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O th er W es M oore

N ew sp ap er
B y: Jax M iller

A rticle O n e: C om p are an d C on trast Essay

The Other Wes Moore and The Road Not Taken are similar and different in many ways. The Other Wes
Moore and the Road Not Taken both talk about two paths in life. In the Other Wes Moore talks about specific
paths like doing drugs and dropping out of school or graduating high school and going to college. The Road
Not Taken just says talks about two paths, one path that is used by everyone and the second path that is not
worn and is not common to most of the people.
A man named Wes Moore writes a book called The Other Wes Moore. It talks about his life in
Baltimore Maryland and another kid named Wes Moore. The Wes who wrote the book is referred to as
Author Wes, while the second Wes Moore is referred to as Other Wes. Author Wes grew up on the
outskirts of Baltimore close to the inner city. Other Wes grew up in the inner part of Baltimore. The book talks
about their life when they grow up and the struggles they faced when they were younger. The struggles in their
life reflect on their decisions in the future. Other Wes gets involved in the drug game like his brother and later
drops out of high school, while Author Wes graduates high school, goes to college, wins the Rhodes
Scholarship, and then becomes an author. In the book, there is two paths that are very similar to the two paths
in The Road Not Taken.
The poem The Road Not Taken was written by an author named Robert Frost. The Road Not
Taken talks about the two paths in life. The one path is the most popular one that everyone takes, while the
second one is not popular and rarely any people take that path. The narrator chose to take the second path
because no one chose that path and his gut was telling him it was the right decision. He chose this path and
ended up finding success in the long run. The people who chose the first path probably didnt find success
because the second path was the better decision. The Road Not Taken had two paths you could take just like
in The Other Wes Moore.
The Other Wes Moore and The Road Not Taken are similar and different in many ways. Both stories
have popular and unpopular paths. In The Other Wes Moore dropping out of school was the popular path
because people didnt want to put in the effort to learn and get an education. The unpopular path was to
graduate high school and go to college. In The Road Not Taken the first path was the popular decision, and
the second path was the unpopular decision. They are different by what the stories were talking about. The
Other Wes Moore topic was about drugs and graduating/dropping out of high school. The Road Not Taken
talks about two roads in the forest that splits into two roads and leaves the driver (narrator) with a decision on
which road he should take. Both stories had differences in them, but they had the same main idea in both
The Other Wes Moore and The Road Not Taken are similar by both having popular and unpopular
decisions. They are different because they both have different subjects throughout the book and the poem. In
conclusion both stories have the same ideas and are very similar.
O th er W es M oore N ew sp ap er P ag e #

A rticle Tw o: B ook R eview

The book The Other Wes Moore it is about two people
who grew up in Baltimore both named Wes Moore. One Wes
Moore loses his father, but then finishes high school and wins the
Rhodes Scholarship. The Other Wes Moore had no father, got
Th e ch illin g involved with drugs, created a criminal record, and was put in jail
for life for killing a police officer. The author of the book is the
tru th is th at h is first Wes Moore who finished college and won the Rhodes
Scholarship. The book is about the two different paths in life; not
story cou ld h ave finishing high school and joining the drug system or finishing
high school, finishing college, and going on to get a high paying
b een m in e. Th e job.
Overall I think The Other Wes Moore was a good book
because I feel like Im at the age where these decisions and
trag ed y is th at
factors are playing into my life. I would suggest this to teens and
adults. The reason why I would suggest it to teens and adults is
m y story cou ld because I dont think kids younger than teens would understand
why Other Wes committed all those crimes like killing the cop,
h ave b een h is, gabbing the knife when he was little, grabbing the gun and
shooting the guy he was fighting on his lawn. This book was an
- W es M oore interesting read because it showed to different paths people take
in life. I usually dont read books about an authors life or
someone elses life because I those stories are boring, but this
book was actually very interesting and it impacted my decisions
so I dont do drugs and I go to school.
P ag e #

A rticle Th ree: R h od es R esearch A rticle

According to The Rhodes Trust (2016), The Rhodes Scholarship
is a scholarship that is earned by excellence in intellect, character,
leadership, and commitment to service . People can earn this scholarship
by striving for excellence in your overall life in school and out of school.
Some notable recipients that have earned the Rhodes Scholarship are Bill
Clinton, Dean Rusk, Bill Bradley, and Wes Moore. (howstuffworks.com,
2016) In 1853, a man named Cecil John Rhodes was born. Mr. Rhodes
grew up and developed the idea of a scholarship that awarded students for
their good actions in school and helping people out of school. Mr. Rhodes
died in 1902, but his ideas lived on and the first scholarship was entered at
Oxford University in 1904. This scholarship was named after Mr. Rhodes
himself called The Rhodes Scholarship. The Rhodes Scholarships can
be obtained in the US, Germany, Canada, Britain, and Africa. According
to Rhodes Scholar (2016) the Rhodes Scholarship is the oldest award you
can receive.
A scholarship is helpful ways. It pays for your schooling in college
and allows you to improve your life by saving money and getting an
education. The Rhodes Scholarship allows you to go to school at Oxford
University for 2 years debt free. A scholarship with as much prestige as the
Rhodes Scholarship could make a big significance in what job you obtain
in the future.

Its easy too

lose con trol

w h en you

w ere n ever

lookin g for it

- W es M oore
Works Cited

Quotes by Wes Moore." @ Like Success. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Nov. 2016.
The Other Wes Moore One Name, Two Fates." . N.p., n.d. Web. 14
Nov. 2016.
Gerson, Elliot F. "Oxford and the Rhodes Scholars." The Rhodes Trust.
N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Nov. 2016
History of the Rhodes Trust." The Rhodes Scholarships. N.p., n.d. Web.
15 Nov. 2016.

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