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Epilepsia, 47(7):10941120, 2006

Blackwell Publishing, Inc.

C 2006 International League Against Epilepsy

Original Research
ILAE Treatment Guidelines: Evidence-based Analysis of
Antiepileptic Drug Efficacy and Effectiveness as Initial
Monotherapy for Epileptic Seizures and Syndromes

Tracy Glauser, Elinor Ben-Menachem, Blaise Bourgeois, Avital Cnaan, David Chadwick,
Carlos Guerreiro, Reetta Kalviainen, Richard Mattson, Emilio Perucca,
and Torbjorn Tomson
Division of Neurology, Cincinnati Childrens Hospital Medical Center and University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati,
Ohio, U.S.A.; Institution for Clinical Neuroscience and Physiology, Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Goteborg, Sweden;
Department of Neurology, The Childrens Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts; Department of Pediatrics,
Division of Biostatistics, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, and The Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, U.S.A.; Walton Centre for Neurology & Neurosurgery, University of Liverpool, England; Department of Neurology,
University of Campinas, (UNICAMP), Hospital das Clnicas, Campinas, SP, Brazil; Department of Neurology, Kuopio Epilepsy
Center, Kuopio University Hospital, Kuopio, Finland; Department of Neurology, Yale University School of Medicine and Yale New
Haven Hospital, New Haven Connecticut, U.S.A.; Clinical Pharmacology Unit, University of Pavia and Institute of Neurology,
IRCCS C. Mondino Foundation, Pavia, Italy; and Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden

Summary: Purpose: To assess which antiepileptic medications whereas two had class II evidence; the remainder were evalu-
(AEDs) have the best evidence for long-term efficacy or effec- ated as class III evidence. Three seizure types had AEDs with
tiveness as initial monotherapy for patients with newly diagnosed level A or level B efficacy and effectiveness evidence as initial
or untreated epilepsy. monotherapy: adults with partial-onset seizures (level A, carba-
Methods: A 10-member subcommission of the Commission mazepine and phenytoin; level B, valproic acid), children with
on Therapeutic Strategies of The International League Against partial-onset seizures (level A, oxcarbazepine; level B, None),
Epilepsy (ILAE), including adult and pediatric epileptologists, and elderly adults with partial-onset seizures (level A, gabapentin
clinical pharmacologists, clinical trialists, and a statistician eval- and lamotrigine; level B, None). One adult seizure type [adults
uated available evidence found through a structured literature re- with generalized-onset tonicclonic (GTC) seizures], two pedi-
view including MEDLINE, Current Contents and the Cochrane atric seizure types (GTC seizures and absence seizures), and two
Library for all applicable articles from 1940 until July 2005. epilepsy syndromes (benign epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes
Articles dealing with different seizure types (for different age and juvenile myoclonic epilepsy) had no AEDs with level A or
groups) and two epilepsy syndromes were assessed for quality level B efficacy and effectiveness evidence as initial monother-
of evidence (four classes) based on predefined criteria. Criteria apy.
for class I classification were a double-blind randomized con- Conclusions: This evidence-based guideline focused on AED
trolled trial (RCT) design, 48-week treatment duration with- efficacy or effectiveness as initial monotherapy for patients with
out forced exit criteria, information on 24-week seizure free- newly diagnosed or untreated epilepsy. The absence of rigorous
dom data (efficacy) or 48-week retention data (effectiveness), comprehensive adverse effects data makes it impossible to
demonstration of superiority or 80% power to detect a 20% develop an evidence-based guideline aimed at identifying the
relative difference in efficacy/effectiveness versus an adequate overall optimal recommended initial-monotherapy AED. There
comparator, and appropriate statistical analysis. Class II studies is an especially alarming lack of well-designed, properly con-
met all class I criteria except for having either treatment duration ducted RCTs for patients with generalized seizures/epilepsies
of 24 to 47 weeks or, for noninferiority analysis, a power to only and for children in general. The majority of relevant existing
exclude a 2130% relative difference. Class III studies included RCTs have significant methodologic problems that limit their
other randomized double-blind and open-label trials, and class applicability to this guidelines clinically relevant main question.
IV included other forms of evidence (e.g., expert opinion, case Multicenter, multinational efforts are needed to design, conduct
reports). Quality of clinical trial evidence was used to determine and analyze future clinically relevant RCTs that can answer
the strength of the level of recommendation. the many outstanding questions identified in this guideline.
Results: A total of 50 RCTs and seven meta-analyses con- The ultimate choice of an AED for any individual patient
tributed to the analysis. Only four RCTs had class I evidence, with newly diagnosed or untreated epilepsy should include

Accepted March 13, 2006.

Address correspondence and reprint requests to Prof. E. Ben-Menachem, Department of Neurology, Institution for Clinical Neuroscience and
Physiology, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, 413 45 Goteborg, Sweden. E-mail:
doi: 10.1111/j.1528-1167.2006.00585.x


consideration of the strength of the efficacy and effectiveness physicians and patients should consider all relevant variables
evidence for each AED along with other variables such as the and not just efficacy and effectiveness. Key Words: Efficacy
AED safety and tolerability profile, pharmacokinetic properties, EffectivenessAntiepileptic drugsGuidelinesEpilepsy
formulations, and expense. When selecting a patients AED, treatment.

BACKGROUND which AEDs have the best evidence for use as initial
monotherapy? The first step in this analysis was to identify
Antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) are the initial treatment the multiple variables that affect a specific AEDs suitabil-
modality for the vast majority of patients with epilepsy. ity for patients with newly diagnosed or untreated epilepsy
Since the advent of bromide therapy 150 years ago, clin- (Table 1).
icians have selected initial AED therapy for patients with Only one variable in Table 1 (seizure- or epilepsy
newly diagnosed epilepsy in large part based on the pa- syndromespecific efficacy/effectiveness) can be ana-
tients seizure/epilepsy type, as determined according to lyzed in an evidence-based manner. It is not possible to
the classification scheme of the time. Unfortunately, dur- provide comprehensive balanced evidence-based analysis
ing the majority of these 150 years, minimal formal scien- of AED adverse effects (dose dependence, idiosyncratic
tific assessment of the efficacy, safety, and tolerability of reactions, chronic toxicities, teratogenicity, and carcino-
AEDs has been done. For example, a number of older com- genicity) because only a few AEDs have detailed well-
monly used present-day AEDs [e.g., phenobarbital (PB), controlled data for adverse effects. It is inappropriate to
phenytoin (PHT)] were registered and marketed in coun- assume that the absence of evidence regarding an AEDs
tries around the world without any randomized clinical adverse effects is equivalent to evidence of absence of
trial (RCT) evidence of efficacy or tolerability in patients these potentially important adverse effects. Similarly, it is
with epilepsy. The clinical development programs of car- not possible to provide an evidence-based approach for
bamazepine (CBZ) and valproic acid (VPA) in the 1960s the impact of other AED variables such as differential
and 1970s marked the beginning of more formalized AED pharmacokinetics.
efficacy and tolerability assessment. The recent influx of Given the inability to address rigorously all variables
new AEDs during the past 15 years has provided clinicians that affect initial AED selection, the subcommission con-
with many more therapeutic options along with significant cluded that the main goal of this guideline should be to pro-
amounts of RCT data regarding efficacy and tolerability. vide an evidence-based answer to the following question:
In 1998, The International League Against Epilepsy For patients with newly diagnosed or untreated epilepsy,
(ILAE) began to develop evidence-based guidelines to as- which AEDs have the best evidence for long-term efficacy
sist clinicians worldwide with the treatment of epilepsy. or effectiveness as initial monotherapy?
To avoid duplication of effort, the subcommissions first Definitions are needed for multiple terms in this ques-
step was to survey 62 ILAE chapters and request copies of tion. Patients included adults, children, and elderly.
any available national guidelines focused on the treatment Studies were classified as either pediatric, adult, elderly,
of epilepsy. The subcommission reviewed guidelines re- or mixed trials based on the studys intent primarily to
ceived by December 1999 and issued a second request for enroll patients younger than 16 years, 16 years or older,
additional national guidelines. By the beginning of May 60 years or older, or any age between 2 and 85 years, re-
2000, 30 ILAE chapters had responded, but only 11 na- spectively. Newly diagnosed or untreated was included
tional guidelines existed. Because so few countries had ex- because patients may have had seizures for many years and
isting guidelines, the subcommission decided to develop a either were misdiagnosed, did not recognize the seizures,
guideline addressing the medical treatment of epilepsy by refused therapy, or were not able to afford therapy. Be-
using the Institute of Medicines definition of a guideline: cause epilepsy is not a homogeneous disorder, the guide-
Practice guidelines are systematically developed state- lines main question was addressed for (a) different seizure
ments to assist practitioner and patient decisions about ap- subtypes and (b) different epilepsies/epilepsy syndromes
propriate health care for specific clinical circumstances based on the ILAE 1981 seizure classification (2) and
(1). the 1989 revised classification of epilepsies and epilepsy
syndromes (3). Long-term refers to 48 weeks of ther-
apy. Efficacy is the ability of that medication to produce
seizure freedom; tolerability involves the incidence,
severity, and impact of AED-related adverse effects (4,5),
The issue of initial monotherapy affects everyone med- and the term effectiveness encompasses both AED ef-
ically treated for epilepsy. Initially, the subcommission ficacy and tolerability, as reflected in retention on treat-
thought that the goal of this guideline should be to provide ment (4). Initial represented only the first AED used for
an evidence-based answer to the following question: For a patient, whereas monotherapy was the use of a single
patients with newly diagnosed or untreated epilepsy, AED.
Epilepsia, Vol. 47, No. 7, 2006

TABLE 1. Variables that affect a specific AEDs suitability for patients with newly
diagnosed or untreated epilepsy
AED-specific variables Patient-specific variables Nation-specific variables

Seizure or epilepsy syndrome Genetic background AED availability

specific efficacy/effectiveness Gender AED cost
Dose-dependent adverse effects Age
Idiosyncratic reactions Comedications
Chronic toxicities Comorbidities
Teratogenicity Insurance coverage
Carcinogenicity Relative wealth
Pharmacokinetics Ability to swallow pills/tablets
Interaction potential

Data were collected from published peer-reviewed orig- for the selection of initial AED therapy, particularly in
inal studies, systematic reviews, published book chapters, nonaffluent societies.
AED package inserts, and regulatory information obtain- This guideline should not be construed as including ev-
able by the public and pharmaceutical companies. ery proper method of care or as excluding other acceptable
The guidelines recommendations aim to help clini- methods. The ultimate judgment for therapy must be made
cians worldwide understand the relevant existing evidence in light of all the clinical data presented by the patient and
for initial AED selection for patients with epilepsy and by the treatment options that are locally available for the
to assist the clinician in applying it to clinical practice. patient and his or her clinician.
The guideline is intended for use by individual clinicians,
hospitals, health authorities and providers, and individual
chapters of the ILAE. We recognize that this guideline will
require local scrutiny and adjustment to make it relevant Overview
to social and economic environments in which it will be The methods used to construct the evidence-based
used. This process should lead to a sense of ownership of portion of this guideline combined elements of guide-
any adjusted guideline that will be essential for effective line development used by the Agency for Health-
implementation and lead to improvement in health care care Research and Quality, Rockville, MD (http://
outcomes for people with epilepsy., The Scottish Intercollegiate Guide-
line Network (, the American Col-
lege of Cardiology and the American Heart Associa-
tion (, the Cochrane
This guideline will address the evidence underly- Database of Systematic Reviews (www.cochranelibrary.
ing AED efficacy and effectiveness for patients with com or, the American Academy
newly diagnosed or untreated epilepsy. In reviewing of Neurology (, and the National
the studies, it became apparent that a number of tri- Health and Medical Research Council (http://www.
als of initial treatment included also a proportion
of patients who had received prior treatment for vari-
able periods; these studies were not excluded from the Description of literature review
analysis. Identification of potentially relevant studies began
The following issues are not examined in this guideline: with a series of literature searches by using MED-
when to start AED therapy, when to stop AED therapy, LINE and Current Contents. Studies were considered
how to titrate or adjust AED dosages, urgent treatment potentially relevant if they were published any time be-
of seizures and status epilepticus, AED efficacy when fore July 4, 2005, coded in a computerized database
used as polytherapy, the role of different diagnostic tests as an RCT, meta-analyses, or systematic reviews, in-
[e.g., EEG, computed tomography (CT) scan or magnetic cluded the words epilepsy and monotherapy along with
resonance imaging (MRI)], the role of epilepsy surgery, at least one of the following 36 terms: acetazolamide
neurostimulation, or ketogenic diet in the management or (ACZ), adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), barbex-
treatment of patients with epilepsy, or the initial treatment aclone, beclamide, carbamazepine (CBZ), clobazam
of neonatal seizures or West syndrome. The intercountry (CLB), clonazepam (CZP), clorazepate (CLP), diazepam
variability in AED costs makes it difficult for this guide- (DZP), ethosuximide (ESM), ethotoin (ETH), felbamate
line to address or incorporate issues of cost-effectiveness (FBM), gabapentin (GBP), lamotrigine (LTG), levetirac-
and related economic analyses. However, it is recognized etam (LEV), lorazepam (LZP), mephenytoin (MPH), me-
that cost and availability are parameters used as criteria phobarbital (MPB), methsuximide (MSM), nitrazepam

Epilepsia, Vol. 47, No. 7, 2006


(NTZ), oxcarbazepine (OXC), phenacemide (PAC), under study, number of patients enrolled (subdivided by
pheneturide (PTR), phenobarbital (PB), phensuximide seizure type, AED, and age if possible), AED dosages
(PSM), phenytoin (PHT), pregabalin (PGB), primidone used (initial dosage, target dosage, mean/median dosages
(PRM), progabide (PRO), sulthiame (STM), tiagabine if available), duration of titration/maintenance/follow-
(TGB), topiramate (TPM), valproic acid (VPA), vigabatrin up, and outcomes examined (efficacy and effectiveness/
(VGB), zonisamide (ZNS), or 4-amino-3-hydroxybutyric retention).
acid. For a particular seizure type or epilepsy syndrome, if
Key criteria for literature analysis
no acceptable RCTs, meta-analyses, or systematic reviews
Consensus was reached that all identified RCT studies
were found, then a second search was performed to include
be evaluated by five major criteria (Table 2):
non-RCTs, case studies, and opinion documents. All lan-
guages were included. No gender and age limits were im- 1. The first criterion relates to the requirement that
posed, but searches were limited to human subjects. information on adequate effectiveness and/or ef-
Four additional steps were taken to identify potentially ficacy parameters be provided. It was agreed that
relevant studies. A hand search of major medical and neu- effectiveness data (retention) should be available
rology journals for potentially relevant studies was up- for a treatment period of 48 weeks. This relates
dated to July 2005. The Cochrane Library of randomized to the considerations given later on the minimal
controlled trials in epilepsy was searched each year dur- duration of treatment. For efficacy outcomes, the
ing guideline development (last time in July 2005); any minimum duration of seizure freedom was set at
relevant meta-analyses or cited reference(s) in the anal- 24 weeks for all seizure types. Consensus was
ysis were included for review. The reference lists of all reached that seizure freedom assessed over shorter
included studies were reviewed to identify any additional periods could not be considered clinically relevant
relevant studies not identified by these searches. Package in view of the need to document a sustained re-
inserts of individual AEDs were checked for information sponse and, in many trials, the inclusion of patients
about any additional RCTs. with infrequent seizures (e.g., two seizures over the
Pharmaceutical companies were asked to supplement preceding 6 months).
data from any publicly known RCTs if data were missing The subcommission acknowledged that these
(e.g., RCTs mentioned in package inserts) and for any un- study-duration requirements penalize studies that
published potentially relevant clinical trials. Any studies used time-to-exit outcome measures, particularly
in press known to the subcommission were also included. trials including a low-dose active control in which
patients are required to exit after only one or
Literature categorization and abstraction two seizures. The latter studies, however, are also
Studies were divided into groups based on the study the least useful in addressing the objective of the
populations seizure type or epilepsy syndrome (using present guideline, because the nature of comparator
the ILAE classification) and then further subdivided (if and the criteria for treatment failure have little or
possible) by age. In general, children refers to patients no relevance to the mode of drug use in therapeutic
younger than 16 years, adults to patients 16 years or practice.
older, and elderly to patients 60 years or older. The cat- 2. The second criterion relates to minimal duration
egories included the following: (a) patients (adults, chil- of treatment, which must be appropriate for as-
dren, or elderly) with partial-onset seizures; (b) patients sessing the primary outcome variable(s) for the
(adults or children) with generalized-onset seizures; (c) id- seizure type or epilepsy syndrome under consid-
iopathic localization-related epilepsies (e.g., benign child- eration. This was set at 48 weeks to allow time
hood epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes); and (d) id- for dose titration and dose adjustments and for as-
iopathic generalized epilepsies (e.g., juvenile myoclonic sessment of sustained response in a disorder that,
epilepsy). for most seizure types, requires treatment for many
Each potentially relevant study found through this years.
search method was abstracted for specific data, which 3. The third criterion relates to the need to min-
were placed in evidence tables including but not limited to imize bias in enrollment and assessment. The
study title, author, journal citation, description of study pa- presence/absence of blinding and the description
tients prior epilepsy therapy (e.g., untreated, undertreated, of treatment groups baseline characteristics were
previously treated but off AEDs), presence or absence of used to determine whether bias was minimized (6).
blinding/masking [open label (OL), double blind (DB)], Ideally, details on the randomization procedure for
patient flow (parallel-group or crossover design), de- each study would have been incorporated into this
scription of power analysis/sample-size calculation, ran- bias assessment because poor concealment of ran-
domization procedure, planned and actual age range of domization can have considerable impact on the
patients enrolled, seizure type(s) or epilepsy syndrome estimates of treatment effects (7); unfortunately

Epilepsia, Vol. 47, No. 7, 2006


TABLE 2. Classification criteria for study evaluation

Criteria Required Comment/Example

Primary outcome variable Clearly defined Ideal: Assessment of retention after a minimum of
Either effectiveness (patient retention) or 48-wk treatment for all seizure types
efficacy (seizure freedom) Ideal: Assessment of efficacy based on a minimum of
24-wk seizure freedom for all seizure types
Minimal duration of treatment Appropriate for assessing the primary outcome Ideal: The minimal duration of treatment for seizure and
variable for the seizure type or epilepsy epilepsy types addressed in this guideline is 48 wk
syndrome under consideration
Potential for bias Enrollment or treatment bias minimized by Ideal: Randomized double-blind clinical trial design
randomization, double blinding and
description of treatment groups baseline
Detectable noninferiority boundary A positive superiority trial is acceptable For noninferiority outcomes, an acceptable comparator:
based upon actual sample size For all other trials or superiority trials failing to (1) must have been shown to be superior to another
identify a difference, actual sample size (for treatment in at least one trial satisfying all other
age/seizure-type subgroups) must be large criteria listed in this table
enough to show noninferiority with a 20% OR
relative difference between treatment arms (2) if no drug meets condition 1, must have been shown
based on 80% power in a noninferiority to be superior to another treatment in at least one trial
analysis vs. an acceptable comparator satisfying all other criteria listed in this table except
for minimum duration of treatment/retention/seizure
Statistical analysis Appropriate statistical analysis presented or data
presented allowing statistical analysis

randomization information was not available for 50%, an outcome with seizure-freedom rate <40%
most studies that stated that allocation to treatments or >60% (50% 0.2 50%) in other groups(s)
was randomized. Requirements for bias minimiza- would be regarded as clinically important.
tion were considered unmet when a study was not For a trial to qualify as being able to detect a dif-
double-blind (DB) or failed to provide information ference, one of the following two conditions had
on the baseline clinical characteristics of the treat- to be met: (a) the trial demonstrated a statistically
ment groups. The subcommission acknowledged significant difference in effectiveness or efficacy
that these criteria heavily penalize non-DB studies, between treatment arms; or (b) actual sample size
but there was consensus that seizure reporting and (for age/seizure-type subgroups) was large enough
retention are not objective outcomes (such as death) to assess a 20% relative difference between treat-
and that blind outcome assessment was preferred ment arms, based on 80% power, type I error set
(8). However, the subcommission also recognized at 0.05, a noninferiority analysis, and use of an
that unblinded studies, by being simpler to perform, acceptable comparator (defined later). This condi-
may recruit larger numbers of patients than do DB tion would apply only to superiority trials failing
studies. This may have a balancing effect against to identify a difference and for noninferiority or
any loss of precision due to lack of blinding and equivalence trials.
may also increase the external validity (applicabil- An acceptable comparator for a specific
ity) of the study. seizure/epilepsy/age category was defined as
4. The fourth criterion relates to the ability of the any drug shown to be superior to another drug,
study to detect a difference in outcome. For ini- another dose of the same drug or another treatment
tial monotherapy trials, a 1998 guideline produced modality or placebo in at least one trial satisfying
by the ILAE Commission on Antiepileptic Drugs all other criteria listed in Table 2. In case no drug
(4) estimated at 20% (not stated whether absolute qualified by the latter criterion, an acceptable
or relative difference) the minimum outcome dif- comparator would be any drug shown to be
ference that should be regarded as clinically impor- superior to another drug, another dose of the same
tant. After extensive discussion, it was agreed that drug, or another treatment modality or placebo
any relative difference >20% in primary outcome in at least one trial satisfying all other criteria
(effectiveness or efficacy) versus the comparators listed in Table 2 except for minimal duration of
arm (as defined in the study protocol) should be treatment/retention/seizure freedom. The con-
regarded as clinically significant. For example, if cept of acceptable comparator was introduced
seizure-freedom rate in the comparators group was to minimize the possibility that a comparator

Epilepsia, Vol. 47, No. 7, 2006


might be used for which no adequate evidence of For studies in which more than two treatments
effectiveness/efficacy exists, thereby leading to were compared, all pairwise power calculations
the interpretation that both the comparator and were performed. The reported detectable level is
the noninferior treatment may be ineffective or the smallest noninferiority level that the study could
inefficacious. The subcommission acknowledged accomplish from all comparisons assessed.
that satisfying noninferiority criteria versus an For studies in which a sample size was provided
acceptable comparator did not exclude the pos- combining adults and children, the largest-power
sibility of the two compared treatments being possible scenario was evaluated for each group (i.e.,
equally ineffective or inefficacious. Nevertheless, that all but one patient was from the group currently
there was consensus that a noninferiority outcome assessed for power). Thus each study was assessed
in a trial meeting all criteria listed in Table 2 is as to the smallest possible DNIB that it could de-
acceptable evidence of effectiveness or efficacy. tect, taking into account all the features in the study
The detectable noninferiority boundary (DNIB) (sample size, number of treatments compared, dif-
was calculated for all RCTs that failed to iden- ferent populations compared).
tify a difference for the appropriate end point(s). 5. The fifth criterion relates to the requirement that
These trials were analyzed assuming a noninferi- appropriate statistical analysis is presented in the
ority study design rather than a superiority study article or, alternatively, that data be presented or
design. The adequate comparators arm (e.g., CBZ) made available for appropriate statistical analysis
was assumed to have a response rate of 50%. The by the subcommission. Age-specific seizure types
null hypothesis was that the compared treatment or epilepsy syndrome categories were analyzed in-
had a lower response rate, and the alternative, to dependently. When studies included mixed popula-
be detected with 80% power, while controlling for tions in terms of seizure/syndrome/age categories,
one-sided type I error of 0.05, was that the com- data were extracted and analyzed separately for
pared treatment was not inferior, in terms of re- each category, and any analysis done on mixed cat-
sponse rate, to the comparator. egories was regarded as inadequate in meeting the
The DNIB was established by using the actual sam- criterion for appropriate statistical analysis. Meta-
ple sizes of evaluated patients in the study, relative analyses were also evaluated based on the same
to a response rate of 50%. For example, a 1999 criteria applied to individual RCTs.
study comparing 226 newly diagnosed adults with
partial-onset seizures with CBZ with 220 newly Rating of potentially relevant studies
diagnosed adults with partial-onset seizures receiv- All potentially relevant studies were evaluated for their
ing VGB would have been large enough to estab- Class of Evidence based on criteria adapted from the
lish the noninferiority of VGB as compared with United States Agency for Health Care and Policy Research
CBZ with a noninferiority relative boundary of (12) and the American Academy of Neurology (13) scor-
24% (9). In other words, assuming that the true re- ing systems (Table 3).
sponse rate on CBZ was 50%, the study was large This method focuses on certain study characteristics at
enough to establish that the response rate on VGB the potential expense of other design characteristics. A
would be no worse than 38% [0.5 (1 0.24)] schematic diagram of how this scoring system works for
with >80% power. Assuming a 50% response rate efficacy and effectiveness studies is shown in Fig. 1.
as the reference, in addition to approximating true
response rates for most epilepsy types, gives the Level-of-evidence classification
largest noninferiority boundary (i.e., the worst- The level-of-evidence classification approach using
case scenario). Sensitivity analysis shows that for each categorys conclusions was a modification of the
any response rate on CBZ ranging from 40 to 60%, United States Agency for Health Care and Policy Re-
on this study, the noninferiority boundary would search (12) and the American Academy of Neurology (13)
have changed to 23%. For studies with a smaller scoring systems. The six levels are labeled AF; the rela-
sample size, the sensitivity analysis shows virtu- tion between level of evidence and clinical trial rating is
ally no difference in the detectable noninferiority shown in Table 4. Levels A through D are defined by spe-
boundary based on establishing the response rate at cific combinations of clinical trials ratings (based on the
4060%. criteria in Table 2). AEDs with level A evidence have the
The sample sizes were calculated based on the for- highest supporting level of clinical trial evidence followed
mulas developed by Chan (10), implemented in sequentially by levels B, C, and D. For any AED, level E
StatXact Version 6.0 (Cytel, Inc., Cambridge, MA, evidence indicated that no published RCTs exist of the
U.S.A.) (11) and assumed that the test statistic to AEDs use as initial monotherapy for a specific seizure
be used was the score test. type/epilepsy syndrome. Level F indicates documented

Epilepsia, Vol. 47, No. 7, 2006


TABLE 3. Rating scale of evidence for potentially relevant studies

Class Criteria

I A RCT, or meta-analysis of RCTs, in a representative population that meets all six criteria:
1. Primary outcome variable: efficacy or effectiveness
2. Treatment duration: 48 wk and information on 24 wk seizure freedom data (efficacy) or 48 wk retention data (effectiveness)
3. Study design: Double blind
4. Superiority demonstrated, or if no superiority demonstrated, the studys actual sample size was sufficient to show noninferiority of no
worse than a 20% relative difference in effectiveness/efficacy (see text for detailed explanation of this detectable noninferiority
5. Study exit: Not forced by a predetermined number of treatment-emergent seizures
6. Appropriate statistical analysis
II A RCT or meta-analysis meeting all the class I criteria except that
1. No superiority was demonstrated and the studys actual sample size was sufficient only to show noninferiority at a 2130% relative
difference in effectiveness/efficacy
2. Treatment duration: 24 wk but <48 wk
III A RCT or meta-analysis not meeting the criteria for any class I or class II category (e.g., an open-label study or a double-blind study with
either a detectable noninferiority boundary of >30% or forced exit criteria)
IV Evidence from nonrandomized, prospective, controlled or uncontrolled studies, case series, or expert reports

evidence of the AEDs lack of efficacy and effectiveness Because multiple AED-specific factors affect the se-
or AED-associated seizure aggravation. lection of initial monotherapy, for each first-line and
alternative first-line candidate AED identified by this
Recommendations for use as initial monotherapy method, consideration must be given to the other AED-,
Evidence-based AED efficacy and effectiveness recom- patient-, and nation-specific variables from Table 1 that
mendations for a specific seizure/epilepsy type are divided can affect final AED selection (e.g., adverse effects,
into five categories (Table 4). If no AED for a specific pharmacokinetics).
seizure/epilepsy type met criteria for either of the top two
levels of evidence, then the entry in this category would be
No first-line monotherapy candidates exist at this time. Potential limitations of proposed method
1. Guideline method may undervalue important data
by emphasizing DB, long-duration trials with
no forced-exit criteria: This guidelines proposed
method emphasizes (a) DB over OL RCTs, (b)
longer-duration trials over shorter-duration trials,
and (c) trials not using forced-exit criteria over
those that do. This approach may underemphasize
important data from certain trials not meeting this
guidelines rating criteria for a class I or II trial. The
subcommission thought that this differential ap-
proach would focus the guideline on those trials that
most contribute to the main question: For patients
with newly diagnosed or with untreated epilepsy,
which AEDs have the best evidence for long-term
efficacy or effectiveness as initial monotherapy?
2. Guideline method may undervalue important data
from RCTs that were designed primarily for reg-
ulatory or marketing purposes. In general, regula-
tory and marketing-driven trials may have limited
utility for the development of treatment guidelines
because they tend to incorporate methodologic fea-
tures (e.g., inclusion criteria, choice of dosages,
dosing intervals, titration rates, formulation, end
points) that bias the results in favor of the spon-
FIG. 1. Application of evidence-rating criteria for efficacy/
sors product. Additionally, starting and mainte-
effectiveness studies. (DNIB = detectable noninferiority boun- nance dosages, titration rates, and outcome vari-
dary) ables (e.g., time to first seizure) in these studies
Epilepsia, Vol. 47, No. 7, 2006

TABLE 4. Relation between clinical trial ratings, level of evidence, and conclusions
Combination(s) of clinical Level of Recommendation (based on efficacy
trial ratings evidence Conclusions and effectiveness data only)

1 class I studies or meta-analysis A AED established as efficacious or effective

meeting class I criteria sources OR 2 as initial monotherapy
AED should be considered for initial
class II studies monotherapyfirst-line monotherapy

1 class II study or meta-analysis meeting B AED probably efficacious or effective as

class II criteria initial monotherapy

2 class III double-blind or open-label C AED possibly efficacious or effective as AED may be considered for initial
studies initial monotherapy monotherapyalternative first-line
monotherapy candidate
1 class III double-blind or open-label D AED potentially efficacious or effective as Weak efficacy or effectiveness data available to
study initial monotherapy support the use of the AED for initial
1 class IV clinical studies OR expert E No RCT data available to assess if AED is Either no data or inadequate efficacy or
committee reports, OR opinions from effective as initial monotherapy effectiveness data available to decide if AED
experienced clinicians OR absence of could be considered for initial monotherapy
directly applicable clinical evidence
upon which to base a recommendation
Positive evidence of lack of efficacy or F AED considered as ineffective or significant AED should not be used for initial monotherapy
effectiveness based on class I to IV risk of seizure aggravation
studies OR significant risk of seizure
aggravation based on class I to IV

often do not reflect routine clinical care, meaning RESULTS

that results may not be fully generalizable to routine
Article and meta-analysis identification
The initial step in identifying potentially relevant stud-
3. This guideline relied predominantly on published
ies and systematic reviews was to search MEDLINE by
aggregate data. Ideally individual data would be
using the following four search strategies:
preferred for time-to-event outcome analysis, but
these data were not available. 1. Search Epilepsy AND monotherapy AND (ac-
4. This guideline did not use effect estimates with con- etazolamide OR adrenocorticotropic hormone OR
fidence intervals because this analysis was not used barbexaclone OR beclamide OR carbamazepine
for most of the published studies. OR clobazam OR clonazepam OR clorazepate OR
5. This guideline treats all negative trials as noninfe- diazepam OR ethosuximide OR ethotoin OR felba-
riority trials even if the initial intent of the trial was mate OR gabapentin OR lamotrigine OR levetirac-
to demonstrate superiority. Calculations are based etam OR lorazepam OR mephenytoin OR meph-
on the number of patients with data, but sometimes obarbital OR methsuximide OR nitrazepam OR
this information was not available and intent-to- oxcarbazepine OR phenacemide OR pheneturide
treat numbers were used. These numbers may have OR phenobarbital OR phensuximide OR phenytoin
overestimated the power of a given study, since loss OR pregabalin OR primidone OR progabide OR
to follow-up was not accounted for. sulthiame OR tiagabine OR topiramate OR valproic
6. Clinical trials may enroll all types of epilepsy acid OR vigabatrin OR zonisamide OR 4-amino-
across many age ranges but not publish subgroup 3-hydroxybutyric acid). Field: All Fields. Limits:
data or analysis. This differential availability of Randomized Controlled Trial, Human. This search
subgroup data and analysis could result in a possi- yielded 3,770 studies.
ble publication and selection bias. 2. Search Epilepsy/drug therapy (MeSH)
7. There are few or no RCTs for certain seizure monotherapy. Limits: Randomized Controlled
types or epilepsy syndromes. Insufficient RCTs Trial, Human. This search yielded 126 studies.
exist, especially in adults with idiopathic gener- 3. Search Drug therapy (MeSH) AND Epilepsy. Lim-
alized epilepsies and in children with many types its: Randomized Controlled Trial, Human. This
of epilepsy. For these categories, it is impossible to search yielded 614 studies.
identify any AEDs with sufficient evidence to qual- 4. Search (epilepsy therapy) AND systematic (sb).
ify as first-line initial monotherapy candidates. This search yielded 499 studies.

Epilepsia, Vol. 47, No. 7, 2006


These computerized searches were last performed on initial treatment of partial-onset seizures was subdivided
July 4, 2005. The resulting studies were reviewed for rel- into three separate populations: adult, children, and el-
evancy and placed into one of the eight seizure-type or derly.
epilepsy syndrome categories listed earlier. The reference The ultimate choice of an AED for any individual
lists of all included studies were reviewed to identify any patient with newly diagnosed or untreated partial-onset
additional relevant studies not identified by these searches. epilepsy should include consideration of the strength of
In total, 50 relevant RCTs were identified, some of which each AEDs efficacy and effectiveness evidence along
were included in multiple categories. with the other variables in Table 1 (e.g., the AEDs safety
A search of the Cochrane Library yielded six addi- profile, pharmacokinetic properties, formulations, and ex-
tional completed and relevant published meta-analyses. pense). When selecting a patients AED, physicians and
Pharmaceutical companies provided requested additional patients must consider all relevant variables and not just
information on one meta-analysis and six RCTs. Seven- an AEDs efficacy and effectiveness.
teen systematic reviews and guidelines were identified that
were thought to be relevant to these guidelines, covering Adults with partial-onset seizures
topics such as management of newly diagnosed epilepsy Overview of evidence
(1418), tonicclonic (TC) seizures (19), absence seizures A total of 37 RCTs (9,3166) and five meta-analyses
(20), treatment of women with epilepsy (21,22), adults (6671) examined initial monotherapy of adults with
with epilepsy and intellectual disability (23), childhood partial-onset seizures. Among the 37 RCTs, two RCTs
epilepsies (24), AED clinical trials (25), AEDs and cog- (9,31) were considered class I studies, one RCT was rated
nitive function (26,27), quality of life (28), and AED as class II (34), and 30 RCTs met criteria for class III
economic issues (29,30). In total, 50 RCTs, seven meta- studies (32,33,3561,66). Four RCTs did not report effec-
analyses, and 17 systematic reviews were included as tiveness or efficacy as a primary outcome variable and are
sources in the development of these guidelines. not included further in the analysis (6265).
Presentation of evidence, conclusions, and One RCT was considered class II because it met all class
recommendations I criteria except that no superiority was demonstrated be-
The guideline is divided by seizure type (n = 6) and tween treatments, and the study had a DNIB of 23% (34).
epilepsy syndrome (n = 2). Each section has an overview The majority of RCTs were classified as class III. Fif-
of the available RCT evidence followed by a summary of teen DB RCTs were classified as class III because of a
effectiveness and efficacy data. For each AED with class I, forced-exit criterion alone (n = 4) (40,42,44,66), forced-
II, or DB class III RCT data, effectiveness evidence is pre- exit criterion plus either too short a duration of treatment
sented before efficacy evidence. Meta-analysis evidence (n = 1) or DNIB 31% (n = 1) (45,56), or DNIBs
(if available) is then discussed. Each section closes with 31% with or without too short a duration of treatment
conclusions and recommendations. (n = 9) (33,3739,41,43,4749). The remaining 15 RCTs
were classified as class III because they were OL trials
Partial-onset seizures (adults, children, elderly) (32,35,36,46,5055,5761).
The goals of treatment for adults and children with Among the 33 RCTs considered for evaluation, CBZ
partial-onset seizures, as for patients with other seizure was the most frequently studied (n = 19) followed by
types, are the best quality of life with no seizures and the PHT (n = 11) and VPA (n = 11). The majority of RCTs
fewest adverse effects from treatment. The guideline for involving these AEDs were OL class III studies. The num-
the treatment of adults, children, and elderly with partial- ber of studies for each AED and their distribution by RCT
onset seizures was developed to identify AEDs with the class of evidence are shown in Table 5.
strongest evidence for efficacy or effectiveness as first-
line monotherapy. Emphasis was on trials involving adults, Effectiveness-outcome evidence
children, or elderly with new-onset or newly treated par- Six AEDs (CBZ, PHT, PB, PRM, VPA, and VGB) had
tial seizures rather than adults, children, or elderly with either class I or class II evidence regarding effectiveness in
treatment-resistant partial seizures. The guideline for the adults with partial-onset seizures. Five AEDs (CZP, GBP,

TABLE 5. Adults with partial-onset seizures: number of relevant studies categorized by class of study and AED involved

I 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
II 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
III-DB 6 4 2 3 0 4 3 0 2 1 0
III-OL 10 6 8 2 4 0 0 2 0 0 0
Total 19 11 11 5 5 4 3 3 2 1 1

Epilepsia, Vol. 47, No. 7, 2006


LTG, OXC, TPM) had class III DB RCT evidence regard- the study did not report p values or confidence intervals
ing effectiveness in adults with partial-onset seizures. (43).
CBZ, PHT, PB, PRM, VGB (class I, n = 2): In a 1985 No effectiveness outcome data were reported for one
trial of 622 adults with epilepsy, retention in the study at 36 forced exit, brief-duration placebo-controlled class III
months in adults with partial-onset seizures was greater for OXC RCT (45) or for two high-dose low-dose forced-exit
CBZ and PHT compared with PB or PRM (p < 0.02) (31). TPM RCTs (42,72). A four-arm forced-exit GBP-CBZ
In this same study, for patients with partial secondarily trial involving 292 adults with newly diagnosed partial-
generalized tonicclonic (GTC) seizures, CBZ, PHT, and onset seizures used three different dosages of blinded GBP
PB had significantly greater patient retention at 36 months and one dosage of OL CBZ. The completion rate between
than did PRM (p < 0.01) (31). In a comparative trial of GBP, 900 mg/day and 1,800 mg/day, was similar to that
459 patients with epilepsy, VGB and CBZ demonstrated for CBZ, 600 mg/day. GBP, 900 mg/day, was shown not
similar time to withdrawal for lack of efficacy or adverse to be inferior to CBZ, 600 mg/day, when both exit rate
effects (hazard ratio, 0.83; 95% CI, 0.571.20) (9). and adverse-event withdrawal rate were considered (40).
CBZ, VPA (class II, n = 1): A class II CBZVPA In a small comparative RCT, CBZ and CZP had similar
comparison study involving 480 adults with partial-onset withdrawal rates from the study (47).
epilepsy contained two distinct substudies; one substudy
enrolled 206 patients with complex partial seizures, and Efficacy-outcome variable
the other substudy included 274 patients with partial sec- Six AEDs (CBZ, PHT, PB, PRM, VPA, and VGB) had
ondarily GTC seizures. Patients entering the trial were either class I or class II evidence regarding efficacy in
assigned to a substudy based on their predominant seizure adults with partial-onset seizures. Five AEDs (CZP, GBP,
type. The substudies had identical designs and procedures. LTG, OXC, TPM) had class III DB RCT evidence regard-
The results of each substudy were analyzed separately and ing efficacy in adults with partial-onset seizures.
together. CBZ and VPA had similar treatment success rates CBZ, PHT, PB, PRM, VGB (class I, n = 2): In the
(defined by length of time taking study drug without be- class I 1985 four-arm RCT comparison of CBZ, PHT,
ing discontinued) for the combined group and for either PB, and PRM, more patients with partial-onset seizures
seizure group separately. For the combined groups and the receiving CBZ were seizure-free after 18 months com-
complex-partial subgroup, patients receiving CBZ had a pared with those taking either PB or PRM (p < 0.03) (31).
significantly better composite score (incorporating effi- All four arms of the trial had equal seizure freedom at
cacy and tolerability aspects) than did VPA at 12 months 18 months for patients with secondarily GTC seizures
but not at 24 months. At both 12 and 24 months, CBZ (ranging from 43% to 48%) (31). In a class I RCT of
and VPA had similar composite scores in patients with CBZ and VGB, seizure freedom at 1 year was statistically
secondarily GTC seizures (34). significantly higher for CBZ patients compared with VGB
CZP, GBP, LTG, OXC, TPM (class III DB, n = 12): patients (58% vs. 38%) as was time to first seizure after
Seven comparative RCTs (LTG-CBZ, LTG-PHT, LTG- the first 6 weeks from randomization (p < 0.0001). The
GBP, OXC-CBZ, OXC-PHT, OXC-VPA, and TPM-CBZ- time to achieve 6 months remission from seizures was
VPA) enrolled both patients with partial-onset seizures similar between the two AEDs (9).
and patients with generalized-onset seizures (33,37 CBZ, VPA (class II, n = 1): In a class II RCT, CBZ and
39,41,43,49). For each trial, the DNIB for the partial-onset VPA had similar seizure-freedom rates for both subgroups
seizure subgroup was >31%, resulting in a class III des- and the combined group at 12 and 24 months of follow-up.
ignation. Time to first seizure was significantly shorter for VPA pa-
No effectiveness data for the partial-onset seizure sub- tients in the combined group and the complex partial sub-
group were presented in either the LTG-CBZ or LTG-PHT group compared with the CBZ patients. Although multiple
study, but GBP and LTG had similar time to exit by seizure efficacy variables favored CBZ over VPA for the complex
type in a separate class III RCT (37,41,49). Treatment partial-seizure subgroup, this difference was not seen in
retention (defined by the rate of premature discontinua- the secondarily GTC seizure subgroup (34).
tion for any reason) was similar between treatment arms CZP, GBP, LTG, OXC, TPM (class III DB, n = 13):
for the subset of patients with partial-onset seizures in an In separate OXC-PHT and OXC-VPA trials, for those pa-
OXC-PHT comparative trial and in a separate OXC-VPA tients with partial-onset seizures, seizure-free rates dur-
comparative trial (38,39). No effectiveness outcome data ing the 48-week maintenance phase were not statisti-
were reported for an OXC-CBZ comparative trial (33). cally significantly different between the AEDs (38,39).
In the forced-exit TPM-CBZ-VPA trial, the investigators In a OXC-CBZ comparative trial, no statistically sig-
report that the times-to-exit results (based on the clinical nificant differences in seizure-free rates occurred during
responses in the CBZ branch, the VPA branch, and the the 48-week maintenance phase in the subset of patients
two TPM branches) for the partial-onset seizure subgroup with partial-onset seizures (33). In one class III forced
were similar to those for the intent-to-treat population, but exit, brief-duration placebo-controlled OXC trial, OXC

Epilepsia, Vol. 47, No. 7, 2006


monotherapy was superior to placebo monotherapy in time onset seizures and generalized-onset seizures (67) and
to first seizure (p = 0.0457) and also superior in the num- that CBZ is better tolerated than PB, but no efficacy dif-
ber of seizures per 28 days (p = 0.033) (45). ference between the two could be demonstrated (71). No
In two separate trials, the proportion of partial-onset differences were found for PHT versus VPA, or CBZ ver-
seizure patients seizure-free during the last 40 weeks or sus PHT (68,69). For the PHT versus PB comparison, PHT
24 weeks of treatment and the time to first seizure after was superior to PB for time to withdrawal of treatment, but
6 weeks of treatment were similar for LTG and CBZ in one no difference was noted between the two AEDs for time to
trial and LTG and PHT in the other (37,41). In another class 12-month remission and a nonsignificant trend toward a
III comparative study, GBP and LTG had similar time to preference for PB over PHT for time to first seizure (70).
first seizure and proportion of seizure-free patients during
the last 12 weeks of a 30-week maintenance phase (49). Summary and conclusions
Comparisons between TPM, CBZ, and VPA in the sub- 1. Major general conclusions: A paucity of class I and
set of patients with newly diagnosed partial-onset seizures class II RCTs for adults with partial-onset seizures
showed that a similar proportion of patients were seizure was found. Based on this guidelines definition, the
free during the last 6 months of treatment for CBZ, adequate comparators for this category are CBZ
VPA, and two different dosages of TPM (43). In a forced and PHT.
exit TPM trial involving 252 patients with partial-onset 2. Based on available efficacy and effectiveness evi-
seizures, TPM, 500 mg/day, was superior to TPM, 50 dence alone, CBZ and PHT are established as ef-
mg/day, in time to exit for the whole group if time to ficacious or effective as initial monotherapy for
first seizure was used as a covariant (p = 0.01). Seizure- adults with newly diagnosed or untreated partial-
free rates for TPM, 500 mg/day, were higher than those onset seizures (level A).
for TPM, 50 mg/day (54% vs. 39%; p = 0.02) (42). In a. In a class I trial, CBZ and PHT demonstrated
a second forced exit TPM doseresponse trial, TPM, 400 superior effectiveness (compared with PB and
mg/day, had a longer time to first seizure than TPM, 50 PRM), and CBZ demonstrated superior effi-
mg/day, and a higher seizure-free rate at both 6 months cacy (compared with PB and PRM). In a sepa-
and 1 year for the entire cohort. However, for the subset rate class I trial, CBZ had superior efficacy and
of patients with only partial-onset seizures, no statistical similar effectiveness to VGB.
difference was found between the high-dose and low-dose 3. Based on available efficacy and effectiveness evi-
seizure-free rates at 12 months (66 vs. 56%; p = 0.11) (44). dence alone, VPA is probably efficacious or effec-
A GBP doseresponse trial demonstrated that GBP, 900 tive as initial monotherapy for adults with newly
mg/day, and GBP, 1,800 mg/day, had a longer time to exit diagnosed or untreated partial-onset seizures (level
event (one GTC, three simple or complex-partial seizures, B).
or status epilepticus) than GBP, 300 mg/day (p = 0.0395 a. In one class II trial, for the combined group
and p = 0.0175, respectively) (40). A class III compara- of 480 patients, CBZ and VPA had simi-
tive trial of CBZ and the investigational AED remacemide lar treatment-success rates, similar seizure-
found CBZ to have superior efficacy on every efficacy freedom rates at 12 and 24 months of follow-
outcome variable including time to first seizure after dose up and similar composite scores at 24 months.
titration, time to second seizure after randomization, time However, CBZ patients had a significantly bet-
to third seizure after randomization, time to fourth seizure ter composite score than VPA at 12 months and
after randomization, and seizure freedom at 12 months a longer time to first seizure.
(66). In a small comparative RCT, CBZ and CZP had sim- 4. Based on available efficacy and effectiveness evi-
ilar seizure-free rates during 6 months (47). dence alone, for adults with newly diagnosed or un-
treated partial-onset seizures, CBZ (level A), PHT
Meta-analyses (level A), and VPA (level B) should be considered
Five meta-analyses have examined AED efficacy and as candidates for initial monotherapy. Among these
effectiveness for adults with partial-onset seizures. These first-line AED candidates, no clear first-choice
meta-analyses have compared CBZ with VPA (67), PHT AED is evident for initial monotherapy for adults
with VPA (69), CBZ with PHT (68), PHT with PB with newly diagnosed or untreated partial-onset
(70), and CBZ with PB (71), with a focus on three end seizures based solely on efficacy or effectiveness.
points: time to withdrawal, number of patients achieving Selection of the initial AED therapy for an adult
12-month seizure freedom, and time to first seizure. The with newly diagnosed or untreated partial-onset
vast majority of data used in these meta-analyses were seizures requires integration of patient-specific,
from class III studies. The meta-analyses found no re- AED-specific, and nation-specific variables that
liable evidence to distinguish CBZ and VPA for partial can affect overall response to therapy (Table 1).

Epilepsia, Vol. 47, No. 7, 2006


5. Based on available efficacy and effectiveness ev- Children with partial-onset seizures
idence alone, GBP, LTG, OXC, PB, TPM, and
Overview of evidence
VGB are possibly efficacious or effective as ini-
A total of 25 RCTs (42,46,47,50,52,54,5760,7387)
tial monotherapy for adults with newly diagnosed
and one meta-analysis examined initial monotherapy of
or untreated partial-onset seizures (level C).
children with partial-onset seizures. Among the 25 RCTs,
a. GBP had similar efficacy/effectiveness as LTG
only one RCT (75) was considered as class I study, none
(one class III DB trial) and demonstrated effi-
were rated as class II, and 17 RCTs met criteria for class III
cacy/effectiveness in a doseresponse class III
studies (42,46,47,50,52,54,5760,73,74,7679,87). One
DB trial.
RCT was only reported briefly with preliminary reports
b. LTG had similar efficacy/effectiveness to CBZ,
and not enough details about study design for a full eval-
PHT, and GBP in three separate class III DB
uation; the study is not included further in the analysis
trials, and CBZ in two class III OL trials.
(80). Six RCTs did not report effectiveness or efficacy as
c. OXC had similar efficacy/effectiveness to
a primary outcome variable and are not included further
CBZ, PHT, and VPA in three separate class
in the analysis (8186). Evidence focused exclusively on
III DB trials and superior efficacy/effectiveness
benign epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes is discussed
compared with placebo in one class III DB trial.
later in the guideline.
d. PB had inferior efficacy/effectiveness to
Seventeen RCTs were classified as class III; five of
CBZ (one class I trial) but similar effi-
them were DB RCTs classified as class III because of
cacy/effectiveness to CBZ, PHT, and VPA in
a forced-exit criterion alone (n = 2) (42,87) or DNIBs
three separate class III OL trials and unclear
31% with or without too short a duration of treatment
results in a 1941 class III OL study.
(n = 3) (47,76,78). The remaining 12 RCTs were classified
e. TPM had similar efficacy/effectiveness to CBZ
as class III because they were OL trials (46,50,52,54,57
and VPA (one class III DB trial) and demon-
strated efficacy/effectiveness in two separate
Among the 25 RCTs considered for evaluation, CBZ
doseresponse class III DB trials.
was the most frequently studied (n = 11) followed by
f. VGB had inferior efficacy/effectiveness to
VPA (n = 7), PHT (n = 6), PB (n = 5), and TPM
CBZ (one class II trial) but similar effi-
(n = 3). CZP, CLB, LTG, OXC, and VGB were involved
cacy/effectiveness to CBZ in two separate class
in single studies. The number of studies for each AED and
III OL trials.
their distribution by RCT class of evidence are shown in
g. GBP, LTG, OXC, PB, TPM, and VGB either
Table 6.
have significantly less efficacy/effectiveness
evidence than the previous candidates for initial
monotherapy or they have evidence of inferior Effectiveness-outcome evidence
efficacy/effectiveness compared with the ear- Two AEDs (PHT and OXC) had class I evidence regard-
lier candidates for initial monotherapy. These ing effectiveness in children with partial-onset seizures.
AEDs may be considered as initial monother- Five AEDs (CBZ, CLB, CZP, TPM, and VPA) had class
apy in selected situations. III DB RCT evidence regarding effectiveness in children
6. Based on available efficacy and effectiveness ev- with partial-onset seizures.
idence alone, CZP and PRM are potentially ef- OXC, PHT (class I, n = 1): Only one study in this cate-
ficacious or effective as initial monotherapy for gory demonstrated differential effectiveness between two
adults with newly diagnosed or untreated partial- treatment arms. In a comparative trial in children 517
onset seizures (level D). years of age, treatment retention (defined as the rate of
a. CZP had similar efficacy/effectiveness to CBZ premature discontinuation due to adverse events or unsat-
in one small class III DB trial. isfactory therapeutic response) was significantly better for
b. PRM had inferior efficacy/effectiveness to patients receiving OXC than for patients receiving PHT in
CBZ in a class I trial. the subset of patients with partial-onset seizures (75).
7. Either no data or inadequate efficacy or effective- CBZ, CLB, CZP, TPM, and VPA (class III DB, n =
ness data are available to decide whether ACZ, 5): In a class III DB RCT comparing TPM with standard
ACTH, barbexaclone, beclamide, CLB, CLP, DZP, therapy (either CBZ, 600mg/day or VPA, 1250mg/day),
ESM, ETH, FBM, LEV, LZP, MPH, MPB, MSM, the times to exit based on clinical response in the pediatric
NTZ, PAC, PTR, PSM, PGB, PRO, STM, TGB, partial-onset seizure subset for TPM, 100 mg, or TPM, 200
ZNS, or 4-amino-3-hydroxybutyric acid could be mg, was similar to the time to exit for the CBZ or VPA
considered for initial monotherapy for adults with arms (78). No effectiveness outcome data were reported
newly diagnosed or untreated partial-onset seizures for the pediatric partial-seizure subset of two high-dose
(level E). low-dose forced-exit TPM RCTs (42,87).

Epilepsia, Vol. 47, No. 7, 2006


TABLE 6. Children with partial-onset seizures: number of studies by class of study and AED involved

I 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
II 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
III-DB 3 1 0 0 3 0 0 0 1 1
III-OL 8 6 5 5 0 1 0 1 0 0
Total 11 7 6 5 3 1 1 1 1 1

A class III DB RCT comparing CLB with standard Meta-analysis

therapy (either CBZ or PHT) showed CLB retention One meta-analysis examined the efficacy of OXC as
in the study for the first 12 months of therapy to be monotherapy in children with partial-onset seizures. Indi-
equal to that of standard therapy. This specific analysis vidual patient data from eight OXC DB RCTs (both pub-
was for the entire study cohort that included untreated lished and unpublished) were pooled. Five of those eight
and previously treated children and children with either studies were called adequate and well controlled (AWC).
partial-onset seizures or primary generalized seizures. In In the five AWC studies, 24 patients taking 6002,400
those previously untreated children, retention for the first mg/day OXC, called treated, were compared with 23 pa-
12 months after initiation of therapy showed no differ- tients taking 300 mg/day OXC or placebo, called control.
ence between CLB and CBZ; however, the data for the The other three DB studies contributed an additional 113
partial-onset seizure subgroup were not presented (76). treated patients. Two outcome variables were examined:
In a class III DB comparative trial of CBZ and CZP, time to reach a protocol-specific end point (AWC stud-
too few pediatric patients (n = 6 CBZ, n = 8 CZP) were ies only) and change in seizure frequency (both sets of
included to provide meaningful effectiveness data (47). studies). The first variable exhibited a trend toward bet-
ter efficacy for OXC, with p = 0.08. The second vari-
Efficacy-outcome evidence able showed superior efficacy for OXC with p = 0.02 and
Two AEDs (PHT and OXC) had class I evidence re- p = 0.002 for the five AWC studies and all eight DB stud-
garding efficacy in children with partial-onset seizures. ies, respectively. As a result, the meta-analysis concluded
Five AEDs (CBZ, CLB, CZP, TPM, and VPA) had class that OXC was efficacious as monotherapy in children with
III DB RCT evidence regarding efficacy in children with partial-onset seizures (45).
partial-onset seizures.
OXC, PHT (class I, n = 1): The class I RCT compar- Summary and conclusions
ing OXC and PHT in children showed no difference in 1. Major general conclusions: A paucity of class I and
seizure-free rates in patients with partial-onset seizures class II RCTs exists for children with partial-onset
(75). seizures. Based on this guidelines definition, the
CBZ, CLB, CZP, TPM and VPA (class III DB, n = 5): In adequate comparator for this category is OXC.
a class III DB study comparing TPM with standard therapy 2. Based on available efficacy and effectiveness evi-
(either CBZ or VPA), the time to first seizure in the subset dence alone, OXC is established as efficacious or
of pediatric partial-onset seizure patients receiving TPM, effective as initial monotherapy for children with
100 mg, or TPM, 200 mg, was similar to the time to first newly diagnosed or untreated partial-onset seizures
seizure for patients in the CBZ or VPA arms. The propor- (level A). In the lone class I trial in this category,
tions of seizure-free partial-onset seizure patients during OXC demonstrated superior effectiveness (com-
the last 6 months of treatment were similar between the pared with PHT) and equal efficacy.
TPM, 100 mg/day, TPM, 200 mg/day, VPA, and CBZ arms 3. Based on available efficacy and effectiveness ev-
(78). In a class III DB doseresponse RCT, no statistical idence alone, for children with newly diagnosed
difference was found in seizure-free rates at 12 months or untreated partial onset seizures, OXC (level
between TPM, 400 mg/day, and TPM, 50 mg/day (81 vs. A) should be considered a candidate for initial
60%; p = 0.08) (87). In a separate high-dose low-dose monotherapy.
forced-exit TPM RCT, no efficacy data were reported for 4. Based on available efficacy and effectiveness ev-
the pediatric partial-seizure subset (42). A class III DB idence alone, CBZ, PB, PHT, TPM, and VPA are
RCT comparing CLB with standard therapy (either CBZ possibly efficacious or effective as initial monother-
or PHT) did not present seizure-free data for the partial- apy for children with newly diagnosed or untreated
onset seizure subgroup (76). partial-onset seizures (level C).
In a class III comparative trial of CBZ and CZP, too few a. Although 3 class III DB studies involved CBZ,
pediatric patients were used (CBZ, n = 6; CZP, n = 8) to only one was informative; in that trial CBZ had
provide meaningful efficacy data (47). efficacy/effectiveness similar to that of TPM.

Epilepsia, Vol. 47, No. 7, 2006


For this guideline analysis, the CLB-CBZ and TABLE 7. Elderly adults with partial-onset seizures: number
CBZ-CZP class III DB trials were uninforma- of relevant studies categorized by class of study and AED
tive because data were presented only for the
whole group (not specifically for the pediatric Class CBZ LTG GBP TPM VPA
partial onset seizure subgroup) and too few pe-
I 1 1 1 0 0
diatric patients were included (n = 6 CBZ, n II 1 1 0 0 0
= 8, CZP), respectively, to provide meaningful III-DB 1 0 0 1 1
data. CBZs efficacy/effectiveness in children III-OL 1 1 0 0 0
Total 4 3 1 1 1
with partial-onset seizures was similar to that
of PB, PHT, LTG, and VPA in eight class III
OL trials.
partialonset seizures. Among the 30 RCTs, only one RCT
b. PBs efficacy/effectiveness in children with
(88) was considered a class I study, one RCT was rated as a
partial-onset seizures was similar to that of
class II study (89), and two RCTs met criteria for class III
CBZ, PHT, and VPA in five class III OL tri-
studies (43,46). Twenty-five RCTs included elderly adults
but did not report their results independent of the entire
c. PHT had inferior effectiveness to OXC in a
adult cohort and are not included further in the analysis
class I trial but similar efficacy/effectiveness to
(9,3134,3742,44,45,4753,55,56,58,61,66). One RCT
CBZ, PB, and VPA in five separate class III OL
did not report effectiveness or efficacy as a primary out-
come variable and is not included further in the analysis
d. TPM was involved in three class III DB trials,
but only two were informative. TPM has sim-
One RCT was considered class II because it met all
ilar efficacy/effectiveness to that of CBZ and
class I criteria except that the duration of treatment and
VPA and a trend to a doseresponse effect in a
assessment was only 24 weeks (89). Two RCTs were clas-
separate trial.
sified as class III because of a DNIB 31% (n = 1) (43)
e. In a class III DB trial, VPA had similar
or because of an OL trial design (46).
efficacy/effectiveness to TPM. VPAs effi-
Among the four RCTs considered for evaluation, CBZ
cacy/effectiveness in children with partial-
was the most frequently studied (n = 4) followed by LTG
onset seizures was similar to CBZ, PB, and
(n = 3), GBP (n = 1), TPM (n = 1), and VPA (n = 1). The
PHT in six class III OL trials.
number of studies for each AED and their distribution by
5. Selection of the initial AED therapy for a child
RCT class of evidence is shown in Table 7.
with newly diagnosed or untreated partial-onset
seizures requires integration of patient-specific, Effectiveness-outcome evidence
AED-specific, and nation-specific variables that Three AEDs (CBZ, GBP, LTG) had class I or class
can affect overall response to therapy (Table 1). II evidence regarding effectiveness in elderly adults with
6. Based on available efficacy and effectiveness ev- partial-onset seizures. Two AEDs (TPM and VPA) had
idence alone, LTG and VGB are potentially ef- class III RCT evidence regarding effectiveness in adults
ficacious or effective as initial monotherapy for with partial-onset seizures.
children with newly diagnosed or untreated partial CBZ, GBP, LTG (class I, n = 1): A 2005 trial of 593
onset seizures (level D). elderly adults with newly diagnosed epilepsy (ages 60
a. LTG and VGB had similar efficacy/effec- years and older) compared CBZ, GBP, and LTG as ini-
tiveness to CBZ in separate class III OL trials. tial monotherapy. Unlike pediatric and adult trials, this
7. Either no data or inadequate efficacy or effec- studys entry criteria did not clearly require a specific num-
tiveness data are available to decide whether ber of lifetime seizures before randomization but did state
ACZ, ACTH, barbexaclone, beclamide, CLB, CZP, that the subjects needed to have a diagnosis of epilepsy
CLP, DZP, ESM, ETH, FBM, GBP, LEV, LZP, requiring therapy and a minimum of one seizure dur-
MPH, MPB, MSM, NTZ, PAC, PTR, PSM, PGB, ing the 3 months preceding enrollment. The investiga-
PRM, PRO, STM, TGB, ZNS, or 4-amino-3- tors supplied additional data that showed that >60% of
hydroxybutyric acid could be considered for initial the enrolled subjects had two or more seizures during the
monotherapy for children with newly diagnosed or 3 months preceding enrollment; overall, the investigators
untreated partial-onset seizures (level E). considered the patient population to be representative of
patients with new-onset geriatric epilepsy. Given the el-
Elderly adults with partial-onset seizures
derly age at epilepsy onset and the authors comment that
Overview of evidence of the 25.3% with GTCs alone, none had evidence of
In total, 30 initial monotherapy RCTs (9,3134,37 primary generalized epilepsy; for example, generalized
53,55,56,58,61,66,8890) included elderly adults with spikewave discharges in the EEG (88), all patients in

Epilepsia, Vol. 47, No. 7, 2006


the study were considered to have partial-onset seizures. (39% vs. 21%; p = 0.027). No difference was noted be-
This is in contrast to other analyses in this guideline in tween CBZ and LTG in time to first seizure (88).
which generalized-onset TC seizures are analyzed sepa- CBZ, LTG, TPM, and VPA (class III, n = 2): No seizure-
rately from partial-onset seizures because they may repre- freedom comparisons were reported in the subset of el-
sent true primary generalized epilepsy, a condition rarely derly adults with newly diagnosed partial-onset seizures
seen de novo in the elderly. during the last 6 months of treatment for CBZ, VPA, and
Early terminations in the study at 12 months were two different dosages of TPM (43). In the OL compara-
greater for CBZ compared with either LTG or GBP (44.2% tive trial of CBZ and LTG, the authors reported that the
LTG vs. 64.5% CBZ; p < 0.0001; and 51% GBP vs. efficacy of LTG and CBZ appeared to be similar but did
64.5% CBZ; p = 0.008) (88). No difference was found not present any specific results (46).
between the treatment groups for study exits due to in-
adequate seizure control; instead, differential retention Summary and conclusions
rates were related to terminations resulting from adverse 1. Major general conclusions: A paucity of class I and
reactions. The LTG group had significantly fewer ter- class II RCTs exist for elderly adults with partial-
minations related to adverse reactions than did either onset seizures. Based on this guidelines definition,
the CBZ group (p < 0.0001) or the GBP group (p = 0.015) the adequate comparators for this category are LTG
(88). and GBP.
CBZ, LTG (class II, n = 1): In a study involving 150 2. Based on available efficacy and effectiveness evi-
elderly adults with epilepsy, 71% of the LTG patients dence alone, LTG and GBP are established as ef-
completed the study compared with 42% of the CBZ pa- ficacious or effective as initial monotherapy for
tients. The hazard ratio based on withdrawal rates was elderly adults with newly diagnosed or untreated
2.4 (95% CI, 1.44.0) favoring greater retention for LTG partial-onset seizures (level A).
(p < 0.001). a. In the lone class I trial in this category, LTG
CBZ, LTG, TPM, VPA (class III, n = 2): In the TPM- and GBP demonstrated superior effectiveness
CBZ-VPA class III DB trial, the investigators reported compared with CBZ. In the single class II
that the times to exit results in the CBZ, VPA, and two elderly adult trial, LTG had superior effi-
TPM branches for the elderly partial-onset seizure sub- cacy/effectiveness compared with CBZ. In an
group were similar to those for the intent-to-treat popu- elderly adult class III OL study, LTG had better
lation but the study did not report p values or confidence tolerability than CBZ and a trend toward better
intervals (43). In an OL comparative trial of CBZ and effectiveness.
LTG, a trend was found for a larger percentage of the sub- 3. Based on available efficacy and effectiveness ev-
group of elderly patients receiving LTG to complete the idence alone, for elderly adults with newly diag-
study compared with those elderly patients receiving CBZ nosed partial-onset seizures, LTG (level A) and
(66% LTG vs. 36% CBZ) (46). The authors suggested that GBP (level A) should be considered as candi-
the difference in retention is due to tolerability because a dates for initial monotherapy. Among these first-
higher percentage of CBZ patients withdrew because of line AED candidates, LTG had the greater body
adverse reactions compared with the LTG group (LTG of RCT evidence for efficacy/effectiveness, but
20% vs. CBZ 50%; p < 0.05) (46). no clear first-choice AED was found for initial
monotherapy for elderly adults with newly diag-
nosed partial-onset seizures based solely on effi-
Efficacy-outcome evidence cacy or effectiveness. Selection of the initial AED
Three AEDs (CBZ, GBP, and LTG) had either class I or therapy for an elderly adult with newly diagnosed
class II evidence regarding efficacy in elderly adults with or untreated partial-onset seizures requires integra-
partial-onset seizures. None of the four AEDs (CBZ, LTG, tion of patient-specific, AED-specific, and nation-
TPM, and VPA) studied in class III RCTs of elderly adults specific variables that can affect overall response
with partial-onset seizures had efficacy data reported. to therapy (Table 1).
CBZ, GBP, LTG (class I, n = 1): In the class I 2005 4. Based on available efficacy and effectiveness evi-
three-arm RCT comparison of CBZ, GBP, and LTG, no dence alone, CBZ is possibly efficacious/effective
difference was found between the treatments in (a) seizure as initial monotherapy for elderly adults with newly
freedom at 12 months, (b) time to first, second, fifth, or diagnosed partial-onset seizures (level C).
tenth seizure during the first year, or (c) seizure-free re- a. In the lone class I trial in this category, CBZ
tention at 12 months (88). demonstrated inferior effectiveness but similar
CBZ, LTG (class II, n = 1): In a class II RCT, a larger efficacy compared with LTG and GBP. In the
percentage of LTG patients were seizure free during the single class II elderly adult trial, CBZ had infe-
last 16 weeks of treatment compared with CBZ patients rior efficacy/effectiveness compared with LTG.

Epilepsia, Vol. 47, No. 7, 2006


In an elderly adult class III OL study, CBZ had Twenty-three RCTs were classified as class III. Ten
worse tolerability than LTG and a trend toward were DB RCTs classified as class III because of a forced-
worse effectiveness. In an elderly adult class III exit criterion alone (n = 1) (44), forced-exit criteria plus
DB trial, CBZ, VPA, and TPM were reported too short a duration of treatment, and DNIB 31% (n =
to have had similar effectiveness, but specific 1) (56), or DNIBs 31% with or without too short a du-
data were not presented. ration of treatment (n = 8) (33,3739,41,43,48,49). The
b. CBZ has evidence of inferior efficacy/ remaining 13 RCTs were classified as class III because
effectiveness compared with the other can- they were OL trials (32,35,36,50,51,5355,5760,91).
didates for initial monotherapy. CBZ may Among the 23 RCTs, PHT, CBZ, and VPA were the
be considered as initial monotherapy for el- most commonly studied AEDs (n = 11, 11, and 10, re-
derly adults with newly diagnosed partial-onset spectively). The majority of RCTs involving these AEDs
seizures in selected situations. were OL class III studies. PB and LTG were both exam-
5. Based on available efficacy and effectiveness evi- ined in four studies, OXC in three studies, and TPM in
dence alone, TPM and VPA are potentially effica- two studies. In contrast, the majority of studies involving
cious or effective as initial monotherapy for elderly LTG, OXC, and TPM were DB RCTs. GBP, VGB, and
adults with newly diagnosed partial-onset seizures PTR were involved in single studies. The number of stud-
(level D). ies for each AED and the distribution by RCT class of
a. In an elderly adult class III DB trial, CBZ, VPA, evidence is shown in Table 8.
and TPM were reported to have had similar
Effectiveness-outcome evidence
effectiveness, but specific data were not pre-
No AEDs had class I or class II evidence regarding
sented (level D).
effectiveness in adults with GTC seizures. Seven AEDs
6. Either no data or inadequate efficacy or effective-
(CBZ, GBP, OXC, PHT, LTG, TPM, and VPA) had class
ness data are available to decide whether ACZ,
III DB RCT evidence regarding effectiveness in adults
ACTH, barbexaclone, beclamide, CLB, CZP, CLP,
with GTC seizures.
n = 9): No effectiveness data for the generalized-onset
TC seizure subgroup was presented in either the LTG-
4-amino-3-hydroxybutyric acid could be consid-
CBZ or LTG-PHT study (37, 41) but in a separate class III
ered for initial monotherapy for elderly adults with
DB RCT, GBP and LTG had similar time to exit by seizure
newly diagnosed or untreated partial-onset seizures
type (49). However, in the latter study, 5 of 31 GBP-treated
(level E).
patients with GTC seizures exited prematurely, compared
Generalized-onset seizures (adults and children) with 0 of 27 LTG-treated patients. Treatment retention (de-
This section examines initial monotherapy for three fined by the rate of premature discontinuation for any rea-
types of generalized-onset seizures: adults with gener- son) was similar between treatment arms for the subset of
alized onset tonicclonic (GTC) seizures, children with patients with GTC seizures in an OXC-PHT comparative
GTC, and children with absence seizures. The goals of trial and in a separate OXC-VPA comparative trial (38,39).
treatment for adults and children with GTC seizures are No effectiveness-outcome data were reported for an OXC-
the best quality of life with no seizures and the fewest ad- CBZ comparative trial (33). In the forced-exit TPM-CBZ-
verse effects from treatment. The final recommendations VPA trial, the investigators reported that the times-to-exit
for the individual patient should be based on the system- results (based on the clinical responses in the CBZ branch,
atic review of efficacy/effectiveness evidence combined the VPA branch, and the two TPM branches) for the GTC
with data concerning safety, pharmacokinetic properties, seizure subgroup were similar to those for the intent-to-
formulations, and expense. Physicians and patients must treat population, but the study did not report p values or
weigh each of these characteristics in the context of the confidence intervals (43). No effectiveness-outcome data
individual patient. were reported for a high-dose, low-dose forced-exit TPM
RCT (44) or a CBZ-PHT comparative study (48).
Adults with generalized-onset tonicclonic seizures
Efficacy-outcome evidence
Overview of evidence No AEDs had class I or class II evidence regarding effi-
A total of 26 RCTs (32,33,3539,41,43,44,4851,53 cacy in adults with GTC seizures. Six AEDs (CBZ, OXC,
60,6365,91) and five meta-analyses (6771) examined PHT, LTG, TPM, and VPA) had class III DB RCT evidence
initial monotherapy of adults with GTC seizures. Three regarding effectiveness in adults with GTC seizures.
RCTs did not report effectiveness or efficacy as a primary CBZ, OXC, PHT, LTG, TPM, VPA (class III DB,
outcome variable and are not included further in the anal- n = 9): In three separate class III DB OXC compari-
ysis (6365). son studies, OXC had similar proportion of seizure-free

Epilepsia, Vol. 47, No. 7, 2006


TABLE 8. Adults with generalized-onset tonicclonic seizures: number of relevant studies

categorized by class of study and AED involved

I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
II 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
III-DB 4 4 2 0 3 3 2 1 1 0
III-OL 7 7 8 4 1 0 0 0 0 1
Total 11 11 10 4 4 3 2 1 1 1

patients to CBZ, PHT, and VPA for the subset of patients ward a preference for PB over PHT for time to first
with GTC seizures (33,38,39). In separate class III DB seizure (70).
studies, LTG had the same percentage of patients remain-
ing on treatment and seizure-free in the last 24 or 40 weeks Summary and Conclusions
and also the same time to first seizure after the first 6 1. Major general conclusions: The absence of class I
weeks of treatment as CBZ and PHT in the GTC seizure and class II RCTs for adults with GTC seizures im-
subgroup (37,41); GBP and LTG had similar time to first plies a marked deficiency in adequately powered,
seizure and proportion of seizure-free patients during the seizure typespecific, published studies. No AEDs
last 12 weeks of a 30-week maintenance phase in a class reach the highest levels of evidence (levels A and
III DB comparative study (49). A class III DB compara- B) for efficacy/effectiveness for adults with GTC
tive trial of CBZ and PHT was uninformative because of seizures. Based on this guidelines definition, no
the low number of patients with GTC seizures in the study adequate comparator exists for this category.
(48). 2. Based on RCT efficacy and effectiveness evidence,
Comparisons between TPM, CBZ, and VPA in the sub- CBZ, LTG, OXC, PB, PHT, TPM, and VPA are pos-
set of patients with newly diagnosed GTC seizures showed sibly efficacious/effective as initial monotherapy
that a similar proportion of patients were seizure-free dur- for adults with GTC seizures and may be consid-
ing the last 6 months of treatment for CBZ, VPA, and ered for initial therapy in selected situations (level
two different dosages of TPM (43). In a TPM forced-exit C).
doseresponse trial, TPM, 400 mg/day, had a longer time a. Three class III DB trials involved CBZ,
to first seizure than TPM, 50 mg/day, and a higher seizure- were informative, and reported similar effi-
free rate at both 6 months and 1 year for the entire cohort. cacy/effectiveness to TPM, LTG, and OXC in
However, for the subset of adult patients with only GTC adults with GTC seizures. Seven separate class
seizures, no statistical difference was found between the III OL trials involved CBZ and showed simi-
high-dose and low-dose seizure-free rates at 12 months lar efficacy/effectiveness to PB, PHT, LTG, and
(78% vs. 60%; p = 0.06) (44). VPA.
b. LTG had similar efficacy/effectiveness to CBZ,
Meta-analyses PHT, and GBP in three separate class III DB
Five meta-analyses have examined AED efficacy and trials, and CBZ, in one class III OL trial.
effectiveness for adults with partial-onset and GTC c. OXC had similar efficacy/effectiveness to
seizures. These meta-analyses compared CBZ versus VPA CBZ, PHT, and VPA in three separate class
(67), PHT versus VPA (69), CBZ versus PHT (68), PHT III DB trials.
versus PB (70), and CBZ versus PB (71), with a fo- d. The efficacy/effectiveness of PB was similar to
cus on three end points: time to withdrawal, number of CBZ, PHT, and VPA in three class III OL trials.
patients achieving 12-month seizure freedom, and time e. TPM was involved in two class III DB trials
to first seizure. The vast majority of data used in these with similar efficacy/effectiveness as CBZ and
meta-analyses were from class III studies. The meta- VPA and a trend to a doseresponse effect in a
analyses found no reliable evidence to distinguish CBZ separate trial.
and VPA for partial-onset seizures and generalized-onset f. PHT had two informative class III DB tri-
seizures (67). No significant differences were found als (showing similar efficacy/effectiveness to
for PHT versus VPA, CBZ versus PHT, or CBZ ver- OXC and LTG), two uninformative class III
sus PB for the outcomes examined for GTC seizures DB trials, and seven class III OL trials demon-
(68,69,71). For the PHT-versus-PB comparison, PHT was strating similar efficacy/effectiveness to CBZ,
superior to PB for time to withdrawal of treatment, but PB, and VPA.
no difference was noted between the two AEDs for time g. VPA had similar efficacy/effectiveness to TPM
to 12-month remission, and a nonsignificant trend to- and OXC in two separate class III DB trials

Epilepsia, Vol. 47, No. 7, 2006


and to CBZ, PB, and PHT in eight class III OL TABLE 9. Children with generalized-onset tonicclonic
trials. seizures: number of relevant studies categorized by class of
study and AED involved
3. Based on available efficacy and effectiveness ev-
idence alone, for adults with newly diagnosed or Class PHT CBZ VPA PB TPM OXC CLB
untreated GTC seizures, CBZ, LTG, OXC, PB,
I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
PHT, TPM, and VPA may be considered as can- II 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
didates for initial monotherapy (level C). Among III-DB 2 2 2 1 2 1 1
these first-line AED candidates, no clear first- III-OL 5 5 5 5 0 0 0
Total 7 7 7 6 2 1 1
choice AED exists for initial monotherapy for
adults with newly diagnosed or untreated GTC
seizures based solely on efficacy or effectiveness.
Selection of the initial AED therapy for an adult is not included further in the analysis (80). Five RCTs
with newly diagnosed or untreated generalized- did not report effectiveness or efficacy as a primary out-
onset TC seizures requires integration of patient- come variable and are not included further in the analysis
specific, AED-specific, and nation-specific vari- (81,8386).
ables that can affect overall response to therapy Fourteen RCTs were classified as class III; one DB
(Table 1). study had a forced-exit criterion (n = 1) (87), four DB
4. Class IV evidence suggests that CBZ, OXC, and studies had DNIBs 31% (n = 4) (75,76,78,96), whereas
PHT may precipitate or aggravate GTC seizures the remaining nine studies were classified as class III be-
and, more commonly, other generalized seizure cause they were OL trials (50,54,5760,73,74,77).
types in patients with GTC seizures and therefore Among the 14 class III RCTs, PHT, CBZ, and VPA
these drugs should be used with caution in these were the most commonly studied AEDs (n = 7, 7, and
patients (9295). 7, respectively). PB was examined in six studies, TPM
5. Based on RCT efficacy and effectiveness evidence, in two studies, and OXC and CLB in one study each
GBP and VGB are potentially efficacious/effective (Table 9).
as initial monotherapy for adults with generalized- Effectiveness-outcome evidence
onset TC seizures (level D). CBZ, CLB, PB, PHT, OXC, TPM, and VPA (class III
a. GBP had similar efficacy/effectiveness to LTG DB, n = 5): In a class III DB RCT comparing TPM with
in one class III DB trial. VGB had similar effi- standard therapy (either CBZ or VPA), the time to exit
cacy/effectiveness to CBZ in one class III OL in the pediatric GTC seizure subset for TPM, 100 mg, or
trial. TPM, 200 mg, was similar to the time to exit for the CBZ
6. Either no data or inadequate efficacy or effective- or VPA arms (78). No effectiveness-outcome data was
ness data are available to decide whether ACZ, reported for the pediatric GTC seizure subset of a high-
ACTH, barbexaclone, beclamide, CLB, CZP, CLP, dose, low-dose forced-exit TPM RCT (87). In a class III
DZP, ESM, ETH, FBM, LEV, LZP, MPH, MPB, pediatric DB study, OXC and PHT had similar treatment
MSM, NTZ, PAC, PTR, PSM, PGB, PRM, PRO, retention in the subset of patients with GTC seizures (75).
STM, TGB, ZNS, or 4-amino-3-hydroxybutyric A class III pediatric DB RCT of PB, PHT, and VPA did not
acid could be considered for initial monotherapy report effectiveness data (96). A class III DB RCT compar-
for adults with newly diagnosed or untreated GTC ing CLB with standard therapy (either CBZ or PHT) did
seizures (level E). not present effectiveness data for the previously untreated
7. For this guideline analysis, both the CBZ-PHT and GTC seizure subgroup (76).
PHT-PTR class III DB trials were uninformative,
because it was not possible to determine the out- Efficacy-outcome evidence
come or analysis for the very small subgroup of CBZ, CLB, PB, PHT, OXC, TPM, and VPA (class III
patients with GTC seizures. DB, n = 5): Only one study in this category demon-
strated differential efficacy between two treatment arms.
Children with generalized-onset tonicclonic seizures
In the pediatric GTC seizure subgroup in a class III DB
Overview of evidence doseresponse trial of TPM, 400 mg/day, versus TPM,
A total of 20 RCTs and no meta-analyses exam- 50 mg/day, the higher TPM-dose subgroup had a signifi-
ined initial monotherapy of children with GTC seizures cantly higher seizure-free rate at 12 months than the lower
(44,50,54,5760,7378,80,81,8387,96). No studies were TPM-dose subgroup (88% vs. 63%; p = 0.02) (87). For
classified as class I or class II. Fourteen RCTs met criteria the GTC seizures subgroup, both the time to first seizure
for a class III study (50,54,5760,7378,87,96). One RCT and the proportion of patients seizure free during the last
was only a preliminary report and did not have enough 6 months of treatment were similar in the class III DB
details about study design for a full evaluation; the study TPM-CBZ and TPM-VPA comparison study (78).

Epilepsia, Vol. 47, No. 7, 2006


In a class III DB RCT focused solely on newly diag- TABLE 10. Children with absence seizures: number of
nosed children ages 4 to 12 years with GTC seizures, no relevant studies categorized by class of study and AED involved
difference was found in the recurrence of seizures between
PB, PHT, and VPA (96). No difference was found between Class VPA ESM LTG GBP
OXC and PHT in the proportion of patients with GTC
I 0 0 0 0
seizures remaining seizure free over a 48-week mainte- II 0 0 0 0
nance period (75). A class III DB RCT comparing CLB III-DB 1 1 1 1
with standard therapy (either CBZ or PHT) did not present III-OL 3 2 1 0
Total 4 3 2 1
seizure-free data for the GTC seizure subgroup (76).

Summary and conclusions apy for children with newly diagnosed or untreated
1. Major general conclusions: The absence of class I GTC seizures based solely on efficacy or effec-
and class II RCTs for children with GTC seizures tiveness. Selection of the initial AED therapy for
implies a marked deficiency in adequately pow- a child with newly diagnosed or untreated GTC
ered, seizure typespecific, published studies for seizures requires integration of patient-specific,
this category. No AEDs reached the highest levels AED-specific, and nation-specific variables that
of evidence (level A or B) for efficacy/effectiveness can affect overall response to therapy (Table 1).
for children with GTC seizures. No adequate com- 4. Class IV evidence suggests that CBZ, OXC, and
parator exists for this category. TPM would have PHT may precipitate or aggravate GTC seizures
been an adequate comparator for this category if and, more commonly, other generalized seizure
the superiority doseresponse trial had not been a types in patients with GTC seizures and therefore
forced-exit class III trial (87). these drugs should be used with caution in these
2. Based on RCT efficacy and effectiveness evidence, patients (9295).
CBZ, PB, PHT, TPM, and VPA are possibly ef- 5. Based on RCT efficacy and effectiveness evidence,
ficacious/effective for children with GTC seizures OXC is potentially efficacious/effective for chil-
(level C). dren with GTC seizures (level D).
a. Two class III DB trials involved CBZ, but only a. OXC had similar efficacy/effectiveness to PHT
one was informative; in five class III OL trials, in one class III DB trial.
CBZ had similar efficacy/effectiveness to PB, 6. Either no data or inadequate efficacy or effective-
PHT, and VPA. For this guideline analysis, the ness data are available to decide whether ACZ,
CLB-CBZ class III DB trial was uninforma- ACTH, barbexaclone, beclamide, CLB, CZP, CLP,
tive because data were presented only for the DZP, ESM, ETH, FBM, GBP, LTG, LEV, LZP,
whole group and not specifically for the pedi- MPH, MPB, MSM, NTZ, PAC, PTR, PSM, PGB,
atric GTC seizure subgroup. PRM, PRO, STM, TGB, VGB, ZNS, or 4-amino-3-
b. PB had similar efficacy/effectiveness to PHT hydroxybutyric acid could be considered for initial
and VPA in one class III DB trial and CBZ, monotherapy for children with newly diagnosed or
PHT, and VPA in five separate class III OL untreated GTC seizures (level E).
c. PHT had similar efficacy/effectiveness to PB Children with absence seizures
and VPA in one class III DB trial and CBZ, PB, Overview of evidence
and VPA in five separate class III OL trials. A total of six RCTs and one meta-analysis examined
d. TPM had similar efficacy/effectiveness to CBZ initial monotherapy of children with either typical absence
and VPA in one class III DB trial, and demon- seizures or childhood absence epilepsy (97103). None
strated a doseresponse effect in another class of these RCTs met the criteria for a class I or II study.
III DB trial. All six studies were classified as class III and included
e. VPA had similar efficacy/effectiveness to TPM for analysis; three had a DB design with an inadequate
(one class III DB trial), to PB and PHT (one treatment duration (212 weeks) (97,98,100), and three
class III DB trial), and to CBZ, PB, and PHT were OL studies (99,101,102). Among the six class III
(five separate class III OL trials). RCTs, VPA was the most frequently studied AED (n = 4).
3. Based on available efficacy and effectiveness evi- ESM was examined in three studies, LTG in two studies,
dence alone, for children with newly diagnosed or and GBP in one study (Table 10).
untreated GTC seizures, CBZ, PB, PHT, TPM, and
VPA may be considered as candidates for initial Effectiveness-outcome evidence
monotherapy. Among these AED candidates, no None of the class III DB trials presented long-term ef-
clear first-choice AED exists for initial monother- fectiveness data.

Epilepsia, Vol. 47, No. 7, 2006


Efficacy-outcome evidence 2. Based on RCT efficacy and effectiveness evi-

ESM, GBP, LTG, VPA (class III DB and OL, n = 6): In dence, ESM, LTG, and VPA are possibly effica-
a class III DB trial, VPA and ESM were equally effective cious/effective for children with absence seizures
in reducing generalized spikewave discharges in 16 pre- (level C).
viously untreated patients with absence seizures in a DB a. ESM had similar efficacy/effectiveness to VPA
response conditional crossover study (100). A class III DB (one class III DB trial and two class III OL
trial with a 2-week DB phase found no difference between trials).
GBP monotherapy (n = 15) and placebo monotherapy (n b. LTG had superior efficacy to placebo (one
= 18) in 33 patients with previously untreated childhood short-term class III DB trial) and slower on-
absence epilepsy. Seizure frequency was determined by set of efficacy compared to VPA (one class III
using 24-h ambulatory EEGs (97). OL trial).
Another class III DB trial was not a pure initial c. VPA had similar efficacy/effectiveness to ESM
monotherapy trial but rather a conditional, randomized (one class III DB trial and two class III OL
conversion to placebo DB trial. In the study, 45 pa- trials) and faster onset of efficacy compared to
tients entered into an OL dose-escalation phase of LTG LTG (one class III OL trial).
lasting 525 weeks followed by a 4-week DB placebo- 3. Based on available efficacy and effectiveness ev-
controlled phase in which patients with well-controlled idence alone, for children with newly diagnosed
absence seizures were randomized either to continue LTG or untreated absence seizures, ESM, LTG, and
at their current dose or to be weaned to placebo (98). VPA may be considered as candidates for ini-
Overall, 28 patients were randomized to LTG (n = 14) tial monotherapy. Among these three AED candi-
or placebo (n = 14). The proportion of patients remaining dates, no clear first-choice AED exists for initial
seizure-free during the DB treatment phase was greater monotherapy for children with newly diagnosed or
for LTG compared with placebo (p = 0.03) (98). untreated absence seizures based solely on efficacy
Two class III OL RCTs compared VPA and ESM in the or effectiveness. Selection of the initial AED ther-
initial monotherapy treatment of children with absence apy for a child with newly diagnosed or untreated
seizures. These small studies (involving 28 and 20 pa- absence seizures requires integration of patient-
tients, respectively) were OL RCTs that reported equal specific, AED-specific, and nation-specific vari-
efficacy for VPA and ESM in achieving complete remis- ables that can affect overall response to therapy
sion of absence seizures (99,101,104). In a class III OL (Table 1).
RCT, 38 patients were randomized to either VPA (n = 19) 4. Either no data or inadequate efficacy or effective-
or LTG (n = 19) and followed for 1 year. At the end of 12 ness data are available to decide whether ACZ,
months, no statistical difference in seizure-free rates was ACTH, barbexaclone, beclamide, CBZ, CLB, CZP,
found between the two groups (102) although VPA acted CLP, DZP, ETH, FBM, GBP, LEV, LZP, MPH,
faster in achieving seizure freedom. MPB, MSM, NTZ, OXC, PAC, PTR, PB, PSM,
ZNS, or 4-amino-3-hydroxybutyric acid could be
One meta-analysis examined AED efficacy and effec-
considered for initial monotherapy for children
tiveness for children with absence seizures (103). This
with newly diagnosed or untreated absence seizures
meta-analysis compared ESM, VPA, and LTG with a fo-
(level E).
cus on four end points: proportion of children seizure-free
5. Based on RCT efficacy and effectiveness evidence,
at 1, 6, and 18 months after randomization, children with
GBP may be considered as inefficacious/ineffective
a 50% reduction in seizure frequency, normalization of
for children with absence seizures (level F).
the EEG, and adverse effects. The majority of data used in
a. GBP had similar efficacy to placebo in one
this meta-analysis were from class III studies. The meta-
short-term class III DB trial.
analysis found insufficient evidence to inform clinical
6. Based solely on scattered reports (class IV), the
practice (103).
following AEDs may precipitate or aggravate ab-
Summary and conclusions sence seizures: CBZ, OXC, PB, PHT, TGB, and
1. Major general conclusions: The absence of class VGB (9295).
I and class II RCTs for children with absence
seizures implies a marked deficiency in adequately Idiopathic localization-related epilepsy syndromes
powered, seizure typespecific, published studies The goals of treatment for patients with idiopathic lo-
for this category. No AEDs reach the highest levels calization related epilepsy syndromes are the best qual-
of evidence (level A or B) for efficacy/effectiveness ity of life with no seizures and the fewest adverse ef-
for children with absence seizures. No adequate fects from treatment. The ultimate choice of an AED for
comparator exists for this category. any individual patient with a newly diagnosed idiopathic

Epilepsia, Vol. 47, No. 7, 2006


localization-related epilepsy syndrome should include GBP (n = 113) or placebo (n = 112). Depending on the sta-
consideration of the strength of each AEDs efficacy and tistical analysis, GBP showed superior effectiveness com-
effectiveness evidence along with the other variables in pared with placebo (Wilcoxon test, p = 0.0395) or a trend
Table 1 (e.g., the AED safety profile, pharmacokinetic toward significance (log rank test, p = 0.06) (107).
properties, formulations and expense). When selecting a
patients AED, physicians and patients should consider Efficacy-outcome evidence
all relevant variables and not just AED efficacy and effec- Neither class III BECTS study reported specific
tiveness. This section examines initial monotherapy for efficacy-outcome variables (105,107).
children with benign epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes Relevant partial-onset seizure trials
(BECTS), also called benign rolandic epilepsy. Among the six AEDs that received a C or better level of
Children with benign epilepsy with centrotemporal evidence rating in the partial-onset seizure analysis (OXC,
spikes (BECTS) CBZ, PB, PHT, TPM, and VPA), only CBZ and VPA
have BECTS-related clinical studies (all class IV nonran-
Overview of evidence domized trials) (108). Other AEDs with BECTS-related
Because this specific epilepsy syndrome is character- nonrandomized clinical studies [such as CLB (109), LTG
ized by partial-onset seizures, evidence used to make rec- (110), and LEV (111)] are not further considered because
ommendations will be taken from (a) RCTs that focused these AEDs had not received a C or better level of evidence
specifically on children with newly diagnosed or untreated rating in the partial-onset seizure analysis.
BECTS, and (b) RCTs focused on children with newly di-
agnosed or untreated partial-onset seizures. Summary and conclusions
BECTS RCTs: In total, three RCTs and no meta- 1. Major general conclusions: The absence of class
analyses specifically examined the initial monotherapy of I and class II RCTs for children with BECTS im-
children with BECTS (105107). None of these RCTs plies a marked deficiency in adequately powered,
met the criteria for a class I or II study. Two RCTs were epilepsy syndromespecific, published studies for
considered class III studies (105,107); the other RCT did this category. Based on BECTS-specific studies, no
not report efficacy or effectiveness as a primary outcome AED reaches the highest levels of evidence (level
variable and is not further considered in the analysis (106). A or B) for efficacy/effectiveness for children with
Both RCTs were placebo-controlled, forced-exit class III BECTS. No adequate comparator exists for this cat-
DB trials that were 24 and 36 weeks in duration; the med- egory.
ication studied in these trials were STM and GBP, respec- 2. Based on available efficacy and effectiveness evi-
tively. dence alone, CBZ and VPA are possibly efficacious
Partial-onset seizure clinical trials: The identification or effective as initial monotherapy for children with
and analysis of RCTs focused on children with newly di- BECTS (level C).
agnosed or untreated partial-onset seizures is presented a. Both CBZ and VPA have a level C evidence of
earlier in this manuscript and is not repeated. The sub- efficacy/effectiveness for children with partial-
commission decided that a specific AEDs evidence from onset seizures with class IV evidence of effi-
the partial-onset seizure analysis could be considered in cacy for BECTS.
this BECTS analysis as long as (a) at least one study of 3. Based on available efficacy and effectiveness ev-
the specific AED in BECTS was found (including studies idence alone, for children with newly diagnosed
with class IV evidence); and (b) the specific AED had a BECTS, CBZ and VPA may be considered as
C or better level of evidence in the partial-onset seizure candidates for initial monotherapy. Between these
analysis. For each AED evaluated by class IV evidence, two AED candidates, no clear-choice AED exists
only a single representative study is referenced. for initial monotherapy for children with BECTS
based solely on efficacy or effectiveness. Selec-
Effectiveness-outcome evidence tion of the initial AED therapy for a child with
Two AEDs (STM and GBP) have class III DB RCT BECTS requires integration of patient-specific,
evidence regarding effectiveness in children with BECTS. AED-specific, and nation-specific variables that
STM and GBP (class III DB, n = 2): A forced-exit class can affect overall response to therapy (Table 1).
III placebo-controlled DB trial of 66 children with BECTS 4. Based on available efficacy and effectiveness evi-
randomized patients to either STM (n = 31) or placebo dence alone, GBP and STM are potentially effica-
(n = 35). STM showed superior effectiveness compared cious or effective as initial monotherapy for chil-
with placebo (p = 0.00002) in patients completing 6 dren with BECTS (level D).
months without a treatment-failure event (105). A sep- a. Both GBP and STM had superior effectiveness
arate forced-exit class III placebo-controlled DB trial of compared with placebo in separate forced-exit
225 children with BECTS randomized patients to either class III DB trials.

Epilepsia, Vol. 47, No. 7, 2006


5. Either no data or inadequate efficacy or effective- Summary and conclusions

ness data are available to decide whether ACZ, 1. Major general conclusions: The absence of class I,
ACTH, barbexaclone, beclamide, CLB, CZP, CLP, class II, and class III RCTs for patients with JME
DZP, ESM, ETH, FBM, LTG, LEV, LZP, MPH, implies a marked deficiency in adequately pow-
MPB, MSM, NTZ, OXC, PAC, PTR, PB, PSM, ered, epilepsy syndrome typespecific, published
PHT, PGB, PRM, PRO, TGB, TPM, VGB, ZNS, studies for this category. No AEDs reach the high-
or 4-amino-3-hydroxybutyric acid could be con- est levels of evidence (level A, B, or C) for effi-
sidered for initial monotherapy for children with cacy/effectiveness for patients with JME. No ade-
BECTS (level E). Although OXC, PHT, PB, and quate comparator exists for this category.
TPM have demonstrated efficacy and effectiveness 2. Class IV studies suggest that CZP, LTG, LEV, TPM,
for partial-onset seizures (level C or above), no VPA, and ZNS may have some efficacy for patients
published reports have documented their efficacy with newly diagnosed JME.
or effectiveness in BECTS, and therefore they are 3. Among these AEDs, no clear first-choice AED
not considered to have adequate data yet for this exists for initial monotherapy for children with
epilepsy syndrome. newly diagnosed or untreated JME based solely
6. Class IV evidence suggests that, unlike other on efficacy or effectiveness. Selection of the initial
epilepsy syndromes, some children with BECTS AED therapy for a patient with newly diagnosed
do not need AED therapy. JME requires integration of patient-specific, AED-
specific, and nation-specific variables that can af-
Idiopathic generalized epilepsy syndromes
fect overall response to therapy (Table 1).
The goals of treatment for adults and children with idio-
4. No efficacy or effectiveness data are available
pathic generalized epilepsy syndromes are the best quality
to decide whether ACZ, ACTH, barbexaclone,
of life with no seizures and the fewest adverse effects from
beclamide, CBZ, CLB, CLP, DZP, ESM, ETH,
treatment. The ultimate choice of an AED for any individ-
ual patient with a newly diagnosed idiopathic epilepsy
syndrome should include consideration of the strength
STM, TGB, VGB, or 4-amino-3-hydroxybutyric
of each AEDs efficacy and effectiveness evidence along
acid could be considered for initial monotherapy
with the other variables in Table 1 (e.g., the AEDs safety
for patients with newly diagnosed or untreated JME
profile, pharmacokinetic properties, formulations, and ex-
(level E).
pense). When selecting a patients AED, physicians and
5. Class IV studies indicate that CBZ, GBP, OXC,
patients should consider all relevant variables and not just
PHT, TGB, and VGB may precipitate or aggra-
AED efficacy and effectiveness. This section examines
vate absence seizures, and myoclonic seizures
initial monotherapy for patients with juvenile myoclonic
(92,93,95). A report suggests that LTG may ex-
acerbate seizures in JME (129).
Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy
Overview of evidence
No RCTs have examined the initial monotherapy for pa- CONCLUSION
tients with juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (JME). Two RCTs
This guideline spans six seizure types in different age
involving JME populations did not report efficacy or effec-
groups and two epilepsy syndromes. Conclusions were
tiveness as a primary outcome variable and are not further
based on 50 RCTs (completed over the past 65 years)
considered in the analysis (112114). Because of the lack
and seven meta-analyses. A systematic rigorous method
of studies with class I, II, or III evidence, studies with
of assessment was applied equally to all seizure types and
class IV evidence (both initial monotherapy and adjunc-
epilepsy syndromes. A summary of the class of study for
tive therapy) were included for this analysis.
each seizure type/syndrome along with the AED(s) that
were given a recommendation grade of A, B, or C is listed
Effectiveness-outcome evidence
(Table 11).
No class I, II, III, or IV effectiveness studies exist in
It is clear that an alarming lack of well-designed, prop-
this patient population.
erly conducted epilepsy RCTs exist, especially for gener-
Efficacy-outcome evidence alized seizures/epilepsies and in children. The four class I
No class I, II, or III efficacy studies exist in this patient trials in the entire guideline were published in 1985, 1997,
population. Class IV studies have indicated CZP, LTG, 1999, and 2005. Only two class II trials are in the guide-
LEV, TPM, VPA, and ZNS have some evidence of efficacy line. This lack of class I and II trials is not due to an overly
as monotherapy or adjunctive therapy for patients with strict rating scale but rather to a lack of adequate trials.
JME (115128). Correcting this problem is not easy.

Epilepsia, Vol. 47, No. 7, 2006


TABLE 11. Summary of studies and level of evidence for each seizure type and epilepsy syndrome
Class I Class II Class III Level of efficacy and effectiveness
Seizure type or epilepsy syndrome studies studies studies evidence (in alphabetic order)

Adults with partial-onset seizures 2 1 30 Level A: CBZ, PHT

Level B: VPA
Children with partial-onset seizures 1 0 17 Level A: OXC
Level B: None
Elderly adults with partial-onset seizures 1 1 2 Level A: GBP, LTG
Level B: None
Level C: CBZ
Adults with generalized-onset tonicclonic 0 0 23 Level A: None
seizures Level B: None
Children with generalized-onset tonicclonic 0 0 14 Level A: None
seizures Level B: None
Children with absence seizures 0 0 6 Level A: None
Level B: None
Level C: ESM, LTG, VPA
BECTS 0 0 2 Level A: None
Level B: None
Level C: CBZ, VPA
JME 0 0 0 Level A: None
Level B: None
Level C: None

Two more-definitive types of monotherapy studies for seizures or status epilepticus, so some investigators believe
new-onset epilepsy exist: a placebo-controlled monother- that this type of study has the same ethical shortcomings
apy trial or a high-dose versus low-dose study. The purest as a placebo-controlled one.
study is a placebo-controlled monotherapy trial, but many The result is that many recent clinical trials are com-
ethical issues are involved. For example, because already parative studies between an AED (already licensed as a
effective, registered drugs exist for new-onset seizures, monotherapy drug) and the new one. Many think this is
is it ethical to give a placebo to a patient with seizures the most ethical of trials, and recruitment of patients is
and wait for another seizure to occur and possibly have usually more successful. Most of the trials that we have
a traumatic or life-threatening event? Compounding this found are comparative trials between at least two drugs.
problem is the idea that seizures beget seizures. Although The advantage of this is that the new drug must show non-
not proven, it makes investigators uncomfortable giving a inferiority (or superiority) in efficacy to an already existing
placebo to a patient with new-onset epilepsy. therapy, making this type of trial more clinically relevant
High-dose versus low-dose comparative studies are an- to the practicing physician. The multiple disadvantages
other alternative. The low-dose arm can use the same or of these types of trial, as performed to date, include (a)
a different AED than the high-dose arm. Demonstrating the trials are often not truly designed as noninferiority
a difference between the two arms will provide definitive trials, resulting in their being underpowered; (b) the as-
evidence of efficacy for the high-dose AED. The low-dose sessment timeline for the primary outcome variable is not
arm is designed to protect the patient against a GTC seizure long enough; (c) the titration schedules tend to be fixed
or status epilepticus, while not being potent enough to and forced; (d) the trials encompass multiple age groups
eliminate a statistical difference in favor of the high-dose and seizure types, which leads to an inability to make
AED in the clinical trial. Unfortunately, no proof exists clean conclusions about age or seizure-type results, (e)
that a low dose of an AED is effective in preventing GTC these trials are often designed, conducted, and analyzed

Epilepsia, Vol. 47, No. 7, 2006


by pharmaceutical companies and not by independent un- the many outstanding questions identified in this guide-
biased sponsors. line.
Even with the multiple studies for new-onset partial
Acknowledgment: We thank the following original mem-
seizures, many problems remain. One concern with the bers of the subcommission for AED Guidelines for their con-
existing partial-onset seizures RCTs and especially those tributions to this effort: Dr. Joseph Bruni, Dr. Byung-in Lee,
involving new AEDs is that many of the studies are Dr. Bernd Schmidt, Dr. David Treiman, Dr. Gunter Kramer, Dr.
methodologically flawed. We do not really know if the Amadou Gallo Diop, and Dr. Stella Ferraro. We thank Dr. Tony
new AEDs might have better efficacy than the older drugs Marson and Dr. Paula Williamson for their helpful comments on
the manuscript, Dr. Jackie French for her feedback and support
or vice versa, as this requires participation of many more during the entire guideline process, and all of the physicians who
patients in comparative trials. The same is true for tolera- provided valuable feedback and advice during the preliminary
bility. Although many believe some of the new drugs seem presentations of these guidelines.
to be better tolerated than the older ones, statistically this The ILAE expresses gratitude to Abbott, GlaxoSmithKline,
has been very hard to show, except in a few studies. Many Novartis, Ortho McNeil Pharmaceutical, and Pfizer for their un-
restricted and equal grants to ILAE. The Executive Board of the
of these studies were designed to support marketing strate- ILAE made budgetary decisions to support the work of the Ther-
gies, and some of the methodologic features of these trials apeutic Strategies Commission, including the Sub-Commission
can skew the results in favor of the sponsors product. on Guidelines. Some of these funds were used to offset the costs
For example, choice of inclusion and exclusion criteria, of developing these guidelines. No direct monetary contribution
choice of comparative drug and formulation (slow release from any pharmaceutical company supported the development
of this guideline.
or not), dosing intervals, titration rates, and end points can Author disclosure (for the 6 years that the guideline was under
influence outcome. development)
Clinical end points are very important in determining
the efficacy of a drug. Often for regulatory purposes the 1. Dr. Glauser has received grants and research support from
end point of time to first seizure is used. This, however, is Abbott, Elan, Eisai, GlaxoSmithKline, Novartis, Ortho-
McNeil Pharmaceutical, Pfizer, and UCB Pharmaceutical;
clinically irrelevant and can be biased by the study design. consultation/advisory boards/speaking honoraria from Ab-
A more important end point would be the rate of seizure bott, Elan, Eisai, GlaxoSmithKline, Janssen-Cilag, Med-
freedom at 1 year. This end point is clinically important Pointe, Novartis, Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceutical, Ovation,
and has been the end point that we have used, discarding Pfizer, Shire, and UCB Pharmaceutical.
the end-point difference of time to first seizure. 2. Dr. Ben-Menachem has received grants and research sup-
port from Schwartz Bioscience, Elan, Neurosearch, UCB,
Another consistent limitation has been the definition and Bial; consultation/advisory boards/speaking honoraria
of an adequately powered study. The concept of power from Schwartz Bioscience, Pfizer, Janssen-Cilag, Ortho-
varies from study to study, and very few studies really McNeil, UCB Pharmaceutical, Novartis, and Ovation.
do have enough power to be considered adequate to de- 3. Dr. Bourgeois has received grants and research sup-
termine whether a meaningful difference between AEDs port from Elan, Ortho-McNeil/Johnson & Johnson, UCB
Pharma; consultation and advisory board honoraria from
exists. Interpretation can be even more difficult, because Abbott, Ortho-McNeil/Johnson & Johnson, Novartis,
the number of patients that are assessed can influence the Pfizer, Shire, UCB Pharma; speaking honoraria from
power calculations. For example, in some trials, the num- GlaxoSmithKline, Ortho-McNeil/Johnson & Johnson, No-
ber of enrolled patients is provided, but the number of vartis, Pfizer, and UCB Pharma.
patients who are then lost to follow-up is large. At the 4. Dr. Cnaan had nothing to declare.
5. Professor Chadwick has received grant support, consulta-
end, using the enrolled patients instead of those who were tion fees, lecture fees, and travel support from all industry
actually assessed in the study would overestimate the true sources with interests in the epilepsy therapeutic area.
power of the observations. 6. Dr. Guerreiro has received grants and research support
Some may question our strict use of only RCTs to make from Abbott, GlaxoSmithKline, Janssen-Cilag, Novartis,
recommendations in this guideline. Indeed, some of the and Bial; consultation and advisory board honoraria from
Abbott, Janssen-Cilag and Novartis; speaking honoraria
available AEDs may be useful in specific seizure types from Abbott, Janssen-Cilag, and Novartis.
according to experience, consensus, or small case reports, 7. Dr. Kalviainen has received grants and research support
but these cannot be dealt with here. However, it must ul- from Neurosearch, Novartis, Pfizer, Schwarz Pharma, UCB
timately remain for the individual physician to use his or Pharma, Sanofi-Aventis, and GlaxoSmithKline; consulta-
her judgment and expertise when deciding on the most tion/advisory boards/speaking honoraria from Cephalon,
GlaxoSmithKline, UCB Pharma, Janssen-Cilag, Pfizer,
appropriate AED for a specific patient. This document is Johnson & Johnson, Novartis, and Sanofi-Aventis.
not intended to be used for regulatory purposes; we trust 8. Dr. Mattson has received grants and research support from
that regulatory bodies will understand that this document IVAX; consultation/advisory boards/speaking honoraria
is only the first attempt to create a working framework from Abbott, Bertek, Elan, Eisai, GlaxoSmithKline, Novar-
rather than a rulebook about the treatment of new-onset tis, Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceutical, Pfizer, Shire, and UCB
epilepsy. 9. Dr. Perucca has received grants and research support from
Multicenter, multinational efforts are needed to design, Johnson & Johnson, UCB S.A., and Italfarmaco; consulta-
conduct, and analyze clinically relevant RCTs that answer tion/advisory boards/speaking honoraria from Johnson &
Epilepsia, Vol. 47, No. 7, 2006

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