Evaluation and Management of Thermal Burns: Emergency Medicine Board Review Manual

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Emergency Medicine Board Review Manual

Statement of
Editorial Purpose
Evaluation and Management of
The Hospital Physician Emergency Medicine
Board Review Manual is a peer-reviewed Thermal Burns
study guide for residents and practicing phy
sicians preparing for board examinations in Editor:
emergency medicine. Each manual reviews Susan B. Promes, MD, FACEP
a topic essential to the current practice of
emergency medicine. Associate Professor, Division of Emergency Medicine, Department
of Surgery, Director, Emergency Medicine Residency Program, Duke
University School of Medicine, Durham, NC
Bruce M. White Contributors:
editorial director
Debra Dreger
John J. Villani, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor, Division of Emergency Medicine, Duke University
Robert Litchkofski School of Medicine, Durham, NC
associate EDITOR
Justin Zanone, MD
Rita E. Gould
Resident, Division of Emergency Medicine, Duke University School of
EDITORial assistant
Farrawh Charles Medicine, Durham, NC
executive vice president
Barbara T. White
executive director
of operations
Jean M. Gaul
Suzanne S. Banish Table of Contents
Kathryn K. Johnson Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Patricia Payne Castle Burn Severity and Physiology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
sales & marketing manager
Management of Life-Threatening Burns. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Deborah D. Chavis
Management of Less Severe Burns. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
This publication has been developed with-
Conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
out involvement of or review by the Amer
Suggested Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
ican Board of Emergency Medicine.
References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Endorsed by the
Association for Hospital
Medical Education Cover Illustration by Kathryn K. Johnson
Copyright 2007, Turner White Communications, Inc., Strafford Avenue, Suite 220, Wayne, PA 19087-3391, www.turner-white.com. All rights reserved. No part of
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www.turner-white.com Emergency Medicine Volume 9, Part 4 


Evaluation and Management of

Thermal Burns
John J. Villani, MD, PhD, and Justin Zanone, MD


Thermal burns are a frequent presenting complaint

in US emergency departments (EDs). The National PHYSICAL PROPERTIES AFFECTING BURN SEVERITY
Center for Injury Prevention and Control (NCIPC) Burns are caused by heat transfer to the skin. In gen-
estimated that there were 467,929 ED visits for burns eral, the physical properties of the substance causing the
in 2003.1 Of these patients, 441,655 were treated and burn will determine its severity. Although temperature
released and 19,899 were admitted or transferred. and duration of contact time with heat sources are impor-
The NCIPC also estimated that there were 3875 burn tant factors in determining the severity of the resulting
deaths in the United States in 2003. Approximately burns, physical parameters such as heat capacitance and
55% of those who presented to the ED due to burns heat conductance are also critical. For example, the burn
were males, and 68% of the burns requiring hospital caused by superheated steam at a given temperature is
admission or transfer were suffered by males. The inci- typically much worse than a burn caused by superheated
dence of burns prompting ED visits is bimodal, with a air at the same temperature because the heat capacitance
peak at ages 1 to 4 years and a second peak at ages 25 of water is much greater than that of air. Likewise, contact
to 34 years.1 with a rapid and efficient conductor of heat (eg, metal)
Most burns are caused by fire/flame (46.0%), scalds will cause a relatively more severe burn in a shorter pe-
(32.5%), or contact with hot objects (8.1%). Scalds are riod of time than a poor conductor of heat.
the primary cause of burns in the very young, account-
ing for 65.5% of burns requiring burn center referral BURN ZONES
in the neonate to 4.9 years age-group. Fire/flame Tissue damage from a thermal burn decreases as the
burns are the primary cause of burns for all other age- distance (in both depth and surface distance) from the
groups.2 core of the burn increases, with necrotic tissue in the
Burn severity seen in the ED ranges from widespread superficial and central portions of the burn giving way
full-thickness burns that lead to life-threatening airway to progressively less damaged tissue with a higher likeli-
compromise and hemodynamic collapse to small-area hood of tissue survival. Although the relationship be-
superficial burns that require only reassurance and dis tween distance and burn severity is continuous, severe
charge. Complex decisions must be made by the ED burns are often divided conceptually into 3 zones
physician, including when and how to invasively manage based on long-term tissue viability. The zone of coagula-
a burn patients airway; when to transfer a burn patient tion shows the greatest tissue damage and contains only
to a regional burn center; how to begin optimal fluid dead tissue. The zone of stasis is adjacent to the dead tis-
rehydration and manage electrolytes; how to minimize sue and is an area of potential injury. In this zone, cells
compartment syndrome and infection; and how to dress are damaged and show increased permeability leading
burn wounds to minimize pain, fluid loss, and subse- to edema as well as decreased perfusion and reversible
quent scarring or infection. Optimal ED management ischemia. The tissues in the zone of stasis can survive
of severe burns takes into consideration the dynamic na- if appropriate and timely treatment is initiated. The
ture of skin and systemic burn physiology and anticipates zone of hyperemia is the outermost burn zone. Tissue in
life-threatening complications before they occur. This ar- this zone receives adequate blood flow and will survive
ticle reviews the approach to emergency care of thermal unless there is secondary insult, such as infection or
burns, with an emphasis on burn management issues. profound systemic shock.3

 Hospital Physician Board Review Manual

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Emergency Medicine
Evaluation and Management of Thermal Burns

BURN SEVERITY CLASSIFICATION Table 1. Clinical Characteristics of Superficial Versus Deep

Burns are classified as first, second, or third degree, Dermal Burns
depending on the depth of tissue damage. Recently,
Superficial Partial Deep Partial
the more descriptive terms superficial burns, partial Characteristic Thickness Burns Thickness Burns
thickness burns, and full thickness burns have come
Blisters Yes Yes
into favor and are often used instead of first-, second-,
Anatomic depth Papillary dermis Reticular dermis
and third-degree classification, respectively. In almost
Early analgesia No Yes
all cases of severe burns, the burned patient will have
Color Pink Ivory, white, mottled
a combination of full thickness and partial thickness
Capillary refill Yes No
burns, typically with more severe full thickness burns
surrounded by areas of progressively less severe partial Reepithelialization < 21 days > 21 days
thickness burns.
Hypertrophic scar Rare Frequent
Superficial burns are limited to the epidermis and
Wound contraction Minimal Potentially significant
result in no significant tissue damage. These burns
are typically bright red and can be quite painful. Al- Adapted from Monafo WW, Bessey PQ. Wound care. In: Herndon D,
though superficial burns typically heal quickly and editor. Total burn care. 2nd edition. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 2002.
Copyright 2002, with permission from Elsevier.
have no long-term sequelae, the pain associated with
widespread superficial burns can be exquisite, and pain
control may be a significant short-term challenge.
Partial thickness burns (often called dermal or chance for a systemic inflammatory response. In severe
second-degree burns) extend into the dermis without cases, this leads to profound shock and the systemic
complete destruction of the dermis. Partial thickness inflammatory response syndrome. As will be discussed
burns are often further characterized as superficial below, a primary role of the ED physician is to recognize
or deep (Table 1). This distinction is important when and appropriately treat burn shock.
educating patients about their injuries because the
length of the healing process and severity of scarring
increase with the depth of the partial thickness burn. As MANAGEMENT OF LIFE-THREATENING BURNS
dermal burns increase in depth, more of the cells that
allow the skin to reepithelialize and heal are destroyed. When managing major burns, the ED physician
Superficial partial thickness burns should heal within should generally follow initial trauma management
21 days and leave a minimal scar, whereas deep partial guidelines specified by the American College of Sur-
thickness burns take longer than 21 days to heal and geons Advanced Trauma Life Support principles.5 Due
often lead to substantial scarring.4 to the unique local and systemic pathophysiology of
Full thickness (third-degree) burns are defined by major burns, there are additional clinical presentations
destruction of the entire epidermis and dermis, includ- and management considerations that every ED physi-
ing skin accessory components such as hair follicles and cian must know. ED physicians must understand burn
sweat glands. Full thickness burns may appear black airway management, fluid resuscitation, pulmonary
and charred or may be dull and dusky in appearance injury, smoke/toxic inhalation, and initial burn wound
with a firm, leathery texture. The skin does not blanch care. In addition, ED physicians must be prepared to
with pressure, and the patient feels no sensation in treat any traumatic injury that the patient may have suf-
areas with full thickness burn. Because the dermis is fered in addition to his/her burn injuries. For example,
completely destroyed, the skins ability to regenerate is if the patient is unable to provide a history and there is
lost. Thus, full thickness burns require skin grafting or a possibility that the burn patient fell, then the patient
other operative management to heal. should be placed in a cervical collar and be treated as
a potentially injured trauma patient as well. Lastly, ED
physiologic effects of severe burns physicians must be vigilant about assessing the cause
The physiologic effects of both full thickness and of all burns regardless of their severity, especially in
more severe partial thickness burns are not limited to young children. If abuse by caregivers is suspected,
local tissue damage. Burned cells release a multitude the physician has the responsibility to alert appropri-
of inflammatory mediators that can lead to a systemic ate government protective services agencies and not
inflammatory response. The larger the burned area, discharge a patient whose burns are possibly the result
the more mediators are released, thus increasing the of nonaccidental trauma. Burns that are suspicious for

 Hospital Physician Board Review Manual www.turner-white.com

Evaluation and Management of Thermal Burns

nonaccidental trauma include the following: (1) burns mise, cyanosis, deep and extensive burns to the face or
with obvious patterns from cigarettes, lighters, irons, or neck, or carbonaceous sputum production should be
other common hot objects; (2) scald burns to the soles, intubated immediately.8 In patients with suspected air-
palms, genitalia, buttocks, or perineum; (3) symmetric way compromise, some experts recommend that the ED
scald burns of uniform depth; (4) burns with associated physician examine the airway for edema or other worri-
upper limb restraint injuries; and (5) burns with other some signs with rapid direct laryngoscopy using a topi-
signs of nonaccidental trauma.3 cal anesthetic, with intubation indicated for any signs
of airway burn, inflammation, or edema.9 Also, patients
AIRWAY exposed to heat in an enclosed space (eg, a house fire)
Physiology should be treated with a high level of suspicion regard-
As with every trauma patient evaluated in the ED, less of the severity of skin burns, as trapped, superheated
initial assessment and management should begin with air in enclosed areas often injures the upper airway with
the airway. This step is especially challenging in burn little or no evidence of direct burn injury to the skin.
victims because the degree of potential airway com-
promise may not be obviously related to the extent of Paralytic Agents
observable skin damage from the burn. Airway obstruc- The choice of paralytic agents for rapid sequence
tion results from direct thermal damage (ie, the burn) intubation of burn victims is somewhat controversial.
and hot gas inhalation as well as subsequent severe air- Succinylcholine is a depolarizing muscle relaxant fre-
way inflammation/edema. In the early stages of burn quently used in the ED, typically for procedures such
injury, airway edema is dynamic. Hence, a burn patient as intubation, due to its fast onset and short duration
initially presenting with a patent airway may still be at of action. Administration of succinylcholine causes
significant risk of airway compromise during the hours serum potassium levels to rise, which can lead to hyper-
following the initial insult. As such, the ED physician kalemia and ultimately cardiac arrest in some patients.
needs to have a high level of suspicion for potential air- Succinylcholine achieves muscle paralysis by mimicking
way compromise and a low threshold for initiating inva- the effects of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors at the
sive airway management of burn patients before airway neuromuscular junction, specifically by depolarizing
compromise develops. Attempting endotracheal intuba- the muscle membrane. As with all deep tissue traumas,
tion after airway edema has progressed may lead to an severe burns result in increased synthesis of acetylcho-
immediately life-threatening situation in which the burn line receptors. In trauma patients, the acetylcholine
patient can neither be intubated nor ventilated, thus receptors are not confined to the portion of the muscle
requiring an emergent surgical airway. Airway edema, cell membrane composing the motor end plate as
however, is not the only etiology of airway compromise usual but are spread across the entire muscle cell mem-
in the severely burned patient. Deep circumferential brane. When succinylcholine is administered, excessive
neck burns may cause external compression on the quantities of intracellular potassium may be released
patients airway either through edema or reduced skin into the vascular space, thereby leading to hyperka-
compliance. In this situation, neck escharotomy in lemia in some patients. However, this hyperkalemic
which an incision is made through the burned tissues, response depends on the proliferation of acetylcholine
performed in the ED may be indicated.6 receptors, which can take days or weeks to occur. Thus,
succinylcholine is viewed as safe as a rapid sequence
Assessment intubation paralytic in the acute burn setting. However,
Direct assessment of the burn patients airway can be succinylcholine should be used with increasing caution
very difficult. Although physical examination findings 24 hours after the initial burn; the use of a short-acting
(eg, hoarseness, stridor, cyanosis, respiratory distress) nondepolarizing paralytic agent is recommended after
are easily assessed and should prompt immediate in- this point.10
tubation, they only occur when airway edema has pro-
gressed significantly. Thus, waiting for these findings to BREATHING
appear before securing the burn patients airway puts Airway compromise is an early, life-threatening pre-
that patient at risk. A review of the literature on burn air- sentation of major burns. However, airway compromise
way management performed by Cancio7 did not reveal is an uncommon cause of fire-related deaths. The
any well-validated guidelines for deciding when a burn vast majority (~80%) of fire-related deaths are due to
patient should be intubated. However, expert consensus smoke/toxin inhalation.11 The ED physician must be
dictates that patients with stridor, respiratory compro- prepared to recognize and intervene on breathing

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Evaluation and Management of Thermal Burns

complications of major burns, including direct thermal severe symptoms should prompt consultation with a
and chemical damage to small airways and alveoli, hyperbaric center.12,14
systemic implications of specific toxic inhalations, and Other toxic inhalants with systemic effect. Of the
direct mechanical breathing difficulties associated with toxins besides carbon monoxide that have specific sys-
circumferential torso burns. temic pathophysiologic effects and specific antidotes,
hydrogen cyanide is the most important. It is formed
Thermal and Chemical Damage through the combustion of nitrogen-containing poly-
Direct thermal damage to the lungs and lower airway mers found in some plastics. Inhalation of hydrogen
is rare. Air does not hold heat well and the tissues of the cyanide can cause cyanide toxicity. Although this is an
oropharynx dissipate heat effectively. Thermal injury to inhalation, its effect is noticed most as resistant lactic
airways has been reported in cases of superheated steam acidosis and persistent tachycardia with hypotension
or hot particle inhalation, as these substances have high despite adequate fluid resuscitation and, thus, is dis-
heat capacitance.12 Direct chemical damage to airways cussed in the section on circulation. Finally, many gases
and alveoli is much more common and results in both that would not ordinarily be considered toxins (eg,
immediate and delayed effects. Immediate effects in- carbon dioxide, methane, nitrogen) can lead to simple
clude direct damage to airway epithelium, followed by asphyxiation and hypoxic injury if inhaled in large
the development of edema and protein exudates that concentrations in enclosed spaces. The treatment for
can trigger bronchospasm. Delayed effects include the inhalations of simple asphyxiants is supportive oxygen
development of tough fibrin casts that may completely by face mask or mechanical ventilation, but any tissue
occlude both large and small air passages.12 This dy- damage is likely to be irreversible.12
namic sequence of change occurs over the first 24 hours
after the burn, well within the time period when the ED Circumferential Torso Burns
physician may be the first physician available to treat the Circumferential torso burns are a third major cause
patient. The ED physician can do little to prevent these of breathing difficulties in the severely burned patient.
problems, but a high level of suspicion when the burn Full thickness burns cause tissue to shrink and signifi-
history is consistent with this type of injury will help avoid cantly decrease skin compliance. Circumferential full
a potentially catastrophic result. Arterial blood gas analy- thickness burns on any part of the body can lead to
sis can be helpful in assessing deficiencies in ventilation morbidity and mortality: they can cause compartment
and oxygen exchange.12,13 However, clinical suspicion is syndrome and distal vascular insufficiency on extremi-
of paramount importance. As with airway management, ties or they can cause airway obstruction on the neck.
early intubation of high-risk burns is critical. If such burns occur on the torso, they can significantly
decrease chest wall compliance, leading to respira-
Inhalations of Toxins with Systemic Effects tory compromise due to external constriction from the
Carbon monoxide. Combustion of hydrocarbon- patients burned skin. In such cases, endotracheal intu-
containing materials inevitably results in the formation bation and positive-pressure ventilation are indicated,
of carbon monoxide. When inhaled, carbon monoxide but these interventions may not be sufficient. In cases
binds strongly with hemoglobin, thus preventing he- where positive-pressure ventilation is failing, emergent
moglobin from binding with oxygen. Any patient with torso escharotomy is indicated.6 Escharotomy can re-
prolonged exposure to fire in an enclosed area, regard- lease the constriction resulting from circumferential
less of the extent of skin burns, should be presumed to burns. Although escharotomy is typically performed by
have carbon monoxide toxicity until proven otherwise. a surgeon, an ED physician may need to perform this
Patients with carbon monoxide toxicity may present to procedure in life- or limb-threatening cases of circum
the ED with headache, altered mental status, psychosis, ferential burn. A torso escharotomy is performed
or coma. In the field, all burn patients should be placed using a scalpel or electrocautery to cut 3 long incisions
on 100% oxygen by face mask, as the half-life of the through the tough eschar but not deep into the subcu-
carbon monoxidehemoglobin bond is 40 to 60 min- taneous tissues. One incision should be made in each
utes if the patient is breathing 100% oxygen versus a of the mid axillary lines and a third should connect the
half-life 250 minutes on room air. On arrival in the ED, first 2 incisions along the costal margin (Figure 1).6
an arterial blood gas analysis with co-oximetry should
be obtained to determine carbon monoxide levels. Car- CIRCULATION
bon monoxide levels greater than 25% or any elevated Fluid loss, profound hypovolemic shock, life-
carbon monoxide level accompanied by moderate to threatening electrolyte abnormalities, and other

 Hospital Physician Board Review Manual www.turner-white.com

Evaluation and Management of Thermal Burns

of these inflammatory pathways, very aggressive fluid

resuscitation is the only therapy accepted to prevent
or blunt the development of burn shock.16 The ED
physician typically treats burn patients during the initial
24- to 48- hour period after the burn, which is the period
of maximum effective hypovolemia and consequently
the period of critical fluid management. Administering
insufficient quantities of fluids or administering fluids
too slowly leads to progressive cell death. However,
excessive quantities of fluid or fluid administered too
rapidly will worsen edema and its consequences.
There are several fluid replacement formulas for
burn victims that should be familiar to most ED phy-
sicians. These include the Parkland formula, which
specifies 4 mL/kg of fluid per percentage of TBSA
burned over the first 24 hours after the burn, with half
of this total given over the first 8 hours following the
burn. The modified Brooke formula recommends ad-
ministering 2 mL/kg of fluid per percentage of TBSA
in adults and 3 mL/kg of fluid per percentage of TBSA
Figure 1. Common escharotomy sites. (Reprinted from Davis JH.
in children during the first 24 hours.17 Significant inhal
Clinical Surgery, St. Louis: CV Mosbys; 1987. Copyright 1987, ation injury may double this fluid requirement, as fluid
with permission from Elsevier.) loss from damaged lung tissue may be massive.7
Although these formulas are useful as guides, all
burns are unique and thus an outcome-based fluid re-
manifestations of massive systemic inflammatory me- suscitation technique is also recommended, with urine
diator release are the hallmarks of major burns. The output carefully monitored and maintained between
ED physician plays an important role in the early man- 0.5 to 1.0 mL/kg per percentage of TBSA in adults and
agement of major burn patients, as initiating early and 1.0 to 1.5 mL/kg per percentage of TBSA in children.17
aggressive fluid resuscitation is critical to the survival of Most experts recommend lactated Ringers solution as
these patients. the crystalloid of choice for the first 24 hours. Other
A major burn triggers both local and systemic in- more complicated fluid regiments have been tested but
flammatory responses. In the area of the burn, direct have not proven to be significantly better than lactated
damage to tissues produces an immediate inflammatory Ringers solution.16
response, with loss of cell membrane integrity leading to As noted earlier, hydrogen cyanide effects the circu-
gross local edema that is further enhanced by inflamma- latory system in the form of profound, refractory shock.
tory mediators released by the burned tissue. Initially, The pathophysiology of cyanide toxicity is well-known
the effects of these inflammatory mediators are local, to ED physicians, with inhibition of cellular aerobic
but, a systemic inflammatory response may occur as metabolism through inhibition of cytochrome oxidase,
these vasoactive chemicals are released into the circu- leading to tissue death and profound lactic acidosis
lation, leading to altered vascular endothelial perme- and eventual cardiovascular collapse. In a major burn
ability and massive third spacing of fluid. One estimate patient, an initial arterial blood gas level that shows
suggests that when deep burn injury is greater than 25% severe lactic acidosis along with initial vital signs that
of total body surface area (TBSA), the systemic inflam- show tachycardia and hypotension are most likely due
matory response is strong enough to cause generalized to severe hypovolemic shock. If these parameters show
edema of uninjured tissues. An untreated burn greater no improvement despite very aggressive fluid resuscita-
than 33% of TBSA invariably leads to burn shock, the tion, the ED physician must consider cyanide toxicity.
end result of which is decreased intravascular volume, For such a critically ill patient, there is little to lose in
increased systemic vascular resistance, decreased cardiac presumptively treating this disorder with the standard
output, end-organ ischemia, and metabolic acidosis.15 regimen of amyl nitrite and sodium thiosulfate.9 How-
Although much of the current burn research is ever, if concomitant carbon monoxide toxicity is also
focused on targeted therapies to dampen the effects present (as is often the case), amyl nitrite is relatively

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Evaluation and Management of Thermal Burns

contraindicated because its mechanism of action in- A A

volves the formation of methemoglobin, which may 31/2% 31/2%
further reduce the oxygen carrying capacity of the
1% 1%

DISABILITY 2% 2% 2% 2%

After the burn patients airway and breathing issues 13% 13%
have been addressed, appropriate vascular access with 2
1 /2%
1 1 /2%
1 1 /2%
1 11/2%
large-bore intravenous (IV) lines has been obtained, and
aggressive fluid resuscitation has begun, the ED physician
should turn to an evaluation of the patients burns and 1% 21/2% 21/2%
any other traumatic injuries, if present. Burn evaluation
43/4% 43/4% 43/4% 43/4%
in the ED is primarily descriptive, requiring a relatively 11/2% 11/2% 11/2% 11/2%
rapid assessment of the percentage of TBSA covered by B B B B
full thickness, partial thickness, and, to a lesser extent, su- C C C C
perficial burns. Accurate evaluation is important, given
that the extent and severity of burns dictate fluid resusci- 31/2% 31/2% 31/2% 31/2%
tation in the first 24 hours and whether the patient meets
criteria for transfer to a burn center.
13/4% 13/4% 13/4% 13/4%
Burn Severity Assessment
The ED physician should examine the completely Modifications for Pediatric Patients
undressed patient, taking careful note of the location, Age (yr)
degree, and extent of burned skin. Assessment of TBSA Body part (% TBSA) 01 24 59 1014 Adult
burned can be done rapidly and with reasonable ac- Half of head (A) 9.5 8.5 6.5 5.5 3.5
curacy using the rule of nines. For adults, each arm Half of thigh (B) 2.75 3.25 4 4.25 4.75
and the head and neck constitute approximately 9% Half of leg (C) 2.5 2.5 2.75 3 3.5
TBSA; the front of the torso, the back of the torso, and
Figure 2. Lund and Browder chart for estimating total body
each leg are approximately 18% TBSA. The remaining surface area (TBSA) of burned skin.
1% is reserved for the neck in some references or the
perineum in others.18 The ED physician considers each
of these body areas separately and estimates the frac- perspective, however, the fine distinction between severe
tion of that body area burned, taking note of partial partial thickness burns and mild full thickness burns is
thickness and full thickness burns. Another useful rule not particularly important, as burns of either type are
of thumb is that the size of a patients hand is approxi- indications for referral to a regional burn center for
mately 1% of that patients TBSA. Modifications to any intensive specialist management. Burns in vital areas,
of these rules of thumb must be made for assessment such as the face, neck, and perineum, should be evalu-
of burns in small children given their body part propor- ated and documented with particular care. Any patient
tions, with head surface area a greater fraction of TBSA with a face burn should have an eye examination that
and leg surface area a smaller fraction of TBSA the includes fluorescein staining and ultraviolet light ex-
younger the child.18 Some EDs have a chart such as the amination to detect corneal burns.19
one in Figure 2 that can help the ED physician make a After the burn location, extent, and severity are
more accurate assessment of TBSA burned. assessed, the ED physician should determine whether
Categorizing burns as either partial thickness or any of the deep partial thickness or full thickness burns
full thickness is not always easy, as burn severity is a are circumferential, that is, whether the burn encircles
continuum. Although dusky, non-blanching leathery an extremity, digit, neck, chest, or the abdomen. Cir-
skin is clearly full thickness and blistered, weeping, cumferential burns, either through edema or through
bright red blanching burns are clearly partial thickness, reduced skin compliance, can increase the pressure on
many burns lie between these. Burn specialists have vital structures within the tissues. As described above,
developed many techniques for assessing burn severity, mechanical constriction of breathing can occur when
generally focused on assessing whether perfusion to the torso is circumferentially burned. If the abdomen is
the burned area is intact. From an emergency medicine circumferentially burned, an abdominal compartment

 Hospital Physician Board Review Manual www.turner-white.com

Evaluation and Management of Thermal Burns

syndrome may result. If the neck is circumferentially or circulatory compromise obviously require transfer
burned, airway compromise may result. If digits or to a specialty care burn center. Of course, many severe
limbs are circumferentially burned, a compartment syn burns lie in between these extremes and the decision
drome may occur with distal limb or digit ischemia. All whether to transfer or refer patients to a regional burn
severe circumferential burns should be noted. Pulses center can be complex. The American College of Sur
should be checked by Doppler ultrasonography distal geons provides guidelines for transferring patients to
to any limb circumferential burns. If there is concern a regional burn center (Table 2).21 All burn centers
for compartment syndrome due to circumferential will have an on-call physician who can be consulted to
burn, escharotomy should be performed, by the ED discuss transfer and referral issues.
physician if necessary (Figure 1).6,20


After the ABCDs of trauma are completed as de-
scribed above and after any potentially life- or limb-saving Although all ED physicians must understand how
escharotomies are performed, the burn wounds should to manage life-threatening burns, most thermal burns
be dressed first with a clean, dry sheet. This procedure are not life threatening and patients can be treated
helps with pain control and protects the exposed burn. and safely discharged from the ED. The main issues
Laboratory studies should be reviewed to assess degree confronting ED physicians in the management of less
of shock, address possible electrolyte abnormalities, and severe burns are (1) how to manage skin damage as-
monitor for signs of cyanide toxicity. Jewelry should be sociated with partial thickness burns, (2) how to dress
removed. Pain management should be a priority at this wounds to minimize pain and the likelihood of infec-
point and narcotics are typically used to achieve pain tion, and (3) when to transfer or refer patients to a
control. A Foley catheter and a nasogastric tube (if in- regional burn center.
dicated) should be placed. Tetanus boosters should be
updated if indicated. Prophylactic systemic antibiotics AIRWAY AND BREATHING COMPLICATIONS
are generally not recommended. Fluid resuscitation de- Airway compromise may still be a feature of less se-
cisions can be refined. The patient should be carefully vere burns. Extensive partial thickness burns to the face
monitored at all times until final disposition.16 and neck, while not life-threatening, may signal inhala-
tion of hot gases and resulting airway edema or lung
DISPOSITION of SEVERE BURNS damage. Likewise, fires in enclosed areas may result in
In the United States and Canada, the resources only mild burns, but toxic inhalation still may have oc-
required for appropriate long-term treatment of major curred and might be missed by a less than vigilant ED
burns are concentrated into approximately 150 re- physician. If there is concern for these complications,
gional burn centers. These burn centers are subject to further work-up and a period of ED observation are
stringent accreditation requirements, including appro- warranted.
priate staffing, equipment, and other resources. They
are centers both for clinical care and for burn manage- WOUND MANAGEMENT
ment research. The ED physician needs to be familiar Dbridement
with the local burn centers as well as their procedures Partial thickness burns often present with large areas
for inpatient transfer and referral for follow-up care. of blistering and denuded skin, which can serve as a
Of course, not all patients with burns require care at a portal of entry for bacteria. Therefore, the patients
burn center, and the ED physician should understand tetanus status should be ascertained and updated if
the established criteria for burn center referral. necessary. Regardless of whether the patient is slated
Once the patient has been stabilized, transfer to for admission, transfer, or discharge, the ED physician
a regional burn center is almost always indicated for must make decisions about dbridement and wound
severe burns. Most partial thickness thermal burns cov- dressing. There have not been extensive randomized
ering less than 10% of TBSA can be treated by the ED controlled trials of varying techniques of partial thick-
physician and discharged to home with follow-up by the ness burn management. Common practice suggests
patients primary physician, or, in the case of patients that the loose skin partially covering ruptured blisters
without a primary physician, in the ED or urgent care should be dbrided in the ED. However, the manage-
setting for follow-up in 3 to 4 days.21,22 Conversely, the ment of intact blisters is more controversial. In general,
most severe burns and burns that lead to respiratory most experts recommend that very thin-roofed and

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Evaluation and Management of Thermal Burns

intact blisters should be dbrided in the ED and that Table 2. American College of Surgeons Guidelines for
blisters with a thick roof should be left intact. Regard- Patient Transfer to a Regional Burn Center
less, all but the most minor intact blisters should be Partial thickness (2 degree) burns > 10% TBSA
reevaluated after 2 to 3 days, either by the patients Full thickness (3 degree) burns in any age-group
primary physician or in the ED for less severe and less
Burns to the face, hands, feet, genitalia or major joints
extensive burns, or at a regional burn center for more
Electrical, chemical, or inhalation burns
significant burns, as intact blister fluid can be colonized
Patients with preexisting medical disorders compromising outcome
by bacteria and lead to infection.23
Patients with burns and concomitant trauma in which the burn injury
Wound Dressing poses the greatest risk to the patient
Patients requiring extensive social, emotional or long-term rehabilita-
Exposed epidermis and dermis causes severe pain
tion support
in patients with partial thickness burns, and these areas
Pediatric patients with burns at a facility without qualified personnel
are at significant risk of infection. Topical treatment of or equipment
these burns is designed to minimize both pain and the
likelihood of infection. The deeper the partial thick- TBSA = total body surface area.
ness burn is, the greater the likelihood of infection, Adapted with permission from the American College of Surgeons.
thus increasing the importance of ED wound care Guidelines for the operations of burn centers. In: Resources for opti-
accompanied by detailed discharge instructions and mal care of the injured patient. Chicago: The College; 2006:7986.
arranged follow-up. Generally, for both pain control
and prevention of wound infection, dbrided partial
thickness burns should be gently washed with soap and hands, or perineum may require expert ongoing treat-
water at least daily. These burns should be coated with a ment to minimize disfigurement. By definition, full
topical antibiotic, such as 1% silver sulfadiazine or one thickness burns always lead to significant tissue loss,
of the common over-the-counter antibiotic ointments. whereas superficial burns never lead to tissue loss.
It should be noted that 1% silver sulfadiazine is not However, the severity and outcome of partial thickness
recommended for facial burns, which should instead burns are significantly more variable. Partial thickness
be treated with a petroleum-based triple antibiotic oint- burns may extend only down through several layers
ment. Burns treated in this way should then be loosely of epidermis, in which case the burn generally heals
covered with a nonadherent gauze dressing. Dressings without significant scarring and typically does not re-
should be changed every 12 to 24 hours.23,24 quire specialty care. However, deeper partial thickness
burns extending into the dermis can damage the re-
Pain Management generative cells that replenish the skin (the epidermal
Oral analgesics including nonsteroidal anti- appendages). In these cases, even partial thickness
inflammatory agents and oral narcotic pain medicines burns can lead to poor healing, infection, and perma-
are critical for the management of all but the least nent disfigurement. Specialty care in these cases can
severe burns. The use of topical pain control is contro- improve outcomes.
versial and not well studied. Topical prilocaine-lidocaine As noted earlier, the American College of Surgeons
cream provided no significant pain relief in 1 small guidelines recommend that any patient with partial
study,25 while 5% topical lidocaine at a dose of 1 mg/cm2 thickness burns covering 10% or greater of TBSA or any
provided pain relief in another study.26 However, the patient with partial thickness burns to the face, hands,
treating physician must be very careful when using feet, genitalia, perineum, or major joints be referred to a
topical lidocaine for burns covering a relatively large burn center (Table 2).21 However, the guidelines do not
surface area because the threshold for lidocaine toxic- specify which patients should be transferred to burn cen-
ity may be reached quickly, especially given that skin ters as inpatients and which can be seen at a burn center
damaged by burns has heightened systemic absorption for outpatient follow-up. If the ED physician is unsure
of topical treatments. whether inpatient or outpatient burn center follow-up
is indicated, a call to the regional burn centers on-call
BURN DISPOSITION physician should provide appropriate guidance.
Partial thickness burns are not typically life-
threatening; however, these burns may still lead to SUPERFICIAL BURNS
systemic physiologic effects if they cover a large TBSA. In contrast to partial thickness burns, there are no
In addition, burns to key body areas such as the face, systemic physiologic effects or long-term skin damage

10 Hospital Physician Board Review Manual www.turner-white.com

Evaluation and Management of Thermal Burns

with superficial burns. As the skin is unbroken in these

burns, infection prophylaxis and a tetanus booster are REFERENCES
typically not indicated. The primary role of the ED phy-
sician is to provide pain control. The pain associated 1. National Center for Injury Prevention and Control.
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