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Refraction PHY13L E404

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GUIDE QUESTIONS Answer in complete sentences.

1. Choose from the following possibilities: (a) yes; water (b) no; water (c) yes; air (d) no; air. Can light undergo total internal reflection
at a smooth interface between air and water? If so, in which medium must it be traveling originally?

2. Draw FIVE (5) rays from the object () to the interface (as shown). Sketch the refracted rays from the boundary based on the
relationship of n1 and n2. Assume the critical angle as 45.0


n2 < n1

PROBLEM SOLVING Solve the problem below in the given space below. Use the back of this page if you need more space.

A slab of glass with index of refraction of 1.50 of submerged in water with index of refraction of 1.33. Light is incident on the glass.
(a) Find the angle of refraction if the angel of incidence is 60.0.
(b) Calculate the critical angle.

Ernest P. Macalalad, Ph.D.

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