His residence is
full of relatives and varieties of men. His treasury always
remains full.

(8) In Agama bhava : The native is restive and fickleminded.

wicked, lean and thin, haughty, miserable, creates trouble for
others, and he never enjoys happiness and mental peace.
(9) In Bhojana bhava: The native suffers from gout,
headache, disease of ears; he is a liar and always indulges in
slang talks, addicted to meat and is never happy.
(10) In Nrityalipsa bhava: The native always enjoys the
company of learned and wise men. He himself is a learned man,
energetic, wealthy and benevolent. He may have two wives and
becomes a " Y o g i " of high order.
(11) In Kautuka bhava : The native is a lo\er of poetry,
learned, wise and is held in high esteem by others, has good wife
and many friends.
(12) In Nidra bhava : The native resides in a foreign land,
is poor, suffers from miseries, loses money and becomes a

(1) In Shayana bhava : The native loses his accumulated
money, lustful (lascivious ), is very much afraid of cold weather
but he is respected by others.
According to 'Jataka Chandrika' Chandra in this bhava gives
very bad result, such as : 'The native is hot tempered, a man of
loose morals, and poor. He suffers from disease in anus.'
(2) In Upaveshana bhava : The native i : sickly, spoils good
work, steals other's money, unscrupulous and wickedminded,
and may be attacked by four-footed animal.
(3) In Netrapani bhava : The native is too much talkative,
possesses diseased health, cunning, indulges in dishonest
activities, suffers from Filaria in leg, has poisonous nails and he
is a man of medium height.
(4) In Prakashana bhava: The native becomes rich,
intelligent, charitable and is a man of many virtues. Some
astrologers are of opinion that the native is addicted to others*
wife or wives.
(5) In Gamana bhava : The native is timid, cruel, sinful, and
suffers from eye-disease.
(6) In Gamanechha bhava : The native commits sinful acts
secretly, has no honest thinking, and has diseases in legs.
P L A N E T S IN D I F F B E B N T B H A V A S A N D E E S U L T S T H E R E O F 99

Others are of opinion that he is very respectable, has no wealth

and suffers from disease in leg.
(7) In Savabasati bhava: The native is extraordinarily
beautiful, temperamentally peaceful, king of kings, a very best
man in society, and is a man of very charitable disposition and
is also a large-hearted man.
(8) In Agama bhava : The native is talkative, pious and rich.
If it is waning Chandra the native may have two wives, he will
be wicked and haughty.
(9) In Bhojana bhava : The native is blessed with good wife
and children, owns conveyances, possesses wealth and is popular.
Others are of opinion that the native is greedy and a
voracious eater of meat and very rich ; after birth of many
daughters he dies.
(10) In Nrityalipsa bhava : If Chandra is of bright half the
native is artistic, a good musician, humourist and strong and stout.
If it is the waning Chandra the native indulges in sinful acts.
(11) in Kautuka bhava : The native is as rich as a king and
is very powerful, develops great artistic skill and likes to learn
many things from different branches of knowledge. Hs is adored
by beautiful women.
(12) In Nidra bhava : If Chandra conjoins with Vrhaspathi
the native will be a noble man, if not the native loses his money
^nd due to premature death of wife he laments over her death.

(1) In Shayana bhava: The native suffers from itches,
ringworm and small boils and is an efficient man. Some are of
opinion that the native knows many languages. He is short-
tempered, lascivious and very efficient but fickleminded.
(2) In Upaveshana bhava : The native indulges in sinful acts,
forsakes his own religious belief and becomes rich but he is a liar.
Other astrologers are of opinion that the native is a man of very
vile character and cruel. He is rich but he is abandoned by his
own kith and kin.
(3) In Netrapani bhava : If Mangal is posited in Lagna the
native will be a poor man. Other astrologers say, i f Mangal
occupies any place between lagna and 10th house ( both the
places included ), the native loses everything including wife.
100 H I N D U S C I E N C E OF T H E F U T U R E

children and wealth. But some other experienced astrologers

ars of opinion that Mangal in Netrapani bhava will give the
above results i f he occupies 9th & 10th houses only, in other
houses the planet will give very beneficial result concerning the
native's financial stability and other material happiness.
(4) In Prakashana bhava : There are various opinions about
the effect of Mangal under this bhava. Maharshi Parasar says,
the native will be meritorious and respectable, but i f Mangal
occupies the Sth place from lagna with Rahu there the
native's children and wife will meet with premature death.
Other astrologers say Mangal under Prakashana bhava can
do no good to the native.
(5) In Gamana bhava : The native suffers from small boils
and entire body is covered with painful itches and ringworm,
and loses his wealth.
(6) In Gamanechha bhava : The native is meritorioxis,
wealthy, destroyer of enemies, always helps ameliorate the
miseries of his relatives and moves on elephant (i.e. he has very
good conveyance to move about), others say Mangal under this,
bhava is not favourable ; the native suffers from disease in anus
and always engages himself in bad works.
(7) In Savabasati bhava : If Mangal under this bhava is
posited in his exalted house the native will be a great warrior,
wealthy and virtuous ; if the planet occupies Sth or 9th house the
native may have no money, wife and children, but in places
other then these two houses Mangal gives the native money and
(8) In Agama bhava : Mangal is awfully unfavourable as the
native despises religious deeds, always moves in bad company
and suffers from a serious type of abscess at the base point of
ear. Many others do not agree with this opinion.
(9) In Bhojana bhava : If Mangal under this bhava is strong
the native likes sweets too much, he engages himself in vile acts
and is respected by none. Some say that i f the planet occupies
the 8th place from lagna the native may meet with accidental
death or he may be killed by an animal.
(10) In Nrityalipsa bhava : The native becomes very rich
and owns a palatial building. Others say, the planet makes him
a man of charitable disposition, highly respectable and king's
P L A N E T S IN D I F F E R E N T B H A V A S A N D E E S U L T S T H E R E O F lOl

minister. Others are of opinion that this planet under this

bhava i f posited in lagna, 2nd, 7th or 10th house the native will
get very best results but i f the planet occupies Sth or 9th houses
the native suffers from many miseries and may meet with
accidental death.
(11) In Kantnka bhaTa : The native is bestowed with good
friends and children. If Mangal occupies the house of exaltation
the native rises to the position of an important learned member
of the King's Court by dint of his own merit and his qualities of
head and heart are appreciated by a l l . Some of the astrologyrt
say Mangal in the Sth or 9th house will not give the aforcsu.J
beneficial result, on the other hand his wife and son may meet
with premature death.
(12) In Nidra bhava : The native is bereft of education and
wealth ; he is cunning and has no religious scruple and suffers
from diseases in arms.
(1) In Shayana bhava : The native has a defective limb, he
may be lame or without any limb when Budha is in lagna. If
Budha occupies any place other than lagna the native becomes
cunning and a man of loose morals.
(2) In Upaveshana bhava : The native is bestowed with all
virtues, if the planet is aspected by a benefic the native will be
rich, i f it is aspected by a malefic planet the native will be poor.
There are different opinions also, one of them is that the
native will be an eloquent speaker, happy and a poet of high
(3) In Netrapani bhava : The native has no education and
without conscientiousness. He is proud and tries to harm others.
If this planet under this bhava is posited in the fifth place from
lagna his first son meets with premature death. After that son
many daughters are born to him. If Budha is in the 10th place
from lagna the native is held in high esteem by all and he is
respected like a king.
(4) In Prakashana bhava : The native is benevolent, kind and
sympathetic to others, pious, versatile in many branches of
knowledge, a conscientious person and curve wicked activities
of bad men.

(5) & (6) In Gamana and Gamanechha bhavas : According to

Maharshi Parasar the native earns wealth and builds a house of
his own. Others are of opinion that Budha gives very bad result
if he is under these bhavas.
(7) In Savabasati bhava : The native is a devotee of Gods,
religious-minded, temperate, prosperous and wealthy. Others
are of opinon that native has no education at early stage of his
life but in the long run becomes a great scholar, rich, pious and
very sickly. There is another school who says that when Budha
under this bhava is posited in the 7th house from lagna the
native enjoys material happiness all through his life but if the
planet occupies Sth or 12th house from lagna he has many
children and is a miser.
(8) In Agama bhava : The native aspires after accumulation
of money by acts of very low standard and he is father of twin
children. The other astrologers say that the native is a mean-
minded fellow and worst type of man.
(9) In Bhojana bhava : The native is lean and thin and he
has no money to meet his both ends and has no conjugal
happiness. Others are of opinion that by the left side of his
belly there is ringworm, small boils and he is attacked with bad
type of leucoderma. He is envious of others, and poor.
(10) In Nrityalipsa bhava : The native is rich, a scholar^
very cheerful, meritorious, happy, powerful, and is blessed with
sons. Some astrologers say that the native has four sons and one
daughter. Others are of opinion that the native has three quali-
fied wives (which is not possible under the present law of the
land). According to Parasari Hora if Budha is afilicted the native
will be a man of loose morals,
(11) In Kautuka bhava : The native is very popular, expert
in the art of song and stringed instruments, wealthy, pious,,
suffers from piles and has many enemies.
(12) In Nidra bhava: The native suffers from various
diseases and miseries, he seldom enjoys sound sleep but he is rich
and is respected by many. According to some astrologers Budha
occupying 9th place from lagna will give aforesaid result but i f
he occupies any other place the native enjoys happiness a l l
through his life.
P L A N E T S IN D I P F E B E N T B H A V A S A N D R E S U L T S T H B S E O P 103

(1) In Shayana bhava : The native is a tall figure and has
very fair complexion. He always remains afraid of his enemies.
There is a different opinion, according to which the native
suffers from colic pain and many more diseases but he is a
qualified and efficient man. Some astrologers say that i f Vrhas-
pathi under this bhava occupies lagna, 5th, 7th; 9th or 10th place
the native is rich, learned and a man of good conduct.
(2) In Upaveshana bhava : The native is talkative, proud,
a powerful man like an emperor, and is worshipped by fais
enemies. His leg, thigh and face are full of small boils. There
is another opinion too, according to which the native is highly
educated, a great and noble man and meritorious if Vrhaspathi
occupies 2nd, 3rd, 10th or 12th place from lagna and his health
remains perfectly alright.
(3) In Netrapani bhava.- The native is a lover of song and
dancing. He is lustful and a man of very fair complexion.
There is a second opinion, according to which the native
suffers from headache and becomes rich.
(4) In Prakashana bhava : The native has many virtues, he
is energetic and has great personality, and a lord of wealth and
costly gems. Others are of opinion that if Vrhaspathi occupies
lagna or 10th place the native will be a prince.
(5) In Gamana bhava : The native is brave, and always
moves with many friends and admirers. He is a great scholar,
learned in Vedas and is wealthy. Others are of opinion that the
native may have danger from snake, attends his duties with
determination, acquires wealth of others, he is sufferer of colic
pain and engages himself in social works to ameliorate miseries
of others.
(6) In Gamanechha bhava : The native is held in high esteem
by others and earns great popularity, a man of charitable
disposition, rich and serves the king of the land very faithfully.
(7) In Savabasati bhava : The native earns great popularity
and is adored by many ; he is very rich, a good orator, has ego
for his learning and is a good looking person. Others are of
opinion that i f Vrhaspathi occupies lagna, 4th or 7th place the
aforesaid good result is possible. Again there is another class
of astrologers who say that i f unfortunately Vrhaspathi is posited

in the Sth or 10th places from lagna the native loses his every-
thing and passes the rest of his life miserably.
(8) In Agama bhava : The native is extraordinarily
brilliant and highly educated and there is no equal to him ; he is
a multimillionaire, owns many vehicles and is a very happy man.
(9) In Bhojana bhava : The native is a great warrior, sweet-
tongued, happy, lustful and a voracious eater of meat.
(10) In Nrityalipsa bhava : The native is a great philologist,
respected by the king of the land, an expert i n Tantra-shastra,
pious and rich. Some astrologers are of opinion that the native
is a man of loose morals, rich and at the same time religiously
inclined and a multimillionaire.
(11) In Kautuka bhava : The native is a great wealthy man.
happy, physically very strong, a great scholar, an expert in many
branches of arts, and always cheerful.
(12) In Nidra bhava : The native has no education, he is
without any virtue or piety and aimlessly roams hither and
(1) In Shayana bhava : The native is a man of loose morals,
enjoys other's wife or wives, very hot-tempered and suffers from
teeth-disease. There are various different opinions about Sukra
being under Shayana bhava, some are good and others bad.
(2) In Upaveshana bhava : The native's treasury is full of
costly gems and huge money ; he is happy in many respects, a
conqueror of enemies, and a man of prestige and dignity. Other
astrologers say that the native is very strong, proud and has an
ulcer in right part of his body and suffers from gout.
(3) In Netrapani bhava : If Sukra occupies places other than
lagna, 4th or 10th place from lagna the native owns a palatial
building. If those places are owned by Sukra's friends then only
the aforesaid beneficial results are possible.
Some other eminent astrologers hold very bad opinion in this
respect. They say that i f Sukra under this bhava occupy the
10th place from lagna the native becomes very poor, even the
ocean will dry up at the sight of this man. If that lOth house
is owned by friends of Sukra or that place is Sukra's exalted
house than the native is prosperous and enjoys life happily like
a king.
P L A N E T S IN D I F P E E B N T B H A V A S A N D B E S D L T S T H E B E O P 105

(4) In Prakashana bhava : If under this bhava Sukra occupies

his own exalted house or the house of his friend the native
becomes a poet, expert in many branches of art, a great musician
and humourist. Some are of opinion if Sukra occupies his
debilitated house the native will be a sickly man all through
his life and lives in a foreign land.
(5) In Gamana bhava : The native's mother dies at her early
age and the native has some sort of disease at the lower part of
feet. Others are of opinion that the lower part of the native's
feet will be diseased no doubt but the native will be energetic,
skilful in technical matters and happy.
(6) In Gamanechha bhava : The native is wealthy, energetic
and visits holi shrines. There are diseases in his hand and feet.
There are other astrologers who say that the mother and brother
of the native die premature death and the native himself is
(7) In Savabasati bhava : The native comes of a high family ;
he is very rich, a king's minister, very efBcient and a sufferer
from colic pain. There are other class of astrologers who say
that if Sukra occupies his enemy's house or is associated with
or is aspected by his enemy the native becomes a pauper and
suffers from many ailments.
(8) In Agama bhava : The native feels very much distressed
owing to suffering from various ailments and has to lament over
premature death of his children. There are some astrologers
who are of opinion that the above results are possible if Sukra
under this bhava occupies enemy-house or is associated with or
aspected by enemies. If Sukra is posited in the 2nd, 4th, Sth or
12th place the native enjoys happiness in all spheres of life.
(9) In Bhojana bhava : The native suffers from colic pain, he
is always afraid of his enemies, unhappy and has to live in
foreign land. Other opinion is that i f Sukra is afflicted due to
aspect by or association with inimical planets the result said
above are possible, otherwise the native will be strong, pious,
very rich and shall earn huge money through business.
(10) Nrityalipsa bhava : The native is highly educated, a poet,
an artist, and rich. His merit, as a poet gradually develops.
Some other astrologers say that if Sukra occupies the house of
debilitation the native must be an illiterate person but i f the

planet sits in his exalted house or he is otherwise favourable the

native will be a prince, handsome, very rich, a man of slightly
dark but charming complexion ; he is a lean and thin person and
has very loo e morals.
(11) In Kautuka bhava: The native is rich, pious, very
cheerful, an eloquent speaker and has a good wife and many sons.
If Sukra is debilitated the result is very bad.
(12) In Nidra bhava : The native indulges in loose talks,
engages himself in serving others, speaks i l l of others and is a
(1) Shayana bhava : At his early age the native is unable to
appease his hunger for want of two meals and is a sickly person
and afterwards luck favours him very much.
Some astrologers say that the native is lascivious and a man
of bad character, talkative and suffers from disease in anus.
Another opinion is that i f Sani occupies the 7th or Sth place
from lagna the native vanquishes his enemies and lives in a
foreign country ; but if the planet is posited in Sth, 9th or l l t h
house from lagna the native is happy and pious and is blessed
with sons.
(2) In Upaveshana bhava : The native is an egoist, punished
by the king of the land, suffers from ringworm and he loses his
accumulated money.
(3) Netrapani bhava : The native is the husband of a very
beautiful woman, he is an expert artist, pious and always tries to
advance the cause of the king.
Another opinion is that i f Sani occupies lagna or 10th house
the native becomes a pauper and passes his days very miserably.
Again some other astrologers say that if Sani under this
bhava is situated in Sth or 7th houses the native loses bis wife
( I.e. his wife dies a premature death ) and money but in other
places Sani gives the native many sources to enjoy his life very
(4) la Prakashana bhava : The native has many virtues and
qualities of head and heart, he is intelligent, kind to others, rich
and a devotee of God "Hari".
Others are of opinion that if Sani occupies lagna or 7th house
P L A N E T S IN D I F F E E E N T B H A V A S A N D E E S U L T S T H E E E O F 107

the native totally loses his mental peace and is never happy and
is the cause of extinction of his clan ( family ).
(5) In Gamana bhava : The native becomes very rich. Others
are of opinion that the native suffers from disease in the leg, is
very hot-tempered and haughty, miser and always speaks i l l of
(6) In Gamanechha bhava : The native suffers from piles and
fissure and is a most unfortunate man without son and wife.
(7) In Savabasati bhava : The native is highly qualified and
meritorious and a wealthy man and has good wife and children.
But if Sani occupies his enemy-house or aspected by or in
conjunction with enemy planets the native loses his everything.
(8) In Agama bhava : The native is hot-tempered, he has
danger from snakes and is a man of diseased health, and his
brothers are shortlived.
Other astrologers are of opinion that i f Sani occupies 2nd, 3rd,
Sth & 7th places the native is highly educated and has good wife
and children.
(9) In Bhojana bhava : The native is attacked with many
diseases, such as, indigestion, colic pain, piles and fissure and
disease of eyes. If Sani is situated in his own house or house of
his exaltation, the native is blessed with a son of perfectly good
health and his son becomes popular and he has no enemy.
(10) In Nrityalipsa bhava : The native is a very pious man,
wealthy and is held in high esteem by the king of the land ; he
proves himself a great warrior in the battlefield.
Other astrologers say, Sani being in the Sth, 9th, 7th or 10th
place the native has very bad health and becomes a pauper and
at the same time his son meets with premature death.
(11) In Kautuka bhava: The native becomes very rich,
efficient, benevolent and is a great scholar.
(12) In Nidra bhava : The native is wealthy, endowed with
artistic qualities, powerful, lover of poetry and is addicted to
harlots. Other astrologers differ from this opinion ; they say, the
native suffers from disease in the loin or waist, gastritis etc. He
has two wives and many sons.
If Sani is associated with Sth or 7th place from lagna the
native enjoys material happiness but is envious of others.

(1) In Shayana bhava : The native passes his days very
miserably and is hot-tempered. If Rahu occupies Vrsa or
Mithuna rasi he is financially affluent. There are other
astrologers who say that Rahu also in Simha or Kanya rasi
gives the same result i.e. the native becomes rich and happy.
(2) In Upaveshana bhava: The native is attacked with disease
of ring worm and is in distress. Some astrologers say that he is in
distressed condition due to wrath of the king but is very rich.
(3) In Netrapani bhava : The native suffers from many diseases
and loses his mental peace, and he is always afraid of enemies
and thieves ; loss of money is another cause of his distress.
(4) In Prakashana bhava : The native has beautiful appear-
ance ; financially he is affluent; he is respected by a l l and earns
prestige and reputation.
Others are of opinion i f Rahu under this bhava occupies
Simha or Karkata rasi the native is beheaded by enemies.
(5) In Gamana bhava : According to Maharshi Parasar the
native is a great scholar, benevolent, he has sons and is respected
by the king of the land, but there are some astrologers who are
of opinion that Rahu under this bhava makes the native mean,
sickly, unhappy, miserly and he always speaks i l l of others.
(6) In Gamanechha bhava : The native has no intelligence and
wealth, he is a short-tempered man, miser, lustful and crooked.
(7) In Savabasati bhava : The native has many virtues, he is
wealthy but miser, and a scholar.
(8) In Agama bhava : The native is a cheat, afraid of his
enemies, picks up quarrel with noble friends and unhappy.
Other astrologers say that he learns many languages and can
speak in many dialogues.
(9) In Bhojana bhava : The native is greedy, wicked, quarrel-
some and unhappy.
(10) In Nrityalipsa bhava : The native always apprehends
danger from his enemies, he loses his money and forsakes his
religious belief, suffers from eye disease and other serious
(11) In Kautuka bhava : The native is addicted to others' wives,
steal others' property or money. According to some astrologers
when Rahu occupies his own house or house of exaltation these
P L A N E T S IN D I P F E B E N T B H A V A S A N D R E S U L T S T H E R E O F 103

results are possible, i n other houses he becomes rich and lives in

peace with wife and children.
(12) In Nidra bhava : The native is highly qualified, proud
and very rich. According to some astrologers Rahu in Nidra
bhava does not bestow any favourable result in respect of money
and family peace. Again there is another opinion according
to which Rahu in Sth or 7th house gives the native wealth and

(1) In Shayana bhava ; When Ketu occupies Vrsa, Mithuna or
Kanya Rasi the native becomes prosperous and wealthy, in other
place Ketu under this bhava may cause worries, anxieties and
many diseases.
(2) In Upaveshana bhava : Suffering due to attack of rheuma-
tism, gout and ringworm, and also serious mental anxiety owing
to king's wrath, activities of enemies and thieves.
(3) In Netrapani bhava : Venomous Snake-bite, apprehension
of punishment by king, inimical activities of some one.
(4) In Prakashana bhava : Energetic, pious, temperate, rich,
and good service to king.
(5) In Gamana bhava : Blessed with many sons, a scholar,
highly qualified, benevolent, very rich and a great man.
(6) In Gamanechha bhava : Always jealous of others, speaking
i l l of others, very sickly, and suffers from loss of money.
(7) In Savabasati bhava : Indulging in light talks, miser,
proud, lascivious, wicked & cunning but vastly learned in many
branches of knowledge.
(8) In Agama bhava : Always engaged in sinful acts, quarre-
lling with friends, wicked, afilicted by enemies and diseases.
(9) In Bhojana bhava : Poverty-stricken, diseased and roaming
(10) In Nityalipsa bhava : Disabled due to various diseases,
wicked and cunning.
(11) In Kautuka bhava : Displaced from permanent residence,,
wicked, poor, addicted to wine and women.
(12) In Nidra bhava : Highly qualified and meritorious,
monetarily afiluent and happy.


First rule ; Certain planets have been described as auspicious

and certain others inauspicious. In determination of moods also
this division into auspicious and inauspicious is expected. Of the
moods, the 4th, Sth, the Lagna, the 9th and 10th moods are
auspicious j the 6th, Sth and 12th moods are considered to be
inauspicious. The 7th and 2nd moods are considered to be
mixture of both. If a naturally benefic planet is the lord of an
unfavourable ( inauspicious ) house the results are considered to
be inauspicious in an overall way, though the natural goodness
of that planet is not altogether lost. Besides all these the 3rd and
l l t h bhavas (or moods) are considered to be unfavourable and
together with the 6th, the trio is described as "tri-sarhayadhi-
pathi" (3rd, 6th & llth). The lords of these trio houses (bhavas or
moods) are also considered to be unfavourable.
It may be added however that the house for income {i.e. the
l l t h house) is by no means wholly devoid of good attributes.
The good may b ; reduced but some of it will be there.
The 3rd, 6th, 10th & l l t h are called "Upachaya" houses, and
in these houses naturally malefic planets give good results.
The influences of naturally benefic planets in conjunction
with or aspected by other benefic arc good. If they occupy or
aspect any bhava they will do good to that bhava. But i f the
same bhava is influeitced by both auspicious and inauspicious
planets results will be mixed. The point of difference is that
whichever of the two ( i.e. auspicious and inauspicious) is
stronger he will make more of its characteristic contribution,
2. When the benefic planet is aspected by or is in conjunction
with an enemy planet that would weaken the both and the result
will be determined by the stronger one. This means that i f the
enemy planet is stronger the result will not be favourable and in
case of the stronger benefic the result is expected to be slightly

3. A natural benefic or a naalefic planet if combust or is

posited in an unfavourable bhava (the 6th, Sth and l2th bhavas
are termed as unfavourable) is considered to be weak and is not
expected to give favourable result.
4. Nicha Vanga Yoga : When a planet is debilitated and the
lord of that rasi occupies his exalted house the debilitated planet
regains his strength. For instance, Vrhaspathi ( Jupiter) is
debilitated in Makar Rasi (Capricorn) and Sani, the lord of
Makar Rasi is posited in Tula (Libra), Vrhaspathi regains his
strength though he is in his debilitated house. /\gain, i f a
debilitated planet is in conjunction with another planet that
occupies his exalted house, the former regains his strength. A s
for example : Budha is in Mina Rasi which is Budha's debilitated
house and is in conjunction with Sukra (Venus) there in Mina
Rasi. Budha is no longer weak, or Sukra in Kanya Rasi is in
conjunction with Budha, or Mangal in Karkat is associated with
Vrhaspathi and so on.
These planetary relations are called Nicha Vanga Yoga.
Renowned Astrologers have described other Nicha Vanga Yogas,
which are as follows :
(a) If a planet is debilitated and the lord of the house where
that planet is situated occupies his own or Mooltrikona house
this is also a Nicha Vanga yoga. Some astrologers are of opinion
that if the lord of the sign (rasi) where the debilitated planet is
situated occupies his own or mooltrikona or friendly house
Nichavanga Yoga occurs.
{b) Again "Kumar Swamyam" a most important Tamil
book on astrology is of opinion that both the debilitated and
exalted planets when conjoined with each other and are placed i n
a Kendra from Chandra then only Nicha Vanga Yoga occurs.
(c) According to "Phaladipika" i f the debilitated planet is
aspected by the lord of the house where the planet is debilitated
then also this yoga occurs.
{d) If the debilitated planet is aspected by or is in conjunc-
tion with the lord of the house where that debilitated planet is
exalted Nicha Vanga Yoga is to be admitted. Such as,
Vrhaspathi's debilitated house is Makar (Capricorn) and Karkata
(Cancer) is his house of exaltation and lord thereof is Chandra.
Now, i f debilitated Vrhaspathi is aspected by or is i n conjunction

with Chandra Vrhaspathi regains his strength due to the aspect

of Chandra.
5. When a planet occupying an inauspicious house is
aspected by or is in conjunction with a benefic planet his
unfavourable result will be mitigated to some extent.
6. If the lords of the 6th, Sth or 12th are related to each other
by exchange of their houses, or by conjunction or by mutual
aspect the unfavourable results of those houses represented by
the planets are mitigated and good result may be predicted.
This is called "Viparita Raja Yoga". A s for instance, i f the
lord of the 6th house occupies the Sth from lagna or there i&
exchange of aspect or houses then the bad result expecting from
both the 6th and Sth houses is diminished and favourable result
7. If the bhava or its lord are not strong, good or bad result
whatever it may be should not be expected.
(a) When a house (or sign) is occupied by a benefic planet
but the lord of that house is either weak or in an inauspicious,
house under such circumstance it may be slightly difficult to give
correct verdict.
This is to be noted that the lord of the house is the primary
factor for consideration. If the lord of the house is favourably
disposed and strong, the bhava under consideration is expected to-
give desired result.
(b) Again i f the house under question is occupied by a
malefic, the house {i.e. the bhava) will be weak no doubt but the
good result will not be lost but one should say that good result
may be attained through some strenuous effort.
(c) If the lord of the house in question is weak that
weakness cannot be repaired fully inspite of occupation of a
benefic planet in that house , only the unfavourable result due
to weakness of the bhava-lord may be diminished to some extent.
Similar deduction may be made, in case a bhava is occupied by
a malefic but the lord thereof is strong and favourable.
S. While considering the merit or demerit of a bhava the
bhava under consideration is to be taken as a lagna and i f there
are beneficial planets in Kendra or Kona from that lagna and
the lords of the 6th, Sth and 12th places from that bhava (which
we take for the present as lagna) are favourably placed or the

bhava is not influenced by the aspect ot or conjunction with the

lords of dusthanas [viz. 6th, Sth or i2th lords from the original
lagna) and/or the bhava is aspected by or is in conjunction with
auspicious planets the bhava or its lord or both will impart good
(a) If an auspicious bhava-lord occupies a Kendra or Kona
house from lagna both the bhava and its lord are favourable and
beneficial result will yield.
(b) If that lord of the auspicious bhava is placed in any
inauspicious house (6th, Sth & 12th houses) from that
bhava the bhava-lord under consideration becomes weak and
The rule No. 8 (a) & (b) needs further elucidation to remove
misunderstanding arising out of such directives. Say for example,
the lord of the 9th house (house of luck) while occupying the 4th
place from lagna is expected to give good result as the 9th lore'
is in Kendra from lagna. But according to rule No. 8 (6) the 9th
lord being in the Sth place from the 9th bhava should not be
considered as favourably disposed. So, the lord of the 9th house
may be considered as weak and unfavourable. Now, it is
apparently evident that two rules N o . 8 (c) & (6) are self-contra-
dictory. Then how to compromise between these two opposite
directives ? Under such circumstance the finding should be that
the native shall be prosperous, and lucky ( as the 9th lord is in
Kendra from Lagna ) but initially there may be difficulties and
various kind of obstacles in getting good results ( because the 9th
lord is placed in the 8th place from the 9th house ).
9. A weak bhava-lord inspite of his favourable ownership
occupying a Kendra or Kona house from Lagna cannot yield
favourable result upto expectation.
(a) If a bhava-lord is combust, debilitated or in any other
way weak good result should not be expected.
(b) Similarly if a planet otherwise strong, is aspected by or
is in conjunction with the lord of the 6th, Sth or 12th house
favourable result will be diminished to a great extent.
10. A natural malefic when situated in an Upachaya house
yields good result. [3rd, 6th, 10th & l l t h houses are called
Upachaya house]. We have already indicated that 6th, Sth & 12th
houses are called Dusthanas meaning malefic or unfavourable

houses. 6th house is both an Upachaya and Dusthana. So

in case of a natural malefic being in dusthana (6th house) which
is at the same time an Upachaya house what would be our
finding ? In such contradictory directives the readers should
adjust their reasoning and give their verdict as reasonably as it
should be. As for example, Sani ( Saturn ) is a natural malefic
and in a native's birth chart he as the lord of the 9th place
occupies the 6th from lagna. As the lord of the 9th house
while associated with the 6th place Sani though in Upachaya
can not be favourable so far the native's luck is concerned. But
this should be noted that Sani is posited in a Kendra from the
9th house ( 6th place is the lOth house from the 9th ). So, he is
favourable, he is in Upachaya-sthan, this is also a favourable
position. Therefore we may safely come to a conclusion that i f
the planet ( Sani) is not otherwise unfavourable Sani will prove
favourable to the native and help him prosper in life.
11. Any planet occupying the 2nd or l l t h house is said to be
favourably disposed and is expected to give the native money or
wealth etc. But if the planet owns dusthan (i.e, 6th, Sth or 12th
house ) he will be harmful in respect of the native's earning and
wealth. But this is to be remembered that any planet, be he the
lord of any of the dusthanas occupying the l l t h house will help
the native earning money but due to ownership of an
inauspicious house the native shall have to strain his nerve to
earn money.
12. A planet just in cusp of two bhavas loses his capacity to
give any beneficial result, on the other hand a planet in the
middle position of a bhava gives the exact result be it favourable
or unfavourable.
(a) A planet while crossing the midpoint of a bhava
approaches towards the cusp and loses by and by its strength to
impart desired result. Again when a planet approaches the
midpoint of a bhava he regains its strength.
(6) While a planet crossing the midpoint of a bhava
approaches the cusp he can initially give slightly good or bad
result as the case may be, but in the long run he cannot give any
result whatsoever.
13. It is said that a planet in or near the cusp cannot give
any result, this does not mean that the planet has no strength to

yield any result at a l l . When it is said the planet cannot give

any result when he is in the cusp of a bhava it means that the
planet's position in the bhava is absolutely inetfective, but the
planet is expected to give the result of the rasi he occupies and of
the Nakshatra with which he is associated.
14, If the nature of the planet and the nature of the house it
occupies are in tune with one another then ..he character of the
effects to be expected of such a combination becomes clear and
well-defined. If they do not agree they cancel out one another,
never completely but partially. Take the following illustration :
Sani is in the Mesa ( Aries ). Mesa is a house fire intensive
whereas Sani is antipodal to fire. Fire gives brightness, light,
and also rapid dynamic effects, whereas Sani is slow, dull-looking
and more or less static. Then again, Sani is debilitated in Mesa
Rasi. So, a combination of these would amount to an intensi-
fication of the darker and more unpleasant aspects of Sani.
There would be a sort of working syntheses, but it would be
jerky or fugitive.
15. The constellation (Nakshatra) with which the planet is
associated adds its quota to the amalgam. It would enhance or
diminish as the case may be the quality of the resultant of the
combination. For instance, Vrhaspathi gives good effect in
'Pusyam' Nakshatra (Constellation), on the other hand in
'Aslesha' Nakshatra Vrhaspathi is slightly weak because neutral
and out of tune. But as the rasi is Karkata the weakness of
Vrhaspathi would not effect much, because the house itself has
considerable affinity with Vrhaspathi.

Summary of the rules indicated above

In judging a house the following points must be considered
1. The location of the lord of the house, his strength, whether
he is aspected by a benefic and at the same time a friendly planet.
If the same lord is in conjunction with a benefic or with a
malefic, a friendly or an enemy planet.
2. The strength of the bhava and its lord.
3. The natural characteristics of the bhava and bhava-lord,
the influence of aspect on them by another planetauspicious
or inauspicious must be taken into consideration.

4. Position of the bhava-lord or the nature of the planet that

occupies the house ( bhava ) under consideration, their strength
or weakness due to their position in Navamsa chart are to be
examined thoroughly.
These points were discussed i n previous pages and to alert
our readers we have again summarized them, which will help
them give correct judgment.

When a planet is considered weak ?

1. When Ravi is in conjunction with or aspected by Sani
both of them are to be taken as weak.
2. While Chandra is in conjunction with or aspected by
either Sani or Rahu Chandra becomes weak and unfavourable.
3. When Sani and Mangal aspect or conjoins with each other
both of them become weak and unfavourable.
4. Budha while in conjunction with or aspected by Mangal
Budha becomes unfavourable.
5. Similarly, when Vrhaspathi conjoins with or is aspected by
Rahu, Vrhaspathi is weak. Conjunction of Sukra & Mangal or
Mangal's aspect on Sukra and Rahu's conjunction with Ravi and
Mangal are taken to be unfavourable. In such cases Vrhaspathi,
Sukra, Ravi and Mangal will be more unfavourable.
Besides the aforesaid 14 rules, we must remember that strength
of planets is to be measured in many more ways. We have
repeated more than once that strength of bhava-lord is the most
important factor. Now, how to judge the strength will be shown
in the following lines.

Delineation of Sada-Varga
We shall discuss about Sada-Varga, and Dasa-Varga tfrst
and tell our readers how a planet becomes favourable and strong
or unfavourable and weak. Sada-Varga means (1) Kshetra,
(2) Hora, (3) Drekkan, (4) Navamsa, (5) Dwadasamsa and
(6) Trimsamsa.
Dasa-Varga means these 6 Vargas and also (7) Samptamsa,
(8) Dasamamsa (9) Sorasamsa and (10) Sasthyamsa.
In each case a separate chart is to be erected and planets and
lagna are to be placed according to their sphuta or degree and

(a) Kshetra means the birthchart itself.

ib) Hora, 15 amsa makes a 'hora' (J of 30 amsa)
(c) Drekkan10 amsa makes a Drekkan (I of 30 amsa)
(d) Saptamsa4 amsa 17 kala 8 bikala & 34 anukala ( which
may be written as 4-17'-8"-34'" ) makes Saptamsa ( | of 30
amsa ).
(e) Navamsa3 amsa 20 kala (3-20') makes a Navamsa (| of
30 amsa)
{/) Dasamsa3 amsa makes a Dasamsa of 30 amsa)
. (g) Dwadasamsa2 amsa 30 kala (2-30') makes a Dwadasamsa
( i \ of 30 amsa)
(A) Sorasamsa1 amsa 52 kala 30 bikala (r-52'-30") makes a
sorasamsa (,^^g of 30 amsa)
(i) Trimsamsa table will show that the planetary placement
will be different. When a planet in the birth chart is in a Visama
Rasi it will be placed in Visama Rasi in the trimsamsa chart,
when placed in a Sama Rasi it will be i n Sama Rasi. Trimsamsa
Chakra is not equally divided.
U) Sasthyamsa30 kala makes a Sasthyamsa {^^ of 30 amsa)
These different Vargas are to be judged from charts drawn
separately in each case. Say, we know the Kshetra (i.e, the
birth chart). We shall have to erect Hora-chart, Drekkan chart,
Navamsa chart etc. separately and judge the strength or favour-
able state of a planet oi otherwise in every chart and come to a
decision about the strength or weakness of a planet and lagna.
But there are rules in erecting a chart in each case and this may
not be very easy to remember them or to determine the position
of planets and lagna in a l l cases. Hence Varga charts are to be
consulted. These charts are given in the last chapters of this
book for ready reference.
Now rules to erect different charts are stated below. To erect
the charts we must know the 'Sphuta' (degree & minutes) of all
the planets and of lagna.
Hora: When a planet or lagna is posited in odd (Visam)
Rasi and their sphutas are within 15 amsa (degrees etc.) then in
the Hora-chakra of that planet or lagna will be an Simha Rasi,
and i f sphuta is more than 15 amsa they will be in Chandra's rasi
i.e., Karkata. There are two Horas, one is Ravi's and another
is Chandra's hora. If the planet or lagna is in even Rasi (janma

rasi) and is placed in first 15 amsa the hora lord will be Chandra
and beyond 15 amsa, the hora lord will be Ravi (i.e. Karkata
and Sinha respectively).
Drekkan : When the planet or lagna is within 10 degrees of
a Rasi the ruler of that rasi will be lord of the first drekkan,
after 10 degree upto 20 degree, the 5th Rasi-lord from the
position of the planet or lagna is the lord of 2nd drekkan and
if the sphutas go beyond 20 degree the Lord of the 5th
Rasi counted from the 2Bd drekkan will be lord of the 3rd
Saptamsa : When the planet or lagna is situated in the oja or
odd or visam Rasi 1st lord will be ruler of the Rasi where lagna
or planet is posited, the 2nd lord is the ruler of the rasi next to
the first and so on.
When the planet or lagna is situated in even or Jugma or
Sama Rasi the ruler of the 7th Rasi from the Rasi occupied by
the planet or lagna will be first Saptamsa lord and 2nd lord will
be the ruler of the next rasi and so on.
Navamsa : If a planet or lagna occupies a chara rasi (movable
rasi) 1st Navamsa lord will be the ruler of that house where they
are posited, remember each Navamsa measures 3*-20' kala, the
2nd lord will be the ruler of the Rasi next to the 1st Navamsa
lord and so or.
If the lagna or planet is in a Sthir (Fixed) Rasi the 1st
Navamsa lord will be the ruler of 9th rasi from the position of
the planet or lagna and 2nd lord is the ruler of next rasi counted
from the 1st Navamsa rasi and so on.
If the lagna or planet is in Dwatyaka rasi (dual) the first
Navamsa lord will be the ruler of the 5th rasi counted from the
position of planet or lagna in the birth chart and the second lord
will be the ruler of the second rasi next to the 1st and so on.
Dadasamsa : This is simple. The 1st lord is the ruler of the
rasi where lagna or planet is situated. From that position the
2nd, 3rd and 4th lord etc. are to be counted.
Trimsamsa : In case of odd rasi the first 5 amsa or degree is
ruled by Mangal, next 5 amsa or degree is ruled by Sani, the
next 8 amsa by Vrhaspathi, next 7 amsa by Budha and next 5
amsa is ruled by Sukra.
In case of even rasi tlie 1st 5 amsa by Sukra, next 7 amsa

by Budha, next 8 amsa by Vrhaspathi, next 5 amsa by Sani and

last 5 amsa by Mangal.
According to Maharshi Parasara there are Sada-Varga, Sapta
Varga, Dasa Varga and Sorasha Varga. These have different
terms, such as Sada Varga, Kimsukadi Varga (Kshetra, Hora,
Drekkan, Turyamsa, Saptamsa, Navamsa, Dasamsa), Parijat
Varga, Kimsukadi Varga & Sorasamsa & Sasthyamsa Varga.
Of these Vargas, Navamsa Varga is most important and
essential. When planets are situated in their own Mooltrikona
or their exalted houses or in their friendly houses they are
considered to be strong and favourably disposed. When a
planet or lagna is situated in the rasi in which he is posited in
birthchart they are considered to be strong.
When a planet is said to have acquired strength in a Varga ?
Excepting hora and Kshetra a planet's Varga-bala (Strength)
is to be judged in the following manner :
(0 In any Varga if the planet is in a Kendra from his
position in the birthchart it is said to have acquired strength.
Again if he is in a friendly house or Mooltrikona, Exalted house
or his own house he will be taken as strong. Of course if he is
in a Kendra position from the original place in the birth chart
and at the same time in a friendly or mooltrikona houses etc. he
will be very strong.
() If he is in a Kendra position from the place where he is
posited in the birth chart but that Kendra rasi is his enemy's
house, the planet i n question loses his strength to some extent.
(///) If a planet is posited i n a house whose lord is in his
house of exaltation, mooltrikona etc., the planet i n question
acquires some strength.
(jv) If a planet occupies the house of his debilitation in the
birth chart but in Navamsa Chart he is in his exalted house
then the planet acquires strength.


While considering the merit or demerit of a house (henceforth

we shall call it a bhava) it is the bhava not the rasi the most
important factor. Navamsa is next or equally important point.
Hindu astrologers attach much importance in Navamsa Chart.
They call it the life vivration of a planet or in other words
liveliness of a planet is to be judged from a Navamsa Chart.

The First Bhava

The first bhava indicates the health of the native, consti-
tutions and structure of the body, countenance, character, nature
of the person, complexion, longivity etc.
A l l these qualities as already said in previous chapter may be
subjected to many changes by the influence of aspects and the
position of planet or planets situated in the bhava and also due
to position of the bhava-lord in any auspicious or inauspicious
bhava or by conjunction with malefic or benefic planet. Let us
take an example. If Vrhaspathi occupies Simha Rasi where
lagna is posited and lagna and Vrhaspathi receive no full aspect
of any other planet or they are not in conjunction with any one,
the reading may be summarized in the following manner.
Colour of Simha Rasi is dark red, and colour of Vrhaspathi is
gold-like yellow. In Navamsa chart Vrhaspathi is in Karkata.
If the lagna lord Ravi is not influenced by black-coloured planet
such as Sani the native's complexion should be yellow and white
mixed, slightly dark red hue may be mixed with yellow and
white colour. He will be good looking, eyes are prominent,
nature is temperate, he will keep good health etc.
Again, if the lord of lagna is not well-disposed rather
aspected by his enemy Sani who is the lord of the 6th and 7th
houses or Ravi is in conjunction with Sani or Rahu the native
inspite of Vrhaspathi's position in lagna may not be keeping good
health. The native may suffer from such ailments of Sani or
Rahu or both and also of Ravi to some extent. Vrhaspathi's
effect on lagna is no doubt good but he will not be able to

protect the native all the time from suffering from ailments
referred to above. Again Vrhaspathi's strength is also of primary
consideration. If Vrhaspathi is strong in Varga-charts specially
in Navamsa Chart he (Vrhaspathi) will have definitely a
favourable influence in matter of health of the native provided
Lagnadhipathi (lagna-lord) is not seriously damaged. On the
other hand if Lagnapathi Ravi is well-disposed or attached with
Lagna or in a friendly house without being malefically influenced
by any unfavourable planet the native is sure to keep good health
and shall be endow .-d with many virtues.

Position of the lord of the 1st houses in different

bhavas and results thereof.
1st house : If the lagnapathi is posited in lagna the health of
the native is expected to be good, his physical structure is
excellent and he becomes a liberal-minded man. If the Lagna-
pathi is a natural malefic and is situated in the 1st house the
native shall not always be keeping good health or if the same
lord occupies any other Kendra or is associated with Chandra i l l
health of the native is possible, but if he occupies in any Kona
(5th or 9th house) or l l t h house the native may keep good health.
If the lagnapathi is weak or debilitated or combust or he is
posited in any dusthana (6th, Sth or 12th house) the native will
be lean and thin and sickly.
If the Kendra and Kona houses are not occupied by any
malefic and Vrhaspathi being the lord of lagna occupies the 4th
or Sth house the native lives upto 100 years and keeps his health
free from any disease ; he is happy and pious.
Again, a powerful lord of lagna aspected by benefics but
unaspected by malefics occupies a kendra position from lagna
the native is blessed with long life and never meets an unnatural
When lagnapathi Vrhaspathi or Sukra is situated in a kendra
position the subject will become a rich man, is dear to the king
and is blessed with long life.
When lagnapathi aspected by benefic and occupies a moveable
Rasi (sign) the native becomes a renowned man, beautiful to
look at and luxurious.
When any one of Chandra, Budha, Vrhaspathi and Sukra is

posited in Lagna or i n Kendra the native has an appearance of a

If lagna is occupied by Rahu aspected by Chandra and
" G u l i k a " is posited in Navamsa lagna birth of twin children is
If the lagna-lord is weak, debilitated or combust the native
will become sickly, evil-minded, and infamous. When the same
lord occupies the 12th place in the Navamsa chart the native
may roam about aimlessly and never enjoys peace of mind.
Lagnapathi in the 2nd house :
If the lord of lagna occupies the 2nd house (dhana house)
with the lord of the 2nd the native may be wealthy and his
treasury may be full of silver, gold, precious metals and stones.
He will have peaceful family life, his attempts to prosper in life
may be fruitful. But in the Navamsa chart if the lord of the 2nd
house occupies any dusthana (6th, Sth or 12th place) from the
rasi where the 2nd lord is posited in the birth chart the good
effect will be much less.
The native may be sickly but pious.
Lagnapathi In the 3rd house :
This is a good sign for the native to have the 1st lord in the
3rd house in his birthchart, because the native shall be perse-
vering, painstaking and a mighty man. His brothers and sisters
will be prosperous. He will be endeared by men of both
If the lagnadhipathi occupies any dusthan from the lord of the
3rd house in the Navamsa chart the native may have enmity
with his brothers.
Lagnapathi in the 4th house :
The native shall have his own house, vehicle and lands. He
will command respect from his friends and relatives. Acquain-
tance with learned men and formation of new friends of high
social status will also be the effect due to the position of lagna-
lord in the 4th place. These good effects will be enhanced if the
lord of the 4th house also is there in the 4th place from lagna.
Relation with his mother, near relatives and friends will be
vitiated if the lagnapathi is in any dusthan in the Navamsa Chart
from the 4th lord. Further, he may sustain monetary loss, may
be involved in accident and litigation. Effects of similar nature

may be predicted i f the 4th house is occupied by any lord of

dusthanas or any lord of dusthan is conjoined with lagnapathi
and lord of the house.
Lagnapathi in the Sth house :
If the strong lagna-lord occupies the Sth house and there is
equally strong Sth lord in the same place the native shall be
endowed with many qualities and he shall be a learned and
intelligent man. He will earn the grace of the king (Government
of his time), may be a minister, ambassador, or a high
Government official. He may not be quite happy about his sons.
This is a yoga of political prosperity.
The good effect may be nullified and quite opposite result
may be predicted if in the Sth house there is any planet owning
dusthana or in the Navamsa chart the lagnapathi occupies 6th,
Sth or 12th house from the rasi held by the 6th lord.
Lagnapathi in the 6th house :
If the lagnalord alone is posited in the 6th house the native
shall vanquish his enemies, he will be able to win over a l l
obstacles, will be a respectable man and rich. But if the 6th lord
is there with lagnalord or lord of lagna receives the aspect of lord
of 6th, Sth or 12th house, the native shall suffer from many
ailments, enmity with cousins, failure in all undertakings, poverty
etc. But the salient point is that i f the 6th lord is debilitated
and lagnalord is strong favourable result may be predicted.
Lagnapathi in the :
If the 7th house is a movable rasi and lagnapathi is posited
there along with 7th lord the native will go on pilgrimage and
also travel over many distant countries, if the 7th house falls in
a common rasi he will undertake journies to foreign countries.
If lagnadhipathi is stronger than 7th lord or both of them are
equally strong the native will be profitted by such journey and i f
lagnapathi is weaker than the 7th lord the journey will be
It is a very unfavourable yoga when lagnapathi occupies any
dusthana from the 7th lord in Navamsa chart. In such case the
native becomes very poor, has no means of livelihood, he will be
defamed and shall always quarrel with his wife. Lagnadhipathi
in the 7th house may indicate premature death of wife or
husband as the case may be.

Lagnapathi in the Sth house :

When the lord of lagna is in the Sth house it is a very
unfavourable yoga, there is no doubt about it. The native may
be plunged in heavy debt, suffer from misery and poverty, he is
an evil-minded man and never thinks of honest things. This
result will worsen i f lagnapathi is in conjunction with Sth lord.
But unfavourable result may be much minimised if lagnapathi is
strong and Sth lord is weak. In any case the native will indulge
in sinful acts.
Lagnapathi in the 9th house :
The native will be a righteous man, popular, devoted to father,
elders and God. These favourable results will be much enhanced
if the lord of lagna is i n conjunction with 9th lord. The father
of the native will have prosperous time during the dasa-antardasa
of Lagnapathi and bhagyapathi (9th lord). When both the lords
or at least either of them is strong on account of their positions i n
the house of exaltation or Swakshetra (own house) or acquire
strength in Vargas there is possibility of influx of much wealth.
If in the Navamsa chart lagnapathi occupies any dusthana
from the 9th lord or vice versa the native may be involved in
litigation with regard to ancestral property.
Generally lagnapathi i n the 9th house makes the native a man
of aesthetic sense, he will be an intelligent, efficient and lucky
Lagnapathi in the 10th house :
The native shall be prosperous, wield respect and honour from
men of high circles, he shall have good administrative service
provided the lord of lagna is powerful and conjoins with equally
powerful 10th lord. His parents will be happy and the native
also will do his best to please them (parents).
Lord of lagna in the llth house :
If the native is a businessman there will be much gain through
business, he will be benefitted through his elder brother's effort.
If he is an officer in any institution during the dasa and antardasa
of lagnapathi and lord of the l l t h house the native will earn good
money provided both the lords are strong and are situated in t"he
l l t h . If in the Navamsa chart the lagna lord and lord of the
l l t h house are posited i n dusthana from each other the result
will be unfavourable.

Lagnapathi in the 12th house :

If lagnapathi along with the 12th lord occupy 12th house the
native shall be plunged in debt, he shall be a very poor man and
shall pass his days in distress. He shall be a man of haughty
temperament and a man of loose morals.

Dhana bhava ( or the 2nd house )

Dhana bhava signifies Financial Prosperity, wealth (parti-
cularly accumulated wealth). Family, relatives, speech, mouth,
tongue, eyes (vision).
Initial rules in judging a horoscope are also to be applied at
the time of analysing the dhana bhava.
It is needless to repeat here that in dealing with all houses
the same rules as said before are applicable. First of all ( I ) the
house, (2) its lord, (3) aspect on the house or/and its lord,
association with them, (4) planets occupying the house.
(5) position of natural karaka (indicator) etc. The same rules
are to be considered in Navamsa chart also.
There are a few planets that give unfavourable result with
regard to dhana bhava. They are Ravi, Mangal primarily and
Sani and Rahu or Ketu secondarily. Besides the lords of
dusthanas (6th, Sth and 12th) when placed in dhana bhava will
not give good result even i f they are naturally friendly to the
lord of the 2nd, and/or their aspect on the 2nd bhava is not
beneficial to dhana bhava. But waning moon or malefic planets
(except Ravi and Mangal) i f they are wealth-giving planets in a
birth chart-will help increase the native's wealth. Planets
occupying or aspecting the 2nd house i f predominently indicator
of wealth in a chart will give wealth to the native in their dasa
and antardasas. So also the dhanpathi's effect. If the lord of
the 2nd house is posited in his own house, in his house of exalta-
tion, in his friend's house or gains 'Gapuramsa' Varga (if a planet
gains 4 Vargas of one planet it is called 'Gapuramsa' Varga) or
if the 2nd lord is posited in Kendra or Kona house from lagna
the native becomes rich and passes his days cheerfully.
If the 2nd house is occupied by an exalted planet or the same
occupant is in his own or mooltrikona house and at the same
time the 2nd lord acquires strength in Vargas the native becomes
sweet tongued and his words w i l l be infallible.

If the lord of the 2nd and 9th houses being the one and the
same planet is posited in the 2nd house and also is aspected by a
benefic his words also may be infallible.
If the 2nd lord conjoined with or aspected by benefic occupies
Kendra or Kona house the native becomes pious, orator and
protect or maintains relatives.
If the 2nd lord is situated in highest exalted point, either
conjoined with or is aspected by Vrhaspathi and is posited in
Kendra or Kona house from lagna the native becomes a world
famous person.
Eye sight (vision) is to be judged from the 2nd house.
(1) If the lord of the 2nd house in coiijunction with lagna
lord is placed in any dusthana there is possibility of complete
loss of eyesight.
(2) If the 2nd lord, Sukra, and Chandra together occupy
lagna there is possibility of night blindness.
(3) If the lords of the 2nd house and lagna together
conjoined with Ravi and Sukra occupy any dusthan the native
may be blind since his birth.
(4) When Mangal aspected by a malefic occupies the 12th
house from lagna loss of left eye sight is indicated. Similarly
when Ravi aspected by a malefic is situated in the 12th from
lagna loss of sight of right eye is indicated.
(5) If the lords of lagna and of the 2nd house in conjunction
with Sukra are posited in any of the dusthanas the native may
be squint-eyed.
Power of speech is judged from the 2nd house and its lord.
(1) If the lord of the 2nd combines with Budha, and Rahu
or Ketu or the lord of the rasi where Rahu is posited owns the
2nd house and is situated in the 6th place from lagna the native
may lose his power of speech during the dasa-antardasa of the
2nd lord.
(2) The 2nd lord being in conjunction with Vrhaspathi i f
placed i n the Sth place from lagna the native may be a dumb.
(3) If the 9th Navamsa of Karkata, Vrscika or Mina Rasi is
afflicted by a malefic and Chandra in Vrsa Rasi is aspected also
by a malefic planet the native may be a dumb, but instea d of

malefic aspect on Chandra if he is aspected by a benefic the native

restores his speaking power after 5 years of age.
(4) If the 6th lord Budha aspected by a malefic occupies
either Karkata, Vrscika or Mina, or, if said Budha (the lord of
the 6th house) being iti conjunction with Mangal is aspected by a
naturally unfavourable planet and occupies lagna the native
will be dumb, he can only make a queer sound of "GoGo".
(5) If the Muka-yogakaraka (the planet that makes a man
dumb) is placed in any dusthana but the place is planet's own
house, or house of exaltation the result will not be unfavourable.
Indication of diseasefromthe second house :
(1) The native may be attacked with chronic dysentery if the
2nd house is occupied by Rahu or Sani.
(2) If there are Chandra and Rahu in the 2nd house the
native may be suceptible to cold and also he may be attacked
with typhoid fever.
(3) If Sukra or Mangal occupies the 2nd or 12th house
the subject may be attacked with disease of the ear.
(4) If Chandra is associated with his enemy or is placed in
the 2nd place which is the house of his enemy there is danger
from water.
(Ordinarily Chandra has no enemy, here enemy means
temporary enemy).
The Yoga that makes a man a liar :
If the lord of the second house is conjoined with a naturally
unfavourable planet and another malefic occupies the 2nd house
the native is a habitual liar and suffers from morbid affection of
the nervous system.
The Yoga that makes a man rich :
If the lagna, dhana and Ayasthan (llth house) are occupied
by their respective lords the native becomes rich.
Our readers may get general idea of 'dhana' yoga if they
remember the following combination of planets or relation
among those planets:
(1) Any two of the following seven bhavas viz., lagna,
2nd, 4th, Sth, 9th, 10th and llth, if related to one another either
by combination, aspect or exchance of places, may confer wealth
to the native. Permutation and combination of these bhava
lords will be the guiding factor to determine the dhana yoga.

dhana karaka (wealth giving planet) Vrhaspathi does not aspect

the dhanasthan {i.e. 2nd house) even the specially brilliant dhana
yoga does not yield desired result.

Daridra yoga (Poverty)

The same theory as noted above is applicaple in determining
'Daridra Yoga'.
That is, i f the planets that form dhana yoga are malefic due
to iheir positions in unfavourable bouses or aspect of or conjun-
ction with malefic planets the native may suffer from poverty.
This is a general rule. The malefic effect may be modified or
lessened owing to aspect of or association with favourable
planets. But there are special 'daridra' yoga (yoga of poverty)
which are considered to be almost infallible.
(1) If Ravi, Sukra and Sani are combined together even a
king may be a pauper. But if Ravi is posited in Mesa Rasi and
is associated with Budha and is aspected by Vrhaspathi the native
is expected tc be rich.
(2) Combination of Chandra, Mangal, Sukra and Sani in any
sign {i.e. Rasi) will definitely result in poverty.
(3) When Ravi and Sani together occupy the 2nd place from
lagna the subject suftcrs rem loss of money and also monetary
stringency is possible, but i f these planets are aspected by a
benefic planet unlavourable result should not be predicted.
(4) If there is no planet in the 10th house from lagna, the
l l t h house from Ravi and in the Sth house from Chandra the
native becomes a poor man. This 'S a very unfavourable yoga.
(5) If the 4 Kendras i.e. lagna, 4th, 7th and 10th are
occupied by malefic planets the native suffers from poverty t i l l
his death.
(6) If there is no planet excepting Ravi in 2nd and 12th
places from Chandra, and Chandra and Kendra positions donot
receive aspect of any benefic planet it is 'Kemadrooma' yoga.
This is a sign of poverty and the native passes his days through
many vicissitudes of life. If Chandra is aspected by Vrhaspathi
the bad effect of Kemadrooma yoga is much minimized.
(7) Manga! in the, 2nd place from lagna is said to be very
unfavourable even though he is a yogakaraka planet. [In case of
K:irl-ata & Simha lagnas Mangal is called a yoga-karaka planet).

(8) Ravi, Mangal and Sani, are said to be naturally very

unfavourable planets, their Indian equivalent term is 'Krura'
( cruel or mischievous ) planets. If these kru'a planets occupy
the 2nd place without being aspected by any naturally benefic
planets and at the same time if they are combust, debilitated or
conjoined with any lord of dusthan the native has no m^-ans of
livelihood and suffers from extreme poverty.
(9) If the benefic planets occupy any dusthan and malefic
planets are situated in kendra or kona house the native anyhow
is able to manage his two meals but it is a great predicament for
him to arrange his clothing.

Results of the lord of the second house occupying

different bhavas ( houses )
(1) In LagnaThe native may be a businessman and rich,
but he will be miserly, greedy, passionate and lacks polite
manners and may hate his own kith and kin.
But the native will earn money by his own effort, intelligence
or learning. If the 2nd lord being in Lagna joins with the lord
of luck (9th house) or the Sun the subject may get property and
wealth by inheritance.
(2) In the 2nd placeThe native may be wealthy and
enterprising ; he feels proud for his wealth. He may marry twice
or thrice and even then he remains childless.
The native cannot take delicious or nutritious food if the 2nd
lord is afflicted by malefic planets. Again his children may be
sickly and he is unhappy in his conjugal life.
(3) In the 3rd placeThe native shall be brave, conscientious
but obstinate, wcll-mannerd but he may be a man of immoral
character and addicted to luxuries. If the 2nd lord in the third
house is strong and is aspected by or conjoined with beneficial
planets his brothers or sisters may be of great help to the native
and his artistic faculties, viz., art of music or dancing may be
developed and he may ' e profited thereby.
(4) In the 4th houseTiie subject will be rich, kind-hearted
and truthful; he may be blessed with long life. If the Inr* lord is
a naturally malefic planet without receiving any aspect of a
favourable planet the mother of the native may fall badly i l l
during the dasa-antardasa of the 2nd lord.

Again, if the 2nd lord is fortified by the aspect of or

conjunction with a benefic planet the native may earn good
amount of money through agricultural pursuit or automobile
business. Further he may be benefited by maternal relatives and
may inherit his father's property.
If the 4th house or its lord along with :he lord of the 2nd is
afflicted, the native shall have to sustain monetary loss heavily.
(5) In the Sth houseIf the 2nd lord in the fifth house is well-
fortified there is a chance of unexpected gain of wealth through
lotteries or favour of the ruler of the land. The subject may be
doing good works no doubt but his miserly babit may be a talk
of the day, because he will be reluctant to spend the least
amount of money for his house-hold affairs. Even he shall not
be readily agreeable to spend anything for maintenance or
education of his children. His children may be honest and
lucky, the native may be sensual and lack manners due to
affliction of the 2nd lord in the 5th house.
(6) In the 6tb houseThe subject may acquire wealth through
unfair means such as black marketing or other deceitful works.
For his own financial gain he may create misunderstanding and
trouble between his friends and relatives.
If the 2nd lord combines with the lord of the 6th house and
both of them are strong, su.spicious dealings with friends aud
relatives may be anticipated and he may be accused of forgerie.%
and perjuries o r breach of trust.
If the 6th lord is u natural benefic the native may sustain losa
of money due to activities of enemies but the enemies will be
(7) In the 7th houseBoth the husband and wife may be
sensual, particularly the wife who may be a person of questionable
moral character. When the lord of the 2nd associated with the
7lh lord is posited in the 7th house and both the planetsparti-
cularly the 7th lord, are strong the native may earn money
through foreign sources. He will be a business man and shall
visit many foreign countries to promote his business.
When the rasi Or Navamsa held by the 2nd lord happens to
be a feminine one the native will be benefited by a woman.
(8 J In the Sth houseIf the 2nd lord is situated in the 8th there
islJ-.tli or no chance of happi.i.-s. in coniugal life. Relation with

his elder brothers or sisters are not cordial. The native will
inherit ancestral property, or wealth from some other source;
he will have no earning and ultimately accumulated wealth or
property may be squandered.
If the 2nd lord is strong there is a chance of fair earning but
loss of money also is equally possible.
(9) In the 9th houseIf the 2nd lord is in the 9th house the
subject will be efficient, skilful, and lucky ; he will be sickly in
young age but will maintain good health afterwards. This yoga
is very favourable one, the native shall earn money through
different sources and shall inherit wealth or property.
(10) In the 10th houseWhen the 2nd lord is associated wUh
the 10th house the native shall be held in high esteem by almost
all classes of men, even his superiors and elders shall show respect
to him. He will be a learned man, and shall earn fairly well by
dint of his own effort. He may be childless, the result depends
on the character and strength of the Sth house and its lord.
(11) In the llth houseThe native may be a hotelkeeper or a
banker or moneylender. Health in his childhood will not be
good, he will earn huge money through the business stated above
but he will be unscrupulous.
(12) In the 12th housieThis is not a good sign to have the
lord of the 2nd posited in the l2th house. The native may be
extravagant or may be bound to spend much more than his
income and may be involved in debt.
There are favourable results too. He becomes a very respect-
able man and may hold a Governmental post. He is not happy
with his elder brother and eldest son.
The Third House
The third house rules brothers, sisters and relatives in
general. It signifies medicine, food specially fruits, courage,
throat, ears, father's death. While judging the third house
the following factors should be looked into viz..
(d) The strength or otherwise of the bhava and its lord,
(fe) Planets occupying the bhava,
(c) Natural indicator of the third bhava.
Besides, general rules to assess the merit or demerit of a
bhava or its lord are to be applied which ill help the readers
arrive at a correct decision.

Third house denotes exclusively brothers and sisters. So,

standard and authoritative books on astrology deal with brothers
and sisters first and subsequently other matters are taken into
1. If the third house is occupied by very malefic planets or
the lord of the third house or the Karaka planet (viz., Mangal)
is associated with very unfavourable planet the native loses his
brother or sister in his/her childhood.
2. If Karaka planet Mangal occupies his debilitated house
either in birth or Navamsa Chart or Mangal is in malefic
sasthyamsa ( g^g part of a RasiSee Varga charts ) or conjoined
with a malefic the birth of brothers or sisters is possible only to
m^ot with early death.
Sarvarthachintamony an authoritative book on astrology
says that i f the Karaka planet Mangal becomes extremely malefic
as stated above the bir*h of a still-born brother is certain. The
readers must be very careful in applying this rule before giving
thei: judgment. Because it was found in some cases that aspect
of a favourable planet on Mangal saved one or two brothers of
the natives inspite of their serious illness. Let us give an
instance :In case of dhanu lagna third house is occupied by
Sani, Ravi, Budha and Ketu, and Mangal is in the llth house (Tula
Rasi) with Sth lord Chandra who is a natural papa, Chandra
and Mangal are aspected by iagna-lord Vrhaspathi who is
situated in the Sth house.
The third lord Spni is combust, between two malefic Ravi
and Budha, aspected by Rahu, Mangal is with Sth lord Chandra
but aspected by favourable Vrhaspathi.
The younger and elder sisters of the nativ? died very early,
th". youngest brother though ienously i l l at the age of 5 years,
survived and still alive. This is only possible as Mangal is
aspected by Vrhaspathi and Sani is exalted in Navamsa chart.
So, correct decision about the third house and its lord depends
on a careful examination of many more things.
(3) If the lord of the 3rd house and Karaka planet are posifed
in toe Sth house from iagna and are aspected by malefics, early
death of brothers and sisters may be ?.nticipated. If that Stb.
house is owned by a malefic and the lord thereof is associated

with an u n f a v D u r a b l e planet tarly death o f bothers and sisters

is more certain.
A few yogas that indicate early death of brothers and
sisters :
(a) The third house is associated with or aspected by a
malefic and the lord of the 3rd house is hemmed in between two
(b) The 3rd lord will be unfavourable due to above reasons
and his position in his debilitated house in Navamsa, at the same
time no benefic will cast his aspect on the 3rd house or its lord.
(c) The Navamsa lord of the 3rd lord is combust and in the
Sth house and debilitated.
(d) The third lord is joined with Sani or Mandi, or debi-
litated and is aspected by a malefic.
(e) The lord of the third house is posited in the 3rd, is
aspected by a malefic or is in malefic Sastyumsa.
(/) The lord of the 3rd house is in the Sth place and his
Navamsa lord occupies the house of a very malefic planet.
ig) The Navamsa lord of the lord of Navamsa of the 3rd
lord is in his debilitated or inimical house.
4. The third lord or Karaka planet Mangal i f posited in
any dusthan or is associated with and aspected by a malefic
will produce bad effects so far death of brothers and sisters are
concerned though they occupy their houses of exaltation.
5. The yogas that confer the native being blessed with
brothers and sisters :
(a) The 3rd house is associated with and aspected b y benefic
planet and the 3rd lord is strong.
(b) The Karaka planet Mangal being placed in the 3rd house
and powerful, will give good result i n respect of brothers and
sisters if at the same time Mangal is in conjunction with or is
aspected by a benefic.
(c) The lord of the 3rd house, the Karaka of the 3rd bhava
( Mangal, naturally governs the 3rd bhava ) i f posited in their
houses of exaltation, in their own or friendly houses or i n their
own Vargas i n Navamsa Chart.
(d) The 3rd lord is a natural benefic and acquires Gopur
136 H I N D U S C I E N C E OP T H E F U T U K E

varga and Mangal the ruler of the 3rd bhava ( i.e. Karaka of the
3rd bhava ) also is in Simhasan varga.
If a planet acquires 4 vargas of his own is said to be in
'Gopur' varga and when a planet in 5 vargas of hir own is said
to be in 'Simhasan' varga.

6. Affinity with brothers and sistersWhen the ^agnadhi-

patni (lord of lagna ) a n d the lord of the 3rd house art; friendly
to e a c h other relation with brothers and sisters will be C i r d i a l . If
however, they are inimical to each other there is least charoe of
sweet relation between the native and his brothers and sifters.
7. The 3rd lord and character of the native :
(a) If the 3rd lord being in conjunction with a benefic is
placed in a favourable Navamsa the native becomes sober and
(*) The lord of Navamsa of the lord of the 3rd house if
;laced in his own or exalted house in Navamsa chart, the native
will be steady in a l l his endeavours, he will be an intelligent
warrior and experienced diplomat.
(c) When the 3rd lord acquires Simhasan, Gopur or Parabata
varga ( 6 vargas of his own ) and is aspected b y or conjoined
with benefic the native becomes a veteran first rate warrior.
(d) (/) When the 3rd lord is associated with Ravi the native
becomes gentle-natured and calm.
(jj) When 3rd lord is associated with Chandra, the native
becomes steady in a l l his endeavours.
{Hi) When he is conjoined with Sani he will be fatuous.
(JV) When h e is associated with Mangal the native will be a
man of bad temper.

(v) When he is in conjunction with Budha the native will be

(vi) When he is joined with Vrhaspathi he will be conversant
in a l l shastras, a great scholar and sober.
(vii) When the 3rd lord is conjoined with Sukra the subject
will be highly libidinous.
[via) If the same lord is i n conjunction with Rahu or Ketu
the native outwardly appears to be strong-minded but inwardly
a weak man.

S. Indication of diseases and other unfavourable results from

tbe position of 3rd lord :
(a) If Vrhaspathi with the 3rd lord is posited in lagna, danger
from four-footed animal particularly cows may be anticipated,
and i f the lagna-rasi is a watery sign, danger from water also
may be apprehended.
(b) If the 3rd lord is associated with Rahu or with the lord
of the sign where Rahu is posited there is danger from snake.
(c) If the 3rd lord being in his house of debilitation is
posited in the 6th house and also is aspected by a malefic or he is
combust the native may be poisoned by somebody or accidentally
he takes any poisonous drug etc.
{d) The native suffers from any kind of disease in throat i f
the 3rd house is occupied by malefic planet particularly i f Gulika
< or Mandi ) is there in the third house along with other malefics
the disease in throat is a strong and sure possibility.
(e) If the 3rd house is occupied by Sani, and Gulika also is
there the native shall be attacked with rheumatism.
(/) The lord of Navamsa of the lord of the sign where the
3rd lord is posited i f placed in Kendra and conjoined with and
aspected by malefic and there is no aspect of a benefic cast on
the same Navamsa lord the native may be attacked with diseases
in Ear.
Positions of the lord of the third house in different
bhavas and results thereof.
1. In the 1st houseThe native earns money by his own
effort and becomes rich ; he is illiterate, lean and thin, brave,
sickly and serves others.
When the third lord is strong the native becomes a good
actor and makes good name as a musician and dancer.
2. In the 2nd hoase_The native shall be morally depraved,
unscrupu'ous and a mean-minded person ; generally he i
3. In the 3rd houseThe third lord in the 3rd house is a
favourable yoga. The native becomes brave, wealthy and hf.^py.
He shall always be adored by his friends and relatives.
4. In the 4th houseThe wife of the native shall be a mean
and cruel-hearted person ; he himself will be rich and learned.

5. In the Sth houseIf the 3rd lord is well-fortified in the fifth

house the native's relation with his brothers will be cordial and
he will be benefited by them but he will not be happy about
children. As a Government Servant he shall prove his efficiency
and shall hold very high position.
6. In the 6th houseNative's brothers may be very rich, but
he hates them, his enemies shall give constant trouble. His
relation with his maternal uncles will not be cordial but he will
be dear to his maternal aunts.
When the 3rd lord is well-fortified in the 6th hous", one of his
brothers shall be a successful physician and another an army
officer. If again both the 3rd and 6th lords join together in the
6th house the native may be a good sportsman and athlet. If
these two lords are afflicted the native shall suffer from various
kinds of diseases and enemies will give him trouble every now
and then.
7. In the 7th houseThe native may incur displeasures of
rulers and may be punished. If the 3rd lord is very much afflicted
the native may even be sentenced to death. Of course i f lagna
and the 8th lord are well-fortified there may not be capital
If the 3rd lord is well-disposed i n the 7th, the native's brother
or brothers may live in a foreign country and will help the
The afflicted 3rd lord in the 7th house does not make a person
morally strong unless the lord of the 9th house { called house of
religion ) and also the lagna-lord are strong and well-disposed.
If these two lords are not well-fortified and the 3rd lord is
unfavourable the native may hanker after other's wife.
8. In the Sth houseThe 3rd lord in the Sth house is an
unfortunate yoga with regard to one's health. The native may be
attacked with serious and dangerous diseases. The native may
be involved in a criminal case ; this yoga denotes unhappy
conjugal life and bad luck a l l through his life until and unless
the well-disposition of the lords of 9th and 10th houses are
assured in the birth chart.
9. In the 9th houseIndication of favourable luck after
marriage. The native may be benefited by his brothers. His father
will be cynic and a cruel-hearted man. The native may have
strained relation witii his father i f tbe 3rd lord is afflicted. He
may undertalce long journey.
10. In the 10th houseThe native's wife will be quarrelsome,
cruel-hearted and unfaithful. He himself w i l l be rich, happy
and intelligent and his brothers will shine well in their
vocational career and will be of great help to the native.
11. In the llth houseIf the 3rd lord is well-disposed in the
l l t h house the native may earn good money by his own effort
and lead a decent life. If the 3rd lord is afflicted he becomes
vindictive, may be serving others or dependant on others, and is
liable to suffer from many diseases.
12. In the 12th houseThe native gets fortune through his
wife but he is to pass, through many ups and downs. His father is
a cruel-hearted man, and the younger brother of the native will be
a dangerous fellow and for his fault the native may sustain heavy
loss of money.
These unfavourable results may be modified if the 3rd lord is
strong in Navamsa Chart, aspected by favourable planets.

The Fourth House

The 4th house signifies mother, education, mental condition,
vehicles, house, general happiness, prosperity, propertyparti-
cularly immovable property. In determining the student's merit
in academic career 4th house and its lord play an important role
though the disposition of the Sth and 10th lords should not be
overlooked. The Karakas of the 4th bhava are Vrhaspathi, Sukra
and Budha of which Vrhaspathi stands for learning and wisdom,
and Sukra and Budha for such education that helps the man
enjoy material happiness. So, in considering the academic
success of a native the Karaka planet's disposition also is to be
taken into account.
If the lagnadhipathi is not well-fortified simply favourable
disposition of Karaka planets and of the 4th lord cannot give
brilliant result in respect of university education.
(a) If the 4th lord is favourably posited either in the 4th or
in any other favourable house and the favourable planets are
situated in any dusthan the native shall not be altogether
deprived of good result expected from the 4th house, though the
good result will be lessened to some extent.

On the other hand occupation of malefic planets or of lords

of dusthanas in the 4th may mar the tranquillity of the mind and
other malefic effects regarding the 4th house are possible.
(b) If the 4th house and its lord, favourable planets and
strong Karaka planets are situated in the 4th place, or those
benefic planets cast their aspect on the 4th house or its lord, or
the 4th lord joins those favourable planf^s the native shall be
highly educated, modest, disciplined and intelligent.
(c) The native cannot do well in his educational career, and
he cannot be a man of sharp intellect if the 4th house and its
lord are afflicted owing to aspect, or association of malefic
planets or the position of 4th lord in any dusthana.
(d) Sukra denotes wife, Chandra mother, and Ravi father.
Again when birth is at day time Sukra governs mother and
Chandra governs mother when birth is at night.
[ The planet that attains maximum degree is called Atma-
karakaruling planet ( if Rahu attains minimum degree he is
called Atmakaraka ), the planet whose degree is second to the
first one is called Amatyakaraka. In this manner Bhatrikaraka,
Matrikaraka, Putrakaraka. Jnatikaraka and Jayakaraka planets
are determined. In case of Rahu being Atmakaraka, Amatya-
karaka planet will be one who has maximum degree among
other six planets. ]
Concerning Mother's death
(1) Subtract Ravi's sphuta from Chandra-sphuta.
The result will be some rasi, degree, and Kala or Minute;
when the transit (Gochar) Sani or Vrhaspaihi will pass over that
rasi and amsa or on the Sth or 9th rasi and amsa from the newly
found rasi and amsa, the death of the mother may be predicted.
(2) Subtract the rasi and amsa of Ravi from the rasi and
amsa of the Sth lord from Chandra, when transit Sani or Ravi
passes over that newly-found rasi and amsa, mother's death may
be apprehended.
Let us cite an example :
In the first birth chart (See Chapter 1 )Method No. 2
Sukra denotes mother as the native is born at day time.
Hence, Sukra's sphuta---118-22M1'
Minus Ravi's " ... 0-16-18'
Result " ... 11-S-S3

So, when transit Sani or Vrliaspathi will pass over the aforesaid
rasi and amsa the death of the mother may be anticipated. The
Sth house from this newly found rasi and amsa is 4-S'-53' and 9th
rasi is 88-5*-53', when Sani or Vrhaspathi w i l l pass over any of
these rasis, the death of the mother may be predicted.
Astrologers must be cautious in predicting the period of
death of any person. Because, Death can not overtake a person
before his turn to leave this mortal world comes. In such cases,
when astrologers see that the person will live some years more
they will predict illness of that person during the transition of
Sani or Vrhaspathi over that newly found rasi and amsa.
Nature of disease of mother
(a) Powerful Ravi and Mangal when posited in the 4th
house the mother of the native may suffer from diseases due to
faulty secretion of bile and she may also be attacked with
carbuncle or tumour etc.
There may be a scar on the right side of the native's body
and he can not maintain cordial relation with his friends. These
results are outcome of the positions of Ravi and Mangal in tne
4th house.
(6) If the 4th house is occupied by either Sani or Rahu the
mother of the native may suffer from morbid affection of the
nervous system or she may fall seriously i l l owing to application
of any kind of poisonous drug or she may be involved into an
accident from fall on any spacious stone.
(c) If Chandra being associated with Sani or Rahu is posited
in the 4th house the mother of the native becomes sickly.
Longivity of the mother
Full life or Purnayu :
(a) When the 4th house and Matrikaraka planet arc
associated with favourable planet and the 4th lord is powerful.
(b) Powerful Chandra being in favourable Navamsa i
aspected by Sukra or Budha and occupies any of the 4 Kendras
or that Chandra will be posited in the favourable rasi from the
4th house.
(c) The lord of Navamsa of lagna-Navamsa-lord wheri
associated with the Sukhapathi { 4th lord ) and is posited in a
Kendra from lagna or in any Kendra from the Moon.

The yoga that confers happiness

[a] When powerful lord of the 9th house is associated with
Sukra and occupies the 4th house the native enjoys happiness till
his death.
lb) When Vrhaspaihi is comparatively more powerful than
lagnadhipathi and is in conjunction with favourable planets or is
posited between two benefic planets, at the same time he
occupies the 4th house the native becomes a leader of the people
and enjoys happiness.
(c) Vrhaspathi's aspect on the 4th lord, and when he is posited
in the 7th place, or 7th place is occupied by any other benefic
planet or Budha being in the 7th house is posited between
benefic planets.
This yoga makes a man happy and a leader of the people,
(a) The 4th lord Vrhaspathi acquiring 'Gopuramsa' and the
2nd, 10th and l l t h houses are occupied by planets the native
leads a very happy life.

The yogas that confer unhappiness

(a) The 4th lord joined with malefic planets and posited i n
malefic Navamsa and the 2nd, 4th and 5th places are associated
with debilitated planets. Under tnis yoga the native lives i n
distress and is very unhappy.
(b) When the 4t;h lord associated with Ravi and Mangal is
in malefic Navamsa and is not aspected by any benefic planet the
native lives in great distress.

Ownership of Vehicles
(a) When powerful Sukra and full moon occupy Kendra or
Kona houses the native commands many conveyances.
(&) When the lord- of the Kendra where the powerful 4th
lord is situated occupies lagna or there is exchange of houses
between 10th and l l t h lords the native becomes prosperous and
possesses many conveyances.
(c) If the 4th lord associated with Chandra, Vrhaspathi and
Sukra is situated in lagna and these three planets ( Chandra,
Vrhaspathi and Sukra ) are not weak or malefic in any way, the
native owns three kinds of conveyances.

Ownership of booses
(a) The 11 th house is occupied by powerful benefic, and lords
of lagna and the 4th house are very strong, or the 4th lord
acquires 'Gopur' or 'Simhasan' Varga the native owns a palatial
(b) If the lord of lagna is in the 4th and the 4th lord is in
lagna ( i.e. when there is exchange of houses between them ) the
native may build a house of his own very easily.
(c) If the 4th place falls in a movable sign and the 4th lord
and Karaka planet too are posited in movable sign ( or R a s i )
the native builds houses in many places. Under this yoga if the
lords of the 2nd, l l t h and 4th houses are placed in Kendra or
Kona places all the buildings referred to above are good and
(d) If the powerful 4th and 10th lords are situated in Kendra
or Kona houses the native shall own beautiful buildings.
Loss of honses
[a) If the inimical planet of lagnadhipathi occupies lagna
there is possibility of loss of house in his ( Enemy's ) dasa and
(6) The dasa-antardasa of inimica? planet of the 4th lord
may be the cause of destruction of houses and death of friends.
If that dasa-lbrd happens to be Sani, Mangal or Gulika the
native shall have to suffer from serious type of worries and
Concerning possession of landed property
(o) 4th lord is in the 10th and 10th lord in the 4th and
Mangal attains full strength; under this yoga the native possesses
many landed properties.
(6) If the 4th lord acquires Gopur varga and is posited in
the Sth place from lagna the acquisition of many landed
properties may be predicted.
(c) Navamsa lord of the lord of the sign where the 4th lord
is situated may help the native's brother acquire much wealth
and landed property if that Navamsa lordj is aspected by a
friendly planet.
(d) If the lord of the 7th and Jayakaraka planet are situated
in the 4th house and the 4th lord is in the 7th and they arc

friendly to each other, acquisition of wealth through wife i

Acquisition of wealth buried underground
(o) If the lords of the 2nd and l l t h houses are in the 4th,
(6) If the powerful lord of the 4th is posited in the 9th house
owned by a benefic and also 4th lord is associated with benefic
{c) If the powerful lord of the house, associated with a
benefic is placed in the 4th house owned by benefic planets,
(</) If the lord of the 2nd house being in conjunction with
the 4th lord is conjoined with a benefic and also is placed in the
$>th place from a favourable planet.
The owners of birthcharts having been endowed with any of
the above yogas may acquire wealth buried under the earth.
A few special yogas
(a) If the 4th house is'occupied by Sani with Chandra in his
house of exaltation and Vrhaspathi aspects both Chandra and
Sani the native's mother dies early; he will receive western
education and will be an author at his early age.
(b) If the 3rd house is occupied by Budha, the 4th lord is
well-disposed, the native will own splendid mansions.
(c) If the 4th house is associated with Sani, Rahu or Ketu
the native will be dishonest and may indulge i n fraudulent

Position of the lord of the fonrth hoase in different

bharas and results thereof
1. In the 1st houseThe native becomes highly educated
but is afraid of speaking i n public meetings or assemblies. He
may be deprived of ancestral property.
2. In the 2nd houseThe person will be very fortunate,
courageous and happy. He will have chance of inheriting
property from maternal grandfather.
3. In the 3rd houseThe native will be a man of very poor
ealth, generous and a man of character. He will be rich by

dint of his own effort and intelligence ; may suffer very badly due
to activities of step-mother and step-brother.
4. In the 4th houseThe person will be rich, respected and
happy. He will be a religious-minded man but sensual.
5. In the Sth houseHe will be a devotee of lord Vishnu,
popular and becomes rich by self-effort. He may acquire
6. In the 6th houseThe person will have evil thoughts and
intentions. Short-tempered and mean-minded fellow as he is
he will be very unpopular and will be roaming about without
any peace of mind.
7. In the 7th houseHe will be owner of lands and houses.
If the 7th house falls in a movable sign ( rasi ) he will earn
his livelihood in a distant place from his birthland ; i f that
house fails in a fixed sign, he will be employed in his own
8. In the Sth houseThe native may be plunged into
miserable circumstances, he may be impotent, his father may
die early, and may be involved into litigation and lose his landed
9. In the 9th houseThe native will be fortunate, he will
have his own properties, his father too will be lucky and the
native himself will be prosperous and happy. Of course if the
4th lord is afflicted or 9th lord is unfavourably posited the good
results will not be predicted or astrologers should be cautious in
making favourable predictions.
10. In the 10th houseHe will be an expert chemist and a
successful politician, he will be an illustrious personality to be
adored by great men of the world ( provided the 4th and the 10th
lords are powerful). If the 4th lord is afflicted there is chance
of loss of reputation.
11. In the llth houseThe person will be a self-made man
and will rise to the position of eminence. He will be generous
and sickly. His mother may be fortunate.
11. In the 12th houseThe person shall have to lead a
miserable life due to poverty and will be deprived of mental
peace. Early death of the mother is possible.



The fifth house denotes intellect, taL-nt, devotion to God,

royal favour, secret counsel, education and learning, wisdom and
The fifth place is primarily termed as place concerning
children ( Putrasthnna). The Karaka planet is Vrhaspathi. But
while giving judgment about children the fifth place from
Chandra, Vrhaspathi and the 9th bouse are to be examined
carefully. One may get children from those planets as well as
the Sth and 9th lords during their dasa and antardasas.
If the Sth or 7th place from lagna or Chandra is occupied or
aspected by or conjoined with benefic planets good results may
be predicted about son and wife both, on the other hand if those
places or their lords become malefic due to aspect of or conjun-
ction with unfavourable planets we can not expect any good
result about children and wife.
Before we give our judgment about children we must first of
all ascertain whether there is any sign of barrenness in the
native's chart. We therefore shall take up those yogas that may
make a person sterile. They are as follows :

Signs of sterility :
{a) If the Sth place is occupied by 2 or 3 malefic planets and
lagna is aspected by the enemy of lagnadhipathi the native and
his wife ( vice versa ) become barren.
(b) If lagna rises at Makar or Kumbha with Sani there or
Sani's aspect on lagna without receiving any aspect of or
association with any benefic the native's life-partner becomes
(c) If lagna rises at Karkata or Simha rasi and the 7th place
from the lagna is aspected by or associated with Sani the native
may be barren.
In case of both (6) and (c) rules sign of barrenness will be
taken as nullified if Sani becomes otherwise strong in Navamsa

Chakra, or ICendra position or the lord of the Sth house receives

the aspect of or is in conjunction with any benefic.
Let me cite two examples :
(j) Lagna is in Kumba with Sani there, the 4th house from
lagna is posited by Vrhaspathi. The native is the father of 13
(//) This is the birth chart of Mrs. Indira Gandhi, Lagna is
associated with Sani, and Chandra is in the 7th place from lagna,
the Sth lord Mangal is in the 2nd place. Sani in Navamsa
Chakra occupies his own rasi Makar and he is therefore strong.
Here Sth place from lagna is aspected by Vrhaspathi a natural
benefic and the lord of bhagyasthana ( 9th place ).
(rf) If the lagna is associated with Sani, and Sukra is situated
in the 7th place from lagna or the 7th place is occupied by Ravi
and Sani the native shall be barren in both the cases provided
Vrhaspathi has full aspect on the 10th place from lagna.
(e) If the Sth place is aspected by a malefic and the lords of
the 2nd and Sth houses are weak the native shall have no issue
inspite of more than one wife.
If the native gets a child and the Sth house is aspected by the
6th lord B^dha the child born to him is to be taken as bastard.
{/) Vrhaspathi in the Sth house is said to be ineffectual so
far concerned with children unless the Sth place is aspected by
its lord. Vrhaspathi alone in the Sth place may give one or two
children only and the native will seldom be happy about

A woman who bears only one child

The Sth place signifies womb of a woman and the Sth place
denotes genital organ. If these two places and/or their lords are
influenced by malefics the disease in the sexual organs may be
anticipated, and in such cases the native ( a woman) may not
have any issue.
Yogas concerning that result are given below :
1. If the Sth lord is conjoined with a malefic planet and
combust or the debilitated Sth lord is posited in the 6th place.
2. If the debilitated Sth lord occupies Sth or 12th places and
the Sth place is associated with Budha and Ketu.

3. If the Sth lord does not cast his aspect on the Sth place
occupied by Budha and Sani.
4. The Sth place is occupied by Vrhaspathi and from Vrhas-
pathi the Sth place is occupied by Sani and from Sani the Sth
place is occupied by Rahu.
5. If the Sth lord without receiving any aspect of a favour-
able planet is posited in the Sth place the native gets a few
6. Similarly if Vrhaspathi alone occupies the Sth place the
native gets a few children, of course if the Sth lord aspects the Sth
house this yoga ( of getting a few children ) is nullified.

The following Yogas signify birth of one child & Yogas

concerning a woman giving birth to dead children.
7. (a) If these three places, viz. 6th, Sth and 12th are occupied
by malefic planets the native in case of a woman's birth chart,
will give birth to still-born or dead children, in case of man's
birth chart the native may not have any issue at all.
{b) If the malefic planets are situated in the Sth place and
from Vrhaspathi's position the Sth place is occupied by Sani or
Mangal and the lord of lagna is posited in the 2nd place, children
of the native shall be shortlived.

Yoga of childlessness in a woman's Sasi-Chakra ( birth chart)

8. If in a woman's birth chart Janma-rasi (rasi where
Chandra is situated ) falls in Karkata, Vrscika or Mina and
Chandra in Navamsa chakra is situated in the 7th house from
the native's lagna with Sukra there and Jata-lagna is associated
with Sani without any planet in the Sth place from Lagnathe
woman becomes barren.
Further there are special rules of testing yogas that confer a
man or a woman children at proper time or at bit late in age
etc. The rules are stated below :

According to a woman's rasi chakra :

Add together the degree, amsa & kala of Chandra, Mangal
and Vrhaspathi, if totalfiguresthus obtained indicates even rasi
the woman may have children. If the Navamsa rasi obtained

from that total figures also indicate even rasi the native must get
If these figures indicate odd rasi and Navamsa rasi shows
even rasi the child may be born to the woman after timely
treatment by a competent physician. If both of them signify odd
rasi, the lady shall have no child at a l l .

According to a man's rasi chakra :

Add together the degree, amsa & kala of Ravi, Vrhaspathi
and Sukra. If the total figures thus obtained indicate odd rau the
native shall have children. The possibility of getliBg children
will be more certain i f the Navamsa rasi determined from those
figures too falls in an odd rasi. If however one is in odd rasi and
another is in even sign, birth of children may be possible after
the native undergoes thorough medical treatment.
If both the rasis indicate even sign no child may be born to
the native.
9. Birth of children very late in age :
Maharshi Parasar says :
(i) If Mangal be'the lord of lagna and is posited in his house
of exaltation, and Ravi and Sani together are situated in the Sth
place the native gets a son very late in age.
[ii) If the Sth house is occupied by Budha, Sani and
Vrhaspathi and the Sth lord is posited in lagna or in any
beneficial rasi or
(Hi) If Sani is in lagna, Vrhaspathi in the Sth place and
Mangal in the 12th and the lord of the Sth house is weak
The native gets children very late in age.

10. Adopted son :

The native may adopt a son under the following configuration
of planets in his birth chart:
(/) The Sth lord is posited in the 9th, Chandra is situated in
a malefic house and Sth or 9th place from Chandra is occupied
by lagnadhipathi.
(ii) If the Sth house from lagna is owned by Budha or Sani
and that bouse is aspected by Sani, or Gulika is posited there.
(ijj) The Sth is owned by Chandra who is situated in lagna,
Sani occupies the Sth house and Vrhaspathi attains full strength.

Other important things about the Sth house and its lord.
It was already stated that 5th house denotes intellect, talent
devotion to god, wisdom, children etc.
Vrhaspathi mainly rules over talent, intellect, learning,
v/isdom and children. Budha and Sukra signify among other
things intelligence, education and knowledge.
S;\ if a man's intellect, v/isdom etc. are to bejudg.'d
priinarily position of Vrhaspathi and 5th house and its lords arc
to he looked into, if the Sth house is associated with a favourable
plimet or the hjusc is situated between two benefics and
Vrhaspatfei is posited in Kendra or Kona house tbe rativc's
intellect and talent may be developed.
If the Sth house is occupied by Budha and Sukra the native
is able to utilise his intelligence in practical field and may attain
success in his academic career.
If Ravi is in the Sth house the native will be sober, ChaiTira
ther-; w i l ' make him fickk-minded, Mangal there makes him
iniscl-.i-;vously inclined, Budha makes him temperate. Sukra in
the Sth house makes a man of slow intellect, and Sani and Rahu
ir .he Sth house will make him a man of per.^rted intellect.
The Sth house indicates i ' . estine, liver etc. If the Sth place
is situated in a watery sign with any watery planet the native
may pass liquid stool. If the Sth house falls in a dry or windy
rasi with dry planet there the native may suffer from
riie Sth house also denotes penance, religious austerity,
devotion to Gods, spiritual initiatibn. So, i f the 9th house and
its lord and Sth house and its lord are favourably disposed the
native will be religiously inclined and will be overwhelmed with
sen'iment of devotion.
if the lords of the Sth m d 9th houses are natural denoters of
moral goodness, the qualities referred to above will be developed
gradually more and more,
Sukra also rules over divine qualities. So, if he is in the Stb
house or being the lord of the 9th is posited in the 5th the native
aspires after acquiring divine qualities.
Again if Sukra being in the Sth house joins Sani the native
has an unswer^'ing devotion to God and becomes an auster.

11. Yogas that man an author :

Authorship is to be determined from the 5th bhava.
(a) If Chandra or Vrhaspathi is posited in the Navamsa rasi
where atmakarak' planet is situated, or
{b) Any oi these two planets are situated in the 5th or 9th
place from atmakaraka Navamsa rasi, or
(c) If the 5th or 9th place from lagna ( of the birth chart) is
occupied by any of those two planets the native becomes an
{d) If Sukra joins Chandra the native will be an author of
mediocre standard and shall earn moderate name and fame.
(e) If Chandra joins Budha the native shall be an author of
ordinary calibre.
(/) If Chandra joins both Budha and Sukra he will be an
illustrious author and shall be a poet, dramatist, fiction and story
vvriter, a novelist and historian too.
(g) (f Chandra is conjoined with Vrhaspathi along with
Budha or Sukra the native shall write books on philosophic and
other serious subjects. If Budha, Vrhaspathi and Sukra join
Chandra the native shall write books on astrology, medicine,
philosophy, art and accountancy.
(A) If Rahu or Ketu joins Chandra and any two among
Budha, Vrhaspathi and Sukra are associated with them the
native may be vastly learned in mathematics and astrology.
12. Yogas causing sharp intellect:
Budha is the natural indicator of intelligence.
(i) So, if Budha is powerful and well-disposed, and the 5th
lord is aspected by a benefic or the 5th house is associated with a
favourable planet,
(ii) If the 5th lord at his highest exalted point casts his
aspect just on the bhava-madhya of the 5th house,
(Hi) If the lord of Navamsa of the 5th lord is aspected by a
(v) If Navamsa lord of Budha is posited in Kendi.; or Kona
and is aspected by the 5th lord,
(v) If the lord of the 5th house being posited in the 9th is
aspected by a benefic or occupies an auspicious house,
(vi) If the 5th house is situated just between two favourable

(vi7) While 5th lord is i n the 9th place, Vrhaspathi in the

5th and 5th bhava is posited between two benefics,
(via) If the 5th place being associated with a benefic is
situated between favourable planets and Vrhaspathi is posited
in Kendra or Kona the native will be a man of sharp intellect.
i 3. If Sani occupying the 5th house aspects the lord of Lagna
and the 5th lord conjoins with a malefic planet the native slowly
becomes intellectually dull.
14. The native loses his memory i f Sani, Rahu or Gulika is
situated in the 5th place and the 5th lord is aspected by a
malefic planet. Of course inspite of this yoga i f Budha is
associated with a favourable planet the subject slowly regains
his memory.
' 5. In most cases it was observed that the native loses
memory i f the 5th lord joins an unfavourable planet and be in
malefic Sasthyamsa ( one-sixtyeth part of a rasi).
16. If the 5th house falls in Prithwi rasis { Vrsa, Kanya
& Makar rasis) the native will possess retentive memory,
imagination and deep feeling.
The 5th house is considered as a house of emotion and virtue
or piety. If the planets that signify these qualities are posited
in the fifth house, and the character of that sign is consistent
vith the planet or planets situated therein, the emotional side of
the native will be developed. If the horoscope does not show
any other unfavourable disposition of planets the native can not
be corrupted. Rather he will be more and more religious-
minded i f Vrhaspathi and the 9th lord also are favourable.

Results of the lord of the 5th house occupying diflferent bhavas.

In the 1st house : According to Parasari Hora, i f the 5th
lord is situated in lagna the native becomes evil-minded, a miser
even he will not part with a single pice from his pocket. This
may be the result i f the 5th lord is afilicted, under that circum-
stance the person may be a cheat, a leader of a gang of swindlers.
But astrological savants are of opinion that if the 5th lord is
favourably associated or aspected by favourable planets the
person may be the master of a number of servants, he may
become a judge or a magistrate or a minister empowered by the

law of the land to punish wrong-doers and he shall be a God-

fearing person. He will have few children.
In the 2nd house : When the 5th lord is favourably disposed
the person will be blessed with a beautiful wife and his children
will behave themselves with him very respectfully. He will earn
money from Government and will be a learned man and a good
If the 5th lord is afflicted and otherwise weak the person will
be a poverty-stricken man, unable to maintain his family, and
may suffer from domestic troubles, Parasari Hora says that he
may be attacked with asthma or other kind of phlegmatic
In the 3rd house : When the 5th lord is favourably disposed
the native may have many children and brothers, i f the lord is
unfavourable due to aspect of or association with malefics the
native may be a deceitful person, will suffer from continuous
occupational troubles and may have to lament over loss of
In the 4th house : If the 5th lord is favourably disposed the
person may become a minister, adviser to the king or a preceptor.
His mother will live long and be happy. If the lord is afflicted
premature death of children is possible.
In the 5th house : If the lord is favourably disposed the
person will have a few children, he will prosper in his own
vocational career and will be adored by men in power. He may
be a great mathematician or head of a religious institution. If
the lord is afflicted premature death of children is possible, he
will be cruel, fickle-minded, sometimes harsh in his dealing witli
In the 6th house : Lord being favourably disposed, benefit
through maternal uncle who may be a man of repute, enmity
with his sons. If the lord is afflicted he may adopt or purchase
a son and then adopt. .
In the 7th house : The result will be very favourable if the
5th lord is powerful and well-disposed in the 7th house. The
native will be renowned, learned, prosperous, faithful to his
master and a man of charmingHpersonality. One of his sons will
live abroad and shall earn name, fame and wealth.

If the lord is afflicted there may be loss of children and one

of his sons shall die after attaining name and fame.
In the 8th house: Loss of paternal property due to debt, may
suffer from lung or intestinal trouble, he will he peevish and
unhappy. His financial condition will not be bad.
In the 9th house : When the lord is favourably disposed the
person may be a preceptor or teacher, may renovate ancient
temples, wells and gardens. One of his sons may be an author and
will attain distinction and be as great is a king. If the lord is
afflicted destruction of fortune is possible due to divine wrath.
In the 10th house: When the 5th lord is favourable the
person acquires landed propjrty, is held in high esteem by the
King, perform religious deeds, one of his sons becomes a famous
man and raises the status and prestige of the family. If the 5th
lord is afflicted unfavourable results will happen.
In the 11th house : The lord if not afflicted, success in all
under'ikings, becomes a learned and efficient man, popular,
blessed with sons, extends helping hand to others during their
bad days, becomes an author, and rich ; when the lord is afflicted
the person becomes a man having shallow knowledge, earns
money through hard labour and strenuous effort.
In the 12th house : The 12th house is a place of salvation. So
if the 5th lord is favourable, unattached with or unaspected by
any malefic and the 9th lord is favourably disposed the native'
attains salvation, atleast becomes great spiritually and visits
many holi shrines and lives in company of great'Sadhos'
(ascetics). If the lord is afflicted there will be a show of austerity
with no attainment of beneficial result, he may roam hither and
thither sometimes aimlessly,


The Sixth house rules enemy, accidents, disease, mental
aftlictions, mother's brother, stepmother, co- wiiS, litigation and
1. If the sixth house falls in an auspicious sign (rasi) and the
bhava is associated with or aspected by benefic planet unfavour-
able results signified by the Sixth bhava should not be expected.
Contrary results may happen when the Sixth house falls in an

inauspicious sign conjoined witli or aspected by an unfavourable

2. If the three weak malefic planets are posited in the 6ib or
8th place or these two bhavas are aspected by three weak
malefics the native remains sickly since his birth and ail along
suffers due to monetary loss. He is mentally troubled owing to
activities of erimies.
On the other hand if powerful Budha, Vrhaspathi, Sukra and
favourable Chandra are situated in the 6th place the native's
granary will be full of grain and cereals and the treasury also
will never be empty.
(j) If the 6th lord associates with .;r is aspected by a malefic
and is situated in lagna the persca will suffer fron boils, if the
6th lord aspected by or conjoined with malefics is situated in the
5th house his son will suffer from boils, if such an aflicted 6th
lord is posited in 4th the mother will suffer from boils etc.
If " a v i associated with a friendly planet and benefic
planet is placed in the 6th Ine native's enemies will be vanquished.
If Ravi associated with a malefic and unfriendly planet is situated
in the 6th house the person is always troubled by enemies.
(HI) Weak and malefic Chandra in the 6th is the cause of
suffering due to attack of vadous diseases.
(iv) The debilitated Mangal in the 6th house causes danger
to life and the native sustains monetary loss.
(v) A retrograde Vrhaspathi being in tne 6th place when
posited in an enemy house gives the native awful troubles due to
activities of an enemy or enemies;
(vi) If the 6th lord being in th^ 6th is associated with Sani and
Rahu the native also suffers much due to activities of enemies.
(vii) If the weak 6th lord is situated in a dusthana ( 6th, 8th
or 12th place ) and the lord of lagna is powerful and well-
disposed the native can surmount all the obstacles and subdues
his enemies,
(viii) There is danger from fire or chance of loss of
money due to activities of thieves i f the 6th lord is combined
with Sani and Mangal.
3. If afflicted Ravi is placed in the 6th house the person
suffers from headache, any disease due to poison, heart trouble,,
gastritis or any other disease due to defective secretion of biles.

4. Afflicted Chandra in the 6th indicates Balaristha (serious

illness ) during early childhood. The native may be attacked
with periodic fever, asthma, lung disease, hydrocele etc.
5. Afflicted Mangal in the 6th makes the native suffer from
Hffimatemesis (disease involving spontaneous haemorrhage).
cholera, pox, measles, ulcer, piles, fistula, blood dysentery,
accident, wound by any weapon etc. The native may experience
loss of money and troubles through employees.
It the afflicting planet is Sani there is chance of death due to
operation or injury by animals. If Rahu afflicts Mangal death may
be due to suicide, i f it is Ketu the native may die by poisoning.
6. If Budha is afflicted and an indicator of disease is situated
in the 6th place the native may suffer from indigestion, hysteria,
loss of memory.
7. If Vrhaspathi is an indicator of disease and being
afflicted is posited in the 6th bhava the person may suffer from
asthma, typhoid, dyspepsia, liver trouble, diarrhoea, apoplexy,
8. If afflicted Sukra positioned in the 6th place in the birth
chart of a woman she suffers from leucorrhoea, disease of
ovary or uterus, syphilis etc. In case of a male the native may
be attacked with syphilis, dropsy, inflammation of prostate gland,
diabetes, impotency, eye trouble.
Afflicted Sani in the 6th place causes Paralysis, nervous
ailments, hysteria, enlargement of spleen, lunacy and asthma.
10. Afflicted Rahu or Ketu causes flatulence, toothache,
diarrhoea, worms, morbid condition of nerves. The lord of the
sign where Rahu or Ketu is posited will also indicate the disease.
11. Special Yogas concerning disease :
(a) If the 6th house and its lord are afflicted by an
unfavourable planet or by association with Sani and Rahu, and
both these planets are situated in the 6th place the native
remains sickly throughout his life.
(b) If 6th lord is in the 8th place and 6th place is occupied
by Mangal the person is attacked with high fever at the age of
12 years.
(c) If Chandra and Vrhaspathi are in the 6th bhava the
native is attacked with any kind of disease in the womb or belly
at the age of 19 or 22 years.

[d) Rahu in the 6th, Lagna lord in the 8th and Gulik in any
Kendra, possibility of attack of pthysis.
(e) The 2nd lord in the 6th and the 6th lord in the 12th,
possibility of enlargement of spleen at the age 8 or 29 years.
(/) If 6th bhava is occupied by Chandra combined w^ith Sani
the native may be attacked with leprosy at the age of 55 years.
{g) Lagnapathi in lagna and Sani in the 6th, chance of
attack with rheumatism or gout.
It would be wrong if our readers gather this impression that
in all cases planets occupying the 6th house which is termed as
dusthana or inauspicious house will give unfavourable results.
But in practice this is not all true. The following rules will
testify our statement :
12. (a) Ravi in the 6th house : The native becomes a good and
famous politician, and successful in his endeavours. The result
will be otherwise i f Ravi is afflicted.
(6) Chandra : When favourable and strong in the 6th bhava
the native shows his efficiency and attains success in his
vocational career.
(c) Mangal when favourable and strong in the 6th bhava,
the native may be highly sensual, an able administrator or
(d) Budha favourable and strong in the 6th bhava, a man of
sharp intellect outwardly a good man but quarrelsome, yet he is
respected by many, his educational career is not smooth-sailing,
(e) Vrhaspathi does not give any good result in the 6th
(/) If Sukra unafflicted be in the 6th bhava the native has
no enemy, he is benefite d by women but may be corrupted by
young women.
(g) Sani in the 6th house makes a man qurrelsome but
courageous and the native can undertake very hard task and
complete it to his satisfaction.
(A) Rahu in the 6th bhava makes a person long-lived,
wealthy but he may be troubled by enemies.
(j) Ketu in the 6th bhava gives very best result, the native
may earn name and fame and may have no enemy.
This is also to be remembered that astrologers must be
cautious in applying the above rules without taking into

considerations of aspect, conjunciioji and other important

fiictors that may modify the good effect of plane, i in the 6th
house To explain further, let us take an exampleChandra
when strong and favourable does good to the native but i f she is
afflicted by the aspect of any unfavourable planet Chandra may
be the cause of hysteria, mental derangement (may be lunacy) etc.
When the planets in the 6th house are afflicted the native
may suffer from many ailments. Nature of diseases are suggested
here below :
(i) If 6th place falls in a fixed sign ( Rasi ) with afflicted
Ravi heart trouble, asthma, nerve disease etc. may be anticipated
but aspect of favourable Vrhaspathi on R a v i may neutralise all
these bad effects.
If Ravi be in a movable rasi and is afflicted disease of
indigestion is possible, here also aspect of favourable and strong
Vrhaspathi will do him good.
(j/) When Chandra in the 6th house is afflicted by Rahu or
Ketu indigestion, skin disease, loss of mental peace may be
possible ; if she is afflicted by Sani various sorts of chronic
diseases, mantal derangement, and when she is afflicted by Ravi
bad liver and complaint of indigestion are possible.
{Hi) When Mangal in the 6th is afflicted by Rahu or Ketu
the native suffers from despondency and always thinks of suicide
or death by poisoning ; when afflicted by Sani the native is
inclined to pick up quarrel with any body and every body and
may be involved into litigation with brothers. The native may
be short-tempered and haughty.
(iv) When Budha is afflicted by Rahu, Ketu or Sani the
native suffers from despondency, abnormal mental condition and
may be easily excitable.
(v) Vrhaspathi in the 6th house when afflicted makes the
native a voracious eater of sweets and meat and in the long run
suffers from serious trouble of indigestion. Vrhaspathi under
that circumstance causes great hardship too.
(vi) Sukra when afflicted is the cause of urinary trouble,
diseaseof sexual organ, etc. and the native may be addicted
to wine and women.
(vj) Afflicted Sani in the 6th causes serious illness, incurable
diseases, gout, paralysis etc.

Occupation of 6tli lord in different bhavas and results thereof

In the 1st house : Maharsi Parasar says, the native will be a
famous man, rich,highly qualified, efficient, and courageous but
he shall have no son if the 6th lord is in the 1st house. Other
astrologers are of opinion that when well-aspected the 6th lord
in the 1st house may make the native a high administrative
officer, a minister of war or an official concerned with prisons.
But there is an exception in case of Tula Lagna-Jafaka. If
the lagna is in Tiila and the 6th lord Vrhaspathi is with La^in.i
the native never keeps good health and suffers set back in amiost
all his endeavours. Maharsi Parasar rightly said that "Tula
lagna Gurus Khalas" i.e. in case of Tula lagna Vrhaspathi is
very unfavourable.
Unfavourable ( i.e. weak and otherwise afflicted ) 6th lord in
the first house is not a favourable yoga for a native, one should
not welcome the weak and otherwise pfflicted 6th lord in the 1st
house. For, it makes a man a thief, robber or a leader of
a criminal gang.
In the 2nd house : If the 6th lord is posited in the 2nd house
the native shall be courageous, single minded devotion to his
duties, an orator and happy. But the native may have untold
suffering in family life, will be disowned by his kith and kin and
shall have to live in a foreign land. If afflicted he! have
defective vision, uneven setting of teeth and may be a stammerer
and poverty stricken. His wife may fall seriously i l l during the
dasa and bhukti of malefic planets.
In the 3rd house : The native may be a man of violent temper,
cruel, malicious, intolerant, and rich. He will be inimical to
his brothers and incur loss of money due to inimical activities of
his maternal uncle.
In the 4th house : There may be obstacles in academic career,
relation with mother may not be as congenial as it should be. If
the 6th lord is afflicted he shall quarrel with his mother and
ancestral property may be involved in debt. He will not enjoy
peace in family life. If the 6th lord is strong and 4th lord also
is favourably disposed the native may enjoy happiness and be
prosperous during dasa and bhukti of benefic planets.
In the 5th house : Uncertainty in money-making activities.

at times he shall suffer from poverty. That is also the case in

respect of his friends. His children will be sickly, may be
adopted by his maternal uncles and be fortunate.
In the 6th house : When the 6th lord occupies the 6th place
the native shall be rich and shall have his own cars and other
vehicles. His own kith and kin shall be hostile to him but he
will be popular among others. If the weak lord of lagna is
conjoined with the 6th lord the native will suffer from incurable
In the 7th house : The native will be financially affluent and
shall earn name and fame if the 6th lord is fortified in the 7th
house. If the lord is afflicted the wife of the native may be a
woman of suspicious character, his relation with her may be
unfavourable. There is another opinion held by other classes
of astrologers who say that the wife will be sickly and the
native's conjugal life will not be happy. If the 7th place falls in
signs owned by Sani or Budha the native may be sexually weak.
In the 8th house : Indication of Madhyayu ( Middle life ).
Success in life after many obstacles or through great hardship.
If 6th lord is afflicted the native will be a women hunter
and be heavily in debt. He shall frequently suffer from illness
and will have strained relation with learned men. He will find
pleasure in causing distress to others.
In the 9th house : The maternal uncle of the native will be a
fortunate man and the father will be a judge. Strained relation
with the father is possible. He may be benefited by his cousins,
may be a timber merchant or stone cutter.
If the 6th lord is weak and afflicted the native may indulge in
sinful acts and becomes poor.
In the 10th house : Outwardly a pious man but unscrupulous
in regard to religious matters. When favoured by a benefic he
shall be courageous, dutiful and happy. If 6th lord is afflicted
he is to fight a very powerful enemy and leads a low life.
In the 11th house ; The native may be highly qualified and
efficient, if the 6th is weak and afflicted the native may lead a
miserable life due to poverty.
In the 12th house : The native causes harm to others, always
tries to antagonise learned men, i f afflicted the native passes his
days miserably.

The seventh house denotes marriage, wife or husband, trade

or business, buying and selling, partnership, short journey, sexual
act, bladder, lost property etc.
If the 7th bhava and its lord is associated with or aspected by
a benefic planet the wife or the husband as the case may be will
be beautiful to look at, their physical structure may be charming
and the native's relation with his ( or her ) father-in-law may be
cordial and domestic environment may be peaceful.
A l l the rules of judging a horoscope are applicable also in
case of this bhava.
In case of a male Sukra, and in case of a female native both
Sukra and Mangal signify the 7th bhava i.e. husband or wife.
Therefore in judging the 7th bhava dispositon of Sukra ( i n case
of a male ) or Sukra and Mangal (in case of a female) and the
7th house from these planets and their lords are to be taken into
consideration. If they are well-disposed, acquires favourable
Vargas or conjoined with or aspected by benefic planets the
native's conjugal life will be happy.
Number of wives :
Now-a-days law of the land forbids a person to have more
than one wife at a time. Of course a widower can marry again
when his first or second wife dies. Law has nothing to do in
respect of those who married again and again during the life
time of their first wife before the enactment of this law. So, when
a birth chart shows signs of more than one wife the verdict of the
astrologer must be given after careful consideration. If the
native is not a man of good character, rather he is a man of loose
morals and at the same time there are signs of more than one
marriage at a time the native may have one legally married wife
and has other women as concubines. Therefore number of wives
may be judged from that perspective.
The number of Navamsa the 7th lord traversed or the number
of planets aspccting the 7th bhava or number of planets

conjoined with the 7th lord may be the number of wives of the
native. This sort of planetary aspect or conjunction may be
commonly found in any birth chart. But that should not be the
criterion in giving one's judgment. If the native is morally
strong astrologer's verdict about number of wives must be other-
wise. But there is no legal bar to marry again and again in case
of death of 1st and 2nd wife etc.
Two wives :
(a) If the lagnadhipathi ( lord of lagna ) is posited in the 7th
or 8th place and the lord of 2nd place is associated with
{b) Or lagnadhipathi and the lord of the 7th are posited in
lagna or 7th house,
(c) Or lagna or the 7th house is occupied by lagnadhipathi.
or the 7th lord occupies lagna.
(d) If the lord of lagna is in the 8th and a malefic Is in the
7th place or the 2nd lord is in the 8th and a malefic in the 7th.
(e) If the 7th lord from the 7th house is joined with a benefic
and is posited in the 6th or in his house of debilitation or the 7th
house is occupied by a malefic;
(/) The natural significator of marriage, viz., Sukra when
conjoined with a malefic or posited in his debilitated house in
Navamsa chartthese yogas indicate two wives.
One wife and one son :
If Ravi, Chandra and the lord of lagna or the 7th lord are
posited in lagna or the 7th house the person has one wife and
one son.
Three wives:
(a) If the 2nd' or the 7th house is occupied by number of
malefic planets and the 7th lord is aspected by a malefic.
[b] If the lagna, the 2nd or the 7th house is associated with
a malefic planet and the lord of the 7th house is combust or
posited in his house of debilitation the native may have three
More than two wives :
The following configuration of planets signify many wives
( at least more than two wives ) :
[a) When the 7th lord occupying the house of either Sani or

Sukra is aspected by a benefic planet, (the yoga will be very

forceful i f the 7th lord is exalted or in his own house ).
(b) Powerful Budha when occupies the 10th place from
Lagna and Chandra is in the 3rd place from the 7th lord.
(c) When the lords of the 2nd and 12th houses together
are posited in the 3rd place from lagna and aspected by either
Vrhaspathi or the lord of the 9th house.
(d) When the 7th lord occupying his own, friendly or
exalted house is situated in any Kendra or Kona and combined
with the lord of the 10th house.
(e) If the lords of the 7th and 11th houses are combined or
exchange each other's bouse and are placed in any Kona i.e. 5th
or 9th house.
(/) When the lord of the 9th house is in the 7th and 7th lord
is in the 4th house.
(g) The lords of the 7th and 11th houses are placed in any
The aforesaid yogas conferring more than two wives become
Conduct of the wife :
The native's wife may be a woman of bad conduct
(a) If the 7th lord, the 7th house or the Navamsa lord of the
Saptampathi {lord of the 7th house ) is in conjunction with a
malefic planet.
Or [b) the 7th lord and the natural indicator of the 7th house
( generally Sukra is a natural indicator of the 7th house ) is in
his house of debilitation either in the birth or Navamsa Chart
and remains unaspected by any benefic.
(c) If Ravi or the lord of the 7th house is in conjunction
with or aspected by a malefic or those two planets (Ravi and the
7th lordat least either of them) are placed in any unfavourable
house i n the Navamsa chart the native's wife indulges in
sinful acts.
(d) The wife of the native n^ay be a woman of loose morals
and rough-tongued if the 7th lord is weak and the 6th house is
occupied by a debilitated or combust planet.
(g) When the lord of the 7th house together with Budha is
-combust or placed in the house of debilitation or the planet is
i n 6th or 8th place and conjoined with malefic planets and also

is hemmed in between malefics the wife of the native bring

disrepute to her family and bt ings about the death of her
husband through her malicious activities.

A good, honest, religious minded and faithful wife :

(a) The lord of the 7th house conjoined with a favourable
planet, aspected by a benefic or is placed between beneficial
(6) If the lord of the 7th house is in a favourable Navamsa-
and the 10th lord is strong.
(c) Similarly if the Karaka planet Sukra is posited in a
favourable Navamsa and also the lOth lord is strong.
(d) If the 7th lord occupies his own exalted or friendly
(e) If the lord of the 7th house acquire Gopur varga and
is posited in Makara rasi.
( A planet is said to be in Gopur varga when he acquires
4 Vargas of his own ).
(_/*) Even if the 7th lord is a natural papa ( malefic ) but is
posited in a friendly house or in his house of exaltation in the
birth or navamsa chart and at the same time he is conjoined
with or aspected by a benefic the wife is faithful to her husband.
(g) Similarly if the 7th lord Sani is powerfully posited in
the birth chart and is in conjunction with or aspected by
Vrhaspathi the wife of the native is benevolent, respectful to gods
and brahmins. She will be a person of good conduct and believes
in the doctrine of Vedanta philosophy.
(A) If the 7th place from the position of the 7th lord is
occupied by the lord of the 2nd or the lords of lagna and the 7th
house are equal in strength the family status of both the husband
and the wife is of the same rank and the wife of the native is
faithful and respectful to him (the native) and she will be a good-
natured person.
4. A religious minded wife practising penance :
(I) If the powerful lord of the 7th house, or the karaka
planet in strength is associated with or aspected by Vrhaspathi
the wife of the native observes religious rites and practises
2) If the 7th lord is in a favourable rasi or i n a beneficial

navamsa and also aspected by a favourable planet the wife of

the native observes religious rites very carefully.
(3) If Chandra is posited in any auspicious house or i n
favourable navamsa, or occupies the house of exaltation the
wife of the native is honest and good-natured.
(4) The similar result is expected i f the 7th lord and also the
karaka planet are placed in a favourable rasi.
5. A bad, cruel, ill-bebaved or haughty wife :
(a) If the 7th place from lagna, the lord thereof or Navamsa
lord of either the 7th place or its lord is associated with or
aspected by a malefic the wife of the native may be dishonest or
Similarly i f the lord of the 7th house and the karaka of the
7th bhava are posited in their debilitated houses either in birth or
Navamsa chart and they remain unaspected by a benefic planet
the result as said above is to be predicted.
(A) If Ravi or the lord of the 7th house is in a malefic
Navamsa, or conjoined with or aspected by a malefic planet the
wife of the native may be dishonest.
(c) If the lord of the 7th house or Chandra is afflicted due to
association with or aspected by an unfavourable planet or any
of them is hemmed in between malefic planets or both the planets
are in unfavourable Navamsas the wife of the native indulges in
baneful acts and will be accused of heinous offence.
id) If the 7th lord is weak and the 6th place from lagna is
occupied by a debilitated or combust planet the wife of the native
is wicked and rude, and she may have illicit relation with some
(e) If the 7th lord joins Budha who is in his debilitated
house, combust, or associated with a malefic or posited in the
6th. or 8th place from lagna and is also situated between malefic
planets the wife of the native may k i l l her husband and w i l l
f uin the family prestige.
(J) If the 7th lord occupies the house of debilitation or be
i n the 6th place from lagna and is aspected by an unfavourable
planet, and posited in a movable papa Navamsa rasi the wife of
the native brings disgrace on the family.
ThiB unfavourable results stated above may be modified to a
reat extent i f the 7th house and its lord are aspected b^ t bencfle

or they are situated in a favourable Navamsa and are not ia

cruel Sasthyamsa.
6. Possibility of early marriage :
{a) In case of a male, i f Chandra is situated within the
third house from lagna or within the 9th house from the 7tb
place. ( Chandra of brighter half will be more sure in giving
effect to this yoga ).
(6) In case of a woman, Ravi instead of Chandra will
give the same result i f he ( R a v i ) is posited in those places.
[c) If Sukra or planets, more than one at least are posited in
watery sign.
[d) If a powerful Chandra occupies the 5th or the 7th place
from lagna.
[e) Eminent astrologers of India believe that if the lords of
the 7th and lagna are posited near to each other or the karaka
planet is situated next to lagnapathi or vice-versa, or a
favourable planet is posited near the lord of lagna or the 7th
lord early marriage is possible.
Here are two illustrations of early marriage :
(/) Lagna is in Simha rasi, Ravi the lord of lagna is in Tula
and the karaka planet is in Vrscika rasi. The native was
married at the age of 23.
(ii) Lagna is in Dhanu rasi. The lord of the 7th house is in
Kumbha rasi, the karaka planet Sukra is in M i a a and the lord
of lagna is in Mesa rasi.
The native was married at the age of 21. In both the cases
the lagnapathi and the karaka planet are situated very near to
each other.
7. The Yoga that makes a person bachelor or spinster
( Annrha Yoga ) :
(1) If any one of three planets, viz., Sukra, Ravi and
Chandra ( particularly Chandra ) is aspected by or conjoined
with Sani or any one of these trio is associated with Sani's.
Nakshatra ( i.e. Nakshatra No. 8, 17 & 26 ) there is possibility
of no marriage at all. The yoga may be more effective i f the
aforesaid conditions are fulfilled in Navamsa chart also.
(2) When Ravi, Chandra and also the lord of the 5th house
are in conjunction with or aspected by Sani the same result
may be foretold.
I N O I O A I I O N O F BHAVA3 167

According to western school of astrologers the yoga as said

above will also be effective i f these planets are associated with or
aspected by Herschel ( Uranus ).
(3) If Sukra is placed in a birthchart at a distance of 43*
degree or more from debilitated Ravi and is aspected by or
conjoined with Sani the negotiation of marriage may fall
through just at the time of completion of negotiation. According
to western astrologers the yoga will yield the above result more
accurately i f Sukra under that circumstance is afflicted
by Pluto.
(4) If the 7th place remains unoccupied by any planet and
Chandra in case of a woman, and Ravi i n case of a man, are
aspected by Sani occupying Vrscika rasi the marriage of a person
is an uncertainty.
Western astrologers are of opinion that when Sani is in Square
aspect with Ravi or Chandra the same result may be expected.
(5) If the 7th lord, lagna and Sukra fall in an unfertile rasi
there is least possibility of marriage.
( Unfertile rasis are Mithune, Simha, Kanya and Dhanu ).
These yogas (i.e. Configuration of planets ) may not be found
in toto in all cases, but if most of the conditions set forth above
are there in a radical chart the aforesaid result may be expected.
8. Late Marriage :
(1) In case of a man i f the 4th or 10th place is occupied by
Chandra, in case of a woman i f Ravi occupies the 4th or 10th
place marriage may certainly be delayed i f the native is born in
Krishna Paksha (i.e. during dark moon ).
(2) If Mesa rasi is occupied by Sukra or by more than two
planets. Or
(3) Lagna or Chandra falls in an unfertile sign the judgment
of late marriage may be pronounced.
In these cases both the birth and Navamsa charts should be
(4) Our experience in matter of late marriage is as follows :
(a) Of the 2nd, 5th, 7th, 8th or 12th house from lagna if any
two or three houses are occupied by Sani, Mangal, Ravi, Rahu
particularly by Sani and Rahu, Mangal and Rahu or Ravi and
Sani there is strong possibility of late marriage.
(Jb) It becomes a matter of headache for parents arding

marriage of their children if those houses mentioned above (from

Sukra and Chandra ) are associated with malefic planets.
Illustrations of late marriage :
(j) Lagna is in Kanya, in the 2nd place Rahu, in the 3rd
place Ravi and Budha, in the 4th place Sukra, the 7th house is
occupied by Vrhaspathi, the 8th place by Sani and Ketu and
Chandra is in Mithune ( 10th place from lagna ).
(//) Lagna is in Vrscika rasi, occupied by Ravi, Budha in the
2nd. Chandra in the 3rd, Vrhaspathi in the 4th. Sani in the 5th,
Ketu in the 6th, Mangal in the 11th and the 12th house is
occupied by Sukra and Rahu.
In the first instance lagna and Chandra are in unfertile rasis,
again Chandra in the 10th place from Lagna, Sani in the 8th,
Rahu in the 2nd and Sani aspects Chandra.
In the second instance Sani is in the 5th, Rahu in the 12th and
the 2nd house is aspected by Mangal and Sani,

Inspite of these yogas marriage is possible under the following

circumstances :
(a) If lagna is occupied by Sukra and the lord of the 11th
(b) If powerful Vrhaspathi is posited in the 5th place from
lagna, the 7th house from powerful Chandra is occupied by
Sukra and the 7th house from lagna is not occupied by any
malefic planet.
(c) If Vrhaspathi being in the 5th or 9th house from lagna
aspects lagna, Chandra is beneficial due to aspect of or
conjunction with favourable planets and is not situated between
malefics or is not afflicted due to aspect or conjunction with any
unfavourable planet.
{d) If the 7th lord is powerful and favourably situated and
at the same time he is aspected by or conjoined with favourable
-kSome aatiologera maka Vrhaspathi in the 7th house responsible for delay in
marriage and experience has in many case borne this ont. But nevertheless, the
responsibility of Vrhaspathi in these oases remains doubtful. Many competent
astrologers think Vrhaspathi in the 7th house makes a successful marriage. Jataka.
Parijat declares quite unequivooably that Vrhaspathi in the 7th house gives the
dative a bride desirable in every respect

Under the above circumstances the yoga conferring 'no

"marriage' may be considered as cancelled.
In respect of cancellation of 'Anurha Yoga' ( Yoga of no
marriage ) in the birth chart the Navamsa chakra also should be
examined. If the 'Anurha Yoga' is thus found as cancelled in
the rasi or Navamsa chakra the marriage may be held during the
"dasa antardasa of favourable planets.
If Vrhaspathi in transit moves to 5th, 7th or 9th place from
lagna, Chandra or Sukraparticularly Chandra, marriage of
the native is possible during favourable dasa and antardasa.
Before we enter into elaborate discussions about timing of the
most important event like marriage we must admit that among
various astrological problems that confront an astrologer the
timing of marriage is the most difficult one that cannot be
predicted with utmost certainty. The astrologer is really
bewildered not knowing which rule among various ones may be
suitably applicable in a particular case as in authoritative books
there are so many to determine the period of marriage.
Generally astrologers are of opinion that marriage occurs
when transiting Vrhaspathi traverses the 1st, 2nd, 5th, 7th, 9th
or 11th place from lagna or Chandra.
It is not always easy to predict accurately when marriage will
take place even with all our knowledge in astrology. Our ancient
rishis have laid down ce'tain rules based on the following :

Important factors for determining the time of Marriage :

Yogas that confer marriage.
(ii) Planetary conditions ( Avastha ).
(Hi) Dasas helpful to this important event.
(iv) Gochara (transit of planets ).
(a) When the lord of the 7th house is situated in a beneficial
sign, Sukra is favourably disposed { i.e. in his own sign, house of
exaltation or associated with his own Nakshatra, viz. 2, 11, 20 )
marriage occurs at pre-puberty age. Now-a-days legally
minimum age of marriage is 17 years. So, the aforesaid marriage
may signify 17 years to 20 years of age.
(b) If Ravi occupies the 7th house and the 7th lord conjoined
with Sukra is situated in a kendra, marriage is possible within
23 to 25 years of age. If the 7th lord or Sukra is afflicted in birth

or Navamsa chart marriage may be delayed. In such case*;

marriage may occur in between 30 and 33 years of age.
(c) If the 2nd house is occupied by Sukra and the 11th house
by the 7th lord event of marriage may occur in between the ages
of 23 and 28 years.
(d) When Sukra is situated in any kendra and the lord of
the 7th is posited in any house owned by Sani aspected by a
benefic the age of marriage may be predicted as 23 to 28 years of
age. In rural area where people are not so modernised marriage
under the above circumstance may occur at 15 to 16 years of age..
(e) When the 7th house is occupied by Sukra, Chandra and
Sani marriage of the native concerned will not be possible before
30th year of ageit may be 35th year also.
(/) When l l t h house is occupied by the lord of the 2nd and
the 10th place by the lord of lagna marriage may occur within
the reasonable period of 17 to 20 years of age.
{g) If the lord of the 2nd is posited in the l l t h house and the
lord of the l l t h in the 2nd place from lagna reasonable period of
marriage is 16 to 25 years of age in a modernised family and 14'
to 16 years of age in a rural area.
(h) If the lagna rasi of a Navamsa chart falls in the 7th
house of Janma chakra (birth chart) and the 7th lord is situated'
in the I2th house from lagna marriage event may happen itt-
between the ages of 16 to 20 years.
(i) If the 8th house in a Navamsa chart happens to be the 7th
house in the birth chart and Sukra i n case of a male and Sukra
and Manga' aspected Vrhaspathi in case of a female occupy the
rasi indicated by Navamsa lagna the marriage period may be
fixed in any one of 25 to 27 years of age.

Definite period of marriage :

Definite period of marriage may be determined in different
dasa and antardasa. The suggestions with regard to such dasa
and antardasa are given here below.
1. It is superfluous to mention here that the lord of the 7th
place is the main significator of marriage.
[ii) Again when the lords of 7th and 2nd places are relate*
in any way their dasa and antardasa also may bs indicated a*,
suitable period of marriage.

(Hi) The 7th lord from Sukra or Chandra may hasten

marriage of the native during their dasa-antardasa.
(iv) The lords of 5th, 9th, 10th or 12th may indicate
marriage of the native in their dasa and antardasa provided
any of them is related to the 7th lord.
This is to remind our readers that marriage may be delayed
if lagna, 2nd, 5th, 8th, or 10th house is occupied by any one of
Sani, Mangal and Rahu.
Again if Chandra and Sani, or Sukra and Sani are combined
together, or 7th or 8th house from the position of Sukra is
occupied by Sani marriage is delayed.
Of course the yoga of delay in marriage may be modified if
the planets responsible for delay are aspected by or related in
any other manner to a favourable planet.
Some of the modern Indian astrologers have observed that
Rahu is the patent match-maker and other planets are not so
significant as Rahu. So, they say :
(a) If dasa of Rahu comes within the marriageable age
marriage may be held in his dasa in preference to other planets.
(b) The 9th lord from lagna, Chandra lagna or A . M . lagna
(i.e. the mean position of ascendant and M . C ), the planets
seated in the 9th house or planets aspect that house may
cause marriage during their dasa and antardasa.
It is needless to say that the stronger one out of those planets
associated with the 2nd place or lord of the 2nd place from the
newly found rasi will be the powerful indicator of marriage in
their dasa and antardasa.
(c) Another method:Add lagna-sphuta (degree of
ascendant ) with the sphuta ( degree ) of the 7th lord. When
Vrhaspathi in transit traverses through the 5th, 7th or 9th place
from the newly found rasi and amsa marriage of the native is
possible during that period.
(d) There is another method .-Add together the sphuta of
the planets indicated by the constellations (Nakshatras)
associated with Chandra and the 7th lord.
When Vrhaspathi transits over the 5th, 7th or 9th place from
that rasi and amsa the marriage of the native is posible.
Planetary lordships indicated by different constellations or
Nakshatras are as follows :

3. 12, 21 No. Nakshatras are ruled by Ravi

4, 13. 22 >f 99 *
5, 14. 23 99 99
6, 15, 24 j 99 99 99 Rahu
7, 16, 25 99 99 91 1 Vrhaspathi
8, 17, 26 > .1 99 It Sani
9, 18, 27 91 99 99 f
10. 19, 1 99 9 99 Ketu
11. 20, 2 99 99 99 9 Sukra.
(e) Find out the rasi and amsa by addition of sphutas of
lagnapathi, Sukra and the 7th lord. Marriage is possible when
transit Vrhaspathi passes over that rasi and amsa.
(/) In the asthavarga Chakra of Sukra i f the rasi that contains
5 or more Rekhas happens to be the 5th or 9th place from
Chandra or Sukra situated in the birth chart and transit
Vrhaspathi passes through that rasi marriage may occur during
that period.
(g) In asthavarga chakra of Sukra after Trikone and
Ekadhipatya Sodhana (reduction ) the number of digits that
contain in the 7th rasi from the position of Sukra is to be
multiplied by the Rekhas in the asthavarga chart of Sukra
before reduction of Trikone and Ekadhipatya methods
and the figure thus obtained is to be divided by 27. The
remainder will be taken as number of Nakshatra. If the
remainder is 0 (zero), or i f the result obtained after multiplication
referred to above is less than 27 the remainder will be taken as
27 Nakshatra i.e. Revati.
When transit Vrhaspathi passes through that Nakshatra the
marriage of the native is possible.
There is a special rule to count number of Nakshatra thus found
as remainder after division by 27. The rule is, i f the native is born
during period of waxing moon counting of Nakshatra is to be
made from Aswini; i f it is the period of waning moon counting
is to be made from Dhanistha Nakshatra.

Yogas of immorality, loose morals or bad character :

We have already stated that the 7th house indicates marriage,
sexual life and happiness. The house also indicates latent
energies and general happiness in the family etc.

As the house represents sex and sex-life one's moral character

may also be judged from this house. We suggest herebelow
some of the yogas that make a native licentious, and immoral
and some of the favourable yogas may be there to give perfect
happiness in married life.
(1) If the lords of the 2nd and 6th are afflicted due to
conjunction with or aspect by a malefic and occupy the 6th place
from lagna the native may be a person of loose morals.
(2) The 7th lord occupying the lagna makes a man passionate
and if that 7th lord is afflicted the native may be a man of loose
(3) Sukra in the 7th house makes a person extremely
passionate but Sukra and Budha together in the 7th house make
him hunt after other's wife.
(4) When in a birthchart 7th house is occupied by Sukra,
Budha and Mangal the native is a man of perverted sex and is
guilty of homo-sexuality.
(5) If Rahu or Ketu is conjoined with the lord of the 7th
house and is aspected by Mangal or Sani and also Sukra is
afflicted due to unfavourable position or aspect the native is
notoriously immoral during the early period of his life.
(6) So also, i f Sukra in combination with lords of the 2nd, 6th
and 7th occupies lagna the native will be a person of loose
The author of Sarvarthachintamoni is of opinion :
(7) if the 7th place is occupied by Mangal the native is a
debauch and enjoys many women, and
(i) if Ravi is posited in the 7th place the native indulges in.
sexual act with woman or women related to him.
The author further says that
(ii) the native's moral character w i l l be loose if Rahu or
Ketu combines with the 7th lord and is aspected by a malefic.

Yogas that make a person moral-minded and chaste in

sexual life:
(1) Vrhaspathi when posited in the 7th house with no
malefic aspect makes the native strictly moral.
(2) The lord of lagna, or Chandra i f situated in a fovourable
rasi and Navamsa, occupies a Kendra and is aspected by a

benefic the native shall be a person of moral stamina and

possesses high standard of personality. '
(3) When the 7th lord is in combination with or is aspected
by Vrhaspathi or the planet denoting the 7th bhava is aspected
by or in conjunction with Vrhaspathi the native possesses a
good moral character and his wife too is a pious person.
There are persons who are not strictly speaking moral-minded
but they lead faultless sex-lives. The lords of the 9th and the
lagnapathi are primary factors in this matter. Even the afflicted \
7th house and its lord and Sukra may not make the native
unchaste in sex-matters if the 6th place, its lord, lagna,
lagnadhipathi and Chandra are placed in favourable rasis and
Navamsas and aspected by or conjoined with favourable planet.
The beneficial result in this respect may be more certain i f those
planets endowed with merits are placed in Kendra position from
Good and honest wife or husband may be expected from the
following Yogas :
(1) The 7th lord when well-disposed, aspected by favourable
planets or placed between benefics. '
(2) When the 7th lord is in favourable Navamsa and 10th lord
is powerful and favourably disposed.
3. Similarly when Sukra as the natural indicator of the 7th
bhava is in favourable Navamsa and the 10th lord is strong.
4. If the 7ih lord is exalted, placed in his own or friendly
5. When the lord of the 7th house is strong and is conjoined
with or aspected by Vrhaspathi the wife or the husband is pious
and strictly observes religious rites.
6. If the 7th lord or Ravi is placed in Makar Rasi (Capricorn)
and is aspected by favourable planets and the 7th place is
occupied by Vrhaspathi the wife or the husband is religious
minded and very much faithful to life-partner.
7. If Chandra is posited in a favourable rasi, Navamsa or is
exalted the wife or the husband of the native is faithful to her or
his life-partner and the native possesses good moral character.
8. If the 7th lord or Karaka planet Sukra is well-disposed
and powerful the same result is expected.
9. If the 7th lord Sani is strong, well-disposed and is aspected


'by or combined with Vrhaspathi or with any other benefic planet

the native becomes respectful to brahmins and gods and tries to
-know Brahma.
But i f that Sani is in conjunction with Rahu or Ketu and is
aspected by any other malefic and is also posited in 'Krura' (very
malefic) Shastyamsa the native earns bad names and is
quarrelsome, rude and rough.

Other anfavourable Yogas regarding the 7th bhava

Premature death of wife or husband :
1. If the 7th place is occupied by Rahu, 8th place by Sani
-and the 6th place is occupied by Mangal, or Ravi is posited in
the 10th place and Chandra in the 6th premature death of life-
partner is possible.
2. If the 7th place from lagna or Chandra is associated with
a malefic planet the aforesaid result is expected.
3. Premature death of the husband or wife ( as the case may
be ) is certain i f Mangal in the 7th place is aspected by Sani.
Only Mangal in the 7th place from lagna may give the same
unfavourable result.

Widowhood :
Mangal in lagna, 4th, 7th, 8th or 12th house may bring about
death of the husband ( or the wife ) of the native.
This is astrologically termed as Bhaum dosha.
There are some renowned astrologers who are of opinion
that Mangal in the 2nd place from lagna gives the same result.
But this also is to be remembered that i f Mangal inspite of his
position i n any of those unfavourable places acquires strength in
Vargas or by aspect of powerful benefics "bhaum dosha" may be
The following yogas also indicate premature death of
life partner, such as :
(a) When 8th lord is in an unfavourable Navamsa, the 7th
house is occupied by a malefic and there is no benefic in the
.second house.
(6) If a malefic planet is associated with the 8th house
and the lord of the 8th house is posited i n his own

The following configuration of planets nullify the

yogas of widowhood.
() If the 8th lord is seated in the house of exaltation.
(ii) If the Navamsa lord of the ruler of the 8th house is
posited in a malefic house and is also aspected by a malefic
premature death of the husband or the wife of the native is no
doubt indicated but if the 8th house in the natal chart is occupied
and aspected by benefics the "bhaum dosha" is nullified.
(in) If birthcharts of both husband and wife contain similar
malefic yogas the 'bhaum dosha' is neutralised.
(iv) If the 7th house is occupied by Sani and Mangal is
posited in the 8th or Mangal and Sani are situated in the 4th
place or if Sani is in lagna and Mangal is in the 12th place
'bhaum dosha' is neutralised.
(v) 'Bhaum dosha' caused by Mangal being in any of the
places such as 4th, 7th, 8th or 12th may be nullified if any one oi
those houses are occupied by Sani or Rahu.

Determination of wife's ( or husband's ) Family

Standard or Pedcgree :
The complexion, caste, propriety of conduct, social rank,
qualities etc. of husband or wife may be indicated by the 7th
house and its lord. As for instance, say, a person's lagna falls
in Mina rasi, the lord thereof is Vrhaspathi who is a brahmin by
caste. The 7th house from Mina rasi is Kanya, the lord is Budha
who is Vaisya by caste. That is, the 7th lord belongs to a lower
caste than brahmin. So, Budha will indicate the caste, complexion,
merits etc. of the life-partner of the native. Sources of these
qualities, merits or demerits are to be found from the position,
strength and aspect over Budha. Generally complexion, graceful-
ness, countenance, physical structure of the wife or the husband
of the native are to be judged from the 7th lord and the Navamsa
lord of the Saptamadhipathi (lord of the 7th house ). This also
is to be noted that aspect on or conjunction with the 7th lord
by any other planet may definitely influence the finding of
the astrologer.
(j) If the lagnapathi is weak and 6th house of the birthchart
is the Navamsa rasi of the 7th lord, he ( 7th lord ) is debilitated.
combust or conjoined with a debilitated planet the bride of the
native comes of a family of a comparatively lower standard.
{) Similarly i f the lord of lagna is weaker than the 7th lord
and he (lagnapathi) is debilitated, conjoined with malefics or
posited i n the 8th house the husband's family standard or
pedegree is lower than the wife's.

Love marriage. Civil marriage and Intercaste marriage etc :

Love marriage, civil marriage or marriage with persons of
different or prohibited caste may be judged from the 5th lord,
Sukra and the lord of the 7th. Combination of Sani and Sukra,
Sukra and R a v i or Mangal has a great role in this respect. But
it is an admitted fact that love marriage comes within
jurisdiction of the 5th house and its lord.
Regarding intercaste marriage Maharshi Parasar says in his
Vrihat Parasari Hora, 'when the waning moon occupies the
5th place, and the 7th and 12th houses are associated with malefic
planets, the marriage with a person belonging to a lower or
prohibited caste may occur.'
Conjngal life :
The 7th places from lagna and Chandra and their lords and
Karaka planet Sukra i n case of a man, and Sukra and Mangal in
case of a woman indicate the nature of conjugal life of the
(a) If the 7th place is occupied by a malefic planet and i f
that planet is inimical to the 7th lord and the lord of lagna the
conjugal life of the native is not expected to be happy and
(6) If Karaka planets ( viz., Sukra and Mangal) are in any
way af&icted there is remote chance for the native to enjoy
peaceful conjugal life.
(c) If the 7th bhava is occupied by its lord, receives aspect
of a benevolent planet and also lord of the 7th bhava from either
lagna or Chandra is favourably disposed the conjugal life of the
native is expected to be happy.
In short we may summarize the aforesaid rules in the
following manner:
Any given house is always 7th in relation to wifi^'s vis-a-vis
which is in exact confrontation to it.

The husband's and wife's natal houses are thus interrelated

and have to be judged in conjunction with each other. The
status, family, health, wealth, education etc. of the husband and
the wife are mirrored in the first and the seventh. If any of
them is governed or aspected by an evil planet the disparities
and afflictions should follow. Favourably governed and
favourably aspected the results would be happy.

Occnpation of planets in the 7th bhava and resnlts thereof:

Ravi i n the 7th house :
(1) If the 7th house is occupied by R a v i the wife of the
native may be barren, he w i l l wander hither and thither aimlessly
and may suffer humiliation. According to Parasari Hora
conjugal life of the native will remain disturbed i f Ravi occupies
the 7th house.
Chandra i n the 7th house :
(2) If the waning moon is in the 7th house the wife of the
native will be unfaithful but i f that moon is aspected by a
powerful benefic the wife of the native will be virtuous and
faithful to the husband.
If the full or waxing moon is posted in the 7th bhava and a
benefic planet casts his aspect on Chandra the native will be
beautiful to look at, will be loved by beautiful damsels and will
be exceedingly lovely.
According to Parasari Hora waxing or full moon in the 7th
house makes a man happy, learned and wealthy.
Mangal in the 7th house :
(3) When Mangal occupies the 7th bhava the wife in case of
a male and the husband in case of a female dies premature death.
Maharshi Parasar says that the native shall serve low class
people and his wife w i l l not live long.
Budha in the 7th House :
(4) When strong Budha .is situated in the 7th houae the
native will be learned, will always like good and beautiful dress,
his wife will be artistic, fortunate and rich. Weak Budha when
afflicted will be the cause of unhappy conjugal life.
Vrhaspathi i n the 7th bouse :
(5) Vrhaspathi occuping the 7th house will make the native
happy, wise and benevolent. The native will have a beautiful
lucky, faithful and virtuous wife. His children also will be
highly educated and lucky.
If debilitated Vrhaspathi be in the 7th house the native will
lose his wife. If Sani is posited in the 7th bhava identical with
Mina rasi the result will be the same.
If Vrhaspathi occupies a rasi or Navamsa owned by Sani or
Mangal the Native may have illicit relation with other women.
But Mantreswar in his Phaldipika holds a different view, he
is of opinion that it is Sukra ( not Vrhaspathi ) who will give
the malefic result as stated above. If the planet occupying 7th
house is in a Varga of Mangal or Sani the native may have a
liason with other people's wife.
Sukra in the 7th house :
(6) If the 7th house is occupied by strong Sukra the wife of
the native will enjoy happy conjugal life and she will be highly
prosperous. But afflicted Sukra in the 7th house makes a man
licentious and unhappy.
Sani in the 7th house :
(7) Conjugal life of the native will not be peaceful if Sanj is
in the 7th house, but when Sani in the 7th house occupies his
exalted, own or mooltrikona sign the conjugal life will be happy.
A n afilicted Sani or Sani in conjunction with or aspected by a
malefic planet or i f posited in an inimical house identical with
7th bhava will give the native immense trouble in his domestic
environment, his wife may be quarrelsome, peevish and he
himself will be roaming aimlessly and distressed.
Sahu in the 7th house :
(8) If Rahu occupies the 7th house the person concerned will
lose his wealth through intrigues with women, suffer separation
from his near and dear ones, he may be obstinate and silly.
Ketu in the 7th house :
(9) If Ketu is posited in the 7th house the native will be
humiliated, seek the company of women of bad repute, will
suffer from disease of intestine, his wife will be sickly, and he
will lose his vital power.

OccBpation of the 7th lord in different hhavas n d

results thereof
l a the first houseIf the 7th lord occupies lagna the native
may have intrigues with women other than his wife, he may be a
man of loose morals, he will have sharp intellect, will be prudent
and skilful and may sutfer from rheumatism or gout; parti-
cularly if lagna rises in Vrscika rasi and the 7th lord is in lagna
the aative may be a man of loose morals. If Mangal or Rahu is in
the 7th house and Sukra in Vrscika rasi where lagna is situated
the aative may be a debauch. Similar result may be predicted
when lagna falls in Tula rasi and Sukra in conjunction with
Sam. Mangal or Rahu occupies the 7th house.
In the second houseThe native has procrastinating habit,
and is financially affluent. The native may be a henpecked
husband. If the seventh lord is Sukra favourable result noted
above will be very effective. This may be the case in case of Mesa
and Vrscika lagna. In other lagnas monetary affluence will be
mediocre. In Mesa lagna Sukra in combination with Vrhaspathi
and Mangal, occupying the 2nd house is a "Yogakaraka""
pJaaec, and the native becomes a very rich man.
In the third houseIf the fifth house and its lord and karaka
planet Vrhaspathi are not favourable and the 7th lord occupies
the 3rd house the native's children may be shortlived and
his wife may give birth to still-born child. If the fifth house
and its lord are strong and well-disposed the unfavourable result
said above should not be expected.
If the 7th lord seated in the 3rd house is combust the wife o f
the native may be shortlived and sickly.
In the fourth houseNo happiness in conjugal life, tooth
disease etc. The native will be truthful and virtuous. He may do
well in business (trade ) if the 7th Iprd is not afflicted but
aspected by a favourable planet.
In the fifth houseThe native will be meritorious, wealthy,
cheerful and happy. The favourable result may be very much
effective in case of Mithuna lagna when the 7th lord Vrhaspathi
in combination with Sukra is posited in the 3th house, and also
in case of Vrscika lagna when the 7th lord Sukra and Vrhaspathi
are po&ited in the 5th place from lagna.
In the sixth and eighth housesThe wife of the native will be
sickly, he himself will be peevish, irritcble and unhappy. His
business enterprise may be unsuccessful until and unless a
favourable planet casts his aspect on the 7th house or its lord.
The native may be attacked with any kind of disease in intestine
or abdomen.
In the seventh houseIf the 7th lord occupies the 7th house
the native enjoys happy conjugal life, his wife will be faithful
and pious. If the 7th lord is in conjunction with Rahu, Sani and
Mangal his wife may be uncontrollable, haughty and unchaste.
She may be involved iu an accident.
In the ninth housePlease see the result of the position of 7th
lord in the 2nd house. Only difference is that the native may be
benefited by his wife or her parents and shall be lucky.
In the tenth houseThe native will be truthful, pious and
happy. If lagna rises in Mithuna, Dhanu or Mina and the 7th
lord is situated in the 10th house the native will be highly
educated, will build his own career by dint of his own merit and
effort and shall wield pomp and power. In case of Mesa lagna
the 7th lord being in the 10th house will not be so favourable as
other three lagnas mentioned above i f the ninth lord Vrhaspathi
is not favourably disposed.
In the eleventh houseThe native's conjugal life will be
unhappy, his children may be shortlived unless the fifth lord and
the house are strong.
In the twelfth houseIndication of loss of domestic peace.
If the 4th lord and the bhava are favourable, family peace may
be restored occasionally ; bad health of wife, short journey etc.
are indicated.


The 8th house is the house of longivity. It covers the span of

life. According to Hindu theory the beginning of life herebelow
is the beginning of the barrier between the individual soul
and God. In other words life begins when the individual soul
starts off the Universal soul to masquerade for its allotted span
as an individualthe non-spiritual elements, though themselves
also ultimately and basically spiritualacting as the comouflage
to obviously spiritual past.
Sorrow, affliction, vicissitudes of forces are the inevitable
incidents to a life on earth and it is from the 8th that all
these have to be calculated. In pessimistic language, the house
represents also the house of action. For, action is the source of
all vicissitudes of fortunes.
The seventh house is described as the house of destruction.
The 7th from the 8th house is the 2nd from lagna and the lord of
the 2nd is therefore, indicated as the killer. According to this
theory the 6th house attitude (i.e. the 6th bhava) is the house of
sorrow and affliction. The house which destroys the 6th house
attitude ( bhava ) is the 12th (the house of destruction of the
6th i.e. the house of sorrow and affliction ) which has been
described as the house of salvation or release. The individual
soul merges into the Universal soul, its sojourn on earth is
completed. Superficially therefore, the 6th house and the 8th give
nearly the same result. From the 8th the life span is calculated ;
a few specific rules arc to be found in Parasari Hora, Jaimini,
and other standard treatises.
According to the famous treatise viz., Parasari Hora the first
24 years of life should be calculated mainly from the point of
view of the dangers that beset it. Life during this period needs
extra protection from these dangers. It comes into stride after
these dangers are got over. The dangers are called 'Aristha' of
which there are three kinds, viz., (1) Pataki, (2) Graha-ristha
and (3) Ganda-ristha.

Bala-ristha : The risthas that endanger a child are termed as

bala-ristha. Some of the bala-ristha yogas are mentioned here:
1. If Rahu is situated in the 8th house from lagna with
Mangal and Sani the child may be involved in an accident and
the leg and hand of the child may be badly injured.
2. If R a v i in the 7th or 8th house is hemmed in between
three malefics and Vrhaspathi or Sukra is not posited in any of
those places the child may be killed by a four-footed animal.
3. If Budha in his inimical house is aspected by or associated
with any enemy planet and Chandra occupies the 6th or 8th
house the child may be killed by any aquatic animal.
4. If the 8th place from lagna is occupied by Mangal and
Chandra, and i f that 8th place is their enemy house the child
may die of snake-bite.
5. If Vrhaspathi and Budha are in the 6th place which is also
their enemy house the child may be attacked by his enemy and
may meet with death.
6. If Ravi occupies Simha lagna and Sani is in the 12th
place the child may be blind.
7. If Ravi is in the 8th place from lagna, Chandra in the 6th
dan Sani is situated in the 12th the native may be blind.
8. If any house is occupied by 6 planets the native may be
bereft of happiness and mental peace, and the native may be a
man of suspicious mind and crazy.
9. If Chandra and Sani together are posited in Karkata
{ Cancer ) the native becomes lame.
Kshana' a mythological figure said to be vastly Ijarned in
astrology pronounced that while these two planets ( Chandra
and Sani) occupy Karkata rasi Sani makes the native lame.
10. If Ravi in his inimical house is conjoined with Mangal
and Chandra without receiving any aspect from Sukra the child
becomes an one-eyed person.
11. The longivity of the child may be about 8 months only
if lagna is associated with Mangal, Rahu aspects the 4th place
and the 2nd or 12th house is occupied by Sani.
12. In a child's birth-chart if 12th place is occupied by Ravi
and Mangal, lagna by Chandra and Sani, and at the same time
the lagna is aspected by an unfavourable planet the child dies a
premature death.

13. The child dies prematurely when configuration of planets

in his birth chart is as follows :
Chandra, Mangal and Sani occupy lagna, Ravi is situated in
the 9th place and there is no aspect of Vrhaspathi on lagna.
14. This is also a sign of premature death i f in the birthchart
of a child Ravi and Mangal are positioned in the 3rd house, 8th
house is occupied by Sani and lagna remains unaspected by either
Vrhaspathi or Sukra. In such a case the maximum period of
longivity is about a month.
15. If malefic planets are posited in the 8th house and the 6th
place is occupied by Chandra, and lagna is not aspected by
cither Vrhaspathi or Sukra the child does not live more than a
16. The following yogas bring about premature death of a
child :
(j) i f lagna is occupied by Mangal who is aspected by a
malefic planet and remains unaspected by a benefic.
(ii) when Sani in conjunction with Mangal remains
unaspected by a bsneficial planet and occupies the 7th place from
(Hi) R a v i in conjunction with Mangal when posited in the
Sth house may k i l l the child in its early life.
(iv) Sani in association with Mangal is seated either in the
6th or 8th place and is not aspected by a favourable planet.
17. When 6th or Sth place falls in Karkata rasi and Budha is
there and he is aspected by Chandra the child's longivity is
about 4 years.
18. If the Sth place falls in Mesa or Vrscika rasi and
Vrhaspathi is aspected by Ravi, Chandra, Mangal and Sani and
remains unaspected by Sukra the child dies at the age of 3 years.
19. If the 6th, 8th or 12th house from lagna falls in Karkata
or Simha rasi associated with Sukra and the aforesaid house is
aspected by all malefic planets the child dies at the age of 6
20. If Sani conjoined with and aspected by a malefic planet
is situated in lagna and there is no aspect of favourable planet
on Sani the child dies at the age of 16 years.
(/) If that Sani ( when conjoined with and aspected by a
malefic planet ) is only associated with unfavourable planets and

is not aspected by a favourable planet the child dies within a

in) If that Sani is aspected by both favourable and
unfavourable planets the child may die within first one year of
its age.
21. If Mesa or Vrscika rasi is the 6th, Sth or angular place
{ kendra ) from lagna and retrograde Sani is seated at any of
those signs and is also aspected by powerful Mangal the child
dies within 2 years of its age.
22. If at birth Sani, Ravi and Chandra together are posited
in a house the child dies after its birth. This is called
23. If Chandra associated with a malefic planet and aspected
by even a favourable planet is posited in lagna, 7th or 9th place
the child does not survive long.
24. If Simha, Vrscika or Kumbha lagna rises and Rahu in
lagna is aspected by many (at least three) malefics the child may
die at the 7th year of age. This is called 'Rahu-ristha'.
25. If Rahu and Budha together are aspected by a papa and
are posited in a kendra from lagna the child may die at the lOth
year of age.
26. If waning moon associated with lagna and malefics
without receiving aspect of any favourable planet is situated in
a kendra or the Sth house the child dies a premature death.
27. Even a benefic i f aspected by an unfavourable planet
-occupies the 6th or Sth house the child dies at a very early age.
28. If Chandra occupies lagna and Mangal is in the 7th
house from lagna it is a ristha yoga for the child and its parents.
29. If lagna is occupied by Chandra and the 7th house by
Rahu the child may die at its 4th year of age.
30. If Mangal being placed in the navamsa of Chandra is
posited in the 7th house from lagna and remains unaspected by
any benefic thetjchild dies in the period when Chandra traverses
the 77th nakshatra from Janma nakshatra ( birth star i.e. the
nakshatra associated with Chandra at the time of birth ).
(o) Similarly the child dies when Chandra traverses the 77th
nakshatra from Janma nakshatra if Ravi, Mangal and Sani are
posited in the 5th place.

31. If in the Navamsa chakra Mangal is situated in a rasr

which is the Jata-lagna ( i.e. lagna of the birthchart) and
Mangal in the birthchart is not aspected by Vrhaspathi, Or
(a) If Chandra is posited in the Sth house from lagna and
occupies Mangal's Navamsa and is not aspected by Vrhaspathi
early death of the child is indicated.
32. Death is possible due to snake bite if Rahu in
conjunction with Mangal is posited in the 8th house.
Combination of these two planets in the 8lh house may
also cause death by poison.
But i f Rahu is favoured by a benefic the malefic result to
some extent may be mitigated. This is also to be noted that thet
native himself is responsible for loss of domestic peace i f in his
birth chart Rahu occupies the 8th place from lagna.
33. If Chandra and malefic planets occupy any Kendra and
lagna acquires "Chandra Hora" and the baby is born at any
Sandhya Kala or at Gandanta there is chance of danger of life o f
the child.
*At the time of sunset upto 3 dandas ( i.e. 1 hr. 12 min. )
after disappearance of half of the disc of the sun is Swayam
Sandhya Kala.
At the time af sunrise upto 3 dandas after appearance of half
of the disc of the sun in the sky is called Praia Sandhya kala.
34. In the native's birth chart if lagna falls in Vrscika rasi
and 'krura grahas' ("Krura" means cruel. Ravi, Mangal and Sani
are termed as "Krura grahas'. "Grahas" means planets ) are-
situated within the first part of the birth chart and favourable
planets occupy last part the child must die a premature death.
Ganda: The beginning of Aswini Nakshatra or the last 5
dandas of Revati Nakshatra is termed as Swaganda. In case o f
birth of a child with "Swaganda" during Swayam or Prata
Sandhyakala the child w i l l die.
If the baby is born with Pitri-ganda the father and i f it
is Matri-ganda the mother dies.
* ( P i t r i , Matri and Swa-ganda will be explained in du&
(a) If there is birth during Swa-ganda caused by Aswini
Nakshatra the baby dies within first 10 months.

(6) If it is Revati Nakshatra's ( Swa-ganda ) ganda death o f

the baby is possible within the first 2 | years of age.
(c) If it is Aslesha's Swa-ganda within the first one year o f
age the child dies.
(d) If it is Magha's ganda within first 4 or 8 years of age of
the child the mother dies.
(e) If it is Jestha's ganda within first 1| years of age and if i t
is Moola's ganda within the first 6 years of a&c the father dies.
Ganda-ristha may be classified in the following manner
Birth at day timePitri ganda :-
The first 3 dandas of Moola Nakshatra
The last 5 dandas of Jestha Nakshatra
Birth at nightMatri-Ganda
The first 3 dandas of Magha Nakshatra
The last 5 dandas of Aslesha Nakshatra
Birth at the junction of day and night and night and day :-
This is swa-ganda i.e. ristha of the baby itself.
The beginning of Aswini Nakshatra
The last 5 dandas of Revati Nakshatra.
The total of these is 108. This is generally taken to be at
man's longivity.


MitUunazO ^^^^^ Uesi 10


Kumbha 3

Look at the diagram drawn above. Three perpendicular lines;

parallel to each other are cut horizontally by three parallel

lines. There will be 12 intersecting points. The first point is

Mesa, the 2nd is Vrsa, etc.; in this method we shall find 12 rasis.
Now Mesa is joined by a line with Kanya, Vrsa with Simha,
Mithuna with Karkata rasi. Again Mesa is to be joined by a
line with Mina, Vrsa with Kumba, Mithuna with Makar rasi.
Similarly Mina is to be joined by a line with Tula, Kumba with
Vrscika, and Makar is to be joined with Dhanu. We know the
Rasi where lagna is situated.
Here also in the Pataki chakra lagna is to be shown in
that rasi.
This is also to be noted from the diagram that each rasi is
joined with other two rasis, such as :Mina and Dhanu are
joined with Karkata, Kumbha and Vrscika with Simha, Makar
and Karkata with Dhanu, Dhanu and Kanya with Makar, Mina,
Kanya and Dhanu with Mesa, Vrscika, Simha, and Kumbha with
Vrsa and lastly Makar, Karkata and Tula with Mithuna.
Each rasi contains a digit in the following manner :
Mesa 10, Vrsa 6, Mithuna 20, Karkata 5, Simha 8, Kanya 2,
T u l a 20, Vrscika 6, Dhanu 10, Makar 14, Kumbha 3 and Mina 4.
Total of these digits is 108.. This is generally taken to be a
man's longivity.
Pataki chakra will indicate ristha period of the child. This
will be dealt with later on. Before we explain this we shall
have to discuss some other important matters.
First of all yamardha-pathi and Danda-Pathi are to be worked
out. There are Diva-yamardhapathi and Ratri yamardha-pathi.
D i v a means day, Ratri means night.
Diva yamardha :
In any almanac ( Panjika ) the span of a day and night
is mentioned. One-eighth of a day or night is the span of each
yamardha and one-fourth of each yamardha is the span of each
In case of birth of the child at day time yamardha-pathi is to
be determined in the following manner :
The lord of the birthdate is the first yamardhapathi of that
date, i.e. i f the birth date is Sunday, R a v i is the lord of that
date, i f it is Monday Ghandra is the lord of that date, i f it is
Tuesday Mangal is the lord of that date etc.

So, i f the birth date is Sunday

the first yamardhapathi is Sun i.e. Ravi,
the second 6th planet from Ravi
the third ., 2nd yamardhapathi
the fourth 3rd
the fifth 4th
the sixth Sth
the seventh 6th
the eighth 7th
In case of birth at night different method is followed. Here
too we are to find out from almanac the span of night as
the child is born at night. It is needless to mention here that
one-eighth of the spaii of the birth night is the span of each
yamardha and each danda is equivalent to one-fourth of each
yamardha. Now method of determining yamardhapathi is as
The lord of birthdate is the first yamardhapathithat is if the
birth date is Sunday the first yamardhapathi is Ravi.
The fifth planet from the first yamardhapathi is the second
yamardhapathi. The fifth planet from the 2nd yamardhapathi
is the third yamardhapathi and so on.
The diagrams of both yamardhapathi and dandapathi arc
given in the last part of this book which will serve as a ready
Method of finding out Dandapathi :
( Here also method is different in case of birth at day and
at night).
When the child Is born at day time
The first yamardhapathi is the lord of first danda. As for
instance i f the birth date is Wednesday, the first yamardhapathi
is Budha. So, the first dandapathi also is Budha.
Budha is the fourth planet from Ravi. The second dandapathi
is one-half of the figure 4, which denotes Chandra.
The third dandapathi is the one-half of figure obtained by
Chandra, ( Chandra is 2 from Ravi. So, half of 2 is 1 which
means R a v i ) which is Ravi.
The fourth dandapathi is Riihu. Here special rule is followed.
If one-half of the figure thus found is not a round figure there

is something as 2 | or 3 | the round figure is accepted and part of

the round figure is to be omitted. Such as, say the first
dandapathi is Vrhaspathi which denotes 5 ( counted from R a v i ) ,
I of 5 is 2 | ; here the round figure 2 is acceptable, which means
If half of the figure obtained by a dandapathi is not a round
figure it will b; considered as 0 ( zero ) which means Rahu.
In case of hirth at night the method is easier.
The first yamardhapathi is the lord of first danda.
The second dandapathi is the 6th planet from the first
The third dandapathi is the 6th planet from the second
To illustrateif the first dandapathi is Ravi, second danda-
pathi is Sukra, the third dandapathi is Budha etc.

How to determine Pataki-ristha ?

We have seen that in the Pataki Chakra there are 12 rasis
and each rasi is joined with other two rasis by a line. The
intersecting points are called 'Veda-sthanas'.
For instance, Karkata rasi is joined with Dhanu and Mina.
These two intersecting points, viz., Dhanu and Mina are 'Veda-
sthans' of Karkata i.e. if lagna is in Karkata rasi its Veda-sthana
are Dhanu and Mina.
If dandapathi is posited in any those two rasis ( Dhanu and
Mina ) the native is born with 'Pataki-ristha'. The digits in these
thr^e rasis (Karkata, Dhanu and Mina) are 5, 10:& 4 respectively.
The native may fall badly i l l during 4, 5, 10 days, months or
years of age provided during any of those ages there is
unfavourable dasa and antardasa. The result may be modified
under special circumstances which will be discussed later on.
While considering Pataki-ristha the following points are to be
noted very carefully :
1. If the dandapathi posited in Veda-sthana is a natural
malefic and there is no aspect of any strong favourable planet
on lagna, or lagna is not in,association with any benefic the child
may die within the days denoted by digits in Veda-sthana.
2. If lagna is conjoined with or aspected by both malefic and
benefic planets the child may die within the months or years
instead of days as reckoned by digits in Veda-sthanas.
Please note that each rasi has three Veda-sthanas and there are
three digits. Ristha period will be those three digits and also
total of those three digits.
We have seen in the aforesaid illustration that digits in
Karkata, Dhanu and Mina are 5, 10 and 4 respectively. The
total of these three numbers is 19. Hence, ristha period may be
5,10, 4 and 19 days, months or years as the case may be.
If the ristha is very unfavourable and there is no protective
factor against that ristha the child may die within days
mentioned above. Again inspite of one or two protective
factors i f the ristha is more forceful the child may die within
months or years instead of days.
There will also be a ristha i f dandapathi is posited in
Vedasthana from Chandra.
What are protective factors ?
1. If dandapathi is weak and there are both unfavourable and
beneficial relation with lagna or lagnapathi.
2. If the lagna is i n "Vargottom Navamsa" or lagnapathi is
posited in his highest exaltation-point.
3. If Vrhaspathi and Sukra are situated in Kendra.
4. If the lord of the birthday is the dandapathi and he is
seated in Vedasthan from lagna or Chandra there will be no
ristha inspite of the malefic nature of dandapathi.
[ Lord of the birthday meansif the baby is born on Sunday
the lord of the birthday is Ravi. In this manner the lord of
birthday is to be determined ]
Under those circumstances the child may avert the crisis
arising out of ristha. There are also other favourable yogas
that may save the live of the child inspite of 'Pataki' or other
risthas which will be discussed later on.
Pitri-ristha :
Pitri ristha means that kind of ristha that may endanger
the life of the child's father,
Ravi signifies father and Chandra mother.
1. If these planets are situated between malefics, or
associated with or aspected by malefics parents may die.

2. If Sani is situated in lagna, Mangal in the 7th place and

Chandra in the 6th house from lagna this is a death inflicting
yoga for the father of the child.
3. If Vrhaspathi occupies lagna and the 2nd house is
conjoined with Sani, Ravi, Mangal and Budha the father may
die at the time of marriage of the child.
4. If the baby is born in the navamsa rasi of Mangal and
lagna is aspected by Ravi and Sani the father dies before the
birth of the child.
5. If Rahu and Vrhaspathi being in their inimical house
occupy lagna or the 4th place from lagna the father dies at the
child's 23rd year of age.
6. If the 6th or Sth house from lagna is occupied by
Chandra, Mangal and Sani who are not aspected by Vrhaspathi
the yoga may prove fatal for both the child and the father.
7. Within 7 days from the birthdate of the child the father
may die if the Sth place is occupied by Chandra, the 2nd place
by Vrhaspathi and Rahu and the 4th place is occupied by Sani
and Mangal.
8. If Ravi is aspected by three malefics without any
aspect of any beneficial planet on Ravi or he ( R a v i ) is not
associated with any favourable planet the yoga may endanger
the life of the father.
9. If Mangal is placed i n the Sth house and the 12th place is
occupied by three unfavourable planets without being aspected
by or conjoined with any beneficial planet is also a fatal yoga
for the father.
10. This is also a ristha yoga for both the child and the
father i f Ravi is in the Sth place and Rahu is in lagna.
11. This is also a fatal yoga for the father i f Ravi and
Mangal are conjoined with each other and aspected by Sani or
Ravi and Sani together are posited in a house and aspected by
Matrl-ristha :
1. If Chandra is aspected by three malefics and the 6th place
from Chandra is occupied by an inauspicious planet the mother
of the child meets with death.
2. If Chandra being in conjunction with and aspected by

malefics is posited i n the 7th or Sth place from any other

unfavourable planet or is aspected by a powerful malefic the
mother of the child dies.
This is also a Matri-ristha yoga if the Kendra position is
not occupied by a favourable planet and the 4th place from
Chandra ( if that house is inimical to Chandra ) is occupied by
a malefic.
3. If the malefic planets are posited in the 4th, 6th, 10th and
12th places from lagna life of the mother and the father may be
in danger.
4. When the birth of the child happens to be at night, and
both Chandra and Sukra are situated in a malefic house or
houses and they are also conjoined with other unfavourable
planets the mother dies within 6 months from the birthdate of
the child.
5. If Sani and Mangal together ( in any rasi ) are in the
same navamsa and occupy Kendra position from Chandra the
mother dies in the baby's childhood and the child is looked after
by a stepmother.
6. From waning moon i f the Sth and 9th places are occupied
by malefic planets only the mother dies within 6 months from
the birthdate of the child.
7. If Chandra is hemmea in between Sani and "Mangal or is
in conjunction with them the mother dies.
8. If the 4th place from lagna or Chandra is occupied by a
powerful malefic and the Kendra position from that malefic is
occupied by another strong unfavourable planet the mother dies.
9. The mother of the baby dies within 8 days from its birth
if lagna falls in Mina and navamsa lagna be in Karkata, and
Ravi and Sukra being in Kumbha rasi are aspected by Sani.
10. If Kendra and trikona houses are occupied by malefics
the mother dies.
11. If Chandra conjoined with any evil planet is posited in
6th or Sth house and Mangal occupies the 7th place from lagna
the mother meets with death.
12. If the 4th place from lagna or Chandra is occupied by a
powerful malefic and the Kendra position from that malefic is
occupied by another strong unfavourable planet the mother

13. If Chandra is hemmed in between Sani and Mangal or is

in conjunction with them the mother dies.
N. B. Though Chandra has an important role in determining
the 'ristha' of the baby's mother the fourth house and its lord
are no less important.

Bala-ristha ( early death of the child ) :

( This part of bala-ristha should be read along with the ristha
yogas explained earlier in this chapter )
Primarily Eighth hous^ indicates A y u or Longivity, but that
is not a l l . The house also signifies litigation, victory over or
defeat by enemies, imprisonment, domestic troubles, worries
and anxieties, abdomen and pelvic region of the body,
rectum, secret organ, legacies, unearned wealth, wills, disgrace
and degradation, cause of death, place and surroundings
of death.

Occupation of the Sth Lord in different bhavas and results

1. If the Sth lord occupies lagna or the 7th place from lagna
the wife or the husband may die a premature death and the
native mdy marry again.
Remarriage depends on many factors which must be
considered before the final judgment is pronounced.
The Sth lord in lagna may be the cause of immense
trouble, such as, the native may be possessing very bad health,
he will have no easy walk of life.
2. If the Sth lord is posited in the 2nd place -the
native cannot acquire good wealth and he cannot restore his
lost property.
The 2nd place is 'maiakasthan' ( death inflicting house), So
if the Sth lord is situated in the 2nd place the native may fall
badly ill during dasa-bhukti of the 2nd lord under the major
period of the lord of the Sth house. Besides, the native may
suffer from some sort of ailments in throat.
3. Relation between brothers and sisters may be strained i f
the Sth lord occupies the 3rd house. Health of brothers and
sisters may not run well.

4. Position of the Sth lord in the 4th or 10th house is deemed

to be very bad. The native may be mean-minded, malicious and
jealous of others. His parents may die in his childhood. There
may be ups and down in his vocational career and mental peace
may remain disturbed.
5. When the Sth lord is posited in the Sth house the native
may not be a man of sharp intellect unless any one of Budha
and Vrhaspathi is powerful and favourably posited in Kendra
or Kona.
6. If the Sth lord occupies the 6th place the native will be
sickly, there is danger of Snakebite and also fear from water in
his childhood.
7. If the Sth lord occupies the Sth house and the house
itself is his ( Sth lord's ) exalted or own sign the native may
live long, but i f the said Sth lord is conjoined with or
aspected by a malefic, or acquires unfavourable Sasthyamsa
{ one-sixtyeth part of a rasisee the table ) the native may be
S. The Sth lord in the 9th house ( house of luck ) is awefuUy
bad. The native can not thrive well in life, he may be a sinful
man, unscrupulous, always hankers after other's wealth and wife,
or he may be barren or childless.
9. If the l l t h house is occupied by the Sth lord his relatives
may be hostile to him and he may not have cordial relations with
his elder brothers or sister. Of course all these depend on the
strength and favourable position of the 3rd lord. Again, i f
the 3rd house is occupied by a benefic and its lord is weli-
posited the unfavourable result may be ameliorated to a great
10. If the Sth lord in conjunction with a natural malefic is
posited in the 12th place the native may be shortlived, this also
may be the case i f the 6lh lord also be in the 12th place.
11. The Sth lord when posited in the l l t h will not be
favourable for the native to earn as much money as in case of
other lords but i f the 2nd and l l t h lords or/and houses are
favourable the native may earn a lot by unscrupulous means
particularly when the Sth lord being a natural malefic occupies
the n t h house. Again i f the house of gain ( l l t h ) is not

afflicted and the Sth lord be in the l l t h the native may get
wealth or property by inheritance.
12. If the Sth lord is Sukra and the planet is associated with
or related to a naturally inauspicious planet the native may be
attacked with kidney trouble, ailments due to inflammation of
prostate gland or any other urinary trouble, such as diabetes. In
case the native is a woman besides urinary trouble referred to-
above she may suffer from uterine disease or disease of the,
ovary. If that Sukra is conjoined with or aspected by MangaL
the native may have to undergo surgical operation due to any
of those diseases.
The Sth lord being in conjunction with Mangal or similai
other cruel planets may be the cause of disease of the anus oi
rectum (such as piles, Assure etc.).
The combination of the Sth lord and Mangal, or association
of the Sth lord with the lord of the 6th house may be the cause,
of involvement into litigation, imprisonment or debt.
Combination of or relation between the lords of Sth and 6th
houses are not always unfavourable, rather the native may
pass over many hardies that beset him or her in his ( or her ^
career and prosper in life provided they are not aspected by or
related to any other bhava Lord (excepting the lord of the;
12th house ), so says Uttarkalamrita and Parasari Hora.
Again i f the Sth house is occupied by more than one malicious
planet the native may suffer from diseases of anus or rectum and
there is possibility of his suffering from enlargement of scrotum.

Unhappy or painful end of life

1. If the Sth lord is in Pasa or Sarpa Drekkan the native;
may die of snake bite or may commit suicide by hanging.
( The 1st and the last drekkan of Karkata, Vrscika and Mina.
rasis are termed as Pasa or Sarpa drekkan ).
2. If the Sth house or the lord is aspected by any powerful,
planet the native may die due to disease caused by that planet..
(It may be noted that Ravi and Mangal indicate bile, Chandra-
rheumatism, wind and.phlegm, Budha indicates bile and phlegm,.
Vrhaspathi phlegm, Sukra Pneumatics and phlegm, Sani
pneumatics and rheumatism, and Rahu signifies pneumatics,
only ).

The native may die when the humour indicated'.by death-

inflicting planet is irritated or the state of the bodily humours
become unbalanced.
(a) If the Sth place is aspected by Ravi death due to fire,
(b) If the Sth place is aspected by Chandra watery disease,
(c) If the Sth place is aspected by Mangal death may be
caused by any kind of weapon, or surgical operation.
(d) If that house is aspected by Budha it may be a serious
type of fever that cannot be easily diagonised,
(e) If Vrhaspathi is the cause of death the suffering will be
due to cough and cold or any such disease relating to phlegm
or digestive organ.
3. If the waning Chandra be posited in the Sth place and is
aspected ( dristha ) by powerful Sani the native may die of
disease of anus, eye or any wound caused by a weapon.

Planets i n the Eighth house

Astrological savants are of opinion that there should not be
-any planet favourable or unfavourable, in the Sth house.
Because any planet whether he is a natural Subha ( benefic ) or
asubha ( malefic) may produce unfavourable result in one way
or other. This is also a fact that the standard of beneficial or
malicious result depends on the nature and strength of each
planet. There i s no doubt about it that the result will vary
according to strength of planets positing in the Sth house.

Ravi in the Sth house

1. It is needless to repeat here that Ravi signifies father, soul,
head, nobility etc. (please see the Karakata chapter). When he is
situated in the Sth house the native may suff"er from bilious
ailments, he may lack personality, vitality, energy and vigour,
because Ravi naturally stands for energy, vitality, pomp,
grandeur, greatness and nobility. Naturally when this planet is
in the 8th house he will be afiSicted, in consequence the native
will be narrow-minded, mentally weak and sickly, he may die of
epilepsy, paralysis or sunstroke. A n afflicted Ravi may be the
cause of loss of brain power.
When Ravi occupies the Sth house and is aspected by Sani

and there is no aspect of any benefic on Ravi the native under

that circumstance will pass through many vicissitudes of life,
may suifer from worries and anxieties almost a l l through his life.
His professional career may be adversely effected.
In a female horoscope the planet seated i n the 8th house may
cause widowhood.

Chandra i n the Sth house

2. Chandra represents mother, mind, lungs nutrition,
morality, etc. If the planet is situated i n the 8th house the
native is likely to be sickly, his mother may not live long or she
may die during the childhood of the native. If Chandra in the
8th house is aspected by 3 papas ( malefics) or is situated
between malicious planets the child's mother and child itself may
die at an early age. This is called Bala-ristha. ( See Bala-ristha
Chandra may be the cause of lunacy if he is aspected by
powerful Sani, Mangal or Rahu, this configuration of planets
{ viz., Chandra's relation with Sani, Mangal and Rahu ) may be
the cause of epilepsy, piles and indigestion.
If the 8th house is a watery sign and Chandra is posited there
with Vrhaspathi being unfavourable due to ownership of a
malefic house the native may suffer from asthma, phthisis,
consumption etc. He may be susceptible to cough and cold only
in case lagna and its lord are well-disposed in a favourable sign*

Mangal in the Sth house

3. Mangal among other things denotes physical strength
and energy, activity, effort, brothers and sisters, sinews, muscular
tissues, weapons, strife, war, litigation, accidents, etc.
If Mangal is situated in 8th house it indicates sudden death
owing to surgical operation, piles, fissure, plague, cholera,
dysentery, small pox, meningitis etc. He may be involved in a
litigation or debt.
Mangal in the Sth house may cause wife's death in case of a
male and i f he is associated with Sth house in a woman's
horoscope the husband may die.
If Mangal in the Sth house is conjoined with a malefic the
tive may be fond of women of brd repute, in case of a womani

the lady may be illegally attached to a paramour by discarding

her husband. This is also term'jd as Koja dosh.

Badha i n the Sth house

4. Budha represents learning, education, wisdom, intelligence,
arf, tongue, power of speech, nerves, humour etc
When the planet is situated in the Sth house the native may
bs dun, his cducatioa;'! career will not b i smooth running (therii
may be many obstructions ), his manner of talk or conversation
may not be convincing-, he may be attacked with such diseases
that c m not be diagonised easily.
V/hea Budha in the Sth house is strong and is not associated
wuh or aspected by any malefic the native may be -ivise, prudent,
well-mannered, but afilicted Budha in the Sth house may be the
causa of many evils and worries.
Ill the horoscope of a woman afflicted Budha in the Sth
house causes unhappy incidents in the family and her husband
may have to bear the brunt of those evil events.

Vrhaspathi in the Sth house

5. Vrhaspathi in the Sth house is not a benefactor for the
native. He may not have any child at a'l or his children may
die premature death. In a woman's horoscope Vrhaspathi in the
Sth houie may cause abortions, or her children may die early.
The native may be mean-minded, he may earn his livelihood
as a menial, he will hi untruthful and a religious hypocrite,
he may be dependant on others and lead a miserable life. But
Vrhaspathi in the Sth house gives Icng life to the native-

Sakra iu the Sth house

6. Sukra is a significator of marriage, wife or husband,
attacLment, material pleasure, sexual act, passion, love, beauty,
elegant eyes, fir3 arts, scandals, venereal diseases etc.
Phala dipika writes that Sukra in the Sth house makes the
native a longlived and rich, and a ruler of earth. Astrological
savants are of opinion that only powerful Sukra in the Sth
house can give the aforesaid good results. If he is weak the
native may have to face scandals, he may be adulterous, may

visit public women, may be addicted to wine and women, may

suffer from venereal disease etc.
When the .planet is in conjunction with Mangal or they
are related to each other in any other way there may be loss of
life partner at his or her premature age and the native may be a
man of loose morals.
Sukra with Sani in the Sth house may make the native
In the horoscope of a woman when Sukra is posited i n the Sth
house and the 7th house and its lord are not favourable the
native's conjugal life is totally marred. This is also a sign of
premature death of the husband ( or wife ).
Presence of Sukra and Sani in the Sth house may cause
diabetes, kidney trouble or inflammation of prostate gland.
In the horoscope of a woman the native may suffer from
diseases of ovary or uterus or both i f Sukra is situated in the Sth
If Mangal is conjoined with Sukra, she may have to undergo
surgical operation due to those ailments.

Sani in the Sth honse

7. Primarily Sani is the indicator of death. He signifies
sorrows, afflictions, disappointment, miseries, meanness,
demo^ralization. ( T o get elaborate idea of Sani's significance
please read 'Karakata' chapter ).
Eighth house is astrologically termed as 'Randhra'. The term
means a hole or a bore of a tube through which all poisonous
substance may get in or get out. Sani controls that hole or bore.
If he is in joyful mood he allows the vicious instincts in a
man to get into that bore and sends back the same after proper
sterilization, thereby the planet takes the responsibility of
moulding a sinful person into a 'sadhaka' i.e. a true devotee.
So, a beneficial Sani is a blessing in disguise. He withholds at
first, later to deal in double measure. When Sani is the ruler
in the horoscope he makes slow plodding ascent and the promise
of success early in life is scant. But as the years roll by the arc
begins to curve upward the native rises to prominence in
Initially Sani stands for worries and anxieties, impurity.

iDsinccxityand sinful acts. So, when he is in the Sth house the

native may have to suffer from serious type of miseries and
worries, he is to struggle hard to ward off obstacles that beset
o n his way to prosperity, he faces monetary stringency, develops
nasty habits, every eifort in his life may be thwarted by enemies
or by some sort of impediments about which he never thought o f
before their exact appearance in the field of action. Sani i n the
.8th place makes a man cruel, peevish, dishonest. Afilicted Sani
i n the Sth house may be the cause of suffering from colic pain,
gout or rheumatism, idiosyncracies, windy ailments, defective
eyesight ( vision ) and tooth trouble.
When Sani is afflicted by Ravi the man becomes depraved
and dishonest and struggle in his life knows no bound.
Sani in the Sth house gives long life to the native but i f the
planet is conjoined with Mangal death may occur due to
surgical operation, i f he is in conjunction with Sukra the native
may be impotent. Of course if Sani and Sukra are aspected by
a benefic the native may be sexually normal.
In the horoscope of a woman Sani in the Sth house deprives
the native of mental peace in conjugal or family life. Moreover
she may be a widow. This unfavourable result more often i s
experienced when that Sani and Sukra are in conjunction with

Rahu in the Sth house

8. Rahu represents litigation, corruption, thieves, serpents,
duplicity, quarrelsome habit etc.
When Rahu is posited, in the Sth house the native becomes
dishonest, mean, degraded and quarrelsome. Rahu in the Sth
house gives the native ample opportunities to earn money
through dishonest method, he is unscrupulous and does not
hesitate to cheat his friends and near and dear ones.
Rahu along with weak Chandra when seated in the Sth
house brings about premature death of the life partner. In the
birthchart of a woman this yoga is very unfavourable and the
lady may lose her husband at her early age.
Death is possible due to snakebite i f Rahu in conjunction
with Mangal occupies the Sth house. Combination of these two
planets may also cause death by poison.

The native himself may be responsible for loss of domestic

peace i n whose horoscope Rahu is situated in the Sth hduse but
i f Rahu is favoured by a benafic the unfavourable result may to
some extent be mitigated.

Ketu in the Sth house

9. Ketu signifies quarrels, selfishness, secret intrigues
and company, backbiting, vicious tendencies, mendicancy,
resignation and surrender to God and salvation.
Ketu in the Sth house does not give domestic peace, he is the
cause of unfriendly relation or quarrel with relatives. If the
planet is situated i n the Sth house and Mangal also is there the
native may suffer from piles, hernia, or any other secret disease.
In the horoscope of a female the native may be a widow early i n
life i f Ketu is in the Sth place from lagna. In case the planet is
conjoined with or aspected by a powerful benefic the evil result
as said above may seldom be expected.
Ketu i n the Sth place indicates disappointment, shift from
one place to another, struggle in life.

Cancellation of Ristha yoga

Ristha yogasbalaristha, Pitriristha or Matriristhas are

considered to be cancelled under the following configuration of
1. A powerful Vrhaspathi rising in Lagna cancels a l l kinds
of risthas.
2. If the lagna-lord is powerful,- posited in any kendra and is
aspected by a benefic without being aspected by any malefic the
child inspite of balaristha is blessed with long life and he is
3. When any one of Chandra, Budha, Vrhaspathi and Sukra
is strong and occupies a Kendra or Kona position ristha yogas
are taken to be nullified.
4. When malefic planets that bring forth ristha yogas are
posited i n a favourable house in navamsa chart, or favourably
situated in majority of Sada or Dasa-Vargas and also at the same
time are aspected by favourable planet or planets in the birth
chart the ristha yogas are deemed to be cancelled.

5. When any one among Chandra, Budha, Vrhaspathi and

Sukra occupies a favourable house, favourable navamsa and
Drekkanall kinds of ristha yogas lose their baneful stings and
the child lives long.
6. When all the planets are situated in Shirsodaya rasis
ristha yogas can not do any harm to the baby. [ Mesa, Vrsa,
Karkata, Dhanu and Makara rasis are called Pristhodaya rasis,
all other six rasis (Mithuna, Simha, Kanya, Tula, Vriscika and
Kumbha) are Shirsodaya rasis. Mina rasi is called Woovayodaya
rasi meaning both Pristhodaya and Shirsodaya rasi ],
7. When at birth Chandra is posited in Budha, Vrhaspathi
or Sukra's drekkan ristha yoga is cancelled. Even if Chandra
under the aforesaid circumstance is situated in the Sth house
ristha yoga is to be taken as cancelled.
8. Ristha yogas will be of no importance if the full Moon
( Puma Chandra ) is posited in a favourable house, Navamsa or
is situated between favourable planets or she is conjoined with
any benefic.
9. Ristha yogas are nullified when Rahu occupies Mesa,
Vrsa or Karkata identical with 3rd, 6th or l l t h house from
10. When lagna rises in Tula, Dhanu, or Mina rasi and Sani
is there in lagna all the bala-risthas are considered to be
11. If Rahu is posited in Simha lagna all kinds of ristha are
to be taken as cancelled. A child born with Rahu in Simha
lagna will be lucky and prosperous.
12. A l l the risthas are nullified i f Sukra occupies 3rd. Sth,
9th or l l t h house and Vrhaspathi is posited in even rasi identical
with the 7th house from lagna ( Vrsa, Karkata, Kanya, Vrscika,
Makara and Mina rasis are even rasis. Even rasi is a synonym
of Sama rasi, other six rasis are odd or Visama rasis ).
13. Parents of the baby will be happy to see the prosperity
of their child when in his or her birthchart the 4th house is
occupied by a benefic and Vrhaspathi is posited in any kendra or
kona house, ristha yogas in the chart of the baby will be of no
14. If Ravi in case of birth at day time or Chandra in case
of birth at night is powerful and is seated i n the l l t h place

from lagna innumerable faults arising out of ristha yogas a r e

15. If the 3rd, 6th or l l t h house is occupied by any one o f
Sani, Mangal and Ravi ristha yogas are considered to b e
16. If Chandra is posited in a favourable h o u s e a n d i s
aspected by the lagnapathi (lagna-lord ) all ristha yogas a r e
deemed to be cancelled.
17. If the lord of the rasi where Chandra is situated is
powerful and is aspected by or conjoined with a benehc all ristha
yogas are deemed to be cancelled.
18. The 8th lord positing in the 6th or 12th house m a y m a k e
t h e native sickly. In his early life there is danger from w a t e r
or snake.

A few instances o f r i s t h a y o g a s t h a t are n u l l i f i e d

under special conditions

1. Lagna in Dhanu rasi, Kumbha is occupied by Sani, Ravi,

Budha and Ketu, Vrhaspathi in Mesa, Rahu in Simha, and Tula
( the l l t h house from lagna ) is occupied by MangaL
The native inspite of serious illness or accident on more
than one occasion was saved. For Chandra is powerful due t o
aspect of lagna-lord Vrhaspathi, he is in the l l t h house from
lagna and Vrhaspathi is situated in Kona from lagna. Further,
Sukra, the lord of Chandra rasi is powerful in his exalted house
and posited in a Kendra position from lagna.
2. Lagna rises at Karkata rasi, Vrhaspathi and Rahu are i n
lagna, Chandra in Simha, Ketu in Makara, R a v i and Sukra i n
Mina, Budha in Mesa, Sani in Vrsa and Mangal in Mithuna.
This lady was seriously i l l at the age of 10 and 22 years.
On both occasions, her relatives lost all hope of life and doctors
also were at their wit's end and seemed to be puzzled.
D r . B. C. Roy was consulted and the lady came round after a
few days.
In this case also lagna falls in Vrhaspaihi's Navamsa,
Chandra i n his own Navamsa and Sani is situated in the l l t h
house from lagna.

Longivity or Ayu
It is o n e o f the most difficult thing to predict the exact span
of life. One can master over mathematical process of calculation
of longivity but that is not all to determine one's longivity. Of
all methods enumerated by learned Rishis, such as, Jaimini,
Parasara, Barahamihira, majority of modern astrological
Pandits of India generally prefer Parasara's method of
calculation of longivity, which is almost the same as Jaimini.
Let us now discuss Maharshi Parasara's Method of calculation
of longivity. This Rishi has in his Parasari Hora explained
more than one method of calculation and we shall try to explain
some of them one after another.
There are three kinds of longivity, viz., long life, medium
life and short life. Span of long life extends from 80 years to
120 years. Medium from after 40 years to 80 years and upto 40
years of age short life is indicated.
Longivity is to be determined from three pairs separately i.e.
(>) Lords of lagna and the Eighth house, (ii) Sani and Chandra,
( j i i ) Lagna and Hora lagna. If two pairs agree to each other
longivity will be determined from those pairs. If three pairs
indicate different span of life the longivity indicated by Hora-
l a g n a will t e l l us which kind of longivity the native shall enjoy.
There is a special rule in case of the pair consisting of Sani
and Chandra. If Chandra is situated in lagna or the 7th place
from lagna longivity is to be calculated from lagna and Chandra,
otherwise calculation of longivity is to be relied upon Sani and
Rasis are divided into Chara ( moveable ). Sthira ( fixed )
a n d Dwatyaka ( dual). Mesa, Karkata, Tula and Makara are
Chara rasis; Vrsa, Simha, Vrscika and Kumbha are Sthira
R i s l s a n d Mithuna, Kanya, Dhanu and Mina are Dwatyaka
These terms Chara, Sthira and Dwatyaka rasis are
symbolically noted as 1, 2, 3 respectively. Now mode of
calculation is as follows, of the first pair Lagna and 8th Lord :
(i) If Lagna is posited in Sthira rasi (which means 2 ) and
Eighth lord i n Dwatyaka rasi ( which means 3 ) total number is
5, there is only 3 in a l l ( i.e. Chara, Sthira and Dwatyaka or we

may term it as 1, 2 and 3 ). Therefore 5 - 3=2 which means

long life.
(//) Ifof the next pairSani and Chandra or Lagna and
Chanira, one is in number 1 and another is in number 2, the
total is 3. This means medium life.
Hi) If of the last pair one is in No. 1 and another is in No. 3
the total is 4 which is equivalent to 1. This means short life.
We may show this result in the following table :
Long life Medium life Short life
LangnapathiChara 1 Lagnafathi Chara 1 Lagnapathi Chara 1
Eighth lord " 1 Eighth lord Sthira 2 Eighth lord Dwatyaka 3

LagnapiiiihiStbria 2 Lagnapathi Sthira 2 Lagnapathi Sthira 2

Eighth lordDwatyaka 3 Eighth lord Chara 1 Eighth lord " 2

LagnapathiDwatyaka 3 Lagnapathi Dwatyaka 3 Lagnapathi Dwatyaka 3

Eighth lordSthira 2 Eighth lord " 3 Eighth lord Chara 1

The table shows that number 1 means short life, number

2 long life and number 3 medium life.
By this process other two pairs may be examined. Of these
three pairs if two pairs agree the span of life such as long,
medium or short is to be determined according to the result
shown by Lagna and Hora Lagna.
Span of short life 32, 36, 40 years of age
medium life64, 72, 80
long life 96, 108. 120
Minute calculation of longivity is to be done in the following
manner :
There are 3 significators of ayurman viz,, 40, 36, and 32.
When ayurdaya ( span of life ) is indicated by lagnapathi and
Eighth lord 40 is the significator's years.
When it is indicated by Sani and Chandra or lagna &
Chandra 36 is the significating years ( i n such a case lagnapathi
& Sth lord should not be an indicator of longivity ).
In the pair of Lagna and Hora lagna which is the indicator of
span of life, .32 is the.significating years. Now, by rule of three,
the total span of life is to be calculated. For instancea native's
longivity is determined by the pair oi Lagnapathi and Eighth
lord and also Sani and Chandra.

In this case, as the pair of lagnapathi and Eighth lord is the

determining factor of longivity significating year is 40.
Say, Lagnapathi denotes No. 1, Eighth lord also N o . 1, it
indicates long life. So significating year will be 40.
Sani is in Kumbha 2* 23% Chandra in Tula 22 35' Kumbha
;( Sthira ) means 2, Tula ( Chara ) denotes I, the total is 3, hence
medium life. Two groups show different results, the 1st one
indicates long life, the 2nd group indicates medium life.
Therefore the pair of lagna and hora lagna will decide the span
of life.
Say, Lagna in Dhanu 3* 16', Hora lagna i n Tula 4 38'. Now,
mathematical process to determine longivity is to be worked out
by rule of three. We are now certain that by lagna and hora
lagna (3 + 1 means short life ) native has short life and
because as group of lagna and hora lagna indicates span of life
the significating year is 32. This is also to be noted that 30
degree makes a rasi. Now in Dhanu lagna 3 16' has already been
used up at the time of birth and remaining degrees out of 30 are
yet to be consumed. The process of rule of three is as follows :
Lagna sphuta is 3 16', Therefore 303 16'=26 44' is to be
used up. Similarly horalagnasphuta is 4 38' in Tula. The
remaining degrees to be used up out of 30 degree are 25 22'
The significating year is 32
Lagna to be consumed is 2o* 44'
Horalagna to be consumed is 25 22'
26 44'=1604 Kala or min.
The significating year is 32
By rule of three 30 degree : 1604 : 32 year : x
1800 K a l a 1544 : 32 , : jc
jc=1604X32 =28 years 6 m 1 day.
Similarly 30 degrees : 25* 22': 32 : x
1800 kala : 1522 : 32 : ;c
x=1522x32=27 years 0 m 21 days
By addition 28 yrs 6 m 1 day + 27 yrs 0 m 21 days
=55 yrs 6 m 22 days

This is to be divided by 2 which is equal to 27 yrs 9 m.

11 days.
This is the span of life of the native. If the span of life thus
found happens to be medium, significating year is to be added
with this figure. If it is long life significating year is to be added
twice with this figure.
Let us summarize the rules in the following manner :
1. The significating year will be 40 if Lagnapathi and 8th
lord decide the span of life.
2. The significating year will be 36 i f Sani and Chandra or
Lagna and Chandra decide the span of life { i f the pair of Lagna-
pathi and 8th lord is not the deciding factor ).
3. If lagna and Hora lagna decide the span of life the signi-
ficating year is 32. In case the three groups do not agree with
one another 32 year is the significating year.
There is one anomaly in these rules. For, there will be no
chance of using 36 as significating year. Because of the three
groups one will be either Lagnapathi and Eighth lord or lagna
and Horalagna. For no single group excepting Lagna and Hora-
lagna can decide the issue.
Some of the commentators are of opinion that when Lagna-
pathi and Eighth lord and Sani and Chandra or Chandra and
Lagna decide the span of life, significating year will be 40 and 36
respectively at the time of calculation.
However there are a few more points in respect of calculating
the span of life.
We have seen earlier the process of calculating longivity by
rule of three. Now, if the span of life is long and the year of
longivity found after dividing the figure obtained by addition of
two results and division of the same by two, the significating year
is to be added twice and the result will be the span of long life.
If it is medium life significating year w i l l be added once only.

Redaction or increase of zone of longivity

Zone of longivity is reduced or increased according to the
position and strength of Sani.
Condition of reduction of longivity is as follows :
1. If Sani is weak and associated with or aspected by the Sth
lord span of life is to be reduced in the following manner :

(a) If Sani is conjoined with or aspected by the Sth lord

in case the span of life is long, longivity is to be reduced to
{b) In case of medium life longivity w i l l be short and i f it
is short life span of life will be very short. If short life is found
the native may die at a very early age.
2. If Sani is strong occupying his exalted or own house the
span of life is increased. It means that i f the native has short
life it will be medium, i f it is medium longivity will be long and
if long life is indicated longivity will be very long.
This is also to be noted that reduction of longivity is to be
thought of in case S i u i is debilitated, positioned in the inimical
house and at the same time aspected by or conjoined with a
malefic planet.
Only aspected by or conjoined with a malefic Sani will not be
responsible for reduction of the span of life unless and until he
is situated in his enemy-house or '.positioned at the house of
3. Similarly when Sani occupies a favourable house and is
aspected by or associated with a benefic or he is posited in his
own house or house of exaltation identical with a favourable
bhava, increase of zone of longivity is to be thought of.

Role of Vrhaspathi with regard to increase of the Zone of longivity :

After considering the position, strength etc. of Sani
Vrhaspathi's position is to be examined.
Vrhaspathi does not reduce the Zone of longivity. He can
rather increase the span of life when he is positioned in lagna
or 7th place from lagna. If he his situated in a favourable house
aspected by a benefic or he occupies his own, mooltrikona or
exalted house without being aspected by or conjoined with a
malefic, span of life will be enhanced. In that case the native
with the yoga of short life will be endowed with medium life and
he having been born with medium life will have long life.

Another method of determining span of life :.

In Atmakaraka Navamsa chart the lord of the Sth house from
lagna and the lord of the Sth house from the 7th place (from
lagna) may bs indicators of span of life.

(/) If the Stronger of these two planets is situated in any

Kendra it is indication of long life.
() If the stronger planet is posited in 'Upakendra' (i.e. 2ttd,
Sth, 8th and l l t h houses) it is the indication of medium life.
(m) If he is in 'Anukendra' (j.e. 3rd. 6th, 9th and 12th
houses) it is short life.
(iv) Further i f these two planets are equally strong and arc
placed in a Kendra it is short life, i f they are in 'Upakendra'
medium life and i f they are situated in 'Anukendra' it is an
indication of long life.

Death Inflicting dasa and antardasa :

1. According to Maharshi Parasara both the lords of the 2nd
and the 7th houses are marakas (death inflicting planets) of
which the lord of the 7th house is the most powerful maraka.
Laghu Parasara holds a diff'crent view. According to this
treatise the 2nd lord as a maraka is stronger than the 7th lord.
2. Whatever may be the opinion of different authors it is an
admitted fact that determination of death inflicting capacity of
these two planets2nd and 7th lords depend on their position,
strength or weakness and malefic or beneficial aspects on them
by favourable or unfavourable planets.
3. The lord of the 8th house also under certain conditions is
considered as a principal maraka.
4. When the native is born with the yoga of medium life
dasa of the planet owning 6th or Sth house inflicts death but i f
the 6th house is occupied by many maleficsat least more than
two planets, 6th lord is considered as the most powerful maraka.
(S). (i) Lords of the death inflicting houses (viz., the 2nd and
the 7th houses).
(ii) Natural papas (unfavourable planets) occupying
marakasthanas i.e. 2nd and 7th places,
(Hi) Papa planets associated with those unfavourable planets
situated in the marakasthanas.
These planets may be inflicting death to the native. If the
native does not enjoy the dasa of the No. 1 planets, No. 2 planets
may cause death and i f the native has least chance of enjoying
the dasa of planets mentioned in No. 2, the native shall die in
the dasa period of No. 3 planets. If per chance the native may

fliot enjoy the dasa of any one of those planets,, the planet related
to the 12th lord may bring about death of the native.

Sani as a Maraka ( death inflicting planet):

In this respect Sani has a different role. He is a natural
imaleflc. Though he is a significator of longivity he acts as a
principal maraka i f he is in any way related to any other maraka
planet. In that case he surpasses a l l other maraka planets and
will k i l l the native in his dasa or antardasa.
Of course i f a native is born with the yoga of long or medium
life he can not die before he reaches the respective zone and
'maraka Sani may give serious illness and not death in his dasa
and antardasa.
Maharshi Parasara enumerated a few more methods of
determining zone of longivity. Som,: of them are as follows :
(j) In the birth chart the lord of the Sth house from lagn.i
and th5 lord of the Sth house from the 7th place from lagna i ay
be indicators of span of life. The stronger of these two lords wili
actua'ly determine the zone of longivity by its position in the
chart. Such as, i f the stronger planet is situated in a kendra it is
the indication of long life.
If he is situated in any Upa-kendr.i [i.e. next to kendra-
2nd, Sth, Sth and llth) it is medium life.
If he is in an Anu-kendra [i.e. 3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th) it is
an indication of short life.
If these two lords are equally strong, zone of longivity wil!
have to be ascertained in reverse orier which means i f they are
i n kendra it indicates short life, i f they are in Upakendra it is
medium life and in case of their position in Anukendra it is an
indication of long life.
6. Maharshi Parasara's other methods are stated herebelow :
(0 If the lords of the Sth house and lagna together are
situated i n the Sth place from lagna with any other papa
(naturally unfavourable planet) it is an indication of short life.
[ii) If the Sth places from the positions of Sani and the 10th
lord are occupied by any papa short life is indicated.
N. B. Readers must be cautious in ascertaining span of lifc
because i f the lagnapathi (lord of lagna), lord of the Sth hous.
and Sani are strong and lagna is aspected by or conjoined with

Strong lagna-lord the native inspite of shurt life-yoga wili not die
at an early age.
The case of the author (of this book) himself is 4 specific
instance. Inspite of Alpayu yoga he did not die at a very early
age and is still alive at 74/75 years of age, because his lagna and
Chandra are aspected by Vrhaspathi who is lagnapathi and Sani
both in natal and navamsa"chart is strong.

7. A few important hints given by Maharshi Paratiara :

These hints or yogas as we may call them, are said to be easier
in determining span of life.
(/) If retrograde Sani and retrograde Mangal exchange each
other's houses it is an indication of short life.
(ii) If waning moon, lagnapathi and the lord of the Sth
house occupy 4th, 6th, Sth and/or 12th places, or when the
waning moon and lagnapathi in combination with the lord of
the Sth house are posited in the Sth place from lagna the yoga
thus found is Alpayu (short life).
(Hi) Again i f the aforesaid three planets unaspected by any
beneficial planet are aspected by or conjoined with any papa
(malefic) and are situated in either Sani or Mangal's sign (house)
short life is indicated.
8. Long life :
(i) When all the benefics are placed in kendra or kona i.e.
some of them in kendra and others in kona, papas are placed in
the 3rd or 6th house and Sth house remains unoccupied by any
planet the native shall live 90 years of age.
{ii) If Vrhaspathi, Sukra, Budha and Ravi occupy respec-
tively lagna, 4th, Sth and 6th houses and the remaining planets
are not placed in the Sth or their enemy houses longivity of the
native will be 96 years of age.
(///) A native's longivity w i l l be 76 years of age when the 4th
houiie from lagna is occupied by Vrhaspathi, Sth house from
Vrhaspathi is posited by Budha, and Sukra is placed in the 6th
house from Vrhaspathi.
(iv) If Vrhaspathi is situated in the 7th house from lagna,
Budha and Sukra occupy Sth and 6th places respectively from
Vrhaspathi the native's longivity will be 88 years of age.
(v) Similarly i f 10th house is occupied by Vrhaspathi, and
I N D I C A T I O N OB- B H A V A S S13

Sudha and Sukra occupy Sth and 6th places respectively from
Vrhaspathi the longivity wili be 81 years of age.
(iv) Longivity w i l l be 100 years of age if a l l the planets are
in kendra, it will be 90 years i f all of them are situated in dpa-
kepdra (2nd, Sth, Sth and l l t h houses) and when apoklima houses
(3rd, 6th, 6th and 12th houses) are occupied by a l l the planets,
longivity will be 80 years of age.

There are few more yogas, stated by Maharshi Pariisara to

ascertain longivity of a native. They are as follows :
9. Alpayo (short life):
(a) When the lord of the Sth house is situated in any kendra
and lagnapathi is weak the native's longivity w i l l be 23 or 32
years of age.
(b) If the Sth place and its lord are associated with any papa
^nd lagnapathi is weak it is an Alpayn-yoga.
(c) If the Sth place and its lord are associated with any papa
and the 12th place is occupied by 'Krura' (cruel or very malefic)
planets the native dies just after his birth*
Ravi, Mangal, Sani and Rahu are generally termed as K r u r a
id) The lord of the Sth house is debilitated, th-? Sth house is
<x;cupied by malefics and lord of lagna is weak. The native
who owns such a birthchart shall die at an early age.
(e) It is an indication of Alpayu when the 5th and Sth places
and the lord of the Sth house are conjoined with malefic planets.
( / ) If the lord of the Sth house is i n the Sth place from
lagna and Chandra is associated with any malefic and is not
aspected by any beneficial planet it is the sign of Alpayu.

A few formniM stated by Maharshi Parasara by which Zont of

long life ntay hettcertafaied:
Ig) When lagnapathi is posited in his exalted house, Chandra
i n the l l t h place and Vrhaspathi occupies the Sth house the
native shall have long life.
Exactly such configuration of planets is seldom found in a
birthchart, so the following points are to be noted carefully
3}efore a verdict of long life is pronounced :

('') If lagnapathi, lords of the Sth and 10th houses and Sanit
are strong.
(ii) If the Sth house is aspected by a benefic and is not
associated with any papa.
{Hi) If the lords of lagna and the Sth house are strong and
they are posited in a Kendra or Kona.
It is needless to repeat that the aforesaid yogas will enhance-
span of life.
10. A few formulse of Uttara Kalamrita, a famous treatise on
astrology written by Mahakavi (the greatest Indian poet) Kalidasas
are stated herebelow :
() If any favourable planet occupying any kendra or kona
house does not cast aspect on lagnapathi, or the lord of the rasi
where lagnapathi is situated and lagna itself are not aspected by
a favourable planet Alpayu is indicated, (aspect here means-
probably full aspect).
(ii) If lagna or janmarasi (where Chandra is situated in the
birthchart) is aspected by the Sth lord, or the Sth lord or
Chandra is aspected by either Sani or Mangal, and in both the-
cases lagna and the lord of rasi where lagnapathi is posited are
not aspected by any benefic the native is short-lived.
(Hi) If lagna-sphuta (ue. degree and minute of lagna) or the-
janmarasi is aspected by the Sth lord, or the Sth place from lagna
or Chandra is aspected by Sani and Mangal and in both the
cases lagna-sphuta and Chandra are not aspected by any bene-
ficial planet the native shall die at a very early age.
11. Some of the experienced astrologers have found the-
following configuration of planets as very effective in ascertaining
the zone of longivity.
(i) Divide the 12 houses by 3 (count either from lagna o r
Chandra) 1st to 4th houses belong to first group, fifth to eighth
houses belong to second group and ninth to twelfth houses belongr
to third group.
If majority of planets out of 9 are posited in the 1st group*
indication is long life.
If majority of planets are placed in the 2nd group it is mediun
life and i f they are in the 3rd group it indicates ahoti life.

12. A very important cine to find out zone of longivity :

(/) If Navamsa lords of lagna, lagnapathi and Chandra are
friendly to lagna-lord it indicates long life.
(ii) If they are neutral to the lord of lagna it is mediunij
[Hi) If they are inimical to the lagnapathi short life is
It is not possible to state all yogas regarding determination
of longivity i n a small book like this. Inquisitive readers may
consult Brihat-jataka, Phaladipika, Jataka Parijat, Sarvartha
Chintamani, Sarabally and many other important authoritative
books on astrology where further detailed yogas of longivity
have been discussed by eminent authors.

The Ninth honse
The bhavas that are most essential to the determination of
the quality and character of the horoscope are (1) Lagna,
(2) Bhagya and (3) Karma bhavas.
The three go together, they are .integrated. For, it is easy
enough to perceive that as there has to be a wall before there is
a good paintiug on it, so, there has to be a strong lagna to have a
good Bhagya and good Karma. A n d since Bhagya and Karma are
really the same thing in the circular order karma determining the
bhagya (destiny) and bha ;ya determining the karmathey
would always go togeth'.r with the lagna. In fact the trio are
inseparable. Every lagna has its bhagya and every bhagya has
its karma. The karma determines the bhagya and both effect the
individual that is lagna.
Graha Yamal an authoritative ancient text sets forth the
sovereign importance of karma bhava and bhagya bhava in these
words "The Karmasthana is very important and has to be studied
very carefully. If there is no graha (planet) here or this house
is not aspected by any graha the native roams about in abject
proverty. Also when the bhagyasthana and the karmasthana are
without any planet or unaspected, the result is deplorable". So,
the dharma bhava (bhagya, dharma and 9th house are syno-
nymous) and the karma bliava have to be rightly evaluated i n a
horoscope. The sage Parasara also has emphasized the
importance of bhagya and karma.
Another natne for bhagya bhava is Purba Janma (previous
birth). 'Daiva', 'Punya', 'Dharma' and 'Swavaba' are astro-
logical Synonyms. A favourable 'daiva' helps the individual to
take a l l hurdles without much difficulty. A n unfavourable
'daiva' raises obstacles at every step. It is only when the
individual is exceptionally favoured with a strong karmasthana,
that he can take a l l the obstacles i n his stride and make

satisfactory progress in life. We are all very finite beings,

bounded by mortality on one side and birth on the other.
Not all of us can duplicate the eminence of Shri Rama
Chandra or the knowledge, competence and devotion of Arjuna.
Nor are we blessed with advice such as Srikrishna's at
Kurukshetra and that is why we are supplicants to 'daiva' for
"O life as futile then as fail
O for thy voice to soothe and bless
What hope of answer and redress
Behind the veil, behind the veil."
Our fate in this life at least as far as we can determine, is
determined by the law of Karma. Our destiny is our W i l l and
Effort in previous birth. The great sage Vasistha tells Sri
Rama Chandra that even the mightiest mountain like Sumeru can
t>e conquered by determined effort, human will, and wisdom
born of experience. So, it is nothing strange that W i l l Power
can neutralise the result of evil deeds in the previous existence.
Strong W i l l conquers destiny as easily as the strong person
defeats the weaker one. In other words i f 'bhagya' and 'karma*
bhavas together with their lords are favourable, luck favours
the native, otherwise the native has to go through against heavy
odds. To overcome unfavourable destiny, continued and
persevering effort is necessary.
The 'Strong W i l l ' itself is also the result of 'Karma*, whether
in this or in previous birth. A native would not have the
strength to develop his W i l l or opportunities of doing it i f
previous births or this birth tilt the balance against him. But,
since the greater part of the determinant is and will always
remain unknown, like the submarine part of an iceberg, we
are concentrating only on the visible part.
The dhana bhava and karma bhava both are also included i n
bhagya bhava. The native's wealth, name and fame and
distinction may be at their best i f there is favourable bhagya
yoga in the horoscope. A s told before there is a link between
previous birth and the worldly happiness and exuberant career of
the present birth. In judging the beneficial condition of the
bhagya-lord we must note the condition of bhagya-karta, which

is the secondary ruler of destiny. The lord of the rasi where

bhagyapathi is situated is the ruler or controller of the native's
destiny. If the bhagya-karta planet is happily disposed, aspected
by or conjoined with benefic planet or planets the native shall
also be lucky. Of course, we must not overlook the quality of the
9th lord ; both bhagyapathi and bhagya-karta being favourable
will do immense good to the native.
The following configuration of planets may constitute good
bhagya yogas:
1. If lagna or Chandra is in Vargottam Navamsa and the
second house from Ravi is occupied by a benefic planet, or i f the
atma-karaka planet is placed i n any kendra from lagna and
kendra position is not vacant.
. If kendra position or positions are occupied by benefic
planets, bhagyapathi is aspected by or is in conjunction with
benefics, and again bhagyapathi is in benefic Navamsa and
has attained favourable Vargas the native will be blessed with
good luck.
3. According to rules stated earlier i f the lord of the 9th
house is strong and favourable, Vrhaspathi the natural indicator
of fortune is placed favourably in Sada-Varga, the bhagyakarta
IS not placed in any malefic house, not aspected by or conjoined
with malefic planets, or bhagyapathi is not combust or
debilitated the native will be very fortunate.
4. On the whole a favourable bhagyapathi occupying kendra
or kona houses from lagna will raise the native from ordinary
position to a higher status in life.
5. It is better for lagnapathi to be posited in lagna or in any
place from within lagna and the 7th house ; under that circums-
tance (a) the best yoga will be if Vrhaspathi and both 9th and
10th lords are favourably related to each other, (b) Again bhagya-
pathi, bhagya-karta and Sukra occupying kendra or kona position
will impart very favourable result in improving the native's
fortune, (c) When the strong lord of luck is posited in lagna
and receives the full aspect of Vrhaspathi the native will be
held in high esteem by the king of the land and he will be very
6. Excepting the 7th lord i f other lord or lords of kendra-
sthanas, the lord of the Sth house and lagna-lord are related to

the lord of luck the native shall be lucky and shall prosper i n
life. This is also a bhagya yoga (wealth giving yoga) which was
narrated while dealing with dhana bhava.
7. When a l l the planets occupy six places serially or in any
other manner in houses in-between lagna and the 7th house it is.
called "Ekabali" yoga. This yoga is highly auspicious and
brilliant. Rahu and Ketu have no place in forming this yoga.
Pandit Jahawarlal Nehru's chart shows this yoga (some
astrologers call it 'Samrat yoga').
8; When the full moon conjoins with Mangal or Sani and
occupy the 9th house from lagna the native flourishes in many/
ways. The age of the beginning of prosperity may be reckoned
from the period of dasa-antardasa of that planet who is strong
and favourable and denotes luck. The age indicated by that
planet may also be the age at which the native will be blessed;
with good fortune.
9. (a) When Vrhaspathi being in the house of luck is aspected
by all other planets (Rahu and Ketu are not considered as.
planets); or
(b) When all the planets aspect lagna or Chandra the
exaltation of bhagya bhava is indicated. When lagna or Chandra
receives the aspect of all the planets it is 'Maha bhagya yoga'.
This yoga is found in the birth-chart of Mahapravu Shri
Chaitanya. He is called God-in-Carnate.
10. Lord of the rasi occupied by Chandra when placed in>
an auspicious bhava, i n his exalted or own house or otherwise
favourable the native will be fortunate.
11. The following configuration of planets and bhava-lords.
indicate prosperous life in different ages of the native, viz.,
(fl). When Vrhaspathi occupies the 9th house, and the 9th
lord is posited in a Kendra the native is favoured with good luck
at the age of 20 years.
(6) When the lord of luck is in the 2nd place and the 2nd
lord is in the 9th prosperity of the native is indicated after 32:^
years of age.
(c) When the natural benefics are exalted and strong 9th'
lord is in the 9th the native is favoured with luck in many a
ways after his 36 years of age. The age of the planet that

indicates the increase of prosperity vis-a-vis fortune is the actual

period of the beginning of good time.
Religious inclination :
When the full moon is posited in the house of religion
(synonym of the house of luck or 9th house) the subject becomes
highly religious minded, he enjoys in his young age the material
happiness, wealth, name and fame and people call him a man of
great fortune. If the waning moon be in the 9th house the
result will be just the reverse.
(Mangal in the 9th house has a destructive influence over
Religious inclination (Punya or Virtue) and Emancipation (or
1. If the 10th lord occupies the 9th house and strong 9th
lord is aspected by or in conjunction with Vrhaspathi and Sukra
the subject is a great devotee of God ; by persevering effort to
realise God Almighty he can attain a place of high order among
great sages.
2. If the lord of Karmasthana is conjoined with 4 planets the
subject attains salvation.
3. 4 or more planets in a rasi make a man a 'Sannyasi' (an
4. When lord of lagna unaspected by any other planet
aspects Sani or Sani unaspected by any other planet aspects lord
of lagna the native becomes a mendicant.
5. In spite of Sannyas Yoga (Yoga of asceticism) if the 10th
lord is aspected by Rahu Sannyas yoga is nullified.
Occupation of 9th lord in different bhava :
In the 1st house : When the 9th lord occupies the lagna the
subject is pious, intelligent, always cheerful, and devoted to
brahmins and gods.
In the 2nd house i If the 9th lord is posited in the 2nd house
the native becomes rich, learned, famous and he is held in high
esteem by many.
In the 3rd house:. The native has affinity for his friends and
associates, has many good friends and he has happy conjugal
In the 4th house : The native is very respectful to his father,

inherits good wealth from his father, possesses landed property.

He is benevolent to his friends and earns name and fame.
In the Sth h&ase : The native is very beautiful to look at, lucky
and a son of an illustrious fathex*.
In the 6th house : The native is inclined to sinful acts, and
meets w-th great obstacles on his way to prosperity.
In the 7th house : The native's wife is beautiful, pious, and
lucky, and he prospers through business pursuits.
In the Sth house : The subject may be dishonest, unlucky and
may be a man of wicked character.
In the 9th house : The subject is very lucky, may earn namc
and fame for his religious deeds ; he is trulhful, devoted to God
and is respectful to brahmins and superiors.
In the 10th house : This is a favourable yoga of a v,;;ry high
order. Indian astrologers call it 'Kshetra simhasana yoga'. Due
to the presence of this brilliant yoga the subject will be
prosperous, wealthy and honest ; he is resoected by the king of
the land. His mother is also fortunate.
In the l l t h house : The native will be wealthy, pious, favoured
by king and is blessed with long life.
In the 12th house : The native has good academic career, he
will be learned. If the 9th lord is a natural benefic the native
will be a noted personality in the society and popular. If the
planet is a natural malefic the native is cunning, extravagant,
and'is a man of bad conduct.

The Tenth or Karma bhava

The tenth bhava signifies profession, vocation, supremacy,
honour, environment, father (particularly father's prosperity
and wealth). The career of the native is to be judged from the
10th house and its lord. The characteristic of that planet (lOth
lord) may give a clue for finding out the nature of profession
or vocation, though there are other factors too which will be
discussed in the following paragraphs.
But nevertheless it must be admitted that it is very difficult
to give a decisive verdict about the nature of a man's
professional career. Easy approaches and easy answers are
seldom correct.

We have described the speciality of the 10th bhava at the time

of delineation of the 9th house. We may elaborate those points
here again.
Karma starts as soon as one is born, breathing itself is one
form of it and there are of course many others. It it "Karma"
that co-exists with an individual, at every stage of this multi-
faceted life. The nature of it may be good, bad or indifferent,
but karma and the individual are almost synonymous. One does
not exist without the other. A man rises and falls, enjoys or
suffers according to the kind of 'Karma* he does. The nature
of 'Karma' again is determined by the nature of his personality
itself which again is another name 'Bhagya'. In this sense
destiny is character and character is destiny. To understand it
better, it is only necessary to explain it this way. Given any
particular conjunction of circumstances i n life it should be
evident that one person would not react to it exactly the same
way as another. Various people would react variously. What
makes this difference ? Obviously the varying characters or
make-ups of different people. The situation that confronts them
is substantially the same, it is only the different character of the
different people that brings about that different reaction.
The Tenth house in a horoscope has been affirmed as a symbol
of Karma and naturally it is a most important house. Of course
all the twelve houses are inter-related, they are like a complex
web. Each house contains everything that relates to man ; and
if one follows and analyses each item of life, that is to say each
event upto its most delicate and subtle filaments at the source,
one would get lost at the intricacies in the interrelationships.
For piactical purposes however, certain teatures in each house
have been emphasised and those points of emphasis determine
the significance of each house, as also with the planets. Each
one of the planets is capable of giving and destroying, affecting
events and determining the character of composite results. It is
only the emphasis that make the difference. Against twelve
houses there are the nine'Grahas'; and there are minute sub-
divisions in placing. This is the mathematical background.
1 he Tenth considered as said above is a most ^important
house. It is contiguous to the 9th which is considered as bhagya.
The 9th and the lOth houses intertwine, that is to say, 'bhagya'

and 'karma' intertwine are quite a good basis for correct predi-
ctions. Some assert that the fifth house also is important. But
then the lagna is the most important house, it takes precedence
over the rest and the rasi (the house where moon is posited
comes next. It is again a matter of emphasisall the twelve
houses are important and should be reckoned within any
complete work-out.
If the Tenth bhava and its lord are good, good karma follows.
As has btcn explained previously if the 10th house is occupied
by benefics or aspected by them it is good, i f otherwise it is bad
or weak.
R a v i : Ravi is also a factor in promoting a man's karma
because he indicates progress in one's career, supremacy,
administrative distinction etc. So, we must discuss how and
when Ravi helps rise a native.
1. When strong Ravi aspected by a benefic occupies the lOth
house he paves the way for even a poor man or a man who
comes of very low social status to affluence and prosperity in life.
Even a fourth grade servant of an Institution rises to a very high
position on account of powerful Ravi. Some eminent astrologers
are of opinion that as an indicator of karma-lhava Ravi's
presence in the bhagyasthan (9th place) will act adversely i f
the planet is not aspected by or associated .vith a benefic planet.
In case of Dhanu lagna and Vrscika lagna R a v i will react
favourably if he is in the lOth house. Readers would certainly
appreciate the reason of this deviation. For Dhanu lagna Ravi
being the 9th lord is very favourable in the 10th house, it is
'Kshctra Simhasana yoga' and in case of Vrscika lagna, Ravi
himself is the lord of th? 10th house.
2. A weak Ravi when aspected by or is in conjunction with
malefic (or when he occupies any dusthana) gives unfavourable
result and the subject has to cross many hurdles on his way to
progress. Sometimes the native's strenuous efforts to ward off
those obstacles do not yield satisfactory result.
3. When Ravi is associated with Sani ?or both the planets
oppose each other (i.e. one of them is in the 7th house from the
other) even the best Raja yogas (very favourable yogaswe
shall explain the term later on) do not give satisfactory result.

4. Whea Ravi and Sani are situated within 7 | degrees from

each other even the most favourable yogas become less effective
or we may say, in spite of best Raja yogas the subject can not
thrive well.

Positions of some of the indicator of Karma bhava and of the

10th lord and results thereby are related herebelow :
When the lord of the tenth house in a birth chart is without
any strength and indicators of Karmabhava, viz., Ravi, Vrhas-
pathi and Sukra also are weak the subject is apt to change his
mind off and on and cannot come to any decision while occasion
demands, and at the same time he indulges in anti-social
How to judge Karma bhava ?

in judging the merit of Karma bhava positional strength

of Ravi, Vrhaspathi and Sukra and also their strength acquired
Ravi Sukray/^

Lagna \ ^
Ketu Rahu


through different Vargas, their relation with other planets are

to be considered. Of these three planets Ravi's role is very
important and next are Vrhaspathi and Sukra. Again, while
* The above birth chart belongs to the boy born on the 17th Vaisak 1360 B. 8-
(See Chapter I). The chart is analysed in the next page.

giving judgment about one's Karma the 10th bhava and its lord
are to be taken into consideration. A t the same time Ravi,
Vrhaspathi and Sukra are to be considered as different lagnas ;
from those lagnas conditions of the 10th houses and their lords
are also to be examined. Furthermore, the 10th bhava is to be
taken as lagna and from that lagna too the strength or weakness
of the 9th and 10th houses and of their lords are to be scrutinised.
Let us elaborately explain these rules through an example.
Let us examine the birth chart of the native who was born on
the 17th Vaisak 1360 B.S.30th A p r i l , 1953 (See Chapter 1).
First point is whether Lagnapathi Budha is strong or weak.
Answer is he is in his debilitated house but is associated with
Sukra who is exalted. So, Lagnapathi positionally is not weak.
Aspecthe is aspected by Sani who is the Sth and 9th lord.
Therefore his aspect on Budha is not a l l bad or all good. Both
Sukra and Sani are friends to Budha. They are also temporaiy
enemies to Budha. There is no other aspect on Budha. Hence,
Budha has acquired medium strength. Budha is also the lord of
the 4th house and Sukra the lord of the 5th place. So, the native
may have fairly good education.
There is another very favourable yoga. From Chandra Sukra
and Budha are in the 6th place and Vrhaspathi is in the Sth
house. (Of course Vrhaspathi is in conjunction with Mangal).
This is Adhi yogabut the full favourable effect of this auspicious
yoga is not possible on account of conjunction of Vrhaspathi and
Mangal. The next pointRavi is situated in the house ef
exaltation. Therefore position of Ravi the principal indicater
of 10th bhava is good. From Ravi the 10th place is occupied by
Rahu, this is not good, and the lord of that 10th bhava, viz., Saoi
is in the 6th place from R a v i . This is also not favourable. In
this manner the other indicators of 10th bhava, viz., Vrhaspathi
and Sukra are to be examined. Apparently the chart is to some
extent powerful as there are other yogas such as Sunapha asd
Anapha yogas. The native has passed creditably Indian Adminis-
trative Service ( I . A . S. ) Examination and is now posted as
Deputy Magistrate in West Bengal. On account of the presence
of Sukra and Budha in the 10th house from lagna the father cf
the native held a high post in a private Company. Formerly
he was a major under Indian Military Service.

This is how the 10th house is to be judged.

Further informations about 10th house, its lord and R a v i :
We have already told above thjtt the 10th house indicates
Father and his prosperity. In an anthropomorphical or physical
sense, thigh is also indicated by Ravi,
If the 10th bhava or its lord, or the natural indicator of 10th
bhava, i.e. Ravi becomes unfavourable due to unfavourable
situation (position in a house), aspect by or conjunction with
malefic planets the health of the native's father may go wrong,
his progress in vocational career may be thwarted, at the same
time the native himself may be attacked with any kind of disease
in his thigh.
If Mangal is there in the 10th house the native may be
involved in any kind of accident (through fire, weapon or fall
etc.) or may have painful pimples over face.
Sani in the lOth house causes morbid affection of the nervous
system. The native may be injured owing to fall from a tree, or
high place or he may be wounded by a fourfooted animal, or by a
wooden log or club.
If Rahu and Sani or Ravi and Sani are posited in the lOth
house some of the nearest relatives of the native's own family
may commit suicide by hanging.
Death of Parents :
When birth is at day time Sukra is indicator of mother, if it
is night the indicator of mother is Chandra. So, if Sukra is
aspected by or is in conjunction with malefic planets the mother
of the native may die a premature death when the birth takes
place at day time. Similarly Ghandra under the above
circumstance may k i l l the mother if the birth is at night. Only
on the basis of these rules the native's mother's death should not
be prophesied. Mother cannot die if she has long or compa-
ratively good medium life. In such cases she may fall badly i l l .
If Ravi is posited in the lOth place from lagna and is aspected
by Sani and Rahu ; or
if Ravi or Sani being in the Sth house is aspected by
Mangal death of the father is possible.
Following planetary configuration may be the cause of
father's death :

(a) If the subject is born at night, and Sani and Mangal

are posited in the 7th place from R a v i ; or
(b) Ravi while associated with Mangal is aspected by
Sani; or
(c) Sani and Mangal are conjoined together and are aspected
by R a v i ; or
(d) When Ravi is hemmed in between two malefics, or the
is associated with a malefic, and from Ravi the 7th place is
occupied by any other malefic planet.
Earning of Money :
(a) If both the lagna and the 10th house are owned by one
and the same planet (in case of Kanya & Mina lagnas it is
possible) or the lords of lagna and the lOth house are posited in
oae and the same rasi the native earns good amount of money by
dint of honest labour.
(b) If lords of lagna and the 10th house are conjoined with
each other the native earns money with the help of a Sudra (low
caste man).
(c) If the above two lords are in conjunction with Rahu
(ascending node) or Ketu (descending node) the subject earns
money with the help of a Mlechha (a man who is not a Hindu
and at the same time is considered to be a non-believer in
(d) If the aforesaid lords are associated with Vrhaspathi the
native is favoured with employment by the king of the land,
earns good money and holds a respectable status in society.
Position, diistinction in Social life and in professional career :
1. If the 10th lords of these trio viz., Lagna, Ravi and Chandra
are strong and related to each other favourably, they give
beneficial result during their dasa-antardasas in the following
manner :
(a) The nafive may earn good amount of money, or may
prosper in his vocational career.
(6) he attains distinctive position in his profession or
vocation, or
(c) he attains respectable status in society.
2. If Ravi in the 10th place is exalted, or is in his mool-
trikona house the native attains high status in his professional
career and also in society by dint of his merit and efficiency.

3. If lagna, dhana (2nd place) and the l l t h houses are

occupied by strong beneficial planets the native thrives well
financially and leads a happy life. These good results may
occur during the dasa-antardasas of those planets.
Means of livelihood or nature of profession r
Determination of the means of livelihood is as may be
expected, the most common hurdle that an astrologer has to take.
The effects of planets and houses have been set forth in detail in
various books on astrology but in actual practice it is not easy to
reach a definite finding.
With the advancement of Science immense scope of various
types of professions have opened to the people. We may classify
them as far as practicable in the following manner :
1. Intelligentsia class: lawyer, professor, teacher, priest,
philosopher, judge, attorney, astrologer, astronomer, psycho-
analyst etc.
2. Profession regarding Economics & Finance '.Banker,
Auditor, Insurance worker. Financial adviser etc.
3. Profession relating to Fine Arts etc. '.Musician, actor,
dancer, dramatist, painter, poet, story or fiction writer, etc.
4. Profession relating to machineries, industry, factory,
electricity and other technical works etc.:Engineer, Mechanic,
Industrialist, Manufacturer, Organiser of Electrical works.
5. Profession of a physician, doctor, surgeon etc.
6. Besides there are innumerable professions such as
horticulturist, clerks, servants in a shop, day labourers, etc.
7. Military men and police etc.
Now, Budha and Vrhaspathi are the two planets that
principally indicate Intelligentsia class.
Sukra controls art, artistic talent, acting, music, drama and
dramatist, painting, poetry-writing, physician, Engineer. Again,
Budha indicates clerkship, business, education. Vrhaspathi also
stands for education, so also Sukra. Sani's indications are
analytical work, day labourer, labourer in general. Rahu and
K.etu generally indicate clerkship, conventional work etc.
Mangal stands for soldier, police, surgeon, archasologist, geologist,
It is clear to our intelligent readers that the list of professions
as said above is incomplete, we simply give an idea about the

manner of classifications and indication of some professions ruled

by different planets.
We again draw the attention of our readers about some other
important points to enable them to judge the Karma bhava and
profession of a native.
(a) Whether the 10th house is occupied by any planet.
[b) Whether the 10th house is aspected by any planet or
remains unaspected.
{c) Whether there is more than one planet in the 10th house.
1. If the 10th house is occupied by any planet we shall have
to find out the Navamsa lord of that planet occupying the lOth
place. Now, the stronger of these two planets [i.e. the planet
that occupies the 10th place and his Navamsa lord) will be the
indicator of native's profession.
2. If the 10th place remains unoccupied by any planet the
stronger one between the 10th lord and his Navamsa-lord will
indicate the profession of the native.
3. If the 10th place is occupied by two or more than two
planets and they are equally strong then the native may pursue
more than one profession.
Strength of a planet is to be judged according to positional
and directional strength, strength of aspect and also strength
acquired through different vargas.
There are different opinions of different schools of thought.
No one class of astrologers agree with another. Commonly
prevalent and almost dependable opinions of eminent persons are
related herebelow- On the basis of these rules our readers may
experiment them and find out satisfactory solutions.
Besides the rules explained earlier in this chapter the
following rules should also be applied.
We give below some of the rules.
1. The strongest planet among Ravi, Chandra and Lagnapathi
w i l l denote the nature of profession of the native.
2. Strongest Navamsa lord of Ravi, Chandra and Lagna may
indicate one's profession.
3. We shall have to find out the strongest planet among lords
of the 10th house from Ravi, Chandra and Lagna. Then th
Navamsa lord of that planet will indicate the profession of the

These rules are approved to be a dependable by majority of

4. Further it is said by astrologers of high reputation that i f
R a v i and Chandra arc situated in lagna the Navamsa lord of the
Karmapathi [i.e. the lord of the 10th house from lagna) will be a
determining factor in matter of profession.
5. Another opinion supported by majority of astrologers :
Find out the Navamsa lords of Ravi, Chandra and Lagna. The
strongest of these planets, in their dasa-antardasa will give the
clue about one's profession. If all the Navamsa lords are equally
strong the native may undertake the vocation indicated by all of
them during their dasa and antardasas.
The weakest planet of these three Navamsa lords if adversely
influenced by any malefic the native shall sustain monetary loss,
and that weak planet will not signifiy any profession at all.
There is a very important point which should not be
overlooked. If the birth chart does not show any yoga for
change of profession or vocational career it is hardly believable
that the strongest or equally strong planets referred to above will
help the native pursue any new profession of that indicator
Our experience is that where there are signs of changes (in the
birth chart) in a vocational career the native earns money
through the profession indicated by that or those planets during
their dasa-antardasas. Even lords of the 2nd, 7th, l l t h and
other Kendra and Kona houses, if favourably disposed will give
the same result.
6. Eminent astrologers are of opinion that planets forming
specially favourable yogas (such as Raja yoga, Dhana yoga) and
also the planets related to those favourable yogas will signify the
nature of native's career.
Let us take an instance o f ' A d h i yoga', a very favourable yoga
that makes a man highly prosperous. The subject who is born
under this yoga may rise to a very high position both socially,
politically and professionally.
The yoga is formed by favourable Budha, Vrhaspathi and
Sukra being in the 6th, 7th or Sth separately or together from
Chandra or lagna. The first one is called Chandradhi yoga and
latter one is Lagnadhi yoga. This yoga is found i n the birth

chart of Late Dr. Rajendra Prasad, the first President of Indiarf

Union. There are some other important favourable yogas sucte
as Sunapha and Anapha yogas. These yogas will be discussed
elaborately later on. The planets forming these yogas will help
the native choose his vocational career according to their
Descriptions of planetary combinations and indications of
vocation are briefly described herebelow :
ia) When favourable Mangal and Vrhaspathi are combined
together or related to each other by aspect or exchange of places
the native holds a very respectable post in police Department,
or as Mangal is one of the yogakarakas he may hold a high oflice
in military organisation too.
ib) If Mangal and Budha are related in the same manner the
native may be a mathematician.
(c) If yogakaraka planets are Ravi and Budha and they are
strong the subject may be a good lawyer, Advocate or Barrister,
Attorney or Accountant.
id) If favourable yoga is formed by Budha and Sukra the
native may be an Engineer, Medical practitioner, a successful
Chemist of great repute.
(e) Combination of Budha and favourable Sani makes the
native a responsible oflicer in any chemical institution.
(/) Relation between Chandra and Vrhaspathi is a specially
beneficial yoga that gives the native a chance to become king's
minister, a great educationist, a noted oflicer in any Govern-
mental department and famous politician.
(g) Due to combination of Chandra, Budha and Sukra the
subject may be a literary person, a journalist, poet or an artist.
(h) Again, combination of Ravi, Budha and Sukra makes a
man a great artist, a renowned poet, and an illustrious writer. See
the horoscope of the great poet Rabindranath Tagore.
(i) Relation between Sukra and Budha is a powerful yoga
that makes the native a successful Engineer, a very good
photographer or a contractor.
ij) Relation between Chandra and Sukra is also an equally
good yoga that makes the native a successful actor, dramatist or
a cinema director.
This is also to be remembered that planets, Rasi and Nakshatra

atl Of them have different roles in deciding the nature of

profession and prediction will be accurate i f the learned
astrologer makes proper cohesion of the qualities of these trio.
Oceupation of 10th lord in different bhavas and results
1st houseIf the lord of the 10th house (Karmapathi) is
situated in lagna the native may be sickly in his childhood, at
young age, he will be healthy and by and by he will be
2ad, 3rd & 7th housesThe native will be meritorious,
efficient, a good speaker and truthful.
4th houseThe native will be learned and wise, valorous,
devoted to gods, pious and may be favoured by king.
Sth & l l t h houses-The native will be always cheerful; he
will be truthful, happy and rich and may be blessed with sons.
6th & 12th housesT le native may suffer much due to
activities of enemies, may oe cunning and be seldom happy.
Sth houseThe native will be cunning, wicked, a thief, a liar
and may torture his mother.
9th houseThe native will be lucky, educated, wealthy and
10th houseThe native will be financially very affluent,
prosperous, honourable and may make name and fame.

Eleventh house
(Aya bhava)
Eleventh house signifies gain in every way, all kinds of
receipts, acquisition of gold and wealth, paternal prosperity, eldest
brother or sister, paternal uncle, daughter-in-law, son-in-la-w,
brother-in-law (sister-in-law too ), knee, shank, ear, skill in
practical arts etc.
Difference between aya (llth) and dhana (2nd) bhavas is,
from the l l t h house we know whether income is easy or not, how
or in what mannerhonest or dishonest the native shall earn
money. A l l these are to be found out from the l l t h bhava. Dhana
bhava indicates amount of income, accumulation of wealth;
source of income can be determined from dhana and Aya bhavas.
Both the bhavas are complementary to each other. If the dhana
bhava or its lord is afflicted due to aspect or conjunction of

malefic planets gain of money will not be easy, there must be

some sort of difficulties in earning, so also the case with the l l t h
bhava. Thorough judgment of Aya bhava is to be made
according to instructions noted in case of other bhavas.
A t the present time material values or to put it more directly,
money values, the profit-and-loss nexus rules out nearly every
other value. This in itself is the result of planetary evolution ;
but into cosmic scheme, we do not pretend to enter. The day-to-
day effects are however concretely appreciable, for they affect us
at every step. A n d eminent astrologers reinforce their theoretical
inferences and conclusions by references to experience when they
assert that the malefics so called have the power of bestowing on
the native much greater wealth and importance to a very much
greater extent than the so called benefic planets. The latter
might have been more powerful in their own time, the Golden
Age ; but now the Ages of lead and evil ones are more powerful.
Not that benefics utterly fail to redeem their promises in
terms of money and influences, but the native gets only the
irreducible minimum from them and hardly more. The malefics
on the other hand, i f they arc well-placed, that is, in giving
mood, usually give a lot more than the benefics do in money and
Occupation of the lord of l l t h house i n different bhavas and
results thereof:
1. If the lord of the l l t h house occupy lagna the native
becomes pious, generous, joyful, good orator and a valorous
person. But he may be short lived.
2. If the l l t h lord is posited either in the 2nd or 3rd house
the native visits holy places. He is tactful, generous and highly
expensive and may suffer from any kind of colic pain.
3. If the l l t h lord occupies 4th or Sth house the native
attains success in all his endeavours, he is blessed with sons and
leads a happy life but he may be an impious man.
4. If the l l t h lord is situated in the 6th place the native is
ickly, lives in a foreign land, often troubled by enemies, and is
an humble servant of others.
5. If the lord of the 11th place is in the 7th or Sth house the
native may have many virtues, he is active and noble minded.
His wife dies a premature death or he has no peace in conjugal

life. This is particularly true i f in the birth chart of a Kanya-

lagna Jataka Chandra ( l l t h lord) is situated in the 7th place.
6. When the l l t h lord is posited in the 9th or 10th place the
native is honoured by the king of the land. He is intelligent,
clever, truthful, wealthy and always sticks to his own religious
7. If the l l t h lord is situated in the l l t h place the native
becomes an orator, a poet and a learned man.
8. If the lord of the l l t h house be in the 12th place the
native likes the company of followers of different religion. He
is lascivious, debauch and poor.

Twelfth house
(Vyaya bhava)
Twelfth house signifies expenditure, monetary loss, debt,
punishment pronounced by lawful court, enjoyment and suffering,,
information about enemy, bedroom enjoyment, expenditure for
just cause, salvation etc.
1. A benefic planet occupying the 12th place makes the
native live happily, he earns name and fame, he spends money
for just cause.
2. Ketu in the 12th is the cause of salvation.
3. Sani, Ravi and Mangal being in the 12th make the native
extravagant. He seldom enjoys material happiness, may not get
family peace, and there is chance of his suffering from various
ailments including disease in anus and eye,
4. If the 12th bhava falls in a movable sign (rasi) and swift
moving planets or lords of dusthanas (6th, 8th and 12th places)
are there or the bhava is conjoined with or aspected by Sani the
native aimlessly travels over forests and many countries.
5. If Sani and Rahu are in the 12th and aspected by a
benefic planet the native earns money by dishonest means. The
native may be involved in an accident through fire, may suffer
from boils and disease in ears or left leg, particularly if Mangal
is posited in the 12th house.
6. (i) If Chandra be in the 12th place there is chance of
(;/) If Ravi and Mangal be in the 12th place there is chance
of accident through fire.

(Hi) If Sukra be in the 12th place there is chance of courting

insult due to illegal association with other's wife. But Sukra in
the 12th place makes a man prosperous.
(iv) If Budha be in the 12th place there is chance of loss of
money due to activities of enemies.
(v) When a powerful malefic be posited in the 12th place the
native rules over his enemies.
(vi) When a powerful planet owning any dusthana, viz., 6th
Sth or 12th house is posited in the 12th place the native prospers
in life.
Occupation of the l l t h lord in dififerent bhavas and resnlts
1. If the 12th lord be in lagna or 7th place the native's
relation with his wife may not be cordial, qr he may lead the life
of a bachelor. He may be handsom, sickly, may be suffering
from disease of cough and cold and is bereft of education and
2. If the 12th lord be in the 2nd or Sth place the native is
truthful, sweet-tongued and extravagant and he has many virtues
and is devoted to Lord Vishnu.
3. If the lords of lagna and the 12th place together are
posited in the 2nd the native develops an extravagant habit due
to which he may be involved in debt.
4. When the lord of the 12th place be posited in the 3rd or
9th house the native may be hostile to his wife and is miserly.
5. If the lord of the 12th be in the 10th or l l t h house the
native's relation with his sons is not cordial and his earning is
comparatively small.
6. If the same lord be posited in the 6th or 12th place the
native wishes his mother's premature death, he is a sinful man
and a debauch.
Beneficial planets according to different Lagna
We have already discussed about peculiarities of Nakshatras
(constellation) and planets. We have also seen that each planet
signifies many things. To judge a birthchart we must be
thoroughly acquainted with signification ( karakata ) of each
planet. Let us take an example :
Ravi is a natural significator of Karma ( action ), vocation,
father etc. Vrhaspathi signifies learning, intellect, ch.'ldren etc.
and so on.
If these planets are afilicted their virtues may be lost for the
native or i f they are well disposed and strong the native will be
endowed with qualities of those planets.
Maharshi Parasara has introduced a new chapter to show that
a planet under certain conditions may be a karaka (significator)
of another i f both of them are in kendra from each other and
also from lagna. But to produce result of the karaka planet
both of them should be placed in their own, exalted, mooltrikona
or friendly house.
Say, Vrhaspathi is in Karkata, Sani in Tula, Mangal in
Makar, Ravi in Mesa and Lagna i n Karkata. Each of them is
in his exalted house and is in Kendra from Lagna. They are
also co-related by being- placed in Kendra from each other.
Therefore each of them will signify each other qualities in their
dasa and antardasa. Such as, though Sani is the Sth lord and
Vrhaspathi the lord of the 9th the native w i l l be lucky and
prosperous during Sani's antardasa under the major dasa of
Here Sani's karakata is identical with that of Vrhaspathi. It
means Sani will produce the result of Vrhaspathi i n Vrhaspathi-
Sani's dasa-antardasa. Similar is the case with Mangal and
Sani, and Ravi and MangaL
Kendra and Kona : Of the 4 kendras {viz., lagna, 4th, 7th and
10th places from lagna) 4th place is stronger than lagna, 7th is
stronger than the 4th, and the 10th is stronger than the 7th bhava.
So, a planet in the 10th place from lagna will be most effective
among other planets in any other kendra.

Benefic or malefic bhavas and their lords :

1. The Sth and the 9th bhavas are specially called 'dhana-
sthanas' (wealth giving bhavas) and the 4th and the 10th bhavas
are 'Sukha-sthanas' (sukha=happiness, sukha-sthana means place
of happiness).
These four bhavas (Sth, 9th, 4th and 10th) are favourable.
Lagna is both kendra and kona. It is not as powerful as any one
of those kendra-kona houses and the 7th bhava being a maraka-
sthana (death inflicting bhava) is not very favourable.
2. The 2nd and the 7th bhavas are called maraka-sthanas-
(death inflicting bhavas) and so lords of those places are taken as
marakas. Excepting Ravi and Chandra all other planets may
bring about death of a native. Rahu and Ketu, and also lords
of the 6th, Sth and 12th can be marakas.
If Ravi and Chandra are related to any other maraka planet
by combination, conjunction and aspect they may act as death
inflicting planets.
3. Natural benefic planets when own any kendra are taken to
be unfavourable and natural malefics also will be considered as
inauspicious i f they are lords of any kendra.
* This sloka of Parasari Hora is said to be misquoted by
some authors and commentators. The Sloka reads thus :
"Kendradhipathyas soumya suvam naiba dishanti cha
Cruras naiba suvam kuryus konapau suvadayakou"
Some eminent commentators say that the reading will be
"naibasuvam" meaning not asuvamthat is 'not unfavourable'.
Their contention is that natural favourable planets owning any
kendra are inauspicious and natural unfavourable planets
owning any kendra will be considered as auspicious. Generally
this version is supported by many experienced astrologers. The
author of Laghu Parasari (or Ududaya Pradip) says that natural
malefics owning kendra are beneficial. Regarding natural benefics
the author supports Parasari Hora.
* * Natural beneficsVrhaspathi, Sukra, Budha and waxing
Natural maleficsRavi, Mangal, Sani, Rahu, Ketu and
waning Moon. Budha is malefic when conjoined with
other malefics.

4. The lords of the 2nd and 12th houses are called

'Para-tantras' (meaning their good or evil effect is subject to
their position in favourable or unfavourable bhavas or relation
with other benefic or unfavourable planets).
5. The lords of the 3rd, 6th and l l t h bhavas and also the Sth
lord are inauspicious planets.
6. The lords of the 2nd and 7th houses are marakas. Of
these two 7th lord is a more powerful maraka than the 2nd lord.
According to Laghu Parasari 2nd lord as a maraka is more
powerful than the lord of the 7th.
It is said that the lords of the 2nd and 12th houses are
'para-tantras'. Let us elaborate this version by citing an
example. Say, 2nd lord associated with the lord of the 9th or
10th house will give good result; on the other hand if he is
associated with an unfavourable planet or is posited in any
inauspicious house the result will be bad.
7. Natural beneficial planets become malefic i f they own 3rd,
6th or l l t h house. The lords of these three houses are called
^'Trisadayadhipathi" ('tri' means three, 'Sada' means six, 'Aya'
means Eleventh). Of these trio l l t h is the worst, 6th worse and
the 3rd is bad.
8. Eighth house is the twelfth place from the house of luck
(/.e. 9th house). Hence the Sth lord is inauspicious but i f he is
the lord of lagna he will not be considered very unfavourable.
It is so in case of Mesa lagna. Mangal is the lord of lagna
and Sth place and he is not considered as an unfavourable planet.
But in case of Sukra of Tula lagna, who is also the lord of the
Sth house was not directly declared as a papa in Parasari Hora
but commentators are of opinion that Sukra of Tula lagna is not
However, of the natural benefics owning any kendra
Vrhaspathi is the most powerful papa, next is Sukra ; next to
Sukra is Budha and Chandra's fault as a papa is negligible or
very less.
9. Therefore, i f Vrhaspathi being the lord of a kendra is also
the lord of any maraka-sthan (2nd or 7th place ) his death
inflicting power is the highest and next is Sukra. Budha as a
maraka is less powerful i n comparison to Vrhaspathi and Sukra.

10. The planetbe he a natural benefic or malefic, will be

considered as inauspicious i f he is the lord of a kendra and at
the same time owns any one of the 3rd, 6th and l l t h houses.
11. The lord of the 9th even if he is a natural malefic or lord
of any du-sthana (6th, Sth and 12th places) is deemed to be
We shall see later on that of Mithune lagna Sani the lord of
the Sth and 9th houses is not considered all good and his relation
with the 10th lord Vrhaspathi will not produce Rajayoga.
Similarly in case of Simha lagna Vrhaspathi being the lord of
5th (another 'kona') and Sth houses will not form any Rajayoga
owing to his Sth lordship.
Sthirakaraka : Sthira-karaka means under all circumstances
karakala ascribed to each planet is fixed. This has been
elaborated by Maharshi Parasara in the following manner :
Between Ravi and Sukra the stronger one is Pitrikaraka
(signifies father).
Between Chandra and Mangal the stronger one is Matrikaraka
(signifies mother).
Now there is a special significance of each planet and bhava
according to the situation of that planet as a bhava-lord under
consideration. Let us explain ;
(i) Specially Chandra denotes mother and 4th bhava from
Chandra also signifies mother.
[ii) Ravi is an indicator of father and also the 9th place
from Ravi signifies father.
(///) Mangal denotes sister and brother and also brother of
the native's wife and the 3rd bhava from Mangal indicates
brother etc.
(iv) Budha denotes maternal uncle, mother's sister, wife of
father's younger brother, wife of maternal uncle, stepmother etc.
and the 6th bhava from Budha signifies maternal uncle etc.
(v) Vrhaspathi signifies son and daughter, master, grandfather
and 5th bhava from Vrhaspathi denotes children.
{vi) Sukra denotes wife, parents, maternal grandmother etc.
and also the 7th bhava from Sukra indicates wife.
(Sukra's sthirakarakata denoting parents and maternal grand-
mother sounds queer to us.)
{vii) The Sth bhava from Sani indicates death.

The 'Karakata' noted above is to be considered specially in

judging a horoscope and also Astha Varga chakras.
Mesa LagnaSani being the lord of the 10th and l l t h houses
is unfavourable and is considered as a bhadhak planet (planet of
Budha being the lord of the 6th house and Sukra a natural
benefic being lord of the 7th house (a kendra) are unfavourable,
Ravi is a benefic. Nothing has been said about Chandra and
Chandra is considered as ksheena (lean) after Sth day from
the beginning of the day of the new moon. So, Chandra being
the lord of the 4th house from Mesa will be considered as
favourable if she is ksheena (lean or waning moon), and Chandra
of the bright half owning a kendra will be unfavourable.
Mangal though the lord of the Sth place will not be
unfavourable as he is the lord of (Mesa) lagna.
Vrhaspathi is the lord of the 9th and 12th places. As he is
the lord of the 12th place, his good effect depends on some
conditions in spite of 9th lordship. He will be beneficially
effective i f he is related to any other favourable planet.
Sukra is the principal t.araka (death inflicting planet) on
account of his ownership of the 2nd and 7th places. If any other
malefic planet occupies any maraka-sthan (death denoting place
such as 2nd, 7th, Sth places etc.) or any malefic is related to
Sukra that planet will also be a maraka.
The author of Bhavartha Ratnakara, a very old but short
treatise on astrology is of opinion that Sukra being the lord of the
2nd and 7th places can not himself be a maraka (death inflicting
planet) until and unless he is conjoined with other unfavourable
planets such as Sani and Budha, This opinion is not supported
by Parasari Hora.
Vrsa LagnaVrhaspathi, Sukra and Chandra are papas
(malefics). Ravi and Sani are favourable. Sani being lord cf
9th and lOth himself alone is a Rajayogakaraka planet.
Vrhaspathi is capable of inflicting death if he is posited in the
2nd or 7th place or is related to the lord of the 2nd or 7th houses.
As Mangal is the lord of the 7th house his capability of
inflicting death should be stronger than any other malefic. But
there is no remark about Mangal in Parasari Hora.

Maharshi Parasara did not also mention any thing about

Budha. Ududhaya Pradipa (or Laghu Parasari) mentioned that
Budha is a paratantra (subservient to some condition) as he
owns the 2nd place and he too may be a maraka i f he is related
to any other maraka planet. This is supported by many
Experienced astrologers of wide reputation are of opinion
that though Sani is the lord of the 9th and 10th does not produce
favourable result until and unless he is conjoined with any other
yogakaraka or favourable planet, or unless he is situated in the
lOth place from lagna. If he is in the 2nd place the native no
doubt becomes financially affluent and popular, but in the long
run Sani ruins the native financially and he becomes isolated
from his near and dear ones. According to Bhavartha Ratnakara
dhanayoga is caused by combination of Vrhaspathi and Budha,
but this yoga will be defunct i f Mangal joins or aspects them.
Mithnna LagnaRavi, Mangal and Vrhaspathi are papas.
Only benefic planet is Sukra being the lord of the Sth.
Relation between Vrhaspathi, the lord of the 7th as well as
10th and Sani the lord of the Sth and 9th houses will not produce
any Rajayoga until any other benefic planet joins them by
aspect or combination in which case Rajayoga will be effective.
Chandra the lord of the 2nd is not capable of inflicting death
unless some other papa planet is related to Chandra.
According to Bhavartha Ratnakara a brilliant dhanayoga will
be caused when Chandra and Mangal together are posited in the
l l t h and Sani in the 9th place from Lagna. The author stresses
much importance on the combination of Sukra, Chandra and
Mangal being in the 2nd and is of opinion that the native
becomes a wealthy man during Sukra dasa. Neither in Parasari
Hora nor Ududhaya Pradipa (Laghu Parasari ) there is any
remark about Budha.
Karkata LagnaSukra and Budha are malefic planets, and
Mangal and Vrhaspathi are benefics. Mangal alone is a
Rajayogakaraka planet but he himself alone is not capable of
yielding favourable result unless he is related to any other
favourable planet. Vrhaspathi is the lord of the 6th but the fault
due to the 6th house-lordship is not taken into consideration as
he is also the lord of the 9th place. Sani is the principal marak?

on account of his ownership of 7th and Sth houses. Other

malefic planets also can be marakas if they are related to Sani.
As Vrhaspathi is the lord of both 6th and 9th houses he shall
give mixed result during his dasa.
Some astrological savants are of opinion that in case of
Karkata Lagna i f Vrhaspathi is i n Lagna, Ravi i n the 10th and
Budha and Sukra are seated in the l l t h place the native becomes
a famous king of good moral character. The yoga is termed as
'Maharajayoga' i n Brihata-Jataka.
Though Sukra and Budha are said to be malefic some
astrologers of high order say that Karkata-Lagna-Jataka becomes
very rich during Sukra-dasa i f Sukra and Budha are posited in
the 12th house. Similarly they are of opinion that Rajayoga is
caused if Chandra and Vrhaspathi are posited in lagna.
Simha LagnaSukra and Budha are unfavourable. They
become marakas i f related to other papas.
Mangal and Vrhaspathi are beneficial planets. Relation
between Vrhaspathi (Sth lord) and Sukra (10th lord) does not
cause Rajayoga because Sukra is the lord of the 3rd and
Vrhas'pathi the lord of the Sth. If other favourable planet is
related to Sukra and Vrhaspathi Rajayoga result is expected.
Chandra will give favourable result if she is related to any
beneficial planet and the result will be bad if she is related to
any unfavourable planet.
According to Parasari Hora Sani being the lord of the 7th is
the most powerful maraka but according to Laghu Parasari
Budha as a death inflicting planet is stronger than any other
Nothing has been said about RavL
Kanya LagnaMangal, Vrhaspathi and Chandra are papas.
Sukra alone is favourable and relation between Sukra and Budha
will cause Rajayoga. Sukra is a maraka and next to Sukra death
inflicting planet is MangaL It is surprising that Vrhaspathi's
ownership of two kendras of which one is the 7th house has been
overlooked by Maharshi Parasara and he is not declared as a
maraka. Even he is not placed in the second category of
marakas. N o commentators thought it right to discuss this
point. However, experience shows Sukra being the principal
maraka cannot give favourable result in spite of his lordship of

the 9th, during his dasaparticularly his antardasa under the

major dasa of any other papa planet. During such dasa and
antardasa Sukra may do immense mischief to the native in many
Relation between Sukra, the 9th lord and Vrhaspathi, the 4th
lord and their positions in the 2nd house will not cause any
Shri B. V. Raman a very eminent astrologer i n India in his
comment said, " in actual practice it is found that Venus dasa
will be more beneficial than that of Jupiter because Jupiter
becomes aflBicted, being lord of a kendra." Vrhaspathi's fault as
a lord of two kendras is no doubt great but Sukra's death
inflicting effect is no less important.
Readers may test the veracity of this statement and come
to a decision.
As an example, a birth chart is given herebelow :
Lagna is in Kanya, Sani is in Lagna, Rahu and Chandra
i a the Sth, Vrhaspathi and Sukra in the 9th and in the l l t h
house there are Ravi, Budha, Ketu and Mangal.
The native is a fallen man. In spite of merit his education
remained incomplete and during Vrhaspathi's antardasa under
the major period of Sukra he suffered from extreme poverty.
Another example :
La^na is in Kanya associated with Sani and Rahu, Vrhaspathi
and Sukra in the 2nd place, Ravi and Budha in the 3rd, Mangal
in the Sth and Chandra and Ketu in the 7th house.
The gentleman is an M . A . in Economics from Calcutta
University and got degree from London School of Economics.
He became a pauper during the dasa of Sukra and antardasa of
Tula LagnaVrhaspathi, Ravi and Mangal are papas.
Relation between Chandra and Budha causes powerful Rajayoga.
Sani being the lord of the 4th and the Sth is Rajayoga-karaka
and Budha as the lord of the 9th is favourable. Sukra is not a
maraka but not favourable owing to ownership of the Sth house.
Vrhaspathi is the lord of the 3rd and the 6th house. If he is
situated in Lagna he does not permit the native to pass a single
day peacefully due to this or that ailment. I have seen number
of horoscopes where Vrhaspathi is posited in Tula Lagna and the

native almost everyday complains of this or that disease, some-

times minor and at other times very troublesome. Maharshi
Rarasara said, " O f Tula Lagna Vrhaspathi is a 'khala' (meaning
wicked). This is exactly what I saw in many cases."
For this Lagna Mangal being the lord of the 2nd and 7th is a
maraka. But if Ravi, Budha and Sani are related to Mangal
cither by combination or mutual aspect Mangal will be favour-
able to the native. Again, combination of Ravi, Budha and
Sani with Chandra will do immense good to the native.
This is also to be noted that Vrhaspathi also may be a maraka
if related to maraka planets or posited i n a malefic house.
Vrscika LagnaBudha, Mangal and Sukra are malefics.
Vrhaspathi being the 2nd and 5th lord and Chandra the lord of
the 9th house are benefic planets. Rajayoga is caused by the
relation between Ravi and Chandra.
According to Parasari Hora Budha, Mangal and Sukra are
marakas. But Laghu Parasari's version is that Vrhaspathi is the
principal maraka and Budha and other papa planets also may be
death-inflicting under certain circumstance. Maharshi Parasara
said in the chapter dealing in longivity that Rahu is considered
the principal maraka in case of Vrscika and Makar lagnas.
Sani being the 3rd and 4th lord is no doubt unfavourable.
The 5rd house is not favourable but it is a upachayasthan. Sani
being a natural malefic should not be considered as unfavourable
as he owns a kendra. So, Sani should not be declared as papa.
Some commentators are of opinion that though strictly
speaking Sani is not very unfavourable even then he can not
produce good result.
Parasara and other eminent authors opine that Vrhaspathi is
beneficial due to his Sth house ownership but our experience is
that Vrhaspathi being a maraka gives awefully unfavourable
rcsuU and makes the native stranded financially. Of course this
is also to be noted that Vrhaspathi gives brilliant result i f he is
related to any yogakaraka planet.
To quote Bhavartha Ratnakara we may cite the following
yoga caused by Vrhaspathi, Chandra and Budha. According to
that treatise, "The native will be very fortunate and rich i f
Vrhaspathi and Budha are in the Sth and Chandra in the l l t h

Dhanu LagnaAccording to Parasari Hora Vrhaspathi, Sukra,

Sani, Budha and Chandra are malefic planets. Vrhaspathi due
to lordship of kendra, Sani being the lord of the 2nd and the 3rd,
Sukra as a lord of 6th and l l t h , Budha being the lord of 7th and
Chandra as lord of the Sth house are considered as papas. Sani
is said to be death inflicting planet but why Budha has not been
mentioned as maraka as he is the lord of the 7th is not explained.
Parasara's verdict in the beginning is that 7th lord as a
maraka is more powerful than the 2nd lord. Here he has not
even mentioned Budha as a maraka.
But in this respect Laghu Parasari has maintained consist-
ency. The author has not ever mentioned 7th lord as a maraka
in preference to the 2nd lord.
According to Laghu Parasari (or Ududhaya Pradipa) the 2nd
lord Sani is maraka, Ravi and Budha are benefics and their
relation by combination, aspect or exchange of houses etc. will
produce Rajayoga. Maharshi Parasara also said, relation
between these two planets will give Rajayoga eftect; also
Rajayoga wilt be caused owing to relation between Ravi and
Though Vrhaspathi being the lord of a kendra may do
immense good under certain circumstance.
A native having his lagna in Dhanu, Vrhaspathi m the
5th and Sukra in the 4th place from lagna got immensely good
result during the major period of Sukra and sub-period of
Vrhaspathi as Vrhaspathi being the lagna-lord is placed in the
5th and aspects lagna. In latter chapter Maharshi said tha\ any
planet aspecting lagna will have to be deemed as Yogakaraka
and lord of lagna and the 4th house being in the Sth place will
produce beneficial result. So, in case of Dhanu Lagna
Vrhaspathi should not be summarily dismissed as an evil planet.
Makar LagnaChandra, Mangal and Vrhaspathi are malefics.
Budha and Sukra are favourable planets. Ravi also is papa and
Sani is the principal maraka. Mangal and other papas also can
be maraka as and when Sani is powerful and well-disposed. In
that case Sani's death inflicting power will be much minimised.
Sukra being the lord of the Sth and 10th is the only Rajayoga-
karaka planet. Truly speaking Sukra is capable of producing
Rajayoga result only when he is in the Sth house. His position

in the 10th will not help the native acquire money, name and
fame and vocational career of the native will be most ordinary.
This is due to Sukra's ownership of a kendra. But my experience
is that when Sukra is related to any other Yogakaraka planet
and is posited in the 10th he is capable of conferring Rajayoga-
result. According to Laghu Parasari Ravi in spite of Sth house
ownership and Chandra 7th house lordship are not unfavourable.
In case of Makar Lagna Rahu is a powerful maraka. This
was specially mentioned by Maharshi Parasara in case of Vrscika
and Makar Lagna.
Kambha LagnaChandra, Mangal and Vrhaspathi are
malefics. Rajayoga is caused by the relation between Sukra and
Mangal. Vrhaspathi is the death inflicting planet, Budha and
other unfavourable planets also may become marakas. R a v i
and Sani are unfavourable. Sukra though the lord of the 4th
and 9th may not confer Rajayoga effect i f he is posited in the
4th. Though Mangal is declared as a papa relation between
Mangal (10th lord) and Sukra (4th and 9th lord) will produce
Rajayoga. Ravi is the lord of the 7th house. He will not be a
maraka but he may be responsible for suffering of the native due
to bad health.
Mina LagnaSani, Sukra, Ravi and Budha are unfavourable
planets. Mangal and Chandra are benefics. Mangal though
lord of the 2nd house is not a maraka. Neither Maharshi
Parasara nor author of Laghu Parasari has declared Budha as a
maraka though he owns the 7th house. On the other hand it is
said that Sani and other unfavourable planets may be marakas.
Relation between Mangal and Vrhaspathi will produce
Rajayoga. It is very interesting to note that though Vrhaspathi
of Mina Lagna owns two kendras he has not been mentioned as
a papa but in case of Dhanu Lagna Vrhaspathi has been
classified in the same rank with other papa planets such as Sani,
Sukra, Chandra and Budha. Why this differentiation was not
discussed by any known commentator ?
We have seen when a natural benefic acts as a malefic under
special circumstances. Are we then to take it for granted that
beneficient qualities of a natural Suva (favourable) planet are
wiped out because of ownership of a kendra and of any of the
3rd, 6th and l l t h houses ?

Vrhaspathi is a natural suva (favourable) planet. In case of

Mithune Lagna Vrhaspathi's fault as a lord of kendra has been
magnified by all eminent followers of Maharshi Parasara. Malefic
Vrhaspathi occupying 10th place which is his own house is said
to be unfavourable. In such case our decision should be that
career of the native will be very much disturbed due to presence
of a malefic planet no less important than Vrhaspathi. If any
astrologer comes to such a conclusion it is bound to be wrong.
Because good effect of a natural benefic can not be wiped out
owing to his ownership of a kendra. So, in the above instance
Vrhaspathi though has acquired fault as a kendrapathi will
not be an obstructive factor in a native's career. But his fault
as a kendrapathi will be manifested during his dasa and
antardasa and also during the dasa and antardasa of Vrhaspathi
and any other malefic planets. The vocational interest of the
native will be hampered at that period.
But this is also a fact that i f an auspicious planet be the lord
of the 6th, 8th or 12th house his malefic effect will be prominently
felt by the native for a l l the time when the planet occupies any
kendra, kona, 2nd or l l t h place etc. If a planet owns both 6th
and 9th houses his fault due to ownership of any dusthana
(malefic bhavas) may be negligible.
* [Brihat-jataka has not enunciated any such theory.
According to that treatise lords of 6th, Sth and 12th houses as
well as natural papa (malefic) planets are always inauspicious.
Vrhaspathi, Sukra, waxing Moon and Budha when seated alone
or conjoined with natural benefic are always auspicious planets.
Again lords of kendra, kona are also favourable.]
Vimsottari Dasa and Antardasa or Bhalcti
Or Period and Snb-Period
Dasa and antardasa is a method devised by ancient Hindu
Rishies to solve the question of timing events. It is yet a moot
point to us to tell our readers definitely upon what basis each
planet is attached a certain number of years as its term of dasa.
But this also we cannot deny that in actual practice "dasa and
antardasa" system gives very satisfactory result in making
prophecies about period of events.
There are more than 40/41 dasa systems in Pfirasari Hora.
We have given in the following Paragraphs the names of all these
systems which may interest some of our esteemed readers.
The Names of Dasa systems according to Parasari Hora :
1. Vimsottari {120 yrs.) 21. Kendra dasa
3_ Sorasottari (116 ) 22. Karakendra dasa
3. Dwadasottari (IJ.^ ) 23. Karaka graha dasa
4. Asthottari (138 ) 24. Manduka dasa
5. Panchottari (105 ) 25. Shula dasa
6. Satabdika (100 ) 26. Nakshatra dasa
7. Chaturashiti (84 ) 27. Yogardha dasa
8. Dwisaptati (72 ) 28. Drig dasa
9. Sasthihayain (60 ) 29. Trikona dasa
10. Sat-trimsati (36 ) 30. Nakshatrat-rasi das
11. Navamsa-Nava dasa (108) 31. Tara dasa
12. Rasyamsa dasa 32. Varnada dasa
13. Kala dasa 3.3. PanchaswarS dasa
14. Chakra dasa 34. Yogini dasa
15. Sudarsana Chakra dasa 35. Pinda dasa
16. Charaparyaya dasa 36. Amsa dasa
17. Navamamsasthira dasa 37. Rashmi dasa
18. Sthira dasa 38. Nisarga dasa
19. Chatturvida-uttara dasa 39. Asthavarga dasa
20. Brahmagrahashrita dasa 40. Sandya dasa
41. Panchaka dasa.
A l l these dasa systems have been explained by Maharshi
Parasara in his Parasari Hora. Inquistive students of astrology
may try to apply some of them in predicting time of events with
the help of any system other than Vimsottari and Asthottari
systems which are in vogue in India. Most of the Indian
astrologers rely on either Virmottari or Asthottari dasa system
and period of events in a man's life is calculated on the basis
of any one of these two systems.
In the Eastern part of India we have seen that some eminent
professional astrologers have drawn Asthottari as well as Yogini
dasa and mentioned the period of events on the basis of these two
dasa systems only. But we shall in this book deal with
Vimsottari dasa as elaborately as possible and draw tables of dasa
.and antardasa of both Vimsottari and Asthottari systems.
Now we explain herebelow the method of calculation of
Vimsottari dasa and bhukti. The method of calculation of
dasas depends mainly on the position of Chandra in the birth
chart and Nakshatra attached with this planet.
We know each Nakshatra (constellation) covers 13 degree 20'
minute (or kala). Each Nakshatra has a lord of its own and
the dasa is to be calculated according to degree of Nakshatra
consumed at the time of birth.
Before we explain in detail the method of calculation of dasa
and bhukti we draw herebelow the table of dasas indicated by
each nakshatra. We shall mention the number of nakshatras
instead of naming them one by one. The number of nakshatra
means Aswini 1, Bharani 2, Krittika 3 etc.
Table of dasas ruled by each planet according to nakshatra :
Table of Vimsottari Dasa
J^o. of Nakshatras Dasa Lords Years
3. 12, 21 Ravi 6
4, 13. 22 Chandra 10
5, 14, 23 Mangal 7
6, 15, 24 Rahu 18
7, 16, 25 Vrhaspathi 16
8, 17, 26 Sani 19
9, 18, 27 Budha 17
10, 19. 1 Ketu 7
11, 20, 2 Sukra 20
120 yrs.
Total of these years is 120 which is considered as the
maximum longivity of a man. But this is not always correct

We heard of many men who lived more than 120 years of age.
We shall work out the process of calculation of (Vimsottari dasa)
dasa-bhukti at the time of birth of the child who was born on the
30th A p r i l , 1953 at 10 A . M . (L. M . T), Calcutta (See p. 69,
Ch. 111).
Chandra is in Tula, Chandrasphuta 27''-52'. This means that
Chandra is in Visakha Nakshatra No. 16. Visakha Nakshatra
begins at 20* degree Tula and is extended upto 3*-20' Vrscika.
A t the time of birth Chandrasphuta6.s-27-52'
duration of Nakshatra75* 3*-20'
Therefore, 7j-3*-20' minus 6s-lT-5l'
=0-5*-28' Visakha left unconsumed at the time of birth.
Next stepIf 13*-20' gives 16 yrs. (duration of dasa period of
Vrhaspathi), what w i l l be years for 5*-28'
13*-20' = 800 Kala or minute, 5'-28'=328 Kala (min)
.'. (328X16)-7-800 = 6 yrs 6m 21| days or 22 days.
Therefore balance of Vrhaspathi's dasa6 yrs 6m 22 days.
Similar results can be worked out in a different way. As per
Jogajjoti Panjika edited by Sbri N . C. Lahiri the Nakshatraman
(duration of Nakshatra) is taken for calculation.
The child was born on the 30th A p r i l Visakha Nakshatra
covered only 36 danda 54 Pala 30 bipala. This means, the
nakshatra began on the previous day.
Let us consult the Panjika. We find Swati nakshatra
terminated on the 29th A p r i l at 33 danda 55 Pala 38 bipala.
(60 dandas make a day1 day means 24 hrs.) So, 60 danda
minus 33 danda 55 Pala 38 bipala=26 danda 4 Pala 22 bipala.
Duration of Visakha Nakshatra ( on 29th April)26 danda
4 Pala 22 bipala + 36 danda 54 Pala 32 bipala ( duration of
Nakshatra on the beirth-day )=62 danda 58 Pala 54 bipala
Or we should say, the total period of Visakha Nakshatra is
62 danda 58 Pala 54 bipala
Istha danda is 11 danda 8 Pala 12 bipala +
26 " 4 " 22 "
=37 " 12 " 34 "
(Nakshatra already consumed on the previous day)
Total period of Nakshatra=62 danda 58 Pala 54 bipala
Minus 37 " 12 " 34 "
(Nakshatra alreadv consumed)
=25 " 46 " 20 ' "
(balance of Nakshatra to be consu v e d

62 danda 58 Pala 54 bipala =226734 bipala

25 " 46 34 " = 92794 "
.'. 226734 : 92794 : : 16 yrs : x
x-(92794 X 16)-r 226734=6 yrs 6m 17 days.
=Balance of Vrhaspathi's dasa.
There is a difference of 5 days between dasa bhukti worked
out according to Chandrasphuta and Nakshatra-man. Such
difference is possible.
Calcalation of antardasa:
There are more than one method of calculation of antardasa
(sub-period). We give herebelow a few easy methods :
1. Multiply the number of years of dasa of a planet by the
number of years of the dasa of that planet whose antardasa is to
be determined. Divide the product by 10, the quotient will
indicate months and the remainder is to be multiplied by 30, the
product is to be divided by 10, the result will indicate days.
ExampleVrhaspathi's major dasa and his antardasa to be
worked out.
16x16=256-^10 = 25 months or 2 yrs 1 month
Remainder 6 x 30 = 180-^10=18 days.
Therefore, Vrhaspathi's subperiod under Vrhaspathi's major
period=2 yrs Im 12 days.
2. Multiply the number of years of major dasa-lord by the
number of years of the dasa period of antardasa-lord. Divide the
product by 120, the quotient will be years. The remainder is to
be multiplied by 12 and the product to be divided by 120. The
quotient will indicate months. The remainder is again to be
multiplied by 30 and, the product is to be divided by 120. The
quotient stands for days.
If the product obtained by multiplication of number of years
of dasa lord by the number of years of antardasa lord is less than
120, the product is to be multiplied by 12 and the result thus
obtained is to be divided by 120. The quotient will indicate
months. Other process is the san^e as the previous method.
ExampleTo find out period of Vrhaspathi's dasa and Sani's
16x19 = 304-7-120=2 yrs
remainder 64xl2=768-^120=6m
48 X 30 = 1440-i-120=12 days.

Dasa-antardasa period of Vrhaspathi and Sani = 2 yrs 6m 12

3. Multiply the dasa period of major dasa-lord by the dasa
period of the planet whose antardasa is to be determined. Then
the last figure of the product is to be cut out and it is to be
multiplied by 3, the product thus found will indicate days and
the figure that is left out undisturbed will indicate months.
ExampleDasa and antardasa period of Vrhaspathi and Sani
16X19=304. The last figure 4 x 3 = 12 days.
The figure left out is 30 which indicates months.
Therefore Vrhaspathi and Sani's dasa-antardasa period is
30 months 12 days=2 yrs 6m 12 days.
Antardasa bhukties may be subdivided into 'Pratyantar' dasa
(English equivalent is inter period). Method of calculation is
as follows.
To find out Pratyantar dasa under the sub period of Chandra
and major period of Ravi and interperiod of Mangal.
ExampleRavi's dasa X Chandra's dasa
=(6 X10) -4-120=6 months
6 x 7 (Mangal's dasa period)
(42 x 3 0 ) 1 2 0 days=10 days 30 dandas.
( Period of Mangal's Pratyantar under Chandra's antardasa
under Ravi's major dasa ).
The child was born during Vrhaspathi's dasa when the
balance of this dasa was 6 yrs 6m 22 days. This means that
out of 16 years of Vrhaspathi's dasa period 9 yrs 6 months 8 days
already expired when the child was born. We can now find out
what antardasa ifnder Vrhaspathi's major dasa was ruling at the
time of birth.
Vrhaspathi's major dasa and its antardasa period2 yrs Im 18 days
Sani's +2 6 1 2
4 - 8 - 0
> Budha's 2 - 3 - 6
6 -11 - 6
Ketu's 0 -11-6
7 -10-12
5 . Sukra's 2 - 8 - 0
10 - 6 - 1 2
This shows that at the time of birth Budha's antardasa under
'the major dasa of Vrhaspathi was running.

Vimsottari Dasa and Antardasa Table

Ravi's Dasa6 yrs Chandra's Dasa10 yrs
antardasas (bhukties) antardasas (bhukties)
yr. m. d. yr. m. d.
Ravi 0 3 18 Chandra 0 10 0
Chandra 0 6 0 Mangal 0 7 0
Mangal 0 4 6 Rahu 1 6 0
Rahu 0 to 24 Vrhaspathi 1 4 0
Vrhaspathi 0 9 18 Sani 1 7 0
Sani 0 11 12 Budha 1 5 0
Budha 0 10 6 Ketu 0 7 0
Ketu 0 4 6 Sukra I 8 0
Sukra 1 0 0 Ravi 0 6 0
6 0 0 10 0 0

Mangal's Dasa7 yrs Rahu's Dasa18 yrs

antardasas (bhukties) antardasas (bhukties)
yr. m. d. yr. m. d.
Mangal 0 4 27 Rahu 2 8 12
Rahu 1 0 18 Vrhaspathi 2 4 24
Vrhaspathi 0 11 6 Sani 2 10 6
Sani 1 1 9 Budha 2 6 18
Budha 0 11 27 Ketu 1 0 18
Ketu 0 4 27 Sukra 3 0 0
Sukra 1 2 0 Ravi 0 10 24
Ravi 0 4 6 Chandra 1 6 0
Chandra 0 7 0 Mangal 1 0 18
7 ' 0 0 18 0

Vimsottari Dasa and Antardasa Table

Vrhaspathi's Dasa 16 yrs Sani's Dasa19 yrs

antardasas (bhukties] antardasas (bhukties)
y- m. yr- m. d.
Vrhaspathi 2 1 18 Sani 3 0 3
Sani 2 6 12 Budha 2 8 9
Budha 2 3 6 Ketu 1 1 9
Ketu 0 11 6 Sukra 3 2 0
Sukra 2 8 0 Ravi 0 11 12
Ravi 0 9 18 Chandra 1 7 0
Chandra 1 4 0 Mangal 1 1 9
Mangal 0 11 6 Rahu 2 IC 6
Rahu 2 4 24 Vrhaspathi 2 6 12
16 0 0 19 0 0

Budha's Dasa17 yrs Ketu's Dasa7 yrs

antardasas (bhukties) antardasas (bhukties)
yr. m. d. yr- nt. d.
2 4 27 Ketu 0 4 27
0 11 27 Sukra 1 2 0
2 10 0 Ravi 0 4 6
0 10 6 Chandra 0 7 0
1 5 0 Mangal 0 4 27
Mangal 0 11 27 Rahu 1 0 18
2 6 18 Vrhaspathi 0 11 6
Vrhaspathi 2 3 6 Sani 1 1 9
2 8 9 Budha 0 11 27
17~ o" 0 7 0 0
Vimsottari Dasa and Antardasa table
Sukra's Dasa20 yrs
antardasas (bhukties)
yr. m. d.
Sukra 3 4 0
Ravi 1 0 0
Chandra 1 8 0
Mangal 1 0
Rahu 3 0 0
Vrhaspathi 2 8 0
Sani 3 2 0
Budha 2 0
Ketu 1 2 0
20 0 0
Fundamental principles of judging dasa and antardasa
in predicting events.
It is an admitted fact that determination of timing events is
really a problem to astrologers. Dasa System devised by Hindu
Rishies is rsally a great step to solve this problem. But though
the system is there we must know many things before we venture
to make any prophecy regarding period of events. We shall give
in the following paragraphs some clues which may be of much
help to our readers in this matter.
Fundamental rules for determining time of events throogh dasa
and antardasa. They are by no means exhaustive :
1. We know that each planet has his own significance. So, it
is expected that a planet during his own dasa and antardasa will
yield result good or bad according to his own significance. But
actually this is not the case. A planet in his own dasa and
antardasa will give his own significant results, but tempered
modified or effected by its relations with other planets by Co-
existence, aspecting or exchange of places.
If there is none of these relations the planet during his dasa
and antardasa will produce the result of such other planet as
has similar characteristics with him.
To cite an example let us take the case of Mangal of Karkat
lagna. If Mangal is not related to any other planet he will give
the result of Vrhaspathi during his dasa and antardasa. Because
Mangal is a 'Raja yoga Karaka' planet and Vrhaspathi is the
lord of luck (9th house). Further both the planets are friendly to
each other and have been classified in the same rank.

2. When dasapathi (Major dasa-lord) and .antardasapathi

(the lord of the subperiod) are inimical or antagonistic to each
other (such as, major dasa lord is the owner of the 9th house and
antardasa lord owns any malefic bhavas) the dasapathi in his
dasa and antardasa of malefic planet will yield unfavourable
In such a case we cannot expect a favourable result but if the
dasa-lord is strong and favourably disposed result will not be
very unfavourable.
3, If kendrapathi (lord of kendra) or konapathi (lord of
kona) are not related to each other the result of their dasa and
antardasa will not be favourable. There are exceptions :
() If either of the Sth or lOih lord is not very unfavourably
disposed or any one of the two is not very maliciously related to
any malefic planet the dasa ana antardaoa of the Sth and the
10th lord will yield good result provided the Sth lord is conjoined
with the lord of the 9th house.
(ii) If the lords of the Sth and the 9th houses are conjoined
with each other subperiod of 4th or 10th lord under the major
period of Sth or 9ih lord will yield favourable result even i f
there is no relation between dasa and antardasa lords.
(///) Antardasa of the Sth lord under the major period of the
10th lord or the dasa and antardasa of the 9th and the 4th or 4th
and 9th lords will give beneficial result. Of course i f these
planets are related to each other the result will be very good.
(iv) The lord of the lOtn house when posited in the Stti place
and also when lord of the 10th house is conjoined with the 4th
lord their dasa and antardasa are beneficial to the native.
(v) If the lords of the Sth, lOth, 4ih and 9th places together
occupy any bhava their dasas anu aniurdasas are favourable.
Even if the lord of any other bhava is conjoined with them tht
dasa and antardasa of that planet also will produce beneficial
4. If a malefic is related to any Rajayogakaraka planet
during the antardasa of the yogakaraka planet under the major
dasa of the malefic dasa-antardasa result will be favourable.
5, It is said in Pdrasariya Su-sloka Satakam (hundred best-
Slokas of Maharshi Parasara) that Sani of Mesa or Mithuue lagna
will not produce any Rajayoga.
But according to that valuable book i f a planet owns 6th and
at the same time 7th house and is placed in the 10th plac?.
from lagna and he is conjoined with any other planet his dasa
a n d antardasa and also antardasa of that planet who is combined
with the aforesaid lord of the 6th and 7th houses will produce
favourable result.
Sani of Simha lagna occupying Vrsa rasi will cause this yoga.
6. If one and the same planet be the owner of the 2nd and
the 7th houses and occupies the 4th place from lagna his major
d a i a and antardasa of that planet combined with the dasapathi
(lord of the major dasa) will be favourable.
7. If a lord of any dusthana (6th, Sth and 12th places) be
associated with the 5th lord the dasa and antardasa cf those
planets will be favourable.
8. If the lord of the 4th is situated in the 10th and the 10th
lord is in the 4th place th'ur dasas and antardasas are favourable.
9. When the 9th lord is in *he 4th and the 4th lord is situated
in the 10th their dasas and antardasas are auspicious.
10. If the Sth or the 9th lord is i n the 10th place their dasas
a n d antardasas are favourable.
11. If the lord of the antardasa is placed in the 12th place
from the dasa-lord the native shall get unfavourable result during
the period of antardasa lord under the major period of dasa-lord.
If the lord of antardasa be the owner of Sth or 9th house the
unfavourable result will be much less.
12. If the Sth and 9th places from the dasa-lord are occupied
by Sani, Mangal, [Rahu, Ketu or Ravi the native suffers frcin
mental worries and anxieties during the dasa-lord and sub-petiod
of anyone of these natural papas. The native shall hav^-no
peace of mind.
If these natural papas are benefic owing to lordship of
auspicious bhavas the first part of the antardasa wil! be bad
and the last part will be favourable.
13. If the 6th, Sth or 12th place from a planet is occupied by
'Krura* planets (Mangal, Sani, Ravi, Rahu are Krura planets..
' K r u r a ' means cruel or very malefic) or anyone of those dv>sthanas
(6th, Sth and 12th places) is occupied by either debilitated or
combust plan(^ during the dasa of the first named planet a n d
antardasa of Imy 'Krura' planet enemies of the native will be
very active to pull him down or to injure his interest, and the
native shall incur displeasure of the head of the state, and suffer
monetary loss.
14. If the 4th place from a planet is occupied by any 'Krura*
planet during the major dasa of that planet and antardasa of
'Krura' planet loss of native's house and landed properties may
be apprehended.
(i) If Mangal occupies that 4th place there is possibility of
arson, crash of thunder, sudden death of cattle, accident, or any
other sudden danger.
{ii) If Sani is there in the 4th place the native shall suffer
from heartache, pain in the chest, rheumatism, or any other
disease owing to morbid affection of the nervous system.
{/;;') If weak Ravi is posited in the 4th place from that planet
during the dasa and antardasa period of those planets the native
shall incur royal displeasure, he shall suffer from loss of money
or any other property and there is chance of disturbance in
vocational career.
(iv) If Rahu is in the 4th place from a planet there is chance
of theft of money or valuable articles, disease due to effect of any
kind of poison or poisonous drug.
15. If Rahu is posited in the 10th place from a planet during
dasa and antardasa of that planet and Rahu there is chance of
going on pilgrimage to holy places, of visiting foreign lands or
distant countries.
(i) Again i f \he 9th, 10th or l l t h place from a planet is
occupied by a benefic their dasas and antardasas are favourable.
The native acquires name and fame, earns money and gets
16. If the 5th, 6th and 7th places from a planet are occupied
by an exalted or auspicious planet the native is blessed with wife,
children and royal favour during their dasas and anta'-dasas.
17. If the 4th place from a planet is occupied by an exalted
planet or if that 4th house is the own or mooltrikona sign of the
occupant the native possesses conveyances, builds his own house
and earns good money during their dasas and antardasas.
18. If the lord of the rasi where Chandra is situated is posited
in the house of exaltation and is in kendra from lagna the native
shall prosper, be wealthy, gain money through agricultural
enterprise during the dasa of that exalted planet. I think, the
native shall get beneficial result according to signification of that
exalted planet.
19. If lagnapathi is in his own Navamsa, Dwadasamsa or
drekkan his dasa will be favourable.
(/) If Navamsa lord of lagnapathi is posited in friendly
navamsa, drekkan or in his own navamsa, or lagnapathi is
aspected by a friendly planet who is posited in his own, friendly
navamsa, drekkan or dwadasamsa dasa of the lagnapathi is

A few important points should be noted carefully :

(1) If an exalted planet crosses his highest point of exaltation
at the time of birth the first part of his dasa is favourable :nd (he
latter part will not be as favourable as the first one.
(2) Similarly if a debilitated planet in the birth chart crosses
the lowest point of debilitation the first of his dasa is unfavour-
able and ths last part is favourable.
(3) If a planet in exaltation in the birth chart is posited in
the lowest point of debilitation the first part of his dasa is unfavoui-
sirength to i apart good result and gives favourable result in the
beginning of the dasa and at the end the result will be
Reverse will be the result of the dasa of a debilitated plan;;
occupying the house of exaltation in the navamsa chakra.
(4) A planet loses his strength if he is combust, conjoined
with a papa or an enemy planet positioned in an inimical house
or if he occupies any dusthana (6th, Sth or I2th house).
(5) The planet who is inimical to lagnapathi cannot give
good in his dasa and antardasa of lagnapathi.
The dasa of such a planet will not be very unfavourable if he
is a temporary friend to the lagnapathi.
(6) Those planets who occupy 4th, 9th or 10th place from
lagnapathi cannot give favourable result i f they are inimical to
the lord of lagna, but i f they are friendly to lagnapathi the
dasa and antardasa of lagnapathi will be favourable.
(7) When two planets are situated in the 7th place from each
other their dasa and antardasa will not be favourable. But in
cases of'jeeba' yoga, 'Souri-Guru' yoga, 'Guru-Vauma' yoga and
Chandra being in the 7th place from Mangal or vice-versa their
dasas and antardasas will produce beneficial result.
[Jeeba yoga=Chandra and Vrhaspathi being in the 7th place
from each other. Souri-Guru yoga=Sani and Vrhaspathi being
in the 7th place from each other and Guru-Vauma yoga=Vrhas-
pathi and Mangal being in the 7th place from each other].
We have spoken very highly of Rajayogas but this is to be
remembered that a simple favourable yoga will be of no use or of
less importance if yogakaraka planets dunot gain strength. Their
dasas and antardasas will really be productive of good results i f
they (yoga karaka planets) are strong and favourably disposed.
We have said earlier that if the 4th lord is in the 10th and the
lOth lord in the 4th the result of their dasa and antardasa will
be beneficial but if those planets are aspected by lords of the Sth
and 9th places this will be a very powerful Rajayoga and their
dasa and antardasa will be very beneficient. Here also the
planets must be strong, otherwise Rajayoga will produce medium
Once the dasa and antardasa have been established, the
process of deciding about their effects becomes the most important
matter. A n d in this, it is difficult to set down mechanical guide
lines. One has to assess and valuate the power, the attitude, the
proclivity and mood of each planet. A n d then the joined effect
as the influences of other planets converge on the lords of the
dasa and antardasa, where each is placed with reference to lagna
and rasi, who aspects whom, who is friendly, who hostile and
who neutral, and to what jxtentall this has to be considered
not merely 'a priori', but with reference to some facts known to
have actually occurred during the native's life.
It is a matter also of the astrologers' own ability and
CKperience and of largely on intuition which operates only on the
subconscious of extensive and intensive reading and hard diligent
Another point of capital importancealas, so often forgotten
is that the contexts of modern society, of changed social condi-
tions, of the impact of day-to-day scientific and mechanical
adjustments i n daily life etc. is the bed-rock on which a l l current
and contemporary predictive astrology is based. The astrologer
himself can not get away from his contemporary sheet anchor of
his own life and escape to a vacuum and to make predictions i n
the 20th century with mechanical accuracy consistent with the
shastras, but which would be apposite to the sixth and seventh
century or to some such time when the shastras were written or
To take a certain example off the beat. Suppose the ancient
texts lay that i n a certain conjunction of planets in their dasa
and antardasa the native would be afflicted by swarms of wild
four or many-footed animals. Now if the predictive astrologer
true to his texts and mechanically quite accurate deduces about
a native who lives in a modern metropolis that he would be
harassed by elephants or some such animals, he would be
ridiculed and rightly. If he is a man of intelligence and
experience, which are by no means ruled out by ancient texts, he
might find the answer i n mosquitoes. So, warning is that
contemporary contexts should never be ignored.

Astottary Dasa and Antardasa

We have already said that in Eastern part of India eminent
astrologers would rely more on Astottary System than Vimso-
tiary in predicting events. Now-a-days the system is not as
popular as Vimsottary among most of the modern astrologers in
Eastern part of India too on account of various reasons. Most
of them put forward the argument that in 'Kaliyoga' Vimsottary
dasa is more effective than Astottary. However as the Astottary
System is still in vogue readers should know something about
the system.
Order of dasa lords under this system is as follows :
Dasa Lord Span of dasa
1. Ravi 6 years
2. Chandra 15
3. Mangal 8
4. Budha 17
5. Sani 10
6. Vrhaspathi 19
7. Rahu 12
8. Sukra 21
Total=108 years
Please note that Vimsottary dasa-lords are 9, astottary dasa
lords are 8. According to Vimsottary System generally a man's
longivity is taken to be 120 yrs. and according to astottary System
generally maximum longivity of a man does not exceed 108 yrs.
Method of calculation of Antardasa :
Multiply Span of dasa of both dasa and antardasa, divide the
result by 9. The quotient is taken to be months. The remainder
is to be reduced to days { of course multiplying the remainder by
30 ) and the result to be divided again by 9. The quotient will
be days. If there is any remainder it is to be reduced to danda
and the result is to be divided by 9. The quotient w i l l denote

Example : 1. Chandra's major dasa and Mangal's antardasa

to be calculated : Chandra's dasa=15 yrs, Mangal's dasa=8 yrs.
So, 15x8=120 months-=-9=l3 months.
remainder 3 months to be reduced to days,
i.e. 3X30=90^9=10 days.
Therefore, 13 months 10 days=l yr. 1 m. 10 days.
2. Mangal's major dasa and Sani's antardasa :
Mangal's major dasa=8 yrs. Sani's major dasa=10 yrs.
So, 8X 10=80-^9=8 months, remainder 8 months
8x30=240 days-7-9=26 days, remainder 6 days,
6 X 60=360 danda -f 9=40 danda.
Therefore, 8 months 26 days 40 danda.

Astottary Dasa Table

No. of Nakshatras Dasa Lord Span of dasa-period denoted
by each Nakshatra
3. Krithika Ravi 2 yrs.
4. Rohini 2 "
5. Mrigasira > 2 **
Total 6 yrs.

6. Adra Chandra 3 yrs. 9 months

7. Punarvasu " 3 " 9 "
8. Pusya 3 " 9 "
9. Aslesha '3 " 9 "
Total 15 yrs.

10. Magha Mangal 2 yrs. 8 months

11. Poorva Falguni " 2 " 8 "
12. Uttar Falguni 2 " 8 "
Total 8 yrs.

13. Hasta Budha 4 yr.s. 3 months

14. Chitra 4 " 3 "
15. Swati 4 " 3 "
16. Visakha 4 " 3 "
Total 17 yrs.

17. Anuradha Sani 3 yrs. 4 months

18. Jestha 3 " 4
19. Moola 3 " 4
Total 10 yrs.
20. Poorbasarha Vrhaspathi 4 yrs. 9 months
21. Uttarasarha 7 yrs. 1 month 15 days
22. Sravana 7 " 1 " 15 "
Total 19 yrs.
23. Dhanistha Rahu 4 yrs.
24. Satavisa 4 "
25. Purva bhadrapada 4 "
Total 12 yrs.
26. Uttarbhadrapada Sukra 5 yrs. 3 months
27. Revati 5 " 3
1. Aswini 5 " 3
2. Bharani 5 " 3
Total 21 yrs.

Method of Calculation of the Balance of Dasa

at the time of hirth of a native
Let us explain this by an example :
Illustration No. I. Readers w i l l kindly look to the birth
chart of the boy born on the 30th A p r i l 1953 (See p. 69). His
birth star is Visakha. This means, at the time of birth Chandra
was associated with Visakha Nakshatra. This indicates that the
boy was born in Budha's dasa (See table). Dasa-Mna (Span of
dasa-period) under this Nakshatra is 4 yrs. 3 months. Istha-
danda is 11 danda 8 pala 12 bipala (omit 30 anu pala).
Total span of Visakha Nakshatra (of the birth-date) is
62 danda 58 pala 56 bipala
Nakshatra bhukti 37 12 36
bhogya 25 46 20
^ (bhukti means period consumed
* 1 bhogya to be consumed
To find out Nakihatni-man, bhukti and bbogya plMie consult th* pnchng
of 1360 B.a dated 17th BaUakh, Thursday. Wo took the help of Sn-Siddhanta
Panjika of that year.
62 danda 58 pala 56 bipala = 226736 bipala
25 46 20 = 92760
Now by Rule of three,
226736 bipala givej 4 yrs. 3 months or 51 months
92760 how many years, months etc. ?
92768X51 ,u.
= 20 months 26 days and 4 dandas or
1 yr. 8 months 26 days and 4 dandas being
the period of Budha-dasa at the time of birth.
Illostration No. II. If the birth star of the boy would have
been 'Swati' nakshatra then nakshatraman of Swati nakshatra,
lits bhukti and bhogyaman are to be calculated first. Budha
dasa bhogya is to be found out according to the method shown
above and after that the period of dasa indicated by Visakha
nakshatra is to be added.
Illnstration : Say the boy was born on the 16th Baisakh,
Wednesday at 10 A . M . (Calcutta local time). 10 hr. (L.M.T.) =
9 hr. 36 min. (I.S.T.). According to Susiddhanta Panjika :
Sunrise is at 5 hrs. 9 m. 24 Sees (I.S.T.)
Isthadanda is 11 danda 6 pala 30 bipala.
The day was ruled by Swati nakshatra, Nakshatraman is 64
danda 2 pala 13 bipala, bhogyaroan is 22 danda 49 pala 8 bipala.
Budha-dasa under Swati Nakshatra is 4 yrs. 3 months = 51 months
64 danda 2 pala 13 bipala = 230533
22 49 ., 8 = 82148
Budha's dasa-period under Swati Nakshatra is 4 yrs. 3 m. or
51 months.
J ? i ^ ^ ^ = 1 8 months 5 days 12 danda
= 1 yr. 6 m. 5 days 12 danda
add dasa period under
Visakha Nakshatra=4 yrs. 3 m.
5 yrs. 9 m. 5 days 12 danda being the balance
of Budha-dasa at the time of birth.
We can find out dasa bhogya by Chandra-sphuta also.
In case of illustration No. I of the boy born on the 30th A p r i l
1953 Chandra-sphuta in that chart is 6.y-27*-52' This means

Chandra in Tula rasi is 27-52' and is associated with Visakha

Nakshatra which extends upto 3-20' in Vrscika rasi.
So, 7J-3'-20' minus 6.y-27''-52' = 5*-28' Visakha is yet to be
consumed. Span of each nakshatra is 13''-20' = 800' min. or kala.
5-28' = 328 kala. So, by rule of three,
-M^1L=20 months 27 days.
= 1 yr. 8 m. 27 days 18 danda.
There is a difference of 2 months 22 days 18 danda between
the period calculated by nakshatraman and bhogya, and Chandra-
sphuta which is possible.

Astottarl Dasa-Antardasa Table

Chandra's dasa-antardasa division

Ravi's dasa-antardasa division
yr. m. day
d. yt. m.
Bavi-Bavi 0 0 Chandra-Obandra 2 1
" -Chandra 0 0 " -Mangal 1 1
-Mangal 0 10 -Budha 2 4
" -Budha 0 10 -Sani 1 4
" -Sani 0 20 -Vrhas. 2 7
" -Vrhas. 1 20 -Rahu 1 8
" -Eahu 0 0 -Sukra 2 11
" -Sukra 1 0 -Rivi 0 10
Ravi's total dasa period 6 yrs. Chandra's total dasa period IS yea.

Mangal's dasa-antaidasa division Budha's dasa-antardasa division

yr. m. day d. yr. m. day d.
Mangal-Mangal 0 7 3 20 Budba-Budha 2 8 8 20
" -Budha 1 3 3 20 " -Sani 1 6 26 40
" -Sani 0 8 26 40 " -Vrhas. 2 11 26 40
" -Vrhas. 1 4 26 40 " -Rahu 1 10 20 0
-Rahu 0 10 20 0 " -Sukra 3 3 20 0
" -Sukra i 6 20 0 " -Ravi 0 11 10 0
" -Ravi 0 5 10 0 " -Chandra 2 4 10 0
" -Chandra 1 1" 10 0 -Mangal 1 3 3 30
Mangal's total dasa period 8 yrs. Budha's total dasa period 17 yn.

Sani's dasa-antardasa division 11 Vrhaspathi's dasa-antardasa division

it. OT day d. yr. m. day d.
Sni-Sani 0 11 3 20 Vrhas.-Vrhaa. 3 4 3 20
" -Vrhas. 1 9 3 20 " -Rahu 2 1 10 0
" -Rahu 1 1 10 " -Sukra 3 8 10 0
" -Sukra 1 11 10 0 " -Ravi 1 0 20 0
" -Ravi 0 6 20 0 " -Chandra 2 7 20 0
" -Chandra 1 4 20 0 " -Mangal 1 4 26 40
-Mangal 0 8 26 40 " -Badha 2 11 26 40
" -Budha 1 6 26 40 " -Sani 1 9 3 20
Sani's total dasa period 10 yrs. 1 Vrhaspathi's total dasa period 19 yrs.

Rahu's dasa-antardasa division Sukra's dasa-antardasa division

yr- m. day d. yr. m. day d.
Rahu-Bahu 1 4 0 0 Sukra-Sukra 1 0 0
" -Sukra 2 i 0 0 " -Ravi 2 0 0
" -Ravi 0 8 0 0 " -Chandra 2 11 0 0
" -Chandra 1 8 0 0 " -Mangal 1 6 20 0
" -Manga] 0 10 20 0 " -Budha 3 3 20 0
" -Budha 1 10 20 0 " -Sani 1 11 10 0
' -Sani 1 J 10 0 " -Vrhas. 3 8 10 0
" -Vrhas. 2 1 10 0 " -Rahu 2 4 0 0
Rahu's total dasa period 12 yrs. Sukra's total dasa period 21 yrs.

Judgment of dasa and antardasa according to


Dasa of R a v i :
(0 If Ravi is strong and well-disposed the native shall be
blessed with a son, there will be increase of knowledge and
intellect, prosperity, pomp and power, gain of position, status
and good luck etc.
(ii) If Ravi is unfavourable due to conjunction with or
aspect by malefic or i f he is an owner of an inauspicious house
the following results during Ravi's dasa may be expected :
Worries and anxieties, mental or physical agony, unsuccess,
demotion in or dismissal from service, loss of money, illness,
displeasure of the king of the land, illness of father and other
unfavourable results.
Dasa of Chandra :
(i) When Chandra is benefic, strong and well-disposed
the following results may be thought of, such as ;affinity with
and happiness of mother, digging a well or pond, acquisition of
landed property, flower-gardening, blessings of brahmins, gain
of v/ealth and happiness etc.
Dasa of Mangal :
(i) If Mangal is strong and favourably posited following
results are indicated, such as :
Acquisition of land, fulfilment of desire, increase of know-
ledge and intellect, gain of power and status, birth of a brother
(ii) If Mangal is unfavourableillness of brother and sister,
creation of enemies due to misunderstanding and misbehaviour,
quarrel, dispute relating to landed property, fear from fire and
weapon, defective eye sight, displeasure ot the king of the land,
accident etc.
Dasa of Budha :
(i) When Budha is favourable and strong the following
results may be expected such asgain of wealth, knowledge.
good education, honour, good relation with relatives, success
upto expectation, building of house, good name in service
career etc.
(ii) If Budha is malefic and weak his dasa is not favourable^
Results of his dasa arc as follows :
Living in a foreign land (now-a-days it is a boon to a person
to have the opportunity of living in a foreign country. In
ancient days it was a curse for him to live far away from his
birth place), death of near and dear ones, misuse of intelligence,
loss in business, inimical act of a business colleague, loss of
money and landed property, worries and anxieties, miseries etc.
Dasa of Vrhaspathi:
(i) If Vrhaspathi is strong and favourably disposed the
results of his dasa will be as follows :
A leader of a village or city, may be first rate leader in the
country, development of religious inclination, intellectual
yearning, gain of wealth, name and fame, devotion to Brahmin
and God etc.
(ii) If Vrhaspathi is weak and unfavourable his dasa will
indicate the following :to incur king's displeasure, mental
agony, enmity of Brahmins, monetary stringency, dispute with
father, disease of consumption or phthisis etc.
Dasa of Sukra :
(/) When she is favourable and strong good luck, gain o f
high position and status, gain of wealth in kind or coin, an
attempt to establish in a higher position among religious Pandits,
an expert in many kinds of arts, to perform successfully a
ceremonious festival, culture of music etc.
(ii) If Sukra is unfavourable :to be guided by wicked
intellect, loss of money and property, to be addicted to carnal
pleasure, to be a man of loose morals, to be addicted to wine and
women, secret disease, to visit brothel etc.
Dasa of Sani:
(i) If Sani is favourable and strong :to do sacrificial rites,
increase of happiness, to be prosperous, abundance of wealth,
increase of wealth by skilful means in business, gain of leadership
among common men etc.
(ii) If Sani is unfavourable his dasa will prove notoriously
evil, such as:111 health owing to attack of various sorts o f
diseases, liking for prohibited works, suffering from rheumatism
or gout, loss of money, mental agony etc.
Dasa of Rahu:
(i) When Rahu is favourable and strongall round progress,
to get an exalted position in service, to attain spiritual
knowledge, increase of power and authority etc.
(ii) If Rahu is unfavourablefear from snake and four-footed
animal, weapon and fire, to be troubled by enemies, loss of money
Dasa of Ketu '!
(i) When ketu is favourablegain of money through works
fraught with danger or beset with difficulties, increase of fortune
with the help of a king of a foreign country, development of
poetic faculties etc.
(ii) If ketu is unfavourableto be involved in danger,
unsuccess in all endeavours, to be attacked with rheumatic
disease, heartache, heart-throbbing, tremoring sensation
throughout the whole body, disagreement with Brahmins, to foil
down any work through mistake etc.
Special rules for dasas of Rahu and Ketu :
1. If Rahu or Ketu is posited in any Trikonasthana (Sth or
9th house from lagna) and is associated with or aspected by the
lord of the 2nd ur 7th house their dasas may be considered as
marakas (death-inflicting).
2. On the other hand i f any of those planets is situated in the
2nd or 7th house and aspected by or conjoined with Sth or 9th
lord Rahu or Ketu may bestow long life and good wealth.
But i f the 2nd or the 9th lord is associated with any natural
malefic death of the native during the dasa of Rahu or Ketu is
Some commentators are of opinion that if Rahu or Ketu
occupying any of those trikona houses and the lord of that
trikona house is conjoined with any natural malefic, in that case
also death-inflicting.effect of the dasa of RaLu or Ketu is possible.
3. If Rahu and Ketu are posited in a dual Rasi and also the
lord of that dual sign or Rahu and Ketu are associated with a lord
of kendra or kona then during dasa period of the lord of kendra

-or kona the native may earn name and fame, gain much wealth,
pomp and power.
4. I f these two planets ( R a h u and K e t u ) or lords of the houses
where they are posittd are associated w i t h the l o r d of kendra or
kona and at the same time they are aspected by the lord o f the
6th, Sth or 12th house the native w i l l not get any good result
indicated above, on the other h a n d , death may overtake his
mother or any one o f her relatives.

5. If these two planets are posited i n chara (movable) or

sthira (fixed) R a s i and are related to the l o r d of kendra or k o n a
their dasa w i l l produce good l u c k , but i f they are placed i n any
dusthana (6th, Sth or 12th house) or i n a malefic house their dasa
w i l l not be productive of favourable results ; but there are a few
learned astrologers who are o f opinion that under that c i r c u m s -
tance also the native shall get favourable results. Other
commentators say that R a h u and K e t u being i n unfavourable
houses w i l l endanger the life o f the native, even i f they arc
associated w i t h a natural benefic.
6. I f these planets are seated i n any dusthana (6th, Sth or 12th
house) and are conjoined w i t h or aspected by the lord of that
dusthana their dasas are very very unfavourable.
(/) A g a i n i f these planets be posited i n any dusthana and are
aspected by or conjoined w i t h any m a r a k a planet they may be
treated as death inflicting.
(//) I f they being i n any dusthana are related to a l o r d
o f kendra or kona undoubtedly their dasas w i l l be productive of
some good results, but ultimately their dasas w i l l prove very
unfavourable for the native. H e may be i n v o l v e d into accident,
may be wounded by a weapon or may be drowned or he may
commit suicide or may pass through miserable days.
7. If R a h u and K e t u being strong occupy a bhava and
establish relation w i t h that bhava-lord or i f they are related to
any other bhava l o r d they w i l l produce the result of that planet
w i t h w h i c h they are connected. The intensity o f such result
depends on the strength or weakness o f that planet w i t h w h i c h
they are connected. They w i l l not be influenced by any other

A few more instructions about judgment of dasa :

8. W h i l e e x p l a i n i n g the results of dasa and b h u k t i of tw
planets U t t a r a k a l a m r i t a codifies a few rules. T h e y are as
follows:(0 It is imperative for an astrologer to see the
positions of the lords of dasa and antardasa from l a g n a .
(ij) T h e i r strength must be ascertained (strength means
sthana-bala, d i k - b a l a , dristhi-bala) a n d relation between dasa
and antardasa lords a n d also their r e l a t i o n w i t h other planets
must be looked into.
(Hi) After j u d g i n g a l l these things next t h i n g is to see whether
dasa and antardasa lords are posited i n k e n d r a from each other.
I f so, the results of dasa and antardasa w i l l be favourable
provided they do not o w n any dusthana.
(iv) T h e bhava i.e. the house v/here dasa a n d antardasa-lords
are situated should be taken as lagna. F r o m that position the
astrologer is to sse the nature o f results they w i l l give. F u r t h e r it
is to be examined whether the planets are capable of i m p a r t i n g
those results at a l l , this m a y be determined according to their
strength, association w i t h or aspect by other planets. Moreover
relation between dasa and antardasa-lords are also to be
9. If dasa and antardasa lords do not o w n any dusthana or
are not situated i n a n y unfavourable place from lagna their dasa
and antardasa give favourable result provided both o f them are
placed i n kendra or kona position from each other.
(i) If they are placed i n the 2nd, 3rd or 11th place from each
other their dasa a n d antardasa w i l l be fairly good and i f they arc
i n the 6th a n d 8 l h places from each other no beneficial result,
should be expected.
10. I f the l o r d o f antardasa is placed i n the 6th, 8th or 12th
place from dasa-lord the former is to be considered as enemy to
the latter.
(i) I f the antardasa-lord is posited i n the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, Sth,
9th. 10th and 11th place from the dasa-lord the antardasa l o r d
gives m a x i m u m good resu't.
(ii) I f the l o r d of dasa owns a malefic house and does not
associate w i t h a benefic antardasa-lord the result of their dasa
and antardasa is unfavourable.

{Hi) I f both o f them are malefic a n d be seated together results

o f their dasa and antardasa are unfavourable.
(iv) T h e antardasa result w i l l be unfavourable even i f the
l o r d o f the antardasa is rajayogakaraka but not conjoined w i t h
any benefic dasa-lord.
(v) I f the l o r d o f major dasa is rajayogakaraka and at the
same time a ' m a r a k a ' the first part of his antardasa yields good
result and the second part gives almost death-inflicting result.
11. W h e n dasa-lord is rajayogakaraka a n d antardasa-lord
though malefic is favourable o w i n g to position, aspect, association
a n d i n various other considerations he is strong and yogakaraka
antardasa-results under that major dasa-lord i n spite o f his death-
inflicting character should not be considered as endangering the
life o f the native.
12. D u r i n g the dasa and antardasa of V r h a s p a t h i and S u k r a
or vice versa the native is expected to be prosperous, he may be
engaged i n religious ceremonies and gets wealth. H e may be the
leader o f the country w i t h pomp and power but the planets must
own favourable houses and gain strength.
(/) I f those two planets are situated i n the 6th and Sth places
or 2nd and 12th places from each other and also combined w i t h
malefic and do not acquire positional strength the native may
have dispute w i t h his wife and c h i l d r e n , there may be scandalous
relation w i t h women, fear from the head o f administration, may
be attacked w i t h apoplexy etc.

Interestiag results of the dasa and aotardasa of S u k r a and S a n i :

13* I f both these planets being strong become yogakarakas,
results of their dasa and antardasa are very unfavourable.
(Here strength of the planets means, the planets may be i n
V a r g o t t a m navamsa, i n their exalted house, swakshetra o r
U n d e r such conditions ot planets the native w i l l be as good
as a beggar i n their dasa and antardasa even though he is
fabulously r i c h like K u v e r .
But of these dasa and antardasa-lords i f one is strong and
another is weak the native w i l l enjoy good results according t o
character and strength of the stronger planet.
14. I f both o f them be weak and are posited i n the 6th, Sth

or 12th house or one of theih is situated i n the 6th or Sth place

from another, or they own any of the dusthanas and be seated i n
those houses or be associated w i t h the l o r d of dusthana the
results Of their dasa a n d antardasa w i l l be exceptionally
15. Dasa and antardasa of Sani and R a v i :
If these two planets qualify themselves as strong and fortified
due to ownership of their o w n or exalted houses and at the same
time occupy any kendra or k o n a , or they are owners of any
kendra and kona the native is h i g h l y fortunate and is favoured
by the k i n g o f the land {now-a-days kingship is abolished so it
should be construed as H e a d of the State) the native earns
sufficient money d u r i n g the dasa and antardasa o f R a v i and S a n i
or Sani and R a v i .
If both of them are unfavourable their dasa and antardasa
w i l l be maliciously e v i l .
16. Dasa and antardasa of Vrhaspathi and M a n g a l :
S i m i l a r l y i f these two planets are strong and occupy any
kendra or kona or they are owners o f any kendra or k o n a and
be yogakarakas and aspected by or combined w i t h any favourable
bhava-lord they confer on the native power, pomp and wealth
and he passes his days happily with his wife and c h i l d r e n ,
otherwise (i.e. i f they are unfavourable) the results of their dasa
and antardasa are very bad.
Dasa and antardasa of Vrhaspathi and Budha :
Here also the same rule is applicable, i f they are strong and
well-disposed and are placed i n a kendra or kona from each other
their dasa a n d antardasa w i l l produce favourable result. T h e
native may be successful i n business enterprises, his academic
career w i l l be good, and his family life w i l l be peaceful and he,
shall pass his days h a p p i l y .
S i m i l a r w i l l be results of dasas and antardasas o f S u k r a and
B u d h a , V r h a s p a t h i and R a v i , and V r h a s p a t h i and Chandra,

Mabarsbi Parasara's instructions about judgment of

Dasa and Antardasa
1. M a h a r s h i Parasara l a i d d o w n a few rules to assume an
antardasa-lord as benefic or malefic under certain conditions.
These rules may be treated as hints i n rendering proper and

accurate judgment o f dasa and antardasa-reSults. B u t basic

rules o f determining favourable or unfavourable l o r d of a house
according to lagna as noted d o w n earlier must not be forgotten
or misused;

Determination of favourable antardasa :

1. I f lagnapathi is posited i n his o w n navamsa, dwadasamsa,
or drekkan his antardasa is favourable.
2. W h e n lagnapathi is posited i n his own or friendly
'trimsamsa', friendly navamsa or dwadasamsa, or he is situated
in the navamsa or dwadasamsa of the Sth l o r d his antardasa is
3. The planet who is posited i n the navamsa or dwadasamsa
of the 4th or 9th l o r d produces favourable results i n his
4. The lagnapathi when posited i n the navamsa, dwadasamsa,
or drekkan of the l o r d o f the sign where he (lagnapathi) is
situated w i l l do good to the native i n his antardasa.
Similar favourable result is possible i f lagnapathi is situated
in the friendly navamsa, dwadasamsa or d r e k k a n o f the l o r d o f
the sign where lagnapathi is posited.

Unfavourable antardasa :
1. T h e antardasas of the lords of the 6th, Sth and 12th
houses are productive of evil results and miseries.
2. If the lords of the 6th, 1st and marakasthanas ( 2nd & 7th
places ) sit together i n a house the antardasa o f the 6th lord is
very unfavourable.
3. Even i f the 6th lord and lagnapathi together be conjoined
with C h a n d r a i n Sadavarga the native suffers from indigestion
and other stomach-trouble i n the antardasa o f the 6th lord. O v e r
and above he has fear from water.
4. I f lagnapathi a n d the l o r d of the 6th house together are
combined w i t h Budha i n Sadavarga the native suffers from
rheumatism or gout, phlegmatic ailments and physical inertia
d u r i n g the antardasa of the 6th l o r d .
5. If the aforesaid planets together are associated w i t h
Vrhaspathi i n Sadavarga the native is attacked w i t h many kinds
o f diseases during the antardasa o f the 6th l o r d .
6. I f those two planets (viz., lagnapathi and the l o r d of the

6th house) are combined w i t h Sukra or S a n i in Sadavarga the-

native falls ill due to excessive co-hubitation w i t h women, during;
the antardasa o f the 6th l o r d .
7. Even i f S a n i is favourable i n Sadavarga the native cannot
escape this unfavourable result.
8. If it is M a n g a l conjoined w i t h lagnapathi and the l o r d
of the 6th house i n Sadavarga d u r i n g the antardasa o f the 6th
lord the native is attacked w i t h either rheumatism or typhoid
Laghu Parasari has directed to look into 9 stages or avasthas.
ov a planet before j u d g i n g the dasa and antardasa.
These 9 stages are as follows :
1. W h e n a planet is i n the house o f exaltation it is the stage o f
" d i p t a " (blazing).
2. W h e n a planet is i n his o w n house it is the stage o f "swastha"
3. W h e n a planet is i n the most friendly house it is the stage o f
" P r a m u d i t a " (cheerful).
4. W h e n a planet is i n a friendly house it is the stage o f "Santa""
5. W h e n a planet is i n the neutral house it is the stage of "dina'^
W h e n a planet is i n an enemy house it is the stage of " a t i -
d o o k s h i t a " (very afflicted).
7. W h e n a planet is conjoined w i t h a malefic it is the stage o f
" b i k a l a " (physically handicapped).
W h e n a planet is situated i n the house o f a malefic it is the:
stage of k h a l a (wicked).
9. When a planet is associated with sun or eclipsed by sun's rays,
it is the stage o f k u p i t a (angry).
Results of dasa and antardasas of planets of different stages :
1. D u r i n g the dasa a n d antardasa o f a 'dipta' planet the
native becomes very active and energetic, there is increase o f
wealth, courage and power, possession of conveyance, gain o f
f; .ecds, i n d w n c e , name and fame and authority etc.
2. D u r i n g the dasa and antardasa o f "swastha" planet results
are almost the same as before but intensity o f good effect is
liiightly less than the ' d i p t a ' planet's dasa and
3. D u r i n g the dasa and antardasa of a ' p r a m u d i t a ' planet

Tesults are as f o l l o w s : g a i n of money, l a n d , perfu^ies, clothes

and ornaments etc. T h e native becomes sober a n d he takes
delight i n listening and reading the puranas.
4. D u r i n g the dasa and antardasa o f a 'santa' planet the native
acquires knowledge from religious scriptures and becomes h i g h l y
educated and learned, he gets r o y a l reception a n d wealth and
The first four stages of planets noted above are favourable. O f
these four stages result o f dasa-antardasa of ' P r a m u d i t a ' planet
is m o r e favourable t h a n 'santa' planet's dasa-antardasa.
Results of ' s w a s t h a ' planets' dasa-antardasa is more favourable
than P r a m u d i t a a n d ' d i p t a ' planet's dasa-antardasa is more
favourable than 'swastha' planet's dasa-antardasa.
5. D u r i n g the dasa a n d antardasa o f a ' d i n a ' planetdislodge-
ment from residence or place o f occupation, dispute w i t h a n d
separation from friend, bodily aflBliction due to prolonged illness.
6. Dasa and antardasa o f 'ati-dookshita' planetsuffering
from too m u c h miseries, fear from k i n g and thief, friendlessness,
sojourn to a foreign l a n d .
7. Dasa and antardasa o f ' b i k a l a ' planetphysical i n e r t i a ,
bad health, loss o f friends, conveyance a n d clothings, b a d time
o f n a t i v e ' s wife a n d c h i l d r e n , fear from thief etc.
8. Dasa and antardasa o f a ' k h a l a ' planetquarrel, death o f a
friend and a superior person, loss o f mental peace due to activities
o f enemies, loss o f wealth a n d l a n d , to be defamed by the native's
own men.
9. Dasa and antardasa o f ' k u p i t a ' planetto be engaged i n
sinful acts, bad results regarding education and money, bad time
for wife and c h i l d r e n , loss of friends.
Here also results o f ' d o o k s h i t a ' planet is worse than ' d i n a ' planet
bikala ' d o o k s h i t a ' planet
khala ' b i k a l a ' planet
', k u p i t a ,. ' b i k a l a ' planet

Results of Mabadasa and Antardasa

( A c c o r d i n g to Sarvartha Chintamoni)
General Rules : W h e n planets are i n their exalted house,
attain exalted navamsa, o r posited i n their o w n house results o f
t h e i r .Mabadasa vis-a-vis dasa a n d antardasa are favourable.

Ravi's mahadasaWhen R a v i is i n 10 degree i n Mesa rasi he-

is i n his highest exalted point. In his mahadasa the native may
get Government service, he may be favoured and honoured by
Government. There is possibility o f increase o f wealth and
There are possibilities o f unfuvourable results too, such as
dispute and quarrel w i t h k i t h and k i n , being disgusted the native
may leave his houseland, m o r a l degradation and enmity w i t h
When Ravi is Arohi' ( ' A r o h i ' means a s c e n d i n g ) R a v i ' s
m a x i m u m debilitated point is 10 degree i n T u l a rasi. W h e n
he goes beyond 10 degree he is ' A r o h i ' , ' A r o h i ' (ascending)
R a v i i n his dasa w i l l give the native name and fame, luck w i l l
favour h i m , besides he w i l l earn money i n exchange of a g r i c u l -
t u r a l products. T h o u g h technically a n ascending planet R a v i is
said to be able to confer these good results. In practical instance
planets when ascending can not impart favourable results i n a l l
cases unless they are otherwise strong. The first part of the dasa
of an ascending planet can not give favourable results but the
second part is much better than the first part.
When Ravi is debilitatedThe native s h a l l incur displeasure
of the k i n g (head of the state) and he sustains loss of money and
prestige. Other results arebereavement, miseries, worries, loss
o f superior persons or wife and children, dislodgement from
home-stead, dispute w i t h others.
R a v i w i l l give similar results i f he is debilitated i n navamsa
chart. E v e n i f exalted R a v i i n the natal chart be posited i n the
house'of debilitation i n the navamsa chart he gives unfavourable
results i n the second part o f the dasa.
Ravi's antardasa under Ravi's mabadasaIf R a v i is strong
during h i s antardasa the native shall get r o y a l favour, he w i l l
succeed i h a l l his endeavours. I f R a v i is weak the results w i l l be
unfavourable such as :The native s h a l l wander through w i l d
and h i l l y countries, he shall have disappointing results i n a l l
eaterprises and lose name and fame.
Chandra's antardasa under Ravi's da.saWhen C h a n d r a has
her antardasa d u r i n g the progress o f R a v i ' s mahadasa the native
shall earn money through a g r i c u l t u r a l pursuits, he w i l l vanquish
his enemies, overcome his miseries, and get more friends.

The native w i l l get those favourable results under the

following c o n d i t i o n s :
(a) C h a n d r a is positionally strong, (A) She is w a x i n g , (c) is
posited i n a benefic rasi, and (d) aspected by or conjoined with a
benefic. I f it is otherwisethat is, i f C h a n d r a is weak
positionally, either i n b i r t h or navamsa chart, aspected by or
associated with a malefic the results of her antardasa w i l l be
unfavourable. T h e native may be attacked with cough and cold,
consumption, indigestion, disease arising from water, he s h a l l
lose mental peace and suffer from miseries.
According to Parasari HoraIf C h a n d r a is situated i n
dusthana the native shall suffer from mental agony, possibility of
dislodgement from his permanent house, dispute and quarrel w i t h
relatives, he may suffer from p a i l f u l m i c t u r i t i o n and he may
have fear from k i n g and thief.
If benefic C h a n d r a is situated i n the 9 i h , U t h or i n any
kendra during Chandra's antardasa (or bhukti) the native shall
enjoy his days happily, s h a l l make new friends, s h a l l get money,
position and status. He s h a l l be blessed w i t h c h i l d r e n , grand
c h i l d r e n etc. If C h a n d r a is the l o r d o f the 2nd or 7th place
from lagna and is posited i n any dusthana d u r i n g Chandra's
antardasa death of the native may be possible.
Mangal's antardasa under Ravi's MahadasaFirst and fore-
most thing is to look after is whether M a n g a l is strong, yoga-
k a r a k a and posited i n kendra or kona from R a v i , and he is not
posited i n any dusthana from lagna. Then M a n g a l w i l l produce
very good results, such as,the native s h a l l aquire landed
property, may b u i l d a house of his o w n , he shall be appreciated
by a l l for his valour, and energetic and m a n l y performances. A s
a yogakaraka M a n g a l i n his antardasa may help the native
attain a very h i g h position, earn good money and name and
fame. Such a strong and yogakaraka M a n g a l may make the
native a leader o f the country during his antardasa.
If M a n g a l is weak, posited i n a dusthana, aspected by or i n
a n y other way related w i t h a malefic the native may suffer from
wounds and various diseases, such asdysentery, piles, or a i l -
ments effected by poisonous drugs. H e may have to court
imprisonment, may have quarrel with his brother or sister and
may lose his service.

Rahu's antardasa under Ravi's MahadasaRahu's antardasa

w i l l be favourable under the following conditions :
(j) If he is well-disposed i n the natal chart and also posited
i n favourable navamsa, and associated with a favourable planet,
(ii) i f he occupies any upachayasthana (3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th
houses) or being i n any kendra he is associated w i t h lord of the
Sth or 9th houses, or being i n a kona he is associated with l o r d
of any kendra.
U n d e r these circumstances i f R a h u is not situated i n 6th, Sth
or i 2 t h place, from R a v i the native, d u r i n g the antardasa o f R a h u
shall get opportunity to prosper b r i l l i a n t l y , he shall get royal
favour, shall be appreciated by a l l for his glorious deeds. T h e
antardasa of a favourable R a h u w i l l bring fortune to the native
and his house w i l l look bright due to performances of
ceremonious festivals.
Rahu when weakIf R a l u is weak or posited i n any dusthana
from R a v i , following unfavourable results are possible, such as
creation of new enemies o n account of misdeeds of the native,
loss of money and accumulated wealth, the native may have to
face various troubles, there may be danger from poison and
snake, fear from thief, possibility of destruction o f domestic
cattle, house and l a n d . The native shall have strong desire to
appease sensual pleasure. H e may be attacked w i t h strong
diarrhoea, may suffer from c h r o n i c disease due to enlargement
of spleen, abdominal tumour or consumption etc.
If weak R a h u is posited i n the 2nd or 7th place from lagna
or he is combined w i t h the l o r d o f the 2nd or 7th place there is
danger of accidental death or snake-bite.
Vrhaspathi's antardasa under Ravi's MahadasaVrhaspathi
is the o n l y planet out of 9, who can do immense good to (he
native i f he is well-disposed, strong, and posited i n kehdra or
kona from the l o r d of Mahadasa.
W h e n is Vrhaspathi strong ? He is considered as stroiig when
he occupies his own house, house of exaltation, moOltrikona
house or is posited i n exalted or friendly navamsa, or aspected
by or conjoined w i t h a friendly planet. If strong V r h a s p a t h i is
situated i n kendra or k o n a from lagna or R a v i or from both, the
results of Vrhaspathi's antardasa under the major period of R a v i
w i l l be favourable. T h e native shall earn good'mohey, s h a l l
J U D G M E N T OF D A S A A N D A N T A R D A S A 281

take pleasure to worship gods and adore brahmins. H e s h a l l

attaih success i n a l l works w i t h the help o f the state. D u r i n g
the progress of V r h a s p a t h i ' s antardasa there is possibility o f
marriage a n d b i r t h of a son.
If V r h a s p a t h i owns the 9th or 10th house the native s h a l l
attain a very high position and s h a l l make friends w i t h men of
h i g h social standing. H e s h a l l be very l u c k y and shall get
Tespect and honour from a l l . H e may visit holy shrines and s h a l l
be i n the company of pious and religious-minded men.
Weak Vrhaspathi when posited in the 6th, Sth and 12th place
from RaviHis antardasa w i l l be very unfavourable, such as :
the native may fall very b a d l y i l l , may be attacked with
indigestion, stomach-ache, consumptive disease, disease i n ears ;
his children may fall i l l , he may be a v i c t i m of wrath of the head
o f the state, may sustain loss of wealth due to sinful acts.
Sani's antardasa under Ravi's MahadasaReaders are
requested first to go through the results contemplated by the
author of Uttarakalamrita, such as, the native may fall badly i l l ,
may be attacked w i t h stomach-ache, indigestion, consumptive
disease, disease o f the ear, native's children too may fall i l l , he
may be a v i c t i m o f w r a t h o f the head of the state, loss o f wealth
due to sinful acts etc. In Phaladipika the author mentioned
o n l y malefic results to be enjoyed by the native but i n Parasari
Hora the results are as follows :
I f S a n i is i n kendra or k o n a position, there is possibility
o f destruction o f enemies and g a i n of little money. T h e native,
according to that book s h a l l enjoy his days very h a p p i l y . I f
S a n i is situated i n the house o f exaltation, friendly house or his
own house or accompanied by a friend, there is possibility o f
marriage-ceremony i n his house, he gets r o y a l favour and earns
name and fame. T h e author further says that i f Sani is weak
and is posited i n any dusthana the native s h a l l sustain loss o f
money, may be hard hit due to excessive expenditure, may lose
his belongings, he may be attacked w i t h various diseases, such
as, diarrhoea, rheumatism, c o l i c p a i n , and phlegmatic ailments.
T h e r e is possibility o f sudden quarrel with his o w n kinsmen
or any other person, even the native may have to court
Uttarakalamrita endorses the view o f M a h a r s h i Parasara but

has not stated the results i n detail. The author only said that the
native shall be favoured by the k i n g (i.e. H e a d of the State) and
he shall be l u c k y i f Sani and R a v i are situated i n their exalted
houses or o w n houses etc. (Even i f the planets are well-placed i n
navamsa chakra beneficial result w i l l be possible). But i f these
two planets are weak and are placed in an unfavourable house
the native w i l l enjoy very unfavourable result.
Dasa and antardasa of Vrhaspathi and M a n g a l W h e n
V r h a s p a t h i and M a n g a l acquire strength and be placed in kendra
and kona, or they may own any kendra or kona house and related
to each other and be yogakarakas, or they being lords of favour-
able houses are conjoined with or aspected by benefics during,
their dasa and antardasa the native may be endowed with very
many favourable results, such as, earning much wealth, excer-
cising authority over many, be dignified etc. He is happy with
his wife and c h i l d r e n . If the planets are ill-disposed, weak and
have other faults the results w i l l be the reverse.
Dasa and antardasa of Vrhaspathi and Budha : In case of
these two planets i f they are strong, well-disposed, be placed i n
kendra or kona, or qualify themselves as favourable the native
gets good education, learned friends, prosperity i n business a n d
be happy. Otherwise results w i l l be very unfavourable.


R a j a means k i n g , yoga means relation by c o m b i n a t i o n , aspect,,

exchange of houses etc. So, Rajayoga should l i t e r a r i l y signify
a yoga that makes a person k i n g . But truly speaking
the word Rajayoga does not carry any such meaning. It is
needless to mention here that the term denotes a very beneficial
relation between one planet with another or relation between
lords of different bhavas that may confer fortune, money,
prestige, social status, pomp and power.
In Parasari Hora there are four kinds o f Rajayogas. They are
described as hereunder :
Rajayoga is produced
1. W h e n l o r d o f a k e n d i a is related to the l o r d of a k o n a
(We already know that there are four kendras and three konas,
viz., lagna,the 4th, the 7th and the 10th houses or bhavas are four
kendras. A g a i n lagna, the Sth and the 9th houses are konas).
Lagna is both a kendra and a k o n a .
F o r m a t i o n of this auspicious yoga is subject to a few
conditions w h i c h w i l l be explained one by one.
R e l a t i o n between lords o f kendra and k o n a w i l l be very
effective when
[a) T h e two planets exchange their houses. T h i s is the
major Rajayoga. Please note that excepting R a v i and C h a n d r a
each planet owns two houses. Say, Lagna is i n M i t h u n e , the 4th
lord (who himself is Lagnadhipathi) is i n T u l a , the Sth house
and the lord of the Sth house Sukra occupies the 4th. So, there
is an exchange o f houses between lord of the 4th house (a kendra)
and the lord o f the Sth (a kona). N o w B u d h a owns M i t h u n a
and K a n y a , and S u k r a , the l o r d of T u l a and V r s a . If B u d h a is
i n V r s a and S u k r a is i n M i t h u n a , the Rajayoga is not produced
as it is an exchange of houses between L a g n a - l o r d and the l o r d
of the 12th house w h i c h is neither a kendra nor a kona.
(b) I f one yogakaraka planet is seated i n the house owned by
another yogakaraka planet and the latter is aspected by the
former and there is no aspect of the latter planet on the former

Rajayoga is produced. A s for instance, M a n g a l is posited i n

K u m b h a the house of Sani being i n K a n y a , here M a n g a l occupy-
ing Sani's house aspects Sani who has no aspect on M a n g a l .
O f these two planets one must be the l o r d of a kendra the other
the l o r d o f a kona.
(c) It w i l l be a Rajayoga when there is mutual aspect
between kendrapfthi and konapathi.
(d) W h e n kendrapathi and k o n a p a t h i are associated with
one another it w i l l also be a Rajayoga. Further, when these two
are posited i n one varga Rajayoga w i l l be the result.
A n y o f these four kinds of Rajayogas may do good to the
native during the dasa and antardasa of yogakaraka planets.
When Rajayoga is considered defunct ?
1. I f a natural benefic is the l o r d of a kendrasthana {i.e. 4th,
7th, 10th & the 1st) that benefic planet becomes a papa (malefic).
W h e n a natural malefic is the lord o f any kendra he is considered
as a favourable planet.
Vrhaspathi, S u k r a , w a x i n g M o o n and B u d h a vvhen are not
associated with any malefic are n a t u r a l l y beneficial planets. If
these planets are lords of any kendra they are taken to be as
2. Sani, R a v i , M a n g a l , waning M o o n and papa B u d h a (when
he is associated w i t h any malefic) are natural malefics. T h e y are
considered as favourable due to ownership o f any kendra.
3. Lords of the 3rd, 6th and U t h are also papa (malefic)
planets. O f these three lords, the U t h l o r d is the most powerful
malefic and the 6th l o r d is more powerful than the 3rd.
4. T h e lords of the 2nd and the 12th have peculiar role to
play. They give the effect o f those lords o f bhavas w i t h whom
they are related by way of c o m b i n a t i o n w i t h or aspect by anyone
of the four rajayoga-karakas referred to above. Their independent
function is not acknowledged by learned astrologers. T h e y are so
to say neutral planets neither favourable nor unfavourable. E a c h
planet excepting R a v i and C h a n d r a owns two houses. Of these
two houses one may be any one of the 2nd and the 11th and other
may be a kendra or k o n a . I f these lords arc not related to any
other planet, the result good or bad may be determined according
to their position. I f they are i n malefic houses (such as 6th, Sth or
12th place) their result w i l l be unfavourable, again i f they are i n
beneficial houses good w i l l be the result.

Strength of favourable or unfavourable results of the 2nd and

the 12th lords may be judged through those planets with whom
the former planets are attached by c o m b i n a t i o n , aspect or by
any other relationship. In case of R a v i and C h a n d r a effective-
ness o f good or bad result may be judged from their relation with
other bhava-lords.
5. W h e n a planet owns a kendra and also any one of the 3rd,
6th and U t h houses his relation w i t h the lord of the konapathi
w i l l no: produce any Rajayoga. V r h a s p a t h i and S u k r a being
naturally most auspicious planets are the strongest malefics due to
their ownership of any kendra. O f these two planets V r h a s p a t h i
is more malefic than Sukra who is more unfavourable than
beneficial B u d h a and B u d h a is more unfavourable than C h a n d r a .
Therefore Vrhaspathi and S u k r a have p r i o r i t y over a l l other
marakas when they are lords of the 2nd or 7th houses or both.
T h i s is the reason why for the native o f Mesa lagna S u k r a is
said to be the strongest maraka.
If a planet is the l o r d o f lagna and the 8th bouse he w i l l not
be considered as a papa because of hi? lordship of lagna. M a n g a l
of Mesa lagna-native therefore is not a papa and so also the case
w i t h S u k r a o f T u l a lagna-native.
For a l l practical purposes S u k r a of T u l a lagna is not taken
to be a favourable planet by learned astrologers.
6. T h e l o r d of the 5th and 9th houses are favourable but
S u k r a o f K a n y a lagna and V r h a s p a t h i of V r s c h i k a lagna do not
give auspicious result d u r i n g their dasa and antardasa due to
their lordship o f the 2nd house w h i c h is a marakasthan. T h i s is
explained elaborately later o n . T h i s is also to be noted that none
of the standard books on Astrology has mentioned anything like
that. But this is our practical experience, and we dare c l a i m
that their unfortunate result i n many horoscopes was a reality.
7. I f the 9th and 10th lords become inauspicious due to their
ownership of any dusthana 3rd, 6th, f t h , 11 th, or 12th houses
they w i l l be g i v i n g favourable result when they exchange their
houses, i n other words, i f the 9th lord occupies the 10th house
and the 10th l o r d is i n the 9th.
8. W h e n lagnapathi and dhanapathi (lord of the dhana2nd
house) are related to each other by one o f the 4 k i n d s o f
relationship it is a wealth-giving yoga.

(i) R e l a t i o n s h i p between 4th and Sth lordsit makes a

person a minister or an advisor to any institution.
(ii) Relationship between 2nd and 3rd lordsIt makes a
person a Government officer.
(Hi) Relationship between Sth and 6th lordsThe person
w i l l be engaged i n dangerous activities. The b i r t h C h a r t o f
" S h i v a j i " may be consulted.
(jv) Relationship between 10th and 11th lordsThe person
h a v i n g such a yoga may acquire l a n d , money etc.
(v) Relationship between A t m a k a r a k a planet and lagnaIt is
one of the best "Rajayogas" when positioned i n one rasi, that
makes a man very fortunate.
(vi) Relationship between Sth l o r d & PutrakarakaIt may
make a m a n intelligent and wealthy. ( M a h a r s i Parasara d i d
not mention the nature of the result ).
(vii) W h e n a t m a k a r a k a lagna is situated i n a kendra from
lagna, or atmakaraka planet is situated i n any kendra or k o n a
from lagna or from C h a n d r a or the l o r d of the rasi where
C h a n d r a is positedall these yogas make a man prosperous,
popular and wealthy.
9. Maharaja yoga :
W h e n the lord of lagaa or the 7th place o c c u p y i n g lagna, or
the 7th house is related to atmakaraka and putrakaraka planet
or the latter is aspected by either lagna l o r d or the l o r d of the7th
house and the atmakaraka and p u t r a k a r a k a are aspected by the
l o r d of the Sth house, the native enjoys power, pomp and respect
from m a n y .
10. I f lagna and atmakaraka planet are situated i n the Sth
or 7th place from the 9th l o r d it is a R a j a y o g a that makes a m a n
prosperous ; he owns many kinds o f conveyances and becomes a
wealthy person.
11. If the 2nd, 4th and Sth places from a t m a k a r a k a planet
are occupied by benefics and 3rd and 6th places by malefics the
native flourishes i n his career, he gets pomp and power i n
If those places are occupied by both benefic and malefic
planets the result may not be excellent but his career may be
better than average men.
12. I f Sukra is placed i n the Sth place from either a t m a k a r a k a

planet, Arudha-lagnapada or Jata-lagna a n d she is conjoined

w i t h or aspected by V r h a s p a t h i or C h a n d r a the native is born
* f a r o y a l family or he is intimately related to the k i n g o f
the l a n d .
13. It is one of the best Rajayogas when R a v i and other
planets have aspect on Janma lagna, H o r a lagna and G h a t i
lagna. I f those three lagnas are aspected by one planet the
native becomes prosperous just l i k e a k i n g .
[ T h e process of finding out ghati lagna :The jatadanda and
pala is to be d i v i d e d by 12. T h e remainder danda and pala are to
be converted into R a s i and amsa. E a c h danda is equal to one rasi,
every two palas are equal to I amsa, a n d two bipalas are equal
to 1 k a l a . The newly found rasi, amsa and kala are to be added
to true lagnasphuta. T h e result w i l l be ghati lagna. There w i l l
be no change of the positions o f planets of the jata-chakra. ]
14. I f an exalted planet casts his aspect over j a n m a lagna,
H o r a lagna and ghati-lagna or that planet aspects any one o f
these three lagnas the native becomes the head of the society and
a top-man i n the institution he serves.
If the planet instead of being i n his house of exaltation
occupies his own house or own navamsa a n d aspects on any two
lagnas of the aforesaid three lagnas the native becomes one of
the top men of the society or o f the institution he serves.
15. I f arudha-lagna being associated with C h a n d r a is placed
i n beneficial house and the 2nd place from arudha-lagna is
occupied by Vrhaspathi or arudha-lagna when placed i n a
beneficial house is associated w i t h o r aspected by an exalted
planet it signifies a great Rajayoga.
Even i f Chandra alone is associated w i t h arudha-lagna the
native earns name and fame.
16. I f the lagna, 2nd and 4th places from lagna are occupied
by benefic planets and malefic planet or planets are situated i n
the 3rd place from lagna the native becomes a k i n g or a
prosperous man l i k e a k i n g .
17. T h e planet even i f he is debilitated becomes significator
o f Rajayoga i f he aspects the lagna.
18. I f natural beneficial planets o w n 6th and Sth places a n d
are not combined w i t h any other planet and aspect lagna they are
significators o f Rajayoga.

[ T h e rules 17 and 18 are contradictory to each other. R u l e

no. 17 says that any planet even i f he is posited i n the house of
debilitation or owns a dusthana w i l l be a yogakaraka. R u l e no..
18 says when natural benefics o w n i n g 6th and Sth place? aspect
the lagna they w i l l be y o g a k a r a k a i f they are not associated w i t h
any other planets. Experience w i l l be proper guide i n this
matter. I am of the opinion that a benefic planet even i f h e owns
a dusthana w i l l give favourable result i f that planet aspects lagna p
but i n case o f a malefic planet he (the planet) aspecting the lagna
does not give favourable result i f he owns any one of the 6th, Sth
a n d 12th places. ]
19. A planet or planets become " R a j a - y o g a k a r a k a " under
the following conditions :
({) I f the Sth place from C h a r a lagna is aspected by a planet.
(ii) If the 9th place from Sthira lagna is aspected by a
(ill) If the 10th place from D w a t y a k a lagna is aspected by a
The aspecting planet or planets are Raja-yogakarakas.
(Some astrologers are o f o p i n i o n , i n case of D w a t y a k a
lagna planets aspecting any kendra (4th, 7th, 10th and Ist) w i l l he-
20. If a powerful planet occupies the 4th place from lagna
he w i l l be a R a j a y o g a k a r a k a , but i f that 4th house falls i n
dwatyaka rasi the very best Rajayoga result is expected, i f the
4th house falls i n sthira rasi the result w i l l be better and i n case
of 4th place being a chara rasi the result w i l l be good.
T h i s means Sthira rasi is better than C h a r a rasi and
D w a t y a k a rasi is better than sthira rasi.
21. I f a planet occupying 4th or 11th place aspects lagna or
dhana bhava2nd place from lagnathe native w i l l possess
conveyances and becomes happy.
O n l y this yoga w i l l make h i m a moneyed man i f his b i r t h -
chirt does not contain any other Rajayoga.
T h i s yoga w i l l be h i g h l y effective i n case of K a r k a t a , D h a n u .
a n d M i n a lagnas.
In case of K a r k a t a lagna i f Sani occupies T u l a rasi (4th place
from lagna) or V r s a rasi ( U t h place from lagna) aspect o f S a n i
u p o n lagna is possible, hence, Sani is yogakaraka. M a n g a l ia

Vrsa rasi also w i l l be a yogakaraka as his aspect falls on the 2nd

place from the U t h house.
In case of D h a n u lagna also S a n i w i l l be Rajayogakaraka i f
he is posited i n the 4th or U t h house. M a n g a l also w i l l be yoga-
karaka being i n the U t h house from D h a n u lagna.
In case of M i n a lagna both S a n i and M a n g a l w i l l be R a j a -
22. Sukha (happiness) yoga :The native w i l l enjoy material
happiness i f the 4th l o r d from lagna or a t m a k a r a k a lagna casts
his aspect on Jata lagna or a t m a k a r a k a planet.
23. I f a t m a k a r a k a and a m a t y a k a r a k a planets are combined
w i t h or aspected by the 10th lord or the 10th l o r d is aspected by
a m a t y a k a r a k a planet the native w i l l become a highly placed
officer under G o v t , of the l a n d .
24. I f the a t m a k a r a k a planet being conjoined with or
aspected by the 9th l o r d is situated i n kendra or kona place from
lagna the native becomes a minister.
25. I f the rasi-pathi (the l o r d o f the rasi where C h a n d r a is
situated i n the natal chart) becomes the a t m a k a r a k a , being
conjoined w i t h a benefic he is posited i n lagna the native becomes
a minister i n o l d age.
26. T h e native becomes an illustrious personality and a l l his
endeavours w i l l be successful i f a t m a k a r a k a planet or Jata-lagna
is placed i n the 7th or 9th place from the 5th lord.
27. I f the bhagyarudhapada (9th pada or bhagyapada) falls
in Jata-lagna and the 9th pada (bhagyarudhapada) is i n the 9th
place from the sign where a t m a k a r a k a planet is posited or from
the lord o f the sign (rasi) where 9th pada is situated configuration
of Planets as such w i l l give favourable effect of R a j a y o g a i n dasa
and antardasa of that yogakaraka planet or d u r i n g the dasa and
antardasa of other rajayogakaraka or favourable planets.
28. I f the l o r d of the U t h house from lagna unaspected by
any malefic is situated i n the U t h house and a t m a k a r a k a planet
is conjoined w i t h a benefic the native acquires wealth through
the grace o f the k i n g o f the l a n d .
29. I f C h a n d r a and S u k r a j o i n t l y are situated i n the 4th
place from atmakaraka planet the native upto the last day o f his
life enjoys happiness, wealth, honour and prestige. H e is h i g h l y
placed i n society he lives i n and is held i n high-esteem by others.

O n l y this yoga is suflScient to make h i m happy.

30. I f atmakaraka planet being i n his m o o l t r i k o n a house is
associated w i t h the Sth lord from lagna the native acquires name
and fame.
31. If the 9tli lord being aspected by or conjoined w i t h
atmakaraka planet is placed i n the 9th or 11th house and Sth
l o r d is posited i n the Sth place the native acquires as m u c h wealth
as he likes.
One condition i n this yoga must be fulfilled. It is that, both
Sth and 9th lords must be either i n conjunction w i t h or aspected
by the atmakaraka planet.
Some of the commentators are of opinion that o f the two lords
of the Sth and 9th houses i f one is i n conjunction w i t h and the
other is aspected by the atmakaraka planet this yoga w i l l be
32. T h e famous author, the great Baraha M i h i r illustrated a
few yogas i n his Brihat-Jataka. Those who have any one of such
yogas become kings or as prosperous as a k i n g . T h e yogas are as
follows :
(/) If Sani a n d C h a n d r a are posited i n their houses o f
exaltation, lagna rises i n any one o f T u l a and V r s a rasi, R a v i and
B u d h a are i n the 6th place from lagna, and Sukra, M a n g a l and
V r h a s p a t h i are seated i n T u l a , Mesa and K a r k a t a rasis
respeciively the native becomes a k i n g or a prosperous man like
a king.
There is an astronomical error i n this yoga. F o r , i f lagna
rises i n V r s a the yoga is quite a l l right, but i n case o f T u l a - l a g n a
when R a v i and B u d h a are posited i n the 6th place i.e. i n M i n a
R a s i S u k r a cannot be placed i n T u l a .
So, astrological savants are of o p i n i o n that i n the Z o d i a c a l
chart the 6th house was meant by the author to be K a n y a rasi
(not 6th house from lagna of the b i r t h chart) w h i c h is the sixth
place from the first rasi Mesa.
(ii) If lagna rises i n M a k a r rasi where there are Sani and
M a n g a l , and R a v i and C h a n d r a are situated i n the 12th place
from lagna the native becomes a k i n g .
(Hi) S i m i l a i l y , when C h a n d r a and M a n g a l are i n M a k a r -
lagna and R a v i i n the 12th place from lagna the same result may
be prophesied.

(iv) If R a v i , C h a a d r a and M a n g a l are situated i n Mesa lagna

and V r h a s p a t h i is i n D h a n u R a s i or S a n i and C h a n d r a are
posited i n the 7th place from Mesa lagna and V r h a s p a t h i i n
D h a n u rasi the native becomes a k i n g .
(v) In case o f Vrsa-lagna i f C h a n d r a occupies lagna, R a v i i n
the 4th place, Vrhaspathi i n the 7th place and Sani is situated i n
the 10th house from lagna the native is sure to become a k i n g .
(vi) In case of K a n y a lagna i f B u d h a and S u k r a are placed
i n lagna, V r h a s p a t h i and C h a n d r a occupy D h a n u rasi and Sth
house is occupied by Sani and M a n g a l the native becomes a k i n g .
(vii) If lagna is occupied by Budha and S u k r a , M a n g a l and
V r h a s p a t h i are situated i n M a k a r rasi and C h a n d r a is i n D h a n u
rasi the native becomes a king. This is really a very favourable
yoga i f lagna rises i n any rasi of the Zodiac and planets are
placed i n different houses as directed by the great author ; but
of a l l lagnas i n case of M i n a lagna configuration of planets as
stated above w i l l signify the best rajayoga.
(viii) I f C h a n d r a is associated w i t h M i n a lagna, Sani i n
K u m b h a rasi, M a n g a l i n M ^ k a r and R a v i i n S i a h a rasi the
native becomes a very powerful k i n g and at the same time he is
a man of strong m o r a l character.
(ix) In case of Mesa lagna i f M a n g a l is seated i n lagna and
Vrhaspathi is i n K a r k a t a rasi or i f lagna rises i n K a r k a t a w i t h
V r h a s p a t h i i n lagna and M a n g a l is posited i n Mesa rasi the
native becomes a k i n g of strong m o r a l character and commands
great power.
T h i s is to be noted that i n both the lagnas the lord of the 9th
house is powerful. I n case of K a r k a t a lagna both the lords of
luck and tenth houses are powerful. N i n t h house signifies moral
character, virtue etc. So, when the 9th l o r d is powerfully posited
in a favourable place from lagna a n d lagna is not afflicted
the native is expected to be possessing strict moral sense. Hence,
the yoga is stated to be a sign of strong moral character.
(x) In case o f K a r k a t a lagna i f Vrhaspathi is posited i n lagna,
C h a n d r a , Budha and S u k r a i n the 11th house and R a v i is
situated i n Mesa rasi the native becomes a very powerful k i n g .
Commentators are o f o p i n i o n that whatever may be the
positions of other planets this yoga shall never fail.

{xi) I f powerful B u d h a is situated in lagna, natural benefics

(Vrhaspathi and Sukra) are i n the 9th house and remaining,
planets are posited i n upachayasthana (3rd, 6th, 10th and U t h
house) the native born i n a r o y a l family becomes a benevolent
and pious k i n g .
Here also, S u k r a is to be omitted i n this yoga, as he cannot be
placed i n the 9th house i f B u d h a is situated i n lagna.. Here
natural benefics may mean V r h a s p a t h i and w a x i n g moon a n d
other remaining planets are to be placed i n upachayastlanas and
S u k r a may be posited i n the 3rd house which is also a
Some commentators are o f o p i n i o n that i f natural benefics
occupy the 4th house instead of the 9th the yoga w i l l also be
fruitful. I f the native is not born i n a royal family he may
not be a k i n g but he w i l l be a benevolent, wealthy a n d
powerful man.
(xii) In V r s a lagna i f C h a n d r a is i n lagna, V r h a s p a t h i i n the
2nd, Sani i n the 6th and the r e m a i n i n g planets are posited i n the
U t h house the native becomes a k i n g .
(xiii) If 4th house from lagna is occupied by V r h a s p a t h i , 10th
house by R a v i and C h a n d r a , Sani is i n lagna and other planets-
are posited i n the U t h place from lagna the native becomes a
One very important thing i n this yoga is to be noted that
V. hatever may be the lagna rasi there w i l l be "Jeeva yoga" o r
" G a j a k e s a r i yoga" and wealth-giving planets in case o f almost
a l l lagnas w i l l either be yogakarakas or they w i l l be situated i n
the U t h place from lagna.
When the yogas stated above will be fruitful ?
T h e author o f Brihat-Jataka pointed out that when the y o g a -
k a r a k a planet or planets are powerfully posited i n lagna or the
10th house the native w i l l enjoy rajayoga result d u r i n g the dasa-
antardasa o f those planets.
Iii case the lagna or the 10th house remains unoccupied by
any planet the strongest among rajayogakaraka planets may give
beneficial result d u r i n g their favourable transit.
(xiv) If lagna rises i n the houses owned by Budha, V r h a s p a t h i
or S u k r a and any one of these planets are situated i n lagna, S a n i

i n the 7th house and R a v i occupies the 10th place from lagna the
native enjoys happiness a l l through his life.
33. (i) W h e n a l l the planets being i n the c a r d i n a l (movable)
signs are situated i n kendra-position from lagna the native
becomes a wealthy m a n but he w i l l be a dishonest person and
reside i n a foreign l a n d . T h e yoga is termed as R a j j u yoga.
[ii) W h e n a l l the planets being i n fixed signs are situated i n
kendra positions from lagna the native shall be a very r i c h man
w i t h a strong sense o f self-respect.
The yoga is termed as M u s u l yoga.
(ii7) S i m i l a r l y i n case of the planets being i n d u a l sign
{ D w a t y a k a rasi) and i n the kendra positions from lagna the
native may be physically c r i p p l e d but he w i l l be intelligent,
tactful and wealthy.
34. I f benefic and malefic planets are placed i n a l l the four
kendras the yoga is termed as K a m a l yoga. I f any kendra is
occupied by only malefic the yoga w i l l not be disturbed.
H e who has K a m a l yoga i n his birth-chart becomes illustrious,
talented, famous and happy.
S r i R a m a C h a n d r a had K a m a l yoga i n his chart.
33. W h e n a l l the 'planets are posited i n Panafar (2nd, Sth,
Sth and 11th places) or A p o k l i m a houses (3rd, 6tb, 9th and 12th
houses) the native keeps good health a l l through his life, he
knows the tact of a c c u m u l a t i n g money and becomes a miser.
36. If from the beginning o f lagna upto 7th place eacji house
is occupied by planets the native becomes a famous m a n no doubt
Ibut he is miserly and enjoys unsteady fortune. The yoga is called
'"Nou yoga".
When a native has sense of decency or aestheticism ?
37. (i) When C h a n d r a is posited i n a p o k l i m a place (3rd, 6th,
9 t h and 12th houses) from R a v i , it is named as " B a r i s t h a yoga".
(ij) W h e n C h a n d r a is situated i n Panafar (2nd, Sth, Sth and
11th places).
(iii) W h e n C h a n d r a is i n kendra from Rav^.
Of these three yogasthe 1st one is the best, the 2nd
one is the next best and the 3rd one is the weakest. Besides
the native's sense o f decency the yoga makes a man great
i n many spheres o f life. See b i r t h charts of E i n s t e i n , Rajendra

Prasad, Jagadish C h a n d r a Bose, R a b i n d r a Nath Tagpre,.

Balgangadhar T i l a k etc.
A l l these great men's horoscopes contain this Baristha y o g a .
In this connection, Uttarakalamrita a notable book on astrology
said to have been written by M a h a k a v i K a l i d a s a has given a
very sure and certain clue for testing the effectiveness o f Baristha
yoga. A c c o r d i n g to this book i f C h a n d r a is posited i n his own,,
friendly or exalted navamsa and conjoined with or aspected
by either S u k r a or V r h a s p a t h i the yoga w i l l be very b r i l l i a n t l y
O f course, Uttarakalamrita said separately i n rajayoga
chapter that i f C h a n d r a is situated i n his own, friendly or exalted,
navamsa and at the same time conjoined w i t h or aspected by
Vrhaspathi or S u k r a the native becomes omniscient, h i g h l y
meritorious and benevolent. He is also a man of strong,
38. Adhi Y o g a : I f Budha, V r h a s p a t h i and Sukrathese
three benefics are situated i n the 6th, 7th and Sth places from
C h a n d r a it is termed as Adhi yoga. T h i s is a highly efficacious-
yoga w h i c h gives a man good health, h i g h education, wealthy,
position, status and happiness. A c c o r d i n g to Jataka Parijat it is-
named as C h a n d r a d h i yoga.
The benefic planets may sit together i a only one o f those-
houses or they may occupy separately a l l those three houses.
A l l the authoritative books agree w i t h Brihat-Jataka about
the efficacy o f A d h i y o g a . But some commentators o f Jataka-
Parijat (a dependable book on astrology) said that i f the 7th
place from C h a n d r a is occupied by R a v i the yoga may not be as
fruitful as it should be.
K a l y a n V a r m a , renowned author o f Saravali said that i f
those benefic planets are not combust or not associated w i t b
malefic planets A d h i y o g a w i l l be effective.
Uttarakalamrita says that i f those benefic planets are-
accompanied by unfavourable planets A d h i y o g a s h a l l not i m p a r l
favourable result.
Many astrologers o f h i g h repute do not agree w i t h
Uttarakalamrita. O u r experience is that even partial adhiyogas
in many cases are found to be fruitful. Readers may see the-
horoscopes o f Deshabandhu Chittaranjan Das, Rajendra Prasad,.

the first President of I n d i a , S w a m i Sivananda, the great disciple

o f Ramakrishna etc. In their horoscopes those benefic planets
are associated w i t h malefic planets too.
M a h a r s h i Parasara has cited " L a g n a d h i y o g a " i n the following
Lagnadhi yoga I f benefic planets are situated i n the 6th, 7th
or Sth houses from lagna it w i l l be named as Lagnadhi yoga.
So, we may differentiate the two yogas by c a l l i n g the first one
as C h a n d r a d h i yoga and the second one as L a g n a d h i yoga.
39. Snnapha yogaIf any planet or planets other than R a v i
are placed in second place from C h a n d r a it is termed as Sunapha
yoga. Those who have this yoga may be wealthy, and powerful
men l i k e kings. The planets that form the yoga must be strong,
otherwise the yoga may not be very effective. W ^ a k planets
positing i n the second place from C h a n d r a make the native an
important m a n only i n the environment he lives and monetary
affluency w i l l be moderate.
40. Anapba yogaIf the twelfth house from C h a n d r a is
occupied by a planet or planets other than R a v i this A n a p h a yoga
is formed. T o make the yoga very effective the yogakaraka
planets must be strong.
If a planet or planeis situated i n the 2nd or 12th house from
C h a n d r a arc conjoined with R a v i the yogas w i l l not be disturbed.
But those yogakaraka planets shall not be combust.
A n a p h a yoga makes a man materially happy, he is healthy
famous and keeps good m o r a l character.
41. Dnrndhara or Uvachary yogaIf the 2nd and 12th hous'cs
from C h a n d r a are occupied by planets other than R a v i i i is
called D u r u d h a r a or U v a c h a r y yoga.
A man h a v i n g this yoga is really a fortunate m a n . H e is an
owner of palatial b u i l d i n g , possesses own car or cars, has great
wealth and many servants to serve h i m , and commands over
many men.
42. W h e n Sunapha yoga is formed by M a n g a l {i.e. when
M a n g a l is i n the 2nd place from Chandra) the native w i l l be a
hypocrite, a man of resolute m i n d , courageous, wealthy and
(i) W h e n S u n a p h a yoga is formed by B u d h a the native

becomes h i g h l y educated in vedic norms and rules, a great artist,

is sweet-tongued and virtuous. H e is a man o f keen intellect.
(J7) When V r h a s p a t h i causes this yoga the native is
profoundly learned, born of a high family, prosperous, famous, a
favourite person to k i n g , very sympathetic to his o w n k i t h and
k i n and prosperous.
(in) If S u k r a causes this yoga the native is a mighty man,
energetic, owns movable and immovable properties and possesses
vast landed property. H e lives i n an ostentatious style.
(jv) I f S a n i forms Sunapha yoga the native is held i n h i g h
esteem by men i n villages and also i n cities ; he is meritorious,
wealthy and a business magnet.
A c c o r d i n g to Brihat-Jataka the native hankers after other's
wealth, is engaged i n various types of work and becomes a
c h a i r m a n o f an assembly.
43. (i) W h e n Anaph4 yoga is formed by M a n g a l {i.e. when
M a n g a l occupies the 12th place from Chandra) the native is an
obstinate, head-strong and violent man. H e is also a man of
irritable temper and becomes a leader of a gang of robbers.
(//) If Budha is the cause of anapha yoga the native becomes
an expert musician, renowned artist, educated, an orator, a
distinguished and handsome man. He is honoured by the k i n g
o f the l a n d .
(Hi) If V r h a s p a t h i is posited in the )2th place from C h a n d r a
the native is scrupulous to follow religious practices. H e is
energetic and spirited, moral-minded, just, wealthy and a
distinguished person of extra-ordinary personality and sharp
intellect. H e holds a topmost position i n the society.
(iv) I f S u k r a causes anapha yoga the native charms young
women, he is a m a n o f keen intellect, master o f huge w e a l t h ,
possesses cattle, horses etc., and passes his days h a p p i l y .
(v) If A n a p h a yoga is formed by Sani the native is talented
and a owner o f cattle. H e is a long armed man. H e may be one
of the leading personalities i n the society. H i s words carry some
weight, but he may be attached to women of loose morals. A t
the same time this is also to be remembered that S a n i i n the 12th
place from C h a n d r a is the cause o f worries and anxieties, and
loss of mental peace.

44. Durndhara yoga or Uvachary yoga :

(/) I f M a n g a l and Budha are situated i n the 2nd and 12th
iplaces from C h a n d r a the native becomes meritorious no doubt
but he w i l l be a liar, greedy and attached to a young woman o f
(bad character.
(ii) I f the yoga is formed by M a n g a l and V r h a s p a t h i the
inative w i l l be a man of name and fame. By dint of his tremendous
'labour and u n t i r i n g efforts, he b u i l d s his o w n fortune but he is
to face many enemies who create troubles even i n his day-to-day
activities. H i s moral-mindedness gives i n s p i r a t i o n to his family
xnembers also.
(lii) If the yoga is formed by M a n g a l and S u k r a the native
anay be a wrestler. Jle is a handsome m a n , always cheerful,
wealthy and is desirous of a c q u i r i n g religious knowledge. But
at times the native indulges i n cruel acts.
(iv) If S a n i and M a n g a l are posited i n the 12th and 2nd
Iplaces from C h a n d r a the native is addicted to low cast women,
wealthy and a traitor. H e remains unperturbed even i f he is
surrounded by his enemies and ultimately he can subdue them.
(v) I f Budha and Sukra cause this yoga the native has great
.attachment to music and art of dancing. H e is a sweet-tongued,
v e r y intelligent and sober person.
(vi) I f Budha and S a n i are the cause o f this yoga the native
l i k e s to tour over many countries, acquires m e d i u m education,
wealthy and respected by many but he hates his own k i t h
a n d kin.
(vii) If Vrhaspathi and S u k r a form this yoga the native is
a pure-minded man, famous, valourous, gentle, cultured and
prosperous. H i s habit and manner o f talk are l i k e that o f a k i n g .
(viii) If Sani and V r h a s p a t h i are posited i n the 12th and 2nd
places from C h a n d r a the native becomes gentle, modest, wise,
learned, meritorious, wealthy, handsome and happy.
(ix) I f S a n i and S u k r a are the cause o f D u r u d h a r a yoga the
native becomes a leader among men of his o w n class, always
f o l l o w s old customs, h i g h l y prosperous a n d wealthy and dear to
the k i n g of the l a n d .
45. Chatnrsa^ara yogaWhen Mesa, K a r k a t a , T u l a and
M a k a r lasis are occupied by planets, this yoga is formed provided

Lagna rises i n any of these rasis. These rasis are natural icendra^
positions i n the Z o d i a c . Compare this w i t h K a m a l a yoga.
Chatursagara yoga makes a native highly intelligent, vastly
learned, glorious and a powerful k i n g .
46. Ekabali yogaWhen each planet is situated i n a rasi
i n c l u d i n g lagna one after another the yoga thus formed is termed
as E k a b a l i . T h i s sloka is quoted from Somajataka. Similar
sloka is found i n Bhavakautuhala. E k a b a l i yoga makes a m a n
a k i n g o f kings, pious, and a son of an honest father. H e subdues
a l l his enemies.
The following yogas are quoted from Jataka-Parijat:
(I have selected a few important yogas only. Inquisitive
students may find vast number of Rajayogas i n J a f a i a - P ' a r y a r
and other authoritative treatises on astrology).
47. If a l l the planets are situated i n K a n y a , Mesa, T u l a , S i m h a
and K u m b h a the native becomes a k i n g .
48. If the 3rd, 4th and 5th houses are occupied by a l l the
planets the native becomes a k i n g .
49. If a l l the planets are posited i n Chandra's H o r a the
native becomes a famous k i n g .
50. I f a l l the benefics are i n the 9th and U t h houses a n d
malefic planets occupy 6th and lOth houses the native becomes a
51. If the 10th l o r d is posited i n the Sth place and occupies-
his exalted house, own or friendly house i n navamsa chakra or
that lord of the 10th house acquires "Paravat V a r g a " the native
becomes l o r d of a l l kings. A planet is said to be i n Paravat Varga;
i f he acquires his o w n six Vargas.
52. I f debilitated V r h a s p a t h i be i n lagna (this means-
V r h a s p a t h i is i n M a k a r a rasi), Sth place is occupied by malefic o r
malefics and the Sth l o r d be posited i n a malefic house i n n a v a m s a
chart the native becomes a lord of a l l kings.
53. There are five kinds ' f Rajayogas mentioned in>
Phaladipika and Jataka-Parijat. A l l the yogas are called b y
different namci, viz.:
(i) When M a n g a l being i n his owu house, house of exaltation
or M o o l t r i k o n a is posited i n any kendra it is called R u c h a k a

[ii] W h e n B u d h a being i n his o w n , exalted or M o o l t r i k o n a

house is situated in any kendra it is called Bhadra yoga.
(Hi) W h e n Vrhaspathi also be posited i n the aforesaid
position it is termed as Hamsa yoga.
(iv) S i m i l a r l y i f S u k r a be situated i n the l i k e manner it
is termed as M a l a v y a yoga.
(v) If Sani be placed i n kendra and occupies his own, exalted
or M o o l t r i k o n a house it is termed as Sasa yoga.
Ruchaka yogamakes a man strong-built, healthy, fortunate,
glorious and h i g h l y qualified. H e w h o has " R u c h a k a " yoga i n
his b i r t h chart is highly proficient i n many branches o f science.
He knows the secret of '"Mantra-sakti" and by enchanting
mantras he can possess a great power of incantation. T h e native
is very beautiful to look at, k i n d , benevolent, wealthy and
successful i n a l l his endeavours. H e passes his days very happily
and lives upto 70 years of age,
Bhadra yogaThe native's face is ferocious l i k e that of a
tiger, his movement is l i k e that o f a n elephant, he has broad
chest, muscular arms and m a n l y figure. H e is energetic and
spirited, he is very m u c h aflfectionate to his friends and k i t h and
k i n . T h e native w i l l be a famous k i n g , his treasury w i l l be full
of precious stones. Longivity w i l l be 80 years of age.
Hamsa yogaThe native has a gracefully tall figure, his face
has the lustre of red lotus, he has sharp nose, extraordinarily
beautiful feet. H i s c o m p l e x i o n is l i k e that o f ' k a n d a r p a ' (god of
love and beauty), he is endowed w i t h a l l virtues and has a
beautiful wife. H e is a true religious-minded man, passes his
days by reading Puranas and religious scriptures and lives
upto 82 years of age.
Malavya yogaThe native has graceful figure, manner o f his
movement is very beautiful, he has large beautiful eyes, h a n d -
some complexion and his facial cut w i l l also be beautiful. H i s
lower l i p is thick. He is h i g h l y qualified and powerful and may
acquire wide knowledge about religious scriptures. H e is
energetic and knows the secret of incantation. H e snjoys
happiness among his own c h i l d r e n and grand-children and live
upto 77 years of age. H e may have illegal attachment witit
other's wife or wives.

Sasa yogaComplexion o f the native is black, he has ugly

a n d blood-shot eyes ; he is brave, energetic, devoted to mother,
munificent and charitable but cruel. In order to attain knowledge
of metal and m i n e r a l he w i l l cheat others. He w o u l d l i k e to l i v e
in an ostentatious style and w i l l be lascivious and addicted to
other's wife. H i s l o n g i v i t y is 70 years of age,
54. If at least any one of the lords of the 2nd, 9th and 11th
houses is situated i n kendra position from C h a n d r a and
V r h a s p a t h i is the lord of the U t h house the native rules over a
great empire.
T h i s is quoted from Jataka-Parijat but Phaladipika slightly
differs from Jataka-parijat. A c c o r d i n g to P h a l a d i p i k a the yoga
w i l l be formed i f V r h a s p a t h i being the lord o f the U t h house is
combined w i t h the 5th l o r d . Other conditions are the same as
55. Bhaskar yogaIf Budha is i n the 2nd place from C h a n d r a
or C h a n d r a i n the U t h place from Budha and Vrhaspathi is
posited i n 9th place from C h a n d r a the native w i l l be brave,
beautiful to look at, resolute, efficient and a very important man
i n the country or the society. H e has sonorous voice and 'S vastly
learned i n many shastras and is able to e x p l a i n correctly the
inner meaning o f them.
56. Indra yogaIf M a n g a l is posited i n the 3rd place from
C h a n d r a , S a n i is i n the 7th place from M a n g a l and V r h a s p a t h i is
in the 7th house from S u k r a , the native is modest, gentle,
peace-loving and as prosperous as a king. He is powerful',
wealthy, earns name and fame.
57. Marut yogaIf V r h a s p a t h i ' is situated i n any t r i k o n a
place (5th & 9th house) from S u k r a , C h a n d r a is in the Sth place
from V r h a s p a t h i and R a v i is i n kendra from C h a n d r a the native
is a renowned orator, learned i n many shastras, and prosperous
l i k e a k i n g . H e has b u l k y b e l l y , broad chest and is highly
successful in trade.
Badha yogaIf V r h a s p a t h i is associated w i t h lagna, C h a n d r a
is i n a kendra from V r h a s p a t h i , R a h u is posited i n the 2nd place
from C h a n d r a and R a v i a n d M a n g a l occupy the 3rd place from
C h a n d r a the native is a very powerful m a n , he is very talented,
learn-^d i n many shastras, famous and very expert in automobile

59. Lignadhi yogaIf benefic planevs are posited i n the 6th,

7th and Sth places from l a g n a a n d they aire not aspected by or
associated w i t h any malefics and also the 4th house from lagna
is not associated with ai^y malefic this yoga makes a man noble-
minded, benevolent, unprejudiced and a philosopher. H i s name
and fame spreads throughout the w o r l d and he is widely k n o w n
as a wealthy man. H e w i l l be author of many treatises on
T h i s sloka is quoted i om Parasari hora. Jataka-Parijat
also has given m u c h importance to this yoga but there arc a few
commentators who h o l d this o p i n i o n that the yoga w i l l be very
much effective i f unfavourable planets from their positions i n
any house other than the 4th place donot aspect or combine w i t h
those benefic planets.
60. Gajakeshari yogaIf V r h a s p a t h i is posited i n any kendra
(angular place) from C h a n d r a , or when V r h a s p a t h i , Sukra a n d
B u d h a are not combust or debilitated and have full aspect on
C h a n d r a G a j a k e s h a r i yoga is formed.
The native h a v i n g this yoga i n his birth-chart w i l l be energetic,
meritorious, efficient, affluent a n d dear to the k i n g of the l a n d .
61. Jeeva yoga^When C h a n d r a a n d V r h a s p a t h i are situated
i n the 7th place from each other this yoga is termed as Jeeva yoga.
The native becomes benevolent, learned, efficient, affluent and
The result of Gajakeshari and Jeeva yogas are almost
i d e n t i c a l to each other.
62. Parvata y o g a ^ i ) I f favourable planet or planets are
placed i n any kendra from lagna and 6th or Sth place are
associated w i t h benefic planet or those places remain vacant, or
(ii) I f Lagnapathi ( lagna-lord ) and V y a y a p a t h i (twelfth
lord) are situated i n kendra from each other and they are aspected
by friendly planets Parvata yoga is formed.
See the birth chart o f S i r Ashutosh M o o k h c r j c e .
Lagna i s i n V r s a , R a v i , Budha, S u k r a i n M i t h u n a , S a n i i n
K a n y a , V r h a s p a t h i and R a h u i n T u l a , C h a n d r a and M a n g a l i n
M i n a and K e t u i n Mesa.

* This Lagnadhi yoga is slightly diSarent from the one stted erliat.

Here L a g n a p a t h i Sukra a n d 12th lord M a n g a l are i n angular

.positions from each other.
The native h a v i n g Parvata yoga i n his b i r t h chart w i l l be
prosperous, noble, benevolent, energetic, powerful, spirited, an
illustrious person, and a supreme personality i n an institution.
H e is h i g h l y educated and learned. I f the 9th l o r d , lagna l o r d ,
or V r h a s p a t h i and Sani are afflicted the native may be attached
to women other than his wife.
63. Kahala yoga(i) If the 4th lord and 9th l o r d are posited
i n kendra from each other, or
{ii) T h e 4th l o r d being i n his own or exalted house is
combined w i t h or aspected by 10th l o r d this yoga is formed.
The yoga makes a man the ruler i f many villages, very d a r i n g
and successful administrator.
See the above chart of Sir Ashutosh.
64. M a l i k a or M a l a yogaMala means garland. W h e n
planets adorn houses one after another thejplanets look l i k e a
g a r l a n d , hence the yoga is called M a l a or M a l i k a .
The seven planets may sit i n 7 places one after another from
lagna, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, Sth and 6th houses etc.
A n y one of them may be called M a l a yoga but they have
different results, such as:
(/) I f from Lagna planets are situated i n 7 places one after
another the native becomes a k i n g and lord of many horses and
(//) If from the 2nd place planets are seated i n 7 houses one
after another the native becomes a l o r d of huge wealth ; he is
devoted to his parents, a man of resolute m i n d , sober, highly
meritorious, talented and k i n g of kings.
(/;;) W h e n from the t h i r d house the M a l a yoga is formed
the native is courageous, but he is s i c k l y . B u t Brihat Jataka says
that the native becomes a p o p u l a r leader a n d is a handsome
(IV) If the yoga is formed from the 4th house the native
becomes a noble-minded man, a very wealthy k i n g h a v i n g
sovereignty over many countries.
(v) If the yoga is formed from the Sth house the native
becomes a k i n g , religiously observes sacrificial rites or for any
other religious deeds he is noted as a famous k i n g .

(vi) I f the yoga is formed from the 6th house the native w i l l
a t least orce suffer from penury but at any period of his life he
s h a l l earn huge wealth and shall lead a happy life.
(vii) If the planots one after another are situated from the
7th house, he w i l l be loved by many beautiful wives and shall
be a k i n g .
{v7) If from the Sth house the M a l a yoga is formed the
native w i l l be a famous m a n and long l i v t d but he w i l l be poor
and a henpecked husband.
(ix) I f M a l a yoga is formed from the 9th place the native
shall be a highly talented and powerful m a n engaged i n religious
(x) If it is from the 10th place the native is engaged i n
^-eligious austerities, respected by a l l and is an honest person.
(xi) If the M a l i k a (Mala) yoga is formed from the 11th house
the native is born o f a r o y a l family, very efficient and a husband
of women of paragon o f beauty.
(xii) I f M a l a yoga is formed from the 12th house the native
i s very open-handed i n spending money and held i n high esteem
by a l l .
Besides M a l a yoga some authorities mentioned "Samrata
y o g a " w h i c h is formed when planets occupy a l l houses beginning
from lagna upto the 6th place. The name of the yoga is quite
i n d i c a t i v e of its meaning.
See the birth-chart of Pandit J a w a h a r l a l N e h r u .
65. Samkha yogaWhen the lords o f the 5th and 6th houses
are posited i n angular position from each other, or i f the lords of
lagna and the 10th house occupy c a r d i n a l rasis and the 9th l o r d
is strong the yoga is called as Samkha yoga.
The native is l u x u r i o u s , k i n d - m i n d e d , virtuous, learned i n
many shastras, and orthodox. H e observes a l l religious rites, is a
happy m a n with his good wife and children and also owns landed
property. H i s longivity is SI years.
66. Bhairi yogaIf lagna, 2nd, 7th and 12th places arc
occupied by planets, the 10th lord is powerful, or Sukra and
lagna-lord are posited i n a kendra from V r h a s p a t h i and the 9th
lord is strong the yoga is called " B h a i r i " .
H e who has this yoga i n his b i r t h chart is born of h i g h family,
free from disease, owner of many landed properties, and wealthy.

and a noble and mighty man. H i s wife and children too earn>
name and fame and their virtuous deeds give h i m unmixed joy.
The native is an experienced person i n wordly affairs.
67. Srinath yogaIf the 7th l o r d is posited i n the 10th place,,
and the lOth lord is i n the house of exaltation and is associated;'
w i t h the l o r d o f the 9th house the yoga thus formed is c a l l e d
Srinath yoga.
The native h a v i n g this yoga becomes as powerful as the L o r d
68. M a t s a yogaIf the 9th and 5th places are occupied b y
papa (malefic) and suva (benefic) planets respectively and the 4thi
or 8th house is associated w i t h malefic planets the yoga is termed
as M a t s a .
T h e native having this yoga i n his chart becomes an astrologer.
H e is kind-hearted, virtuous, intelligent, educated, talented a n d
a famous man.
T h i s is to be noted that complete yoga as enunciated b y
different authors is not always found. In many cases the central
idea o f a yoga is to be considered and the result as indicated by
authors w i l l be evident.
T o cite an example, let me quote a birth-chart. Lagna is in>
D h a n u , the 3rd house is occupied by the lords of 9th, 7th and 3 r d
combined w i t h K e t u , 4th house is occupied by Sukra, the Sthi
place by V r h a s p a t h i , the 9th house by R a h u and the l l t h i
place is occupied by C h a n d r a and M a n g a l .
Here the 9th place is occupied by a malefic, the Sth house by
a benefic planet and the Sth l o r d is conjoined w i t h a natura^
malefic planet M a n g a l . A g a i n , the 4th l o r d is aspected by the
l o r d o f the Sth house. T h e first two conditions are fulfilled a n d
i n case of the third i f we take the central idea of the yoga we
shall find that a l l the conditions are fulfilled.
T h e native of this birth chart is an astrologer. H e is handsome,,
h i g h l y educated, and is known as kind-hearted and religiously
inclined person.
69. Lakshmi yogaIf the lord o f the 9th house being i n his-
M o o l t r i k o n a sign is posited i n any kendra or kona from lagna
and the lagna-lord is i n his exalted house and strong the yoga is-
termed as L a k s h m i yoga.

The native under the influence o f this yoga w i l l be k i n g o f

kings, h i g h l y talented, educated, very handsome l i k e " K a n d a r p a "
(lord of love and beauty). H e w i l l be respected by kings o f many
countries and w i l l be blessed w i t h sons.
70. Kurma yogaIf Benefics are i n the Sth, 6th and 7th places
from lagna and malefics occupy lagna, 3rd and 11th places and
those benefic and malefic planets i n the navamsa chart occupy
their own sign, signs of M o o l t r i k o n a or house o f exaltation
K u r m a yoga is formed.
The native becomes talented, pious, sober, happy and a p u b l i c
leader. H i s sweet conduct attracts the attention of the k i n g o f
the l a n d . One out of many noble deeds of the native is that he
always tries to come to rescue his friends i n their calamitous
71. Parijata yogaIf the lord of the rasi (sign) where l a g n a -
lord is situated is posited i n any kendra or the navamsa l o r d o f
the sign where lagna l o r d is posited occupies kendra or kona
from lagna or he sits i n his o w n , m o o l t r i k o n a or exalted sign the
yoga thus formed is called " P a r i j a t a " yoga.
This is a b r i l l i a n t yoga that makes a m a n a k i n g and master o f
many horses and elephants. H e is a w a r r i o r , dignified, d u t i f u l
and kind-hearted man. H e enjoys happiness at his middle and
last stage o f life.
72. Kalanidhi yogaWhen V r h a s p a t h i o c c u p y i n g the 2nd or
Sth place from lagna is conjoined w i t h or aspected by Budha or
Sukra or occupies the house o f B u d h a or Sukra the K a l a n i d h i
yoga is formed.
T h e native under the influence of this yoga is courageous and
respected by many and owns many lands and houses and is
surrounded by many followers who w o u l d look after his comfort.
He is free from disease, does not encounter any danger and has
no enemy.
The following Rajayogas are quoted from Sarvartha
Chintamani, an authoritative treatise on astrology :
73. I f a planet is debilitated and the l o r d of the rasi of that
debilitated planet and also the planet who is exalted i n that
house are placed i n kendra from lagna the native becomes,
virtuous and k i n g of kings.

T o e x p l a i n the yoga more explicitlysay Sani is debilitated

i n Mesa rasi, the l o r d of Mesa is M a n g a l and also M e s a rasi is
R a v i ' s exalted house. N o w , i f both M a n g a l and R a v i arc situated
i n kendra from lagna Rajayoga w i l l occur. Here it is not
necessary for both R a v i and M a n g a l to occupy one kendra.
R a v i may be seated i n one and M a n g a l i n another kendra from
74. I f C h a n d r a is situated i n any kendra or k o n a other than
lagna and She is aspected by any one of V r h a s p a t h i and Sukra
the n a t i v e s h a l l be as fortunate as a k i n g .
A c c o r d i n g to Jataka-Parijat the yoga w i l l be more effective
i f it is f u l l m o o n .
75. W h e n a planet is debilitated i n the birth-chart but is i n
the bouse o f exaltation i n the navamsa chart the planet may give
^ood result, but i f it is otherwise, that is, when an exalted planet
i n the birth-chart is debilitated i n navamsa chart that planet w i l l
not be i n a position to give favourable result to the native.
The following yogas are basically favourable Rajayogas and
they are very effective and may be interesting to common readers.
76. If Vrhaspathi is i n lagna, and B u d h a is placed i n any
k e n d r a and aspected by lagnapathi the native w i l l be prosperous
like a king.
77. I f V r h a s p a t h i being i n the 7th or i n any k o n a (,5th or 9th
place ) is aspected by the lagnapathi the native is as l u c k y as a
78. If Sani is i n exalted house or i n any kona house and is
aspected by the 10th l o r d the native w i l l be as fortunate as a k i n g .
79. I f the 10th l o r d being i n the Sth house is posited i n
his exalted or friendly sign i n navamsa chart or acquires
Paravatamsa the native is the l o r d of kings. A planet when
acquires 6 vargas o f his own is said to be i n "Paravatamsa".
80. I f V r h a s p a t h i being debilitated is posited i n lagna (this
means lagna rasi is i n M a k a r ) or the 9th l o r d is posited i n the
"Sth house but V r h a s p a t h i or the 9th l o r d is posited i n exalted or
friendly house i n navamsa chart or they acquire Paravatamsa the
n a t i v e becomes k i n g o f kings.
81. I f N a v a m s a l o r d o f C h a n d r a and also Budha are placed i n

Jcendra from lagna the native shall get the same result as said i n
previous two yogas.
82. I f C h a n d r a i n combination w i t h Mangal is posited i n the
2nd or 3rd places from lagna a n d the Sth house is occupied by
R a h u the same result w i l l follow.
83. I f the navamsa l o r d of lagna conjoined w i t h 9th lord be
posited i n the 4th or Sth place the native w i l l be a very great
84. I f R a h u is i n the 10th house, Sani aspected by the 9th
l o r d be i n the 11th place and lagna-lord is conjoined w i t h a
debilitated planet the native becomes as prosperous as a k i n g .
The following few selected Rajayogas are quoted from Vttara-
Kalamrita :
85. (/) R e l a t i o n between the lords of 9th and 10th houses.
[ii) R e l a t i o n between the 9th and 10th lords from the 9th
house from lagna.
{Hi) R e l a t i o n between 9th and 10th lords from the 10th
place from lagna.
(iv) R e l a t i o n among l o r d of the rasi where C h a i i d r a is
situated, Chandra-navamsa-lord and Lagnapathi.
(v) R e l a t i o n between 9th and 10th lords from C h a n d r a .
<vi) R e l a t i o n between 9th and 10th lords from R a v i .
(vii) R e l a t i o n among the lords of the 3rd, 4th, Sth and 7th
(viii) R e l a t i o n between the lords of the 2nd and 11th houses.
86. T h e following planets are beneficial :
(i) Sukra i n the 12th, B u d h a i n the Sth and V r h a s p a t h i i n
the 6th places.
(ii) T h e lords of the 6th, Sth and 12th places are beneficial
i f they are situated i n their o w n , exalted or friendly houses a n d
are aspected by benefics. But i f they are posited i n i n i m i c a l
house, aspected by or conjoined w i t h enemy planets or combust
they are very unfavourable.
(j/i) N a t u r a l benefics when posited i n kendra, 2nd, 3rd, Sth
or 9th places are b e n e f i c i a l ; even benefics i n the 6th house is
(iv) N a t u r a l malefics i n Upachayasthana (3rd, 6th, 10th a n d
l l t h places are upachayasthanas) are favourable.

(v) Sani and R a v i i n the 9th place is favourable.

(vi) S a n i when posited i n his own sign, exalted sign or i n the
house owned by Vrhaspathi is favourable, even he is favourable
in lagna i f it is the house of V r h a s p a t h i .
(vii) It is said that S u k r a i n the 12th house is favourable
but i f that l 2 t h house is Sani's sign or S u k r a being i n the 12tb
place be i n Sani's house i n navamsa chakra is not beneficial.

When a native becomes a millionaire ?

(a) A l l the seven planets master over different digits, such as
R a v i 30 k a l a , C h a n d r a 16 k a l a , M a n g a l 6, B u d h a 8, V r h a s p a t h i
10, S u k r a 12 and Sani 1 k a l a .
N o w add together the kalas indicated above o f the lords o f
the 9th place from lagna and C h a n d r a . D i v i d e the sum-total by
12 and the remainder w i l l be the number o f rasi from the
position of C h a n d r a . If that rasi is owned by a benefic planet
the native w i l l be m u l t i m i l l i o n a i r e .
(b) I f any two or more lords of the 2nd, Sth, 9th and l l t h
houses from C h a n d r a are related to each other by conjunction o r
aspect and they are also strong the native w i l l be master o f lacs.
(c) If that 9th house from C h a n d r a is occupied by any
malefic the native s h a l l get thousand rupees, i f that house (where
malefic planet is situated) is the exalted sign of that malefic
planet the native shall be a m u l t i m i l l i o n a i r e .
Let us illustrate this yoga :
Lagna is i n M a k a r , 9th place from M a k a r is owned by B u d h a
who masters over 8, C h a n d r a also is i n M a k a r . In this case also
the 9th l o r d is B u d h a . So, 8 + 8 = 1 6 r l 2 . Remainder is 4. F r o m
C h a n d r a the 4th place is Mesa occupied by benefic planet
V r h a s p a t h i who is exalted i n navamsa chart. The native is a
very wealthy man.
If those planets are related to the lords of 6th, Sth or 12th
houses the native w i l l lose a l l assets, w i l l be over head and ears
in debt and also w i l l be oppressed by his enemies.
87. I f a l l the planets are situated i n kendra (from lagna) and
there are no planet i n Panafar .(2nd, Sth, Sth and l l t h houses)
and a p o k l i m a (3rd, 6th, 9th and l 2 t h houses) benefic planets are
strong and full moon is not conjoined w i t h or aspected by any

malefic the native becomes a k i n g or very inflluential p u b l i c leader.

88. I f any native is b o r n w i t h i n 2 dandas after noon or
midnight then he s h a l l vanquish a l l his opponents and s h a l l
become an emperor. H e w i l l be h i g h l y educated, pious and
devoted to religious austerities.
A g a i n i f i n the birth-chart of that native any exalted planet
is situated i n the 2nd place from lagna, he w i l l possess huge
wealth. If that planet i n the 2nd house is not exalted the native
w i l l be a moneyed man o n l y .
Here midday (i.e. noon) or midnight is to be calculated
according to equation o f time. We generally take noon hours
when our clock strikes 12, i f we calculate 12 hours a c c o r d i n g to
equation o f time it may not agree w i t h hours as shown by our
The horoscope of N e t a j i Subhas C h a n d r a Bose may be

Yogas that make a man educated and learned :

There is a difference between education and learning. W h e n
we say that a man is educated we mean that he has acquired
knowledge i n any branch of literature or science. T h i s he can
obtain through studies i n school, college etc. W h e n it is said
that he is a learned man, w h i c h is termed as V i d y a i n Sanskrit
we mean that he has acquired Jnana-knowledge o f the supreme
being, knowledge that gives us the clear idea o f t r u t h , truth o f
e t e r n a l bliss that may be obtained through meditation and by
deep introspection.
Here we shall mostly deal with education that is obtained
through scholarship, experience and observation.
Budha stands for education and V r h a s p a t h i is the only planet
that gives us learning, J n a n a or real V i d j a by w h i c h we acquire
the knowledge of existence o f G o d . A g a i n , V r h a s p a t h i also
helps a native acquire U n i v e r s i t y education.
Sukra also is a k a r a k a of fine arts and an adjutant
Budha. S i m i l a r l y , fifth house stands for V i d y a i n general and
d u c a t i o n i n particular that'we obtain from schools and colleges
a n d it is to be determined from Budha i n general.
89. I f the l o r d o f the 4th house, V r h a s p a t h i , B u d h a and

S u k r a are posited i n their o w n or exalted houses a n d be placed i n

kendra or kona the native becomes h i g h l y educated, learned,
fortunate and popular. But i f they are situated i n malefic houses-
{6th, Sth or 12th place) combust, aspected by or conjoined with
enemy or malefic planets good effect may be nullified or
90. Second house also stands for such education through
w h i c h a man earns his l i v e l i h o o d .
So, i f the lords o f 2nd, l l t h and lagna together are situated ia
the 2nd or l l t h house the native not o n l y may get good money
but also acquire practical education that w i l l help h i m earn a lot
of money.
91. I f Budha and S u k r a are placed i n the 10th place from
C h a n d r a the native may acquire higher education, he becomes
wealthy and is blessed w i t h a good wife.
ii) S i m i l a r result may be obtained i f from C h a n d r a
Vrhaspathi and Sukra are posited i n the 10th place. T h e native
over and above the favourable result referred to above w i l l be
the protector o f r e l i g i o n enumerated by Brahmins.
92. I f R a v i , C h a n d r a and B u d h a are seated together the
native earns name and fame for his education.
93. C o m b i n a t i o n o f R a v i , C h a n d r a and V r h a s p a t h i or R a v i ,
Budha and Vrhaspathi or Rav^, Budha and S u k r a is really a
b r i l l i a n t yoga that makes a man h i g h l y educated, learned and
wise. H e is widely k n o w n as a h i g h l y educated and learned m a n .
T h i s is also to be noted that Budha i n the l l t h house gives a
man high education and keen intellect.
94. If lagna is occupied by Budha or l o r d of the 2nd house
or the l o r d o f lagna is situated i n the 2nd house and the 2nd
house and its lord or lagnapathi or Budha is associated w i t h o r
aspected by any benefic the native w i l l be renowned for his-
95. If B u d h a and Vrhaspathi being associated with Sukra
are posited i n the 9th house the native is not only renowned for
his education but also is endowed with many qualities of head
and heart.
(0 I f Budha and Vrhaspathi being i n the 9th house are
conjoined w i t h Sani the native is also a good orator.

96. If V r h a s p a t h i w h i l e positing i n the 9th house is aspected

by C h a n d r a and Sani the native w i l l be a. very talented man and
w i l l be an expert i n analysing and e x p l a i n i n g correctly the
legal problems of foreign l a n d .
97. A g a i n i f Vrhaspathi occupying the 9th house is aspected
by Budha and S u k r a the native w i l l be profoundly learned.
The above yogas are quoted from Jataka-Parijat.

The yogas that make a man astrologer and mathematician :

98. I f the 2nd house is occupied by R a v i and B u d h a , the
native becomes an astrologer and i f those planets are aspected by
Sani he w i l l be a mathematician.
99. W h e n C h a n d r a and M a n g a l are aspected by B u d h a a n d
occupy the 2nd house the native becomes a mathematician.
(i) If any kendra is occupied by B u d h a and Chandra and
M a n g a l are i n the 2nd place,
(ii) I f Budha being exalted is posited i n the 2nd house,.
Lagna is occupied by Vrhaspathi and Sani is posited i n 8th place
from lagna,
(iii) I f S u k r a is i n the house o f exaltation, and V r h a s p a t h i
occupies kendra or k o n a position,
(iv) I f B u d h a is i n the 2nd place from lagna, and V r h a s p a t h i
is situated i n any kendra or k o n a .
The native becomes very m u c h efficient i n mathematics.
(v) If R a v i and B u d h a together are posited i n kendra, k o n a
or l l t h place the native becomes efficient i n mathematics. The
planets should be powerful.

Yoga that makes a man scientist:

100. The native becomes versatile i n many shastras i f
C h a n d r a and B u d h a together are situated i n atly favourable
place. H e w i l l specially be educated i n many branches o f
The yoga w i l l be very effective i f Chandra and Budha are i n
the 9th place from lagna.
101. I f the planets o c c u p y i n g the 2ad, 4th, Sth and 10th
houses and lords o f lagna, 9th and 10th houses are strong i n
Sada-varga the native becomes profoundly learned i n many

shastras. H e acquires profound knowledge i n science and of

The native having this excellent yoga i n his birth-chart w i l l
be k n o w n i n the w o r l d as a mine of education.
102. I f R a v i , Budha and S u k r a are situated i n the 2nd place
and be strong the native becomes a poet. Consult Rabindranath's
103. I f the l o r d o f drekkansthan o f the Sth lord or the
k a r a k a planet (Vrhaspathi and Budha) is a n a t u r a l l y favourable
planet be posited i n any kendra or kona and aspected by karaka
planet or by any favourable planet the native can understand the
inner meaning of any hint or suggestion. Budha and Vrhaspathi
are natural indicator of intellect.
(i) The same effect is indicated if R a l i u is i n the Sth place
from lagna.
104. If the 2nd pla- s is occupied by powerful V r h a s p a t h i
specially i f he is posited i n his o w n house or exalted house, the
native shall be proficiently learned i n V e d a and Vedanga and is
held i n high esteem by a l l great Pandits of the country.


M a h a r s h i Parasara and other authors of astrological treatise

l a i d down m u c h stress on S u k r a as the p r i n c i p a l significator o f
conveyance. Next comes the lord o f the 4th house. So, M a h a r s i
Parasara says :
105. I f S u k r a i n conjunction w i t h the l o r d o f the 4th house
occupies the 4th place from L a g n a , or i f the 4th l o r d being in the
4th house or i n the house of exaltation casts his aspect over
Sukra the native w i l l possess excellent conveyance.
106. I f R a v i occupies the 4th house and the 4th l o r d happens
to be i n the highest exaltation point and is conjoined w i t h S u k r a
the native gets conveyance o f his own at theC age of 32 years.
107. I f the 4th l o r d being i n the highest exaltation point is
combined w i t h the l o r d of 10th house the native s h a l l own
conveyance at his 42 years o f age.
108. If 4th l o r d i n conjunction w i t h V r h a s p a t h i occupies
l a g n a the native has various k i n d s o f conveyances, such as
motor car, horse, elephant etc.

109. If the l l t h lord is i n the 4th house and the4th lord i n

the l l t h place from lagna the native s h a l l o w n conveyance at
his 12 years of age.
110. I f strong 4th l o r d is conjoined w i t h a benefic or the l o r d
o f the 9th house the native becomes lord of many countries and
he has various kinds of conveyances.
[This is to be noted that the 4th l o r d and the benefic planet
referred to above or the 9th lord who are conjoined w i t h the lord
o f the 4th house must be powerful and occupy a favourable
place. Otherwise the result w i l l not be very effective].
111. When the 4th lord is i n a kendra and the l o r d of that
k e n d r a occupies lagna or the 10th )ord is i n lagna and lagnapathi
is i n the 10th house the native owns a number of conveyances.
112. If the 4th lord is posited i n the house owned by M a n g a l ,
l a g n a is occupied by a benefic and a favourable planet is situated
i n lagna the native w i l l be a king and he shall be an owner o f
many conveyances besides wealth and jewels.
113. If the 2nd l o r d is i n lagna and the l o r d of the 10th
house is posited i n the 2nd house the native s h a l l possess many
114. If the 12th l o r d being i n the house o f exaltation is
conjoined w i t h the l o r d of the 2nd house and the 9th l o r d casts
his f u l l aspect on them the native w i l l possess conveyance.
115. W h e n the 10th l o r d is i n the 4th place, the 4th lord i n
the l l t h , and lagna receives the aspect o f a favourable planet the
native owns many conveyances.

Ownership of Houses
116. If the l o r d of the 4th house conjoined w i t h lagnapathi
occupies the 4th place the native w i l l have a house of his own.
I f these two planets occupy any unfavourable place (such as
6 t h , Sth or 12th place) there is possibility of loss o f the house.
117. If the l o r d of either lagna or the 4th place i n
combination w i t h a benefic is posited i n kendra or kona the
native w i l l have a house of his o w n .
lis. If the 4th l o r d i n conjunction w i t h the l o r d o f the 10th
place occupies any kendra o r kona the native s h a l l o w n a
p a l a t i a l b u i l d i n g enclosed w i t h beautiful w a l l .

119. I f the l o r d o f navamsa o f the 4th l o r d and the lord o f

rasi where that navamsa lord is posited and both of them are
situated i n a kendra the native w i l l have a house of his own.
120. If the 4th house is conjoined w i t h an exalted planet, the
9th lord is i n a kendra and the l o r d o f the 4th house is placed i n
his exalted or friendly house the native may have many beautiful
houses of his o w n .
(/) M a h a r s h i Parasara says, i f the 4th house, 4th l o r d and the
k a r a k a planet are posited i n cardinal house the native may b u i l d
many houses i n many places.
121. i r t h e t h i r d place is associated with a benefic planet and
the 4th l o r d occupies his o w n house the native shall have a
beautiful house of his o w n enclosed w i t h w a l l .

Prabrajya or Sannyas yoga ( religions mendicancy )

122. W h e n the 10th l o r d being conjoined w i t h 4 planets

be placed i n any kendra or kona the yoga is termed as Prabrajya
or Sannyas.
See the horoscope of M a h a p r a v u S r i C h a i t a n y a . His
horoscope reads thus :
Lagna i n Simha w i t h C h a n d r a and K e t u , S a n i i n V r s c i k a ,
Vrhaspathi and M a n g a l i n D h a n u , R a v i , Budha, Sukra and R a h u
i n K u m b h a rasi.
* Here 4 planets are i n kendra from both lagna and Chandra
and o f these 4 planets one [i.e. Sukra) is the lord of 10th house.
I owe an apology to my readers for quoting i n my Jyotisb
Y o g a Sanchayan written i n Bengali a wrong chart drawn by S r i
B . V . R a m a n i n his 'One hundred notable horoscopes'. I n
C h a i t a n y a Bhagabat and C h a i t a n y a C h a r i t a m r i t a the two
authoritative treatise on H i s (Maha Prabhu S r i Chaitanya) life
activities Simha lagna a n d S i m h a rasi were mentioned. It was
asserted that after the birth of such a great personality H i s
maternal grandfather N i l a m b a r C h a k r a v a r t y by name a great
scholar of his time and vastly learned i n astrology erected his
birth chart where Simha lagna and Simha rasi were mentioned
and it is no less a person than that erudite scholar (in many
branches o f shastras) prophesied that a great man almost god
incarnate was born.

123. O n l y 4 planets together when occupy any kendra may

cause Sannyas yoga.
124. I f S a n i is aspected by the lord o f lagna or he has
aspect o n the latter ( l o r d of lagna ) and no other planet has
aspect on lagnapathi or Sani unaspected by any planet casts his
aspect on lagna-lord and both lagna-lord and Sani are weak it i s
Sannyas yoga.
125. W h e n C h a n d r a falls i n the d r e k k a n or navamsa of Sani
or M a n g a l and is aspected by S a n i it makes a man Sannyasi.
See the horoscope of S w a m i V i v e k a n a n d a (Quoted from 100
Notable horoscopes by Sri B. V. Raman.)
Lagna i n D h a n u , Lagnasphuta 27-3r, R a v i i n M a k a r a 0-52',
w i t h B u d h a 13-13' and Sukra 8-32', i n the 5th house M a n g a l
7-46', i n the 6th K e t u 23-41', i n the 10th C h a n d r a 18-54' a n d
S a n i 15-2' i n the l l t h V r h a s p a t h i 5-28' and i n the 12th
Rahu 23M1'.
(If we accept S r i L a h i r i ' s A y a n a m s a R a v i w i l l be i n the last
degree o f D h a n u . T h i s was also acceptable to a l l astrologers o f
wide reputation o f Bengal before S r i L a h i r i ' s Ephemeris was out
i n the market).
In the b i r t h chart o f Swami V i v e k a n a n d a C h a n d r a i s ' posited
i n Sani's d r e k k a n and She is associated w i t h S a n i . See b i r t h
chart o f S w a m i Sibananda (Quoted from Notable horoscopes) :
L a g n a i n K a r k a t a 29 w i t h M a n g a l 16-41', Sani 21"'.28' and
R a h u 26-3p', i n the 2nd R a v i 24-18' and B u d h a 21-32' i h the
3rd S u k r a ' l 4 - 1 8 ' , i n the 4th V r h a s p a t h i 12'.42', in the 7th K e t u
26-30' and i n the 10th C h a n d r a 24.13'.
Here C h a n d r a i n the navamsa of M a n g a l receives the full
aspect o f Sani,
T h e yogas no. 124 and 125 have three conditions to effect
Sannyas yoga.
(i) C h a n d r a should be i n either Sani's d r e k k a n or i n the
navamsa of Sani or M a n g a l and C h a n d r a receives aspect o f
no other planet than Sani.
(//) S a n i and lagnapathi w i l l be weak.
{Hi) Further Sani w i l l have full aspect on lagna l o r d . A l l
these conditions are fulfilled i n the horoscope of S w a m i

126. I f Lagna rises i n any o f the houses owned by M a n g a l ,

Vrhaspathi or Sani and V r h a s p a t h i is posited i n the house o f
luck and also there are rajayogas i n the b i r t h chart the native
visits many holy shrines a n d for his sacred a n d religious deeds
he becomes widely k n o w n i n the w o r l d .
127. If C h a n d r a unaspected by any planet be posited i n
either 9th or 10th house from lagna the native i n spite of powerful
rajayoga i n the chart becomes a person o f great reputation only
after he embraces 'Sannyas d h a r m a ' .
Here "aspect" should be construed as " f u l l aspect".
In the b i r t h chart o f S w a m i V i v e k a n a n d a C h a n d r a is situated
i n the 10th place from l a g n a and She (Chandra) does not receive
any full aspect of any other planet.
128. If V r h a s p a t h i is posited i n the 9th and lagna, C h a n d r a
and V r h a s p a t h i are aspected by S a n i the native preaches a new
religious doctrine and earns great name a n d fame. (The result
as said above w i l l be very effective p r o v i d e d the c h a r t contains
powerful rajayoga).
Please see the 'rasichakra' (birth chart) of M a h a P r a b h u S r i
-Chaitajiya. V r h a s p a t h i has full aspect on the 9th house, S a n i
aspects lagna a n d C h a n d r a .
' V a i s h n a b a ' dharma i n the truest sense was introduced by
H i m and H e is taken to be G o d Incarnate by the Vaishnaba
w o r l d . E v e n his staunch opponents have great regard for his
wonderful meritorious deed i n the country at a time when people
were apostate and impious a n d were unscrupulous. C h a i t a n y a
j u g a is r i g h t l y called by historians a period of renaissance i n
129. I f Sani is posited i n the 9th and is not aspected by any
other planet and also there are powerful rajayogas i n the b i r t h
chart the native becomes a Sannyasi and his greatness as a m a n
is widely k n o w n throughout the w o r l d a n d afterwiards he enjoys
a l l the beneficial results o f rajayogas.
130. W h e n the following placets be strong and are posited
together i n 'Sama' (even) .rasi the native becomes a devoted
ascetic leading true religious life.
(Vrsa, K a r k a t a , K a n y a , V r s c i k a , M a k a r and Minathese six
*asis are Sama-even-rasis)
RAJA70GA.S 317

(i) R a v i , M a n g a l , S u k r a and S a n i
{//) Vrhaspathi, M a n g a l , R a v i and Sani
(iii) C h a n d r a , M a n g a l , V r h a s p a t h i and Sani
131. I f R a v i , C h a n d r a , M a n g a l , V r h a s p a t h i and S u k r a these
5 planets together are associated w i t h Budha or Sani the native
becomes an ascetic and his eyesight is so sharp that he can see
and identify very easily and accurately even a very small t h i n g
from a great distance.
132. T h e following combination of planets make a mai
(i) M a n g a l , R a v i , Chandra, Sani and V r h a s p a t h i
(it) M a n g a l , R a v i , B u d h a , S a n i and S u k r a
(///) M a n g a l , C h a n d r a , R a v i , S u k r a and Sani
(iv) M a n g a l , R a v i , S u k r a , Sani and V r h a s p a t h i
(v) M a n g a l , C h a n d r a , B u d h a , S u k r a and S a n i .

When Sannyas yogas are to be taken as defunct ?

133. W h e n yogakaraka planet or planets are associated w i t h
R a h u , K e t u or G u l i k and he (or theyyogakaraka planets) i s
posited i n a malefic navamsa then the native abandons the life of
asceticism and is considered as a renegade by people at large.
( O n l y association of R a h u , K e t u or G u l i k with yogakaraka
planets w i l l not n u l l i f y the sacred effect of asceticism. T h e
yogakarakas must be positioned also i n malefic navamsa).
134. If the yogakaraka planet or planets i n spite of their
strength be sunk d o w n by the Sun's rays or be combust the
native holds greatest regard for 'Sannyas dharma' but he cannot
be a 'Sannyasi'.
135. W h e n yogakaraka planets are overpowered by other
planets the native cannot embrace 'Sannyas dharma' i n spite o f
aspect o f beneficial planet o n the yogakarakas.

Yogas of glorjoas and virtuous deeds :

136. W h e n the 10th l o r d , l o r d o f the 2nd and B u d h a are
powerful the native performs sacrificial rites.
137. I f the 10th place is occupied by Budha and the lOtb
lord is not aspected by or conjoined w i t h a malefic but is aspected'
by a benefic the native performs sacrificial rites.

138. If the 10th lord B u d h a is i n the house o f exaltation or

be i n the 9th house from lagna but not i n conjunction w i t h R a h u
or K e t u the same result may be predicted.
139. I f the 10th l o r d is exalted and aspected by B u d h a or
the 10th l o r d being i n his own house is aspected by a favourable
planet the native performs sacrificial rites.
140. I f C h a n d r a occupies K a r k a t a rasi (cancer-sign) and is
aspected by V r h a s p a t h i and S u k r a the native earns name a n d
fame for his glorious deeds.
141. T h i s is also a yoga of virtuous deeds i f C h a n d r a acquires
Paravat V a r g a (when a planet attains 6 Vargas o f his own is said
to be i n Paravatamsa).
142. A person becomes famous for his glorious deeds i f i n
his birth chart 10th lord conjoined w i t h a benefic is situated i n a
favourable navamsa or is posited between benefics.
143. I f the 10th l o r d is a natural benefic and be posited i n
the house o f exaltation, his o w n o r friendly house o r friendly
navamsa the native earns name and fame for his glorious deeds.
144. W h e n the l o r d of Lagna is strong, l o r d o f luck is
situated i n S i m h a rasi i n navamsa c h a k r a a n d l o r d o f the 10th
house acquires D e v a l o k a v a r g a (acquiring 7 vargas of a planet's
own sign) the native becomes a famous m a n for his meritorious
and virtuous deeds and is greatly adored by a l l .
(In spite of a l l these yogas i f R a v i and Sani together arc
situated i n the 10th house and are aspected by or conjoined w i t h
a malefic or seated i n a malefic navamsa the native loses his
name and fame for his misdeeds and is decried by all).

Taking bath in holy river or sea:

H i n d u s consider the following rivers and sea as holy stream :
They are The Ganges o f P r ^ a g and K a l i g h a t , Sindhu (Sind
river), Y a m u n a , Rameswar Setu B a n d a , Sagara-Sdngama.
145. W h e n full moon is i n the watery sign, V r h a s p a t h i is i n
the 10th house the native s h a l l have bath i n any o f these h o l y
146. S i m i l a r result happens i f the 12th place is occupied by
u d h a and the 12th l o r d is seated i n the house o f exaltation.

147. If the 9th lord being i n the watery sign be posited i n

any kendra from lagna the native shall have bath i n holy water.
148. Chandra being associated with a benefic i f posited i n
the 3rd house from lagna the native s h a l l have bath i n h o l y

The yogas that make a man an Orator or eloquent speaker :

149. If the natural benefic be the l o r d of the 2nd house and is

situated i n any kendra or kona and is aspected by or associated
w i t h a benefic planet the native may be an eloquent speaker.
150. W h e n the 2nd l o r d be i n his highest exaltation point or
acquires 'Paravat' varga the yoga makes a man an excellent
151. Similarly the navamsa l o r d of the lord of the 2nd house
if associated with a benefic is i n his highest point of exaltation
or acquires G a p u r varga (a planet acquiring 4 vargas of his own)
makes a native good orator.
152. W h e n Budha being in Vargotfoma navamsa be i n
conjunction w i t h V r h a s p a t h i who acquires Simhasana varga
( a planet a c q u i r i n g 5 vargas of his own ) also makes a
native very great speaker.
T h e following configuration of planets make a native a good
orator :
153. (i) When the 2nd l o r d is conjoined with a benefic or be
i n Vargottoma navamsa.
{ii) I f the 4th lord associated with Vrhaspathi acquires
Paravat varga.
{Hi) When C h a n d r a and Budha together are situated i n the
9th house.
T h i s is also to be noted that the second house signifies mouth
as well as power of speech. S i m i l a r l y Budha and Vrhaspathi
p r i m a r i l y are significators of speech.

Therefore when these two planets along with the 2nd lord are
powerfully posited the native must be a good orator, a fluent
speaker and pleasant conversationalist.


T h o u g h our b i r t h chart shows the stationary positions of a l l

planets they are a c t u a l l y not so but moving every hour, minute
and second. W e should say that planets are transiting through
their orbit and their movements are constant. They are found
i n stationary positions at the time of b i r t h w h i c h means, they
imbibe some strength, energy or weakness, virtues, merits or
demerits i n the native at the time of birth. These virtues,
qualities, merits or demerits w i l l actively play in the native by
w h i c h he w i l l either rise, shine or go down. But at any given
time after b i r t h these planets w h i c h we find as i f stationary in the
b i r t h chart w i l l be found m o v i n g constantly. T h e i r constant
movement i n different places provide the native w i t h energy,
power of activity, and at other times transit of some planets be
the cause o f m o r b i d state of m i n d or activity to the native.

By asthavarga system we can ascertain the various sources of

energy for a l l seven planets. R a h u and K e t u are not taken into
consideration i n determining the source of energy i n calculation
of asthavarga, whereas lagna is an important thing i n this

In short wo may say that asthavarga helps us to estimate the

stability, good or e v i l results pertaining to each bhava, or
strength or weakness o f a bhava on account o f transit of planets.

A s for example i f M a n g a l is situated i n V r s c i k a at the time of

b i r t h , he may be i n D h a n u after 45 days and w i l l be i n M a k a r
rasi after next 45 days. Asthavarga records the results of such

We are to draw asthavarga charts of each planet and i n each

chart benefic houses from a i l the 7 planets and lagna are to be
recorded by putting rekhas or vertical small lines. We show
hereafter the benefic houses of 7 planets i n asthavarga chart of
each planet.

Ravi's asthavarga :
F r o m R a v i auspicious places1st, 2Qd, 4 t h , 7tb, Sth, 9th, 10th
and l l t h .
F r o m C h a n d r a auspicious places3rd, 6th, 10th and l l t h .
F r o m M a n g a l auspicious places1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, Sth, 9th,
10th and l l t h .
F r o m Budha auspicious places3rd, Sth, 6th, 9th, 10th, l l t h
and 12th.
F r o m V r h a s p a t h i auspicious placesSth, 6th, 9th a n d l l t h .
F r o m S u k r a auspicious places6th, 7th and 12th.
F r o m Sani auspicious places1st, 2 n d , 4th, 7th, Sth, 9th, 10th
and l l t h .
F r o m Lagna auspicious places3rd, 4th, 6th, 10th, l l t h and

Chandra's asthavarga :
F r o m R a v i auspicious places3rd, 6th, 7th, Sth, lOth and l l t h .
F r o m C h a n d r a auspicious places1st, 3 r d . 6th, 7th, 10th, l l t h ;
F r o m M a n g a l auspicious places2nd, 3rd, Sth, 6th, 9th, 10th
and l l t h .
F r o m B u d h a auspicious places1st, 3rd, 4th, Sth, 7th, 8th,
10th and l l t h .
F r o m V r h a s p a t h i auspicious places1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th,
10th and l l t h .
F r o m S u k r a auspicious places3rd, 4th, 5tb, 7th, 9th, 10th
and l l t h .
F r o m Sani auspicious places3rd, Sth, 6th and l l t h .
F r o m L a g n a auspicious places3rd, 6th, 10th and l l t h .
* A c c o r d i n g to Brihat-Jataka, from V r h a s p a t h i auspicious
places are 1st, 4th, 7th, Sth, 10th, l l t h and 12th, Jataka-Parijat
also followed Brihat-Jataka. But we follow Parasari Hora.

Mangal's asthavarga :
F r o m R a v i benefic places3rd, Sth, 6th, 10th and l l t h .
F r o m C h a n d r a benefic places3td, 6th and l l t h .
F r o m M a n g a l benefic p l a c e s - 1 s t , 2nd, 4th, 7th, Sth, 10th, l l t h .

F r o m Budha benefic places3rd, Sth, 6th and l l t h .

F r o m V r h a s p a t h i benefic places6th, 10th, l l t h and 12th.
F r o m S u k r a benefic places6th, Sth, l l t h and 12th.
F r o m Sani benefic places1st, 4th, 7th, Sth, 9th, 10th & l l t h .
F r o m L a g n a benefic places1st, 3rd, 6th, 10th and l l t h .
Bndha's asthavarga :
F r o m R a v i benefic placesSth, 6th, 9th, l l t h and 12th.
F r o m C h a n d r a benefic places2nd, 4th, 6th, Sth, 10th & l l t h .
F r o m M a n g a l benefic planets1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, Sth, 9th, 10th
and l l t h .
F r o m B u d h a benefic places1st, 3rd. Sth, 6th, 9th, ICth, l l t h
and 12th.
F r o m V r h a s p a t h i benefic places6th, Sth, l l t h and 12th.
F r o m S u k r a benefic places1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, Sth, Sth, 9th and
F r o m Sani benefic places1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, Sth, 9th, 10th
and l l t h .
F r o m L a g n a benefic places1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th, Sth,10th & 11 th.
Vrhaspathi's asthavarga :
F r o m R a v i benefic places1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 7th, Sth, 9th.
10th and l l t h .
F r o m C h a n d r a benefic places2nd, Sth, 7th, 9th and l l t h .
F r o m M a n g a l benefic places1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, Sth, 10th, l l t h .
F r o m Budha benefic p l a c e s - 1st, 2nd, 4th, Sth, 6th, 9th, 10th
and l l t h .
F r o m Vrhaspathi benefic places1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 7th, Sth,
10th and l l t h .
F r o m S u k r a benefic places2nd, Sth, 6th, 9th, lOth and l l t h .
F r o m S a n i benefic places3rd, Sth, 6th and 12th.
F r o m Lagna benefic places1st, 2nd, 4th, Sth, 6th, 7th, 9 t h ,
10th and l l t h .
Sakra's asthavarga:
F r o m R a v i benefic placesSth, l l t h and 12th.
F r o m C h a n d r a benefic places1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, Sth, Sth, 9th,
l l t h and 12th.

F r o m M a n g a l benefic places3rd, 4th, 6th, 9 t h , l l t h and 12th

{ A c c o r d i n g to Brihat-Jataka3id, Sth, 6th, 9th, l l t h & 12th).
F r o m Budha benefic places3rd, Sth, 6tb, 9th and l l t h .
F r o m Vrhaspathi benefic placesSth, Sth, 9th, 10th a n d l l t h .
F r o m S u k r a benefic places1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, Sth, Sth, 9th,
10th and l l t h .
F r o m Sani benefic places3rd, 4th, Sth, Sth, 9th, lOth & l l t h .
F r o m Lagna benefic places1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, Sth, Sth, 9th
and l l t h .
Sani's asthavarga :
F r o m R a v i benefic places1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, Sth, 10th & l l t h .
F r o m C h a n d r a benefic places3rd, 6th and l l t h .
F r o m M a n g a l benefic places3rd, Sth, 6th, 10th, l l t h & 12th.
F r o m Budha benefic places6th, Sth, 9th, lOtb, l l t h and 12th.
F r o m Vrhaspathi benefic placesSth, 6th, l l t h and 12th.
F r o m Sukra benefic places6th, l l t h and 12th.
F r o m S a n i benefic places3^d, Sth, 6th and l l t h .
F r o m L a g n a benefic places1st, 3rd, 4th, 6th, lOth and l l t h .
Lagna asthavarga :
F r o m R a v i benefic places1st, 2 n d , 4th, 7th, Sth, 10th & l l t h .
F r o m C h a n d r a benefic places3rd, 6th and 11th-
F r o m M a n g a l benefic places3rd. Sth, 6th and l l t h .
F r o m B u d h a benefic places6th, Sth, 9th, 10th and l l t h .
F r o m V r h a s p a t h i benefic placesSth, 6th, l l t h and 12th.
F r o m Sukra benefic places6th, l l t h and 12th.
F r o m S a n i benefic places3rd, Sth, Sth, 10th and l l t h .
F r o m Lagna benefic places1st, 3rd, 4th. 6th, 10th a n d l l t h .
Raha's asthavarga :
F r o m R a v i benefic places2nd, 3rd, 4th, 6th and 9th.
F r o m C h a n d r a benefic places1st, 3rd, 4th a n d 6th.
F r o m M a n g a l benefic places3rd, 4th, Sth, 6th a n d 9th.

*Though Eahu and Ketu are not taken into coneideration at the time of
asthavarga calculation by majority of eminent astrologers there are a few notable
astrologers who prefer to ipelude Bahu in calculating asthavarga. Hence we have
chosen to record Bahu's asthavarga for those students who may follow the latter
group of astrologers. We have discussed about it in the next paragraph.

From Budha benefic places1st, 2nd, 3rd, Sth and 9th.

From V r h a s p a t h i benefic places3rd, 4th, 6th and 9th.
From Sukra benefic places2nd, 3rd, Sth a n d 9th.
From Sani benefic places2nd, Sth and 6th.
From R a h u benefic places1st, 4th, Sth, 6th and 9th.
From Lagna benefic places4th, 9th, 10th, l l t h and 12th.
Asthavargas o f lagna and R a h u are not mentioned i n Brihat-
Jataka and by other contemporary authors. M a h a r s h i Parasara i n
his Parasari Hora gave a chart of lagnasthavarga where total
benefic rekhas are 49. But there too no asthavarga o f R a h u is
found. In later days some eminent astrologers thought of
Lagnasthavarga and asthavarga of Rahu. They drew
Lagnasthavarga containing 37 benefic rekhas instead of 49.
Regarding Rahu's asthavarga there is difference of o p i n i o n .
Some of them fix 40 benefic rekhas o f Rahu-asthavarga others
are for 41 benefic rekhas. In Eastern part of India most of the
astrologers o f the 19th and early part o f 20th centuries prefer
37 benefic rekhas for lagna and 40 for R a h u .

Let us now e x p l a i n i n detail the method of p u t t i n g benefic

jekhas to avoid confusion.
Several benefic places as said above are to be reckoned with
respect to lagna rasi and not bhava occupied by each planet i n
the birth chart. T h e places (houses) where rekhas are put are to
be understood as benefic a n d where there is no r e k h a is to be
considered as malefic for that planet. F o r each of the 7 planets
and lagna 8 times are to be counted to ascertain benefic and
malefic houses. M a x i m u m rekhas i n a house w o u l d be 8 i n
number and malefic bindus also can not exceed 8.
R e g a r d i n g putting rekhas (or small vertical lines) there are
different processes i n different parts of the country.
For example, i n Bengal majority o f astrologers'.'give vertical
strokes w h i c h are considered as benefic, where there is no such
stroke they put bindus i n that house.
Say, R a v i is i n Mesa. F r o m R a v i benefic rekhas w i l l be put
i n the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, Sth, 9th, 10th and l l t h houses and i n the
3rd, Sth, 6th and 12th houses there w i l l be malefic bindus o n l y .
I n this way i f a house contain 6 rekhas and 2 bindus we s h a l l

deduce that transit-Ravi while passing through that house will

give f favourable result.
Again, if a house contain 4 benefic rekhas there will be 4
malefic bindus in that house and the result will be neutral.
If malefic bindus are more in number than benefic rekhas the
planet while traversing through that house give unfavourable

Draw a separate chart. Now add the number of benefic
rekhas of the seven planets of each rasi and put the total
figure in the same rasi of which benefic rekhas of all the seven
planets are summed up.
Let us explain the method in detail.
We may say that number of benefic rekhas in Mesa rasi of
seven planets are to be added and the total figure thus found is to
be put in Mesa rasi of Mahasthavarga chart. In this manner all
the benefic rekhas of all rasis of seven planets' asthavarga charts
are to be added and to be put in respective rasis in the
Mahasthavarga chakra (or chart).

Asthavarga chakra
( Number of rekhas in each rasi of all planets are shown below:)
Draw a birth chart of the boy who was born on the 30th
April, 1953 at 10 A . M . (L.M.T.) in Calcutta {Seep. 69). We have
not drawn separately birth chart and asthavarga chakras of 7
planets but indicate positions of lagna and planets for
convenience of our readers. The number of auspicious rekhas in
each rasi also is shown in the following diagram.
Birth chartLagna in Mithune, Ravi in Mesa, Chandra in
Tula, Mangal and Vrhaspathi in Vrsa, Budha and Sukra in
Mina, Sani in Kanya, Rahu in Makar and Ketu in Karkata.

If we look into the diagram of Mahasthavarga we find that

sum of auspicious rekhas of all the 7 planets for Mesa rasi is 25.
Vrsa rasi contains 29, Mithune 26 (where lagna rises), Karkata
29 etc.
Now add the figures received by Mina, Mesa, Vrsa and
Mithune; again, the figures in Karkata, Simha, Kanya and Tula

and lastly figures i n V r s c i k a , D h a n u , M a k a r and K u m b h a . A l l

these group-numbers are to be added. The first group indicates
first part o f life, the second group the middle part and the third
group indicates the o l d or last part of life.

Diagram of Asthararga rekhas

Bayi| Chandra | Mangal Budha 1 Vrhaspathi Sukra Sani 1 Basi

Lagua 2 5 4 4 6 4 1 Mithune
2nd i 5 2 5 5 5 3 Karkata
3rd 5 3 6 4 6 4 4 Simha
ith 4 4 2 3 1 3 3 Kanya
5th 3 4 2 3 2 4 i Tula
6th 4 5 2 5 8 5 4 Vrscika
7th 5 4 3 5 6 4 2 Dhanu
8th i 5 3 5 4 7 4 Makar
9th 4 4 4 3 6 4 5 Kumbha
10th 5 5 5 8 4 4 4 Mina
llth 3 2 3 4 5 4 4 Mesa
12th S 3 3 5 8 4 1 Vrsa

Mahasthavarga chakra
Number of i Bsi
Bhav 1 Bekhas 1
Lagna 26 Mithune
2nd 29 Karkata
3rd 32 Simha
4th 20 Kanya
Sth 22 Tula
6th 33 Vrscika
7th 29 Dhanu
Sth 32 Makar
9th 30 Kumbha
10th 35 Mina
llth 25 Mesa
12fh 29 Vraa

I n the present case it w i l l be seen that

The first group from M i n a to M i t h u n e , total benefic rekhas
M i n a 3 5 + M e s a 2 5 + V r s a 2 9 + M i t h u n e 26=115
The second or middle part, benefic rekhas
Karkata 29+Simha 3 2 + K a n y a 20+Tula 22^103

The o l d or last part, benefic rekhas

V r s c i k a 3 3 + D h a n u 29-j-Makar 3 2 + K u n i b h a 30=124
The standard figure is 100, w h i c h means, that part of life w i l l
r e m a i n n o r m a l , the figure above 100 a n d below 120 indicates
better part of life a n d i f the figure is above 120 it w i l l indicate
best period.
W e see that the last part of the native has f a i r l y good total o f
124 w h i c h means that the native w i l l enjoy happy life i n this
part. The first part of life w i l l be fairly good a n d the m i d d l e
part o f life is tolerably good.
N e x t thing to judge from Mahasthavarga chart is to see
whether there is any dhanayoga, a n d worries and anxieties.
1. I f the figures i n 6th, Sth a n d 12th houses from lagna-rasi
are more than those i n lagna-rasi the native shall have to face
very many obstacles i n his career or day-to-day life a n d also
suffer from worries a n d anxieties.
2. I f the figures i n any two malefic places (6th, Sth and 12th)
from lagna rasi are more t h a n those o f lagna the native may find
respite o c c a s i o n a l l y ; i f one place out o f these three malefic
houses are effected due to more figure than lagna-rasi the native
inay have to encounter some troubles relating to that house but
he s h a l l be able to pass over the difloiculties after a short w h i l e .
3. If these malefic houses contain less number o f auspicious
rekhas than that of lagna-rasi the native shall have chance o f
enjoying a n easy-going life.
4. F i n d the total figures i n rasis where S a n i , M a n g a l a n d
R a h u are.situated, the native may fall i l l a n d suffer from worries
a n d anxieties at those ages.
These effects are to be judged from M a h a s t h a v a r g a c h a k r a .
From asthavarga chakra :
5. In asthavarga c h a k r a of S a n i A d d together the auspicious
rekhas from Sani to lagna and lagna to Sani. we find two figures
and also the sum of these two figures. These three figures w i l l
represent the ages at w h i c h the native s h a l l have bad period.
O f course i f the dasa and antardasas are favourable the ages may
not be so unfavourable. T h e unfavourable result w i l l be
prominently felt i f dasa a n d antardasa also is unfavourable.
6. S i m i l a r l y i n M a n g a l ' s asthavarga, rekhas from M a n g a l to
lagna and lagna to M a n g a l are to be added and also the sum o f

these two figures are to be determined. These ages also w i l l be

unfavourable i f dasa and antardasa are not favourable.
7. W e may ascertain favourable periods also from V r h a s p a t h i
and Sukra's asthavarga charts.
The method of w o r k i n g out -these favourable periods is the
same as Sani and M a n g a l .
T h u s we s h a l l find the figures indicating ages when the
native w i l l get favourable result i n many respects provided dasa
and antardasa are favourable. I f dasa and antardasa a r c
otherwise these ages may not be as good as it should be.
The same process is applicable i n case of S u k r a .
In short, good periods may be ascertained from V r h a s p a t h i
a n d Sukra's asthavarga and unfavourable periods from asthavarga
chakras of S a n i and M a n g a l .
8. To determine dhana yoga :
In the Mahasthavarga c h a k r a i f the total figure i n the l l t h
house is more t h a n the figure i n the 10th and the figure i n the
12th is less than that of lagna and also o f the l l t h the native i s
supposed to be financially affluent.
But this is also to be specifically remembered that n o
favourable or unfavourable yogas w i l l have serious influence o n
the native i f they are not supported by similar yogas i n the
birthchart. A s for example, i f we find dhana yoga i n
Mahasthavarga c h a k r a but the birthchart shows signs o f serious
poverty the dhanayoga i n the Mahasthavarga c h a k r a w i l l have
no influence on the native.
9. In M a h a s t h a v a r g a A d d together the figures i n rasis
where Sani, M a n g a l and R a h u arc posited. T h e figure thus
obtained may be reduced by subtracting multiples of 12 and 27.
The resultant number w i l l indicate the age. The period at those
ages may prove very bad for the native i f the dasa and antardasa
are also unfavourable.

There is another method of finding out periods o f c h i l d h o o d ,

youth and o l d enumerated by renowned author K a l y a n v a r m a i n
his Saravally an authoritative book on astrology. H e also
narrated a different process to determine yogas o f wealth a n d
poverty. W e shall e x p l a i n both the methods i n the next

(i) A d d together the figure o f the Mahasthavarga chakra i n

lagna-rasi, the 4th, 7th, and 10th from lagna-rasi.
T h e sum o f those figures w i l l represent the first part of life or
early stage o f life.
() S u m of the figures i n the 2nd, 5th, Sth and l l t h w i l l
stand for middle part or young stage of life.
{iii) A d d together the figures i n the 3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th.
The sum thus obtained w i l l represent the o l d stage of life.
T h a t part of life w h i c h has the m a x i m u m number of
auspicious rekhas s h a l l be happier than the other two.
(JV) T O determine the wealth giving yoga or yoga of poverty
the author's method is as follows :
In Mahasthavarga c h a k r a
A d d together the figures i n the (i) 1st (lagnarasi), 5th and the
9th {ii) the 2nd, 6th and the 10th, {Hi) the 3rd, 7th and the l l t h ,
(iv) the 4th, Sth and the 12th reckoned from lagnarasi.
If there are more auspicious rekhas i n the 3rd group than
the 4th group i n d i c a t i o n is that the native s h a l l be r i c h .
Otherwise, he s h a l l be poor. N o t h i n g has been said about the
first and the second group.
W h e n a planet transits through a rasi (see Mahasthavarga
chakra) containing 30 auspicious rekhas or more the planet w i l l
be favourable for the native ; i f the figure is less than 30 and
more than 25 the planet w i l l be neutral and i f the figure is less
than 25 the planet i n question w i l l give unfavourable result.

Gocharphala or results of transits of planets in different houses

Planets as we said earlier are m o v i n g constantly through
various rasis and d u r i n g such movement w h i c h we term as
transit or gochar they produce some good or bad effect according
to their ownership, position and relation w i t h other benefic or
malefic planets i n the b i r t h chart.
Transit-results are very important and should not be ignored.
Transits o f planets modify benefic or malefic results o f dasa and
antardasa. When we are to consider good or bad effect of
transit o f a planet it is the position o f the r a d i c a l M o o n or
Janmarasi from w h i c h such transit is to be considered though
modern astrologers do not ignore lagna at the time o f m a k i n g any

prophecy about such planetary transit. B u t shastric directions

are always to count houses from Janmarasi.
Let us e x p l a i n the above contention more elaborately by an
example. In the standard horoscope o f the boy b o r n on the 30th
A p r i l 1953 we find that lagna is i n M i t h u n e and C h a n d r a {i.e.
Janmarasi or r a d i c a l Moon) is i n T u l a . If we are to consider the
results of transits of V r h a s p a t h i and Sani at the time of writing
this chapter i n October, 1978 we find Sani i n the l l t h and
Vrhaspathi i n the 10th place from Janmarasi and Sani is situated
in the 3rd and V r h a s p a t h i is i n the 2nd place reckoned from
lagna. Sani being i n the l l t h place from Janmarasi w i l l produce
favourable result and Vrhaspathi i n the 10th place from r a d i c a l
moon w i l l give unfavourable result. O n the other hand both the
planets w i l l give good result from lagna. A u t h o r i t a t i v e pundits
have totally ignored l a g n a i n reference to gochar and we too
shall deal i n gochar results from Janmarasi only.

Gocharphala of Ravi
R a v i is favourable while transiting through 3rd, 6th, lOth
and l l t h houses from Janmarasi. i n other places he w i l l
produce bad results.
1. R a v i i n the 1st houseIII health due to blood pressure,
heart trouble, fatigue, nervous ailment, loss of money and
prestige, eye disease, obstacles i n a l l enterprises, fear and anxiety,
misunderstanding w i t h authorities etc.
2. In the 2nd houseloss of money, quarrel w i t h friends and
relatives, financial set-back, worries and anxieties, unsuccess etc.
3. In the 3rd housegood health, comforts i n family life,
appreciation by higher authorities or recognition by superiors,
gain o f wealth, new position and status, courage etc.
4. In the 4th housedomestic troubles and unhappiness,
financial difficulties, dispute with friends and relatives, trouble i n
conjugal life etc.
5. In the 5th houseloss of mental peace, anxieties due to
i n i m i c a l activities of some one, accidents, bad health of the native
and his c h i l d r e n , strained relation with authorities or superiors
and men i n power, separdtion from relatives etc.
6. In the 6th housesuccess i n a l l undertakings, cheerfulness,

good health, good earning, happiness, enemies o f the native w i l l

be subdued.
7. In the 7th housethe native w i l l be unhappy o w i n g to
misunderstanding w i t h his wife, bad health due to indigestion,
disease of the intestine and anus, dysentery, fear, fatigue o w i n g
to nervous strain, depression of m i n d , h u m i l i a t i o n , worries and
anxieties etc.
8. In the Sth housebad company, h i g h blood pressure,
displeasure from the k i n g of the l a n d , administrative head or
superiors, quarrel w i t h friends, i r r i t a b l e temperament, bad health
of wife etc.
9. In the 9th housebad luck, disappointment, loss o f status,
enmity w i t h elders, h u m i l i a t i o n , sickness etc.
10. In the 10th housefulfillment of desire, restoration of
lost position, gain o f money, the native may be benefited by
persons o f high social standing etc.
11. In the l l t h houseRavi w h i l e m o v i n g through the l l t h
house from Janmarasi w i l l confer on the native good and
respectable position, honour, w e a l t h , success and predominance
over others etc.
12. I n the 12th house111 health, sorrow, loss of money,
wearisome t r a v e l l i n g , unnecessary expenditure, q u a r r e l w i t h
friends etc.
R a v i w h i l e passing through first 10 degrees o f rasi w i l l
produce result.

Gocharphala of Chandra
C h a n d r a produces beneficial results w h i l e passing t h r o u g h 1st,
3rd, 6th, 7th, 10th and l l t h houses from Janmarasi. I n other
places C h a n d r a is unfavourable. W h i l e undertaking new w o r k
or journey for a new place we generally consult the A l m a n a c to
see whether C h a n d r a - s u d d b i o f the person is there, this means
that whether gocharphala of C h a n d r a is favourable or not. O l d e r
generation obeyed strictly this shastric d i r e c t i o n . They d i d not
do any new w o r k or w o u l d not go out o f their residence to attend
an appointment i f C h a n d r a and Ravi-suddhies are not a v a i l a b l e
i n the Panchanga ( A l m a n a c ) . B u t now-a-dayS life is so cumbrous
and we are so busy that i n order to cope w i t h speed o f theyuga
(age) we must be alert a n d cannot lose a moment to wait for

C h a n d r a or Ravi>suddhi. Hence modern young men cry d o w n

this belief and term this habit of o l d men as nonsense.
1. I n the 1st houseExcellent food, bedroom comforts,
sexual enjoyments, good fortunes, meeting w i t h friends, gain o f
money etc.
2 . In the 2nd houseLoss of prestige and wealth, dispute and
3. In the 3rd houseThe native shall get wealth, good dress,
w o m e n , joy and happiness etc.
4. In the 4th houseLoss of mental peace, domestic
unhappiness, troubles, sorrows etc.
5. In the Sth houseIndigestion, mental worries, despair,
obstacles i n undertakings, loss of money, h u m i l i a t i o n etc.
6. I n the 6th houseThe native enjoys wealth and good
health ; he acquires friendship w i t h good men and is happy etc.
7. I n the 7th houseGood friends, bedroom comforts, sexual
enjoyments, good food and dress, gain o f conveyances, honour,
gain of money and happiness, short journey etc.
8. I n the 8th houseMisery, i l l h e a l t h , quarrel, anxiety,
b r o n c h i a l troubles etc.
9. In the 9th houseFatigue and general debility, pain i n the
chest, mental agony, unwanted expenditure, loss of prestige and
money etc.
10. I n the 10th housesuccess, happiness and home comforts
11. In the l l t h houseThe native s h a l l enjoy prosperity,
good health, money and company of new friends.
12. I n the 12th houseLoss o f money, i n j u r y , accident,
unexpected expenditure, laziness, misunderstanding w i t h friends
and relatives.
C h a n d r a w i l l produce G o c h a r p h a l a d a i l y .

Gocharphala of Mangal

M a n g a l produces good results while passing through the 3rd,

6th and l l t h houses from Janmarasi. I n other houses he is
1. I n the 1st houseaccident through fire, poison or weapons,
disease o f bile, blood or heat, hepatic ailments, c o l i c p a i n , piles or

fissure, low v i t a l i t y , fatigue, loss o f money, the native may incur

displeasure o f superiors, obstacles i n undertakings etc.
2. I n the 2nd houseloss o f money, h a r s h speech and dealing,
fear from enemies and thieves, bad temper, disgrace, to i n c u r
displeasure of Government, anxiety,biIious and w i n d y disease etc.
3. I n the 3rd houseincrease of vitality and energy, good
health and strength, success i n a l l endeavours, gain of position
a n d money etc.
4. I n the 4th housemental agony, domestic unhappiness,
disease o f fever, indigestion and dysentery, loss of mental peace
o w i n g to hostile activities o f relatives. T h e native may be
cheated by some o f his friends and i n c u r monetary loss.
5. I n the 5th housequarrel w i t h k i t h and k i n and sons,
serious illnesseven death of a son, theft i n the house, obstacles
i n performing religious deeds, disease of indigestion, dysentery,
p h y s i c a l weakness etc.
6. In the 6th houseenemies may be vanquished, success i n
l i t i g a t i o n and a l l undertakings, good earnings, good health etc.
71 I n the 7th houseunhealthy atmosphere i n the family,
bad health of wife, or quarrel w i t h her, mental agony, indigestion,
stomach-ache, unnecessary t r a v e l l i n g , loss of money etc.
8. In the 8th houseaccident, serious illness, poisoning,
wounds, litigation, loss o f blood, anaemia, loss of money and
mental peace etc.
9. In the 9th housebad l u c k , loss of money, troublesome
journey, h u m i l i a t i o n , loss of vitality, mental anxiety etc.
10. In the 10th housegreat trouble i n vocational or
professional sphere, misbehaviour, failure i n endeavours, loss of
money, i l l health of any superior person etc.
11. In the l l t h housefinancial prospect, acquisition of
landed property, success i n undertakings, family peace, good
health etc.
12. In the 12th housedisease i n anus, hepatic ailments, eye
troubles, unwanted expenses, mental worries, q u a r r e l w i t h wife
a n d friends etc.
M a n g a l produces results when he passes through the first
10 degrees of a rasi.
Gocharphala of Budha
Budha produces favourable results i n the 2nd, 4th, 6th, Sth,
loth and l l t h houses from Janmarasi and he w i l l be unfavourable
i n other places.
1. In the 1st houseunsteady m i n d , d u l l intellect,
unmannerly attitude aiid speech that creates enemies,. friendship
w i t h l o w and mean people, loss of money i n journey, obstacle i n
academic career etc.
2. In the 2nd housegood results i n financial and professional
undertakings but he (the planet) causes disgrace, dishonour,
scandal and misery when passes through the 2nd house.
3. I n the 3rd househostility w i t h relatives, g a i n o f new
friends and destruction o f enemies, troubles from Government
and superiors etc.
4. In the 4th houseindication o f good health, gain o f
money, honour and happiness, prosperity to relatives, domestic
t r a n q u i l l i t y , gain o f good friends etc.
5. I n the Sth housebad relation w i t h son, d u l l intellect, bad
l u c k , loss o f money and position etc.
6. In the 6th housegain of position, status and popularity,
prosperity, success, appreciation of native's efficiency by others
7. I n the 7th househealth may be run down due to attack
of various diseases, mental worries, loss of money and domestic
peace etc.
S. I n the Sth housegain of money through various sources,
victory over enemies and other obstacles, cheerfulness, s k i l l and
intellect etc.
9. I n the 9th houseobstacles i n undertakings, loss of money
and position etc.
10. In the 10th housevocational success, domestic
happiness, victory over enemies, prosperity etc.
11. In the l l t h housegain o f money, happy conjugal life,
gain of good friends, prosperity etc.
12. In the 12th housedomestic unhappiness, loss o f money,
enemies may create serious troubles, the native may court
disgrace etc.
Gocharphala of Vrhaspathi

O f the slow m o v i n g planets Vrhaspathi's.function i n transit is

very important. H e is favourable i n the 2nd, Sth, 7th, 9th and
l l t h houses from Janmarasi and i n other places he is
1. In the 1st housebad health, loss of wealth, heavy
expenditure, domestic worries, bad relation with relatives etc.
2. In the 2nd housegood earning, gain of wealth, success
i n a l l enterprises, birth of a son, prosperity, promotion o f service,
gain of popularity etc.
3. I n the 3rd houseloss of mental peace, failure i n
undertaking, loss of friends and position, family discomfort etc.
4. In the 4th houseloss of domestic peace, worries and
anxieties, loss of money, quarrel w i t h friends etc.
5. In the Sth houseThis is a very auspicious house for
V r h a s p a t h i . T h e native's efficiency may be h i g h l y appreciated
by authorities, he w i l l be honoured by others. M o n e t a r y gain,
ceremonies at home, may visit holy places, may meet w i t h honest
and pious men, he may be initiated.
6. In the 6th houseunsuccess i n undertakings, quarrel w i t h
relatives, i n i m i c a l activities of some one, loss o f money etc.
7. In the 7th househappy conjugal life, sexual pleasure,
marriage, .financial gain, prosperity, knowledge, interest i n new
subjects etc.
8. In the Sth houseill health, change of residence, transfer
to unwanted place, liver trouble, fatigue, loss of money, dishonour,
anxieties etc.
9. In the 9th housegood l u c k , prosperity, efficiency,
promotion i n service career, popularity, happiness at home,
acquisition of landed property etc.
10. I n the 10th houseloss o f status, demotion i n service
career, may i n c u r the displeasure o f superiors, loss o f money and
prestige, scandle, domestic trouble, death o f dear and near one,
dispute about landed property etc.
11. I n the l l t h housegain of money and l u x u r i o u s articles,
marriage, b i r t h o f a son, prosperity, respectful positio, ngood
health etc.

12. I n the 12th househeavy expenditure, wearisome journey,

anxiety, loss o f money and property, bad health, loss of domestic
pcaCe etc.

Gocharphala o f Sukra
Sukra is favourable i n the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, Sth, Sth, 9th,
10th, l l t h and 12th houses from Janmarasi and i n other places
she is unfavourable.
1. In the 1st housegood academic career, gain of status,
happy conjugal life, good dress, development of artistic talent,
gain of articles o f l u x u r y etc.
2. In the 2nd housedomestic happiness, marriage, prosperity,
increased wealth,"gains etc.
3. In the 3rd houseenergetic approach to a l l endeavours,
success, gain o f position, power and prestige, good friends, he
may pass through pleasurable days, happy married life etc.
4. In the 4th houseuplift o f vocation&l career, good gain
through a g r i c u l t u r a l pursuits, pleasure trips, gain of wealth,
domestic t r a n q u i l l i t y etc.
5. In the Sth housedefeat of enemy, efficiency, meritorious
works to be appreciated by superiors and gain of honours from
them, sympathies from friends, virtuous deeds, name and fame,
cordial relation w i t h friends and relatives etc.
6. I n the 6th houseunfavourable results such as disgrace,
debts, quarrels, l i t i g a t i o n , financial loss, anxieties etc.
7. In the 7th housedomestic unhappiness, scandal,
association w i t h women of i l l repute, i l l health of or misunder-
standing w i t h wife, loss of money etc.
8. In the Sth housegood health, acquisition of l a n d ,
b u i l d i n g an excelhmt house o f his own, gain o f wealth, or honour,
and prosperity etc.
9. In the 9th housegain o f luxury-articles, respect from
elders, gain of knowledge, fame and prosperity etc.
10. I n the 10th housegood professional career, respect from
friends but defeat i n litigation, disgrace, quarrel with elders etc.
11. In the l l t h housegain of money, prosperity, friendship
w i t h opposite sex, mental peace, domestic peace and happiness

12. In the 12th houseenjoyment, gain of luxury-goods,

unnecessary expenditure, indulgence i n sensual pleasures etc.

Gocharphala of S a n i
Sani during his transit is beneficial when he passes through
3rd,6th and l l t h houses. Other houses are unfavourable for h i m .
Sani i n transit is very unfavourable i n the 7th, Sth and 12th
houses from r a d i c a l moon. H e is " R a n d h r a - g a t a " when he is i n
the Sth house from Janmarasi. " R a n d h r a " ' means Sth place or
M r i t y u - s t h a n a or house of death. E v e n a lay m a n becomes
p a n i c k y when he hears of 'Randhra-gata' Sani i n his b i r t h chart.
1. In the 1st housebad health, bereavement, change o f
place, separation from one's own men, miseries, failure i n every
endeavour, loss of money, mental worries etc.
2. In the 2nd houseloss of money, quarrel w i t h relatives,
financial stringency, heavy expenditure, loss of^ money a n d
prestige owing to deception committed by notorious persons, i l l
health, loss of mental peace, unhappy conjugal life etc.
3. In the 3rd housenative's anxiety over question o f
a v a i l a b i l i t y of a good servant may be solved, he s h a l l be able to
d o his duties more energetically and actively and shall be
successful i n his endeavour i f dasa and antardasa donot stand i n
the way, he shall be able to exert his influence over many,
paticularly his subordinates, s h a l l be able to secure his position
a n d status. 3rd house is a upachayasthana, malefic planets i n
transit or i n a r a d i c a l chart w i l l act favourably when they pass
through or is situated i n any of the upachayasthanas.
4. In the 4th housethe native sh'all be deprived of the
company of good friends, rather s h a l l associate with wicked men,
s h a l l fall i n the trap of cheats and shall lose both money and
prestige, domestic unhappiness, bad health o f mother etc.
5. In the Sth houseloss of c h i l d r e n , bad health due to
indigestion or any other s i m i l a r ailment, misjudgment,
misapplication of intelligence, loss o f money and may have to
face trouble for that, separation from family, obstacle i a
performing religious deeds etc.
6. In the 6th housethis is also a upachayasthana. S a n i
i n transit is considered to produce favourable results i n respect o f
health, wealth and profession, success, defeat of enemies etc.

7. In the 7th houseloss o f money i n business sector, may

incur displeasure of superiors, or of authorities, domestic troubles,
bad health of wife and also of himself, obstacle and hindrance i n
every affair, tedious journey, fatigue etc.
8. I n the 8th houseSani is very unfavourable i n the 8th
house. L i t i g a t i o n , grief, most u n h a p p y conjugal life due to
either separation from or i l l health o f life partner, death or
serious illness o f c h i l d r e n , intense miseries, loss of money owing
to association w i t h w i c k e d men, g a m b l i n g etc.
9. In the 9th housetedious journey, enmity, loss of money,
sorrow and unhappiness, i l l health etc.
10. In the 10th houseThough 10th house also is one of the
'upachayasthanas' S a n i w i l l exert his e v i l influence i n some
respects when he passes t h r o u g h this house.
Favourable influences areprosperity, success i n new
enterprises, unemployed w i l l get employment or those who are
already i n service may get promotion.
Unfavourable results areloss o f money and accumulated
wealth, loss of prestige, the native may indulge i n sinful deeds etc.
11. I n the l l t h houseThis is also a 'upachayasthana' and it
is a favourable place for Sani.
Results aregain of money, increased income, name and
fame, happy relation w i t h friends and relatives, good status etc.
12. I n the 12th housevery bad house for Sani. Results are
sam^ as his passage through the 7th and 8th houses, only t h i n g
to be noted p a r t i c u l a r l y is that there may be series of unhappy
incidents i n the family, unwanted heavy expenditure, loss o f
money due to theft or burglary, loss of mental peace.
It is needless to repeat that the transit of Sani through the
12th, 1st and thd 2nd houses from Janmarasi is very unfavourable.
The movement of S a n i through these three houses is termed as
Sani's 'Sade S a t h i ' w h i c h means that Sani takes 7 J years to cover
these fateful three rasis from the 12th to 2nd houses from r a d i c a l
moonas Sani takes o n an average 2^ years to complete his
passage t h r o u g h one rasi.
Experienced astrologers of eminence have termed Sani's 'Sade
Sathi' as producing notoriously e v i l results. G e n e r a l l y this
'Sade Sathi' may occur three times i n a man's life. I n the first
A S T H A V A R G A SYSTEM & G O C H A R P H A L A 339

cycle the native is young i n age and evil effects produced by 'Sade
Sathi' may not do m u c h harm to the native but malefic effects
may be felt by his parents and their domestic environment may
not remain healthy and comfortable. I n the second term of
'Sade Sathi' the native is supposed to be a middle aged person
and the effect of the 2nd cycle w i l l be very m a l i c i o u s with regard
to his health, financial c o n d i t i o n and professional career.
In the t h i r d term the native shall attain about 90 years of age.
V e r y few persons live upto that age. However, d u r i n g the
tenure of t h i r d cycle of Sani's 'Sade Sathi' the native suffers from
serious illness, worries and anxieties, this may even cause death
o f the native.
If the dasa and antardasa running at the time o f 'Sade Sathi'
happen to be favourable and Sani i n the b i r t h chart is w e l l -
disposed e v i l results due to 'Sade Sathi' may be negligible.
A n o t h e r very important point to be noted is that if the dasa
and antardasa are favourable and Sani transits through a rasi
where malefic bindus i n asthavarga chart are more than benefic
rekhas the native may suffer from miseries and other malefic
effects i n spite of favourable dasa and antardasa.

Gocharphala of Raha and Eetn

G e n e r a l l y astrologers are of o p i n i o n that R a h u w i l l produce
the results similar to Sani and Ketu's results are similar to
M a n g a l . But Rahu's transit i n the 10th house from Janmarasi
brings forth financial g a i n abundantly for the native.

A few general rules of application of gocharphala of planets

We have so l o n g dealt w i t h results of transit of planets i n
different houses from Janmarasi. But we should not forget that
along w i t h the transit of planets indication o f planets' c a p a b i l i t y
to impart benefic or malefic results according to the natal chart
are to be taken note of. A s for example a natural malefic
planet's transit to a upachayasthana from Janmarasi may cause
monetary gain but i f the natal chart has very ominous signs so far
the native's financial conditions are concerned he may not get the
benefit o f monetary gain i n spite o f good transit o f a p a r t i c u l a r
planet or planets. S i m i l a r l y i f the transit of a planet speaks of
very unfavourable result but the planet i n question is powerful

and w e l l disposed i n the jtiatal chart and the rasi through w h i c h

the planet passes has contained more benefic rekhas i n asthavarga
chart the results o f that planet i n spite o f unfavourable transit
w i l l not be e v i l .

1. I f a planet's sojourn to a malefic house from Janmarasi

happens to be his exalted, mooltrikone, o w n or friendly sign the
planet w i l l not produce very bad result, rather effects w i l l be
mildest, m i l d e r or m i l d .
I f the transiting planet be favourable i n the b i r t h chart
and the house (where he transits) from Janmarasi also be benefic
such transit w i l l prove beneficial provided i n the asthavarga
chart o f that planet that rasi contains benefic rekhas at least
more than 4.
(i) I f that planet transits to his i n i m i c a l rasi or the house o f
depression the result w i l l not be favourable.
3. A g a i n , i f the planet by ownership or position i n the birth-
chart is malefic he w i l l not be able to y i e l d favourable result i n
spite of his transit to a favourable house from Janmarasi. O f
course i f i n the asthavarga chart the planet contains more
benefic rekhas the unfavourable result w i l l be m i n i m u m .
4. If a natural benefic transits to a favourable house from
Janmarasi and at the same time is i n retrograde motion i n that
house his good results w i l l be very effective. Here also the
asthavarga c h a k r a o f that planet should be consulted. I f the
planet receives more benefic rekhas i n that rasi the aforesaid
m a x i m u m good result may be expected.
(i) If the planet is a ' natural benefic but transits to an
unfavourable house a n d at the same time he is i n retrograde
motion malefic results w i l l be m i n i m u m .
5. I f a natural malefic after transiting to a favourable house
beia r e t r o g r a d i m o t i o n the beneficial results w i l l be reduced to
m i n i m u m or to n i l , a n d i f a malefic planet transits to a n
unfavourable house and be retrograde the unfavourable results
w i l l be intensified.
6. W h e n dasa a n d antardasa o f benefic planets r u n and the
planet moves to a favourable house the results o f transit w i l l be
very m u c h favourable, whereas i f the planet transits to a n
A S T H A V A R G A SYSTEM & G O C H A R P H A L A 341

unfavourable house the favourable results o f dasa and antardasa

w i l l be reduced.
7. W h e n a planet is combust (or obstructed by R a v i ' s rays
or eclipsed) he cannot produce any good result i n spite o f his
transit to a favourable house from Janmarasi.
8. S i m i l a r l y unfavourable results of transit o f a planet even
through a favourable house w i l l be produced i f the planet is
hemmed i n between two malefics. I f the rasi where the planet
moves contains more than 4 benefic rekhas in asthavarga
c h a k r a m i n i m u m good result w i l l be felt.
(j) Reverse w i l l be the result i f the planet is situated between
two benefics.
9. If a planet transits through a benefic house which
contains more than 4 auspicious rekhas and the 4th, Sth or 9th
place from that planet is occupied by a benefic the m a x i m u m
favourable results w i l l be produced but i f the house where the
planet transits contains less than 4 rekhas fairly good result may
be felt by the native under s i m i l a r condition provided the planet
transits through his o w n , exalted or friendly house, otherwise no
good or bad result may be expected.
10. Special points to be noted
A transiting planet can not give any result i f the Vedasthana
is posited by any other planet.
F r o m the table i n the next page it is clear that number of
Vedasthanas of a planet from natal C h a n d r a is exactly the same
as the nuinber of favourable places o f that planet.
For exampletransiting R a v i is favourable i n the 3rd place
(house) from Janmarasi (or n a t a l C h a n d r a ) the corresponding
Vedasthana is the 9th place from Janmarasi. T h i s means w h e n
R a v i transits through the 3rd place from Janmarasi and at the
same time another planet passes through the 9th house from
Janmarasi R a v i ' s good effect due to favourable transit w i l l be
checked or nullified. Therefore a planet's favourable transit w i l l
be ineffective i f any other planet passes through the correspond-
ing Vedasthana o f that planet. A g a i n i f a planet moves to a n
unfavourable place from n a t a l C h a n d r a (or Janmarasi) and the
corresponding favourable house of that planet is occupied by any
other planet the effect o f unfavourable transit w i l l be checked or

F o r instance, R a v i ' s movement to the 9th place from

Janmarasi is inauspicious i f at that time any other planet transits
through the 3rd house from natal C h a n d r a R a v i ' s bad effect is
checked. T h i s reverse rule is applicable i n case o f a l l planets.
But there is a special rule w i t h regard to R a v i and S a n i ,
Budha a n d C h a n d r a . T h i s means i f R a v i a n d Sani m u t u a l l y
move to their respective Vedasthanas their effects during
favourable or unfavourable transits w i l l not be checked. S i m i l a r
is the case w i t h Budha and C h a n d r a .
In the following table corresponding Vedasthana of each
planet is shown.

Ravi Vrhaspathi
Benefic places Corres'ponding Benefic places Corresponding
from natal Chandra Vedasthana from natal Chandra Vedasthana
Srd honse 9th house 2nd honse 12th house
6th house 12th house Sth honse 4th honse
lOih house 4th honse Tth house Srd honse
llth house 1st house 9th house lOth honse
llth house Sth home
Chandra Sukra
1st house Sth house 1st house Sth home
Srd house 9th house 2nd house 7th house
6th honaa 12th house 3rd house Ist house
7th bouse 2nd house 4th house 10th home
10th house 4ih house Sth house 9th b:nse
llth house Sth house Sth honse Sth house
9th house llth house
10th honse 6th houee
Srd house 12th house
6fch house 12th house Srd hous e
9th house
llth house Sth house
Budha Sani
Qnd hou39 Sth house Srd house 12th house
4th house 3rd house 6th house 9th house
6th house 9th honse l U h house Sth house
Sth house Ist honse
10th house 7th houFe
llth hous e 12th house

A separate book is required i f we are to deal w i t h this subject

only from a l l aspects o f transits. Inquisitive readers may take
help o f other authoritative treatise o n this subjectparticularly
Tajik Nilkanthi.


There are ianuinerable yogas of diseases i n authoritative books

on astrology. It is hardly possible to quote a l l of them i n a book
of this size for want of space. I however mention a few very
important yogas of diseases from w h i c h generally men of t r o p i c a l
countries suffer. T h i s is also to be noted that not a l l the yogas
are found i n toto i n a b i r t h chare. It rests w i t h the astrologer to
understand the inner meaning of yogas and explain them
according to his own ability and experience. A s for instance,
general d i c t u m is that Sani together with M a n g a l when placed
in the 7th or the Sth place from lagna the husband or the wife as
the case may be may die a premature death. It may so happen
that Sani and M a n g a l together are not posited i n the 7th or Sth
place from lagna but S a n i i n the Sth place is aspected by M a n g a l ,
or the 7th l o r d either Sani or M a n g a l is situated i n any other
unfavourable bhava. F r o m such placement of these two
unfavourable planets i n any malefic bhava or their relation w i t h
the 7th l o r d it may be construed that the conditions o f the
malefic yoga are fulfilled and the unfavourable results
contemplated by astrological pundits may happen.
This is the way how majority o f favourable or unfavourable
yogas are explained.
Blindness : I. I f the 4th or Sth bhava is associated w i t h
malefics, over and above C h a n d r a specially occupies 6th, Sth or
12th house t'le native becomes b l i n d .
But i f the owners of these bhavas and Chandra are
conjoined w i t h or aspected by benefics the result w i l l not be
2. The native w i l l be b l i n d from his very b i r t h i f R a v i and
Chandra being i n S i m h a lagna are aspected by S a n i and M a n g a l .
If lagna receives the aspect of any benefic thei native's eyes w i l l
be full of bubbles, consequently he shall not be able to see
In Brihat-jataka it is stated that R a v i , C h a n d r a , Sani and
M a n g a l cause blindness i f they are related to each other i n any

W a y p a r t i c u l a r l y i f these planets are situated i n the 2nd, 6th

Sth and 12th houses this inauspicious result may happen.
Commentator Bhattapal is of o p i n i o n that when lagna rises at
Siniharasi a n d R a v i is there a n d there is full aspect of Sani a n d
M a n g a l on lagna and R a v i the native w i l l be b l i n d of right eye
and i f o n l y C h a n d r a i n that lagna is aspected by aforesaid
malefic planets the native w i l l be b l i n d of left eye.
3. The native loses his eyesight i f the 6th or Sth place i s
occupied by a malefic. U n f a v o u r a b l e planets i n the 6th house
cause blindness o f the left eye and i f the Sth house is occupied
b y a malefic sight of right eye w i l l be lost.
4. W h e n R a v i is posited i n lagna or the 7th place from lagna
and is aspected by or conjoined w i t h Sani the native at a very
early age loses the sight o f the right eye, and i f such i l l disposed
R a v i is i n the company i f o n l y R a h u and M a n g a l the native
becomes b l i n d of left eye
5. I f malefic planets be placed i n the 6th, Sth or 12th places
and R a v i being one of them be situated i n the 12th and C h a n d r a
is i n the 6th place the native loses his left eye. A g a i n , i f R a v i be
i n the Sth place instead of the 12th the native loses his right eye.
6. The native w i l l be b l i n d when M a n g a l owns the 2nd
house, the Sth house is occupied by R a v i and C h a n d r a , and Sani
be either i n the 6tb or I2th house from lagna.
T h e sloka is quoted from Jataka Ratna :
(i) T h i s is also a yoga of blindness i f C h a n d r a be i n any one
o f the houses of 6th, Sth or 12th and S a n i and M a n g a l are
combined w i t h each other.
7. W h e n lords of the 2nd, 5th, 7th and 9th places are i n
dusthanas and S u k r a is i n lagna the native becomes b l i n d .
8. I f C h a n d r a is i n the 6th, R a v i i n the Sth, S a n i i n the 12th
a n d M a n g a l is situated i n the 2nd place even Indra, the k i n g o f
heaven cannot escape the result of this unfavourable yoga of
9. I f the l o r d of the 2nd house i n conjunction w i t h the lord
o f lagna be situated i n any dusthana the native loses his eye sight.
10. W h e n lagnapathi, R a v i and S u k r a together are posited i n
any bhava p a r t i c u l a r l y i n any dusthana the native w i l l be b l i n d
from his very birth.

If thiise planets gain strength on account of their position i n

the houses o f exaltation or o w n house unfavourable result stated
above i n some cases do not happen.
If these unfavourable yogakaraka planets are associated with
the lords o f the 9th, 4th or 3rd houses malefic results w i l l be
effective i n cases of father, mother, brother or sister respectively.
T h e following yogas are quoted from Sarvartha Chintamony :
11. W h e n lagnapathi and dhanapathi (2nd Lord) together be
placed i n any dusthana the native becomes blind.
12. T h e native becomes b l i n d from his very birth i f R a v i ,
S u k r a and lagnapathi i n c o m b i n a t i o n with the l o r d of the 2nd
place are posited i n any dusthana.
13. Jatakalankar says that i f the 6th, Sth or 12th place is
occupied by R a v i and Sukra the native w i l l be born b l i n d and i f
any bhava lord is associated w i t h these two planets the malefic
result of blindness w i l l effect them indicated by those bhavas i.e.
say the 9th lord is associated w i t h these malefic yogakaraka
planets the father w i l l be b l i n d , i f it is the 4th l o r d conjoined
with those malefic yogakarakas the mother w i l l be blind etc.
14. In case of a few yogas of blindness the f o l l o w i n g points
are to be noted :
(/) M a n g a l being i n the 12th w i l l effect the left eye, and i f
S a n i be i n the 12th it is the right eye that w i l l be lost.
A c c o r d i n g to Phaladipika R a v i and M a n g a l are significators
of eyesight. R a v i and the 2nd house indicate right eye and
C h a n d r a as well as the 12th house indicate left eye,
15. Yoga of loss of one eye : W h e n of the two planets, R a v i
and C h a n d r a one is i n the 12th and the other i n the 6th the
native w i l l be an one eyed person. Unfortunate coincidence is
that his wife too w i l l also be one eyed.
16. Yoga of night b l i n d n e s s : I f i n a birthchart C h a n d r a
and S u k r a together occupy the 6th, Sth or 12th house the native
may be b l i n d at night.
17. I n case of T u l a lagna i f R a v i i n combination w i t h a
malefic is posited i n lagna the native w i l l be b l i n d at night and
be poor.
IS. If the l o r d of the 2nd house conjoined w i t h S u k r a , and
Chandra is situated i n l a g n a it is a yoga of night blindness, but

i f the 2nd l o r d is exalted or combined w i t h a benefic the yoga of

night blindness is nullified.
19. I f the l o r d of lagna, R a v i and S u k r a are situated i n
invisible part of the birthchart .the native's eyesight w i l l be weak.
(From the 2nd bhava upto the 7th bhava is the invisible part
of birthchart.)
20. These are also the yogas of night blindness,
(j) W h e n lords of lagna and the 2nd house are related to
each other, and R \ v i and C h a n d r a are combined with S u k r a , or
(IJ) L a g n a p a t h i and the lord of the 2ud house are related to
each other and they are posited i n any of the three houses from
the rasi occupied by S u k r a and the 2Dd lord is associated w i t h
R a v i and C h a n d r a .
Eye disease : 21. R a v i i n S i m h a lagna causes eye disease.
22. The native suffers from Eye disease and Tooth trouble
under the following configuration of planets, such as,
(i) C h a n d r a or R a h u is i n the 12th, S i n i i n the 5th or 9th
house and R a v i occupies the 7th or Sth house from lagna,
(ii) If those planets are posited i n debilitated navamsa rasi
o f a malefic the native suffers from E y e disease.
23. If G u l i k ( M a n d i ) is posted i n the Sth place from lagna
the native has defaced face and weak Eye sight.
24. In case of S i m h a lagna even i f R a v i is i n his exalted
house (that is Mesa rasi) and is aspected by Sani and M a n g a l the
native suffers from eye disease.
25. If R a v i is i n K a r k a t a lagna and aspected by Sani and
M a n g a l the native has inflamed eyes.
26. If lagna is occupied by the lords of the 10th, 6th and 2nd
or these planets are situated i n the lowest debilitated points and
are conjoined w i t h malefics the native loses his eyes due to wrath
o f the head of the state.
27. I f the lords of dwadasamsa o f the lords o r 6 t h and 10th
houses conjoined w i t h lords of lagna are posited in any dusthana
a n d are not aspected by any benefic the n a t i v e suffers from
E y e disease.
Dumbness : 28. If the l o r d o f the 2nd house accompanied by
V r h a s p a t h i is posited i n the Sth place from lagna the native

becomes dumb, but i f any of those planets (vir., V r h a s p a t h i and

2nd lord) occupy his o w n or exalted house the malefic yoga of
dumbness is nullified.
29. I f C h a n d r a is posited i n V r s a rasi and malefic planets are
situated i n " R i k s h a Sandhi" the native w i l l be dumb.
(Riksha Sandhi means the last point of K a r k a t a , V r s c i k a and
M i n a rasis.)
Some commentators are of o p i n i o n that as C h a n d r a i n V r s a is
strong the yoga w i l l be ineffective i f she is not aspected by any
unfavourable planet.
A c c o r d i n g to Saravali the yoga of dumbness w i l l be ineffective
i f C h a n d r a is not aspected by a l l those malefics being i n " R i k s h a
A c c o r d i n g to Jataka-Parijat i f C h a n d r a is aspected by a
benefic the native shall not be dumb i n spite of the aspect of those
three malefics. O n l y result w i l l be that the functioning o f
native's v o c a l organ may be retarded and he may start speaking
at late years o f age.
(/) I f C h a n d r a is aspected by two malefics out of the
aforesaid three unfavourable planets the native may have
indistinct speech or he may pronounce words w i t h break and
there w i l l be no fluency i n the manner of talk.
30. If Vrhaspathi and the lord of the 2nd house be posited i n
any dusthana the native becomes dumb, when the lord of the
bhava indicating father or mother are conjoined with those two
planets (Vrhaspathi and the 2nd lord) the native's parents w i l l be
dumb. (Para-Hora)
31. If the l o r d of the 2nd house combined w i t h B u d h a and
R a h u is situated i n the 6th place from lagna, the 2nd lord is
conjoined w i t h the lord of the rasi occupied by Budha and R a h u
the native is attacked w i t h any disease of palate and ultimately
becomes dumb. {[S. Chintamony)
32. I f the 4th place falls i n a c a r d i n a l sign or the 4th bhava
is associated with " C h a r a " (swift moving) planet, the 4th l o r d be
i n the 6th and the 12th house is occupied by M a n g a l the native
becomes dumb. (Para-Hora)
Deafness or disease of ears : 3rd and l l t h houses signify Ears.
T h i r d house indicates right ear and Eleventh house left ear.

A c c o r d i n g to Brihat Jataka from Sth and 9th houses one

should k n o w about ears and Seventh house signifies teeth,
33. If malefic planets be posited i n 3rd, l l t h , Sth and 9th the
native w i l l be suffering from disease o f ears and be deaf. I f those
malefics are not aspected by a favourable planet the yoga o f
deafness w i l l certainly be fruitful. (/. Parijat)
(i) A c c o r d i n g to some commentators i f C h a n d r a unaspected
by any favourable planet be placed i n any o f those places, (v/z.,
3rd, l l t h , Sth or 9th places) the disease of ears is possible.
34. If C h a n d r a , Budha, Vrhaspathi aqd Sukra together are
posited i n any sign (rasi) the native becomes deaf but he w i l l be
h i g h l y educated, r i c h and a noted personality.
35. I f w a n i n g moon of the dark fortnight occupies l a g n a
there is possibility o f deafness. T h i s is also supported by Brihat-
Jataka and Phaladipika.
M y father's lagna was i n T u l a and C h a n d r a was there a n d
R a v i was i n M a k a r R a s i , at his 70 yrs. of age he was slightly
hard of hearing.
36. I f M a n g a l associated w i t h ' M a n d i ' ( G u l i k ) is situated i n
the 3rd house the native suffers from the disease o f ears.
37. W h e n 3rd house is associated w i t h a malefic and is not
aspected by any benefic the native becomes deaf.
In my birthchart the 3rd house is occupied by more than one
unfavourable planet. I feel that I. am gradually losing power o f
hearing but complete loss o f power of hearing is not expected as
the 3rd l o r d is very powerful:

Dental disease
38. I f the 7th place is occupied by a malefic and is not
aspected by any beneficial planet the native has uneven set o f
teeth and suffers from disease of teeth.
39. I f C h a n d r a or R a h u occupies the 12th, S a n i is i n any
t r i k o n a (Sth or 9th place) and R a v i is placed i n the 7th or Sth
house the native suffers from both Tooth and E y e diseases.
40. I f the l o r d of the rasi where R a h u is situated or R a h u
himself along w i t h the l o r d o f the 2nd house occupies any
dusthana the native d u r i n g dasa-antardasa of the l o r d o f the 2nd
house suffers from tooth-disease and d u r i n g the sub-period o f
B u d h a under the major period o f the 2nd lord (during dasa of

the 2nd lord and antardasa of Budha) he s h a l l be attacked w i t h

a n y disease of the tongue. (/. Parijai)
{/) Sarvartha Chimamony supporting the aforesaid yoga has
further mentioned that i f Budha and R a h u conjoined w i t h the
2nd l o r d are placed i n the 6th place from lagna, or they are
combined with lord of the sign (rasi) where R a h u is posited the
native suffers from disease of palate d u r i n g their dasa and
Disease of the t h r o a t : 41. If the 3rd l o r d is c o m b i n e d w i t h
Budha there is possibility of throat-disease, or the native
u n k n o w i n g l y may swallow any poisonous thing or drug. That
may cause such ailment i n throat and for want of financial
^iffluence proper treatment cannot be rendered. ( J . Parijat)
Sarvartha Chintamony another authoritative book on
astrology says that disease of the throat is possible o n l y when
3rd l o r d conjoined w i t h Budha occupies lagna.
I t h i n k the version of Sarvartha Chintamony is more
dependable. In my horoscope and also my younger brother's
3rd lords are conjoined with B u d h a but u p t i l now no such
trouble is apprehended. I am a grand o l d man of 75. I have not
experienced any such trouble as yet. I have a close friend i n
whose horoscope the 3rd lord is conjoined w i t h B u d h a but he has
no such experience even at the age of 78.
42. I f any malefic associated w i t h ' M a n d i ' ( G u l i k a ) occupies
the 3rd house disease of the throat is possible.
43. If Chandra being i n the 4th place w i t h a malefic occupies
that sign and also i n Navamsa C h a k r a the disease of the throat is
44. W h e n both the 2nd l o r d and R a h u are combined w i t h
the Srd lord the disease of the throat w i l l be very painful.
45. If Vrhaspathi being i n the Sth place is i n conjunction
w i t h a planet i n debilitation such disease is possible.

Asthma or disease of respiratory organ

46. W h e n R a v i posited i n lagna is aspected by M a n g a l the
native may be attacked w i t h asthma, consumption or colic p a i n .
47. I f Sani being i n the 6th place is combined w i t h ' M a n d i ' ,
aspected by R a v i , M a n g a l and R a h u , and is neither aspected by

nor associated w i t h any benefic the native may suffer from any
k i n d of phlegmatic diseasesuch as, asthma or phthisis.
48. W h e n the 12th place from lagna is occupied by any
malefic, 6th place by C h a n d r a , 8th place by Sani and lagnapathi
acquires malefic navamsa the native suffers from malignant type
of nasal ulcer (ayurvedic term is Pinas).
49. I f C h a n d r a is hemmed in between two malefics and R a v i
is posited i n the 7th place w h i c h falls i n makar rasi the native
may be attacked w i t h any k i n d of phlegmatic disease.
50. I f C h a n d r a and S u k r a are conjoined with each other or
they are posited i n the 7th place from each other and also are
aspected by any malefic the native suffers from asthma. If these
planets are i n any watery sign the disease is very painful to the
51. If M a n g a l associated with B u d h a is placed in the 6th
place and be i n a malefic navamsa and at the same time C h a n d r a
is aspected by Sukra^the native may be attacked with a very bad
type of phlegmatic disease and becomes p h y s i c a l l y weak and
almost c r i p p l e d .
52. I f the 5th l o r d be i n the 2nd or 8th place or R a v i ,
C h a n d r a , M a n g a l , V r h a s p a t h i , S u k r a and Sanithese six planets
together are posited i n any house the native suffers from asthma.
53. If B u d h a occupies a watery sign and is aspected by a
malefic, or the 2nd place is occupied by C h a n d r a and R a h u the
native suffers from asthma.

Phthisis or Consumptive disease

54. I f R a v i and C h a n d r a are situated either i n S i m h a or
K a r k a t a rasi it is a yoga of Bone T . B .
55. W h e n C h a n d r a is posited between two malefics and S a n i
is situated i n the 7th place from lagna the native may suffer
from carbuncle, disease o f spleen and consumption.
56. W h e n ' M a n d i ' is situated i n any kendra from the position
of R a h u who is posited i n the 6th place from lagna the native
suffers from Phthisis.
57. If C h a n d r a is seated between Sani and M a n g a l and R a v i
is i n M a k a r rasi the native suffers from Phthisis.
58. If C h a n d r a is i n K a n y a rasi and is situated between
malefics the native suffers from Haematemesis ( V o m i t i n g of
blood from the stomach).

59. If C h a n d r a is conjoined w i t h S a n i , or one is placed i n

the 7th place from the other and also they are aspected by malefics
the native is attacked w i t h Phthisis.
60. W h e n C h a n d r a or V r h a s p a t h i is placed i n a watery sign,
is aspected by a malefic and is placed i n the Sth place from lagna
the native suffers from the disease o f C o n s u m p t i o n .
61. The following yogas cause Phthisis :
(i) If M a n g a l is posited i n a malefic house, is conjoined w i t h
a malefic and is situated i n the Sth place from lagna.
{ii) W h e n lord of lagna associated w i t h Sukra is situated i n
any dusthana.
{Hi) I f M a n g a l and R a h u are posited in the 4th or Sth place
from atmakarakamsa lagna the native may be attacked w i t h
Phthisis but the disease may t u r n very serious i f C h a n d r a has full
aspect on M a n g a l a n d ' R a h u .
(iv) I f M a n g a l has full aspect on Sani p a r t i c u l a r l y when
M a n g a l Qwns any dusthana.
(v) If R a v i and C h a n d r a together are situated i n the 6th or
Sth house from lagna.
{vi) If atmakarakamsa lagna falls i n D h a n u rasi and C h a n d r a
being aspected by M a n g a l is situated i n that sign.
{vii)' The native is attacked w i t h Phthisis at his 26th year of
age i f R a h u is i n the 6th, M a n d i i n any kendra from lagna and
the lord of lagna is i n the Sth place.
62. If any one of the 2nd, 4th, Sth and Sth houses is occupied
by R a h u and M a n g a l the native may be attacked w i t h Phthisis.
Here is an example : (f) B i r t h date : 190825th October.
Lagna i n M i t h u n e associated w i t h R a h u , i n the 3rd place
V r h a s p a t h i and Sukra, i n the 4th M a n g a l , i n the Sth R a v i ,
C h a n d r a and (R) B u d h a , i n the 7th K e t u , and Sani i n the lOth
house from lagna.
Here the 6th lord M a n g a l and the Sth l o r d S a n i are related to
each other and from C h a n d r a both the planets are i n dusthanas.
Another instance : (ii) Lagna i n K u m b h a , K e t u i n Mesa, R a v i
and Sukra i n M i t h u n e , B u d h a i n K a r k a t a , M a n g a l i n S i m h a ,
C h a n d r a and R a h u i n T u l a , V r h a s p a t h i i n V r s c i k a and (R) Sani
i n D b a n u Rasi.
Here lagna is aspected by Sani and also M a n g a l from the 7th
place has ful! aspect on lagna.

Another example : (Hi) Lagaa i n K a r k a t a w i t h R a v i (in lagna),

Sani, C h a n d r a , M a n g a l and R a h u i n Mesa, Budha i n Simha.
Sukra i n K a n y a and T u l a is occupied by Vrhaspathi and K e t u .
(See Rules no. 46 & 59)

(Disease involving spontaneous haemorrhage from the Stomach)
63. If M a n g a l aspected by or conjoined w i t h a malefic is
posited i n the 7th place from lagna disease of Haematemesis is
64. If C h a n d r a aspected by a malefic is situated i n a cruel
rasi and is posited in the 6th place from lagna the native may
suffer from this disease.*
65. If C h a n d r a is associated w i t h or aspected by a malefic
a r d M a n g a l is posited i n the 7th place from lagna the native
suffers from Haematemesis.
66. If M a n g a l being i n a cruel sign is posited i n the 6th house
and is aspected by a cruel planet the native is attacked w i t h this
disease (viz., Haematemesis)
67. I f C h a n d r a and M a n g a l occupy K a r k a t a rasi, or,
68. W h e n lagna rises i n the debilitated house of M a n g a l a n d
he occupies lagna ( i . e. K a r k a t a lagna occupied by Mangal) the
disease o f Haematemesis is possible.
Our readers have definitely noticed that yogas relating to
Phthisis, Consumption, A s t h m a , Haematemesis etc. are almost
the same as there is slight difference among these diseases.
Birth-chart of a native suffering from Haematemesis.
Lagna in T u l a . R a h u i n Vrscika, R a v i , Sani, Budha i n M i n a ,
S u k r a . V r h a s p a t h i and K e t u i n Vrsa, C h a n d r a and M a n g a l i n
K a r k a t a (See R u l e N o . 67). Over and above two watery planets,
V r h a s p a t h i and Sukra are i n the Sth place from lagna and they
are aspected by malefic R a h u .
Indigestion, dyspepsia, colic pain and gastritis : (Generally
C h a n d r a , V r h a s p a t h i , Sani or R a h u and Sth l o r d combined w i t h
or aspected by any malefic cause these diseases.)
The f o l l o w i n g are a few yogas that cause any one of the
diseases said above.

* Houses of Bavi, Mangal andJSani are generally taken to be cruel. Sanskrit

equivalent is Erurarasi.

69. I f M a n g a l is i n lagna and the 6th l o r d is weak disease*

of indigestion, c o l i c p a i n and spleen are indicated.
(i) S i m i l a r l y i f R a h u or any other malefic be i n lagna a n d
Sani sits i n the Sth place the native is attacked w i t h the disease
of indigestion or dyspepsia or both. ( / . Parijat)
70. I f lagnapathi is i n his i n i m i c a l and at the same time
debilitated house and M a n g a l occupies the 4th place and Sani i s
aspected by a malefic the native suffers from colic p a i n . (J.Parijat)
(This yoga is possible i f lagna rises i a S i m h a , M a k a r o r
K u m b h a rasi.)
71. T h e native dies o f diseases i n v o l v i n g digestive organs i f
lagnapathi is combined w i t h the lords of the 2nd and 4th houses.
(/) The same disease may be the cause o f death o f the native
i f lords of the 2nd, the 4th and the 7th houses are associated
together. {Jataka-Parijat & S. Chintamony)
72. I f C h a n d r a conjoined w i t h and aspected by malefics i s
posited i n the 6th the native suffers acutely from gastritis a n d
a l l i e d diseases.
73. I f B u d h a is situated i n the 3rd place from lagna or
atmakaraka the native suffers from dyspepsia.
74. I f V r h a s p a t h i is associated w i t h lagnapathi and the l o r d
o f the 4th or Sth place the native suffers from indigestion.
75. I f V r h a s p a t h i is posited i n the 3rd or 6th place the native
suffers from dyspepsia and if that V r h a s p a t h i is seated i n a watery
sign the native has loose motions.
76. If C h a n d r a and M a n g a l together are i n lagna the
yoga produces unfavourable result l i k e c h r o n i c dyspepsia^
indigestion etc.
(i) Only debilitated C h a n d r a i n lagna also produces the same
77. When C h a n d r a accompanied by a malefic is posited i n
lagna, 6th or Sth house the native suffers from loss o f appetite
and indigestion.
78. W h e n the 6th or the Sth house is occupied by C h a n d r a
and Sukra, or lagna is occupied by C h a n d r a , and Sani is posited
i n the Sth place the disease o f indigestion^ dyspepsia etcj is t h a

79. I f the l o r d of the 12th is i n the 6th and the 6th lord is i n
the 12th the native is attacked w i t h indigestion and chronic
enlargement o f spleen.
80. If the 6th, 8th or lagna is occupied by M a n g a l and he is
also conjoined w i t h or aspected by a malefic the native may
suffer from indigestion, dysentery and dyspepsia. T h e yoga may
also cause the disease of piles and fissure.
81. In majority of birth-charts it has been noticed that the
native suffers from c h r o n i c indigestion when the 5th house is
occupied by V r h a s p a t h i . E v e n a strong Vrhaspathi w i l l not
spare the native from suffering from this disease u n t i l and unless
there is other protective force to counteract the unfavourable
effect of this planet.
82. Most of the authoritative books on Astrology have said
almost decisively about the ill-effect of V r h a s p a t h i being i n the
Sth place from lagna. T h e y further said :
(i) V r h a s p a t h i i n the Sth place when associated w i t h Sani or
R a h u the native suffers from indigestion, chronic amoebiasis.
(ii) O r , i f he is accompanied by w a n i n g moon and M a n g a l
the aforesaid diseases w i l l give immense trouble to the native.
(Hi) I f the lords of lagna and 8th house are i n conjunction
w i t h Vrhaspathi being i n the 6th the native dies o f the disease of
indigestion. Even the lagnapathi brings about death of the
native i f he is associated with V r h a s p a t h i and be placed i n the
6th house.
83. Death of the native is possible d u r i n s the dasa and
antardasa of the 8th l o r d i f the lords of lagna and the Sth place
together are posited i n the 6th house from lagna.
(i) S i m i l a r l y i f the l o r d of the P i t r i (father) or M a t r i (mother)
bhava is i n conjunction w i t h or aspected by the Sth l o r d and be
placed i n the 6th house the yoga may cause death o f the father or
the mother of the native.
( A l l these yogas N o . S3 are quoted from 5", Chintamony)

Strong Diarrhoea and Vomiting etc.

84. T h i s disease is possible when

() S u k r a being i n the 6th is associated with and aspected by

(//) M a n g a l being i n the 6th is accompanied or aspected by

malefi cs.
{iii) L a g n a is occupied by R a h u and Budha, and Sani and
M a n g a l are posited i n the 7th house.
{iv) C h a n d r a and Sulcra together are placed i n the Sth or the
9th house and are aspected by or associated with M a n g a l .
Chronic amoebiasis & diarrhoea ( A y u r v e d i c term is Grahani) :
(Symptoms o f this disease are chronic dysentery, indigestion,
passing abundant stool w i t h mucus immediately after p r i n c i p a l
S5. If the 2nd house is occupied by Sani and R a h u the
native may be attacked w i t h this disease.
M y experience is that under this yoga i f V r h a s p a t h i is
associated w i t h or aspected by a malefic the disease w i l l certainly
be the cause of immense trouble to the native.
86. If the 6th l o r d is placed i n the Sth house the native w i l l
suffer from this disease.
87. If the 4th or 5th place from 'atmakarakamsa' is occupied
by R a h u , K e t u or 'atmakarakamsa' or the Sth place from there
is occupied by K e t u this disease is possible.
88. I f V r h a s p a t h i being i n the 5th place is associated w i t h or
aspected by the Sth lord and any other malefic this disease may
be the cause of prolonged suffering to the native. But i f
V r h a s p a t h i is placed i n any favourable house w i t h a favourable
planet and acquires strength the disease may not be cured
completely but the disease w i l l be less troublesome.

89. W h e n lagna or its lord is placed i n M i n a rasi i n
N a v a m s a C h a k r a the native may die of d r o w n i n g or dysentery.
(/. Parijat)
90. I f C h a n d r a conjoined w i t h or aspected by a malefic is
placed i n the 6th from lagna and S u k r a is situated i n the 7th the
native is attacked w i t h blood dysentery. {J. Parijai)
(0 E v e n S u k r a w i t h an unfavourable planet or aspected by
a malefic may produce this disease i f she is placed i n the 7th

91. I f lagnapathi combined w i t h V r h a s p a t h i is posited i n the

6th, Sth or 12th house the native may be attacked w i t h dysentery.
92. S i m i l a r l y i f M a n g a l associated w i t h or aspected by an
inauspicious planet is situated i n a dusthana suffering from
dysentery is possible.
93. I f waning moon is aspected by powerful M a n g a l and Sani
is i n the Sth place from lagna the native may be attacked w i t h
the following diseases : Piles, F i s t u l a , Fissure etc.
T o ameliorate the painful c o n d i t i o n he may use any caustic
drug or may undergo surgical operation resulting into death.
( J. Parijat )
(Some commentators are o f opinion that the patient may die
of Piles, H e r n i a or K i d n e y trouble after surgical operation).
94. W h e n the waning moon be i n the Sth place and is
aspected by Sani the same disease is possible.
95. I f l o r d of lagna is situated i n any inauspicious house
along with M a n g a l and B u d h a and the 6th house is aspected by
them the native suffers from any disease i n the anus (such as
Piles, F i s t u l a . Fissure etc.). {J. Parijat)
96. W h e n the moon occupies the 6th or Sth place and is
aspected by M a n g a l , and Sani is i n lagna the native w i l l suffer
from piles or similar such diseases leading to profuse blood
discharges. (/. Parijat)
97. W h e n the l o r d o f lagna associated w i t h any malefic is
posited i n the Sth place from lagna the native suffers from severe
p a i n i n anus. (/. Parijat)
98. T h e disease of piles is possible i f S a n i is situated i n the
Sth place from lagna. {Ph. Dip.)
99. W h e n the Sth l o r d is a n a t u r a l malefic and is situated i n
the 7th place from lagna and is also aspected by an unfavourable
planet disease of Piles is possible.
100. If Sani along w i t h l a g n a p a t h i and M a n g a l is situated i n
M i n a rasi, or t h ; 7th place from lagna receives the aspect o f
lagnapathi and M a n g a l the native is attacked w i t h Piles.
101. If M a n g a l occupying V r s c i k a rasi is not aspected by
V r h a s p a t h i , or lagna is occupied by Sani, and M a n g a l is situated
i n the 7th place from lagaa the person concerned suffers from

102. W h e n M a n g a l and V r h a s p a t h i arc conjoined w i t h

each other or one of the two is i n the 7th place from the other
the native suffers from Piles.
Here is a b i r t h - c h a r t : L a g n a i n D h a n u , V r h a s p a t h i i n M e s a
rasi and, C h a n d r a and M a n g a l are i n T u l a rasi. The native has
been suffering from Piles for a pretty long time.
Another example : L a g n a i n V r s c i k a rasi, S a n i is i n lagna,
M a n g a l and R a h u is i n Vrsa, C h a n d r a i n K u m b h a . T h o u g h
there is aspect of V r h a s p a t h i o n the lagna from his position i n
M i n a rasi. T h e owner of the chart (who is a lady) has been
suffering from Piles and F i s t u l a for about 10 years.
105. I f the lords of the 7th and the Sth places are n a t u r a l
malefics and are posited i n any dusthana without r e c e i v i n g
aspect o f beneficial planets the yoga causes this disease. T h i s
yoga is possible i f lagna rises i n K a r k a t a , M a k a r or K u m b h a rasi
and C h a n d r a is w a n i n g .
106. I f R a v i is i n lagna a n d the 7th place is occupied by
Sani, a n d M a n g a l is posited i n V r s c i k a rasi the native may suffer
from Piles.

Generally those who suffer from c h r o n i c Dysentery and Piles
for a pretty l o n g time are attacked w i t h H e r n i a . T h i s is a disease
of intestine.
107. When lords of lagna, 6th, Sth and 12th houses are
related to each other the native may be attacked w i t h this disease.
(/) A g a i n i f the Sth house and its l o r d are associated w i t h or
aspected by a malefic this nasty disease is possible.
lOS. I f C h a n d r a i n watery sign o c c u p y i n g the place from
lagna is aspected by a favourable planet from his position i n
another watery sign the person concerned may be attacked w i t h
(The yoga is also the cause o f StranguryEnlargement o f
prostate gland) Both Sarvartha Chintamony and Jataka Parijat
support this v i e w .
109. W h e n any one o f the lords of lagna, 12th a n d Sth houses
and the Sth l o r d are related to each other either by conjunction
or aspect this disease is possible.

This yoga also causes the disease of Piles.

110. W h e n R a v i is the l o r d o f the rasi where R a h u is situated
( i . e. when R a h u is posited i n S i m h a r a s i ) and R a v i i n
conjunction w i t h the 2nd lord S a n i is posited i n the 3rd place
from lagna the yoga causes chronic Dysentery and ultimately the
native suffers from H e r n i a .
T h i s p a r t i c u l a r yoga is formed i n toto i n the following
birth-chart :
L a g a a i n D h a n u , R a h u i n S i m h a and R a v i is i n the 3rd place
from lagna a l o n g w i t h Sani the l o r d of the 2nd house.
The native has been suffering from c h r o n i c Dysentery, Piles
and H e r n i a .

Sukra is the significator o f S y p h i l i s , Gonorrhoea, K i d n e y
trouble and U r i n a l diseases. T h e seventh place indicates
abdomen, p e l v i s j a n d the eighth place signifies bladder, genital
organ, rectum etc.
111. So, i f S u k r a associated w i t h or aspected by a malefic and
also i n a watery sign or conjoined w i t h any other watery planet
is posited i n the 7th or 8th place or any other dusthana or that
afflicted S u k r a be seated between malefics the native may be
attacked w i t h diabetes, kidney trouble etc.
T h e 6th place or the l o r d of that bhava is indicator of these
(0 So, i f the 6th place or its l o r d i n conjunction w i t h afilicted
S u k r a be placed i n any watery sign or is confined between two
malefics the disease o f diabetes may be anticipitated.
Here are two birth-charts. B o t h the natives are suffering
from diabetes.
Chart No. 1: B i r t h date1908, 18th February.
Lagna i n M i t h u n e rasi, R a h u i n lagna, Sukra and V r h a s p a t h i
in the 3rd place, M a n g a l i n the 4th, R a v i , C h a n d r a and
retrograde B u d h a i n the 5th, K e t u i n the 7*h and Sani i n the 10th
Navamsa Chakra : L a g n a i n M i n a rasi, K e t u i n the 3rd,
M a n g a l i n the 4th, V r h a s p a t h i i n the 6tb, Sani i n the 8th, R a h u
i n the 9th, R a v i and S u k r a i n the 10th, B u d h a i n the l l t h and the
12th place is occupied by C h a n d r a .

L o o k at the N a v a m s a chart. Sukra the general indicator o f

this disease and also the Sth l o r d is conjoined w i t h and aspected
by malefics, lagna is i n watery sign. M a j o r i t y o f faults may be
found from Chandra-lagna too.
Chart No. 2 : B i r t h date1909, 31st December (according to
Western system 1st January, 1910). L a g n a i n K a n y a , V r h a s p a t h i
i n lagna, K e t u i n the 3rd, R a v i i n the 4th, B u d h a and Sukra i n
the 5th, Sani and M a n g a l i n the 7th, C h a n d r a i n Sth and R a h u
i n the 9th place.
Navamsa Chakra : Lagna i n K a r k a t a , V r h a s p a t h i i n lagna,
C h a n d r a i n the 2nd, R a v i and S u k r a i n 3rd, K e t u i n the Sth,
B u d h a i n the 7th, Sani and M a n g a l i n Sth and R a h u i n the l l t h
T h e 7th l o r d V r h a s p a t h i w h o is a watery planet is i n lagna
aspected by the lords o f the 6th and the Sth houses {viz., Sani and
M a n g a l respectively) is situated i n a watery sign. So, the 7th house
a n d its l o r d are very much afflicted. A g a i n , general indicator
Sukra is aspected by R a h u and i n navamsa chart very weak and
afflicted. A l s o i n Navamsa-chart the 7th house is occupied by
Budha who is lord o f dusthana. Lagna falls i n a watery sign
a n d is occupied by a watery planet who is also the l o r d of the 6th
place from lagna, and the Sth bouse is afflicted due to occupation
o f two malefics Sani and M a n g a l .
The owner of the chart N o . 1 very recently died o f diabetes
a n d the owner of the chart N o . 2 has been suffering from the
disease for a pretty long time.

Enlargement of Prostate gland

112. If C h a n d r a is situated i n a watery sign, the l o r d o f

the 'janma rasi' (the l o r d of the rasi where C h a n d r a is situated i n
the birth-chart) is placed i n the 6th house and she (Chandra) is
aspected by any planet occupying a watery sigh the disease is
possible. (Jataka Parijat)
113. If the 6th, 7th or Sth place is occupied by any
inauspicious planet and the 7th bhava falls i n any c r u e l
*sastyamsa' the native may be attacked w i t h this disease.
114. If Sani be i n the 7th place and is aspected by R a h u , or
l i s . If Sukra b ; i n a fiery or w i n d y sign and is placed i n

any dusthana, or she is posited i n her debilitated house this

disease is possible.
116. I f M a n g a l is posited i n the 7th place and is aspected by
a n y unfavourable planet, or
117. I f S u k r a be the l o r d o f Sth house from C h a n d r a and i s
placed i n a watery sign as w e l l as i n the 6th place from lagna the
n a t i v e may be attacked w i t h this disease.
Here is an instance : L a g n a i n D h a n u , C h a n d r a and M a n g a l
i n T u l a rasi and S u k r a the Sth l o r d from C h a n d r a is posited
i n M i n a rasi w h i c h is a watery sign and is the 6th house from
C h a n d r a . T h e native suffered from this disease and had a
s u r g i c a l operation i n 1971.

Gonorrhea or Syphilis
118. I f C h a n d r a i n conjunction w i t h S a n i is posited i n
K a r k a t a , V r s c i k a or K u m h l a rasi i n navamsa chart the disease
of this nature is possible.
119. I f C h a n d r a is associated w i t h the l o r d of the Sth place
a n d R a h u nas full aspect o n the l o r d of the Sth house the native
m a y be attacked w i t h G o n o r r h e a or S y p h i l i s .
(0 I f C h a n d r a is afflicted i n the manner noted above and the
Sth house is occupied by three or more malefics the same result
may be anticipated.
I f the Sth house is occupied by any auspicious planet the
native may recover from this disease.
* T h i s is to be noted that i f the 7th house (tliat indicates
sex), the 9th house ( w h i c h indicates religion, virtue, m o r a l i t y )
a n d lagna, or lords o f these houses are not afflicted but w e l l -
fortified due to aspect of or association w i t h powerful benefics
this type of disease may not occur at a l l . Because people h a v i n g
such favourable yogas should be men o f m o r a l stamina a n d
seldom go astray and meet notorious and ill-reputed women.
120. I f lagna is occupied by R a v i , M a n g a l , S a n i and R a h u
the native may be attacked w i t h S y p h i l i s .
121. I f S u k r a , the i n d i c a t o r o f passion is conjoined w i t h any
malefic or be confined between malefics and be i n lagna, o r
under that circumstance i f afflicted S u k r a is posited i n a lagna-
rasi w h i c h is Sukra's i n i m i c a l sign the native may be attacked
with Syphilis.

122. If the 5th house from lagna is occupied by R a v i and

R a h u , or C h a n d r a and M a n g a l occupy K a n y a rasi (Virgo) this
disease is possible.
123. W h e n Sukra is associated w i t h G u l i k the native may be
attacked w i t h this disease. H a v i n g such an unfortunate yoga i n
his birth-chart the native always hankers after women of bad
It is said earlier that i n spite o f these m a l i c i o u s yogas i f the
lords o f the 7th, 9th and lagna are favourably disposed there is
least chance of attack of this disease. But i f it is otherwise, that
is, i f the aforesaid lords are aflBicted due to aspect, association or
malefic position the disease of this nature, namely G o n o r r h e a or
Syphilis is possible.
E v e n the following yogas may ultimately produce these
nefarious diseases i f the lords of the 7th, 9th and lagna are badly
afflicted. T h e yogas are as follows ;
(i) I f the lords o f the 2nd, 6th and 7th places are associated
w i t h S u k r a and they arc aspected by or conjoined w i t h malefics
and occupy lagna the native may be passionate or lascivious.
(ii) I f lagnapathi and the l o r d of the 6th place are aspected
by or i n conjunction w i t h malefics, or
(in) I f only a malefic be i n the 7th place and is also
conjoined w i t h the lords of lagna, the 2nd and the 6th places the
native is ardently desirous o f sexual relation w i t h women.
(IV) If the 9th place and its l o r d are associated w i t h malefics
and the lords o f the 6th and the 7th houses together occupy the
9th house the native becomes very m u c h passionate.
If a birth-chart contains any o f the above yogas along w i t h
those that cause venereal diseases there is strong possibility of
attack of these nefarious ailments. O n l y yogas o f lasciviousness
may not be the cause of such disease.

Disease o f Prameha
" P r a m e h a " is a disease w h i c h has no E n g l i s h equivalent.
Because this disease may develop as the after effect o f excessive
sexual act, gonorrhea or sex debility. T h e symptoms among
others are as follows -.The patient may have p a i n i n the l o i n ,
may have urinary trouble, sex organ grows weak and weaker
everyday, consequently he is unable to satisfy his wife etc. T h e

yogas almost are the same that cause G o n o r r h o e a or S y p h i l i s .

The disea-e may be caused by afflicted S u k r a and lords of the 6th
and 7fh houses.
124. If lagna is occupied by R a v i , and M a n g a l is posited i n
the 7th house the attack of this disease is possible.
125. I f the Sth house is associated w i t h R a v i , Sukra and Sani
there is strong possibility of attack of this disease, or,
126. I f S u k r a is aspected by or combined w i t h a malefic and
be situated i n the Sth place, or,
127. If the 6th house is occupied by S u k r a along \yith two or
more malefics, or,
12S. I f S u k r a is situated i n the 3rd place eit.ier from l a g n a ,
atmakarakamsa, or a t m a k a r a k a the disease may give trouble to
the native, or
129. I f M a n g a l aspected by or conjoined w i t h Sani is posited
in the 10th house the native may be attacked w i t h this disease.

Enlargement of Scrotum
130. I f karakamsa is associated w i t h ' G u l i k * and is aspected
by B u d h a onlythat is, no other planet excepting B u d h a has
aspect on karakamsa the native may be attacked w i t h the
disease of enlargement o f Scrotum. {Parasari Hora)
131. I f R a h u a n d M a n g a l or R a h u a n d Sani together are
posited i a lagna, or R a h u and S a n i are combined w i t h each other
and lagna is occupied by M a n g a l attack o f this disease is
possible. {Jataka Parijat)
T h e latter yoga produces some other ailments, such as,
inflammation of n a v a l cavity and ankles of the feet.
132. I f the l o r d o f lagna is i n the Sth place, conjoined w i t h
R a h u and G u l i k this disease is possible.
133. Enlargement o f Scrotum is possible i f R a h u occupies
lagna, G u l i k is i n the Sth or the 9th place, a n d Sani and M a n g a l
are situated i n the Sth place from l a g n a . (Jataka Parijat)
A c c o r d i n g to Sarvartha Chintamony the disease is possible i f
R a h u is i n lagu'^, G u l i k is i n the 9th a n d Sani and M a n g a l are
posited i n the Sth place.
134. If the lord o f N a v a m s a of the l o r d of lagna is i n
conjunction w i t h R a h u , Sani and G u l i k the native suffers from
this disease.

A c c o r d i n g to some commentators Enlargement of Scrotum is

possible i f Sani a n d M a n g a l are situated i n the Sth place from
135. I f the Sth place from lagna is occupied by more than
one malefic the native may suffer from disease i n the rectum and
also enlargement of Scrotum.

Rheumatism or Gout

136. I f Sukra is placed i n the Sth place from lagna and is

also aspected by a malefic the native may die of R h e u m a t i s m .
(This is also a yoga o f Diabetes and Consumption.)
137. If the l o r d of lagna is i n K a r k a t a i n N a v a m s a chart the
native may be attacked w i t h this disease. Further, the yoga
produces some symptoms of L u n a c y .
13S. I f Sani is i n lagna and M a n g a l occupies any one of the
Sth, the 7th and the 10th places the native may suffer from
139. I f any one of the 1st, the 6th and the 12i;h places is
occupied by Sukra, and she is aspected by or associated w i t h any
malefic the native suffers from this disease.
140. If S u k r a and M a n g a l are situated i n the 12th place from
lagna as w e l l as aspected by malefics the attack of this disease is
141. If the waning moon and Sani together are posited i n the
12th place from lagna the native suflFers from this disease.
142. I f Sani is posited i n the 3rd place from lagna or
karakamsa this disease is possible.
(Some astrologers are of the o p i n i o n that Sani i n the 3rd place
from atmakaraka planet may cause the disease).
T h e following yogas may cause the disease of Rheumatism :
143. When combust C h a n d r a is aspected by Sani, or the 6th
house is occupied by R a v i , M a n g a l and Sani.
144. The native is attacked w i t h rheumatism or gout at the
age of 59 years o f age i f lagna is occupied by its l o r d and S a n i is
combined w i t h an i n i m i c a l planet.
145. If lords of lagna and the 6th house are associated w i t h
R a h u or K e t u the native has the danger from snake, fire, thief
and Rheumatism.


146. I f the 7th l o r d associated w i t h Sukra is posited i n the

6th place from lagna the native suffers from impotency.
!47. T h e native may become impotent i f C h a n d r a being i n
T u l a rasi is aspected by R a v i , M a n g a l or S a n i .
148. If the 6th lord is combined with Budha and R a h u and
is related to the l o r d of lagna the native may be impotent.
149. I f l o r d of lagna associated w i t h M a n g a l be placed i n the
6th house the native is attacked w i t h a n incurable ulcer i n his
[Sukra signifies 'Semen'. W h e n this planet is weak and afliicted
a n d 7th house or its l o r d is also aflBicted the native becomes
sexually weak resulting into impotency.]

Heart disease

Heart disease is to be judged m a i n l y from the 4th house and

its l o r d . So, i f the said place (bhava or house) or its l o r d is
afiaicted the disease o f heart may be the reason of his suffering. O f
course i f that house or its l o r d has relation w i t h any auspicious
planet the native may be fortunate enough to avert heart trouble.
T h i r d house too has some bearing i n this ailment.
150. If the 4th house is occupied by R a v i heart disease is
possible. T h e effect o f this yoga is more certain i f R a v i owns
the 6th house. {Jataka Parijat)
151. I f the 4th as w e l l as the 5ta are occupied by malefics
and these houses and their lords without being aspected by any
favourable planet be situated i n ' K r u r a ' (very malefic or cruel)
'shastyamsa' the native suffers from this disease.
152. I f S a a i , M a n g a l and V r h a s p a t h i together or M a n g a l
Sukra and Rahuthese trio are situated i n the 4th the native is
attacked w i t h heart disease.
153. I f the 3rd place is occupied by K e t u and he is associated
with G u l i k (Mandi) there is possibility of heart diseass.
154. I f the 5th lord w i t h the l o r d of the 12th house is posited
i n the I2th place heart disease is possible, or
(j) I f that 5th l o r d sunk down by sun's rays (asthagata) or be
debilitated, or situated i n an enemy house the same result may be

155. I f the 7th house from lagna is occupied by C h a n d r a and

M a n g a l heart disease is possible.
156. If any one o f V r s a , K a r k a t a , V r s c i k a and M a k a r rasis is
occupied by C h a n d r a w i t h any malefic heart disease may be
157' W h e n C h a n d r a is situated i n the 6th or 12th place and
w i t h her there is M a n g a l , Sani or R a h u the native suddenly may
be attacked w i t h this disease. {Horasdr)
[Chandra signifies nerve and R t i v i signifies both nerve a n d
muscle. A g a i n , i n judging heart-disease C h a n d r a is more
important than R a v i . T h i s can be easily testified from the
aforesaid yogas. So, i n determining the cause o f heart disease
one should at first see the disposition of C h a n d r a . There are other
factors also, w h i c h may be found i n the yogas enumerated

Hysteria or Epilepsy
158. W h e n C h a a d r a i n c o m b i n a t i o n w i t h M a n g a l , Sani and
R a h u be i n the 8th place from lagna the native may die of
Epilepsy or Hysteria. [Jataka Parijat)
Even w a n i n g moon situated i n the 8th place may cause this
disease. This view is supported by Sarvartha Chintamony.
159. I f the w a n i n g moon i n conjunction w i t h S a n i , M a n g a l
a n d R a h u is posited in the 8th place the native may be possessed
o f by e v i l spirit, and is attacked w i t h this disease and ultimately
dies. [Jataka Parijat)
160. If lagna or 8th house from lagna is occupied by R a v i ,
t;Chandra, and M a n g a l there is possibility o f suffering from this
Sarvartha Chintamony says, ' I f the w a n i n g moon i n the 7th
or any dusthana, is situated between R a v i and M a n g a l there is,
strong possibility of attack of this disease. T h e disease becomes
so acute and serious that the native ultimately succumbs to it.
161. If malefic planets are i n the 8th place, C h a n d r a and
S u k r a are situated i n any kendra (4th, 7th or 10th place) the
native may be attacked w i t h Hysteria.
A n instance : Lagna i n V r s c i k a , Sani and M a n g a l i n M i t h u n e ,
V r h a s p a t h i and R a h u i i i K a r k a t a , R a v i , B u d h a and S u k r a i n
M e s a , C h a n d r a i n K u m b h a and K e t u i n M a k a r .

A t the beginning o f this C h a p t e r it has been said that complete

yoga indicated by configuration of planets i n a birth-chart is not
always found. So, i n that perspective astrologers w i l l explain the
yogas on the basis of planetary positions, relations and aspect.
Here i n this case cited above it is found that
Sani and M a n g a l are situated i n the Sth place from lagna.
Sani, M a n g a l and R a h u have aspect (not f u l l , Sani and M a n g a l
have i and R a h u has f aspect) on the waning moon, and the Sth
place from C h a n d r a is aspected by M a n g a l .
The native suddenly developed fainting fits at the time of
a serious wrangle i n the family. Afterwards he had attacks of
epileptic fits every now and then. O f course, the native recovered
from this ailment after prolonged treatment.
162. W h e n weak C h a n d r a o c c u p y i n g the 6th or 12th place
is conjoiaed w i t h M a n g a l , Sani or R a h u the native may be
attacked w i t h Hysteria. {Hora Ratnasar)

Lunacy or Insanity
163. (0 I f lagna is occupied by R a v i , and M a n g a l is i n the
7th house from lagna, or {ii) Sani is i n lagna and M a n g a l i n the
7th house from lagna, or {Hi) Sani is i n lagna and M a n g a l i n any
' T r i k o n a ' the native develops insanity.
(These yogas are stated both i n Brihat Jataka and Jataka
164. I f lagna rises at D h a n u rasi, and R a v i and C h a n d r a sit i n
lagna and V r h a s p a t h i occupies the 3rd or the 4th place from
lagna the native becomes insane.
But Sarvartha Chintamony says that such a yoga o f lunacy
w i l l be effective only when native's birth day is on Saturday or
Tuesday. T h i s view is supported b y many experienced astrologers.
In Jatakddesh along w i t h the above yoga there is mention of
another yoga, viz., i f lagna falls i n any sign w i t h i n the 4 rasis
from D h a n u to M i n a , and R a v i and C h a n d r a are situated i n any
trikona and V r h a s p a t h i occupies the 3rd or any K e n d r a the
native may be insane i f the b i r t h day is on Tuesday or Saturday.
163. If B u d h a and C h a n d r a be posited i n any kendra or they
are i n any malefic navamsa complete loss o f memory is possible.
It is almost a state of imbecility or l u n a c y .

166. W t e n C h a n d r a is conjoined w i t h a maiefic and R a h u is

seated i n the Sth, Sth, or the 12th place the native develops
insanity. T h e native not o n l y is an insane person but also
becomes violent on any flimsy g r o u n d . [Jataka Parijat)
167. This is also a yoga of insanity i f R a v i and C h a n d r a are
i n lagna and the Sth or the 9th place is occupied by Sani and
168. W h e n V r h a s p a t h i or Sani posited i n lagna and the 7th
place is occupied by M a n g a l the native becomes insane.
(j) T h e native becomes a person o f violent temper i f S a n i
positing i n lagna is i n opposition to M a n g a l .
I came across a birth-chart only last year i n w h i c h M a n g a l ir
in M a k a r lagna a n d S a n i is i n K a r k a t a .
T h e native's elder brother and sister left h i m alone i n his
house on account of his violent temper. T h e native himself t o l d
me that he became almost insane and a l l the valuable articles i n
the house were thrown on the road when he was incited to anger.
H e is an Engineer by profession, d i d not dare to marry due to
his irritable temper.
169. I f C h a n d r a is conjoined with Sani or K e t u the native
becomes insane. W e found many horoscopes where C h a n d r a is
associated w i t h Sani or K e t u but the owners of the horoscopes
are never insane. B u t they are fickle m i n d e d and h i g h l y
sensitive, sentimental and have no mental peace.
170. I f C h a n d r a is conjoined w i t h R a h u or any other malefic
and is situated in any one of the Sth, 9th and l 2 t h houses the
native becomes quarrelsome and insane. [Sarvartha Chintamony)
171. I f the l o r d of lagna i n association w i t h M a n g a l and
B u d h a is situated i n the 4th or 12th place from lagna the native
may suffer from m o r b i d affection ot the nervous system. I f these
three planets have aspect on the 6th house the native becomes
almost a l u n a t i c .
172. I f R a h u is i n the i 2 t h , S u k r a i n the Sth and C h a n d r a is
associated w i t h any malefic, p a r t i c u l a r l y Sani or M a n g a l the
native becomes insane.
173. I f B u d h a is posited i n the 3rd place from atmakaraka
or a amatyakaraka-lagna the same result is apprehended.
174. I f Chandra along w i t h R a h u occupies any one o f the

4th, the 8th and the 12th places and She (Chandra) is aspected by
a malefic the native becomes insane.
[ R a h u and Sani are windy planets. C h a n d r a represents m i n d
and B u d h a denotes intelligence. I f these planets are afilicted the
disease of insanity may develop].

Disease of Ovary and Uterus

[These are female diseases. The seventh and the eighth houses
from lagna denote abdomen and genital organs. Women's
p r i n c i p a l genital organs are ovary and uterus. If these houses
(The 7th and Sth houses), their lords, and also S u k r a and M a n g a l
are afficted the disease o f ovary and/or uterus is possible. I n
case of women both Sukra and M a n g a l are indicators of genital
organs but i n case o f men it is only S u k r a that signifies these
175. I f N a v a m s a lagna falls i n the house of M a n g a l (either
i n Mesa or V r s c i k a rasi) and l a g n a is aspected by Sani the native
is attacked w i t h diseases i n her private part (Vagina). (Jataka
176. I f M a n g a l i n the 7th house is aspected by S a n i the native
may be attacked w i t h the disease o f ovary. E v e n these two
planets together i n the 7th house may be the cause of ovarian
177. I f N a v a m s a lagna falls i n any house owned by M a n g a l
and that house is the 7th place from lagna o f the birth chart and
i f that navamsa lagna receives the aspect of R a v i and B u d h a and
there is no aspect of any favourable planet on that lagna the
native suffers from vaginal diseases. I f that lagna is aspected b y
any auspicious planet the native shall be free from such ailment.
(Jataka Parijat)
178. I f the 7th place is associated w i t h a malefic and i n
navamsa chart that 7th place falls i n the house o f M a n g a l the
same disease may be the result.
179. If S u k r a confined between malefics is posited i n the 7th
place from lagna the same disease may be apprehended.
ISO. If lagna or the 6th place from lagna is occupied by
M a n g a l conjoined w i t h or aspected by any other malefic the
native may suffer from diseas*- i n uterus or ovary.

181. If S u k r a i n K a r k a t a rasi 18 associated with or aspected

by unfavourable planets or hemmed i n between malefics and the
7th lord is weak the native may suffer from uterine or ovarian
182. If the 7th l o r d and S u k r a are not well-disposed and
strong and they are afflicted due to conjunction w i t h or aspect by
malefics the native may be attacked w i t h vaginal disease.
183. The weak moon associated w i t h or aspected by Sani or
M a n g a l may be the cause of uterine haemorrhage or menstrual

Disease of Fever

184. If Budha being i n S i m h a rasi is aspected by a malefic

the native may die of fever arising from disorder of three
humours (bile, blood and phlegm) of the body.
(0 T h e same result is anticipated i f the lagna (in the birth-
chart) falls i n the navamsa of Mesa rasi.
185. If the Sth house from lagna is not occupied by any
planet but is aspected by strong Budha the native may be attacked
w i t h a serious type of fever.
186. If the lords o f lagna and the 6th place from lagna are
associated with R a v i the native is attacked w i t h fever.
187. If M a n g a l is posited i n the 6th and the lord of the 6th
place is i n the Sth the native is attacked with fever at his (or her)
6th or 12th year of age. (Parasari Hora)
1S8. If R a h u or K e t u is posited i n the Sth house from lagna
the native may be attacked with periodic fever. ( Sarvartha
Chintamony )
189. If the lord of the Sth house acquires cruel Sasthyamsa
and is posited i n the Sth house the native may also .sufter from
periodic fever. (Sarvartha Chintamony)


" A y u r v e d i c " term of'cancer' is ' k a r k a f roga (disease). C a n c e r

is said lo be an incurable disease. So, proverb about this disease
i s ' c a n c e r has no answer'. So was the case with Phthisis some

years ago but this disease now caa bs cured completely. We

hope t i m i is nat far off when some specific remedy to arrest the
growth of t lis fatal disease and also to cure it w i l l be fouad out
by eminent researchists.
Cducsr is s l i d to be a malignant growth or tumour that cats
the part of the body where it grows and also spreads indefinitely.
1 have bjen t r y i n g for a pretty long time to detect tne causes of
this disease astrologicaliy.
I noticed the following reasons that may cause this fatal
(1) C o m b i n a t i o n o f or any other relation between Sani and
M a n g a l and when any o f those two planets receive the aspect of
R a h u the patient may be attacked with this disease.
Here is a birih-chart :
Lagna m K a n y a w i t h R a v i , i n the 2nd house Budha, i n the
3rd house S u k r a , in the Sth K e t u , i n the 6th Sani, in the 10th
V r h a s p a t h i and C h a n d r a , i n the l l t h R a h u and i n the 12th
Here S i n i and M a n g a l are opposing each other and Suni
receives the aspect of R a h u .
(2) If the 6th lord is i n lagna, Sth or lOth house and malefic
planets such as R a h u , S a n i and M a n g a l have some"relation with
the aforesaid honse/houses or their lords the disease of cancer
may appear i n that part of the body indicated by these signs or
houses or their lords.
Sometimes planet afflicting or causing the disease may show
the symptoms according to the planet's own character. That is
why physicians be in a d i l e m m a and can not diagnose the disease
at an early stage.
Students of astrology must have noticed i n the K a r k a t a
chapter that different parts of the body are ruled by different
Planets, such as,
R a v i rules over head, bone, marrow, nervous system, stomach,
lungs, heart, vein, artery etc.
C h a n d r a is an indicator of blood, breast, stomach etc.
M a n g a l rules over uterus, neck, genitals, intestine, anus etc.

Budha rules over larynx (wind pipe), respiratory organ,

mouth, tongue, nose, navel e t c
Vrhaspathi rules over liver, tongue, thigh, respiratory organs,
digestive organ etc.
Sukra controls genital organs, prostate gland, urethra etc.
Sani rules over leg, hand, teeth ( i n c l u d i n g gum).
When these planets are afflicted and at the same time own
malefic houses they are capable o f p r o d u c i n g cancer i n any
part or organ of the body ruled by them.


T h i s fatal disease is produced due to malignant growth of

w hite corpuscles i n blood w h i c h is termed as cancer of blood.
M a n g a l and C h a n d r a indicate blood and three watery signs
K a r k a t a , Vrscika, and M i n a rasis, 4th, Sth and 12th houses rule
So, when rulers of blood (Chandra and Mangal) and any one
or two of the aforesaid houses together their lords are afflicted
this fatal disease is produced. In majority of cases of leukaemia
R a h u has an important part to play by m a k i n g any relation w i t h
these house-lords, Chandra and M a n g a l and the result is blood

Yogas i n d i c a t i n g bad health

190. If the lord of lagna is combined with a cruel planet or

the lagnapathi (lord of lagna) is posited i n the Sth place from
lagna the native does not keep good health. O f course i f the
same lord receives the aspect of any auspicious planet he tnay
normaly keep good health.
191. If the lord of the rasi where lagnapathi is posited
occupiec any dusthana the native does not keep good health.
192. If the lord of lagna conjoined with any l o r d of dusthana
occupies lagna the native may bs sickly.
193. If the l o r d of lagna is a natural malefic and is situated
in lagna or 'Janma rasi' (the rasi where C h a n d r a is posited i n the
natal chart) or occupies any fkendra from lagna the native may
be sickly but if the lagnapathi is placed i n any trikona or the
l l t h house the native maintains good health.

194. I f the 6th house and its l o r d are associated with

malefics and R a h u and Sani are i n conjunctioa the native always
suffers from this or that illness.
195. W h e n lagna rises i n M e s a , M i t h u n a , Simha, T u l a ,
D h a n u or K u m b h a rasi and 6th lord is i n lagna the native may
be attacked with such a disease that cannot be cured easily.
{Jatakal anker)
(/) I f lagna falls in T u l a and Vrhaspathi though a natural
benefic is there i n lagna the native suiTirs from varioas
diseases every now and then.
T h i s was experimented by me i n a number of cases.
196. I f lagna is occupied by a lord of any dusthana or the
planet that occupies lagna is posited i n his debilitated or i n i m i c a l
house the native may not keep good health. (Jataka Parijat]
197. If the l o r d of lagna is posited i n any dry sign or tlie lord
of the rasi where lagnapathi is posited is placed i n any dusthana
and i n Navamsa chart also he is posited in a dry sign the
native is attacked with many kinds of diseases and gets emaciated
day by day. (Jataka Parijat)
( F i r y and windy rasis are dry signs. F i r y rasis are Mesa,
Simha and J3hanu. W i n d y rasis are M i t h u n a , T u l a and K u m b h a )
198. If R a v i , C h a n d r a , B u d h a , S u k r a and Sani together are
seated i n a bhava the native is tall, poor, childless and alx ays
suffers from various ailments- (Jataka Parijat)
199. If S u k r a sits i n the 3rd or the 6th house the native
suffers from various diseases ; but i f Sukra be i n advanced position
from R a v i she (Sukra) w i l l be beneficial and the native shall not
be s i c k l y .
200. If Sani and M a n g a l together are situated i n the 6th
house and are aspected by R a v i and R a h u and lord of lagna is
weak the native suffers from a disease continually for a pretty
long time. (Jataka Parijat)
201. I f B u d h a is conjoined with the lords of lagna and the
6th house the native suffers from b i l i a r y diseases.
(/) If these two planets (lagnapathi and the lord of the 6th
house) are i n conjunction w i t h debilitated Sani the native suffers
from gastritis arising out of accumulation of excessive gas in

tomach or intestine. T h e disease becomes very painful to the

(ii) If these two planets are associated w i t h V r h a s p a t h i the
native ultimately recovers from the disease. {Jataka Parijat)

Painful or unnatural death

202. The native may commit suicide by hanging i f the lord

o f the Sth house is situated i a Sani's drekkana and Sani is
associated with G u l i k a or R a h u . (Sarvartha Chintamony)
203. If R a v i is associated with M a n g a l , R a h u or S a n i and be
in cruel 'Shasthyamsa' and isalso aspected by Sukra or Vrhaspathi
the native may be beheaded. (Sarvartha Chintamony)
204. If C h a n d r a aspected by lagnapathi be i n any dusthana
and she (Chandra) is associated w i t h Sani, R a h u or G u l i k a the
native meets with painful death. (Sarvartha Chintamony)
205. If Sani is combined w i t h a n inauspicious planet, be
posited in an enemy house, be debilitated or combust, or is
situated i n c r u e l 'Shasthyamsa', aspected by any enemy or
u n f i v o u r a b l e planet the native meets w i t h painful end of life.
206. If the lord o f the Sth house be i n Pasa or Sarpa drekkana
the native may die by hanging or snake-bite. ( S. Chintamony )
* (The 1st drekkana of K a r k a t a , V r s c i k a and M i n a are called
Pasa or "'arpa d r e k k a n a . T h e 2nd d r e k k a n a of V r s c i k a is called
N i g a d a and the 1st drekkanas of M a k a r and S i m h a are called
F a k s h m i drekkana.)
Jataka Parijat gives some clues to determine the happy aiid
painful death, some o f w h i c h are e x p l a i n e d herebelow :

' ' J a n m a n i yannavamsakagatou mandistadiyastake

Rasou tisthati chet Subhastu balaban S a u k h y e n a nunyam mritis
Bhuputre samarena Suryatanaye chouradivirdanabais
Sarpadyesch tatha rabou nripavayat kshidupe toyajat" (J.P.)
Meaning of the sloka :

(i) If the 7th house from the position o f M a n d i is the N a v a m s a

sign o f any benefic and that N a v a m s a sign is occupied by any
powerful benefic peaceful death of the native is exp>ected.

(ii) I f that N i v a m s a sign is occupied by M a n g a l the

native may die i n a war or it may be due to serious quarrel w i t h
(iii) I f that Navamsa sign is occupied by Sani the native may
die of snake-bite or bite of any reptile, or he may die of a fatal
wound inflicted by a hooligan.
(iv) I f that Navamsa sign is posited by either R a v i o r
C h a n d r a the native may be sentenced to death by the Government
or he may be k i l l e d by any aquatic a n i m a l .
207. If the 8th house is aspected by any powerful planet the
native may die due to affliction of any constituent of the body
indicated by that planet.
* Constituent of the body indicated by R a v i B i l e ;
Constituent of the body indicated by C h a n d r a W i n d and
Phlegm ;
Constitusnt of the body indicated by B u d h a A l l the three
humours ( W i n d , Bile and P h l e g m ) ;
Constituent of the body indicated by SukraPhlegm nnd
Wind ;
Constituent of the body indicated by S a n i and R a h u W i n d .
(1) If the Sth house is aspected by R a v i the native may
be burnt to death.
(2) If the Sth house is aspected by C h a n d r a the native may
die o f any water-born disease.
(3) If the Sth house is aspected by M a n g a l death may occur
due to wound by any weapon.
(4) If the Sth house is aspected by S u k r a and Sani death may
be due to hunger.
(5) If the Sth house is aspected by Budha death may be
due to fever.
(6) If the Sth house is aspected by V r h a s p a t h i death may be
due to Phlegmatic disease.
208. If the 8th house is afflicted by any malefic planet painful
death is possible.
(i) If the Sth house is occupied by any malefic planet death

of the native is possible due to conspiracy o f some wicked men,

or he may die of a wound inflicted by a hooligan.
209. If the waning moon being in the Sth place from lagna
is aspected by strong Sani the native may die either o f any disease
i n the anus or he may die of a wound by any w/eapon.
210. If R a v i and M a n g a l be in any angular position from the
Sth lord the native may be sentenced to death by the k i n g of the
land and hanged.
211. If weak moon be i n lagna, R a v i i n the Sth place,
V r h a s p a t h i i n the 12th and the 4th place from lagna is occupied
by a malefic the native may fall from his bed or may be
assassinated by a low caste H i n d u .
212. If lagnapathi is posited i n the 64th N a v a m s a R a s i or be
combust and also occupies the 6th house from lagna the native
may die of hunger i n a lonely place d u r i n g prevalence o f famine
in the country.
213. If lagnapathi and the Sth l o r d are weak and M a n g a l is
associated w i t h the lord of the 6th house the native may die i n a
war, or death may occur due to any sort of fatal wound i n a feud
with s )mebody.
214. I f the waning Moon, M a n g a l , Sani and R a v i are posited
in ihe Sth, lOth, lagna and 4th place respectively the native may
be beaten to death by a rod or a c l u b .
2 ' 5 . If the waning M o o n , M a n g a l , S a n i and R a v i occupy the
10th, 9th, 1st and 5th place respectively the native may die o f
suffocation or fire, or he may be trampled to d^ath w h i l e r u n n i n g
away in headlong panic.
216. If M a n g a l be i n the 4th, R a v i i n the 7th and S a n i
be situated i n the 10th house from lagna the native may be
sentenced to death by the lawful government, or he may die of
a wound inflicted by any sharp weapon.
217. If Sani occupies the 2nd house, C h a n d r a the 4th, and
M a n g a l occupies the 10th house the native may die of gangrene
caused by a surgical operation.

215. If the 10th house is occupied by R a v i , 4th house by

M a n g a l he may die of an accidental fall from a vehicle.
Suicide aad uonatfliral or accidental death

219. If the l o r d of the 10th N a v a m s a from lagna is combined

w i t h Sani the native may c o m m i t suicide by swallowing poison.
220. If the Sth house from the 9th place from Chandra is
occupied by any malefic or any o f those houses arc aspected by
any unfavourable planet and the Sth Bhavasphuta be posited i n
sarpa, nigada or pasa d r e k k a n a the native may commit suicide
by hanging.
221. If the 4th and the 10th or the Sth and the 9th houses are
occupied by malefics and the Sth l o r d is associated w i t h M a n g a l
the native may c o m m i t suicide by b a n g i n g .
222. I f the waning moon i n c o m b i n a t i o n w i t h Sani, M a n g a l
or R a h u is posited i n the Sth place the native may be burnt to
death, may die by being drowned i n water, or may be possessed
o f by e v i l spirit and die.
223. If C h a n d r a being i n the 6th, Sth or 12th place from
lagna <f aspected by the l a g n a p a t h i and associated with Sani,
R a h u and G u l i k ( M a n d i ) the native dies an unnatural death.
224. If R a v i or M a n g a l be i n the 4th house and Sani i n the
lOtb place from lagna and
(I) A g a i n i f R a v i bs i n the 4th house and M a n g a l i n the 10th
a n d both the planets are aspected by the waning moon the
native's death is possible by impalement (piercing w i t h something
(ti) I f R a v i be i n the 10th, M m g a l (without being associated
w i t h any benefic) i n the 4th and lagna is occupied by Budha the
native may die o f a fatal blow o f a b u l l o c k or by impalement.
225. I f the beneficial planets aspected by malefics be i n the
4th, Sth or 10th house the native may die i n a riot or fracas.
226. If the 4th house is occupied by M a n g a l or the 7th house
by R a v i , and C h a n d r a and S a n i together be i n the Sth house from
lagna the native may die of food poisoning.
227. If lagna is occupied by R a v i , the Sth house by Sani, the
Sth place by C h a n d r a , and M a n g a l is posited i n the 9th the
native may die o f thunderbolt or fall from a tree.
228. If C h a n d r a conjoined w i t h or confinsd between malefics

is posited i n the house owned by either M a n g a l or Sani the native

may die accidentally by firearm.
(i) T h e same result is possible i f C h a n d r a in the 4 i h place
from lagna be i n K a n y a rasi (Virgo) and is situated between
229. If Sani being associated w i t h and aspected by malefics be
i n the 2nd house from lagna the native may be wounded by
dog-bite, and ultimately may die of h y d r o p h o b i a .
(/) The native may be bitten by a dog,if Sani associated w i t h
and aspected by a malefic be posited in the 2n(i i n combination
with the lord of the 2nd house.
230. If the l o r d of the 3rd house and V r h a s p a t h i in
conjunction with R a h u or the l o r d o f the R a s i where R a h u is
situated are posited in lagna there is chance of being wounded
by a b u l l o c k .
2 " l . If the 6th house is occupied by the 8th lord, lagna by
the 12tb lord and C h a n d r a is ass-ociated w i t h the lord o f the 6th
hous; the native may apprehend danger from a four-footed
a n i m a l at his 8th year of age.
232. If R a v i be i n the 6th or Sth place and C h a n d r a be i n
the 12th place from R a v i , the native may be drowned i n water
at the age of 5 or 9.
233. If l a g n i rises i n a d u a l sign and C h a n d r a be i n the
'agna the native may die of d r o w n i n g .

When Rajayogas are ineffectite ?

[ Bajayogas here include Dhana yoga (wealth giving yoga), good academic
career, yogas that bring p'.out fortune, high position in society and professional
career, popularity,name aud fame etc.
In the following p.ii-agiaphs most of the yogas mentioned will be taken to be
unfavourable and their malefic eKoot may mar the excellent .osult of Rajayogas.
Besides them a few urjfavoiuahlo yogas such as extinction of lineage, illiteracy,
beggary etc, will be oxplained. 1
234. If at birth R a v i posited in Mesa rasi (which is his
house of exaltation) occupies T u l a rasi i n Navamsa chart and is
aspected by an unfavourable planet the native becomes
(i) S i m i l a r l y i f in the birth-chart Sukra occupying K a n y a
rasi be in the lowest debilitated position and being i n the same
rasi i n Navamsa chart she is aspected by a malefic the same
result of penury is apprehended.
(Sukra's highest exalted position is 27degree in M i n a rasi and
11" degree i n K a n y a rasi is her lowest debilitated position. R a v i ' s
higest exalted position is 10' degree i n M e s a rasi and lowest
debilitated position is 10 degree i n T u l a rasi.
So, malefic result referred to above two yogas are not expected
to be effective i f the aforesaid planets be not i n their debilitated
positions i n navamsa rasi.)*
The yoga that makes a man a beggar.
235. In case o f M a k a r lagna i f i n the 10th house R a v i is
situated in his lowest debilitated position (that is, 10" degree i n
Tula) or he is i n T u l a rasi i n Navamsa chart the native lives on
A few more yogas of beggary :
(i) I f C h a n d r a i n the 4th house from lagna is posited in her
lowest debilitated position and is aspected by a malefic.

nAccording to Skanda mere position of these planets inNJcha-kshotra or Nicha-

navamsa is not expeotad to give the untavoarabia result a? stated above. They
must be in a particular bhava to be capable of destroying good effect of the

{;/) I f M a n g a l in the Sth house from lagna is posited i n his

lowest debilitated position and is aspected by a maleficthe native
under the aforesaid yogas anyhow manages his l i v e l i h o o d by
( Chandra's highest exalted position is 3" degree Vrsa and 3"
degree V r s c i k a rasi is her lowest debilitated position. Mangal's
highest exalted position is 28 degree i n M a k a r rasi and 28"
degree in K a r k a t a rasi is his lowest debilitated p o s i t i o n . )
(Hi) Similarly Budha i n the 7th place from lagna is
posited i n his lowest debilitated position, i.e. 15 degree in M i n a
rasi and is aspected by a malefic.
(IV) Vrhaspathi being in his lowest debilitated position in
M a k a r rasi (5 degree i n M a k a r rasi) receives the aspect of an
unfavourable planet.
(v) Sukra i n the Sth house from lagna be i n the lowest
debilitated position and is aspected by a malefic.
(vi) Sani in the 2nd house from lagna be i n the lowest
debilitated position i n Mesa rasi and is aspected by a malefic.
Under the aforesaid yogas w h i c h are considered to be very
unfavourable the native suffers from poverty and has to live on
236. If Sani without receiving aspect of any favourable
planet be i n lagna or i n any other angular position the native
may be a beggar.
(i) I f Sani, C h a n d r a and R a v i together be i n any kendra the
native becomes a d u l l a r d and a beggar.
(ii) If C h a n d r a i n conjunction with M a n g a l is posited in
Mesa rasi and receives the aspect of R a v i and is not aspected by
any favourable planet the native w i l l be a beggar.
2'^7. W h i l e C h a n d r a occupies lagna, Sani i n any kendra from
lagna and V r h a s p a t h i is situated i n the 12th place the native is
forsaken by his own men, expelled from his house and is to live
on alms.

(i) I f the lord of luck (9th house;'s in the 12th place and
kendras are occupied by malefics the native is addicted to sinful
acts and lives at others' expense just like a parasite.

238. I f the lord o f the 9th is i n the 12th, the 12th l o r d is i n

the 2nd and the 3rd house is occupied by unfavourable planets
the native is attacked'.with hernia. H e is mean-minded, i m m o r a l
and beccmes a beggar.
239. If the 10th house is not occupied by any planet, and
most o f the planets are either i n their i n i m i c a l houses or i n their
houses of d e b i l i t a t i o n the native is illiterate, short-tempered and
a beggar. H e is without wife and c h i l d r e n .
240. If V r h a s p a t h i i n conjunction w i t h R a h u or K e t u is
aspected by a n unfavourable planet the native is mean, or is
engaged i n heinous activities. H e is selfish and a l i a r .
241. If V r h a s p a t h i is posited i n the house of debilitation and
is aspected by any other planet from his debilitated house the
native indulges i n heinous acts iaspite of his best pedegree.
T h i s yoga is possible i n the following manner :
(i) V r h a s p a t h i i n M a k a r , and M a n g a l i n K a r k a t a .
(ii) V r h a s p a t h i i n M a k a r , and S a n i i n Mesa.
A l l the veteran astrologers spoke h i g h l y of " N i c h a - V a n g a
Rajyoga". If the yoga stated above are so unfavourable then
" N i c h - V a n g a Rajayoga"has no meaning at a l l . (When Vrhaspatln
is i n M a k a r and M a n g a l is i n K a r k a t a it is N i c h a - V a n g a Rajayoga
and they from their debilitated houses are aspecting each other.)
Probably the author o f Sarvartha Chintamony is correct when
he pointed out that the aforesaid yogas w i l l be unfavourable only
when V r h a s p a t h i is i n conjunction w i t h or is aspected by any
other unfavourable planet other than the planet in debilitation that
aspects V r h a s p a t h i ,
242. I f the lord of lagna is i n the 12th place and C h a n d r a in
conjunction w i t h M a n g a l is situated i n any unfavourable rasi the
native suffers from poverty i n a foreign I r n d .
But Sarvartha Chintamony is o f the o p i n i o n that this yoga w i l l
be very malefic p r o v i d e d C h a n d r a and M a n g a l i n conjunction
w i t h a " K r u r a " planet be posited i n the 10th place from lagna
and the lord o f lagna is i n the 12th house.

E x t i n c t i o n of F a m i l y lineage

243. I f the l o r d of the 9th is posited i n the 12th house,

lagnapathi and lord of janmarasi remain unaspected by any

favourable planet tlie native shall have no issue and his family
line shall be extinct.
244. It K-endra (or Kendras) is occupied by both berefic and
nialefic planets and C h a n d r a o c c u p y i n g Sani's navamsa is
aspected by the lord of lagna the yoga causes extinction of
family line.
(i) S i m i l a r result is apprehended when the 7tii house from
C h a n d r a is occupied by Budha and S u k r a , V r h a s p a t h i is in the
5th place from lagna, and the 4th and Sth houses ( from lagna ),
are occupied by malefic planets.
(ii) A g a i n the following configuration of planets gives the
same result. S u c h as : C h a n d r a is i n the lOth, V r h a s p a t h i i n
the 7th and a malefic planet is situated i n the 9th house.

When a native is considered a disgrace to the family ?

245. If Chandra, Budha and Sukra are siuiated in angular

position and Rahu is i a tagna the native becomes unscrupulous
and is a disgrace to his family.
A c c o r d i n g to Saravali, an important book on Astrology
conjunction of C h a n d r a , B u d h a and S u k r a makes a man h i g h l y
educated and cultured but in spue of these qualities the man is
mean, greedy and unscrupulous.
2^6. If the 6th, the Sth and 12ih places from the Sth house
(that is, the 10th, the i2th and the 4th houses from lagna) are
occupied by mivlefics, or Chandra and V r h a s p a t h i are situated in
lagna and 7th house is posited by Sani and M a n g a l the native
becomes poor, and creates a discord among own men for which he
is hated by a l l .
247. The native is considered a disgrace to ;\is family under
the following yogas :
(/) When the 4th house is occupied by a l l the malefic planets.
{ii) When lagna, the Sth, 8tii and I2tli houses are occupied
by malefics.
(iii) W h e n a i i inauspicious planets are situated in lagna, the
8th and the 12th house.
(("(') When malefic planet or planets are i n lagna, C h a n d r a is
in the 4th, the Sth place is occupied by s rhaspathi and the lord
of the Sth house is weak.

(v) When Sukra i n combination with a malefic is i n the 4th

house, Budha in the 7th, V r h a s p a t h i i n the Sth and Chandra i n
conjunction with a malefic is i n the 8th place from lagna.
(vi) When lagna is occupied by waning M o o n , and combust
V r h a s p a t h i is situated in the rasi owned by Sani.

Rekha yoga

This is one of the worst yogas as described in Jataka Parijat. A

person born under this yoga,as ifhe has no right to live i n society
as a man. F o r he has neither knowledge nor wealth. He suffers
from extreme poverty, he is lustful and wrathful. He is filthy
has no grace and always picks up quarrel with others. He shows
disregard to gods and brahmins.
It is almost a verbatim translatinn of Sloka N o . 26, C h . V I of
Jataka Parijat. I donot k n o w why it is termed as R e k h a yoga.
'Preshya' (Servitude), ' K e m a d r u m a ' (daridra) yogas also come
under this yog^i. Some commentators are of the opinion that
.Rekha yogas mar the beneficial effect of Raja yogas.
248. (i) If the lord of lagna is weak and aspected by the Sth
lord and V r h a s p a t h i is scorched by Sun's rays it is R e k h a yoga.
(ii) W h ^ n the lord of N a v a m s a of the 4th lord is obscured by
Sun's rays and aspected by the l o r d of the 12th place it is R e k h a
(iii) W h e n the 4th lord is conjoined with the 6th lord, the
lord o f the 9th house in combination w i t h the l o r d of the Sth
house is posited in the Sth house and the lord o f lagna is weak it
is Rekha yoga.
(iv) When benefics are in dusthanas (6th, Sth and 12th
houses), malefics i n kendra and kona positions and the lord of the
l l t h house is weak it is R e k h a yoga.
(v) If the 9th l o r d is scorched by Sun's rays, the lords of lagna
and dhana (2nd place) are posited i n their debilitated houses it is
R e k h a yoga.
(vi) If any 3 planets are obscured by Sun's rays or they are
situated i n their own debilitated houses and the lords of lagna is
either weak or placed i n any dusthana (6th, Sth and 12th places)
It is R e k h a yoga.

[vii) If malefic planets are either debilitated or aspected by

f lan;ts posited i n their i n i m i c a l houses and are placed i n lagna,
2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5ih, 7th, 9th, 10th or l l t h houses it is R e k h a yoga.

The Yogas that indicate Poverty

(These yogas of poverty are described here in addition to
those narrated in p. 120)

249. If any one of Vrhaspathi, M a n g a l , Sani and Budha be i n

his house of depression or obscured by sun's rays and is placed i n
5th, 6th, Sth, 11th or 12th house the native not only suffers from
financial distress but also has to live on aims.
250. When Sani being placed i n the 6th house is aspected by
a n unfavourable planet, and R a v i and Budha occupy lagna the
native is poverty stricken and is to live on alms.
251. I f M a n g a l , Budha, Vrhaspathi, Sukra and Sani are
posited in the Sth, 6th, Sth, 10th and 12th places respectively and
lord of the 12th house is debilitated or either combust, scorched
or obscured by sun's rays and the lord of lagna is without
strength the native suffers from poverty and has no other means
to maintain his livelihood than begging.
Here a l l the 5 planets may not be posited i n the manner stated
i n the above sloka, but when majority of them are situated i n
most of the bhavas stated above, lagna-lord is weak, the lord of
the 12th house is debilitated and Combust or scorched by sun's
rays unfavourable results indicated i n the sloka are expected to
252. If Chandra, M a n g a l , V r h a s p a t h i and Sukra are situated
i n any four bhavas out of the Sth, 7th, 9th, 10th and l l t h the
native shall be very poor, or,
{/) When debilitated Sukra is posited in Ligna, the Sth house
is occupied by Vrhaspathi being i n his houss of depression,
debilitated M a n g a l in the l l t h and C h a n d r a i n her house o f
depression occupies the 3rd place the person having such a yoga
w i l l definitely be penniless.
253. If lagnas both i n birth and navamsa charts fall i n
cardinal signs and Vrhaspathi other than his o w n sign is posited
i n the 6th or 12tti house the native shall be poor and a beggar.

254. In case of birth at night i f lagna rises i n c a r d i n a l signs

(chara rasi), favourable planets are weak and posited i n kendra
and kona, and malefic planets occupy those bhavas othert ban
kendra the native is sure to live on alms.

The foIIowiBg yogas are quoted from Hora Ratna (author IN

255. When the lord of lagna in association with a malefic is
posited i n the I2th house or benefic planets are obscured by sun's
rays the native becomes penniless.
256. If inauspicious planets are placed i n kendra and benefic
planets are weak and obscured by sun's rays the native becomes
imbecile and poor.
257. If the lord of lagna is posited i n the Sth
(particularly when he is obscured by sun's rays), the 10th lord in
the 6th and the lord of the 2nd house is in the I2th place the
native w i l l be poor.
258. When lords of lagna and the 7th house are in the 6th,
the 5th place is occupied by a strong malefic and Vrhaspathi and
Sukra are obscured by sun's rays the native is penniless and
259. If the l a a n i - l o r d be in the 6th and the l o r d of the 2nd
house associated w i t h or aspected by " K r u r a " , (very malefic)
planets is situated in the Sth place the native is poor and
260. If the 2nd house is associated with and aspected by a
malefic and the lord thereof is conjoined with R a v i the native
w i l l be poor.
261. I f the l o r d of the 2nd house is i n conjunction with
malefics and obscured by sun's rays even i f the 2nd hous? is
occupied by auspicious planets or
252. If favourable planets occupying the 6th and the l l t h
houses and the lord of the 2ad house is sunk down by sun's rays
the native w i l l be poor.
253. T h i s also betrays poverty a? and when both the lagna-
lords of the b i r t h and navamsa charts being combined with the
10th lord ind also the lord of the 2nd house b j i n g associated with
unfavourable planets are posited i n the 6th house and the 2nd
house is occupied by malefic planets.

264. If the 2nd house is occupied and aspected by inaus-

picious planets and the l o r d o f the 2nd house is placed i n the 3rd
the native becomes poor.
265. W h e n the 2nd house and four kendras are occupied by
malefic planets not o n l y the native himself w i l l be poverty-
stricken but also his k i t h and k i n born i n the family is bereft o f
266. I f R a v i , S u k r a and S a n i together be posited i n any
bhava a wealthy person also under this yoga w i l l be poor, but
when Mesa or S i m h a R a s i is occupied by these three planets and
conjoined w i t h Budha and aspected by V r h a s p a t h i the native
becomes a very wealthy m a n .
267. If C h a n d r a , M a n g a l , Sukra and Sani together are
posited i n any b h a v a even a wealthy m a n under this yoga
becomes poor.
268. W h e n the 10th place from lagna, l l t h place from R a v i
and Sth place from C h a n d r a are not occupied by any planet the
yoga produces poverty.
269. I f the 2nd house is posited by a debilitated, combust
and k r u r a planet and the lords o f the 2nd and l l t h houses
are conjoined w i t h unfavourable planets the native becomes
270. W h e n favourable planet be i n dusthanas ( 6th, Sth and
12th places ) and unfavourable planets are i n K e n d r a or K o n a
the native any how is capable o f managing his two meals but it
is very difficult for h i m to get money to purchase his clothings.
The following yogas of poverty are qaoted from 'Lagha
271. I f lagnapathi is i n the 12th and the 12th l o r d is i n
Lagna and the latter is aspected by or conjoined with a " m a r a k a "
planet it is a yoga of poverty.
272. If there is an exchange o f planets between lagnalord
and l o r d of the 6th house and they are aspected by a " m a r a k a "
planet the native born w i t h a silver spoon i n his m o u t h
becomes poor.
273. W h e n lagna and/or C h a n d r a arc associated with
Ketu a n d the lord o f taigna is i^aced m the Sth and aspected by
or conjoined with a "maraka" planet the yoga produces poverty.

274. If lagnapathi is conjoined with' the l o r d of the 6th, Sth

or 12th house and is aspected by an inauspicious planet the native
w i l l be poor. Even the aspect on lagnapathi by the lord of the
Sth or 9th house w i l l not mitigate the i l l effect of poverty, but i f
the said lagnapathi receives no aspect o f the l o r d of the Sth Or 9th
house the native shall be very poor.
275. If the lord of the 4th is i n the 6th and the lord of the
9th is in the 10th house but aspected by a maraka planet the
person having such a yoga shall be poor.
276. W h e n an unfavourable pl'inet aspected by or conjoined
w i t h a " m a r a k a " planet be posited i n lagna and lagna is not
occupied by the l o r d of the 9th or 10th house it is a yoga that
betrays poverty.
277. If the lord of any bhava exchanges places w i t h the l o r d
of the 6th, the Sth or the 12th house and is aspected by any
unfavourable planet p a r t i c u l a r l y Sani the native bocomes poor.
278. If the lord of N a v a m s a of the l o r d of Janmarasi ( /. e.
where C h a n d r a is posited) is associated w i t h a " m a r a k a " planet
or be posited i n maraka-sthana the yoga produces poverty.
279. W h e n the Navamsa-lord of lagnapathi posited i n
dusthana is conjoined w i t h or aspected by any " m a r a k a " planet
the yoga produces poverty.
280. It is a yoga of destruction of " D h a n a " yoga when
C h a n d r a and M a n g a l are i n the 2nd place from lagna".
(i) It is also a yoga of poverty i f R a v i being i n the 2nd
house is aspected by Sani but when R a v i is not aspected by Sani
the native w i l l be very r i c h .
(H") A g a i n i f Sani aspected by Budha is posited i n the 2nd
house the native owns great wealth.
281. If V r h a s p a t h i being i n the 2nd house is aspected by
Budha the native becomes poor.
282. B u d h a when aspected by C h a n d r a and posited i n the
house of wealth makes a man pauper.
The following yogas of poverty are qaoted from 'Sarvartha
283. If lagnapathi is weak and associated with an unfavourable
planet, posited i n the 12th and the lord o f the2nd house is associa-
ted w i t h R a v i and aspected by a malefic, or be i n the house of

depression the native incurs displeasure of the Government and

looses money.
(i) S i m i l a r result is apprehended i f that 12th lord is i n the
2nd, the l o r d of the l l t h house is i n the 12th and the lord of the
2nd is i n any dusthana or posited i n his debilitated house.
284. I f the 2nd l o r d conjoined w i t h R a v i or the 10th l o r d is
situated i n the 12th or i n his debilitated house and also
combined with an unfavourable planet the native looses money
o w i n g to displeasure of the Government.
(/) If the lagnapathi combined w i t h a malefic be posited i n
the 8th place similar results noted above is apprehended.
285. I f the l o r d of any dusthana is aspected by M a n g a l , the
l o r d of the l l t h house is i n the N a v a m s a of an inauspicious
planet, weak or conjoined with an unfavourable planet dan
aspe^cted by or combined w i t h the 3rd l o r d the native looses
money due to activities o f thieves or fire or he may loose money
o w i n g to punishment inflicted by the Government of the l a n d .
286. The native becomes poor i f the Navamsa l o r d o f the
dhanapathi (lord of the 2nd house) is situated i n any dusthana,
combined with a malefic or placed i n " K r u r a " Sastyamsa.
287. I f the N a v a m s a l o r d of lagna is an unfavourable planet,
associated w i t h the l o r d of the 2nd house,posited i n any dusthana
and at the same time conjoined w i t h or aspected by the lagna
l o r d , the native has to loose money due to fire, activities of
thieves or wrath of the Government.
288. T h e native is poverty-stricken i f the 2nd house, its lord
a n d the l o r d of the l l t h house are i n conjunction with malefics.
289. W h e n R a v i being associated w i t h an unfavourable
planet is weak or debilitated and is i n conjunction w i t h the 12th
l o r d or lord of N a v a m s a of lagna and is also aspected by the lord
of the 2nd house the native becomes poor.
290. If the D h a n a p a t h i (lord of the 2nd house) is i n " K r u r a " .
Sastyamsa and is placed i n any kendra or kona or associated
with debilitated R a v i the native has meagre income.
(/) S i m i l a r result is expected when the l l t h l o r d is posited i n
' ' K r u r a " Sastyamsa and is not aspected by either Vrhaspathi or

The following yogas of poverty are qaoted from 'Bharartha

Ratnakar' :

291. If the lords of the 4th, 9th and lagna are posited i n the
2nd house the native suffers from penury t i l l his death.
I have no experience of such a yoga giving such an unlucky
result and why the yoga s h a l l impart such a bad result can not
be reasonably explained.
292. (i) It is a yoga of poverty i f the 2nd lord is i n the 12th
and the 12th lord i n the 2nd.
(ii) It is a yoga of poverty i f the 2nd l o r d is i n the 12th a n d
the 12th l o r d i n l a g n a .
(iii) It is a yoga of poverty i f the Sth l o r d is i n the 6th and
the 9th lord i n the 8th.
(JV) It is a yoga of poverty i f the 4th l o r d along with the l o r d
of the 9th place is posited i n the Sth, or the lords of the 4th a n d
lagna or the lords o f lagna and the 9th house are posited
i n the Sth.
(v) When these three Bhavas viz., the 4th, 9th and lagna are
associated with unfavourable planets or the Navamsa lords o f
these Bhavas are conjoined with the l o r d of the Sth, or lord of the
6th or 12th house cast aspect on those N a v a m s a lords the native
s h a l l suffer from extreme poverty.
A g a i n i f Dhana-lord is i n the I2th and 12th l o r d is i n the 2nd
place it is a sign o f poverty, but i f any one of these two lords v/r.,
lords of the 2nd and 12th are placed either i n the 2nd or 12th
house and other planets particularly l o r d of Dhanasthan i s
posited i n any favourable house the pecuniary stringency s h a l l
not be so acute. Btit this is also to be remembered that i f the
navamsa lords of these two planetsi.e., the l o r d of the 2nd and
the 12th are posited i n any dusthana or conjoined with or aspected
by any l o r d o f dusthanas very unfavourable result may be
apprehended, fn Parasari-ffora it is stated that the lord o f the
l 2 t h when combined w i t h the lord of lagna and also l o r d of
the l l t h and the 12th are combined i n any B h a v a the native shall
loose wealth and shall be i n v o l v e d i n debt.
T h i s is also stated i n that treatise that when lagna-lord is i n
the 12th or lords of the l 2 t h and the Sth are i n lagna the n a t i v e
shall loose a l l his money and s h a l l have to i n c u r debt.

Here is a n instancelagna i n T u l a R a s i , S a n i i n M a k a r ,
V r h a s p a t h i i n K u m b h a , K e t u i n M i n a , R a v i i n Mesa, Budha i n
Vrsa, S u k r a i n M i t h u n a and M a n g a l and R a h u i n K a n y a .
In this Bitth-chart the 9th l o r d is i n the 8th and the Sth lord
i n the 9th and the l o r d of the 2nd is in the 12th place. T h e
native is a poor m a n no doubt but the Sth l o r d Sani is not i n the
'6th place and D h a n a k a r a k a ( wealth-giving ) V r h a s p a t h i i n .;pite
of his fault as a 6th lord is placed i n the Sth place from lagtia.
This is probably the reason why the native d i d not suffer from
-extreme penury.
2nd instanceLagna i n S i m h a R a s i , R a h u i n T u l a , Sukra i n
K u m b h a , M a n g a l i n M i n a , R a v i , B u d h a and K e t u i n Mesa. S a n i
i n V r s a , V r h a s p a t h i i n M i t h u n e and C h a n d r a i n K a r k a t a .
In this chart M a n g a l the lord of the 4th and the 9th is i n the
8th, Sth lord is i n the l l t h and lord o f the 6th is i n lOth the
native though a son o f a very r i c h man is over head and ears i n
debt and has been suffering from extreme poverty. T h i s is to be
noted particularly i n this case that M a n g a l who is the o n l y
yogakaraka planet is posited i n the Sth and worth o f the
boroscope is practically lost.

A few Daridra and other unfavourable yogas :

( A c c o r d i n g to Vrihat Jataka Chandrika )
In this book the author has given a few unfavourable yogas
n a m i n g them as H r a d h a , F a n i m u k h a , K a k a , Byagbratunda,
H u t a s a n a , K e m a d r u m a and L a l a t i . N a m e s o f these yogas are
peculiar and are not found i n any other authoritative book or I
t h i n k these yogas are not commonly found. E v e n the K e m a d r u m a
yoga mentioned here is not the one w h i c h is generally found i s
other books of A s t r o l o g y .
293. Hradha yoga : T h i s yoga is produced when M a n g a l ,
R a v i , Sani and V r h a s p a t h i are posited i n their respective houses
of debilitation. A person born under this yoga w i l l suffer from
i l l health, financial miseries. H e w i l l have no peace in the
f a m i l y and i n most times w i l l remain unemployed.
294. Fanimukha yoga : I f S u k r a , R a v i , C h a n d r a and S a n i are
in their houses o f depression, the native has very l o w position in
service and possesses no money and peace.

295. K a k a yoga : W h e n K a r k a t lagna rises and f M a n g a l be

i n Mesa, S u k r a i n M i n a , and C h a n d r a occupies K a n y a R a s i , the
native suffers from mental depression a l l the time.
296. Byagbratunda yoga : Sukra i n K a n y a , V r h a s p a t h i i n
M a k a r , R a v i i n T u l a , S a n i together w i t h M a n g a l is i n Mesa
R a s i . The native born under this yoga is devoid of any good
quality and becomes poor.
297. Hutasana yoga : L a g n a i n Mesa R a s i , Sani in lagna,
C h a n d r a i n Vrscik, M a n g a l i n K a r k a t a and R a v i , B u d h a and
S u k r a are i n M a k a r a . The native under this yoga becomes very
298. Kemadruma yoga : I f the 7th place from Chandra is
without any planet and that place is not aspected by any
benefic the native becomes poor h a v i n g gloomy disposition. H e
may have liason w i t h the wife of any superior person.
299. L a l a t i yoga : W h e n Sani or R a h u be i n lagna and the
10th place from lagna is not occupied by any planet the native
earns his l i v e l i h o o d by begging.
Delineation of some Vargas as they were dealt with by
Maharshi Parasara and some other anthors

M a h a r s h i Parasara mentiond i n his Parasari Hora about

Sada-Varga, Sapta-Varga, Dasa-Varga and Sorasha-Varga.
1. Sada-Varga includes L a g n a , H o r a , D r e k k a n , N a v a m s a ,
Dwadasamsa and Trimsamsa^
(Lagna means Rasi-chakra or birthchart)

2. Sapta-Varga includes a l l 'Sada-Vargas' plus Saptamsa


3. Dasa-Varga contains a l l Sapta-Vargas plus Dasamsa

V a r g a , Sorashamsa-Varga and Sastyamsa-Varga.

4. Sorashamsa-Varga contains a l l the dasa-vargas plus

Turyamsa, Vimsamsa, C h a t u r - V i m s a m s a (24th div.), Sapta-
Vimsamsa (27th div), Chatterimsa (40th div), Pancha-Chatterimsa
(45th div).

A. Sada-Varga is termed as Kimsukamsa Varga.

(j) If a planet acquires two Vargas of his o w n the planet is
said to be in " K i m s u k a " .
(ii) If a planet acquires three Vargas of his own he is i n
"Benjan" Varga.
(iii) If a planet acquires four Vargas of his own he is i n
"Chamara" Varga.
(iv) If a planet acquires five Vargas of his own he is i n
"Chatra" Varga.
(v) If a planet acquires six Vargas of his o w n he is i n
" K u n d a l " Varga.
(vi) If a planet acquires seven Vargas of his o w n he is i n
"Mukuta" Varga.

B. Dasa-Varga is termed as Parijatadi Varga.

(i) W h e n a planet gets two Vargas of his o w n he is i n
Parijata' V a r g a .
(ii) W h e n a planet gets three Vargas of his o w n he is in
'Uttama* Varga.

[Hi) W h e n a planet gets four Vargas o f his own he is i n

Gopura' V a r g a .
[iv) W h e n a planet gets five Vargas o f his own he is i n
'Simhasana' V a r g a .
[v) W h e n a planet gets six Vargas o f his own he is i n
*Paravata' V a r g a .
[vi) W h e n a planet gets seven Vargas, o f his o w n he is i n
*Devaloka' V a r g a .
[vii) W h e n a planet gets eight Vargas o f his o w n he is i n
*Brahmaloka' V a r g a .
[viii) When a planet gets nine Vargas of his own he is i n
'Satruvahana' or Indravahana V a r g a .
[ix) W h e n a planet gets ten Vargas of his o w n he is i n
'Sreedhama' V a r g a .

C. Sorasha-Varga
(j) When a planet a quires two Vargas of his own he is i n
'Vedaka* Varga. (//) S i m i l a r l y three Vargas o f his own, ' K u s u m a ' ,
(Hi) four Vargas of his own 'Naga-puspa', (iv) five Vargas o f his
o w n ' K a n d u k a ' , (v) six Vargas of his own ' K e r a l ' , (vi) seven
Vargas of his o w n ' K a l p a Vrksha* (vii) eight Vargas of his o w n
' C h a n d a n bana*, (viii) nine vargas o f his o w n ' P u r n a - C h a n d r a ' ,
(ix) ten Vargas of his own ' U c h h a i - S r a v a ' , (x) eleven Vargas
of his own ' D h a n a n t w a r i ' , (xi) twelve Vargas of his own
'Suryakanta', (xii) thirteen Vargas o f his own 'Vridhruma*,
(xiii) fourteen Vargas of his own 'Indra-Simhasana', (xiv) fifteen
Vargas of his own ' G o l o k a ' , (xv) sixteen Vargas of his own

5. What these different Vargas indicate ?

(i) F r o m lagna (or kshe^.a as we may t a l l it):judgement
about body. Structure, Constitution, health etc.
(ii) F r o m H o r a one's wealh, poverty etc.
(iii) F r o m D r e k k a n relation (favourable or unfavourable)
w i t h brothers and sisters.
(iv) F r o m Turyamsa l u c k or fortune.
(v) F r o m Saptamsa c h i l d r e n and grand-children.
(vi) F r o m N a v a m s a wife or husband.
(vii) F r o m Dasamsa prosperity and upliftment.
(viii) F r o m Dwadasamsa parents.

(/*) From Sorashamsa happiness, or miseries and

(x) F r o m Vimsamsa prayer and w o r s h i p p i n g o f G o d
(xi) F r o m Cfaaturvimsamsa knowledge and learning.
{xii) F r o m Sapta-vimsamsa strength and weakness (no
commentator has tried to e x p l a i n this).
{xiii) F r o m Trimsamsa. danger i n life (aristha).
(xiv) F r o m Chatterimsa general good or bad result
(that a native may enjoy).
{xv) F r o m P a n c h a - C h a t t e r i m s a l
and f everything that is good or evil.
{xvi) F r o m Sastyamsa )
* Special i n d i c a t i o n of Sastyamsa and Sorashamsa is that
when a planet occupies a cruel or very malefic (Sanskrit
equivalent is 'krura') Sastyamsa good effect of that planet and
of that bhava (where the planet concerned is posited) is lost.
A g a i n , i f a planet sits i n a favourable 'Sorashamsa' good effect
o f that planet and the b b a v a (where that planet is posited) is
6. H o w to determine a favourable Varga of a planet ?
(i) I f a planet acquires the V a r g a o f a planet who is the l o r d
o f a K e n d r a from the former his V a r g a {i.e. the varga of the lord
of that K e n d r a ) is favourable.
{ii) If that planet or K e n d r a - l o r d of that planet is combust,
vanquished i n planetary war, debilitated, malefic i n 'Sayanadi
bhava' or o l d or dead that Varga has no w o r t h .
Say, B u d h a is i n K a n y a exalted, his kendra-lord is V r h a s p a t h i
who is situated i n M a k a r a w h i c h is his debilitated house, or
Budha i n navamsa chart occupies M i n a where he is debilitated,
or Vrhaspathi is unfavourable i n 'Sayanadi bhava', or he is dead
or o l d then Vrhaspathi's V a r g a acquired by B u d h a w i l l carry no
w o r t h at a l l .
{Hi) If any Rajayoga occurs due to relation between B u d h a
and S u k r a the yoga w i l l not produce any benefic result, because
Budha is ineffective i n V a r g a .
Therefore this can be concluded that a planet or planet's effect
o n account o f any rajayoga or any other favourable yoga through

them w i l l not be beneficial u n t i l and unless they are f a v o u r a b l e

and strong i n Varga-chakra.
O f course eflfect of one V a r g a is not the final say. In this way
a planet's worth is to be examined i n either Sada-Varga, D a s a -
Varga o r Sorasha-Varga etc.
It w i l l not be out of place to mention that M a h a r s h i Parasara's
method of testing Varga-strength is somewhat diflacultor strenuous
but what to do. I f we want to arrive at an accurate decision from
a chart i t must have to be done.
A g a i n this also must not be forgotten that judgement of a
birthchart does not depend only on a l l these mechanical processes.
The mechanical process of w o r k i n g out Varga-strength and other
relative factors w i l l give the astrologer the basical data o n l y .
The astrologer shall be able to give his judgement on the accuracy
o f these data provided he has developed power o f intuition
and also relies on his experience.
M a h a r s h i Parasara has given some clues for determination o f
the strength of a planet. They are as follows :
(a) Strength o f a planet is full i f he is posited i n his own o r
exalted sign.
(6) I f a planet occupies the seventh place from his o w n house,
or he is i n his debilitated sign strength of the planet is n i l .
(c) I f the planet i n question is posited between his exalted
and debilitated house the n u m e r i c a l strength is to be worked out
by rule of three.
E. g. R a v i ' s degree is 4'-10''-20', he is situated between h i s
exalted and debilitated signs.
R a v i ' s exalted point is O'-IO'-O' and debilitated point i s
e'-lO'-O'. This means R a v i is debilitated 6 signs apart from h i s
exalted sign, w h i c h is 180 degree. G e n e r a l l y a planet's totat
strength is taken to be 20 (of course i n some cases it varies). N o w
we are to find out the n u m e r i c a l strength of R a v i by rule of three.
F o r 180 n u m e r i c a l strength is 20
For 120" is

= = 13--.. T h i s means R a v i has already consumed

13| out of 20 and is able to give 6J result o n l y .
(d) M a n g a l , V r h a s p a t h i a n d S u k r a are effective i n Ravi's.
H o r a . C h a n d r a , S u k r a a n d Sani are effective i n Chandra's H o r a

(this means Sukra is effective both i n R a v i and Chandra's Hora).

Budha brings about result both i n R a v i and Chandra's H o r a , but
i f he is i n a neutral sign i n the birth-chart he is more effective
i n Chandra's H o r a and i n an odd sign i n the b i r t h chart he gives
better result i f he occupies R a v i ' s H o r a .
(e) I n Trimsamsa Varga R a v i gives the result of M a n g a l and
C h a n d r a gives the result o f S u k r a .
( / ) Those planets who occupy the seventh place from R a v i
in the birth-chart are said to impart f u l l result ( whether favoura-
ble or otherwise).
(g) W h e n a planet is i n combination w i t h R a v i and has
identical degree with h i m (Ravi) the result is n i l , i.e. his action
is defunct.
7. H o w Varga-chakras are analysed ?
(a) There is no clear-cut process mentioned i n Parasari Hora
to delineate a V a r g a - c h a k r a . F r o m that great treatise we only
k n o w w h i c h chart indicates what. S u c h as, Lagna indicates
body, health etc., H o r a indicates wealth, D r e k k a n signifies happy
or unhappy relation w i t h brothers or sisters etc.
A c t u a l l y we are not told by the author how wfe can come to a
conclusion w i t h regard to one's relation w i t h his brothers and
sisters from a Drekkan-chart.
M y idea is that the clue lies with the t h i r d house o f D r e k k a n
chart. I f that house is occupied or aspected by papas or the l o r d
of that house is not friendly w i t h the l o r d o f lagna of the b i r t h or
Drekkan-chart relation with brothers and sisters may not be
A g a i n , i f the lord o f the t h i r d house acquires benefic Vargas
or the l o r d of t h i r d house of the D r e k k a n chart is benefic and i n
majority cases acquires benefic Vargas i n Sada or Dasa-Vargas
the relation of the native w i t h his brothers and sisters may be
congeniaL Otherwise the result may be the reverse.
(6) N a v a m s a chart ( V a r g a ) according to Parasari Hora-
indicates wife or husband and I t h i n k , this means conjugal life
also. Therefore, i f the seventh house from N a v a m s a l a g n a or its
l o r d or both acquire favourable V a r g a and also the seventh house
of Navamsa chart is occupied by a n a t u r a l benefic the wife or

'the husband as the case may be is expected to be good to the

native's l i k i n g and conjugal life o f that person w i l l alsp be happy.
T h i s is the way how we c a n judge a l l Vargas. But this may
also be the case that M a h a r s h i Parasara might not lay m u c h stress
on delineation o f Vargas. H i s o n l y directions to his readers are
confined to determinations o f strength o f planets and bhavas.
O t h e r i n c i d e n t a l results o f Vargas have been spoken o n suitable
occasions. S u c h as :
(0 T h e native may be a charitable and generous person i f
the l o r d o f lagna; 4th, 7th or the 10th acquires 'Parijata' V a r g a .
(ii) T h e native may be a very generous person i f l o r d o f any
of these houses is i n " U t t a m a " V a r g a .
(iii) I f any one of them be i n " G o p u r " Varga the native w i l l
lot a person full o f vigour and manliness.
(iv) I f any one of them be i n " S i m h a s a n a " V a r g a the native
is respected and honoured by a l l .
(v) I f any one o f them be i n " P a r a v a t a " V a r g a the native
w i l l be a brave and straight-forward person.
(vi) I f any of them be i n " D e v a l o k a " V a r g a the native may
be a leader of an Assembly or a C o u n c i l .
(vii) If any one of them be i n " V r h m a l o k a " V a r g a the native
may be a great sage.
(viii) I f any one o f them be i n " S a t r u v a h a n a " or " A i r a v a t a "
V a r g a the native may be i n happy mood under any circumstance.
(ix) "Sreedhama" V a r g a cannot be attained by anyone i n
8. Indication of results for lords of some other bhavas :
(i) W h e n the l o r d of the 5th house acquires " P a r i j a t a ' " V a r g a
the native gets education according to the standard of his family.
(ii) W h e n the 5th l o r d be i n " U t t a m a " V a r g a the native w i l l
be h i g h l y educated.
(iii) W h e n the 5th l o r d be i n " G o p u r " V a r g a the native w i l l
earn name and fame and he w i l l be recognised as a great learned
man by a l l eminent persons of the w o r l d and his contribution i n
the field of learning w i l l b t remembered by a l l .
(iv) I f the Sth l o r d be i n "Simhasana" V a r g a the native w i l l
be a renowned educationist and a great minister or adviser to the
head of the state.

(v) If that l o r d be i n "Paravata" Varga the native acquires

Brahma V i d y a .
(vi) If he is i n " D e v a l o k a " V a r g a the native w i l l be a ' K a r m a
y o g i " (meaning he w i l l perform his worldly duties dispassionately
and surrender himself to G o d A l m i g h t y . )
(vii) I f he is i n " B r a h m a l o k a " Varga the native may be a true
devotee o f G o d and worship G o d w i t h u n t i r i n g energy and
(viii) If he is i n " A i r a v a t a " V a r g a the native w i l l also be a
great devotee of G o d .
9. About 9th l o r d .
(i) I f the 9th lord acquires " P a r i j a t a " V a r g a the native visits
h o l i places on several occasions.
(7) If the l o r d be i n " U t t a m a " V a r g a the native used to visit
many sacredplaces i n his previous birtb and i n this birth also he
s h a l l visit such sacred places on many occasions.
(iii) If the lord be i n " G o p u r a " V a r g a he s h a l l d u r i n g this
and after this birth w i l l perform sacrificial deeds (Jajna).
(iv) If the same lord be i n " S i m h a s a n a " V a r g a the native w i l l
be courageous, truthful and self-restrained person.
(v) If he is i n " P a r a v a t a " V a r g a he w i l l be a devotee of
' B r a h m a ' and be a "Parama-bansa" i n this and after this b i r t h .
(vi) If the l o r d be i n " D e v a l o k a " V a r g a the native w i l l be a
" L a g u r i " and " P i t r u - d a n d i " (the meaning is not clear to me).
(vii) If the l o r d be i n " B r a h m a l o k a " V a r g a he w i l l perform
"aswa-medha" Jajna (horse-sacrifice) and w i l l become the k i n g
of heaven.
(viii) If the l o r d attains " A i r a v a t a " V a r g a the native becomes
true incarnation of justice and religion.
( T h i s yoga was found only in the birthcharts of S r i
R a m c h a n d r a and Yudhistbara).
N o t h i n g has been mentioned about ' S r e e d h a m a " V a r g a .
(ix) W h e n both the 9th and the 10th lords be i n " P a r i j a t a "
Varga the native becomes a great educationist a n d reformer.
(x) If they are i n ' U t t a m a ' V a r g a the native becomes a great
king possessing many horses and elephants (now-a-days motor-
cars, aeroplanes may be substitued i n place o f borses a n d .

(xi) I f they are i n " G o p u r a " V a r g a the native becomes an

emperor adored by a l l kings (now-a-days k i n g or emperor is
seldom found anywhere).
(;c/i) If they are i n "Simhasana" Varga the native becomes a
a k i n g of kings. T h i s yoga is found i n the b i r t h charts of
Maharaja H a r i s h C h a n d r a , B a l i and Vaiswanara.
{xiii) In K a l i yuga men like Y u d h i s t h i r , Salivahana,
Nagarjuna w i l l be born i f the 9th and 10th lords be i n " G o p u r a "
[xiv) If they are i n " P a r a v a t a " V a r g a advent o f ' M a n u ' i s
(xv) If they arc i n " D e v a l o k a " V a r g a Dasavatar from Matsa
to K a l k i are born.
{xvi) A n d Sayambhuma M a n u is born when the 9th and 10th
lords are i n A i r a v a t a V a r g a .
9. The author of Jyotirnirbandha (comparatively a recent
publication of 18th century) an important book on astrology
gave some important clues for delineation of six Vargas only,
viz., H o r a , D r e k k a n , Saptamsa, N a v a m s a , Dwadasamsa and
A c c o r d i n g to h i m , from H o r a C h a k r a native's complexion,
honesty and his love for others should be judged.
In case of Hora-chakra the first house is K a r k a t a , and second
house is Simha. (/) If lagna rises at K a r k a t a i.e. the 1st house
and the second house (Simha rasi) is occupied by many planets
(at least more than four planets) the native rises very high i n life
and w i l l be the best man i n his family. H e w i l l be handsome, very
well-behaved and accomplished i n manners, {ii) If lagna falls
in Simha rasi arid many planets are i n the 12th place from lagna
the result w i l l be the reverse.
Over and above a man's wealth or poverty may be judged
from H o r a C h a k r a . Here, also i f there are more number of
planets i n the K a r k a t a rasi and lagna rises at Simha the native
w i l l not be a wealthy man.
{ii) In Drekkan chakraIf any K e n d r a from lagna (Drekkan
Lagna) is occupied by any planet i n exaltation the native
becomes a k i n g or a prosperous man l i k e a k i n g .

If the planet o c c u p y i n g any kendra (from D r e k k a n lagna) is

situated i n his own sign the native becomes a C o m m a n d e r of
king's army ; i f that kendra is the planet's friendly sign the
native becomes an orator.
If the D r e k k a n lord is fully powerful a r d is also aspected by
a friendly planet the native may get a l l the benefic results
indicated by the D r e k k a n - c h a k r a .
(jv) In Saptamsa chakraIf the l o r d of the t h i r d house from
lagna is aspected by or combined with benefic planets the native
may have many brothers and sisters.
If the same l o r d is aspected by or combined with malefics o n l y
he may not have any brother or sister.
(v) I n Navamsa chakraIf the fifth l o r d from lagna is a
natural benefic and is aspected by another natural beneficial
planet the native may have many c h i l d r e n .
If that l o r d being a natural malefic is aspected by or associated
w i t h an unfavourable planet the native's relation with his
c h i l d r e n may be strained or he may not derive any happiness
from them.
(vi) In Dvradasamsa chakraIf the seventh l o r d being a
n a t u r a l benefic is aspected by or combined with a natural
favourable planet the native w i l l have one wife and he gets sons
t h r o u g h that wife.
If that seventh l o r d being a natural unfavourable planet is
combined w i t h or aspected by natural malefic the native's
conjugal life w i l l be unhappy and he does not get happiness from
his c h i l d r e n .
(vii) In Trimsamsa chakraIf the eighth lord from lagna be a
favourable planet aspected by or associated w i t h a benefic the
native breaths his last w i t h f u l l consciousness i n a h o l i place.
If that l o r d be a natural malefic planet associated w i t h
or aspected by natural malefic the native may die of nasty disease
or he may die of fire or drowning.
Readers must have noticed that author of Jyotirnirbandha has
different view from that o f M a h a r s h i Parasara w i t h regard to
i n d i c a t i o n of aforesaid chakras.

I n Jyotirnirbandha the author has said i n almost a l l the

slokas that w h e n the planet i n question is aspected by o r
combined with either benefic or malefic the result w i l l have to be
deduced accordingly. N o w , the question is, what sort of aspect
it should be ; whether the planet i n the b i r t h chart w i l l cast h i s
aspect on the planet i n a V a r g a , or a planet as he is placed in the
Varga w i l l cast his aspect on that planet. M a n y astrologers are
of the o p i n i o n that a planet i n a V a r g a can not cast his aspect o n
another bhava or a planet, as no authority has corroborated such
o p i n i o n . But D r . B. V . R a m a n and some other eminent astrologers
do not support this view, I am also of the o p i n i o n that i f a
planet i n a Varga may have no aspect on another the author
w o u l d never mention a n y t h i n g about such aspect or he w o u l d
say that the planet i n the birth chart may cast his aspect o n
another planet posited i n the V a r g a - c h a k r a .
O l d Schools are of the o p i n i o n that a planet in a Varga may
be aspected by another planet posited i n the b i r t h c h a r t and the
author has mentioned about such aspect o n l y . I t h i n k the
o p i n i o n of such astrologers of o l d school are not tenable.

Rasi, Gana, Varna and Yoni Cbakra

riaai Nakshatra Gana Varna Toni

1 Aswini Deva Kshatriya Horse

Mesa 2 Varani Kara alternate Elephant
3 Kritbika Bakshasa Vaisya Bam'

3 Krithika Bakabasa Vaisya Bam

Vrsa i Bohini Nara alternate Serpent
5 Mrigasira Deva Sudra

5 Mrigasira Deva Sudra Serpent

Mithune 6 Adra Nara alternate Dog
7 Punatvasn Deva Vaisya Oat

7 Pnnarvasu Deva Vipra Cat

aikta 8 PuBja f* Ram
9 Asloaba Bakshasa Cat

10 Magha Bakshasa Eshatriya Rat

Simha 11 P. i'alguni Nara
12 U. Palgunx Nara Cow

12 U. Palgunl Nara Vaisya Cow

Kanya 13 Basta Deva alternate BafEalo
li Chitca Bakshasa Sudra Tiger

14 Chitra Bakshasa Kshatriya Tiger

Tula 16 Bwati Deva alternaie Buffalo
16 Bisakha Bakshasa Sudra Tiger

16 Bieakba Bakshasa Vipra Tiger

Vrscika 17 Anuf&dbs Deva f* Deer
18 Jyestha Bakshata II

19 Moola Bakshasa Kshatriya Dog

Cbann '20 Putbasarha Nara tlonkey
2l Ullai'asarha Mongoose

avUttarasarha Nara Vaisya Mongoose

Makar 22 Sravaua Deva aUecnate MoQKey
23 l)hanistha Bakshasa Sudra Lion

23 Dbanistha Bakshasa Sudra Lion

Kumbha 24 SatavisUa > alrernate Uoiee
25 P.bhadrapada Vaisya Lion

25 P.bhadrapada Nara Vipra liion

Mina 26 U.hhadrapada Cow
27 Bevati Deva Elephant


0|ya Yamardbapatbi

Day Ist 2nd 3rd 4th Sth .6th 7th 3th

Yama Yama Yama Yama Yama Yama Yama Yama
Sun Rav Suk Budh Ch San Vrhs Mang Rav
Mon Ch San Vrhs Mang Rav Suk Budh Ch

Tues Mang Rav Suk Budh Ch San Vrhs Mang

Wed Budh Ch San Vrhs Mang Rav Suk Budh
ThUrJ Vrhs Mang Rav Suk Budh Cb San Vrhi
Ffi Suk Budh Ch San Vrhs Maog Rav Suk
Sat San Vrhs Mang Rav Suk Budh Ch San

Ratri Yamardbapatbi

Day 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Sth 6th 7th Sth

Yama Yama Yama Yama Yama Yama Yama Yama

Sua Rav Vrhs Ch Suk Mang San Budh Rav

Mon Ch Suk Mang San Budh Rav Vths Ch

Tues Mang San Budh Rav Vrhs Ch Suk Mang

Wed Budh Rav Vrhs .Ch Suk Mang San Budh

Thurs Vrhs Ch Suk Mang San Budh Rav Vrhs

Fri Suk Mang San Budh Rav Vrhs Ch Suk

Sat Sin Budh Rav Vrhs Ch Suk Mang San

RavRavi ChChandra MangMangal BudhBudha

VrhsVrhaspathi SukSukra SanSani

DIvt Dandipillij

Y.ijirtb- lit Soil e<a itt Sad 3ri

D-ptlii D-plhl pithi D-pathi D-ithl D.ptbl
Ravi Rvi Rabu Budh Ch Ravi Ravi Suk Budb Ck
Cbiiidra Ch Ravi Rahu Budh Chandra Ch 'Saoi Vrhs Mug
Mangsl Mang Raii Kabu Budh Mangal Mang Ravi Suk Budh
Budh Budb Ch Ravi Rahu Budh Budh Ch Sani Vrhs
VrhM Vrhs Ch Ravi Rahu Vrhat Vrht Mang Ravi Suk
Sukra Suk Maog Ravi Rahu Sukr* Suk Budh Cb Sani
Saoi SaDi Maag Ravi Rahu Sani Sani Vrha Mang Ravi


Janma Kama Saughalik Samuday Vinaatk Manas

Nadi Nadi Nadi Nadi Nadi Nadi
1. Atwiai 1 10 16 18 23 25
2. Varani 2 11 17 19 24 26
3. Krittika 3 12 18 20 25 27
4. Rohini 4 13 19 21 26 1
5. Mrigasira 5 14 20 22 27 2
6. Adra 6 15 21 23 1 3
7. Punarvasu 7 16 22 24 2 4
8. Pusya 8 17 23 25 3 5
9. Aslesha 9 18 24 26 4 6
10. Magha 10 19 25 27 5 7
11. P. Falg 11 20 26 1 6 8
12. Uttar Falg 12 21 27 2 7 9
13. Hasta 13 22 1 3 8 10
14. C h i t r a 14 23 2 4 9 II
15. Swati 15 24 5 10 12
16. Visakha 16 25 4 6 11 13
17. Anuradha 17 26 5 7 12 14
IS. Jestba 18 27 6 8 13 15
19. Moola 19 1 7 9 14 16
2a. p. Sarha 20 2 8 10 15 17
21. U . Sarha 21 3 9 11 16 18
22. Sravana 22 4 10 12 17 19
23. Dhanistha 23 5 11 13 18 20
24. Satavisa 24 6 12 14 19 21
25. P. bhadr 25 7 13 15 20 22
26. U . bhadr 26 8 14 16 21 23
27. Revati 27 9 15 17 22 24

DA:>A-VARGA TABLE ( or Sarani )


Rasi Mes Vrs Mith Kart Sinh Kany Tul Vrsc Dhn Makr Kum Mina
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12

Adhipati Mang Suk Budb Ch Ravi Budh Suk Mang Vths San Vrhs j


Rasi Mes Vrs Mith Kart Sinh Kany Tu! Vrsc Dha Makr K u m Mina

R a v i j Ch Ravi Ch Uavi Ch Ravi Ch Ravi Ravi Ch
15th pan
30th part Ch Kzvi| C h Ravi Ch Ravi Ch Ravi Ch Ravi Ch Ravi


Rasi Mes Vrs Mith Kart Sinh Tul Vrsc Dhn Makr K u m Minn

lOih part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
20th part 5 fi 7 3 9 ;o 11 12 1 2 3 4
30th part 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8


Amsa Mes Vrsa Mith Kart Sinh Kany Tul Vrsc Dhn Makr Kum Mina

7/30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

15/0 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 U 12 1 2 3

22/30 7 8 9 10 11 12 I 2 3 4 5 6

30/0 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

MetMeia VnaVrsa MithMithune KartKarkat SinhSinha KanyaKanya

TlTula VrscVrscika DhnDhanu MakrMakar KumKumbha MinaMina



Amsa Mes Vrs Milk Kan Siab Kany Tul Vr Dhn Mair Kum Mina

4/17/8/M 1 Mmt 3Badli 10 San 5 Ravi 12 Vrhs 7 Suk 2 Suk 9 Vrhs 4Ch U Siin Budh

S/34'17,8 2 Suk 9 Vrh! 4Ch 11 San 6 Budb 1 Mang j Badfa 13 San 5 Ravi 1: Vrhs

12/51/25/42 3 Budh 10 Sm S Ravi 12 Vrhs 2 Suk 9 Vrhs 4Ch M San 6 BuJii i M r; I.

17/8/M/16 4Ch 11 Sao 6 Budh 1 Mang 3 Budh 10 Sao 5 Ravi n Vria > > - :,

21/25/42/30 5 Ravi 12 Vrhs 7 Suk 2 Suk 9 Vili! 4Ch 11 San 6 Budh I Kfr.n.! ,S. 1

25/42/51/24 Budh 1 Mang SMaa; 3Buull 10 Sjn 5 Ravi i:vth. 7 Sui. . i : '.i
1 "
29/59/S9/SJ 7 Suk 2 Suk Vrks 4Cb 11 San 6Biiilb 1 MaDj S Mac? 3


Amsa Mes,Siah>Dha Vrs .Kany, Makr Mith, Tul) Kum Kart,Vrsc, Mina

3/20 1 Mang lOSan 7 Suk 4Ch

6/40 2 Suk 11 San 8 Mang S Ravi

lO/O 3 Budh 11 Vrhs 9 Vrhs 6 Budh

13/20 4Ch 1 Mang 10 San 7 Suk

16/40 5 Ravi 2 Suk 11 San 8 Mang j

20/0 6 Budh 3 Budh 12 Vrhs 9 Vrhs

23/20 7 Suk 4Ch 1 Mang lOSaa

26/40 8 Mang S Ravi 2 Suk 11 San

30/0 9 Vrhs 6 Budh 3 6dh 12 Vrhs



J 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
A rasa Mes Vrs Mith Kart Sinh Kany Tul Vrsc Dhn Makr K u m Mina

3/0 I 10 3 12 S 2 7 4 9 6 It 8

6/0 2 II 4 1 6 3 8 5 10 7 12 9

9/0 3 12 5 2 7 4 9 6 11 8 I 10

12/0 4 1 6 3 8 5 10 7 12 9 2 11

15/0 5 2 7 4 9 6 11 8 1 10 3 12

18/0 6 3 8 5 10 7 12 9 2 11 4 1

21/0 7 4 9 6 11 8 1 10 3 12 5 2

24/0 8 5 10 7 12 9 2 11 4 I 6 3

27/0 11 8 10 3 12 5 2 7 4
9 6 I

30/0 10 7 12 9 2 11 4 1 '6 3 8 J

Rasi Rasi Rasi Rasi Rasi Rasi Rasi Rasi Rasi Rasi r.asi Rail


Amsa Mes Vrs Mith Kart Sinh Kany Tul Vrsc Dhn Makr Kum Mina

2/30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

5/0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 I

7/30 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2

10/0 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3

12/30 5 6 7 8 9 :o 11 12 I 2 3 4

15/0 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5

17/30 7 8 9 10 11 12 I 2 3 4 5 6

20/0 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

22/30 9 10 11 12 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

25/0 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

27/30 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

30/0 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11


Amsa Mes Vrs Mith Kart Sinh Kany TuJ Vrsc Ohn Makr Kum Mina

1/52/30 1 5 9 1 S 9 1 5 9 1 5 9

3/45/0 2 6 10 2 6 10 2 6 10 2 6 10

5/37/30 i 7 1> i 7 It 3 7 11 3 7 11

7/.W/0 4 8 12 4 8 i2 4 8 12 4 8 12

9 22/30 5 9 I 3 9 1 5 9 I 5 9 1

1 './i5/0 6 10 2 6 10 2 6 10 2 6 10 2

13/7/30 7 11 3 7 11 3 7 II 3 7 11 3

iS/OO 8 12 4 8 12 t 8 12 4 8 12 4

16/52/30 9 1 5 9 1 5 9 1 5 9 1 5

18/45 0 10 2 6 10 2 6 10 2 6 to 2 6

20/37,30 11 3 7 il 3 7 11 3 7 11 3 7

22/30,0 12 4 8 12 4 8 12 4 8 12 4 8

24/22/30 I 5 9 1 5 9 I 5 9 1 5 9

2^/15/0 t 10 6 6 6
6 2 10 2 10 2 10

28/7/30 3 7 11 3 7 11 3 7 11 3 7 11

30/0/0 (4 8 12 4 8 12 4 8 12 4 8 12

Rasi Rasi Rasi Rasi Rasi Rasi Rasi Rasi Rati Rasi Rasi Rasi


Amsa Mesa Mithune Sinha Tula Dhanu Kumbha

5 Mangal Mang Mang Mang Mang Mang

10 Sani San San San San San

18 Vrhs Vrhs Vrhs Vrhs Vrhs

25 Budb Budh Budh Budh Budh Budh

30 Sulcra Suk Suk Suk Suk Suk


Amsa Vrsa Karkat Kanya Vrscika Makar Mina

5 Suk Suk Suk Suk Suk Suk

12 Budh Budh Budh Budh Budh Budh

20 Vrhs Vrhs Vrhs Vrhs Vrhs Vrhs

25 San San San San San San

30 Mang Mang Mang Mang Mang Mang



is s Vrj Mith Kart Sinh Kany Tul Vrsc Dhn Makr Kum Mina 1 5 Amsa K a l a
3 m a:
1 6 7 g 9 10 II 12 f) 30
1 2 3 4 5

2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 1 0

3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 1 -10
J 4

4 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 2 ')

5 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 3 4 2 30

6 6 7 8 9 lU 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 0

7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 3 30

3 4 5 6 7 4 0
8 8 10 II 12 1 2

9 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 * 4 30

5 6 7 8 9 S 0 '
10 10 11 12 1 2 3 4

11 11 12 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 iO 5 30
-* 12 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 6 0
13 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 * 6 30

14 2 3 4 5 1 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 7 n

15 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 I 7 30

* 16 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 8 tl

17 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 3 3U

18 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 I 2 3 4 5 * 9 (1

l 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 * 9 30

20 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 * 10 0

Rasi Rasi Rasi Rasi Rasi Rasi Rasi Rasi Rasi Rati Rasi Rasi


Jl e
Mm Vrs Miih Kart Sinh Kany Tul Vrsc Dhn Makr Kum Mina 1^ Amsa Kala
21 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 * 10 30

22 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 0

23 11 12 . 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9' 10 II 30

24 12 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0

25 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 * 12 30

* 26 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 13 u
27 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 13 30
28 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 14 0

29 5 6 7 8 9 10 1! 12 1 2 3 4 14 30

* 30 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5
* 15 0

31 7 8 9 10 It 12 I 2 3 4 5 6
* IS 30

* 32 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 16 0

* 33 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 16 30

34 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 17
9 0

* 35 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 * 17 30

* 36 12 ' 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 18 0

' 2 3 4 5 6 7 1) 9 10 11 12 18 iO

JS 2 S 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 1 19 0

39 3 4 5 7 8 9 2
10 II 11 1 19 30

* 40 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 It 12 1 2 3 20 0

41 5 6 7 1 9 10 11 I 2 3 4 20 30

Rasi Rasi Rasi Rasi Rasi Rasi Rasi Rasi Rati Rui Rtsi Rasi


n <a 1 **
E i
.2 K 3 Mes Vrsi Mith K a n Sinh Kany Tul Vrsc Dhn Makr Kum <
CD Z Mina it

* 42 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 21 0

43 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 21 30
5 6

44 8 9 10 11 12 2 3 4 6
5 7 22 0

45 9 10 II 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 22 30
46 10 11 ' 12 1 2 4 5 6 8 0
3 7 9 23

47 II 12 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 23 30

48 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 24 0

49 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 24 30

SO 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 25 0

5] 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 25 30

52 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 26 0

53 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 26 30

54 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 1 2 3 4 $ 27 0

55 7 8 9 10 11 12 I 2 3 4 5 27 30

56 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 S < 7 28 0

57 9 10 11 12 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 28 30

58 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 29 0

* 59 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 * 29 30

1^ 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 30 O'

Rasi Rati Rati Rati Rasi Rasi Rasi Rasi Rasi Rasi Rati Rasi

Read the digiu I. 2, 3 etc. in Ihe rollowing manners 1 means Mesa, 2 means Vrsa, 3 means Mithune etc.
How to read Saslhyarasa chakra ? Say Ravisdegree in Mesa i T-IO". Look at the chart, you will notice,
in the column Mesa after 1 within I'.iOf the planet's position it in 3nl Rati in Mithune. There is
ao star mark against il. So il ia not in Krura rasi-Star markedfiguresiodicate 'Krara' ( craol or very mtleficjl
Metheti of Calcniation

Hora U g m . M e t l i o d of c a l c u l a t i o n :
We may show the process o f c a l c u l a t i o n b y a f o r m u l a w h i c h
is t h i s :
B i r t h time hours a n d minutes minus Sunrise hours a n d
2nd step: The resultaat hours a n d minutes are to be
converted i n t o R a s i a n d amsa a n d k a l a ( m i n ).
E a c h houT is equal to one rasi.
T w o minutes are equal to one amsa ( degree ).
T w o seconds are equal to one k a l a ( minute ).
Srd step : T h e aforesaid R a s i , amsa and k a l a etc, are to be
added to either R a v i s p h u t a o r Chandrasphuta.
The result is H o r a l a g n a .
When Ravi or Chandrasphata is to be added ?
If the lagna i n the birthchart falls i n a V i s a m a ( o d d ] rasi
R a v i s p h u t a and when l a g n a falls i n a Sama ( e v e n ) rasi
Chandrasphuta are t o be added to the rasi, amsa etc worked
o u t i n the 2 a d step.
Let us give a n illustration :
L o o k at the standard horoscope i n Chapter II, page 71.
The boy was born at 4 hours 27 minutes 17 seconds after
sunrise, w h i c h means 4 rasi 13 amsa ( or degree ) 38 k a l a ( or
minute ) 30 bikala ( or seconds ).
A s the lagna is i n V i s a m a rasi ( o d d ) R a v i s p h u t a is to be
So, H o r a lagna w i l l be ( 4 - 1 3 * - 3 8 ' - 3 0 " + 0 ' - 1 6 - 1 8 ' - I 9 ' )
Ghati lagnaMethod o f c a l c u l a t i o n
F i n d out Jata-danda. D i v i d e Jata-danda and p a l a etc by 12.
T h e remainder danda, p a l a should be converted into rasi and
amsa etc. Here, each danda is equal to one rasi, two palas are
equal to one amsa ( degree ), two bipalas are equal to one kala
(minute). N o w , a d d this newly found rasi, amsa etc to
a c t u a l rasi, amsa, etc of lagnasphuta. T h e result is G h a t i lagna.

If the Jata-danda is less than 12 then d i v i s i o n by 12 is not

aecessary. T h i s is a lagna quite different from Jata-lagna. B u t
there w i l l be no difference w i t h regard to placement of planets i n
the birthchart.

M e a n i n g of different digits i n A m d h a chakra

See the d i a g r a m of A r u d h a p a d a (p 90). There are i n different

rasis no. 1, 2, 3, etc to denote Lagnapada, Dhanapada,.
Sahajapada etc. T h i s means the 1 dijit is Lagnapada, 2 i s
D h a n a p a d a , 3 is Sahajapada, 4 is S u k h a p a d t etc.

Indian Astrologer's d i l e m m a :

H o w to find oot lagna o f a birth chart when the native is born

outside India, such as London or Newyork etc ?
T h e method o f c a l c u l a t i o n is explained by a specific
T h i s is to hi noted first that lagna-position is to be calculated
according to the l o c a l mean time of ttie place where the c h i l d is
born. Grahasphuta is to be calculated according to our (Indian)
Panchanga ( Ephemeris ) i f the Ephemeris of the b i r t h place i s
not available.

Illustration I : A boy was born on the 10th M a r c h , 1971 at

3 hr& 30 m i n ( A . M . ) at L o n d o n . A c c o r d i n g to Indian System.
3 hrs 30 min at night on the 9 i h M a r c h .
Process of calculation :
London l o n g i t u d e 0 - 5 '
Calcutta 88-23'
difference i s , , 88-18'
E a c h degree is equal to 4 mins
Therefore 8 8 - 1 8 ' X 4 = 5 h i s 53 m 12 sees. L o n d o n is west
to C a l c u t t a . So London t i m e + 5 hrs 53 m 12 sees i.e. 3 hrs 30 n
( A . M . )+5 hrs 53 m 12 sec = 9 hrs 23 ra 12 sees A . M . ( C a l c u t t a
l o c a l mean time) or 8 hrs 59 m 42 sees (Ind. St. Time) on the 10th
M a r c h , 1971. I have already said that lagna is to be worked out
according to L o n d o n l o c a l mean time w h i c h is 3 hrs 30 m ( A . M , ^
and grahasphuta is to be calculated according to I. S. T>

IlIostratioB n : I f the boy was born at N e w y o r k

( U . S. A . ) on that day and at that time /. e. at 3 hrs 30 m ( A . M . )
o n the 10th M a r c h , process o f c a l c u l a t i o n w i l l be as fol)ov s :

C a l c u t t a longitude = 8S-23'
Newyork = 73-58'
B y addition it comes to 1 6 2 - 2 1 '
E a c h degree = 4 min. So, 1 6 2 - 2 1 ' x 4
= 10 hrs 48 m i n 21 Sec.

Tnerefore this diflFcrence of time is to be added to the b i r t h

time of N e w y o r k w h i c h is 14 hrs 18 min 21 sec { L . M . T . ) P. M ,
i.e.3 hrs 30 m i n ( A . M . )+10 hrs 48 m i n 21 sec=14 hrs I I
m i n 21 sec of the afternoon of the 10th M a r c h . T h i s is C a l c u t t a
L o c a l Mean T i m e w h i c h is equivalent to 13 hrs 54 m i n 51 sees
I n d i a n Standard T i m e .

Another most important point to be noted :

U . S. A . and E n g l a n d have different time i n different periods

w h i c h are quoted herebelow from N . C . L a h i r i ' s Table o f

Period of Summer Time

British Summer T i m e ( when clock time is 1 hr more than

G . M . T . ) changing at 2 A . M . G . M . T .

1936 Apr 14 to Oct 6 1948 Mar 14 to Oct 31 1962 Mar 25 to Oot 28

1986 Apr 19 to Oct 4 1949 Apr 3 to Oct 30 1963 Mar 31 to Oot 27
1987 Apt 18 to Oct 8 1950 Apt 16 to Oct 22 1964 Mar 22 to Oct 25
1938 Apr 10 to Oot i 1951 Apr 16 to Oct 21 1965 Mar 21 to Oct 24
1939 April 16 to NOT 19 1962 Apr 20 to Oot 26 1966 Mar 20 to Oct 23
1940 Fib 26 to Dec 91 1963 Apr 19 to Oct 4 1967 Mar 19 to Oot 29
* 1941 whola year 1964 Apr 11 to Oot 3 1968 Feb 18 to Dec 31
1943 TThole yaai 1965 Apr 17 to Oct 2 1969 whole year
1943 whole year 1966 Apr 22 to Oct 7 1970 whole year
1967 Apt 14 to Oct 6 1971 till Oot 31
1944 whola year
1968 Apr 20 to Oct 9 1972 Mar 19 to Oet 29
1946 Jan 1 to Oot 7 1973 Mar 18 to Oct 28
1969 Apr 19 to Oct 4
19*6 Apr 14 to Oct 8 1960 Apr 10 to Oot 2 1974 Mar 17 to Oot 27
* 1947 Mar 16 to Nov '2 1901 ICat 36 to Oot 29 1975 Mai 16 to Oot 38.

* D o u b l e Summer T i m e (when clock time. i 2 hr more than

G . M . T.)

1941 M a y 4 to A u g 10 1944 A p r 2 to Sept 17

1942 A p r 5 to A u g 9 1945 A p r 2 to J u l y 15
1943 A p r 4 to A u g 15 1947 A p r 13 to A u g 10
F r o m 1973 o n w a r d Summer T i m e observed is from 2 A . M .
o f Sunday following the t h i r d Saturday i n M a r c h to 2 A . M . o f
the day f o l l o w i n g the fourth Sunday i n October.
I n N o r t h A m e r i c a ( U . S. A . , Canada and Mexico) the following
Standard Times are maintained :

N o r m a l Standard T i m e D u r i n g Summer Seasons

A t l a n t i c time 4 hr A S T 3 hr A D T
Eastern time 5 hr E S T 4 hr E D T
C e n t r a l time 6 h r C S T 5 h r C D T
M o u n t a i n time 7 hr M S T 6 hr M D T
Pacific time 8 hr P S T 7 hr P D T

T h e cities of Nevi^york, Washington D . C , P h i l a d e l p h i a ,

Boston, Quebsc, Toronto, Ottowa, M o n t r e a l etc. fall i n the Eastern
T i m e zone. Indian Standard T i m e is l O i hrs i n advance of the
n o r m a l Standard T i m e of this zone.

Summer time or D a y light Saving time is introduced from

t A . M . of last Sunday i n A p r i l and w i t h d r a w n from 2 A . M .
o f last Sunday i n October, d u r i n g w h i c h period clocks are
advanced by one hour.

In U . S. S. R . the Standard time observed varies from + 3 h r

to -f-13 hr. O r i g i n a l l y the E u r o p e a n Countries l i k e Irish
R e p u b l i c , France, Belgium, Portugal, S p a i n etc, observed G . M . T .
as the Standard time of the country. D u r i n g the period of the
second world war, their clocks were advanced by one hour for
the purpose of Day Light Saving as was done i n Great B r i t a i n .
T h i s system o f time is still being continued i n these countries
although B r i t a i n has since restored to G . M . T. except for
Summer T i m e . (Quoted from Table of Ascendants bf

DreamsA Mystery

The Agni Purana a sacred book of H i n d u s instructs the image-

maker to pray on, the night before he begins his work as
follows :
" O , L o r d of a l l the G o d s teach me i n dreams to carry out the
work I have i n m i n d . "
Closely s i m i l a r to the prayer i n the Agni Purana is the
following from Tibetan yoga & secret doctrines edited by
Eians-arntx :
" T h e n at night, when about to sleep pray to the guru that
thou mayest be enabled to comprehend the dream-state, and
firmly resolve that thou w i l t comprehend i t . By meditating
thus, one is certain to comprehend it.

In the second practice, comprehending it by the power o f

breath, the methods are : sleep on the rightside as a l i o n doth.
W i t h the t h u m b and r i n g finger o f the right hand press the
pulsation o f the throat arteries, stop the nostrils w i t h the fingers
( o f the left hand ] ; let the saliva collect i n throat.
A s a result o f these methods, the yogin enjoys a v i v i d
consciousness i n the dream-state as i n the w a k i n g state ; and i n
passing from one state to another experiences no break i n the
c o n t i n u i t y o f memory. Thereby the content of the fl ream-state
is found to be quite the same as that o f the waking-state,-
in that it is w h o l l y phenomenal and, therefore i l l u s o r y .
A l l the m u l t i t u d i n o u s forms, both inorganic and organic,
existing i n nature, i n c l u d i n g the forms o f men and o f gods,
are found to be purely phenomenal, a n d thus, i n themselves,,
non-real. So dream-experiences and waking-experiences a l i k e
are discovered to be l i k e mirage or>like the image o f the moon-
seen reflected i n water. T h e yogin's aim is to attain to the
causal or nonmenal state wherein alone can thereby realisation'
of R e a l i t y . "
The reader may try the second practice described above, for
himself. H e w i l l discover certain things for himself. The
practiee is worth-trying, easy and harmless.


T h i s i f perhaps a little more positive than what Shakespeart

meant i n his famous lines, " W e are such stuff as dreams a i
made on, and our little life is rounded w i t h a sleep."
A n d let it not be forgotten that from the visions or dreams,
i f y o u W i l l , o f Joan of Arc, come the rescue of feudal France from
the grip of Englandalso that John Bunyan was called the " M a d
D r e a m e r " after he had written his i m m o r t a l Pilgrims Progress
aad nearer s t i l l , to modern times, Coleridge c l a i m e d to have
written his poetical fragment Kublakhan from a dream.
The theory that dreams are just events casting their shadows
before has been re-enforced i n our o w n times by the scientific
ideas of serialism set forth by the C a m b r i d g e mathematician
Dunne. But there are other theories as w e l l , less philosophical
or scientific and more prosaic : " C h i l d r e n of the night o f
indigestion b r e d " observes one theorist. " A w o r l d o f the dead i n
the hues o f life", says another. " W e are somewhat more than
ourselves i n our sleeps and the slumber o f the body seems
t o be but the waking of the soul. It is the l i t i g a t i o n o f sense
but the liberty o f reason and our w a k i n g conceptions do not
match the fancies of our sleeps." ( Sir J. Browne )
There is a different way o f putting the basic philosophy of
serialism, long before Dunne.
But apart from theories, of w h i c h there is no endthey begin
beyond Plato from the facts o f the Bible, or beyond even that
a n d there s t i l l ' i c u m e n in"the important question remains w h y
do some dreams come t r u e ? There is h a r d l y any satisfying
answer to it. It is a mystery.
Least mystifying, however, is the answer w h i c h Bernard Shaw
puts i n the mouth of Joan of Arc when charged w i t h accusation
that her dream voices "come from your i m a g i n a t i o n . "
O f course she replies, "that is h o w messages of G o d do come
to us."
" N o b o d y " , writes Shaw, "disputes that the relief of Orleans
followed by the coronation o f the D a u p h i n at R h e i m s were
m i l i t a r y and p o l i t i c a l master-strokes that saved F r a n c e . T h e y
m i g h t have been planned by N a p o l e o n i c or any other i l l u s i o n -
proof f enious."
Y e t as everybody knows Joan was a young peasant m a i d
u n l e a r n e d and unversed i n either war or politics.

The p r o b a b i l i t y teems to be that m a n is a multi-lazared being

a n d though ninetynine percent of dreams may be straight-
forward enough and altogether unproblematic, there are always
a few dreams w h i c h seem to be utterly strange as i f they were
t r y i n g to tell something, that is to convey a sort of message.
Jung i n his Memories, Dreams, Reflections records some such
feelings i n the chapter w h i c h he calls "confrontation w i t h the
unconscious". H e describes a dream i n w h i c h the corpses i n a
row of tombs seemed to come back to life, a.'- he looked at them.
T h e n he describes a sort of sense of oppression he was passing
throughit was the A u t u m n of 1913, a little before ihe first
w o r l d war startedand then a vision. It was that of a mighty
flood covering the whole a n d large tracts of land between ihe
N o r t h Sea and the A l p s and of mountains getting higher and
higher to thwart it and countless floating dead K>dies i n the
flood w h i c h had become metamorphosed into flood. The vision
returned two weeks later and he heard a voice that said " L o o k
at i t well : it is w h o l l y real." Sometime after, he had dreams of
a n A r t i e cold wave freezing the w o r l d . The vision came again
for the t h i r d time.
H e realised only later that the dreams had been prophetic.
" W e have i n dreams" writes Winslow, "No true perception o f
timea strange property of mind ! F o r , i f such be also its
property when entered into the eternal disembodied state, time
w i l l appear to us Eternity ! T h e realisations of space as well as
of time are also annihilated so that, wnile almost an eternity is
compressed into a moment infinite spaces is traversed morei
Swiftly than by real thought."
Students of H i n d u Philosophy p a r t i c u l a r l y o f the P h i l o s o p h y
of Yogavashista Ramayana will discover considerable s i m i l a r i t y
between the above and bis own studies.
" N o t h i n g so m u c h convinces me the bourdltssness of the
h u m a n mind as its operations i n dreaming", writes a philosopher
and this may be read along w i t h the following : " D r e a m i n g is
a n act of pure imagination, attesting i n a l l men a creative power
w h i c h i f it wer*; available i n w a k i n g , w o u l d make every man a
Dante and a Shakespeare." ( Hedge )
Freud divided dreams into two c l a s s e s : latent dreams or
personal wishes w h i c h m i g h t or might not be fulfilled i n the

<iream: and manifest dreams, those i n w h i c h the dreamer

either participated i n some action or was simply a witness to i t .
O f these the latter are o f course more significant. T h e y may
be "Message D r e a m s " , w a r n i n g of experiences to come or just
pictures of events that have already taken place. T h e latter
are mostly attributed to supernatural influences.
The ancients believed i n dreams w i t h a k i n d o f reverence and
awe. T h e Scriptures s a y : " G o d speaketh once, yet twice, yet
man perceived it not. In a dream, i n a vision o f the night when
deep sleep fallen upon man i n slumbering upon the bed, then H *
openeth the ears of men and sealeth their instruction."
In the Old Testament, G o d thus spoke to' Moses " H e r e now
my words i f there be a prophet among y o u ! I, the l o r d , w i l l
make myself k n o w n to h i m i n a vision and w i l l speak to h i m i n
-a dream."
T h u s the ancients looked upon dreams as direct message*
from G o d and regarded angels as H i s chosen messengers; W h e n
Jacob dreamed, he saw a ladder a n d the angels o f G o d ascending
and discending upon it.
The B i b l i c a l story of the dreams o f the Pharaoh of E g y p t is
too well-known to be repeated.
Another B i b l i c a l ruler N e b u c h a d n e z z a r dreamed that he
saw a great image o f gold, silver, brass, iron and clay a n d D a n i e l
interpreted the dream w h i c h conveyed a message. Throughout
the age writers and philosophers had devoted m u c h attention
The Greeks f i r m l y believed in dreams and regarded them as
commands from the gods of O l y m p u s , sent to man by Zeus, the
father o f the gods, through H i s messenger Hermes ( i n L a t i n
Mercury ). A m o n g s t the lesser gods were Hypros (sleep), Oneiros
^( Dreams ) a n d Thauatos ( D e a t h ) ; so dreams were taken as the
d o m a i n of a god.
The G r e e k philosophers of course attributed material and
physical causes to dreamsdisorders of the liver, w h i c h was then
held to be the seat of passions and of appetite, bodily strain due
to overwork. But Plato, Aristotle, Democretus and G a i u i were
never ' p o p u l a r ' a s ' p o p u l a r i t y ' h a s been understood i n various

Interpretation of dreams has been the philosopher's j o b

through centuries. In H i n d u sacred lore, the Brahmavaivarta
Purana devoted attention to this, w h i l e , i n the West thename o f
Artemidorun is conspicuous. H e l i v e d i n the reign o f A u t o m i n u s
of Rome and wrote a book on dreams w h i c h was translated i n
later times by Rigaltius, an edition o f w h i c h was published
in 1604.
Artemidorus d i d not concoct the interpretations but
compiled them from the lessons of antiquity.
R a c i a l or inherited, accumulated memory or the stored-up
impressions i n the m i n d , w h i c h are assumed to be transmitted
down through the ages for countless generations, are said to
account for many dreams. When we sleep, the remembrance
of things long past surges back again and produces the dreams.
A n d n a t u r a l l y , those dreams are the most difficult to e x p l a i n .
T h r o u g h them, we live again fragments of lives o f our ancestors
i n the d i m , distant past.
Some dreams again are said to be caused or influenced by
departed spiritsthe "shades of women and o f men, who have
lived and have died and are l i v i n g again." F o r this reason,
religion enjoins that, before going to sleep, one s h o u l d pray,- so
that the s p i r i t u a l defence against e v i l spirits is fought into
A further c o m p l i c a t i o n is introduced by the concept o f
It is most interesting and potentialities o f this theory are
immense. But, unless the modern studies i n para-psychology,
are more persuative and c o n v i n c i n g , orthodox science
continues to be indifferent. H i n d u scriptures are full of
illustrations of this line o f explanation for dreams : but they
belong to the reader of forgotten knowledge, o f w h i c h , alas,
there is no l a c k i n I n d i a .
One w o u l d therefore conclude on the note that dreams are a
mystery, not yet fully explained, they are on the t w i l i g h t ot
understandinginteresting and significant a l l the time, but
hardly fully intelligible, therein possibly lies the attractiveness o f
it a l l .

T h e following points w o u l d however sum up a safe guide line

to go by.
O u r dreams at least those w h i c h are more meaningful or
stginficant than the rest, are those i n w h i c h we the dreamers
are both spectators and participants.
Frequently they are distorted impressions o f experiences
remote or recent. I f remote, they may be too remote for
A s i n the mirrors, so aiso, frequently i n dreams, we see our
thoughts i n reverse gear, so that the p o p u l a r saying that
"dreams go by contraries" is thereby confirmed.
But i n any case, dreams, it is worth repeating, remain a
mystery i n both space and time. A n d some o f those may very
truly be t r e m b l i n g at what T. S. Eliot calls the "intersection of
the timeless moment" w i t h time or at the intersection o f the
sub-conscious w i t h the conscious. A n d , not only spiritually
but also i n the A r t , Literature and M u s i c , they have been great
creative forces. The musician, the painter, the writer, the
architect, sculptor and the poet may a l l have their waking
dreams, but i n some cases the end products o f sleep dream
have been great. R. N. StevensotCs wonderful story of Jekyll
and Hyde was a dream.
T o sum up, Defoe wrote i n 1726 : "So dream is nothing
else but to sleep t h i n k i n g " . A n d this may be taken as the texts
o u r modern theories o f the sub-conscious have b u i l t upon.
A n d even to-day, this is about as far as we can safely go.

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