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EDU 543 VAPA Lesson Plan

Lesson Name and Content Area

Grade Level_____2_______
Candidate Name: Julia Vasquez
Locate a VAPA lesson plan on WWW and work backwards to fill out this lesson plan form. Fill out the
student information form at the end of this lesson plan to help you know your individual students.
Download TPA 1 and 2 and use as a reference as you complete this lesson plan. This plan is
intended to provide you with some of the major skills and types of writing needed for completing
TPA 1 and 2.
Learning about your students: Locate or develop an interest survey you could use to learn
about your students: Google interest surveys for elementary students and get ideas. Arts and
PE are great areas of the curriculum to learn more about the interests and attitudes of your
students and helps you plan other content area lessons.
Describe the students in this class: Use your fieldwork school List potential high risk
for information. (view their web site and find supporting (type of) students, issues,
information) or anticipated difficulties
Include the following: with engaging students in
Grade 2nd this learning opportunity.
Average Age 7 N/A
Boys N/A
Girls N/A
SES level N/A
Likes/dislikes -- N/A
General Background experience in this content area. N/A
Types of learning opportunities needed for this group N/A
Developmental needs of this group in grade: N/A
Any other specific information needed concerning the students who will
be engaged in this lesson. N/A

State Adopted Content Standard(s) How do these

List full Standard with grade level and standard number. standards integrate
1.0 Artistic Perception: Students perceive and respond to works of art, across the curriculum?
objects in nature, events, and the environment. They also use the List /explain possible
vocabulary of the visual arts to express their observations. links:
Language Arts: Students
Perceive and discuss differences in mood created by warm compare and contrast
and cool colors.{VA-Grade 2-1.2} differences in mood
created by warm and cool
2.0 Creative Expression: Students apply artistic processes and skills, colors similar to
using a variety of media to communicate meaning and intent in original comparing and
works of art. contrasting in literary
Demonstrate beginning skill in the use of art media, such as
oil pastels, watercolors, and tempera. {VA- Grade 2-2.2} Grade 2-3.1 Compare and
contrast plots, settings,
Create a painting or drawing, using warm or cool colors and characters presented
expressively.{VA-Grade 2-2.4} by different authors.

4.0 Aesthetic Valuing: Students analyze, assess, and derive meaning History: In the
from works of art, including their own, according to the elements of art, introduction, students will
the principles of design, and aesthetic qualities. look closely at two of Van
Goghs own painting and
Compare different responses to the same work of art. {VA- learn a little bit of his
Grade 2-4.2} background.

Use appropriate vocabulary of art to describe the successful

use of an element of art in a work of art. {VA-Grade 2-4.4}
Academic learning goals (objectives) What specifically will
1. After completing this lesson, students will be able to create their students be able to
own painting with tempura paint. know or do?
2. After creating the art work students will be able to compare the Students will create their
different emotional responses to the warm and cool colors used. own art pieces using
Ex. Warm- Energetic; Cool- Peaceful tempura paint.
Students will be able to
identify the different
warm and cool colors.
Students will be able to
discuss different moods
cool and warm colors
Materials, Technology, other Resources Rationale: Why did you
Vocabulary: select these materials?
Complementary colors / opposite colors: colors on the opposite side of Students need to
the color wheel. understand these
vocabulary words in order
Warm hues or colors: Colors on the green to blue to violet end of color to begin describing the
wheel. emotional response
elicited by warm and cool
Cool hues or colors: Colors on the red to orange to yellow end of the colors.
colors wheel.
Square heavy white
Materials: drawing paper is used so
Square heavy white drawing paper. (At least 10"x10") that the paper can hold
Pencils up with the tempura
Green, blue, violet, yellow, orange and red tempera paints. paint. Pencils are used to
Paintbrushes begin drawing the
Paper towels images. The tempera
Containers of water paints are used so
Prints of paintings by Van Gogh students can gain a
beginning level skill using
Technology: tempera paint. Paper
Use overhead to display images of Van Goghs work. towels and containers of
water are both used to
clean paintbrushes and
desks. The prints of
paintings by Van Gogh
are used to get the
students thinking about
use of warm and cool
colors before they create
their own work of art.
Assessment: What evidence of learning will you collect during Why did you select
this lesson that will indicate the extent the students have this evidence of
completed the lesson goals? learning and how will
Assessment will occur during closure. Teacher will check each student's it show student
work on completion of instruction and orally assess students competence?
knowledge of art verbiage used in project. Teacher will look for A students response to
appropriate use of warm and cool colors in the completed artwork. various questions helps
Teacher can use rubric to assess students artwork. the teacher assess the
process. Then, the
students artwork is the
product assessed. If the
student uses the correct
colors then they are able
to identify the different
warm and cool colors.
Then, students should be
able to properly describe
the emotional responses
brought on by the colors
Teacher will listen closely to student responses for indication of in the group assessment
accurate use of vocabulary and comprehension of warm and cool questions.
colors. Group assessment will take place while teacher listens to
comments of students about their and others work.

Sample questions asked by teacher:

How did we make our paintings today? What different things did we
have to do? Can we list them in order?

How do the colors you chose make you feel?

Is your painting done in warm or cool colors?

What is a hue?

What other types of art techniques use wax to resist color?

Does your painting effect the viewers mood? Was that on purpose?
Instructional Strategies: What content specific instructional Rationale: Why did you
strategies are you using to teach this lesson? select these
A combination of direct teacher instruction and student discovery will strategies?
be used. Teacher will explain and then model each step of the art lesson This direct instruction is
as the students are creating. Student discovery is best used when best used in this art
describing the different emotional responses of the cool and warm lesson to keep students
colors. Students can pull from their previous experiences to guess the on track so students
moods brought on by the different colors. Students will explore these arent missing steps of
ideas and make predictions. the art piece. I also chose
to include student
discovery because
students are more likely
to remember the
information if they think it
through and come up
with logical answers
based on their
Student Learning Activities: Rationale: Why did you
List Activities and describe each of the teaching steps in the order that select these activities?
you will implement each step. The introduction activity
Procedures: is designed to get
Introduction: Put forward the following questions: students thinking about
1. What colors would you use to paint a night scene? art and how it can help
2. What colors would you use to show light? elicit specific emotions.
3. What are happy colors to you? By using a well-known
4. What colors make you feel sad or seem sad to you? artist to illustrate these
ideas students are more
After discussing and reflecting on responses, introduce prints of likely to begin recognizing
paintings by Van Gogh where he used warm and cool colors. this element of art in
other works.
Familiarize students with Van Gogh with reference to time period and The activity allows the
art style. Talk about his palette and how he used color to create moods. students to practice this
Talk about warm (yellow, orange and red) and cool (green, blue and idea in their own art. The
violet) colors, what they are and how they construct mood. sun and moon are great
examples of this idea and
help students clearly
Activity: (1) Students will be given a piece of square white heavy weight identify the differences in
drawing paper and a pencil. While paper and pencils are being passed colors.
out, students will asked to decide if they would like to make a cool The group assessment
moon picture or a warm sun picture. Students should then put name on helps students reflect on
the back of the paper. Teacher will lead in the class in drawing a large their work and remember
circle in the middle of their paper, lightly with a pencil. The teacher will what they previously
demonstrate instruction and examples of type of eyes, mouths and learned about the
noses that could be placed inside the circle. Demonstrate features that emotions of cool and
would convey a mood. The students that chose to be a sun would then warm colors.
be instructed on different types of sun rays that could be placed on the
outside of the circle.
(2) Teacher will be passing out paper plates will either the warm palette
or cool palette tempera paint to each student. Wide painting (1 inch)
brushes and paper towels are to be passed out also.
(3) After drawing is completed, students will use tempera paints to
color their drawings. Instruction and/or demonstration on applying the
paints should be done before the students start. Have students apply How will they help
the paint colors singularly, letting them blend themselves on the edges. students accomplish
Remind the students of Van Gogh and how his paintings looked, colors the lesson goal and
are often laid down side by side. The goal is not to "color in side the standard?
lines" but to add mood and "temperature" to the drawing. The activity will help
students gain a beginning
Group Assessment: See sample questions listed in Assessment. level skill of painting with
tempura paint. Then,
Closure: Completed paintings will be put in a common area to dry and discussing their art work
be viewed. During this time teacher can ask individual students and Van Goghs artwork
questions about their work, looking for answers containing the will help students
vocabulary used in the project. As a class, students are to discuss with compare the different
teacher how they feel about their work and others work, and how color emotional responses of
and line affected the different projects. warm and cool colors.

Clean up: After completion of their painting, students will throw away
their paper plates, dump water cups, wash their brushes and return
brushes and pastels to proper containers. Paper towels can be used to
clean desks and students of any paint.
Student Work: Make the assignment/activity (use as a model). Explain how you will
Students are to go home and find one work of art that either utilizes use this work sample.
warm or cool colors. The art work can be from a magazine, book, Students can share some
internet, your own home, picture of an artwork, etc. Students will bring of the artworks they
that artwork to class and write if it uses warm/ cool colors and how found. The purpose is to
those colors are supposed to make you feel? show students that artists
use color to elicit an
emotional response. It is
a common tool used in
art, media, propaganda,
Student Grouping Rationale: Why did you
How will students be grouped during this lesson? Keep in mind that the select this type of
groupings may change during the lesson (ex. begin with whole group grouping (ex. whole
and then divide into small groups). group, small groups,
Students will begin by discussing as a class with the teacher for the boys, girls, ELA/ELD)?
introductory questions. Then, students will share materials with their The whole group works
table as the activity is directed by the teacher. Finally, students will together so students can
come back together as a large group to discuss the group assessment explore all together, and
questions. Teacher will also direct questions towards specific students bounce ideas off of one
to assess their individual understanding. another. Students will
already be grouped in
tables so that some
students can help others
that might be struggling.
Finally, teacher asks
some individual students
that might have been
struggling during the
lesson to assess their
understanding; these
students might be
ELA/ELD students.

Progress Monitoring of Student Learning: How will you monitor

Teacher will ask the whole group and individual students questions to how the students are
assess their understanding of the material. The teacher will also have doing with learning
students work with their groups for the activity to ensure everyone this lesson?
understands the content. Also, the teacher will walk around the I will ask the class
classroom to assess students individually by asking questions, but also ask
questions/monitoring their progress on the art piece. individual students
questions so everyone is
Difficulties: List and explain the 2-3 difficulties or problems you Why do you think
anticipate that all students might have with this content and these these might be
learning activities. potential problems?
The vocabulary words
Explain how you will solve these problems so all students will learn to might be completely new
full potential. for all or most of the
1. Students might have a difficult time in the introduction students. They might not
understanding the vocabulary. have any prior knowledge
2. Students might have a difficult time painting with tempura paint. of the terms.
I will display the vocabulary information in various ways to help
those students that learn differently. For example, visually, audibly, Some students might
etc. I will give step-by-step instructions during the art activity. I will
have never painted with
thoroughly explain the painting process. tempura paint before. It
might be their first time
so it would be a
completely new skill.
Adaptations: List steps that you could take to ensure learning for specific students experiencing
these difficulties in the spaces below.
ELD Learner: Rationale:
ELD students probably
Strengths: Completing art assignment from the teacher visuals and would not have a difficult
examples. time completing the art
assignment if they fully
Weaknesses: Grasping the vocabulary and discussing the emotional understand the
response of the cool and warm colors in the art pieces. directions. It is the job of
the teacher to prepare
Your intervention or adaptation: Group ELD learners with students that the students for each
are able to explain and reiterate the information from the teachers lesson and ensure that
should the students have questions. Teacher should give the students they understand the
the directions before-hand in a worksheet so they can review them and teachers expectations.
come prepared for the lesson. Working with students
that are not ELD will
encourage them to
practice speaking more
Special Needs Learner: Rationale:
Strengths: Special needs learners are more likely to succeed in short, Special needs learners
concise lessons with minimal steps. Therefore, they will do best work well with lessons
answering individual questions in the introduction and group that have less steps.
assessment. Additionally, they benefit
from being surrounded by
Weaknesses: Special needs learners might have a difficult time other students that are
following along with all of the different steps of the art piece. willing to help them and
reiterate information.
Your intervention or adaptation: As the teacher, I would direct the Also, asking these
introductory and assessment questions to these individual students so I students direct questions
could help guide them in their responses. Additionally, I might eliminate will ensure that they are
a step of the art piece for special needs learners. These students can staying involved and
use paper with the sun/moon already drawn so they can go directly to arent falling behind the
painting with tempura paints. other students in the

Student with Behavior Issues: Rationale:

Strengths: These students can benefit from the creative expression These students need to
through the art piece. Also, talking about the different emotional understand what is
responses of the colors can help them better understand their expected of them and
emotions. what behavior is
considered appropriate
Weaknesses: If students do not understand or fall behind they can and respectful for each
begin to act out which can be troublesome during the art activity. When activity. Every student is
exhibiting behavioral issues these students dont respond well to different and react in
certain punishments. different ways to
Your intervention or adaptation: I would make sure these students are reinforcements. So, each
placed in groups that will help them stay on task and focused. After student needs to have
getting to know each student, I would have different responses to individualized responses
students when acting out. For example, I would give some students a from the teacher when
break or time to cool-off. In addition, I would set clear expectation for exhibiting behavioral
these students for the art activity and group discussions. issues.

Reflection: What have you learned about planning instruction for a diverse student
population in this content area?

In a visual art lesson many things can be used to make it more relatable for a diverse population.
The teacher can even change introduce other artists from different cultures in the introduction on
top of the pieces by Van Gogh. Also, several different adaptations can be used to make the lesson
more individualized for a diverse student population. Adaptions dont have to be extreme; even just
a small change can help students be more successful. All students need to be included and involved
in the lesson to really learn the objective. By asking direct questions to specific students the
teacher can assess their learning.

What area of this instructional plan was easy to complete?

The progress monitoring of student learning was easiest to complete. Assessment is key in
learning, so I have explored many different ways to assess students, and found these ways most
beneficial. Process and product assessment are both important which is why the discussions and
the final art piece are both important.

What area will you need more knowledge/skill in order to do the task well?

I will need to do more research about Van Gogh and his works that use cool and warm colors. In
addition, I will need to review the emotional responses and moods brought on by the different warm
and cool colors. When I am completing this research and review, I will take my own notes to
reference during the lesson.

Use form below for finding out about your students prior to planning your
Skill needed for TPA 1 and 2

Getting to know your students - Work Backwards: What questions can you ask to get the
information in this case study? Turn each statement into a question and provide a
source or a person you could ask to get this information.
Chan is a 10-year-old fourth-grade English learner. He is from Cambodia and lives with a single
mother, two younger brothers, and a baby sister. His mother works long hours and is often not
home when he returns from school. His extended family in the United States includes one aunt and
two grown cousins and his grandparents. Chans family immigrated to the United States two years
ago. His written Cambodian language is mostly forgotten, but he is to communicate with his family
Chan reads English two years below grade level. He has difficulty using correct grammar when
writing or speaking. Chan is a happy and social boy who enjoys friends. He is well liked and works
well in small groups. He is seldom or never absent from school. The CELDT results indicate an
overall score in the beginner to early intermediate range, and he has been identified as an English

Question 1: How old is Chan? Who would you ask? Or what source
would you check?
2. What grade is Chan in?

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