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Basic Petroleum Geochemistry for

Source Rock Evaluation

As the search for oil and gas prospects grows increasingly complex, more E&P
companies are turning to geochemistry to evaluate a component that is central to the
success of each well: the source rock.

Kevin McCarthy Every oil or gas play originates from source rock. richness and thermal maturity.1 Although its
Katherine Rojas The viability of each playconventional or volumea function of thickness and areal
Houston, Texas, USA unconventional, oil or gasdepends on its extentmust not be discounted, this article
source rock. Without this source of petroleum, all focuses on the other two characteristics. Organic
Martin Niemann other components and processes needed to richness refers to the amount and type of organic
Roissy-en-France, France
exploit a play become irrelevant. matter contained within the rock. Thermal matu-
A source rock can be broadly defined as any rity refers to a source rocks exposure to heat over
Daniel Palmowski
Aachen, Germany fine-grained, organic-rich rock that is capable of time. Heat increases as the rock is buried deeper
generating petroleum, given sufficient exposure beneath successive layers of sediment. It is the
Kenneth Peters to heat and pressure. Its petroleum-generating thermal transformation of organic matter that
Mill Valley, California, USA potential is directly related to its volume, organic causes a source rock to generate petroleum.

Artur Stankiewicz
Clamart, France

Oilfield Review Summer 2011: 23, no. 2. Vertical drilling Vertical drilling
Copyright 2011 Schlumberger.
Extended-reach drilling
For help in preparation of this article, thanks to
Nicholas Drenzek, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.
FLAIR is a mark of Schlumberger.
Rock-Eval is a mark of the Institut Franais du Ptrole.
Coalbed methane
Rock-Eval 6 is a mark of Vinci Technologies SA.
1. In this article, the term petroleum refers not only to
crude oil, but also to the fluid in either its liquid or
gaseous state. Also, the term hydrocarbons, which Nonassociated gas
tends to be used casually in the oil industry, will be Associated gas
treated as a loose equivalent to petroleum.
2. Kerogen is the particulate organic matter disseminated Seal Oil
within sedimentary rocks that is insoluble in common
organic solvents. Bitumen is a thermally degraded Conventional
Sandstone reservoir
derivative of kerogen, but is soluble in organic solvents. structural trap Gas in tight sand
The exact relationship between kerogen, bitumen and the
hydrocarbons that evolve during heating of organic Conventional
matter is still a subject of investigation. For more on these stratigraphic trap
Shale source rock
components: Peters KE, Walters CC and Moldowan JM:
The Biomarker Guide, 2nd edition. Cambridge, England:
Cambridge University Press, 2005.
3. Magoon LB and Dow WG (eds): The Petroleum System
> Petroleum systems. A conventional petroleum system requires four components: source rock, reservoir
From Source to Trap. Tulsa: The American Association of rock, trap and sealand two processes: petroleum generation and migration. Timing between petroleum
Petroleum Geologists, AAPG Memoir 60, 1994. migration and creation of the reservoir, trap and seal is also critical. Unconventional systems require, at a
minimum, the deposition of source rock and sufficient overburden to achieve thermal maturity.

32 Oilfield Review
The mechanisms by which oil and gas are gen-
erated vary from basin to basin depending on
sedimentary facies, burial history, tectonics and alteration as heat increases; these changes, in This basic model is integral to one of the
other geologic processes; however, the general turn, result in an evolution of the petroleum com- most fundamental concepts of oil and gas explo-
model is fairly straightforward. Following deposi- pounds that are subsequently generated. Further ration: the petroleum system.3 This concept
tion of organic-rich sediments, microbial pro- heating converts the kerogen, yielding bitumen accounts for the generation, expulsion, migra-
cesses convert some of the organic matter into and petroleum.2 The kerogen becomes more tion and accumulation of oil and gasand
biogenic methane gas. Greater depths of burial depleted of hydrogen as it gives off petroleum. source rock lies at its foundation (previous
are accompanied by increases in heat in accor- Increasing maturity also causes initially complex page). In conventional petroleum systems, over-
dance with the basins geothermal gradient. This petroleum compounds to undergo structural sim- burden rock buries the source rock to depths
heat causes the organic matter to gradually plificationtypically starting with oil, then wet where petroleum is generated. Petroleum gener-
transform into an insoluble organic matter gas and ending at dry gas. ated by thermally mature source rock is expelled
known as kerogen. The kerogen continues its into a porous and permeable carrier bed and

Summer 2011 33
then migrates into a reservoir rock, where it The worlds remaining oil and gas resources Source Rock Fundamentals
becomes structurally or stratigraphically trapped are becoming more challenging to find and Source rocks result from a convergence of
beneath an impermeable seal.4 However, the requi- develop. As the industry targets these resources, physical, biochemical and geologic processes
site processes of petroleum generation, expulsion, the need to thoroughly understand and character- that culminate in the formation of fine-
migration and trapping are not always carried to ize all components of prospective petroleum grained sedimentary rocks containing carbon-
completion, as evidenced by the myriad of dry systems becomes more acute. Thus, in addition to and hydrogen-rich organic matter. The amount
holes drilled into clearly delineated traps. assessing the reservoir, trap and seal of their and type of organic material incorporated into a
Ongoing advances in production technology prospects, E&P companies must evaluate the source rock are controlled, in part, by environ-
are opening new plays to exploration and devel- petroleum-generating capacity of the source rock. mental and depositional conditions. Source rocks
opment. Resource plays, exemplified by the boom Petroleum geochemistry is improving the effi- form where environmental conditions support
in shale gas production, are founded on uncon- ciency of exploration and production through biologic activities that produce large quantities
ventional petroleum systems, where source rock characterization of the elements and processes of organic matter, where depositional conditions
also serves as reservoir and seal. Petroleum gen- that control the richness and distribution of concentrate this matter and where postdeposi-
erated in this self-contained petroleum system petroleum source rocks, thus providing valuable tional conditions permit its preservation.7
does not migrate but remains trapped within the input for basin and petroleum system modeling. Organic content is controlled largely by bio-
micropores and fractures of the low-permeability This article describes basic geochemical princi- logic productivity, sediment mineralogy and oxy-
source rock.5 Oil shales are yet another variation ples and techniques used by geoscientists to eval- genation of the water column and sediment.
on the resource play; operators who exploit these uate source rock quality, quantity and maturity. Biologic contributions to organic content range
source rocks must apply heat to produce the oil.6 from hydrogen-poor woody fragments to hydrogen-
rich algal or bacterial components. From these, a
variety of organic compounds may be created.
Within the water column, organic matter may
exist in solution, in colloidal form or in particulate
Sunlight and oxidation form, the highest concentrations of which are
found near the waters surface.8 The route from the
Sea level
water surface to its eventual incorporation into
High concentration of organic matter
the sediment varies for each form (left). The
Dissolved matter organic matter is subjected to various chemical
and biologic processes as it descends through the
Particulate matter Clays
water column to the water/sediment interface.
Colloidal matter Shells, Oxygen in the water column supports bio-
Flocculates to logic productivity of organic matter but also pro-
particulates motes biodegradation and oxidation. The matter
can also be altered by physical abrasion or chem-
ical changes in water Eh and pH.9 Once this mat-
Bottom feeders
Sediment ter settles to the bottom, bacteria, worms and
other bottom feeders take in what they can
> Organic matter in the water column. Organic matter in solution may be
metabolize, converting some of it to simple mol-
adsorbed onto clay particles that sink slowly through the water. Colloidal
organic matter flocculates before it settles. Particulate matter may simply ecules. The net result of biodegradation and oxi-
drop to the bottom. (Modified from Barker, reference 8.) dation is a reduction in organic richness, leaving
only relatively resistant organic materials to be
incorporated into the sediment.

4. For more on petroleum systems: Al-Hajeri MM, 8. Barker C: Organic Geochemistry in Petroleum 14. Macerals are microscopically recognizable constituents
Al Saeed M, Derks J, Fuchs T, Hantschel T, Kauerauf A, Exploration. Tulsa: American Association of Petroleum of organic matter found in coals and kerogen, analogous
Neumaier M, Schenk O, Swientek O, Tessen N, Welte D, Geologists, AAPG Course Note Series no. 10, 1997. to mineral constituents in a rock.
Wygrala B, Kornpihl D and Peters K: Basin and 9. Jacobson, reference 7. 15. Tissot B, Durand B, Espitali J and Combaz A:
Petroleum System Modeling, Oilfield Review 21, no. 2 Eh is a measure of the oxidation-reduction state of a Influence of Nature and Diagenesis of Organic Matter
(Summer 2009): 1429. solution; pH is a measure of its acidity or alkalinity. in Formation of Petroleum, AAPG Bulletin 58, no. 3
5. It is not unusual for source rocks that are exploited for 10. Demaison GJ and Moore GT: Anoxic Environments and (March 1974): 499506.
their shale gas to also be effective sources of Oil Source Bed Genesis, AAPG Bulletin 64, no. 8 16. Klemme HD and Ulmishek GF: Effective Petroleum
conventional hydrocarbons in other parts of the basin. (August 1980): 11791209. Source Rocks of the World: Stratigraphic Distribution
6. For more on oil shales: Allix P, Burnham A, Fowler T, 11. Jacobson, reference 7. and Controlling Depositional Factors, AAPG Bulletin 75,
Herron M, Kleinberg R and Symington B: Coaxing Oil from no. 12 (December 1991): 18091851.
12. Palacas JG: Characteristics of Carbonate Source
Shale, Oilfield Review 22, no. 4 (Winter 2010/2011): 415. 17. Vandenbroucke M: Kerogen: From Types to Models
Rocks of Petroleum, in Magoon LB (ed): Petroleum
7. Jacobson, SR: Petroleum Source Rocks and Organic Systems of the United States. US Geological Survey of Chemical Structure, Oil & Gas Science and
Facies, in Merrill RK (ed): Source and Migration Bulletin 1870. Washington, DC: US Government Printing TechnologyRevue de lInstitut Franais du Ptrole 58,
Processes and Evaluation Techniques. Tulsa: AAPG Office (1988): 2025. no. 2 (2003): 243269.
(1991): 311. 18. Tissot et al, reference 15.
13. Jones RW: Comparison of Carbonate and Shale Source
Rocks, in Palacas JG (ed): Petroleum Geochemistry
and Source Rock Potential of Carbonate Rocks. Tulsa:
The American Association of Petroleum Geologists,
AAPG Studies in Geology 18 (1984): 163180.

34 Oilfield Review
Kerogen General environment
Source material
type of deposition
I Mainly algae Lacustrine setting
II Mainly plankton, some contribution from algae Marine setting
III Mainly higher plants Terrestrial setting
IV Reworked, oxidized material Varied settings

> Kerogen types. Kerogen can be classified by its source material.

deposited.11 Wave action oxygenates the deposit Type I kerogen is generated predominantly
and flushes clay-sized materials and small parti- from lacustrine environments and, in some cases,
cles of organic material away from the sands then marine environments. It is derived from algae,
deposits them together in quieter waters. Sands, plankton or other matter that has been strongly
therefore, generally contain only small amounts reworked by bacteria and microorganisms living
of organic matter relative to shales. in the sediment. Rich in hydrogen and low in oxy-
Mineralogy also plays an integral role in gen, it is oil prone but, depending on its stage of
source rock development. Minerals, transported thermal evolution, can also produce gas.
and precipitated in the sediment, can react with Responsible for less than 3% of the worlds oil and
organic compounds and ultimately dilute the rel- gas reserves, Type I kerogens are not common.16
ative concentration of organic matter within the An example of Type I kerogen is found in the
sediment. This dilution may affect a source rocks Green River Formation of the western USA.
7 cm
capacity to generate and expel petroleum. Type II kerogen is typically generated in
> Undisturbed sediments. Fine laminations, or
Although many organic-rich source rocks are reducing environments found in moderately deep
varves, in this core sample denote successive
deposits in quiet waters with no disturbance from argillaceous, carbonates (typically marls) can marine settings. It is derived primarily from the
bottom dwellers. also make excellent source rocks and reservoirs. remains of plankton that have been reworked by
Some carbonates may contain as much as 10% to bacteria. Rich in hydrogen and low in carbon,
30% total organic carbon (TOC), unlike shales, this kerogen can generate oil or gas with progres-
Within this depositional setting, oxygen and which may contain less than 5%.12 sive heating and maturation.17 Renowned exam-
energy levels are perhaps the most critical aspects In general, quality source rockswhether ples of TypeII kerogen include the Kimmeridge
controlling the concentration and preservation of carbonate or shaleshare a number of common Clay of the North Sea and the Bazhenov
organic matter in the sediment. Oxygen-depleted, characteristics. They form in anoxic, or highly Formation of Siberia. Certain depositional envi-
or anoxic, sediments provide the best media for reducing, environments, are generally laminated, ronments promote increased incorporation of
preserving organic matter. Low oxygen levels have moderate to high TOC and contain organic sulfur compounds, resulting in a variation known
create a reducing environment that shelters matter exemplified by atomic hydrogen/carbon as TypeII-S kerogen. This variation is seen in the
organic material from oxidation while also ratios exceeding 1.2.13 Monterey Formation of California, or the La Luna
restricting the activity of bottom feeders. Anoxic Although deposited under anoxic conditions, Formation of Venezuela. The significance of this
conditions are evidenced by source rocks that these fine-grained, organic-rich sediments are type is that generation of oil starts much earlier,
have minute laminations, or varves (above). still missing a critical component: thermally thought to be caused by kinetic reactions involv-
These features are indicative of persistent, stag- mature kerogen. The formation of mature kero- ing sulfur-bearing compounds.
nant anoxic water above the sediment, as well as gen requires heat. TypeIII kerogen is derived primarily from ter-
an absence of bioturbation, thus implying a hos- rigenous plant debris, which has been deposited
tile environment for sediment-churning bottom Thermal Transformations in shallow to deep marine or nonmarine environ-
feeders that graze on organic matter.10 These con- Sediment slowly cooks as pressure and tempera- ments. TypeIII kerogen has lower hydrogen and
ditions are also closely linked with low-energy ture increase with burial depth. Given sufficient higher oxygen content than TypesI or II; conse-
depositional environments. heat, pressure and time, the sediment lithifies quently, it tends to generate dry gas. Most coals
Because quiet waters reduce the exchange of and the organic matter contained within trans- contain TypeIII kerogens.
oxygen and organic matter, they create an envi- forms into kerogen. Kerogen can be classified TypeIV kerogen is derived from residual
ronment in which anoxic conditions can exist. into four types, based on provenance, as indi- organic matter found in older sediments that have
These low-energy environments permit the depo- cated by specific macerals (above right).14 It can been reworked after erosion. Prior to final deposi-
sition of finer-grained sediments as well. Thus, also be classified on the basis of hydrogen, car- tion, this kerogen may have been altered by sub-
there is a relationship between grain size and bon and oxygen content. Each type has a dis- aerial weathering, combustion or biologic
organic content in source rocks. Source rocks do tinct bearing on what kind of petroleum, if any, oxidation in swamps or soils. This type of kerogen
not form in high-energy environmentssuch as will be produced.15 has high carbon content and is hydrogen poor.
beaches or sand barswhere sands are typically Considered a form of dead carbon, TypeIV kerogen
has almost no potential for generating oil or gas.18

Summer 2011 35
from the moment of deposition until just before bodies and natural radioactive decay within the
Diagenesis Biogenic methane the onset of significant thermal alteration pro- crust. The geologic processes that control subsid-

Immature zone
cesses.21 For source rocks, however, this stage is ence and uplift also affect maturation within a

characterized by alteration of organic matter, basin. Maturation can be interrupted if the basin
typically at temperatures below about 50C is subjected to uplift, only to continue when sub-
[122F].22 During diagenesis, oxidation and sidence resumes.
Increasing depth and temperature

other chemical processes begin to break down At the depths drilled by E&P companies, the
the material. If deposited under anoxic condi- petroleum-generation process is often incom-

tions, this material may be converted by methan- plete, leaving the source rock with a degree of
Oil window

ogenic bacteria into dry gas.23 With increasing generating potential.28 Thus, rock samples
temperatures and changes in pH, the organic obtained from the subsurface may contain gener-
matter is gradually converted to kerogen and, ated hydrocarbons along with organic matter
Wet gas in lesser amounts, bitumen. that is reacted incompletely. Some of these reac-
The source rock matures with increasing heat, tions can be observed and measured in the labo-
and it undergoes catagenesis. During this ratory, where pyrolysis of organic matter parallels
Gas window

stage, petroleum is generated as temperature changes in the subsurface and provides a useful

Dry gas increases to between 50C and 150C [122F technique to characterize organic matter.
and 302F], causing chemical bonds to break
down within the kerogen.24 Within this oil win- Basic Source Rock Analysis
Hydrocarbons generated
dow, TypeI and II kerogens produce both oil Some petroleum compounds within source rock
> Thermal transformation of kerogen. The and gas, while TypeIII kerogens produce are released at temperatures lower than those
generation of hydrocarbons in source rocks is mainly hydrocarbon gas. Further increases in needed to break down the kerogen. By monitoring
controlled primarily by temperature as the kerogen
content evolves from reactive carbon to dead burial depth, temperature and pressure force the compounds released during a steady increase
carbon. Gas is given off during early diagenesis, the source rock into the upper part of the gas in temperature, geochemists can determine the
primarily through biologic activity. Catagenesis window, where secondary cracking of the oil amount of generated petroleum relative to a
takes place with further burial, during which oil molecules produces wet gas containing meth- rocks total potential. In addition, the tempera-
and gas are given off. With increasing depth and
temperature, any remaining oil is cracked during ane, ethane, propane and heavier hydrocarbons.25 ture corresponding to the maximum evolution of
metagenesis, initially giving off gas, followed by Metagenesis marks the final stage, in which gas gives an indication of source rock maturity.
simpler forms of dry gas. The process varies additional heat and chemical changes convert Geoscientists employ a variety of techniques
somewhat from one kerogen type to another. much of the kerogen into methane and a car- to evaluate the hydrocarbon-generating capacity
(Modified from Tissot et al, reference 15.)
bon residue. As the source rock moves farther of source rocks. Geochemical testing of outcrop
into the gas window, late methane, or dry gas, is samples, formation cuttings, sidewall cores and
evolved, along with nonhydrocarbon gases such conventional cores can help determine the
as carbon dioxide [CO2], nitrogen [N2] and amount, type and thermal maturity of organic
In general, hydrogen-rich kerogens are respon- hydrogen sulfide [H2S]. These changes take matter present in the rock.29 The results help
sible for generating both oil and hydrocarbon gas; place at temperatures ranging from about geoscientists ascertain whether, how much, when
those with lesser amounts of hydrogen will gener- 150C to 200C [302F to 392F].26 and what kind of petroleum might have been
ate mainly hydrocarbon gas. After hydrogen is These stages have a direct bearing on source generated as well as determine what secondary
depleted from the kerogen, generation of hydro- rock maturity. Thermally immature, or potential, processes may have occurred following the expul-
carbons will cease, regardless of the amount of source rocks have been altered by diagenesis but sion of hydrocarbons from the source rock.
available carbon.19 have yet to be exposed to sufficient heat for ther- Carbon is an essential element of any organic
As temperature and pressure increase during mally generated petroleum. Thermally mature, or compound, and one way to assess the organic rich-
burial, organic materials emit oil and gas. Overall, effective, source rocks that are (or were) in the ness of a rock is to measure its carbon content.30
this thermal maturation process produces a oil window, have been subjected to thermal pro- Because the oil or gas potential of a formation is
series of progressively smaller hydrocarbon mol- cesses necessary to produce petroleum and are related to its carbon content, the TOC measure-
ecules of increasing volatility and hydrogen con- actively generating petroleum. Thermally post- ment is a priority in source rock assessment. This
tent, culminating with methane gas. And, as the mature, or spent, source rocks have entered the initial carbon assessment is followed by other
kerogen evolves through thermal maturity, its gas window and have already generated petro- screening procedures such as pyrolysis and vitrin-
chemical composition progressively changes, leum; in so doing they have exhausted all hydro- ite reflectance analysis. These tests allow rapid
transforming it into a carbonaceous residue of gen necessary for further oil or gas generation.27 evaluations for large numbers of rock samples and
decreasing hydrogen content.20 Although maturation is largely related to may be supplemented by more extensive test
The thermal maturation process can be increasing burial depths caused by continual methods.
divided into three stages (above). sedimentation within a basin, it can also be TOC values can be obtained using a direct-
Initially, the sediment is subjected to diagene- locally or regionally influenced by heat flow aris- combustion technique that requires only 1-g
sis. In its broadest sense, this term encom- ing from crustal tectonics, proximity to igneous [0.0022-lbm] samples of rock.31 The samples are
passes all natural changes in sediments occurring

36 Oilfield Review
pulverized and treated to remove any carbon
found in carbonate samples, or other contami-
nants. They are then combusted at 1,200C
[2,192F] using a high-frequency induction
furnace. Carbon contained in the kerogen is
converted to CO and CO2. The evolved carbon
fractions are measured in an infrared cell,
converted to TOC and recorded as mass weight
percent of rock.32
The TOC measurement assesses three compo-
nents. Carbon from extractable organic matter
(EOM) is derived mostly from the thermal crack-
ing of kerogen. This carbon is found within the oil
and gas that the rock has generated but has not
yet expelled. At the other extreme is residual car-
bon, which makes up that portion of kerogen hav-
ing no oil- or gas-generating potential because its
highly condensed chemical structure contains so
little hydrogen. Convertible carbon contained
within the kerogen represents the remaining
petroleum-generating potential of a rock. The
capacity to generate petroleum depends largely
on the chemical composition of this convertible
carbon fraction.33
The TOC measurement is the first screen for
quantifying organic richness. TOC values provide
only a semiquantitative scale of petroleum-gener-
ating potential. TOC indicates the quantity, but
not the quality, of the organic matter. If this ini-
tial screening test demonstrates sufficient
organic content, the rock should undergo addi-
tional tests to ascertain organic matter quality > Pyrolyzer. This Rock-Eval 6 pyrolysis analyzer records gases evolved from the source rock during a
programmed heating process. (Photograph courtesy of Vinci Technologies SA.)
and maturity.
One of these tests was developed by the
Institut Franais du Ptrole, whose Rock-Eval
pyrolysis analyzer has become an industry stan- 19. Baskin DK: Atomic H/C Ratio of Kerogen as an Estimate 30. By definition, organic compounds are those that contain
dard in source rock assessment.34 A major break- of Thermal Maturity and Organic Matter Conversion, carbon (with the exception of carbides, carbonic acid,
AAPG Bulletin 81, no. 9 (September 1997): 14371450. carbonates, carbon oxides and cyanides). Within the
through in petroleum geochemistry, this 20. Hood A, Gutjahr CCM and Heacock RL: Organic realm of geochemistry, carbon is divided into a number
programmed pyrolysis technique subjects rock Metamorphism and the Generation of Petroleum, of classes. Geochemists define organic carbon as that
AAPG Bulletin 59, no. 6 (June 1975): 986996. which is derived from biogenic matter, whereas
samples to high temperatures, enabling research- inorganic carbon is derived from mineral matter. For
21. For more on diagenesis: Ali SA, Clark WJ, Moore WR
ers to obtain results that would have taken mil- more on the organic carbon model: Jarvie DM: Total
and Dribus JR: Diagenesis and Reservoir Quality,
Organic Carbon (TOC) Analysis, in Merrill RK (ed):
lions of years in a sedimentary basin. This Oilfield Review 22, no. 2 (Summer 2010): 1427.
Source and Migration Processes and Evaluation
22. Peters et al, reference 2. Techniques. Tulsa: AAPG (1991): 113118.
technique requires only 100 mg [0.00022 lbm] of
23. Rice DD and Claypool GE: Generation, Accumulation, 31. For a description of other techniques used for measuring
pulverized rock and can analyze a sample in a and Resource Potential of Biogenic Gas, AAPG TOC, see Appendix C of Peters and Cassa, reference 27.
matter of minutes (above right). The latest ver- Bulletin 65, no. 1 (January 1981): 525.
32. A TOC of 1% means there is 1 gram of organic carbon in
24. Peters et al, reference 2. 100 grams of rock.
sion of the Rock-Eval apparatus uses both pyroly-
25. Cracking is a process in which high temperature and 33. Jarvie, reference 30.
sis and oxidation ovens to heat samples in a pressure act upon large, heavy hydrocarbon molecules,
34. Pyrolysis involves heating of organic matter in the
programmed series of stages ranging from 100C causing them to split into smaller, lighter components.
absence of oxygen. In this application, pyrolysis causes
Under such conditions, oil can be transformed into a gas.
to 850C [212F to 1,562F].35 Sample analyses hydrocarbons to crack into simpler, lighter compounds.
26. Peters et al, reference 2. For more on this technique: Espitali J, Madec M,
are automated, and results are computed before 27. Peters KE and Cassa MR: Applied Source Rock Tissot B, Mennig JJ and Leplat P: Source Rock
they are tabulated and output to a log. Geochemistry, in Magoon LB and Dow WG (eds): Characterization Method for Petroleum Exploration,
The Petroleum SystemFrom Source to Trap. Tulsa: paper OTC 2935, presented at the Ninth Annual Offshore
During Rock-Eval pyrolysis, samples are The American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Technology Conference, Houston, May 25, 1977.
heated under an inert atmosphere of helium or AAPG Memoir 60 (1994): 93120. 35. Other variations on this method use different
28. Barker C: Pyrolysis Techniques for Source-Rock temperature ranges and heating times. For more on the
nitrogen. A flame ionization detector (FID) Evaluation, AAPG Bulletin 58, no. 11 (November 1974): Rock-Eval 6 technique: Lafargue E, Espitali J, Marquis F
senses organic compounds emitted during each 23492361. and Pillot D: Rock-Eval 6 Applications in Hydrocarbon
29. Fresh cores work best; outcrop samples tend to be Exploration, Production and in Soil Contamination
stage of heating. Sensitive infrared (IR) detectors Studies, Oil & Gas Science and TechnologyRevue de
degraded through weathering and are less desirable.
lInstitut Franais du Ptrole 53, no. 4 (JulyAugust 1998):

Summer 2011 37
Pyrolyzable carbon Residual carbon Mineral carbon are generated through thermal cracking of the
Vaporization insoluble kerogen. As temperatures rise, the ker-
decomposition Pyrolysis Oxidation Carbonate decomposition
ogen releases CO2 in addition to hydrocarbons.37
This controlled heating program is illustrated by
a series of peaks on the pyrogram.38
The first peak, S1, corresponds to free oil and
gas that evolve from the rock sample without
FID and IR signals

cracking the kerogen during the first stage of

Tmax heating at 300C. These hydrocarbons were gen-
erated in the subsurface but came to be expelled
from the rock only during pyrolysis. S1 represents
S3MINC how many milligrams of free hydrocarbons can be
thermally distilled out of one gram of
S1 the sample.39
The second peak, S2, corresponds to the
300 300 389 472 556 639 405 472 538 605 672 738 805 851 850
Temperature, C hydrocarbons that evolve from the sample during
the second programmed heating stage of pyroly-
Hydrocarbons (FID) CO2 (IR) CO (IR) Temperature programming
sis. These hydrocarbons result from the cracking
> Programmed pyrolysis results. Free hydrocarbons are measured by the S1 peak, and residual of heavy hydrocarbons and from the thermal
hydrocarbons are measured by the S2 peak. Tmax of 472C [882F] corresponds to the temperature breakdown of kerogen. S2 represents milligrams
recorded when the S2 peak was achieved. CO, CO2 and mineral carbon components of the S3 of residual hydrocarbons in one gram of rock,
measurement are also displayed. CO2 is proportional to the amount of oxygen present in organic matter
thus indicating the potential amount of hydrocar-
and provides input for calculating an important index used in determining maturity and kerogen type.
Pyrolysis results are computed to determine amounts of pyrolyzable carbon, residual carbon, mineral bons that the source rock might still produce if
carbon and TOC. (Illustration courtesy of Vinci Technologies SA.) thermal maturation continues. This reading can
have important implications for the evaluation of
oil shales.
The Rock-Eval technique yields a variety of
measure CO and CO2 during pyrolysis and oxida- Rock samples are heated in stages, initially CO2 measurements. The S3 peak corresponds to
tion. A thermocouple monitors temperatures. held at a constant 300C [572F] for several min- CO2 that is evolved from thermal cracking of the
These measurements are recorded on a chart utes, followed by programmed heating at 25C kerogen during pyrolysis, expressed in milligrams
known as a pyrogram (above). The results help [45F] per minute to a peak temperature of per gram of rock. Following pyrolysis, residual
geochemists characterize the type of organic mat- about 850C [1,562F]. During the first stage, any organic carbon is oxidized in a separate oven to
ter in a source rock and determine the thermal free oil and gas previously generated by the bitu- produce the S4 peak. The S4 measurement can
evolution of a sample and its residual hydrocar- men are distilled and released from the rock. be broken down into carbon dioxide and carbon
bon-generating potential.36 During the next stage, hydrocarbon compounds monoxide components to yield the S4CO2 and
S4CO peaks. A separate CO2 peak, designated S5,
reflects carbon dioxide derived from decomposi-
tion of carbonate minerals in the sample.
Pyrolysis temperatures are also recorded and
Source rock quality TOC, % Pyrolysis S2, mg hydrocarbons/g rock EOM weight, % Hydrocarbons, ppm
produce a Tmax peak that corresponds to the
None < 0.5 <2 < 0.05 < 200
pyrolysis oven temperature during maximum
Poor 0.5 to 1 2 to 3 0.05 to 0.1 200 to 500
generation of hydrocarbons. Tmax is reached dur-
Fair 1 to 2 3 to 5 0.1 to 0.2 500 to 800
ing the second stage of pyrolysis, when cracking
Good 2 to 5 5 to 10 > 0.2 > 1,200
of the kerogen and heavy hydrocarbons produces
Very good >5 > 10
the S2 peak.40 Knowing the amount of heat nec-
essary to create various chemical compounds in
Product type Hydrogen index Stage Tmax the rock can help geochemists understand the
Gas 50 to 200 Onset of oil
history of the rock and the extent of thermal
Gas and oil 200 to 300 Type I kerogen ~445C
maturation it has already undergone. Tmax should
Oil > 300 Type II kerogen ~435C
not be confused with geologic temperatures, but
Type III kerogen ~440C
it can be useful in characterizing thermal evolu-
Onset of gas ~460C
tion of the organic matter.
> Source rock evaluation criteria. Evaluation of source rock potential must be based on the appraisal
of multiple factors.

38 Oilfield Review
Important Indices gas generation by determining the quantity, type [33ft] of depth, regardless of lithology.43 However,
Taken together, these pyrolysis measurements and maturation of organic matter. pyrolysis is not intended for use without support-
provide insight into the chemical makeup and The power of Rock-Eval and TOC analyses in ing geochemical analysis. For critical samples,
maturity of the organic matter contained within wellbores is a direct function of close sample interpretations from pyrolysis results should be
the source rock (previous page, bottom left). The spacing, thus requiring samples at every 10m verified by other methods.
relationship between these components forms
the basis for various indices used in the interpre-
tation of rock characteristics.41
The hydrogen index, HI, is derived from the
ratio of hydrogen to TOC; it is defined as
100 2 S2/TOC. The HI is proportional to the Products given off
amount of hydrogen contained within the kero- from kerogen maturation
gen, and high HI indicates a greater potential CO2, H2O

to generate oil. Kerogen type can be inferred Oil

from this index as well. Wet gas

The oxygen index, OI, is derived from the Dry gas

ratio of CO2 to TOC; it is defined as No hydrocarbon

Type I potential
100 2 S3/TOC. The OI is related to the amount Increasing
of oxygen contained in the kerogen and can be maturation
useful in tracking kerogen maturation or type. 1.5
The production index, PI, is derived from the Hydrogen index Type II
relationship between hydrocarbons generated
during the first and second stages of pyrolysis;
it is defined as S1/(S1 + S2). This relationship
is used to characterize the evolution of the
organic matter because PI tends to gradually
increase with depth for fine-grained rock. It 1.0 Type III
also tends to increase with source rock matura-
tion prior to hydrocarbon expulsion, as ther-
mally degradable components in kerogen are
converted to free hydrocarbons. Anomalously
high values of S1 and PI can also be used to
Type IV
identify petroleum accumulations or stained
carrier beds.
The petroleum potential represents the maxi-
mum quantity of hydrocarbons that a suffi-
ciently matured source rock might generate; 0 0.1 0.2 0.3
it is defined as the sum of S1 + S2. It therefore Oxygen index
accounts for the quantity of hydrocarbons that
> Kerogen maturation. A modified Van Krevelen diagram shows
the rock has already generated (S1) and those
changes to kerogen brought on by increased heat during burial. The
that the rock could still produce if maturation general trend in the thermal transformation of kerogen to hydrocarbon
continues (S2). It is expressed as kilograms of is characterized by generation of nonhydrocarbon gases; it then
hydrocarbons per metric ton of rock. progresses to oil, wet gas and dry gas. During this progression, the
These indices are particularly useful in track- kerogen loses oxygen primarily as it gives off CO2 and H2O; later, it
begins to lose more hydrogen as it evolves hydrocarbons.
ing kerogen type and maturation. When plotted
on a Van Krevelen diagram, TypeI kerogens have
a high HI and low OI (right). TypeIII kerogens
are characterized by low HI and high OI. Between
36. Espitali J and Bordenave ML: Rock-Eval Pyrolysis, respectively. However, modern pyrolysis analyzers
these two extremes lie the Type II kerogens. in Bordenave ML (ed): Applied Geochemistry. Paris: automatically calculate these areas and annotate them
During maturation, the OI tends to decrease ditions Technip (1993): 237261. on the pyrogram, and the peaks are now commonly
37. Peters KE: Guidelines for Evaluating Petroleum Source referred to as S1, S2 and S3.
while HI initially remains nearly constant. As the
Rock Using Programmed Pyrolysis, AAPG Bulletin 70, 39. Espitali et al, reference 34.
kerogen enters the oil window, HI decreases. PI no. 3 (March 1986): 318329. 40. Peters and Cassa, reference 27.
tends to increase with burial depth.42 This type of 38. Early papers sometimes referred to these peaks as P1, 41. Espitali et al, reference 34.
P2 and P3. For example, Espitali et al, reference 34,
information provides geochemists with valuable distinguished between the P1, P2 and P3 peaks and the
42. Espitali et al, reference 34.
clues for evaluating a rocks potential for oil and area beneath each peak, designated as S1, S2 and S3, 43. Peters and Cassa, reference 27.

Summer 2011 39
value of vitrinite reflectivity is determined from
multiple samples, it is commonly designated
as Rm.
As indicators of thermal maturity, Ro values
vary with the type of organic matter. And because
the temperature range of the gas window extends
beyond that of oil, Ro values for gas will show a
corresponding increase over those of oil. Thus,
high maturation values (Ro > 1.5%) generally indi-
cate the presence of predominantly dry gas; inter-
mediate maturation values (1.1%<Ro<1.5%)
indicate gas with a tendency toward oil genera-
tion at the lower end of the range. Wet gas can be
found still lower in the range (0.8% < Ro < 1.1%).
Vitrinite Lower reflectivity values (0.6% < Ro < 0.8%) indi-
cate predominantly oil, while Ro < 0.6% points to
immature kerogen.
By themselves, Ro values can sometimes be
misleading and should be weighed with other
measurements. Some of these measures of matu-
rity are based on the color of ancient pollens and
plant spores, or on the color of tiny fossilized
20 m teeth. Due to the prevalence of vitrinite reflec-
tance, these indicators are often correlated to Ro
> Vitrinite in bituminous coal. The amount of light reflected values. Because vitrinite is present only in sedi-
by vitrinite macerals is a key test for determining the ments younger than the Carboniferous age,
thermal maturity of a rock. The intensity of light reflected
from a sample is measured at hundreds of points along a
which experienced the onset of woody plants, the
microscopic sampling area, then a statistical analysis maturity of older kerogens relies on the presence
determines the amount of vitrinite in the sample and its of bitumen to derive a vitrinite reflectance equiv-
thermal maturity. This photograph was taken in incident alent (VRE).
white light, with the sample in an oil immersion.
[Photograph courtesy of the US Geological Survey Energy The thermal alteration index (TAI) is deter-
Resources Program: 2011 Photomicrograph Atlas, mined through microscopic examination of spore color.47 Carbonization causes a change of color in
PhotomicrographAtlas.aspx (accessed July 7, 2011).] palynomorphs such as spores and pollen.
Thermally immature palynomorphs are yellow
but change to orange or yellow-brown during dia-
Other Evaluation Methods maturity over temperatures corresponding to genesis. With increased heat, they change to
Vitrinite reflectance is a key diagnostic tool for early diagenesis through metamorphisma brown during catagenesis and then to black
assessing maturation. Vitrinite, a maceral formed range spanning the sequence of petroleum gen- during metagenesis.48 The TAI has five alteration
through thermal alteration of lignin and cellulose eration, preservation and destruction in rocks.45 ratings (below left).
in plant cell walls, is found in many kerogens Reflectivity (R) is measured by a microscope The conodont alteration index (CAI) is based
(above). As temperature increases, vitrinite equipped with an oil-immersion objective lens on color changes seen in fossil teeth.49 Conodonts
undergoes complex, irreversible aromatization and photometer.46 Vitrinite reflectance measure- are tiny fossilized dental remains of eel-shaped
reactions that increase reflectance.44 Vitrinite ments are carefully calibrated against glass- or chordates. These fossils contain trace amounts of
reflectance was first used to determine the rank, mineral-reflectance standards, and reflectance organic matter. Their small size and carbonate-
or thermal maturity, of coals. This technique is measurements represent the percentage of light apatite composition make them highly resistant
now used to help geochemists evaluate kerogen reflected in oil, designated as Ro. When a mean to weathering and metamorphic temperature
regimes; they have even been recovered from
marbles and garnet-mica schists.
Thermal alteration index Color of organic matter Associated hydrocarbons Their color alteration follows a sequence that
1: none Yellow Liquid hydrocarbons to dry gas can be reproduced by laboratory heating experi-
2: slight Orange to brownish yellow Liquid hydrocarbons to dry gas ments. Conodont color alteration is time and
3: moderate Brown Liquid hydrocarbons to dry gas temperature dependent, and is progressive,
4: strong Black Dry gas cumulative and irreversible, thus making it a
5: severe Black, with additional evidence of metamorphism Dry gas to none good correlation tool for maximum tempera-
> Thermal alteration ratings. Maturity of source rocks can be ascertained through changes in the color tures.50 Unweathered conodonts are pale yellow;
of spores and pollen contained in the rock. (Modified from Staplin, reference 47.)

40 Oilfield Review
with heat they change progressively to light Conodont alteration index Conodont temperature, C Vitrinite reflectance Percent fixed carbon
brown, then dark brown, black, opaque white and 1 < 50 to 80 < 0.80 < 60
crystal clear. Alteration from pale yellow to black 1.5 50 to 90 0.70 to 0.85 60 to 75
is thought to result from carbon fixing within the 2 60 to 140 0.85 to 1.30 65 to 73
organic matter contained in the fossil structure. 3 110 to 200 1.40 to 1.95 74 to 84
The color changes with carbon loss and release of 4 190 to 300 1.95 to 3.60 84 to 95
water from the crystal structure. Experimental 5 300 to 400 > 3.60 > 95
data show that color alteration begins at about
> Conodont alterations. Conodonts change color with heat; their color can be linked to vitrinite
50C [122F] and continues to about 550C
reflectance. (Data from Harris, reference 50.)
[1,022F]. The CAI can be determined by com-
paring samples against a set of laboratory-pro-
duced conodont color standards to estimate a
temperature range. Conodont color alteration
has been correlated with other optical indices
and with percent fixed carbon (above right).
Another screening method measures the
composition and concentration of light hydrocar-
bons released from drill cuttings.51 Fine-grained
formation cuttings, typical of those produced by
source rocks, may retain hydrocarbons even after
they arrive at the surface, making good samples
for this type of analysis. This technique, known as Sampling manifold
gas chromatography, can be carried out at the Mud logging unit
wellsite or under strictly controlled conditions at Shale shaker Sample
a laboratory (right).
44. Peters and Cassa, reference 27.
45. Senftle JT and Landis CR: Vitrinite Reflectance as a
Tool to Assess Thermal Maturity, in Merrill RK (ed):
Source and Migration Processes and Evaluation
Techniques. Tulsa: AAPG (1991): 119125.
46. The terms reflectance and reflectivity tend to be used
interchangeably, with the former being more common.
However, reflectance is a ratio of the light reflected from FID gas unit Chromatogram
a surface to the light directed onto that surfacethe
ratio of reflected radiation to incident radiation. This
value can change, up to a point, depending on the
thickness, and hence, opacity, of a surface. If that
surface is thick enough to prevent light from being
transmitted through the surface, then reflectance
reaches a maximum. This is the reflectivity of a surface.
47. The TAI is set forth in Staplin FL: Sedimentary Organic
Matter, Organic Metamorphism, and Oil and Gas
Occurrence, Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology 17,
no. 1 (March 1969): 4766.
48. Anders D: Geochemical Exploration Methods, in
Merrill RK (ed): Source and Migration Processes and
Evaluation Techniques. Tulsa: AAPG (1991): 8995.
49. Found in Late Cambrian and Triassic formations,
conodonts were long suspected of being fossilized
Total gas



teeth. In the early 1990s, this supposition was verified
through the aid of electron microscopy. For more on
conodont research: Zimmer C: In the Beginning Was
the Tooth, Discover 14, no. 1 (January 1993): 6768.
50. Harris AG: Conodont Color Alteration, An Organo-
Mineral Metamorphic Index, and Its Application to
Appalachian Basin Geology, in Scholle PA and
> Formation cuttings analysis. At the well, cuttings are collected from the drilling mud after circulating
Schluger PR (eds): Aspects of Diagenesis. Tulsa: Society
of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, SEPM to the surface (red arrows) and passing over the shale shaker. In the mud logging unit, the cuttings are
Special Publication 26 (1979): 316. evaluated under a microscope, and mud gas is analyzed by an FID and gas chromatograph. Gas from
For the seminal paper on CAI, see: Epstein AG, the cuttings may also be analyzed in a laboratory. For transport to the laboratory, the cuttings are
Epstein JB and Harris LD: Conodont Color Alteration sealed in sample jars containing water. Gas expelled from the cuttings will accumulate above the liquid
An Index to Organic Metamorphism, Washington, DC: surface. This gas is commonly referred to as headspace gas. At the laboratory, the gas is drawn from
US Government Printing Office, US Geological Survey
Professional Paper 995, 1977. the container then injected into the sampling port of a gas chromatograph. As the gas passes through
51. Noble RA: Geochemical Techniques in Relation to
the chromatographs capillary column, it splits into separate compounds, with each compound taking a
Organic Matter, in Merrill RK (ed): Source and little longer to move through the system than its predecessor. Each compound exits the column
Migration Processes and Evaluation Techniques. individually, to be analyzed by an FID or other detector. The results are recorded on a chart known as a
Tulsa: AAPG (1991): 97102. chromatogram (bottom right).

Summer 2011 41
Compound separation Ionization Ion separation Ion detection

Sample injector

Ion source Quadrupole analyzer Electron

Capillary column

Gas chromatograph Mass spectrometer

> Biomarker analysis. Biomarker carbon structures are directly related to precursor molecules of specific
biological substances. The smallest markers are found at a molecular level and can only be determined
through GCMS. With this method, separate compounds are drawn through the gas chromatograph capillary
column then pass to an ionizer. There, a metallic filament ionizes each compound. The quadrupole analyzer
filters the ions based on their mass/charge ratio. The electron multiplier detects every ion of the selected
mass filtered through the quadrupole analyzer.

A gas chromatograph evaluates gas liberated biomarker distribution that can be unique to a The past decade, in particular, has seen a
during the drilling process and records individual particular location. By comparing oil to samples renaissance in petroleum system modeling tools.
peaks for methane (C1), ethane (C2), propane of potential source rock, this chemical finger- Source rock kinetics, a key input for these models,
(C3), isobutane (iC4) and normal butane (nC4); a print can help link oil to its source.53 Because characterizes the chemical reactions and petro-
single peak is typically recorded for pentanes biomarker patterns tend to change systemati- leum compounds generated during thermal matu-
(iC5 and nC5) and heavier hydrocarbons (C5+). cally with respect to time and temperature, they ration of a rock. Two pyrolysis techniques that have
Determining the composition and concentration can help geochemists infer maturation trends. proved useful in simulating maturation processes
of these gases helps geoscientists evaluate the When potential source rocks have not been are microscale sealed vessel and gold tube con-
types of hydrocarbons that may be produced encountered in a basin, indirect correlations fined pyrolysis.56 Using these techniques, scientists
within a prospective reservoir. between oil and source rock may be obtained are able to scrutinize processes such as oil-to-gas
Gas chromatography (GC), when supple- through source-related biomarker ratios.54 These cracking (OTGC), in which application of temper-
mented by mass spectrometry (MS), can provide biomarker ratios help geochemists infer source atures greater than 150C causes existing oil to
a detailed analysis of organic compounds found rock thermal maturity, lithology, depositional break down into gas. OTGC investigations have, in
in trace amounts (above). Geochemists com- environment, organic matter input and age. For turn, led to the tracking of thermally resistant car-
monly use this technique, referred to as GCMS, example, the biomarkers contained in a specific bon molecules, known as diamondoids, for deter-
for identifying the masses and relative concen- crude oil might indicate that its source rock was mining how gas is generated from oil under
trations of organic compounds known as biologi- a marginally mature, clay-poor marine carbonate high-temperature conditions.57
cal markers. Biomarkers constitute molecular of Devonian age that contained algal and bacte-
52. Noble, reference 51.
fossils and are synthesized only through biogenic rial organic matter deposited under anoxic 53. This type of geochemical fingerprint can also be used to
processes.52 Their organic structures can be clas- conditions. Biomarkers can also supplement compare one oil to another; it has proved useful in
tracking mystery oil slicks at sea to the vessels
sified into basic groups, which, in turn, contain maturity indicators such as vitrinite reflectance responsible for discharging oil wastes.
members having variations of the same basic and spore coloration.55 54. Peters KE and Fowler MG: Applications of Petroleum
structure. These groups can be related to certain Geochemistry to Exploration and Reservoir
Management, Organic Geochemistry 33, no. 1
types of organisms and can help geochemists Beyond the Basic Toolkit (2002): 536.
ascertain the environment in which such an Though source rocks have been studied exten- 55. Noble, reference 51.
assemblage might have been deposited. sively for the past 50 years, the recent move to 56. Horsfield B, Disko U and Leistner F: The Micro-Scale
Simulation of Maturation: Outline of a New Technique and
Biomarker compositions reflect the type of exploit plays centered on gas shales and oil shales Its Potential Applications, Geologische Rundshau 78,
organic matter incorporated into the sediment as has spurred a resurgence of geochemical research no. 1 (1989): 361374.
Hill RJ, Tang Y, Kaplan IR and Jenden PD: The Influence
well as chemical changes that occurred subse- and development. This resurgence has prompted of Pressure on the Thermal Cracking of Oil,
quent to deposition. The combination of precur- expanded utilization of established techniques as Energy & Fuels 10, no. 4 (1996): 873882.
sor molecules and their chemical reactions varies well as the development of new tools. 57. Dahl JE, Moldowan JM, Peters KE, Claypool GE,
Rooney MA, Michael GE, Mello MR and Kohnen ML:
from one basin or field to another, producing a Diamondoid Hydrocarbons as Indicators of Natural Oil
Cracking, Nature 399, no. 6731 (May 6, 1999): 5457.

42 Oilfield Review
Mineral grains






1 m

> Scanning electron microscope with a backscatter image of a Barnett Shale sample at 1,000 magnification. In the shale sample (right), amorphous
organic matter (dark gray), consisting primarily of kerogen is seen as large continuous lenses or small, finely dispersed packets interwoven in a complex
mineral matrix (lighter gray components). Pyrite, a product of shale thermochemical maturation, is also present (small white crystals). Pores of varying size
and shape (small black spots) can be seen in both the kerogen and mineral components, but are more prevalent in the former. The sample was milled using
an argon ion polisher then imaged using a scanning electron microscope (left) to reveal the complex organic-mineral-pore architecture characteristic of
such mudrock deposits. (Graphic courtesy of Nicholas Drenzek, Schlumberger-Doll Research Center and Natasha Erdman, JEOL USA, Inc.)

The analysis of stable isotopes of carbon and Beyond the laboratory, new techniques for While operators devote much of their explora-
other elements such as hydrogen, oxygen or sul- monitoring gases encountered during drilling tion efforts to studying the depositional and
fur is also seeing increased application in organic are helping geoscientists determine the compo- structural characteristics of a prospect, many are
geochemistry. Recent observations of ethane car- sition of hydrocarbons, locate fluid contacts and also concerned with the processes that control
bon isotopes have led to interesting correlations aid in the identification of compositional gradi- the formation of oil and gas. Geochemical reac-
between dry gas and overpressured zones within ents in reservoirs. The FLAIR fluid logging and tions and the conversion of organic matter are
gas shales. Isotope plots show a rollover, or rever- analysis service extracts gas from drilling mud integral to petroleum generation; the character-
sal, in maturity that runs contrary to trends nor- under constant pressure, flow, volume and tem- ization of organic matter, in turn, is becoming
mally tied with depth. The origin of these perature conditions. Part of the Schlumberger increasingly critical for the development of new
reversals is unknown, but a trend toward high Geoservices suite of mud logging services, the plays. These tools are proving instrumental in
production rates has been observed in wells that FLAIR system first samples gas that has been cir- opening new frontiers of exploration. MV
exhibit rollover. culated to surface then separates it into individ-
Scientists are also focusing on the physical ual components to provide a quantitative analysis
structure of kerogen within the mineral matrix of of gases from C1 to C5 and semiquantitative infor-
source rocks. The formation of secondary perme- mation on the C6 to C8 components. Isotope
ability and porosity in organic-rich shales during analysis can provide information regarding the
in situ maturation is believed to be a key enabler origins and characteristics of the hydrocarbons
for production of shale gas in many source rocks encountered during drilling. Using 13C/CH4
(above). Organic petrography, utilizing basic and ratios, which are originally related to petroleum
advanced microscopy techniques to focus on generation,mud logging analysts can provide
organic matter, is therefore seeing a revival in E&P companies with preliminary information
kerogen evaluation. concerning the source rock, including its kero-
gen type and thermal maturity.

Summer 2011 43

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