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Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 1 of 111 Page ID #:124

Exhibit A
Letter from Luis Aguinaga
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Exhibit B
Letter from Eva M. Rodriguez
Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 4 of 111 Page ID #:127

August 2016

To whom it may concern:

I write this letter today on my own free will and sound mind.

My name is Eva M. Rodriguez, and I was married to luis (

louie) A. Aguinaga for 15 years.

Our marriage ended on actions and decisions I myself made.

In those 15 years louie, was hard working, 100% aU around father of our two daughters. He was actively
involved in Epiphany Catholic Church, City recreational sports programs and the schools our girls

As. time went on he joined t he Fathers Boosters Club, began to coach sports programs, and eventually
ran for city councilman.

There was so much more he did but these are just a few to mention .

When he first decided to run as elected official there was less than a 20% Hispanic voter turnout, over
the years it has Increased to over 70%. I can honestly say he walked and knocked on every door in South
EI Monte and introduced himself as a candidate. He had an enormous support from his family and
friends but he insisted that he would do it.
. ,.
,. -
.,J\e'sidents welcomed the new face and unanimously voted in. through those years-as a new kid on the
..;l. . block councilman; he had to overcome a lot of di~respect from the other council members. That did not
1* bother him at all; he knew he was there to make a difference. Through the years he gained knowledge
and decided to run for mayor. Again, with the out pouring support from his family and friends, he had an
even larger support from the residents. He obviously won those past two elections.

In those years he continued to stay focused on his daughters, continuing to coach them and
volunteering for 100+ hours at .the church fiesta and still managing to run a city and make it the best for

\ He helped a local homeless family find shelter and food for a few days, he helped local youth
organizations go to competitions, he and a group of friends helped a neighborhood family cut down a
tree because it was too dangerous and they could not afford a professional, he's done so much more it's
impossible to list. All this he did I know it was from his heart and not for money in his pocket.

He reintroduced the 4th of July festivities, passed out Thanksgiving dinners to the less fortunate ( 1 year
after an ankle injury he had surgery and had pins in his ankle and stiU walked in the rain, to ensure that
no one was left out) In addition, changed two mayors toy drive and made it possible for the residents
who needed the holiday help received the toys. He ensured that the heart of our city " the seniors" had
and continued to have what they need from day to day, an enjoyable senior center, seni~r mea ls, senior
Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 5 of 111 Page ID #:128

trips to name a few. He also continued to lobby for grants from agencies to help improve our school
systems and city parks and streets. All that you see now, I have been myself a re sident for over 30 years
and had never seen a elected official do what he has done for the City of South EI Monte and the

His service to the city was beyond what anyone has ever done, and again he did it for the city and not
for anyone else or anything more but the satisfaction of doing a job well done.

I Sincerely hope that the outcome is in luis Aguinagas favor, I truly believe that if he did what he is
accused and pleaded to, it was done not intended to deceive citizens or with malicious intent.

Thank you for your time

~ ,
Eva M. Rodriguez
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Exhibit C
Letter from Chris Pena and Mina Carbajal
Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 7 of 111 Page ID #:130

Chris Pena and Mina Carbajal

1813 Luder Avenue
South EI Monte, CA 91733

August 16, 2016

To Whom It May Concern:

We are writing this letter on behalf of Luis Aguinaga, who is not only the
mayor of South EI Monte but also our friend . We have been friends with
Luis for 8 years.

In the time we have known Luis as the mayor and a friend , he has shown
pure dedication to the residents of South EI Monte, his family and friends.
We can say with confidence that a few men have contributed to the city
and society in a way that Luis has. Apart from being a dedicated mayor, he
is very involved with little league and the city's activities. You can find him
coaching at little league games, helping out the cheerleading team, riding
bikes on the weekends with residents and mingling at the summer movies
or summer night concerts. Since Luis became mayor, we have seen great
improvement in the city's commercial growth, as well as interaction with
law enforcement and residents.

We truly believe Luis is a sincere, giving, friendly and honest man. He has
shown nothing but kindness and generosity to us, and the residents of
South EI Monte.

Chris and Mina

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Exhibit D
Letter from Oscar Meza
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Golden @rr
August 22, 2016

Dear Sir or Madam,

luis Aguinaga and I conduct business together for the company I work for Golden Corr Sheets llC.
We place orders from his place of business Servo Parts. He supplies us with parts for our paper
corrugating machines.

In the t ime that we have known each other and transacted business he has been nothing more than a
proud selfemployed business owner. He has always been honest and a wellrespected business owner.

Every time we met he talked about his family and how important it is to make t ime for them even if your
business is busy. He always talked about how proud he is of the city and all its accomplishments he and
his council have made .

For him to be under this investigation is unfortunate, however if it is true then I hope you find
forgiveness and come to some other agreement which keeps him out of prison. A kind, honest and
compassionate man like Mr. Aguinaga does not deselVe that, at least from my point of view.


Oscar Meza

Maintenance Manag

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Exhibit E
Letter from Victor Rivera
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Dear Sir or Madam,

Hello. I am writing in reference to Luis Aguinaga who is appearing before your

court due to a bribery plea .

Lou ie's oldest daughter Nina Aguinaga asked me to write a character reference
letter, but the truth is that I was already planning on doing so before the request. I
feel strongly about Luis Aguinaga , and about his future, and I want to try to make
you feel the same way.

Louie is a person of good moral character. I realize that might seem hard to
believe, given the circumstances, but it's true nonetheless. I have known louie
for over 8 years, and in that time I have seen him go through ups and downs, but
all the while I have been convinced that he is a decent person at the core. He just
needs more people to believe in him so that he can become the person I know
he can be.

Louie has made mistakes, and he is incredibly remorseful, and is willing to do

whatever it takes to make reparations, financially and emotionally, if possible. But
to do that, he needs you to give him an opportunity to get a second chance. I
recognize that Louie broke the law, and I do not believe that he should get off
without punishment. I just hope you will recognize the power you wield with
regard to the future of this man, and make a fair decision.

Thank you,

Victor Rivera

Address :3518 Glenhurst Ave Apt.#104

Los Angeles , Ca 90039
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Exhibit F
Letter from Gloria Moreno
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To whom it may conce rn : August 30, 2016

My name is Gloria Moreno. I am 32 years old . I have lived in the city of

South EI Monte my entire life. I am now raising my own children here.
The city is small but has a great community and has had one amazing
Mayor, "Mr. Louie Aguinaga." I have had the privilege of knowing Mr.
Aguinaga for the past 10 years. And in these 10 years I have seen
nothing but good come from him . The things that he has done for the
city, makes me so proud to be living here. The dedication he has shown
us is unbelievable. And though I have read as well as heard the
accusations that are being made aga inst him, I know that if it is true, it
was never meant to be done intentionally. With all th is that Mr.
Aguinaga is facing not only is he worried about his family but still very
much so about our community. I am worried about it too. I don't think
there is anyone that will poor there heart and soul out to the
community the way he did. You don't find the loyalty or dedication in
people like him too often anymore. Thank you for taking the time to
read my letter.


Gloria Moreno
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Exhibit G
Letter from Hortencia De La Torre
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Hortencia De La Torre
939 Latchford Ave.
Hacienda Heights CA 91745

Septiembre 7, 2016

To whom it may concern :

I have known Mr. Luis Aguinana for over 20 years. I have seen him be a loving caring
human being with his children since our daughters were in Pre-School together over 20
years ago. He has always being a very active citizen in the community of South EI
Monte, EI Monte, from being part of the parent's organizations and clubs to school
sports. He has been an active parent, coach and mentor to many children in the
community including my daughter when she played softball in the City of South EI
Monte Little league as well during her involvement in sports at the South EI Monte High

Mr. Aguinana has always being a very active member for Epiphany Catholic Church as a
parishioner and volunteer. He has donated countless hours of volunteer service to the
church. I had the pleasure of working closely with him for 21 plus years as an employee
of Epiphany. Mr. Aguinana has always been polite and very easy to work with . He
always greeted me with respect and always had words of encouragement during
difficult times.

I've seen the City of South EI Monte with more activities for the citizens since he has
been involved in the City Council both as a Council Member and as Mayor. I believe Mr.
Aguinana and his collaborators in the city have made many positive changes for the
better of the community of South EI Monte.

It has been a pleasure to see a class mate of EI Monte High School do so much for his

May God bless him and protect him during this trial period.

If I can be offurther assistance please contact me at the above e-mail or telephone #.


Hortencia De La Torre
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Exhibit H
Letter from Denis and Rose Villanueva
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Exhibit I
Letter from George Munoz
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August 24, 2016

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing in reference to Mr. louie Aguinaga, Hiving friend, father, and former Mayor for the City of
South EI Monte.

I have known Mr. Aguinaga for over 12 years. During his term as Councilmember and Mayor Mr.
Aguinaga has done so much not just for South EI Monte residents but for so many people in need. He
puts himself second and gives what he has with humbleness. He is a dedicated husband, father, and an
activist community member. He only looked and wanted t he best for his family and community.

Mr. Aguinaga is a person with good moral character. Regardless of the circumstances his character
should not be overlooked. During the time I known Mr. Aguinaga I have had the pleasure of watching
him serve the community and initiate programs such as bike rides in effort to raise obesity awareness
and new programs he brought to the community such as the One Basket at A Time which yearly he
would pass out over 200 turkey baskets with all the servings to underprivileged families so that they
would also have a Thanksgiving dinner and a Christmas dinner like everyone else.

He would go above and beyond to make sure residents and non-residents were treated fairly and always
made sure they had access to resources not just from the City but County and Government. One
program that is close to me that he started was helping seniors with home repairs. We would get
together after work and help seniors with such repairs; changing water heaters, sinks, faucets, door
knobs, remove trees from their property, and with removing the clutter from their yards.

Mr. Aguinaga also would take the time and visit the senior center. He spent time to listen to seniors and
every year he would make sure seniors received something for Mothers Day and Fathers Day, whether
it was an apron, rose, or a lunch bag seniors saw how he cared for them as a person and as a Mayor.

He is a hard working individua l and always made sure his family and friends were happy. It is very
important that his character and moral not be tarnished or let's not forget all the good he has done for
his family, friends, and the many people he has helped.

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Exhibit J
Letter from Martha Sandoval, Leticia Ultreras, Edna
Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 21 of 111 Page ID #:144

dn'; l\5~

Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 22 of 111 Page ID #:145

Exhibit K
Letter from Pete and Laura Morales
Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 23 of 111 Page ID #:146

Pete E. & Laura A. Morales

1913 Floradale Avenue
South EI Monte, CA 9 1733

August 31, 2016

To Whom It May Concern:

RE: Louie Aguinaga

My wife and I had the pleasure of meeting Louie Aguinaga in 2008 when we moved from
West Covina to the City of South EI Monte when our daughter started kindergarten at Epiphany
Catholic School. Both my wife and I were raised in nearby El Monte and attended the public
schools there.

As new parents at Epiphany Catholic School we noticed that Louie' was very involved in
most of the school activities. We later learned that he was an Epiphany alumni and that he was
the Mayor oflhe City of South EI Monte. Louie is a very friendly. personable, well-liked
member and leader of our community. He always greets people with a handshake and a smile.

Louie has been a part of our school's Harvest festivals and other school festivities. He is
a "hands-on" kind of person. He helped Epiphany School in many ways, by providing the City's
gymnasium for the kids to practice afterschool sports during the hot summer days and during the
winter's cold and rainy days. Louie would also help promot~"Our school functions and
sometimes provide security for the kids during school if there was ever a "Iock-down." He is a
caring person.

Louie has done great things as Mayor of the City of South EI Monte for the better of the
community. Tbe streets look clean, new constructions have gone up, new parks (Mary Van
Dyke & Ska.te Park) built for the kids, businesses and restaurants for the benefit of the
community and the City. the City looks greener because new planters have been added in the
middle of major streets. If ~y resident wakes up to graffiti on their property it is fairly promptly
removed. There are events for the city residents such as "Concerts in the Park," "MQvies in the
Park," 4th of July celebrations and honors to Veterans, etc. Louie is always present during these
events. He brings the community together to fun, fami ly-oriented events. He made the City of
South EI Monte prosper.

In our humble opinion, Louie is a great, personable, and respectful human being and the
residents of South El Monte need people like him in our community.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact US.

(J;:~an/91Jd~God/(bil'S~...'If. lLIV~~1I
Pete Morales & Lau
Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 24 of 111 Page ID #:147

Exhibit L
Letter from Letter Signed by over 100 Residents of
the South El Monte Senior Center
Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 25 of 111 Page ID #:148


DATE: Agust 3, 2016

SUBJECT: Letter of Reference for Luis Aeuinaea

TO: Whom it may it concern

As Mayor and Councilman, Luis Aguinaga has been a great representative and
human being at the South EI Senior Center for the past 13 years. He has been
instrumental and has demonstrated to the all citizens at Senior Center, his concern
for our well being and health through many programs that he has initiated. For
example, Mr. Aguinaga initiated a bike ride program in which he personally rode
with the seniors and public; he also donated two bikes per month; he implemented
a second baseball team and provide unifonns and equipment for both teams.

Mr. Aguinaga possesses interpersonal skills, cares for the elderly, listens and tries
to resolve their problems. He is a very loveable, intelligent, compassionate,
friendly individual and who is present all Senior Special events and holiday
ceremonies. At special events during lunch time, he made special oral
presentations and personally went around shaking everyone's hand and hugging
the elderly. He has personally given back to the community by giving us special
presents (pens, aprons, small coolers, purchased everyone's lunch several times
and etc ... ).

We recognize that we are all human and make poor judgment errors in our lives
but we feel that all Mr. Aguinaga good deeds that he has contributed to the City
and Senior Center overrides the bad judgment he has made, and we ask for
leniency, clemency and mercy. We feel that he has repented by admitting to his
mistake and we feel that he has vast experience (13 years in office) to continue to
be a great asset to the City of South EI Monte or any office that he hold in the

We the citizen of South El Monte Senior Center give a "Positive Endorsement

and Favorable Character Reference" to Luis Aguinaga and we appreciate all the
accomplishments that he has done for us at the Senior Center and City for the past

See Attached Signatures

Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 26 of 111 Page ID #:149

. .
We the undersigned, citizen of South El Monte Senior Center give a ~'Pos itive
Endorsement and Favorable Character Reference" to Luis A gu inaga.

Print Name

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Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 27 of 111 Page ID #:150

We the undersigned, citizen of South EI Monte Senior Center give a "Positive
Endorsement and Favorable Character Reference" to Luis Aguinaga.

Print Name Si natures

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Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 28 of 111 Page ID #:151

We the undersigned, citizen of South El Monte Senior Center give a 1'Positive
Endorsement and Favorable Character Reference" to Luis Aguinaga.

Print Name Si~natures

CoItI.\I/B..O AA~.&t,..JY/ lIh:. j /. n /.

I IA Cl 0 In -t) 7;; I> CI ;t:: c:: I-...-z.,~ ~

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Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 29 of 111 Page ID #:152

We the undersigned, citizen of South El Monte Senior Center give a "Positive

Endorsement and Favorable Character Reference" to Luis Aguinaga.

hi/j~ f7\ r,, -

./f/ 1M S .
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Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 30 of 111 Page ID #:153

Exhibit M
Letter from Veronica Lauria
Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 31 of 111 Page ID #:154

Veronica Lauria

1623 Penn Mar Ave

South EI Monte, CA 91733

August 29, 2016

RE : luis Aguinaga

To whom it may concern,

My name Is Veronica Lauria and I serve on the Valle Undo School Board here In the Cltv of South EI
Monte. I have always observed and admired louie's strong work ethic and his selfless nature which
inspired me to run for the seat I now hold on the school board.

Louie has a genuine love for our community and has always been highly committed to the residents
here. I have observed him serve in many capacities, as a little League coach, delivering meals to families
for Thanksgiving, keeping our parks clean and safe, interacting with our seniors, mingling at community
events, hosting monthly bike rides with families, honoring our military families, and making ourdty the
best place to live and raise our families.

My Family and I have known Louie for about 20 years and during this time we have known him to be
loyal, respectful, considerate, hard working and honest.

My family and I will pray for every person who will have a hand in making a decision about louie's


eronica LaurIa
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Exhibit N
Letter from Joseph Morales, South El Monte
National Little League
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P.o. BOX 3803 SOUTH EL MONTE, CA 91733
INCORPORATED 1961 PHONE: (626) 444-8959
To Whom It may concern;
GEORGE 8ELAND 1961,162

I nave known louie for over 20 years. For years he has been a volunteer in the South EI Monte HAROlD PODESTA 1~

National UttJe League program as a Manager and coach in our softball divisIon. He has also served
as a board member on our league board of Directors as safety officer and Player Agent. Louie has
spent countless hours donating his t ime helping to prepare our fields for play, working In our
snack bar selling food. In all of my dealings with louie he has always been generous, honest and Gil SANOOVAl \967168

trustworthy. TROY G. oeCHAINE 196Q17O


As a City Councilman and Mayor, Louie helped defer the cost of our little league program by
calling on Business men to make donations to our league. Our five baseball and softball fields at CHARLES WAlKER 1972/13
New Temple Park would not have new grass infields and scoreboards were it not for louie. JESSI: T. Mcl~DSH 1974175
Because of these Improvements are league is one of the premier leagues in the San Gabriel
Al ROGERS 19711179
I have personally worked side by side with louie during his Christmas food drive for the needy ART MORENO 191W81
fa m ilies in South EI Monte. For three months prior to the holiday he donates countless hours
JOe MOMlES 1981/83
calling on groups and businesses promoting the food drive, collecting can food and turkey5 for the
food baskets. All of these hours at no payor compensation of any type. While working alongside
louie I have found him to be a carlng and loving person who loves the City of South EI Monte and
its residents. He has been the most popular council person in the history of the City of South EI ED PEREZ 1988
Monte, he received the most votes of any pe~1'\ running for office in the history of the dty. In his
last two council races he ran unopposed, no one ~as ever been this popular with the residents.

Whlle I don't condone what has happened I have spoken with louie and he regrets what he has JOE MORAlES 1991W1
done, knowing It was wrong and he wants to move forward with his life. The ripple effect of his RAYc..t.NCEl 1992,193
conviction to his wife and family along with all of his relatives and friends is punishment beyond
belief to louie. He must live out the rest of his life making up for what he has done to everyone
who knows him. I believe sending louie to prison would be extremely detrimental to him and his MIGUEl VAlDIVIA 1996197
family. Society would be better served having louie making up for his transgressions by donating JOE MORA1.ES 199&'99
his time speaking to boys and girls and other adults, letting them know what he did and how it MIKE KEFFER 3lOD
has changed his Ufe and the lives of his wife and daughters forever. I believe that he could help
keep othe from making the same kind of mistake.
..QiN SAlfIAS 2002

..,."""'-" ,.,.,.
MI6UEl VAlDMA 2007108
South EI Monte National Uttle league
AiH II.ORfIr(I. om. Z01 V12

LARRY I..AlRlA 2(113


JOE MORAJ..ES 201&'17

Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 34 of 111 Page ID #:157

Exhibit O
Letter from Lorenzo Lauri
Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 35 of 111 Page ID #:158

lorenzo lauria

1623 Penn Mar Ave

South EI Monte, CA 91733

August 29, 2016

RE; luis "louie" Aguinaga

To whom it may concern,

1am writing regarding the former Mayor of South EI Monte. I also know him as my colleague and
personal friend.

The reason I am writing this letter is because I feel strongly about his character. I have known luis for
about 20 years. I have coached alongside him at the South Et Monte little league. Our daughters have
played softball for about 10 years together so we have seen victory and defeat many times. He has
always had a heart for kids and has Managed, coached, mentored and supported this dynamIc program
for many years. He works diligently to keep local businesses engaged and gets their support through
donations each year to keep the costs down for low Income families.

I have been on the planning commission for the City of South EI Monte for approximately 10 years. I
have seen him grow this city and work hard bringing new businesses, redevelopment projects,
beautifying our city and parks, and observed him working closely with our senior citizens. There are
many organizations that serve the children of South EI Monte and he has always been a strong
supporter. He is the type of man who talks to everyone and doesn't hesitate to listen to an issue or
concern. He is honest and hardworking and has always had the best interest of this city at heart. He is a
very humble and selfless man who considers the needs of our city and cares about the citizens here.

My family and I have supported his political efforts and have seen him go from a City Councilman to
becoming our Mayor. I am really concerned about his future and hope you wrl/ learn all the great
characteristics this man possesses besides what he has admitted. He has not run or hid from his wrong

I hope and pray that sharing my observations will assist you in making the appropriate decisions in his

Thank ou for your consideration.

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Exhibit P
Letter from Fernie Ortega
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AUGUST 302016

RE; Louie Aguinaga

Honorable Judge

-My name is Fernie Ortega 15334 Las Vecinas Dr La Puente Ca 91744/ 626-232-4570

I have been a long time friend of Louie Aguinaga I know Louie very well as his family.
I know Louie to be a very hard working family man. He has worked hard in rus
community and a man of faith a member of his church in the city of South EI Monte.
Has worked very hard in his job as mayor of the City of south EI Monte. As mayor his
worked brought some great improvements to the City. and community of South ElMonte
.His dedication to the senior citizens and the youth organization as well as the Christmas
toy drive for the kids of the city the grants to bnprove the city, has help the City of
South El Monte tremendously. He has earned the respect of the community.

I have been a member cfone of those youth origination for the pass 36 years for the
South El Monte National Little League I have held the position of President afthe
league and various other position. Louie has been a great mentor to our youth not only
as mayor of the city of South El Monte but as a member of our staff a parent and
manager, Louie has help our organization with our fund raisers has help us with the
business of the South EI Monte with donations to our program and has been greatly
appreciated by our youth,parents,managers, coaches. He has vohmteered many years
not only to the youth but the community of South El Monte.

I understand the trouble Louie is in because be has shared and admitted his wrong doing.
He has expressed regret of his actions and the pain he has imposed on the City and
citizens of South EI Monte and of course his family. He stated he willieam from his
experience and will move forward with his life,

Louie Aguinaga is a good man a family man and a man of faith ,works with the
community and has good character and morals Louie Aguinaga has no prior criminal
past. On this terrible slip of judgment he made a long incarceration this will have an
bnpact on his life and his family and the community. It will expose him to bad
influences. Possibly an electronic monitoring system or possibly probation. I believe
Louie deserves a chance.

Your Honor] humbly ask of you to please give him an opportunity that would allow
Louie a second chance to set his life back on track.

Sincerely Honorable Judge

Fernie Ortega
please feel free to contact me
Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 38 of 111 Page ID #:161

Exhibit Q
Letter from Nicole Duran
Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 39 of 111 Page ID #:162

Dear Sir or Madam,

Hello. I am writing in reference to Louie Aguinaga, former Mayor of the City of

South EI Monte, community activist and giving friend of all.

I feel strongly about Mr. Aguinaga and all he has done for the many people who
needed his help during his terms as Mayor. My hope is this letter will make you
feel the same way.

Louie Aguinaga is a person of good moral character and regardless of the

circumstances his character should not be overlooked during this trying time, I
have known Louie for just about 8 years and in that time I have had the pleasure
of watching him serve the good people of his City. Not only did he initiate such
programs as free thanksgiving baskets for the underprivileged, bike rides
throughout the City in an effort to raise obesity awareness but he also deeply
cared for every individual who sought his help. He would go above and beyond to
make sure people were treated fairly and always had access to resources.
More personally Louie Aguinaga helped to ensure my local cheer program
thrived and was able to meet the needs of youth in our City. Every year he made
a charitable donation to help send the cheerleaders to Las Vegas for a national
competition. Not only did he make monetary donations but Mr, Aguinaga was
very active in that he would attend competitions to support our team and
established an amazing bond with the families. Louie was present at all award
ceremonies and made it his personal goal to see each and every cheerleader be
recognized and awarded with trophies as well as banquet gifts. In addition, he felt
It necessary to show our team's full support and sponsored a team outing every
year. If there ever was a need to be met Louie Aguinaga was the person to call.
He has always been able and willing to help those in need and now more than
ever it's important that his moral not be tamished or the good he's done for so
many people be forgoHen.

Thank you, N.~ >

Nicole Duran
Vibe Cheer and Dance Owner
Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 40 of 111 Page ID #:163

Exhibit R
Letter from Lawrence Kyi, President/or New City
Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 41 of 111 Page ID #:164


Al/rU SALES 8111ff. TRADING19J4lGARVEYAYt s. EI KUIIrt CA 91133
ms, (S1S)4431518 fAX, (S1S)4431313 NEWCITYAUTOCORP.COM


Ta wl/Orn it may concern,

/Illy /lame is Lawrence Kyi and J am the President/or New City Auto. I am writing today
to express my strong support for Louie Aguinaga.

For over 8 years, I've known Louie to be an upstanding citizen who cares deeply for the
residents a/South El Monte. Louise is an hOliest, supportive, and compassionate human
being. His leadership has changed other's will into a positive and optimistic attitude. In
addition, Louie is very heavily involved with community activities and events thot
benefit the less fortunate, I COlt always COWlt on Louie to be an dependable and
responsible individual.

Sf c rely,
Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 42 of 111 Page ID #:165

Exhibit S
Letter from Ken Rausch, CEO of EI Monte/South EI
Monte Chamber of Commerce
Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 43 of 111 Page ID #:166

EI Monte/South EI Monte
Chamber of Commerce

August 17, 2016

To Whom It May Concern:

The EI Monte/South EI Monte Chamber of Commerce has had the privilege of working with elt-mayor
louie Aguinaga for the past several years. We have enjoyed a positive workins relationship in support of
the business community in the City of South EI Monte. One of the qualities that we have admired in Mr.
Aguinaga is his commitment to Improving the city's focus on business development and to the Olamber
of Commerce. Mr. Aguinaga' was always at our events and spent unselfish time and effort assisting us
and other non-profit organizations in the city. We could always rely on Mr. Aguinaga's sincerity and
focus on the City of South EI Monte.

While we recognize Mr. Aguinaga's mistakes, his dedicat ion to the residents and loyalty to the City of
South EI Monte should also be duly noted. We certainly wish Mr. Aguinaga the best In his future


Ken Rausch
Chief Executive Officer

10505 VALLEY BLVD. , SUITE 212, EL MONTE, CA 91731

P.O. Box 5888, EL MONTE,. CA 91734
PHONE: 628 .443.0180 FAJt: 626.443.0483 CHAMBER@EMSEM.B/2 WWW.EM.SEM.BIZ
Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 44 of 111 Page ID #:167

Exhibit T
Letter from Dianna P. Gomez, Assistant to the South
EI Monte City Council
Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 45 of 111 Page ID #:168

From the Desk of Dianna P. Gomez

12.435 Dahlia Avenue
EI Monte. CA

August 16, 2016

Subject: Character ll!!tter for luis A. Aguinaga

To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing this letter as character reference for Mr. luis A. Aguinaga, l Dianna P. Gomez, Assistant to
the South EI Monte City Council, have known Mr. Aguinaga for over 20 years both personally and
professionally. I met luis Aguinaga willie employed at the South EI Monte Mini Center Preschool wtlere
his two daughters attended preschool and day care, Nina and Angie. I was then employed as a Teachers
Assistant. He was very involved In their education and their lives, a very attentive father, more so than
the other dads. He would attend ali events and excursions and volunteer constantty. This led to his
active participation in the PTA for the South EI Monte Mini Center. He ran for the PTA and was very
involved with that board. This led to many pOSitive changes to the South EI Monte Mini Center Preschool
and Afterschool Day Care.
His daughters grew up and I watched him become more active In the Community, as a Community
SeN!ces Commissioner for the Cay of South E/ Monte and a Coach for varies organizations such as the
SEM Little League, SEM AYSO Soccer, and the Epiphany Church Fathers Booster Club. He has been the
epitome of an Ideal citizen ofa community.
Years later, I was employed by the City of South 1 Monte City Hall and coincIdentally we crossed paths
again. luis ran for City Council and I was employed at City Hall as Secretary to the City Council, he won
his campaign and became my boss. 1knew Luis would be an outstanding representative of the
Community as a Counci1member and that he would brlnl positive change to the city. He has the ability
to connect with thousands of resIdents, and they aU love him. As the years went on luis decided to run
for Mayor and he won his election, once again becoming my boss. I have worked for the City now for
over twenty years have worked for many elected officials and have never come across such a devoted
person to his community, the residents of South EI Monte and business community alike. Luis would
take every call and every appointment of every constituent and business owner never denying anyone
One year we heard of a horrific aCtident that happened to a family in South EI Monte, I knew rllht away
Luis would be there to help them. He asked the community to help the family to 11ft them up from the
death of their 4-year-old daughter and the community responded, the school received funding for the
funeral of the little girl and expenses for the service. This 15 the kind of person he Is, anything he did was
for the Community, his family and his friends. He was Instrumental In feeding families for Thanksgiving
and Christmas a program that fed appro)Cimately 300 families every year that would not have food on
'he table for the holidays. OrganIzations such as South EI Monte High School, Vibe Cheerleadlng, AYSO
Soccer, Little League, American Cancer Assodation, and Just everyone in the community knew that Luis
would help them in any way he could.
Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 46 of 111 Page ID #:169

I have had the pleasure of caning Luis Asuinasa a boss and a friend. and knowln! his, famrly his friends
and his constituency. It has always been a positive expenence for me and I thank him for his many years
of service to the City of South EI Monte.


Dianna P. Gomez, B.S. Public Administration

Assistant to the City Coundl, City of South EI Monte
Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 47 of 111 Page ID #:170

Exhibit U
Letter from Arturo Sosa (Family Friend)
Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 48 of 111 Page ID #:171

To Whom it May Concern:

I, Arturo Sosa, am writing this letter about louie Aguinaga, a defendant on your
upcoming case. I have known louie Aguinaga for 16 years. Our daughters went to school
together since the second grade. He is more than a friend he is family. We raised our girls
together, they are like sisters. He is the god father to my oldest daughter and I am so grateful to
know she has him as someone to look up too and learn from. louie and' coached our
daughters' little league softball team together for many years. In 2010 our daughter's little
league al star team advanced to regional's which required us to travel to Butte, Montana. louie
and I drove our girls and along with that he made sure that our team had everything we need
for the trip. louie always went out of his way for our girls to make sure they would be taken
care of. Anything the team needed louie made sure we had it.
There' s never been a time where louie has not helped anyone when in need. He Is the
most humble and giving man I know. I have seen him do everything possible to give our girls
and the community the best things possible. I have helped louie for many years during his
fourth of July events helping him pass out free food and shoes. Every year louie manages to do
that for the community and not many realize how much effort it really takes to do that for the
whole community. He always puts the community before himself and not once hesitates to do
what is right for the people of the city. He loves to see the people of this city happy and that
alone is all he needs to keep on doing great things for the city. He is always talking about how
he can improve things in the city to benefit the people. I have never seen a selfish act from this
extraordinary person.
I can honestly say I don't know where this city would be if it wasn't for aU the great
things he has done throughout his years as mayor. I really hope you consider all these letters in
regards to his case. I will forever appreciate everything he has done not only for the city but for
my family. He is an amazing person, one of my best friends, an extraordinary father, and a great
citizen of South EI Monte who doesn't deserve this.


Arturo Sosa 8'

Zb '2..167 JO
Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 49 of 111 Page ID #:172

Exhibit V.
Letter from Christine Knight, President of the El
Monte/South El Monte Pageant Association
Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 50 of 111 Page ID #:173

August 17,2016

To Whom It May Concern:

I have had the privilege of knowing Louie Aguinaga, fanner Mayor of South EI Monte, as we
cheered on our daughters. as they ran for Miss Friendly El Monte/South El Monte Pagtant
Association. Meeting Louie has changed many things for both the City of South El Monte and
for the EI Monte/South EI Monte Chamber of Commerce. As the result of Mr. Aguinaga's
dedication to the City of South EI Monte. this developed into a strong, respectful relationship
with not only myself. but the Chamber of Commerce. He was instrumental in personally
reaching out to the non-profits to enable their success. This special trait cames over to his love
for his family. friends and the respect of the community.

While 1 recognize Mr. Aguinaga's mistake, bis allegiance to the residents and devotion to the
City of South El Monte should also be properly noted. I wish Louie the best and honored to call
him my Friend.


Christine Knight

EI MontelSouth El Monte Chamber of Commerce

Director of Marketing and Membership
President of the El Montc/South El Monte Pageant Association
Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 51 of 111 Page ID #:174

Exhibit W
Letter from Ray A. Garcia, President of Walton
Motors & Controls Inc.
Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 52 of 111 Page ID #:175

Walton Motors & Controls Inc.

1843 Floradale Avenue South El Monte, CA 91733 Phone 826.442.4610 Fax 626.444.3561

August 9,2016

T o whom it may concern:

I am writing this letter in support of Mayor Luis Aguinaga. I am aware of the charges
filed against him, which appear to be an unfortunate lapse of Judgment on his part. As a
business owner in South EI Monte for the last 35 years, I can state that during Mayor
Luis Aguinaga's tenure, I have seen the City of South -EI Monte transform for the better.

I am familiar with Mr. Luis Aguinaga as the Mayor of South EI Monte, and in that
capacity he has atways been professional, polite & proud to be part of the community.
He Is a true leader that listens to his constituents and he Is dedicated to the causes he
believes w ill make our city better. I can further state that I have observed him to be
immensely dedicated to his family.

"21~ eS3.,-'--
Ray A. G rcia
Walton Motors & Controls Inc.
Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 53 of 111 Page ID #:176

Exhibit X
Letter from Ruben Alvarez, President of Santa Anita
Foods Import & Export Inc.
Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 54 of 111 Page ID #:177

Santa Anita Foods Import & Export Inc.

1348 Santa Anita Ave . Unit B
S. EI Monte, CA 91733

August 9 , 2016

To whom this may concern:

I, Ruben Alvarez, am the owner of Santa Anita Foods Import & Export Inc. in the City South EI Monte. I
have known Mr. luis Aguinaga for appro)(imately 5 years. I have seen him always working hard for his
community. I consider him a very humble and nice person.

Best Regards,

Ruben Alvarez
Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 55 of 111 Page ID #:178

Exhibit Y
Letter from Aracely Sosa, Family Friend
Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 56 of 111 Page ID #:179

To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing this letter in regards to louie Aguinaga, a defendant in your upcoming court
case. I am hoping that t his letter really does make the court reconsider any detisions. I have
known louie since I was 7 years old . His daughter and I grew up going to school together and
playing softball. We are best friends and louie is my god father. There has never been a time
where he has not gone out of his way for me and my family. My dad and him have always
figured out a way to make sure his daughter and I had everything we needed. They coached our
softball team together and made it the most memorable years of my life.
I am so grateful to have someone like louie in my life because I have learned so much
from him. I have seen him do so much for our community it inspires me to want to do great
things like him one day. He always does what's best for the community and never once
hesitates to do the right thing. He stands by our community through the good and the bad. He
always talks about what he could do to better the community. He always makes sure we are
okay. He never worries about getting something back in return when he does things for people
of the community. Seeing the people of South EI Monte happy was always good enough for
He has always been supportive of me in everything I've done always told me he wants
the best for me. He's always treated me like a daughter and I will forever be grateful for that.
When I decided to join the U.S. Navy in 2011 he was nothing but supportive he did everything
possible to show he was ~o proud and supportive of me. I have seen him do the most events,
fund raisers, donations for this city. I always thought to myself like how does he just keep on
giving and continues to find ways to make this city better. He is great role model and I will
always look up to him in every way. He always stands by his word and never lets anybody
I really do hope that all these letter being written on his behalf do make a difference in
this case because a man like this doesn't deserve any of this. He is the most kind hearted
person I know and the city of South EI Monte means everything to him.


Aracely Sosa
Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 57 of 111 Page ID #:180

Exhibit Z
Letter from Kindy Hernandez, Family Friend
Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 58 of 111 Page ID #:181

})'.tM- -trel~
A. ,--_.. -.- -- - - - -- --

Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 59 of 111 Page ID #:182

Exhibit AA
Letter from Aracell Saavedra, Family Friend
Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 60 of 111 Page ID #:183

August 11. 2016

To Whom It May Concern:

My name is Aracell Saavedra, r am a long-time childhood friend of Mr. luis Aguinaga. I am writing this
letter as a character witness on behalf of Mr. Aguinaga.

I have known Mr. Aguinaga since Elementary school when we both attended Epiphany Catholic School.
Since our childhood d'ays on the playground, Mr. Aguinaga has shown himself to be nothing but II kind
and caring person. After graduating from Junior hiBh, we attended EI Monte High School and contInued
our friendship.

During our adult years we found ourselves Involved with the youth of our community since both our kids
were growing up in the City of South EI Monte. Mr. Aguinaga dedded to get Involved in the politics of
the city for the children of the community. He made sure that our children In South EI Monte had
somewhere to be instead of the streets and getting Into trouble.

We were both involved with the little leasue In our citY and after the seeson ended In 2003 Mr.
Aguinaga came up w ith the Idea of making a travel bait team for the girls in our community so they can
continue woril:ing out and staving out of trouble. Out of this Idea, we made up a total of4 girl teams and
2 boy teams that conti nued worldng out and playing games through the summer and winter. The travel
bait league that Mr. Aguinaga help start went strong until 2007. We had many kids go through our
program and leam from It. We hac tOurnaments and trips out ofSliitelYlfnMr. Aguinaga tl'leMl:he, - - - -
whole way and contributlllj all for the kids.

Mr. Aguinaga has done so much for the youth cfour community that I knew I needed to write this letter
to let you know that he Is honestly a genuine man with a heart of gold and only wants to give back to
the community he tame from.

As a member of the council of the ety of South EI Monte, he was always been a pillar In the community.
If anyone had any questions or suggestions, he was there to listen. I believe he served the community
whole heartedly.

Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 61 of 111 Page ID #:184

Exhibit BB
Letter from Noelia Sauceda, Family Friend and
Resident of South El Monte
Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 62 of 111 Page ID #:185

August 29, 2016


RE: Luis Aguinaga

I am writing this letter in regards to Luis Agumagn, fanner Mayor of the City of South el
Monte. I have known Mr. Aguii\aga for about 10 years through work. He has been an
e)(ceptionai Mayor for the City of South EI Monte. Mr. Aguiiiaga has always been there
for the residents of the city. Mr. Aguiiiaga started the program One Basket a Time for
residents that are less fortunate during the Thanksgiving and Christmas Holiday. I have
enjoyed volunteering my time to help prepare the Thanksgiving and Christmas baskets.
Mr. Aguinaga also took the time to come to the time and came to the Senior Center event
and spent time with the seniors, which seniors enjoyed and appreciated. He also enjoyed
cooking the pancakes for the city's Annual Easter Breakfast. Mr. Aguiiiaga has always
been there when a family was in crises. He never hesitated to help others in need. I have
no doubt in my mind that Mr. Aguifiaga has a big hellrt as he is always thinking of others
before he thinks of himself.

If you have !I"!"Il"""tionsre!:arejing Mr. Aguinaga please do not hesitate to call.

Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 63 of 111 Page ID #:186

Exhibit CC
Letter from Pete Negrete, Family Friend
Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 64 of 111 Page ID #:187

Pete Negrete

1462 Allgeyer Ave.

South EI Monte CA 91733

Subject: louie Aguinaga

To whom it my concern:

I have known Louie for over 30 years and would like to say that I am saddened by the mishaps, I don't
believe that anything here was Intended for personal gain. louie has always been a carlng father and
person to all, he has always help people In our community for what whatever the reason might be. He is
weJlllked in our community and would participate in the little league, Soccer. Football, and cheer
leading, programs etc. louie would ask people in the city what they would like to see done that would
make there city more beautiful he has always woriced hard to makQ our city a better place to live.

In closing I would like to say that louie Aguinaga Is a GOOD MAN.

Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 65 of 111 Page ID #:188

Exhibit DD
Letter from Jacqueline Tovar, Family Friend and
Resident of South El Monte
Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 66 of 111 Page ID #:189

Jacqueline Tovar
1248 Esteban Torres
South El Monte, CA 91733

August 29, 2016

To whom it may concern,

I hope this letter finds the reader In great spirits. I am writing on behalf of my
long time friend & elected city official of the City I was born and ralsed in City of
South El Monte. Mr. Louie "'Luis" Aguinaga, know as Mayor Luis Aguinaga.

My name is Jacqueline Tovar, mother of 4 who resides here in the City of So El

Monte since May of 1973.
I like to address to you the reader, the commitment,loyalty and dedication our
friend and leader has shown for many, many years to our City, the wonderful City
of South EI Monte. Mr. Aguinaga has spent timeless and a relentless about of
time to all those who crossed his path. He has served a LARGE amount of his
unofficial time to a wide range of organizations. Mr. Aguinaga is not only a father
of 5 beautiful children whom he loves dearly, he is also a wonderful and a
magnificent most trustworthy husband, son, nephew, uncle and friend.

Louie gave to our local organizations such as South EL Monte National Little
Leagne, South El Monte AYSO, South El Monte High School (ranging from all
programs), South El Monte Vibe Cheerleaders, EI Monte/So El Monte Jets Pop
Warner Football, Epiphany Catholic School Youth organizations, Epiphany
Catholic Parish. Mr. Aguinaga served as a Manager if not sometimes as a coach
for our local organizations. When not coaching he ALWAYS gave back when
need be.
Our city population of 20,400 is a very sman family oriented type of community.
So. with the above listed organizations mentioned in the previous paragraph, Mr.
Aguinaga was at least involved with over 50% of his time, time vested into our
community children and families, if not, for some he gave unlimited amount of
hours over 80% of his allotted time, that right there is a significant amount of
time away from his family whom be loves dearly. But with that being said, his
family adored their husband/father a thousand times more for being that
wonderful role model. in which be instilled into his 5 beautiful children & wife
Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 67 of 111 Page ID #:190

Louie Joved to give, give, give; he never liked to see his community without.
Louie helped organize and develop a team of young adults and children who
would take priceless amount of time donating holiday haskets, gifts and toy
drives back to the under privileged children and families in his community.

Please without further-ado, please take this moment to visualize what a HUGE
IMPACT, any significant amount of time being without his immediate family and
hardship this will have on them. Mr. Aguinaga is the main provider who runs a
small business, without his presence for a long period of time, the Aguinaga
family will struggle to survive.
In conclusion, I appreciate the allotted time you have given into my letter on
behalf of my dear friend Mr. Luis "Louie" Aguinaga.

Sincerely a dedicated and loyal resident to My Mayor, Friend and coach,

Jacqueline Tovar
Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 68 of 111 Page ID #:191

Exhibit EE
Letter from Jose Canas, Resident and Employee of
South El Monte
Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 69 of 111 Page ID #:192

I Mr. Jose Canas
1689 Cogswell Rd .
South EI Monte. CA 91733

August 6,2016

To whom it may concem:

I became aware of the charges against Mayor Luis Aguinaga from the News and was compelled
to write this letter to-support him. .,-

My name is Jose Canas and t have been employed in the city of South El Monte for 28 years. t
am also proud to say that in the year of 2008 t became a homeowner in the City of South EI
Monte. The purchase of my home was made possible by an affordable home purchase program
sponsored by the City of South El Monte. A few years later, when I wanted to refinance, but had
difficulty because of a tien on the title of my home from the City, I wenl to the City of South EI
Monte for help. Mayor Luis Aguinaga helped me work with the City, and my bank , so that my
refinance was achieved. He earned my respect at that time.

Although 1 have worked in South El Monte for 28 years, 1have seen the city improve in many
ways with Mr. Aguinaga as the Mayor.


Jose Canas
Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 70 of 111 Page ID #:193

Exhibit FF
Letter from Manuel Jose Hernandez and Rosie
Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 71 of 111 Page ID #:194


1348 Santa Anita Ave., #A
S. El Monte, CA 91733

August 9, 2016

To whom this may concern:

We, Manuel Hernandez and Rosie Hernandez have known Mr. luis Aguinaga for more than 10 years.
Mr. luis Agul/'\aga has always displayed a high degree of integrity and responsibility for his city. He is a
very friendly, nice, caring and honest person whom dearly loves his family and friends. It Is a blessing
we have met him as our friend whom we now consider part of our family.

We have seen him reaching out to the City of South EI Monte always willing to help out those in need.
He has put much of his time to be out there with the community to make our dty of South EJ Monte a
better one. He is very nice to everyone, very humble. Always with a bIg smile, and wltJing to nsten to
the residents concerns.

Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 72 of 111 Page ID #:195

Exhibit GG
Letter from Maria Alvarez
Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 73 of 111 Page ID #:196

August31 , 2016

To Whom It May Concern,

My name is Maria Alvarez and I have been a resident ofSoutb EI Monte since 1989. It is my

bonor to support and endorse Louie Aguinaga and I trust that his enthusiasm to maintain this city

safe and comfortable for all the residents of South EI MODte. Mr. Aguinaga, as a mayor, has

proven to be an excellent leader to this city. He always acts with integrity, caring, and

thoughtfulness as well as his availability to the residents of this city. The city has never been in

better bands and conditions since Mr. Aguinaga started to nm as mayor. He bas a commitment to

public safety, increased parks and recreational programs and economic development within our

city. All of the services in the city in terms of the parks, Senior Center, streets are in excellent

conditions. It is evident that through these examples of his leadership and faithfulness that as the

mayor, Mr. Aguinaga has helped South EI Monte grow and become a prosperous city.


Maria A1varez
Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 74 of 111 Page ID #:197

Exhibit HH
LetterSigned By Residents of South El Monte
Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 75 of 111 Page ID #:198

To whom it may concern,

We provide this character reference in full knowledge of Mr. Luis Aguinaga

bribery case.

Few men have done so much for so many people on such a range of important
issues as Mr. Luis Aguinaga or Mr. Louie as he is known within our community.

I have known Mr. Louie since around the time he was elected back in 2003, as a
constituent of South EI Monte I want to state that the charges against him strikes
me as a completely uncharacteristic aberration, and on that I believeiShe sincerely
and completely regrets.

To my knowledge Mr. Louie is a man of integrity and honesty. He is a community

minded individual who regularly puts the needs of others before his own best
evidenced through his substantial community work.

It is painful for me to reflect on the fact that his life would have been very
different if he wouldn't have ever stepped out of his comfort zone as a well-
rounded law-abiding individual but to error is human.

I know from conversations we have had since the commission of the offence that
he is utterly despondent in the knowledge of the deleterious impact which a
recorded conviction poses.

Let it be known that the above statements are true and precise as we have
experienced it firsthand.

Should you have any question or concerns please feel free to contact us.

The attached list of So. EI Monte constituents will attest to the above mentioned.
Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 76 of 111 Page ID #:199

NamE;! "" /l /J Signature Contact No.

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Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 77 of 111 Page ID #:200

Exhibit II
Letter from Judy Carbajal-Diaz
Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 78 of 111 Page ID #:201

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Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 79 of 111 Page ID #:202

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Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 80 of 111 Page ID #:203

Exhibit JJ
Letter from Patricia Llewellyn
Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 81 of 111 Page ID #:204
Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 82 of 111 Page ID #:205

--;-.- . . . . . . . -- tJ~~/- .. . . .... .

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Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 83 of 111 Page ID #:206

Exhibit KK
Letter from Mary Rodriguez
Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 84 of 111 Page ID #:207

: I
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Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 85 of 111 Page ID #:208

Exhibit LL
Letter from Diane Marquez
Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 86 of 111 Page ID #:209

September 9, 2016

To whom it may concern:

I wanted to write a few words in regards to Luis Aguinaga.

He is actually a godfather to our two sons Christopher & Brian Marquez. We chose Luis Aguinaga to be
the godfather because of his strong catholic faith. His commitment to his family and friends is something
that we try to instill in our son's I. The time and effort he makes to be a part of our family, even at his
busiest times is well appreciative. Though we may only see him few times a year, it's the Initiative he
takes to make it a point to visit and catch up.

In the time that we have known him, he has always been an active parishioner at Epiphany Catholic
Church & School, always spending hundreds of hours organizing the annual fiesta, among other
activities throughout the year.

I know this letter Is short and may not even help the case, but it is the only way we can show some
support to Luis Aguinaga.

Thank you for your time.

Diane Marquez

La Verne, Ca
Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 87 of 111 Page ID #:210

Exhibit MM
Letter from Khoi Dao, Fire Captain, South El Monte
Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 88 of 111 Page ID #:211

September 7, 2016

Dear Sir or Madam

My name is Jose Huante a retired Army Veteran and a EI Monte Resident

who has had the pleasure to participate In a couple of functions with South
EI Monte Seniors. These last couple of years ''''e witness first hand the
attention Mayor Louie Aguinaga & the council given to their Senior
community. The Reconstruction of the Senior building providing us seniors a
place to sit down comfortably in the shade away from the suns rays or cold
rain, the senior luncheons In which he was more than happy to pop in & join
us giving us that special personal touch of attention. He's very attentive and
makes us feel what we have to say matters.

When Mayor Aguinaga asked If , would participate as an honorary member of

the Patriot Committe. I was happy to say Yes. As a retired Veteran I take
great pride for the love of my country and felt honored to be given this
position. A position that would allow me to make suggestions on how to
celebrate, honor and help the veterans of South EI Monte. Another example
of how Mr. Louie Aguinaga cares for his residents.


Jose Huante
Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 89 of 111 Page ID #:212

Exhibit NN
Letter from Jose Huante, Retired Army Veteran and
EI Monte Resident
Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 90 of 111 Page ID #:213

September 9, 2016

To whom it may concern,

I have known Louis (Louie) Aguinaga for approximately 8 years. The entire time that I've known Louie,
he has either been a councilmember or the mayor of South EI Monte. As a fire captain in the city of
South El Monte, I would periodically come across Louie during the course of my work. Whether it was on
an emergency incident or a community event, Louie was always a consummate professional. On several
occasions and after someone was injured in an accident, Louie was there to offer his assistance to the
victims. Louie always asked if there was anything he can do to help.

During community events, Louie can be seen working the grills to feed people regardless of who they
were or where they came from, never turning anyone away. louie was always looking for ways to help
the underserved and the underprivileged, hosting toy drives and sponsoring events for the community.

I truly believe the city of South EI Monte and its citizens have prospered and enjoyed a higher living
standard under Louie's leadership and stewardship. Louie is a passionate individual who deeply and
sincerely cares for the people and the citizens that live, work and traverse through the community he
calls home. Louis IILouie" Aguinaga is the epitome of family, friend and neighbor.


Fire captain
10115 Rush St.
South EI Monte, CA 91733
Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 91 of 111 Page ID #:214

Exhibit OO
Letter from Ernie Omana & Ana Omana, Restaurant
Owner in South El Monte
Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 92 of 111 Page ID #:215

September 2, 2016

10300 Rush St.
South El Monte, CA 91733

I am a small restaurant owner in the City of South EI Monte. My father owned it for 40 plus years before
I took over in 2006. I have known louie Aguinaga for many years. We both grew up in the City of South
EI Monte. As a small restaurant owner Jive always felt louie cares about our entire community from the
small businesses to the larger ones, the schools public or private, the sports organizations, the senior
citizens and the youth of our community.

My wife and I lived I the city from 1992 to 2015. Louie's daughters and our 3 children attended Epiphany
catholic School more or less at the same time. There my wife and I witnessed how giving and supportive
Louie is. He's always willing to help unconditionally. That has always been admiring to my wife and I. As
parishioners of the same Church we once again year after year saw how helpful Louie is. For both our
parish and schools, he's always willing to help out at any even for the sole purpose of bringing in profit.

As homeowners that we were for 22 years of the City of South EI Monte my wife and I agree that the
City became more prosperous when louie took office. He did so much to make it look more presentable
more appealing. Although we dontt live there anymore I still have our restaurant business and we
continue to see improvements.

As friends, past homeowners and business owners of the City of South EI Monte louie Aguinaga is a
great person with a huge heart.

Thank you.

Ernie Omana & Ana Omana

Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 93 of 111 Page ID #:216

Exhibit PP
Letter from Amber Marie Salazar
Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 94 of 111 Page ID #:217

August 25,2016

To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing this letter on behalf of Luis Aguinaga. I have had the honor and pleasure of
knowing Louie for the past 16 years. During those years not only has he helped me and my
family personally but I have also seen him help countless others in our community. In 2012 my
family fell on hard times and he was generous enough to rent us a house in South EI Monte. He
allowed me to split the deposit into two payments, which most landlords would not even
contemplate. This relieved a huge financial burden off my husband and I, and we were able to
move into the property with no problem.

My children attend a local school in the community (Epiphany Catholic School) and I am
a member of the PTO board at the school. The school has many annual fundraisers and events
and at all these functions you would see Louie there volunteering his time to help out. During the
annual three day fiesta every May, Louie was there from beginning to end to help with set up,
tear down and all the activities in between. He would also contribute to the school financially to
help out with all the costs associated with these events.

My oldest daughter is involved with the local cheer program in the city. (Vibe Cheer and
Dance) and every year they attend a competition in Las Vegas. Every year Louie has been there
for the program to help offset some of the costs to the parents for this annual trip. He has donated
money to the girls to help provide them with various items to make this competition successful
and make their dreams of becoming National Champions come true.

Louie has always been a hardworking, dependable, and kind hearted person. He is almost
too giving to a fault. The South El Monte community has always been at the forefront of Louie's
priorities. My beloved Grandma (who passed away in 2013) loved attending events at the SEM
Senior center where she always commented that Mayor Louie was involved and loved all his
elderly residents. This "corruption" incident does not define Louie as a man or as a human being.
He is so much more than what he is being portrayed to be. Perhaps he made a decision that was
not in his or the city's best interest however that should not overshadow all the good he has done
in his 13 years serving the community.
Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 95 of 111 Page ID #:218

Exhibit QQ
Letter from Susan Santillan, Resident of South El
Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 96 of 111 Page ID #:219

Two whom it may concern,

My name is Susan Santillan. I've been a longtime resident of South EI Monte since 1964 in which I grew
up here. South EI Monte is a beautiful city in which I attended Epiphany Catholic School and belong to the
Parish now for over 50 years. I am blessed to have both my parents still alive in which they also bought
there first home here in 1963. They have both seen this city grow in many ways that is why they chose to
raise there family here including mine as well.

The City Hall had played a very important role in both our family's lives, my father going to monthly
council meeting just to see the good changes that the Mayor and Council members have chosen for the
City. and myself getting both my daughters involved in softball year after year as they were young to build
up there self esteem with coaches and teammates that are still our longtime friends.

When the City Council Elections arrived, that is when a young man by the name of Luis Aguinaga
entered the race for Mayor.l have known Luis since both our daughters attended Pre School at the Mini
Center then Epiphany Catholic School in which he was very much involved as a parent He won the
election as Mayor not only the first term but the second as well.

Luis is a very well liked person in our community and family man and friend to me and my family and
others. As a single parent he always included my daughters in which they had no father in there lives but
stepped in and made them feel important when needed.

Both my parents are in there late 70's -BO's often working in there yard and neighborhood watch for
others. LUis would drive by our street go out of his way and park his car get off just to say to both of them
to see if they were alright or needed anything. That is the kind of person that Luis is, all heart Luis never
changed when he became Mayor, holding a big role and never let his community down.

With the tremendous changes at the Plaza Del Sol Shopping Center he made our city complete.

I respect Mr. Aguinaga not only as a friend but someone that is always caring and family man. I have trust
towards him and what he has made for our City. A Mayor's role is a very big responsibility in which people
can hate what others have achieved and accomplished.

Mr. Aguinaga has done a great Job in our City in which no other Mayor to our city has ever accomplished.


Susan Santillan
1640 Leafdale Avenue
South EI Monte, CA 91733
Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 97 of 111 Page ID #:220

Exhibit RR
Letter from Dean Bunting, Special Education
Teacher Softball Coach, South El Monte High
Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 98 of 111 Page ID #:221

Dean Bunting
South EI Monte High School
1001 N. Durfee Ave
South EI Monte, Ca 91733

September 8, 2016
To Whom It May Concern:

I have known Luis Aguinaga for several years. He has been a close friend and an
assistant coach for my high school softball team.
While he was coaching with me Louis helped with skill development and team bonding
and he was an enthusiastic leader who always maintained his professionalism.

I know louis to be dependable, responsible and courteous. He is by far one of the most
popular assistant coaches I have had. While coaching with me he was also
instrumental in getting the community involved with our program. Not only did he get
the community involved but he also donated to several programs on campus. He
personally donated to the softball program which helped us pay for tournament fees
and much needed equipment

Despite the recent events I asked that you not forget and take into consideration all the
positive things Mr. Aguinaga has done for both his community and our high school


Dean Bunting
Special Education Teacher
Softball Coach
South EI Monte
High School
Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 99 of 111 Page ID #:222

Exhibit SS
Lucy Navarro, Family Friend
Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 100 of 111 Page ID #:223


Re: Luis Aguinaga

To Whom It May Concern,

I am very pleased to write a character reference for Luis Aguinaga.

I have known Luis for 20+ years. During that time I have always been amazed at his
level of love and commitment. Every year he partiCipated in planning Thanksgiving
Dinners for the families that were low income. He not only donated food but also asked
his friends and family to donate and their time to pass out the generous baskets.

Another example of Luis love and commitment occurred when my step-daughter was in
cheerleading for VISE. Luis went to competitions to support the athletes. He also
donated money for our Athletes to go to Las Vegas for Nationals.

Luis also made a positive presence at New Temple Park as a Softball Coach. The
parents and kids respect him. He would coach with patience and fairness. He is the type
of man that would stay after the games and pick up the trash in the stands just because
he wanted to make the park clean for the kids to play.

I have also had the honor to coach his younger daughter when she was in softball 12
years ago. He was the parent that would help with anything such as snack bar duties,
fundraising for the team, and would sit in stands cheering on the team. We built a strong
relationship and bond which included many years of family vacations, laughs, and tears.
My wife and I consider him our family.

I appreciate your time and consideration.


(~A ~
Lucy Navarro
Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 101 of 111 Page ID #:224

Exhibit TT
Letter from Helen Hernandez, Family Friend
Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 102 of 111 Page ID #:225

August 24, 2016

To whom it may concern,

I am writing this letter of character reference as a show of support for an amazing, Father, Coach and Friend,
Mr. Luis "Louie" Aguinaga.

I have known Louie since we became friends over 5 years ago volunteering at the local Little League. I had a
child in the league and Louie was a coach. Over time he became a great friend, he would volunteer for events
to help better the league and spent many hours on the field coaching and instructing not only his children but
anyone's children who needed the extra support. He could often be seen checking up on the state of the fields
in terms of landscaping and field maintenance, he truly loves making sure the parK facilities are well
maintained and cleaned for the community.

Louie has always had the respect of our City. He has helped many people in a variety of ways; one example is
his regular bike rides. He personally took up the challenge to be a champion for health in our community and
he would be the first person to arrive to help ensure everyone's bike was properly maintained and ready for a
fun healthy activity. He inspired a healthier lifestyle for several families I know and its awesome to see them as
they regularly ride their bikes together and have gotten more fit as a result of his inspiration and

I have known Louie to be a very peaceful person and he has always been a regular member of Epiphany
Catholic church. This is the first time in my years of knowing him that he has been accused of a crime. I have
personally never witnessed him as the type to resolve conflicts through violence and/or commit any illegal acts.
He is a man with a very generous heart, who has always been willing to volunteer for literally anyone in need of
a helping hand, even if it's just a truck to move personal items.

I work as an employee in an nearby city and can personally attest to the hard work and sacrifice it takes to be
an elected official. He has spent countless hours representing his constituents and being a community
problem solver. It takes a person of great patience and community pride to accept such a challenging position.
I know that Louie will be accountablefor himself and any wrong doing he has committed. He is a human being
who made a mistake and who will work at correcting what needs to be addressed.
My entire family is dedicated to supporting Louie and his journey to rehabilitation. He will always remain a
friend who can count on us and as we will count on him.

If you should need any further information I can be reached at (626) 543-0813, or via email at Thank you for your time and consideration.
Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 103 of 111 Page ID #:226

Exhibit UU
Letter from Nina Aguinaga
Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 104 of 111 Page ID #:227

To the Honorable Judge Olguin

I am writing this on behalf of my father Luis "Louie" Aguinaga. I want to explain how my father
being incarcerated would affect my family and I. To be completely honest sir I don't think it's possible to
put into words what my dad mea ns not only to myself but to my 4 younger sister and family. I am the
eldest of five girls, everything I have learned from morals, faith, respect, determination and love was
thought to me by my dad. I currently do not live with my dad but that doesn't stop me from seeing or
speaking to him on a daily basis. We talk about sports, having family dinner, work or just listening to his
not so funny jokes I look forward to this interaction every day. Now that I think about it I never
cherished those moments and now I scared that they can possibly be taken away.

Not only will my dad be missed by my family and I, he will be missed by the hundreds of people he made
an impact on. For example my dad coaches a softball team every year at our local park where my sisters
and I all once played and currently my youngest sister plays. My father and I have coached together for
the past 5 years where we teach sportsmanship, teamwork, and love for the game into young minds.
The league would not be the same without my dad and the girls will defiantly miss out on their favorite
coach. My dad has made a name for himself in the community by volunteering with numerous teams,
parishes, clubs and connecting with fellow residents and I have followed in his footsteps.

Sir my father- "my hero, my coach, my mechanic, my maintenance man and listening ear", being
incarcerated would greatly affect me, please don't take precious time away from us. He is not nearly
done shaping me into half the man he is today.

I know that he made a mistake, but the people he once helped and shown his heart to know what kind
of man he is today. He has a heart of gold and his smile make a positive impact in every life he makes
contact with, it would not be beneficial to have him placed behind bars. With all the negative in the
world what we now need is to appreciate what he have and enjoy every moment with the people who
matter most. My dad matters the most to my family and I and would be broken if he is taken from us.
Please understand my dad has punished himself enough thinking he let his family, friends and
supporters down.

Thank you for listening to my plea.

Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 105 of 111 Page ID #:228

Exhibit VV
Letter from Angela Aguinaga
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Exhibit VV
Letter from Alma Aguinaga
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Exhibit XX
Letter from Mezly Lopez
Case 2:16-cr-00521-FMO Document 28-1 Filed 01/09/17 Page 111 of 111 Page ID #:234

To Honorable Judge Olguin;

Once you start growing up you can always separate the people who love what they do from the people
that work to get by. In a world where not many are happy in their workplace, it's hard to find someone
who inspires you to work for what YOU really want. Louie has taught my sisters and I that you can work
daily from sunrise to sundown, as long as deep down you know this is what brings you joy. He never
turned anyone's calls down. Whether they were early morning wake up calls or late night emergencies,
he was always there for anyone needing a hand. He gave people something money can never buy, and
that's time. He was open 24 hours for anyone who needed an ear. Not once did I hear him complain or
make any type of hesitation. Louie is one of the few good men who genuinely care about the people
they serve. Although he made mistakes, I know it was to put the well-being of others before his own.
hope you take a special notice in his case and realize that he was not a flashy man or did things for
selfish reasons; instead he gave everything back to his community.

Mezly Lopez

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