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Theory Construction as Disciplined Imagination

Author(s): Karl E. Weick

Reviewed work(s):
Source: The Academy of Management Review, Vol. 14, No. 4 (Oct., 1989), pp. 516-531
Published by: Academy of Management
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Accessed: 02/07/2012 03:13

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? Academy of Management Review, 1989, Vol. 14, No. 4, 516-531

Theory Construction as
Disciplined Imagination
The University of Michigan

The process of theory construction in organizational studies is por-

trayed as imagination disciplined by evolutionary processes analo-
gous to artificial selection. The quality of theory produced is pre-
dicted to vary as a function of the accuracy and detail present in the
problem statement that triggers theory building, the number of and
independence among the conjectures that attempt to solve the prob-
lem, and the number and diversity of selection criteria used to test the
conjectures. It is argued that interest is a substitute for validation
during theory construction, middle range theories are a necessity if
the process is to be kept manageable, and representations such as
metaphors are inevitable, given the complexity of the subject matter.

Theorists often write trivial theories because cess and how these descriptions often misrepre-
their process of theory construction is hemmed sent the process. Second, we can learn how
in by methodological strictures that favor vali- some of these misrepresentations can be cor-
dation rather than usefulness (Lindblom, 1987, rected if theorizing is viewed as disciplined
p. 512). These strictures weaken theorizing be- imagination, where the "discipline" in theorizing
cause they de-emphasize the contribution that comes from consistent application of selection
imagination, representation, and selection criteria to trial-and-error thinking and the
make to the process, and they diminish the im- "imagination" in theorizing comes from deliber-
portance of alternative theorizing activities such ate diversity introduced into the problem state-
as mapping, conceptual development, and ments, thought trials, and selection criteria that
speculative thought. comprise that thinking. An elaboration of the
Theory cannot be improved until we improve theorizing process model is thus organized
the theorizing process, and we cannot improve around the three components of problem state-
the theorizing process until we describe it more ments, thought trials, and selection criteria.
explicitly, operate it more self-consciously, and
decouple it from validation more deliberately. A
more explicit description is necessary so we can Descriptions of Theory Construction
see more clearly where the process can be mod-
ified and what the consequences of these mod- An understanding of the terms theory, valida-
ifications might be. tion, and quality of theory is necessary for an
Theorizing consists of disciplined imagination understanding of the model. Theory is a dimen-
that unfolds in a manner analogous to artificial sion rather than a category (Mohr, 1982, p. 6;
selection. To understand this analogy, we Runkel & Runkel, 1984, pp. 129-130), which
should first see descriptions of the theorizing pro- means that the more fully a generalization sat-

isfies the criteria of a theory, the more it deserves said previously about the actual activities that
the label theory. By theory we mean "an or- go on during theory construction. Unfortunately,
dered set of assertions about a generic behavior the literature on this topic is sparse and uneven,
or structure assumed to hold throughout a sig- and tends to focus on outcomes and products
nificantly broad range of specific instances" rather than process. For example, Freese (1980),
(Sutherland, 1975, p. 9). The dimensions implied in constructing his review of formal theorizing
by the definition are indicated by the terms or- for the Annual Review of Sociology, discovered
dered, generic, and range. As generalizations the "incredible anarchy" of "language, concep-
become more hierarchically ordered, behaviors tions, proposals, interpretations, and results of
and structures that are the focus of the general- formal theorizing" (p. 189). Freese's attempt to
izations become more generic, and as the range impose some order on this anarchy is impressive
of specific instances that are explained becomes and recommended reading. Other suggestions
broader, the resulting ideas are more deserving of process are found in sources such as Reynolds
of the label theory. (1971), Blalock (1969), Johnson, Dandekar, and
Verification and validation are used inter- Ashworth (1984), and Merton (1967). Represen-
changeably to mean the demonstration, beyond tative previous descriptions of process include
pure chance, that the ordered relationship pre- the work of Homans, Kaplan, and Freese.
dicted by a hypothesis exists and thereby lends Homans (1964) described theory construction
support to the hypothesis (adapted from La- as the concurrent development of concepts,
strucci, 1963). Proof, in other words, consists of propositions that state a relationship between at
verification of a probabilistic statement. As La- least two properties, and contingent proposi-
strucci (1963) noted, tions whose truth or falsity can be determined by
experience (a noncontingent proposition is a
Thus, for example, to say that the theory of in- straightforward mathematical deduction). Of
herited characteristicshas been "validated"by particular interest is Homans' irritation with the-
demonstrating it in a given number of predict-
able instances is tantamount to saying that the orists who equate theory with conceptual defini-
expressed relationship is a reliable one. To an tions; he stated that "much official sociological
increasing extent, scientists tend to avoid impli- theory consists in fact of concepts and their def-
cations of causality by thinkingof verificationas initions: it provides the dictionary of a language
an expression of high reliability. (pp. 236-237) that possesses no sentences" (p. 957). As
Finally, a good theory is a plausible theory, Homans makes clear, researchers cannot make
and a theory is judged to be more plausible and deductions from concepts alone even though
of higher quality if it is interesting rather than Parsons repeatedly tried to do so. The lesson to
obvious, irrelevant or absurd, obvious in novel be learned is that any process must be designed
ways, a source of unexpected connections, high to highlight relationships, connections, and in-
in narrative rationality, aesthetically pleasing, terdependencies in the phenomenon of interest.
or correspondent with presumed realities. Each Kaplan (1964) contrasted knowledge growth
of these outcomes is more likely when theorists by intention with knowledge growth by exten-
develop fuller problem statements, create more sion (p. 305). This contrast, which resembles Bar-
diverse thought trials, and apply multiple selec- lett's (1958) distinction between interpolation and
tion criteria more consistently to these thought extrapolation, suggests two different processes
trials. of theory building. Intention is used when a par-
tial explanation of a whole region is made more
Previous Descriptions
and more adequate. This strategy is illustrated
Given these background assumptions, we by the work of Darwin and Freud, but it also
can now look more closely at what has been seems applicable to the work of Bateson, J. D.

Thompson, and Selznick. Theorizing in this intuitions that surface during the theory-build-
mode lays out the lines that will be followed in ing task. These intuitions consist of "conceptual-
subsequent theory and observation. Represen- izations that might not fit the categories delin-
tative metaphors are developing a photogra- eated or forced by the imposed rigor of the gen-
phic negative, bringing binoculars into sharper eral theory building" (p. 445). This wisdom of the
focus, or gradually adding light to a darkened theoretician, expressed in discursive form, con-
room. sists of speculative ideas and deductions that
Knowledge growth by extension is used when may be untestable; these may be crucial out-
a relatively full explanation of a small region is comes of the theorizing process. Third, Bour-
then carried over to an explanation of adjoining geois insisted that the process continuously
regions. This strategy is illustrated by the expan- should weave back and forth between intuition
sion of studies of conditioning into a concern and data-based theorizing and between induc-
with more complex forms of learning. The work tion and deduction. He concluded with five pre-
of Perrow on normal accidents, Bruner on nar- scriptions such as "read some of the old
rative rationality, and Staw on escalation illus- masters," "ground your theory on data," and
trate this strategy. Representative metaphors in- "take advantage of serendipity."
clude a mosaic built piece by piece, science as Closest in content to our argument is Camp-
an edifice that is constructed much like an erec- bell's (1962, 1969, 1974) discussion of theorizing
tor set, and a puzzle that is gradually solved as as ideational trial and error. Campbell (1974, p.
more pieces are put into place. 415) argued that the process of knowledge build-
Freese (1980) made a related distinction in ing is an evolutionary sequence that involves
which he distinguished between two strategies: trials in the form of conjectures and errors in the
(a) the strategy of developing generalizations in form of refutations. Thus, as Popper (1966) said,
open systems through the use of inductive ab- imagination becomes a "benign environment
straction, a strategy evident in the work of Blau that permits our hypotheses to die in our stead."
or Thibaut and Kelley; (b) the strategy of devel- Learning is viewed as a cumulative achieve-
oping predictions in hypothetical or artificial ment, and theorizing is viewed as "selective
closed systems, as represented in the work of propagation of those few social constructions
Harrison White or Ken MacKenzie. that refer more competently to their presumed
Closest in spirit to the current model is Bour- ontological referents" (Campbell, 1986, p. 118).
geois (1979). He suggested that seven steps are Selection of these more competent social con-
involved in building theories of the middle structions is done either by the external environ-
range and he presented these steps as chapter ment or by mental selectors that represent that
headings in a thesis. They include, (1) partition- external environment and select on its behalf
ing of the topic under investigation, (2) method of (Campbell, 1974, p. 430).
theory construction, (3) review of literature, (4) Although variations on Campbell's ideas form
construction of theory-induction from empirical the framework of our argument, the present
base, (5) extension of theory-deduction into model places greater emphasis on representa-
propositions, (6) metaphysical elaboration, and tions as a selection environment and less em-
(7) conclusion. phasis on validation as the ultimate goal of the-
Although this list suggests that theory building ory construction.
is virtually indistinguishable from problem solv-
ing, there are some important subtleties. First, Limitations of Previous Descriptions
Steps 3, 4, and 5 occur concurrently rather than While each of the authors just mentioned has
sequentially. Second, Step 6, metaphysical important ideas about the process of theory
elaboration, is described as a receptacle for the building, the descriptions portray theorizing as

mechanistic, with little appreciation of the often servables is so loose (Gergen, 1986), because
intuitive, blind, wasteful, serendipitous, creative the system being studied is open rather than
quality of the process. Nor do their descriptions closed (Henshel, 1971), and because the dissem-
make clear the choice points in the process ination of earlier sensemaking alters the rela-
where theorists can act differently and produce tionships that theorists are currently trying to or-
theories of better quality. Most existing descrip- der (MacIntyre, 1985).
tions of the theorizing process assume that vali-
dation is the ultimate test of a theory and that Disciplined Imagination
theorizing itself is more credible the more closely
it simulates external validation at every step. When theorists build theory, they design, con-
Thus, a dual concern with accurate representa- duct, and interpret imaginary experiments. In
tion and close correspondence between con- doing so, their activities resemble the three pro-
cepts and operations is evident virtually from the cesses of evolution: variation, selection, and re-
start in any theorizing activity. These concerns tention. Because the theorist rather than nature
can be counterproductive to theory generation. intentionally guides the evolutionary process,
Most descriptions of theory construction sound theorizing is more like artificial selection than
very much like conventional linear descriptions natural selection, and theorizing becomes more
of problem solving (e.g., Jackson, 1975), which is like natural selection the more the process is
unfortunate in at least two ways. First, as Bour- dominated by validation and empiricism.
geois took pains to make clear, theory building The close parallel between theory building
involves simultaneous parallel processing, not and evolutionary processes can be illustrated
sequential thinking. One might go even further with the example of marine navigation by ra-
and argue that when theorizing is modeled after dar. The context for this event involves a ship
linear problem solving, the outcomes are unre- navigating at night along a waterway filled with
markable. Second, when theorizing is equated actual tugs, barges, rocks, and phantom objects
with problem solving, the theorizing is domi- that sometimes show up on radar screens. The
nated by the question, Does this conjecture solve problem is to avoid collisions with real objects.
the problem? That construction is unduly narrow To solve this problem, variations in the form of
because theorizing does not always originate in radar emissions simulate possible routes among
response to a problem (Ziman, 1987), and the the objects. The selection criteria by which
single criterion of a solution is inadequate to routes are evaluated consist of radar emissions
cover other reasons why a conjecture might be that bounce back from what are presumed to be
selectively retained in theorizing (e.g., actual objects. The outcome of the process is se-
plausability, coherence, elegance, simplicity, lective retention of routes that avoid echoes.
usefulness). Various routes are simulated, and most of the
Rather than adopt problem solving as the simulated routes encounter echoes and are re-
model of the theorizing process, researchers jected, but a handful encounter nothing and are
should view theory construction as sensemaking retained. These evolutionary processes are
(e.g., Astley, 1985). Dubin (1976) pointed the way guided by representations of the environment,
to this usage when he remarked that "a theory not by the environment itself. The radar emis-
tries to make sense out of the observable world sions are a substitute for actually moving
by ordering the relationships among elements through the environment. The echoes from these
that constitute the theorist's focus of attention in emissions are substitutes for real objects, and
the real world" (p. 26). The problem of sense- the selection of echo-free routes is a substitute for
making for theorists occurs precisely because actually moving around objects when they are
the correspondence between concepts and ob- encountered.

Theory building involves an analogous pro- and in both cases there is selective retention of
cess. There is a context which, for the sake of this variations that satisfy one or more criteria.
illustration, will be marine navigation at night Objects are more likely to be avoided and
using radar. However, the context now takes the theoretical problems are more likely to be solved
form of a representation built from interviews, when the problem is represented more accu-
accident reports, firsthand observation, and in- rately and in greater detail with assumptions
tuitions. The problem is why marine captains made more explicit, as a greater number of het-
who use radar often collide with the objects they erogeneous variations are generated, and as
see on their screen, including other ships that more selection criteria, of greater diversity, are
also have radar (Perrow, 1984, p. 214). To solve applied more consistently to the variations that
this problem, variations in the form of conjec- are generated. Alterations in these dimensions
tures simulate possible scenarios that could ex- of the process of evolution and theory building
plain the collisions, such as lack of ability, poor should have a significant effect on the quality of
equipment design, visual illusions, stress, fa- the outcomes generated by these processes.
tigue, and insurance settlements. The selection
criteria by which a conjecture is selected or re- Problem Statements
jected include judgments of whether it is inter-
esting, plausible, consistent, or appropriate. The occasion for theorizing has variously
The outcome of this selection process is a con- been described as a puzzling story (Polanyi,
jecture that is retained or rejected by the theo- 1989), problem (Lastrucci, 1963), question
rist. An example of a conjecture that might be (Turner, 1987), strategic research material (Mer-
retained is the suggestion that captains who ton, 1987), specified ignorance (Merton, 1987), or
view ambiguous signs on their screens interpret an anomaly (Schank, 1988). Regardless of how
those signs in the way that poses the least dan- the trigger to theorizing is described, it consists
ger and assumes the safest reality possible (Per- of some description that can vary in fineness of
row, 1984, p. 217). Given their preference for detail, accuracy, and explicitness of assump-
safe interpretations, captains don't take evasive tions which it incorporates. The theoretical prob-
action until it is too late. lem that trial and error thinking tries to solve is
Again, the key point is that the process is equivalent to the adaptation problem that trial
guided by representations. The selection criteria and error locomotion tries to solve. A conjecture
are especially noteworthy because this is where that solves a theoretical problem is equivalent to
the theorizing process comes closest to the issue an action that discovers a niche. In both cases,
of validation and its substitutes. The criterion the likelihood of a solution is determined in part
that selected among radar emissions was the by the way the environment is represented or
presence or absence of echoes which were perceived.
treated as surrogates for real collisions. The cri- The two cases differ, however, in a crucial
terion that selected among thought trials was way. Theorists both choose the form of the prob-
the presence or absence of an affective judg- lem statement and declare when their thought
ment (e.g., that's interesting, that's absurd) trials have solved the problem they pose, a se-
which was treated as a surrogate for confirma- quence that resembles artificial selection. Theo-
tion or disconfirmation. Neither the echo nor the rists are both the source of variation and the
judgment provides direct evidence of real ob- source of selection. People searching for niches
jects or valid ideas. Nevertheless, subsequent also may choose the form of their problem state-
actions unfold as if the evidence were direct. ments, but the environment declares which of
The navigational route is altered, the interesting their trials, if any, are solutions. This latter se-
conjecture is cumulated with other conjectures, quence resembles natural selection because the

source of variation differs from the source of se- Since scientists have to live in the larger society
lection. Despite this difference, solutions in both and are supported by it in their scientific activ-
cases are more likely to be discovered where the ity, it becomes probable that science works best
on beliefs about which powerful economic, po-
representations are fuller. Whether the problem litical, and religious authorities are indiffer-
is to find an explanation or a competitive advan- ent. . . Thus static electricity (rubbing cats' fur

tage, fuller descriptions suggest a greater num- on amber) and magnetism were optimal foci of
ber of possibilities. scientific growth. (p. 127)
The problem statements that drive the theoriz-
ing process are more complex than they appear By their very nature the problems imposed on
to be. Not only do they contain an anomaly to be organizational theorists involve so many as-
explained, but they also contain a set of assump- sumptions and such a mixture of accuracy and
tions that can be confirmed or disconfirmed, a inaccuracy that virtually all conjectures and all
set of domain words that can be connected dif- selection criteria remain plausible and nothing
ferently, details that can be generalized, a text gets rejected or highlighted.
that can be sorted into form words and sub- In this context the counsel to move toward
stance words, an implied story whose plot may theories of the middle range (e.g., Pinder &
be implausible, and answers to questions not Moore, 1980; Merton, 1967; Weick, 1974) or to-
yet asked. This richness links the problem to the ward theories that are nearly theories (Mohr,
theorist's past experience and allows for more 1982) makes a different kind of sense. Middle
criteria than validation to become relevant to the range theories are solutions to problems that
process (see Kaplan's related discussion of theo- contain a limited number of assumptions and
retical coherence, 1964, pp. 312-319). considerable accuracy and detail in the prob-
The choice of problem statements in organi- lem specification. The scope of the problem is
zational theorizing is complicated by the fact also of manageable size. To look for theories of
that organizational theorists, unlike theorists in the middle range is to prefigure problems in
other fields, are constrained in their choices. The such a way that the number of opportunities to
result is that they often work on problems that discover solutions is increased without becom-
are wide in scope, but limited in detail, inaccu- ing infinite.
rate in their representation, and vague regard- In this context it also makes sense to empha-
ing the assumptions involved. The nature of the size that we should pay just as much attention to
restriction is evident in the following description. problems defined by theorists as to those defined
Natural scientists pick problems they can by practitioners. (See Evered and Louis, 1981,
solve, work for colleague approbation rather for a related discussion of insider-outsider per-
than lay approbation, collaborate with people spectives.) While theorists may attack tractable
who share their interests and values, and sel- rather than "relevant" problems, the outcomes
dom worry about what others think. The world of they generate remain available as solutions to
the social scientist, poet, theologian, and engi- practitioner problems not yet identified. If theo-
neer is dramatically different. These people rizing resembles artificial selection, then theo-
choose problems because they urgently need rists control both environmental selection and
solution, whether they have the tools to solve the criteria for survival of conjectures. This
them or not. means that even though they may choose to
Now comes the crucial question: Which group study issues about which powerful people feel
would you expect to solve problems at a more strongly, they need not. The thrust of Campbell's
rapid rate? Campbell (1986) put the issue this remarks is that they'll be better theorists if they
way: don't.

Thought Trials their paradigm should generate less interesting
theories that are less important because the
When faced with a problem, the theorist gen- thought trials have dependencies among them.
erates conjectures about ways to solve it. These Blind alleys will be searched longer and more
conjectures, usually in the form of if-then sen- deeply when classification is weak or ignored
tences, vary at least in the number of trials gen- than when it is strong and heeded. Those who
erated and the heterogeneity between trials. In argue for dialectical oppositions (Astley & Van
general, a theorizing process characterized by a de Ven, 1983), the cultivation of paradox (Quinn
greater number of diverse conjectures produces & Cameron, 1988), conceptualization at more
better theory than a process characterized by a than one level of analysis (Staw, Sandelands, &
smaller number of homogeneous conjectures. Dutton, 1981), and micro-macro linkages (Knorr-
The key property is heterogeneity among Cetina & Cicourel, 1981) can be viewed as peo-
thought trials. The advantage of blind-variation, ple suggesting that heterogeneous thought trials
after which thought trials are modeled, is that are more likely than homogeneous thought tri-
the process can be "smarter" than the people als to solve theoretical problems.
who run it. If one thought trial has a minimal Independence among thought trials can be
effect on the generation of the next thought trial, achieved by other means than strong classifica-
then a broader range of possibilities is tried. tion systems. Any device that short circuits mem-
Given the tendency of humans to exhibit ory, foresight, or preference in the generation of
grooved, habituated, redundant thinking (Stein- thought trials increases the independence of
bruner, 1974), this requirement of good theoriz- these trials.
ing is among the most difficult to meet regularly. A good example is Crovitz's (1970) finding that
There are, however, ways to increase inde- in any scientific writing, such as the abstracts of
pendence among thought trials. Campbell articles published in Science, there are two
(1962) argued that one implication of Simon's kinds of words: words that might appear in any
work with problem solving is that variation with abstract (y words) and words such as substan-
a strong classification system is preferable to tive nouns that are specific to particular articles
variation without strong classification (p. 66). A (x words). The ratio of x words to y words sug-
strong classification system, one in which an gests how much jargon the article contains. Fur-
event clearly falls in one and only one category, thermore, if theorists delete the x words and
is especially helpful when solutions are ex- keep the y words, they have a generic structure
pected to be nonrandomly distributed. Classifi- for theorizing. Once the content words have
cations suggest when thought trials may be been removed from an argument, theorists are
variations on the same theme rather than vari- left with a perfectly good set of blanks into which
ations on different themes. their own nouns can be inserted. Those nouns
This point can be illustrated with Astley and will be put into relations with one another inde-
Van de Ven's (1983) influential differentiation of pendent of the theorists' own preferences.
organizational theory into four quadrants: sys- A structure of form words used by Theorist A
tem-structural (Q1), strategic choice (Q2), natu- can generate thought trials that could not be
ral selection (Q3), collective-action (Q4). Varia- imagined by Theorist B, who thinks using a dif-
tion in thought trials within one quadrant should ferent structure. To insert the ideas of one struc-
be associated with fewer breakthroughs than ture into the forms of another structure is to in-
would variations that originate in more than one crease both the heterogeneity among thought
quadrant. Thus, population ecologists (Q3) or trials and the probability of an original solution.
social constructionists (Q2) who work within Weick and Orton (1986) experimented with this

tactic using content from Staw, Sandelands, differences that might allow for more accurate
and Dutton's (1981) article on threat-rigidity cy- understanding of the determinants of aggres-
cles and found that a variety of sensible asser- sion.
tions could be made for topics totally different The point here is not a point about gender, but
from those involving stress. It is unlikely that sim- about classification and independence. Hetero-
ilar assertions would have been made by peo- geneity among thought trials is more difficult to
ple working within those topics. achieve than it might appear. Kuhn (1962), in
Given the argument that independence fact, made his reputation on this very difficulty,
among thought trials is crucial for generating namely, that thought trials tend toward homo-
good theory, it is interesting to re-examine Lave geneity and create paradigms. Heterogeneity
and March's (1975) suggestion that theoretical within paradigms is rare. Because preference
propositions can be generated by increasing the and experience exert such a strong effect in the
generality of specific observations. generation of thought trials, and because these
Lave and March observed that "Littlemen of- effects are in the direction of homogeneity rather
ten start an argument in the presence of big than heterogeneity, better theorizing necessi-
men" (p. 65). Suppose the theoretical question is, tates devices that force more independence
Why does that happen? Potential answers can among thought trials. These devices include
be generated by enlarging the initial statement heterogeneous research teams (Weick, 1983),
and making it more general. Specifically, peo- eclecticism, generalists, classification which
ple need to make the nouns men and argument identifies underexploited combinations, and
and the verb start more general, in ways that randomizing devices.
include the original nouns and verbs as special
Selection Criteria
cases. Thus, Lave and March changed little
men to little people to physically disadvantaged Self-conscious manipulation of the selection
to inequalities among people and they changed process is the hallmark of theory construction.
start an argument into act verbally aggressive As with thought trials, both the number and di-
and then into aggression. With these changes versity of the selection criteria make a differ-
they arrived at an inductive abstraction which ence. The greater the number of diverse criteria
reads, "Among people, inequalities in one do- applied to a conjecture, the higher the probabil-
main lead to aggression in another." ity that those conjectures which are selected will
Lave and March deliberately increased the result in good theory. Furthermore, selection cri-
dependencies among their thought trials by us- teria must be applied consistently or theorists
ing words that include the earlier words to move will be left with an assortment of conjectures that
toward a higher level of generality with respect are just as fragmentary as those they started
to a single problem. In doing so, however, they with. Every conjecture can satisfy some crite-
treated people (male and female humans) as a rion. Thus, if criteria are altered each time a
synonym for men, a substitution which feminist conjecture is tested, few conjectures will be re-
scholars (e.g., Harding, 1986; Spivak, 1987) jected and little understanding will cumulate.
would question. Thus, the thought trial, in be- The point about consistency is important be-
coming more general, also becomes less capa- cause theorists have an investment in their
ble of solving the problem of why little white ideas. They prefer to be right rather than wrong,
males start arguments in the presence of big bright rather than dull, clever rather than pe-
white males. The thought trial is less able to destrian. Those understandable preferences
solve the theoretical problem because it is gen- can lead to subtle shifts in criteria in the interest
erated within a weak classification scheme (peo- of preserving ideas unrelated to a problem. (Re-
ple are pretty much alike) that is insensitive to call Bourgeois's category "metaphysical elabor-

ation. ") Thus, the theory-construction process tests. The reason it does not is that validation is
improves when many diverse selection criteria not the key task of social science. It might be if
are applied consistently. we could do it, but we can't-and neither can
Alternative portraits of the nature of selection economists (Lindblom, 1987, pp. 516-517).
during theory construction are suggested by the If validation is not a criterion for retaining con-
following two quotations: jectures, this means at least two things. First, the
criteria used in place of validation must be ex-
Given the laboratory for rejecting hypotheses, plored carefully since the theorist, not the envi-
science will develop most rapidly when the wid- ronment, now controls the survival of conjec-
est range of guesses is being tried. Ifthe testing
process is very expensive, then vicarious testing tures. Second, the contribution of social science
through theoretical integrative efforts utilizing does not lie in validated knowledge, but rather
the empirical base of folk-wisdom,may be used in the suggestion of relationships and connec-
as a preliminary, but it cannot carry the whole tions that had previously not been suspected,
load and eventually experimental confrontation
is required. (Campbell, 1961,p. 21) relationships that change actions and perspec-
tives. As Lindblom (1987) observed, "of all our
Consider two social worlds. In one, mankind is valid knowledge of the social world, most of it
at the edge of an intellectual mastery of it, ap-
proaching a capability to lay out a structured seems to have been the product of lay rather
set of propositions describing it with scientific than professional inquiry.... A typical situa-
precision. In the other, it is far, far from such a tion in social science is that scientific inquiry
mastery; and man's incompetence is com- only modestly raises the validity of a lay propo-
pounded by social change through social learn- sition by qualifying it" (p. 517).
ing, which is itself accelerated by such accom-
plishments as can be credited to social science. If valid knowledge is difficult, if not impossible
His set of structured scientific propositions can to attain in social science, then this puts theoriz-
never keep up with social change. In the firstof ing and selection in a different light. Theorizing
these two worlds, the task of social science is no longer just a preliminary to the real work of
might be argued to be firstand foremostthat of verification, but instead it may involve a major
achieving scientific validity. In the second, so-
cial science has to grasp (by every available portion of whatever verification is possible
method) at whatever limited understandings within the social sciences. In fact, if there is an
can be achieved; and they include the under- inherent loose coupling between scientific con-
standings of better conceptualization, better for- cepts and the reality to which they refer (Ger-
mulation of questions, simple reporting, illumi- gan, 1986), then the only place where those
nating speculation, rival unvalidated or un-
tested hypotheses, among other possibilities. ideas may be tested adequately would be in the
Hence the task of social science is to pursue all imagined worlds of mental experiments, labora-
these understandings with caution about pre- tory experiments, or computer simulations.
maturely assigning priority to any one above The generic selection criterion that seems to
the other. (Lindblom, 1987,p. 514)
operate most often in theorizing and that substi-
The issue being debated is an issue of selec- tutes for validation is the judgment, "that's
tion. In an earlier example to explain why ships plausible." The centrality of plausibility to the
collide at night, it was argued that a reaction theorizing process can be understood in the fol-
such as "that's interesting" was sufficient to se- lowing way. When theorists apply selection cri-
lectively retain a conjecture, independent of ad- teria to their conjectures, they ask whether the
ditional efforts to verify it. Eventual attempts at conjecture is interesting, obvious, connected,
verification may occur sometime later but, for believable, beautiful, or real, in the context of
reasons discussed by Lindblom (1987), Gergen the problem they are trying to solve. When they
(1986), Henshel (1971) and others, the value of a ask these questions of the conjecture, the crite-
theory does not ride on the outcome of those rion that lies behind the question incorporates

considerable past experience with related prob- bility rather than concerns of validity, it would
lems which the theorist brings to bear on the follow that conjectures generated during theory
conjecture. construction are selected based on judgments of
The question in the Hawthorne studies asks, their plausibility, which can be assessed by a
Why does decreased illumination lead to in- variety of selection criteria.
creased productivity? The conjecture, "Perhaps That's Interesting. "Interest" as a selection cri-
the people producing the output are receiving terion has been discussed most fully by Davis
more attention than they are used to," may be (1971), but it has also been discussed by Mohr
tested against the criterion, "Is that conjecture (1982), Wicker (1985), Daft (1983), Lundberg (1976),
interesting?" When the theorist asks if the and Schank (1988). This criterion has been given
"attention" conjecture is interesting, he or she prominence because it is tied more closely to
actually tests the conjecture of increased atten- past experience and prior tests than people re-
tion against many more observations than those alize. Davis's discussion of how to write interest-
observed at Hawthorne. The conjecture is being ing theories is often read as an invitation to en-
tested against the theorist's prior experience that gage in opportunistic, flashy theorizing.
has been edited down into assumptions that are However, another way to read his discussion
activated when the theorist asks, Is this conjec- is as a description of a tool that aids in diagnos-
ture interesting? ing the adequacy of past understanding and the
The assumption is a distillation of past experi- relevance of that understanding to current theo-
ence. When that assumption is applied to a spe- retical problems. It is as if the person proposes a
cific conjecture, the assumption tests the conjec- conjecture, experiences a feeling of interest,
ture just as if an experiment had been run. and then uses that reaction as a clue to dig
When a conjecture is tested against an assump- deeper and uncover what assumption has been
tion, the outcome of that test is signified by one of disconfirmed, what data that assumption was
four reactions: that's interesting (assumption of based on, and what the implications for current
moderate strength is disconfirmed), that's ab- understanding are of those newly awakened
surd (strong assumption is disconfirmed), that's doubts. Whenever one reacts with the feeling
irrelevant (no assumption is activated), and that's interesting, that reaction is a clue that cur-
that's obvious (a strong assumption is con- rent experience has been tested against past ex-
firmed). Those four reactions are the equivalent perience, and the past understanding has been
of significance tests, and they serve as substi- found inadequate.
tutes for validity. The judgment that's interesting An understanding of the criterion of interest
selects a conjecture for retention and further explains part of the emotional side of theorizing.
use. That judgment is neither capricious nor ar- Theorists are usually pleased when their as-
bitrary because it is made relative to a standard sumptions are disconfirmed, whereas non-
that incorporates the results of earlier tests. That theorists are worried when their assumptions
standard takes the form of an assumption, and are disconfirmed. A disconfirmed assumption is
the conjecture is compared with this standard an opportunity for a theorist to learn something
during theorizing. new, to discover something unexpected, to gen-
Thus, plausibility is a substitute for validity. erate renewed interest in an old question, to
The process of theory testing by an experimental mystify something that had previously seemed
test is mimicked by the process of conjecture test- settled, to heighten intellectual stimulation, to
ing by an assumption test. In both cases, inter- get recognition, and to alleviate boredom. How-
esting outcomes are retained, while absurd, ir- ever, a disconfirmed assumption is a problem
relevant, or obvious outcomes are dropped. for a nontheorist because it suggests that past
If theorizing is driven by concerns of plausi- experience is potentially misleading as a guide

for subsequent action and that coping may be That's obvious. In the context of Davis's sys-
more difficult. tem, the reaction that's obvious is often the oc-
A disconfirmed assumption interrupts a lay- casion to drop a conjecture from further consid-
man's well-organized activities and plans, but it eration. Outside Davis's system, however, the
accelerates the completion of the theorist's well- judgment that's obvious has other meaning.
organized activities and plans. Those differen- Homans (1964), for example, argued that ma-
tial effects suggest that each should experience jor premises in sociological theory often go un-
quite different emotional reactions to the experi- noticed and unstated because they seem simple
ence of disconfirmed assumptions. Mandler and obvious. He noted the following:
(1975) and Berscheid (1983) argued that interrup-
tions generate negative affect, especially when In sociology as well as in history, it is our major
resumption of the interrupted activity is difficult, premises that we are most apt to leave un-
stated, particularly when they are psychologi-
alternative ways to fulfill the plan are unavail- cal. We leave them unstated not only because
able, the interrupted sequence is tightly orga- they are obvious, but also because they are so
nized, and the time interval during which the obvious that we cannot bring ourselves to take
interruption lasts is lengthy. They also argued them seriously. In the social sciences, unlike
that positive affect occurs when obstacles are other sciences, the general laws are the ones
men have always known most about, though
removed, when the attainment of plans is accel- they have not always formulatedthem as a psy-
erated, and when organized responses can run chologist would-and so they can hardly be-
more smoothly. lieve that they are general laws. Laws are
Thus, theorists should like disconfirmed as- things that have to be discovered; something
sumptions because they accelerate the comple- lying around in plain sight comes too cheap to
tion of their intention to build interesting theory, be a law. (p. 968)
but nontheorists should dislike disconfirmed as- Thus the reaction that's obvious may be a clue to
sumptions because they delay the completion of significance as well as a clue to triviality.
their intentions. However, once a theorist has a Furthermore, what is obvious to one person
strong investment in a perspective, that invest- clearly may be novel to someone else. Thus, the
ment should be expressed in plans to expand reaction that's obvious may trigger the question,
the audience for the theory and in well-or- For whom might this not be obvious? The search
ganized responses that demonstrate and apply for an answer to this question might help estab-
the theory. Once those changes occur, then dis- lish the boundary conditions (Dubin, 1976) inside
confirmation should be felt as an interruption, which a conjecture will hold true but outside of
and strong negative feelings should be exhib- which it won't.
ited. Generalists, people with moderately strong That's Connected. Crovitz (1970) developed
attachments to many ideas, should be hard to the relational algorithm as a device to generate
interrupt and, once interrupted, should have novel solutions to sticky problems. He extracted
weaker, shorter negative reactions since they all 42 relational words that were used in the 850-
have alternative paths to realize their plans. word language system called Basic English and
Specialists, people with stronger attachments to proposed that meaning essentially is estab-
fewer ideas, should be easier to interrupt and, lished when one item is placed in one of these 42
once interrupted, should have stronger, more relations to another item. Thus, in a situation
sustained negative reactions because they have with a speaker and an audience, the event is
fewer alternative pathways to realize their very different if we have a situation in which a
plans. Generalists should be the upbeat, posi- person speaks down to an audience, up to an
tive people in the profession while specialists audience, about an audience, behind an audi-
should be their grouchy, negative counterparts. ence, without an audience, among an audi-

ence, beneath an audience, or over an audi- One leads to a search for universal truthcondi-
ence. When faced with a theoretical problem, a tions, the other for particular connections be-
tween two events-mortal grief, suicide, foul
theorist can generate thought trials by selecting play. (1986, pp. 11-12)
pairs of domain words from the problem (e.g.,
captain, radar) and then put them together with
To judge a conjecture believable, in the con-
all possible relational words to generate conjec-
text of a story, is to assess the degree to which it
tures about why the problem occurs.
makes the story one starts with into a prototypi-
However, the relational algorithm also em-
cal story; "a prototypical story identifies a pro-
bodies an important selection criterion: Is this
tagonist, a predicament, attempts to resolve the
event connected to that event? Theorists often
predicament, the outcomes of such attempts,
assume that events are unrelated and reactions
and the reactions of the protagonists to the
of interest often result when unexpected connec-
situation" (Robinson & Hawpe, 1986, p. 112). If a
tions are discovered (Davis, 1971). To discover
conjecture strengthens one of these five ele-
an unexpected connection is to discover a new
ments in the story that spurs theory construction,
set of implications. Thus, while the relational al-
or if it supplies an element that is missing, then
gorithm is a valuable device to create indepen-
the conjecture is more likely to be retained. If,
dence among thought trials-it puts domain
however, the conjecture neither strengthens nor
words into relations that the theorist forgot
completes, then it is likely to be rejected.
about-it also activates the selection criterion of
That's Beautiful. Theorists sometimes use aes-
connections. The assumption that events are un-
thetic criteria such as beauty to select conjec-
related is disconfirmed when people discover
tures (e.g., Mohr, 1982, p. 23), although this cri-
they are connected and the reaction that's inter-
terion is more likely to be found in mathematical
esting serves as a clue to retain the conjecture.
theory construction. Representative is Poin-
That's Believable. Many problems that spur
care's interesting conjecture that wishful think-
theory construction originate in some form of
ing may err in the direction of the beautiful idea:
narrative (Polanyi, 1989; Polkinghorne, 1988).
This is not surprising since, as James said, "To
say that all human thinking is essentially of two The useful combinations [in mathematical
kinds-reasoning on the one hand, and narra- invention] are precisely the most beautiful, I
tive, descriptive, contemplative thinking on the mean those best able to charm this special sen-
sibility that all mathematicians know ... when
other-is to say only what every reader's expe- a sudden illumination seizes upon the mind of
rience will corroborate" (cited in Bruner, 1986, p. the mathematician, it usually happens that it
xiii). The standards by which narratives are does not deceive him, but it also sometimes
judged differ from those used to judge argu- happens, as I have said, that it does not stand
ments (Weick & Browning, 1986). Stories con- the test of verification;well, we almost always
notice that this false idea, had it been true,
vince, not because they are truthful, but be- would have gratified our natural feeling for
cause they are lifelike, coherent, believable, mathematical elegance. (cited in Campbell,
and because they have verisimilitude (Robin- 1962,p. 62)
son, 1981). Causality, for example, is handled
differently in arguments and narratives. Bruner There is no reason to believe this experience is
explained: enjoyed only by mathematicians, and Lave and
March (1975) suggested that elegant models in
The term then functionsdifferentlyin the logical the social sciences have the capacity to gener-
proposition "if x, then y" and in the narrative ate the same feeling (pp. 61-73).
recit "Theking died and then the queen died." That's Real. Problem statements, thought tri-

als, and selection criteria constructed by theo- checks as well as imagined realities. Neither set
rists to aid theory construction are representa- of criteria is sufficient by itself.
tions of a specific, material, external referent. There obviously are many more selection cri-
Many theorists do not place as much emphasis teria than those discussed here. In the last anal-
on representation and suggest, instead, that ysis, the selection involved in theory construc-
ideas are selected by a more direct access to the tion is a process of editing, winnowing, and sift-
real world in the selection process. Mach has ing. Goodfield described the style of theorizing
said that a mental copy of the world makes de- used by a young experimental biologist named
duction possible, and Campbell (1986) has said Anna, and in doing so illustrated the delicate
of the selection process, "Validity must come sieve involved in theoretical selection:
from the contribution of the referent of belief to
the selection processes" (p. 118). Kaplan (1964), When a suggestion is firstbroached in science,
with typical clarity, noted that "science is gov- however tentatively, it can be, and often is bol-
stered by littlepieces of informationwhich up to
erned by the reality principle, its thought that point may well have seemed extraneous.
checked and controlled by the things it thinks These can now be picked up and cemented in
about" (p. 312). place. Indeed, Anna once gave a lecture called
There are intense debates about the degree to "the Stained Glass Window Lecture," explain-
which the concepts of science correspond to the ing that all scientists have these little pieces of
"things" it thinks about (e.g., Gergen, 1986; colored glass, intriguing bits of information or
facts which they didn't quite know what to do
Needham, 1983), but for those who favor a with. They leave them lying around until,
tighter correspondence, and perhaps also for prompted by a new idea or a new piece of in-
those with vivid, accurate, and detailed prob- formation,they mentally sift and select the ones
lem statements, the criterion that's real is a via- that may help the pattern. (quoted in John-
ble selector. Steiner, 1985,p. 186)
The criterion that's real invokes a combination All sifting is not the same. As Campbell (1962,
of experience, practice, and convention to select p. 65) added, "the likelihood of a productive
among conjectures, whereas earlier criteria thought increases with the wider variety of rea-
such as interest rely more heavily on imagined sons one has for judging a given outcome
realities as selectors. That difference is poten- 'interesting'. " Sifting with a greater number of
tially important when theorizing is considered distinct criteria, a process which Campbell calls
as a largely internal, private process. Theorists "opportunistic multipurposedness," should pro-
can imagine as well as select realities that duce theories that are more important.
merely serve the interests of powerful organiza-
tional actors and not be aware that this is hap-
pening. It is a thin line from that's interesting to Implications
that's in my best interest, from that's obvious to
that's what managers want, from that's believ- The view that theory construction involves
able to that's what managers want to hear, and imagination disciplined by the processes of ar-
from that's real to that's the power system I want. tificial selection has a variety of implications and
While a reality check might catch these sub- raises a number of questions. Having made the
tle, self-serving translations of theoretical anal- process of theory construction more explicit, it
ysis into theoretical advocacy, these translations now becomes clearer that theory construction
also can be partially caught by disciplined ap- can be modified at the step where the problem is
plication of evolutionary rules of thumb to stated (make assumptions more explicit, make
thought trials. Myths can sneak through reality representation more accurate, make represen-

tation more detailed), at the step where thought to grasp the object of study. Theorists have no
trials are formulated (increase number of trials choice, but can be more deliberate in the forma-
generated, increase heterogeneity of trials gen- tion of these images and more respectful of rep-
erated), and at the step where criteria select resentations and efforts to improve them. Meta-
among thought trials (apply criteria more con- phors are not just catchy phrases designed to
sistently, apply more criteria simultaneously, dazzle an audience. Instead, they are one of the
apply more diverse criteria). few tools to create compact descriptions of com-
The difficulty in making these improvements is plex phenomena. The fact that theory construc-
that many of them require independence tion makes full use of representations is its
among activities within a step and indepen- strength, not its weakness.
dence between steps. Needless to say, that is The assessment that's interesting has figured
difficult, but not impossible, when all activities prominently throughout, because it has been
take place in the mind of the same theorist. Hu- viewed as a substitute for validity. An assess-
mans are serial information processors, able to ment of interest represents the terminal stage of
compartmentalize, and willing to forget. Hu- a substantial comparison between previous ex-
mans also can use devices that increase inde- perience summarized into an assumption and a
pendence, devices such as the relational algo- current experience summarized into a conjec-
rithm and strong classification systems, and so- ture which questions that summary. The reac-
cial arrangements in the interest of indepen- tion that's interesting essentially signifies that an
dence. The minute a theorist goes public with assumption has been falsified.
his or her ideas, new points of view are intro- The preceding arguments suggest that the
duced and dependencies decrease. Social ar- theorist is overloaded by demands to run a min-
rangements such as research teams often serve iature evolutionary system in a head that suffers
the same function. from bounded rationality. That load reaffirms
Suppose, however, that dependencies re- the value of working toward theories of the mid-
main. That need not be fatal if the theorist be- dle range.
gins with an explicit starting point or can recover Much as theorists may resist the notion, most
retrospectively an approximation of that starting theory construction depends on conjectures,
point. Retrieval of the starting point allows other preserved in well-crafted sentences, that are
people to begin at the same place and see tested in substitute environments by people
where their thinking leads them. who have a stake in the outcome of the test and
Aside from the issue that the process of theory may be tempted to bias that outcome. This is
construction is always threatened by dependen- the drama that lies behind trial and error think-
cies among thought trials, representations and ing and it lies close to the surface in much the-
mental selectors are a crucial component of the- ory construction. However, it is a manageable
ory construction and should not be taken lightly. drama.
That is especially true for organizational prob- The choice is not whether to do mental testing.
lems. Organizations are complex, dynamic, and Instead, the choice is how well this less than
difficult to observe, which means that whenever ideal procedure can be used to improve the
we think about them, the thinking will be guided quality of theoretical thinking. To build better
by indirect evidence and visualizations of what theory, theorists have to "think better." That
they may be like, often captured in metaphors. empty platitude takes on more substance when
That is not to apologize for the materials used in better thinking is interpreted to mean a more
theory building. Rather, it emphasizes that the- informed and deliberate use of a simulated
orists depend on pictures, maps, and metaphors evolutionary system.

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Karl E. Weick (Ph.D., Ohio State University) is the Ren-

sis Likert Professor of Organizational Behavior and
Psychology in the Graduate School of Business Ad-
ministration, University of Michigan.
This is an expanded version of a symposium paper
titled "The Process of Building Good Theory," pre-
sented at The Academy of Management, August,
1988. In reworking that paper I have been helped
significantly by J. Douglas Orton, Kim Cameron,
Richard Daft, Roger Evered, Andrew Van de Ven,
Robert Quinn, and Daniel Denison. I am deeply
grateful to all of them.


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