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OXFORD | E Beginner student's Book Tom Hutchinson OXFORD Contents Introducing yourself; Short forms: I’m, What's Indefinite articles: o/ an ettisens 124) TET iimbes 0-0, eephone renter By sist Z English inthe world Names Useful expressans: low co you sy. ? ee. naasSay SSS Bi Famiy esses i ory sessans 9-109 py ties Ep, eh eA fae: stents Countries eg Pentti: capital eters BEE serene scr: jet es tat ites at Seu ‘Pronunciation: Word sts Lessons 13-169 rng 5 4 Personal mt 7 — te Lessons 37-20 aprons mo aces get nd: Things ue e Pronunciation: Plural endings Lessons 21-24 and dink a we ate ae sa ile EEE Free time t00/ either English in the world: Computers aa te = Lessons 29-32) ir ee vi ete) eee | Present simple: third person singular: he, she, it Daily outines Enalish inthe wort: & working day | kya Ss mae Lessons 37-409 and 2 0h 7 Work at do you do? She's a waits. Adjectives: sal ee. aie ee ees Lessons 41-44 |B false rr Descriptions Se a ee sitive and negative statements hot gas ce The body Articles f - Actetties: ru, swim, play got aly the gut, et. Bes ‘Pronunciation: Reduced vols in can hn! Freer conan sates Ey ing forms Lessons 49-826 ‘Aativities Lessons 53-56 Places | Lessons 57-60 Clothes Pronunciation: and ds! Lessons 61-649 | PR Manip: in plate ston, cig a win” CB ttn i Bln nncenntn pag Ft simple: to be: statements Sa 659 BBY rcs bet tates Past time expressions yest lot gt te wi eee Pronunciation: Negative short forms Lessons 69-72 | Emergency services: police, ambuian * ° a? Eee oe Lessons 73-76 Irregular past forms: bought, ote, found, had, et. BPAY Post simple: negative statements: repular and imeaular verbs Life stories Positive statements: | Pronunctation: Sentence stress ‘sca (FZ wes aap at eee jb : That's Life! Epilogue page 81 Irregular verb list page 82 Review & Wordlists pages 83-102 TT (ee eo en as po eM aC scat tem Ea etal Seal a nee Bisticmmerere Read and write: Introducing yourself Stony: Tats fel fpinde 2 Man withavon > ‘and for ain ideas “English inthe world: English-speaking counties remy ein the time woth clocs Engh in the wor: Opening tines Listen and speak: Asking about pices 7 or: Ft’s if! Epide 3 Aa impartont esting s/t hese tise sory Pat “Enis inthe worl: Shop sgn: Pu, Psh, Open, Closed, et. Soa sten ad speak: Fe tne sti sey PP) Sto: Tats Ue! Eola ¢ hee’ he dna? ‘Pronunciation: Sor and long vowels z Offering att Read and write: A Dy in 2 Life fn parts ofthe day king about days and times ee Pie tec | Capita eters, Time prepostons: on at Story: Thats Life Episode 5 Lue’ in trouble Problems 1 Getting to kn sme: Web 0 We. PH Stowins interes. ads’ English in the world: Taboo questions. oe ad Stoo: Tats ht Eade 6 ee ot nor hour Fay etka ete: vas ners mais and eters tal ad oma eters english inthe word: Tet messages Eectes nse: A Ley ee ea Listen and speak: & job intecview BPP] ty cs ite pode 7 Cone yo te a? kagish in the wan. Spores Invitations 2 tag here places ae co 8 a Boone iene econs ae? English in the world: Which ficor? WM ws US English — is ods etn cote Sen te Fo Engtist in the wortd: Going to a party Talking bout pbs: Hee going to France a [FF] fier tine reine vst thr eg ot Baa EE Fonte iaay trend Story: Tha’ Life! Episode 9 Where were you? gh nthe wo: BPs and Amen Eg [Expressing anger Basa | BEET a Mant othe yor Me te i ‘Read and write: My early life ‘Story: That's Lil Sarah, you'te wonderful? English nthe won ge: Saying who Is ight and wrong 0 ‘Building a conversation . English in the worl The weekend ‘Aucio scripts pages 103-107 Pronunciation chart page 108 ATe NUYS 1 BBB Read and listen to the story. Pleased to meet you, Jordan. My name's Cindy Gaskell, 2a Complete the conversation. Ryan Hello. *__— Ryan Gaskell. Jordan Pleased to *___ you, Ryan. 2 name's Jordan Morris. Ryan Nice to meet “__, too, Jordan, b (EBEM Listen and check, My name is .. = What is ..2 It's. =Itis.. | 3. BENING Introduce yourself to some people in the class. Use the conversation in exercise 2. 4 BBE Listen and repeat. © oh/zero 6 six 1 one 7 seven 2 two 8 eight 3 three 9 nine 4 four 10 ten 5 five 5 [EB Read and listen. ‘What's your mobile ‘umber, Jordan? Lucy Patterson. (wbile) 07261 448_30 Peter Colaumbo 0_0_ 19623 Rusetl (mabile) 079_0 5573_ * Meanle (home) 0_63 481__82 7 Write some phone numbers from people in your class. ‘A What's your phone number? Bits sh in the world Names first name sumame/ last name a Jordan Mortis oy Cindy Gaskell Now I can ...iutrodice myself and give Cee SVU nee 1 [BB Listen and repeat. £ sep 7 ] Vo I , 1 aman 2 awoman 3 agit 4 a boy Sahouse 6 acar 7 an umbrella 8 a bag 2. Study the rules. Po a uss ce ‘a + consonant sound a bag “an + vowel sound ‘an umbrella _ This is @ bag. NOT Fhisis-bag. 3a KEM Listen and repeat. b Complete the labels with a or an. c EBM Listen, check, and repeat. 4. Work with a partner. Ask and answer about things in your classroom or in this book. How do you say ‘Santé’ in English? b Practise the expressions with some different words. How do you say ... ? I means ... We say to pigs 3 a teacher JM 2. Study the examples. Imp Myname is John \ 3 EA Listen. Follow the instructions. 4a EE Listen and repeat. Tm sony. I don't Tm somy. Can you repeat that, please Yes, It in room seven. b Practise the expressions with some different words. 5 GEMMLEY Give a partner some instructions, See Pere Peau eae Later That's Life! Episode 1 1. BBM Listen and repeat the names, 4 BBB Read and listen. Peter Columbo Cindy Gaskell Lucy Patterson Sarah Chen Jordan Morris, Ryan Gaskell 2 TED Read and tisten to the story. Match the names with the People in the pictures. | Sarah What’ your ast ane, Lacy? | Sasi rainie: Sarah How do you spell that? Lucy It’s P-A double T-ER-S-0- yan Hi, Lacy. : Sarah Thank you. Hello, Ryan. Tea, please. No ... Coffee. ae oo 5a [EM Read and listen, Lucy Yes. Coffee. The alphabet — Re ree ose Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Wioo3j Kk Lt Mm Nn 00 Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uv Ww Ww Xx vy Zz Lucy Thank you. b Listen again and repeat. 6 Listen, Choose the correct names, 1 Anne Stephens 7 Anne Stevens 2 defftey Haris Geoffrey Haris 3 Katie Mills katy Mills 4 John Moore John More 5 Tim Wallace Tim Wallis 7 Practise the conversation with | people in your class, | Tey Oh, hi, Peter. A Waat’s your name? || Peter Sarah, this is my friend, Lucy. . B My name's Bell Sarah Nice to meet you, Lucy. A How do you spell tha } Lucy Nice to meet you, too. I'm sorry, What's yout name again? double L-A. Belts Sarah W's Sarah ~ Sarah Cher ‘A Thank you 3 Work in groups. Introduce each other, Use the | conversation above. saa ATUL 2 4. [Bill Listen and repeat. 1 husband/2 wife 3 (parents) 4 son/ father 6 mother/7 daughter HSN oy i ohn peas Nt " @ brother/9 sister 10 (children) 2 Write the missing words. il Listen. Say the sentence. 1 son He's my sar, 2 wife She's my wife 4a Complete what the people say. : — b Alan is my *_ husband . PE ura is my? and BS [20h is my __. Laura is my & Alan is my * Brenda is my & and ‘Alan and Brenda are my 3 John is my = { Brenda is my = Laura and John are my b EBM Listen and check. 5a Study the rule. We use a name/noun + ’s to show possession. Felix is Laura's cat. Complete the sentences, 1 Alan is Grenda’s hushand, 2 Laura is sister 3 Brenda is __ wife. 4 is Alan and Brenda's son, 5 John is ___ brother. 6 and ___are John and Laura's, parents, 6 Make sentences about this family. Homer is Marge’s husband. ae i a es is name's Ryan. Her name's Cindy. Their surmame is Gaskell This is our daughter. sr name's Melanie. 2a EM Listen and repeat. my book his computer our car your pen her mobile hefr house | ts name b Study the rule. | Tree his book hier book 3a Lugy is talking to a new colleague. Complete the sentences. Lucey HiT Lucy. Whats y name? | Daniel ‘name's Daniel Barre, What's y___ last mame? | Lucy Patterson, Lucy Patterson, And this is company. As you know, $i name is Streetwise, wey That man 0 Managing Directo, | “name's Tan Cate Daniel And who's that woman? Lucy That's *m_—_— boss. *H_____ name's Olive Green. Lucy This is #0 office. This m__ desk. That's @ photo of m__— parents at "t__house. And that's My desk over there b [ERB Listen and check. 4 BENNY Work with a partner, Ask and answer about the people in one dats. = OB A B His name's var 1 EB carla is talking about her family, Listen and repeat the names below. Donna Henry Ricardo Carla Sophia David Maria Leo 2. Ei Listen. Match the names with the people in the photos. "i ‘mum and dad ‘mum = mother dad = father This is my murn. Hello, Dad. 3. Write six sentences about Carla's family. coma bout the 4 EMAL tell a partner a people in your family. Use photos or draw a family tree, [ Pronunciation The phonemic alphavet In English letters don’t always have the same sound, 1 EEEM Read and tisten, different letters; same sound: dog what same letters; different sound: YOUF our 2a Tick the pairs with the same vowel sound. 1 thee — meet v 2man car 3 you two 4 nine five 5 cat chair 6 son one T who boss 8 read please » MBA Listen and repeat, 3° We use a phonemic alphabet to show the sounds, Study the phonemic alphabet on page 108, ————— | 8 Sat Oi) wae Se VMAs 1a [ERM Read and listen. 2a [Ei Listen and repeat. ‘| a ; Good momning, Mr Jones. r q | f t Checking out? AIT as | Goodbye Good afternoon i Good evening, | Sondiaht | bye Hel tata a | See you later ‘Thank you very much, L_ MrJones. Goodbye. [ IEREM Drill. Listen and respond with the same expression, 1 Good evening, Goad evening 3 Complete the conversation, Oliver Hi, Kate. How "you? Kate Im? thanks, And *_? Oliver Fine, 4 MULE Greet some people in your class, Use the conversation in exercise 3. English in the world Titles 1 EBB Listen and repeat, LA Yo fine, thanks, And you? Mr Gaskeli Ms Gaskell or Mrs Gaskell (Gindy is marted,) Ms Patterson or Miss Patterson (Lucy is nat marred.) 2 We say: Hello, Ms Chen, NOT Helto-Hs-Sarah- hen, 3. In Britain and the USA peopte only use titles in formal situations, tn everyday situations they normally use first names, ‘Practise the conversations with a partner, ee Seas VOCABULARY Listen and repeat. 3a Which country are these cities in? Are they capital cities? 1 Moscow le the capital of Russia, 2 Venice la in Italy, 1 Moscow 7 Jakarta | 2 Venice 8 Tokyo | 3 Los Angeles 9 Madrid | 4 Shanghai 10 Sydney 5 Manchester 11. Rio de Janeiro 6 Giro 42 Paris b [EB Listen and check. 4 ERED Drill Listen. Say which country tthe people are from. 1 Ti from Los Angeles. 3 Britain 4 Russia Hee from the USA. 2. Tm from Cairo. Site's from Egypt, | Pesausgenote We use capital letters for cities and countries, 6 Japan He's from Russia. Tm in Venice, Paris isin France, 5 Work with a partner. Draw something from each country. Guess the country. 7 Indonesia (am '3 Australia. Pronunciation Word stress 10 Australia | Listen and repeat, f China dapan 2 Mark the syllable with the stress, Britain Hungary Russia America Italy korea Aastaia Brasil Egypt El Listen, check, and repeat. Pep nya 11 Egypt 12 the USA 2. Add two more countries to the list. Pee Dee 1 DRY Read and listen. 3 Rewrite the sentences with the short form of the verb. 1 (hn rom Spain oo My name's Yu Li 1 Lam fom Spain. A na student at 2 We are nat student. © London University 3 Nelson is from South Americ. Bad 4 They ave my friends. 5 Suse is not from Britain. 6 Tam not from Japan, 7 She is marred. 8 London is the capital of Britain T'm not from Britain. ‘Ym from China. My friends are from other countries, too. Thisis Costas. ‘ania isn fom Greece. TilenesTba gente albeit He's from Greece. || She’ fom Poland. tapdalaen, i; He is from Italy. (subject ver) NOT Is-from-Italy. OR He-Fom-ttaly, ‘Asentence always starts with a capital letter and ends with a full stop. ‘My mame is Yu Li, Tes La capital letter full stop Susie and Joshua are from || Maria and Nelson aren't from | 4 Complete the sentences, South Africa. South Africa. They're from 1 My name's. Maria, and I_____a student at Londan University, My husband a student her, too, We fom Britain, We from Argentina, 2 Susie and Joshua —_ from South Ameria. They from Cape Towa in South Afica South America, 3 Ania and Costas ___ from Europe. ‘Ania from Warsaw in Poland, Costas from Poland. He from Athens in Greece, 1 He's from Poland, He isn't from Poland, ‘m ‘m not I I 6 Complete the sentences about (am) (2m not) yousel He Russia. | HE Russia. i “ a usa She from Japan. | She from Japan. —— from the r [py a fe? Fema 3 1 fon —— 4 1a teacher ei a arent 5 1___a student. They 9) They, 7 8) 6 1 mares. Poa oa 0 ‘ay was’ Bruna Bocca 1 from ay, ashen iL silan University, Hom, 1 with my gilriend. Hor rama’ Caudis, ad shes a student, vie a a restaurant with my brat, nto ad cif er aa Frans, hee from Hal. ef Move. antonio anh rna are tudes, AMEOUDS A ae antec ak eee 2 Read the text again. Are the statements true (T) or false (F)? 1 Bruno is from Italy 5 Trena is from the USA. 2 He's marred, 6 Antonio is her brother, 3 Claudia isn’t a student. 7 He's a doctor. 4 Bruno is her boyfriend. 8 They're at a restaurant. and We use and to add information, My name is Bruno. I'm from Italy. Hy name is Bruno and I'm from Italy. Her name is Claudia. She's a student. Her name is Claudia and she's a student. 3a Find or draw a photograph of yourself with other people. Write about the photograph. My name's (name) and I'm from (county). 'm a (student /doctor ..). In this photo Ym —__ (at @ restaurant /at a party/on holiday ...} with (names). (He's She's/ They're) from (country). — (Name) is a (student doctor.) b Read your partner's text, 1 English in the world English-speaking countries English isthe main language in more guage in mi 60 countries. These includes the Uk the USA Canad, Ireland Australi : alia New Zealanc South aftica Singapore damaing What tanguages do People speak in your country? What examples of English words do You see or hear in De Tmenty eaeecnecn) That's Life! Episode 2 | ¢ Cl head snd titer ta the story 2 Are the statements true (I) or false (F)? 1 Lucy is talking to her mother on her mobile, 2 The meeting is in Room 7. 3 Mrs Diderot is fromthe USA. 4 The man with the van is Jordan, 5 He's there to fix a computer. 6 The computer is in Lucy's office. 7 Loy says Daniel is an idiot, Yes, Tm fine, thanks Our meeting? .. I's with Mr Leclerc and Ms Diderot. | They/e from France. ‘Ah, yes, I isn this office 1 that office over there. 44 Conglete the exgressions. Saying sorry 1___ (vey) sorry. ‘Are ___ OK? ‘Tt alt right. Tm fine, thank —_. b ERB Listen, check, and repeat. 4 Work in a group, Practise the story. 1g Tm very sory ‘Ave you OK? 13 VOCABULARY 1. BEB tisten and repeat. 5 BEB isten. which number do you hear? 11 eleven 21 twenty-one 40. forty 1 | 42 twelve 22 twenty-two 50 fifty a 7 | 13 thirteen 23 twenty-three 60 sixty ® | 14 fourteen 24 twenty-four 70 seventy i 15 fifteen 25 twenty-five 80 eighty A ? | 16 sixteen 26 twenty-six «90 ninety 7 17 seventeen 27 twenty-seven 100 a hundred 18 eighteen 28. twenty-eight 19 nineteen 29. twenty-nine 20_ twenty: 30. thirty 2 Count from 40 to 60. 3 3. Look at the pictures. Say the numbers. 1 Pronunciation -teen and -ty 1 EEE Listen and repeat, sixtéen Sey eighteen efghty 2a EER Listen, You witt hear pairs of | 4a Write the numbers in full. 32 bitte) umbers. Are the two . numb jE 1 same or diferent? |) su 0 —__ 2 1 3 36 b Listen again and repeat, b Say the numbers. See T 14 (VMTN 1a [EB Read and listen. Ryan Is Sarah a student? Lucy Yes, she is. yan Where is she from? Lucy She's from Singapore. Ryan Oh. How old is she? Lucy She's 28. Ryan Is she married? Lucy No, she isn’t, b Practise the conversation with a partner. 2. Study the table, Sie isa student, Is she a student? Yes, she is. NOT Yes-she's: No, she isn’t. Yau are from Thlland A ‘Are you from Thailand? Yes, I am. NOT ¥es-Fm: No, T'm not, HE Drill. Listen. Make questions. 1 He's a student. shea student? Work with a partner, Make questions and answers, Use the cues. ‘ls Sarah from the UK? B No, she isn't 1 Sarah /from the UK (No) 2 she/a student (Yes) 3 she /married (No) 4 you /marred (Yes /No} 5 you/a teacher (Yes/No) 6 you/a student (Yes/No) 5. Study the table. Where is he from? How old is she? is his name? isher address? What uw 6 Make questions with the cues. Give the answers. 1 Where /Sarah /from? 2 How old /she? 3. Where /you/from? 4 How old /you? rood ‘Questions start with a capital letter and end with ‘a question mark. Where is she from? i capital letter question mark Ta EERE] Listen. Complete the information. : nd Name: | Name From: Singapore} From: Age: 28 || ge =. KGingleymarried/divorced | | single/married/divorced 3 4 ae). = se single/married/divorced | | single/marred/divorced ‘Age: —__ single/married/divorced | | single/married divorced b Work with a partner. Use the information from the chart above. Ask and answer about the people, | Where is ___ from? | How old is _? Js he/she married? ey isk people questions about themselves 1a EERE) Jose is looking for a flat. Read and listen to his conversation. At an Accommodation Agency ; ‘Agent Can I take a few details fist? What's your surname? Jose Its Feria, ‘Agent How do you spell that? Jose It’s PE double R-E-L-R-A, rad ‘Agent. And what's your first name? Jose Jose. Thats J-0-5-E, ‘Agent: Thank you. Where are you from? Jose I'm from Brazil. ‘Agent Hovr old are you, Mr Ferreira? Jose I'm 27 years old, ‘Agent Are you married? ‘Jose No, Im not. Ima single, Agent And whats your telephone number? ‘Jose It’s 07096 46 double 52. That's my mobile, ‘Agent Thank you. b Practise the conversation with a partner, 2 HEB Listen to another conversation and choose the 3 ZMMITY Use the questions in Jose's conversation. correct items to complete the form. Interview your partner. Homie Sweet Home Home Sweet Home SHgh Steet, Newtown England 1S High Steet Newtown England Presonal Details Parsonal Details Tite; Me/Ms__ Title: Surname; Bellion/Deleonne Sumame: First name: Sonia/Sowja First nome; —____. Country: Switzerlema /Spain Country: Age: 34/35. Age: Marital status: Single /mawied/divercea | | Moritalstotus: Tel. no.: 020 745 188/020 734 £81 Te ask for and give personal fnforme 6 16 PISA BT) Bass Thy Vea 41 EBD Listen and repeat, 3 Ask and answer with a partner, [A Point to one of the clocks. Ask the time, B Say the time, A What's the time? B it's ten to four = = 1 one o'clock 2 five past one on on mS 4 quarter past one 5 twenty past one 6 twenty-five past one 4 We can also give times in digital form. Say the times. 1 ix twenty-five 1 se T half past one two 9 twenty to two | | 10 qarterto two 11 ten totwo 12 five to two 2 Bi Listen and point to the correct time. 1S English in the world Opening times These are typical opening times in Britain, Compare ‘them to your country, ‘Shops: Most sho, Ps a tos 30pm open from 9.00 a.m, Supermarkets: lot of supermarkets are open from 8.00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m, Some Supermarkets are open 24 hours, Banks: Banks are open f Pei rom 9.30 aim. to Offices: Normal office h es to 'ours are 9.00 a.m, 6 ‘Wi NUT NOG 1 GiB Listen and repeat. 3 EERY drill. Listen. say the plurat with three. 1 abag three bags 4 Write the plurals, 1a chair two chairs | 4 a briefcase 2 awallet 3 a purse 2 adog fw 3 awoman three —_ \ 4 a purse four 5 an orange two 6 a pencil seven 7 a sandwich two 4 an address book — 5 tissues 6 glasses 5 7 aie the 10 acar eight — is, Coes 5 RENAUEY what things do you carry in =) oe ‘your bag or pockets? Show a partner. 7 a credit card 8 ahairbrush 9 a driving licence NS v 10 keys 11 money 12 make-up 2a EERE Read and listen. co Pronunciation Plural endings 1 BE) Listen and repeat. b Study the rules, books pens sandwiches cats, cards oranges 2 Pr Put the Words in the correct column apples keys watches dogs briefcases students desks 3 BB Listen, check, and fepeat, ¢ EB Listen and repeat. Pome ee saa 1 8 [SPUN 1 BERD Listen and repeat. @ of 3 under Cle fo D 4 next to S infront of 6 behind 1 The book is __ the briefcase. 2 The briefcase is __ the chair. 3 The chair is ___ the table. 4 The cat is ___ the chair 5 The wallet is ___ the computer. 6 The money is the wallet. 7 The keys are the computer. 8 The bag is ___ the computer. 3 BEB) Look at the pictures and listen. Are the statements true (1) or false (F)? |The briecase is under the cha falze. i's on the char Indefinite. article : nO 2 | ‘a table. i 4 Look at the picture of Peter's office. Where are his ‘things? 1 The keys are behind the computer. 1 the keys 5 the books 2 the umbrela 6 the glasses 3 the wallet 7 the mobile phone 4 the briefcase 8 the sandwiches 5a [IDE] Help Peter to find his things. Listen and answer, 1 Where are: my keys? Theyte behiid the computer bb Work with a partner. Ask and answer about the picture, A Where io the mobile phone? Bits Tne De ask and say 1 BBB] Listen. Repeat the prices. 1 £3 three pounds, 5 _-3BG__ thirty-five cents | four pound 2) $40 tends g [em 50. fr punts 3 €12 wwebecuos 7 €26.80 MO 4 50p fiftyp 8 $7.20 sven dollars ‘twenty 2. Give the prices of some common things in your country. A cup of cottae ie 806. ACDie €15. 3a [IE Read and listen. Choose from the prices below to complete the conversation, £25 £45 £23.50 £38.50 Assistant Can I help you? Customer Yes. How much are these bags here on the shelf? | Assistant They're *£__. ee "Customer Oh, that's expensive, How much are those bacs pen behind the counter? - Assistant Theyre *¢. Customer Thats good. Can Thave that one, please? Assistant Certainly. Anything else? Customer No, thank you. Assistant That's ©, then, please, Customer Here you are. Assistant Thank you. That's £1.50 change, Customer Thank you. b Practise the conversation with a partner. ‘these books those books 4a BDI Listen, Answer the questions below for each conversation, 1 What does he /she buy? 2. Whereis it in the shop? 3. How much is it? b Work with a partner, Use the information from exercise 4a. Make the conversations. English in the world Shop signs - are these si ans 2 your language? That's Life! Episode 3 1 Read and listen to the story. 2. Answer the questions. 1 Who is Mr Linsky? 2 When is the meeting with Mr Linsky? 3 Is the meeting in London? 4 Where are the photographs? 5-Is The Photo Shop open tll eight o'clock? 6 Whereis Lucy at ten to seven? Mrs Green Good morning, Lucy. Lucy Morning, Olive. Tm sony Im late. 1 for our meeting with Mr Lnsky, live Mrs Green Thank you, Lucy. Is that Mr Linsky from Top Films? Lucy Yes, itis. Mrs Green Where isthe meeting? Is it here? ‘Lucy No, it isn't. Is at their office in Cambie. It's at half past ten tomorrow. Daniel Hey, Lucy. Were off to the pub ‘Ave you coming? [uey Oh, hi, Daniel. Sorry, but Tea Daniel Come on. Its my birthday. Lucy OK, but oni for afew minutes Daniel Great. 3a Complete the expressions. Invitations 4 We off to the pub. ‘Are ___ coming? but I can't. OK, but only a few minutes. b DEY Listen, check, and repeat. 4. Work in a group. Practise the story. Mrs Green See you tomorrow in Cambridge, Lucy. And don't be late. This meeting is important. Lucy Yes, Olive Mrs Green Oh, and Lucy, where are those photographs for Mr Lin ‘Ae they at The Photo Shop? Lucy Yes, they are, but it's OK. The Photo Shop is open tll 7. y) 1 Ue VU OS 1 Bil Listen and repeat. 2 Complete the words. 1 chese 6 mik 2 er 7 bred 3 cofee 8 cat 4 fut 9 fis 5 ips 10 b_tter 3 EBB isten. Complete the shopping list. 1 fish 2 meat 3 fruit aa | shopping list | cheese ba 4 Work with a partner. Ask about their fridge. 4 vegetables 5 eggs 6 cheese ‘A Whatetn your bidge? B Mil, 7 bread 8 butter 9 chocolate & s& Pronunciation 410 chips 11 rice 12 pasta \iced and voiceless consonants _ BE Listen and repeat. a 4 4 u sai] 13 water 14 milk 15 orange juice Wied Wis) a el Wy] vegetable /t) fish a6 15/9 ani /A/ bread Ay fruit /2{ cheese Asi tice nae 11 pasta 16 beer 17 wine 18 cola LW a 22 STU IT NY 1 BEB Read and listen. 2. Study the tables. Make sentences. 1 fruit You = fish. We a cheese, They + milk Present simple: I bread. You donot, wine. we dont Heat. They tice, 3 ERED Drill. Listen. Say the negative. 1 Tike cheese. | don ke ch 4 Put the words in the correct order. 1 lke we fruit, 2 fish eat dontt they 3 don't milk T drink 4 chocolate T like 5 we sport like don't 6 eat they rice 5 Complete the sentences with I like or I don’t like. 1 chocolate 2 tea, 3 animals. ‘o computers. 5 sport. 6 fish. 7 burgers. 8 milk. \ 9 English, 10 shopping, 6a QEMTANCY Complete the sentences about yourself. | 1 Tike 2 I don't like 3 Teat 4 Tdont eat ____. s ‘object 5 Vdrink fruit. 6 I don't drink Pets b Tella partner, theese, A | like rice. What about you? milk, B Yeo, | like rice. OR No, i don't like rice. Renee @ Co amd Pe THA FOUD {In Thailand people eat a lot of rice and noodles with meat and fish, The foodis very hot. ‘ieay family we ave three meals 42 day. For breakfast we have rice ‘soup with chicken or fish. For Tune wehave noodles. Dinner in the evening is our big | meal ofthe day. For dinner we eat ce with cay and veal We have ft for deer, We lot of frit e done apes. They e very expensive. ‘We don’t eat a Jot of potatoes, bread, or pasta. And we don't eat silk products, like chese or butter ‘We drink tea, coffee, water, or fruit juice. We don't drink wine, but swe drink ber. ‘We don't use chopsticks, We eat ‘witha spoon and fork. ‘Are the statements true (T) or false (F)? 4 1 Food in Thailand is very hot, 2 People eat their big meal inthe afternoon, 3 Apples are expensive. 4 Thai people don't drink tea 5 They eat a lot of mile products. Choose the correct answers. 1 Suchart’s family eat 4 For lunch they have a two meals a day. b three meals a day. © one meal a day. 2 They eat a lot of a rice, potatoes. c bread. 3. They don't eat 6 a chicken. cheese. c fruit. We use but to join two contrasting ideas. We eat alot of fruit. We don't eat apples. a soup. b tice, noodles. They don't dink 2 fruit juice, b beer wine, They don't eat with a chopsticks, b a fork. © a spoon, We eat a lot of fruit, but we dontt eat apples. 2 We don't drink wine. We drink beer. We don't drink wine, but we drink beer. - Write about what you normally eat and drink. Food from __is People eat a lat of ___. We dor't eat a lot of ——. People rink Ina normal day I eat We use —__ to eat our food, English in the world Food 1. Which countries do these come from? fish and chips a pizza Give some more examples of fo id drinks from different countries, Nope write about food from different countries. 24 TSaT ei) was soy Veats 4 ‘1a EE Listen and repeat. 2a ERM Read and listen, 2 acup of tea e Man Would you like a cup of coffee? Woman Yes, please. ‘Man Milk? | Woman No, thank you. ‘Man Sugar? Woman Yes, please. Just one, ‘Man Here you are. Woman Thank you. ‘Man You're welcome. | | 3 mi 4 sugar b Practise the conversation with a partner. | 3. Complete the expressions. | | > ‘Would you a cup of tea? | eS you like mike —, thank you. 4 EERE] Listen to the conversations. Which things do the people choose from exercise 1? 5 alas of water 6 a soft dink [ tanguage note (stil/sparkling) A Sugar? yi a Biiat create (ey f j _ AA Ice and lemon? B Lust ice, please, we 5. Work with a partner, Make four ew conversations. What other drinks do you know? Use the words from exercise 1. 7 ice 8 lemon 2 o 5 VOCABULARY 1 Bi Listen and repeat. 5 go swimming 6 go to the cinema pa Tt | 8 do aerobics 15 watch TV 16 watch DVDs ~ 8 2a FER Drill. Listen, Make sentences. 1 tennis I play tenia, 2 aerobics | do aerobics, b Work with a partner. AA Say a noun. B Give the sentence A magazines B i read magazines 3a Do you do the things in the pictures in exercise 1? 1 | don't play football 2 I play tennia, b Compare your lifestyle with a partner's, A I don't play tootball. Nhat about you? B No, | don't play football, either. A I play tennis, What about you? B Yes, | play tennia, 00. A | don't play computer games. What about you? B J love computer games. To agree with a positive statement, ‘we use: ., 100. A Toplay tennis, B Tplay tennis, too, (=I agree) To agree with a negative statement, wwe use: .., either. ‘A T don't watch TV. B I don't watch Ty either. (= T agree) 6 Write true statements about ‘your life, Complete the sentences, 1 I play 2 I don't play —_. 3 Igo -— 4 T don't go 5 Ido__. 6 Tdon't do. 7 Tread — 8 T dont read —__ 9 Tlisten to 40 I don't listen to __. yI;} (TWIT 12 EER Read and listen. 3 EE Drill. Listen. Make questions. Use you. 1 watch DVDs Do you watch DvDs? 4a Make questions. Write the words in the correct order, 1 play computer games? 1 you play computer games do 2 you anewspaper do read 3 do like sport you 4 you meat eat do 5 90. swimming you do 6 yoga you do do 7 drink do coffee you 8 do smoke you Jack Do you play computer games, Terry? Terry Yes, 1 do. [play them with my children. Jack Do you enjoy them, b Use your questions. Ask and answer with a partner. A Do you play computer games? B Yes, Ido. OR No, { don't. ‘Terry No, I don't. 5a Use the verbs. Write eight Terry Because my children always win. questions. vy tead like tistento. drink play go watch do b Use your questions. Interview your partner, ‘A Do you read a newspaper? B Yes | do. OR No, | don't. English in the world Computers What do you call these things i language? ‘ings in your 2 monitor b Practise the conversation with a partner, 2 Study the tables. Make questions and answer Now I can ... ask questions about what Poe eae 1. EIB) Listen to a survey about free time, Tick v the things the 2 What do Paul and Mary do? people do. They listen to the They don't read a newspaper. We watch TV. (no atticle) We watch DvDs. (no article) We listen to the radio. We go to the cinema. 3. Listen again, What do they say about the things? Paul andl Mary listen to Radio 1. They like pop ru Radio 1 computer games the news the shopping centre | football swimming 4 Use the questionnaire. —— | ; \ Intervie artner. Put his/ he What do you do in oy | inthe secon estan ene ° | Pronunciation | a e c ¥ ime = Short and tong vowels 1 ARE) Listen and repeat, lage i oe Pa M1 ister Fie \a Fauland = — — Mary Jonee Jo shop Pof footvall sf do Do you... | 4 listen to the radio? 1 4 2 read a newspaper? ! 3 watch the news an TV? 4 watch sport on TV? 5 go to the cinema? 1 @ watch DVDS? 7 play computer games? /e/ magazine jc:/ gasses AI yeaa // purse 2 Say the words. Write them with the Correct sound from exercise 1, 8 go shopping? i aint 49 go toa sports centre? be ov 2 7 00k \ 5 10 play any sports Hse auto a That's Life! Episode 4 1 Read and tisten to the story. Whose van is it? 3a Complete the expressions. 2 Match the parts of the sentences. to 1 lucy is 2 a for the meeting. oteriogalit 2 Sarah is — 6 to park Where you off to? 3 Her sunglasses are ¢ going to a meeting, T__ going to The Photo Shop. 4 The Photo Shop isd. behind her car Would you tike __tift? 5 There's nowhere — e private Yes, 6 The parking space is. fia the car 7 Lucy is tate — 4g open. b [BBE Listen, check, and repeat. 8 The van is h off to the sports centre. 4 Work in a group. Practise the story. | Sarah Moming, Luc. How ae you? Tracy On, bi, Saab Tr ine thanks, Where ate you off to? | Sarah The sports centre. Ley Oh, right. Wel Ym goin to The Photo Shop and then toa mosting in Cobre. | | Sarah 1s that The Photo Shop net tothe sports cente? | | ny th, ysis Wonk you at : Yes ut there's Sarah. Yes, please. nowhere to park. acy Now, wee are my sunglasses? EES AE gh, thee ae the photos ee . for Mr Linsky, but Tm late for OK, Ra, Here we ae. [IM the meeting and OTs y za rs Look! That car’ in your parking space, Jordan ‘That van'sDehind my ca. And where's the driver? 1 BBB Listen and repeat. 29 VOCABULARY 6 live in the suburbs 5 live in the city centre 13 go to work 14 go to school 2 Write a sentence about yourself for each picture, 1 I don't lve in & houee. 2 vein a ats 3 BBR rill. Listen and ask the quesions. 1 Live alone Do you tive alone? 2. work in a restaurant work in reetaurant? 4 Pil tisten to the conversations. Write what the people do or don't do, 1 Do you tive in a village? io, we don't. They don’ tive in village 2 Do you work in a bank? Yes, we do. They work ina bank, 15 dive to work 16 walk to work 5 Work with a partner. Ask and answer about eactrpicture, A Do you five in a house? B Yes, Ido. OR Na I don. Pronunciation Diphthongs ‘Some English vowel sounds consi s consist of Sounds. We call these diphthongs, “ EBB Listen and repeat, a Pe/ don't alone Saf drive my Fe] tke ay Fea) here their 7 avin ey ‘1a ERB Read and listen. Ryan Where do you live, Sarah? || Sarah T ive in Bedford Street. | Ryan Oh, yes. Tenow it. I¥s near Lucy's place. | Sarah Yes, that’s right. Ryan Do you live alone? | Sarah No, I dont Ichare a fat with three other students. Ryan Oh, right. Do you like that? Sarah Yes, its great, We have a lot of fun. b Practise the conversation with a partner. 2 Study the rules. Gon 3 EBD rill. Listen. Ask where, 1 tive Where do you fie? 4 Choose the correct questions for the answers. 1 Where do you go shopping? When do you go shopping? 2 What time do you have lunch? What do you have for lunch? 3 What newspaper do you read? When do you read 2 newspaper? 4 What time do you go to school? How do you go to school? At the weekend. At one o'clock, Tread The Times. walk. 5 When do you play tennis? Where co you play tennis? 6 What do you watch on TV? When do you watch TV? At the club, In the evenings. 5a Complete the questions. Use you. 1A Where work ? B Ina hospital. 2A What {in your fee time? B We go swimming 3A What time —___to work? B At eight o'clock. 4A When tennis? B At the weekend. 5 A Where karate? B At the sports centre. 6 A What for lunch? B A sandwich TA What ? B I work in a factory. 8 A Where ? B In the suburbs, b EEE Listen and check, ¢ Practise the conversations with a partner, 6 Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions. 1 Where do you tive? Where do you work /go to school? What time do you go to work/school? What do you do in your free time? What do you eat for breakfast? What newspaper do you read? Wher do you go shopping? Wrat time do you have lunch? ‘1a You are going to hear a radio interview. First read the cues. 1 Pavel and Misha live . au past ami) in the city centre, 3. They work wu drive to work. walk to work. 5 In their free time they... run in marathons. 6 They also go to. the cinema. concerts, EIB Listen to the interview. Choose the correct pictures. 3 2a Use the cues. Make questions about Pavel and Misha, 1 Where do they lve? 2 Do thay lke the city? 1 Where /live 2 ike the city 3 live in a house 4 Where /work 5: drive to work 6 watch TV a lot 7 What/do in their fee time 8 ike films Work with a partner. Use the questions, Ask and answer, ‘A Where do they lve? B They tve in A Do they like the city? B Yes, they do, 3. KEMMLG Write about your tite. Follow the pattern, live in (name). tive (alone with . (1/We) tive in —— (a house /a fat). It's in ____ (the suburbs /the city centre). I (work/go 4 schoo!) in —— (place) . 1 (drive /wolk). In my free time T___ (play tennis / watch TY). English in the world Addresses 1 We write addresses like hiss rame house. Mv R widen number sg Pes MN St street - Liverpech or road ur Sow postedde or city St Street Rd.= Road Ave, = 2 How do you give addresses in coun fresses in your nome Peg et Avenue | Read and listen to the dialogue. 1 EB@b Listen and repeat. ———}*_ When is your appointment at the doctors, Anna? B Its on Thursday. A What time? 1 Monday iz B Its at ten to six. a ee b ERIE] Listen to the dialogues. Write the days and | 2 Tuesday } times. = ak Event Day Time 3 Wednesday /s appoint wreday | 650 sae. 1 Anna's appointment eday | 550 |. 2 Jeffs interview x 4 Thursday 3 Carlo’s par ee) eee 4 Petras driving test | 5 Friday | Hi Si the meeting with MrBea| | | 6 The football match | 6 Saturday | | } | the weekend | ‘on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 7 Sunday at half past six, 10.65, | the weekend | ee ae aaa 3a Write a sentence about each event: | 1 Ana's appointment is on Thureday atten to stk What day b Which of the events are on weekdays? isit today? | 4a Complete the expressions. —— is your appointment? Tes _1.30 on Friday. What dey our meeting? | It's __ Monday. | What fs your interview? Its __ two o'clock, bb ERM Listen and check. 5 Use the expressions and the information in the chart in exercise 2b, Make the conversations. A then is your interview, Jet? B 19 on Tuesday, We always write days of the week with a ‘A What tine? eee B i's at quarter to ten Wednesday NOT wednesday Pai Doe oe SS 2 33 ATU LUE YS g 2. How many expressions can you make with the words? have... | 2 shower, breakfast 3 BED Dril. Listen, Ask What time, 1 wake up What time do you wake up? 2 getup What time do you get up? a Describe your normal weekday. | wake up at 630. | get up at 648. b What is different at the weekend? On Sundays | don't wake up at 6.30. Iwake up at 9.00. ¢ Compare your life with a partner. A wake up at 6:30 on weekdays, What about you? When clo you wake up? B I wake up at seven o'clock English in the world +] A working day This is a common working day {n Britain, 130 breakfast 3.00 start work q1.00 tea/coffee break 100-2.80 nch - usually a sandwich 330 tea /coffee break 5.00 finish work 100 inner ~ the big meal of the day What is a normal worki country? ing day in your xt aa z oo 13 gp tobe 1. BBY Read and tisten. 4 Study the table, Make sentences, Iwake up at seven otclock, but don’t get up straightaway. i (a Be They UP” at eight o'clock, start work 3 E30, He go home She coestt ay «oes at 5a EIRP] Listen, Correct the the sentences about Jordan's day. Underline the mistakes. 1 dordan gets up a five ollock. 2 He has 2 bath. aa 3 He fas breakfast at 6.30. USE pep ae a gPran Leckie 4 He listens to the rao. ‘but she doesn't get up straightaway. 5 He goes to work at seven o'clock, ETAT 6 He stats work at 8.45. * ane she gets np ot 7.25. 7 He finishes work at 5.30, 8 He goes to bed at 12 o'clock 2. Study the table. Make sentences. b Listen again, Write the sentences from exercise 4a iad correctly. q get up 1 HG doesn't get up at fhe o'slock He get up at fn start work six es gohome at eight o'clock, They: in the afternoon. 6 Choose someone that you know. Compare He an at 6.30, your normal day to his/hers, Write six sentences. She eat wok 1 (listen to the radio In the morning, My brother (ny goes home docer't listen to the radio. He watches 1. Pronunciation Present simple -es endings go goes watch watches have_has do does finish finishes 1 BEBE) Listen, Is there an extra syllable (iz)) in the third person? 3 Describe Lucy's day. live tives x 1 She gets up at 715 am. watch vtatches if 1 I get up at 7.15 a.m. take takes 2 Thave breakfast. 9 goes 3 Twatch the news on TV. to does 4 After that I have a shower. finish finishes 5 Then I get dressed. use uses, 6 Igo to work at 8.15 a.m. Practise practises 7 I start work at nine o'clock, i 8 Finish work a Five otock Listen again and repeat Pata talk about other people's dat 1. BBB) Read and tisten to the text. What is the man’s name? 2 Read the text again. Match the parts Which country is he from? of the sentences. 4 Rodney lives 2 Malawi is io 3 Rodney is — 4 He helps — 5 He works 6 He visits — 7 He goes to the villages — 8 He loves — 2 on a motorbike b eatth centres in the villages. © a medical assistant, 4 in Malawi. e at the Machinga District Hospital. F his job g southem Africa Medic ona 1 pert vi pre Motorbike | tanguaoe note | ‘in the moming ‘in the afternoon BUT at night in the evening Rodney Masese is a medical assistant. He lives in the city ‘of Machinga in Malawi in | southern Africa. He works at 3. What does the text say about these times? the Machinga District Hospital, 1 On Tuesdays and Trursdays he vita | but on Tuesdays and Thursdays } health centres, he visits ome of the health | 1 Tuesdays and Thursdays |, centres inthe villages. 2 four'dclock in the morning (On Tuesdays and Thursdays Rodney gets up at four o'clock’ 3445 in the morning, He has a shower and gets dressed. Then he has 4 an hour and a half 4 5 three hours breakfast i, y AAAS he get motorbike an village si 1445 he gets on his motorbike and goes toa village sity ane tilometres away. It takes an hout and a haf, because the roads 8 Five dclock in the evening arerit very good There ae at of people atthe health centre. % | | They ll have problems with their eyes 4 EMIILIED Think of someone that you Rodney helps some people. He sends other people to the know. Describe his/her life. Follow the hospital. After three hours he has lunch. Then he gets on his pattern. Change the words in botd. health centre. She works at a university. She's a Rodiney visits two or three centres in one day: He doesnt want teacher, She starts work st 8.30 in the toe on the mad at night, 50 at ive oclack in the evening he morning and she finishes at 5.00 in ‘goes home, the evening, She doesnt work at the ‘Alot of people in Africa have problems with their eyes says weekends. In her free time she goes to Rodney: love my job, When |help a person to see again feel the park with her children. very happy 8 That's Life! Episode 5 jo Read and listen to the story. Why does 3a Complete the expressions. Lucy say ‘0h, no, not in iy say ‘Oh, no, not you again EGS 2 Answer the questions. Oh, no! | 1 What time is the meeting? This fs terible! 2 Whose van is it? Tm a hur 3. Why is his van behind Lucy’ car? Tim late for a meeting 4 Whereis Jordan? Yim trouble 5. Does Jordan move his van? 6 Why is Lucy in trouble? EIB Listen, check, and repeat. | 4 Work in a group. Practise the story. | ley Excuse me. Do you know this person Jontan Mons? Woman Yes, do. That's his van. Oh, are you in his parking space? ey Yes, Tan, bit ‘Woman 4 lot of people do that. He doesn’t like it. He parks his | van behira their crs ey Yes, Tinow. But wher she? Woman Oh, he works in one of those ofces over there. } acy Thank you. a Be Sa The rectng i ove, Lucy BRIN ein ny office this > an at three odock. ‘yey Excuse me, Are you Jordan? .. Oh, no, not you again! Jordan Hi Yes, is me - ‘the idiot with the van ey Well, yes, your van, Is behind my cat. Pes vo. Tm in wwdan Your car isin my parking space. ea now. ‘ucy Tm sony, but Tm in a hurry and Tm late fora meeting Josdan OK, Now whee are my keys? ATPL S 1 Listen and repeat, G ha 6 a mechanic 410 to look after 13 to fix 14 to build 15 to clean 16 to cook 2a Add two more jobs to the list. 4a Match the people with the places and the duties. Job + | Place Duties bb Make a list of six places where people work. 1 Mia isa chek. aschoot | sels clothes Lie 2 Petra is a ouse, an office | fixes machines ee 3 Antonio is a secretary. | a hospital | teaches English 4 Mahmoud isa teacher. | 2 factory | cooks food 5 Safia isa shop assistant. | a restaurant | looks after people 6 John is a mechanic. a shop | types letters 41 What do you do? = What is your job? 2 We always use an indefinite article © Write three sentences about each person. with a job: 1 Mia is a chet. She worke in a restaurant. She cooks food, Shes a waitress, NOT She's-waitess, 5. EMALIP Ask people in the class about their jobs. A What do you dot B Ima secretary d Dril. Listen. Say what the people s a builder ‘A Where do you werk? Hi a builder B I work ina bark 2-Tma shop assistant. A What do you do there? She's a shop assiotant BS type letters Cee ea 41. EBB Read and listen. 5a Choose the correct words to complete the conversations. 41 Ryan Where "do /does Jordan work? indy 200 /Does you know The Photo Shop? Ryan Yes, I*do does Cindy Well, he ‘work /works near there. Cindy Do you like your job, Jordan? Jordan Yes, I do. Cindy Do you work at weekends? Jordan No, I don't. I go to college on Saturdays. Cindy Oh? What do you do there? Jordan Drama. f want to be an actor. 2 Ryan *00/Oves Peter work for a newspaper? Sarah No, he ‘don't/doesn't. He work /works for a magazine company. Ryan What "do /does he do there? Sarah I°don't/doesn't know. | Ryan Does Jordan like his job? Cindy Yes, he does. Ryan Does he work at weekends? Cindy No, he doesn’t. He goes to college on Saturdays. Ryan Oh? What does he do there? indy Drama. He wants to be an 3 Cindy "00 /C0es you work at the university, Sarah? Sarah No, I don't /doesn’t. Tm a student there. indy 00 foes you like it? Sarah Yes, I "do / does. b EEL Listen and check. Make conversations. I ee aes Practise the conversations with Do yu you a partner. we tive in a city? Wot Poet . ‘they work in a bank? "they nl 6a Work with a partner. Ask finish work at 5 o'clock? about his/her job. Write the answers. he play tennis? Yes, he does, 1 What do you do? Does she she 2 Where do you work /study? it) No, (it) doest, 3. Do you arve to work/school/ university? 3 EE Drill. Listen, Make questions. 4 What time do you start? 1 He likes his job, 5 When do you finish? Does he like is job? 6 Do you work /study at the weekend? 2. They work in a hospital, 7 Do you use a computer in your Do they work in a hospital? job / studies? 8 Do you like your job / studies? 4 Study the table. Make questions. Peal about your first partners. We use the same question form for wh- questions. A What does Ivan do? do they» B He's an engineer Where 8 work? does she A Where does he work? do you d B He works in. et does he & A What time does he start work? When oo 40 home? does she Pee ‘ask questions about other people's = 1 EBB Read and tisten, Ambitions My name's Ritsuko, Tm a} and Iwork ina*__. 1 love ny job, but I really want to work in Africa I want to help People in poor countries, Hello, V's Alphonse. Im a 2 and I work ina *___ in ny town, I Like ay job but I want to work in 8 top Paris My name's Shania. Tm ¢ and I work for a’. I don't Like my jb. It’s boring. I really want to be a*__. Wy nane's Octavio Tm a! I work for a loval ©__y Like my job. Its interesting, ‘but I really want to work for a B 2a Complete the texts with the correct words. nurse doctor singer hospital waiter computer company newspaper secretary restaurant TV company factory reporter hotel shop assistant b Listen again and check. 3. Write about each person in exercise 1. § Riteuko is a ... and she works in . She loves her job, but ehe really wants to work in Africa. She wanta to help people in poor countries. 4. Test your memory B closes his/her book and A asks questions about the people. Use the cues, What /do? tke his/her job? Where / work? What/want to do? A What does Ritsuto do? B ohesa ‘A Dees she lke her job? B Yes, che does. 5 Write a paragraph about your job studies and your ambitions. Use the texts in exercise 1 as a model. Pronunciation fl. A lot of words have a /a/ (sct , 9/ (schwa) sound in the last syllable, especially wien the Syllable is -o7, or -e. This syllable is never stressed, EBA Listen and repeat the words, 1 waiter /weita/ 2 adr [ekto/ newspaper /’njuspeapa/ 4 reporter Attpacta/ 5 doctor /dokta/ 6 singer /'stna/ 7 teacher itfa/ 8 computer /om'pjucta/ Now I can .. Ce dane uae 2a Complete the expressions. Po Oh, t__. Really? EIB Listen. Repeat what Tony says. Try to copy his intonation, 3 Later, Tony tells someone about Nicky. Complete what he says. Her name's Micky. She lives in *__. ‘She works *___. She's a *___.. Her job is very “__.. In her free time she +. She tikes "_.. 4 (EQNTNNIS Work with a partner. You have just met for the first time. Use Tony's ‘questions. Get to know each other, AHI My name's B Do you Ine near here? A liven B Oh | see. English in the world Taboo questions Tony Hi, My names Tony. In Britain these are impoti ‘i Nicky Pleased to meet you, Tony. Tm Nicky. are impolite questions: Tony Do you live near here? Nicky Wo, I dont. Ilive in “the suburbs /a village ~ in Greendale. Tony Oh, Tsee. Where do you work? Nicky I work atthe Lancaster Hotel Tony Really? What do you do there? Nicky Tim a “chef/ receptionist. Tony Oh, right. Do you like it? Nicky Yes, Ido It's very interesting, Tony What do you do in your fee time? Nicky 1 go swimming and I play the Yuitar/ piano. ‘Tony That's interesting. What kind of music do you like? Nicky Ike ‘classical / rock music. ‘Tony Me, too. Nicky Anyway, what about you? How much do you earn? Compare this to your count itry. Do you ask these questions? What questi i these questions are b Practise the conversation with a partner. es Se Lae Pa VOCABULARY 1 (BBB Listen and repeat. 4a What's in the picture? Make a list, a brown bag 2} § 2 by pharo witha white cae at a 1 ela 9 ral 2 = 7 i 5 upstairs 6 downstairs 2 bathroom 7 window 3 door * 8 living room 4 bedroom 9 ining room 5 balcony, 30 sta 2a Where are they? Complete the sentences. 1 The woman's_in the batho 2iThgeweees a a 11 hall 42 kitchen 13 garage 14 garden 15 cellar | 3a BBE Listen. some people ate showing a visitor round their house. Number the places in the correct order. 3 The pianos — garage — bathroom 4 Themar’s ining room then aoe — living room — cellar 6 Thedog’s garden — balcony 7 The two boys are __ bedrooms — hall oe eS Lr ace b EEE Listen, check, and repeat. Ask and answer with a partner. A Where is the woman? ‘ B She's in the bathraowr Write the names of the rooms. rte ade eeabs 54 [SVU E TY 1a EB) Read and listen, Raj What’ your new flat ike, Jordan? Jordan It’s great. There are four rooms ~ a (9 room, a bedroom, a kitchen, and a bathroom. And there's a balcony, too. Raj Oh, right. How many flats are there in the block? , Jordan Six. I'm on the top floor, so there's a good view. b Practise the conversation with a partner. 2 Study the rule and the table, Make sentence Pee We use there is/ there are to describe a place. eater a There a balcony. ian four rooms. ‘two bedrooms. arent (a nat) shee fats, 3 EEE Drill. Listen. Make sentences. Use there's or there are. 1 two bathrooms There are two bathrooms, 4 Complete the sentences about Jordan’s flat, There n't a garden. 2 four rooms. 3 three bedrooms. 4 a itch. 5 a balcony. 6 r 8 si flats in the block. two bathrooms. ——_a lit. 5 Study the tables. Make three question and answer conversations. us wre rooms How many flats are there? ‘bedrooms: 6 BERD Dril. Listen. Make questions. Use Is there or Are there. 1 six flats ‘Are there obx hats? 7 EXTARIG] Work with a partner. Ask about his /her house or flat. How many ... are there? Ave there ..8 fo there ...? ‘Ask about these thin = rooms ~ a garden = rooms upstairs two bathrooms = a cellar =a garage ~ bedrooms ~ a balcony raed een 1. EBB Pushpa and her husband have just moved into 2 new house. Read and listen to Pushpa’s email to her friends. a CT eee a - - To: Friends | Subject Our new house HI This is our new house. It’s a modern house and it's unusual, because the bedrooms are downstairs. There are three bedrooms. There's a bathroom downstairs, too. Upstairs there’s a big living room, a hall, @ tollet, and a kitchen. We haven't got a dining room. We eat in the kitchen. There’s a very big window in the living room. We sit there in the evening. The view is beautiful. Outside there’s a garden with a small swimming pool, but we haven't got @ garage. We love the house, and the neighbours are very nice, Hope you're OK. Come and visit us soon. Love Pushpa Pronunciation /R/and /0 41 “EBA Listen and repeat, there three brother bathroom 2 Ave the statements trye (1) or false (F)? . | 4 There are two bedrooms 2. The bathroom is upstairs 3. There isn'ta dining room. 4 There's a swimming pool in the garden. 5 There's a garage. 6 Pushpa doesn’t like the neighbours, 3. Answer the questions. 1 Isit an old house? 2 Why is the house unusual? 3 How many rooms are there? 2a Put the words in me the correct column Thursday with thanks father this thirty thing those > BEED Listen, check, and repeat, 4 What does Pushpa describe with the adjectives below? = modern = beautiful big ~ small, 3. Say these, ie = 4 These are my three brothers, 2 The bathroom’s over there, 3 Thank you for those things. 5 AERIS tmagine that you have just moved into your dream house. Write an email to a friend describing the house. 56 ENGLISH FOR EVERYDAY LIFE 1a GERM Read and listen. Excuse me, Where can [find ) Hr Lee’ office, please? Mr Lee? His office is on the fourth floor. The lift is over there on the right. Excuse me, Is there a cchemist’s near here, please? Yes. There's a chemist’s in New Street. That’s the second street on the left. b Practise the conversations with a partner, 2a EERE Uisten and repeat. Ordinal numbers Ast first 6th sixth ith eleventh (2nd second 7th seventh” 12th twelfth (3rd. third ‘th eighth 13th thirteenth 4th fourth th ninth 14th fourteenth sth fifth 10th tenth b How do you say these? 45th 16th 17th 38th 19th 56 Where 1 find Mr Lee's office, please? Is a chemist’s near here, please? Its the tenth floor, It’s __ New Street. It’s on left, ¢<— Its on the —_. —pe 4a EER Listen to the conversations, Where are the places 1-6? Write the correct letter. 41 room 52 a cash machine the toilets a restaurant — the manager'‘ofice — an internat café — isten, check, and repeat. over there, the second door on the left jn Market Street ~ the second street on the right con the sixth floor upstairs ~ the first door on the right on the fifth floor in London Road ~ the third street on the left tb Work with a partner. Make the conversations. A Excuse me. Where cat | find room 52, please? B It’s on the fifth fcor A Thani you English in the world Which floor? ‘the UK ‘the third floor ‘the second floor ‘the first floor the ground floor the USA [___] the fourth floor thin floor the second Foor the First floor What do you say in your country? Sa isk and say where plates are 1 ALOU EY ag Listen and repeat. | anguage note These words are always plural: trousers jeans shorts We say: This shirt is nice. BUT These trousers are nice. 37 2 Drill. Listen. Make questions. 1 suit How much is this out? 2 jeans How much are these jeans? 3a [EIB Listen to the fashion show, What ‘are the models wearing? Armold_| a brown sult Beatrix Sylvia Marco: iG b Write a sentence about each person. ‘Arnold la wearing a brown sult, 4 EMTRUIZY choose a partner. What are you both wearing today? Describe your clothes. in nearing a red Fshirt and blue trousers, Sergio lo wearing .. I Listen and repeat, Mig M/ shoes Fae sii Jacket =e Jumper wash Pas 2 Say these, ~ 1 She's wearing shorts and joggin shoes. mrs 2 Jane's washing an orange T-shirt Pes ee es | 1 BBB Read and tisten, | Sarah is making a video diary for her family. Hi It’s Saturday morning and (iB it’s raining. I'm sitting in ‘my room, Tt not studying. Yim writing some emails. It's Sunday afternoon, It isn’f raining today, EX ERY Sey so we're having a picnic in the park. We aren't $apoTat 34:06 eeu) 2. Study the rule and the table, Make sentences. ‘statements We use the present continuous to say what is happening now. ; ‘m (am) “m not (am not) ‘cooking. i ‘5 (is) having 2 pent. re isnt isnot) siting in the garden, slaying Frisbee. = ‘re (are) ey aren't (are not) They EEE Dri. Listen. say the negative, 1 Ym evoking lag forms a have having write writing short vowel sit sitting + consonant un running Write two sentences about tach picture. Use the cues. MI Ss MI 1 play Frisbee /read a book ti 5 watch TV /listen to music (Are you doing the things below at the moment? Write sentences, 1 play football sit in a classroom 2 learn English make a video diary 6 7 3 eat a sandwich 8 have a shower 9 0 4 un read | 5 write sleep 1. Look at the picture. What are the people wearing? 2 BBR Robin has just arrived at the party. He doesn’t know many people there, Listen and repeat the names. Alan Tisha, Georgia Ben « Carlos Robin Linda Colin « 3 EEE Listen. Match the names with the people in the picture, 4a Complete the sentences with the correct names. 1 Linda fs talking to Robin. 2 ___ is standing ir ffont ofthe window. 3 is looking at some photographs. 4 is Ben's gitfiend 5 is wearing a blue top. 6 is Linda’s boss. 7 iseating a sandwich, 8 is talking on a mobile, b Listen again and check. 5 Work with a partner. Talk about people in the class. A That's Anita over there. She's wearing jean and a blue jumper: BOK. 59 English in the world Going to a party Read about parties in Britain, When people go to a party in Britat party in Britain, the {ake a gift for the hosts). This i usually a bottle of wine, flowers, or a box of chocolates, People don't normally take hi flowers for a man, ae Compare this to your country, nanny describe what people are weari That's Life! Episode 8 1 EB Read and listen to the story. 2 Complete the sentences with the correct words. 41 Lucy isnt answering her phone, Ryan says he's going to fat. Its Cindy's mothers Lucy's friends are going to a. Lucy's isn't working, At eight oclock Lucy is sitting in @ Jordan and Ryan ate ata football. Peter is watching the match on 3a Complete the expressions. Saying goodbye See y____ later. Twon't be. Bye, Have 2 n___time. S____you tomorrow. b GD Listen, check, and repeat. 4 Work in a group. Practise the story. TES 65 on Wednesday evening od tan and yon ae ing out theft meth ‘want to come to the match but [Ley is going to the restaurant. And IN © earama See you later, Exit: 6.20 on Wednesday everina ond Ruan is going tothe match. Bye. Tm going to ‘Jordan’ lat. He needs help with something. But a mom axe coming, Ie’ my munis birthday, E005 6.45. Lucy is leaving her office. Her friends are going to a rock | concert She isn't going with them, She's going to the Chery Blossom | restaurant. She's got a date with Jordon, —, — Bye. Have a nice time tonight. See you tomorrow. ‘ant there, He's watching the football match with Ryon. Peter is watching the match, too. He's watching it on TV. Fi | [DIE cig och ays sting ne estaurar,butJrdon Ree AG 1 [GB Listen and repeat. 11 a station ‘tram. - ne ee ple, eee Retell aces Ce i bus. underground. | We say: We're waiting for the bus/train. NOT Wetre-waiting the-bus / train. 2 Listen, What form of transport are the people using? Choose the correct answer. 1 They‘ travelling by boat /plane, They'e going by underground / plane. ‘They/te waiting for the tram tran, They're waiting for the train / ery. They'e going by bus / motorbike, They/te travelling by underground / coach, They/te waiting for the boat/bus. They're waiting forthe taxi trom. 3. Write the plurals of the words in exercise 1. 1 praing 2 buses 13. a bus station 4 a motorbike 14 an airport 4 EMMI Look at the pictures in exercise 1. Which ‘things have you got in your town? 1 We ha 2 We' 15 a taxi rank got buses Listen and repeat, ef tram ey train 2a Put the words in the co plane travel take wait rect column above, station taxi bag late bank have fist > Bl Listen, check, and repeat, 3 Say these, 1 Theyte waiting for the taxi. 2 We travel by train, 3 I'm late for the plane, 4 His fat is near the station. ot Now I can name some forms of transport, " v2 STEN 1a EB Read and listen. 5. Make the questions and answers, indy is talking to ’5 on hol lo Ruseell wearin Yeo, he is 1 wearing shorts is Russell 2 he is what doing 3 Russell and his friends having fun are 4 sitting on the beach are his parents 5 Cindy what cleaning is 6 helping is her Ryan 7 Ryan watching TV is 8 is what watching he Bill Hi, Elaine. {ts Bill. How are you? Elaine i, Bill. Tm fine, thanks Bill What /you/ do? What are you doi Elaine I'm watching TV. Cindy Hi, Russell. fs Mum. Are you having fun? | Russell. Yes, I am, It's very hot here. It’s great. Cindy Whai are you doing at the moment? Russell Im sitting on the beach with my frends, What are pomend paletay ae i Bll Oh, right. What /you /watch? ‘indy Well, 'm cleaning the coffee machine in the café, laine les flm ~The Pino, eesls Dac Ree cn ae) Bill *you/ enjoy /it? indy No teint e's watching Footbal on TV as usual! gis ust an t's vey ooo Bill ‘you /eat /something? Elaine Yes, I am. Sorry. Can you hear it? 2 Study the rule Bill Yes, I can, ‘What /you /eat? You ae having a good ine Bill I'm reading @ magazine on the train, Elaine "you /go /home? 2 NOT Yes, ‘Are you having a good time? | Yes, Tam. NOT Yes-#m Dal Yes ont bb Practise the conversation with a partner. No, I'm not. ‘ne 7 ‘He is helping you. Elai ine "what /you / read? a . Bill It’s just a computer magazine. I ... TS he helping you? Yes, he is. NOT Yes-he's No, he isn't. b [BV Listen and check. 3 [HB Drill. Listen. Make questions. 7 Work with a partner, Guess the action, 1 He's having fun. ‘A Mime an action Is he having fun? B Ask questions. A Are you playing the pian 4 ‘Study the examples. BONS A Ave you serlng an emai? ‘What is he doing? Where are you going? Dey Pease 6 1 paar Sli, Were in Grete, the momen we tiie ona baa were ging to ore Le fe dards. Peer and Toga it te Poe i eying eb p {8 elng asc Toys taking some photograph, Ws bea er and ‘we faving a great tie. : Misiog yu, Oe KKK Greetings Fee Japa Jack: ana Vare on hekay. welre traveling reo Tékyo te Osea on Hae ballet et train today, #5 a Fobastic train very Pak We've having a very ied Hine here. The ooa's worderful Jack's eat and fish Brom something calle atvente bed at Hhe wenent, See you 500%, —— Barvara 3 Ue in thE USA, Une here on business with Si and Fart Wee seeing fom Now Yoo Son Fanos ay. Wea the ao ip now Were ain for plore ‘vis delayed mtg apr he bags while Sut and Frank are soaking im she ships There ae bes of shops he. Yr can boy oni. xX ‘ape ws OK lo, Santa er 3 GEE Test your memory. Close your We say: on a train, bus, plane, boa, bike book. Listen and answer the questions. but: in a car, a tax 1 What's Tony doing? He's taking photographs Sana Jack Olver Fane Barbar Peter Suki tony | © RBMHITEU Masine so ae 00 aay 2 Look at the names. Answer the questions. 1 Which people are travelling together? someone at home, 2 Whereis each group of people? What are they doing today? 3. What is each person doing at the moment? Talking about plans 1a [EB Read and listen to the conversation. Choose the catrect _3a Plan your next holiday. information. ‘when are you going? Who are you going with? Where are you going? How are you travelling? Where are you staying? bb Work with a partner. Talk about your holiday. Follow the pattern. ‘A T'm going on holiday ... (time). 8 Oh, who are you going with? ‘A I'm going with ... (peaple) B And where are you going? [A We've going to ... (place). B Are you going by ... form of transport)? 1 Yes, we are./No, we aren't. Were going by .. (frm of transport) B Where ae you staying? A We're staying ... (accommodation). B Well, have a good Kime. A Thanks. ‘Man We're going on holiday ‘tomorrow / next week. | Woman Oh, where are you going? Man We're going to *Barcelona / Rome, sign: Woman Are you going by plane? What are these signs in your language? Man No, we aren't, We're going by ‘train/ car. Where do you find them? ? Woman Where are you staying? Man We'e staying “with some friends /in a hotel Woman Very nice. Well, have a good time, Man Thanks. b Practise the conversation with a partner, 2a Study the examples, Future plans Present continuous Future time expression We're going to France tomorrow. He's playing tennis next week. Some visitors are coming next Wednesday. They're having a party at the weekend, ‘She's going to the cinema on Monday. Tm meeting my Friends this evening LAD WAITING b Use the expressions above, Make new sentences = about yourself, fim going to a party tomorrow. My friend and | are. at the weakend 66 65 NTN UN Og 1 EBB Listen and repeat. 2 Complete the sentences. 1 We're inthe garden 2 They're — work. 3 She's ___ meeting. 4 The children are school. 5 Our friends are —_ holiday. 6 Bills doctors, 7 She isn't —— home. 8 He's __ bed. ‘9 Im shower. | 30 Me'e restaurant, 3. Work with a partner. Make phone conversations. | ‘A Phone to speak toa friend, B Choose a place from exercise 1. Say where the person is. A itella. Can | epeak to Jae, pease? B I'm sorry, She's in the shower, K 0b, OK. Thank you 4 EBB Listen. Where's Harry in each conversation? 1 He's ata restaurant. ‘things? Discuss your ideas with a partner, 1 eat sleep watch TV read sing ‘meet your friends write emails - spend a lot of money | Usten to music 10 buy food i oy Me ata Ye} (STI E 1 EER Read and listen, 4a Choose the correct form. oe 7 ‘Sarah ‘wasn’t / weren't at home last Lucy isn't happy this week. Her boss, Olive Green, is at work. right, She *was/ were with her friends Lucy coffee breaks are exactly fifteen minutes. They twas were at a restaurant. Their ‘exams ‘was /were over so they Swas//were very happy. The food ‘was /nere very good. Two of her friends "wasnt / werent there, ‘They was /were at home, because their daughter ‘was were ill. b [EBRD Listen and check. 5 Complete the sentences with | Twas or I wasn’t. 1 at the dentist's yesterday. 2 on holiday last week. | SSS 3 in bed at 3 o'clock this morning Lucy was very happy last week. Olive wasu't at work, because 4 ___at home yesterday evening. she was on holiday. Lucy's coffee brédks weren't 15 minutes, 5 ___at a restaurant last Saturday, | last week. They were 25 or 30 mites, Ard er lunch breaks.) § il yesterday. 7 away last weekend, 8 out last night. Pronunciation Negat've short forms Some negative short forms h: salable and Some hoe to sin 1 BM sen and repeat. ah isnt 2 Study the table. Make sentences. 7 aay 2a Put the words in the correct c hom hee at the doctor's above. = Sie |) ase out wasn't weren't haven’ {was not) ill yesterday. dont denen’ haven't hasn't i} i apes lon't doesn’t can't ‘on holiday te We were athons ‘on Monday. ERED Listen, check and repeat, ‘You weren't away fey Niteerenee a 3 Say these. inRome 1 She doesnt eat cheese, 2 We werent in, 3 He sr a studer, yesterday last week —last night —_yesterday evening 4 Twasn't out. ! today this week tonight this evening 5 Lcan't sing, 3. GERD ri. Listen, Say the negative inthe pas. Use yesterday. 1 She's il od, She wasn't ll yesterday. | Noten Eee 66 Oe . Neen EEE ee 1 EB Listen and repeat the names. on Sunday afternoon on Friday last night at the weekend last Wednesday 2 [HBG Listen to the conversations. Match the people with the 4 MINN Work with a partner. Make correct places and times. conversations, Use the pictures and cues from exercise 1. ‘A Ask a question. B Say where you were A Were you at the supermarket last 3 Write a sentence about each person or couple, $ Sue and Tim were'on holiday last week ers Sect? yes/no questions and short answers Ban Toe You yer out at right. +e cee Were you out lst night? ‘| Yes, we were. ne in the wortd No, we werent ritish and American English It. yas good. . Some words are different in Bri mt ritish Was it good? Yes, it was, American English, _ No, it wasn’t, holiday «> vacation bee = el football <> soccer Where were you? ‘At home. as Where was he? At the office are In bed. lift «elevator Where were they? On holiday. shop <- store Can you add any more words tothe list? @ ee Cee ne That's Life! Episode 9 i Read and listen to the story. 2 Ate the statements true (T) or false (F)? 1 Lucy was at the restaurant for two hours 2 She was with her friends. 3 Jordan wasn't at the restaurant. 4 He was at home 5 The football match was on TV. 5 Jordan was with Ryan at the match, 7. Gindy is anary with Ryan. Elite cay after the fotbal —————— Jordan Look, Tm very sory about dinner lat night. ‘Lacy Dont talk to me, Jordan. Im very angry with you | Jordan But I. ‘Locy Iwas at that restaurant for an how. It was very embarassing dordan Yes, Im very sory, but . ‘Lucy My fiends were at a rock concert, but I wasn't, was atthe restaurant - alone! Where were you? ‘Jordan Where was I? Ob, Iwas... oy look. Here's Peter? Jordan Lucy! 1 Cindy Excuse me, Jordan, Were you at the football match last sight? Peter Yes, he was. He was with Ryan! 3 Listen and repeat. Feeling angry Don't talk to me. Tm very angry with you, It was very embarrassing. That's itt 4 Work in a group. Practise the story. Hi, And congratulations, Jordan! What? Wel, you want to bea TV star, and you were on TV lastnight. Tm sony, I don’t understand WS OK. Tm only jokira. You were inthe crowd at the socer ~ sorry, football match. You were ata footall match? Wel, tat’ itl! NTN eg 1 EBD Listen and repeat. 2 Listen to the conversations, Which words from exercise 1 do you hear? The fire brigad 4 oe ae 1 A police officer: a paramedic We say: @ (all the fire brigade! a Call the police! Call an ambulance! Drill, Listen and answer. 1 Stop! Thief! (Quick. Call the police! fa Answer the questions. 1 afire 2 affire engine 3 a firefighter (a fireman) 1 Where are these things in your town? 4 a fire alam ~ the hospital or ambulance station ~ the police station The potice ~ the fire station 2 Where are these things in your place of work or school? = a fire alarm ~ a first aid kit Compare your answers with a partner. What colour are these things i wt ings in your fireengines —_potice cars 5 police officers (a policeman /a policewoman) Police uniforms ambulances 6 athief 7 a police car 8 a police station liek What number do you phone fr the ‘emergency services in your country? 9 an accident 10 an ambulance 11 a paramedic 12 a first aid kit - ct call for help in an emergenc ] 70 ayn ws 41. GEDBY Read and tisten to Lucy. 3. Write the past simple of these verbs. SS os atrive _avrivedd 5 tike On a normal day, I arrive at my office at 8.45 and I start work 2 cook 6 phone at nine, I stop for coffee at eleven and for lunch at one. I 3 wait T helo finish work at 5.30. ai stop 8 play 4a Put the verbs into the past simple. The fite \atsrted (start) at 11.15, Somebody *____ (phone) the fire brigade and the police. Then the fre alarm in out building *_____ (sound), T (pick up) my bag and > ___ (walk) downstairs. After a few minutes the fire brigade (arrive) and they “____ (rush) into the building, The police (move) everybody away from the buildings and they * (close) the street. Some people (want) to get things from ther offices, but the police »__ (stop) them. We | | Last Friday I arrived at my office at 8.45 and I started work I stopped for coffee at eleven, but I finiched work at > {uot} inthe see for an | 11.30, because the fire alarm sounded, There was a fie in the oun then we ‘aecde) to go home, So my weekend (start) early, Later 1 *_ (watch) a report about the fire on the TV news Pronunciation Past tense -ed endings 1 HE Listen and repeat the examples. After a voiced consonant, ed = /d/ After a voiceless consonant, -ed = /t/ After tor -,-ed = /id/ ‘ 2 Study the rules. 1 To make the past simple, we add -ed,- finish finished | a © walk walked 2a Put the verbs in the correct column 2 When the ver ends in-e, we add arve _arved above, close closed stopped lived needed “used started || | 3 When the verb has a short vowel and stop __stopped. worked watched travelled wanted ‘one consonant, we usually double the travel travelled | ‘consonant. 4 The past simple fs the same for all subjects. Tartived. He arrived. They arived. FIOM Listen, check, and repeat. 1. EBD Read and tisten to the text. LAST WEEK Simon Fine was away on business. While he was away, his wife, Judith, organized a surprise party for his fortieth birthday, She invited all Simon’s family and friends. They arrived at six o'clock and they waited for Simon, There were voices in the flat. __ But who was it? ‘When Simon arrived home, he walked upstairs to the flat. Then he stopped because there were voices in the flat. But who was it? He listened. It wasn’t Judith because she was on holiday in Scotland. Were there burglars in the flat? Surprise! Surprise! Oops! Simon rushed downstairs and he phoned the police. Five minutes later two police officers arrived in a police car. They walked upstairs, Simon opened the door and they rushed into the flat. Then all his family and friends shouted: “Happy Birthday! Surprise! Surprise!” ‘it was very embarrassing, But the police officers laughed about it’ said Simon, ‘I organized the party while ‘Simon was away. | wasn’t really ‘on holiday. It was certainly a big , when he arrived with two police officers, said Judith. 2 Answer the questions. 1 Who was the party for? 2 Did he know about it? 3 Who organized the party? 4 Why were the police there? 3 Read the story again. Complete the sentences, 1 Simon was away —_. on holiday on business 2 His wife organized a party for ___. a his 40th birthday b his new job 3 Simon stopped because there were a voices b burglars 4 He phoned —__. a the police b the hospital 5 were in the fat. a Two burglars b His family and friends 6 The potice a were angry b laughed jn the flat n ‘We use because to give a reason, He stopped. There were voices in the flat. He stopped because there were voices inthe flat. ‘Tt wast't Judith, She was on holiday. Tt wasn't Judith because she was on holiday. Write about a good or bad party. ‘Answer the questions. The party was last May. [twas for my friend. When was the party? Who was it for? Where was it? How many people were there? Who were they? Was there any food? Was it good? Why was the party good or bad? roe understand and tell a story in the past re ENGLISH FOR EVERYDAY LIFE 1 HBB Listen and repeat. F Yearly Calendar 4a REL Listen. Write the missing numbers. 2ath twentieth 2Ast twenty-first 22nd_ twenty-second 23rd hak tt aii e/a 24th ewenity-fousth 2th 26th twenty-sixth 27th 22th twenty-eighth 2ath 30th thirtieth 31st - 23 FEED Read and listen, . . When's your birthday? What's the date today? It’s on the twenty- Te’ the fifth second of May. of September ‘ad ie ' Listen again and repeat, 3 Study the rules, the fourth of Octoiver the thirty-first of December b Listen again and repeat. 5 Work with a partner, 1A Say a number from 1 to 31 8 Give the ordinal number A Twenty-two B Twenty-second 6a Say the dates. 1 February 4 January ¥ 2 aul 2 June 3° 7 March 2 May 4 13September 30 December 5 AG April 15 August . 6 27 November 2 October 7 5 May 6 May 8 18 February 8 February EB Listen. which date da you hear in each pair? Tick ¥ them. Erte 7a QOTUMIIT Write six dates that are ‘important for you. Mother's birthday ~ 12 Auguet, b Tell a partner. My mother’ birthday ls an the swelth af August. CERES eee | 73 OTe LAV Og 1 Study the rules. ene 2 EB Listen and repeat. ‘present past present past buy bought went come came have had do did leave left ‘rink drank rake made rive Grove read irzd read fred? eat ate ‘et see saw find found take took | ‘get got |wite wrote 3a Work with a partner, A Say one ofthe verbs in the present simple. 8 Give the past simple. * Ade Bald b Go to page 82. Test your partner on five more verbs. 4 Complete the sentences with verbs from exercise 2, 1 I deauik five cups of coffee yesterday. 2 We —— a party last Saturday 3 [some new shoes last week, 4 1a burger for lunch yesterday. 5 We a good film last night. 6 Ta friend's car yesterday. 7 We swimming last weekend, | 8 We a taxi to work yesterday. 9 Ia good book last week. 10 1 home early yesterday. B 5 [IE Drill. Listen, Make sentences. Use wvesterdey. 1 I drive to work every day. | drove to work yesterday. 6a Read about Claire's morning routine, Then complete what she says about yesterday morning. 1 get up at seven o'clock and T go jogging. [come home at half past seven and I have ‘a shower. I get dressed and then I make some toast and coffee. I eat my breakfast and then I clean my teeth, I drive to the station. I leave my car there and I take the train to the city centre. I buy 2 newspaper at the station and I read it on the train, T walk from the station in the city centre to my office. Yesterday J °a2%-ug at seven o'clock and 1 | 2 jogging. 1 home at half | past seven and 1a shower. I * dressed and then I * some ‘toast and coffee. I’___ my breakfast and then I*___ my teeth, 1*__ the station, my car there and I "the train to the city centre. I a newspaper at the station and I © __iton the tein. 1" __ from the station in the city centre to my office bb BBB Listen and check. lh Write six sentences about ‘your day yesterday. 1 got yp at 70. b Tell a partner. faa yA eae VUES 1 EBB Read and tsten. . 3. Make the sentences negative, Pea saden 1 Sarah didn't go to the university. ester. Sarah went to the university yesterday. She had an exam. Ryan and Cindy went out lastnight. Sarah saw Peter last Sunday. Jordan and Ryan played football yesterday. Cindy got up late today. 7 Jordan bought a new TY far his fat. Lucy drove to work today. 4 WED Drill. Listen. Say the negative. 4 1 We took the tram. Jordan went to the He didn’t go to the We didn't take the tram, football match, sestaurant with Lucy. 5 What did you do yesterday? Write a sentence for each verb, 1 1 ges up late yeoterday, OR | didn'r ger up late yeoterday. 1 get up late 5 lay tennis 2 send a text 6 speak English 3-go shopping 7 se the Internet 4 buy a newspaper 8 take the train Pronunciation Sentence stress Ima sentence not all of th felt 1 syllables 1 BBL Lise, 1 T didn't go to work Lucy didn’t tale to Jordan, 2 He bought a new mabite, 2 HERD Listen and tepeat the sentences, 1 The past simple negative is the same for: Try to copy the stress, = regular and irregular verbs. * « | noe : 1 Ididn't go to work } 2 To make negative statements in the past simple we use: 2 He bought a new mobile, subject + didn't + verb 5 ay Se Tore 1 Aidt go tothe restaurant. 5 had lunch with Ji, | ‘She didn’t talk te Jordan, 4 We went tothe shops. 8 didn’t = did not 5 They wld forthe 4 Note: We use the infinitive NOT the past simple etl aa nner 6 I phoned the pote, NOT Hedidnt- went. rane ™ canes de rs 1. Read the information about Hans. MY LIFE | 1 Hens was bam n Germany. Hs family ved ina Smal town ‘near Frankfurt 2 When he was tvesrhe kf? Germary ard they moved Fong Kong. ‘His father warked fora computer company there. * 5 Hears went ta school in Hong Kong. He hiked sch 4 He lked Spore He played foorball and righy for ehe cekoo teams. 5 Hans lef Shoo when he was eighteen. He went to Vonctover nCanatt, 6 He stud thereat the Unies of Brisk Cuma, Hed Japanese and ession 7 After thas he Stayed in Vancouver and he gob a job witha radio Station He was a tepote, & Hemet hs wife; Meeha, m hsptal He kad a mocorbte art one day he had am acide: Meena was a nurse atthe hsptat 9 They ge maned two yeas later 10 Their fst child ~ sin - was bum i Jrcary his year * 2a [EB Some of the fats in the text are wrong. Listen to Hans talking about his life. Underline the incorrect | ‘information. b Listen again. Correct the text in exercise 1. (Twas born in Germany. | We lived in a village near Frankfurt. } ¢ Say what is wrong and give the correct | form. They dle lve in a email towns they IWved in a vilage, 3a Write five sentences about your life. Follow the pattern, Twas born in. We tived in (name of the street)... went to (came ofthe schoo... 1 liked /eidrttike ... T left school when I was .. 1 got a job in/with .... ORI went to (name of university) b Tell a partner about your early tife. English in the world Ages Read about ages in Britain, 5 Children start school 16 You can leave school, b but most stay til 18, a 417 You can drive a car 418 All students leave school You can get marred even if your Parents say ‘no, You can vote, 19 Most students start uni vers 22 Most students finish ere Compare this to your country, en ote mog That's Life! Episode 10 1 Read and listen to the story. Where is 3a Complete the expressions. ‘Sarah going? 2 Complete the sentences with the correct names, Saying who is right and wrong 1 Lucy isnt talking to Jordan, Twas Ryan's f 2 ____ sam Lucy at The Coffee Shop yesterday. Tt wasn’t m__ fault, 3 is still angry with Ryan, Lue was 1 4 didn't get Jordan's text. 5 didn't go to the rock concert. [BED Listen, check, and repeat. 6 —— is looking for a card and a present. 7 Wes __‘s birthday next Thursday, 4 Work in a group. Practise the story. 8 ____says that Sarah is wonderful uy sl it taking to me. She was at The Cafe Shop yesterday. But she ft when she sav me Oh, dear, And Cindy’ still angry with Ryan, too, i Yes, because you tod Gide eter Look Lary wanted to go tothe ob concert wth her Hey, it wasn't my fault. friends, but she didn’t go, because she had a date Yes yoe ight Iwas Ryan’ fa. vith you. But yon Cone o, Jordan, You went othe mate, to dan T'went tothe otal match, Ys, acy was ight Yes, but ted to phone Lucy. Andon a tet. | Taman idiot ne id er Wark | | sare Acer nal Yes, but Idd know that. So why is she angry? || Jordan Me, too. ve got an auton fra play this atternoon. | Sarah, you wonderful! Peter Hi Sarah. Sarah Oh, hello, Peter. Hi, Jordan, Peter Are you going shopping? Sarah Yes, Im looking fora birthday cand anda present for Lucy. | Jordan Really? Wher's her birthday? Sarah I next Thursday, vi vi Tile NU Sg | [3 EBD Uisten and repeat ZA wash the car 410 go to the theatre 11 go to the park 12 relax | | 2. Which of the verbs in exercise 1 are irregular? Look 5a [JBI Listen. Which activity did they do at the 1 at the list of irregular verbs on page 82. Write the expressions in the past form, present. past 1 go shopping | went shopping, 2 wash the car We washed the can 3, HIE Dril, Listen. Make sentences. Use the past simple. | 1 gotothe cinema, I went to the cine. 4a What other things do people do at the weekend? Write five more activities. 1 go to chure) b Teli the class your ideas. weekend? Saturday Sunday 1, go shopping visit parents b Now make sentences. 1 On Saturday, he went shopping 6a GAMALIY Which things did you do last weekend? Write a sentence about each activity in exercise 1. Jwent ehopping. OR I ade't go shopping. b Work with a partner. Compare your weekends, A lwent shopping, What about you? ng. | met B No, | didn’t ny friends, A Me, too. 78 RAMMAR 12 BEB Read and listen. Peter Did you see Jordan yesterday? Cindy Yes, I did. I saw him at the station last night. Peter Oh, did he go to his audition? (indy Yes, he did. Peter Did he get the part? Cindy No, he didn't, _ Peter Oh, dear b Practise the conversation with a partner, 2 Study the rules. 1 To make questions in the.past simple we use: * afd + subject + verb Did you see Jordan? Yes, I did. No, I didn’t. Yes, he did, No, he didn't. 2 We use the infinitive and not the past simple after did. Did he goto the autition? NOT Did-he-went-to-the audition? 3 We make questions in the same way with both regular and ‘regular verbs. Did you clean the car? (regula) Did you do the washing? (irregular) Did he get the part? 3a Complete the conversations. Choose the correct verb form. 1 pay paid Cindy Did you __ that bill yesterday? Ryan Yes, I did, I____ it at the bank, 2 go went Sarah Did you out on Saturday night? Lucy Yes, I did, I___ to a clubs What about you? Sarah No, I didn’t out. Thad a headache, 3 tke tiked indy Did you ___ the film? Peter It was OK. I the story, but I dida't —— the actors. 'b HERA Listen and check. 8 4 Did you do these things al the weekend? Ask and answer with a partner. AA Did you go swimming? B Yes, | did. OR No, | dt & meet your friends 7 read a book Pronunciation Sentence intonation 1 EBD Listen, Note the intonation, Question Did you meet your fights? Answer No, I didnt, 2 HM uisten an & uscd repeat. Try to follow 1 Did you meet your friends? No, I didnt, 2 Did you like the film? Yes, we did 3 Were you at the party? No, we werent. - 4 Did you go out last night? No, T didn’, 5 Was Monica 2 Yes, she was es? Cee ‘and answer questions about the, __ — — — — 1 PBB dane is talking to her friend Monica about her weekend, 2 Listen again. Match the pictures with Listen, Number the pictures in the correct order. the times. Saturday | Sunday morning 2 Le afternoon] evening = E 3. Listen again, Answer the questions, 1 Who did Jane go to town with? 2 Did she buy anything at the shops? 3. What did she lose? 4 Did she find it? 5 What was the play called? 6 Was the play good? ere wi estos vid el ik Moe dish fnd _Diayo by ampbing? What did you buy? 4 Use the cues. Make questions. 1 What did you do at the weekend? 2 Did you tidy the house? i What /do/at the weekend tidy the house Where /go/on Saturday go shopping What /buy meet your friends When / meet have lunch ata restaurant ‘Who / ave lunch with What time/get up on Sunday 5 Work with a partner. Talk about your weekend. What did you do on Saturday morning? Where did you go? = Did you ...? Where did you go o# Saturday afternoon? x Ca ead » Building a conversation 41a [AUB Listen and repeat the questions. What did you see? Did you have a good'time? What aid you do there? Was the weather good? Who did you go with? Where did you go? Was it good? Did you enjoy it? b Complete tle conversations with the questions. ‘A What did you do on Saturday evening? B We went to a restaurant, Ags 3 B We went to The Red B Yes, the meal was delicious, thanks. ‘A What did you do last night? B We went to the cinema, Awe ae | B We saw Cold Feet. A ee ae B Yes, we did, Tt was very good, ‘A What did yous do on Sunday? B We went to the park kes B We went boating on B Yes, we did. We had a reat time, thanks. | ‘A What did you do at the weekend? B We went walking in the Lake District. AL B We went with some friends. es | B No, it wasnt. It rained | all the time, 2a ED Listen and check. b Practise the conversations with a partner. 3 Study the rule, Building a conversation AA Statement We went to the cinema, B_wh- question What did you see? A Statement We saw Cold Feet. B yes/no question Was it good? 4 Make new conversations, Use the cues. 1a club/The Revolution 2 the theatre/ The Seagull 3 the sports centre /play basketball 4 Treland /beautiful weather Here are some po 3 pular places to Britain at the weekend, en The Eden Project alton Towers What are popular places to 0 to i country? 90 to in your That's Life! Epilogue 1 Read and listen to the story. | 2 What do you think happens next? 3 Listen and check, Here she is, She's coming out ofthe underground station now. | ey Oh, i, Sara, Sarah Wha’ the mate? cy Wel its my birthday today. Sarah Oops. yes, Fm sory. forgot. Lucy Everybody forgot. dnt et any cards and nobody wanted to go tn the pub after work. They all went home, | Sarah Oh, wel ook. Come and havea drink The Coe Shop. | | Reeve ars | ast simple Pr verb [ Past simple om |e Twi Se alee reel become became become put put fe been al read iid! wea ed! blow blew blown fe break. broke bioken bed “ tring brought brought me pes bud built butt burn bumt/burmed burt /burned sy seid buy bought bought see seen sal sold sold sr ee eS choose chase ie e if i show showed shown cone came come aa ae 2 cost cost cast a = = a cr tat sit sat sat do id * dene sleep slept slept draw drew drawn » | smal smelt smelt drink dank drunk speak spokes spoken dive dove driven spell spelt/spelled _spele/splled spend spent spent cat = Gal oa stood mal fall fall fallen steal stole stolen feel fat felt swim swan swum ie ral sis take took taken ne fond jute teach taught taught fy few fiown Rie ae tea tel told tole think thought thought get got act throw threw thrown po Aa ee ery eae a ees ow sew arown wake woke woken = S| cn wear wore vor er hed ve eet rn tit fit hit ere ca held eld held hurt ust hurt ep kent kept row kee known team leart/leamed —_leamt/learned leave tet tet let tet tet lose lest lost make made made mean meant meant rect net net 2 1. Write the missing numbers. one two three five —— seven ine 2 Put the words in the correct column. “woman/man gitl/boy wife /husband father/mother sister/brother daughter/son fe ia! wt 3. Solve the anagrams to complete the sentences. 1 What's your ___(Anepo) number? 2 Alan is Brenda's (sbufnda). 3 My —__(mmeasu) is Ross, I'm Kate Ross, 4 What does this word (nea)? 5 Nice to__(tmee) you. 7 Label the picture. = 8a Match the halves of the sentences, 4 Write 2 or an. 1 _a_ name 5 —— woman 2 eraser 6 —— computer 3 house 7 orange 4 — apple 8 desk 5 Make sentences. Use the cues. 1 This is londan's bob. 1 This /Jordan /book. 2 Ryan/Cindy husband, 3 That /Lucy /ear. 4 Sarah /Peter friend. 5 What /Sarah / phone number? 6 Choose the correct words. 1A Hello. *My,/ Your name's Frank, A B 1 Tm sorry, ‘a name here, please 2 Can you b say Hola’ in English? 3 Write your. you spell ‘mother? 4 Listen 4 repeat that, please? 5 What does e to this (0. 6 How do you. F page 57, please. 7 Read 4g ‘daughter mean? 8 How do HT don’t understand, b Write a sentence about each person. A Julie 1s his wife, What's 2ay / your name? B 'My/ Your name's Bela, 2 This is my family. This is my father "is /Her name's George. That's my mother. *His/Her name's Tina. Ths is *my /our wife with “ts /our doa, This ‘sour daughter with *his/her husband. And that’s | “its/ their house. 3A That's Jack and this /her wife *His/ Her name's Sandra. B What's °our/their surname? AA It's Philips. Jack and Sandra Philips, 9 Complete the words. Ryan ‘Hell, Sarah. Sarah Hi, Ryan. 7H are 9y__? Ryan Tim f__, thariks. ‘A_____ you? Sarah Fine. Ryan Good, *S____ you "la___ . Sarah Yes, *o>___. 83 acs eae) Hhz20/oh one two three four six seven eight nine ten double (ati) umber (0) Bh eppte (n) bag (n) ‘book (n) boy (n) «ar(9) chair (0) computet (n) eraser (n) family name (n) girl (a) house (n) ran (0) orange (n) pen (0) pencil (n) table (n) umbrella (n) worn (0) EX board (0) classroom (a) desk (n) door (a) notebook (n) student (n) teacher (0) window (n) dlose(s) sive () tsten (v) look (v) ‘open (v) draw (v) read (v) repeat (v) say (9) write (¥) five ~ nara, a0 (wand ust (eich Mos Mavi dsiks! Psevni lew Jain en! dab Pnambal Pepl) ‘bag ‘ok! oo ka) ‘fea! ‘kam’ justo! sez! (femal ner (gal ‘avs! ‘man’ ronndy ‘pen’ pens’ serbly ‘am'brela! swomant Pood ‘klassrusm/ ‘desk! dod ‘Pnautbok! Pstjusdnt Pwindaut Iklsou! Iqnvi Pisni Moki Paopan! Har itp ise Jrait! coffee (n) friend (n) 10 (ad) sure (a) tea (n) Hi (exp) Helo (exp) meet (v) again (ads) spell) ves (exp) Bi brother (0) children (n) daughter (n) father (n) husband (n) mother (n) parents (n) «sister (n) son (n) wife (a) cat (n) ivy ei) your (ad her (ad) his (a) its (ad) ‘our (adi) their (2d) boss (9) company (r) ‘desk (0) og (n) office (n) dad (n) mum (n) Eh 9004 afternoon (exp) ‘goodbye/bye (exp) good evening (ep) good morning (exp) odight (exp) check out (v) fine (ad) see you later (exp) married (ad) kod ‘rend! nau Mo! re) Pra! Jhtaa! oct ‘gen’ ‘spell Jes! Pbraba! Pildrond maw isd ths) shu! ts! fa, A0al ‘fea! bos! kampenif ‘desk! ‘og fofis! ‘deed fami gud a:ftanusn! ‘gusta, bau! sgosdnat! ‘Alek aot! aie’ bs “ental Pmatied! Ps al ee 9-16 (or 1a Complete the names of the countries. Vopi 5 Cn. 8 _strla b Write the sentences with the correct punctuation. 1 im from australia 2 rome is the capital of italy 3 marcel is from france 4 cathys surmame is hawkins 5 we arent from china 2. Write the numbers in words. Then say | the numbers. % 16 85 12 53 70 11 39 5 Read the text. Complete the sentences with the correct verb. Hi, my name's Hiro. I'm from Japan, and I'm a doctor. My wife's name is la, She's from the USA. This is my friend Karl, and his wife Cass Karl is an English teacher, and his wife is a nurse. He's from Hungary, and she's from Estonia, 1 Hiro Jo0't from the USA. 2 Hiro ___ married, 3 Cass and Karl __ married. 4 Karl a teacher. 5 Cass a doctor. 6 Karl and Cass —__ from Japan. 7 Karl from Hungary. 8 His wife —_ from Hungary. (Grammar 3 Complete the conversations. 1A Hi, Chen, This Tamas. He from Poland. B Pleased to meet you. you from Warsaw? No, 1. L__ from Krakow. 2 A this your car? B No, it___. My car____over there, | 3. Awe in Room 8 for our next lesson? B No, we —_. We___ in Room 6 4 A Tina and John here? B No, they a. They___in Egypt. * } ‘A Oh, —— they on holiday? B Yes, they. 4 Write the words in the correct order to make questions. : 1 Are you from Argentina? 1 Argentina you Ate from? 2a he student Is ? 3 address is What her ? 4 you. single Are? 5 old you are How 2 6 they are from Where ? 7 Joshua from and Are Greece Susie 8 she Is divorced? 9 brother a Is your student ? 10 is his What name? EY 6 Write the missing letters, 1 Tm very sor_ 2 Are you 0 3 It’s ll right, 4 Tm f_ne, thank you, | 7 What's the time? Write the times under ‘the clocks. 1 Weta past three 2 ——SS | B} (7 = ee 7 8 Wordlist 9-16 | America (0) ‘a'menial Beteven ‘straia (0) ‘o'strelia . twelve Brazil (n) Iai thirteen Britain (0) beta! fourteen China (n) fama! fifteen Egypt (n) irdgipt! sateen France (n) ‘Mearns! seventeen Hungary (0) ‘hpgaril eighteen Indonesia (n) ‘nda’ nits! nineteen ‘nar ti Italy (0) Pal twenty ewentid dapat (1) ‘e59'pen! thirty Bs Korea (ri) ‘kara! forty ei Russia (n) rafal fifty Pott Spain (n) sped sinty Psiksti the UK (n) a ju: kes, seventy Psexnti! the United Kingdom (n) a ju'nartid"kindarn! | elaty esti the USA (n) 789 jus ese, ninety natn capital city (n) kept! ‘sti/ hundred ‘handradl country (n) Pesntci! r number (n) *rnambat | from (prep) ‘from, fram) ‘ i aver (et) favvostt Argentina () Jason‘! Ireland (n) Pataland/ Europe (0) ‘jarap! Singapore (n) Jsina'po! Greece (n) ‘gris! single (a6) sgl! Poland (n) ‘'paulondl Thailand (a) ‘atkend! South Africa (n) ‘sav8 ‘efnka! South Americ (n) ‘sau0 a'merika! BE accommodation (n) —_/akoma'derfn’ married (ad) meena age (n) feds other (ad) Fatal agency (n) Pexdgonsit saws agent (r) edgant! jvem'vasoti! fist (ad) fst! marital status (n) merit ‘stents! BED boytriend (0) ‘Pbaufrend/ Switzerland (n) /'switsaland/ doctor (n) aoktal telephone number (n) _/'telfaun ‘namba! gitiend (0) rozlend! title (n) antl botiday (n) (holodex! party (n) past TH clock (n) ‘alk! restaurant (r) Prestront! half past ‘ast past Slovenia (n) Jslouvinia! lock (adv) ‘akkloks ‘warter past ‘kwosta past! embarrassing (adj) /m'betrasiy/ quarter's ‘Marta taf fix (v) fis! tell the time ‘tel 8a tam! idiot (r) idiot watch (n) wtf meeting (n) mit) bank (n) oak! ‘ow (adv) Ina office (n) Profs! 0k (adi) jao'kev! open (ad) (a0pan! van (n) Wen supermarket (n) ‘Psuspomoskit/ 86 Review 17-24 | 1 Look around your classroom, in your 6 Match the pictures with the statements. bag/ briefcase and pockets. How many things can 1 —. I don't have breakfast. I only have a cup of you name? Make a list. black coffee. 2 — In China, we often eat noodles for lunch. We 2 Write the plurals. don't use a knife and fork, we have chopsticks. Labook baoke 6 achair = —_ 3 — I dom'tlike wine. with my dinner, T drink a Zaman 7 abox i bf water 3 a watch —_ 8 a person = —__ 4 — Tusvally have a small lunch - some soup and 4 apencil 9 an orange _ relia Sakey 10 apurse = _ 3 Write the words in the correct column, | coffee esd tea fruit eggs beer orange juice meat wine vegetables milk fish butter water cheese chips lemonade chocolate rice fruit juice } kinds of food inks Gent 4 Look at the picture. Complete the sentences. Use the prepositions. in on under in front of next to behind | en “7. Match the parts of the expressions. | | 1 Come * aa few minutes. 2 We'e off to b birthday. 3 Its Jane's — con 4 Télove— 4 coming? L — =] 5 Only for__ eto. = 6 Are you — f the café. 1 The computer is _ the desk. 8 Number the items in the correct order to make 2 The book is __ the computer. - a conversation, 3 The pen is the book. 4 The cup of coffee is ‘the computer, — Thank you. 5 The glasses are the book —Yes, please. — Coffee, please. 3 6 The bag is ___ the computer, 1 Would you like a drink? 7 The mobile is ___ the bag. — Milk and sugar? 5 Write six sentences about yourself - three — Here you are. positive and three negative. Use the verbs. — Tea or coffee? like drink eat > __Just milk, please. a7 adress book (n) briefcase (n) child (a) ccedit card (ri) driving licence (9) alasses (n) hairbrush (0) ~ key (n) make-up (0) men (n) money (n) people (n) person (n) purse {n) sandwich (n) tissue (n) wallet (n) women (n) behind (prep) in (prep) in front of (prep) next to (prep) ‘on (prep) under (prep) assistant (0) by v) cent (n) change (0) counter (n) ‘customer (n) dolar (n) eto (0) cexgensive (2) P (n)tpence) pourd (n) price (n) shelf (n) birthday (n) closed (adj) important (ad) late (adj) later (adj) meeting (n) minute (n) photograph (n) tomorow (7) daldres buk! orifkers! *dcarvig “latsns! glastl hesbrasi skis Pmetkap! fen! anid Psenwit Pfu! woh wean Jorhaind! tm Jin Lean av Iekst tus, tal do! ‘a'sstont Toa! ‘ent ‘afeinds) ‘kauntal kastoma! dole’ oars! Akspensiv/ ‘pi, pens! ‘paundl ‘pras! ‘felt! Pbs:Odev ‘klaozd! fim’ poctan Jest! Meta! Santig! Pout! Paotagract! ‘ta'moroo! bread (n) = butter (n) cheese (0) chips (n) chocolate (n) 99 (n) fish (n) fruit (n) lemonade (n) meat (n) pasta (n) rice (n) vegetable (n) | beer (n) milk (n) ‘orange juice (n) water (0) wine (n) | animal (n) ‘burger (n) dink (v) } at tke (v) sport (n) BB alot (oon) breakfast (n) chicken (9) chopstics (n) catty (n) dessert (n) dinner (0) fork (n) fruit juice (n) hot (adi) | tunch ¢n) meal (n) noodles (n) potato (n) soup (n) spoon (n) Thai (adi) ‘glass (n) ice (n) lemon (0) soft drink (n) sparking (ad) still (ad) sugar (n) ‘red! Pata! Nia! ‘hips! rifoktt! ‘eg! sy ruc ema ‘next! ict pesto! ras! ‘vest Ia! ‘rok ond dgus! ovata ‘vain! Penal! Pagal ‘drip! sit ask ‘epost fa lov orektast/ Pifikany PAfopstks! Pha! ar'zat! Pama! Iacks rust Asus hot! nats mie Pmusdlas Jpattertao soup! ‘spun! ha glass! Jats! lemon! ‘soft demki spackliny ‘su’ foga Ke ee) | [Ee 1. Write the verbs in the correct places. | drive read do work go live play watch listen to 122 swimming 2 —_ Dvds 3 football 4 music 5 __ magazines 6 __ inan office 1__acr 8 ina flat 9 __tarate 2 Write a sentence about yourself with each of the verbs in exercise 1. 5 don't drive to work. 2 lread ... Aaa 4a Read about Ella and choose the correct words. Hi. My name's Ela and Tim fom /for Istanbul in Turkey. Ym 28 "year /years old, and I'm not 2manry /marred. 1 tive in a house near the sea. Its very nice, Iam work/ work in an office in the city centre. I walk *to /for work every day. It takes a long time, In my free time I watch TV and I tisten /listen to music I love ‘classical /rocks music. I dont like sport, but I *do/go aerobics. And at the weekend 1 go ‘to swim /swimming, too. On Saturday evening "Tim I go out with my friends. Igo to/don't go clubs a lot. I "love /don't dancing. I go to restaurants. I Mike drink Chinese food, but I love “Italian /Itly food. That's my favourite. Camry 3a Make questions, Use the cues. 1 live near here? Doyou live near here? 2 What /do at the weekend? 3 When /go shopping? 4 watch TV every day?,, b Give Ella's answers to the questions, 1 ve in letanbul 1 Where do you live? 2 Do you live in a house? 3 Where do you work? 4 Do you drive to work? 5 What do you do in your fre time? 6 Do you like sport? 7 Do you go to restaurants? 8 What kind of food do you tke? | 5 What /drink in the morning? 6 like sport? 7 What time /go to work? 8 listen to music? 9 Where /work? 10 read a newspaper? b Give your answers. A Do,you lve near here? Mio ee 5 Match the halves of the expressions. Timon myway— going? | 2 Let's — b go. 3 Where are you to the shops. | 4 Would you liked a it? 6 Complete the dialogues. Use the cues. 1 Monday/5.50 ‘A When is your doctors appointment? B Its on Monday. at ten to cin, 2 Friday/4.30 ‘A When is our meeting? B 38 p.m. Wednesday B Yes, 1 do. OR No, | don't. ‘A When is Petras party? activity (n) do aerobics (v) do karate (v) do yoga (v) either (adv) free time (n) go shopping (v) 40 swimming (v) go to the cinema (v) listen to music (¥) love (v) lay computer games (v) play fotbal (v) play tennis (v) listen to the radio (v) read magazines (v) read a newspaper (v) read novels (v) watch DVDs (v) watch TV (¥) t00 (adv) always (adv) enjoy (v) smoke (¥) win (v) cursor (n) disk (9) disk drive (0) keyboard (n) monitor (n) mouse (n) mouse mat (n) scven (n) questionnaire (1) shopping centre (n) sports centre (n) the news (0) driver (n) tft (n) patkng space (n) private (at) Jek'uwvatid ea'raubiks/ i gov 'Jopin! igau ‘swim! ‘gav ta Bo ‘sinamal sn ta mjuzakh awl ‘ple Kom'pjusto gemz) | ‘ples ‘otbol ‘plet ‘ens! ‘son tu Oa reiaad (rzd mega’ zinal 2 ‘njussperpa! Irisd 9 ‘novel eter! Jin‘ dgou ‘ssmauki ‘voi Pkaisat ‘isk ‘disk draw! kicbasd! Pmpnuta! (mavs! Imaus met! ‘skriend ‘vest {a'nea Jopin ‘sental ‘spats 'sental 182 juz! Pdrawal Att packin spews! prawat! yank (1) cde to work (v) go to schol (v) go to work (v) live alone (4) tive in a flat (v) live in a house (v) live in a town (v) live in a village (v) tive inthe city centre (¥) tive in the suburbs (v) tive with your family (¥) walk to work (V) work (n) workin a factory (¥) work in a hospital (v) work ina restaurant (¥) near (prep) + place (n) share a flat () street (n) what (ad) when (2d) where (2dy) weekend (n) also (adv) concert (n) og show (n) film (n) go hang-glding (¥) Jazz club (n) run in marathons (v) take the bus (v) Monday (n) Tuesday (n) Wednesday (n) Thursday (0) friday (n) Saturday (n) Sunday (n) driving test (n) football match (n) week (n) weekday (0) fbeenk! fdraay ta wack! gov ta skusl Jgp0 ta wack! ‘iy sao! ‘iv m9 fet! ‘iy an 9 bavs! ‘iv an 9 taon! dv m9 "aids! Al mo 8a ‘siti ‘sent ‘uv mn 8a 'sabscbe! ‘hy wad jo: ‘Rema’ work to wack! feck ‘irk an a “etal ‘ak in 2 “hospatl! ‘ak uno ‘estront! a ‘pheis! fea 0 Nett istri! wot! wend Palsou! rkonsat’ dog Jou! sew Igao “heenglardin! ‘idse2 Klabi ‘rsn.m 'meroQonz! teak Oa bas! mand Pejuczdev Pwenzdev PBsczdev raided Psetadey ‘'sandev dram tes ‘foxbas! mati wick! %0 Review 33-40 | BS 1 Write down: 4 Read the chart, Make sentences about John, Min, ~ Six jobs | and Bill ~ six places where people work | { ~ six things that you do every day \ ha min Bil where? a hospital | a university) a hotel CT | 7 [suse | aseet | ace 2. Read what Mike says. Write about his day wettendsr|__¥% m | ys | “Tike the iy | | io | ot Tan a John works in a hospital, He's @ murce, He ETI roses 5 Put the questions in the correct place in the | conversation, Write the letters. Where do you work? What do you do in your fee time? | Where de you live? 4 Do you like it? € What kind of food do you tke? F Do you lve near here? 4 What do you do there? 1 Mike gets up at ely o'clock, 2 He doesn't T get up at six o'clock. Coconen Hi, My name's Carmen. | I don't have breakfast at home. 1 2 ik Ple , Carmen, Im Frank. Bee oe ie ie Frank Pleased to meet you, Carmen. Um Frank 4 5 Igo to work at, 6.30, i Carmen *f. I don’t work in ‘an office. Frank Yes, I do. I live in a block of flats near the 6 T work in a car factory, fru | 7 I don't live near the factory. Carmen Oh, yes, I know it. @_ 8 I drive to work. Frank I work for a magazine company. 9 T finish work at four o'clock. | carmen Oh, right. >. HENUAEYSCT pA Frank I'm a computer engineer, | 3. Complete the conversations, Use do, don’t, does, Carmen Really? “_ | and doesnt. | Frank ves, to | 1 A_Do_ you work near here? | carmen Thats good. 5 Biteile ; Frank I play football, and I cook, \ Gee Carmen That's interesting * 3 AWhese ___ he live? Frank I like Thai food. 5 | iy Carmen Me, too. | 4 A___ hee play football in his free time? Frank Anyway, what about you? ’_ B Yes, he —__ | 5 A ___ you play football? } B No, 1. a 1 SGI ac ERTL BB finish work /schoot (v) get dressed (v) get up (\) 0 home (¥) go to bed (v) 4p to sleep (v). po to work /schoot (v) have a shower /bath (¥) hhave breakfast (v) | have a break (v) have lunch (v) fae cicar'() start work/ school (¥) wake up (Vv) straightaway (adv) then (adv) amay (adi) artve (v) district (n) early (ad) ‘eye problems (n) ‘get on (v) happy (adj) health centre (n) help () hospital (n) ‘lometre (n) Meta (n) medicat assistant (n) motorbike (n) other (ad) road (a) send (v) study (v) visit (v) want (v) ED move (v) rote (n) Excuse me. (exp) Tmin a huny. (exp) Tm in trouble. (exp) Tm late (fora meeting). (exp) This is terrible. (exp) Pina wack, skull ‘get dest Jet sp! ‘go0 hom’ Jgo0 ta bed! Mneev 9 ‘fava, ba:Bl Thay ‘brekfasv Thay 2 break! ‘heev lant ‘eev “dimah Istast wack, skusl/ dverk aph ‘strestal wei! Meni iswev ‘raw! Praistrkey Pasi ‘ay ‘problema! ‘get on! Pha! ‘held ‘sent! help! hospat! elo ‘ma'lawil ‘medikl o'sstont ‘'mootabatk! Pxbal rood ‘send stadt Peat! wont krTomta! uv! ‘naot! es ‘aim m 9 ‘hari ‘asm am teabl/ ‘eam lent (For 9 ‘misty 101s iz "tribal build (v) builder (n) chef (0) clean (¥) clothes (n) cook (v) fix () housewife (n) letter (n) Look afer (¥) | machine (ny mechanic (n) furse (n) secretary (n) sell (v) seeie (v) shop assistant (n) type () waiter (n) actor (0) college (n) drama (n) stulies (n) ambition (0) boring (ad) hotel (ni interesting ad) local (ad) poor (adj) realy (adv) reporter (n) singer (n) top (adi) nynay (adv) classical music (n) eam (¥) impolite (adj) kind (n) play the piano (¥) play the guitar (v) receptionist (n) tock music (n) 92 Ibild! Pbildal ‘Met! fk ‘kloodz! tkokd Miks! Phavswat) Pletal ok ‘afta! (ma fen! ma'am Ins! fsekrotid se sac hop o'sistont! asp Pera! \ Paktal Pkolidy/ arama! stadia! ‘em’ bafad ocr) ‘Mrao'te! trast! ‘ook! ‘pes! rill ‘ei postal saya! stop! Fenizweu ‘kkesikl'mjuzik/ jas ‘impo ‘kaindl ‘let 89 p:'enaal ‘pet 89 gta! Ji'sepfomist ‘ok. ‘juss! TCE Ser} ‘1a What colours can you see in your classroom? Write a list of eight things, a ved pencil a tack bag b How many parts of the body can you name in ‘each picture? 2 Put the words in brackets in the correct order. 1 They live in a” old house, (house an old) 2 Look at ____! (big dogs those) 3 Trisha's got_____. (a boyfriend new) 4 We've got (neighbours good) 5 Have you got ____? (black a car) | 6 John's got ___. (headache bad a) 3. For each cue write one sentence about yourself and one about a partner. 1 Lhaven't got long Pair, 5a Read the email. Match the people with the things. Hi Michael Here's the news from home. Jack and Sandy have got a new car: It’s a yellow sports car - very nice. I haven't got a new car, but I've got a new laptop. It's very fast. Ben and Abbie have got a new flat near the cinema. It’s an old fat, but it's very big and they like it. Anything else? Oh, yes. Connie's got a new boyfriend. She says he's gorgeous, of course. How's your new job? Is it interesting? Bye for now. Tina 1_Tina ‘a a new job 2 — Jack and Sandy —_b a new laptop 3 Michael c anew car 4 —Abbie and Ben da new boyfriend 5 — Connie e anew flat b Which of the adjectives does Tina use? What do the adjectives describe? old slow interesting green very fast red very nice vety big very good black gorgeous yellow She's got long hair 4 Long hair 2 short hair 3 glasses A 4 brown eyes 5 blue eyes 4 Complete the conversations. 1A Have you a0 a pencil? B No, I haven'c, Sor, 2 A___Garla____a new job? B Yes, she —_. 3A you ___a cold? B Yes, T 4A Tim____ anew car? B No, he 5A meeting today? B No, we —_. amano 6 Write the missing letters. 1 Is thisse_tfre_? 2 Se, G_ had, 3 No, Tm s_nty. It’s ta_en. 4 Th_te’s a sea_o_er thee. 7 Number the conversations in the correct order. 1A Tve gota really bad headache, — B Yes, here you are. What's the matter? — B Oh, dear. __ A Have you got any painkillers? 2B Why? What's the matter? ~ — A Tie got an appointment at the doctors today. — B Oh, I'see. Well, I hope you feel better soon. — ATve got a bad back. 3 OG sty ig (ad) ‘Diack (adi) blue (adj) brown (adj) geo (at) seen (a) cvange (26) red (adj) white (adj) yellow (ad) bad (ad) cold (adj) hair (n) hot (adj) long (adi) new (adj) oid (ad) ~ not new ald (ad) ~ not young short (adj), ‘small (adj) young (ad) bike (n) email adress (0) fast (ad) | have got (0) pet (n) sports ca (n) gorgeous (adj) guess (v) laptop (n) nice (adi) [own (pron) share (v) ‘text message (1) Tl block of fiats (n) each other (pron) free (adi) know (v) ‘neighbour (n) remember (¥} seat (n) taken (adi) Poigh ‘lek! Pola Morauni Igot ‘ri fonndsy red! fait! {jelou! Toad! Ikaold ‘Mhesk Phot! Aogy Injus! Jcld! ‘ald How! ‘smo nny thew, hov got! pet! ‘spots ka! Igoidses! ges! Pieptop/ Inass! Jon! seal ‘tekst mesidg! Jolok av fhets! “Adal arm (n) = ack (9) body (n) a(n) eve (0) finger (a) foot/fet (n) hand (n) head (n) tea (n) mouth (r) neck (0) nose (n) part (n) stomach (n) thumb (n) toe (r) tooth /teeth (n} Galaspirin (n), cold (n) hangover (n) headache (n) 0 (a) ~ unlucky Bi bed back (n) cough (n) hay fever (n) itl (ad) sore eyes (n) sore throat (n) stomach ache (n) ‘temperature (n) toothache (n) What’ wrong? (exp) What's the matter? (exp) less (adv) ‘more (pron) portion (n) Bi aire) rail file (n) painkiller (n) Piece of paper (n) plasters (n) scissors (0 pl) stamp (n) towel (n) fom oaks odd hal ‘ay ‘ingat Mot, fe! sand) ed Neg! ‘nao nek ‘a0! "stamaki ami ‘Aaa! ‘Au, ti! Peespru Tkausld! henaova! rhedesk! pax! Poed bak! (ofl er "Tizval AW (so: aa! J: Brootl fstamak enki Ptempratfal i wots wrony wots be ‘metal es! ‘mal Pporfen! Se fal” peinkila! ‘piss 9v "perp! ‘plastae! Ps1sa2! ‘stamp! Maowal! 9% Review 49-56 Vocabulary 1) Write down: = six sports ~ three musical instruments: ~ six parts of a house 2a Can you do these things? { Ian skate. OR I can’t skate. 1 skate 2 speak three languages 3 play the piano 4 sing 5 cook a dinner for six people 6 play volleyball 7 swim 8 use a laptop b Make questions. Use the cues in exercise 2a, Give your answers, ‘A Can you skate? B Yes, | can. OR No, | can't 3 Look at the picture. Complete the sentences. Use There's, There isn't, There are, ot There aren't, 1 Dherels a desk in the office 2 a photograph on the desk. 3 ‘wo chairs in the office. 4 __ a briefcase under the desk. 5 any people in the office. 6 ____ thee boxes next to the desk. 7 any books on the desk. 8 ‘newspaper on the desk, 9 an umbrella on one of the chairs. 4a Read the conversation. Are the statements true (T) or false (F)? ‘AH, 'm Anders. Please tell me about the flat. B OK. It's ina block. There ae eight, no, nine fats inthe block. ‘A Have you got a lit? B No, we haver't, but i's not a problem. The flat is on the fst floor. ‘A How many rooms are there? B There are five rooms. A big kitchen, a small bathroom, living room, and two bedrooms. One is small, and one is big. ‘A And i the flat close to the town centre? B Yes, itis. There isrt a garden, but there's a small park behind the flats. Ther are lots of shops too, You can see them from the living room, A Can T come and see it? B Yes, of course. 41 There are eight fats inthe block. 2 There isnt a lift 3 The flat is on the third floor. 4 There are two big bedrooms in the flat. 5 There isn'ta dining room. 6 There's a small garden, 7 There's a park behind the flats. 8 You can see the sports centse from the living room, bb Correct the false statements, There are nine flats in the block, 5 Write the words in the correct spaces. some take restaurant make like musie about second would 1A Do you like rock male? B Yes, Ido, Ave got ——to go? B Yes. Great! 2 A Can T___you out to lunch? B Thank you. That be nice’ ‘A What __ Thursday? B No, I canit Thursday. 3 A Excuse me, Where can I find the please? B It's on the floor. The lift is over there. ‘A Thank you! ickets for a concert, Would you 9% OCC ACES) cycle (v) dance (v) | teu (ad (n) paint (v) play basketball (¥) play gol (0) | play ice hockey (v) play the drums (v) play the guitar (v) play the violin (v) run (¥) sing (9) skate (v) ski (v) ‘swim (v) BD can/ear't (v) cricket (0) paint (¥) play volleyball (v) French (ad) ‘team (n) good at (sport) (adj) foreign language (n) | ‘Gecman (n) vide a horse) rusical instrument (n) American Footbal (0) baseball) ‘basketball (n) cricket (n) ‘ce hockey (0) rugby (7) snooker (0) EB anay (2d) gate (0) football match (n) Japanese (adj) concert (a) still (adv) ticket (n) ew) EB balcony (n) bathroom (n) bedroom {n) | cellar {n) dining room (n) sak! ‘das! legal ‘emt! (ples "barskitbos ‘ple golf! (ples ais “hoki! (plet 69 drama! ‘ples O9 guta:! {pler a vara'in! ‘rs! isi) Isket! Iki! svi) Jkeen, kan, kant erika! pein! ‘ler voli! ‘rents! * | si ‘gtd at (spo)! ‘Moran ‘kengwady) ‘Pdsman! ‘raid 9 hos! musik nstramant! Pamenkan ‘fotos oes oassktbo! erat! ‘ats hoki! ragbil Psmurka! Pengril Met /fotbodl mati ‘dgepa'nizz! *konsati su kat! ‘Ara! beelkani/ Pbartru:m! bedru:m’ Peel /Pdaney rus’ sor (n) downstairs (n) garage (n) «arden (n) hal (0) kitchen (n) living room (n) stairs (n) upstairs (n) window (n) lift (n) top floor (n) view (n) DeauSiul (ad come (v) modern (adj) ‘outside (prep) sit (y) * soon (ad) swimming pool (1) toilet (n) unusual (ad) us (pron) visit (¥) EB Fist (ati) second (adi) third (ad) fourth (adi) fifth (adi) sixth (a) seventh (at) eighth (ad) ninth (ad) tenth (ad) eleventh (a) twelfth (ad thirteenth (ad) fourteenth (ad) cash machine (0) chemists (n) find (\) fioor (0) internet café (n) left (n) manager (n) ight (a) Ide! Pdasnstese! grass, ‘gendy gain! ho a) vay rus! (ste! fapstec! wand! fu ‘Atop flax Aju Hbjusuift! Fearn! moda! ant'sar Is, ‘su:n! ’swiman pul! otlav Jan'jusgual! fas) Svat! Mss "'sekandl asd ‘f07 Isaks6) "sev en Fnan@/ ‘end ‘levn@y welt :tzn8 ke} mo‘ fi! kemsts! ain Mo! Prmntanet “kefer! efit Pementd5at Jratt! 96 TEL) | 1 Anagrams: What are these clothes? tie 1 eit 7 repmyj 2 tui 8 snaje 3 dajet 9 stoob 4 serds 10 sorths 5 hints 11 retnairs 6 sosck 12 eThist 2 How many forms of transport cam you name? Gamrs 3. Complete the sentences, Put the verbs in brackets into the present continuous. 1 Ivan and Tania are at the airport. They! zeaveling (travel) to Tokyo. They 2 (wait) for the plane now. van 4 (write) some emails on his {aptop. Tania “_______ (read) a book. She 4 (ink) a cup of coffee an {have) lunch with some friends today. We ® (sit) in the garden. We 4 (eat) pasta and fish, It hot today, sol’ {Wear) shorts and a T-shirt. At the moment, my boyfriend § (take) a photograph 4 Put the verbs into the present continuous negative, 4 Ivan and Tania Aen": waitin for a train. (wait) 2 They to Moscow. (travel) 3 Tania a magazine. (read) 4 Ivan___a computer game. (play 5 We lunch at a restaurant. (have) | 61 jeans. (wear) 5. Use the cues, Make the conversations. 1A Are you going by plane? B Yes, 1am. 1 you go by plane? (Yes) 2 he have ashower? (No) 3 they wait for the bus? (No) 4 she watch TV? (Yes) 5 we take the train? (Yes) 6 you go to work? (No) _ See 6a Read the clues. Label the women: Sophie, Rita, Carmen, and Mary. 1 Sophie isnt wearing boots. 2 Rita isn't looking at photographs. 3 Carmen isn't wearing shorts. 4 Mary and Sophie arent talking on a mobile 5 Mary isn't istening to music. 6 Rita and Carmen aren't reading a book, 7 Carmen is wearing a dress 8 Sophie isn’t wearing jeans. Write two sentences about each woman. 41 What is she wearing? 2 What is she doin ri Sana 7 Write the words in the correct order, 1 you later see See you later: 2 nice a have time 3 tomorrow you see 4 won't long T be Complete the sentences in the conversation. Use the cues. Saturday Dubrovnik family plane small hotel ‘A I'm going on holiday. B Oh, where are you going? A We're 5 B Dubrovnik? who are you going with? Aiith . B Are you going by train? ANo, we arent, We B And where are you staying? AWe'e in the city centre, B Have a grat time! 97 MCU g boots (n) ‘busts! tram (0) Jem! tress (n) fares! |< transport (n) ‘enspost Jacket (0) | travel v) Frew! jeans (n) (the) underground (9) (8) ‘sndograond! } jumper (0) Pagumpal wait (\) swe! shirt(n) ft shoes (n) Nuz! (BI beach (n) biz! shorts (0) oss! | café (n) "kaefev skirt (0) ‘sksst! coffee machine (0) "kofi mayfzn! socks (n) Isoks! hear (v) hs! | suit (n) ‘set help (\) lp! tie fn) tau! usual (adj) jugual! top(n) op! Vietnam (n) ier nam tainers (0) ‘ireinaa! trousers (n) strana! [BB boat trip (n) Jbaot trip! Tshirt (a) bullet train (a) bolt trem! wear (v) call) q k delayed (at) seed 00k out! (exp) ok aot! enjoy () Andou make (V) meski fantastic (dl) ‘fen vests park (n) fpokl “feel () ti! picnic (n) ‘pnknik/ from (orep) ‘com, fram! play Frisbee (¥) pet ‘frzbid areetincs (0. pl) grits! rain (¥) ‘rein! ‘sland in) Prailand! send (v) Jsend! loads (pron) Auda! shop (v) Mop! look after (v) ak ‘ata! | sleep (v) ‘lst miss (v) ds! video diary (n) Jvidiou'davaril oon business (exo) ‘on ‘beans! pasted (n) f poustkasd took atv) ok wt, a seasick (a) Issiki roxmally (adv) : take a photograph (v) elk 9 "ootagrai! stand (v) ‘stand! talk (v) ‘ack! at the weekend (adv) fat a witk'end! have a party () say 9 ‘pact’ answer (v) Pecnss! next Wednesday (adv) /nekst 'wenzder birthday (n) ‘Ms next week (adv) ‘nekst wick! leave (v) Ilicw! stay (v) ‘ste work (v) = function ack this everiing (adv) 1s ‘evan! tomorrow (adv) ‘to'morae! | airport (n) Peeps visitor (n) tata! boat (n) Toot! bus stop (n) Jos stop! | bus station (n) Joxs‘stetfn! coach (0) kool) ferry (n) Perl plane (n) plein’ station (n) ? steal taxi (n} reeks taxi rank (n) ‘ksi rank! train (n) ‘trem 98 r Review 65-72 [oes 1 In each column write three more places where people can be. 2 Add more words to the spidergram, Gen 3. Complete the conversation. Use was, were, wasn’t, at home — a anaceldent | Medical Services Aa 5 Read the dialogue. Choose the correct answers. ‘A Hello, Mark, Were you away last week? I phoned a couple of times. B Yes, I was, I was on holiday with my family. We were away for two weeks, actually. ‘A Where were you? B We were in Greece, ‘A Oh, very nice, Was your hotel good? ‘A We weren't in a hotel. We were on a boat. B Really? What was that like? ‘A Te was great. Well, my son was il. He was in bed for two days with bad stomach ache. B Oh, dear. Poor boy. 41 Where was the man on holiday? a Inthe USA. b In Greece. c In France. 2 Who was he on holiday with? a His girlfriend. b Some friends. ¢ His family, 3. Where were they? anahotel. b Ona boat. Ata friend's house, 4 What happened? a His son was il b There was an accident, There were burglars at their flat. or weren't. ‘A ‘Ware you here on Friday? B No, T*__. 4_ at a conference on transport. ‘A it good? * “| B Yes, it*__. ‘A *__Jack and Mary there, too? B No, they”. They *_ on holiday ast week, I think, : | What did people do last night? Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple. 1 We played basketball at the sports centre. (play) 2 1a good film on TV. (watch) 3 1a new book. (start) 4 Peter __a report on his visit to Prague. (Finish) 5 Sarah and her friends to some music. (listen) 6 Lucy a friend in Australia. (phone) 7 We ____ a party for our son’s eighteenth birthday. (organize) 8 I____ the piano. (play) oe gli 6 Write the missing letters. 1 Don't t_l_ to me! 2 Tm very —ngr_ w_t_. you. 3 Ttw_s very —mba_r_ssin_. sot 7 Write the dates as we say them, 116 November ‘the siccecnth of Nowa 2.3 March 3 10 April 4 30 September 5 29 May 99 Wordlist 65-72 GB ata party (ay at a restaurant (adv) at home (adv) at school (adv) at the doctor’ (adv) at the supermarket (ad) at work (adv) hes away (exo) he’s here (exp) hes in (exp) hes out (exp) in.a meeting (adv) ‘in bed (ad) in the garden (adv) {in the shower (adv) on holiday (adh) spend (v) (Gi coffee break (n) | dentist's (n) exactly (ad) ‘exam (1) happy (adi) il (ad) lastnight (adv) last week (adi) last weekend (adv) over (ad = finished | Gd vacation (n) soccer (n) apartment (n) ‘levator (n) store (n) Bate (prep) ‘congratulations (exc) crowd (n) ear () football match (n) for (orep) joke (v) rock concert (n) Westar (n) accident (0) ambulance (n) call (v) ~ phone fire (n) fire alarm (n) Jat 9 ‘parti! Jat 9 ‘restront Jot boomy ‘at skull Jat 9 ‘doktaz! Jot 8a ‘suspomackit/ ak watkl hice a'wev Phish! Sica wt Ihizz at! fin 2 'micun! ‘in bed in 02 ‘gard! {in b2 Java! ‘on holidey’ spend "kof bretk/ eens! gk ‘gz! hepit fl flasst nant asst wiki asst Pause end ‘ner'kerfan! ‘sok! ‘e'pastmant! Felovertal Isto! Fafa! ‘kongratfu'erinz! Ikravd! ‘ra oboe! meth? es, fat 185004 {rok ‘konsat! ‘nv: stax eksidont! "embjalons! koe asa fa a'lasm/ | fire engine (n) (the) fre brigade (n) firefighter (0) fist aid kit (n) medical services (n) paramedic (n) (the) police (n) police car (n) police officer (n) police station (n) thief (n) decide (v) get V) move (v) vik vp (0) phos (¥) report (n) rush (¥) sound (v) stop (v) ‘them (pron) Di erest (9) burglar (n) invite (v) laugh (¥) organize (¥) Scotland (n) shout (v) surprise party (n) voice (n) January (1) February (r) March (n) April (n) May () dune (n) duty (n) August (0) September (n) October (n) November (n) Decenber (a) date jr) ~ calendar date month (n) fara ‘endsn! (0) “fara bn'geid! aro ‘fstal fast erd kit ‘medi 'ssvst ‘pera’ medhik! 16) pails! Jpa'lss ko ‘pis ‘ose! ‘pls ‘ste (Bi! ‘esd! Jet! mus ‘pk spl ‘Reel Jn'post! fal ‘und ‘stop! ‘Bern! ‘a'rest! osglal ‘inva! Natt Poegonans Pskotlond fac ‘so'pracz ‘post ors! /dgenjuatid ebruati Pmt! espa ime! ‘dusn! ‘dsutlav gest ‘sep'tembal ‘ok'tauba! ‘Ingo! vembal ‘'sembal ‘et! fman6! 100 Review 73-80 | 11 Write the past tense forms of these verbs. Which verbs are irregular? | ee, sar play live drink go watch start sake cook take come took paint do SaaS ae have buy want 2 Match the halves of the expressions. 1 meet h your family 2 go — b the cinema 3 work — c the washing 4 wash — the car 5 goto — e the house 6 tidy — f the bills 7 visit — 9. shopping 8 pay — hr yout friends 9 do — iin the garden 3a Put the verbs into the past simple, 11 6A (come) home early yesterday. Bay 5 What did you do last weekend? Write five sentences, Read the text. Answer the questions, Twas bom in South America ~ in Argentina, 1 didn't go to sthool there, because we moved to England when I ¥) was four years old. My father worked for a newspaper ‘and he got a job in London. I didn't speak English when T arrived. I only spoke Spanish, but I learnt English when T started school. My parents went back to Argentina when I was eighteen, but Z stayed in England and I went to university ther. I live in Spain now. After university T got a job with a mobile phone company here, because I speak Spanish, I met my husband here. We got married last year 1 Where was the woman born? 2. How old was she when they came to England? 3 What did her father do? | 4 What language did she speak when she arrived? | 5 Did her parents stay in England? | 6 Where did she go to university? 7 What did she do after university? 8 When did she get married? 2 We (go) shopping on Friday. 3 1 (lose) my glasses. & Ryan (clean) the car on Saturday. 5 They (have) a party at the weekend, 6 Cindy (pay) the bills. 7 1 (cook) dinner yesterday. 8 We —_ (buy) new car Make the sentences negative. 1 (did't came home early yesterday. Make questions. Use the cues, Give your answers. 1A Did you go ewimming yesterday? B Yes, | did. OR No, | didn’, 4. go swimming yesterday 2 buy a new mobile last week 3 get up at 6.30 this morning 4 wear brown shoes yesterday 5 take the bus today 6 do the washing this morning 7 cook dinner last night 8 eat breakfast today 101 TE . 7 Choose the correct word. 1 Sarah, yout/you'e wonderful 2 It wasn’t/ weren't my fault, 3 She was right /left. 4 Tt was all his/he’s fault. Complete the conversations. 41 A What did you do at the weekend? B We went to a restaurant, eer B We went to The Sitver Sea h— = B Yes, it was, The food was delicious. 2 A What did you do on Saturday evening? B We went to the theatre, a B We saw ‘Macbeth: A B Yes, we did. It was great burger (n) buy (v) clean (my) teeth (v) 4p jogging (v) leave (v) - leave something somewhere tale (v) toast (n) get up late (») se the Internet (¥) send a text (¥) Canad (n) Germany (n) Hong Kong (n) Japanese (adi) getarariod (i) | leave school (v) radio station (n) Tugby (A) Russian (adi) team (n} vote () was / were born (v) BB autition (0) birthday card (n) fault (0) get (¥) receive maybe (adv) play (n) present (n) still (adv) ty) wonderful (aj) TB co the washing (v) 40 shopping (v) 40 to church (v) 4p to the cinema (y) 40 to the park (v) go to the theate (\) meet your fiends (y) pay the bil (v) relax (0) tidy the house (4) visit your family (y) wash the car (¥) work in te garden (¥) rrbagal aw! ‘iklzn (mai) 1:0! Ig20 "dzoguy’ Aisy ‘samy ‘samvea! erki ‘toost/ get ap ‘et! fuse 83 'intanet! ‘send 9 tekst’ kanado! dgscmanil ‘hoy ‘Kany ‘dgapa'nizal get ‘mien cw sku? Prexdiag ‘stefnd (ragbl’ raf term! Wout woz, waz, wt, WO born! ‘ot difn/ srBder ka:d ol’ Igel Pmerbil ‘plev Pprezantl aul) fav Swandafl’ Adu: 39 ‘woftn) ga ‘fopin/ fgpo ta tft ‘goo ta 8 ‘stnama’ ‘1ga0 ta 09 park? (gau to Ba "Bata! ‘ist jt frend ‘pet 00 biz! In'leks! Padi Ba haos! ‘erat: emalis wo ba kas swe mn 89 'gordn! actor (n) Paktal club (n) Jkisbi part (n)- role ina play /past! story (n) Pox stay in bed late ‘ste in bed let! lose (v) fla) park (a) ‘pack! delicious (a) ‘ehfes! {0 boating (v) goo "baatin! go walking (v) ‘goo ‘wo:kin) have a good time (y) hee 9 gud tarm/ take (n) etki weather (n) weda! 102 PMU wet ey Li J 1 Cindy Lacy Whats your mobile number, Lucy? 15.0726 1, double 4 double 8 30. Whats your phone number, Peter? Peter 1vs0209, 1467 double 3. 3 Gindy What's your number, Russell? Russell My mobile? indy Yes. Russell 1's 079 30, double $ double 7 32. 4 Cindy Wits your phone number, Melanie? Melanie Its 01.63, 48 1 double 05 2 13.2 J 1 Open your English book at page four 2 Read page four 3 Don't close your book 4 Open your notebook 5 Draw a house 6 Wiite your fst name. 7 Don't write your ast name. 8 Listen, Whats this? 9 Say: ‘One, two, tree. 10 Repeat. 41 Dontt say "ou, ive, six 2 Look at your teacher om 4A What's your name, please? B Anne Stephens. ‘A How do you spell your surname? B Its STE PeHe EWS, Aas Pee ENS, Thank you A ii, Ym Geofey Haris B Hi, Pleased to meet you. How do you 2 Cindy spell Geotrey? ‘AG. E-0 double FR: Ev B Oh, Ok 3A Hi My names Katy Mills, Thais KA TY = Katy, ‘A Hi-T'm John Moore. B Pleased to meet you, ohn. How do you Spell Moore? ‘A Its double 0. RE. B Ok. ‘A Whats your name, please? B Its Tim Wallace [A How do you spell your surname? B Is W- A double L- A CE. os he GE, Thank you, 5.3] 1 Brenda Alanis my husband. Laura is my daughter and John i my son 2 John Laura is my sister. Alan is my father and Brenda is my mother. 43 Laura Alan and Brenda are my parents. Joho is my brother. 4 Alan Brenda is my wife. Laura and John are my children, m Carla This is ny dad. His name’ Henry and this is my mum. Her name's Sophia ohn Is this your brother? ‘Carla Yes. His name's David ohn Uh-hub. Carla Now, in this photo this is my sister, Maria, and ber family. ohn Ok. Carla Ths is her husband. His name's Ricardo, This is thelr Son, Leo, And their daughter. ohn What's her name? Carla Her name's Donna 1A The meeting i in room twelve. B Room 12? B Its ninety-five p [A Tm soy. Can you repeat that, please? B Yes, Jes inetyfivep. 1A Oh, thankyou, ‘A What number is your house? B Its number seventy four 1 Seventy-four? B Yes, 4K Whats the speed init here? B Its fi A ity? B Yes, AA Here's your key You're in room eighteen. B Room eighty? A No, room eighteen 6 Your flight to New York is now ready for boarding a gate number thity-nine Gate thirty-nine for New York. 1 fen, teen 2 seventy seventeen 5 thin, tiny 4 eahteen, ety 5 ninety nineteen & fourteen. fourteen = 1 Ryan ley ian tty fan te) yan tty 2 Cindy Jordan Cindy Jordan Cindy Jordan 3 ordan Ayan 1s Sarah a student? Yes, she is. Where is she from? She’ from Singapore Oh, How old is she? ‘She's 28 Xs she marred? No, she ist. Where are you from, Jordan? Ym from Australia, Really? How old are you? Tm 30, ‘re you marted? No, Tm nat. ‘re you from the UK, Ryan? No, Ym nat Jordan Where ae you from? Ryan Tim from teland. Jordan Really? Is your wife fom Ireland, too? No, she isnt. Cindy from the UK fiom London How olé ae you? ‘Me? Tim forty-eight. Cindy forty Oh ‘re you from the Uk, Lucy? Yes, Tam. ‘re you married? No, Tim not. Tm singe How old are you? Tin 2. Oh, Tm 28. What about Peter? How old is he? He's 36. He isnt from the UK, i he? No, he st. He's fom the USA. Is he married? No, he sit. He's divorced. Oh, realy? Ryan Jordan Ryan Jordan 4 Sarah Lucy Sarah Lug Sarah Sarah Lug Sarah $5.2) ‘A Can take afew details first? What's your lastname? B Its Belin, ‘A How do you spell that, please? B Its B-E- double L-T-0- 1A And what's your Fist nae, Ms Bellon? B Sonja, A Is that S-O- N-L- &? B No, tS S-0-NI-A, 1A Thank you. re you from the UK? B No, fm not 1 And where are you fom? B.Lm fom Suitetan. 1 How old are you? Bm 3. 1 And are you mario? 18 No I'm not. Lm divorce. ‘A And whats your telephone nuribe? B Its 020 743 double 1 double 8. A Thank you = 1A What's the time? B Its half past nie. 2 A Whats the time? B is quarter past si 3A What’ the time? B Its quarter to seven, 4 Whats the time? B Its twenty-five to eleven. 5A What’ the time? B Its twenty past five. 6A Whats the time? B Its ten to four 7 A What’ te time? B Its five past ten, 8A Whats the time?” B Its eight olock, 103 et SS See = 1 Peter Where are my keys? Woman They'e behind the computer 2 Peter Whew’ my briefcase? Woman tts under the chair 3 Peter Where's my mobile phone? Woman Its next tothe computer. 4 Peter Where's my uniela? Woman It's behind the chai 5 Peter Where are my books? Woman They're in your briefcase. 6 Peter Where are my sandwiches? Woran Theyte in font ofthe computer. 7 Peter Where's ny wallet? Woman Its onthe char ‘8 Peter Oh, and where are my glasses? Woman They're on your ead, 1 Assistant Can [help you? (customer Yes, How much are those | watches, please? Assistant They'e $12 each Customer I'see. And how such ae these sunglasses next to the door? Assistant Thoy'e $10.60 Customer Can T have these sunglasses, please? Assistant Certainly, Anything ese? Customer No, thank you. Assistant That's $1040, then, please. | Customer Here you ae Assistant Thank you. That's 6 cents change. Thankyou. Can I help you? Yes. How much ae these briefeases? Tare 85 euros each, Oh, thats expensive. How such ae those briefcases in the window? Thoyte 62 euros Can Ihave that one, then, please? Certainly. Anything ese? No, thank you Thats 62 euros the, please Isa creditcard O17 Certainly, Thank you Can help you? Yes, How much are those vals behind the counter, please? Assistant They're £15 each. Customer Ok, and how much are these wallets in font of the umbrelas? | Assistant. They’e £18.50. Customer Con I have one ofthe wallets behind the counter, then, please? Certainly. Anything ese? No, thank you Thats £15; then, please. Here you ae | Customer | 2 Assistant Customer Assistant Customer Assistant Customer Assistant Customer Assistant Customer Assistant 3 hesitant Customer Assistant Customer Assistant Customer Assistant Thank you. That's £5 change. Customer Thank you. an 18 So what’ onthe list? B Cheese, ‘A Cheese, OK, that’s over there. B Oh, and butte, too. 'ASo that's cheese and butter. What about. fruit? B Fruit? Yes. ‘A Apples or oranges? B Aaples 1 OK. that’s next? B Mmmm .. bea. [A Right that’s the bread, What about meat? B No, A she B No, But we need some eggs A Eggs? OK. What about drinks? B Yes, Tea, mile, and range juice: 1A OK Tea... , milk. and ofange juice, What about coffee? B ho, Als that i? B Let's see. Cheese, buter, fut, bread, eggs, te, milk, and orange juice. Yes, that’ i ‘A No, it st. We need some chocolate. B No. Chocolate ist onthe list. ‘A Well itis now. Come on. There’ a til fie. 124.3) 1A Would you lke a drink? 8 Yes, please ‘A Tenor coffee? B Tea, plese. ‘A Wilk and sugar. B No, thank you, [A ere you are B Thank you. ROK. AA Would you like a dik? B Yes, a glass of water, please. AA Stil or sparing? B Sil, please. A Ice and lemon? B Just ice, please. AA Here you are. B Thank you A You're welcome ‘A Would you tke a dink? B es, please [A Win, ber, 2 soft dink? B A soft drink, please. ‘A Drange juice or lemonade? B Orange juice, please ‘A Would you tke ice in that? B Ya, thank you, 1A OK. Fee you ae, B Thank you. aa Interviewer Paul Interviewer Mary Interviewer Paul May Interviewer Mary Interviewer Interviewer Paul Interviewer Paul Mary Interviewer Paul May Interviewer Paul Interviewer Paul Mary Snterviewer Paul Mary Interviewer Mary Interviewer Paul Interviewer Paul Mary Interviewer Tm Interviewer Pavel Interviewer Pavel Interviewer Pavel Interviewer Pavel Interviewer Pavel Excuse me, Yes? Can Task you some questions for this survey? A survey? What’ it about? Its about what people doin ‘heir fre time. Ob, 0, Yes, fine, Thank you. Fist, what are your ames? Its Paul and Mary Jones. ‘Jones. OK, Thank you. Nom ‘umber 1, Do you listen to the radio? es, we do, We listen to Radio 1. We ike pop music Do you read a newspaper? No, we dott Do you watch the news on TV2 No, we dott. No, we go and make a cup of ‘ea when the news i on see. And do you watch sport on Ww Oh, yes, we do. Fotbal, Yes, we watch a lat of footbal. Do you goto the cinema? Yes, we do. We tik fils. OK: Do you watch DVDs, too? Yes, we do. When thers no featball on ™ Do you play computer games? No, we dont. (ur children do. They love computer games, but we dot. Do you go shopping? Yes, we do, We lke shopping. We go tothe shopping centre every weekend OK, Now exercise. Do you goto a sports centre? No, we dont, ‘a you play any sports? No, we dont Well we go swimming when wee on faliay. No that nt really spor, Fine, Thank you. Whats your name? My name's Pavel and my wife's ame is Misha Where do you ive? We live in Prague, Do you like Prague? Oh, yes. IES. a oeat city Do you lve in the city centre? No, we doit We Eve in a house jn the subsrbs, Ut-hut. Where do you wor? We workin offices in the c 106 Interviewer 00 you rive to work? Pavel No, we dont. There's nowhere ‘0 patk in the city centre, so ve take the bus. Interviewer What do you do in your free tine? Pavel We go hang-aiing Interviewer Really? Pavel Yes, it's great fan, Interviewer What other things 60 you do? Pavel Wel, we dort watch TV 2 lat. But we love fis, so we go to the cinema every week Interviewer What kind of firms do you Uke? a 2A When is your interview, Jeff? B It’s on Tuesday. A What time? B Res at quarter to ten A hat day is Cros party? B its on Saturday. A What time? B It’s at eight olock 4A Hi, Petra, What day i your ving test? 8B Its on Wednesday A What time? B Its at 11.1. 1 When is the meting with Mr Ben? B Its on Friday. A What time? B Its at half past tive. 6 AA What day the Footbal match? B its on Monday. A What time? B itsat 245 $24.2) T getup at sx ‘lock. have a shower. Thave brealfast a 6.15. read the newspaper go to work at quarter to seven. 1 1 1 Start work a 8.30, Finch work at Five o'cock. goto bed at half past eleven, $40.2) 11 Nicky: ive in the suburbs = in Greendale. Tony Oh, T see. 2 Nicky I work at the Lancaster Hotel Tony Really? 3 Nicky I'm a receptionist Tony On, right. 4 Nicky I'go swimming and I pay the piano. Tony That’ interesting, 5 Nicky I tke dassical music, Tony Me, too. 13.2) 1 What colour isthe bag? 2 Is the mobile phone be or red? 4 What colour are the two pens? 4 Ate the yellow penis long or short? 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8 5 What colour isthe big book? 6 Ae the old people in the big photo or the small photo? 1 What colour s the young woman’ ca? 8 What colour is the cup? 12.3) 1 Tlve inthe city centre. Ihave got 3 house. 've gota small at. 2 Te got aca. Its quit ald, but is OK. 3 Tve gota bike, too, bt I dont use ita lot 4 Te got a good job I work fora credit ard company, 5 T doit come from a big fail. Ive got a brother, Gut I havent got a sister. 6 Thavert gota computer. 17 Tse te computers at war, s0 Tve got an email adres, 8 And Ive got a new motile, too. 9 Thaveit got a boyfriend at the ‘moment. 10 But Tve got a pet. Ive goto cot called Tina. = 1 Point to your nose. 2 Point to your hand 3 Put your hands on your head. 4 Point to your legs. 5 (Close your eyes 6 Open your mouth 7 Point to your nec. 8 Open your eyes and close your mouth 9 Point to your ea. 420 Pull your hat 11 Put your hand on your stomach, 12 Point to your feet Where's Sandra today? She's at tHe dentist’. 1h, has she got toothache? Yes, she has Hello, Ken, How ae you? 1h, not very wel Why? What's the matter? Te gota cold. Wel. why ae you here? Te got alot of work to do. Well, go home OK. Thank you. 1s Anca here? No, she isnt. he's i. Oh, what's wrong? ‘he’s gota sore throat and 2 temperature Boss Oh, det What’ the matter, Tom? Tom Ive got sore eyes. Boss Yes, they're very red. Youve ont a ‘cough, too. Have you gota cold? No, i hay fever. 1h, see. ‘Are you OK, Linda? Linda Wo, I dort fel wll. Boss Oh, what's the matter? Te got stomach ache. Oh, dear. ‘re you allright, Mick? Mick No, im not. Boss What's the mater? Mick Tve got a headsche, Boss Oh, dear. Here. Ive got some painkillers. I need them in this job! 1A Have you got any plasters? B Yes, Thave, Just @ minute, Hee you A Thanks. AA Have you gota rail fle? B Oh, wel, Tve got some scissors. Hee you are. A Oh, OK. Thanks. A Have you got any painkillers? B Yes, Ihave. Here you ae. A Thanks. 4-18 Have you got pen and apiece of paper? B Yes, Here you ae. A Thanks. I need to write a letter, 51h Have you got a mirror? Ive got something in my ey. B I've got a miror in my bag. Here you A Thanks. B Do you need a tissue? A No, is 0X, thanks. Tve got one here. B Do you want any help? A Yes, please, B OK. Give me the tissue. Look up There, It’s out ‘A Oh, thanks. That feels better B Good, i511] Interviewer So, Liam. Fst. How old are you Liam Tm twenty-two. Interviewer And what is your jt at the moment? {Twork ina restaurant. Tm a chet, Interviewer Thank yoo. Now what things can yeu do? Can you speak ary forsign languages? Liam Yes, can ike languages. 1 ‘an speak French and German, Interviewer Yery good. Now, can you swin? Liam Interviewer Lam No, Teart. Interviewer I see. Can you play any sports? Liam Yes, oan. Lean pay a lt of sports. [ke tenis, football, and basketball Interviewer What about gol? Liam No, Leatt play gol Interviewer Can you ride a horse? Liam Yes, ean, I'm very good at that. 105 audio seripts | a ehiey | | | Interviewer Can you dive? Liar Yes, Fran, but havent gota) a Interviewer OK. And can you pay a musical instrument? Lam No, Tait. But can sing Interviewer Tee, Can you cook? Liam Yes, Tan, Tina chef! Interviewer Oh, yes of course. Can you fix a jam No, Tart. Yim not very good with machines Interviewer OK. And can you use a computer? Liam Yes Tan. pa lot of ‘computer games. Interviewer OK. Thankyou. Now what ‘Owner Well, this is our new house. Wisitor Very nice ike the garden. ‘Owner Yes, we lik it, too, Anyway, come Visitor Thank you. Owner vel, this isthe hal. Visitor Ub-hu, ‘Owner And this isthe living room. Visitor Very nice. That's a nic big window.» ‘Owner Yes. Now bee's the kitchen. Visitor Mim, And have you gota dining Owner Yes, we have. That’ here Visitor Great. What's behind that door? ‘Owner Oh, that goes down to the celia. Visitor On, 0 (Owner Now upstaits we've got three bedrooms, Visitor Tse. Ob this is beautiful. Oh, and you've got a balcony. (Owner Yes, we realy Like it.The view is vey good | Visitor Yes, [can see. Andis that the garage down there? | Owner ‘Yes, ti... And then heres the | bathroom, And that’ it. Visitor Mil, it’ all very nice. Can T just use your bathroom, while we're here? ‘Owner Yes, of couse. See you downstairs, Would you like a cup of tea? 1A Excuse me, Where can I find room 52, please? B Its on the fifth floo. ‘A Thank you 2 A Bxcuse me Is there a cash machine near het, please? B Yes, there’ a cash machine in London Road, That's the third street on the leh. [A Thask you. 3A Excuse me, Where are the toilets, please? B Theyre upstairs the first door on the right, A Thank you 4 A Excuse me, Is there a restaurant here, please? B Yes, there is I on the sixth foo. AA Thank you 5A Excuse me, Where can Ifnd the managers office, please? B The manage’ office? Is over there the second door on the let ‘A Thank you 6 A Excise me. Is thee an internet café neat here, please? B Yes, there is. There’ a café in Market Street, That’ the second street on the Fah. ‘A Thank you fod our next moses Al. Hes wring 2 si, 2 Due shit a6 ae te fod th tht hes wai bow shoes “Tank you reo e's Beat od shes wearing re ti ith wit top dod on, Mack Soo And our next model is Sylvia, She's wearing Bue jae wth eon jumper ard 2 Black jb Her Shoes whe, "Hank you, Sa. Now Marco Hes wearing geen sors, an oonge Tshirt, green Sosa ong anes Lins Robin Oh, hello, Rabin, Nice to se you. Nice to see you, too, Linda. How are you? Fine, thanks. Anyoay. Come in. Now dd you know anjone here? No, 1... Oh, yes, T know Alan. He's standing in font ofthe window. Hes wearing a yellow te Yes, Hes nice Hes talking to Trisha. She's from Canada, Who's the man behind Tisha? He's looking at some photoataphs. Thats Ben. He's Trish's boyfind Oh, Oe your bss eT cant Gatto, Oh, yes. Yes he's over there, He's wearing een shit and black trousers. Oh, yes, I see him. Hes eating a sandwich No, he iit eating a sandivch Thats Colin, Cals is drinking, Oh, yes, OK. Linda Robin Linda Robin His wife, Georgi, is her, too. Stes wearing a blue and white sie, but T cant see her Robin She's over there. She's taking on her ‘mobile. Linda Yes, that's right. Anyway, look Would you like | | | | | § (ary singin Whats Tony doing? ‘re Suki and Fran, looking ithe shops? Wio's writing a postcard iNew York? ‘Are Jack and Barbara taveling by boat? Where are Suki, Frank, and Sand going? 1s Peter enjoying the boat trp? Whats Jack dong? Is Oliver witing a postcard? a 1 Waitress What can 1 get for you sir? Harry Can T have the fish, please and a glass of white wine? Waitress Certainly sir. 2 Woman Is Hary here? Man Wo, heist Hes on holiday this week, 3 Doctor Hello. Now what's the problem? Harry Te got a cough and a sore thot. Doctor Tee. Have you gota headache, fest Harry Yes, and Tve gota temperature 5 Woman 6 Harry Woman Thats £27.56, please lo tt Har Come in The inks sre over there 1 (noing lam cock rigs) Man Hello. Hany Morgans phone. Woman Oh, is Hary there? Man No, I'm sory. He's in 3 mestng Woman Oh, Ok. | 9 Woman Morning, Hany. Harry i, Sheena, What tine is our meeting today? Woman Its at 10.15 Hary OK, See you then. ‘A Hello, Sue. How are you? B Fine, thanks. [A Were you avay last wes? B Yes, we were. We were on vacation What do you say bere in Britain - on holday? 1A Yes, om holdey. Where were you? 1B We were in Portugal A Very sce. Yes, itwas great. 2 A Were you atthe meeting this morning, Ben? B No, E wasn't. Twas at the dentist’ ‘A Oh, Esee, Was it for a checkup? B No, toothache, but its OK now. A Good. 3 A Helo, Alice. Were you out on Sunday afternoon? B No, E wasnt T was at home, Why? ‘A Well I phoned, but there was 10 B Sunday afternoon? Oh, T'was inthe Garden, Oh, OK 106 ir 4 ‘Ai Wl. How are you? B Fine, thanks, but abit tired, ‘A Were you out lastnight? B Yes, we were out till two o'lock i the snoring ‘A Were you ata club? B No, weren't. We were ata party = at our neighbours house. 1A Was it good? B Yes, i was great 1k Good. And hows May? B Oh, she’s [A re you away on Friday, Peni? B Yes, Twas. Iwas il. I asin bed af ay ‘A Oh, 6s. fe you all ight now? B Yes, thanks. A Good. 1 ‘A What do you do? 8 Tima police officer. What about you? ‘8 Tima paramedic 8 Oh, really! +b There’ a police car behind us B Oh, no! ‘A Oh, and there's an ambulance, too. B There must be an accident. Yes, ‘A Oh, that’ the fire alarm! Come on, B Oh, Tm not leaving, Theyre probably ust testing the alarm. ‘A Yes, you're probably right! ‘Woice Attention. This is nota test. This {is nota test. Please \eave the building Attention, This isnot atest. ‘A See, Its a fire. Come on. Quickt ‘A Be careful with that knife. B Ow! My finger. ‘A Tes OK. Il get the fist aid kit ‘A Look, There's a fire over there! B That’ the shoe factory! 1 ere come the fire engines. ‘A Excuse me. Is there a police station near here? B Yes, there is, It in the first street on the right. ‘A Thank you. 1 2 3 4 'A Whats the date today? 8B Tes the fourth of Januay,. [A When's yous binthday? B IY on the twenty-fist of June. AA What's the date tomorow? B Its the seventh of March. ‘A Wheo’s your appointment? B Its on the thirtieth of December. [A Whats the date on Friday? B Its the fourteenth of April 1 en's your party? B Its on the secon of dctober, ‘A What's the date on Sunkay? B Its the sith of ay. [A When's your interview? B Its on the eighteenth of Februay. on TA How was your weekend? | B twas 0K, I went shopping on Saturday and on Sunday f visited my parents 2 A Hi, Lind, How was your weskend? B Ok, thank. Ii the washing on Saturday. 1 What aout Sunday? B Te vasa nice dy, so claxed inthe garden. A Good ‘A Morning, Bob. Hon wos your weekend? B Te was very god, thanks. We went to the cinema on Saturday and on Sunday we went to the pak wth the cide. A Very nice, 4 How 495 your weekend, Yasin? B nasal ight cdr do alt. wad the car on Saturday and on Sunday T went onthe internet and paid some bls. Oh, see, 5 A Hic Mow was your weekend? B Te was fn, thanks. T met my fiends in | town on Seturdy 1 hat about Sunday? B J tidied the house A 0h, 0% A Helio. How was your weekend? B It was very ice, thank you We went to the theatre on Saturday. The play was very good, and on Sunday we worked inthe garden. 1A Yes, the weather was very nce a Monica Hi, Jane, How are you? Jane Oh, bi, Monica, Ym Fine, thanks, ‘nd you? : Monica Fine. Dié you have a good weekend? Jane Yes, it was OK. Monica What did you do? Jane Well on Saturday morning T cleaned my flat. Then inthe | afternoon 1 wert nto town and [met my boyfriend, Rob, and we went shopping, Did you buy anything? Yes, [bought afew things - some clothes and a book, But then I lost my mabile phone! Oh, no. What did you do? Well we went back to all the shops. Nonica Did you fing it? dane Yes, It was in the bookshop, Monica Wow, that was vey luck. Monica Jane Monica Sane Jane Yes, it was. Anyway, inthe evening we went to the theatre. We saw 2 very good play ~ The Birthday. Tt was. very funny. Monica Oh, yes We saw that last week. | 1s wery good. What did you do-on Sunday? dane I id the washing inthe morning and then T cleaned the car. Inthe attemaon I visited my parents and took their dog fora walkin the park. In the evening I just watched 1. Anyway, what about you? Did you have a good weekend? Lucy Oh! This is wonderful. Oh! Everybodys here. There's my mum and dag, and Daniel andthe others from wor. And Peter and Cindy and Ryan... Sarah And Jordan. Lucy Yes, he isn ata football match. Thats a suprise! Sarah Actually, Lucy he .. | Dad Haopy birthday, ove. | Lucy Helo, Dad. Hi, Mum. Mum — Hsppy birthday, Lucy. We Narrator Later Lucy That was a great suprise. Thank you very much, Sarah. Sarah Oh dont thank me. I dda do it. Te was Jordan, Lucy Jowant? But. Sarah Wellwe all heed. I invited ‘everybody, Peter got the drinks ‘ud Gindy and Ryan made the food, But it was Stans idea. He organized it Lucy Oh! Jordan Hi, Lucy. Hepoy birthday. ve you enjoying the party? Lucy Hello, Jordan. Yes, Tam, thank you. Sarah said that you organized 2, Jordan Oh, wel, evenone helped. I didn't | oa lotrel | Lucy Yes, but it was a nice idea. Thank you, Jordan That's OK Jordan/Lucy Look. Are you doing anything Jordan Lucy Jordan Oh, somy, after you No, you Fst 8K, Are vou doing anything at the weekend? There's 2 Sees concert nat. 107

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