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of the
PURSUANT to Section 9 of Presidential Decree No. 1606, as amended, the
Sandiganbayan adopts and promulgates the following REVISED INTERNAL RULES OF


Section 1. Title of the Rules. These Rules shall be known and cited as the
Section 2. Coverage. These Rules shall apply to the internal operations of the
The Rules of Court, resolutions, circulars, and other issuances promulgated by
the Supreme Court relating to or affecting the Regional Trial Courts and the Court of
Appeals, insofar as applicable, shall govern all actions and proceedings filed with the
Section 3. Construction. These Rules shall be liberally construed to promote a
just, expeditious and inexpensive determination of every action and proceeding brought
before the Sandiganbayan.

Section 1. Composition of the Court and Rule on Precedence.
(a) Composition The Sandiganbayan is composed of a Presiding Justice and
fourteen (14) Associate Justices appointed by the President of the Philippines.
(b) Rule on Precedence - The Presiding Justice shall enjoy precedence over the
other members of the Sandiganbayan in all official functions. The Associate Justices
shall have precedence according to the order of their appointments.
(c) The Rule on Precedence shall apply:
1) In the seating arrangement;
2) In the choice of office space, facilities and equipment, transportation and

(d) The Rule on Precedence shall not be observed:
1) In social and other non-official functions.
2) To justify any variation in the assignment of cases, amount of
compensation, allowances or other forms of remuneration.
Section 2. Sandiganbayan En banc. - The Sandiganbayan en banc shall have
exclusive control, direction and supervision of all matters pertaining to the conduct of
its affairs. The Presiding Justice shall implement the policies and resolutions adopted
by the Sandiganbayan en banc.
Section 3. Constitution of the Divisions. - The Sandiganbayan shall sit in five (5)
Divisions of three (3) Justices each, including the Presiding Justice. The five (5)
Divisions may sit separately at the same time. Each of the five (5) most senior
Associate Justices including the Presiding Justice, shall be the Chairman of a Division;
each of the five (5) Associate Justices next in rank shall be the Senior Member of a
Division; and each of the last five (5) Associate Justices shall be the Junior Member of a
Section 4. Filling up of Vacancy due to Absence or Temporary Incapacity. -
(a) In the office of the Presiding Justice - In the absence or temporary incapacity
of the Presiding Justice to exercise the powers and perform the duties of his
office, the most senior Associate Justice shall act as Presiding Justice until the
regular Presiding Justice returns and re-assumes his office, or his incapacity
is removed.
(b) In the position of Division Chairman - In the absence or temporary
incapacity of a Chairman of a Division, the Senior Member of said Division
shall act as Chairman; in the absence of temporary incapacity of both the
Chairman and Senior Member of a Division, the Junior Member of said
Division shall act as Chairman, notwithstanding the seniority of the Special
Members designated to complete the membership of said Division. The
Senior Member or Junior Member, as the case may be, shall act as Chairman
until the regular Chairman reassumes his office or his incapacity is removed.
(c) In the position of Senior or Junior Member - In the absence or temporary
incapacity of a Senior or Junior Member of a Division, the Presiding Justice
shall designate an Associate Justice of the Court from any of the other
Divisions, to be determined by rotation on the basis of the reverse order of
precedence or, if this be not feasible, by raffle among those available, to sit as
Special Member of said Division until the regular member re-assumes his
office or his incapacity is removed. The Associate Justice so designated shall
continue as a regular member of his own Division.
(d) Authority and Prerogatives of Acting Chairman and Special Member - The
Acting Chairman or Special Member so designated pursuant to paragraphs
(b) and (c) above shall exercise the authority and prerogatives of a regular
Chairman or Member of said Division, as the case may be, in the trial or
resolution of cases assigned thereto.
Section 5. Filling Up of Permanent Vacancy. -
(a) In the position of the Presiding Justice - A permanent vacancy in the position
of Presiding Justice shall be filled by a new Presiding Justice duly appointed
by the President of the Philippines. In the interim, the most senior Associate
Justice shall exercise the powers and perform the duties of the Presiding

(b) In the position of a Division Chairman - If a permanent vacancy occurs in the
position of Chairman of a Division, the most senior Associate Justice in the
Sandiganbayan who is not yet a Chairman shall become Chairman of that
(c) In the position of Senior Member of a Division - If a permanent vacancy
occurs in the position of Senior Member of a Division, the most senior
ranking among the Junior members of the Sandiganbayan shall become
Senior Member of the Division.
(d) In the position of Junior Member of a Division - If a permanent vacancy
occurs in the position of Junior Member of a Division, the Associate Justice
appointed by the President of the Philippines shall be the Junior Member of
the Division.
(e) In the positions of Senior and Junior Members of a Division - If permanent
vacancies occur simultaneously in the positions of Senior and Junior
Members of a Division, the vacancies shall be filled in the manner stated in
the preceding paragraphs (c) and (d).
(f) Effect of the Appointment of a New Associate Justice - The appointment of a
new Associate Justice and his assumption of the vacant position in the
Division as its Junior Member shall not disturb the composition of the other
Divisions and shall not prejudice the consequent changes in the ranking or
seniority among the Associate Justices.
(g) Ranking Within a Division Does Not Affect Seniority in the Sandiganbayan -
The ranking of the Associate Justices within each Division does not affect
their seniority in the Sandiganbayan which is based on the order of their
respective appointments.
Section 6. Court Officials and their Duties. -
(a) Clerk of Court - The Clerk of Court is the administrative officer of the
Sandiganbayan. He shall discharge his functions under the control and
supervision of the Sandiganbayan en banc through the Presiding Justice.
As administrative officer, he shall take direct charge of the administrative
operations of the Sandiganbayan and exercise general supervision over its subordinate
officials and employees except those belonging to the staff of the Presiding Justice and
the Associate Justices. He shall assist the Presiding Justice in the formulation of
programs and policies for consideration and action of the Sandiganbayan en banc. The
Clerk of Court shall act as its Secretariat and prepare its agenda, minutes of meetings
and resolutions.
(b) Division Clerks of Court - Each Division of the Sandiganbayan shall have a
staff composed of one (1) Division Clerk of Court and such personnel as the
exigencies of the service may require.
(1) In the exercise of their functions, the Division Clerk of Court and the staff
shall be under the control and supervision of the Division through its
(2) The Division Clerk of Court shall have, among other duties and
responsibilities, direct control and supervision over the staff of the Division;
keep watch over the status and progress of cases assigned to the Division;
monitor papers, pleadings and motions filed with the Receiving Section in
connection with any pending case and update the records of cases to be acted

upon by the Division, both in the completion process and decisional stage,
such as, but not limited to, the filing of briefs, memoranda and other legal
papers within the allowable periods, preparation of the agenda of motions
and other incidental matters for action by the Division; release minute
resolutions, notices of decisions, resolutions and hearings, summonses,
subpoenas, writs and other processes by and under the authority of the
Chairman of the Division; supervise the stenographers in the recording of the
proceedings and preparation of its minutes; receive the decisions and
resolutions of the Division for promulgation; and make entries of judgment
in accordance with the Rules of Court.
(3) The Division Clerk of Court shall immediately report to the Chairman
and Members of the Division the failure of any party to comply with any
resolution or order of the Sandiganbayan within the period prescribed
Section 7. Appointment of Court Officials and Other Employees. -
The Supreme Court shall appoint the Clerk of Court, the Division Clerks of Court
and all other personnel of the Sandiganbayan upon recommendation of the
Sandiganbayan en banc chosen from a list of qualified applicants prepared in accordance
with the Civil Service Law, rules and regulations.
All resignations and terminations of services of officials and employees of the
Court shall be submitted by the Sandiganbayan en banc through the Presiding Justice to
the Supreme Court for appropriate action.
Section 8. Standing Committees. - The following standing committees, each
composed of a Chairman and at least two (2) members, all of whom are appointed by the
Sandiganbayan en banc, shall assist the Sandiganbayan in the following administrative
(a) Committee on Personnel - On matters involving personnel such as
recruitment, appointment, monitoring of leaves of absence, training, change
of organizational structure, creation of positions, discipline, retirement and
termination of services.
(b) Committee on Budget and Finance - On matters involving: (1) the
preparation of annual budget for submission to the Sandiganbayan en banc
for approval, (2) allotment of funds, (3) accounting, and (4) all financial
(c) Committee on Security and Safety On matters involving: (1) formulation of
security policies, (2) enforcement and implementation of safety measures
such as wearing of I.D. cards, control of visitors, etc.
(d) Committee on Records Management and Information Service - On matters
involving the management of records, information, statistical data and
(e) Committee on Employee Welfare and Benefits - On matters involving: (1)
creation and maintenance of medical and dental services, (2) establishment
and operation of a health and welfare plan, (3) establishment and
supervision of canteen for Justices, officials and employees, cultural and
sports activities, (4) maintenance of shuttle buses and other equipment for
employees and, (5) other related matters regarding employee welfare and

(f) Committee on Legal and Research Services - On matters involving library
services, publication of decisions and circulars of the Sandiganbayan,
research on legal issues and other related matters referred to it by the
(g) Committee on Buildings and Grounds - On matters involving: (1) the
construction, repairs, improvements and maintenance of buildings and
grounds, (2) the installation of safety and necessary devices, (3) formulation
and submission of proposals for the acquisition of sites, construction and
maintenance of buildings for the Sandiganbayans sessions outside Metro
(h) Committee on Purchase and Acquisition of Facilities, Equipment and
Supplies - On matters involving the purchase, acquisition, maintenance and
disposal of vehicles, office equipment, supplies, books, computers and
furniture of the Sandiganbayan, and conducting required biddings and
awards in relation thereto.
(i) Committee on Rules - On matters involving the revision of the internal rules,
circulars and administrative orders of the Sandiganbayan.
(j) Committee on Raffle of Cases - On matters involving the raffle and
assignment of cases, the conduct of the regular raffle of cases filed with the
Sandiganbayan, classification of cases for purposes of consolidation before
the scheduled raffle, and the propriety and legality of conducting a special
raffle of particular cases motu proprio or upon motion of a litigant.
(k) Committee on Social Affairs and Liaison - On matters involving the social
activities of the Sandiganbayan, and liaison with other government offices
and agencies.
The Presiding Justice shall be a non-voting ex-officio member of all standing
committees. The members of the standing committee shall serve for a term of one (1)
year from date of appointment by the Sandiganbayan en banc.
The foregoing notwithstanding, the Sandiganbayan may create ad hoc committees
for specific projects or undertakings. It may also modify the functions and
responsibilities of the standing committees as the need therefore arises.
The various standing and ad hoc committees shall submit their recommendations
to the Sandiganbayan en banc for appropriate action.

Section 1. Exercise of Adjudicatory Powers and Functions. - The Sandiganbayan
shall exercise its adjudicatory powers, functions and duties through its five (5) Divisions.
It sits en banc for the exercise of its administrative, ceremonial and non-adjudicatory
Section 2. Matters Cognizable by the Sandiganbayan En Banc. - The Sandiganbayan
shall sit en banc to:
(a) Promulgate rules or orders, amend, revise or repeal existing rules or
orders or parts thereof, and formulate and adopt policies relative to administrative

matters, such as the distribution of cases and the internal operation and management of
the Court.
(b) Recommend to the Supreme Court the appointment of the Clerk of
Court, Division Clerks of Court and other court employees chosen from a list of all
qualified applicants for each vacant position prepared in accordance with the Civil
Service Law rules and regulations, except for positions that are confidential in nature
and coterminous with the term of office of a particular Associate Justice to whom they
are assigned who shall make the proper endorsement to the Sandiganbayan en banc for
recommendation to the Supreme Court.
(c) Act on organizational matters, such as the creation or abolition of offices,
unit or service or their regrouping or merger as the exigencies of the service may require.
(d) Receive foreign and local dignitaries, important guests and visitors,
honor a colleague or retiring member of the Sandiganbayan, and hold appropriate
funeral services for deceased members.
(e) Adopt uniform administrative measures, procedures, and policies for the
protection and preservation of the integrity of the judicial processes, the speedy
disposition of cases and the promotion of efficiency of the personnel.
(f) Provide a forum for discussion of various issues or matters.
(g) Take up other administrative matters which the Presiding Justice or any
member of the Sandiganbayan may suggest for consideration.
Section 3. Supreme Court Creation of Special Division. - The Sandiganbayan en banc
may request or recommend to the Supreme Court the creation of a Special Division to try
cases where compelling reasons and the interest of justice so require.


Section 1. Official Station; Place of Holding Sessions. - The Sandiganbayan shall
have its principal office in the Metro Manila area and shall hold sessions thereat for the
trial and resolution of cases filed with it: Provided, however, that cases originating from
Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao, shall be heard in the region of origin, except only when
the greater convenience of the parties and of the witnesses or other compelling
considerations require the contrary, in which instance a case originating from one region
may be heard in another region: Provided, further, that for this purpose the Presiding
Justice shall authorize any Division or Divisions of the Sandiganbayan to hold sessions at
any time and place outside Metro Manila, and, where the greater interest of justice so
requires, outside the Philippines.
Section 2. Support Personnel and Facilities In Sessions Outside of Principal Office in
Metro Manila. - In sessions outside of its principal office in Metro Manila, the
Sandiganbayan may require the services of the personnel and the use of facilities of the
courts or other government offices where any of the Divisions is holding sessions and
the personnel of such courts or offices shall be subject to the orders of the Sandiganbayan
acting through the Chairman of the Division.
Section 3. Regular Court Sessions. -
(a) Sandiganbayan En banc - The regular sessions of the Sandiganbayan en
banc shall be held at least twice a month on a Friday morning, particularly on the first
and third week of the month. The Presiding Justice or at least eight (8) Associate Justices
may call a special session at another date and time.
(b) Divisions - Regular sessions for trial of cases brought to and cognizable
by the Sandiganbayan shall be from 8:30 A.M. to 12:00 noon or from 2:00 P.M. to 4:30
P.M., from Monday to Friday. The Division Chairman, however, for urgent and valid
reasons, may schedule the hearing of a case assigned to his Division on other dates and
time after consultation with the parties.
Section 1. Writs and Processes Issued By The Court. Writs and processes of the
Sandiganbayan, such as arrest or search warrants, which by requirement of law or the
Rules of Court must be signed by a Justice, shall be issued by the Chairman of the
Division, or in his absence, the Senior Member in the Division, or, in the absence of the
latter, the Junior Member. However, where there is an urgent necessity for the issuance
thereof before the case is raffled to a Division, the writ or process shall be issued by the
Presiding Justice. In the absence of the Presiding Justice, the same shall be issued by the
most senior Associate Justice of the Sandiganbayan in attendance.
Section 2. Writs and Processes Issued by Clerks of Court. All other writs and
processes shall be issued by the Clerk of Court or the Division Clerk of Court, upon
order of the Division through the Chairman or anyone acting as such, under the seal of
the Sandiganbayan.
Section 1. How Amount Fixed; Approval. The amount of bail to be posted in cases
of bailable offenses shall be fixed by the Chairman of the Division to which they are
assigned or any Justice of the Division acting in his behalf. Such bail may be approved
by any Justice of the Division to where the case is assigned or in their absence, by any
Justice of the Sandiganbayan. The approved bail shall be immediately submitted to the
members of the Division for confirmation. Where none of the Justices of the
Sandiganbayan is available or where the accused is arrested, detained or otherwise
placed in custody outside the Metro Manila area, Sections 17 and 19, Rule 114 of the
Rules of Criminal Procedure shall apply.


Section 1. Motion Day. Except for motions which may be acted upon ex parte, all
motions shall be scheduled for hearings on a Friday, or if that day is a non-working
holiday, on the next working day.
Motions requiring immediate action may be acted upon on shorter notice.
In appealed cases, the provision of Sec. 3, Rule 49 of the 1997 Rules of Civil
Procedure, as amended, on Motions shall apply.

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Section 2. Resolution on Interlocutory or Incidental Motions. Rulings on all written
motions on interlocutory or incidental matters submitted to any regular Division for
resolution shall be reached in consultation among and by the unanimous vote of the
three (3) Justices participating in the consideration thereof: Provided, however, that
rulings on oral motions or objections made in the course of the trial or hearings shall be
made by the Chairman of the Division: Provided, further, that oral motions or objections
on substantial but interlocutory or incidental matters may be ordered reduced into
writing and shall likewise be resolved by the unanimous vote of the three (3) Justices of
the Division.
In case a unanimous vote cannot be obtained, a Special Division of five (5)
Justices shall be constituted pursuant to Section 1 (b), Rule VIII. A majority vote of such
Special Division shall suffice to decide interlocutory or incidental motions.
A demurrer to evidence shall be resolved or decided within ninety (90) days
from its submission.

Section 1. Votes Required to Decide.
(a) En banc - The vote of at least eight (8) members of the Sandiganbayan shall be
required for the adoption of a resolution.
(b) In Division - The unanimous vote of three (3) Justices in a Division shall be
necessary for the rendition of a judgment or final order. In the event a unanimous vote
is not obtained, the Presiding Justice shall designate by raffle and on rotation basis two
(2) Justices from all the other members of the Sandiganbayan to sit temporarily with
them, forming a Special Division of five (5) Justices, and the vote of a majority of such
Special Division shall be necessary for the rendition of a judgment or final order.
Section 2. Procedure in Deciding Cases. The conclusions of a regular or Special
Division of the Sandiganbayan in any case submitted to it for decision shall be reached
in consultation among the members thereof before the case is assigned to one of them
for the writing of the opinion of the Division.
A certification to this effect signed by the Presiding Justice shall be issued and a
copy thereof attached to the record of the case and served upon the parties. Any
Member who took no part, dissented or abstained from a decision or resolution must
state the reason therefore.
Section 3. Judgment in Joint Trials. In a joint trial involving more than one case,
the Division may render a joint or separate judgment when appropriate. In case there
are more than one (1) accused, the Division may also render judgment, for or against one
or more of the accused, when proper. In either case, where the required unanimous vote
is not secured, a Special Division of five (5) Justices shall be constituted to resolve the
remaining case or the criminal or civil liability of the remaining accused. In such case, a
vote of the majority shall be required.
Section 4. Promulgation of Judgment. A judgment in a criminal case of a Division
of the Sandiganbayan shall be promulgated by reading the judgment or sentence in the
presence of the accused and any member of the Division which rendered the judgment.
In case an incident arises during the promulgation, the same shall be
submitted in writing for resolution to the Division which rendered the
Where the judgment is promulgated outside Metro Manila, the Division which
rendered the judgment may authorize another Division sitting outside Metro Manila to
promulgate the judgment and resolve all incidents during the promulgation therein.
In the absence of the accused, Sec. 6, Rule 120 of the Revised Rules of Court shall
Section 1. Period to File Motion For New Trial or Reconsideration. A Motion for
New Trial or Reconsideration of a decision or final order may be filed within fifteen (15)
days from promulgation of the judgment or from notice of the final order or judgment,
and such Motion shall be decided within thirty (30) days from its submission.
Section 2. The Justices Who Shall Act on a Motion for New Trial or Reconsideration.
(a) Motions for New Trial or Reconsideration of a decision or resolution
shall be acted upon by the Ponente and the other members of the Division who
participated in the decision or resolution sought to be reconsidered, irrespective of
whether or not such members are already in other divisions at the time the said motions
were filed. They shall be deemed constituted as a Special Division of the Division to
which the Ponente belonged at the time of the promulgation of the decision or resolution.
(b) If the Ponente is no longer a member of the Sandiganbayan or is
disqualified or has inhibited himself from acting on the motion, he shall be replaced by
another Justice who shall be chosen by raffle from among the remaining members of
the Division who participated in the decision or resolution and who concurred therein.
(c) If only one (1) member of the Division who participated and concurred in
the decision or resolution remains, he shall be the Ponente.
(d) Any vacancy in the Special Division shall be filled by raffle from among
the other members of the Sandiganbayan to constitute a Special Division of five (5)
(e) If the Ponente and all members of the Division that rendered the decision
or resolution are no longer members of the Sandiganbayan, the new Chairman may
assign the case to any member of the Division and the motion shall be acted upon by
him with the participation of the other members of the Division.
(f) Motions for reconsideration shall be resolved by a Division by
unanimous vote of its members, and in case of a Special Division of five (5), by the
concurrence of at least three (3) of its members.
Section 3. Grounds for New Trial in Civil Cases. A new trial may be granted in
civil cases decided by the Sandiganbayan in the exercise of its original jurisdiction on
the grounds provided in Section 1 of Rule 37 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure.
In civil cases appealed to or decided by the Sandiganbayan, a new trial may be
granted on the ground provided in Section 1 of Rule 53 of the 1997 Rules of Civil

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Section 4. Grounds for New Trial in Criminal Cases. A new trial may be granted in
criminal cases decided by the Sandiganbayan in the exercise of its original jurisdiction
on the grounds provided in Sec. 2 of Rule 121 or on the ground provided in Sec. 14,
Rule 124 of the Rules of Criminal Procedure in criminal cases appealed to or decided
by the Sandiganbayan.
Section 5. Effect of Granting a New Trial. When a new trial is granted in civil
cases, the provisions of Rule 37 or Rule 53 shall apply in the proper case. When a new
trial is granted in criminal cases, Rule 121 or Rule 124 shall apply in the proper case.
Section 6. Period to Decide Case on New Trial. When a New Trial is granted in the
cases under the immediately preceding Sections 3, 4, and 5, the same period of time
granted to the Sandiganbayan to decide a case submitted for decision shall apply.
Section 7. Form of Disposition. In all cases where the Sandiganbayan grants new
trial or reconsideration, the original judgment shall be set aside or vacated and a new
or amended judgment rendered accordingly.
Section 8. Effect of Filing an Appeal in the Supreme Court. No Motion for
Reconsideration or New Trial shall be acted upon if the movant has filed with the
Supreme Court an appeal by certiorari or a motion for extension of time to file such
petition. The Motion for Reconsideration or New Trial pending with the
Sandiganbayan shall be deemed abandoned upon the filing of the petition.
Section 1. Method of Review. -
(a) In General A party may appeal from a judgment or final order of the
Sandiganbayan imposing or affirming a penalty less than death, life imprisonment or
reclusion perpetua in criminal cases, and, in civil cases, by filing with the Supreme Court a
petition for review on certiorari in accordance with Rule 45 of the 1997 Rules of Civil
(b) Exceptions Where the judgment or final order of the Sandiganbayan, in the
exercise of its original jurisdiction, imposes the penalty of life imprisonment or reclusion
perpetua or where a lesser penalty is imposed involving offenses committed on the same
occasion or which arose out of the same occurrence that gave rise to the more serious
offense for which the penalty of death, reclusion perpetua or life imprisonment is imposed,
the appeal shall be taken by filing a notice of appeal with the Sandiganbayan and serving
a copy thereof to the adverse party.
(c) Automatic Appeal Whenever the Sandiganbayan in the exercise of its
original jurisdiction imposes the death penalty, the records shall be forwarded to the
Supreme Court for automatic review and judgment within five (5) days after the
fifteenth (15th) day following the promulgation of the judgment or notice of denial of a
Motion for New Trial or Reconsideration. The transcript shall also be forwarded within
ten (10) days after the filing thereof by the stenographic reporter.
Whenever the Sandiganbayan, in the exercise of its appellate jurisdiction, finds
that the penalty of death, reclusion perpetua or life imprisonment should be imposed, it
shall render judgment accordingly. However, it shall refrain from entering the judgment
and forthwith certify the case and elevate its entire record to the Supreme Court for
(d) Form, Finality and Enforcement of Decisions and Final Orders Section 7 of
Presidential Decree No. 1606, as amended, governs the form, finality and enforcement of
decisions and final orders rendered by the Sandiganbayan through its Divisions.

Section 1. Ordinary Appeal. - Appeal to the Sandiganbayan from a decision
rendered by a Regional Trial Court in the exercise of its original jurisdiction shall be by
ordinary appeal under Rules 41 and 44 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure or Rules 122
and 124 of the Rules of Criminal Procedure as amended, as the case may be.
Section 2. Petition for Review Appeal to the Sandiganbayan from a decision of
the Regional Trial Court in the exercise of its appellate jurisdiction shall be by Petition
for Review under Rule 42 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure.

Section 1. Distribution of Cases - All cases filed with the Sandiganbayan shall be
distributed among the five (5) Divisions for hearing and decision by regular raffle at 1:30
P. M. of every Friday or if that day is non-working day, on the next succeeding working
day, at the session hall of the First Division. A special raffle of a case may be conducted
by the Raffle Committee before the next regular raffle day for valid and urgent reasons
determined by the Chairman of the Raffle Committee or, in his absence, by any of the
members thereof.
Section 2. Consolidation of Cases. - Cases arising from the same incident or series of
incidents, or involving common questions of fact and law, may be consolidated in the
Division to which the case bearing the lowest docket number is raffled.
(a) Before Cases Are Raffled Should the propriety of consolidation appear upon
the filing of the cases concerned as determined by the Raffle Committee, all such cases
shall be consolidated and considered as one case for purposes of the raffle and inventory
of pending cases assigned to each of the Divisions.
(b) After Cases Are Raffled Should the propriety of such consolidation become
apparent only after the cases are raffled, consolidation may be effected upon written
motion of a litigant concerned filed with the Division taking cognizance of the case to be
consolidated. If the motion is granted, consolidation shall be made to the Division in
which the case with the lowest docket number is assigned. The Division to which the
cases are consolidated shall transfer to the Division from which the consolidated cases

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came, an equivalent number of cases of approximately the same age, nature and stage in
the proceedings, with proper notice to the parties in said cases.
Section 3. Assignment of Cases; Permanent. Cases assigned to a Division of the
Sandiganbayan shall remain with said Division notwithstanding changes in its
composition. All matters raised therein shall be resolved by all the Justices who are
members of the Division at the time said matters were submitted for resolution.
However, only such Justices who are members of the Division at the time the case is
submitted for decision shall take part in the resolution of the case. If a member of the
Division ceases to be a member of the Sandiganbayan for any reason whatsoever, the
Associate Justice chosen to fill the vacancy in accordance with the manner provided in
Sec. 4 or 5, Rule II of these Rules shall participate in the resolution of said case.
Section 4. Cases Submitted for Decision; Assignment to Ponente.
(a) In original actions, a case shall be considered submitted for decision upon the
filing of the last pleading, brief or memorandum required by the Rules of Court or by the
Sandiganbayan or the expiration of the period to do so.
(b) In appealed cases and petitions for review, the case shall be deemed
submitted for decision or resolution upon the filing of the last pleading, brief or
memorandum required by the Revised Rules of Court or by the Court itself.
(c) Motions and other incidents in a case shall be deemed submitted for
resolution when so declared by the Court.
(d) Within five (5) days from submittal of the case or matter for decision or
resolution, the Chairman of the Division shall assign by raffle a member thereof to study
and make a report on the case or matter. If the Chairman fails to make the assignment,
he shall be deemed to be the one to study and report on the case.
(e) Within ninety (90) days from the time the case was submitted for decision or
resolution, the Justice to whom the case is assigned for study and report shall submit a
written report thereon to the other members of the Division for consultation. The
Chairman shall include the case in an agenda for a meeting of the Division for its
(f) After such deliberation, if the other members of the Division agree with the
report, the member to whom the case is assigned for study and report shall write the
decision for signature and immediate promulgation. Minutes of the meeting shall be
(g) Within ten (10) days from the date of the deliberation, a justice may submit
his dissent to the other members of the Division. The written dissenting opinion shall
not be attached to the rollo. The Chairman of the Division shall then refer the case to the
Presiding Justice who shall designate by raffle two justices on rotation basis from all the
other members of the Sandiganbayan to sit temporarily with them, forming a Special
Division of Five.
(h) After a member of the Division has expressed his dissent in writing and the
Special Division of Five is thus constituted, it shall retain the case until its final
disposition despite changes in its membership caused by reorganization or other causes.
(i) After due consultation, the members of the Special Division of Five whose
opinion constitute the majority shall choose from among them the ponente. Any member
may write a separate concurring or dissenting opinion, which, together with the majority
opinion shall be duly promulgated and attached to the rollo.
(j) If the consultation in the Special Division of Five results in a unanimous
concurrence, all its members shall sign the decision or resolution.
(k) If the justice to whom the case is assigned for study and report is transferred
to another Division as its permanent member, he shall bring with him and write his
report of the cases assigned to him in his original Division together with the other
members of the Division to which the case was submitted for decision.
The Division from which the Justice to whom the case is assigned for study and
report came shall be known as a Special Division.
(l) If the Justice to whom the case is assigned for study and report ceases to be a
member of the Sandiganbayan, due to retirement, resignation or for any other cause, his
pending cases shall remain with the Division to which they were assigned. However, in
appropriate cases and for compelling reasons, the Chairman may assign said cases to the
new appointee for study and report.
(m) An Associate Justice who is about to retire shall not be assigned cases for
study and report three (3) months before his retirement date.
Section 5. Grounds for Inhibition of Division Members
A Division member may inhibit himself from a case on the following grounds:
(a) When he was the Ponente of the appealed decision of the lower court;
(b) When he was counsel or member of a law firm which was counsel in a
case before the Division; or he, his wife or child is pecuniarily interested in said case as
heir, legatee, creditor or otherwise; or he is related to either party in the case within the
sixth degree of consanguinity or affinity or to counsel within the fourth degree,
computed according to the rules of the civil law; or he has been executor, administrator,
guardian or trustee in the case.
A Division member may inhibit himself for any compelling reason other than
those mentioned above.
Section 6. Effect of Inhibition from Particular Cases Should the Chairman of a
Division inhibit himself or is disqualified from participating in a case, it shall be
transferred to any of the four (4) other Divisions by raffle. If a Senior or Junior Member
inhibits himself or is disqualified in a case, he shall be replaced in accordance with the
procedure stated in Section 4 (c) of Rule II but the case shall remain with the Division.

Section 1. Publication of Decision The decision of the Sandiganbayan may be
published in the Official Gazette in the language in which they have been originally
written. The syllabi for the decisions shall be prepared by the Clerk of Court in
consultation with the writers thereof.
Section 2. Seal of The Sandiganbayan The seal of the Sandiganbayan shall be of
standard size, circular in form, consisting of two concentric circles as its margin with the
inscription, running from left to right, on the upper margin the word Sandiganbayan
and, on the lower margin, the words Republika ng Pilipinas, with 13 stars representing
the existing judicial regions immediately along the outer edge of the inner circle; and
with a design at the center, of a triangle with a trisected area composed of the national

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colors of white on its upper part, blue on the left and red on the right, with the words
KATAPATAN on the left side, KAPANAGUTAN on the right side, and
KARANGALAN on the base; a star in each corner of the triangle representing Luzon,
Visayas and Mindanao; and a bolo inside the triangle on which is superimposed a
Section 3. Repealing Clause - Upon effectivity of these Rules, all rules, circulars
and administrative orders of the Sandiganbayan inconsistent therewith are hereby
Section 4. Effectivity Clause These Rules shall take effect on October 1, 2002
following its publication in two (2) newspapers of general circulation.

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