What Is A Good Acrostic Poem For Government?

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Why do we need

A Bill of Rights

For the Federal government

When the states have their own

Sets of Constitutions

And the Federal Constitution

Already protects basic freedoms?

We want a strong national government,

But the states can have just a bit of power, too.

Since we've got a big American territory,

We need to have a stronger Fed.

We'll have three branches

With checks and balances:

The Executive with a President,

A bicameral Legislative, and

A national Supreme Court.

What is a good acrostic poem for

Go to the Capitol and there you shall see the
Organization that governs our society Vigilantly
discussing the needs of our land Encouraging
citizens to do what they can Running as mediator
between other nations Now helping the needy and
taking MORE

Prior to the arrival of the Americans in 1898, the Spanish colonial

government of the Philippine Islands, which had ruled the Philippines
since 1571, found a useful purpose for the tiny peninsula across the bay.
Ever distrustful of the Chinese merchants who called on every port
from Japan to the Arabian peninsula, the Spanish passed laws
restricting their entry into the capitol city of Manila. These Chinese
merchants, then known as xiang-li, could, however, peddle their wares
across the bay from the city on the narrow strip of land that would
eventually bear their name. In addition to their role as international
traders, Chinese artisan and craftsmen were employed as inexpensive
labor by the Spanish shipbuilders who built ships at Sangley that were
used in the galleon trade route between Manila and Acapulco.

u.s colony

Prior to the arrival of the Americans in 1898, the Spanish colonial

government of the Philippine Islands, which had ruled the Philippines
since 1571, found a useful purpose for the tiny peninsula across the bay.
Ever distrustful of the Chinese merchants who called on every port
from Japan to the Arabian peninsula, the Spanish passed laws
restricting their entry into the capitol city of Manila. These Chinese
merchants, then known as xiang-li, could, however, peddle their wares
across the bay from the city on the narrow strip of land that would
eventually bear their name. In addition to their role as international
traders, Chinese artisan and craftsmen were employed as inexpensive
labor by the Spanish shipbuilders who built ships at Sangley that were
used in the galleon trade route between Manila and Acapulco.

Constitution manner
CONSTITUTION OF MATTER 17.891). - In the decade 1910-20 many important
advances were made which gave much more definiteness and precision to our
knowledge of the constitution of matter. The atomic theory of matter, which for long
appeared to be of necessity unverifiable by direct experiment on account of the
minuteness of the atom, received almost direct proof in a number of ways. Methods have
been developed, for example, to detect the electrical effect of a single a particle from
radium, and a single swift electron (see Gases, Electrical Prop Erties Of).

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