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3 rd Year -A 2016

Fenix Ferro Fabio

Raisi Dominic
Im Fenix Ferro, 20 years old, from Tete, student of 3rd
year of Mine Engineering at ISPT.

I'll be here to present the work on the theme ethics

It is a document that a researcher signs pledging to
walk in patterns of lines established by committees of

The University of Western Australia (2015) says that

ethics form includes even research that studies data
about people and observation of people
This document is very important because it gives
limits to the researcher; Ethics form allows the
researcher do your research without harming others,
such as the case in research with humans or animals.

It is document which the researcher undertakes to do

research in a sustainable and enjoyable way to all
parties involved.
Project title

Chief Investigator, or Supervisor

School, Centre or Faculty
Is this a Student Project?

Team Expertise
Expected project end?

Aims of this project.

Recruitment methods:

Potential harms or risks to participants?

Potential harms or risks to researchers?

Will participants be given financial or non-financial


Will all participants provide consent?

Human Tissue
Human Genetics

Will invasive procedures be used?

Will (ionising) radiation be used?

Children or young people (< 18 y.o.)

After filling all the necessary space, submit to the
committee protocol ethics which took the form.
Ethics form is a document widely used in research
involving animals and humans, this to avoid causing
serious damage to participants.
It is very important because it establishes limits to the
The University of Western Australia. (2015) Forms for
Human Research Ethics. [Online] Avaible from:
research/human-ethics. [Acessed: 16th October 2016]

Australian Govement. Research ethics forms.

[Online] Avaible from:
ethics-forms . [Acessed: 16th October 2016]
Thank you for your attention

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