Home Incubator

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Home incubator "Termia 60"

simple and hendy design;
high reliability;
peephole available;
natural ventilation;
low power consumption;
efficient and ecologically clean in opration;
minimum mass and overall dimensions;
incubation results depend on the quality of
Currrent, V 220
Power, Watt 3010
Regulation of temperature span, 35-40
Supporting of temperature condition automatic
Exactness of automaticly supporting temperature, 0,5
Cappacity of eggs, pcs.
hen's eggs 60
duck and turkey eggs 40
goose-eggs 25
Overturn of eggs manual
Dimensions, mm 470x470x215
Weight, kg 2

Home incubator "Termia 450"

efficient and ecologically clean in opration;
high reliability;
simple and hendy design;
natural and forced ventilation;
peephole available;
bath with water to mainain humidity available;
there is a thermometer in the dilivery set.

Currrent, V 220
Power, Watt 200
Ventilation, forced
Regulation of temperature span, 36-39
Supporting of temperature condition automatic
Exactness of automaticly supporting temperature, 0,5
appacity of eggs, pcs.
hen's eggs 450/288
duck and turkey eggs 430/210
goose-eggs 280/144
Overturn of eggs manual/fast group overturn
Dimensions, mm 644x570x1030
Weight, kg 47
6. Home incubators "Termia" -
6.1. Home incubators "Termia 60" for 60 hen's eggs 15,20
6.2. Home incubators "Termia 400" for 400 hen's eggs 107,00
For more information please contact us: Ukraine, Vinnitsa, 145 Khmelnitsky shosse
Tel (+38 0432) 43-80-34, 43-77-32 - Marketing and Sales Department
fax (+38 0432) 43-90-14, 43-70-50; e-mail - mayak_ukr@vinnitsa.com

, 644060, .
. , 18
: (3812) 44-87-05, 44-87-02, 44-80-63
./: (3812) 41-72-67, 41-27-00
: ""
e-mail: irtysh@irtysh.com.ru
web: http://www.irtysh.com.ru

... E-mail
44-87-05 berezovsky@irtysh.com.ru
44-87-02 arshinin@irtysh.com.ru
. . 44-86-95 polev@irtysh.com.ru
. 44-88-98 melnichenko@irtysh.com.ru
44-87-16 bosakevich@irtysh.com.ru
. 44-88-95 kalaykin@irtysh.com.ru
. 44-86-58 mironov@irtysh.com.ru
(, , .)
18 30
40 80% ( 4.2 15150).
220 10%.
.094.000.000 " ".

-250 -500
810 1140
500 500
735 735
4 , 28 38
6 , . ( 56 .) 250 500
7 3 6
8 3 6
9 ( 1 )
10 , . 45
11 ,
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12 , 0,1
13 0,4
14 /

16 , % 1
17 2
, %
19 1 2
20 , -1 1250
21 4 8
22 , 156 272
23 , 100 200
24 , 16
25 , 40
26 , 220
27 , 50
28 I
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29 7

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(, ) .
, 90.

, ;
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, , .

357522 . ,
, 22.
. (87933) 7-34-74
(87933) 7-32-21
(87933) 7-84-45, 7-84-76
e-mail: info@pyatigorskselmash.ru
/ 40702810000000000812
" " .
/ 30101810600000000151
: / 40702810760090100920
- .
/ 30101810100000000644

- . (095) 792-83-15, (095) 975-43-26
. (095) 209-05-52
. (095) 400-40-70, (095) 409-30-87
. (3832) 23-32-29, 23-28-23
-" . (3832) 23-32-29, 23-28-23
"" . (3422) 32-84-05

"" . (017) 258-11-65, 258-13-92

"PROFERM-SERVICE" . , . 373-2-210188, 210189 . 373-2-232236
-mail: fnfm@ara.dnt.md

$ 30.00
, . , USD

() ()
45 .
( )
--45-31 --15-31 48,048 377,976 7.87 12,599 0.26
--45-31 48,048 270,798 5.64 9,027 0.19
--15-31 16,016 107,310 6.70 3,577 0.22
45 .
( )
--45-31 --15-31 48,048 399,558 8.32 13,319 0.28

48,048 .
286,224 5.96 9,541 0.20

( ) ,
113,400 7.08 3,780 0.24
, , , , ,

-12.000 11,700 108,961 9.31 3,632 0.31
. -0.5 770 15,000 19.48 500 0.65

100 6,000
60.00 200 2.00

, ,
, - 48048.
, - 17.
, - 2950. 3
: 286224 .

(, , ,.). - ,
, , , ,
, ,

, ,
, - 16016.
, - 3,5.
, - 1110.
: 113 400 .


. - .
, - 3900.

, .
, 11700
, - 3,35
, - 2600 1870 2050.
, - 900.
: 108 961 .

- -0.5


- 770 .
- 500 .
- 220 ., 50 .
- 880x680x1050
: 16000 .

- 100 .
- 180 .
- 220 ., 50 .
- 30 .
- 615x450x470
: 7000

644060, , . , . , 18
: (3812) 44-87-02, 44-86-76, 44-87-10
: (3812) 41-72-67
E-mail: OPO.JRTYSH@g23.relcom.ru
Web: http://WWW.relcom.ru/irtysh

+18 +30.



, , .
, , ,
, . .

, - 48048 .
, - 2620
- 312 .
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2-3 ,
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26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

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38 36 41 45 50 54 59 64 86

38,5 35 39 43 48 52 57 61 66

39 33 37 41 46 52 57 61 66

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3 . , .
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5- 19- .
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30 : 6 12 - 5-10 ., 13 19
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1-5 38,5/29 3 - -
6-12 38,5/29 3 5 1
13-19 38/28 3 20 1

1-6 37,5/30 3 - -
13-26 37,5/29 3 20 1
26-28 38,5/35 - -
1-12 37/29 3 - -

13-24 37/27,5 3 - 2-3
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17-29 37,5/30 3 - 2-3
30-31 38,5/35 -
1-14 37,5/29 3 - -
15-27 37,5/29 3 - 2-3
28-29 38,5/32 -

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15 30,
40 90%
220 10, 50 0,2
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