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Remapping Of Philippine Literature through

What, then, is literary criticism?
Some will say it is the reasoned consideration or analysis
of literary texts and their issues. It may also be an argument
about a literary work, which will be proven using the texts and the
culture or context the text was written in or for. There is one
general agreement among critics, however, when it comes to any
kind of critique: it has to be practical.
Criticism is meant to see what has not been seen before, to say
what has not been said before, and to change what needs to be
changed. It interprets meaning in the text and judges the texts
quality so that it may bring forth new ideas, new realizations, and
necessary changes in society.
One of the earliest works of criticism is Platos argument against
the consequences of poetic inspiration in his written entitled The
Republic. Up until now, this text is used to guide critics on how a
text can be interpreted or what other modes of interpretation can
be done.

Function Of Literary Criticism

There are many functions of literary criticism, and they vary
depending on the text itself or the context where it is being
- Literary criticism may be the simple review of books that you
often read online or in local newspaper, or a systematic
theoretical discussion of a storys impact on society.
- Criticism in everyday newspaper may also summarize the
worth of the book, or support or deconstruct a publishers
claim about a given book.
- Another function of literary criticism is to reevaluate any given
text. This is to shed new light or to give new meaning to old
- Sometimes, literary criticism lets you to see the function old
texts in modern society.
- Literary criticism may also be used to invoke discussions,
reassess society, and redefine culture based on a literary text.
These kinds of sustained criticism may be found in bimonthly
or even annual magazines or journals, which oftentimes have
specialized topics.
These kinds of criticisms are usually available to the academe,
although some do end up in daily papers or mainstream

It is also common for criticism to dip its toes into social and
political arguments, especially if the literary work is social or
political in nature. Because literary criticisms is highly
interdisciplinary in nature, it is not afraid to transgress
boundaries to argue a point and it also bravely follows where
the literary texts goes. Some forms of critical work done in the
Philippine have dealt with the following: the abuse of overseas
foreign workers (OFWs); the marginalization of women and/or
members of the Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender
(LGBT) community: the environmental degradation and
injustice: and even postcolonial theories that dispute the years
of colonization in which the country has endured. Critics may
be seen as law givers when it comes to books, stories, poems,
and the like. They may pass judgment based in their informed
critical lenses and can make or break a writer. Even if writers,
in the truest sense of the world, are owners of (and are
Holders, too), critics may still persuade the public to place
their own judgments on the work, according to how they see
fit. That is how powerful criticism is in society.
According to Isagani R. Cruz the situation of Filipino literary
theory can be taken as a case study. Although contemporary
Filipino theories presumably work in decolonized space
Philippine literature (pre-colonial, colonial, and post-colonial) is
still heavily under theorized.

Filipino critics have read everything American critics have

read, but American critics have not read half of what Filipino
critics have read.

Literary criticism also does not always have to delve into

religious or nationalistic interpretations it can be anything
about the literary text on hand, as long as is it within the text.

Essential Learning
Literary criticism is often ignored in Philippine
literature. Literary criticism, however, is essential
because it not only informs the readers of what they may
discover through a literary text but also shapes society
for it criticizes the context in which the text was written
in. There are many functions of literary criticism. It may
be to review a literary text, to give an informed opinion
about a subject matter or issue, to invoke discussion, or
to reevaluate texts.
Criticism is instrumental in fostering healthy academic
discussions in any setting. Thus, it is an indispensable
part of Philippine literature that must be continually
Prepared by:
Almerra T.
Geliza Marie Emperado

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