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An earth scientists periodic table of the elements and their ions

L. Bruce Railsback*
Department of Geology, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia 30602-2501, USA

A new Earth Scientists Periodic Table of the Elements and Their Ions presents the
naturally occurring charged species commonly encountered by geoscientists, as well as
elemental forms, and it is organized by charge. The new table therefore shows many
elements multiple times, unlike the conventional table. As a result, trends, patterns, and
interrelationships in mineralogy, soil and sediment geochemistry, igneous petrology, aque-
ous geochemistry, isotope geochemistry, and nutrient chemistry become apparent in this
new table. The new table thus provides a more effective framework for understanding
geochemistry than the conventional, and purely elemental, periodic table.

Keywords: geochemistry, mantle, minerals, nutrients, seawater, weathering.


The Periodic Table of the Elements formulated by de Chancour- Chemical entities are arranged according to charge in the Earth
tois, Meyer, and Mendeleev (Farber, 1969; Courtney, 1999) has clearly Scientists Periodic Table of the Elements and Their Ions (Fig. 1)2.
been of great utility in explaining and predicting relationships in chem- Thus, B, C, and N, which are conventionally on the right side of the
istry. It has been of less utility, however, in the earth sciences. For periodic table, appear on the left in the left-to-right horizontal sequence
example, it does not arrange lithophile, siderophile, and chalcophile Li1, Be21, B31, C41, and N51. Al, Si, P, and S similarly appear on the
elements into distinct groups, and it does not group elements into nat- left and within the left-to-right horizontal sequence Na1, Mg21, Al31,
urally occurring sets (e.g., elements concentrated in the mantle, in sea- Si41, P51, and S61. A more striking result of organizing the table ac-
water, or in soil). Elements critical for biological processes are likewise cording to charge is that many elements appear multiple times, because
different natural conditions cause those elements to assume different
not grouped in useful ways by the conventional periodic table. In these
charges. Many elements (e.g., P and U) thus appear twice, a few appear
respects, the conventional periodic table has not provided a good
three times (e.g., V, Fe, C, and N), and a few appear four times (most
framework for understanding the chemistry of Earth and its life.
notably S, as S22, S0, S41, and S61).
Application of the conventional periodic table of the elements to
The table is broken from left to right to separate noble gases, hard
the earth sciences has been disadvantaged because most matter at or or type A cations (those with no outer-shell electrons), intermediate to
near Earths surface is not in elemental form. Instead, most atoms of soft or type B cations (those with at least some outer-shell cations),
the matter encountered by earth scientists carry charge. Si is a very elemental (uncharged) forms, anions, and the noble gases again (Fig.
good example: every earth scientist has encountered Si as Si41, where- 1). The significance of the division of cations is that hard cations bond
as few earth scientists are even aware that a very small amount of strongly to F2 and O22 but not to S22, whereas the soft cations bond
natural elemental Si is known to exist (Gaines et al., 1997). The use- strongly to S22 and the larger halides, Br2 and I2 (Stumm and Morgan,
fulness of any document summarizing chemistry for the earth sciences 1996) (Fig. 1, Inset 8). These patterns are exemplified in nature by the
would clearly be enhanced by inclusion of charged matter in addition absence of sulfide minerals of Ca21 and of the other hard cations, but
to elemental forms. the existence of oxides and sulfates of those cations (Fig. 1). The nat-
With that view in mind, this paper presents an Earth Scientists ural occurrence of sulfides, but not oxides, of the platinum group ions
Periodic Table of the Elements and Their Ions1. In this table, natural provides a converse example (Fig. 1). The differences between hard
groupings and trends in geochemistry, marine chemistry, and nutrient and soft cations are further illustrated by insets 3 and 6, which show
chemistry become apparent, allowing a more general synthesis of the that melting temperatures of oxides of cations of intermediate ionic
chemistry of the earth sciences. The result is an integrated view of potential decrease from hard to intermediate to soft cations. Inset 8
geochemistry applicable from the mantle to soil to seawater. One fun- likewise shows that the relative solubility of halide compounds can be
damental concept in rationalizing these geochemical patterns is the dif- predicted from the division of hard and soft cations, in that solubility
ference in bonding exhibited by hard and soft cations, which favor O22 of halides of hard cations increases from F2 to I2, whereas solubility
and S22, respectively. The other is the extent to which charge of cations of halides of soft cations increases from I2 to F2. In igneous geochem-
istry, the failure of Cu1 to bond with O22 and substitute for Na1 in
is sufficiently focused (i.e., ionic potential is sufficiently high) to pro-
plagioclase (Ringwood, 1955) provides an example of the different
vide strong bonds to O22 without causing repulsion between those
behavior of soft and hard cations, respectively. The failure of Tl1 to
cations. Thus bonding and coordination with oxygen, Earths most
substitute for K1, despite the similar size and charge of those two
abundant element in the mantle and crust (McDonough and Sun, 1995),
cations, is another example.
dictate many of the trends discussed in the following sections. Another difference between the new table and its conventional
predecessors is that the new table includes the naturally occurring ac-
*E-mail: rlsbk@gly.uga.edu.
1GSA Data Repository item 2003109, sources of information used in con- 2Loose insert: Figure 1. An Earth Scientists Periodic Table of the Ele-

structing table, and explanatory notes, is available online at www.geosociety.org/ ments and Their Ions. Sources of information used in constructing table and
pubs/ft2003.htm, or on request from editing@geosociety.org or Documents Secre- related notes are available in Appendix DR1 in GSA Data Repository (see text
tary, GSA, P.O. Box 9140, Boulder, CO 80301-9140, USA. footnote one).

q 2003 Geological Society of America. For permission to copy, contact Copyright Permissions, GSA, or editing@geosociety.org.
Geology; September 2003; v. 31; no. 9; p. 737740; 1 figure; Data Repository item 2003109. 737
Ions commonly concentrated in residual soils and residual
Outline solid for naturally occurring elements or ions; sediments. Small symbol ( ) indicates less certainty. 4 most abundant constituents
dashed for ones that rarely or never occur in nature. Ions concentrated in deep-sea ferromanganese nodules in atmosphere
Elements that occur as native minerals, recognized in antiquity
( recognized from Middle Ages to 1862; Fe 10 most abundant elements in Earth's crust
5th to 8th most abundant recognized after 1963.) Zr 11th to 20th most abundant elements in Earth's crust
Ions least depleted from mantle in formation of crust
Cations that
"Hard" or "Type A" Cations (see scale at far right) Atomic Number Ions that enter early-forming phases in igneous rocks Cations that form simple fluoride minerals
Elements that make natural mineral alloys with Fe Li 21st to 40th most abundant elements in Earth's crust
coordinate with H2O (number of protons)
Ions that enter later phases in igneous rocks because of Cations that form simple oxide minerals Elements that make natural mineral alloys with Cu Lu 41st to 92nd most abundant elements in Earth's crust
(or CO32 or SO42) (All electrons removed from outer shell)
(Thus a noble-gas-like configuration
Element Name
54 Ionic Radius (r) ()
their large size (mostly "large-ion lithophiles") Cations that form simple sulfide minerals Elements that make natural mineral alloys with Os Noble Gases
in solution Atomic Mass Actinium
8 most abundant solutes dissolved in seawater Cations that form simple bromide or
(No ionization)
of the outer shell) (or elemental radius Elements that make natural mineral alloys with Pt
for elemental forms) iodide minerals Elements that make natural mineral alloys with Au
1 Coordinate F>O>N=Cl>Br>I>S r=1.05 9th to 16th most abundant 17th to 22nd most abundant
Cations that form oxysalt minerals
He 2
Naturally Helium
Most abundant (bold) Anions H 1

Hydrogen ion
Cations that See also Insets 1 to 6. Most abundant solute in average river water (HCO 3) (e.g., S6+ in sulfates, As5+ in arsenates) Elements that are thought to make up most of the

r =
occurring 234 Radioactive (italicized) Earth's core (Fe>Ni>Co), along with possibly S or O as hydride m=4.0026
m=1.0079 coordinate 2nd to 8th most abundant solutes in average river water See also Inset 7.

isotopes EC, `+ Anions that form minerals with Ag+ m=1.0079 r=1.2
Noble Gases r=10-5 with OH (or Cations that Cations that coordinate with `-
H2O) in O2 in solution (e.g., as
Solutes that can be limiting nutrients in the oceans Anions that form minerals with Au+ Anions that commonly coordinate with H+ r=2.08
(No ionization) z coordinate with OH
/ =4 123 NO3, PO43, SO42, etc.) Radioactive z = ionic charge Anions that form minerals with K+ and Na+ Gases (e.g., as CH4, NH3, H2S, H2O, etc.) 123 34
z/ r = solution or O2 in solution r ionic radius Macronutrient solutes on land Micronutrient solutes on land
r 2 + decay pathways Anions that form minerals with Mg2+
He 2 LiLithium 3 Be2+ 3+
4 B Boron 5 C 4+
6 NNitrogen 7
5+ = ionic potential 6 7 8 C 4 3
6 N 2
7 O 8 F asFluorine 9 10

which hard cations

or charge density Ions essential to the nutrition of at least some vertebrates Anions that form minerals with Al3+, Ti4+, and Zr4+ Non- Ne
ion Beryllium ion as borate (B(OH) Carbon, as CO , ("essential minerals") C N2 O2 Reduced carbon Reduced nitrogen

metals Oxygen as oxide fluoride Neon

Anions with
bicarbonate (HCO-3) as nitrate (NO3 )
m=4.0026 m=6.941 Anions that form minerals with Si4+

m=9.012 or B(OH)4 )
& carbonate (CO32- ) Diamond Molecular Molecular m=12.011 m=14.007 m=15.999 m=18.998 m=20.180
r=1.2 r=0.60 r=0.31 m=10.811 m=14.007 & graphite nitrogen oxygen r=2.60 r=1.71 r=1.36
r=0.20 m=12.011 r=0.11 r=1.40 r=1.5
z = 32 = ionic charge
r=0.77 r=0.71 Most natural occurrences of carbides and
r=0.15 r ionic radius z/ = nitrides are in meteorites or mantle phases.
34 67 9 10 11 12 13 14 14 15 r 16 Metals 12 13 14 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Cations that
Na+ 11 Mg2+12 Al 13 Si 4+
Ne Neon 10 3+ 5+
14 P 15 SSulfur as 16
Intermediate Cations coordinate with O2 ( OH) in solution Elemental Forms 13 14 16 4
Si 14 P3 15 S2 16 Cl 17 Ar 18
Aluminum ion as as silicate (SiO44 ) 4+ 16 5+ 6+ S
/r =
Sodium ion Magnesium ion
Al3+ or Al(OH)3n or Si(OH)04
Phosphorus as
(Some electrons remain in outer shell) S Sulfur As 33 Se 34 (uncharged) Al Si Silicon as silicide Phosphorus Sulfur as sulfide
as choride

phosphate (PO43 sulfate (SO4 ) as phosphide
1 m=22.990 m=24.305 n
z as sulfite (SO 2)
arsenate (AsO43) as selenate (SeO42) Principal elements in iron Sulfur m=39.948
r=1.5 r=0.95 r=0.65 m=26.982 m=28.086 and HPO42 ) m=32.066 Coordination with S or O likely z
/r = 8 r=0.37
other than noble gases Aluminum Silicon m=28.086 m=30.974 m=32.066 m=35.453

r=0.41 m=30.974 r=0.47 r=0.42 meteorites (Fe>>Ni>>Co) and, r=1.43 r=1.34 r=2.71 r=2.12 r=1.84 r=1.81 r=1.8
r=0.50 r=0.29 /r =
24 Mn3,4+ 25 Fe3+ 26 Co3+ 27 Ni 3+ 28 Cu2+ 29 Sn4+

r=0.34 CrChromic 4 50 Sb5+ 51 Te6+ 52
with S or O, presumably domi- The only known natural occurrences of

20 21 22 Where Fe2+
and Fe3+ would 23 24 25 26
Fe 3+ 27
28 29 30 31 32 33 34 36 3+
VVanadium ion Manganese ion
chromium Ferric iron Cobaltic cobalt Nickel ion Cupric copper
Stannic tin
r=0.71 e.g., as antimonate e.g., as tellurate
nant elements in Earth's core phosphides and silicides are in meteorites
and cosmic dust. 32 33 34 36 35 37 36 38 40
Fe 2+

fall if they were
K+ 19 Ca 2+ 20 3+ 4+ 5+ 6+ Ti 22 r=0.61 m=51.996 4+ r=0.53 2+
30 Ga 3+
31 Ge4+ 32
r=0.62 r=0.56
24 26 27 28 29 30 33 34 2
35 36
Ar hard cations
Sc 21 Ti 22 V 23 Cr 24 Titanium ion
r=0.69 3+ r= 0.64 r=0.64 r=0.63 r=0.73 r=0.69 Zn Gallium ion Germanium ion 3+
33 Se4+ 34 As3 33 Se Br Kr
Argon Potassium ion Calcium ion Scandium ion Titanic titanium Vanadium ion Chromium, e.g. as r=0.75 VVanadous
50 52 53 54 Mn 25
2+ 2+
27 Ni Nickel ion28 Cu 2+
29 m=65.39 2+ + Zinc ion
m=69.723 m=72.61
Arsenic Selenium Cr Fe Co Ni Cu Zn (Atomic masses As Se Arsenic as arsenide
as selenide
Bromine Krypton
m=39.098 m=40.078 m=44.956 m=47.867 e.g., as vanadate chromate (CrO4 2)
2+ 26 Co Fe e.g., as selenite and isotopic as bromide m=83.80

which soft cations

vanadium Nickel Copper
m=39.948 e.g., as arsenite Chromium Iron Cobalt Zinc Arsenic Selenium m=78.96
r=1.33 r=0.99 r=0.81 r=0.68 m=50.942 m=51.996 Ti 22 m=50.942 Manganous Mn Ferrous iron Cobaltous cobalt
m=58.693 Cuprous copper
r=0.74 r=0.62 r=0.53 m=74.922 m=78.96 r=1.26 r=1.25 r=1.24 r=1.28 r=1.39 information m=74.922 m=79.904 r=1.9

r=1.8 2+
24 m=54.938 m=55.845 m=58.933 r=1.27 r=1.48 r=1.6

Anions with
CrChromous m=63.546 (2+ r=0.93) r=0.50 are omitted to r=2.22 r=1.95

Titanium ion r=0.74 (1+ r=1.13) r=1.98
r=0.59 r=0.52 r=0.74 r=0.72 64 66 r=0.69 conserve space)
40 42 43 45 r=0.90 r=0.80 r=0.76 58 60 r=0.96 70 72 74 76 77 (7+ r=0.39)
78 80 82
46 47 48 50 51
67 68 70 69 71 75 74 76 77
36 38 40 39 40 41 44 46 48 ? (48) 49 50 50 51 50 52 53 54 r=0.90 55 54 56 57 58 59 61 62 64 63 65 73 74 76 78 80 82 75 78 80 82 79 81 (82) 83 84 86
4+ 2+ 1,3+ 3+ 4+ 5+
Kr 36 2+
Rb+ 37 Sr 38 Y3+ 39 Zr 40 Nb 41 Mo 6+ 42
4+ 5+ z
Mo 42 Tc
Molybdenum ion
43 Ru3,4+44 Rh2+ 45 Pd2+ 46 Ag + 47 Cd 48 In 49 Sn
50 Sb 51 Te 52 I Iodine 53 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 Sb
51 Te 2 52 I

53 Xe 54
Krypton = Technetium Ruthenium ion Rhodium ion Cadmium ion Indium ion Antimony ion, Tellurium ion,
as iodate (IO3 ) Tellurium Iodine as iodide Xenon
Rubidium ion Strontium ion Yttrium ion Zirconium ion Molybdenum Niobium (or 8 m=95.94 Very limited m=101.07 m=102.906 Palladium ion m=107.868 m=112.411
Silver ion
m=114.818 Stannous tin as in antimonites as in tellurites Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te Antimony as telluride
m=126.904 m=131.29
m=118.710 m=121.760 m=127.60 m=126.904
m=87.62 e.g., as molybdate
m=83.80 m=85.468 m=88.906 m=91.224 Columbium) ion
natural m=106.42 3+ r=0.81 Ruthenium Rhodium Palladium Silver Cadmium Indium Tin Antimony Tellurium as antimonide
r=1.13 r=0.93 r=0.80 m=92.906 m=95.94 r=0.68 occurrence 3+ r=0.69 r=0.86 r=1.26 r=0.97 r=0.44
r=0.89 Iodine m=121.760 r=2.21 r=2.16 r=2.1
r=1.9 r=1.48 on Earth 4+ r=0.67 r=0.86 1+ r=1.32 r=1.12 r=0.90 is shown twice r=1.34 r=1.34 r=1.37 r=1.44 r=1.56 r=1.66 r=1.58 r=1.61 r=1.7 (7+ r=0.50)
r=0.70 r=0.62 96 98 99 106 108 110 112 114 115 116 120 122 123 as a solute in seawater r=2.45 120 122 123 124 126 128
84 86 90 91 92 94 95 96 99 102 104 105 111 112 113 because it speciates
129 130 131
78 80 82 92 94 95 97 (100) 100 101
106 108 110 107 109 113 115 117 118 119
121 123 124 125 126 both as I (to right)
124 125 126 (124) 127
83 84 86 85 87 87 88 89 92 94 96 ? 93 (96) 96 98 100 97 98 100 102 104 103 114 116 120 122 124 128 130 and IO 3 (here). 121 123 (128) (130) 132 134 136
128 130
+ 3+
Xe 54 Cs+ 55 Ba 2+
56 La3+& 57- Hf
72 5+
73 6+
74 Re7+
74 Re 75 Os 76 Ir 77 Pt 78 Au 79 Hg+ 80
4+ 4+ 4+ 2+ + Tl 81 Pb2+ 82 Bi 83 Po 84 73 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 Bi
83 At 85 Rn 86
Ta W 75 Tungsten (Wolfram) Iridium ion Thallous thallium Bismuth ion

Xenon Rhenium ion Osmium ion Platinum ion Gold ion Mercurous ion Plumbous lead Polonium
REEs 71

Ir Tl Pb

z/ r=
m=192.217 m=195.078 m=196.967 m=200.59 m=204.383 m=207.2 m=208.980
Barium ion Hafnium ion Tungsten (Wolfram) Bismuth as
Re Au Hg Radon

r =
Cesium ion Tantalum ion Rhenium ion ion Ta Os Pt Bi Astatine
m=183.84 m=186.207 m=190.23
m=131.29 m=132.905 m=137.327 m=178.49 e.g., as tantalate e.g., as tungstate
r=1.40 r=1.20 (222)

m=180.948 m=183.84 m=186.207 r=1.20 Tantalum Osmium Iridium Platinum Gold Mercury Thallium Lead Bismuth
r=2.1 r=1.35 r=0.65 r=0.69 r=0.66 r=0.96 r=1.37 r=1.19
Rhenium m=208.980
r=1.69 r=0.64

r=0.81 r=0.56 r=1.46 r=1.37 r=1.35 r=1.35 r=1.38 r=1.44 r=1.60 r=1.71 r=1.75 r=1.82
124 126 128 130 132 See below r=0.73 r=0.68
180 182 183 184 186 190 192 193? (3+ r=0.85) 196 198 199 203 205 206 204 206 207 209 210 211 210 211 212 218 219
129 130 131 174 176 177 194 195 200 201 214 215 The only bismuthide
215 218 219 220 222
134 135 136 180 182 183 187 188 189 191 193 208 210 211 212 214 215 =1 minerals are of
132 134 136 133 137 138 170Yb 178 179 180 180 181 184 186 185 187 184 186 185 187 190 192 196 198 197 202 204 206 207 208 210 212 214 216 218 z /r Pd, Ag, Pt, Au, and Pb

4+ 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+
Fr +
90 6+ Elements 95 and beyond do not occur naturally:
92 95: Americium 101: Mendelevium Hg 80 Thallic thallium
Tl 81 PbPlumbic82 Bi 83

86 2+ Th
87 Ac 3+ 89 Pa5+ 92 U

Rn 88 91 93 Pu 94

Ra U Np

/r =
Mercuric ion lead Bismuth ion

/r =

r/ =
Thorium ion Uranium ion
Radon Francium ion Actinium ion Protactinium ion Uranium, e.g. Neptunium Plutonium 96: Curium 102: Nobelium r=1.10 r=0.95 r=0.84 r=0.74

Radium ion


(222) (223) (226) m=227.03 ? m=232.038 (231) as uranyl (UO22+) Very limited Very limited
97:Berkelium 103: Lawrencium
98 Californium 104: Rutherfordium
r=1.18 r=0.95 m=238.029 natural natural =4
= 4
r=1.76 r=1.40 (+3 r=1.14) (+4 r=0.98) occurrence occurrence
99: Einsteinium 105: Hahnium
z /r z /r
r=0.7 100: Fermium

219 220 222

very rare
(<30 g in crust) 223 224 227 228 230 234 235*238
on Earth on Earth "Soft" ("Type B") Cations
223 226 228
227 228

*For the sake of simplicity,

231232 *234
231 234 237 ?

z =
239 (Many electrons remain in outer shell)
Coordinate I>Br>S>Cl=N>O>F An Earth Scientist's Periodic Table of the Elements and Their Ions
z/ = 1 =

the 235U-207Pb and /r 8


232Th-208Pb series are omitted.

Inset 1: Bulk modulus (Ks in GPa) /r = 4+
Ce 58 Rare earth elements (REEs)
ion ioni

4 3+ Cation
of oxide minerals of hard cations Eu 63 (effectively "Hard" or "Type A" cations in their 3+ state) Inset 4: Solubility of oxide minerals of hard cations
ic c c ra

Inset 2: Hardness of oxide minerals of hard cations Inset 3: High-temperature behavior of hard cations
z/r = 2

Cerium ion (outlined for

Mineral of Mineral of Europium ion intermediate
har diu

r=1.01 3+ 3+ 3+
one cation: two cations: Nonmineral: 3+ Pr 3+ 59 Nd3+ 60 Pm 61 Sm 62 m=151.964 Gd 3+ 64 3+ 66 3+ 68 3+ Yb 70 3+ +
Be92+ C 4+ N 5+ Ti 4+ cations) + 2+
C 4+ N 5+
38 La 57 65 Dy
67 Er
71 Li B 3+ +
Be 2+ B 3+ C 4+ N 5+ Li4.4 Be7.4 3+
ge s

210 71 3+ Praseodymium ion

58 m=140.908 m=144.24 No natural m=150.36 151 153 m=157.25 Promethium Samarium ion r=1.03 Tb Ho Tm 69 Ytterbium ion Lu Li Melting T (K)
Lantha- Lanthanum ion Ce
Quartz Perovskite Neodymium ion Gadolinium ion Dysprosium ion Erbium ion 2103

Cerium ion m=162.50 Holmium ion m=167.26 Thulium ion m=173.04 Lutetium ion Terbium ion Bromellite 1700 2681 723 En 216 of oxides of Bromellite
+ 2+ 3+ 4+ nides: m=138.906 m=140.116 r=1.09 r=1.04 m=158.925 m=164.930 m=168.934 r=0.94 m=174.967 Chrysoberyl Ab hard cations
Li Be B C occurrence

r=1.08 2+ r=1.02 r=0.99 r=0.96 8.5 500 Minerals are shown with size
r=1.15 Eu 63 152 154 155 r=1.00 r=0.97 r=0.95 (2+ r= 1.13) r=0.93 Ab

251 r=1.11 on Earth 2+ 2+
Bromellite 3 (4+ r=0.92) 142 143 144 144 147 148 156 158
162 164 166 168 170 171 Na
+ Mg Spinel 3+ Al Si 4+
P 5+
S 6+ + Mg Al 3+ 4+ 5+ 6+
of circles representing +
Na9.9 Mg Al3+ Si 4+ 5+
P1.37 S 6+
Chrysoberyl 136 138 140 146 145 ? 149 150 Europium ion
156 157 160 161 162 165 167 168 170 169 172 173 175 176 176Hf
7.5-8 9
Na 3125 2345 Si Q P S proportions of cations.
2.4 8.1 3.9
240 138Ba 138 139 142 141 148 150 ? (150) 152 154 158 160 159 163 164 174 176 ? Periclase
7 1193 An 1996 855 290 Periclase
+ 2+Spinel 3+ 4+ 5+ r=1.12 Corundum Quartz Minerals in order of typical Corundum Quartz
Na Mg Al Si P z/r = 2 Substitutes for Ca2+
3+ temperature of formation*:

198 254 38 ----- Il

Ti-rich minerals
Periclase Quartz Ksp ----- Chromite
160 50

Corundum + Perovskite +
Inset 5: Typical simple oxysalt minerals Inset 8: Solubility of halides K Ca3.5 2+
Ti >9 4+
V 5+
Cr 6+
+ Di An
Ti 4+ V 5+ Cr 6+
Anorthite K14.0 Ca2+ Sc3+ Ti 4+ 5+
V 7.6 Cr 6+
(__MOn minerals without OH or H2O) Inset 6: Melting and decomposition (d) temperatures Inset 7: Conceptual model of the behavior of of hard and soft cations Lime * 3-3.5 Ca -----
Lime 1.4 9.7

5+ Augite
(Ru=6-6.5) Ti 2103 943 Rutile
+ 2+ Perovskite 4+ 5+ (K) of oxides of intermediate and soft cations 00
Cassiterite 4+ As
oxides of hard (and intermediate) cations Anion:
Shcherbinaite Bi 3200
Sc 3+ Enstatite

K Ca Ti216 V 3+ 4+ 5+ 16 Sn 588
Mineral Villiaumite
Srilankite 6.5 10 Hornblende
B C N Tenorite Sellaite

210 3+ Hematite 0 1903 N (NaF) AgF 00
Lime 115 Rutile Mn 3+ 3+ 20 20002+ Li
Nonmineral (MgF2) Ilmenite
NaNO3 Co 1 Cu

MgAlBO4 Me2+CO3 (Soda Niter) Fe Argutite Arsenolite Mineral of 2+ 4+ + 2+
Nb5+ Mo6+ Zr 4+ Nb5+ Mo6+
Y 3+ Y 3+
Paramont- Eskolaite 1353(d) +
H 1 Magnetite
Sr + Rb Sr4.3
175 200 (Sinhalite) (e.g.,
Minerals with
1+ cations only
roseite 4+
V Cr 3+
1838 1168 (d)
2+ Bunsenite
Cuprite Zn
2+ Ga
Cl Chlorargyrite HgCl2 Halite one cation: Zr 6.5
3-4 Rb Sr 2+ Y 3+ Zr 4+ Nb5+ Mo6+ Apatite
(Nitre) 2603 Fe 2+ 2+ 2079 547 (NaCl) 7 Baddeleyite 673 2938 3123 1785 1074 Titanite (sphene) Baddeleyite
2240 Mn Co Ni Cu + 2242 1388 (AgCl) Molybdite Molybdite

rich minerals
+ 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 2400 2054 1652 Quartz Hardness Zircon
Rb Sr Y 1 Zr Nb 2078 2228 1509 MgCl2
Si 4+ P 5+ S 6+ Manga- Wstite Monteponite Romarchite Valentinite (Mohs Biotite

87 50 Bromargyrite
KAl2Si3O8 (Kspar) Na3PO4 CaSO4
2000 Mo4+ nosite 1600 Rh
2+ 3+
2+ 3+
In Sb
High z/r Br (AgBr) HgBr2 MgBr2 NaBr Mineral of scale) K-feldspars

La 3+ Hf 4+ Ta 5+ W 6+
two cations
La 3+ Hf 4+ Ta 5+ W 6+ 2+
*Baddeleyite has

1373(d) 1373(d) 1023(d) ~473(d) >1773 1353(d) Strong + Albite

Ba2+ La 3+ Hf 4+ Ta 5+ W 6+
(Olympite) (Anhydrite) 2185
Ks = 95 GPa but Al2 SiO5 (K-S-A) Tugarinovite
O2 bonds, but 5.5 Cs Quartz Ba6.7


AlPO4 Na2SO4


is not the most
(Thenardite) Minerals I 7

stable ZrO2 phase

ZrSiO4 (Zircon) (Berlinite)
with Au3+ Hg + Tl + Massicot Bismite Intermediate cation-cation (AgI) HgI2 MgI2 NaI Perovskite Tantite
2286 2580 3173 2058 1745 *Order of crystallization in Mineral Tantite
+ Low z/r

2+ 3+ 4+

repulsion any one magma depends on




Cs Ba La Hf

at ambient condi- 1+ & 2+ 4+ 4+ 3+ 2+ 852 2+ 3+ bulk composition, pressure,
"K-S-A" Minerals W Rh Ir Pt Pb Bi Weak cation- Strong cation- 10-8 10-6 10-4 9.7

tions; value shown 2+ 10-2 1 100

Th 5+ Th 5+
cations + and fluid composition.



71 indicates with Au Hg 3+ 1170

Th 5+
145 1273 (d) 598(d)

is for the latter. kyanite, Minerals with ~1773(d) 1173(d)
no stable 773(d) Tl 1098 oxygen bonds oxygen bonds Solubility of Ag+( )-, Hg2+( )-, *A non-rutile synthetic TiO2
Melting T (K) of simple Log of activity of cation species
andalusite, 1+ to 4+ cations 1+ to 3+ oxide Montroydite1107
Na+( )-, and Mg2+( )-bearing halides (mol/L)
is the hardest known oxide Thorianite 6 Thorianite

cations Avicennite 3493 in distilled water at 25 C
& sillimanite. See also Inset 3. See also Inset 6. oxides of hard cations
v. 4.6

Figure 1. An Earth Scientists Periodic Table of the Elements and Their Ions. An earth scientists periodic table of the elements and their ions
Sources of information used in constructing table and related notes are available in L. Bruce Railsback
Appendix DR1 in GSA Data Repository (see text footnote one). Figure 1
Supplement to Geology, v. 31, no. 9 (September 2003)
tinides with the hard cations. Th 41 thus falls below Hf41, and U61 falls (resulting in sulfides, bromides, iodides, and tellurides of Ag1 and
below W61. Trends in the symbols described in the next section extend Au1). From right to left, or from Cl2 and F2 to O22 to C42, is the
across this unconventional but geochemically useful arrangement (Fig. transition from anions making minerals with hard cations of low ionic
1). potential (e.g., K1 and Na1) to those making minerals with hard cations
The table also shows the atomic numbers, atomic masses, natu- of higher ionic potential (e.g., Al31 and Si41). Minerals exemplifying
rally occurring isotopes, and naturally occurring decay paths of the this transition are carrobite (KF), sellaite (MgF2), gibbsite (Al2O3),
different elements. Names of elements and ionic forms are shown quartz (SiO2), and moissanite (SiC).
e.g., Sulfur as sulfate (SO242) for S61. Sizes of chemical symbols are Speciation of hard cations in aqueous solution also follows easily
scaled to abundance of the elements in Earths crust; seven of the nine recognized trends in the new table (bold black lines in Fig. 1). From
most abundant elements conveniently fall together in one part of the lower left to upper right across the hard cations, speciation progresses
left side of the new table. Contours of equal ionic potential (charge 4 from hydration (e.g., K1) to hydroxo complexes [e.g., Al(OH)3n n and
radius, i.e., z/r) highlighted in blue and brown extend across the table Si(OH)04] to oxo-hydroxo complexes (e.g., COOOH2 and POOOOH2,
and parallel trends in natural occurrences, as discussed in the next more familiar as HCO23 and HPO242) to oxo complexes (e.g., CO232,
section. NO23 , and SO422) (Stumm and Morgan, 1996; Shock et al., 1997). A
trend that is inscrutable in the conventional periodic table thus becomes
PATTERNS AND TRENDS IN THE TABLE readily apparent in the new table. This pattern of coordination, when
Symbols in the Earth Scientists Periodic Table of the Elements extended from solution to solids, places in context the mineralogical
and Their Ions show natural occurrences or enrichments in minerals, existence of oxysalt minerals such as carbonates, nitrates, and sulfates,
natural waters, soils and sediments, igneous rocks, the mantle, and the but no calciates, or sodiates, and the existence of aluminate only
atmosphere, and as critical nutrients (Fig. 1). These symbols fall in as an aqueous species (Pokrovskii and Helgeson, 1997).
swaths that follow contours of equal ionic potential across the table, Many of these patterns can be explained by consideration of bond
as one would expect from Cartledge (1928a, 1928b), Goldschmidt strength and shielding of charge in mineral structures, as is shown
(1937), and Mason (1958). As a result, the new table makes apparent schematically in inset 7. Cations of low ionic potential (e.g., K1, Na1,
patterns of geochemistry that do not emerge from the conventional Sr21) bond only weakly to O22, so they do not form oxide minerals
table. For example, many ions with ionic potential between 3 and 10 and are not retained in oxide-forming and hydroxide-forming environ-
make oxide minerals, are concentrated in soil and ferromanganese nod- ments like soils. Instead, they are soluble in aqueous solution, entering
ules, enter early-forming igneous phases, and are least depleted the natural waters and crossing cell membranes and root sheaths as nutri-
mantle. The result is a red-and-brown swath across the hard and inter- ents. Their weak bonds to O22 result in their incorporation into igneous
mediate cations in the new table (Fig. 1). The same swath of hard minerals only at relatively low temperatures and thus relatively late in
cations includes those that make oxides with the highest melting tem- the crystallization sequence. Cations of intermediate ionic potential
perature, lowest solubility, greatest hardness, and greatest bulk modu- (e.g., Al31, Ti41) form relatively strong bonds with O22, and their tet-
lus (insets 14 and 6). rahedral to cubic coordination allows shielding of the cations positive
On the other hand, hard cations with ionic potential ,4 make charges from each other. They thus form stable oxides and hydroxides
fluoride minerals, include ions abundant in river water and seawater, in oxidizing environments, and many of them bond in igneous minerals
and include ions important as nutrients. Cations with ionic potential at high temperatures and thus early in the crystallization sequence.
.8 likewise include ions abundant in seawater, ions important as nu- Their stability as oxides and hydroxides results in low solubility and
trients, and ions that form oxysalts, such as sulfates and arsenates. The low concentration in natural waters and thus leads to their irrelevance
results are blue-and-green swaths across the new table. Those swaths as nutrients. Cations of high ionic potential (e.g., P51, N51, S61) form
extend from the hard cations (which coincide with the lithophile ele- very strong bonds with O22 in radicals like PO342 , NO23 , and SO422, but
ments) to the intermediate to soft cations (which coincide as a whole their intense concentration of incompletely shielded positive charge and
with the siderophile and chalcophile elements). resultant repulsion preclude formation of oxides or hydroxide minerals.
Contours of ionic potential continuing from the hard cations to Thus, like cations of low ionic potential, they are soluble in aqueous
the intermediate cations (e.g., Mn41 and Fe31) continue the red-and- solution, abundant in natural waters, and cross cell membranes and
brown swath across the table, in that intermediate cations with ionic root sheaths as nutrients. Their concentration of positive charge causes
potential of 38 also make oxide minerals, are concentrated in soils, them to enter igneous minerals so late that they are among the in-
enter early-forming igneous phases, and so on. On the other hand, the compatible ions in crystallization of silicate magmas.
contours for lowest ionic potential (12) set off the soft cations, which These considerations help explain the existence, and nonexistence,
include the coinage metals (Cu, Ag, and Au) and form the center of a of oxysalt minerals (inset 6). Simple silicates (silicates without OH2
region characterized by yellow diamonds that mark ions forming sul- and/or H2O) built around Si41 can accommodate 11 to 41 cations.
fide, bromide, and iodide minerals. Simple borates and phosphates, built around cations of higher ionic
The coinage metals and their neighbors are also shown in a section potential (B31 and P51), can only accommodate 11 to 31 cations,
of the table highlighting elemental forms (the true Table of the Ele- presumably because residual positive charge from borate and phosphate
ments within the new table). Symbols and colored fields show that groups repels 41 cations. Simple carbonates and sulfates, built around
groups of these elements make alloys. For example, elements alloying cations of even higher ionic potential, accommodate only 11 and 21
with Os form a small distinct group, and elements alloying with Fe cations. Finally, simple nitrates, built around the tiny highly charged
form a group overlapping little with elements alloying with Cu and N51, only accommodate 11 cations, presumably because the unshield-
Au. ed positive charge from nitrate groups repels any cations of 21 or
On the right side of the table, patterns among the anions match greater charge. The same trends, with shifted thresholds, exist in anal-
those on the left side. Among the anions of low ionic potential, a blue- ogous minerals with OH2 and/or H2O (e.g., hydrous nitrates accom-
and-green swath of symbols pertaining to solutes mirrors that found in modate 11 and 21 but not more highly charged ones, and OH-bearing
cations of low ionic potential. From top to bottom is the transition sulfates and carbonates accommodate 11 to 31 but not 41 cations).
from anions coordinating with hard cations (resulting in fluorides and The result is a predictive model of the existence and nonexistence of
oxides of Na1, K1, and Al31) to those coordinating with soft cations oxysalt minerals of various cations.

738 GEOLOGY, September 2003

GENERAL INSIGHTS NO23 as solutes, and the borderline ionic potential of Si41 lets it be
Perhaps the most general insight apparent in the new table is that taken up as a solute [as H4SiO04, or more accurately as Si(OH)04]. How-
chemical weathering at Earths surface and the evolution of Earth to ever, Si41 is sufficiently insoluble that some plants build masses of
separate the mantle and continental crust are geochemically much the opaline silica in their tissue (Meunier and Colin, 2001). These mineral
same process: the segregation of hard and intermediate cations of low accumulations within plants, called phytoliths, exist because Si41 is
and high ionic potential from those of intermediate ionic potential. The sufficiently abundant and soluble to be taken up through roots in so-
result is (1) concentration of many of the cations of intermediate ionic lution but sufficiently insoluble to be maintained as a solid mineral
potential in the mantle and, at Earths surface, in soil (the red-and- within wet plant tissue.
brown swaths in the table) and (2) the ultimate removal of ions of low
and high ionic potential to the oceans (blue swaths in the table). The Extreme Nature of Gold
process continues in the oceans, in that cations of intermediate ionic If Si has a special role in geochemistry because of its abundance
potential are segregated to ferromanganese nodules and have a short and location at a threshold in ionic potential, Au is special for opposite
residence time in seawater. reasons: it is extremely rare, it has an extremely low ionic potential as
Another major Earth processlifehas followed rules similar to Au1, and Au1 is extremely soft in the spectrum from hard to soft
those dictating mantle evolution and weathering. Because life began cations. As a result, Au forms no oxide minerals and doesnt even form
and largely evolved in aqueous solution and because chemical entities a sulfide of only Au; the only analogues of a hypothetical AuS2 are
must be dissolved to pass through cell membranes, life has utilized two AuTe2 minerals and an Au2Bi mineral. Aus fondness for large
and depends on soluble chemical forms. The critical nutrients for life anions is also seen in its extensive complexing with Cl2 in solution,
(green symbols in the table) are therefore coincident with the chemical to which is attributed much of the transport of gold to generate ore
species dissolved in natural waters (blue symbols in the table). The deposits (e.g., Murphy et al., 2000). On the other hand, the indifference
evolutionary transition of some life forms to land put them in an en- of Au to oxygen is one of the reasons Au has been so valued by
vironment in which chemical weathering removes such ions from soils. humansit continues to shine as an unoxidized metal despite centuries
The result is a conundrum for water-loving plant life: soils rich in of exposure to O2. In the conventional periodic table, Au is simply one
nutrients are most common in arid regions where those nutrients have of many elements in the middle of that table, but isolation by contours
not been removed by weathering, and soils where wet conditions favor of ionic potential illustrates its unique nature in the new periodic table.
life are typically leached of nutrients. Utilization of 61 ions by both
plants and animals exemplifies this evolutionary challenge: modern Applications of Fe, Mn, and Ce as Paleoredox Indicators
farmers commonly must fertilize plant growth with K1-bearing fertiliz- The tables separation of cations and consideration of ionic po-
ers, vertebrates frequent salt licks for Na1, and premodern societies trad- tential shows why some cations have been used extensively in evalu-
ed NaCl as a precious substance. Modern humans continue the trend, in ation of paleoredox conditions. For example, Fe and Mn have been
that they consume I2-supplemented NaCl, drink F2-supplemented water, used in geochemical study of oxidation and reduction (e.g., Hem, 1972)
consume K1-bearing sports drinks, and even take Li1 pills. because they are by far the most abundant elements that form nonhard
cations. They are thus the most abundant elements that can undergo
changes of one in oxidation state (e.g., between 21 and 31 for Fe).
SIX EXAMPLES ACROSS THE PERIODIC TABLE In oxidizing conditions, they are highly charged (5 31) small ions
Special Nature of Silicon that are insoluble because of their high ionic potential and resultant
In addition to the trends already outlined, many important special formation of hydroxides. In reducing conditions, they are lesser
cases in geochemistry become apparent with the new table. For ex- charged (21) and larger ions that thus have lower ionic potential and
ample, Si41 is unique in being very abundant (it is the second most are soluble. Fe therefore behaves like the soil-forming and oxide-
abundant constituent in the crust) and in having an ionic potential at forming Al31 ion when oxidized to Fe31, but like the weatherable
the boundary between the relatively insoluble cations of intermediate and soluble Mg21 ion when reduced to Fe21.
ionic potential (e.g., Al31, Ti41, and Sc31 in the red-and-brown swath Ce is less abundant than Fe and Mn, but otherwise analogous in
of the table) and cations of high ionic potential that form soluble rad- that it precipitates in solids when oxidized to Ce41 but is more soluble
icals (e.g., C41, N51, P51, and S61 in the blue-and-green swath). Si41 as Ce31. It thus provides an indicator of oxygenation in modern (de
is thus abundant both in residua from weathering (e.g., in sands and Baar et al., 1988) and ancient (Wright et al., 1987) oceans. Ce31 and
sandy or kaolinitic soils) and in natural waters, such as river water Ce41 also exemplify patterns of coordination seen elsewhere in the
(where dissolved silica is the second most abundant dissolved species) table, in that the ion with lower ionic potential forms a fluoride mineral,
and seawater (where it is the 11th most abundant dissolved species). fluocerite-(Ce), whereas the ion with higher ionic potential forms an
The abundance and borderline ionic potential of Si41 also have oxide mineral, cerianite. The formation of those two minerals parallels
important implications in igneous petrology. Most igneous minerals are the formation of fluorides by Na1 and K1 but formation of oxides by
silicates, but some of the first phases to form in igneous rocks (e.g., Al31 and Sc31 (Fig. 1).
spinel and chromite) contain no Si at all, and the first Si-bearing min-
erals to form are forsterite (where Mg is more abundant than Si) and Uranium, Thorium, and Dating Problems
anorthite (where Ca and Al outnumber Si) (inset 3). Only in later- Radiometric dating using the U-series method (Edwards et al.,
forming phases does Si41 become the dominant cation, and only at the 1987) is a valuable means of determining the age of materials younger
end of Bowens reaction series (when incompatible elements enter sol- than ;500 k.y. old. One problem with this method, however, is that
ids) does SiO2 form as quartz (inset 3). This paradox of Si41 as a U at Earths surface is in the U61 state and thus in the soluble UO221
somewhat incompatible ion in the crystallization of silicate magmas oxo complex (Langmuir, 1978). Th, on the other hand, occurs as Th41,
arises because Si41 is at the upper margin of ionic potentials that allow which is insoluble (e.g., Kaufman, 1969). As a result, parent U is
formation of stable oxides. In fact, Si41 is just a step away from C41, commonly lost from materials but daughter Th remains, giving incor-
N51, and P51, which do not make any such oxide at all because of rectly old ages (e.g., Dabous and Osmond, 2000). This problem is not
their high ionic potential and are incompatible in igneous petrology. apparent from the conventional periodic table but is predictable in the
The abundance and borderline ionic potential of Si41 also lead to new table, where U61 falls in the blue-and-green swath of relatively
an interesting feature of plant physiology. Plants take in nutrients like soluble hard cations of high ionic potential and Th41 falls in the red-

GEOLOGY, September 2003 739

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I thank my colleagues at the University of Georgia for their helpful com- Manuscript received 27 January 2003
ments and especially Michael F. Roden for his insights about igneous processes. Revised manuscript received 2 May 2003
The manuscript was improved by the comments of two anonymous Geology Manuscript accepted 6 May 2003
reviewers and editor Ben van der Pluijm. Publication was supported by National
Science Foundation grant DUE 02-03115. Printed in USA

740 GEOLOGY, September 2003

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