Centro Cervantes de Donetsk-ЦЕНТР СЕРВАНТЕСА В ДОНЕЦКЕ

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(English-Russian versions)


A social innovation laboratory empowering the local community and
opened to the World


A social innovation laboratory empowering the local community and opened to the World

This document describes the framework of the Centro Cervantes de Donetsk (CCD), a project
supported by the Donetsk National Technical University (Donntu). The document functions as a guideline
helping to understand the whole project to Donntu authorities, stakeholders, and potential collaborative
third parties. This document has its version in English, Spanish and Russian languages.

1. Introduction:

The CCD is part of a general strategy for the internationalization (GSI) of Donntu as a result of the
post-maidan scenario. The GSI is a document created, published and distributed by Donntu authorities,
being a constant outcome of an open debate among Donntu academic community (faculties, employees,
students, authorities) and other stakeholders (local authorities and representatives of the local
community). Donntu authorities are entitled to organize and to run dissemination activities such as
conferences on internationalization of Donetsk universities, inviting students, professors, employees and
other stakeholders. The conferences are intended to collect all kind of proposals able to internationalize
Donntu and other higher education institutions running in the Donbass under the current political
scenario, namely the current communication blockade by the EU academic authorities and EU academic
institutions towards the DPR and LPR counterparts.

2. Centro Cervantes de Donetsk. Vision, mission, objectives, activities and basic structure.

2.1 History, vision and philosophy.

The CCD is an institution created at the end of 2016 by Donntu authorities. The CCD is inspired by the
spirit of the Institute Franco-Russe (IFR), which has evolved successfully developing its academic and
cultural activities for more than 20 years, and at the same time fostering a synergic approach that has
boosted the presence of the entity as center for internationalization, social innovation, and cooperation for
development. In such respect, the CCD is intended to become an open-doors laboratory of social
innovation including the Donntu academic community together with the DPR local community. In the
long run, the CCD is expected to incorporate new stakeholders such as other higher education institutions
(Donetsk National University, University of Tourism and Management, etc), and local institutions.
Since its creation, the CCD has had two intertwined dimensions: an academic, and a socio-cultural one.
The institution was created through a strong synergy among the Donntu International Office, a club of
Spanish speaking people, and students of Spanish language (known as La Tertulia de la ee) which was
running in Donetsk for many years not being integrated into any higher education institution. The CCD
also integrated some foreigners, who because of different reasons became part of the Donntu international
office or the Spanish clubs network. Donntu International Office incorporated in September 2016 a
lecturer from Barcelona with many years of experience working in the so-called Third Sector (NGOs and
social movements) who operated as a change agent or facilitator and made possible the whole
project. The CCD wants to become a social laboratory being able to create new ideas integrating the
academic and local community in the generation and implementation of projects aimed to improve the
living conditions of DPR citizens.

The philosophy inspiring the initiative has a sources the following quotes by Matthew Apostle, Lao-Tzu
and the Memphis Manifesto.

Matthew (7:7) Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened
to you

Lao Tzu: When the best leaders work is done the people say we did it ourselves. An ant on the
move does more than a sleeping ox To lead people walk behind them

Memphis Manifesto (attached at the end of this document): 1) Cultivate and reward creativity. Everyone
is part of the value chain of creativity. Creativity can happen at anytime, anywhere, and its happening in
your community right now. Pay attention. 4) Nurture the creatives. Support the connectors. Collaborate
to compete in a new way and get everyone in the game.
5) Value risk-taking. Convert a no climate into a yes climate. Invest in opportunity making, not just
problem-solving. Challenge conventional wisdom. 9) Take responsibility for change in your community.
Improvise. Make things happen. Development is a do it yourself enterprise.

2.2 Mission.
The CCD syncretic origin has shaped the CCD mission which can be reflected by the following sentence:
developing academic and socio-cultural activities and empowering the local community

2.3 Objectives and activities.

2.3.1. Developing academic and socio-cultural activities.

The CCD will develop academic activities being the main one the schooling of Spanish language and
culture either to Donntu students or to the public in general.

Apart from Spanish, the CCD will also offer to the general public courses of other languages (French,
English, Russian for foreigners).

The CCD will edit a magazine in Spanish language called Quijotes. This magazine will have an edition
on-line with registered ISSN, and eventually a printed edition in the future. The magazine Quijotes will
follow the example of Sans Frontieres the magazine edited by Donntu IFR which in turn has been a
vehicle for the internationalization of Donntu in the countries part of the Francophonie (French speaking
countries). Quijotes will be hosted by Donntu servers.

The CCD will have a website in Spanish and Russian languages and will have also presence in social
media (Facebook, Twitter and Vkontakte). Also CCD will have its own YouTube channel.

The CCD will promote all kind of cultural activities (conferences, seminars, cinema, theatre, contests,
poetry, club of gastronomy) focused on Spanish language, culture, the history of Spain and Latino

The CCD will develop links with other academic and cultural institutions that are promoting the Spanish
language around the World. The CCD will pay special attention in developing strong partnership with
similar institutions operating in CIS and BRICS countries. Also will give priority to independent cultural
institutions, NGOs and aid-entities working in US and the European Unio, especially considering the
current political scenario which makes difficult to develop strong relationships with US/EU academic
authorities or governmental institutions.

2.3.2 empowering the local community

The CCD is an academic institution with the main philosophy of incorporating the work of local and
foreign volunteers, as both were involved since its very origin. Thus the CCD volunteers are the heart of
the institution for the time being and for the coming future. It is expected that the CCD and Donntu will
be enriched through the synergies generated by the incorporation in the CCD rationale of people that are
not part of the academic community but are actively involved in the empowerment of DPR local
community. The role of CCD volunteers and definition of rights and duties will be done in the last part of
this document.
The CCD will integrate in its structure a sub-entity devoted to develop this second dimension of CCD
mission. Since there is not still in DPR a legal framework that regulates the NGOs the Centro Cervantes
will host a sub-entity that will operate under the umbrella of the CCD and Donntu. This sub-entity will be
formed by CCD volunteers interested in developing projects focused on cooperation for development,
international volunteer service, humanitarian aid, solidarity economy and social innovation. This
structure will be especially useful if the political scenario improves since international agencies will
be in need of reliable and independent non-governmental partners for implementing their projects
in DNR territory. We will call this sub-entity NGO The Mole. The name is quite suitable for Donetsk
(a city created by miners) and for Donntu as the institution is specialized in training engineers that will be
employed in the mining industry. Additionally the mole representing a cute pet, can be used in t-shirts,
mugs and other merchandising products that can be sold locally or on-line.

The Mole will act in accordance with DPR laws and will be an open entity towards Donntu students,
faculties, personnel and as well to local and foreign volunteers. As it has been stated above, the work and
evolution of the NGO The Mole will depend on the local and international political scenario, as well as
on the human and economic resources the project is able to gather.

The Mole is inspired by similar experiences existing in other foreign universities and by some NGOs like
SETEM from Barcelona that has developed an intense partnership with the Universitat Politcnica de
Catalunya (UPC).

NGO The Mole should focus its work on the following areas or activities:

The Mole will coordinate an International Volunteer Center (IVC) promoting international
volunteer service in the DPR territory. Many universities around the world are offering this kind
of opportunity for young people willing to collaborate in social, cultural, and environmental
projects. The IVC will contact local organizations and institutions operating in Donetsk
eventually interested in hosting international volunteers for short or long period. The foreign
volunteers should have to pay a fee (between 150 and 300 euros) and as well the accommodation
in Donntu students residence. With this fee the volunteer will have access to Donntu facilities
and services (sport center, libraries and canteens, Russian language courses, medical assistance,
post service, travel from/to Rostov-on-Don ). The international volunteers will get support from
NGO The Mole in bureaucratic management. The IVC will be useful for the
internationalization of Donntu as one of its main tasks will be looking for volunteer positions
abroad for Donntu students and students of other DPR higher education institutions including the
development of partnership with similar institutions around the world. There are many private,
non-profit and public organizations offering international volunteer service worldwide. If Donntu
has its own IVC many opportunities of partnership will appear and Donntu students will be the
main beneficiaries.

The Mole will develop projects in partnership with local organizations, international agencies,
and NGOs. The Mole will give priority to projects focused on humanitarian aid, solidarity
economy, and social innovation, additionally working on cooperation for development. The
mission of The Mole is empowering the local community bringing to Donetsk the technical,
economic and human resources that are needed to improve Donetsk people living standards.

The Mole itself will act as a social innovation laboratory and school of citizenship, solidarity and
international cooperation where will be learnt management skills coming from the so-called Third
Sector or Non-Governmental Sector. Participating in the activities of The Mole will be especially
positive for Donntu students that will improve their personal and professional skills since they
will be forced to deal with many different issues and will get in touch with several foreign
volunteers also working for some of the projects where The Mole will be involved. The Mole will
organize training courses and seminars on management of NGOs, cooperation for development
and other skills useful not only for Donntu students or CCD volunteers but for DPR local
community. Some of those courses will be free of charge. Some of the courses to be organized
will have a fee to be paid by the participants. The Mole is intended to be an important actor in
Donetsk providing education and training in management skills and leadership in order create a
next generation of local NGO leaders.

The Mole will coordinate the Donbass International Summer University (DISU) a project
intended to be implemented this summer 2017 including participants (professors, researchers,
students, journalists and social activists) coming from overseas. In the current scenario of
informational blockage imposed by the main-stream western media against DPR and LPR, DISU
plays an important role for DONNTU as an educative institution bringing orientation to the latter
and fostering new international partnerships with foreign organizations and higher education

2.4 Leadership, facilities, membership, basic structure and budget

The whole project will be successful only if there is a serious commitment coming from Donntu
authorities as well as enthusiasm from the volunteers, stakeholders and people who for the time being are
somehow part of the project.
2.4.1. Leadership. We are dealing with an ambitious project that incorporates innovative elements that
somehow may challenge the organizational culture that is dominant in Donntu or in the private sector.
CCD is not a bureaucratic organization and is not a private company but an educative institution that is
self-management by their own members and is devoted to offer services to the academic and local
community where is operating. The project itself may find some resistance coming from those Donntu
employees who dont understand the mission, objectives and synergic nature of Centro Cervantes and its
sub-entity NGO The Mole. For overcoming the resistance it is necessary to build a strong leadership
since the very beginning. The CCD is a project of Donntu. The people working for the project are part of
Donntu community not strangers in the night.

2.4.2. Facilities, keys and working days. The CCD already has its headquarters in the central area of
Donetsk city. An auditorium fully renovated and integrated in an old building that belongs to Donntu.
This auditorium was renovated thanks to a grant coming from the German government and for a while
was used for teaching German and later English language. If the auditorium is going to serve as a
headquarters of CCD/The Mole the following essential requirements should be guaranteed by Donntu
authorities : a) access to the toilet that is placed out of the auditorium b) internet (wi-fi) c) a blackboard
d) teaching and office material (pens, paper, pencils) e) the place has to be cleaned regularly since is part
of Donntu facilities. The ideal is also having a folding screen () able to generate two different
spaces in the same auditorium. In this way two different activities can be done at the same time (for
instance teaching and having a meeting, or having two different meetings since the headquarters will host
different activities and groups).

The access to CCD facilities will be granted by using a key available in the reception of Donntu residence
number 8, which is very close to CCD facilities. Thus any person with the corresponding identification
card issued by CCD/Donntu and included in a specific list will have permission to get that key.

Because of the characteristics of the CCD the center may be used from Monday till Sunday. Some
cultural activities, courses, training courses or social meetings can be organized even during weekends.
The CCD, as it was stated before, is a social innovation laboratory that is opened to the local community,
their activities are self-regulated by the people involved in the project and the time-table and hours where
the center is opened will be decided by the Coordination Board of the institution.

2.4.3. CCD members, volunteers and collaborators. It is necessary to define accurately the rights and
duties of CCD members. Different categories of membership may be established (full members,
volunteers, and collaborators) Till this document is approved we can say that all the members and
volunteers: a) will have right to participate in the decision making process of CCD b) will have access to
Donntu facilities and services (sport center, libraries, canteens) c) will have an accreditation (a card)
that will identify them as a Donntu volunteer. d) the job opportunities, grants, scholarships and other
opportunities generated by CCD activities will be firstly offered to CCD volunteers provided that their
skills and qualifications are suitable. The CCD volunteers will help the institution to develop its mission
and activities as a volunteer task-force.

2.4.4. CCD basic structure: Board of Directors. Coordination Board, permanent and ad hoc
Commissions, Assembly.

The CCD is an institution with different stakeholders (Donntu and the Spanish Club of Donetsk). In the
future new stakeholders may (and should) be incorporated. CCD will be controlled and oversaw by a
Board of Directors. The stakeholders will determine the person or persons that will be members of the
Board of Directors. The Board of Directors also will be integrated by members of CCD Coordination
Board. For some issues some individuals can be appointed as a member of the Board of Directors.

The Coordination Board is the executive body of the CCD. The structure of the Coordination Board,
members and functions will be determined by the statutes of the institution in accordance with DPR

An array of permanent and ad hoc commissions can eventually be created. The tasks to be developed
and persons being part of those commissions can be determined by the Board of Directors, the
Coordination Board, or the Assembly.

The Assembly is the body integrated by all CCD members, volunteers and collaborators. The statutes of
the institution will determine functions, competences and other issues. The Assembly incorporates the
democratic principle into the CCD. The whole project is nurtured by the principles of democracy,
autonomy and self-governance.

2.4. 5. Budget. It is important to guarantee the economic viability of the CCD, especially at the beginning
of its life as organization. In the long run the CCD will be able to be financially independent and self-
sustained by the activities and projects generated by the organization.

2.4.6. Personnel. The CCD is expected to have paid employees. Although the core of the CCD is the
work of CCD volunteers, the support of professionals in some areas and for some tasks is essential in the
long run for the success of the whole project.
3. Final remarks.

As it has been said at the beginning, this document should be understood as the road map of the Centro
Cervantes de Donetsk. The document includes the philosophy of the project. The principles and ideas
that inspire the project. The basic structure of the organization. This is not an exhaustive guide to follow
by the people already incorporated or who will join the project in the future. And it is these people who
finally will give the CCD its personality and will determine the path that the organization has to follow.
The success or failure of CCD will be conditioned by the management of the stakeholders and the
effort, commitment, and active participation put on this endeavor by the corresponding volunteers
and collaborators of the entity. Lao Tzu said that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single
step. Ah vamos. Here we go.


1) Facebook pages and logos of CCD, NGO The Mole and Donbass International Summer

Centro Cervantes Identification Card

Facebook page: @holaDonetsk

NGO The Mole

Facebook page: @donetskwelcomesyou
Donbass International Summer University
Facebook page: @donbasswelcomesyou

2) The Memphis Manifesto: building a community of ideas

The Creative 100 are dedicated to helping communities realize the full potential of creative ideas by
encouraging these principles:

1) Cultivate and reward creativity. Everyone is part of the value chain of creativity. Creativity can happen
at anytime, anywhere, and its happening in your community right now. Pay attention.
2) Invest in the creative ecosystem. The creative ecosystem can include arts and culture, nightlife, the
music scene, restaurants, artists and designers, innovators, entrepreneurs, affordable spaces, lively
neighborhoods, spirituality, education, density, public spaces and third places.
3) Embrace diversity. It gives birth to creativity, innovation and positive economic impact. People of
different backgrounds and experiences contribute a diversity of ideas, expressions,
talents and perspectives that enrich communities. This is how ideas flourish and build vital communities.
4) Nurture the creatives. Support the connectors. Collaborate to compete in a new way and get everyone
in the game.
5) Value risk-taking. Convert a no climate into a yes climate. Invest in opportunity making, not just
problem-solving. Tap into the creative talent, technology and energy for your community. Challenge
conventional wisdom.
6) Be authentic. Identify the value you add and focus on those assets where you can be unique. Dare to be
different, not simply the look-alike of another community. Resist monoculture and homogeneity. Every
community can be the right community.
7) Invest in and build on quality of place. While inherited features such as climate, natural resources and
population are important, other critical features such as arts and culture, open and green spaces, vibrant
downtowns, and centers of learning can be built and strengthened. This will make communities more
competitive than ever because it will create more opportunities than ever for ideas to have an impact.
8) Remove barriers to creativity, such as mediocrity, intolerance, disconnectedness, sprawl, poverty, bad
schools, exclusivity, and social and environmental degradation.
9) Take responsibility for change in your community. Improvise. Make things happen. Development is a
do it yourself enterprise.
10) Ensure that every person, especially children, has the right to creativity. The highest quality lifelong
education is critical to developing and retaining creative individuals as a resource for communities.
We accept the responsibility to be the stewards of creativity in our communities. We understand the ideas
and principles in this document may be adapted to reflect our communitys unique needs and assets.
The undersigned commit to our communities and each other that we will go back to our communities to
infuse these ideas into our social lives and public policies and share the accomplishments with each other
so that we all can move forward and succeed together in a more creative existence

The Manifesto can be found here: http://creativeclass.com/rfcgdb/articles/manifesto.pdf



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Ah vamos! , !

1. Facebook , The Mole

Facebook: @holaDonetsk

The Mole
Facebook: @donetskwelcomesyou

Facebook: @donbasswelcomesyou

2. :

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: http://creativeclass.com/rfcgdb/articles/manifesto.pdf

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