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Race to the Edge


Issue 1-Feb 2017

03 Angie's note

04 Co-editor's note

07 Artist Class

15 Duo Class

31 Writer Class

37 All We Know

45 Contact Us
Angie's note

My friend and co-editor Heather Fiske told

me that there was a point in which multiple
A friend of mine once told me that the only fandom projects have ended due to the
things you need in life are friends, family, food, negativity that has been going on.
water, air, shelter, and love. I added on to that It had been going on for too long, and all we
saying that you also need a little bit (or a lot of) needed to do was show this person we
tumblr to make the world go 'round. weren't afraid, and we could stand up for
When I first had the idea for a fanzine, I put it ourselves.
out there, not really believing it would go This Fanzine was created to end the
anywhere. negativity around the fandom.
But here we are. So, it's been a journey, and here we are.
I don't think I could be more excited to release Remember that I love each and every one of
this, and I hope you guys enjoy reading it even you, my door (or ask, whatever) is always
more than I did making it. open.
The fanzine has come a long way from where it So, without further ado...
started. It's been over two months, and through Let the dragoning commence!
those two months, people have been frustrated,
wanting to claw their hair out, or mine,
whichever it may be. Angie Draws
Some of us even dropped out, I know there angies-team.tumblr.com
were moments in which I wanted to do the same.
A Note from the Co-Editor
By: HeatherF (nightfury326)

I just wanted to write how I'm excited to see this magazine come to life.
I've wanted to be a part of a positive fandom project since one of the last
projects I was involved in dissolved.
This has been a journey seeing this go from Angie's idea to a real thing.
Writing and art are things I've always been passionate about, I just never
took it up to the next level until recently.
We've put a lot of energy into creating this fanzine, and it's worth it. I
hope you enjoy the art and fanfiction as much as we do.
So, without further ado, I proudly present- the Race to the Edge
Dagur the Deranged by @nightfury326


07 @faithfulcat111



15 Rita


32 Sophie



21 @Kworking

23 @nightfury326
Username: My username around the web is either faithfulcat111 or starlitwarriors, but you can call me Faith.

Age: I am 19, a sophomore in college.

Favorite Dragon Rider: My favorite dragon rider is Ruffnut

Favorite Berkian: My favorite Berkian would have to be Bucket. He is just so funny!

Favorite Villain: My favorite RTTE villian is Dagur, he was always my favorite villian.

Berk or The Edge: I would personally stay back at Berk. The Edge is cool and all, but college has shown me I
prefer to stay close to home.

Hopes for next season: Im hoping that this next season will have more action with the twins and also group
dynamics. I love seeing each member grow individually and as a group.

Favorite Ship: My favorite ship is always Hiccstrid, although there are several other interesting ones.

Which Dragon would you ride?: I would love to ride a Hobblegrunt. They are so amazing!

How you got into HTTYD/RTTE: As I said, Im a sophomore in college, double-majoring in Architectural
Engineering and Psychology with a minor in Studio Art. I was first introduced to HTTYD right before the second
movie came out when a friend at the place I just started working at asked if I wanted to go see the second with
her when it came out. I admitted I had only heard in passing of the movie and she leant the first one to me and I
fell in love and have been here ever since.

Favorite Quote: This is a really hard one, but Id have to say from the HTTYD book series (the exact book
escapes me) What is within is more important that what is without.
Artist, writer or both? : I am both, but Ive been stuck in such a long writing block, plus those stories tend to be
originals. I love fanart though and a recent drawing class has really helped me improve and really find my style.

See the full

starting on
page 53
A beautiful drawing of Astrid by @rafxsulfuslovestory

Name: Rita

Age: 15

Favorite Dragon Rider: Astrid (but I love them all!)

Favorite Berkian: Gobber

Favorite Rtte Villian: Viggo (I love/hate that guy! Such a good character)

Would you live on the Edge or Berk: Maybe Berk

Hopes for the next season: I would like hiccstrid kiss as the main dish and official
hiccstrid relationship for dessert please.

Predictions: I think the previous answer says it all.

What dragon would you ride?- I would love to ride a night fury, (of course! Who
doesn't?) but with my personality I think I would ride a nadder (??? I guess...) or

How did you get into the HTTYD fandom? - Okay so I got into the HTTYD fandom
on the summer of 2014 (after the 2nd movie) I started watching Riders of Berk on
Cartoon Network and I was loving it, so I went to the amazing tumblr searching for
images of the show (in other words: I fell in this bottomless pit and never came
back). I liked the first movie when it came out, but to be honest (kill me pls), I wasn't
that interested in watching the 2nd movie, (THATS IT! IM GONNA KILL MYSELF)
but after I got into the fandom I wanted to watch it (duh) and I LOVED IT (OF
COURSE I DID!) So thats how everything began... Now basic information, aaaaahh
what can I say?? I'm Portuguese, I'm an art student (10th grade or 1st high school
year, whatever). Do I have to describe myself or something? If I have to, I'll do it via
Favorite Ship- ahah this is a hard one... Maybe "Then I won't speak, just let me
show you" (yes, I'm hiccstrid trash)
Artist? Writer or Both?- an artist
Name: JenniS41digsdragons Age: 35

Favourite Dragon Rider: Hiccup, then maybe Tuffnut

Favourite Berkian: Bucket Favourite Rtte Villain: Viggo Grimborn
Would you live on the edge or Berk? I am not sure if I am cut out
for 10 th Century life, but I would give it a chance.
Hopes for the next seasons of RTTE: More new dragons, Hiccstrid
love confession.
What dragon would you ride? Im not a heights girl. I think Id prefer to
stay on the ground and have a terrible terror. If I had to ride one, a
gronkle would probably be more my speed.
Favourite ship? Hiccstrid

Im a mom who watches a fair bit

of animation. I got into the HTTYD
fandom because someone in the
New Girl Fandom shared a post
with gifs of the Top 10 hottest on
screen kisses and the HTTYD
Hiccstrid kiss was one of them. I
was like, HTTYD was pretty good.
should watch HTTYD 2 and I did
and I fell in love. The story is
fantastic and the animation is
breath taking.

Are you an artist, a writer, or both? Both, or so I like to think.


What Dragon would you ride? I would ride the Typhoomerang

HANDS By Jennis14digsdragons
Art by Jennis41digsdragons
The dragon riders spent the day on the beach, salting and smoking fish to replenish their travel packs and add to their emergency
food stores. The normally laborious task, was eased somewhat by their dragon companions. With their help flushing out fish,
dehydrating salt, and stocking fires, the team was able to do what was normally several weeks work in one hot arduous day.
As the sun went down, the riders found themselves drawn to the fires flame. As if by some primitive instinct, they gathered round
it. The nights meal was cooked and stories were told well into the night.
Eventually, Snotlout and the Twins retired to their huts, leaving only Hiccup, Astrid, Fishlegs, Heather and their dragons at the
make shift hearth.
The four humans sat quietly, listening to the crackle of the fire and the rhythm of the late summer waves breaking gently on the
shore. The smell of smoke and hard work filled the air, but they did not mind as they had become accustomed to it throughout the
On one side of the fire, Hiccup and Astrid shared a beached smoothed, sun bleached log. They sat close enough that a mere gust
of wind could have blown them together but yet they were not quite touching. They alternated between gazing at the stars, the
lapping waves and the couple across the flames.
Heather leaned into Fishlegs. With her chin against his large burly forearm, she looked up at him and smiled. Fishlegs returned her
grin, wrapped his arm around her and pulled her a little closer.
Noticing the gesture, Hiccup and Astrid glanced at each other, just as they had every time they noticed their friends growing
closer and to something beyond friends. Both thinking, that could be us, but neither willing to make the first move out of fear of
compromising the comfort of their friendship.
However, Heather and Fishlegs seemed comfortable enough.
Unable to sit in the same position for long, Hiccup shifted his weight. Doing so, his hand nudged against Astrids. Their pinkies
Rather than pull away, he leaned against the touch, prepared to pretend he didnt notice what he was doing, if the case need be.
Hiccup felt his heart pick up speed.
Astrids breath hitched at the touch. She pressed back.
If he moves his hand, he probably didnt realize they were touching, Astrid thought to herself. If he doesnt
She waited.
Hiccup wiggled his pinky against hers, and peered at her from the corner of his eye.
Noticing he was watching her, Astrid grazed her fingers over his but having second thoughts, and fearing she was reading too
much into this small gesture, she looked away and returned her hand to the smooth grey log.
They sighed in unison. The waves seemed to still. Fishlegs voice broke the silence.
As much as I am enjoying the company, Meatlug needs her beauty rest and we should be off to bed.
May I walk you to your cabin, Heather? Fishlegs asked as he held out his arm for her.
Heather looped her arm around his.
Good night, friends. Its a beautiful night but dont stay up too late, she said though her eyes suggested they do the opposite.
Astrid watched as the couple sauntered off towards the newest hut on the Edge. Hiccup watched Astrid watching them.
Well, Hiccup said
Well, Astrid repeated.
It is late. I suppose it is time we made our way to our huts too, Hiccup yawned more dramatically than necessary.
You can go ahead. Im going to put out the fire, Astrid replied.
Ill help. Hiccup grabbed a nearby bucket and made his way to the sea. He returned with water to douse the flames. The fire
protested with a hiss. Hiccup and Astrid covered the wet coals with sand.
My dad once said, it doesnt matter how well you think you put out a fire. The flames could be hiding beneath the surface, just
waiting to be reignited, Astrid commented.
Sometimes, the coals just need to be stirred up a little, Hiccup replied. There is nothing to catch here on the beach though. I think
we are safe to leave it.
I think so too.

HANDS | 1;
May I walk you to your cabin? See- see- seeing as we are going in the same direction? Hiccup fumbled.
Are you being chivalrous or do you just want my protection from the wild boars, Astrid teased.
Its always nice to have a fearless warrior at your side, in such an event. Boars can be ruthless, Hiccup chuckled as they made
their way up the rocky bank. Its nice to have a fearless warrior at my side at any event really, He said in a more serious tone.
Astrid blushed and bumped him softly with her shoulder.
Where the path narrowed, Hiccup took the lead. He swung his arm behind him and his hand grazed Astrids again.
He slowed his swing and let his hand linger when it made contact with her skin.
At the next swing, Astrid took his hand.
Hiccup was taken somewhat by surprise but he gave her hand a squeeze.
Astrid squeezed back and returned to her place beside him when the path re-widened.
Hiccup spread his fingers, which encouraged her to loop her fingers in his.
And though they had walked the path from the beach to their huts a hundred times or more, with her hand in his, they knew they
were walking into unfamiliar territory and there was no going back.

It was not until they reached Astrids stoop, that Hiccup let go her hand. He turned to face her and ran his fingers through his hair.
Not knowing what to say, he took both of her hands in his.
Astrid flushed and bit her lip.
So what now? Astrid asked coyly.
To be honest, I dont really have a plan. You are the one who took my hand, Hiccup smiled.
What? Astrid asked, stunned. No, you took my hand.
No, I was just swinging my arms and you took my hand.
Astrids face contorted. What? Oh Thors mighty hammer! I thought you took my hand! Im sorry. Im
such an id-
Whoah, Astrid. Astrid, its alright, Hiccup chuckled, Look at me. Hiccup lifted her chin so that it met
his gaze. I didnt let go, did I?
Astrid stared at him.
True, he didnt let go. He didnt let go. What were they doing?
I, I dont have a plan, but I thought maybe, ugh, maybe I could kiss you?
Astrid gave a subtle nod and closed her eyes.
Hiccups gaze dropped to her lips. In a brief moment of hesitation before he kissed her, Hiccup felt like he was being tickled from
the inside out, a feeling exactly like he had when he was about to jump off a cliff or dragon.
Only Toothless wouldnt be able to save him for this one.
He was going to let himself fall any way.
Hiccup planted a gentle kiss on Astrids lips. As he pulled back, her lips followed so he pressed back harder and they shared a long
lingering kiss under the night sky.
A nudge from Toothless reminded them it was time to turn in for the night.
Goodnight, Hiccup, Astrid whispered as she tucked a strand of flaxen hair behind her ear, and gave him a peck on the cheek.
Goodnight, Astrid. Ill kiss, I mean, see you in the morning.
Ill look forward to it.

HANDS | 2;
"They say there are two ways to be fooled.
One is to believe what isn't true, the other is
to refuse to believe what is."
-Viggo Grimborn

see the full piece on the last pages!


Name: Kyra
Favourite Dragon Rider: Hiccup

Favourite Berkian: Gobber Age: 18

Favourite Rtte Villain: Viggo Grimborn Favourite ship? Astrid and Hiccup

Would you live on the edge or Berk? I would deffinitley live on the Edge!

What Dragon would you ride? I would ride the Typhoomerang

Hopes for the next season of RTTE? My hopes for the next season would
be that we learn where Viggo got the scar on his neck, Dagur comes
back, and more Astrid focused episodes.

I got into the HTTYD fandom after my family went to go see the first film
in theaters. We fully expected it to be disappointing, because the trailers
really didnt do it justice. Ever since then, my sibs and I have done fan
theories and I fell in love with all of it. Especially the caricatures.

I am an artist and a writer. I draw mostly. Im learning to paint. Most of what I

make I dont post to Tumblr. I decided to draw myself in full armor, because I
didn't want to show people what I looked like, even if it is just art. I'm on the
Typhoomerang, and I drew my sister, also in full armor, on the Wooly


Age: 25

Favorite Dragon Rider: Hiccup and Toothless

Favorite Berkian: Stoick the Vast

Favorite Villain: Dagur the Deranged

Berk or The Edge?: Probably Berk. It's

quieter there. I don't know how up for
exploring I'd be if I lived in the Dragons

Hopes for next season of RTTE:

I would love to learn more of Dagurs
backstory and what really happened in his
How did you got into HTTYD/RTTE?
Favorite Ship?- Hiccstrid
Ironically enough, my first time watching How to Train Your Dragon,
What Dragon would you ride? was on a plane to London. So technically, if the Barbaric
Archipelago were real, we would have flown over the southern tip of
If they were more common, it. So, I had only watched it once, then didnt give it another thought til 4
Night Furies. years later.

Back in 2014, I went to see Frozen in theaters- the trailer that played
before the movie caught me, because it was the trailer for How to
Train Your Dragon 2. Back then, I thought to myself, that movie looks
Favorite Quote: amazing- I HAVE to see it and everything else related to it!. So by
March 2014, I started playing School of Dragons through Facebook
and got hooked. Within a few months I had watched most of Riders of
Tuffnut Berk and Defenders of Berk, and started writing again. I had just been
in a creative dry spell for a whole year and a half before.
I'm just saying, in the
immortal words of the After watch How to Train Your Dragon 2 multiple times, Ive been in
the fandom for over 2 years now. Ive written some fanfiction and
mighty Thor, "When have been involved in a well known role-play (Battle of the Grounded
Dungeon) with a small fraction of the fandom, I created original
something looks too characters with whom Im writing and worldbuilding to this day with.
perfect, it probably
Race to the Edge is one of my favorites out of the
sucks." Dreamworks/Netflix collaboration. Everything from the music to the
animation itself, to the villains is superb.
Preview - The Untold Story
by: nightfury326
Chapter: Dealing with Wild Dragons

Being on this island for a while has taught me a lot. You see, there was a time when all I cared about was gaining a
night fury, and wreaking havoc all through the archipelago. We all know how that turned out for me, and besides- who
needs it? Especially when there are those dragon hunters out there.

First off, I was introduced to a flock of changewings. Not that I knew they were around me at all.

I wandered around the island, familiarizing myself with my new surroundings. It was a calm day, nice breeze blowing. I
was searching for caves and other places that could serve as hideouts if the dragon hunters ever found their way here.
I sat down, calming my thoughts.
Peace and quiet, no one to bother me.
I felt some cold scales on my arm.
Not so alone.

Preview - Grief
by: nightfury326
Future Chapter
I awoke from another nightmare in a sweat.
Im home, Im hereIm fine.. I stared at the vaulted wood ceiling. I felt exhausted, much more than usual. More
coughs erupted.
Toothless cooed at me, worried.
I know, bud- but I still have a lot of work to do.

I slowly stumbled my way downstairs.

Hiccup, I left some breakfast by the hearth for you.

Thanks Mom. I sat down, as she served the warm stew to me.
Are you..feeling ok? she asked.
Yeah, besides, all Im doing is going to help Gobber with some new saddles today. I coughed.
"Hiccup, that cough hasn't gotten any better." she said.
Mom, Im fine. I protested, I had work to do.
Hiccup, please, take a break.
No, I have to go.
But, Hiccup
As I went to leave, Toothless stood in front of me, blocking my way out.
Aw, Toothless, really?
He growled at me in objection.
Im still going. I found the energy to jump past him and go to Gobbers shop.
Do you have to follow me like that? I snapped at him, Fine. I gave up.
Tough Night
by: nightfury326
Setting: Night of the Hunters- Part 1

The cold waves got higher around her, as the storm began to strengthen. Astrid clung onto the wood, as best she
could, her arms growing weary from the hours stuck at sea.
Oh no, The rain began to pour.
Toothless and I searched and searched. The worry in me was skyrocketing. Hours and hours had passed
Still nothing. I told Toothless.
Finally, I spotted her. The water overtook her as she started to sink.
Toothless, dive! I swam, in with Toothless and grabbed her.
We were out of the water, as I looked at Astrid in concern.
Astrid! Astrid! I held her in his arms.
What took you so long? she opened her eyes for a moment in relief.
Astrid lay limp in my arms, her head resting on my shoulder. Toothless and I rushed back to the Edge.
Her skin was ashen and cold from having been in the frigid water for so long.
We rode in silence, rushing back. The rain still pouring down over us.
We finally landed in front of her hut, as I hastily took her inside. I lay her on the bed.
She moaned, I removed her pauldrons from her shoulders.
Hang in there, Astrid.
Toothless started a fire in the hearth.
Thanks bud. He sat with me as we waited for the others to arrive.

Ruffnut and Tuffnut Thorston rode side by side, the storm blowing in their face, the ocean under them.
Left! Tuffnut said, No your left!
But I was going right!
We didnt find her yet, lets keep going! Ruffnut yelled over the wind.
If Hiccup doesnt find her, Id hate to think.. Tuffnut said.
Well, dont think it, so it wont happen.
You know, I hope youre right sis.
How many times have I been wrong?
I dont know. Im soo wet that I could be friends with a scauldron.
Ruffnut crossed her arms, You know, one of us has done that.
More time passed.
He either found her already or
Lets go back home.

Come on, Hookfang- we need to find her- our lives depend on it. Snotlout told his Monsterous Nightmare.
Hookfang nodded in response.
Its been hours, and we keep on coming up empty. Snotlout said, This cant be happening. If we dont find Astrid
soon, and no one else has, Hiccup will kill me.
"Hiccup, we've looked all over and we..." I looked up to see Ruff and Tuff enter the room. "Oh no.." Tuffnut
frowned. This isnt what I think it is- right?
Ruffnut stared, tiredness on her face.
"She was offshore from the south of here " I said, " she nearly drowned."
"Hiccup, we're sorry. We looked all over
"We are so sorry. Ruffnut said.
Go get some rest, Ill stay with her.

Snotlout landed in front of the main hut.

You two are back already? he asked the twins.
Yeah, Astrids here, Hiccup found her.
Thank the gods! Now I can get some sleep and get warm.
Look, she nearly drowned, Ruffnut said.
Oh no, Snotlout said, disappointment in his voice. Oh my Thor.

Fishlegs and Meatlug flew over the waves, the storm churning above them.
Come on girl, we can find her, I know we can.
They flew a while longer.
You know Meatlug, I hope Hiccup found her.
The gronkle nodded in response.

Hiccup. Fishlegs walked into the hut, Is she going to be okay? It looks like exhaustion, he observe
I hope so, she nearly drowned. She couldve been in the water for hours I said.
What couldve happened to Stormfly?
I dont know, but it cant be good.
Do you think it couldve been Dagur?
I think so, but we wont know until she wakes up. I said.
Hiccup, if you need anything, you know where to find me.
Thanks Fishlegs.
I checked her forehead, as the rest of her body shivered under the covers.
"It's a fever, bud." I said, Toothless staring back at me.

Hours passed, as the night wore on. She started shivering,

Stormfly! Stormfly! she cried out in her restless fevered sleep.

There was no way I was going to leave her side. The night seemed to wear on forever.
Toothless yawned, stretching out in exhaustion.
You can go to sleep bud, Ill stay with her.
Toothless nodded in agreement, curling up near the hearth. I couldnt sleep- Astrid is too important to me. If
anything worse had happened to her, I dont know what Id do with myself.
Astrid continued to moan, occasionally calling out for Stormfly- the fever not loosening its grip.
Please, Astrid, stay with me. I pleaded, hoping her fever would break.

I stepped outside for some air. All I could do was pray to the gods that she was going to pull through this.

I walked back inside, checking her forehead again. The fever was just starting to subside. Thank Thor.

I sat against Toothless and decided to rest. Whatever happened to her and Stormfly we wont know until Next thing
I knew it was morning.

Toothless nuzzled me awake, the light pouring into the windows.

She still asleep, bud? I asked, petting his dark scales.
Toothless nodded.
She moaned in her sleep, the paleness having left her face long ago.

The rest of the riders began to show up.

Hiccup, I brought you some fish for breakfast. Fishlegs walked into the hut, and I made some broth for Astrid.
She looks like shes getting better. Fishlegs said.
I hope so.
The fevers gone. Fishlegs checked her forehead.
Thank Thor.
Im guessing from the exhaustion, she might be asleep til maybe, midday?
I dont know, I just want to know how she got there and what happened to Stormfly.

How is she? Snotlout said, freaking out.

Shell be fine.
Good because , you know how much she likes me. Snotlout said.
We know. I said.
Is the long night over? Tuffnut said.
It sure looks like it, Ruffnut said.
Shes still asleep. I said.
How are we going to find out what happened when shes still sleeping? Ruffnut asked.
I dont know sis, maybe we could re-enact the whole thing! Explosions and all! Tuffnut said, gesturing his arms like
a blast.
No ones re-enacting anything, were just going to find out what happened when she wakes up. I said.
Aw, that takes the excitement out of it, Tuffnut said.

We sat around her bed, waiting for her to wake up.

Stormfly! she awoke, shocked.
Hey, its okay, its okay, just try to relax, you had a tough night. I said.
No, no, no, you dont understand. They were all in cages. They have Stormfly.
Whoa whoa whoa whoa. Wait, slow down. Cages? What are you talking about? What happened out there?
She stared back at me, Dragon hunters.
Tuffnut and Chicken by @nightfury326
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The Deathsong's ULTIMATE

you can listen to the whole playlist here:

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