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A Guideline for MAN B&W Approved Methods

IMOs Existing Engines Regulation

July 2014
A Guideline for MAN B&W Approved Methods
IMOs Existing Engines Regulation July 2014
Edition 1

A Guideline for MAN B&W Approved Methods 3

This guideline describes MAN Diesel & Turbos Approved Methods (AMs) with a discussion of IMOs existing engines regulation. How
are the AMs defined and what are the criteria for selection of AM. Examples of the Approved Method File (AMF) including on-board
survey procedures and IMO definitions are also given.

Furthermore, the guideline provides AM info to shipowners and operators of MAN B&W two-stroke marine diesel engines, how to
install an AM and how to stay in compliance with MARPOL Annex VI.

In conclusion, the guideline expands on the content of MAN Diesel & Turbos home page, as introduced by the Service Letters SL09-
520/KEA [1] 1, SL10-534/MFP [2], SL11-548/SVH [3] and SL2014-592/SVH [4].

1 Numbers in the bracket refer to Referenses

A Guideline for MAN B&W Approved Methods 5

Purpose........................................................................................................................................................................ 5
I. IMO Regulations.................................................................................................................................................... 11
MARPOL Annex VI.......................................................................................................................................................... 11
Definition of Approved Methods...................................................................................................................................... 16
MAN B&W Approved Methods....................................................................................................................................... 17
Approval process............................................................................................................................................................ 19
Approved Methods documentation ................................................................................................................................ 20
Cost effectiveness (Ce) formula ...................................................................................................................................... 21
Approved Method file...................................................................................................................................................... 22
Survey code.................................................................................................................................................................... 23
Definitions and documents related to engine modifications............................................................................................. 25
1. Major conversion & substantial modification......................................................................................................... 25
2. Guarantee statement, Approved Methods, or Amendment to Technical File......................................................... 26
Responsibility.................................................................................................................................................................. 27
Class.............................................................................................................................................................................. 28
When to take action........................................................................................................................................................ 29
Action............................................................................................................................................................................. 30
II. Applicability of an Approved Method...................................................................................................................... 31
Engines covered by an Approved Method....................................................................................................................... 31

A Guideline for MAN B&W Approved Methods 7

The Approved Method process....................................................................................................................................... 33
Approved Method Process Flowchart............................................................................................................................. 34
Approved Method procedures........................................................................................................................................ 35
Procedure for verifying applicability................................................................................................................................. 38
MAN Diesel & Turbo Home page..................................................................................................................................... 39
III. Installation of an Approved Method........................................................................................................................ 40
Actions to install an Approved Method............................................................................................................................ 41
Check list for installation.................................................................................................................................................. 42
The on-board cooling system.......................................................................................................................................... 44
How to stay in compliance.............................................................................................................................................. 45
Help............................................................................................................................................................................ 46
FAQs.......................................................................................................................................................................... 47
Glossary..................................................................................................................................................................... 51
References................................................................................................................................................................. 55
Appendices................................................................................................................................................................. 59
Appendix 1 Approved Method layout for different engine types
(from IMO MEPC.1/Circs: S50MC, S60MC, S70MC and L50MC).................................................................................. 59
Appendix 2 Example of Approved Method File incl. on-board Survey (MD-C-L50-1#1)................................................... 62
Appendix 3 Web page selection of an Approved Method................................................................................................ 66
a. Abstract of pages from the MAN Diesel & Turbo home page on Approved Methods............................................ 66
b. Example of communication with the home page.................................................................................................. 67
c. Information sheets activated through tabs on the home page............................................................................ 68

8 A Guideline for MAN B&W Approved Methods

d. Info on selection of an Approved Method............................................................................................................. 69
e. Marking location.................................................................................................................................................. 72
f. Standard MAN B&W Performance Data............................................................................................................... 73
g. Correction equations (incl. tscav and pback reference conditions)............................................................................. 74
Reference cooler inlet and scavenge air temperatures (depending on cooling system).............................................. 75
Reference turbine back pressure............................................................................................................................... 75
h. MAN Diesel & Turbo Flowcharts........................................................................................................................... 76
Notes.......................................................................................................................................................................... 77

A Guideline for MAN B&W Approved Methods 9

10 A Guideline for MAN B&W Approved Methods
I. IMO Regulations

IMOs Annex VI to MARPOL 73/78 [5] entered into force on 19 May 2005 retroactive for engines from 1 January 2000. In October
2008, the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) 58 adopted a revised MARPOL Annex VI and the NOx Technical Code
(NTC) 2008 [6, 7], which entered into force on 1 July 2010. Regulation 13 of this revised Annex VI includes NOx emission requirements
for existing engines, as defined in the Approved Method (AM) definition (see Definition of Approved Methods 2.)

The revised Annex VI introduced two new tiers tightening the NOx limit by roughly 20% and 80%, respectively, compared with the Tier
I limit. Tier II by 1 January 2011, and Tier III by 1 January 2016. The following two graphs show the new NOx (Regulation 13) and SOx
(Regulation 14) limits (tier levels) with time. The Tier III limit is only in force within the IMO introduced emission control areas (ECAs),
whereas outside (globally), the Tier II limit applies (see attached area graph.)

The Tier I NOx limit was accomplished almost entirely by optimised fuel nozzles, Tier II limits are accomplished by additional nozzle
optimisation and re-optimisation of the engine performance, whereas the Tier III NOx limit requires additional measures, for example
a combination of Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) and Water-In-Fuel emulsion (WIF,) or the secondary reduction method of Selective
Catalytic Reduction (SCR), i.e. outside the engine. Both EGR and SCR methods are currently being matured by MAN Diesel & Turbo
[8, 9].

Unfortunately, but unavoidable, all reduction methods have a trade-off issue; i.e. a reduction for one emission component may in-
crease other components. As a general rule for the combustion process, reducing NOx by 10% increases CO2 (and fuel consumption)

2 Refer to to other Chapters in the paper

A Guideline for MAN B&W Approved Methods 11

by approximately 1%. At the same time, usually both Hydrocarbons (HC) and Particulates increase, which is the main reason for the
introduction of slide valves (see additional comments on slide valves in MAN B&W Approved Methods). For the SCR method, the
additive consumption necessary to catalyze the chemical reactions replace the increase in consumption of fuel oil.

12 A Guideline for MAN B&W Approved Methods

The revised MARPOL Annex VI NOx limits

Tier I IMO Limit (2000 global) Tier I:

NOx (g/kWh) = 17 for n < 130 r/min
16 = 45 * n (- 0.2) for 130 =< n < 2000 r/min
= 9.8 for n => 2000 r/min

Nitrogen Oxides (as NO2) - g/kWh

Tier II IMO Limit (2011 global) Tier II:

NOx (g/kWh) = 14.4 for n < 130 r/min
8 = 44 * n(- 0.23) for 130 =< n < 2000 r/min
= 7.7 for n => 2000 r/min
Tier III IMO Limit (2016 ECA) Tier III:
NOx (g/kWh) = 3.4 for n < 130 r/min
4 = 9,0 * n(- 0.2) for 130 =< n < 2000 r/min
= 2.0 for n => 2000 r/min

Emission according to ISO 8178 Cycle E2/E3

100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Engine Speed - r/min

A Guideline for MAN B&W Approved Methods 13

The revised MARPOL Annex VI Fuel-Sulphur Limit

MEPC 57 IMO & CARB Fuel - Sulfur Content Limits

Equivalent methods may be used as alternative
4 Global: 4.5 3.5 0.5
3,5 SECA: 1.5 1.0 0.1
3 CARB MGO: 1,5 1.5 0.1 (DMA)
CARB MDO: 2.0 0.5 0.1 (DMB)
Sulfur %

2 010
1,5 Jul SECA
CARB Phase 1
0,5 009 012 CARB Phase 2
y2 y2
J u l Jul
2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025

14 A Guideline for MAN B&W Approved Methods

Exisiting ECA
Possible future ECA

Source: DNW (

A Guideline for MAN B&W Approved Methods 15

Definition of Approved Methods
(ref. to revised MARPOL Annex VI, 2008 Reg. 13 7 [7])

An Approved Method (AM) is a retrofit kit (components and/or adjustments), which brings the engines NOx emission level in compli-
ance with the Tier I NOx limit (see also MAN B&W Approved Methods). The AMs are restricted to large marine engines with a cylinder
volume at or above 90 l/cyl with more than a total engine power of 5 MW and keel laying between 1 January 1990 and 31 December
1999 (both dates included). But the AM is not valid until the main manufacturer has released the retrofit (the AM) satisfying certain
criteria (see next paragraph) and it has been notified to the IMO.

The cost of the AM must not be excessive (see Approved Methods documentation). The specific fuel oil consumption must not
increase by more than 2% and the rated power not decrease by more than 1%. Further, the AM must not adversely affect engine
reliability and durability. Even though a Kit can be produced by outside manufacturers, the designer of the base engine must verify
that the engine performance criteria are observed and, thereby, approve the AM.

When the IMO secretariat is notified of a new AM, IMO publishes a new Circular (MEPC.1/Circ.x) to inform on the criteria for the new
AM and a notification date that defines the earliest date for introduction of the AM on board (see When to take action). Appendix 1
contains MAN Diesel & Turbos information for the Circulars [10-18], which is also used in the Class Notice of Compliance (NoC)
information for the flag state, when the AM is approved (see Approval process).

16 A Guideline for MAN B&W Approved Methods

MAN B&W Approved Methods
An AM for an MAN B&W engine consists of a slide-valve retrofit (with a newly developed low-NOx nozzle, or Tier I nozzle), and in some
cases minor performance adjustments [1-4].

The MAN B&W engine Approved Method File (AMF), included with the AM documentation (see Approved Methods documentation),
consists of a four-page document describing the AM and a one or two-page appendix defining the on-board survey method (see Ap-
pendix 2 and Survey code). The latter, Appendix A (of Appendix 2,) presents an example for a survey.

Now used
as standard

Slide fuel valve

Sac volume 0mm3

A Guideline for MAN B&W Approved Methods 17

Slide valves became the standard on all new engines when Tier I engines were introduced. The major advantage of the slide valve is
the superior emission characteristic reducing hydrocarbon and particulate emissions, thereby improving the cylinder condition and
reducing fouling in the exhaust gas ways. Further, a slight reduction of the specific fuel oil consumption (SFOC) is a possibility [19-21].

The fuel nozzle is one of the most important components for establishing the NOx characteristics of an engine. The spray pattern (de-
fined by the nozzle-hole direction and size) can change the NOx characteristics drastically. Therefore, in order to introduce an AM, the
IMO regulations demand documentation for the NOx reduction from the original engine build in comparison with the Tier I NOx limit.

The MAN B&W AMs are being introduced gradually, starting with the engine types with the higher population. The next engines are
engines with layouts outside the normal range and, finally, engines with differently specified original fuel nozzles. For the first AMs,
new comparative fuel-nozzle tests have been performed to form a basis for the emission evaluation. But, to avoid expensive emis-
sion measurements, only the most frequently used original nozzles have been compared. This may not necessarily be the case in
the future, if existing emission data can be used. The first tests for AMs were performed on the test bed but, in future, tests may be
performed on board.

The first engine types that received an AM were the S70MC, the S50MC and the S60MC [3]. However, not all engines of these models
are included in the AMs introduced. The applicability depends on design and layout (see Appendix 1 and the later section on criteria
for selection of AMs: Procedure for verifying applicability). In future, MAN Diesel & Turbo may introduce AMs for additional original
nozzles, expand the Mk5/6 S-type power range with Mk3-type engines and follow up with similar L-type engine sizes. The L50MC
has now been introduced [4]. However, at this time no decision on the continuation has been made yet.

18 A Guideline for MAN B&W Approved Methods

Approval process
When an AM has been defined by the manufacturer, the AM needs approval by a Flag State (FS), in praxis however, handled by an
approved organization (usually a classification society) on behalf of the FS. When approved, the FS will notify the IMO secretariat, who
will list the AM and in this way release the AM for use (see Definition of Approved Methods). It is therefore the ship owners obliga-
tion (when a vessel renewal survey is coming up) to verify whether an AM has been released for his engine type (see Responsibility
and The Approved Method process).

If an AM is available before the renewal survey, the ship owner must install the AM (see Actions to install an Approved Method).
Further, the Class needs to be called to survey the AM before a new IAPP can be issued, or amended (see also Class). Some classes
may want to be present on board during the survey, but many accept documentation forwarded after the survey, as basis for the new
IAPP certificate. The proper nozzle can be inspected during installation in dry dock, when overhaul takes place. But installation of the
nozzle can take place any time.

A Guideline for MAN B&W Approved Methods 19

Approved Methods documentation
(ref.: NTC 2008 Chapter 7)

The new Chapter 7 of the NTC describes the requirements for documentation and certification of the Approved Method. An Approved
Method File (AMF) (equivalent to the Danish proposal on an Existing Engine Technical File, [22-24], or a much reduced version of a
standard Tier 1 Technical File [25-27]) shall follow the ship throughout its life. The AMF also includes a description of the engines
on-board verification procedure (see Approved Method file). Further, recently, a new IMO Resolution (MEPC.242(66) [28]) was pub-
lished, which presents guidelines for the information to be submitted by an administration covering the certification of an AM.

In short, the following documentation must be provided (see also Definition of Approved Methods):
NOx emissions (<= Tier I emission limit)
Cost effectiveness (<= 375 SDR/metric tons NOx reduced) (see next page)
Fuel consumption (<= 2% increase)
AMF including survey method (defining the criteria for compliance)

The Resolution emphasizes information to be given in the individual engine-type IMO AM Circular (the IMO notification) for the exact
criteria for AM applicability and a Contact Point (CP) in case of questions to the criteria. (See Procedure for verifying applicability.)

As mentioned in the 2010 MAN Diesel & Turbo review [8], due to the amount of work required to collect enough documentation for
these existing engines, MAN Diesel & Turbo suggested a more relaxed engine-group concept based on existing emissions data to
make the Kit proposal more pragmatic. Still, as basis for the certification approval, documentation similar to the MAN Diesel & Turbo
unified Technical File [23-24, 26] Supportive Documentation must support the application to the administration.

20 A Guideline for MAN B&W Approved Methods

Cost effectiveness (Ce) formula
(Regulation 13.7.5)

In addition to the NOx characteristics, the documentation includes calculation of costs for the AM. The costs of the AM are not to be
excessive, determined by a comparison of NOx reduction, and cost of purchasing and installation. A formula (with a maximum limit
of 375 monetary units (SDR 3)/metric tons NOx) was developed. MEPC.1/Circ. 678 [29] describes in detail, which expenses can be
included in the cost-effectiveness formula. All hardware for the AM and possible machining of the cylinder cover is included in the AM
price, whereas, the cost for regular maintenance and travel is not included. Also, the cost of the on-board survey by the Class is not
included in the AM price.

Cost of approved method (SDR) x 106

Ce =
Power (kW) x 0.768 x 6000 (hours/year) x 5 (years) x NOx (g/kWh)

The cost must not exceed 375 SDR/metric tonne NOx

Where: Cost: The sale price of components plus any installation cost above that of regular maintenance
Power: the rated power (kW) of the engine(s) as defined on the application for an Approved Method
NOx: The difference between engines designed weighted NOx value and the applicable limit as stated
in regulation 13.7.4
SDR: Special Drawing Rights (an averaged currency between different currencies)

3 SDR: Special Drawing Rights (375 SDR approx. 600 US$ April 2008, or approx. 582 US$ in March 2014)

A Guideline for MAN B&W Approved Methods 21

Approved Method file
As mentioned in the MAN B&W Approved Methods, the B&W engine Approved Method File (AMF) consists of four pages describ-
ing the AM and a one or two-page appendix defining the on-board survey method, which at the same time presents an example of a
manual survey. However, a small Excel code (the Survey Code) can ease the on-board survey (see Appendix 2 and Survey code).

The sample AMF, for the basis engine AM, can be found on MAN Diesel & Turbos website (see reference later in MAN Diesel &
Turbo Home page), but is also attached the individual engine-type IMO Circulars [10-18].

The specific AMF identifies on the first AMF page, the engine (and vessel) to which the AMF applies (see MEPC.1/Circ.x): vessel IMO
number; engine type, manufacturer and model; applicable engine cycle; rated power & speed.

The AMF defines:

The introduced slide-valve nozzle, given by nozzle identification (ID) number (which is necessary to assure compliance with the
Tier I NOx limit).
Other NOx influencing components are assumed the original components (fuel-cam lift rate (mm/deg), and fuel-pump size (di-
ameter mm) are important, but are usually locked to the originally selected fuel nozzle).
Performance reference values (pmax and pcomp.max. at different loads) and tolerances.
Survey code for verifying compliance.

In future, similar to a Technical File (TF) for Parent or Member engines introduced with the IMO regulation in 2000, all existing en-
gines, where an AM has been installed, will each have an Approved Method File (AMF). The originally IMO-approved basic AMF could
be regarded as the Parent TF, and the specific individually surveyed AMF for the existing engines as the Member TF.

22 A Guideline for MAN B&W Approved Methods

Survey code
The survey code is a small Excel code prepared for the specific engine AM. The AM survey is identical to the unified TF performance-
parameter survey, Tier II version.

The necessary input performance data for the survey are listed in the survey code (yellow fields in the Excel sheet for AM survey). Ad-
ditionally, the engine and the testing date must be identified on the page. The survey code is locked with the proper indication of max.
rating, VIT and cooling system (if stated wrong, MAN Diesel & Turbo must correct the survey code before the final submission to the
Approved Methods Certifying administration (AMC) (or Recognized Organization (RO) for approval).

When performance data are entered, the code will indicate whether the engine is in compliance or not. If not, adjustment of the engine
is necessary. The Excel pages are colored to indicate the input performance data that are necessary for the survey and to define the
engine. When the engine is in compliance, a printout of the pages must be added to the vessels (engine) log book as documentation
(see FAQs). Appendix A in Appendix 2 shows an example of the survey code.

The survey can also be performed manually since all equations required are shown in the Excel pages. But, the survey code auto-
matically corrects performance data to ISO ambient conditions before the comparison with the AMF stated limits for compliance (the
ISO correction equations are also shown in Appendix 3).

A Guideline for MAN B&W Approved Methods 23

Engine group: MD-C-S70-1 Engine group: MD-C-S70-1
Appendix A: On-board Survey Procedure Engine No.: xxxx Engine No.: xxxx
For onboard survey, fill out and print the following form (yellow fields) Date: yyyy-mm-dd Date: yyyy-mm-dd

1. NOx Component check (AMF Table 1)

check IMO ID#
Fuel valve nozzle 3062363-7
Only for engines with VIT:

2. Performance parameter check at 75% load 3. Performance parameter check above break point for engines with VIT (if appropriate)
2.1 Registration of reference performance parameters (AMF Table 2) 3.1 Registration of reference performance parameters at 100% (AMF Table 2)
Performance parameters Reference Max. allowed Performance parameters Reference Max. allowed
Units Symbol Values Units Symbol Values Units Symbol Values Units Symbol Values
Max. combustion pressure barabs A 132 barabs E 135 Max. combustion pressure barabs A 141 barabs E 143
Cylinder pressure rise bar B 24 bar F 29 Turbine back pressure mmWC C 300 mmWC G 450
Turbine back pressure mmWC C 179 mmWC G 340 Scavenging-air temperature C D 48 C H 54
Scavenging-air temperature C D 43 C H 46 Break point % T 85

2.2 Measure ambient and performance parameters (at 75% load 5%) 3.2 Measure ambient and performance parameters (above the break point)
Performance parameters Measured ISO Corrected (see 2.3-2.4) Performance parameters Measured ISO Corrected (see 3.3)
Units Symbol Values Units Symbol Values Units Symbol Values Units Symbol Values
Max. combustion pressure bar I 126,7 barabs Q 127,74 Max. combustion pressure bar I 139 barabs Q 141,17
Max. cyl. compr. pressure bar J 100,5 barabs R 101,85 Turbine back pressure mmWC K 300 mmWC
Turbine back pressure mmWC K 170 mmWC Scavenging-air temperature C L 40 C
Scavenging-air temperature C L 36 C Ambient pressure mbar M 1023 mbar
Ambient pressure mbar M 1024 mbar T/C inlet temperature C N 27,5 C
T/C inlet temperature C N 24,5 C Measured load % U 100
Sea-water inlet temperature C O 23,5 C
Set point coolant outlet temp. C P 36 C 3.3 Calculate ISO corrected maximum combustion pressure
Use equation (1)
2.3 Calculate ISO corrected max. combustion pressure and max. cyl. compression pressure
Q=(I+M/1000)*(1+0.002198*(N-25)-0.00081*(L-D)-0.00022*(M-1000)*0.75+0.00005278*(K-C)) (1) 3.4 Compliance check
R=(J+M/1000)*(1+0.002954*(N-25)-0.00153*(L-D)-0.000301*(M-1000)*0.75+0.00007021*(K-C)) (2) Performance parameters Engine performance Max./Min. allowed Compliance
Max. combustion pressure Q 141,2 143 E yes
2.4 Calculate maximum allowed scavenging-air temperature Measured load U 100 85 T yes
Sea Water (SW) or Central fresh-water Cooling system (CC):
S=H+(O-25) (3)
Central fresh water Cooling system with Fixed outlet temperature (CC-F):
If O <= P-2 S=H (4a)
Else S=H+(O-(P-2)) (4b)
Where P is the central cooler set point for outlet coolant temperature

2.5 Compliance check

Performance parameters Engine performance Max. allowed Compliance
Max. combustion pressure Q 127,7 135 E yes
Cylinder pressure rise Q-R 25,9 29 F yes
Turbine back pressure K 170 340 G yes
Scavenging-air temperature 1) L 36,0 46 S yes

24 A Guideline for MAN B&W Approved Methods

Definitions and documents related to engine modifications

1. Major conversion & substantial modification

In Regulation 13 (2.1) [7], IMO introduced provisions for updating engines with new technology and how to keep them in compliance
with the new regulation.

A major conversion is a retrofit, which may involve engine replacement, up-rating of engine power or modification to defined NOx
components (called a substantial modification.)

A substantial modification (NTC 2008 1.3.2) on an engine in a ship constructed before Year 2000 is defined as any modification that
increases the existing emission in excess of the given IMO allowances (NTC 2008 6.3.11) measured by the simplified measurement
method (NTC 2008 6.3.)

A Guideline for MAN B&W Approved Methods 25

2. Guarantee statement, Approved Methods, or Amendment to Technical File
If a measurement shows that the modification is not a substantial modification, a guarantee statement can be issued by MAN Diesel
& Turbo or, for engines built after Year 2000, an amendment can be added to the Technical File (TF) approved by the RO for the TF.
However, if the old engine is later applicable for an AM, the guarantee statement is overruled by the AM. The AM is in compliance
with NOx Tier I limit, whereas the guarantee statement only ensures that NOx does not increase beyond the measurement tolerances.
If the modification involved the same AM nozzle, only the AMF needs to be added to introduce the AM.

If NOx increases with the modification, an amendment to a TF is not possible, but as long as the NOx-cycle value is lower than the
actual NOx limit (based on engine r/min) either an amendment to the IAPP certificate or a new constructed TF is possible.

An amendment to the AMF would normally not exist, as the AM nozzle will either fit the engine or not. However, some engines have
been delivered with a special slim-type fuel nozzle, with the same spray pattern as the standard conventional nozzle, which can be
used. This nozzle could be amended to the introduced AM to increase the population of applicable engines, similar to amending ad-
ditional existing old nozzles as basis for the AM.

26 A Guideline for MAN B&W Approved Methods

The owner is responsible for keeping his engine (vessel) in compliance with the MARPOL regulations and must therefore introduce an
AM if necessary.

This includes the following (see also The Approved Method process):
Investigate if an AM exists for the engine type in question
Overhaul the engine fuel components if necessary (bring the engine to the original test bed condition)
Install the AM on board (or during dry docking)
Adjust the engine according to the AMF (survey the engine following the survey code)
Print out the survey and add it to the engine log book
Advise the Class (RO)
before the AM installation with the basic (or specific, if already obtained) AMF, allowing for survey attendance and,
after AM installation with the specific AMF incl. obtained on-board survey data (Appendix A) for issuance of new IAPP

If the AM is ordered through MAN Diesel & Turbo, the MAN Diesel & Turbo Retrofit Products dept. (or licensee (MA)) will forward a
dedicated specific AMF (including a live survey code) to the owner before dry docking or sea trial for Class inspection, based on
the originally (basic) approved AMF for the engine type in question.

Since a new AM can be introduced later, the owner must review the IMO Circulars (or ask the manufacturer if a new AM has been
introduced) before a later overhaul.

A Guideline for MAN B&W Approved Methods 27

Information of class (RO) (or Flag State):
Specific AMF (personalized with engine rating and specific AM nozzle) based on the originally approved AMF before installation
of the AM
Survey-code output after AM installation and engine adjustment

Class (RO) obligations:

Survey the AM installation (verify proper slide-valve installation in dry dock or on board)
Survey correct adjustment of engine after AM installation following the specific AMF (this may be done based on the forwarded
survey-code output performed by the crew (or consultants) and based on advice from the Class)
Class (RO) must issue (or amend) the IAPP certificate

28 A Guideline for MAN B&W Approved Methods

When to take action
As indicated in SL09-520/KEA [1] the first renewal survey following 1 July 2010 is the crucial date for action.

The existing engine must be in compliance by no later than the first renewal survey minimum 12 months after the Kit is available
(date of notification to IMO). If it can be demonstrated that the Kit was not commercially available for the renewal survey, it shall be
installed no later than at the next annual survey (Regulation 13 7.2. [7])

Timeline of application for vessel covered

th l of
Me ova
ed pr


ov ap


pr of


Ap ate



1 year 5 year
Lead time Depending on certicate renewal
date (renewal survey)

A Guideline for MAN B&W Approved Methods 29

It is the ship owners obligation to verify whether an AM has been released for his specific engine (see also Responsibility.)

If an AM is available, the ship owner must introduce the AM on board at the renewal survey (see Actions to install an Approved
Method and Installation of an Approved Method). If no AM is available, the engine is in compliance, but the Class needs to amend
the new IAPP that no AM exists.

30 A Guideline for MAN B&W Approved Methods

II. Applicability of an Approved Method

Engines covered by an Approved Method

In general, the power range (layout range) covered by the Approved Methods (AM) is specified from the L1 point by subtracting
10% power and 10% speed (see attached graph 4 example). This area will normally cover more than 90% of the engines delivered.
However, the layout areas may later be covered or expanded through AM sub-groups to the basis engine-type AM using (may be) a
different AM nozzle (see also MAN B&W Approved Methods.)

Specifications for all introduced AMs are given in Appendix 1 and the original Circulars referenced in [10-18].

Due to the possibility of slight correction errors in converting hp to kW, as was the usual engine nameplate rating specification before
the IMO Regulation, MAN Diesel & Turbo introduced a +/-25 kW/cyl tolerance increasing the applicable layout area (both up and
down) slightly. The correct conversion factor is: 1 hp = 75 kpm/s = 0.7355 kW. If the rating is given in kW, the tolerance should not
be necessary.

It should be noted that the enlarged area is fully covered with the AM documentation. The correction ensures inclusion of all engines
intended for the AM. It is anticipated that only a few engines will be affected by this correction.

The selection procedure on the MAN Diesel & Turbo Home page will lead to a statement on AM applicability.

4 The graphical representation should be regarded as a guidance only. The MAN home page should be used in cases of doubt
(see MAN Diesel & Turbo Home page)

A Guideline for MAN B&W Approved Methods 31

Lay-out diagram Power

A L 100%
E 1
B 90%
D L2 80%


The extended lay-out area (ABDC) is dened from the 'L1' point minus
10% in power and minus 10% on speed 60%

MD-C-S70- 1#1 is dened on the extended lay-out area as the area of

MD-C-S70-2#1 is dened on the extended lay-out area as the area of (ABC)


70% 80% 90% 100% n (r/min)


For S70MC L1: 2810 kW/cyl and 91 r/min

32 A Guideline for MAN B&W Approved Methods

The Approved Method process
A new IMO Resolution (MEPC.243(66) [30]) discussed in the PPR 1 sub-committee meeting describes the processes involved
with the AMs:
Verification of applicability (see Procedure for verifying applicability)
Exemption possibility (review by Contact Point (CP) and AMC acceptance)
Alternative to installing an AM (measurements following the NTC 2008, Chapter 5)
Commercial availability (documentation and SA review)
On-board survey (specified in the AMF)
SA agreement and issuing/notification of IAPP certificate

MAN Diesel & Turbo (MDT) acts as the CP for MAN B&W two-stroke engines when the IMO circular criteria are not met directly or if
modifications involving NOx components have been performed to the engine after delivery from test bed. But MDT can also help with
any evaluation and ensure approval by the Administration (or an exemption if appropriate.) (See Help)

The attached flow chart shows a schematic of the processes and the following table (Approved Method procedures) describes the
processes in more details.

A Guideline for MAN B&W Approved Methods 33

Approved Method Process Flowchart
Engines > 5 MW & 90 l/cyl installed on ships constructed 1.1.1990 to 31.12.1999
Shipowner AM developer
AMC reviews AM
IMO Circ issued 3 2 1 AM developed
Informs IMO approved
at date A Not approved
No AM development
4 SO checks if core AM parameters apply
5 SO checks if all detailed AM parameters apply

7 SO application to CP for Key:

Applicability / exemption loop non-applicability of specic AM SO Shipowner
AM Approved Method
8 CP review of SO application AMC AM Certifying Administration
SA Ships Administration
Disagrees CP Contact Point
9 AMC review of CP nding NTC NOx Technical Code
10 6
AM does not apply AM does apply
SA agrees with AMC nding and issues non-
applicability documentation

SO decides on compliance route 11

Reg - AM
SO provides information to CP for AM le 14
AM installation
AMC approves AM le 15

No SO establishes from
SO documents AM is not CA 19 16 CP if AM is CA
Availability loop Yes NTC certication of 12
Rejects engine
SO action before next SA review 20 17 SO installs AM
Annual Survey Accepts
21 18 13 Final approval
SA survey - IAPP Cert. Supplement duly completed B: a) AM not CA b) Veries by survey that AM installed c) Initial survey

Note: Maximun period A to B (rst pass in case of not CA) rst Renewal Survey after A + 12 month

Figure 1 Approved method process owchart

34 A Guideline for MAN B&W Approved Methods

Approved Method procedures

*) Task Comments
1-3 I. AM development MDT responsibility
3 IMO issues AM circular With notification date
4 II. SO checks core parameters in Core parameters: engine model, engine cycle, original fuel nozzle**), rated power &
IMO Circular speed (w. tolerances & conversion factor) If not compliant, SO investigates again at
the next renewal survey (overhaul)
5 SO checks detailed parameters in p max and p comp (ISO ambient corrected, rounding up/down)
IMO Circular
6 SO submits result to SA for agree- If all parameters are within MEPC.1/Circ.x requirements
7-9 III. Applicability (exemption) loop If detailed parameters are outside the IMO Circular criteria or if engine NOx compo-
nents have been modified after vessel delivery
7 SO to contact CP for exemption SO submits application to CP needed info:
engine model, manufacturer & engine#
original fuel nozzle
rated power & speed (from nameplate)
test-bed report (TB)
VIT and on-board charge-air cooling system
other modifications (involving NOx components) after delivery
9-10 SA issues non-applicability If CP advices non-applicability, AMC (or CP) submits document to SA
documentation agree with AMC***) (and informs SO)

A Guideline for MAN B&W Approved Methods 35

*) Task Comments
9,6 AMC issues applicability documentation AMC (or CP) to inform SO, SA to agree
11 IV. SO decide on compliance route Compliance 1) by introducing AM or 2) by measurement following the NTC 2008
12-13 Measurement and approval following NTC SO to contact measurement company (or MA) for measurement, technical file
2008 and survey
14 SO orders AM from CP (or MA) Info to be given to CP:
as in item 7
additional maintenance to be carried out
(See Check list for installation) docking schedule, delivery address
14-15 CP to check applicability of AM CP (MDT or MA) to check AM criteria for engine type (MEPC.1/Circ.x)
a) If CP accepts SO evaluation, then CP prepares specific AMF for AMC ap-
b) If CP do not accept, CP to inform SO on possibilities:
1. Return to RO (SA) to accept responsibility (item 6) or
2. Return to AMC for issuing non-applicability document (item 10)
15 AMC approves specific AMF
16-17, V. Commercial availability loop SO establishes from MDT (or MA) if commercially available
19 Non-available document MDT (or MA) issues document, SO to submit
17 VI. Installation of AM If AM is available, install the AM (or only AMF document, if SL already installed)
(See Check list for installation)
18 On-board survey SO performs survey, fills out AMF Appendix A signed by chief engineer

36 A Guideline for MAN B&W Approved Methods

*) Task Comments
13, 18, Approval SO submits to SA (RO) who amends/issues a new IAPP certificate (or EPA
21 EIAPP certificate)

*) Numbers refer to boxes in Figure 1 - Approved Method Process Flowchart (from IMO Resolution MEPC.243(66) [30])

**) The original fuel nozzle was not introduced in the PPR 1 report as a core parameter, but after discussion at the meeting,
MDT included the nozzle due to the very clear definition in the IMO criteria

***) There will be a special fee for issuing a non-applicability document (from AMC or CP)

A Guideline for MAN B&W Approved Methods 37

Procedure for verifying applicability
The following information (based on the criteria in the introduced AM circulars [10-18]) is necessary to verify the applicability of an
AM (or to select the proper AM) (see also MAN Diesel & Turbo Home page):
Engine type (licensee, engine number and engine cycle)
Original fuel nozzle ID number (pump and cam IDs if relevant)
Original layout (performance data from test bed) including:
Rating (max. power and speed) 5

Performance data at 75% and 100% loads (corrected to ISO ambient conditions)
pmax (max. combustion pressure) 6

pcomp,max (max. compression pressure) or pmax = pmax pcomp.max

Information on VIT and cooling system is necessary for setting up the correct survey procedure (Survey code) for the engine.

5 The engine name plate will usually state the engine rating
6 Test-bed data may not necessarily reflect the proper adjustment of the engine. Therefore, AM applicability must include the original design specification or a
comparison with sister engines in the evaluation

38 A Guideline for MAN B&W Approved Methods

MAN Diesel & Turbo Home page
MAN has introduced a web-based tool (see [2, 31] and Appendix 3) to guide owners on how to keep the engine in compliance with
IMO regulations. The tool provides guidance on how to handle individual specific engines.

The home page includes information on:

MAN B&W engine AMs notified to IMO with notification date (the AMs are introduced gradually for different engine types)
Definitions of criteria to verify if the specific engine in question is included. The procedure for verifying AM applicability is ex-
plained in detail on the home page (or in the section Procedure for verifying applicability)
A print out of the AM status is possible
The ship owners obligations and whom to contact if necessary.

The home page is found at:

A Guideline for MAN B&W Approved Methods 39

III. Installation of an Approved Method

It is up to the owner to decide how much help in the AM installation is needed:

Fitting of slide valves in dry dock or on board
Machining of the cylinder cover to fit the bigger fuel nozzles (may be required)
Preparing the specific engine AMF (to be obtained from MAN Diesel & Turbo or a licensee)
Forward specific AMF to Flag State (FS) or Class (RO.)

When the Approved Method has been installed, a survey according to the AMF must be conducted, and the ships International Air
Pollution Prevention (IAPP) certificate must be amended.

On-board survey of the AM

Verify AM nozzle ID number
Perform on-board performance parameter survey according to the AMF (may need performance adjustment to ensure
Create Appendix to AMF
FS or Class to verify and issue new IAPP certificate.

It is important to notice that the engine is supposed to be in a mechanical state, as it was delivered from test bed. I.e. overhaul of fuel
injection components and cylinder parts may be needed before the AM installation, so as to obtain the correct AM conditions. Further,
in case of excessive fouled hull, cleaning may be necessary to maintain service speed. And, in some cases, where the slide-valve
nozzle area is changed, compared with the original nozzle area, re-adjustment of governor limiters may be necessary.

40 A Guideline for MAN B&W Approved Methods

Actions to install an Approved Method
If the owner finds that an AM is applicable, the following actions are required:
Contact MAN Diesel & Turbo PrimeServ for verification of the AM
Order slide valves according to the AM (and other necessary parts)
Order installation on board (or in dry dock)
Order performance survey on board
Call FS (or authorized Class, the RO) for on-board survey and amendment to the IAPP certificate (Sample AMF can be included
for first advice and the specific AMF with a final survey for issuing the IAPP certificate.)

A check list has been prepared for convenience (see Check list for installation.)

A Guideline for MAN B&W Approved Methods 41

Check list for installation

Task Comments Check date

0 SO orders AM from CP (or MA) Info to be given CP:
As in item 7 (in Approved Method procedures)
Additional maintenance to be carried out
(See Approved Method proce- Docking schedule, delivery address

1 Applicability of AM Confirmed by CP (MDT)

2 Installation date (dry dock or port)
3 Detailed order for installation of AM This includes, depending on order: AMF, installation services*), engine adjust-
ment & on-board survey
4 Confirm VIT and actual cooling system on board for establishing of final (indi-
vidual) AMF to MDT (see item 7 in Approved Method procedures)
5 Order class (RO) to perform renewal Will the class (RO) be present on board during the survey or is it acceptable to
survey (issue new or amend IAPP send the survey data after sea trial?
6 Submit preliminary (sample) AMF for class (RO) info
7 Installation of AM hardware (during Modification of cylinder cover (+ additional overhauls as found necessary:
dry docking or in port) cam, pump, VIT, etc.)
8 Installation of SLs at the same time?
9 Class (RO) approval of installation?

42 A Guideline for MAN B&W Approved Methods

Task Comments Check date
10 Received final (specific) AMF Individual AMF (approved by GL) based on the originally approved AMF
from CP (MDT) (MEPC.1/Circ.x) identifying engine and actual engine conditions
11 On-board survey (incl. perfor- On-board engine performance adjustment
mance adjustment)
12 Fill out AMF survey (Appendix A) and attach to AMF (or engine log book)
13 Approval of AM Forward specific AMF with final survey (new Appendix A) to class (RO)

14 Class (RO) to issue new (or amend) IAPP based on the on-board survey
15 (Return to AM procedures) Submit approved AMF incl. survey to MDT

*) The engine shall be as in the original state before installing the AM (a status for the actual engine performance may be
needed to evaluate engine condition before installation.)

A Guideline for MAN B&W Approved Methods 43

The on-board cooling system
Similar to the survey code for Tier I and Tier II engines today, the cooling system for the existing engines is important for the on-board
survey and the definition of the survey code. The cooling system is decisive for the scavenge air temperature and, thereby, also for
the NOx characteristics of the engine. A reference temperature is defined in the AMF performance-reference table (varying with engine
load) depending on the cooling system and operation of the system. During the on-board survey, the scavenge air temperature must
be kept within the specified tolerances.

MDT has defined three different cooling systems depending on the configuration of the system:
1. Sea-water (SW) system, where the surveyed temperature will vary with the sea-water temperature.
2. Central cooling (CC) system, which also varies with the sea-water temperature, but with a slightly higher reference tempera-
ture due to the central cooler.
3. CC system that operates with a thermostat-regulated, fixed, outlet-coolant temperature (CC-F). This system operates with
reference temperatures independent of the sea water temperature (until the sea water temperature exceeds the set fixed
outlet-coolant temperature.)

The survey code is set up for the actual cooling system on board and, therefore, needs to be re-defined if the system was unknown
when the AMF was created. The Survey code will automatically adjust the survey and verify compliance depending on the cooling
system defined.

44 A Guideline for MAN B&W Approved Methods

How to stay in compliance
(ref. to revised MARPOL Annex VI, 2008 Regulation 13 7.1 [7])

Compliance must be demonstrated either through:

1. Installation of an AM, and confirmed by a survey following the AM File, or by
2. Certification of the engine (using the NOx Technical Code 2008 [7]) confirming the emission limits
(Regulation 13 7.4)

In both cases, an appropriate notation on the ships IAPP certificate must be added.

The owner must verify (see Responsibility) if an AM has been released and whether it is applicable for the actual engine. If no AM is
available, the engine is in compliance, but the class needs to amend the new IAPP to show that no AM exists.

A Guideline for MAN B&W Approved Methods 45

Assistance from MAN Diesel & Turbo PrimeServ

MAN Diesel & Turbo | PrimeServ Copenhagen
Dept.: DR-CPH
Teglholmsgade 41, 2450 Copenhagen SV, DENMARK

Phone: + 45 33 85 11 00
Fax: + 45 33 85 10 49
DR e-mail:

Information needed:
Vessel IMO (Lloyds) number
Engine type
Original fuel nozzle ID number (as delivered on test bed)
Engine max. rated power and speed (from test bed report or name plate)
Original test bed performance data (see Procedure for verifying applicability or Survey code)
Info on existing VIT system and cooling system used on board (sea water, central cooling system, central cooling system with
fixed coolant outlet temperature, e.g. 36 C)

46 A Guideline for MAN B&W Approved Methods

QQ Who is responsible for the AM introduction?
AA The owner of the engine (vessel).

QQ When is installation of an AM required?

AA If an AM has been notified to IMO (the date is specified for the individual engine types on the web page), the AM must be in-
stalled at the first renewal survey at the latest 12 months after the notification date (see When to take action).

QQ How to evaluate the power-range applicability of an AM?

AA The Tables and Graphs in the IMO circulars specify the power-speed range for the AM. However, the graph is for guidance
only. As the power range is related to the rated speed, the MDT home page should be used as the final evaluation, or informa-
tion from MDT is necessary.

QQ How to apply the +/-25 kW/cyl tolerance.

AA The upper range should be added 25 kW and the lower range subtracted 25 kW. This tolerance is added to include engines
where a conversion from hp to kW was used to allow for minor correction errors.

QQ Which engines will receive an AM?

AA At the moment only the S70MC, S60MC, S50MC and L50MC type engines, depending on rating and original fuel nozzle, have
been prepared with AM retrofits. In the future, we may see additional AMs for these types, but a decision has not been made
yet. Also other L-type engines (L60MC and L70MC) and the S50MC-C type may receive AMs in the future.

A Guideline for MAN B&W Approved Methods 47

QQ AMs for a slim-type fuel valve?
AA MDT has amended Circular MEPC.1/Circ.738 with two special slim-type S70MC SL nozzles. Spray-wise, the nozzles are
identical to the standard nozzle that was included in the S70MC AM.

QQ Should all engines have an AMF?

AA Only engines where an AM has been installed will have an AMF.

QQ Can the crew install slide valves?

AA Yes with the proper tools.

QQ Can the AM be introduced during the vessels normal operating schedule?

AA Yes, with some flexibility of the crew depending on vessel schedule.

QQ How to test the new slide valves?

AA A new adaptor is needed for the conventional fuel-valve test unit.

QQ Can an AM be introduced if the engine is already fitted with slide valves?

AA Yes, but the nozzle may have to be changed if a different slide-valve nozzle (spindle guide) is used in the AM. Further, the engine
must have an AMF. Accordingly, the cost will only be the cost of the AMF and, eventually, new nozzles.

48 A Guideline for MAN B&W Approved Methods

QQ Can the vessel maintain the original service speed after slide-valve installation?
AA Usually yes, but the speed may be restricted by the governor limiters, which may need adjustment. The cause can be hull
fouling or worn-out fuel pumps. The hull should be cleaned and the fuel pump renewed. But also a different slide-valve nozzle
area may change fuel index.

QQ What is the difference between a sample and a specific AMF?

AA A sample AMF is equivalent to the parent engines Technical File. The sample AMF was introduced (and approved by AMC)
when the AM for the engine type was approved. A specific AMF corresponds to a member TF. The specific AMF has been
individualized based on the sample AMF to the specific engine and approved by AMC (GL) again.

QQ What is a log book?

AA A log book (or a record book) is a book, or a collection of documents, which informs on the condition of the engine in relation
to the IMO regulations. The log book could also be an extension of a standard log book carried on board for other engine
condition purposes.

QQ Can MAN Diesel & Turbo provide the log book?

AA No, the log book is an owner responsibility. But MDT has developed a special Survey code to ease the work of correcting of
measured values to show compliance with the AMF requirements. And output from the survey code can be used directly as a
log book, perhaps stored electronically with proper time stamps. The AMF Appendix A specifies the necessary information,
which must be retained.

A Guideline for MAN B&W Approved Methods 49

QQ What is the Contact Point (CP)?
AA The CP is the responsible introducer of the AM (usually the main engine designer, but could also be an approved licensee.) (See
also The Approved Method process or Glossary.)

QQ Why is an ISO ambient correction of performance data necessary?

AA Due to the ambient influence on emissions, all emissions, also the introduced emission limits, are referenced to standard ISO
conditions. And with the MDT introduced emission correlation with performance data, the performance data also need to be
corrected to ISO standard conditions before compliance can be verified.

QQ What is a guarantee statement?

AA A guarantee statement is a MDT statement to guarantee that the engine with whatever modification to the NOx components
can be shown to be in compliance with IMO regulations. The guarantee statement must be kept on board for possible class
survey purposes (see Definitions and documents related to engine modifications).

QQ Why is the cooling system important?

AA The cooling system defines how the on-board survey is carried out depending on the condition for the scavenge air cooler (see
The on-board cooling system).

50 A Guideline for MAN B&W Approved Methods

AM Approved Method Defined retrofit for existing engines
AMC AM certifying administration
AMF Approved Method File Document that describes the AM and the on-board survey
The basic AMF is the originally FS approved (parent) AMF
The specific or individual AMF is the dedicated member AMF
adjusted for the specific engine
BLG Bulk Liquid and Gasses MEPC sub-committee (BLG has now been suspended and
PPR introduced)
CA Commercially Available
CARB California Air Resources Board California State regulative body
CC Central Cooling system Scavenge air temperature will vary with sea water temperature
CC-F Central Cooling system with Fixed coolant outlet temperature (independent of load)
CO Carbon Monoxide Emission component in exhaust gas
CO2 Carbon Dioxide Emission component in exhaust gas
Constructed TF New TF based on an original TF amended a new NOx component,
which increases the NOx but still held below the NOx limit
CP Contact Point MDT Copenhagen for MAN B&W introduced AMs
DMA MGO grade
DMB MDO grade
E2 ISO 8178 constant speed cycle ISO (& IMO) test cycle for constant-speed propulsion engines
E3 ISO 8178 propeller cycle ISO (& IMO) test cycle for propeller-law-operated engines

A Guideline for MAN B&W Approved Methods 51

ECA Emission Control Area NOx or SOx or, both NOx & SOx control areas
EGR Exhaust Gas Recirculation Exhaust gas re-circulated to the intake for reduction of NOx
EIAPP Engine IAPP Engine pre-certificate
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions
FS Flag State (= SA)
GL Germanischer Lloyd Now DNV GL
HC Hydro Carbon Emission component in exhaust gas
IAPP International Air Pollution Prevention Certificate for the vessel
ID IDentification number Usually engine NOx component ID number
IMO International Maritime Organization FN organization
ISO International Standard Organization Among others, standards on atmospheric conditions
L1 MAN B&W engine rating Standard max. rating in layout diagram
LL Licence Letter MAN Diesel & Turbo info to licensees
MA Manufacturer Approved for issuing specific AMF
MARPOL MARine POLution Usually referring the International Convention for the
Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973
MDO Marine Diesel Oil See ISO 8217 standard
MDT MAN Diesel & Turbo
MGO Marine Gas Oil See ISO 8217 standard
MEPC Marine Environment Protection Committee Committee under MARPOL
Mk Mark rating of engines MAN B&W engine rating
NECA NOx Emission Control Area

52 A Guideline for MAN B&W Approved Methods

NoC Notice of Compliance Referring GL AM approval document
NOx Nitrogen Oxides Emission component in exhaust gas
NTC NOx Technical Code IMO handbook for control of emissions from diesel engines
pcomp.max Maximum cylinder compression pressure
PM Particulate Matter (or Particulates) Combination of solid and liquid droplets in the exhaust
pmax Maximum cylinder combustion pressure
PPR Pollution Prevention and Response New sub-committee under MEPC to deal with (among others) emissions
RO Recognized Organization Class acting on behalf of FS (or SA)
SA Ships Administration or FS
SCR Selective Catalytic Reduction Exhaust gas after treatment usually for reduction of NOx
SDR Special Drawing Rights Special monetary unit (a combination of different currencies)
SECA Sulphur Emission Control Area
SFOC Specific Fuel Oil Consumption
SL Service Letter MAN Diesel & Turbo info to customers
SL SLide valves Could be the complete valve or only the nozzle
SO Ship Owner
SOx Sulphur Oxides Emission component in exhaust gas
SW Sea Water in relation to cooling system
TB Test Bed Usually referring to test bed conditions
TF Technical File Document to describe engine set up and survey method for post
2000 engines
VIT Variable Injection Timing MDT method to adjust injection timing

A Guideline for MAN B&W Approved Methods 53

WIF Water-in-Fuel emulsion Addition of water (homogenized) to fuel oil for NOx reduction
WP Working Paper For IMO meetings

54 A Guideline for MAN B&W Approved Methods

[1] SL09-520/KEA: IMO Revised MARPOL Annex VI (Approved Methods for Pre-2000 Marine Engines,) Service Letter, No-
vember 2009.

[2] SL10-534/MFP: Approved Methods (Pre-2000 marine diesel engines,) Service Letter, September 2010.

[3] SL11-548/SVH: Approved Methods and Revision (S50MC, S60MC and S70MC,) Service Letter, August 2011.

[4] SL2014-592/SVH: Approved Method for the MAN B&W L50MC engine type and information on the Approved Method
Process Service Letter, August 2014.

[5] Annex VI of MARPOL 73/78, Regulations for the Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships and NOx Technical Code, IMO 1998.

[6] MEPC 57/WP.7, April 2008.

[7] Revised MARPOL Annex VI and NOx Technical Code 2008, IMO second edition, 2009.

[8] Two-Stroke Engine Emission Reduction Technology: State-of-the-Art, Michael Finch Pedersen, Anders Andreasen and
Stefan Mayer, MAN Diesel & Turbo, Cimac Congress 2010, Bergen, Paper No.: 85.

[9] Tier III SCR for Large Two-Stroke MAN B&W Diesel Engines, Henrik Christensen et. al. MAN Diesel & Turbo, Proceedings
of the International Symposium on Marine Engineering (ISME) October 17-21, 2011, Kobe, Japan, Paper 587.

A Guideline for MAN B&W Approved Methods 55

[10] MEPC.1/Circ.738: Information on an Approved Method under MARPOL Annex VI (Approved Method for MAN B&W
S70MC,) 19 October 2010.

[11] MEPC.1/Circ.738/Add.1: Information on an Approved Method under MARPOL Annex VI (Approved Method for MAN B&W
S70MC,) 10 August 2011.

[12] MEPC.1/Circ.738/Add.2: Information on an Approved Method under MARPOL Annex VI (Approved method for MAN B&W
S70MC amended slim-type AM nozzle,) 31 January 2013.

[13] MEPC.1/Circ.764: Information on an Approved Method under MARPOL Annex VI (Approved method for MAN B&W S70MC
complete extended layout area,) 12 August 2011.

[14] MEPC.1/Circ.764/Add.1: Information on an Approved Method under MARPOL Annex VI (Approved Method for MAN B&W
S70MC,) 15 September 2011.

[15] MEPC.1/Circ.738/Add.3: Information on an Approved Method under MARPOL Annex VI (Approved Method for MAN B&W
S70MC amended slim-type AM nozzle,) 7 March 2014.

[16] MEPC.1/Circ.765: Information on an Approved Method under MARPOL Annex VI (Approved method for MAN B&W
S50MC,) 12 August 2011.

56 A Guideline for MAN B&W Approved Methods

[17] MEPC.1/Circ.770: Information on an Approved Method under MARPOL Annex VI (Approved method for MAN B&W
S60MC,) 10 October 2011.

[18] MEPC.1/Circ.837: Information on an Approved Method under MARPOL Annex VI (Approved method for MAN B&W
L50MC,) 4 June 2014.

[19] SL02-403/UM: Introduction of Slide Fuel Valve, Service Letter, June 2002.

[20] Slide Fuel Valve PrimeServ Retrofitting, MAN Diesel & Turbo, 1510-0011-03ppr, July 2010.

[21] Modification of Cylinder Covers, MAN B&W Diesel

[22] BLG-WGAP 2/2/13: Revision of MARPOL Annex VI and the NOx Technical Code (Proposals on regulation of NOx emissions
from existing engines,) 5 October 2007.

[23] BLG 13/13/7: Review of relevant non-mandatory instruments as a consequence of the amended MARPOL Annex VI and
the NOx Technical Code (Comments on certification procedures and documentation for Approved Methods,) 19 December

[24] BLG 13/13/8: Review of relevant non-mandatory instruments as a consequence of the amended MARPOL Annex VI and
the NOx Technical Code (Example of Approved Method documentation for certification,) 19 December 2008.

A Guideline for MAN B&W Approved Methods 57

[25] SL03-428/KEA: Unified Technical File, performance parameter check method, Service Letter, August 2003.

[26] A Guideline to the Unified Technical File, MAN B&W Diesel, November 2004.

[27] SL05-446/KEA: Guideline to unified Technical File, Service Letter, January 2005.

[28] Resolution MEPC.242(66): 2014 Guidelines in respect of the information to be submitted by an Administration to the or-
ganization covering the certification of an Approved Method as required under the Regulation 13.7.1 of MARPOL Annex VI,
4 April 2014.

[29] MEPC.1/Circ.678: Definitions for the cost-effectiveness formula in Regulation 13.7.5 of the revised MARPOL Annex VI, 27
July 2009.

[30] Resolution MEPC.243(66): 2014 Guidelines on the Approved Method process, 4 April 2014.

[31] MAN Diesel & Turbos web site for engines with an AM and info procedures:, May 2011.

58 A Guideline for MAN B&W Approved Methods

MAN Diesel & Turbo

Appendix 1 Approved Method layout for different engine types Date of notification: 11 August 2011
The AMs complies with the following requirements: Reg. and Reg.

(from IMO MEPC.1/Circs: S50MC, S60MC, S70MC and L50MC) AM Specification of engine type iv Specification of performance iv

Existing fuel nozzles MCR per Rated Pmax Pmax-Pcomp

drawing number/ cylinder speed at max tolerance at max tolerance
IMO ID number i (kW/cyl) ii (rpm) ii (barabs) iii (bar) iii

100% 75% 100% 75%

MD-C-S50-1#1 1743792-9 or M5-1 1290-1430 114-127 144 133 18 36

3062404-6 (AM-1) 1743793-0 or M5-2
MD-C-S50-2#1 as AM-1 1160-1430 114-127 144 133 21 39
3062408-3 (AM-2)

not all fuel nozzles are marked, but if drawings are referenced to original MAN B&W (drilling) drawings (i.e. identical nozzles) these
engines are also included in the AM
within the range bounded by MCR per cylinder and rated speed as defined in attached lay-out graph (a +/- 25 kW tolerance shall be
allowed on the power limits, respectively, to allow for minor conversion errors)
at ISO ambient conditions based on original test-bed data at 75 & 100% loads (or interpolated from adjacent loads, if not available)
exemptions may be introduced on approval by the Administration

Lay-out area graph (with AM-#s indicated, if appropriate)

For S50MC L1: 1430 kW/cyl and 127 r/min

Comment: To avoid errors with unit conversions a +/-25 kW/cyl power allowance is
observed for upper and lower power limit respectively

A Guideline for MAN B&W Approved Methods 59

MAN Diesel & Turbo MAN Diesel & Turbo

Enclosure 3 Enclosure 3
APPROVED METHOD(s) FOR MAN B&W S60MC (Amended a special slim-type AM-2 nozzle)
Date of notification: 5 October 2011
The AMs complies with the following requirements: Reg. and Reg.
The AMs complies with the following requirements: Reg. and Reg.
AM Specification of engine type iv Specification of performance iv
AM Specification of engine type iv Specification of performance iv
Existing fuel nozzles MCR per Rated Pmax Pmax-Pcomp
Existing fuel nozzles MCR per Rated Pmax Pmax-Pcomp
drawing number/ cylinder speed at max tolerance at max tolerance
drawing number/ cylinder speed at max tolerance at max tolerance
IMO ID number i (kW/cyl) ii (rpm) ii (barabs) iii (bar) iii
IMO ID number i (kW/cyl) ii (rpm) ii (barabs) iii (bar) iii
100% 75% 100% 75%
100% 75% 100% 75%
MD-C-S70-1#1 1767711-1 or M5-1
MD-C-S60-1#1 1756126-6 or M5-1 1840-2040 100-105 143 132 16 31
3062363-7 (AM-1) 1767766-2
5116821-1 (AM-1) 1268760-2, 3187610-9 2530-2810 86-91 143 135 8 29
1248498-2 or M5-14B
or M6-7 MD-C-S70-1#1r
1268787-8 or M6-8 3062680-0 (AM-1r)
MD-C-S60-2#1 as AM-1 1650-2040 94-105 143 132 19 33 MD-C-S70-2#1 as AM-1 2530-2810
5116799-5 (AM-2) 3062364-9 (AM-2)
81-91 144 135 12 32
MD-C-S60-2#2 as AM-1 1840-2040 100-105 143 132 18 33 MD-C-S70-2#2
5116799-5 (AM-2) 3062364-9 (AM-2)
i as AM-1 2250-2810
not all fuel nozzles are marked, but if drawings are referenced to original MAN B&W (drilling) drawings (i.e. identical nozzles) these
engines are also included in the AM 3062713-7 (AM-2r)
within the range bounded by MCR per cylinder and rated speed as defined in attached lay-out graph (a +/- 25 kW tolerance shall be i
not all fuel nozzles are marked, but if drawings are referenced to original MAN B&W (drilling) drawings (i.e. identical nozzles) these
allowed on the power limits, respectively, to allow for minor conversion errors) engines are also included in the AM
at ISO ambient conditions based on original test-bed data at 75 & 100% loads (or interpolated from adjacent loads, if not available) ii
within the range bounded by MCR per cylinder and rated speed as defined in attached lay-out graph (a +/- 25 kW tolerance shall be
exemptions may be introduced on approval by the Administration allowed on the power limits, respectively, to allow for minor conversion errors)
at ISO ambient conditions based on original test-bed data at 75 & 100% loads (or interpolated from adjacent loads, if not available)
Lay-out area graph (with AM-#s indicated, if appropriate) iv
exemptions may be introduced on approval by the Administration

Lay-out area graph (with AM-#s indicated, if appropriate)

For S60MC L1: 2040 kW/cyl and 105 r/min

Comment: To avoid errors with unit conversions a +/-25 kW/cyl power allowance is
observed for upper and lower power limit respectively For S70MC L1: 2810 kW/cyl and 91 r/min
Comment: To avoid errors with unit conversions a +/-25 kW/cyl power allowance is
observed for upper and lower power limit respectively

60 A Guideline for MAN B&W Approved Methods

MAN Diesel & Turbo



Date of notification: 4 June. 2014
The AMs complies with the following requirements: Reg. and Reg.

AM Specification of engine type iv Specification of performance iv

Load Existing fuel MCR per Rated Pmax Pmax-Pcomp

Cycle nozzles cylinder (kW/cyl) ii speed at max tolerance at max tolerance
drawing number/ (rpm) ii (barabs) iii (bar) iii
IMO ID number i

100% 75% 100% 75%

MD-C-L50-1#1 E3 1242912-0 (M1) 1075-1330 133-148 144 134 29 49

1144789-3 (AM-1)
not all fuel nozzles are marked, but if drawings are referenced to original MAN B&W (drilling) drawings (i.e. identical nozzles) these
engines are also included in the AM
within the range bounded by MCR per cylinder and rated speed as defined in attached lay-out graph (a +/- 25 kW tolerance shall be
allowed on the power limits, respectively, to allow for minor conversion errors) (a metric conversion factor: 0.7355 kW/bHp is used)
at ISO ambient conditions based on original test-bed data at 75 & 100% loads (or interpolated from adjacent loads, if not available)
(performance data to be specified with one decimal, Pmax rounded up & Pcomp rounded down)
exemptions may be introduced on approval by the Administration after evaluation by the Contact Point

Contact Point (CP): MDT Copenhagen, PrimeServ Dept DR (,)

Lay -out area graph (with AM-#s indicated, if appropriate)

For L50MC L 1: 1330 kW/cyl and 148 r/min

Comment: To avoid errors with unit conversions a +/-25 kW/cyl power allowance is observed
for upper and lower power limit respectively (a metric conversion factor of 0.7355 shall be used)

A Guideline for MAN B&W Approved Methods 61

MAN Diesel & Turbo

Appendix 2 Example of Approved Method File incl. on-board

Approved Method File
Survey (MD-C-L50-1#1)
(Existing engine emission document)
issued under the provisions of the Protocol of 2008 to amend the International Convention for the Prevention
of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as modified by the Protocol of 1978 related thereto (MARPOL 73/78 Annex



MD-C-L50-1#1 (VIT, CC-F)

Engine group ........................................................................................................................................

Engine Test Rated power Rated speed

type cycle (kW/cyl) (r/min)

L50MC E3 1075-1330* 133-148

*a +/- 25 kW/cyl allowance is given on upper and lower power limits, respectively

B&W engine #nnnn (vessel IMO # 9yyyyyy ,) zL50MC, rating 1330 kW/cyl at 148 r/min
Specific member engine:..

THIS IS TO CERTIFY that engines specified in this engine group, when complying with the given description
in Table 1 and 2 (requirements for design and performance,) fully satisfies the requirements as amended in
the Revised MARPOL Annex VI and the NOx Technical Code 2008.

Applicable NOx emission limit (IMO Tier I) (g/kWh) 16.6

Estimated NOx emission value: at reference conditions (g/kWh): 14.2
at maximum tolerances (g/kWh): 16.3

MAN Diesel, P rimeServ dept. DR -CPH

prepared by.................................................................................................................................
(full designation of the competent person or organization authorized under the provisions of the Convention)

Copenhagen, 14 June 2013

place and date of issue..............................................................

Approved by..
(Seal or Stamp of the authority, as appropriate)

62 A Guideline for MAN B&W Approved Methods

MAN Diesel & Turbo MAN Diesel & Turbo
On-board survey
Engine Description
In order to ensure compliance, the following must be checked:
Design and Performance Values 1. The design must correspond with the above description (Table 1 NOx components.)
2. A standard performance check must provide performance data (corrected to ISO ambient conditions)
Engine type: MAN B&W L50MC Engine group: MD-C-L50-1#1 (VIT, CC-F) within the tolerances as specified in Table 2 Reference and maximum allowed operating values.

Table 1 NOx Components *) The attached flow chart describes the procedure for an on-board survey and Appendix A provides a
complete on-board survey based on the original test-bed report.
Component (parameter) Specification MAN B&W IMO ID Other IMO ID
It is required to perform an on-board survey within one-month period from a called (or anticipated) survey.
Fuel valve nozzle 2 fuel valves pr. cylinder 1144789-3 Further, soonest after docking (or performance adjustment or repair on-board,) a survey shall be performed
Fuel pump plunger (diameter) 47 mm not applicable (N/A) to verify setting values and ensure continuing compliance.

Fuel cam (rise) 1.268 mm/deg not applicable (N/A) Survey code
A dedicated survey code issued for the engine group (following the AMF specifications) can be used to
demonstrate compliance and print out a new Appendix A for the initial and later on-board surveys.
*) A cross reference table for all IMO components of less importance for the NOx emission has been
submitted to the Administration to define the engine group The survey code adjusts automatically Pmax and Pcomp to ISO ambient conditions with input of the
specified performance parameters (yellow fields in the tables.) However, it is possible to check compliance
Table 2 Reference and maximum allowed operating values manually, using the equations stated in Appendix A.
Parameter (ISO ambient conditions) Reference value Maximum allowed **) Actual date for the survey and actual member engine# shall be stated in the Appendix to ensure that the
correct survey is carried out and all surveys shall be signed by the Chief Engineer and added to the record
Power % 100 75 50 25 100 75 50 25
Maximum combustion pressure
141 130 98 70 144 133 101 73
barabs Performance data
Cylinder pressure rise bar Performance data shall be obtained following a standard performance-observation check as described in the
21 40 37 29 28 48 45 37

(Pmax - Pcomp) MAN B&W engine operation instructions. Pmi measurements or indicator cards will provide Pmax and
o Pcomp. The data should be specified with one decimal where possible (especially Pmax and Pcomp,) and
Scavenging-air temperature C 48 43 39 44 54 46 42 47

Pcomp rounded down as being the worst condition.

Turbine back pressure mmWC 300 179 86 25 450 340 225 115
Usually three or four load points are measured in a standard performance check, but only data from 75%
VIT load break point (if applicable): 85 % Reference value load (and a load point above the VIT break point for engines with VIT) are then filled in the survey code
input fields to verify compliance.
Ambient pressure mbar 1000
(ISO ambient conditions)
Ambient conditions

o If compliance is not obtained the first time, the engine needs to be adjusted for compliance, and data
Ambient temperature C 25 obtained again. Please observe that measuring equipment must be calibrated according the IMO Regulation
Humidity rel.% 30 before the scheduled survey.

Sea-water (inlet) temperature C 25 Record book
An engine record book can be created by collecting all future survey print outs and add description on the
Central sea-water-cooler fresh-water-outlet temperature (for central-
o 36 performed maintenance (date for installation or renovation of new IMO components and performance
cooling system) C *)
o adjustments.)
*) Based on 25 C sea-water temperature (but depending on cooling strategy, (see also Instruction book
Operation.) Procedure
**) Additionally, common MAN B&W engine instructions shall always be followed. 1. On-board surveys are carried out following the above description based on standard MAN B&W engine
performance observations and in agreement with performance measurements in the NOx Technical
2. Add, as part of the AMF (page 5,) the filled-out survey code (Appendix A) with original test-bed data for
pre approval (initial approval) of the individual AMF and, as an example for an on-board survey *)
3. Following the AM installation, a new survey shall be performed on board to show compliance before
renewal of the IAPP certificate. Similarly, on-board surveys shall be performed before future annual or
intermediate surveys
4. Add future on-board surveys to show continued compliance as part of the engine record book

*) The scavenging-air temperature may not show compliance on test bed due to the different cooling set up
on the test facilities. Non compliance of other parameters on test bed requires the Administration approval.

2 3

A Guideline for MAN B&W Approved Methods 63

MAN Diesel & Turbo

Survey start

1. NOx Component Check :

1.1. Check fuel valve nozzle

2. Performan ce Parameters Check at 75% Load :

2.1. Registration of reference performance parameters
2.2. Measure ambient and performance parameters
2.3. Calculate ISO corrected maximum combustion pressure and cyl. pressure rise
2.4. Calculate maximum allowed scavenging-air temperature

Adjust engine 2.5. Compliance?


Does the engine No

have VIT?

engine have
3. Performance Parameters CheckVIT? above Break Point for Engines with VIT :
3.1. Registration of reference maximum combustion pressure at 100% load
3.2. Measure ambient and performance parameters (above break point)
3.3. Calculate ISO corrected maximum combustion pressure

Adjust engine 3.4. Compliance?


Sign documents and

add a copy to record book

Survey end

64 A Guideline for MAN B&W Approved Methods

Engine group: MD-C-L50-1 Engine group: MD-C-L50-1
Appendix A: On-board Survey Procedure Engine No.: M1:T14-T17 Engine No.: M1:T14-T17
For onboard survey, fill out and print the following form (yellow fields) Date: 24-03-2003 Date: 24-03-2003

1. NOx Component check (AMF Table 1)

check IMO ID#
Fuel valve nozzle 1144789-3
Only for engines with VIT:

2. Performance parameter check at 75% load 3. Performance parameter check above break point for engines with VIT (if appropriate)

2.1 Registration of reference performance parameters (AMF Table 2) 3.1 Registration of reference performance parameters at 100% (AMF Table 2)

Performance parameters Reference Max. allowed Performance parameters Reference Max. allowed
Units Symbol Values Units Symbol Values Units Symbol Values Units Symbol Values
Max. combustion pressure barabs A 131 barabs E 134 Max. combustion pressure barabs A 141 barabs E 144
Cylinder pressure rise bar B 41 bar F 49 Turbine back pressure mmWC C 300 mmWC G 450
Turbine back pressure mmWC C 179 mmWC G 340 Scavenging-air temperature C D 48 C H 54
Scavenging-air temperature C D 43 C H 46 Break point % T 85

2.2 Measure ambient and performance parameters (at 75% load 5%) 3.2 Measure ambient and performance parameters (above the break point)

Performance parameters Measured ISO Corrected (see 2.3-2.4) Performance parameters Measured ISO Corrected (see 3.3)
Units Symbol Values Units Symbol Values Units Symbol Values Units Symbol Values
Max. combustion pressure bar I 132 barabs Q 131,04 Max. combustion pressure bar I 141,6 barabs Q 140,52
Max. cyl. compr. pressure bar J 91 barabs R 90,66 Turbine back pressure mmWC K 230 mmWC
Turbine back pressure mmWC K 123 mmWC Scavenging-air temperature C L 36 C
Scavenging-air temperature C L 31 C Ambient pressure mbar M 1019 mbar
Ambient pressure mbar M 1018 mbar T/C inlet temperature C N 17 C
T/C inlet temperature C N 16,5 C Measured load % U 100
Sea-water inlet temperature C O 9,8 C
Set point coolant outlet temp. C P 36 C 3.3 Calculate ISO corrected maximum combustion pressure
Use equation (1)
2.3 Calculate ISO corrected max. combustion pressure and max. cyl. compression pressure
Q=(I+M/1000)*(1+0.002198*(N-25)-0.00081*(L-D)-0.00022*(M-1000)*0.75+0.00005278*(K-C)) (1) 3.4 Compliance check
R=(J+M/1000)*(1+0.002954*(N-25)-0.00153*(L-D)-0.000301*(M-1000)*0.75+0.00007021*(K-C)) (2) Performance parameters Engine performance Max./Min. allowed Compliance
Max. combustion pressure Q 140,5 144 E yes
2.4 Calculate maximum allowed scavenging-air temperature Measured load U 100 85 T yes
Sea Water (SW) or Central fresh-water Cooling system (CC):
S=H+(O-25) (3)
Central fresh water Cooling system with Fixed outlet temperature (CC-F):
If O <= P-2 S=H (4a)
Else S=H+(O-(P-2)) (4b)
Where P is the central cooler set point for outlet coolant temperature

2.5 Compliance check

Performance parameters Engine performance Max. allowed Compliance
Max. combustion pressure Q 131,0 134 E yes
Cylinder pressure rise Q-R 40,4 49 F yes
Turbine back pressure K 123 340 G yes
Scavenging-air temperature L 31,0 46 S yes

A Guideline for MAN B&W Approved Methods 65

Appendix 3 Web page selection of an Approved Method

a. Abstract of pages from the MAN Diesel & Turbo home page on Approved Methods
The purpose of the home page is to inform owners and operators of MAN B&W two-stroke marine diesel engines on:
Introduced (IMO notified) Approved Methods (AMs) the specific engine types
How to evaluate the applicability of an AM selection of an AM based on the published IMO Circular for a specific engine type

and indirectly on:

Necessary documents
Whom to contact

The following figure shows an example of communication with the home page the actual selections (choices) are printed in the
answering boxes

66 A Guideline for MAN B&W Approved Methods

b. Example of communication with the home page

A Guideline for MAN B&W Approved Methods 67

c. Information sheets activated through tabs on the home page
1. info page info on selection of an Approved Method p. 69
2. marking fuel nozzle marking location p. 72
3. graph or layout area layout diagram p. 32
4. perf. sheets or perf. data standard MAN B&W performance data p. 73
5. correction sheet (iso corr) ISO correction equations and reference conditions p. 74
6. AM flowchart approved method process flowchart p. 34
7. AM procedures approved method procedures table p. 35
8. check list check list for installation p. 42
9. MDT flowcharts p. 76

68 A Guideline for MAN B&W Approved Methods

d. Info on selection of an Approved Method
IMO regulations
At the PPR 1 sub-committee meeting, the AM criteria 7 were separated in core and detailed criteria.
See AM Process Flowchart Push button: AM flowchart
and the AM Procedures Table (with abbreviations,) Push button: AM procedures
which describes the procedures in detail

The core parameters, the easy identifiable criteria, being:

Engine type
Original existing fuel nozzle 8
Engine power and speed see attached extended layout area Push button: layout area

and the detailed parameters being:

Specified performance parameters, pmax and P (=pmax-pcomp)
see example (at 25, 50, 75 & 100% loads) Push button: perf data
corrected to ISO ambient conditions see correction: Push button: iso corr.

7 The AM criteria are specified in the respective IMO Circular (MEPC.1/Circ.x) for the engine type
8 The original fuel nozzle was not included in the PPR 1 report as a core parameter, but after discussion at the meeting, MDT included the nozzle due to the very
clear definition in the IMO criteria

A Guideline for MAN B&W Approved Methods 69

If the core parameters are satisfied (incl. rated power and speed within the defined layout area,) an AM may exist depending
on the original performance data.
If the detailed parameters are also satisfied, an AM is applicable. The Circular as well as the AMF defines the AM performance
reference and tolerance values. At this point MAN Diesel & Turbo PrimeServ Dept. should be asked for an evaluation.
If the core parameters are not satisfied, no AM exists at the moment. The class (RO) can issue the new IAPP certificate on condition
that the owner shall investigate whether a new AM has been introduced before the next renewal survey 9.

Installation of an AM
For guidance on the following installation see check list for installation. Push button: check list

9 According the Revised MARPOL Annex VI Regulation 13 Chapter 7.2 the AM must be introduced no later than by the first renewal survey 12 months or more
after IMO has been notified of the AM. But, if the AM is not commercially available, the AM must be introduced no later than by next annual survey. This means
that the the ship owner must investigate whether new AMs have been introduced within one year before a renewal survey.

70 A Guideline for MAN B&W Approved Methods

You should answer the questions in the order they are raised in the web communication based on the original test bed report
from when the engine was delivered from test bed.
Not all existing engines of the specified AM engine type are covered by the introduced AM at this time.
The existing fuel nozzle, the layout area (power vs. speed) and the performance range (Pmax & Pcomp vs. load) are necessary
to evaluate the NOx level and NOx reduction, and therefore define the extent of the introduced AM group.
This evaluation is based on input from the original test bed performance data, as indicated. (The data need to be corrected to
ISO ambient conditions.)
MAN Diesel & Turbo may later include additional engines in the specific AM group based on further evaluation of these engines
and after approval by the flag state.
If your engine is not included in the AM, it is possible to print out a statement that explains why the specific engine does not
belong in the presently introduced AMs.
For additional info see also the MAN Diesel & Turbo original AM procedure flowchart.
Push button: B&W flowchart

A Guideline for MAN B&W Approved Methods 71

e. Marking location
Part Certified Marking Marking Instruction Required Marking
Fuel nozzle Part No. 0742639-1 Manufacturers Name
or trademark, plus Part No.,
and hole diameter (mm)

Marking Location

72 A Guideline for MAN B&W Approved Methods

MAN Diesel & Turbo
f. Standard MAN B&W Performance Data Standard MAN B&W Performance Data

Read average performance data from standard performance sheets in the original (delivery) test-bed report,
Read average performance data from standard performance sheets in Pmax and Pcomp at 100, 75, 50 and 25% loads.

Correct data to ISO ambient conditions and enter on web page

the original (delivery) test bed report, pmax and pcomp at 100, 75, 50 and
100, 75, 50 and 25% load data
25% loads.
Pmax and Pcomp

Averaged data
Correct data to ISO ambient conditions and enter on web page

A Guideline for MAN B&W Approved Methods 73

g. Correction equations (incl. tscav and pback reference conditions)
In order to compare performance data on an equal basis, a correction to ISO ambient conditions is necessary.

CorrPmax = (pmax + pamb / 1000) (1 + 0.002198 (tinl 25) 0.00081 (tscav tscav.ref) 0.00022 (pamb 1000) 0.75 +
0.00005278 (pback pback.ref))

CorrPcomp = (pcomp + pamb / 1000) (1 + 0.002954 (tinl 25) 0.00153 (tscav tscav.ref) 0.000301 (pamb 1000) 0.75 +
0.00007021 (pback pback.ref))

pamb ambient pressure (mbar)
pback back pressure (mmWC)
pcomp compression pressure (bar)
pmax maximum pressure (bar)
tinl T/C inlet temperature (C)
tscav scavenge air temperature (C)
subscript ref refers to ISO reference conditions (1000 mbar & 25C)

tscav.ref and pback.ref varies with the engine load, as given in the following tables:

74 A Guideline for MAN B&W Approved Methods

Reference cooler inlet and scavenge air temperatures (depending on cooling system)

Load Sea water coolant Central coolant Scav. temp sea wa- Scav. temp central Scav. temp central cooler fixed
system system ter coolant system coolant system temp (36 C out)
% C C C C C
100 25 29 37 41 48
75 25 27 32 34 43
50 25 26 28 29 39
25 25 26 33 34 44

Reference turbine back pressure

Load % 100 75 50 25
Turbine back pressure mmWC 300 179 86 25

A Guideline for MAN B&W Approved Methods 75

h. MAN Diesel & Turbo Flowcharts
MAN Diesel & Turbo
Procedure for Approved Method (AM) Compliance B&W Procedure for Approved Method (AM) Applicability
(IAPP Renewal Survey)
Start Comments:
1. MAN Diesel AMs are
dened as new slide valves with
IAPP certicate 1. Engine type AMs
AM look - up a specic nozzle lay out in
1. Annex VI Table combination with a s pecic
2. Rev. NTC for available performance lay out. New
Renewal NO types will be added with time
3. Notied AM engine types
survey -- Engine 2. No AM available pt. (depn. on population & need)
- 1 Year? type repeat search at next 2. See Service letter SL09-520
TB report (or
modication available renewal survey 3. The AM is specied in the
Class to issue IAPP report) parent AMF: fuel nozzle,
w. no AM available YES power range and performance
reference + tolerances (as
3. Evaluate AM specications End approved.) Depending on
Exists AM? Print the existing engine lay-out
e. Performance analysis - optimization, a specic engine
NO a. Engine type YES d. NO
MDT review AMF perf. criteria Existing engine 3.1 Existing engine nozzles type AM may be available. If
b. Engine nozzle Modied from approved AM group
c. Power-speed engine? nozzle look - up not as dened in the available
(TB survey for indiv. engine) Table (depn. on AM, a new AM with a different
engine type) optimization may be introduced
Nozzle NO Allready later or on request. I.e. more
included retrot than one AM (group or
NO voluntary YES ? nozzle? subgroup) could exist for same
Adm. to issue exemption AM or engine type. Info on rated
retrofit? YES power & performance lay out
YES from the original existing engine
Parent AMF 3.2 Power range from AM test-bed report is required.
NO Retrot? NO Modied NO AM Power range 4. See also 3. MAN Diesel &
engine? possible (depn. on Turbo, PrimeServ
engine type) 4 . No AM available pt. Copenhagen,
NO repeat search at next DR-CPH Technical Service,
/Speed renewal survey, or ask ph.: +45 3385 1100. E-mail:
YES Parent AM YES PrimeServ for possible
future AM or retrot 5. If a SL valve already has
MDT to issue Preliminary Preliminary AMF
YES been retrotted, PrimeServ can
guarantee statement individual AMF
evaluate if & how an AM can be
Parent AMF 3.3 Performance range from AM introduced (test-bed data may
Adm. pre-approval Performance End be needed as mentioned
Table (depn. on Print above)
engine type) 6. PrimeServ can assist
statement NO
Order AM parts Performance ordering slide valves and with
- Installation range installation as well as on-board
- Perf. adjust. OK? 5. AMF intro? survey
Order vessel class for (paperwork) 7. The class needs to be
survey (if necessary) involved in the nal IAPP
On-board YES
PrimeServ can perform the
survey performance measurement/test
Installation & on-board survey 6. AM to be introduced
Final AMF & to adjust the engine. PrimeServ
IAPP certicate do not arrange for Class to
Class to issue IAPP (w. AM 6.1 Order SL (AM#) approve the settings. It is the
installed) 6.2 Instal AM (see check list for installation) customers responsibility to
6.3 Issue AMF keep the engine in compliance
6.4 On-board survey (survey code) (i.e. within the parameters and
tolerances) with TF or AMF.
End The survey code issued with
7. Class to issue new IAPP End
the TF or AMF can be used to
show compliance

76 A Guideline for MAN B&W Approved Methods


A Guideline for MAN B&W Approved Methods 77

78 A Guideline for MAN B&W Approved Methods
A Guideline for MAN B&W Approved Methods 79
80 A Guideline for MAN B&W Approved Methods
A Guideline for MAN B&W Approved Methods 81
A Guideline for MAN B&W Approved Methods
All data provided in this document is non-binding. This data serves informational purposes
only and is especially not guaranteed in any way. Depending on the subsequent specific
individual projects, the relevant data may be subject to changes and will be assessed and

IMOs Existing Engines Regulation

determined individually for each project. This will depend on the particular characteristics of
each individual project, especially
specific site and operational conditions. CopyrightMAN Diesel & Turbo.

July 2014
2510-0001-01ppr Jul 2014 Printed in Denmark

MAN Diesel
Teglholmsgade 41
2450 Copenhagen, Denmark
Phone +45 33 85 11 00
Fax +45 33 85 10 30

MAN PrimeServ a service brand of MAN Diesel & Turbo

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