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Date: L4th Febru dry, 2017

NSE Script Symbol -TARMAT BSE Script Code -532869

The Listing Department, The Compliance Department

National Stock Exchange of India Ltd Bombay Stock Exchange
I3andra Kurla Complex PJ Tower, Dalal Street,
Mumbai -400050 Mumbai 400001

Dear Sir,

Sub: Submission of Un-Audited financial results of TARMAT LTD for the Quarter and
Nine month ended 3lst December.2016.

Pursuant to Regulation 33 of SEBI (Listing

Obligations and Disclosure Requirements)
Regulations, 20L5, we forward Standalone unaudited financial results of the company for
the quarter and Nine month ended 31st December, 20l6.approved by the Board of
Directors of the Company at their meeting held on today, the L4tt February, 2017,
commenced at 04.00 p.m. and concluded at 04.55 p.m.

We also forward copy of Limited Review Report issued by M/s. Hegde and Associates,
Statutory Auditors.

Please take the same record.


For Tarmat Ltd

S. Ch4kraborty
[Company Secretary)
Mob: 95 94986433

General A.K Vaidya Marg, Near Wageshwari Mandir, Off Film City Road, Goregaon East, Mumbai - 400 063.
Tel.: 2840 2130 / 1180. Fax: 2840 0322 . Email : . Website :
CIN : L45203MH1986P1C038535
Regd. Office:Tank Road, OffGenVaidya Marg Goregaon East, Mumbai 400 063
Tel.:0222840?130/7780 Fax:28400322

Standalone Unaudited Financial Results for the quarter and Nine month ended 31st December, 2016
Part I IRs. n lacs)
)uarter ended Nine mon Ehs ended Year ended
Particulars 31,-L2-2016 30-09-2016 31,-1,2-2015 3t-12-2016 3L-L2-2015 37-03-2015
[Unaudited) [Unaudited) [Unaudited) [Unaudited) [Unaudited) [Audted)
1. Income from Operations
[a) Net Sales/lncome frorn Operations [Net of 920.93 L794.25 810.5 2 3,245.64 2396.7 7 537 4.43
excise duWJ
[b) Other Operating Incorne 6.00 1.79 1.8 22.23 775.4L 54.94
Total income from Operations (net) 926.93 7795.44 812.32 3267.87 2572.72 5429.37
2. Expenses
[a) Cost of Materials consumed 7 4t.40 1583.77 7 64,28 2795.03 2724.13 4730,!3

fb) Purchase of stock-in-trade 0 0 0 0 0 0

[c) Changes in inventories of finished goods, 40.12 -!0.!2 -34.77 66.45 -24.43 7 6,42
work-in-prosress and sto ck-in-trade
[d) Employee benefits expense 60.7 6 36.19 74.26 736.69 765,02 226.69
35.54 11.8 54.95 t06.62 276.49 233.08
[e)Depreciation and amortisation expense
(f)Other expenses[Any itern exceeding !0o/o of 55.67 156.72 174,41 262.29 298.6 352.73
the total expenses relating to continuing
operations to be shown separately)
Total Expenses 933.49 1778.36 973.73 3,367,08 2786.!4 5 619.05
3. Profit / (Loss) from operations before -6,56 L7.OB - 160.8 -99.2! -27 4.02 - 189.68
other income, finance costs and exceptional
items (L-Z)
4. Other Income 9.10 79.94 39.51 29.71" 0 BO.lZ
2.54 37.02 -127.3 - 69.50 -27 4.02 - 109.5 6

5. Profit / (Loss) frorn ordinary activities before

finance costs and exceptional iterns (3 +4)
6. Finance Costs 0.73 0.48 13.7 L,2B 459.31 459.39
7. Profit / (Loss) from ordinary activities after 1.81 36.54 -135 -7 0.78 -733.33 -5 68.95
finance costs but before exceptional items (5 -
B. Exceptional ltems 0 0 0 0 0 0
9.Profit / (Loss) from ordinary activities 1.81 36.54 - 135 -7 0.78 -733.33 -568.95
before tax (7 - B)
10. Tax expense -0.68 23.91 53 6.5 B -7 6.0L 593.47 650.62

11.Net Profit /[Loss) from ordinary 1.13 12.63 401.58 -t46.79 -139.91 81,.67
activities after tax [9 +/- 101
12. Extraordinary items 0 0 0 0 0 0
1.13 t2.63 401.5 B -146.79 -139.91 81.67
13. Net Profit / floss) for the period (77 + /-I2)
14. Share of Profit / flossJ of associates * 0 0 0 0 0 0
15. MinoriW Interest* 0 0 0 0 0 0
16. Net Profit / (Loss) after taxes, minority 1.1s L2.63 401.5 B -!46.7 9 -139.9! 87.67
interest and share of profit / (loss) of associate
17. Paid-up Equity Share Capital fFace Value of 1096.07 1096,07 1096.07 1096.07 'J,096.07 L096.07
Rs. 10 peir Sharel
LB. Reserveexcluding Revaluation Reserves as 2541.69 2541.69 0 254'J,.69 0 2689.62
per balance sheet of previous accounting year

19.i Earnings Per Share (before

extraor dinary items'l'.[n of annualise d) :

[aJ Basic 0.001 0.01 as7 -0.13 -0.13 0.a7

tb) Diluted 0.001 0.01 0.37 - 0.13 -0.13 0.07
19.ii Earnings Per Share (after
extraordinary items) (not annualised) :

[a) Bapic 0.001 0.01 0.37 -0.13 - 0.13 0.07

tb) Diluted 0.001 0.01 0.37 -0.13 -0.13 0.07
1)Theaboveresultispreparedandpresentedinpursuanttotherequirmentof Regulation33oftheSEBI(ListingandOther
Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 which have been reviewed by the Audit Committee and approved at the meeting of the
Board of Directors of the Company held on 14.02.2017
2) The figures for the previous periods/ year have been regrouped wherever necessary.
3) The company is operating in only one segment, accordingly no separate reporting is required as per AS-17.

For Tarmat Limited

Place: Mumbai
Date: 1,4,02.2017

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