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English A: Language and Literature

Course Section: Part 1 Language in Cultural Context

Candidate Name: Sadha Satya Lotan

Candidate Number:

School: Cita Hati Christian Senior School

Topic: Gender

Title: Happening again, gender discrimination!

Text Type: Blog

Learning Outcomes:
Analyze how audience and purpose affect the structure and content of texts.
Analyze the impact of language changes.
Demonstrate an awareness of how language and meaning are shaped by culture and
Word Count:
Rationale: 209
Text: 883
This primary source of this written task is India Rape Case from part 1 with the topic
Gender. This topic is chosen because even in this modern era, gender discrimination is still
happening. It will be written in the form of a blog due to its ability to freely express opinions.
The blogger in this written task will be a female junior high school teacher from India. The
proposed title of this written task is Happening again, gender discrimination!
The purpose of this written task is to inform the readers that gender inequality is still
happening in this modern era and causing a lot of casualties and also to describe how to stop this
gender discrimination. The audiences of this blog are women and also men who often
underestimate women in the daily lives. The appropriate tone for this written task is an annoyed
tone to show that the teacher does not accept the gender discrimination, and she gets annoyed
with that.
Since it is a blog, the use of the language will be informal, but it will be indirectly
educative because the teacher is accustomed to teach junior high school students. Some literary
devices that can be found in this written task are epimone, anadilopsis, parallelism, synecdoche,
polysyndeton, hyperbaton.
Here We Go
Wednesday, May 1, 2013 About Me

Happening Again, Women Discrimination! Aaral Onela

Proud of being a teacher
In my first post in May, I'd like to say about gender discrimination. I'm sure all of you know about From India
Language for communication
gender discrimination which is happening in this world. But, I think kids do not realize about this fact.
View my complete profile
Therefore, yesterday I brought gender as a discussion topic in the class. Students actually have their
own opinions about gender. I had a great discussion with my students.
Blog Archive
When I was just explaining the basic about gender discrimination, some boys were asking
We cannot live without the girls, why does discrimination ever exist?, 2014
Is there any difference between us and the girls? May (1)
We were born from our mothers, and our mothers are women, why do they get lower position in the Happening Again, Women
society? Discrimination!
Proud I am, my boys have the correct mindset already.
April (20)
While some girls say, March (17)
Sometimes when I was helping daddy work in the shop, daddy tells me to my room and there's no need
to help him, but my brother is helping daddy,. I wonder why?
My dad never allows me to have the same exercise proportion with brother.
I told my father I wanted to be a businesswoman, but he said, women don't do business
Listening to the story of my girls, disappointed I was, knowing their fathers do not treat them equally with
their brothers.
But then, I taught them what they need to do to overcome this gender discrimination.

As all of you know, it was just last week where the news of a child rape sparked people's protests, and
today, when I read newspaper, I found out about a 4-year-old girl dies after rape. Oh My God! Does this
rapist actually have any idea about what he is doing? The rapist was a 35-year-old man and fortunately,
he had been arrested. In the news, besides this case, two other arrests were also made in the case of
another victim, a 5-year-old girl who was raped in New Delhi. What is actually wrong with the minds of
these rapists. And there had been almost 50,000 child rape cases reported between 2001 and 2011
here, in our country, our beloved India. There were only about 2,000 cases in 2001, and in 2011, there
were about 7,000 cases. A Biology teacher may say, the number of these cases increase as fast as
bacteria. But remember, this was just the number of reported child rape cases. What about the total
number of reported rape cases?

In 2012, there are almost 25,000 number of rapes reported in this country only. What a crazy amount of
cases, isn't it? This world is not safe for women, isnt it? I am sure this rape case occurs because of none
other than gender discrimination. We, women, are considered weaker than the men. It is not supposed
to be like this!

Women have lower literacy rate, such an injustice, do you know why it is happening? Women gets lower
educations, such an injustice, do you know why it is happening? Women are considered not important,
such an injustice, do you know why it is happening? Because women are weak! Weak is a characteristic
of women. But where does this mindset come from? You think we are not smart as you, therefore not
important, so we don't need to study to a higher education level. And that is why we can't be as smart as
you. It is just a repeated cycle which you make. This is one of the reasons why I need to become a
teacher, to stop this gender discrimination, to raise the education of females, to show that women can
do even better than men. I will tell you, one way to stop a problem is by identifying the cause. It is a basic
thing to know in this world. We as the women can't stop this gender discrimination because we keep
thinking emotionally and we don't know where the real cause of this discrimination comes from, if we
don't try to think logically like I did before, like the men usually do, like the success people always do. I
know it's not easy, but it will be a big step to stop this gender discrimination.

Now, if you want to escape from this discrimination, please give me your ears and lend me your hand,
because I will tell you how to stop this discrimination, but you also have to try it by yourself.
TEACHING. It is the most effective way to prevent the gender discrimination from re-happening in the
next generations. Giving the correct mindset? Yes! That is what this word TEACHING actually means.
There is no difference between boys and girls and between men and women and between male and
female. This mindset should be planted well on the new generations. Never ever do a mistake which
may lead to gender discrimination. This mistake usually occurs accidentally. For example, without
realizing it, we usually prefer a boy as a group leader instead of a girl. This small case may lead into a big
case of gender discrimination, which is the insignificant role of females in the society.
Now you know what to do right? I always hope my every single word will be useful. There is no time to
think anymore, it is now the time for an act.


Posted by: Aaral Onela at 8:03 PM No Comments:

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Udas, S. & Sharma, N. (2013, May 1) Girl, 4, dies after rape in India.

Philip, C.M. (2014, July 1) 93 women are being raped in India every day, NCRB data show.

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