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IB Chemistry Higher Level

Internal Assessment

Comparing the Activation Energy and Enthalpy of

Neutralization to Find Total Bond Strengths of
Product in Two Different Neutralization Reactions
that Produce Sodium Chloride

Candidate Name: Sadha Satya Lotan

Candidate Number: 002115 0019

School Name: Cita Hati Christian High School

Session: May 2016

Sadha Satya Lotan/002115-0019
Internal Assessment Chemistry Higher Level


Indonesia is an archipelago country surrounded by the seas and ocean causing a lot of the
residents to exploit natural resources from the sea as their occupation to live. Other than fish, we
can also exploit table salt from sea through evaporation of sea water. Table salt is substantial for
our lives as it can preserve food while adding salty taste, resulting in a delicious food such as
salted fish which is very common in my country, Indonesia. But now after I learnt Chemistry, I
found out that table salt is primarily composed of NaCl (sodium chloride). And there are many
chemical reactions capable of producing NaCl. My curiosity led me to deepen my understanding
of the chemical reactions that produce NaCl, especially the minimum energy required for the
reaction (activation energy) and the enthalpy change of the reaction. By finding out those two
values, I can also find the total bond strength of products formed including NaCl.

For every chemical reaction to occur, the

molecules need to collide in the right orientation
with enough energy to break the bonds between the
reactants. The average minimum energy required is
called activation energy. After bond breaking, the
bonds are re-formed in different arrangements. The
bond forming releases energy equivalent to the
bond strengths of the formed products. The
difference in the energy used for breaking the
bonds and energy produced when bonds are formed
is called enthalpy of reaction.
Fig 1. Enthalpy diagram of exothermic reaction
Being a salt, NaCl can be obtained through
neutralization reaction between acid and base. Neutralization is an exothermic reaction that will
also produce heat. The enthalpy of the reaction can be found out by measuring the temperature
increase in the reacting solutions.

According to the Arrhenius Equation1, activation energy can be found by reacting them in
different temperatures. The constant k stated below is the rate constant whose value can vary
when there is a change in k is a rate constant that can vary if the experimental condition
excluding the reactant concentration is changed, such as temperature.

= [1]

Adding natural logarithm on [1]:

ln = ln [2]

Suppose the experiment was conducted in two different temperatures 1 and 2 :

ln 1 = ln [3]

ln 2 = ln [4]

Lower, S. (2009). Collision and Activation, the Arrhenius Law. General Chemistry Virtual Textbook. Retrieved 31
January 2016, from

Sadha Satya Lotan/002115-0019
Internal Assessment Chemistry Higher Level

Subtracting [3] by [4]:

ln 1 ln 2 = + [5]
1 2

Using the property of logarithm and factorization on [5]:

1 1
ln 1 = ( ) [6]
2 2 1

Applying some algebraic manipulation on [6]:

= ln 1 1 2 [7]
2 1 2

The equation to determine activation energy is shown in [7]. Based on [7], the value of is
needed. According to the Rate Law2, equation to determine the reaction rate is:
() = [] [] [8]

Suppose the experiment was conducted in temperatures 1 and 2 in constant concentration:

1 = 1 [] [] [9]

2 = 2 [] [] [10]

Dividing [9] by [10]:

1 1
= [11]
2 2

By using this method, the ratio of the rate of reaction needed to be identified where it
would be done by using derivative on the curve of concentration of product against time. The
curve was obtained by using data logger in the experiment. Although the reaction would be a
neutralization reaction involving change in pH, it was not chosen because pH is a logarithmic
measure of ion H+ or OH- concentration where its value may drastically change when adding
another reactant due to increase in volume, not because of the reaction. Another data logger
considered to be suitable for this investigation was CO2 (carbon dioxide) sensor to measure the
increase in CO2 level as result of reaction. Therefore, the reactions for the investigation should be
the ones that produce CO2 while still producing NaCl, such as NaHCO3 (sodium bicarbonate) or
Na2CO3 (sodium carbonate) with HCl (hydrochloric acid) in the following chemical reactions:

NaHCO3(aq) + HCl(aq) NaCl(aq) + CO2(g) + H2O(l)

Na2CO3(aq) + 2HCl(aq) 2NaCl(aq) + CO2(g) + H2O(l)

The enthalpy of neutralization, activation energy and bond strength in the produced NaCl
would be compared among the two reactions mentioned above.

Research Question

In the reaction between NaHCO3 and HCl, and Na2CO3 and HCl, how do the values of activation
energy, enthalpy of neutralization and the total bond strength of products compare?

2,. Rate Laws. Retrieved 31 January 2016, from

Sadha Satya Lotan/002115-0019
Internal Assessment Chemistry Higher Level

The activation energy and enthalpy of neutralization in one reaction may differ from another,
while the total bond strength in reaction using Na2CO3 is higher than in NaHCO3 because it has
an extra molecule of NaCl as product when using Na2CO3.


Independent Variable:
o Activation energy: alkaline used, temperature of the reacting solution (15oC, 20oC, 25oC)
o Enthalpy change: alkaline used

Dependent Variable:
o Activation energy: initial rate of reaction derivative of the curve CO2 level against time
o Enthalpy change: increase in temperature of the reacting solution

Table 1. Controlled variables in this investigation

How? Why?
Volume and Activation energy: Activation energy:
concentration Used 50 ml of: NaHCO3 0.2 M, So that change in temperature would be the
of the reactants Na2CO3 0.1 M and HCl 0.2 M. only factor to affect the initial rate of reaction.
Enthalpy of neutralization: Enthalpy of neutralization:
Used 10.0 ml of NaHCO3 1 M, To allow fair increase in the solution
Na2CO3 0.5 M and HCl 1 M. temperature.
Environmental Activation energy and Activation energy:
temperature enthalpy of neutralization: Different environmental temperature may give
25oC, controlled by conducting different impacts in maintaining the
the experiment in the laboratory temperature of reacting solution.
with air conditioner set at 25oC. Enthalpy of neutralization:
To allow same amount of heat loss which
might occur.
Initial Enthalpy of neutralization: Enthalpy of neutralization:
temperature of Controlled to be the same as To allow fair rate of heat transfer produced by
solution (only environmental temperature, reaction to the solution.
for enthalpy of which is around 25-27oC.
Container of Activation energy: Activation energy:
reacting Used conical flask 250 ml for To allow constant increase in the amount of
mixture each trial. CO2 produced because CO2 sensor measures
Enthalpy of neutralization: the CO2 concentration.
Used same size container made Enthalpy of neutralization:
of Styrofoam. To minimalize the heat loss and fair amount
of heat loss absorbed by the container.
Absence of Activation energy and Activation energy:
catalyst and no enthalpy of neutralization: So the rate of reaction will not be interfered.
shaking Unnecessary substance is not Enthalpy of neutralization:
added and shaking is not done. So that the rate of reaction will not be
interfered causing the amount and rate of heat
loss that may occur to be fair.

Sadha Satya Lotan/002115-0019
Internal Assessment Chemistry Higher Level

Table 2. Apparatuses used in this investigation Table 3. Materials used in this investigation
No. Apparatuses Quantity No. Materials Quantity
1. Beaker 100 ml 34 1. Distilled water 2,000 ml
2. Conical flask 250 ml 30 2. HCl 0.2 M 1,500 ml
3. CO2 sensor (ppm, 109) 1 3. HCl 1 M 250 ml
4. Digital balance (0.01 g) 1 4. NaHCO3 33.60 g
5. Measuring cylinder 10.0 (0.1) ml 3 5. Na2CO3 21.20 g
6. Measuring cylinder 100 (0.5) ml 3
7. Stirring rod 6
8. Styrofoam cup 16
9. Temperature sensor (oC, 0.001) 1
10. Thermometer 2
11. Volumetric flask 250 ml 6


1. Preparing the required solution:

1.1. 250 ml of the alkaline solutions were prepared by dissolving the solid (for the mass, refer
to Table 2) using 40-60 ml of distilled water in a 100 ml beaker, and then stirred with
stirring rod and poured into a 250 ml volumetric flask. The beaker was filled with distilled
water again and poured to the same volumetric flask until the 250 ml line is reached. Then
the solution was shaken.

Table 4. Mass of base solids

No Alkaline Mass (g) 0.01
1. NaHCO3 0.2 M 4.20
2. NaHCO3 1 M 21.00
3. Na2CO3 0.1 M 2.65
4. Na2CO3 0.5 M 13.25

o The value of the required mass noted in Table 4 was found through the following calculation:
(g) = (M) (L)

o For example, the mass required for NaHCO3 of 0.2 M was: (Mr = 84.007)
= 0.2 M L 84.007 = 4.20035 g 4.20 g
o The uncertainty in the solution concentration was:

= ( + )

o The uncertainty of 0.1 M copper (II) sulfate solution was:
0.01 0.15
= ( + ) 0.2 = 0.0006
4.20 250
o The concentration uncertainty of every solution was very small and therefore would be

Sadha Satya Lotan/002115-0019
Internal Assessment Chemistry Higher Level

2. Finding the activation energy:

2.1. 50 ml of NaHCO3 0.2 M was poured using measuring cylinder 100 ml into the conical
flask 250 ml.
2.2. 50 ml of HCl 0.2 M was measured in another 100 ml measuring cylinder and poured into a
beaker 100 ml.
2.3. The conical flask and beaker in previous steps were soaked in a basin containing cold
water, and then the temperature was measured using thermometer.
2.4. Once the temperature reached 15oC, the conical flask and beaker were taken out.
2.5. The initial CO2 level in the flask was recorded by placing the CO2 sensor on the opening
of the flask and the data collection was started.
2.6. The CO2 sensor was removed, and then the prepared 50 ml of HCl 1 M was poured into
the flask and the CO2 sensor was immediately returned to the opening of the flask.
2.7. The data collection of the CO2 level was run for 10 minutes.
2.8. Steps 2.1-2.7 were repeated until 5 trials, and then repeated at temperature 20oC. It was
then repeated again at temperature 25oC, but the conical flask and beaker did not need to
be soaked in cold water because the solution temperature was assumed to be the same as
room temperature. The whole process was then repeated again using Na2CO3 0.1 M
instead of NaHCO3 0.2 M.

3. Finding the enthalpy of neutralization:

3.1. 10.0 ml of NaHCO3 1 M was measured using measuring cylinder 10.0 ml and poured into
the Styrofoam.
3.2. 10.0 ml of HCl 1 M was prepared in another 10.0 ml measuring cylinder.
3.3. The initial solution temperature in the Styrofoam was recorded by placing the temperature
sensor on the opening of the Styrofoam cover and the data collection was started.
3.4. The temperature sensor and the cover were removed, and the prepared 10.0 ml HCl 1 M
was poured into the Styrofoam and the temperature sensor and cover were immediately
returned to its original position.
3.5. The data collection of the change in temperature was run until the temperature reached the
highest value and 30 seconds after that.
3.6. Steps 3.1-3.5 were repeated until 8 trials using NaHCO3 1 M. The whole process was then
repeated by using Na2CO3 0.5 M instead of NaHCO3 1 M.

Safety Precaution and Disposal:

HCl is a strong acid which may irritate skin and eyes when contact occurs. Glove and safety
googles are recommended to be used when handling HCl. After one trial ends, the conical flask
containing the solution needed to be shaken to allow remaining reactants to react producing
harmless NaCl. After that, the remaining solution in the conical flask was disposed to wash sink.

Data Collection

Observation: When mixing the reactants, fizzy was observed. It indicated CO2 gas was being

Sadha Satya Lotan/002115-0019
Internal Assessment Chemistry Higher Level

Finding Activation Energy

Activation energy was obtained through calculation involving initial rate of reaction.
Initial rate was obtained through derivative of graph CO2 level against time. Below is example of
the obtained result in graphical display using Data Logger.

Fig 2. Example of the obtained result to find activation energy in graphical display NaHCO3 0.2 M at 15oC trial 1

All of the data was copied and pasted into software Microsoft Excel 2010 (later will be
shortened as Excel). The variable time was adjusted so that = 0 was when there had been the
first increase in CO2 level. It was done by subtracting it with corresponding value. On the other
hand, suppose the graph after time was adjusted had function (). The shape of () was
similar to the shape of decreasing exponent function reflected to , however I could not
get the function () with equation I mentioned before by using Excel. Therefore, I manipulated
the data by reflecting it to first which was done by multiplying () with 1 becoming
(). However, Excel does not provide exponential function where its y value is negative.
Therefore, I manipulated the function again by translating it in y-axis direction as big as
becoming () + . I only use data when adjusted time = 0,4,8, ,100 (26 data) to be
plotted on the graph because I think 26 data are already enough to obtain the required function,
so that initial rate of reaction can be determined while being fair to each of the trial because each
trial may have different number of total data. The value of would be 13,000 for NaHCO3 and
5,400 for Na2CO3. They are different because it was observed that the CO2 level produced after
10 minutes at the highest temperature tested (25oC) was also different where it was around
13,000 for NaHCO3 and 5,400 for Na2CO3.
Table 5. Example of adjusting the time NaHCO3 0.2 M at 15oC trial 1
Time (s) CO2 level (ppm)
0 2.479553223
4 2.479553223
8 2.479553223

64 2.479553223
68 2.479553223 Adjusted time (s) () + 13,000
72 2.670288086 0 12997.32971

Sadha Satya Lotan/002115-0019
Internal Assessment Chemistry Higher Level

76 148.2009888 4 12851.79901
80 316.2384033 8 12683.7616

168 3617.095947 96 9382.904053
172 3722.381592 100 9277.618408

In Table 5, the first increase was detected at = 72. Therefore, from = 72 onwards, the
time is adjusted by subtracting it by 72. The adjusted time and the function () + 13,000
were plotted in graph on Excel. An exponential function equivalent to () + 13,000, or later
referred as () can be determined using Excel.
Graph 1. Example of the plotted data NaHCO3 0.2 M at 15oC trial 1
14000 The first derivative of () could be
12000 found through equation (). We
10000 know that:

y = 13,025e-0.00346x () = () + [12]
R = 0.99944
4000 () = () [13]
() = () [14]
0 50 100 150
Adjusted time (s)

We had known that the function was a decreasing exponential function:

() = [15]
= [16]

Through [14] we know that:

() = () = [17]

Since initial rate of reaction was to be found, therefore = 0:

() = 0 [18]
() = [19]

For example, in NaHCO3 0.2 M at 15oC trial 1, initial rate was 13,025 0.00346 = 45.1 ppm/s.
The complete data of initial rate of reaction will be shown in Appendix. The table below is
showing only for NaHCO3 0.2 M at 15oC as the example of data.
Table 6. Example of raw data initial rate of reaction in determining activation energy for NaHCO3 0.2 M at 15oC
Sample Temperature (oC) 0.5 Trial Curve Equation (()) Rate at = 0 (ppm/s)
1 13,025 0.00346 45.1
2 13,187 0.00408 53.8
15 3 13,182 0.00401 52.9
0.2 M
4 12,994 0.00498 64.7
5 12,864 0.00374 48.1

Sadha Satya Lotan/002115-0019
Internal Assessment Chemistry Higher Level

The temperature unit will be converted into Kelvin by adding 273 on the value of temperature in
Celcius, for example: 15 = (15 + 273)K = 288 K

The average of the initial rate of reaction will be calculated and shown in Table 7:

Table 7. Average initial rate in determining activation energy

Temperature Average Rate at = 0
(K) 0.5 (ppm/s)
288 52.9
NaHCO3 0.2 M 293 73.4
298 133.0
288 15.8
Na2CO3 0.1 M 293 22.9
298 28.5

The average initial rate is found through the formula: () =
For example, in NaHCO3 0.2 M at 288 K, = = 52.9 ppm/s

The activation energy is then found out using the formula = ln 1 12, where
2 1 2
is obtained using the three combinations possible from the three temperatures, 288 K & 293
K, 288 K & 298 K and 293 K & 298 K. The uncertainty in temperature will be negligible as the
value is very small.

Example of calculation (NaHCO3 0.2 M, 288 K & 293 K):

52.9 288 293
= ln 8.31 = 45,933 J/mol 45.9 kJ/mol
73.4 288 293
Table 8. Activation energy of the chemical reactions
Combination of Activation Energy Average Activation
Temperatures (K) (kJ/mol) Energy (kJ/mol)
288 & 293 45.9
NaHCO3 0.2 M 288 & 298 65.8 66.0 (20.2)
293 & 298 86.3
288 & 293 52.0
Na2CO3 0.1 M 288 & 298 42.1 42.0 (10.2)
293 & 298 31.7

There are only 3 data in activation energy, so the uncertainty of its average:
In NaHCO3 0.2 M, the uncertainty of average activation energy is = 20.2 kJ/mol

Finding Enthalpy of Neutralization

The complete data of increase in temperature will be shown in Appendix. The table
below is showing only for NaHCO3 1 M as the example of data.

Sadha Satya Lotan/002115-0019
Internal Assessment Chemistry Higher Level

Table 9. Example of raw data initial and final temperature of solution to determine enthalpy of neutralization
Sample Trial Initial Temperature (oC) 0.001 Final Temperature (oC) 0.001
1 25.680 26.131
2 25.751 26.200
3 25.651 26.119
4 26.083 26.339
NaHCO3 1 M
5 25.857 26.225
6 25.850 26.206
7 25.852 26.234
8 25.774 26.108

The enthalpy of neutralization is found through the following formula:

( )
H = = =

Here, the mass used in the calculation will be the mass of water. Volume of solution is 20.0
(0.2) ml, and by assuming the density of water is 1 g/ml, therefore the mass will be 20.0 (0.2) g.
The specific heat capacity used is also waters specific heat capacity which is 4.18 J/goC.

For example in NaHCO3 1 M at trial 1:

20.0 g 4.18 J/g (26.131 25.680)
H = = 3,770.36 3.77 kJ/mol
L 1M

After finding the enthalpy of neutralization from each trial, the values will be averaged
using similar formula as before. The results are shown in Table 10. Since 8 trials were conducted
in finding enthalpy of neutralization; therefore its uncertainty will be determined using standard
deviation because there is more data compared to in finding average activation energy.

Table 10. Average enthalpy of neutralization and its standard deviation

Sample Average Enthalpy of Neutralization (kJ/mol) Standard Deviation (kJ/mol)
NaHCO3 1 M 3.20 0.56
Na2CO3 0.5 M 11.8 1.8

The calculation for the standard deviation is based on the following formula:
( )2
() = =1

For example, the standard deviation of enthalpy of neutralization in NaHCO3 1 M is:
(3.20 3.77)2 + (3.20 3.75)2 + (3.20 3.91)2 + (3.20 2.14)2 + (3.20 3.08)2 + (3.20 2.98)2 + (3.20 3.19)2 + (3.20 2.79)2
= 0.5574594 kJ/mol 0.56 kJ/mol

Calculating Total Bond Strength of Product

Based on enthalpy diagram in Fig 1, the total bond strength in the formed products is
equivalent to: + H . For example, in the reaction NaHCO3(aq) + HCl(aq) NaCl(aq) + CO2(g)
+ H2O(l), total bond strength: 66.0 + 3.20 = 69.2 kJ/mol. The uncertainty is obtained by adding
the absolute uncertainty of both and H : 20.2 + 0.56 = 20.76 kJ/mol 20.8 kJ/mol.

Sadha Satya Lotan/002115-0019
Internal Assessment Chemistry Higher Level

Calculating Theoretical Value

The theoretical value of the total bond strength of product will be calculated to be compared with
the experimental value.
Table 11. Average bond and lattice enthalpy at 298 K3
Bond Enthalpy (kJ/mol)
NaCl 790
OH 463
C=O 804

In the reaction NaHCO3(aq) + HCl(aq) NaCl(aq) + CO2(g) + H2O(l), total bond strength is of
product is: 790 + 2 804 + 2 463 = 3,324 kJ/mol
In the reaction Na2CO3(aq) + 2HCl(aq) 2NaCl(aq) + CO2(g) + H2O(l), total bond strength of
product is: 2 790 + 2 804 + 2 463 = 4,114 kJ/mol
The theoretical value is much greater than the experimental value. In using NaHCO3, there is a
3,32469.2 4,11453.8
difference: 100% = 97.9%. In Na2CO3, the difference is: 100% = 98.7%.
3,324 4,114
The theoretical value is not included in the chart for comparison due to the large differences.
Chart 1. Comparison of activation energy, enthalpy of neutralization and bond
strength in products in the reaction between alkaline and HCl
Energy (kJ/mol)

60 66 53.8 Activation Energy
Enthalpy of Neutralization
40 42 Bond Strength in Products
20 11.8
10 3.2
Sodium Bicarbonate Sodium Carbonate

Discussion and Review

In finding the activation energy, a solution of concentration less than in finding enthalpy
of neutralization was used to allow greater volume of solution, maintaining the temperature of the
reacting solution because water is thermally stable due to the high specific heat capacity.
Meanwhile, in finding enthalpy of neutralization, a more concentrated solution was used to allow
equal amount of reaction (equal amount of heat released) happening despite smaller volume used,
causing the temperature to rise greater to reduce error. A Styrofoam was used because it could act
as insulator, minimalizing heat loss to the container or to the surrounding environment.
In finding the activation energy, higher temperature caused the reaction rate to be greater.
This is because temperature provides greater kinetic energy for the molecule to move and break
the bonds, allowing more frequent successful collision compared to in lower temperature. As time
Aylward, G., & Findlay, T. (2008). SI Chemical Data (5th ed.). Queensland: John Wiley and Sons.
Haynes, W. (2012). CRC handbook of chemistry and physics. Boca Raton, Fla.: CRC.

Sadha Satya Lotan/002115-0019
Internal Assessment Chemistry Higher Level

passed, the rate in CO2 increase got reduced. This was because less reactant was present in the
solution, lowering its concentration; less frequent collisions happened and rate of reaction
decreased as the result. But even after ten minutes of mixing the reactants, the CO2 level still
increased. This could be caused by NaHCO3 and Na2CO3 being weak alkaline that does not fully
dissociate into OH- in water. After OH- ions reacted with HCl, the unreacted alkaline would
dissociate to replace the lost OH- ions and would react with HCl again, so reaction time is longer.
The error bar in Chart 1 was big for both enthalpy of neutralization and activation energy,
indicating the results were imprecise. The experimental value was also inaccurate since it differed
so much from the theoretical value, at about 98% difference. It was because the used theoretical
value was measured when the reactants are in gaseous forms while the reactant in this experiment
was aqueous. More of the errors will be discussed in Evaluation and Improvement.
The mechanism of the reaction between Na2CO3 and HCl is as following4:
Na2CO3(aq) + HCl(aq) NaCl(aq) + NaHCO3(aq) (1)
NaHCO3(aq) + HCl(aq) NaCl(aq) + CO2(g) + H2O(l) (2)
It involved another reaction which is also being investigated. Putting that in mind, several
phenomena could be explained. The rate of reaction when using NaHCO3 was greater than when
using Na2CO3. The rate of reaction was measured through the increase in CO2 level. In the
reaction using Na2CO3, it needed to undergo one extra step before producing CO2 which did not
happen in NaHCO3, delaying CO2 production. Furthermore, the concentration of Na2CO3 was
half of NaHCO3. This was done because the coefficient of HCl in reacting with Na2CO3 is twice
of when reacting with NaHCO3, whereas the HCl concentration was tried to be kept constant,
therefore the concentration of Na2CO3 was half of NaHCO3 to still allow the reaction completion.
In the reaction using Na2CO3, the enthalpy of neutralization was greater than using
NaHCO3. This was because of the reaction mechanism which involves two steps, where both
steps are neutralization which is exothermic and the second step is the same as the other
investigated reaction. Based on Hess Law, the difference in their enthalpy of neutralization will
correspond to the enthalpy of neutralization of first step in the reaction between Na2CO3 and HCl.
The activation energy in using NaHCO3 was higher than in using Na2CO3 which could be
caused by the two steps mechanism of the reaction between Na2CO3 with HCl. The first step
which is exothermic will supply heat for the endothermic process or bonds breaking in the second
step. Furthermore, the activation energy to initiate first step may also be not very high. These
explained why Na2CO3 has lower activation energy compared to NaHCO3.
The total bond strength in the reaction using NaHCO3 was found to be higher than in
Na2CO3 which was different from the hypothesis. The difference could be caused by random
uncertainty since it still fell in the error bar. However, some other factors might cause this
difference, such as the errors in finding activation energy or the reaction rate where human bias
has huge impact in finding reaction rate. This can also be caused by experimental error in finding
enthalpy of neutralization. There may be a lot of heat loss to the surrounding before the
completion of reaction since the reaction proceeds very slowly because weak alkaline was used.

Clark, J. (2013). Acid-Base Indicators. Retrieved 24 January 2016, from

Sadha Satya Lotan/002115-0019
Internal Assessment Chemistry Higher Level

From the two investigated reactions that produce both NaCl and carbon dioxide, the
research question, In the reaction between Na2CO3 and HCl, and NaHCO3 and HCl, how do the
values of activation energy, enthalpy of neutralization and the total bond strength of products
compare? can now be answered. The activation energy when using NaHCO3 is much higher
than when using Na2CO3. The enthalpy of neutralization when using NaHCO3 is much lower
than using Na2CO3. The total bond strength of products formed using NaHCO3 is higher than in
using Na2CO3. These are possibly caused by the reaction mechanism where two steps were
involved in Na2CO3 which also produced NaHCO3 in the first step as an intermediate product.
Evaluation and Improvement
I was proud in conducting this investigation. I managed to apply my mathematical skills
such as function transformation and derivative to help me in obtaining the required data. I could
also make the required acid and alkaline solution on my own. I also managed to relate Arrhenius
Equation with Rate Law. However, some experimental errors occurred and will be discussed.
The temperature in finding activation energy could slightly change during the reaction.
This may be caused by heat transfer from surrounding to the reacting solution or the exothermic
reaction which releases heat and increased the solution temperature. This could be solved by
conducting the experiment in an insulator where CO2 sensor can fit in using it while preventing
CO2 gas from escaping.
Some CO2 gas may escape when adding HCl but before covering the flask with the
sensor. A flask with longer neck or with two necks for CO2 sensor and adding HCl could be used
to reduce this error.
Although Styrofoam as insulator was used in determining the enthalpy of neutralization,
some heat loss to surrounding or absorbed by insulator could occur, causing the experimental
value to be lower than the actual value. This could be solved by using a more concentrated
solution and greater amount of solution. Furthermore, the reacting solution could be stirred to
increase the rate of reaction so that heat loss can be reduced. Plot the graph of temperature
against time and use extrapolation of graph to take account the heat loss.
Inaccurate CO2 level because there is delay in detecting the increase of CO2 level, which
may cause the measured reaction rate to have different value from its actual value. The rate could
be measured by measuring the volume of CO2 gas or the mass loss due to escaping CO2 gas.
Determining bond strength of formed products in this case may not be accurate enough as
not all of them are in gaseous forms. Using Born-Haber cycle to determine the lattice enthalpy
based on the enthalpy of sublimation, atomization, electron affinity and ionization energy.
The value of rate constant was not found. Only the ratio was used. Finding and
determining the order of the reaction is suggested to get the value of rate constant which will
be used to determine the activation energy. This can be done by conducting reactions in different
reactant concentration and compare the initial rate of reaction. Furthermore, by plotting the graph
of ln against , the activation energy can be found by finding its gradient.

Sadha Satya Lotan/002115-0019
Internal Assessment Chemistry Higher Level


Aylward, G., & Findlay, T. (2008). SI Chemical Data (5th ed.). Queensland: John Wiley and
Sons.,. Rate Laws. Retrieved 31 January 2016, from

Clark, J. (2013). Acid-Base Indicators. Retrieved 24 January 2016, from

Haynes, W. (2012). CRC handbook of chemistry and physics. Boca Raton, Fla.: CRC.

James,. (2015). Enthalpy Diagram of Exothermic Reaction. Retrieved from

Lower, S. (2009). Collision and Activation, the Arrhenius Law. General Chemistry Virtual
Textbook. Retrieved 31 January 2016, from

Sadha Satya Lotan/002115-0019
Internal Assessment Chemistry Higher Level


Here are some documentations of the experiment.

Image 1. Cooling HCl and the Image 2. Measuring CO2 Image 3. Measuring
alkaline level temperature increase

Below is the complete raw data of the initial rate of reaction to determine the activation energy.

Table 12. Raw Data Initial rate of reaction to determine the activation energy
Sample Trial Curve Equation (()) Rate at = 0 (ppm/s)
(oC) 0.5
1 13,025 0.00346 45.1
2 13,187 0.00408 53.8
15 3 13,182 0.00401 52.9
4 12,994 0.00498 64.7
5 12,864 0.00374 48.1
1 12,956 0.00624 80.8
2 13,057 0.00651 85.0
NaHCO3 0.2 M 20 3 13,142 0.00579 76.1
4 13,034 0.00450 58.7
5 12,872 0.00515 66.3
1 13,163 0.01080 142.2
2 13,404 0.01022 137.0
25 3 12,906 0.00945 122.0
4 13,285 0.00992 131.8
5 13,233 0.00998 132.1
1 5,304 0.00330 17.5
2 5,323 0.00298 15.9
15 3 5,318 0.00263 14.0
4 5,309 0.00288 15.3
Na2CO3 0.1 M
5 5,335 0.00307 16.4
1 5,277 0.00466 24.6
20 2 5,313 0.00400 21.3
3 5,300 0.00475 25.2

Sadha Satya Lotan/002115-0019
Internal Assessment Chemistry Higher Level

4 5,347 0.00380 20.3

5 5,344 0.00431 23.0
1 5,320 0.00593 31.5
2 5,446 0.00493 26.8
25 3 5,449 0.00480 26.2
4 5,385 0.00558 30.0
5 5,320 0.00530 28.2

Below is the raw data of initial and final temperature of solution to determine the enthalpy of

Table 8. Raw Data Initial and final temperature of solution to determine enthalpy of neutralization
Sample Trial Initial Temperature (oC) 0.001 Final Temperature (oC) 0.001
1 25.680 26.131
2 25.751 26.200
3 25.651 26.119
4 26.083 26.339
NaHCO3 1 M
5 25.857 26.225
6 25.850 26.206
7 25.852 26.234
8 25.774 26.108
1 26.271 26.783
2 25.760 26.393
3 25.719 26.481
4 25.679 26.426
Na2CO3 0.5 M
5 25.899 26.542
6 25.855 26.592
7 25.590 26.497
8 25.779 26.503


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