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19 Januari 2017

Class : 9
Name :__________________

A. Complete the missing words by using the answers below!

a. front e. walk i. river

b. stands f. help j. alone

c. nurse g. living

d. around h. trouble

l. In some part of Indonesia, there are still elephants (1)________ in the jungle. Elephants dont like
to live (2)_______. They always live in group. They help each other when there is a (3)________.
The leader of the group is usually a female elephant. She walks in (4)_______ of the group and
the other females and their young follow her. The man elephants walk behind If there is trouble
the male elephants make a cyrcle (5)________ the others. If one of the elephants is sick, all of
other elephants (6)_______ it. Two will (7)_______ on each side of it to help it walk. All
elephants in a group help to look after the young elephants. They help the young one swim across
the (8)_______. And when a female elephant is going to have a baby, another female elephant
(9)________ beside her, to help her, like a (10)_______. So we can learn a lot from elephants
about helping other people.

m. Read the text below to answer the questions

B. Umi goes to Supermarket and she will buy her daily needs. Here is Umis Shopping list:

a. 1 kg sugar d. an egg g. An orange
b. 2 veils e. 10 bottles of milk h. 1 pack wet tissue
c. 2 kg rice f. An apple

Answer the questions bellow!
1. How many kinds of fruits are there in the text? What are they?
2. How many books does Umi want to buy?
3. Based on the shopping list above, if a bottle of milk is Rp.5000 so Umi should pay Rp.........
4. 1 pack wet The underlined word has similar meaning with... and opposite with......

C. Here is Abis shopping list for Umis birthday:

a. 20 balloons d. 9 pack of biscuits g. 44 paper hats
b. A beautiful tart e. 5 m ribbon
c. Bottle syrup f. 40 paper trumpets

5. How many paper hats does the writer want to buy?
A. Fourteen C. Forty
B. Forty four D. Four

6. What kind of hats does he want to buy?
A. Bamboo hats C. Fabric hats
C. Plastic hats D. Paper hats

7. What do you thing the writer will have?
A. A formal meeting. C. Conference
B. A friendship meeting D. A party

8. Who is going to birthday?
A. Umi C. Umis friend
B. Abi D. The reader

9. A beautiful tart. What is the antonym of the underlined word?
A. Nice C. Bad
B. Pretty D. Cute

10. A beautiful What is the synonym of the underlined word?
A. Ugly
B. Bad
C. Not good
D. Nice

Key answers (Kunci Jawaban)

1. Two kinds of fruits. Apple and Orange. 5. B
2. Umi doesnt want to buy book 6. D
3. Rp. 50.000,- 7. D
4. Similar : damp, soaked, moist. 8. A
Opposite : dry. 9. C

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