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BP in crisis:


Issue 1,170 Tuesday 6 July 2010



The last general strike was in 1926,

when railwaymen, transport work-
ers, printers, dockers, ironworkers,
steelworkers and miners went on
strike over low pay for miners
Picture: GETTY

POLITICS act of folly to allow the government to mandate,” he said. on specific grievances before working was planning to change strike laws to

BY DAVID CROW pick off individual groups of workers.” A spokesman for the civil servants’ together to ensure that all the walk- thwart a wave of walk-outs, but left
“It would be better to stand togeth- union PCS said: “This is a wide scale outs start at the same time. This the door open to new legislation in
THE PROSPECT of the first general er and take generalised and coordinat- attack on the public sector, with a would be completely legal under exist- the future.
strike since 1926 reared its ugly head ed action.” massive knock-on for the private sec- ing laws. An official at the department of
yesterday, after trade union leaders And Steve Gillan, general-secretary tor. Strikes are pretty inevitable – it The unions made the threats after Business Innovation and Skills said:
clubbed together to fight the toughest of prison officers’ union the POA, told would be best if unions coordinate the Treasury asked departments to “As the Prime Minister has made clear
public spending cuts in a generation. City A.M. coordinated industrial action strike action for maximum impact.” draw up plans to slash spending by 40 there are no immediate plans to
Three unions – which represent was “inevitable” considering the scale City A.M. understands that Matt per cent. change the law.
train and bus drivers, prison officers, of public spending cuts being planned Wrack, the general-secretary of the And government plans to change “Strikes remain at relatively low lev-
and civil servants – said they would by the coalition government. Fire Brigade Union (FBU), has also civil servants’ severance terms, bring- els. Of course, the situation may
support a general strike if the govern- “Do I believe there will be a general refused to rule out backing a general ing them in line with the private sec- change and any responsible govern-
ment sacks public sector staff or alters strike or coordinated action? It’s strike. tor, have also caused unrest. ment would wish to ensure the public
the terms and conditions of their inevitable,” he said. And some members of the National Cabinet office minister Francis doesn’t suffer unduly if there is an
employment. Prison officers are banned from Union of Teachers (NUT) and Maude fears that a wave of public sec- upsurge in strike action.”
Bob Crow, general-secretary of striking under section 127 of the Universities and Colleges Union (UCU) tor job losses could prove hugely London Mayor Boris Johnson has
transport union RMT, called on other Criminal Public Order Act, but Gillan support coordinated action, although expensive due to generous redundan- met with Philip Hammond, the trans-
trade union leaders to coordinate said this “wouldn’t stop” workers neither union has adopted an official cy terms, which offer some civil ser- port secretary, to discuss whether the
industrial action for maximum effect. walking out. stance yet. vants a pay-off equivalent to six years proportion of workers required to vote
He said: “With so many trade “If they go ahead with savage cuts, Trade unions could engineer a gen- of salary. before a strike takes place should be
unions under attack, it would be an if prisons are privatised – we’ve got a eral strike by balloting their members The government yesterday denied it increased. £1.5BN EXTRA CUTS: P6

FTSE 100 t4,823.53 -14.56 DOW CLOSED NASDAQ CLOSED £/$ t1.51 -0.01 £/¤ 1.21 unc ¤/$ t1.25 -0.01 Certified Distribution
3/05/10 - 30/05/10 is 106,097

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2 News CITYA.M. 6 JULY 2010

Ponzi suspect
Grim is the new Nice for the economy shoots himself
over the next few years will be sharply
lower than during the bubble – is one
that I share. There has been no materi-
ensure their solvency. The policy is
partly sound – financial institutions
were operating on ridiculously low
transition, at a time when the interna-
tional financial sector remains fragile,
could be one of the worst decisions in
while in Spain
al collapse in economic indicators – levels of capital, under previous regu- regulatory history and trigger a fresh

yesterday’s services purchasing man- lations – but the authorities seem collapse. We must hope that common ENFORCEMENT
agers index in the UK fell to 54.5 from determined to force this to happen too sense prevails.
55.4, suggesting that the economy is soon, which would choke off the sup- There have been two recent occa- A SUSPECT in a German investigation
growing just a little more slowly. But ply of credit. As Andrew Lilico of sions in the UK when fiscal policy has into an alleged €300m (£248.5m)
EDITOR’S LETTER to many analysts that isn’t the point: Europe Economics and Policy been tightened substantially during a Ponzi scheme committed suicide on
they appeared to be way too optimistic Exchange points out, past research downturn. The first was in 1976, after Saturday, it has been confirmed.
ALLISTER HEATH and were probably hoping for continu- indicates that huge increases in capi- the IMF bailout; the second was in Dieter Frerichs, managing director
ally higher survey readings and even- tal requirements will result in banks 1981 when Lord (Geoffrey) Howe was of the K1 hedge fund group, is
ECONOMISTS at Morgan Stanley have tually a massive bounce. Hence their contracting their balance sheets in Chancellor of the Exchequer. The first believed to have shot himself on a
coined a great phrase to describe what bitter disappointment. approximately equal proportion to time, Jim Callaghan, then the prime Spanish beach.
we will be living through over the Secker calculates that Japanese GDP the hike in their capital holdings. If minister, was terrified Britain might He was undergoing extradition pro-
next few years: it will be Grim – growth in its own post-bubble period capital holdings are boosted from become ungovernable if cuts were ceedings in connection with the
Growth Really Is Mediocre. That is in (1990-2007) was two-thirds below that their previous 8 per cent to a hypo- imposed and Keynesian economists alleged fraud.
stark contrast to the Nice years – the in its bubble years (1980-1990). The US, thetical 15 per cent (compared with cried blue murder; the second time, K1’s founder, Helmut Kiener, was
Non-Inflationary Consistent UK and European economies won’t the current typical values of approxi- 364 equally Keynesian economists arrested last year and remains behind
Expansion originally described by perform as badly as Japan did over the mately 10 per cent prevailing in the wrote their infamous letter to the bars. Lawyers for Kiener denied he
Mervyn King. It is also in stark contrast next few years but there is neverthe- industry), that would imply a contrac- Times predicting a catastrophe as a committed fraud and had sought his
to those who are forecasting a double- less a decent parallel to be drawn here. tion in risk-weighted balance sheets of result of the tightening. Both times, release on bail, arguing he was a
dip recession, a prediction I rejected in On top of the uncertainty surround- one fifth – in other words, banks the doom-mongers were proved diplomat for the West African nation
yesterday’s column. ing the Eurozone crisis and its banks’ would reduce their outstanding loans wrong and the economy recovered; it of Guinea-Bissau, documents appeal-
Morgan Stanley’s Graham Secker’s stress tests, another big unknown will by a fifth, choking off credit. Forcing will do so again this time, but it will ing against his arrest showed.
argument – that the markets are over- be the impact of getting banks to hold banks to slash their balance sheets so nevertheless be Grim. K1 announced it would go into liq-
reacting to the realisation that growth ever larger amounts of capital to drastically, even if there is a period of uidation after its assets were frozen.

7th Floor, Centurion House,

24 Monument Street,
London, EC3R 8AJ
Back-up fund
for EU banks
Tel: 020 7015 1200 Fax: 020 7283 5334
Editor Allister Heath
Deputy Editor David Hellier
News Editor Ben Griffiths
Night Editor Katie Hope
EUROPEAN ECONOMY Commission or executive has spelt

Associate Editor David Crow

Lifestyle Editor Zoe Strimpel BY HARRY BANKS out that countries struggling to founder Sarah Curran will invest the money in new product ranges
Art Director Darren Soulsby recapitalise stricken banks could

Fashion retailer bags $9m

Pictures Alex Ridley EUROPEAN Union countries that dis- tap a €500bn (£414bn) scheme set
cover problem banks when they up as a safety net should borrowing
Commercial stress-test their lenders could turn to problems in Greece spread to Spain
Sales Director Jeremy Slattery an existing EU state back-up scheme. and beyond.
Commercial Director Harry Owen EU economy commissioner Olli By explaining what it would do if
Head of Distribution Nick Owen Rehn said that should any govern- “pockets of vulnerability” were
ment exhaust national funds in help- uncovered by stress testing, Rehn FASHION likes of Chloe, Vivienne Westwood

Distribution helpline ing a troubled lender, it could turn to hopes to win back the confidence of and Mulberry.
If you have any comments about the distribution BY STEVE DINNEEN
of City A.M. Please ring 0207 015 1230, or email “EU financial backstops.” jittery investors. The firm has fared well in the wake “In order to use these European The banks to be stress tested will be ONLINE clothing retailer my- of the financial crisis and Balderton
financial stability mechanisms in the named by the Committee of has received a $9m believes it has room to expand in the
Editorial Statement case of any country we would need to European Banking Supervisors today. (£5.9m) boost from Balderton Capital. fiercely competitive online fashion
This newspaper adheres to the system of have a programme... focused in par- The business was founded just four market.
self-regulation overseen by the Press Complaints ticular on the restructing of the bank- EU economy commis- years ago by Sarah Curran, who will It saw an astonishing 121 per cent
Commission. The PCC takes complaints about the ing sector and addressing the remain the majority shareholder. surge in sales last December. Founder
editorial content of publications under the Editor’s sioner Olli Rehn has laid
potential needs of a possible recapi- The funding will be used to invest and chief executive Sarah Curran said
Code of Practice, a copy of which can be found at talisation,” Rehn told lawmakers in out guidelines for coun- in more stock and to expand the cur- the company would break even in its
Printed by Newsfax International,
the European parliament. “That is tries to follow if banks rent product ranges. financial year, which ends at the end
Beam Reach 5 Business Park, the strategy.” need to be bailed out. specialises in dis- of the month and claimed it would
Marsh Way, Rainham, Essex, RM13 8RS It is the first time the European counted designer goods from the make a profit next year.


Gala Coral, the gambling group, is
seeking the consent of its lenders to
A Hong Kong-based toll road company well as to lift its capital expenditure. DEAL Doncaster, Barnsley and Grimsby have Queen Elizabeth II is having to cut
will sell renminbi-denominated Gala is paying its banks £3m in fees in Travis Perkins is set to become the worst employment prospects of spending and put off palace repairs
bonds to international investors this order to win more than two-thirds of Britain’s leading builders merchant any major towns in the UK, according as royal finances are squeezed by
week in a little-noticed deal that their support for the bond sale, which and plumbing supplies company to an independent analysis. A study by Britain’s budget crisis. Accounts pub-
marks an important change in would be rated below investment after clinching a £558 million deal to the Work Foundation found the three lished Monday by Buckingham Palace
China’s currency controls. Hopewell grade – known as high yield or junk – buy BSS Group. The acquisition in Northern cities were the hardest hit reveal the total public cost of support-
Highway Infrastructure, controlled and would be used to repay senior cash and shares could see Travis from the recession, with “very low” ing the monarchy was £38.2m in the
by Hong Kong tycoon Gordon Wu, debt. Perkins, which also owns the Wickes levels of employment in growth sec- 52 weeks to March 31, the equivalent
plans to raise at least Rmb1bn DIY retailer, capture as much as 25 tors combined with relatively low- of 62 pence per person.
(£100m) from institutional investors. CARREFOUR TO SELL ASIAN STORES per cent of the UK market and will skilled populations.
Carrefour, the world’s biggest super- overtake Wolseley. The OFT must E.ON WEIGHS MAJOR REVAMP
ZLOTY BULLS LIKE POLAND POLL RESULT markets group after Wal-Mart of the approve the deal. HACKERS BREACH YOUTUBE SECURITY German utility E.ON said it is consid-
The Polish zloty advanced on Monday US, is planning to sell its operations YouTube has been the victim of a ering a corporate restructuring that
as a victory for Bronislaw in Malaysia, Thailand and Singapore PRESENTERS REVEAL JOY AFTER 6 hacker attack, with a specific focus on would strip responsibility from its
Komorowski in a tight presidential to focus on countries in which it is MUSIC IS SAVED FROM AXE Justin Bieber, the Canadian teenage two biggest units and hand it to cor-
election over the weekend raised market leader. The retailer would 6 Music, the BBC radio station that pop singer. The site was affected for porate headquarters in Düsseldorf.
hopes for further economic reforms not comment on the potential dis- the corporation pledged to axe, was approximately two hours before its The move would mark the first major
in the country. Analysts said the win posals, which are at an early stage saved yesterday after the broadcast- parent company, Google, began to step of new chief executive Johannes
for Mr Komorowski, a member of the and which analysts said could fetch er’s governing body said that execu- take action. Hackers had managed to Teyssen as he looks to centralise con-
country’s ruling Civic Platform party, €600m-€800m. The planned sale is in abuse a flaw in the site which allowed trol of a company with generation
tives had failed to make a convincing
meant the Polish government no line with the strategy set out by Lars them to redirect YouTube users to and distribution operations supply-
longer had to worry that its economic Olofsson, who is the firm’s chief case for its closure. The BBC Trust adult sites and send them fake pop-up ing over 30m customers in more than
policies would be vetoed. executive. said the station should be reprieved. messages. 30 countries.
CITYA.M. 6 JULY 2010 News 3


Announcement date
Feb 26 2007
Company acquired
TXU Corp (US)
Acquired by
KKR; Texas Pacific Group;
Source: Dealogic

Deal value ($)

Buy-out boom returns as
€25bn Abertis deal looms
Goldman Sachs
Nov 20 2006 Equity Office Properties Trust Blackstone Real Estate 38.887m
July 24 2006 HCA Inc Bain Capital; KKR; 32.675m
Merrill Lynch
May 21 2007 ALLTEL Corp TPG Capital; GS Capital 27.866m
April 2 2007 First Data Corp KKR 27.728m
October 2 2006 Harrah’s Entertainment Inc Apollo Management; 27.401m (£2.6bn) bid for Extended Stay Hotels report said the deal valued Abertis,

Texas Pacific Group by a private equity consortium. which runs a major Spanish toll high-
July 3 2007 Hilton Hotels Corp Blackstone Group 25.804m
Abertis’ second-largest shareholder, way, along with parking garages and
Nov 16 2007 Clear Channel Communications Bain Capital; 24.860m TWO shareholders in the Spanish builder ACS, along with La Caxia, airport concessions, at nearly €2bn
Thomas H Lee infrastructure group that owns Spain’s biggest savings bank, will more than on paper.
May 29 2006 Kinder Morgan Inc S Capital Partners; 21.558m Cardiff and Belfast International air- attempt to create a buy-out vehicle The bid will be financed by an €8bn
AIG Global Asset Management; ports will team up with British pri- with CVC. The two shareholders cur- club loan being pulled together by
Carlyle Group; vate equity group CVC to mount a rently own almost 55 per cent of the Italian investment bank Mediobanca.
€25bn (£21bn) leveraged buy-out. business. The group’s shares were sus- Criteria, which has 28 per cent of
Riverstone Holdings
The deal for Barcelona-based pended yesterday after rising sharply Abertis, would continue as a large
May 29 2007 Archstone-Smith Trust Tishman Speyer Properties; 20.631m Abertis would dwarf the largest deal on the back of the reports. shareholder and the bid will not
Lehman Brothers since the financial crisis – a $3.9bn Shares in ACS, also surged after the involve delisting Abertis.

Doubts over
Ocado value
ness model we’re not convinced

An analyst added the firm would
OCADO can expect a frosty reception “have to have a pretty big surprise in
to its prospectus when it finally the prospectus to justify the multiple
launches this morning, as investors of sales they are talking about.”
and analysts baulk at the expected Meanwhile, relations between
£1bn valuation of the firm. Ocado and HSBC have become
The roadshow will get underway strained after an analyst note from
this afternoon but Ocado bosses face the bank appeared to question
an uphill struggle if they are to per- whether the firm would be able to
suade investors to part with their cash. turn a profit before 2014.
The head of M&A at a major invest- Other analysts say the firm should
ment bank told City A.M. investors will turn a modest profit next year. City
be put off by the amount Ocado’s A.M. understands the discrepancy
founders stand to make from the arose from HSBC’s practice of exclud-
flotation – upwards of £160m ing funds raised through an IPO in
between them. He also questioned their earnings projections.
whether the firm could continue in Ocado, which recently signed a 10-
the long-term if the IPO falls through. year contract to deliver Waitrose food,
The head of equities at a well- said it is hoping to raise £200m from
known fund management house the float.
questioned the value of the flotation. It expects existing shareholders to
He said: “We’re not likely to be inter- cash in on shares worth roughly the
ested or involved for the valuation same, with the John Lewis Pension
range they’re talking about. It looks Fund expected to sell almost all of its
like a very high valuation for a busi- 30 per cent stake.


Interviews by Marion Dakers and Daniella Farsiani


“I don’t think there is a problem with the firm floating.
The long-term Waitrose deal is a definite plus point. It’s
something different for investors: rewards come from tak-
ing a punt.”


“Online shopping is so convenient and the timing
could be right for them. I would consider buying
shares in a company like that. They need to expand
their customer base and this is a way to do it.”


“I commute to work so it’s much more convenient for
me to pop into a supermarket. I know Waitrose has said
it will support them, but long-term deals are still quite
risky. Ocado has a good reputation though.”
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CITYA.M. 6 JULY 2010 News 5

Dana Petroleum shares soar

as Korean firm looks to buy
remained broadly flat at £14.43 yester- ANALYSIS l Dana Petroleum

BY MARION DAKERS day in subdued trading across the FTSE 1,500 p
250 due to the American bank holiday. 1,443.00
02 Jul
SHARES in takeover target Dana But investors will be watching the
Petroleum have rocketed 23 per cent price closely as it approaches £16.45, 1,300
over the past several days in response to the value per share of KNOC’s
confirmation that the Korean National rumoured £1.5bn price tag for the firm.
Oil Company (KNOC) is in preliminary Analysts are not all convinced a deal 1,100
talks about acquiring the firm. will be finalised. “Holders should sit
Shares are at their highest level since tight for now to see if an early deal can
last August, when Dana was subject to be struck or an alternative bidder is
similar takeover rumours. They forthcoming,” said BNP Paribas. 21 Apr 12 May 2 Jun 22 Jun
BP boss Tony Hayward could see an overhaul to senior management Picture: REUTERS

BP rules out
a share issue
for bargain hunters,” said Shokri
BP IN CRISIS Ghanem, chairman of Libya’s
National Oil Corporation yesterday.
Ghanem would not confirm
BP yesterday dismissed speculation it whether one of Libya’s sovereign
will issue new shares in a bid to meet wealth funds, the Libyan Investment

the spiralling costs of tackling its Authority (LIA), would make a move
huge oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. to buy up a stake, thought to be val-
A spokesman told City A.M. last
night: “We welcome new sharehold-
ued at £6bn.
His comments are on the back of
ers or existing shareholders wanting speculation that similar wealthy
to increase their shares, but there are state-owned funds in Abu Dhabi and
no current plans to issue new equity.” Qatar could also be interested in back-
The denial came as reports suggest- ing BP.
ed that the government is already Evgeny Solovyov, an analyst at
drawing up contingency plans in case Societe Generale, said: “[It would] pro-
the company collapses. One possibili- vide protection against an unfriendly
ty being mooted is whether the gov- takeover, possibly better access to
ernment should consider intervening Middle Eastern projects and provide
to protect BP, which was a nation- some confidence boost – there are
alised company until 1987. still investors prepared to spend seri-
Despite its problems including ous money on BP.”
news yesterday that clean up costs Analysts have said it is unlikely that
have now reached £2bn, BP’s shares, a move to swallow up a stake in BP
which have fallen nearly 50 per cent will be made before the drilling of the
since 20 April are attracting interest. relief well is completed. Drilling has
“I think that BP shares are good value now reached 17,725 ft.


INVESTMENT HELP BP? Interviews by Emma Sadowski


“ “The most important thing for BP to do right now is

provide decent evidence that it can plug the leak.

Investment could make a hostile takeover unlikely and BP’s
assets are expensive anyway.”



“ “Investment from the Middle East may help in the

short-term and it may keep a takeover bid at bay. BP may

not have much of a choice however – it will have to look for

“ “There shouldn’t be a problem in getting someone to

take a stake in BP. However, combining the completion of the Book until midnight 08.07.10. Subject to availability. Terms and conditions apply,

relief well with a positive upturn in oil prices could create
see for details. Fares exclude optional fees/charges.
the perfect takeover storm.”
6 Politics CITYA.M. 6 JULY 2010

Treasury wields the axe on

an extra £1.5bn of spending
Treasury officials said the govern- The Department for Education will

BY DAVID CROW ment had “wildly over inflated” the reduce spending by £1bn; the
amount it expected to generate from Department for Business Innovation
THE government scrapped a further under spending, in a bid to rubber- and Skills must save £265m; the
£1.5bn of unfunded spending com- stamp the projects before the election. Home Office will lose £55m and the
mitments yesterday, as it continued to Department for Communities and
wield the axe on years of Whitehall Danny Alexander said Local Government must save £220m.
waste. Labour had promised Chief secretary Danny Alexander
There was never any funding in to finance projects said: “The previous government
place for any of the projects, but the committed to spending money it
former government claimed under with money it “simply simply did not have. These unfunded
spending on other commitments did not have” spending promises should never
would provide the cash. have been made.”

Boris Johnson pointed out he had already cut costs at City Hall Picture: PA

London cuts
are madness,
Boris tells PM
Johnson said he had already been

BY VICTORIA BATES very active in delivering efficiency
savings since taking up the Mayoral
BORIS Johnson yesterday cornered office in 2008, including cutting the
David Cameron in crunch talks over number of jobs at the London
public spending cuts planned for Development Agency by half.
London, arguing that excessively “I can take you around City Hall
heavy-handed measures would dam- and show you a whole Mary Celeste
age the capital’s standing as the eco- floor, so many people have had to
nomic powerhouse of the UK. find alternative employment,” he told
The Mayor has been vocal since the CLWCA members at the lunch. “It is
Budget last month in calling for care vital that the new government under-
to be taken in London when imple- stands that we have spent two years
menting the efficiency savings which already making these cuts… It would
are crucial to reducing the deficit. be crazy if when the brakes [are
The issue was brought to the fore applied], the coalition cuts projects
again yesterday at an annual lunch- like Crossrail, eats into infrastructure
eon organised by the Cities of London investment and does things which
and Westminster Conservative damage the UK economy.”
Association (CLWCA), where Johnson Downing Street declined to com-
was guest speaker. He was forced to ment on the outcome of the meeting.
bring forward the time of his speech The 2012 Olympics were also top of
in order to arrive punctually at a the agenda at the meeting, ahead of a
Whitehall meeting with the Prime progress report to be published by the
Minister, convened at short notice. International Olympic Committee.

Clegg performs School building

his first U-turn scheme halted


NICK Clegg yesterday performed the EDUCATION secretary Michael Gove
first major U-turn of the coalition gov- today confirmed a freeze of the
ernment, after he rewrote plans that schools building programme as part
would have made it harder to force of his proposed £3.5bn cuts to educa-
the government to call a general elec- tion spending.
tion. The plans will mean that 715 build-
Under his previous proposals, a ing projects are not carried out and
majority of 55 per cent would be need- 123 academy schemes are to be
ed to dissolve parliament. That will reviewed on a case-by-case basis, hit-
now rise even further to 66 per cent. ting mostly marginal constituencies.
But crucially parliament will still be Gove called the Building Schools
able to defeat the government in a no- for the Future programme, which
confidence vote with a simple majori- started under Labour, “dysfunction-
ty of over 51 per cent. al” and “unnecessarily undemocrat-
If the government fails to form a ic”.
government in the fourteen days fol- Shadow education secretary Ed
lowing the no-confidence vote, it will Balls, responded by saying: “It’s a
be forced to call an election. black day for our country’s schools”.
CITYA.M. 6 JULY 2010 News 7


No compensation
for B&B investors
warned its sponsor-
ship of the England
football team is
“unlikely to be
renewed”. Despite
good relations for
the past 11 years,
Nationwide said it ship in September 2008 and its shares

was not likely to BY HARRY BANKS were transferred to the Treasury. Its
renew the contract savings business and branch network
at the end of July. THE Treasury does not have to pay were sold to Spain’s Santander.
Whether or not this compensation to former shareholders Peter Clokey, a PwC partner who
is related to the of buy-to-let lender Bradford & was appointed independent valuer
recent unsuccessful Bingley (B&B), an independent valuer for the Bradford & Bingley
World Cup cam- said yesterday. Compensation Scheme, said in the
paign has not yet B&B, a leading buy-to-let mortgage absence of the transfer B&B “would
been confirmed. provider that was hit by a sharp rise have been unable to continue as a
Picture: in funding costs during the financial going concern” and would have
ACTION IMAGES crisis, was taken into public owner- applied to go into administration.

Botched ballot FX & CFD Trading. Worldwide.


saves BT from
strike action Celebrating the

World Cup 2010

TELECOMS The CWU described the withdrawal

BY STEVE DINNEEN as “devastating”. A spokesman said:
“The ballot has been cancelled follow-
BT escaped its first strike in 23 years ing legal advice which clearly out-
after its workers’ union botched a lined that under the notoriously
vital ballot. restrictive trade union laws in the UK
The Communication Workers’ certain technical breaches would
Union (CWU) was convinced it had potentially invalidate the ballot.”
secured enough votes to organise a A BT spokesman: “We are pleased
walk out later this summer, with BT the CWU has withdrawn its ballot for
scrabbling to provide cover for main- industrial action. There were proce-
tenance work and even planning to dural issues regarding the ballot that
draft in management to answer the we raised from the start and the
phones. union have now accepted this.
But the CWU was forced into a “Our door remains fully open to
humiliating eleventh hour U-turn the union and so we hope we can sit
when its legal team realised it could down and resolve this matter.”
have seen the ballot overturned in BT has tabled a two year pay offer
court. including a three per cent rise in
City A.M. has learned BT had threat- 2011, in addition to the two per cent
ened to mount a legal challenge after already offered for this year, and a
information regarding where some bonus of £250 related to perform-
balloted members were based was ance. The group is also understood to
not provided. have agreed that no compulsory
The union has vowed to repeat the redundancies will be made before the
ballot but is likely to have to wait end of 2011.
until at least September before it can But the CWU said the offer was
resolve the legal challenge. “unacceptable” as it does not include
In the meantime it will accept an an immediate pay hike. Last year the
olive branch offered by BT that will
see the two sides resume talks.
union agreed to a pay freeze but is now
determined to secure a real-term rise. With up to 20.10% credit bonus*
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CITYA.M. 6 JULY 2010 Economics 9

UK economy still Top economic forecaster Martin Weale

to join Bank’
s rate-setting committee
grew in the second
quarter, says BCC

LEADING economist Martin Weale
has been appointed as an external
member of the Bank of England’s
Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) by
UK ECONOMY the third quarter of 2007. The service chancellor George Osborne.

BY JESSICA MEAD sector also saw growth in both domes- The director of the National
tic and overseas sales but remained Institute for Economic and Social
THE UK economy continued to grow in weak by historic standards. Research (Niesr) will join the MPC in
the second quarter of the year, boosted Worryingly, business confidence in time for the August rate-setting meet-
by a strong performance in the manu- the service sector weakened in the ing and the forecast round leading up
facturing sector, according to the quar- second quarter whereas the manufac- to it, the Treasury said yesterday.
terly survey from the British Chambers turing sector remained confident. Weale, who has a doctoral degree
of Commerce published today. David Frost, director general of the from Cambridge and a CBE for his
The BCC said that most manufac- BCC, said: “We still have concerns services to economics in 1999,
turing balances showed relatively about sluggish growth in the service replaces Kate Barker who left the
strong increases and in some cases sector, which emphasises why the MPC at the end of May.
were back to pre-recession levels. But government must continue to pro- He had been the director of the
while manufacturing results were mote the best possible business envi- Niesr since 1995 and his involvement Martin Weale has just been appointed to the MPC
good, the service sector’s results were ronment, in order to help companies in the think-tank’s forecasting
largely weak and disappointing. invest and grow.” processes and policy comment will the Bank’s approach to monetary pol- this would put him broadly in the
The manufacturing balance for But encouragingly, employment in cease immediately. Each month, the icy. He had previously noted that poli- middle of the MPC pack and suggests
home sales surged to +30 per cent, the manufacturing surged, rising 35 Niesr publishes a closely-watched cy should be left on hold because the that his move to the committee is
best level since the last quarter of points to +19 per cent. Expectations of forecast of GDP growth and has been upside risks to inflation from a per- unlikely to provoke a shift in the poli-
2007. There were also welcome future hiring in the sector also slightly more pessimistic than the sistently high headline rate were bal- cy debate in the near term. IHS Global
improvements in the manufacturing improved. Once again, the improve- consensus. anced by downside risks to growth Insight’s Howard Archer agreed, say-
export balances, which rose 11 points ment in the service sector was much Analysts said his appointment was from weakness in the Eurozone. ing Weale did not appear to be in any

to +31 per cent, the best level since weaker. unlikely to cause a significant shift in Barclays Capital’s Simon Hayes said hurry to raise rates.

Services in doldrums
due to activity slump
WORLD ECONOMY emergency spending cuts.” He explained: “While service sector

BY JESSICA MEAD He added: “Though new business activity remains relatively strong in
continued to grow this was at a sub- France and Germany, there are strong
ACTIVITY in the services sector across dued rate and kept employment lev- signals that activity may have peaked.
the major developed markets contin- els firmly grounded. It seems that Moreover the recovery in Spain and
ued to slow in June, according to companies are increasingly hesitant Italy looks weak and anaemic.”
leading surveys of the sector pub- to commit in this time of political Across the Atlantic, the US
lished yesterday. and economic uncertainty.” Institute of Supply Management
In the UK, business activity rose at However, the composite PMI would (ISM) said that services activity fell to

its slowest rate since August 2009, still be consistent with GDP growth 56.2 in June from 59.7 in May. This
according to the Markit/CIPS pur- of about 0.5 per cent in the second was the eleventh consecutive month
chasing managers’ index (PMI). The quarter, analysts said. of growth but it was a slower rate
headline PMI fell to 54.4 in June, In the Eurozone, the services PMI than expected.
down from May’s 55.4. fell for the first time in five months Norbert Or at the ISM said that the
David Noble, chief executive of with the drop spread across all coun- slowdown in growth was to be
CIPS, said: “June’s data painted a wor- tries in the currency union. The PMI expected after months of solid
rying picture for the UK services sec- highlighted the growing divergences growth, adding that the “sector
tor as confidence suffered a serious in the euro area, said James Nixon at appears to be solidly entrenched in
blow following the government’s Societe Generale. recovery”.

IOD: One L of a recovery lies

ahead for British economy
UK ECONOMY In the forecast, Graeme Leach, behind this forecast is the potential

BY JESSICA MEAD chief economist at the IoD, cited for further de-leveraging in the house-
eight factors that might cause “one L hold sector and an upward move-
WEAK growth over the coming quar- of a recovery”. These include a slight- ment in the savings ratio. The savings
ters will produce an L-shaped recov- ly higher savings ratio, weak housing ratio has increased significantly but it
ery in Britain, according the latest inflation, a smaller output gap than is still well short of the level attained
economic forecasts from the Institute currently thought, an uncertain out- in the wake of previous recessions.”
of Directors (IOD). look for exports and the lack of The economic forecast also exam-
The IOD estimates that the British oomph from falling rates. ined alternative recovery scenarios,
economy will only manage to grow He said: “After a very abnormal such as a square root. “In this sce-
by 0.9 per cent in 2010 and then by recession it would be foolish to rule nario we see an acceleration in GDP
1.8 per cent in 2011. This is weaker out the possibility of a very abnormal growth in the second half of 2010, MORE NEWS
than the Office for Budget recovery as well.” which combines with sticky inflation
Responsibility’s (OBR) forecasts, He explained: “A whole host of rea- to trigger an interest rate and/or QE
which put growth at 1.2 per cent and sons support the idea of one L of a reversal by the Bank of England,”
then 2.3 per cent. recovery. One of the key reasons Leach said.
The Capitalist
10 CITYA.M. 6 JULY 2010

SOLVED: “Noone has

found so
MYSTERY OF much as a
VANISHING clipping from
Brown since
IT WAS a rip-roaring ride for those who
turned up at the swanky Renaissance the general
Chancery Court Hotel in Holborn yesterday Chambers is now looking for an investor
to hear Mayor Boris Johnson exercise his election” to part-own either the first “ghost station”
notoriously sharp tongue. Boris, the guest site or the entire group.
of honour at the Cities of London and The asking price for investing in the
Westminster Conservative Association’s first development alone ranges from £1m
annual lunch, certainly knows how to play to £5m – for which said investor gets a
to an audience including such blue-blood- final say in which of three potential sites
ed City folk as Jupiter fund manager Philip Gordon Brown: headed for the Scottish Highlands or for the Kremlin? Picture: PA is developed first, out of old Tube stations
Gibbs, Numis chief Oliver Hemsley, at Stockwell and Clapham North and an
BlackRock’s Richard Plackett, Schroders’ Conservatives’ own new bedfellows. and straight through the window of a “entry area” dug out between Holborn
Andy Brough and Howard Leigh of “This coalition government is a bit like neighbouring Chelsea mansion. and Chancery Lane, in order to construct
Cavendish Corporate Finance. a Toyota hybrid,” he quipped. “It runs on the stations on either side.
“I’m going to solve one of the greatest good old-fashioned Tory petrol, and when
mysteries of modern politics,” Boris circumstances demand, it switches to a GHOST TOWN
began, in typical blustering fashion.
“That is, our elusive ex-Prime Minister.
purring Lib Dem electric motor...” After months of hoop-jumping with the
authorities, Ajit Chambers – the former
Recent visitors to the Royal Exchange
Hardly anyone has found so much as a fin- City banker who’s got big things may have noticed four model elephants
gernail clipping of Gordon Brown since
the general election, but I have a theory –
SMASHING TIME planned for London’s disused gracing the building as part of the
A cracking performance by one and all at Underground stations – is finally London-wide Elephant Parade. It
that he was one of the original members the annual charity “Hacks versus Flaks” ready for investors. appears the City wasn’t too impressed
of the suburban Soviet spy ring and has cricket and rounders tournaments on Chambers hit the headlines last by the colourful designs, though –
gone back to Moscow to receive the Order Sunday, with the spinners taking both of year with plans to transform 26 when the charity elephant was emp-
of Lenin and an award from the Kremlin this year’s trophies off the defeated jour- abandoned Tube sites into tourist tied after a month of visitors dropping
for sabotaging the British economy…” nalists. Mind you, the PR cricketers did destinations by opening them up to donations through the slot in its back,
Cue raucous laughter from the party have the magic hands of Hudson the public. The condition for City only £234.87 trickled out. In comparison,
faithful – especially when the Mayor Sandler’s Charlie Jack, who managed to Hall granting permission is that no over £6,000 was donated to the other ele-
turned his mischievous wit onto the steer a cricket ball well over the boundary public money is used, meaning that phants dotted across the capital.
CITYA.M. 6 JULY 2010 News 11

London commuters face huge
rise in tube fares, warns RMT
LONDON OLYMPICS London commuters will have to
shoulder fare increases as TfL tries to
“plug a £5bn deficit gap” according to
Olympics and accused the transport
group of failing to communicate
properly with the unions.
RMT. “We don’t know what the plans for
TRANSPORT FOR LONDON (TfL) could The mayor’s office said that cur- the Olympics are. It is mind blowing
hike passenger tube fares to “eye- rently no moves have been made to that there has been no dialogue with
watering” levels making the “travel- increase fares, with a decision likely the trade unions and nothing has
ling public pay through the nose”, to be made by mayor Boris Johnson in been signed off,” said RMT.
RMT has warned. the autumn. TfL disputed the claim and said:
The trade union has said that TfL RMT claimed that not enough “We are committed to honest and
has not given it enough information transparency has been given to the open dialogue with the trades
over Olympic transport plans. union over TfL’s plans for the unions.”

MERCEDES-BENZ enjoyed a record June sales month thanks to rising demand for its

most expensive models, and expects the model to post a considerable rise in the current
quarter. The brand increased volumes by 13.2 per cent to 113,300 vehicles for last month.


face a glut of
the first five months of the year, data

from Hedge Fund Research shows.
BY HARRY BANKS June’s performance numbers are
HEDGE fund managers are buckling expected next week.
down for a trying year, as regulatory At the same time though, there are

oversight and competition lead to a some bright spots with almost three-
glut of market dogfights. quarters of the managers saying they
A report out today by accounting expect investors to stick around
and audit firm Rothstein Kass shows longer as the pace of redemptions

seven out of 10 expect a “trying” year as falls off.
the extra competition leads to more Rothstein Kass surveyed 381 hedge
funds chasing investment dollars. fund firms in the first half of 2010.
“It is no surprise that the outlook Eight out of 10 managers also
for 2010 echoes the concerns of 2009 expect to see more new hedge funds
rather than the unbridled optimism
of years past and reflects a more con-
servative approach to the future,”
Rothstein Kass consultants wrote.
launched this year by newcomers and
by existing firms that are planning to
roll out new portfolios.
Halfway through the year, promi-
Hedge funds rebounded last year nent managers ranging from former
from 2008’s deep losses with an aver- Goldman Sachs partner Mark Carhart
age 19 per cent return. But this year’s to former Atticus executive Dilan
market gyrations highlight the pit- Siritunga are talking to investors
falls that are still present two years about making commitments to new
after the financial crisis.
Many prominent managers were
However, hedge fund managers
Find out more at Westminster Business School’s Postgraduate
caught off guard by May’s sharp sell-
off and nursed heavy losses that left
also said it is tougher to raise money
now because investors are more nerv- Information session at the Marriott Hotel in Canary Wharf
the funds, on average, roughly flat for ous.
on Thursday 8 July from 12.30pm - 2.30pm

BBC Worldwide cashes in on hit

shows to net over £1bn in sales
the figures reflected a strong per-

formance in spite of difficult market
BY STEVE DINNEEN conditions.
BBC Worldwide cashed in on top He said: “Today’s figures demon-
titles including Top Gear and Doctor strate that our strategy is working. As
Who, boosting its full-year sales seven well as developing into a diversified
per cent to over £1bn.
It is the second consecutive year
global media business and extending
the international visibility of the BBC
Register now at
the commercial wing of the BBC has
topped £1bn in sales. Operating prof-
its increased 36.5 per cent to £145.2m.
brand, the company is delivering a
strong financial performance.”
The BBC accounts for around 10 per
Chief executive John Smith said cent of British TV exports.
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Belgian finance minister Didier Reynders wants to end the impasse Picture: REUTERS

Belgium begs
London to OK
EU watchdogs
final say ahead of a showdown

BY HARRY BANKS between country representatives and
the European Parliament last night.
EU presidency holder Belgium has Diplomats fear that the meeting,
intervened in a row about new when parliament will again lay down
European financial watchdogs in an demands for giving the regulators
attempt to avert a breakdown in talks more clout, could deepen discord and
to set up new supervisors by the start make it impossible to set up the
of next year, a senior diplomat said. watchdogs for the self-imposed dead-
Last weekend the country’s finance line of the start of 2011.
minister Didier Reynders contacted “Some people in parliament feel
his British, German and French coun- they have been ignored,” said the
terparts, asking them to back a com- diplomat. “There are some who want
promise and end an impasse that a fight. The Belgians have taken it to
threatens to derail plans for the the top because they have to.”
watchdogs. At the heart of the disagreement is
Setting up supervisors to keep tabs whether the watchdogs get powers to
on banks, insurers and financial mar- overrule individual member states.
kets is central to Brussels’ efforts to The European parliament, worried
prevent another economic crisis. the new authorities will lack the
But the plan is contentious with teeth to enforce rules, wants them to
Britain, which does not want super- be able to instruct local regulators on
watchdogs that could overrule what to do in an emergency or bypass
national regulators in Europe’s them and go straight to bank board-
largest financial market. rooms. Lawmakers also want the
The Belgians wanted countries watchdogs to have the power tem-
such as Germany and Britain to agree porarily to ban short selling of finan-
to give the new EU regulators the cial instruments.

KKR set to float on the New York

Stock Exchange in a $9bn debut
KKR will probably have been

encouraged to float by first quarter
KKR is hoping to buck the trend with results this year which showed rising
an ambitious flotation on the New credit and share markets.
York Stock Exchange, expected to It posted first quarter net income
value the buy-out fund at $9bn of $674.8m this year, up 31 per cent
(£5.9bn). on the final quarter of 2009.
The firm, best known for its £11bn The company hopes to raise $500m
takeover of Alliance Boots in 2007, has through a share issue in the months
planned to float for three years, but after the flotation in order to create
market volatility has thwarted them, permanent capital and reduce its
reports the Daily Telegraph. reliance on the cyclical buy-out busi-
It first launched plans in 2007, but ness it is currently focused on.
kept them on hold and then with- KKR is known as one of the pio-
drew tentative plans last June when it neer’s of leveraged buy-outs, or LBO’s
merged its privately held business and became infamous for its $30bn
with faltering KKR Private Equity takeover of RJR Nabisco in 1988,
Investors, known as KPE. which was the largest LBO in history.
CITYA.M. 6 JULY 2010 News 13

Coller sweeps PETER



up Lloyds unit INTEGRATED Finance is a relic of

the disastrous empire created by
Peter Cummings, former head of cor-

in £480m deal porate at Halifax Bank of Scotland.

The Scottish financier earned
infamy for continuing to lend billions
of pounds to commercial property
and retail tycoons such as Robert
Tchenguiz, the Reuben brothers and
Sir Tom Hunter even as the economy
fell into recession. The Integrated

PRIVATE EQUITY Coller and Lloyds called Cavendish

BY OLIVER SHAH Square Partners. Lloyds will keep Finance portfolio bought by Coller
responsibility for providing senior Capital is free from toxic real estate
BUYOUT house Coller Capital plans to debt to the companies, while Coller investments, but its roots are no less
inject £100m fresh capital into Lloyds will acquire a combination of loan controversial.
Banking Group’s private equity port- notes and senior equity. The unit took equity stakes in
folio after buying a controlling share Coller said the project would con- companies to which the bank was
in the assets, valuing them at £480m. tinue to be managed by Graeme also lending, a practice known as
Coller yesterday paid £332m in Shankland, Cummings’ right-hand “pig-on-pork”. Integrated Finance is
cash for a 70 per cent share in Lloyds’ man and the co-architect of frowned upon because bankers’
Integrated Finance unit, which com- Integrated Finance. Shankland has judgement of a firm’s credit risk can
prises equity and debt stakes in 40 been asked to squeeze value from the Jeremy Coller’s firm has closed on the complex transaction to buy a 70 per cent share of be clouded by the promise of attrac-
companies. Lloyds, which inherited investments and look for orderly exits Lloyds Banking Group’s private equity portfolio which comprises equity and debt stakes tive returns on the equity side.
the operation when it took over for Coller and Lloyds over time. in 40 companies, some of which are listed below: Nonetheless, Coller believes it can
Halifax Bank of Scotland in 2008, will Tim Jones, a partner at Coller, sug- extract value from the portfolio’s
retain a 30 per cent holding. gested some companies could be put stronger holdings. The secondary
Integrated Finance was assembled up for sale quickly. He said: “Some of buyout specialist first ran its eye
by Peter Cummings, the disgraced them are in a very good state. over the outfit before HBOS was
former head of corporate banking at [Engineering firm] PSN is a great busi- taken over by Lloyds Banking Group.
HBOS, and includes minority stakes ness, Vue is a great business, David Shortly after Lloyds put the portfolio
in well-known businesses such as Vue Lloyd is a good business. Those com- up for sale in January, Coller muscled
Entertainment and David Lloyd panies could be sold off at any time out other parties including 3i, Advent
Leisure. The price agreed by Coller within reason.” International and Bridgepoint to
yesterday represents a fraction of the Coller has decided to invest a fur- become the preferred bidder.
£1.4bn Cummings’ team paid for the ther £100m in the portfolio. Jones Lloyds was advised on the sale by
assets at the top of the market. said the cash would help the compa- a team from UBS led by Nigel Dawn,
The entire portfolio will be trans- nies make small bolt-on purchases Gerald Cooper and Chris Fox.
ferred to a new joint venture between and fix up their balance sheets.
CITYA.M. 6 JULY 2010 News 15

Brit asks Apollo for £865m AgBank attracts interest

and, accordingly, would not repre- sonal incentive to negotiate a sale of
from big insurers for IPO

sent a basis on which the board is pre- the business because they would be
BY OLIVER SHAH pared to engage”. likely to depart following an Apollo
BRIT Insurance boss Dane Douetil has Douetil has briefed market partici- takeover. They have the support of Hong Kong-Shanghai IPO has hung

demanded a takeover offer of at least pants that he would be prepared to top-10 shareholders, however, includ- over the Shanghai stock market in past
£11 per share from US buyout player open Brit’s books at a minimum ing Schroders and Fidelity, to hold AGRICULTURAL Bank of China weeks, as investors worry that an
Apollo before he will grant access for indicative offer of £11 per share, or out for a higher offer. (AgBank) yesterday said it had attract- influx of additional shares could keep
due diligence, according to sources. £865m. Apollo has made it clear it is Analysts believe Brit’s shares would ed subscriptions from big insurers and the overall market – one of the world’s
The FTSE 250 insurer raised the more value-orientated than a trade fall back to the £8 level should Apollo other major companies for the worst performers this year – from hav-
stakes in a game of brinksmanship buyer as it will not immediately be walk away from a deal. Brit’s paper Shanghai portion of its initial public ing a chance of reviving any time soon.
with Apollo on Friday, rejecting an able to squeeze out synergies by cut- closed 3p down at 897p. offering (IPO), helping to ensure that AgBank President Zhang Yun
indicative approach of £10.50 per ting back-office expenses. On Friday, Ben Cohen at Collins the issuance would not cause disrup- sought to ease such concerns in an
share, or £824m. Brit said an offer at One analyst said Douetil and his Stewart wrote: “We think there is a tions to local markets. “online roadshow”, answering ques-
that level “undervalues the company chairman, John Barton, had no per- real risk now Apollo walks away.” AgBank’s roughly $20bn (£13.2bn) tions in an online chat.

Daiwa to pay
Frank O’Halloran,
group chief executive
QBE to pay officer for QBE,
joined the company
€267m for Secura in 1976 having start-
ed his career as a
Secura added €28.6m
$1bn for KBC’s
chartered account-
ant with Coopers &
to KBC’s net profit Lybrand in 1963. He
became the director
of operations for the
Secura’s tangible worldwide group in

key divisions
1994 and was
assets worth €205m appointed to his cur-
rent position in

acquisition cements and accelerates

our plans to become a major player in
BY ALAIN TOLHURST the Asian equity derivatives and glob-
DAIWA Capital Markets is to purchase al convertible bonds space.”

QBE set to snap up reinsurer Secura

KBC Group’s Global Convertible Bond The businesses employ approxi-
and Asian Equity Derivative business- mately 150 staff across London, New
es for approximately $1bn (£660m). York and Hong Kong.
Daiwa’s investment banking arm Over the last two years they have
announced plans last November to generated an average contribution of
significantly grow its global markets, two per cent to the underlying net
and at the same time KBC announced profit of KBC Group. Secura will form part of Australian reinsurer with a diverse customer

its updated strategy of focusing on its KBC Bank in the Asia Pacific region insurer QBE’s European operations portfolio including property, motor,
core bancassurance expertise in will continue to concentrate on cor- AUSTRALIAN INSURER QBE has reinsurance division, which is head- casualty and specialist classes. The
home markets in Europe. porate banking for core clients with announced the acquisition of special- quartered in London. company works out of Brussels and
The sale, expected to be completed links to Europe, with the deal releas- ist Belgian reinsurer Secura from KBC Frank O’Halloran, QBE group chief employs 86 staff.
in the early fourth quarter this year, ing around $200m in capital for KPC. Group for €267m (£221m). executive officer, said: “We have The company works on a stand-
will see the businesses come under “The agreement announced today The deal, which is set to be com- known Secura for many years. They alone basis within the KBC group and
the maintenance of Daiwa, and marks another important step in pleted by 31 August, is subject to reg- have a unique client base, a long contributed €28.6m to net profit.
report to their global head of deriva- KBC’s strategy to wind down the ulatory approval, with Secura’s 2010 track record of profitability and an The deal forms part of KBC’s con-
tives, Dominique Blanchard. structured products business,” said gross premium expected to be excellent team of experienced insur- tinued strategy to focus on core ban-
Toshinao Matsushima, global head KBC chief executive officer Jan around €200m. The purchase price ance professionals.” cassurance expertise in its home
of markets for Daiwa, said: “The Vanhevel on the Daiwa deal. reflects tangible assets of €205m. Secura is a specialised European markets within Europe.

EU parliament group backs bank data E&Y boosts headcount

sharing deal with US to fight terrorism with 400 new partners
and the European Union to improve ment was likely to ratify it in a vote rounds.


privacy safeguards in the agreement later this week. This will give investi- E&Y’s Europe, Middle East, India
A EUROPEAN Parliament committee after lawmakers vetoed an earlier ver- gators from the US access to informa- ERNST & YOUNG (E&Y) has bolstered and Africa practice, which was
said yesterday it supported a deal sion in February. tion on bank transfers collected by its global partnership after admitting formed two years ago, was boosted by
with the United States on sharing cit- The EU has won concessions from the Society for Worldwide Interbank almost 400 new partners across its the addition of 171 new partners.
izens’ bank data, a move which inves- US officials on how bank data will be Financial Telecommunication offices. Jim Turley, E&Y chairman and
tigators say will help transferred and used, allaying con- (SWIFT), which it says is an important The accounting giant let in 396 chief executive officer said: “Building
counter-terrorism investigations. cerns over insufficient protection of tool to tracking suspects. new partners in total, with the UK the next generation of partners to
The vote in the parliament’s civil Europeans’ private information. Any transfers of data held on and Irish practice seeing the addition lead our business is vital to our future
liberties committee followed weeks of “EU deputies voted 42-to-8 to SWIFT servers in Europe to the US of 48 partners to its headcount this and reflects our ongoing commit-
negotiations between Washington approve the deal, signaling parlia- will be monitored by EU officials. year, including 31 in yesterday’s ment to recognising excellence.”
16 News CITYA.M. 6 JULY 2010

Serco wins £415m Coalition will

come good for
contract to build a outsourcers
new London prison THERE may be trouble ahead for
outsourcers. The new coalition
government is intent on getting a
better deal from support services
firms; as one of the biggest clients
in town, the likes of Serco are pow-
SUPPORT SERVICES Turning Point and Catch 22. erless to resist.

BY HARRY BANKS The company said last year that its But while there is short-term
consortium had been named pre- uncertainty, this government will
SERCO has signed a contract to run a ferred bidder to run the prison along outsource more in the future. The
new London prison, despite concerns with another prison in Liverpool. It massive Work Programme will be
that public spending cuts could mean expects to sign that contract later this a big earner for firms that achieve
fewer deals for support services firms. year. The Belmarsh contract will run results, and plans to rehabilitate
Serco, which runs the DLR and for 26 years. criminals in the community
detention centres in Australia, said its Serco’s signing of the contract instead of prison will also need pri-
consortium signed a contract worth could allay worries among some vate sector partners.
£415m with the Ministry of Justice to investors that the Treasury’s planned Serco is also well diversified:
build and manage a prison at belt-tightening for prison funding will around 40 per cent of revenue
Belmarsh West in London. have a direct impact on big out- comes from the US, Australia and
“Construction works will begin sourcers which depend on bulky gov- the Middle East. And the US alone
immediately, with completion expect- ernment contracts. accounts for 25 per cent of sales, or
ed in the first half of 2010. Equity and Last week Justice secretary Kenneth some $1bn. Savvy investors will
debt finance has been secured from Clarke said deep cuts in public spend- capitalise on any short-term
third parties,” the company said ing will require a new approach to doubts.
The prison will be built with Serco’s dealing with crime and punishment
construction partner, Swedish firm with more emphasis on community
Skanska, for whom the deal is worth
£100m. The consortium also involved
sentences to curb re-offending rates.
Britain’s prison population reached a
Analysis by David Crow
voluntary sector organisations record high in May of 85,201. Serco boss Chris Hyman signed a contract to build a prison at Belmarsh

Unite strike causes
BA traffic to drop
AVIATION strike could be avoided remain Ryanair, which filled 84 per cent

BY EMMA SADOWSKI high after BA said that its new offer of its planes, said the number rep-
to Unite, which includes a proposal resented a 15 per cent rise on the
STRIKE action by Unite, the union to increase staffing levels and guar- previous year. It has already flown
representing British Airways (BA) anteed pay rises in basic salary for 69.2m passengers during the last
cabin crew, saw passenger traffic two years from February 2011, is 12 months, but that includes the
measured in revenue passenger still with the union. 1.45m passengers booked to travel
kilometers reduced by 11.1 per cent The airline said that underlying on flights cancelled due to the
last month. market conditions continue to recent volcano in Iceland.
As a result of the nine-day strike improve, after holiday bookings
period in June, BA on average filled were up 56 per cent on this time ANALYSIS l BA and Ryanair
only 77.5 per cent of its planes, last year. In June BA launched a pri- 250 p € 4.2
while passenger capacity fell 8.6 vate jet service for customers flying 240 British Airways 4.0
per cent from a year earlier, with within the US and announced that Ryanair
230 3.8
five percentage points of the it will start flying to Cancun from 220 3.6

Further 10% OFF

decline due to industrial action. BA Gatwick Airport starting in
210 3.4
carried 12.5 per cent fewer passen- November.
gers last month when it flew 2.5m Ryanair, however, trumped BA in 200 3.2

on top of current sale people compared with the same

period last year.
Meanwhile, hopes that a third
the number of passengers it flew
throughout the month of June
after it carried 6.71m customers.
12 Apr 30 Apr 21 May 11 Jun

1 Jul

City AM has teamed up with Basically Black

the online women’s retailer to offer readers an
extra 10% off the current sale.
FSA bans six mortgage brokers and
Basically Black offers black and white classic,
timeless styles for work, weekends and holidays.
Basically Black is for professional women,
fines one over £130,000 for fraud
run by professional women.

Simply select the items you wish to buy and ENFORCEMENT the total number of mortgage bro- Tewari, according to the FSA,
kers banned in the UK to 91 and used different mortgage intermedi-
add the voucher code CITYAM SIX MORTGAGE brokers have been said that it found the individuals aries to submit two applications in
banned and one fined over “lacked honesty and integrity”. her own name containing false
just before you enter your card details. £130,000 by the Financial Services Margaret Cole, director of information. The FSA said that she
Offer ends 16th July 2010 Authority (FSA) for allegedly com- enforcement at the FSA said: inflated her earnings by 300 per
mitting fraud as the financial “These individuals put lenders at cent from £23,000 to £92,000.
watchdog continues its campaign risk of financial crime and threat- Adu, who traded as Distinct 01858 439055 to crack down on illegal activity in ened to undermine confidence in Financial Services, has been
the UK. the mortgage market, so this banned by the FSA for “failing to
Neale Morton, Syed Meah and action makes the market a safer demonstrate that he is fit and
Jonathan Smith of Neale Morton place.” proper to work in the financial
IMS Limited have all been banned, Meanwhile, Monika Tewari, services industry”, while Oliver has
with Morton fined £130,192 for Amanakwaa Adu and Tony Oliver been prohibited for mortgage
committing fraud. have also been banned by the FSA fraud and for providing false infor-
The FSA said the action brings for commiting mortgage fraud. mation to the FSA.
CITYA.M. 6 JULY 2010 News 17

Travis Perkins to buy BSS MICHAEL PESCOD

he was head of the firm’s corporate
finance practice.
Packshaw started out as a civil engi-
neer before completing an MBA at
London Business School.
He worked at Lazard’s for 18 years
look forward to working with BSS’s shareholders. becoming managing director, before

customers, suppliers and employees.” The deal will create the UK’s lead- moving to HSBC to become head of
BY ALAIN TOLHURST The company said it believed it ing plumbing and heating distribu- UK Advisory in 2002. He has advised
TRAVIS PERKINS is to acquire BSS could achieve pre-tax savings of at tion business ahead of Wolseley, the MICHAEL Pescod jointly led the deal Travis Perkins previously, working on
Group for £557.6m, making it the least £25m in 2013 through the deal. companies claimed. with Charles Packshaw of HSBC for their purchase of Wickes.
country’s biggest plumbing and heat- Travis Perkins had first signalled its The combined company would Travis Perkins. For BSS, Richard Stables led the
ing chain. intention to buy BSS in May. generate revenues of £4.3bn and Pescod became an investment banker team for Lazard’s, who acted as lead
The offer – made up of cash and BSS chairman Peter Warry said: employ 19,000 staff. in 2001 and joined Japanese firm advisers. Stables, a longstanding
shares – values each BSS share at “The management team and employ- Travis Perkins competes with Nomura as an adviser in December managing director, was assisted in
435.8 pence, a 4.7 per cent premium ees have succeeded in building BSS Wolseley, the world’s largest building 2009 after their takeover of corporate the deal by Vasco Litchfield, a Lazard
on Friday’s closing price of 416.2p. into a leading specialist distributor to supplies company. HSBC and finance advisory firm Tricorn, of which director.
Travis Perkins charman Robert trade customers and a market leader Nomura advised Travis Perkins. BSS’s he was a founder. Previously he The team from RBS Hoare Govett
Walker said: “Our respective busi- in the UK plumbing and heating sec- lead advisers were Lazard and RBS worked at Slaughter and May where was led by John MacGowan.
nesses are complementary and we tor, creating significant value for Hoare Govett were corporate brokers.

St Modwen
British Land is back in
shifts focus the black
to West End

REGENERATION specialist St
Modwen Properties reinstated divi-
dend payments yesterday after going
“We would be perfectly comfortable back into profit.

with 50 per cent or more of our The company, which owns
BY JOHN DUNNE offices in the West End. Elephant and Castle shopping centre,
DEVELOPER British Land is “tweak- “If you look at the rental perform- announced an interim dividend of
ing” its property portfolio by extend- ance of the West End over the City, 1p a share. It is the first payment for
ing its West End presence because of you see better long-term growth.” two years.
financial uncertainty in the City, the British Land sold a 50 per cent It also reported a profit of £26.7m
company said yesterday. stake in Broadgate to Blackstone in the first half of 2010 after losing
The switch will see the company Group LP for £77m in September.” £98.3m in the same period last year.
concentrate on areas where rents are The company emphasised that it Chief executive Bill Oliver told City
holding up. was “tweaking” its portfolio to A.M.: “We are back in a healthy posi-
British Land is planning to spend achieve a “better balance”. tion and we are more confident than
£330m to redevelop a property on The company has relatively more we have been for several years. We
Baker Street that it bought in April, as more City interests than its rivals, are open for business.
well as expand the nearby Regent’s with Land Securities only having 19 “We are not saying the next two
Place office estate. per cent of its portfolio in the City. years is going to be a walk in the
Currently 63 per cent of its portfo- British Land is Britain’s second- park. We wouldn’t resume dividends
lio is in the Square Mile. largest real estate investment trust. unless we were in good health.”
But British Land’s properties lost Its building were valued at £2.6bn The company saw the value of its
£4.8bn of their value in the economic at the end of March. portfolio surge by £19.3m in the first
crash and City rents fell sharply. Around 32 per cent of its properties half, and added £15m in value from
Chief executive Chris Grigg said: are offices. Regent’s Place, above, is one of British Land’s developments planning permission on its assets.

CITY MOVES | WHO’S SWITCHING JOBS Edited by Victoria Bates

Evolution Barclays Wealth Natixis Global Associates

SWIP The investment banking group has hired Rick Denton is to join the wealth manag- The distribution arm of Natixis Global
The Scottish Widows Investment Partnership Steve Bartlett to its corporate finance er as head of clients and markets in the Asset Management has hired Euan
has appointed Ramsay Urquhart as its new team as head of private company and advisory division, responsible for devel- MacLaren as director of UK institutional
finance director and part of the executive com- private equity coverage, effective imme- oping the service to ultra high net worth business development and Katie Lam as
mittee, reporting directly to managing director diately. clients globally. a consultant relationship analyst, both
Dean Buckley. Bartlett has two decades of experi- Denton joins from Meespierson/ based in London.
Urquhart joins from Barclays Wealth, where ence as an adviser, focusing on private Fortis-Intertrust, where he was group MacLaren spent the past four years
he has been head of investment operations company M&A work and private equity. commercial director before the national- working in business development for
since September 2006. He most recently operated his own isation of the bank and the sale of its Ignis Asset Management, while Lam
Prior to that, he spent 14 years at Dutch advisory practice and, prior to that, trust business. joins from Union Bancaire Privée, where
financial services company ING, most recently worked in the corporate finance team at Prior to that, he was an executive vice she was an executive on the UK institu-
holding the position of global head of financial business advisory firm BDO, as well as president at the Bank of Bermuda, tional sales team. She has also previous-
markets operations. for Phoenix Equity Partners and where he was responsible for their ly worked for Credit Suisse Asset
PricewaterhouseCoopers. European private client businesses. Management.

To appear in CITYMOVES please email your career updates and pictures to
18 News CITYA.M. 6 JULY 2010

Doing well can be the best way to do good

Times bestseller. She reminded me of business of creating life-saving prod- The entire summit was about how Personally, I’m confused by all the
one of the best things that George ucts for the developing world. you can “do good” through the inter- talk about austerity. Living within
Bush said in his quote: “the soft big- Mikkel has created a very successful net. Other finalists included one’s means is called “sanity” not
otry of low expectations” – to refer to business, eradicating disease. Far Everyclick with their “Give as you “austerity”. In order for the UK to do
society’s view that disadvantaged peo- from finding conflicts of interest in Live” technology, Medikidz, which good in the world, it must do well
ple can never pull themselves out of profit and purpose, one feeds the has created a series of super heroes first. Otherwise, there is nothing to
their situation. other. The success that Verstergaard to explain disease for children, and share, and slowly the country shriv-
Mikkel Verstergaard’s Verstergaard Frandsen has financially allows it to Monitise, the global leader in mobile els.
DRAGON’S VIEW Frandsen, a Danish company based do more good. banking which is gaining adoption The next decade will be defined by
JULIE MEYER in Switzerland, is an example of the
type of company that solves prob- DOING GOOD ONLINE
in the developing and developed
world, and will lower the cost of cash
a new group of giants – entrepre-
neurs, thinkers, leaders – who dare
lems that aid organisations believe “Doing good” increasingly domi- remittances dramatically. to challenge the champagne social-

AMBISA Moyo, author of Dead only they can solve. Verstergaard nates the corporate agenda. I partici- At The Times CEO Summit last ists of the UK to throw out their soft
Aid: Why Aid is Not Working Frandsen operates under their own pated in the Guardian Activate 2010 week after the evening dinner bigotry and try on a new framework:
and How There is a Better Way unique Humanitarian Summit where the winner of the address by David Cameron, I was “doing well is the best way to do
For Africa, and I met for break- Entrepreneurship business model. pitch competition was Mendeley, an struck by the comments at my table good”.
fast recently. Dead Aid argues that aid This “profit for a purpose” online research management tool afterwards where a couple of the lis- Julie Meyer is chief executive of Ariadne
to Africa is hurting Africa and should approach has turned corporate which enables you to organise, share teners indicated that they feared the Capital and a dragon on the BBC’s Online
be phased out. It became a New York social responsibility into their core and discover research papers. worse with all of the budgets cuts. Dragon’s Den.


ANALYSIS l Tui Travel
320 p
ANALYSIS l Investec
560 p
ANALYSIS l UBC Media Group
5.4 p 4.88
05 Jul

new CEO as
300 05 Jul 540 05 Jul 5.2
280 520
260 4.6

McCall quits
460 4.2
220 440 4
200 420 3.8
12 Mar 30 Apr 21 May 11 Jun 1 Jul 12 Mar 30 Apr 21 May 11 Jun 1 Jul 12 Mar 30 Apr 21 May 11 Jun 1 Jul


UBS upgrades TUI Travel from “neutral” to Numis said that Investec should be attrac- The recent results from UBC Media Group,
“buy” with a lower price target of 250p. tive to both growth and value investors. according to Seymour Pierce, demonstrate

faces continued change, to which we UBS said that market risk aversion and Numis has issued a “buy” recommendation strong progress in the strategy of becom-
BY STEVE DINNEEN will need to adapt, our strong portfo- concerns that a late collapse in summer for Investec and said the group’s earnings ing a diverse producer of audio and video
GUARDIAN Media Group (GMG) has lio of businesses and investments 2010 sales will cause a significant earnings have been substantially more resilient than output which is well-placed to exploit the
announced its chief financial officer means we have a solid base from downgrade seem to have caused the all the major UK focused banks through the demand for more on-line content and
will replace Carolyn McCall as chief which to move forward.”
executive of the struggling firm. He inherits a company struggling shares to sharply underperform. UBS credit crunch with earnings per share greater interactivity. Seymour Pierce gives
Andrew Miller was among the to plug yawning losses at its flagship believes the stock now offers good value. declining by a third from peak to trough. UBC a “buy” recommendation.
favourites to take the top job after Guardian newspaper.
McCall announced she would take up Its latest results show GMG’s losses
the role of chief executive at easyJet. widening 77 per cent to £171m for
To appear in Best of the Brokers email your research to
Amelia Fawcett, chair of GMG, said: the year.

Spyker makes final payment for Saab

“Andrew is the ideal appointment to The firm last year introduced a
this role, following a rigorous recruit- company-wide pay freeze after strug-
ment process that produced a very gling to navigate through turbulent
high-quality shortlist of candidates. economic waters. Turnover at the
“He has great financial acumen, an group fell to £280m from £310.9m
intimate understanding of GMG’s the year before.
portfolio and a full appreciation of M&A ging brand. The final instalment of assets to GM as security for the final

our unique purpose and values. the purchase price had been due on payment.
“Most importantly, he has the abili- DUTCH carmaker Spyker Cars has 15 July. “The early payment of the second
ty, desire and vision to lead GMG used internal funding rather than Spyker said it made the payment and last instalment underlines our
through the next stage of its develop- external debt to pay General Motors without increasing its external debt desire to finalise the transaction with
ment and to ensure a sustainable the final £15.9m purchase price for or issuing new shares, adding the GM as soon as it was possible,
future for our journalism.” Sweden’s Saab, ending concern over internal funding became available enabling management to fully focus
Miller said: “It is a great privilege how it would foot the bill. after the acquisition of Saab Great on the future of the group,” Spyker
and responsibility to lead Guardian Former GMG chief financial officer Andrew Niche carmaker Spyker, which has Britain by Spyker on 31 May. Cars Chief Executive Victor Muller
Media Group and to play a key role in Miller (l) will replace Carolyn McCall, who left never made a profit, took over the The firm had said it intended to said in a statement.
supporting the independence of our last month, as chief executive of the firm. larger Saab from GM earlier this year fund the payment primarily through Spyker has spent £265m buying the
journalism. While the media sector and is now working to revive the flag- senior debt and that it had pledged iconic Swedish brand.

Superdrug reduces losses by cutting Bunzl takes the plunge to

costs and keeping focus on local offers buy Belgian cleaning firm


BY MARION DAKERS supermarket expansion and a slow- approach has seen dividends. 2009’s Bunzl chief executive Michael
down in shopping centre construc- performance gives the business a DISTRIBUTION group Bunzl has con- Roney said yesterday: “Global Net...
HIGH Street retailer Superdrug has tion had dented takings, but that it firm foundation for the future.” tinued its expansion plan by buying extends our geographic coverage
reported a pre-tax loss of £243,000 for had undertaken cost-saving initia- Superdrug was hit hard by the Global Net, a Belgian cleaning compa- across the whole of Belgium. We are
the year to December 2009, against a tives in its 900 UK stores, including recession, posting losses of £7.4m in ny, for an undisclosed sum yesterday. delighted to welcome the manage-
loss the year before of £7.4m. cutting back on slower-moving stock. 2008 after a profit of more that £21m The bolt-on acquisition takes rev- ment and staff to the group.”
The firm has pulled its operating The UK’s second-largest health and in 2007. It was taken over by Asian enues gained from recent takeovers Shore Capital analyst Robin
profits out of the red to report a £6m beauty retailer, behind Boots, said it retail group AS Watson in October past £100m, adding to five purchases Speakman said that the firm has an
gain, compared to a loss of £2.4m last has refocused on customer service by 2002. across Europe and the Middle East attractive business model for
year. training staff and introducing store- The group posted pre-tax profits of that boosted trading figures in the investors and issued a buy recommen-
Sales were broadly flat at £1.1bn, specific offers and products. HK$43bn (£3.65bn) for the year. first half of the year. dation.
according to figures filed at Jeremy Seigal, chief executive of Mobile phone company 3 Group, also Global Net’s assets are worth an Shares in London-based Bunzl
Companies House yesterday. parent company AS Watson said: part of AS Watson, made a worldwide estimated £8m, and had revenues last closed 0.9 per cent down at 658p yes-
The health and beauty retailer said “This year the focus on a local profit of £14.9m. year of £16.3m. terday.
Investment | Contracts for Difference

IS A WORRY Clouds hover over the
second half outlook
Trading for the rest
OR many investors the long weekend in
the US couldn’t have come at a better
time. On top of Europe’s sovereign debt of the year is plagued
problems, and signs that Chinese growth
is slowing, recent data from the US suggests with uncertainty,
that the much-hyped economic recovery may be
reversing. We have seen housing data sour fol- says Kathleen Brooks
lowing the expiry of the home tax credit at the
end of April. Despite record-low mortgage rates,

the housing market remains weak. HE last three months have seen a
And last week’s unemployment numbers step-change in global markets. After a
failed to offer any comfort. Weekly unemploy- boom fuelled by fiscal stimuli, finan-
ment claims have been coming in well above cial markets have fallen as govern-
450,000 for months now, while Wednesday’s ments plan to scale back their support, and
ADP survey showed that private payrolls were the period has been punctuated by a flight
adding jobs, but at a very low rate and far to quality assets. So, what should contract
below the levels that would indicate recovery for difference (CFD) traders concentrate on
from a normal, cyclical recession. as we enter the second half of the year?
There was no surprise that the headline non- There are growing signs that clouds are
farm payroll number came in negative, as the gathering on the economic horizon. Firstly,
drop-off in part-time census workers was as Europe’s debt crisis is far from resolved.
expected. But private payrolls showed only a Analysts at Saxo Bank argue that the only
modest increase of 83,000 jobs – well below remedy is for government’s in Europe’s
the 112,000 estimated. On top of this, last troubled states to “cut budget deficits
month’s figures were revised down to 33,000 much quicker and much more dramatcial-
from 41,000. Compounding the bad news is ly than what is currently being done”. This
the fact that the numbers included 147,000 lack of decisive action is particularly worry-
jobs added by the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ ing they say, because “running big budget
(BLS) birth/death model. This estimates the deficits kills growth – and that is especially
employment created or lost by the start-up or true in a cash strapped environment like
failure of new businesses each month. These the one we are currently in”. So, until these If only there was a
estimates are likely to be revised downwards imbalances have been healed, growth in reliable crystal ball
at the biannual review next month. Europe will remain on the back foot. Picture: GETTY
While the unemployment rate fell to 9.5 per Secondly, it’s not only Europe that has
cent from 9.7 per cent, this was due to a fall in growth fears, this has now spread to China
the number of people who count as unem- and the US. Jim O’Neill, chief economist at
ployed. If you haven’t looked for work for four Goldman Sachs, put the heebie-jeebies into Fears for global growth should ensure ple, in the US in the 1980s the second eco-
weeks, then you don’t count; and many people investors at the weekend by expressing his that the safe haven theme, which has gath- nomic contraction was more significant
who would like to work have become so dis- concerns at the weak tone of economic ered strength in recent weeks, will hold than the first, but corporate profits fell by
couraged that they’ve stopped looking. data coming from China and the US. and boost gold along with US Treasuries, less. The reason for this is that manage-
With the second quarter corporate earnings Housing data, revised GDP and employ- the yen and the Swiss franc. ment become adept at cutting costs during
season kicking off next week, investors will be ment figures from the US along with weak Although clouds hover on the macro the first slowdown making businesses
praying for some better news even if it only industrial signals coming from China have horizon, there is positive news for equity more efficient as they enter they the sec-
brings a temporary respite to the downward weighed on markets. What’s worrying markets. Positive corporate earnings for the ond phase of the downturn.
pressure on equities. economists such as O’Neill is that if the US second quarter, which will be released dur- In the absence of a reliable crystal ball,
and China – the two biggest forces in the ing the next few weeks, should provide a the best way to position your portfolio is to
global economy – slow significantly this short-term stimulus to stock prices. And look for companies that have cut costs but
year it would undoubtedly de-rail the glob- even a double-dip need not be a catastrophe also boosted sales growth – this is a good
al recovery. If the world economy has a dou- for stocks. Analysts at Saxo Bank have measure of efficiency. The next six months
ble-dip, or significant slowdown, this found that in the past corporate earnings are crucial for the global economy, and
would have repurcussions on stocks, bonds, have not been hit as hard during the sec- with so many unknowns, portfolios should
commodities and global exchange rates. ond slowdown in a double-dip. For exam- concentrate on quality assets.

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CITYA.M. 6 JULY 2010 Investment | Contracts for Difference 21

Fears of a double-dip and the stress

tests knock European stock indices
These markets have wrong, says City Index’s Joshua Raymond.
He adds it is also dangerous to assume
all suffered but there that just because a market has suffered
double-digit percentage falls, it is oversold
are further risks in and due a rebound. CFD traders should
place stop-losses close to protect them-
selves from another bout of volatility.
the pipeline, says So what of the stress tests and what
impact might they have on the market?
Jessica Mead There are certainly still a lot of unknowns
surrounding the European banking sys-
tem and the precise details of the tests are

HAT a difference a year can yet to be clarified. For example, there are
make. This time last year we rumours circulating that banks’ sovereign
were all worrying about the debt exposure will not be fully scrutinised
resilience of the American by the stress tests. If this were indeed the
banks should the economic outlook wors- case, then this would add to the confusion
en further while cheering France and and undermine the results of the tests,
Germany’s ability to bounce out of reces- potentially dragging indices even lower.
sion in the second quarter. Manoj Ladwa, senior trader at ETX
Twelve months down the line, the Capital, reckons that the Spanish Ibex 35
financial markets are worrying about the and the French CAC 40 will continue to
possibility of a double-dip recession and underperform due to both indices’ high
nervously awaiting the results of the exposure to the financial sector. In con-
European banking stress tests, which will trast, he expects the German Dax 30 to
be made public at the end of this month. outperform its peers but cautions that the
Meanwhile, fears of a sovereign debt index could still give up some ground.
default still stalk the market. Market jit- To ensure you don’t end up on the
ters and uncertainty about the European wrong side of a trade, it is worth investi-
banking sector’s exposure to sovereign gating the key support levels that are
debt and non-performing loans in the underpinning European indices at the
Club Med countries have sent stock mar- moment. For example, the Dax 30 has
kets across the region plummeting since been bouncing around the 5,800 level for
mid-April. the past two weeks. City Index’s Raymond
The worst performer, unsurprisingly, is says that 5,600 and 5,500 are the next two
the Greek ASE index, which is down 24.5 near-term support levels for the Dax, with
per cent since 15 April. The Spanish Ibex 5,435 the strongest support. The index is
35 and the Borsa Italiana are down 19.72 also trading below its 10 and 20-day mov-
per cent and 19.52 per cent respectively ing average, which would suggest the mar-
over the same timeframe. Only the ket is trending lower in the short-term.
German Dax 30 has survived relatively Both the Spanish Ibex 35 and the Italian
unscathed – it has shed just 2.79 per cent. MIB are still very much in a downward
At such depressed levels, European trend. For the Ibex, a lot of people will be
stock markets are looking like tempting looking at the 8,600 level. A close below
bets for contracts for difference (CFDs) here could see some new shorts enter the
traders. But is now really the time to be market, says Raymond. For the MIB, a
jumping into what is ostensibly still a close below 18,000 would be further con-
risky and uncertain trade? firmation of the sell trend.
Picking the bottom of a market is a Calling the next move in the European
tough call and one which most traders, stock indices will be a tough one but
however experienced, will probably get worthwhile for medium-term CFD traders. Prospects are grim
for stocks on the
ANALYSIS l European stock markets since mid April Madrid exchange
Picture: GETTY
% %


The exact criteria for Europe’s bank stress tests will only be to a sudden shock situation and a hypothetical situation of
DAX 30 2.79% known once the results are published on 23 July. According just a 3 per cent “haircut” on sovereign debt. However, if
to the European Commission, the outlines for the stress Greece is anything to go by, this 3 per cent level wouldn’t
FTSE MIB 19.52% tests will be agreed by the European Central Bank, to then even skim the surface of possible figures.
Ibex 35 be undertaken on a bank-by-bank basis across Europe. The authorities have boosted the number of banks to be
19.72% Finance ministers will meet in Brussels on 13 July to finalise included in the tests. Originally, only 25 of Europe’s leading
the terms of the tests. The results are expected to include banks were to be tested. This number has reportedly been
details of the banks’ sovereign debt holdings, their strategy raised to over 100.
SMI 14.25% ASE 24.5% for dealing with any future financial crises, their resilience Verity Pugh

THE TIPSTER to take advantage of a feel-good rally on the

Dow Jones Industrial Average. Capital
cent against the US dollar in a week, pushing
dollar-Canadian dollar to strong resistance
DESPITE DIP Spreads quotes a price of 9,668-9,670 for the
around the C$1.0675 area. A major far-east
central bank was a big buyer of the loonie
FEARS, LOOK Balfour Beatty updates the market today,
at the end of what has been a volatile six
last time we got near C$1.070, so look to sell
around C$1.0675–C$1.070 for a move back
months for its shares. A 16 per cent rally to to C$1.020. Spread Co offers a spread on a
FOR A SHORT the year’s high of 300p in mid-April was fol- dollar-Canadian dollar contract for difference
lowed by a 23 per cent slide to 230p last of C$1.0658–C$1.0662.
4 JULY RALLY week, significantly spending the whole week Despite a possible Dow rally, the overall
below support at 243p. This area should now trend is for a major slowdown from April

MERICAN investors come back to the prove resistance to the upside, with the 2008 onwards. This is likely to stay put until busi-
market place today after an extended lows of 190p the next obvious target to the ness picks up against in the autumn but in
weekend celebrating Independence downside. Spread Co offers a spread on the meantime house-builders look particular-
Day. After the recent falls in global Balfour Beatty of 235.9p–236.8p. ly set to suffer. According to Fairfax,
equities, this US public holiday could instigate With fears of a double-dip recession rising Persimmon looks expensive. Spreadex
a renewed sense of optimism and send stock again, commodity currencies have suffered quotes Persimmon at 347.6p-349.5p.
indices higher, even if only temporarily – look over the last week. The loonie has fallen 3 per Juliet Samuel The US public holiday could spark a short Dow rally Picture: GETTY
22 Markets & Investment CITYA.M. 6 JULY 2010

LONDON’S TOP 250 Trade these shares from £1.50 with Interactive Investor -
Company Name Closing Price Price Change 52wk High 52wk low Company Name Closing Price Price Change 52wk High 52wk low Company Name Closing Price Price Change 52wk High 52wk low Company Name Closing Price Price Change 52wk High 52wk low
(p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p)
3i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .256.50* –3.50 314.80 216.75 COLT Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .125.60 –1.80 144.20 106.75 ITV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48.28 –1.52 71.75 31.75 Schroders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1167.00 +13.00 1450.00 764.00
3i Infrastructure . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111.20* +0.70 115.00 89.35 Compass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 511.50* +6.00 574.50 307.75 Jardine Lloyd Thompson. . . . . . .525.00 –2.50 604.50 399.00 Schroders N/V. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .963.00 +8.00 1185.00 643.50
A.B. Foods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .947.00* –2.00 1045.00 752.00 Cookson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .383.10 +4.10 616.00 220.00 Johnson Matthey . . . . . . . . . . .1479.00* –1.00 1814.00 1108.00 Scot. & Sthrn Energy. . . . . . . . . 1134.00 +6.00 1206.00 357.50
Aberdeen Asset Man . . . . . . . . . .123.00 –0.40 155.60 111.00 Croda Intl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1030.00 +26.00 1047.00 529.00 Kazakhmys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .967.50 –17.00 1634.00 574.50 Scottish Mortgage. . . . . . . . . . . .545.50 +3.00 623.50 376.00
Admiral. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1398.00 –2.00 1441.00 863.50 CSR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .357.90 –6.00 524.00 338.75 Kesa Electricals . . . . . . . . . . . . .125.00 –0.10 162.00 98.45 SEGRO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .253.10 –1.80 403.10 244.00
Aegis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .106.00 +0.70 137.30 81.50 Daily Mail ‘A’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .440.10* –1.60 539.00 279.00 .LQJÀVKHU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .210.30 +2.50 255.00 178.30
Afren . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .82.55 –0.20 111.00 48.50 Dana Petroleum . . . . . . . . . . . .1443.00 +3.00 1549.00 968.50 Ladbrokes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .127.40 +1.80 174.29 114.60 Serco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .561.50 –6.00 656.50 394.30
African Barr Gold . . . . . . . . . . . .600.50 –14.00 685.00 520.50 Davis Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .363.00 +2.80 442.30 311.25 Lancashire Hldgs . . . . . . . . . . . .501.00 +1.00 540.00 416.70 Severn Trent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1230.00* +4.00 1310.00 921.00
Aggreko . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1418.00 +29.00 1496.00 492.50 De La Rue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .952.50 +4.00 1021.00 808.50 Land Securities . . . . . . . . . . . . . .545.00* –6.50 743.50 415.25 Shaftesbury . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .354.50* +3.50 426.50 285.25
Alliance Trust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .295.40* +0.80 352.70 260.25 Debenhams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57.20 +0.90 91.95 51.95 Legal & General . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75.60 –0.25 94.40 49.37 Shire. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1350.00 –15.00 1526.00 818.00
AMEC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .821.00 +4.00 891.00 603.50 Derwent London . . . . . . . . . . . .1223.00 –6.00 1490.00 844.00 Lloyds Banking Gp . . . . . . . . . . . .54.77 +0.07 75.58 40.42 SIG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .99.80 –0.50 146.60 86.75
Amlin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .394.60 +1.70 428.50 291.00 Dexion Absolute . . . . . . . . . . . . .137.50 +0.50 148.00 117.00 Logica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .103.70 –0.20 149.10 74.50 Smith & Nephew . . . . . . . . . . . . .580.00 –1.50 700.50 435.25
Anglo American . . . . . . . . . . . .2255.00 –48.50 3015.50 1557.50 Diageo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1033.00 –4.00 1176.00 857.00 London Stk Exchange . . . . . . . . .548.00 –2.50 949.50 540.50 Smiths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1051.00 –3.00 1186.00 677.50
Antofagasta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .761.00 –16.50 1100.00 561.00 Dimension Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . .90.70 –0.20 105.00 54.75 Lonmin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1360.00 –18.00 2198.00 950.00 SOCO Intl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .391.90 +0.80 444.60 380.60
Aquarius Platinum . . . . . . . . . . .301.40 –8.10 490.00 172.75 Domino’s Pizza . . . . . . . . . . . . . .393.00 +2.40 395.50 202.00 Man . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .212.70* –1.80 373.60 199.60 Spectris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .749.00 –1.50 928.00 512.50
ARM Holdings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .270.90 +0.40 362.40 116.00 Drax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .380.60 +4.60 496.50 321.50 Marks & Spencer. . . . . . . . . . . . .341.90* +8.80 412.70 303.75 Spirax-Sarco Eng . . . . . . . . . . .1358.00 +2.00 1591.00 809.00
Arriva . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .763.50 — 782.50 378.50 DSG Intl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25.59 +0.34 39.75 19.25 Meggitt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .301.80 +1.00 331.00 151.75 Spirent Comms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110.50 +0.40 127.80 54.50
Ashmore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .240.20 +3.40 311.20 183.25 Dunelm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .326.80 +1.50 438.40 202.50 Melrose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .207.00 –2.40 251.50 90.00
Astrazeneca . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3051.50 –37.00 3262.00 2637.00 Easyjet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .392.00 –4.90 499.90 260.00 Mercantile IT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .863.50* +4.00 1002.00 726.00 Sports Direct Intl . . . . . . . . . . . . .106.00 +0.10 134.00 72.50
Atkins(Ws) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .684.00 +2.50 747.00 532.50 Edinburgh Inv Tst . . . . . . . . . . . .378.50* +0.60 412.40 298.50 Michael Page Intl. . . . . . . . . . . . .359.30 +9.90 461.50 218.50 SSL Intl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .802.00 +5.50 893.50 506.00
Autonomy Corp . . . . . . . . . . . .1761.00 –40.00 2012.00 1121.00 Electrocomponents . . . . . . . . . . .209.60* +0.30 245.00 134.25 Micro Focus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .436.30 –0.70 550.00 300.90 St James’s Place . . . . . . . . . . . . .210.70 +2.70 296.90 172.25
Aveva . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1145.00* +4.00 1237.00 666.50 EnQuest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .97.50 –0.70 112.70 87.35 Millen & Copthorne . . . . . . . . . . .395.00 — 496.30 227.75 Stagecoach. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .176.30 +1.70 204.90 123.50
Aviva . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .317.70 +2.60 474.00 274.75 Essar Energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .453.90 –9.80 475.90 358.50 Misys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .230.00 –1.90 281.70 165.25 Standard Chartered . . . . . . . . . .1608.00 –3.00 1847.00 1119.00
Babcock International . . . . . . . . .624.00* +5.50 660.50 448.50 Eurasian Nat Res . . . . . . . . . . . .818.00 –23.50 1276.00 632.00 Mitchells & Butlers . . . . . . . . . . .281.40 +4.00 343.90 228.30 Standard Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .174.90 –1.10 237.00 170.00
BAE Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .309.10 +0.60 389.90 294.20 Euromoney Inst Inv . . . . . . . . . . .576.50* — 630.00 206.00 MITIE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .208.00* –0.50 281.70 198.70 SuperGrp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .769.00 +24.00 770.00 499.00
Balfour Beatty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .236.60* +2.60 328.85 228.60 Experian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .582.50* +4.50 664.50 437.50 Mondi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .367.60 –3.40 488.00 187.50 TalkTalk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118.80 –1.70 147.10 106.60
Barclays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .259.20 –7.75 394.25 253.40 F&C Comm Prop . . . . . . . . . . . . . .91.05 –0.40 96.80 73.50 Monks Inv Tst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .276.00 –1.90 321.20 222.00 Talvivaara Mining . . . . . . . . . . . .361.70 –0.50 501.50 319.00
Barratt Development . . . . . . . . . . .93.90 +1.55 193.31 89.10 Ferrexpo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .237.80 –2.40 396.20 112.00 Morrison Wm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .267.10 +3.00 306.30 234.75 Tate & Lyle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .469.90* –2.80 509.00 284.75
BBA Aviation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .180.70 +0.80 220.00 108.75 FirstGroup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .363.30 +1.30 448.80 322.75 Murray Intl Tst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .822.50 +5.50 893.50 593.50 Taylor Wimpey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25.06 –0.66 54.90 24.29
Beazley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113.70 +0.70 124.80 95.25 Foreign & Col Inv Tst. . . . . . . . . .258.80 +2.10 297.20 210.25 National Express. . . . . . . . . . . . .217.70 +4.30 256.80 135.86 Telecity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .397.90 +4.90 455.00 298.00
Bellway. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .588.00 +3.00 927.50 580.50 Fresnillo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .950.00 –14.00 1115.00 438.00 National Grid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .487.70* –0.10 607.65 469.37
Berkeley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .785.50 +12.50 989.50 735.00 G4S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .266.20 +3.60 285.70 206.50 Next . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2014.00 +25.00 2360.00 1497.00 Templeton Emrg Mkts . . . . . . . . .525.50* +5.50 598.00 349.50
BG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1038.00 +12.50 1248.00 966.90 Genesis Emerging Mkts Fd . . . . .446.00 +1.00 484.00 370.00 Northumbrian Water . . . . . . . . . .304.00 +0.30 312.00 219.90 Tesco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .389.05* +6.15 454.90 347.40
BHP Billiton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1684.50 –38.50 2346.00 1274.50 GKN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112.10 –0.40 155.00 71.75 Old Mutual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .103.00 –0.50 127.20 74.60 Thomas Cook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .179.80 +1.00 277.20 172.30
BlackRock Mining . . . . . . . . . . . .533.50 –8.50 654.50 346.00 GlaxoSmithKline . . . . . . . . . . . .1095.00* –13.50 1347.00 1058.00 Partygaming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .220.80 +2.40 339.70 205.80 Tomkins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .221.40 –1.50 261.10 141.75
Booker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40.20* +0.70 49.50 33.00 Great Portland Estates . . . . . . . .281.00 –2.00 332.10 203.75 Pearson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .887.50 +20.50 1069.00 574.00 Travis Perkins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .753.00 –1.50 915.00 536.00
BP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .333.30 +11.30 658.20 296.00 Greene King . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .419.90 +4.70 504.00 372.50 Pennon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .557.00 — 567.00 434.40 TUI Travel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .209.80 +0.70 313.90 202.30
Brit Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .897.00* –3.00 975.00 709.00 Halfords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .496.80* +0.60 562.50 306.25 Persimmon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .348.50 +5.30 534.50 340.20 Tullett Prebon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .314.00 –4.20 436.20 261.20
British Airways . . . . . . . . . . . . . .186.60 –1.80 255.80 117.30 Halma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .271.60 +2.60 284.90 184.00 Petrofac . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1164.00 –8.00 1294.00 633.50 Tullow Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1041.00 –5.00 1375.00 834.50
British Amer. Tob . . . . . . . . . . .2125.50 +6.50 2335.50 1676.00 Hammerson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .336.30 –0.40 460.30 277.00 Petropavlovsk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1143.00 –16.00 1370.00 516.50 UK Commercial Prop. . . . . . . . . . .80.00 +0.50 84.90 62.25
British Empire Tst . . . . . . . . . . . .404.10 –0.90 467.90 338.50 Hargreaves Lansdown . . . . . . . .317.40 –6.70 387.00 197.25 Premier Farnell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211.10 +0.90 252.60 122.25 Ultra Electronics . . . . . . . . . . . .1528.00 –2.00 1678.00 1079.00
British Land . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .437.70 +1.40 532.00 353.00 Hays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .89.10 +0.70 119.00 80.00 Premier Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1350.00 +27.00 1431.00 984.00 Unilever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1736.00 –6.00 2024.00 1419.00
Britvic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .480.50* –4.70 498.50 286.25 Henderson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118.70 –0.10 157.80 87.75 Provident Financial . . . . . . . . . . .833.00 +7.50 986.00 763.00 United Utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . .526.00* –2.50 575.00 429.00
Brown(N.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .254.90* +1.90 284.30 204.25 Heritage Oil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .378.00 –2.90 587.00 368.70 Prudential . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .490.30 –3.80 665.00 350.25
BSkyB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .694.00 –2.00 732.00 456.00 Hikma Pharma . . . . . . . . . . . . . .688.00 –1.00 730.00 430.00 PZ Cussons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .343.00 +2.00 344.50 197.50 Utd Business Media . . . . . . . . . .493.50 –1.00 579.50 364.75
BT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .126.30 –0.30 151.00 99.50 Hiscox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .343.40 –0.70 369.30 279.50 Qinetiq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119.10 –0.40 179.10 113.90 Vedanta Resources . . . . . . . . . .2100.00 –31.00 2967.00 1264.00
Bunzl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .658.00 –6.00 784.50 501.00 Hochschild Mining . . . . . . . . . . .297.70 –7.30 370.60 220.00 Randgold Resources. . . . . . . . .6125.00 –55.00 6600.00 3351.00 Victrex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1079.00* +24.00 1193.00 537.00
Burberry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .745.00 +5.50 815.50 403.25 Home Retail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .215.30* +1.00 336.50 208.50 Reckitt Benckiser . . . . . . . . . . .3037.00 –8.00 3667.00 2686.00 Vodafone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .136.50* — 153.80 111.90
Cable & Wire Comms . . . . . . . . . .58.20* +0.40 150.00 53.00 Homeserve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2017.00* +21.00 2190.00 1336.00 Reed Elsevier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .495.10 +0.30 548.00 403.75 VT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .795.00 +6.00 799.00 416.00
Cable & Wire Wwide . . . . . . . . . . .86.00* +1.00 94.80 68.60 HSBC Hldgs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .596.20* –3.90 766.80 487.00 Regus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70.75 +1.75 125.50 61.00 Weir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1049.00 –3.00 1183.00 437.50
Cairn Energy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .416.40 –5.70 448.60 306.80 Hunting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .442.00 +1.00 659.50 377.00 Rentokil Initial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .104.40 +0.70 140.20 82.25 WH Smith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .412.00 +1.00 551.00 396.00
Caledonia Invs . . . . . . . . . . . . .1575.00 +18.00 1759.00 1495.00 ICAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .393.00 –1.70 478.30 291.70 Resolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .68.00 +1.05 99.15 58.45 Whitbread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1373.00* +6.00 1645.00 778.50
Capita . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .738.50 +4.50 829.50 643.50 IG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .425.90 –0.60 458.20 261.25 Rexam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .290.40 –2.70 331.20 222.50 William Hill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .170.60 +1.20 217.80 160.50
Capital & Counties . . . . . . . . . . .106.80 –2.10 125.40 99.60 Imagination Tech Gp . . . . . . . . . .275.20 –0.30 311.60 130.00 Rightmove . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .619.00 +1.00 729.00 334.00 Witan Inv Tst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .416.00 +4.00 487.00 329.50
Capital Shopping Centres . . . . . .301.60 –3.20 580.00 300.10 IMI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .673.50 +7.50 756.50 275.25 Rio Tinto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2880.50 –54.00 4104.00 1822.00 Wolseley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1330.00 +8.00 1742.00 1026.00
Carillion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .305.30 +4.00 361.90 244.00 Imperial Tobacco. . . . . . . . . . . .1865.00 +15.00 2159.00 1554.00 RIT Capital Partners . . . . . . . . . 1162.00 +5.00 1200.00 879.00
Carnival . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2117.00 –26.00 2937.00 1574.00 Inchcape. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .241.80 –1.90 347.00 235.00 Rolls Royce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .541.50* –5.50 631.50 346.50 Wood Group (John). . . . . . . . . . .319.30 –1.80 411.70 231.25
Catlin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .344.80 –3.20 380.50 284.75 Informa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .347.10 –2.30 439.40 216.00 Rotork . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1269.00* –4.00 1482.00 779.50 WPP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .631.50 +7.50 744.00 380.50
Centamin Egypt . . . . . . . . . . . . .154.90 –3.10 174.75 77.86 Inmarsat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 711.00 +7.00 831.00 491.00 Royal Bank Of Scot . . . . . . . . . . . .38.96 –1.10 58.95 28.25 Xstrata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .851.00 –20.10 1344.50 555.10
Centrica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .293.30 +0.50 320.00 212.50 Intercontl Hotels . . . . . . . . . . . .1047.00 –4.00 1244.00 584.50 Royal Dutch Shell A . . . . . . . . .1635.50 –13.00 2068.50 1431.00 Yell Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25.00 –0.50 86.00 21.00
Charter Intl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .605.00 +2.50 855.50 406.50 Intermediate Capital . . . . . . . . . .246.30 +2.80 332.00 170.25 Royal Dutch Shell B . . . . . . . . .1561.00 –15.50 1997.50 1437.00 LONDON TOP 250 BY MARKET CAPITALISATION
Chemring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2963.00 +13.00 3711.00 1993.00 Intertek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1476.00 +26.00 1576.00 1024.00 RSA Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118.40 –0.60 142.00 113.10
Chloride Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . .372.00 –1.00 390.50 129.00 Intl Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .296.90 +1.00 354.00 231.00 SABMiller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1827.50 –4.00 2090.00 1210.00 * Ex-Dividend † Suspended
Close Bros . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .673.00 +3.00 806.50 623.00 Invensys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .242.50* –0.60 350.30 212.25 Sage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .222.70 –1.50 260.50 167.20
Cobham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .214.20* +2.60 278.60 173.20 Investec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .431.30 +0.70 565.00 324.25 Sainsbury(J) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .320.80* +1.60 373.00 307.60

Weak banks European

shares at a
hurt FTSE )"-'13*$& 6-week low
EAK banks and miners, 03*(*/"--: UROPEAN shares fell to their
beset by doubts over the lowest close in nearly six weeks
health of the global eco- yesterday, with miners weaker
nomic recovery, pulled
3&(&/545„-*7&3100-45„106-53:„$"/"3:8)"3'„'&/$)63$)45 on a gloomier economic outlook
down Britain’s top share yesterday, */4503&4/"5*0/8*%&'*/%:063/&"3&454503&"5888"645*/3&&%$06, and volumes thin as Wall Street was
while BP rose on media reports it is *Terms & Conditions apply, see in store for details. Offer not valid online. closed for the Independence Day holi-
seeking a strategic investor. day.
By the close, the FTSE 100 index A rise for BP helped stem losses for
was down 14.56 points, or 0.3 per cent major indexes.
at 4,823.53, having ended 0.7 per cent 2.9 per cent. at its slowest rate for 10 months in Kuwait may buy some of BP’s Middle The pan-European FTSEurofirst 300
higher on Friday. Banks fell ahead of the publication June after concern about the impact East and Asian assets as part of the index of top shares fell 0.3 per cent to
With US markets closed yesterday later this month of European stress of a public spending squeeze led to a British oil company’s attempt to raise 966.52 points, the lowest close since
for the Independence Day holiday, tests on the sector, with Barclays and record monthly drop in confidence, a funds and fend off takeover bids. May 25. Volume was less than half the
the FTSE 100 traded only 41.9 per cent Royal Bank of Scotland the two survey showed yesterday. Elsewhere, Britain’s biggest cloth- 90-day average.
of its average 90-day volume. biggest fallers in the sector, down 2.9 Embattled oil major BP was the top ing retailer Marks and Spencer The index lost 4.3 per cent last
“It’s been a pretty dull session, with and 2.8 per cent. performer in the FTSE 100, up 3.5 per gained 2.6 per cent ahead of a fiscal week, weighed down by persistent
little for direction without Wall However, UBS said in a note that cent on optimism that the plugging first-quarter trading update due on worries over the pace of global eco-
Street’s lead, and weakness in miners running a credit stress test along the of the leaking well in the Gulf of Wednesday. nomic recovery, and is down more
and banks pinning us back,” said Mic lines of the US tests of 2009 would see Mexico is now only about a month than 13 per cent from a mid-April
Mills, head of electronic trading at all the major European banks pass. away, and amid media reports that ANALYSIS l FTSE peak. Worries of a double-dip reces-
ETX Capital. French economy minister Christine the company was seeking a strategic 4,823.53 sion returned to the fore following
Miners were the big fallers as Lagarde said on Saturday that the test investor to secure its independence. 5,800 05 Jul poor US data.
investors worried about the demand results, to be published on July 23, The weekend newspaper reports 5,600 Growth in the services sector in
outlook and the stability of the global will show that “banks in Europe are said BP was looking for a shareholder China, Britain and the Eurozone also
recovery after disappointing jobs data solid and healthy”. willing to buy a 5 to 10 per cent stake 5,400 slipped in June, data showed, support-
from the US on Friday, and figures London’s blue chip index lost 3.9 at a cost of up to £6bn. BP’s rivals 5,200 ing the view that emerging and devel-
from China on Thursday showing a per cent last week after shedding 13.4 Exxon, Total and Royal Dutch Shell 5,000
oped economies are set to cool off
cooling of manufacturing growth. per cent in June with investor doubts have all been touted as possible bid- through the second half of the year.
Among the worst off, Eurasian mounting on worries over the sus- ders, according to the reports. 4,800 Mining stocks Anglo American,
Natural Resources, Xstrata, BHP tainability of the global recovery. Additionally, a report by a Kuwait 4,600 BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto, were
Billiton and Antofagasta shed 2.2 to Britain’s services sector expanded newspaper said OPEC member 12 Apr 30 Apr 21 May 11 Jun 1 Jul down between 1.8 and 2.2 per cent.
| Restaurant Review ZOE STRIMPEL

Expert, yes. Tasty, yes. Fun, err...

Masterchef’s Michel Symmetrical but TASTING NOTES
Roux Jr has brought cold. ZOE STRIMPEL
top notch cuisine to
Westminster. It’s a
shame it lacks soul
A healthy way to
eat through the
Roux at Parliament Square
RICS, Parliament Square, SW1P 3AD
summer months
Tel: 020 7334 3737

EELING weighed down by picnic and bar-
FOOD hhhhI beqcue fare? Tired of rich meals that leave
SERVICE hhhhI you feeling fat and ill? Well, as Heinz Beck,
ATMOSPHERE hIIII the Rome-based German super-chef has
shown, it doesn’t have to be that way. Recently
Cost per person without wine: £55 launched at his London outpost, Apsleys: A Heinz
Beck Restaurant at the Lanesborough hotel, is a

HE ROYAL Institution of Chartered healthy summer menu. It’s gourmet, yes, and
Surveyors (RICS) is perhaps not the involves at least one glass of Krug. But Beck has
sexiest-sounding location for a cut down on butter, flour and cream wherever
restaurant. Yet the Victorian build- possible, and has chosen food combinations to
ing in which Roux at Parliament Square help insulin levels stay at reasonable levels. So,
sits is handsome, the location is prime bereft of excess starch and sugar, can it be any
and the people behind the place – of good? The answer is yes. Krug is always good,
whom the most important is Le naturally, but so is wild red sea bream carpaccio
Gavroche’s Michel Roux Jr (now of TV with exotic fruit vinaigrette; ricotta tortellini
fame) – are first-rate. with fava beans; yoghurt-cured veal with carrot
To be sure, these things make for a would approve of. Poached halibut with razor clams and puree, and seasonal fruit with extra virgin olive
“good” restaurant, in a strict, uptight kind In the kitchen is Dan Cox, a Roux pro- fennel was a golden, cottony delight, but oil. In short, the summer menu is a really excel-
of way. They do not, by any stretch of the tégé, and he’s good. But the a-la-carte the evening’s showstopper was the lent way to enjoy your food in the hot season and
imagination, make for a sexy one. menu is hugely expensive – £55 for three Gloucester Old Spot loin and belly of pork, still look good for the beach. Menu offered until
The contrast with Le Gavroche, Roux Jr’s courses – when you can get the same which was sticky with juice and savour further notice. Seven courses £79 per person;
den of upholstered, Michelin-starred luxu- number for £16.95 at Arbutus and £27 and sloooowww cooking, to the point with accompanying wines £119. The
ry in Mayfair, is about as vast as can be, at the new Gauthier Soho – compara- of being almost caramelised, and Lanesborough, Hyde Park Corner, SW1X 7TA. To
and intentionally so. Roux set out to make ble, Michelin sort of places. served with some brilliant mustard book, call 020 7333 7254.
a crisper, more modern sort of place, but So we figured we’d just go all out gnocchi. It was the kind of dish that
the result is sterile and boring rather than and choose the tasting menu: seven you hoped would never end. We l For those of you who aren’t feel-
elegant. Someone somewhere was very courses for £65. It kicked off with cor- skipped Amadei chocolate mousse ing overfed, there’s no better
silly to think that even schmoozing MPs rect, crunchy asparagus and morel with maple syrup, caramel foam and way to celebrate sum-
would feel inclined to, well, schmooze, in butter. It is the season for asparagus, if banana sorbet, for it sounded a bit mer outdoors than
such a grey-walled, grey carpeted, hotel- you hadn’t noticed, though I could sure overblown. Wines were exceptional this decadent
style environment. Paintings, wood, noise, use a break from the stuff. What I would throughout: the sommelier was charming hamper from Coco-
colour – chatter – would all have helped never want a break from was Cox’s silky Halibut with razor and suggested unusual tipples such as rose- maya (right).
rather than hindered. Even a touch of slab of pale pink organic salmon, served clams, fennel and scented Riesling and honeyed Marsanne, Inside: sarnies
Gavroche-style upholstery would have with cucumber cubes, nasturtium and girole mushrooms. which buoyed the meal up considerably. on spelt
warmed the place up. samphire. Roast royal quail with pickled Go with your stuffy parents-in-law. Go bread, beauti-
But what’s done is done, and perhaps radish, hazelnut and pomegranate was with your boss if you plan to behave and ful cakes, bis-
there are people who will be grateful to predictably well-executed but I find it perhaps to go through the accounts. Heck, cuits and
have a top-pedigree eatery decked out inof- impossible to get excited about quail go with an important chartered surveyor. scones. £25
fensively in the gastronomic black hole unless it’s charcoal grilled and torn at by But don’t go if you’re craving atmosphere per head.
that is Westminster, with a wine list that hand at a Turkish restaurant off the and conviviality – in contrast to the food, wwwcocomaya.
even the most demanding father-in-law Kingsland Road. the place is just too austere to enjoy.


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24 Lifestyle | TV& Games CITYA.M. 6 JULY 2010


6pm BBC News
6.30pm BBC London News
6pm Eggheads
6.30pm Antiques Road Trip
6pm London Tonight
6.30pm ITV News
6pm The Simpsons:
6.30pm Hollyoaks:
6pm Home and Away:
6.25pm Live from Studio Five:
7pm Match of the Day Live: 7pm Antiques Master 7pm Emmerdale: Holly goes 7pm Channel 4 News Topical reports.
2010 FIFA World Cup 7.30pm University Challenge back to her old ways during a 7.55pm 7.30pm Michaela’s Zoo Babies:
10pm BBC News 8pm How to Beat Tough Times: night out. 8pm Gok’s Fashion Fix: Gok Five News Update
10.25pm Regional News Money Watch: New series. 7.30pm CHOICE Children’s Wan revisits 43-year-old biker 8pm Build a New Life: Was It
10.35pm CHOICE Tom Jones – Sophie Raworth and Justin Hospital: A 12-week-old girl and Mayor of Seaford Tracy Worth It? Five News at 9
What Good Am I? Alan Yentob Rowlatt provide financial advice. Olivia has surgery to remove a Willis. 9pm CSI: Crime Scene
meets Tom Jones 9pm CHOICE Miranda: A liver tumour. 9pm The Sex Education Show: Investigation:
11.35pm Tom Jones at French evening class does not 8pm Piers Morgan On Am I Normal? The team gives 10pm CSI: Miami: Five News
Glastonbury: Weatherview go according to plan. 9pm Taggart lessons in female anatomy. Update TOM JONES – WHAT GOOD AM I?
12.40am Sign Zone: Are You 9.30pm Top Gear 10pm ITV News at Ten 10pm Big Brother: 11pm CSI: NY: BBC1, 10.35PM
Having a Laugh? TV and 10.30pm Newsnight: Weather 10.30pm London News 11.10pm The Good Wife: 11.55pm NCIS: Alan Yentob meets Tom Jones, whose
Disability 11.20pm Match of the Day: 10.35pm World Cup Highlights: 12.10am The Poker Lounge 12.55am SuperCasino decades-long career has seen him sell
1.40am Sign Zone: Grow Your Own 2010 FIFA World Cup: 11.40pm October Road: 1.05am Big Brother: Live 3.55am 4.05am Nick’s Quest 4.30am House millions of albums and headline at
Drugs 2.10am Sign Zone: Put Your 12.20am Stephen Fry on 12.25am The Zone; ITV News KOTV Boxing Weekly 4.20am ITU Doctor 4.55am Rough Guide to some of the world’s biggest venues.
Money Where Your Mouth Is 3.10am Wagner Headlines Triathlon World Cup Magazine Cities 5.10am The New Tomorrow
Sign Zone: Raymond Blanc: Kitchen 1.20am BBC News 3.40am-6am 2.30am The Jeremy Kyle Show 5.15am The Grid 5.45am-6.10am 5.35am-6am Michaela’s Wild
Secrets 3.40am-6am BBC News Close 3.25am-5.30am ITV Nightscreen MSA British Rallycross Challenge

SKY SPORTS 1 11.30pm Cage Fighting: The Championship Review 10pm AFL FIFA World Cup 3.25am Russell 11pm I Was Bitten 12am

4.30pm Live International KnuckleUp Defiance event. 12am Review Show: The latest round of Howard’s Good News 3.55am Deadliest Catch 1am Bear Grylls:
Twenty20 Cricket 8.30pm Ladies European Tour Golf 1am fixtures. 11pm South Africa Bizarre ER 4.25am-5.25am Don’t Born Survivor 2am Chris Barrie’s
Countdown to the 2010 Ryder Countdown to the 2010 Ryder Nightly 11.30pm Baseball Tonight Tell the Bride Massive Engines 3am World War
Cup 9pm European Seniors Tour Cup 1.30am European Seniors 12am ICC Cricket World 12.30am Two in HD Colour 3.50am Raging
Golf 10pm World Cup Report Tour Golf 2.30am Challenge Press Pass 2010 1am Ultimate E4 Planet 4.40am Days That Shook
Series Golf 3am Ladies European Fighting Championship 4am-5am 7pm Hollyoaks 7.30pm Friends the World 5.30am-6am How
10.30pm Football’s Greatest 11pm
9pm Smallville 10pm The Ricky Does That Work?
International Twenty20 Cricket Tour Golf 4am-4.30am AFL Review Show BBC2, 9PM
1am Soccer AM: The Best Bits Countdown to the 2010 Ryder Gervais Show 10.35pm The
2am Football’s Greatest 2.30am Cup LIVING Cleveland Show 11pm King of the DISCOVERY HOME & In a bid to overcome her hang-ups,
7pm Four Weddings 8pm Britain’s Hill 12am-6am Big Brother: Live HEALTH Miranda joins an evening class to learn
International Twenty20 Cricket
4.30am Soccer AM: The Best Bits BRITISH EUROSPORT Next Top Model 9pm Mini Me: 7pm Babes in the Wood 8pm Jon French and takes a tango lesson, but
5.30am-6am Football’s Greatest 7pm Eurosport Flash 7.05pm Kids Who Have It All 10pm 16 HISTORY and Kate Plus 8 9pm Transplant things do not go according to plan.
Soccer City Flash 7.15pm Boxing and Pregnant 11pm Criminal 7pm How the Earth Was Made Stories 10pm Last Chance
SKY SPORTS 2 9.30pm Cycling: Tour de France: Minds 12am CSI: Crime Scene 8pm Britain’s Real Monarch 9pm Surgery 11pm Plastic Surgery
7pm IRB Rugby World Sevens The third stage from Wanze to Investigation 2am So You Think The Last Nazis 10pm Adolf 12am Transplant Stories 1am Last
10pm World Poker Tour 11pm Arenberg Porte du Hainaut. You Can Dance 3am The Fresh Eichmann: The Secret Memoirs Chance Surgery 2am Plastic
Football Asia 11.30pm Fishing 10.30pm Planet Armstrong Prince of Bel-Air 3.50am Maury 11pm Auschwitz: The Man Who Surgery 3am Jon and Kate Plus 8
Gurus 12am Football’s Greatest 10.35pm Eurosport Flash 4.40am Nothing to Declare Told the World 12am Britain’s 4am Baby Tales 5am-6am Mum’s
12.30am IRB Rugby World 10.40pm Soccer City 11.10pm 5.30am-6am Home Shopping Real Monarch 1am How the Earth the Word
Sevens 3.30am-4.30am World Eurosport Flash 11.15pm World Was Made 2am Alexander the
Match Tour Sailing Touring Car Championship BBC THREE Great’s Mysterious Death 3am SKY1
11.45pm World Series by Renault 7pm Snog, Marry, Avoid? 8pm Cities of the Underworld 4am- 7pm The Simpsons 8pm Ouch!
SKY SPORTS 3 12.15am-12.45am Soccer City Don’t Tell the Bride 9pm The 5am Decoding the Past Sextuplets 9pm House 11pm Fat
7pm Mountain Bike World Mighty Boosh 10pm Russell Pets, Fat Owners 12am Oops TV
7.30pm Ladies European Tour ESPN Howard’s Good News 10.30pm DISCOVERY 1am The Real World: Key West ITV1, 7.30PM
Golf 8.30pm World Match Tour 6.30pm AFL Review Show Mongrels 11pm Family Guy 8pm How Do They Do It? 1.50am Road Wars 4.20am Tim Following a course of chemotherapy,
Sailing 9.30pm Cage Fighting 7.30pm Basketball: FIBA World 11.45pm Bizarre ER 12.15am The 8.30pm How It’s Made 9pm Man Gunn’s Guide to Style 5.10am- 12-week-old Olivia Dixon faces a
10pm Challenge Series Golf Magazine 8pm NHRA Drag Mighty Boosh 1.15am Mongrels vs Fish with Matt Watson 6am Are You Smarter Than a 10 complex operation to remove a
10.30pm Golfing World Racing 9pm FIA GT1 World 1.45am Match of the Day: 2010 10pm Surviving Disaster Year Old? cancerous liver tumour.

COFFEE BREAKCopyright Puzzle Press Ltd,


12 35 6 17 13 32 7
10 20 4
26 3   
Place the numbers from 1 to 9 in each empty cell so that each 
row, each column and each 3x3 block contains all the numbers Fill the grid so that each block 8 11
13 12 29 15
from 1 to 9 to solve this tricky Sudoku puzzle. adds up to the total in the box 24 16 17
above or to the left of it. 11 22
You can only use the digits 1-9 45
  and you must not use the 13 14  
same digit twice in a block. 17 34 11 16 15
     The same digit may occur 45

  more than once in a row or

column, but it must be in a
5 22
  separate block.
6 14 16 8
     9 23 10

1 Capital of the US 1 Celestial bodies (5)
state of Oregon (5)
3 Strong currents
of air (5)
2 Stretches or
draws out (9)
Using only the letters in the Wordwheel, you have 3 Mousse applied
  ten minutes to find as many words as possible,
U C 6 Protective garment (5) to the hair (3)
7 Long pointed rod used 4 Boy child (3)
none of which may be plurals, foreign words or
proper nouns. Each word must be of three letters O as a weapon (5) 5 Very steep, almost

LAST ISSUE’S or more, all must contain the central letter and
letters can only be used once in every word. There
I L 10 Greatly desired (6,5)
13 Pompous or foolishly
vertical (5)
8 Stricken (9)
SOLUTIONS KAKURO is at least one nine-letter word in the wheel.
S T grandiose (11) 9 Weight equivalent
15 Thin slice of potato to 14 pounds (5)

' 5 8 1 . 6 2 & . 6
1 3 4 7 8 2 5 6 9 SUDOKU         
fried in deep fat (5)
18 Kitchen range (5)
11 Belonging to you
and me (3)
2 7 8 9 6 7         
5 2 + 2 $
< ( 7 , 3 ( 1 & , / 5 9 8 4 9 2
         19 Played (with) (5) 12 Large flightless bird (3)
1 2 1 3 7 6
$ 8 6 $ ( . 9
         20 Britain’s only native 13 Edging of small loops,
' 2 5 , & 3 5 $ 7 ( 8 4 9 3 2 5 7 6 1
         venomous snake (5) as on lace (5)
% ( 4 8 , ( 7
1 $ 8 5 8 6 & , 2 1
9 5
2 3
7 9
9 8
3 1 6
14 Cut the wool from (5)
$ / $ + 2 ( (         
& / ( 5 , & 8 / 1 $ 9 6 4 8 4 8 The nine-letter word 16 Extremely cold (3)
7 6 8 4 2 3 1 5 9         
+ 1 1 1 7
was VENTURING          17 Seedcase (3)
2 & 7 ( 7 6 7 $ 6 + 3 1 2 1 5 9

Ohuruogu: I may miss Euros CRICKET
Pakistan 167-8 (Umar Umar Akmal 64) v Australia 144.
Pakistan beat Australia by 23 runs.
Trafford): Lancashire 170-5 (T C Smith 92no) v
are just part and parcel of what we do

ATHLETICS Worcestershire 124 (S T Jayasuriya 54). Lancashire (2pts)

BY JON COUCH as athletes. beat Worcestershire by 46 runs.
“They are frustrating and upsetting LV COUNTY CH’SHIP DIV ONE: (Chelmsford); Essex 154 v
OLYMPIC champion Christine but no-one is going to take any risks Nottinghamshire126-5 (34.0 overs). (The Rose Bowl); Kent
251 (J L Denly 67, S A Northeast 50, D G Cork 5-50) v
Ohuruogu has told City.A.M she is like- because it’s a long season with the Hampshire51-2 (13.0 overs). (Headingley Carnegie);
ly to miss next month’s European Commonwealth Games in October. Yorkshire 325-4 (96.0 overs) (A Lyth 84, A McGrath 57). v
Championships in Barcelona. “I just need to find the right bal- Warwickshire. DIV TWO: (Northampton); Northamptonshire
Ohuruogu, 26, was absent from the ance between training sensibly and 355-5 (96.0 overs) (D J G Sales 127, N Boje 98, S D Peters
76). v Glamorgan.
400m startline at last weekend’s Aviva going overboard and that has often TOUR MATCH (Lord's): Bangladesh 301-7 (Jahurul Jahurul
UK Championships in Birmingham been my problem.” Islam 88, Imrul Kayes 77) v Middlesex 160 (O A Shah 61).
after picking up an untimely quadri- More than 6,000 youngsters from across Bangladesh beat Middlesex by 141 runs.
cep muscle injury in training. London’s 33 boroughs will take part in this CYCLING
She was initially upbeat about the weekend’s Balfour Beatty London Youth TOUR DE FRANCE (Spa, Belgium)—LLeading final positions
prognosis but further medical tests Games, making it the largest youth sports after Stage 2 (Brussels - Spa, 201km): 1 Sylvain Chavanel (Fra)
have not been so encouraging. But event in Europe. Quick Step 4hrs 40mins 48secs, 2 Maxime Bouet (Fra) AG2R
La Mondiale at 03.56, 3 Fabian Wegmann (Ger) Team Milram at
after helping Mayor Boris Johnson same time, 4 Robbie McEwen (Aus) Team Katusha at same
light the flame at the Balfour Beatty CHRISTINE OHURUOGU | RECORD time, 5 Christian Knees (Ger) Team Milram at same time.
General classification: 1 Sylvain Chavanel (Fra) Quick Step 10hrs
London Youth Games, an event where
01min 25secs, 2 Fabian Cancellara (Swi) Team Saxo Bank at
she cut her sporting teeth during her Major titles: 2006 Commonweath 02.57, 3 Tony Martin (Ger) Team HTC- Columbia at 03.07.
schooldays in Newham, she admitted Games – Gold; 2007 World
time was running out. Championship – Gold; 2008 Olympic TODAY’S DIARY
“It’s going to be really tight to Games – Gold World Cup Semi-Final
make Barcelona,” she admitted.“The Highest world ranking: 200m – 11th Uruguay v Holland (7.30) ........................................................................................
doctors are being cautious and saying (2007); 400m – 2nd (2007-08)
I won’t make it but I’m stubborn and I Personal best: 100m – 11.35secs; 200m –
will do everything I can to push the 22.85secs; 400m – 49.61secs SPORTS EDITOR JON COUCH
rehab. The timing is off but injuries Ohuruogu has picked up a muscle injury in training. Picture: ACTION IMAGES email

Rose has blossomed into I GET

Open favourite in a month THREE £10
for his first PGA Tour win, the Wimbledon and Miguel Angel
Memorial Tournament, last Jimenez claiming the French Open
month, Justin wasted no time in in Paris after a three-way play-off.
claiming a second with a remark- At 46, Miguel beats my record as
able display of mental strength. the French Open’s oldest winner
Just last week, he threw away a and also becomes the eighth oldest EXCLUSIVE TO NEW TELEPHONE/ONLINE CUSTOMERS*
three-shot lead in the final round European Tour winner of all time. Simply stake £10 today and we will give you
of the Travelers Championship, but It’s great to see him still playing 3x£10 Free Bets. Quote WORLD30
ON THE GREENS WITH showed nerves of steel in ensuring so well, he’s a great character and
history wouldn’t repeat itself, hold- always a popular winner.
SAM TORRANCE ing off Ryan Moore with seven While the big guns, such as Phil
straight pars in the run-in. Mickelson head for Loch Lomond URUGUAY
USTIN ROSE has gone from With that in mind, this was the for the Scottish Open this weekend,
Open outcast to bookies’ best win of his career to date, but this Scot is off to Holland for the
favourite in the space of four with character like that, who’s to Van Lanschot Senior Open. Tonight,
o kick-off 7.30pm, live on ITV
days. What a month it’s been say he won’t eclipse that with a win With the British Open coming 11/2 URUGUA
AY 12/5 DRA
for the young Englishman. at St Andrews next weekend. up, this is a big tournament for me,
Victory in the AT&T National It was also a great weekend for and there are a few things I need to CORRECT SCORE DOUBLE RESULT
only just secured Justin’s place at St Spain with the football team reach- put right.
Andrews next week and now, all of ing the Uruguay Score Holland Uruguay Uruguay 10/1 Van Persie 4/1
a sudden, he’s become a major con- World Cup 9/1 1-0 4/1 Uruguay Draw 18/1 Robben 11/2
tender as the world’s most in-form semi-finals, 25/1 2-0 11/2 Uruguay Holland 28/1 Forlan 13/2
player right now. Rafael Nadal 16/1 2-1 15/2
After a wait of 161 tournaments winning Draw Uruguay 19/2 Sneijder 13/2
66/1 3-0 10/1 Kuyt 15/2
50/1 3-1 14/1 Draw Draw 18/5
Abreu 10/1
66/1 3-2 33/1 Draw Holland 3/1
Justin’s relishing a 7/1
S. Fernandez 14/1
Van Bommel 25/1
No G/scorer 7/1
St Andrews return 20/1 2-2
Other scores on request.
20/1 Holland Holland
Bets void if match not completed.
A PLACE 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Own goals
don’t count. Others on request.

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GOLF finishing in a tie for fourth as a 19- was probably the performance that

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26 Sport CITYA.M. 6 JULY 2010

Wimbledon champion Nadal is yet to reign supreme at the US Open. Picture: PA

Home. Whoever you play for.

Nadal backed
Make Yahoo! your home for football.
for US glory
too many matches before the Open.”
BY FRANK DALLERES McEnroe also expects Andy Murray
to build on his encouraging
LEGEND John McEnroe believes Wimbledon by flourishing at
Rafael Nadal is ready to complete a Flushing Meadows, where the action
career Grand Slam by scooping his gets underway next month.
first US Open. “I thought it was a little soon for
Nadal claimed his second Murray at Wimbledon because he
Wimbledon title on Sunday, to add to hasn’t been playing with much confi-
his one Australian Open title and five dence this year, but he likes the hard
triumphs at the French Open. courts a lot better so he’ll be playing
He is yet to reign at Flushing well at the US Open,” he added.
Meadows, but having recovered from “Murray played well at Wimbledon. I
a serious injury to regain his No1 feel like he did a lot of good things in
world ranking, McEnroe reckons this his match against Nadal and it’s just a
DAVID’S FAVOURITES could be his year. couple of points here and there, like
“Nadal wants to win the US Open the one at 6-5 in the tie break.”
Sport so badly. It would be hard not to pick Meanwhile, Roger Federer has
him at this time even though he’s slipped out of the top two for the first never won it,” said the American, who time since November 2003.
won the tournament four times.
Yahoo! Mail “The guy is just an animal. He’s
mentally and physically incredible
and he can definitely do it if he’s in
this shape. The conditions in New 1. Rafael Nadal (Spa) - 2. Novak Djokovic (Ser) s1
York don’t suit Nadal so well and he
News needs to make his body hold up. So I 3. Roger Federer (Swi) t1
think after Wimbledon he is going to 4. Andy Murray (GB) - take some time off and get his knees
5. Robin Soderling (Swe) s1
recovered and then maybe not play

Armstrong fall sparks protest Lyth first to 1,000-run landmark
Hamilton and Button tension
could boil over, warns Hill
CYCLING: Seven-time champion Lance CRICKET: Yorkshire opener Adam Lyth
Armstrong was among a number of high- became the first batsman to pass 1,000
profile riders to fall in a dramatic second runs this season as the Tykes piled on a
stage of the Tour de France. big score in their County Championship
Armstrong tumbled along with last match with Warwickshire at Headingley.
year’s top two riders, Alberto Contador Lyth passed the 18 he needed to reach
and Andy Schlek, plus British hope the landmark before going onto score 84
Bradley Wiggins, as the slick Belgian as Yorkshire reached 325-4 at the close. takes its toll on the Brits as the title now on the clock is definitely ticking.
roads from Brussels to Spa took their toll, Meanwhile, Bangladesh warmed up FORMULA 1 race continues to hot up. There is only room for one guy.”
prompting a riders’ go-slow in protest.
Frenchman Sylvain Chavanel won to
for their one-day series with England
after bowling out Middlesex for 150 at
2010 “It’s just been on simmer so far and
it will start to boil over,” said Hill, the
McLaren have had their share of
tumultuous driver relationships in
take over the leader’s yellow jersey. Lord’s, having earlier amassed 301-7. 1996 champion. “Between the two the past, notably the famous rift
THE friendly rivalry between McLaren British drivers in possibly the best car between Alain Prost and Ayrton Senna
Westwood in Open fitness race Akmal steers Pakistan win team-mates Lewis Hamilton and you will have a very close and fascinat- in the 1980s and the battle between
GOLF: World No3 Lee Westwood is CRICKET: Umar Akmal struck 64 from Jenson Button could “boil over” at ing battle. Jenson will not be letting Hamilton and Fernando Alonso,
struggling to be fit for next week’s Open 31 balls to lead Pakistan to a 23-run vic- this weekend’s British Grand Prix, Lewis get away with anything. Your which forced Alonso to quit in 2007.
Championship at St Andrews. tory over Australia in the first of a two- according to Damon Hill. closest, most significant competitor, is
The 37-year-old pulled out of this match Twenty20 series at Edgbaston. Hamilton and Button stand first your team-mate and when you’ve got STANDINGS | DRIVERS’ CHAMPIONSHIP
week’s JP McManus pro-am tournament Akmal helped the Pakistanis to 167-8, and second in the drivers’ champi- a team-mate as good as Jenson then
in Ireland after complaining of a calf while paceman Shaun Tait took 2-25. onship with two wins apiece and will it’s not a foregone conclusion. 1. Lewis Hamilton (McLaren) 127pts
strain during the French Open at the David Warner (41) and David Hussey be desperate for victory in front of “This could be the start of the rest 2. Jenson Button (McLaren) 121
weekend. (34) shared a 52-run third-wicket stand, their home crowd at Silverstone. of the season. Traditionally Silverstone 3. Sebastian Vettel (Red Bull) 115
“He’s been told by his doctor to have but three wickets apiece for Mohammad And Hill, president of the British is smack in the middle of the summer, 4. Mark Webber (Red Bull) 103
complete rest this week,” Westwood’s Aamer and Saeed Ajmal helped dis- Racing Drivers’ Club, believes it’s only smack in the middle of the season,
5. Fernando Alonso (Ferrari) 98
management team said. missed the Australians for 144. a matter of time before the pressure the preliminaries are over and from
CITYA.M. 6 JULY 2010 Sport 27

Linesman sad
at goal gaffe

Exclusive football content on Yahoo!

From a man who knows a bit about football.

Lampard was denied a first World Cup goal by Espinosa. Picture: PA

“It was only when we saw the TV

WORLD CUP that we realised what happened.
2010 “I feel quite sad about it because we
had prepared for such a long time for
THE URUGUAYAN linesman who “It could have happened to anyone,
denied Frank Lampard a legitimate unfortunately it was us. You just have
goal against Germany has told to accept it. Life goes on.”
England fans: Life goes on. Espinosa’s words will provide little
Mauricio Espinosa infamously comfort to Lampard, who has never
failed to notice that Lampard’s strike scored in the World Cup finals’ and,
had bounced well over the line dur- at 32, looks likely to be overlooked for
ing England’s 4-1 second round the next tournament in Brazil.
defeat. The Chelsea man appeared to have
The official admits he was wrong- put England firmly back into con-
footed by the pace of the shot, which tention after they had fallen two
would have brought Fabio Capello’s goals behind to their old rivals in
men back into the game at 2-2. Bloemfontein last month.
But Espinosa does not appear So controversial was the incident
unduly concerned about the conse- that it forced Fifa president Sepp
quences of his error – one of the Blatter into a U-turn over the intro-
worst in the history of the World Cup. duction of goal-line technology.
“It was a very fast shot that I did The world governing body has
not see properly, even though I was
located in the right place,” he said.
always firmly opposed the use of sen-
sors of video technology but Blatter
Make Yahoo! your home for football.
“We didn’t see a replay in the dress- said the matter would be debated by
ing room at half-time but you could the International Football
sense what had happened. Association Board this month.

Holland are still entertainers, WORLD CUP NEWS | IN BRIEF

Torres unsure of starting place The Super Eagles had been suspended

insists coach Van Marwijk

LIVERPOOL striker Fernando Torres for two years following their disappoint-
admits he is not sure of his place in ing showing in South Africa, sparking a
Spain’s starting line-up for tomorrow’s furious response from Fifa.
crunch semi-final with Germany. They threatened serious ramifications
Torres has so far failed to find the net and just an hour before Fifa’s imposed
in a poor World Cup by his own stan- 5pm deadline to reverse the decision, the
dards, and is tipped by some to be Nigerian government caved in.
achievers into a ruthless results attention to refocusing his players replaced by either Cesc Fabregas or
URUGUAY machine that now stands just two after their shock quarter-final victory David Silva in Cape Town. Maradona looks set to quit
matches from a historic first World over Brazil. “We haven’t succeeded in “In this squad, no one has a guaran- DIEGO MARADONA last night hinted he
Cup triumph. But ahead of tonight’s our mission yet,” he added. “The tar- teed spot. This squad is very competitive may be set to quit as Argentina’s national
HOLLAND semi-final with Uruguay in Cape get, to be crowned champions, is not and anyone can be a starter,” the £70m- team coach following their World Cup
Town, the former Feyenoord manager yet achieved.” rated hitman admitted. defeat by Germany.
Tonight, ITV1, ko 7.30pm stressed that he had not stripped the Uruguay coach Oscar Tabarez, “I have to work hard during the week Maradona has received several mes-
side of all its trademark flair. meanwhile, has identified Arjen to be in the starting line-up but if I don’t sages of support from adoring fans since
WORLD CUP 2010 “When I took over this job, my first
goal was to teach the team to defend
Robben as Holland’s biggest threat,
although not all of his players seem
get to start, then I don’t start and I will
support the team from outside the pitch.”
admitting he was contemplating his
future following Saturday’s 4-0 loss.
BY FRANK DALLERES better,” he said. “Because we haven’t convinced his plans to nullify the But it seems the former playing legend
HOLLAND coach Bert van Marwijk scored that many goals so far in this winger will work. Nigeria ban overturned has already made up his mind to call it a
insists his team have not renounced World Cup, people see it differently Sebastian Abreu, who scored the THE Nigerian government yesterday day. “It is done my cycle has ended,” he
their entertaining ways just because as they only associate attractive foot- winning penalty in their shoot-out backed down and rescinded their deci- said.
they have learned how to defend. ball with lots of goals. But we still win over Ghana, said: “We know how sion to ban the national team from com- “I have given everything, now I will
Marwijk has transformed the play attractive football.” to do it but whether the execution petition following their poor World Cup spend time with my family – but I am
Dutch from freewheeling under- Van Marwijk has paid particular actually comes off is another thing.” campaign. not depressed.”



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