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PEKAK Plumes 1

PEKAK Plumes 2


In the best interests of our Editorial Board members, we thank

the Management, the Secretary, the Principal, the H.O.D of
English, and all the faculty members of our department who have
guided and molded us for this sixth edition. The present volume is
the outcome of the improvised creativity and multi-faceted
potentials of the students of English Literature.

- Editorial Board

(PEKAK Plumes)


A.V.C.COLLEGE (Autonomous)

NAAC Reaccredited A Grade Institution (CGPA = 3.34/4.0)

UGC Recognized College with Potential for Excellence

Mannampandal, Mayiladuthurai 609 305

PEKAK Plumes 3

PEKAKPLUMES Editorial Board

Chief Co-Ordinator : Dr.K.Mehanathan,


Staff Co-Ordinator : Mrs.R.Malliga, M.A.,M.Phil.,

Student Co-Ordinator : Ms.R.Dhivya.( II M.A, English)

Chief Editors : Ms.K.Ezhilarasi.( II M.A, English )

Ms.B.Elakkiya.( II M.A, English )

Executive Editors : Ms.V.Bharanisri.( II M.A, English )

Ms.D.Saranya.( II M.A, English )
Ms.K.Nivetha.( II M.A, English )

Instructive Member : Mr.K.Vignesh.( II M.A,English )

Associative Editors : Ms.S.Meenaashi.( I M.A, English )

Ms.B.Manjula.( I M.A, English )
Ms.K.Karthiga.( I M.A, English )
Ms.K.Gladys Belsi Catherine.( I M.A, English )

Board Members : Mr.C.Sakthivel.( III B.A, English )

Ms.A.Gangamani.( III B.A, English )
Ms.S.Meenakshi.( III B.A, English )
Mr.R.O.Arul Kumaran.( II B.A, English )
PEKAK Plumes 4

1. A POLE STAR AMONG THE STARS......................................... 6
2. DUO.................................................................................................. 10
3. LITERATURE IN PRESENT SCENARIO................................... 11
4. CRESCENDO MUSIC.................................................................... 12
5. THIRST............................................................................................ 14
6. ANTAGONIST TO FILIAL........................................................... 15
7. RAISE TO PRAISE.......................................................................... 18
8. DIABOLIC BEINGS....................................................................... 20
9. SHAKESPEARE LIVES WITH US............................................... 22
10. MY HEART, DO NOT FAINT...................................................... 25
11. VULNERABLE FACTS ABOUT CYBERCRIME....................... 27
12. I ENJOY LIVING THE LIFE OF A EUNUCH............................ 34
13. FILM REVIEW JOKER................................................................. 35
14. RUINED NATURE.......................................................................... 37
15. THE AQUALESS CENTURY........................................................ 39
16. MALE PROSTITUTION ALIAS MARRIAGE............................ 42
17. A POOR CREATURE..................................................................... 46
18. STRUGGLE...................................................................................... 47
19. CROSS WORD PUZZLE................................................................ 49
20. MOTHER OF THE TRIBALS....................................................... 51
21. BE NOT SELFISH........................................................................... 56
22. OUR CLASSIC COLLEGE............................................................. 58
23. RIDDLES.......................................................................................... 60
24. LOVE CONQUERS BRUTALITY................................................ 61
25. PLATONIC LOVE.......................................................................... 64
26. YOUR DREAM IS YOUR SIGNATURE...................................... 67
27. DREAMS DONT WORK UNLESS YOU DO............................ 68
28. BOOK REVIEW EVERY ONE HAS A STORY........................ 70
29. WHO IS MY GOD.......................................................................... 73
30. MY UNBEATABLE SHELTER..................................................... 78
31. MOTHER.......................................................................................... 80
32. LITERATURE DRAWINGS AND LOGOS................................. 81
PEKAK Plumes 5


Esteemed readers,

At the outset, we would like to thank our

Management, the Principal and the Head of the English
Department, who act as patron and give their valuable suggestions at
various stages to compile this 6th edition of PEKAK PLUMES. The
purpose of this series is to flash the bottom line of the life through
our experimental products. We have made an attempt to enchant
the readers by our exquisite art; this volume is a mixture of our
various binding benevolent thoughts. We are sure that, it will
beguile you and make a great impact on your memory lane forever.
Ultimately we rejoice with the accomplishment of our PEKAK

PEKAK Plumes 6






There was a law in a country. According to the law, anyone

could become the king of the country and they could reign only for
five years. When his reign come to the end the people of that
country would leave him in the forest which was situated on the
bank of the river.

There was no human being in the forest, but only ferocious

wild animals! On the moment the king entered into the forest, he
would be a prey to the animals. No one could change the law. Only
the man who agreed to this law could sit on the throne. Thus the
fate of the man was death after five years.

The throne was mostly empty because people were

frightened by the strict law. However, some thought, We are
going to die one day, so it is better for us to die as a king and
ascended the throne. Among them many died of heart attack.
PEKAK Plumes 7

Likewise, the five-year reign of a particular king come to

an end. On that day, he had to cross the river to enter the forest.
People of that country gathered on the bank of the river to send
him off.

The king came wearing his royal garments and jewels and
also had his crown on his head. The Golden and diamond
decorated sword was in his hand and he stood in front of the
people. People murmured, He is going to die in half an hour; so
why should he wear so much of ornament.

When he saw his boat, he became outrageous and

thundered at his servants. Is this the boat for the kings sailing!
Go and bring a large boat! Could I stand and travel! Go and bring
the throne! Commands flew; things happened. After sometime, a
beautifully decorated boat came. People stood stunned. King
continued his journey happily.

The most stunned man was the boatman. Because, So far,

he took many kings to the other side of the river. None of them had
ever been happy like him. They were all worried and lamented.
But this king was overwhelmed with joy.

Unable to restrain his eagerness the boatman asked, My

majesty! Do you know where you are going?

Yes I know. Going to the other side!

Do you know that those who had gone there had never
returned to this city?

I know. I too will not return back.

Then how can you be so happy?

PEKAK Plumes 8

Do you know what I did? I sent a thousand hunters to the

forest at the end of the first year of my reign. They hunted and
killed the wild animals. At the end of second year I sent a
thousand farmers to the forest; they ploughed the land; today,
many grains and vegetables have grown there. At the end of the
third year I sent a thousand architectural experts, they built the
houses, the palace and the roads. Now and everything is ready. At
the end of the fourth year a thousand government officers were
sent to take care of the administration. These four thousand men
went there with their wives and live there.

Now Im not going to forest; Im going to my country!

Im not going to die, Im going to live. Im going to rule as

a king. If you want to continue as a boatman in my palace, you
may come with your boat and lets go together! The king said.

What are the reasons for the success of the king? Though
there could be several reasons, we can take two reasons.

One: the king decided to live as a king.

Two: To reach this destination, he worked systematically!

The two things are not only for the kings victory. Its for

We must plan systematically to attain our goal.

We must make use of the present by working hard to make

the future bright.

The hard work of the student in his studies now will elevate
him in the future.
PEKAK Plumes 9

Make a plan before any action. And get success in your







PEKAK Plumes 10


I was like a silk worm,

When I came to know that you are my blooming garden,
I transfigured myself as a winged butterfly.
My dear, you are an un-faded flower of mine.
Your rapid movement from left to right,
Address me every sight.
The sprinkles on you, is my scent
The honey of yours, is my feast
You captured me by your colours
And made me to round you crazily
Every sip of you, sweeten the moments
Hope to have the sweet without conclusion.
May God, continued our connection without seclusion.
PEKAK Plumes 11


The quest to discover a definition for literature is a road that
is much travelled, through the point of arrival, if ever reached, is
seldom satisfactory. Most attempted definitions are broad and
vague, and they inevitably change over time. In fact, the only
thing that is certain about defining literature is that the definition
will change. Concepts of what is literature change over time as
well says Simon and Delyse Ryan. In Western Europe prior to
the eighteenth century, literature as a term indicated all books and
writings. A more restricted sense of the term emerged during the
Romantic period. In which it began to demarcate imaginative
literature. Contemporary debates over what constitutes literature
can be seen as modern definition. Apparently, Literary means
not only what is written but what is voiced, what is expressed,
what is invented in whatever form in which case maps, sermons,
comic strips, cartoons, speeches, photographs, movies, war
memorials and music all huddle beneath the literary umbrella
books continue to matter of course, but not in the way that earlier
generations took for granted. In 2004 The most influential cultural
figure now alive, according to News-week, wasnt a novelist or
historian; it was Bob Dylan. The index to A New Literary
History contains more references to Dylan than to Stephen crane
and Hart crane combined. It is evident that he has been nominated
for a Nobel Prize on literature every year since 1996 and awarded
in 2016 for having created new poetic expressions within the
great American song tradition. He is the first song writer to have
won the Nobel Prize for Literature and the Pulitzer Award Rushdie
said. The Frontiers of literature keep widening and its exciting
that the Nobel Prize recognizes that. So, it is very clear that the
definition of literature is keep in changing and now it has extended
its limits.
PEKAK Plumes 12

A crescendo is a way for all Musicians, Composers, and
Singers etc to indicate that a passage of music should gradually
increase in loudness over time. Sometimes, its also used in non-
musical ways. For Example, if we ate in an argument, it turns into
strong and louder conversation for the sake of projecting our ideas
strong. Thats also said to be Crescendo. Likewise, Crescendo
Music is also used for composing the music is rhythmic and has
high-pitch and Low Pitch.

The word Crescendo comes from the Italian word for

becoming louder or growing. Although the effect is quite common
in musical performance, the specific indication wasnt often
utilized in notation until around the 17th century.

This was a part of broader trend in musical composition at

the time, where composers began taking more control over the
performance of their music through dynamic markings and other
more specific performance instructions.

Crescendo Music is defined as something, such as music,

that gradually gets louder or more intense.

Without crescendo, we cant even lead a our life. This is

usual. We cant avoid success and the ups and downs in our life.
This is usual. We cant avoid success and failure. Crescendo
indirectly denotes the ups and downs of our day to day life.
Music is highly connected with our lives. We can feel our worries,
PEKAK Plumes 13

happiness, friendship, love etc, in music. It will helpful for solving

many issues. Thats why we feel much better and relaxed when
listening music.

All professional singers, Dancers, performers, Artists,

Actors, Actresses, Play-back Singers should know about
Crescendo. Once, we know about the pitches perfect, then we can
perform the musical Crescendo. Like Shruti, Thalam etc.

With the knowledge of Musical notes, we can identify the

professional singers and Non-Professional Singers. Crescendo
plays more role in Music. Gradually, it plays more roles in life


PEKAK Plumes 14


Dark day of December, destroyed the dryness

Wandering clouds, blindly crashed
Laughed lightning launched the sound
The sound kissing of thunder made the winds to chant
The clouds started to shower the needles
Some needles on the lakes, some on the sea
Some of them fallen on the woods
Those needles were similar to the ripened fruit.
Over ripped fruit dropped from the tree
Soil observed the juice by the lips of insatiable thirst.
Eternal hungry pinched the seeds,
With crunching sound, there generated twin leaves
They smiled with opened eyes.
Believing to see world at its peaks.
PEKAK Plumes 15


My mother is a woman like no others.

She gave me life, nurtured me, taught me, dressed me,

Fought for me, held me, shouted at me, kissed me,

But most importantly

Loved me unconditionally.

There are not enough words I can say to describe

Just how important my mother was to me, and

What a powerful influence she continues to be

Mother, I love you.

Sea. While uttering this large, deep and wide word most of
the people feel cheerful. We could find joy sparkles on the eyes of
the children as well as old people when they happen to go to
beach. Sea is compared to woman especially, mother but at times it
becomes demon. Now I tell the darker side of the sea. I dare to
write about my past. I could see the grace of many people
including my kith and kin.

It happened before twelve years. Then I was studying fifth

standard. On that chill December I was enjoying the holidays. I
PEKAK Plumes 16

was wandering here and there with my friends, playing and

giggling etc. I didnt expect such a disaster, no, not anyone. It is
26th December 2004 I woke up with regular refreshment. In the
morning my mom served tea to me and my brothers. After that we
went to play and my parents went to the sea shore for trade. I was
playing with my friends. Suddenly we heard the roar of the sea.
My friends fled and left me alone. I stunned and looked at the sea.
A great wave was sweeping away everything- men, women,
children, houses, trees and cattle like dust. A man held my hand
firmly and dragged me, I ran after him. I thought of my brothers
where they are? Who will save them? whether they are in safe.
The fear of my brothers safety caught hold on my mind. By grace
of god I found my brothers. We found refuge in a temple but the
waves chased the temple was flooded by sea water. I lifted up my
brothers and made them stand upon a bench. But I drowned in the
water and gradually dragged away by the flood.

God sent his angel in the form of a man to save my life.

Suddenly, an unknown person carried me on his shoulder. After
sometime the level of the water decreases gradually. Then we
reached Akkur. We seemed to be shocked.

When our father saw us, he ran to us, embraced us and

sobbed greatly. We asked about our mother.

I lost her, he said and wept again. A great shock to me

and I cried a lot. The condition of my brother is pathetic. They
were little children, didnt know even what death is. So tears rolled
on my fathers cheek seeing my brothers and myself. He told me
that he tried a lot to save mom but could not my moms locks of
hair caught in a thorny shrub. Our father stretched out his hand to
save her. But she dropped his hand by saying Go and save our
children. I can escape our father also caught in Tsunami and
strived for his life.
PEKAK Plumes 17

The loss of my mother could not be recompensed. We

overcome by grief and pain. Her memories haunt our hearts. The
days rolled on, my father brought up us well. Still Im thinking of
my mom. There is a vacuum in my life because of my mom. I
pretend to be happy though her memories lingering in my mind.



PEKAK Plumes 18

At every Road-corner searching foods;

Registered citizen of India:

Eager cultivation of culture:

Yet, no one Harvest the poverty.

Admired Tamilans, Brave Hospitality

Infants welcome Satans Hungry:

While, Beggar Mother Feeds;

Pathetic falling in prosperous Nation

Sexual-Harassment Enhanced

Exploited Education for child laborers

Rejected life by Female Infinitude

Need justice! Exchange punishments!

Indias Backbone Backwards;

Fractured economy on Agriculture

Diversity made water as poison

Farmers changes to corpses

Foreign Investment eradicates Indian Economy

Bombastic sales behind customers

Majority peoples Money

PEKAK Plumes 19

Aristocracy emphasis Authority,

If corruption corrupted by demonetization?

Did corrupters are corrupted?

Confusion behind democratic- slavery

Recycle Lok-Shaba and Raja-Shaba.

At Marina, pillars of Nation

Lose their Identity

Rang the warning bells at Colleges and Schools

Need youngsters to catch developing Nation!

To raise our Nation developed

Student praise-Unity! Unity! Unity!


PEKAK Plumes 20

It was January Morning, sunny light and tender cool breeze
came through the window to wake me up with its delicate
sparkling touch. On my bed, I stretched out my arms and looked at
my sandalwood stool. As usual there was my favorite steaming
beverage in a blue patterned cup. Everyone knew that it was sent
by Shradha Paati (granny), the lady Hitler and the Managing
Director of Shradha & co. I took a sip of coffee and looked at the
headlines. My room-mate teased me on the exceptional love of
Paati. Then only I realised that I was in hostel. I lost my parents
when I was 16. Since then, I was in the hostel under the lovely
shadow of Shradha Paati. I was an exceptional being in her hostel
rules. Though I didnt know the reason, I used my freedom a lot.
As I was rejuvenated by the coffee, I waddled downstairs and
headed over the Paatis cabin.

Unusually the cabin was very noisy. I leaned on the door

and watched over there. Shradha & co members were on
discussion about a ceremony which was going to be held at Paatis
Old age care home. Suddenly Shradha, the gigantic queen of the
company stood from her chair and uttered that Mr.Ramakrishna
Moorthy would be the chief guest of the ceremony. After that
PEKAK Plumes 21

silence became to the most chief thing in the cabin. My mind

started to think about Mr. Moorthy. I was very much interested to
know him so, I ran to Ms. Kalai, encyclopedia of our hostel.

She informed me that Mr. Moorthy, 40 years old business

magnet and description headed as a kind hearted, genuine human
being; loves old people and children and done many welfare for
them; he could be shortly known as Guardian of elderly people.
She also showed off his picture. I felt really glad and by seeing
that picture I found him apt on the description. I decided to meet
him. So I got permission from Paati and then attended the

Mr. Moorthy delivered a talk on Bane of Old Age Care,

the function ended successfully. As I admired his speech, I rushed
in the crowd like a mouse in a party, to have his autograph. But I
missed as the 6 feet man stepped speedy. When he was about to
get into his car, I sighted the old age home admission form in his

I felt confused and evaluated my vision over and over for

whom the age home admission form was in the hands of Moorthy.
I messed up and out of my control asked the secretary of Shradha
Paati about that. She told me that the admission form was for his
60 years old mother and added that she was about to join our

I was shocked and thought that face is not really the index
of mind but sometimes action does!
PEKAK Plumes 22


This Article focuses the well-known dramatist William
Shakespeare. Everybody knows him but how many people know
who is living with us by his plays and his words. I want to share
something about Shakespeares words and also I want to compare
our Shakespeares plays scenes with our todays cinematic

First thing is words of Shakespeare. We use many words

to many product and other things in our daily life. But we dont
know the history of the words. We never try to search the real
meaning or origin of the precious words. I show few words are
here, these words are related with Shakespeares play.

One who asks the meaning of Ariel, all of us say now which
means washing powder. They dont know the real meaning of the
word. This name is appeared in Shakespeares play, The Tempest.
Ariel is the name of Good spirit in this play. This word first
introduced in Bible. This is mentioned the city of Jerusalem,
Which means Lion of God. So the name is given to washing
powder because its meaning as power.

Everybody knows the cool drinks Miranda. This word was

invented by Shakespeare in The Tempest, Miranda is the heroin of
the play The Tempest. She was so beautiful. Miranda means
PEKAK Plumes 23

Admirable, Wonderful. This name was given to a drink. I think

the company of Miranda advertised that the wonderful and
admirable drink is this.

Lady Bird is the company of cycle. We already knew it.

But the real meaning of this word is lady bug, an insect. The
England people thought that was a symbol of good luck around the
world and which is also meant the flying thing. This is taken from
the Shakespeares play Romeo and Juliet.

Now our people follow the flux culture. Flux means digital
banners. This is already appeared in Shakespeares play Julius
Caesar. In Flavius and Marullus conversation, Flavius said to a
Roman country man, Disrobe the images. This image means the
sense of Flux. The Roman people welcomed their king returns
from defeating Pompays sons at the battle field in munda. So this
thing showed that the flux culture already started in Shakespearian

The solar system has 8 planets. The 7th planet is Uranus. It

has 27 planets. Shakespeares character name are given to the 24
plants in Uranus. These are Titania, Oberon, Puck (from A
Midsummer Nights-Dream); Ariel, Miranda, Caliban, Sycorax,
Prospero, Setebos, Stephano, Trinculo, Francisco, Ferdinand (from
The Tempest); Cordelia (from King Lear); Ophelia (from Hamlet);
Bianca (from Taming of theShrew); Cressida (from Troilus and
Cressida); Desdemona (from Othello); Juliet, Mab (from Romeo
and Juliet); Portia (from The Merchant of Venice); Rosalind (from
As you like it); Margaret (from Much ado about Nothing); Perdita
(from The Winters tale); Cupid (from Timon of Athens).

Then I want to compare Shakespeares scenes of the play

with our cinematic events. Julius Caesar famous dialogue is you
to Brutus? (Ettu, Brute?).Caesar injured 33 stabs from his
PEKAK Plumes 24

conspirators. But the last stab of Brutus was very painful to him.
For the only reason Caesar had so much trust on Brutus. So the
trusted person makes a wound which is very painful. This same
thing appeared in Bagubali ending. The character of Kattappa was
very trusted by Bagubali. I think that pain only killed Bagubali.

Shakespeares Romantic play is Romeo and Juliet. This

plays famous scene is balcony scene. This particular scene
appeared in many movies especially in Tamil movies, like
Sangamam song (Varahanadhikaraioram), Ambigabathi,
Yamirukabayam yen etc.

Shivajis one of the famous film is MANOHARA. This

storys main theme is taken from Shakespeares Hamlet.
AMARAKAVIYAM films climax is similar with Othello. Many
movies in Tamil are derived from Shakespeares play. I give some
examples are here. These are, GUNASUNDHARI film derived
from King Lear; ARIVAALI film derived from The Taming of the
shrew; KALVANIN KADHALI derived from Twelfth night.

Shakespeares work is not only for our educational related

thing but also in many things itself. These plays have been opted in
nowadays. If it is the words, Characters, story, dialogueetc. Still
Shakespeare lives with us through his works.


PEKAK Plumes 25


Death woos many,

But it too hates me,

Im existing, not living,

In despair and sorrows pining.

I know

In my end is my beginning

But couldnt reach my end

As Hope draws me back.

Parents love disappoints me,

Fake friends faint me,

My heart becomes heavy,

But Gods anvil moulds me.

As days pass by, Im resolved

The failures are the tools of His workshop.


PEKAK Plumes 26



Internet (web 2.0) in other word Social Network (SNW) is

a great boon in this 21st century. People are using SNWs to share
their thoughts and update their knowledge. It also brings about
new friendship circle through forums like Facebook, Whatsapp,
Twitter, etc. SNWs drag the women out of their narrow boundaries
and expose the outer world to them. The SNWs provide new
friends, guidance for education and life, and also act as a stress
relieving factor to the womanhood. Fraim has defined cyber
socialisation as computerized interaction with known and
unknown individuals for the purpose of research, entertainment,
establishment of friendships due to feelings of loneliness and
sexual gratification (Fraim, 2006).Though the SNWs provide
many advantages, it has its own negative side. Nowadays the word
cybercrime is a common threat to human race. In cyber space
victimization and harassment against women is in peak. Thanks to
the Social Net Works there are many facilities like stalking,
morphing, blackmailing and cyber obscenity for cyber mongers
and harassers to humiliate womenfolk in the cyberspace. This
paper aims at portraying the cybercrime against women, how it is
PEKAK Plumes 27

impacting the social life in the Indian scenario. This paper also
highlights some useful suggestions to cure cyber harassment
against women in India.

(Key words: Social Networks, sexual gratification, victimization,

cybercrime, cyberspace.)

The internet and Social Network (SNW) now rule the
world, People depend upon internet for studies, commercial
activities and for seeking friends. It is an inevitable thing in daily
walk of our life. Cyber space or chat rooms attract people. In this
current world everybody is suffering from stress. Through Social
Networks they find new friends, share their thoughts, feelings and
emotions. This culture is known as cyber culture (DebarathiHalder
& Jaishankar). Wikipedia defines cyber culture as, the culture that
has emerged, is emerging from the use of computer networks for
communication, entertainment and business. It is also the internet
and other new forms of network communication, such as online
communication, online multiplayer gaming, and email usage.
(Cyber culture, Wikipedia, 2010, June 29). By using internet one
can ameliorate his knowledge. The communication between
people simplify by internet. Forums like Facebook, Whatsapp,
Twitter, etc make it more easier. Though internet has many
merits, it has some demerits. There is another side of the coin
namely cyber crime. Crimes like phishing, hacking, stalking,
etc increase day by day. Especially harassments against women
and adults in cyber space are threatening the netizens.
In India women use internet to avoid loneliness. They suffer from
victimization more than their western counterparts. The men focus
on their work and they have their own friendship circle. But the
women, especially home-makers are always alone and live in their
narrow household. They are depressed. To come out of their
PEKAK Plumes 28

depression they seek some friends outside their domestic circle.

For that reason they use cyber space and chat rooms. While they
find a trustworthy friend, they share their personal information
with them including financial status, family problems, etc... and
they exchange contact numbers. The cyber mongers make use of
it. They blackmail the women for financial benefits and sexual
pleasure (TanayaSaha). On the other hand ex-boyfriends and
divorced husbands use cyber space to humiliate their wives and
girlfriends. They reveal the womens secrets and personal
information in the public forums and write filthy words about the
women on their page. Thus women are victimized in cyberspace
by known and unknown persons.

Cyber Crimes in Facebook:

In India Cyber Crimes against women are increasing day
by day in Facebook. Now a days people have internet connection
in their mobile phones. So, it is easy for them to get sign in to
Facebook. Through which the netizens find new friends and can
keep in touch with their old friends. In Facebook, the users create
their own profiles providing their names, date of birth,
residences, schoolings, college information, likes and dislikes, etc.
Users flirt with people as per their wish. They make groups based
on their likes and habits. They post something in public, like and
make comment over others post and memes. They make a private
chat with their contacts through messanger. They follow someone,
who is a popular figure or a good meme creator. In Facebook
anyone can be a friend of anybody and have fruition.
The cyber mongers make use of Facebook to victimize women
and adults. They create fake profiles to cheat women. At first they
seem to be genuine to women. Later on they show their real faces.
The men propose women for sexual gratification. If the women do
not heed to their words, they keep stalking the women. They post
obscene messages about women, morphs their photo and display it
PEKAK Plumes 29

in public. The harassers do hacking, morphing, stalking, bullying

and blackmailing against the women. This happened to many
women in Social Networks. This is what happened in Salem. A
girl Vinupriya, aged 21, hung herself on June 27. A man morphed
her picture in order to revenge her. He displayed her naked picture
in public through his mobile phone.
A Mumbai Police report shows cyber crimes hacking,
creating fake profiles and uploading obscene pictures- increased
by 30% in 2016 (till date). According to that report, 90 cyber
offenses were registered across the city, including 24 fake
Facebook profiles till date this year. In 2015, 912 cyber offenses
were registered of which 178 cased related to fake Facebook
profiles of hacking. Prashant Mali, cyber lawyer told Times of
India (TOI), Anonymity on the internet makes people feel they
cant caught by Law, fuelled by their belief that police are not
qualified enough and cant chase them. (Times of India, March,
10, 2016)
Cyber Crimes through Smart phones:
Smart phones are the boon in this digital era. A
Smartphone is nothing but a tiny and compact form of computer.
In smart phones we have all the available features that are in
computer. We depend on smart phones from recharge to money
transaction. According to a 2012 report of Kleiner Perkins
Caufield& Byers (KPCB), US, number of smart phone users in
India raised from 44 million to 100 million.
The smart phones have many merits, but we can find an equal
amount of demerits in it. Death rings and Mouabad are pre-
loaded in smart phones. Through these malwares, the cyber
criminals hack ones personal information without their knowledge.
Additionally more hacking happened while we use unsecure Wi-fi
and while install many vulnerable apps in smart phones. Lack of
awareness among women about their gadgets become a major
problem in India. The victims are not affected by financial or job
PEKAK Plumes 30

frauds but are blackmailed by some men who threaten to defame

them on Social media. Cyber Security Advisor to the Telangana
Government M.Sandeep said, People should learn basic thing
about the gadgets they are using. They should avoid unknown
links while using social or banking sites. Women should be careful
about friend request from unknown people and sharing personal
information.(Deccan Chronicles, Saturday, November, 26,2016.)
Major cyber crimes happened in cyber space while people share
their photos and videos in SNWs through their smart phones. The
2014 KPCB report said that more than 1.8 million photos are
shared everyday via forums such as Snapchat, Facebook,
Whatsapp, Flickr and Instagram.

Preventive measures to be taken:

Prevention is better than cure. To keep ourselves away from
cyber crimes, we should do some hindering measures. There are
many security apps available in app stores to protect us. Apart
from technical features, we should do some preventive measures.
First, we should be conscious about accepting friend
requests in Facebook. Avoid unknown persons friend
Secondly, avoid unnecessary chats in SNW. This is the
starting point of all problems.
Do not give more information about you in SNW.
Especially do not give your residential address, mobile
number and other personal details in Facebook profile or in
any other chat rooms. Because harassers will make use of
Do not upload your photos and videos in Facebook,
Whatsapp or anyother SNWs. This will cause a major
problem. The cyber mongers will morph it.
PEKAK Plumes 31

Use password to sign in to your email, Facebook

account,etc and keep it secret. Do not share it to anyone.
Change your password from time to time.
Do not let others use your mobile phones. They may
misuse it without your knowledge.
Use antivirus and app locks in your smart phones. This will
protect you smart phone from vulnerability and others
cannot use your phone without your knowledge.
If you receive any unnecessary or obscene messages from
unknown or known person in Whatsapp, Facebook or any
other forums just block that person immediately.
Avoid using unsecure Wi-fi. This will make your smart
phone vulnerable. If you have any warning message while
using Wi-fi or any other server, just stop using it. Alec Mc
George, the Head of threat intelligence at Cyber Security
Company Immunity Inc said Your phone actually has a
lot of really good built in technology to warn you when you
are going to make a poor security decision. And what we
found through our general penetration testing practice and
talking to some of our customers is people are very
conditioned to just click through whatever warnings it is
because they want the content.
The harassment against women is a never ending problem.
And now it is happening in cyber space also. Criminals are using
hi-tech equipments to victimize women. Though there are many
laws and security are available in cyber space, we should protect
ourselves. Online socializing never remains risk free for women
mainly due to their sexuality. Majority of the cyber crimes
targeting women happened in the SNWs (Halder&Jaishankar,
2009). We should be careful in our activities in cyber space. Dont
let others harass you.
PEKAK Plumes 32

1. Agarwal. N &Kasihik. N(2015), Cyber Crimes Against
Women. GJRIM Vol. 4(1),pp 37-49.
2. Dibbini. S, Smartphone Cybercrime & Security- How to
use your mobile powerhouse the smart way. Available on:
3. Halder. D &Jaishankar. K(2012) Cyber Victimization in
India, pp 1-22. Available on: http:
4. Halder. D &Jaishankar. K(2013) Use and Misuse of
Internet by Semi-Urban and Rural Youth in India pp 1-20.
Available on:
5. Halder. D &Jaishankar. K(2015), Harassment via
Whatsapp in Urban & Rural India pp 1-13. Available on:
6. Halder.D&Jaishankar. K, Cyber Socializing and
Victimization of Women p. Temida, Sep. 2009. Pp 5-26.
7. Kumar. T, Jka.R. Kumar, Ray.S.M, Cyber Crime and
Their Solution. International Journal of Engineering and
Computer Science. Volume Issue 1, Oct.2012 pp 48-52.
Available on:
8. Muthukumaran. B, Cyber Crimes ScenerioIn India,
Criminal Investigation Department Review, Jan. 2008, pp
9. Saha. T, Srivastava. A, Indian Women at Risk in the
Cyber space: A Conceptual Model of Reasons of
Victimization . International Journal of Cyber Criminal
(IJCC) January-June 2014, Vol. 8(1) pp 57-67.
10. Saini. H, Shankar Rao, Panda.T.C, Cyber Crime and Their
Impacts: A Review International Journal of Engineering
Research and Application (IJERA) Vol. 2(2) March-April
2012, pp 202-209.
PEKAK Plumes 33

11. Schlesinger Jennifer & Day Andrea, Your Smartphone

Could Be Hacked Without Your Knowledge Jan. 17,
12. Singh Jspreet, Violence Against Women in Cyber World:
A Special Reference to India. International Journal of
Advanced Research in Management and Social Sciences
(IJARMSS). Vol. 4(1) Jan. 2015 pp 60-76. Available on:

This is a paper presented in a one day National Seminar for


WOMEN WRITERS held at St.Josephs College

(Autonomous), Trichy by P.G & Research Department of

English (Shift II) on 30th Nov-2016.

PEKAK Plumes 34


I Enjoy living the life of a Eunuch

Like all the royal Eunuchs of old
And Always apt to Administer others
I put a mask on my carnal desires.
I Enjoy living the life of a Eunuch
It is so easy to live this way
He gives me the strength
When I Earnestly pray God
I Enjoy living the life of a Eunuch
Like all the Angels in the Heaven above
Always praise God Almighty,
Who never rejects me even my parents and society do.
I Enjoy living the life of a Eunuch
Some have made themselves Eunuchs
For the sake of the kingdom of Heaven
I Enjoy this life till Eternity.
PEKAK Plumes 35


In India, cinema plays a vital role in the life of people.
They spent millions and millions of dollars in film industry, but
they concentrated on producing commercial and science fiction
films. We can see political films once in a while in Indian film

In 2016, Director Rajumurugan gave a political satire film

named as JOKER in the Tamil Language. Usually, people judge
a film by its title. Though, the title Joker suggest something
related to comedy, it is a serious film. Director Rajumurugan
boldly satirizing the political Judicical, system followed in India.
He gave a heavy blow to politicians, magistrates, policeman
through the character of the Joker in the film MannarMannan.
Though the people call him as the Joker, he is the real hero of the
society. He couldnt tolerate the atrocities and injustices
happening around him. He severely opposes the government, then
announce himself to the president of India by delivering the
means by the people, for the people, of the people.
PEKAK Plumes 36

At the beginning he led a normal life as others, bearing all

the encroachment of the society. When he searches for a girl to
marry he meets Malligawho work in a rose garden. Usually, a
woman expects a luxurious and loving husband, but Malliga is
peculiar who expects a man own a home with good sanitary
facility (toilet). MannarMannan promises to built a toilet in his
house and marries her. At that time, they come to know about the
Bharath village free Toilet system. But, as it is a Government
scheme, they open it unfinished headed by the president of India.
At that night seven months pregnant Malliga uses it in midnight.
She slips and gets injured in the head. Then she is on comma stage
throughout the film.

This incident makes a drastic change in MannarMannans

character. His protests against each and every mistake of the
society. It is true that all revolutionary men in the world have some
personal experience which creates a great impact on their speech
and action. Also, it is evident that the crisis, which made them a
protester, also becomes the weapon for their death. Director
Rajumurugan used number of symbols in the film. Not only he
satirized the Government, also made a platonic love story which
makes the audience freeze. But some of the places he directly
attacks the Government and current political system in our
country. The film mainly focuses on sand-mafia and protest
against slow working corporation. The screenplay, dialogues,
background music is added glove to this film.

It is the best film of this decade which has several inner

lines and meaning. The Dialogues of MannarMannan and Potti
case ponnunjual at the climax made heavy blow in the face of
politicians. The film is very much crammed with a sense of civil
duty that it forgets to breathe.
PEKAK Plumes 37

Once the world filled with forest

People were pure and happy by

Their mind and body, But now we

Cant believe, all the people

With their own desire. But those days,

People moved with hope.

No other trees could before see.

Countless condominium buildings are visible!

All are inhume their conscience.

Even earth is exploited by them.

The object of the tree also owned by people.

So, sea come forward furiously,

It gives the fierce destroy.

All the source of the world

Going to moor! Those civilization

Now no more, we could see

The hue of famine towards world.

Once walking along the road,

Even the trees shares their pleasure.

PEKAK Plumes 38

But now like the darkness the trees

Fill with their grief; we can

Feel sorrowfulness among the objects.

All are find detour to touch the top

Of success: now nature get swoon

Due to the state of muddle! Why they being

Influenced by the luxurious life?

More dare without future thinking

How could they destroy the magnificent

Heath? They sneer towards them

For their destruction. Maleficent

Are going towards their destiny!

Obnoxious doing make havoc damage

Like a harangue speech towards

People; If the nature wiggle through

The street can see the through destruction.

PEKAK Plumes 39


This is the year of 2180. Yes, I am nearly at the end of

22 century. My name is 2140 Oct 12 K1500. I am just 40 years
but my appearance is like a 70 years old man. I am afraid that I do
not have much time to live.

I eat food for only once a day, remaining two times my

food habit is based on the calories. If I want 1000 calories for my
breakfast I want to take two tablets for that. It is the government
order everyone should follow.

We are unable to do agriculture because of harmful

fertilizers which was used many years ere in the fields and due to
the blast of six atomic stations we are unable to cultivate anything
in this soil.

Due to the methane projects of the past years, now all the
rivers, lakes, dams and underground water beds are dried. Even
sea water also gets contaminated by the nuclear and industrial
wastes so there is no aqua species.
PEKAK Plumes 40

Many and many industries are erected and workers receive

drinkable water as their salary.

It is common news that gun point on the street for a bottle

of water. According to the government rule people are allowed to
drink only two glass of water. Nowadays we use towels with
mineral oil to clean our skin.

Ultramodern techniques are well developed but there is no

use to recover anything. Some country launched satellites to
discover the pure water in their country.

Due to lack of food and water the appearance of the people

is horrible, wrinkled emaciated bodies. Immune system is totally

Ozone layer becomes svelte so people are easily affected

by ultra violet radiations. 80% of death based on the skin cancer,
atomic radiations, brain cancer, improper functions of lungs etc.

Scientists try to find the solution for these problems but

there is no solution to recover these problems.

In very few countries there is a little bit of the green zones

with water but it was fully covered by heavy armed soldiers.

Water becomes treasures, more precious than gold and


There is no tree around us. Water cannot be produced,

because oxygen is also required due to the lack of trees.

Government makes us to pay for the air we breathe per

PEKAK Plumes 41

From the beginning of the 21st century the seasons have

been severely affected by the atomic and nuclear tests.

I sincerely believe that within a short time, life on earth

will not be possible.

Now I would like to go back and make mankind to

understand that we still had time to save our PLANET EARTH






PEKAK Plumes 42


A Man wants a settled life;

A Woman wants an enough life,
Man prepares himself for marriage;
Woman prepares herself for physical-relation.

Man expresses, I need a rich and a beautiful woman;

Woman expresses, I need a rich man with a heavy wallet,
Man searches a woman through his family;
Woman searches a man through an agent.

Mans family first sight a woman,

Womans agents first sight a man;
Suddenly man gets affection with that girl;
Similarly woman gets affection with that man.
PEKAK Plumes 43

Man announces his dowry-scale for marriage;

Woman announces her charge-scale for physical-relation,
Man scale is made by education, job, etc.
Woman scale is made by beauty, body, etc.

Man receives dowry before the marriage;

Woman receives money before the physical-relation,
Man completes the marriage with that woman;
Woman concords the physical-relation with that man.

Man doesnt know many things about that woman;

Woman doesnt know anything about that man,
Man is ready for physical-relation like a lion;
Woman is ready for that physical-relation like a deer.

Man starts long-time physical-relation at the night;

Woman ends one-time physical-relation at the night,
Man is named as BRIDEGROOM;
Woman is named as PROSTITUTE.

Hello! My dear cultured society, what is it?

Marriage means a licensed prostitute. Doesnt it?
Often I think about these concepts,
Automatically my mind comes to kinds of prostitute.
PEKAK Plumes 44

Hello! My dear cultured society, I have a query?

A woman has been calling prostitute with the reason of money,
Then what is the name of the man with the reason of dowry!
I strongly oppose the unbalanced-gender society.

I conclude that if woman is called FEMALE-PROSTITUTE;

Similarly a man should be called MALE-PROSTITUTE,
Hereafter if anyone is ready to mention that it is orthodoxy,
Casually I will say, YOU ARE A PROSTITUTE.


PEKAK Plumes 45

Women in Indian Society have been considered as inferior
as men for many years. Because of such type of inferiority they
have to face various issues and problems in their life. They have
to go extra miles than men, to prove themselves equaling to men.
People in the middle age were considering women as a key to
destruction, so they never allowed women to go outside and
participate in the social activities like men. Still in the modern age,
women have to face many problems in their daily life and struggle
a lot to establish their career. Still there are many parents who
prefer to have boys only. To them women are only the mediums
to keep family happy and wealthy.

A woman is seen in the society with more intense ridicule

sight and become at high level risk of honor killing. If she is
undergoes love marriage or inter caste love marriage. Women face
a lot of challenges in this existing patriarchal society. Such as
child bearing, family care roles etc.., In the Indian Society, women
do not have an equal access to self-mobility to get, outside the
home. Some of the problems faced by the women are their
domestic responsibility cultural and social specified roles.
Womens another major problem is sexual harassment. In the list
of worst countries in crime, India has an abhorrent track record in
all forms of sexual exploitation. In homes, on stets in public
transport, at offices, even on vacation none of the places is safe.
The most terrible fall out for this state is the lack of degradation.
The emotional and physical injury is the outcome of constant
harassment. Due to the recurrence of the incident Delhi has
ignoble Nike name The Rape Capital while most of the cases are
unreported as it is considered an act of putting some to shame.
Only 20% of the registered cases for sexual harassment reach the
actual conviction.
PEKAK Plumes 46

Every 7 minutes, a crime is committed against

Every 42 minutes, a sexual harassment incident
Every 43 minutes, a woman is kidnapped.
Every 93 minutes a woman is burnt to death due to





PEKAK Plumes 47


Womens struggle-for,
Enough drinking water among slum.
Physicians struggle-for,
Recovers the people from advanced bacteria.
Parents struggle-for,
Pay the zenith level tuition fee in educational centers.
Corrupter struggle for,
Pick the bribe from middle class without problems.
Employees struggle-for,
Increase the salary more than their work.
Peasants struggle-for,
Survive through inferior work of Agri.
Couples struggle-for,
Live without ego and clash.
Lovers struggle-for,
PEKAK Plumes 48

Join without class and caste discrimination.

Nowadays peoples struggle-for,
Take the money from ATM.
Future generations struggle-for,
Searching water, food and air.
My struggle-for,
Know about the reality of the world.
But my hearts struggle-for,
Peaceful life, Peaceful life, Peaceful life.
PEKAK Plumes 49


In the ancient cultures, people took care of the house hold
animals. What do we call the process in which the wild animals
are made house hold animals?

( On the basis of the above question you would get answer on the left of the
grey field, Based on that word, seek the answers for the following

1. What are the people who roam around and do not settle
down called?
2. What is the name of the mountain in Greece on which the
Gods were supposed to live?
3. What can one find in the ancient Egyptian graves?
4. What is the name of an event that can over throw the power
in a country?
PEKAK Plumes 50

5. Which great Greek philosopher taught Alexander the great?

6. What were the people who questioned the teachings of the
Christian church in the medieval ages called?
7. In history certain period is known as the humanistic revival
of classical art, architecture, literature and learning. What
is the name of this period?
8. Where did the Nazis kill the Jews?
9. What were the nine best courtiers of King Akbar known
10. What was the surname of the monk who openly criticized
the church in 1517?
11. What term is used to refer to the people who came from
North Europe and settle in French Normandy or in Sicily?
12. A German resistance movement in the Second World War
had the name of a flower. What was the name of this
13. Against which country was the battle of the independence
fought, which finally led to establishment of the United


PEKAK Plumes 51


( Cover Story )

On July 29 in 2016, Indian English literature lost a great

iconic figure .Yes it was Mahaswetha Devi. She was not only a
prolific writer but also a social activist and mother of many
downtrodden people whom the media and mainstream
conventionally have forgotten. She influenced many hearts
through her writings and stayed permanently in it through her good
deeds. She had written so many novels, fictions, and short stories.
She kept on working for the betterment and welfare of the people
without expecting any spotlight.

Mahaswetha Devi was born in privileged, middle class

Bengali family on January 14, 1926 at Dakha which is located in
present day Bangladesh. Her father Manish Ghatak was a well-
known poet and novelist of the Kallol era, who used the
pseudonym Jubanashwa. Mahaswetha Devis mother Dharitri Devi
was also a writer and social worker, who dedicated a great part of
her time to promote literacy among unprivileged children.
Together with her sister and brother, Devi was raised to love books
PEKAK Plumes 52

and develop an interest in music, theatre and films. Devi was

brought up in an environment Where everyone read and read and
read. Her first schooling was in Dhacca, but after the partition of
India she moved to west Bengal in India. She joined the
Rabindranath tagore-founded Vishwabharathi University in
Shanthinikethan and completed a B.A.[Hons] in English, and then
finished an M.A. in English at Calcutta university as well. She
later married the renowned playwright Bijon Bhattacharya who
was one of the founding fathers of IPTA[Indian Peoples theatre
association]. She gave birth to Nabarun Bhattacharya, currently
one of the Bengals and Indias leading novelists whose works are
noted for their vigour and philosophical flavor. She got divorced
from Bijon Bhattacharya in 1959. She lived on her own in the
remote southern outskirt of Calcutta and went through a terrible
spell of depression during which she attempted suicide by
overdosing on sleeping pills. The attempt failed, she woke up, she
said and the first image she had was that of her son. Surviving
death, she recalls feeling a tremendous surge for living.

In 1964, she began teaching at BijoygarhCollege [an

affiliated college of the University of Calcutta system]. During that
period she also worked as a journalist and as a creative writer.
Recently her work is more famous for the study of the Lodhas and
Sabars, the tribal communities of west Bengal, women and dalits.
She was also an activist who was dedicated to the struggle of the
tribal people in Bihar, Uttarpradesh, and Chattisgarh. In her
elaborate Bengali fiction, She often depicted the brutal oppression
of tribal people and the untouchables by potent, authoritarian
upper-caste landlords, lenders, and venal government officials.

At the Frankfurt book fair 2006, when India was the first
country to be the fairs second time guest nation, she made an
impassioned inaugural speech wherein she moved the audience to
PEKAK Plumes 53

tears with her lines taken from the famous film song by
Rajkappoor, she said: This is truly the age where the Joota [ shoe]
is Japani [Japaneese], Patloon [Pants] is Englishtani [British], the
Topi [Hat] is Roosi [Russian], but the Dil [Heart] is always
Hindhustani [Indians]. Devis first work, Jhansir Rani, was a
fictional reconstruction of Laxmibai, the picture of woman ruler
who died fighting the British army in the mid-nineteenth century.
Several of her other early works such as AmirtaSanchay [1964]
and Andhanmalik [1964] are also set during the British colonial
period. The Naxalite movements of the late 1960s and early
1970s were also an important influence in her work. Devis
HajarChurashirmaa [mother of 1084] is the story of an upper
middle class woman whose world is changed forever when her son
is killed for his Naxalite beliefs. This book has recently been made
in to a Hindhi-language movie called HazaarChaurasikimaa by
director GovindNihalani.

Another important theme in the works of Mahaswetha Devi

involves the position of the tribal communities within India. She
was a long-time champion for the political, social and economic
advancement of these communities, whom she characterized as
suffering spectators of the India that is travelling towards the
twenty first century. [Imaginary maps, xi]. These concerns can be
seen in works such as AranyerAdhikar [Rights of the forest] and
anthologies such Asher 1979 NaihiteMegh [Clouds in the
southernwestern sky]. AranyerAdhirkar, which was published in
1977, is based on the life of BirsaMunda, a tribal freedom fighter.
She has also donated the prize money from both the Jnanpath and
Magsaysay awards to tribal communities and continues to use her
work to further the position of these groups in India.

This activism is central to Devis understanding of the role

of a writer in society: I think a creative writer should have a
PEKAK Plumes 54

social conscience. I have a duty towards society. Yet I dont really

why I do these things. The sense of duty is an obsession. I must
remain accountable to myself.

GayatriChakravartySpivak, who has translated two

collections of Devis stories including those in Imaginary Maps
into English, suggests that this interplay of activism and literary
writing in Devis fiction can be of substantial interest to current
academic discourse and practices. Spivak insists that Devis work
suggests a model in which activism and writing can reflect upon
each other, providing a necessary vision of inter-nationality, and
the possibility of constructing a new kind of responsibility for the
cultural worker [Imaginary Map, xxvi].

In response to a question, What would you like to do for

the rest of your life? in a 1998 interview, Devi replied: Fight for
the tribals, downtrodden, underprivileged and write creatively if
and when I find time [Guha]. Devi has been described as one of
the boldest female writers in India. She was the author behind
award-winning Hindhi films Rudaali and HazaarChaurasikiMaa,
both of which delved in to the lives of ordinary Indian women as
wives and mothers.

In a stoic voice, Devi told the Breast stories, an assortment

of short stories about women identified as objects limited to the
usefulness of their bodies .Then, there was the story of Draupathi
which stand on both side the issues of atrocities based on caste and
gender through the life a tribal woman.

Devi was closely involved with tribal communities, both as

a social worker and a writer. While the inspiration for her stories
stemmed from their struggles and discrimination, she worked with
organization like the West Bengal Oraon welfare society and the
All Indian Vandhua Liberation Morcha for tribal welfare. She was
PEKAK Plumes 55

also the founding member of Aboriginal United Association and a

tribal magazine named Bortika, which she started in 1980. She is
remembered for her work with the sabars [aka saora], a scheduled
tribe in the Purulia district of West Bengal, which earned the title
of The mother of the Sabars.

India has seen several authors who wrote about the

downtrodden, the poor and the untouchables. Devi was one of
them, but she stood apart from the crowd with her brusque and
more honest style of storytelling. Her characters would never seek
pity but demand attention.
PEKAK Plumes 56


Happiness doesnt
come through
selfishness, but
Everything you do
comes back around

As scientific advancement increases, the people have

sophistication in all walks of life. They become materialistic and
self-centred. The human values have been deteriorating. The
human mind has shrunk as the world. Literature is a humanitarian
discipline. So, it is indispensible for us to learn, teach and practise
human values.

The lives of many legends are like pearls in the sea. They
are mostly unseen but precious. Their lives are our lessons, not
only to learn them but to practice them. One such legend is Sadhu
Sundar Singh. He led a selfless life.

Once Sadhu Sundar Singh was walking with a

monk through a valley of the Himalayas. The monk
wanted Sunder Singh to walk fast as snow was filling and
they had to reach their destination before dark. As they
PEKAK Plumes 57

were hurrying along they heard a pathetic cry. It was a

poor man who had fallen down and injured himself.
Sundar Singh wanted to go and help him, but the monk
said that if they tried to help him, they would not be able to
cross the snow before darkness set in. The Sundar could
not bear to leave the man there to die. Maybe the Lord
has brought me this way just to help that brother, he
thought and went over to the man. The monk didnt wait;
he walked on by himself. The Sundar found that the man
could not walk. So he made a sling with his blanket and
carried the man on his back. Carrying the burden of a
helpless man and walking up the hill was extremely
difficult. However, Sundar Singh continued trudging
along. Finally he could see the light of a monastery a short
distance away. As he continued trudging along. Finally he
could see the light of a monastery a short distance away.
As he continued to walk on carrying the man, suddenly he
spied a huge bundle covered with snow lying on the way.
On inspection he found, to his horror, the body of the monk
who had accompanied him.

The heat from the body of the poor man had given warmth
to the Sadhu and prevented him from freezing to death in the cold.
The helpless man whom the Sadhu carried, in turn got heat from
the Sadhus body he too survived.

How true it is that we often forget selfishness brings

destruction to us.

(The story has taken from the life history of Sadhu Sundar
PEKAK Plumes 58


When we saw our friends- All of the

Sudden sufferings vanished like celestial

In the place of cultivated the wisdom

Apart from the place school as heaven

Masculine, Feminine, Neuter genders rejoined

With full of rapport friendship

Though we had the pain of our mental sufferings

The teachers were caring us like a kinship

The very long hike like a pilgrimage

Ups and downs preached the lesson to us-

We had treacherous poor semester

Betray with strangling Examinations

Alas! Hearts did not let the mind shine

Nor of itself, but thee evaluation

Such there was a test-before my sight

Spangling cultural fascinate us.

Crystalline streams were Quivering but

Knotty and witty problems ruined as Naughty

PEKAK Plumes 59

Thorns of life changed as a bed of Rose

Because of having heavy striven.

Awake! Awake! College could come to thee lives;

We heard Apollos song in fine arts

The lilies and roses were also

Admired in a splendid passion of Dance;

And walked with inward glory crowned;

We had known all the tip of our college.

With some; most of the unique Specialties; - of

Heaven or Hell; we had no power to Survive.

Character, personality, affection and love

Caring developed without Halting.

Cantankerous Orlandos extended in Zeal;

An innumerable meritorious scholar-

From a bright future for our siblings

We had only boon diamond crowned child

AVC, overcome the age of Sixty One;

Let them try to raise AVC as an ocean of Atlantic


PEKAK Plumes 60


1. A seven letter word containing thousands of letters.

2. You will always find me in the past. I can be created in the
present, but the future can never taint me. What I?
3. What is harder to catch the faster you run?
4. I dont have eyes but once I did see. Once I had thoughts,
but now Im white and empty.
5. The more you take, the more you leave behind. What am I?
6. What gets broken without being held?
7. It can be cracked, it can be made it can be told, it can be
played. What is it?
8. What is it man ever yet did see, which never was but
always is to be?
9. What is it no man ever yet did see, which never was, but
always is to be?
10. Which vehicle is spelled the same forward and backwards?
11. What word looks the same upside down and backward?
12. I know a word; six letters it contains and yet if you take
one away, twelve is what remains.
13. What goes through a door but never gone in and never
comes out?
14. This old one runs forever, but never moves at all he has not
lungs nor throat, but still has a mighty roaring call what is
15. Lives without a body, hears without ears, speaks without a
mouth, to which the air alone gives birth What is it?
PEKAK Plumes 61

16. What disappears the moment you say its name?

17. The more there is the less you see.
18. What belongs to you but others used it more than you do?
19. What begins with Tends with T and full of T?
20. What type of dress can never be worn?
PEKAK Plumes 62


Once upon a time people and sages lived in Uthaipuri

which was a very beautiful place where the sun was peeping out
behind the mountain, the flowers flourished attractively, the
waterfalls flowed swiftly and the breeze blown with fragrance, the
birds warble vast in the village. After people cultivating their
lands, the sages meditated God. Everything was fine. But it didnt
continue. Unfortunately two sorcerer came to the village. They
were brothers, they killed the people and the children and munched
them. Day by day their atrocity increased. People and the decrepit
sages were killed by sorcerers. Their happiness and peace faded
away. The happiest village lost its peace. The nature was
collapsed. The flowers and animals shed tears and people and
sages shed tears. In those days the flowers were used to decorate
God but now a days the flowers were used to make wreath, So the
nature also worried about the sorcerers atrocity. A few people and
sages remained. They tried to kill the sorcerers, Who were
desecrate the temple and blasphemed God. So the young sage
thought himself to trap the sorcerers in a cunning manner,
transformed into lady and she strolled on the garden. One sorcerer
had glimpsed her and he fell in love with her. She accepted his
proposal and then both had an agreement. That sorcerer turned into
man he abandoned his brutal nature and then he lived with her. But
his brother disturbed them. He could not lead his life peacefully.
He hated himself and his brother. He repented his guilt. Then he
convinced his brothers cruelty but he could not accept it. Then the
PEKAK Plumes 63

young sorcerer killed his savage brother. Then the lady

transformed again in to sage he consoled him. Then he realised his
misery about his cruelty. He had qualm about his character then he
served his whole life for peoples happiness and led peaceful life.




PEKAK Plumes 64


I am not worried about your care

And love, but my life is led by

Your memories; because that

Disturbs me like cactus.

If a man dies, after heart of that

Fellow beats for one time; but mine

Always aches and expects you; with that

It chews be my Better half.

I had asked god everything as a prize

But youre my unexpected surprise.

But Lord granted; you to me.

As a big surprise;
PEKAK Plumes 65

The care of time to leaving never

Understand the love-but

Understandable never leaves. His thoughts

Murmuring how he loved me.

The ocean privilege for shores;

The flowers for seeds; soul

For soul; you for me

I wonder do you feel that.

Your love is like a meal for me; your

Lovable words are hosting me.

Come to me in my dreams.

Two souls are longing for our reunion.

I love my eyes; which shows you:

I love my heart which beats for you

And platonically fascinates you-thou

Rejuvenate love from thee; who rejuvenate me;

Rose pray not for Ruin, Likewise

Myself not for destinations; Jinx

Whoop me; mascot plead me for your

PEKAK Plumes 66

Adorable presence, in front of me.

Every minute fulfills by your voice,

But reality proven me, youre

Weirdo Juliet done in action

For her polite Remeo.

In the place of celestial also xylographing

Our names with rapport- Everyone

Tattles me with you. Ive to spiritually

Live with you.

My hue make you as a moor, which

Muddling me. Did you want any

Detour? Which also bustle me towards you

For your confessing care and love.


PEKAK Plumes 67


Yazhine was very little girl, her father working as a staff in the
university. His father interests in Music, so he started learning
violin. Violin master came to home daily and taught him: after
three months this learning process came to an end because of some
workload. He father discontinued learning violin. But Yazhine
very much interested in Music like her father. When Yazhine
studied III standard, her Mother joined Yazhine in
Bharathamnattiyan class. And she performed in Nattiyanjali
program three times and she go opportunity to dance in her school
days but her thirst over music not get satisfied she eagerly waited
for the opportunity to learn string instruments. But her mom
disagreed with her because of 10th public exam. After that her 12th
pubic exam finally she finished her schooling. After crossing the
pressurized school days, she entered in blossoming college life.
Her guest for music art urged her and her passion was living in her
each blood cells. She requested her mom to find a violin master.
After a year, passed, she got the opportunity. She got this
opportunity after 8 years. She was too emotive while holding the
violin in her hand. Many people used gave up her passion. She
asked her master to teach any cinema song but her master told that
we want to move step by step and after finishing various levels in
Karnatic Music. We will move to cinema song. She was very
upset but her friends motivated to learn and they cheered her not to
hesitate to start learning song by you. Yazhine started searching
violin notes and she practised to play. She got the first opportunity
to play violin in a cultural program in her college. She played
VanteMateram every one there gave standing ovation, her dream
became true that applause was mattered her very much. It was
boon given by God in her Life she smiled and thought, its a
beginning not an end.


PEKAK Plumes 68


Once there was a boy, named Asokan, He was very fond of
painting. But, his parents never allowed him to start his career as a
painter. While, his painting at school level made the teachers to be
astonished about his talent. It was a day to judge his path of life.
HSC exams were over and the results had been published. His
parents forced him to join BE (civil). But, he neglected to join
Engineering. Atlast, due to his heavy stress, He explained his
passion and his profession towards his parents, finally, his
boldness on painting made him to join degree, oriented to painting
and designing. Then he dedicated his whole concentration on

Days passed, he become a districts and level prize and title

winner for painting. A call from G.H in kovai, they conveyed him
a news that his mother had expired, because of heart attack on
10thfeb 2017. While hearing the news he vanished the present, he
tried to cross the road, met with accident. He opened his eyes,
realized that he was in a hospital and his hand got fractured. Then
his friends, came to met him, and conveyed a news his mothers
death ceremony was completed. And he got a chance to
participate in the national level competition at Delhi on 1 march
2017. His father and friends motivated him. but he was unable to
paint with his right hand. He also tried to paint by legs and by
PEKAK Plumes 69

mouth. Then he used his nose to paint the colours. He

participated on the c0mpetition. He imparted his whole skill.
Everyone amazed by his talent. Finally the function was completed
by announcing the first place was won by Mr. D. Asokan. He
vanquished the prize winner of National Level Competition. He
concerned his love on career by Hard Work.

Thought: The Greatest glory is not in never falling But in rising

every time you fill


PEKAK Plumes 70


Author : Savi Sharma

Genre : Novel
Number of Pages : 175
Characters : Meera, Vivaan, Kabir, Nisha.

About Author:

Savi Sharma, a simple girl from Surat, she is the co-

founder of a motivational media blog Life and People. She is
also the co-founder of Storyteller Diaries, a YouTube channel.
Everyone has a story is her debut novel, inspired by stories around

Gist of the book:

Meera, a fledgling writer who is in the search of a story that

can touch million of lives. Vivaan, an assistant bank manager at
Citibank who dreams of travelling the world. Kabir a cafe manager
PEKAK Plumes 71

who desire something of his own. Nisha, the deponent cafe

customer who keeps secrets of her own. Everyone has their own
story, but what happens when these four lives are woven together?
Pull up a chair in Kafe Kabir and watch them explore friendship
and love writing their own pages of life, from the cozy caf to the
ends of the world.


Everyone has a story to tell. Everyone is a writer some

are written in the books and some are confined to hearts

The author of this book begins the story with these quotes.
The book has dedicated for all of us. She tells us a story of
friendship, dreams and love that is heartwarming, inspiring and
redefining. As I have quoted above, those lines are the very first
lines in the novel which are grasping our hearts towards the book.
Then comes the prologue. I wonder if anyone could have written
such a beautiful prologue for a story of a particular incident which
changed the course of the characters life or the death of a loved
one or a do-or-die situation. But Savi, intricately weaves wisdom
into an equally enthralling prologue.

Lines from Prologue:

Time decides our fate, our journey and when time

changes, everything changes sometimes for worse, sometimes for
better. And sometimes, for the best. I never believed that. Until
happened to me. Its about something more real than stories and
more powerful than love.

When the story takes off, it is a breezy read right from the
beginning. Each character- Meera, vivaan, Kabir and Nisha have
their own joys, dreams problem and insecurities. They have layers
of complexity which makes them to celebrate life, experience the
PEKAK Plumes 72

impossible, achieve dreams, getg hurt and bounce again with

confidence. The character Meera not only finds live in Vivaan but
she finds her story in him. The supporting track of Kabir and
Nisha is a predicts the point that Affection makes you to do things
that you have never done before.

The story sways us with different emotions and involves

us in it. Savi Sharma gracefully blends dollops of wisdom
throughout the story.

My favorite lines: If I have any words of advice for you,

it is this embrance everyday, even the rough ones. Each day is
your very page and you have the power to write the words on those
pages. Be courageous and be strong but dont forget it is okay to
be weak at times,too.

She keeps the story line lucid yet impressive. By the end
of the story, you will feel a sense of achievement. Your hope in
achieving your dream will be renewed. You will be surely
motivated through Savi Sharmas words. The story has the
magnetism in it to change your outlook towards life.

Review by prominent news papers:

Savi Sharma is a publishing phenomenon Femina.

A runaway success The Hindu
A rentless story teller New Indian Express.
The book is highly recommended to each and everyone
who is looking for a way to believe in their dreams Times
of India.
Savi Sharma has taken the literary world by storm India


PEKAK Plumes 73


Who am I? This question confused me always at every

morning. So I began this work with the question. Who am I? My
granny nurtured me by telling about our family deity (Kula
Deivam) Karuppan. Since my parents are praising me a
incarnation of KaruppanaSwamy.

Karuppan was knight who protected a particular

community people. He was my ancestor. He used to hold a baton
on his hand and a dog beside him for the purpose of protecting
people from thieves. He rode on horse.

After the death of Karuppan, his followers laid a huge

splendid statue of Karupan at the boundary of the village and
named him as Karuppana Swamy. Then the people started to
worship Karuppan and followed some rituals during the prayer.
From generation to generation, we are following those Rituals.
When I was a kid, that rituals influenced me deeply. My devotion
over the God began at that point.

In my school days, I was flying like a butterfly and came to

know about SaivaSitharnda from my text books. Those books
preached me about Lord Shiva and Parvathi were predecessors of
all and they were the soul creators of this world. Moreover, they
had two sons Lord Vinayaga and Lord Muruga. At the completion
of my schooling, I believe that I belonged to Saivism.
PEKAK Plumes 74

I stepped into my Pleasant College life as English

Literature Student; there I came to know about Christianity.

According to Christianity, Adam and Eve were the

forefathers. God sent many messengers for the people. Jesus
Christ was one among them. Now the people, worshipping Jesus
Christ as their God.

The next religion which I came to know was Islam. The

Islamis followed the principles of MohammedNabi. According to
their belief, Allah created the world.

Then I came to know about Buddhism followed by

Vaishnava religion. After knowing several religions, plenty of
questions arose in my mind.

During my B.Ed., training I often visited nearby Murugan

temple. There I had an interaction with a man who was the
devotee of Lord Arunagirinadhan. He explained the clear history
of Lord Muruga to me. He said that Murugan was the king of a
particular tribal community. He ruled his subjects in a socialistic
manner. He fell in love with a beautiful gipsy woman Valli and
married her like Alexander, who married a woman in the Afgan
forest. Murugan had only one wife, on behalf of his memory;
people built a temple and worshipped him in the name of
Andava (God). Here a question blinked on my mind. Who was
Deivanai? My friend voluntarily answered me about myth about of
relationship between Lord Shiva and Lord Muruga as father and
PEKAK Plumes 75

son; and the relationship between Lord Vishnu and Lord Muruga
as uncle and son-in-law were the believes of Tamilians alone.
There is no a character named Deivanai in Murugans life. It is
purely a Tamil belief. I keenly observed his words and started
thinking over it.

My friend continued that many years before Tamilians

worshipped the King Mururga in the name of Andava. After the
interlude of Saivism and Vaishnava religious things got collapsed.
They created misconception about Lord Muruga. The belief, Lord
Muruga was the son of Lord Shiva and he married Deivanai, all
were false fictions created by Saivism followed by Vaishnavas.

Now, Im doing my final year PG in English Literature. I

want to share my bunch of questions through his work. That are:

1. I have gone through many text books and religious novels

in Tamil literature and I do not witness the word Hindu
in any of those books. Why do they brand me as Hindu?
2. If lord Shiva and Parvathi are my predecessors, then I must
be a man belongs to Saivism. Why do they categorize me
under the name Hindu?
3. As per the literatures and myths Saivism and Vaishnava
religions are direct opposite poles(Anal Vadham & Punal
Vadham). At what basis they are categorized under the
term Hinduism?
PEKAK Plumes 76

4. If Saivism and Vaishnava religion are diverted, then how

can Murugan, the son of lord Shiva become the son-in-law
of Vishnu?
5. If Mohammed Nabi in Islam and my ancestor Karuppan are
the same, then what is my religion?
6. If Jesus in Jerusalem has the similarities of Karuppan, then
how can I be a Hindu?
7. If Karuppan is the incarnation of Lord Buddha, then I must
be a Bhuttist!
8. If Karupppan, Murugan, Shiva, Bhuddha, Nabi and Jesus
are my ancestor, then why should they say that I belong to
Hinduism? Am I really Hindu?
9. I am the worshipper of lord Karuppan. If Karuppan, Nabi,
Jesus and Buddha are different in concepts, then I must be
called as Karuppans follower. Why should I be called as
10. If they distinguished my religion on the basis of my
language, I must be called as Tamilian. Right?

I am 25 now. People are worshipping their ancestors as their

Gods. They are using different idols, symbols and rituals while
they are praying. All the ancestors life preaches morality to their
followers. So, I conclude my essay with a crystal clear idea that all
worship of God teaches us morals and principals of life!

God is one!
PEKAK Plumes 77

As for as my concern,

First God of myself Mother;

Second God of myself Father;

Third God of myself Grandmother and Grandfather;

Fourth God of myself Great Grandmother and Great


Then Murugan, Valli, Shiva, Parvathy, Nabi , Jesus,


-EDITORIAL BOARD ( 2016-17 )

PEKAK Plumes 78

My life is full of Joy and Love

When youre with me,

You treat me like Princess!

And you believe me!!

I feel safe when you are beside me.

You show me fun things to do

You make my Life much Better

Only you are the Best Father, I know.

Still Im happy youre my dad

And so, I desire to say


Without You, Im nothing

You always for me only, when

I need you.

I know you always save me!

Although I do some mischievous,

You always tolerate me

And you dont allow me to cry.

Your love is Strong Forever

PEKAK Plumes 79

I will always be your infant.

And you will always be my lovable Dad.

I know, I am the luckiest.

To have the Best Dad,

Oh! My Dear Daddy,

I love you always in the depth of

My heart.

Much more than ever I love,

You are my world, and everything

In the world, Im submerged.

I appreciate all your Deeds Daddy.

I will be your Greatful Kid forever.

Youre still My Friend, My Daddy, and

Most of all My Hero

I salute you from all

I mentioned from my Heart.

PEKAK Plumes 80


My Dear Mother, youre unlike any other

You taught me how to walk,

You taught me how to talk,

And you taught me morals and standards,

The meaning of living and all about giving

You are always there for me,

When I needed someone,

You are sunlight in the day,

You are the moon, see me for away,

You are the one that makes me,

Get rid of troubles

My Mother, youre unlike any other.


PEKAK Plumes 81
PEKAK Plumes 82
PEKAK Plumes 83
PEKAK Plumes 84
PEKAK Plumes 85
PEKAK Plumes 86


The solution word is 1. Mail Box

3. Your Breath
The individual
solutions are: 4. Skull
5. Footsteps
1. Nomads
6. Promise
2. Olympus 7. Jokes
3. Mummies 8. Time

4. Revolution 9. Tomorrow
10. Race Car
5. Aristotle
11. Swims
6. Heretics
12. Dozens
7. Renaissance 13. Keyhole
8. Gas Chamber 14. Water fall

9. Navratnas 15. Echo

16. Silence
10. Luther
17. Darkness
11. Vikingks
18. Your Name
12. White Rose
19. Teapot
13. England 20. Address
PEKAK Plumes 87

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