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2017 Edition

IPHC Womens Publication
Book Study
8 12
Kingdom Testimony
Sisterhood Meta Russo SOHL
True Unity Human Lives

10 14 28
Laughter Love At Home
Conquers Challenge Summer Sneed
Healthy Life

Designer: Lindsey Snider

Photo Credits:, Lynn Jones, Madeline Sanderson, Esther Nix

- GPS 2 -
A Note From Sam Samantha Snipes
IPHC Womens Ministries

As we begin this New Year, with all of our resolutions at the

forefront of our minds, lets remember who gives us the
strength to accomplish them. It is in Him we live and move
and have our being. It is by His Spirit that we have the
power to do what He has called us to do. With this in mind,
can we just take the one step forward in faith and put into
action what is in our hearts to accomplish? Yes, we can!
By faith, we do. We are ignited for purpose. It may just
surprise us what one step does for our momentum. Life is
a journey and not a destination. Each step is progression
and can be cherished as a building block to what He is
creating in us. We are progressively becoming who He sees
in us and it happens synergistically with His Spirit in us.
We are doing this life with God and we are doing it togeth-
er! We are linking arms in this journey and encouraging
each other on to be the ultimate reflection of Him on this
earth. Have a most awesome New Year and take that step
with expectancy that you will be given the next and filled
with power to fulfill Gods purpose!

Lets be Ignited for Purpose Together!

Connect with Us!



EMAIL: PHONE: 405-792-7132
ADDRESS: P.O. Box 12609 Oklahoma City, OK 73157

- GPS 3 -
It is Time...

- GPS 4 -
t is time to take the one step into fulfillment. Only one who through faith conquered kingdoms, administered justice,
step forward and you will be what God has called you to and gained what was promised; who shut the mouths of lions,
be. What a powerful thought. One step brings us into quenched the fury of the flames, and escaped the edge of the
alignment with the very purposes of God in our lives. Faith sword; whose weakness was turned to strength; and who be-
to fly. Faith to know that He has got this. He knows the future. came powerful in battle and routed foreign armies.
He knows the details that have to come into alignment to make What will the record say of us? Did we or didnt we take our
it happen. He knows the connections that have to occur. And step forward in faith? It is time!
He knows the learning and creativity that we may need for this
season. He knows. How then do we shrink the almighty God

What will the

to our location and spot on planet earth when He is so much
bigger than that? He knows the beginning and the end and
chooses to invest into our lives. Regardless of our choices, He
has a plan. His plans prevail. (Isaiah 14:24) Now let us place record say of us?
ourselves in obedience to them by His grace. It is time to take
Did we or didnt we
take our step
the one step that will bring us into the very place where He can
pour out His blessings on us. We reveal Him when we walk out
His created purposes in our lives.
The world can try to distract us but focusing on Him is the
forward in faith?
answer. Listen to Romans 12:2 (AMP), And do not be con-
formed to this world [any longer with its superficial values and
customs], but be [a]transformed and progressively changed [as It is time for us to rise up and be who God has called us to
you mature spiritually] by the renewing of your mind [focusing be. He had a plan laid out for our lives before the foundations
on godly values and ethical attitudes], so that you may prove of the earth were put in place. If God had this plan for us, who
[for yourselves] what the will of God is, that which is good and are we to say that we know better. If this is the case, it seems
acceptable and perfect [in His plan and purpose for you]. that it would take less faith to just do what He says. No matter
Why would we conform when He is telling us not to? the cost, it takes faith to take a step. It takes faith to take the
Lets look at it for what it is. A false life that will not bring us next step and the next one, and then pretty soon we realize we
fulfillment. A pseudo life to the one that He has in mind for are flying. It feels as if He has grabbed our feet off of this world
us. As we renew our mind, we prove for ourselves the will of and placed them on another. Not to live in fantasy, but to call
God, which is good and acceptable and perfect in His plan and heaven down to earth. Your will be done Lord, on earth as it is
purpose for us. Reiterating the amplified version of that verse: in heaven. It is time for us to realize He has given us dominion
Renew. Then, we listen to James 1:25 and put into action what on this earth to rule and reign. It is time for us to take our place
we have learned. But whoever looks intently into the perfect and fulfill our purpose.
law that gives freedom, and continues in itnot forgetting We are blessed, when we do what He says. (James 1:25) We
what they have heard, but doing itthey will be blessed in can overcomplicate things in this life. It all begins with know-
what they do. ing we only have one life to live. We only have this moment
There are other verses in James that speak to what happens and one step forward to take. We take that step in absolute
when we do not do this. When we divide our hearts between faith. Thats it. Take the step. Lets do this together!
belief and doubt, we are thrown and tossed by the waves of life.
This doesnt sound too appealing. We know life happens but
we also know who our Rock is.
Some people who took a step of faith are recorded in
Hebrews 11:8, By faith, Abraham, when called to go to a place
he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, Samantha Snipes
even though he did not know where he was going. Continu- Director
ing on later in this chapter in verse 32, And what more shall
IPHC Womens Ministries
I say? I do not have time to tell about Gideon, Barak, Samson
and Jephthah, about David and Samuel and the prophets,

- GPS 5 -
- Leaders GPS 6 -
enesis 2:18 NLT reads, Then the Lord God said, It everything. You may be in a season where you NEED help. You
is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a may find yourself overwhelmed with young children at home.
helper who is just right for him. As women, our very You may just need an extra pair of hands because you are bat-
first calling in the Word is to be helpers. God saw it to be good tling a sickness. Guess what, thats ok! Dont allow your pride
to assign women the duty of helping. to keep you in bondage to the chaos of this world. God has
I cant speak for all women, but as for me sometimes life placed a woman in your life who would be more than willing
gets tough. We wear so many hats as women. I am a wife to my to come over, bring you dinner, load your dish washer, and
husband, Jerrad, and we just celebrated our 10-year wedding probably paint your toe nails. Somehow, Satan tries to convince
anniversary. I am a mother of two young children; Reese, who us that when our lives seem chaotic and out of our control, we
is 7, and Rhett, who is 5. I am a business partner, a teacher in a should pull away and isolate ourselves until we can get it under
public school, and am currently pursuing my masters degree. control. God wants us to know that he created us to need help.
Not to mention, all of the unspoken hats like lord of the laun- Thats why he sent us Jesus, because we needed help.
dry, referee of the children, faithful church attendee, church Likewise, we as the women in the body of Christ should be that
helps ministry, friend, etc. However, my passion is ministering helper to those in need around us. We should be Gods hands
to women. I love to speak the word of God and watch Him and feet. We can all take a lesson from Ruth, when she tells her
touch lives. Balancing all those hats becomes weary at times. mother-n-law, Naomi, Where you go I will go (Ruth 1:14). We
This is why our calling from the beginning, one of our anoint- need women in the church today who are not afraid to take the
ings, helper, is so important today. hand of the other women in their lives and say, Where you go
Sadly, in the world we live, women are seen as each others friend, I will not let you go alone. This is true unity!
competition. Most of us are willing to be their friend, BUT in the
Ashley Pendley
back of our minds, we are always thinking about things like;
Ashley and her husband, Jer-
she stole our Pinterest idea and tried to beat us to the punch of
rad, and have been married
making Facebook history with it. We do more guarding our-
for 10 years. They have
selves from women who are supposed to be our friends than
two children; Reese (7),
we do genuinely befriending them. I believe that one of the
and Rhett (5). She taught
greatest accomplishments that a woman in the day we live in
middle school for seven
can achieve is to look at who should be her competition and
years. She is currently
cheer them on! I believe that God is calling His women to
working as an emergency
have a heart for one another, and to begin to empower one
certified counselor in a small
another to accomplish mighty things for the Kingdom of
school, while she pursues her mas-
God. This is how we live out a kingdom sisterhood.
ters in school counseling. She and her husband
Also, as women, we somehow made up this unspoken rule
own and operate PenCo Heating and Cooling
that we are not supposed to need help. That we are to be like
in their hometown, Morris, Oklahoma. My hob-
Super Woman, who flies through life without tears, tantrums,
bies include being with family, jogging, read-
or meltdowns. Well, I am here to tell you; that is not Gods
ing, and shopping.
expectation. God wants us to know that there is a season for

- GPS 8 -

- GPS 10 -
love the song, Gray skies are gonna clear up, put on ing oil) and get going. Joyce Meyer wrote: A strong woman
a happy face. When something is not going right, I knows how to keep her life in order. Even with tears in her
often times begin singing this little jingle to reassure eyes, she still manages to say with a smile, Im OK. We can
myself that this too shall pass, God is still on the throne, so be strong women of God (conquerors) because God hears
I can go ahead and come out from my hiding place under our prayers and assures us of victory over the hard times,
the covers. Now, I realize we have painful and discourag- conquered with laughter, and out from under the covers!
ing situations in life when we never want to come out from
under the covers again, and I dont mean to make light of

The many physical

that. But, we should also realize that God never intends for
us to get stuck there. Where we put a period, God puts a
comma, because there is more to come. We know that
when we begin to praise the Lord, satan (yes, I know satan benefits of laughter:
should be capitalized, but I refuse to do so) has to flee. In
the same way, when we begin to sing and face our situation reduces heart
with a cheerful heart, knowing Gods got this, our situation
will begin to change and the more begins to appear.
It is important for us to realize how unhealthy it is for
disease, natural pain
us to stay in a place of discouragement unhealthy both
physically and spiritually. God knew this before the begin-
killer, improves
ning of time, so He told us in His word, Laughter is the best
medicine (Proverbs 17:22), Encourage yourself in the Lord
breathing, helps
(1 Samuel 30:6), and when He addressed Samuel, He said,
So, how long are you going to mope over Saul Fill your
you lose weight
(wooHoo!), gives
flask with anointing oil and get going (1 Samuel 16:1 The

good sleep,
The many physical benefits of laughter: reduces heart
disease, natural pain killer, improves breathing, helps you
lose weight (WooHoo), gives good sleep, decreases stress,
and, this is my favorite, ladies, makes you look younger. decreases stress,
Okay, now right here, I can just see us all doubled over
with laughter in order to experience the looking younger and, this is my
benefit. Go ahead, because while youre looking younger,
laughter also defuses the painful emotions of fear, anger
and apathy.
favorite, ladies,
Spiritually, laughter lifts us up and makes life more worth
living and more joyful (the joy of the Lord is our strength).
makes you look
Laughter stops conflict, eases tension, and helps us to see
anothers point of view, so that we operate more in unity
and harmony with one another. Joyfulness is a gift of the
Holy Spirit that enables us to face all of the possible prob-
lems in life with confidence of a favorable outcome. The de-
cision is emotional, but the process is physical, because the
body and the mind are so closely inter-connected. When
you do good, you feel good! Your motion creates emotion.
So that, being joyful and doing good actually changes the
body chemistry and fosters a healthier state of being. Dr. Brenda Grasty
So, dont mope (as Eugene Peterson puts it); rather, be Assistant Director
filled with the joy (laughter) of the Holy Spirit (the anoint- IPHC Womens Ministries

- GPS 11 -
My Testimony

Russo Family,1995

od takes ordinary lives and makes them extraordi- were attending a community Christian school. Busy doing the
nary. work of the Kingdom, we led worship, taught Sunday school
I am an example of this miracle. and childrens church, and filled in at school and church when
I was an ordinary woman living a blessed life, with a Godly necessary.
husband and two beautiful children. We were very active in Then one afternoon, as I was driving the children home
our local church and my son and daughter, ages 8 and 12, from school, a vehicle made a left turn in front of me and forced

- GPS 12 -
me off the road into a deep ditch. I didnt even have time to call just take care of your family. My husband could not contain his
on the name of the Lord, but He was there with us. Our lives emotions!
would never be the same. Due to the extent of his injuries, Josh had to miss over two
We were transported to the hospital and each taken to sep- months of school. Under normal circumstances he would have
arate trauma rooms. My left femur, broken in two places was to repeat his grade and further compound an already difficult
in traction, my right arm was fractured and my right heel was situation, but God had another plan. His teacher, after teaching
crushed. As the nurses rushed in and out, I kept asking where in her classroom all day, would come to our home and tutor
my children were. I kept pleading with my family to tell me Josh so that he would not fall behind in his studies. Again, he
how Josh and Annette were, but they did not answer. Finally, completed the year at the top of his class!
they encircled my stretcher, and the answers came. Josh was The devil attacked my mind, planting seeds of doubt about
very critical, bleeding internally and having difficulty breathing. where my daughter, Annette, was spending eternity. After all,
They were taking him to surgery immediately. Then they told she did not have time to pray or repent before she died. These
me that Annette was gone, she had not survived her injuries. thoughts depressed me and sent my mind reeling. Then, as
What? How could this be, and how could I go on? I couldnt were going through her things, we found her Bible textbook
even imagine life without my daughter, she was the light of our from school. On the very day of our accident, she wrote these
lives, and loved God with all her heart. words, I believe in God and all His testimonies. I am
Josh survived his surgery with broken ribs, punctured lung, thankful for my family and all that He has given me and I know
lacerated spleen and liver, and a crushed kidney. After 33 days that one day I will be in Heaven with Him. Praise God for the
in ICU with his life hanging in the balance, the doctor said it assurance that she is in the presence of the Lord and we will be
was a small miracle. He was able to come home and eventually reunited with her again!
go back to school. He finished school that year at the top of his There is not enough space here to tell you all that God did
class. No small miraclegigantic! to heal our family. He took care of our finances, strengthened
I required multiple surgeries to repair the damage to my our marriage, took away my fear and gave me peace. Through
leg and foot. My heel was so badly crushed that the doctor this tragedy He even led me to work with young women in our
said even after the repair, I would probably never walk again. I church.
spent the next two years in and out of a wheelchair. With many Revelation 12:11 says, that we overcome Satan by the blood
months of rehabilitation and much prayer, I took my first steps of the lamb and by the word of our testimony. So, let me testify
assisted by a walker, then a cane, then unassisted. Another to the fact that God is my healer and deliverer. He has taken my
gigantic miracle! ordinary life and made it an extraordinary example of what He
Physical healing was visible, but the emotional healing ran can do to those who remain faithful.
deep. I struggled with fear, doubt, and insecurity. But my family
and friends, our church and school family were praying, and we
serve a God who hears and answers prayers.
I am forever grateful to those who were obedi-
ent to Gods voice and were used as, ministering
angels sent to help us. God surely placed me in
the most loving, caring family in the world! Meta Russo
Meta Russo resides in Tryon,
My friend, Kathy, hung a poster in my hospital room of North Carolina and serves in
Philippians 4:13. Each time I struggled, those words, I can do the Upper South Carolina
all things through Christ., were there to remind me that I was Conference where she is
not alone. the conference Womens
Ministries Director and her
Our local bank staff went beyond the call of duty. You see, husband Bob, is the Mens
when my husband went to make our mortgage payment a Ministries Director. Meta cur-
few days after our accident, he was told that the payment had rently serves on the General
already been made. He tried to explain what had happened Girls Ministries Board. They pastor
the Easley First Pentecostal Holiness
to our family and the bank teller said, Yes, Mr. Russo, we know Church in Easley, SC.
about your tragedy. But you dont have to worry about your
mortgage this month. The employees here have paid it for you,

- GPS 13 -
and Loyalty

- GPS 16 -
LOVE to hear laughter! Everyone in my family has a favorites. Who doesnt love a good laugh? In todays times, we
distinct laugh and it makes my heart glad to hear it! How need to laugh! According to medical researchers, humor and
about you? Do you laugh? What makes you laugh? laughter strengthen our immune system, boost our energy,
Laughter is a must in our household! diminish pain, and protect us from the damaging effects of
We must learn to recognize that there can be no relation- stress. Best of all, a cheerful heart as the Proverbs writer wrote
ship unless there is commitment, unless there is loyalty, unless long ago, is good medicine. Even William Shakespeare penned,
there is love, laughter, patience, and persistence. - Unknown We dont laugh because were happy; were happy because we
1 Corinthians 13, known as the love chapter, states in verse laugh.
13, And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the Loyalty is a close relative between love and laughter. There
greatest of these is love. Everyone longs for love! The Lord is nothing more valuable, more rewarding, and more needed
places within us a desire to love and to be loved. Our most today than loyalty. It is more valuable than money or power.
precious moments come from those we love, those with whom You cannot buy loyalty because loyalty is never for sale.
we can laugh, and those that will walk with us through the Loyal women are trustworthy, honest, consistent, reliable,
deepest valleys of our life. At the end of the day everything trustworthy, corrects & challenges those she loves in private
that matters comes down to people and relationships; the but defends them in public, honorable, honors her word and
people we love and the people who love us. We call those commitments.
people our friends and family. Love is more than a feeling, its Love, laughter and loyalty are the wellspring of our life! Who
a way of life. can live without them? Who would want to? I encourage you
Paul tells us in John 15:9-11, If you keep my command- to work on these three things!
ments, you shall abide in my love, even as I have kept my Living this life with love, laughter and loyalty.
Fathers commandments, and abide in His love. These things
I have spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you and
that your joy might be full. In Galatians, joy is even mentioned
as one of the nine fruits of the spirit. I am convinced that a per-
son who has joy is going to be someone who can laugh!
Remember the iconic scene in the movie Mary Poppins
Michelle Drake
Board Member
when the cast was singing I love to laugh? Its one of my IPHC Womens Ministries

Michelles Book Recommendations

How to Develop Your

Childs Gifts and Talents
Elementary Years

Moving toward
hope and healing
in your marriage

- GPS 17 -
called out of comfort
When I called you to serve Me in to do so. My mother even said,
Kenya, I had your children in mind. with tears in her eyes, I would
Dont let your own fear limit what I much rather you live thousands
want to teach them as they grow up of miles away from me, fulfilling
here. Gods plan for your life, than
These words entered my have you living down the street
thoughts so clearly and powerfully in disobedience. My mothers
one afternoon four years ago. I was sacrificial and faith-filled response
pregnant with my daughter Abigail inspires and challenges me as
and consumed with concerns and I raise my own children. My
questions about giving birth and continual prayer is that God will
raising a child in Kenya. The prospect help me teach them to hear
of motherhood and all the changes and follow His voice no matter
that would occur in my life and where He leads them, and that I
ministry routine was a huge step will say, Yes, to what He wants
out of my comfort zone. I felt unsure for Abigail and Nathaniel, even
stepping into the uncharted waters of if it is a stretch of faith for me as
parenting, but those words filled me their mother.
with peace and reassurance as I began Perhaps the choices God
my journey as a new mother on the mission field. asks you to make as a parent will be different from ours,
My husband and I have tried to remember those but I imagine there will be times when He leads you to
challenging words as we make parenting choices. One cross the boundaries of your own comfort zone. There is a
of the first choices we felt God directing us toward was natural inclination within parents to insulate our children
to encourage our children to interact and connect with in a controlled environment where they are completely
peopleeven people who look, speak, dress, and worship dependent upon us. God desires us to entrust our children
differently than our family. This has not always been easy into His sovereign and capable hands, and to teach them by
for me, particularly as an introvert. However through our example to be completely dependent on Him.
this process of setting aside fear and obeying God, our
children, who are definitely little extroverts, have provided Catch articles like
new opportunities for us to interact with people in our
community and build meaningful friendships with them.
this and more in
It has been amazing to see how God is already using our
young children in the process of people accepting Christ,
HomeFront magazine!
and I know it is only the beginning of how He will use them
throughout their lives to impact the world.
Raising children in Kenya presents unique challenges,
especially being separated from grandparents and other
extended family. Holidays can be a particularly difficult
time as we are learning to make our own traditions and
adjust how we celebrate. Technology advancements and
having a strong missionary support group here have been
a great help. Another blessing is receiving the annual Summer Sneed
Christmas 4 Missionaries offering from our organization, the Kevin and Summer have served as IPHC
International Pentecostal Holiness Church (IPHC). This gift missionaries in Eldoret, Kenya since
helps us purchase a few extra nice gifts for the children or April 2009. They are the directors of
even go away for a short vacation during the holiday season. East Africa Bible College. Summer
also works with women to develop
As our children grow and develop, the choices we Girls Ministries. They have two
encounter as their parents will also change. I remember children, Abigail and Nathaniel,
when I shared with my own parents about Gods call to who were both born in Kenya.
move to Kenya as missionaries. They gave me unwavering Blog kevinandsummersneed.
support and encouragement, even when it was not easy

- GPS 19 -
Pack your bags!
You have one week
to go anywhere. What
would your adventure
look like?

Esther Nix Lynn Jones

If I had one week Madeline Sanderson I would have

I would pack my bags and to choose Helsinki, Finland.
While there I would travel
head to Italy. Go to all the
amazing places in Rome, My adventure east to the medieval town
visit the museums, cathedrals of Porvoo to take a walking
would be attached to a
and take a gondola ride. Eat tour through the cobbled
four wheeler in the moun-
all the pasta I can and not Old Town, and admire the
tains. There is something
gain a pound (remember this 15th-century cathedral, old
about the hidden places
is a dream). After exploring Town Hall and traditional,
within their trails that puts
Rome I would go to the North red-painted store houses
any post card to shame.
part of Italy where my ances- along the riverside. And who
The mountains are much
tors are from, see the beauti- could be in Finland and not
like the word of God in that
ful mountains. Thats what I indulge in a traditional Finn-
one can explore the same
would love to do with my one ish sauna experience? To
place hundreds of times
week of adventure!!! top it all off, take a cruise to
and discover something
unearth the history and leg-
-Extension Loan Fund significant and new each
ends of Suomenlinna Sea
Office Administrator time.
-Administrative Assistant to the Fortress, a UNESCO World
Director of Global Outreach and Heritage Site.
Leadership Development -Executive Assistant to the IPHC
General Superintendent

- GPS 20 -
- Leaders GPS 21 -
- GPS 22 -
20 B O O K
17 S T U D Y
hen looking for the 2017 Womens Ministries the earth. The question is: Will we submit to the process of
Book Study, my desire was to find a book that being trained and commissioned to fulfill these purposes? As
would inspire women to be exactly what God you read further, she explains, prayer and action will be two
had in mind when He created us. God made a way to find just major keys to women influencing their spheres of authority.
what I was looking for when a board member recommended We will be women motivated by the love of God, leaning on
the book, The Esther Anointing: Becoming a Woman of Prayer, His strength and abilities. We will not be intimidated by natural
Courage and Influence. I am so thankful to work together with laws or deterred by the opinions of man. The fear of the Lord
people to accomplish what God has in mind! and hatred for the enemy will be the driving forces as we walk
This book teaches about the Esther anointing, and cap- in our Esther anointing.
tures the reason we are here for such a time as this. From the At the end of each chapter, there is a section titled, Declara-
introduction You Were Made for More to the final chapter tions and Prayers to Activate the Esther Anointing. Any of you
Designed for Influence, Michelle McClain-Walters powerfully who know me, know I love activation steps. They catapult us
communicates a message of purpose. When we look at our lives into the next place we need to be.
through the lens of another person, we realize the potential to I encourage you to read this book. It may help you deter-
be more than we could have imagined. mine the difference between where you are to where you know
Michelle says, The Esther anointing is a grace that you want to go. As the book states, lets all declare: This
is being bestowed upon women to influence the is my time and season to accomplish and live in
current culture for the purposes of the kingdom Gods ordained purpose and destiny.
of God. Enough said. As this year is about Christs Kingdom, Now, let us agree in prayer, Lord, Your Word says, Loose
this book shows us how we are anointed to run with the vision thyselfO captive daughter of Zion (Isaiah 52:2, KJV), and in
kingdom vision. As we are focusing on our 2017 Womens the name of Jesus, I loose myself from every limitation, bar-
Ministries theme, Ignited for Purpose - Kingdom Purpose, what rier, obstruction, and demonic mind-set that has kept me from
better way than to declare this as a new day and new year to meeting my full potential. No longer will I be deceived and
walk in that purpose for our individual lives. Michelle states trapped by traditions and the opinions of men. I was created
, there was a pivotal time in Esthers story when her past for greatness! I was created to be Gods glory carrier through-
and present converged and her anointing was out the earth.
pressed out and revealed. At that point of convergence What better way to end a book review than will all of us free
was where God ... took all of the bitter and sweet experiences from our limitations, and carriers of His glory throughout the
of Esthers life and crushed them together under the oil of the world!
Holy Spirit to produce what Im calling in this book the Esther
anointing. What a beautiful place where we real-
ize the pain of our lives and the beauty combined
make up the anointing that God uses to advance
His Kingdom. Samantha Snipes
There were many useful points that stood out to me while
IPHC Womens Ministries
reading this book! For example, Michelle states, The Lord is
releasing His favor and grace upon us to fulfill His purposes in

- GPS 23 -
Because every life matters.
january 22, 2017

n just a few weeks, Washington, DC will be the site of a burying my 89-year-old mother. My mother had lived a long
major event. Thousands will gather to participate in what and very fruitful life. She was the baby in a family of 11 children.
has become a great tradition. While it is an historic event As I made the drive from my mothers house in Bristol, Virginia,
in itself, I am not referring to the inauguration of the president up to Washington, DC, my heart was grieving. But the grief was
of the United States which is scheduled for January 20. While for more than my mother. It was for the thousands of babies
that event carries major significance to the future of our nation, who were never allowed to make the choices my mother made.
the event the following weekend carries significance for the They would never know the touch of a mothers tender hug
future of every unborn child. On the heels of the inauguration or kiss. They would never hear the voice of a father saying, I
is the annual March for Life which four years ago drew a record love you. They would never have the opportunity to make the
crowd of 1.8 million people. As politicians and special interest literal hundreds of thousands of life choices that she made.
groups prepare to participate in the inauguration of the highly Those things had been denied because of one thingabortion.
controversial president-elect, pro-life advocates are prepar- That one word has divided our nation now for more than four
ing to converge upon DC to march for an equally charged and decades. Yet on that day, I was one person joining forces with
controversial issue that has divided our nation since the Roe vs. thousands of strangers and several fellow IPHC marchers who
Wade decision in 1973. The march has grown from 30 con- gathered at the rally with the Washington Monument in sight.
cerned citizens who gathered in a Washington D.C. home years The 2017 March for Life is gathering this year
ago, to the present day march that draws hundreds of thou- with the theme of The Power of One! While that
sands of people from all fifty states and countless countries! phrase at first sounds rather trite, think about it. Martin Luther
Both the March for Life and Sanctity of Human Life Sunday are King, at the age of 34, galvanized the nation with his I Have
held in January to coincide with the anniversary of the decision A Dream speech at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC.
that legalized abortion. The very next year, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. One
I attended my first March for Life in 2015 just days after man. One dream. Dr. Kings dream lives on today even after his

- GPS 24 -
tragic assassination. He became the catalyst for the Civil Rights At this years Harvest Train during Thanksgiving week, we
Movement that led America through some major changes. were privileged to witness the dedication of the Burds Nest
Another dream began brewing in the heart of Nellie Gray Boutique, which is a store where mothers can shop for their
and in 1974, she orchestrated the first rally and march around babies. It is named in honor of Gary and Carolyn Burd who are
the nations capitol building. She continued to organize and personally leading the way in numerous ventures for support-
run the March for Life for the better part of a century. Nellie ing the life-giving efforts of the Whitfield Life Campus. Baby
dedicated all of her energy to advocating for the most vulner- Hope funds will continue to help purchase supplies for this
able in society. boutique. The more we give, the more we can bless the moth-
As abortion clinics began to spring up across America, abor- ers who boldly choose life!
tions became all too common. Since the Roe vs. Wade and Doe As we gathered for the Harvest Train service the next morn-
vs. Bolton, it is estimated that more than 58 million babies have ing, it was apparent as awards were given that there were so
been aborted to date. That number is staggering. So how on many others whose individual stories could be told, but one
earth can the power of one make a difference? stood out to me. A nine-year-old girl named Reagan Gurley
Just ask the people involved in the ministry at the IPHC Marvin uses a giant baby bottle to collect money at her church, Chris-
and Joyce Whitfield Life Campus in Falcon, NC at The Royal tian Life Worship Center in Athens, GA. Her mother, Shakeenah,
Home. Rev. Whitfield had a dream of his own. He was disheart- is the Girls Ministries director at the church. This year, Reagan
ened every time he passed an abortion clinic and began to collected $1,230.79 and brought it to Harvest Train. One girl.
formulate a plan and vision that has spanned several years and One congregation but many people getting behind her dream!
phases. ATAM (Alternative to Abortion Ministries) was birthed Last year, one of our Girls Ministries groups solicited the help of
as a pro-life ministry that offered a home where girls could stay the church and raised more than $5,000 for Baby Hope. Reagan
during pregnancy. In late 2015, the Marvin and Joyce Whitfield is another great example of the power of one.
Life Campus was dedicated. It not only provides housing during Clearly, I could go on naming individuals who have stepped
pregnancy, but for any mother needing a home after her child out in faith to fulfill a vision. As others catch hold of those
is born. This maternity and mothers & babies program offers visions, the growth is amazing. Exponentially speaking, the
mothers and their babies the necessary safety, support, care, powers of one are always one. So in theory, the Power of One,
and encouragement to ensure healthy prenatal care, birth, and might be considered an oxymoron. Yet, indicated by the stories
aftercare. They provide opportunities for the mothers to set ap- shared, the power of one has led to some great and mighty
propriate goals and make wise decisions for their future. results. Look no further than The Trinity for the greatest illustra-
Girls Ministries began supporting this pro-life ministry tion of the Power of One: God the Father, God the Son, and God
nearly 17 years ago when one person, Linda Riddle, who was the Holy Spirit.
serving as the national Girls Ministries Coordinator, developed So heres the challenge! As we begin this new year and think
Baby Hope Club. It was introduced as a way for girls in churches about how sacred life really is, what can you do? Ride a mo-
to help raise fund which were then used to set up a store at The torcycle into Washington, DC? Participate in the March for Life
Royal Home. Expectant mothers could use points they earned by walking with thousands of others? Join with your church in
to purchase items for the baby. Because of Lindas vision, thou- recognizing Sanctity of Human Life on January 22, 2017? Will
sands of dollars have been raised for this ministry. In fact, when you join Reagan and scores of others who collect money in
I participated in the 2015 March for Life, it was to represent baby bottles for Baby Hope? The choice you make might seem
Girls Ministries and Baby Hope. I arrived on Friday evening and insignificant at first, but never doubt the Power of One!
had dinner with a most unlikely group of guys. They represent-
ed a group called M25, a branch of Evangelism USA. They had
ridden their motorcycles to Washington from The Royal Home
in Falcon, NC, to lead us in the march.
Rev. Gary Burd is another individual who represents the
power of one! He had a dream to reach a group of people that Irvina Parker
many overlook. As a pastor, IPHC Conference Superintendent, Director
and motorcyclist, he has led the way in many unique ventures IPHC Girls Ministries
with bikers. The most recent is the Diaper Run where motorcy-
clists went cross country to collect diapers for The Royal Home.

- GPS 25 -

What are some alternate options for disciplining my child
without grounding them from youth group?
IPHC Discipleship Minis-
>>ANSWER by Student Ministries Leader, Pastor Stephen Jones tries is excited to partner with
Homefront Magazine, a digital
Disciplinary consequences are a lot like a pair of jeansrarely does the same pair
and/or printed magazine full of
fit two people the same way. Options for disciplining your teen, then, are as unique
articles, ideas, and encourage-
as your teen. Set boundaries as a parent, communicate them clearly, and enforce
ment for parents, grandparents,
them consistently.
and anyone with opportunities
From a youth pastors perspective, grounding teens from youth group...
for influencing kids.
1) sidelines an important member of your team as a parent. Ive heard many
Each magazine is divided
students around a small-group table share about their recent conflicts with their par-
into two sections: Family Time
ents. Ive watched my exceptional small group leaders listen empathetically as the
and Inspire, Equip, Support.
teens share their frustrations, Ive listened as their peers then opened up about their
Family Time articles are cre-
conflicts at home, and Ive heard those leaders attempt to process those disciplinary
ated to equip parents to engage
moments with the whole group from a loving and Biblical perspective. Pulling stu-
with their children on a weekly
dents out of the youth group program as disciplinary consequence can short-circuit
basis.- striving to make each
a valuable moment of growth in their faith, and removes the influence of a powerful
gathering unique and remem-
parenting ally.
bering to have fun!
2) sends one of two wrong messages. If you make them stay home from church, your
Inspire, Equip, and Support
child learns that attending church is minimally different than all the other extracur-
articles are parenting stories,
ricular activities in which they are involved. If you make them sit with you in the
devotions, and ideas to encour-
main service instead of youth group, then your child may learn to view the main
age parents as they take on the
service as punishment!
role of the spiritual leader of
The church and the home were instituted as a strategic partnership to build the King-
their childrens faith.
dom of God here on earth. Since the church and the home are a team, make every
This is a FREE RESOURCE for
effort to help reinforce the correct role of the church in your students life. Choose
the entire IPHC church family.
disciplinary actions that enforce your boundaries, demonstrate your values as a par-
To download this free re-
ent, and convey the importance of your faith community.
source, go to
Send your questions to! front

- GPS 26 -
at home
Meet Summer! Summer is cur-

rently serving as an IPHC mission-

ary in Eldoret, Kenya. She and
her husband Kevin have been
teachers at East Africa Bible
College since 2009. Her favorite
role, however, is being a mother
to Abby (3) and Nate (1), who
were both born in Kenya. Find
out more about Summer in our
interview with her!

Items You Will Find In My Purse:

Favorite Scripture:

Favorite Junk Food: My Personal Motto: If I Could Have A Superpower:

I Love To Shop For: As A Kid, I Wanted To Be: I Cant Leave Home Without:

Id Do Anything To Avoid: Favorite Item Of Clothing: If I Could Live Anywhere, It Would Be:

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