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eas 1 Company Structures Reading 1 Read the first paragraph of the text about MIS Systems Corporation and complete the following ‘fact file’. IMTS Systems Coxporation Headquarters in » Specialises in 2 EEE EEE EEE Factories located in + and No. of employees « 2 Now read the rest of the text, in which Bernard Levesque describes the organisation of MTS Paris, and contplete the organisation chart opposite. ‘My name's Bernard Levesque ond I'm the Technical ane Quality Manoger ot MTS in Paris and work within the MTD — the Materials Testing Division, which makes equipment used by industria firms to test the strength and durability of naterials lke plastics, mezals and so forth, Were a subsidiary of MTS Systems Corporation, an American firm based in Minneapalis. MTS employs roughiy 2,200 people worldwide and is a feading supplier of inechanice! testing and simulation equipment, Our mgjar development and manufacturing operations are located in the US, Fronce and Germany, and we have sales and service offices around the world, Before | describe the organisation of my department, outline the structure from the top, starting with Werner Ongyert. our CED, who oversees all aspects of our activities here, Just below him is the General Menager jacques Mordelet, wha is my immediate superior. Then there's Spviane Yiloret, the Human Resources Director, ond Genevieve Cometti, the GM's Secretary, who olsn report directly to him, We have a management team that includes myself Dominique Faurieux, the Sales Manager, fean-Frencais Reinauld, the Finance Manager, and of course, jacques ‘Mardelet, who is also the Morketing Manager There ore also twe new departments ~ Customer Service and NYD, the Noise and Vibration Division — headed by Louis Regnier and Patrick Dhommee respectively Now, getting back to the way my department is organised, 'm responsible for operations, so I'm in charge of Purchasing and Pianeing, R&D and Quality, The Purchasing and Plenning Department schedules production based on orders provided by the soles team and forecasts from the Marketing Department. In R&D, there ave three sub-departments ~ Mechanical Engineering, Electronics, and Software Engineering — which are involved in developing now products and modifying existing products to meet custemer demands. They receive technical specifications from the Marketing Department and provide drawings, @ ports (ist and ossembly lastructions, Nothalie Launay works closely with me on Quality ~ an areo that. takes up nearly a third of my time, And finally there's the head of Shipping, 19s well as the person in chorge of Assembly, who also report to me, Company Structures i —= r INMETS Paris —— z 5 a I 1 fs 6 Technical and bi . ? Quality Manager LC L I Purchasing and | [' a iz is Planning EEE SESE eb eEEen Mechanical a ts. Engineering Vocabulary 3 Circle the word that does not belong in each horizontal group. firm company society subsidiary salary manager engineer employee 1 2 3 fimance product planning marketing, 4 ship assemble customer purchase plant facility patent —_factory A Match the following definitions to the groups of three words that you identified above. a b a e 5 1 2 3 manufacturing sites stages in the manufacturing process _ people who work in a company ae types of business organisation TEE different departments in a company _ Match cach of the words that you circled with the following definitions. payment for work, usually monthly. ‘an item that has been made an organisation or club with members who share similar interests, a document that gives the exclusive right to make or sell a new product 1a person who buys goods or services ra) one Language Focus Present perfect and past simple 6 Complete the following company profile with elther the present perfect or past simple tense of the verb in brackets Procter & Gamble | Aas been (be) in the soap business since William Procter and James Gamble 2 (form) their partnership in 1837. In order to raise capital for expansion, the partners * (set up) a comporate structure in 1890, with an appointed president at the helm of the company. It (undergo) further restructuring in 1955, with the creation of individual operating divisions to better manage their growing lines of products. John £. Peppers (lead) the company since 1995, when he was elected Procter & Gamible's ninth Chaitman and Chief Executive Officer. The same year, the company & (move) from managing the business under two geographic areas, US and International, to four regions - North America, Latin America, Asia, and Europe/Middle East/Africa Ivory soap, which 7 (become) a common household name, # (come) onto the market in 1879. With the introduction and instant success of Tide laundry detergent in 1946, Procter & Gambie »__ (embark) on a strategy of rapid growth into new product lines as well as new markets around the world. The firm's commitment to innovation in technology @__ (help) Tide to remain their Single largest brand over the years. Perhaps the product that ___ (have) the greatest impact, however, is Pampers, the disposable nappy which they ‘2______ (launch) in 1961 ‘As a result of their aggressive expansion policy, Procter & Gamble sales ve (reach) $10 billion in 1980, Since then the company i (quadruple) the number of consumers it can serve with Its brands - to about five billion people around the world. In 1998 sales w__(rise) to $37.2 billion, Describing changes 7 Read the following sentences describing changes and decide if the verb or oun underlined is correct or incorrect. If it Is correct, put a tick (/) in the space provided. If itis incorrect, write the correction. 1 2 Domestic sales of toothpaste have raised by 4.5% over last year ison (or increased / gone up) Procter & Gamble increased its market share in the Busopean personal care category with the acquisition of the Blendax {ine of products. ‘The consolidation of product development operations in Asia brought about a reduce in the research and development staff ‘The candle part of the business saw a rapid decline after the electric light bulb was invented, “The successful nationwide marketing campaign rose shampoo sales dramatically “With the introduction of efit packs for liquid laundry detergents, packaging was reduced by 65%, Consumption of traditional cotton nappies has dropped dramatically since the introduction of the disposable nappy. ‘There was @ 10096 raise in business in South Aftica in 1994, Company Structures i Writing 8 writea report on Mannesmann AG using the information below. Your report should contain three sections: ‘+ general information ‘+ history of the company + changes in the group's structure ‘Mannesmann core business sectors and percentage of total sales Yaa Headquarters: Disseldorf, Germany Employees worldwide: 116,247 ‘Annval sales 1998: DM 37.3 billion (EUR 19 billion) Changes in the Group's Structure 1980 now in es i | I 1890 Foundation of steel tube i business in Bevin by Max i ee ectnavamate i Headquarters move to 1893 i I Disseldort | p I 1893-1952 Acquistion of companies } related to steel tube i jeans : ish steel and tube mils 1952-55 | i in raz, Canad and Turkey : I | E : 1987-88 Acqutionotrintele | i Sachs AGyan automate | i (recon ‘ i Foundation of Mannesmann 1989 i Mobifurk Gmibi, 2 collar | phane company t 1990 Estabishfestprvate : communications network = | feeeteeomreniae I Dr klaus Esser becomes 1999 Chairman For the latest information on Mannesmann AG, visi thelr ‘web site tap fwwwamannesiancom S 10 Ze ia 2 Recruitment Reading ‘Read the following text which explains how job advertisements differ in three European countries. Job Ads: Reading Between the Lines Checking out job advertisements Is popular with execuewes worldwide Buc though che activi s universal is the same erve of che advertisements? Are executive poshiors in Stferent counerles advertised inthe same way? ‘A comparison of the obs pages of The Tones of London, Le Monde of Paris and Germany's Fronkfurter Algereine Zetang aggests not. First, what UK job seskers consider an essential piece of information — what the post pays ~ is absent from French and German adverts. tis cen eft wo applicants 10 raise this ‘themselves. In coneast, most British advertisements mention not only salary, but also other material incentives including a car and fringe benefits. French of German advertvements rarely cefer to these. ‘The attention glen t0 rewards in the UK incieates ha importance of the jab and its responsibil. In France and Germany, that information 15 _dven by the lavel of experiance and ‘qalfestions demanded Sslary can be assumed to correspond with this, i French and German adverts are vague about macarial rewards, they fare precise about qualifications. They usualy demand ‘a degree in ., nt simply ‘a. degree’. In Germany, for example, a technical director for a machine tool company wil be ‘oxpected to have a Dip-tng degree in ‘Mechanical Engineering. International Management (adapted) French advertisements go further They may specify not just the ¢ype oF sronde école dagre, buc sometimes parcicular set of institutions (Formaion supérieure X, Conwee, ‘Mines, HEC, ESSEC), these being the most famous grondes 6ols. AI this contrasts with the vague call for ‘graduates’ (or ‘graduate proforred) which ¥s found in the UK British companies often give the Impression thac they have a pardcular ‘ype of applicant in mind, but are not sure about the supply and will omider others. Their wording suggests hope and uncertainty a Io this advertisament from The Times: "Whilst educational standards are obviously important, large measure cf personal oomph is ely wo secure the success of your application’ In the UK gualifeations beyond egree level ke employers nervous, but in France or Germany iis difiule 10 be “overqualiid’. Many people on Gorman executive boards have doctorates and the French regard five for ix years of intensive post- Doccolouréat study at 2 grand école a5 Weal eraining.Brish managers are not selected primarily for their inceligence, as managers are in France, or for their expert lenowledge, a in Germany. Instead, ‘the Bish give importance t© 30a political and leadership skis, * oontph = enthusiasm ** racy = bold, exciting ‘This diferance also shows in the personal qualities mentioned. Bish advertisements stress energy, ability 1% communicate and motivate German advertisements tke achievement, but ie tends to be less porsonalitydeiven, German companies want candidates with sound knowledge, experiance and comperante in ter fiidThey rary recruit novices as do Briseh ‘employers. French advertisements refer more to intellectual quater like anatytical aptitude and independence Eran ghe tone of the job adverzements is different inthe three countries. By French and Gorman standards, British advertisements are very 1309". They smarace young executives with challenges such as:"Are you reaching your potential’, whereas French and Gorman advertisements are boringly direct, aiming. to. give information ‘doom whe job rather than to seh ‘All this points to vireo diferent conceptions of management. The French regard it as incellectually ‘complex, the Germans as technically complex, and the British as imerpersonaly complex. But they ‘agree on one ching: ies complex. Toa Leu Barsous Recruitment Now complete the chart with the information each country provides in its advertisements, lux France Germany Salary 1 essential piece | 2Notmentioncd | 3 Not mentioned ofisformaton Material incentives 7 - i 8 9 Degrees/qualifications 7 ‘School attended iL HE a2 Personal qualities i ia P| Tone of job advertisement |'6 ed a Conceptions of management |! i 21 Vocabulary 2 Match the words and expressions in the box with the headings below. job seekers doctorate initiative interviewees bonus candidates company car _job offer applicants advertisement diploma independence confidence qualifications interview pension plan shortlist enthusiasm degree health insurance 1 fringe benefits 2 education 3. stages in recruiting 4. personal qualities 5 people looking for work uw Prac) Language Focus Present simple and present continuous 3 Read the following interview with Margi Bogart, Product Marketing Manager at Mindsteps, Inc. Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or present contimuous tense. ! 2 MINOSTEPS™ “| work (work) for Mindsteps, Inc., a start-up firm located in Silicon Valley that 2 (develop) human resources management software for large corporations that shave) at least 2,500 employees. Currently, we “ (market) our main product called CareerSteps, which is a software program that * (help) employees to assess their interests, values, and skills in order to create a career development plan. More and more corporationss_______ (buy) CareerSteps as a cost effective solution to the issues that human resources: departmente_______ (face) such as staff tumover, motivating workers, and increasing employee productivity. Thanks to the success of an Initial pilot, this year Hewlett- Packard « 125,000 of their employees around the world. As the Product (make) CareerSteps available to Marketing Manager, |, (coordinate) the planning and (manage) the business and marketing efforts for the product. An important aspect of my job " (involve) making oure the product 2 (mest) the marketing requirements once it 6 completed. At the moment, | = (contact) potential clients and + (work) on the marketing requirements for the next: version of our product. On Tuesday, we . (present) the innovative features of the new version of CareerSteps to our main customers” Listening Recruitment Wi 4&3 You will hear five extracts from a job interview. Decide which of the questions below are answered in each extract. Be careful - three of the questions are not answered! Extract I: Extract 2: Extract 3: Extract 4 Extract 5: What is your current job? What are your long-term career goals? What part of the job do you least enjoy? What are the most important rewards you expect from your career? Why do you think you would be good at this job? What would you say has been your greatest achievement so far? What have you done that shows initiative? What do you think of working as part of a group? sa meno oe 5 Listen again and complete the following notes that the interviewer took. bs bods Bib bs bob. Bs bo E bee bop ke : (oR P RE PEE REUTER E EH E Studied + at university Previous experience: worked for 2 Productions, Learnt various aspects of thes process. Current position: + ait Nomad Productions, Has worked therefor years, Sometimes dees the job of the « : thes checking ~ Prefers co-ordinating a ‘ 4nd resolving * 13 Retailing Reading 1 Read the text about a controversial customer service programme at Safeway, ‘a major American supermarket chain. Choose the best sentence (A-1) from the list opposite to complete each gap. ae : grees IOLA RS 7 ” aOR Be EX ATF MMO eB A US Grocer’s Embrace of Customer Service afeway launched its Superior | Those who are graded as having | _ In recent interviews, half « dozen Service Program about five | poor customer service akills are sent | Safeway workers said the rigid years ago. Among its rules: | (o-a raining program to learn how (o | implementation of the Superior Make eye contact with the | be ftiendics.» Service Program has ef some costomer, smile, greet him or ter, | Corporate effoits to brighten the | workers feeling so oversressed that offer samples of products, make | shopping experience -suchas yellow | they quit. Suggestions about “other possible | happy-face stickers and “have-amnice- | Some workers suid they had been purchases that could go with the items | day” slogans ~ have typically drawn | penalized for not smiling even though being boughs, and accompany them to | mixed reactions. But few have caused | they flt they coutd not, One woman locate items they cannot find as much angst® among the sales staff | said she was markcd. down by "To encourage staff to follow the | as Safeway'shas. thas also had some | mystery shoppers when she’ was rules, Safeway employs an | unexpected side effects. going through a painful divorce, Undisclosed number of “mystery | There have been complaints Ty | ~The policy of leading customers to shoppers” whose job is to act like | female workers in California who say | a product they cannot find also causes: regular customers, > Workers | that male customers have | ‘some problems, workers said. © ‘who do well eam a chance at winning | misinterpreted their friendliness and, | Lonely elderly people in partial $500 worth of company stock, and | according to some Sefewsy workers, | shey said, sometimes seek to be managers whose workers "are | the whole program is contributing to | accompanied for an extended period, extremely friendly can receive | growing morale problems among the | even tough their entire shopping onal bonuses staf. list Thiematonal Mera Tbe (adapted SS programme | * angst = anxiety, unhappiness progea “4 Vocabulary Retailing @ A Safeway officials said they were not aware of any employee who had ‘resigned because of the program. B The majority of customers seem to be very happy with the improved service, C Some cynical workers cal it smile school; others call it clown school. D Some shoppers seem to enjoy directing workers around the store. E_ The sampling policy is being abused by some shoppers. F G They believe the program has resulted in increased sales. ‘They grade workess on a 19-point scorecard, and the results affect the | performance evaluations of the worker and his/her managers. Hi There have been debates on the Intemet and among customers about false and genuine friendliness. T Il also includes thanking shoppers by name at the checkout by using formation from thelr credit, debit or Safeway card. 2 Combine a word from A with one from B to match each of the definitions below. A B department hunters, shopping pitch sales stores stock chains retail offers special centres bargain turnover 1 a persuasive argument to sell a product 2 ‘the rate at which goods are sold, 3 sales promotions to attract customers 4 shops with outlets in many locations 5 customers who seek the lowest prices 6 large shops, usually located in city centres, which sell a wide variety of products 7 retail facilities where customers have access to a variety of different stores in the same location 18 Language Focus = Make and do 3 Complete the sentences below with the correct form of make or do and a oun from the box. suggestions loss research mistake plans. money their best decision complaint business Price isnot the only thing customners consider when making a decision about which product to buy 2. Since the early 1980s, many manufacturers have into developing environmentally-friendly products. 3. Many retailers have extended opening hours and some are now even on Sundays. 4 A customer has —___a__ about the poor quality of some frozen foods on sale at our store, 5 We a last year of approximately $50,000. 6 Customers receive a questionnaire in which they are invited to about new products that they would like to see on sale. 7 The cesults show that retailes caat more by introducing prectuets that carry their own brand name. & At the moment they are to expand business into other countries. 9. The friendly shop assistants 7 to ensure that customers are satisfied. 10 The customer complained that the employee had aa and overcharged her for tke CD player. 16 Retailing Writing 4 You work 1 ork as a retail consultant and Supermarket to cons rey or dele prune se to confucta customer suvey tnt ranch in Colchester followi repo ng a number of complaints, Writ Sf eingieiad and Your tecadascadatiows Eee Customer survey ~ Wright's Supermarket, Colchester 19 March 4100 people interviewed (at various times) Complaints 4, Opening hours — store often dosed at quarter to 7 but says 7 ——> admit people up to 7+ make con door announcement 5 mins before closing ~ goeant open until 10 — people can't buy things ——>- do another survey to find out the best con the way to work time to oper = why not open on Sundays? > One month trial period? 2, Product avoilabiity ond quality = things tke breod ond rill not tft atthe ———>- review stocking procedures end of the day (new computer system’) —- some products past their sell-by date 3, Customer service = Tong queues > employee traning pregramone — shop ossistants dont know where Bins Fe (employee ofthe month awark?) ~ coshiers never put shopping in bogs > Another survey in 6 months to check on improvements? ceo enero wv 18. Reading Units 1-3 Read the article below about a company employee. In most of the lines 1-12 there is one extra word, It is either grammatically incorrect or does not fit in with the sense of the text. Some lines, however, are correct. Ifa line is correct, write CORRECT. If there is an extra word in the line write the extra word in capital letters. ‘The exercise begins with two examples,(@) and (00). Examples 0 CORRECT 00 LasT LOUIS GILLET AT WORK Louis Gillet has worked as a Quality Controt Manager at the Paris office of Unibond, the plastics manufacturer, for over last 12 years. Unibond is a subsidiary of Unibond Corporation, a US firm which based in Detroit. As a result of the company’s aggressive expansion policy, and sales reached €7.| million in 1999, Since then the number of fulltime employees at Unibond Corporation has been risen by approximately 200%.The company now does employs roughly 1,000 staff. ts major development operations are located in the UK and France. Louis is currently at working in the company’s London office, where he isin the charge of a team involved in Research and Development. Compared to French standards, Louis finds that the UK office is much more like informal and he feels he can speak to his superiors without any of problems. Louis says ‘I enjoy learning about the different ways ‘of working. France may be close to the UK, geographically, but in business things are not very similar, especially in terms of what people are expect from a career! i Introduction pages 2-3 (BEC Vantage Reading 5) istening ‘© you will hear David Smith talking to a group of businessmen about the success of his company, Asda, a supermarket chain, Foreach question, mark one letter a, b or c for the correct answer. 1 According to David a to be successful Asda has had to keep changing. 1b many staff have worked for Asda for over a decade, © Asda has introduced new staff contracts. 2 The main reason for Asda’s success is its a efficient processes and systems, b bighly-qualified team of senior managers. © focus on good communication throughout the company. 3 David says that Asda has a a fiat management structure b more staff than other UK supermarkets. © good relationships with its suppliers 4 What does David say about meetings at Asda? ‘a Meetings are often held in the canteen, b Team meetings take place every week © Participants do not sit down at meetings. 5 Asda’s senior managers visit stores regularly to see if staff are following procedures correctly. b to find out what staff think about the company. © to check new staff have settied in well. 6 What is a benefit of working for Asda? a Employees receive a store discount. 1b Childcare is organised for employees’ children. © All employees can take part in free legal courses, 7 Asda stores receive money to spend on @ patties for staff, & anything they want © office equipment. 8 What happens in all Asda stores at the start of the day? ‘@ Employees all have breakfast together. 1b The CEO has a meeting with senior staff members. © Feedback is given on how the company and branch are doing, be Introduction pages 2-3 (BEC Vantage Listening 3) 19 Speaking 1 © zésten to an Intemational Recruitment Officer answering the journalist's question below. Complete the list in the box, Listen again and check your answers What is important when recruiting managers? + personal qualities + qualifications 2 |©¥ ts a good idea while listening to people to think about what follow-up questions you could ask. Which follow-up question(s) would you like to ask the Recruitment Officer? Make a list then fisten to the recording. 3 '= Now listen to what the recruitment officer says in response to one of the journalist's follow-up questions. Which follow-up question do you think the recruitment officer was asked? Listening — © Look at the notes below. You sill hear a telephone conversation about a job advertisement. Write one or two words or a number in the numbered spaces on the notes below. Notes on job advert Post vacant: ' Salary: £32,000 : Fringe benefit(s):* | Post specifications: degree in * : preferred i Excellent * required 20 Writing You work in the Customer Services Department of a large retail company. Your boss has asked you to give a short presentation to your colleagues about a recent customer sarvey. Write a note to your boss: + agreeing to give the presentation + outlining what you will speak about ‘+ suggesting a date for the event. Write 40-50 words. = Introduction pages 2-3 (BEC Vantage Writing 1) an 22 Reading Look at the statements below and the advice given by a Human Resources Manager. Which section (A, B, C or D) does each statement 1-7 refer to? For each statement 1-7, mark one letter (A, B, C or D). You will need to use some of these letters more than once. 1. the relevance of your previous work experience 2 the best time to ask financial questions 3 the importance of preparing your questions for an interview 4 the need to show you are a team player § the kind of research you can do before the interview 6 the importance of showing that you know a lot about the company 7 the most appropriate types of questions to select ‘A Imagine the situation. It is nearly the end of your hour-long interview, when ‘you are asked if you would like to ask any questions. What do you say? Well, ‘most people just say the first thing that comes into theit heads, which does not always impress the interviewers. A few minutes spent thinking about, and even making notes on, the questions you would like to ask can ensure that you make a good impression during the interview. B You may want to ask about aspects such as the salary, fringe benefits and bonus scheme that the company is offering, but I recommend that you try not to ask questions like these straight away. It is much better to leave these until the end of the interview. Instead, at the start ask questions that show your interest in the company and why you think that you would be good at ‘he job advertised € Before the interview find out about the company’s latest prosiuicts or services so you can then ask detailed questions about them in the interview. For ‘example, you could ask about the company’s current marketing campaign for ‘one of their successful prociucts. The interviewers will be impressed that you are so familiar with what they do. D Ask about opportunities to get involved in different areas of the business Being flexible and versatile is important in all aspects of business life. Ask whether you will be expected to collaborate on projects and then show how people-orientated you are. Give fots of examples to demonstrate how you hhave worked successfully 2s part of different groups in the past. b= Introduction pages 2-3 (BEC Vantage Reading 1) Writing You are a Human Resources Director for a plastics company. Your boss has asked you to give a presentation about your company to a group of visitors next week. Write an e-mail to your boss: + agreeing to give the presentation * saying what you will talk about ‘suggesting a location for the event. Write 40-50 words. Be Introduction pages 2-3 (BEC Vantage Writing 1) 23 aa 4 Franchising Reading 1 Read these replies fo some questions about The Sport Shoe franchising program, and complete the gaps with the pliraes from the box. training course store design start-up costs ‘gross sales, franchise agreement direct financing opening inventory royalty fee {eves fie Starch Arps *seeurty Step t 4 2 me < 8 Ee Slee: srt 24 ‘The average __ ranges between $250,000 and $400,000 depending on the size of the store. This figure includes the franchise fee of $25,000 for a neighborhood store or $100,000 for an Expo location (over 10,000sa.It). Also included in the tees are estimated costs for: real estatelrent;utlity deposit; leasehold improvements; initial inventory; Insurance; Grand Opening advertising; signage; working capital No, The Sport Shoe* does not provide: for you. We do have business relationships with various financial insttutions, Those institutions have @ working knowledge of ou franchise program and can assist you with your financing needs, ‘The continuing services, or__, equals 4% of the gross sales derived from the franchise business. This ‘ee entitles you to te continued use of The Sport Shoe name and trademark, and all the benefits that come with being. pert ofthe The Sport Shoe® organization, You buy your__ directly from vendors such as Nike, Reebok, Adidas, otc. The Sport Shoe" will assiet you in opening your vendor accounts and our buyers will assist you in making your buying decisions. Once a site has bean selected, The Sport Shoe” wil provide you with atn) consistent with Tae sport shoe* concept and a fixture inventory sheet. You will purchase these items dicecly From the approplate supper. Building name recognition of The Sport Shoe* will be an important part of your franchise business. You will be required to spend $10,000 on Grand Opening advertising during your frst 60 days of operation. Alter the Grand Opening you are requited to spend a minimum of 4% a month of the ‘on such advertising as print, radio, TV erect mall, etc ‘You and your designated employee will participate in an initial that wil nctude classroom and in-store taining. The classes will provide instruction on store gperations, personael policies, merchandising, and ‘accounting. During your first week of business a trained representative of The Sport Shoe® will provide additional on site training with your emplayees, ‘once your application is approved, the____signed, and the franchise fee is paid, you can expect t to take a5 long as six to eight montns to be ready to open. The Sport Shae* will do whatever is necessary to help you expedite the process. ers as programme — neighbourhood property program ——nelghbothaod real estate SEE Vocabulary Franchising 2 Now read the questions and match them with the replies. a How much is the fee for continuing support services? b_ What about store design and fixtures? © How long does it take to open a The Sport Shoe® franchise? Does The Sport Shoe® offer financial assistance? © How much training will T receive? What about advertising? § How do I get my opening inventory? 1h What is the anticipated start-up cost for a The Sport Shoe® store? 3 Decide if the following statements refer to the franchiser (FR), the franchisee (FE) or the information is not given in the text (NG). 1. Receives a small percentage of total sale. Pays an initial fee of $25,000. Provides marketing assistance. Seeks individuals with business qualifications. Buys inventory directly from suppliers. Offers assistance in opening vendor accounts. Runs training courses for store employees Has a minimum of $250,000 cash to invest. 9 Must cover monthly advertising expenses. 10 Does not charge for renewing the franchising agreement. ween ee A Make nouns by adding a suffix City, -ness, -ment, -tion) to the words below. You should also make any necessary spelling changes. flexible e invest dedicate £ communicate popular & agree Ho fit h aware ‘Complete the sentences below with the nouns from Exercise 4. ‘The increasing of home entertainment amongst consumers is fuelling the expansion of the home video rental industry. 2 Weare meeting next week to sign the lease for the shop. 3 Growing of the stress-reducing benefits of regular ‘exercise has Jed 10 an increase in gym franchises. 4 Franchisers will only consider candlidates who can make an initial of at least $85,000, 5. Employees who take initiative and constantly seek ways to improve service are rewarded for their _ ee 6 Some companies have on-site exercise facilities as they believe that physical plays an important role in the well-being of the Hw aoce employees. 7 Running your own business requires a lot of ___as you often have to do whatever is needed to be successful. 8 E-mail makes with franchising associates around the world faster, more convenient and less expensive, 28 ac Language Focus — Adverbs 6 Complete the passage below with the adverbs in the box. curently generally eventually always recently already: By the time the shop opens, the bakery staff have * already prepared the daily supply of muffins, sweet American-style Cakes, which are popular with our early- morning customers who 2 come in for a coffee and snack on thelr way to work. After the morning rush, we start making a seiection of fresh sandwiches for the lunchtime crowd. We are 3 testing the popularity of a new line of hot Italian-style sandwiches called ‘panini. Mid- afternoon, when business slows down, I+ spend an hour or two ‘checking supplies anct placing orders for the next day. § our sales have risen considerably, probably as a result of the ads we've been running in the local newspaper. f business continues to grow at the same pace, we may «_______ expand our premises to include more seating. Used to do; used to doing 7 Read the following sentences and decide if the underlined expression is cor rect. If it is correct, put a tick (/) in the space provided. If it is incorrect, write the correction. 1 Customers are_used to getting speedy service, so I sometimes have to handle counter sales when we get a rush, Z 2. Laura Pyke was used to work as an accountancy teacher at a small business college before she becaine the owner of a Big Apple Bagels franchise. 3. When my husband and | first started our franchise, I wasn’t used to working such Jong hours and at the weekends, but I've leat to manage my time more efficiently. 4 Filter coffee used £0 be our best-selling drink, but people now prefer Italian-style cappuccinos and caffe lates. 5 How much time did you used to spend doing the accounts before you invested in a personal computer? 6 Mary didn’t use to get much satisfaction from her nine-to-five office job, so site decided to set up her own business. 26 Franchising Listening — 8 ©) You will hear Quentin Halliday talking about some of the problems that a franchisee has to face. Listea and decide if the following statements ae true BE ~ porfaise @). 1. Being a franchisee is not the same as running your own business. 2. A stubborn person whe does not like following orders would be an ideal franchisee. 3. Franchisees can lose theit franchise if they do not follow the company policies. 4. Franchisees must make a substantial Investment, 5 Owning a franchise is an easy way to make a lot of money fast. 6 Franch troubles. ers will provide loans to franchisees that are having financial 7 Hiring and keeping reliable employees is often a challenge for franchisees. 8 Franchisees must be willing to work lng hours and do any job that needs to be done. 27 International Business Styles Reading 1 Paragraphs 1-9 contain advice for business leaders. Choose the appropriate heading for each paragraph from the ist below. a A leader should be a good teacher and communicator A leader must manage time and use it effectively b © A leader must have technical competence. a A leader must provide vision. A leader must be visible and approachable. A leader shoukt be introspective. A leader should be dependable, zene A leader should be open-minded. 4 A leader should have a sense of humour. 1. In large organisations, leaders should spend no more than four hours a day in their offices. The rest of the time, they should be out with their people, talking to lower-level employees and getting their feedback on problem. areas. They should be making short speeches and handing out awards. They should be travelling widely throughout their organisations. 2 The best leaders are those whose minds ate never closed and who are eager to deal with new issues. Leaders should not change their minds too frequently after a major decision has been made, but if they never reconsider, they are beginning to show a degree of rigidity and infle that creates problems for the organisation. 3. Executives must take a disciplined approach to their schedules, their post, their telephone calls, their travel schedules and their meetings. Staying busy and working long hours are not necessarily a measurement of leadership effectiveness. 4 Leaders may run efficient organisations, but they do not really serve the ong-term interests of the institution unless they plan, set goats and provide strategic perception. 5. The leader must he willing to pass on skills, to share insights and experiences, and to work very closely with people to help them mature and be creative, 6 Leaders should let people know that life is not so important that you can’t sit back occasionally and be amused by what is happening. Laughter can be a great reliever of tension. 7 Reliability is something that leaders must have in order to provide stability and strength to organisations. Leaders mast be willing to be flexible but consistency and coherence are important elements of large organisations. 8 Jeaders must not only understand the major elements of their businesses Dut must also keep up with any changes. 9 Leaders should he able to look at themselves objectively and analyse where they have made mistakes and where they have disappointed people. ity International Business Styles Wl Vocabulary 2 Read the following passage and choose the correct word from A, B ot Cto fin each gap. | Recent research at business schools in the USA has shown that traditional management styles are rapidly becoming obsolete. In the traditional model, __ to ensure that decisions are cartied out by » at lower levels of the senior management exercises its + ‘company » However, in todays rapidly evolving business environment, it has become dear that + is something thot oll manegers will have to live with ond adapt to. In the modem digital organisation 5 is no longer restricted to senior manogers, and employees are not expected to blindly « orders from above. Because of the increasing complexity of business, managers have had to tasks to people at lower levels and to®_ ___them to take the necessary decisions. It has become a system where what you cchieve, in other words your’, , is what determines not only the respect that other people in the organisation have for you but also how you ore for the work that you accomplish. As one manager puts it, "Today you have to be very careful about what you say to someone who works for you because tomorrow that same person could be your boss!" 1A custom B gesture © authority 2. A bosses B subordinates © partners 3. A calture B hierarchy © headquarters 4A initiative B change € etiquette 5 A knowiedge —B communication decision-making 6 A obey B operate € value 7A reward B signal delegate 8 A empower B infer © familiarise 9 A relationship B_education performance 10. A rewarded B scheduled © measured 29 Language Focus The imperative 3 ingrid Kloren is the Human Resources Director of a major multinational group. She has just completed a pilot project on electronic or ‘remote’ teamworking and has written the following memo to other human resources managers within the group. Complete the memo using the inoperative forms of the verbs in the box. In some cases you will need to use the negative. set use keep encourage contact. —give makeswe punish —_ let expect pay organise create restrict. take schedule Tor “The managers of all HR departments From: Ingrid Kioren, Human Resources Director Dati 23March Subject: Guidelines for remote teamworking ‘As you ate all are, we have heen cancising an remtnal ot project on sing leone cra er tearverking, ign Tl shorly be forwarding a comple epor on is ret | have edo oto some general guldeines, Based on his experince for managors who may already be involved in sir projets. + Atake sure Wat you srange for face toa meetings ook pace befor th taf ho project in oder to eatabish relationships 2 cloar objectives for the toam to achieve, ®_____in constant contact with your team by e-mail, voicemal and telephone conferencing, “ Video conforencing more thar is necessary 2s experiance shows that ‘some foam members may find this indmidating 5__ time to talk 1o people individually to find out i they have any problems. They may not alhenvise volunteer this ivformation, ® Virtual meetings at times that are inconvenient for pattcipants ving in Asa result, you'll enjay the benefits of the world’s most global banking group, whether you. are in your home, your high street, on holiday or on business. There are currently 22 million people in over 40 counities around the world who enjcy the Gitibank difference. > International Currency Accounts If you travel often, invest internationally or you are an expatriate, we have personal Current Accounts in US Dolles, Sterling and Euro to help you menage your Financial affuits more efficiently. Whether you want to pay in US Dollars on your regular trips abroad, or you went to svoid hefty transaction charges when you send cheques to the US, or you simply want to save on ceurrency exchange costs he US Dollar Account is for you. * 24-hour free telephone banking with CittPhone Banking Short of making deposits or cash withdrawals, CitiPhone lets you conduct business conveniently over the phono. © ‘You have a choice of methods, a touch-tone phone will speed you through automated procedures, or CitiPhone Bankers are on hand if you prefer the personal touch. Total control of your finances, anytime, anywhere ... World Wide Wishful-chinking? With Citibank's Internet Banking, you ea access your Citibank Account ftom almost anywhere you have access to the Internet. § Change a standing order, Download your account details. ‘Transfer funds between your Citibank Accounts. And you'll see your balance change instantly. At Citibank we're not just content with giving you total control of your finances, worldwide, 365 days @ year: plus no fees - with us your finances are productive as well, 32 Vocabulary Banking A Call free in the UK or around the world 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. B Alternatively, use our free Internet Banking or withdraw cash from over 350,000 cashpoints worldwide. € Full additional overdraft facilities are available to you based on your personal net worth and individual requirements. D You can pay bills. E Our service Is based on a simple promise. F This account gives you the ability to buy, borrow, save and transfer funds in Euro, and still withdraw cash in the local currencies. G We have harnessed the latest technology to deliver an easier, and more accessible banking service. Hi We think you'll enjoy it too. 1 You will always have the power of the world’s most international currency when you travel on business or pleasure. 2 Match the verbs on the left with the nouns on the right to form common banking collocations. 1 open interest 2 purchase D bills 3 eam © funas 4 make @ an account 5 withdraw e adeposit 6 pay f financial data 7 transfer g cash 8 download goods 3 Replace the words in italics with expressions from Exercise 2. 1 ‘The Citicard allows you to take out money from cashpoints around the world, 2. With Citibank, you can receive a percentage on yout current account balance. 3. Just fi! out and return the application form or call a Ci set up a banking arrangement. 4 You can put money into your account by post at bank Representative to Citibank branches and Citicard Banking Centres. 5 Ondine banking services let you ‘move money irom one account to another quickly and easily 6 All you need is a modem or Internet connection to transfer account information onte, your personal computer 7 Just by using the key pad on your phone, CitiPhone Banking lets you sete invoices from wherever you are 8 The Citibank Euro Account allows you to ___ up products sn local currencies without paying any exchange rates. 33 Language Focus _First and second conditional A put the verbs in brackets into the appropriate conditional form, using the information given, 1. You have a £500 overdraft and have just received a letter from the bank asking, you to reduce this by £200 by the end of the month, or they will start legal proceedings against you. It you do not reduce (not reduce) your overdraft, the bank will start (start) legal proceedings 2. One of your clients has written to you applying for @ personal loan, However, she has not included enough information about her financial situation for you to decide whether or not to approve the loan. Ifyou (have) more complete information, you (be able to) make a decision, 3. You have just received a selection of press articles about your bank. Two of them are in German. Unfortunately Jack Wubben, who is the only person in the office who speaks German, is on holiday. If Jack Wabben (be) here, he ______ (translate) the articles, 4 Tor the second year running, the results of your bank have been very disappointing. If the situation ___. (not improve) significantly next year, the bank (have to) consider closing some of its branches. 5. One of your major business clients has just hinted that it may change bantks unless you arrange more favourable credit terms, Ifyou (not provide) them with cheaper credit, you (lose) one of your best customers. 6 Abank representative has just refused your request for a £2,000 loan because you do nat have enough money in your savings account. Ifyou (have) more money in your account, the bank tend) you the £2,000. 7 Your bank manager has just told you that she can only lend you £5,000 to enable you to buy a new cat. The car you want costs £11,000 and you only have £4,000 of your own money available. Ifyou (not find) the remaining £2,000, you eee (not be able to) buy it, 8 You have recently applied for a transfer from your present job in Londen to another position with the company’s Scottish subsidiary. If your application (be) successful, you (have to) move house to Edinburgh. 9 You are making arrangements with your bank for a holiday in Italy next month. Ifyou (take) traveller's cheques it (cost) less than if you (buy) foreign currency. 10 A filend has invited you to join her as a partner in a new business venture. You feel that you do not have the necessary experience. Ifyou (have) more experience, you _ faccepty her offer. 11. You are talking to a customer who has asked you to replace a lost credit card for the fifth time. ‘fyou____ lose) your card again in the future, I'm afraid that the bank (Gefuse) to issue a replacement Listening Banking 5 (You wit near Bertrand Soleil speaking about his personal on-line banking experiences. Listen and decide if the statements below are true (T) oF false (F). eo erva 10 He decided to try on-line banking services when he bought his computer five years ago. Hee doesn’t read the printed account statements that the bank sends him. He can use on-line banking to buy shares. He consults his accounts several times a week. One of the on-line services he finds most useful is access to a five-year account history database. It’s not possible to transfer money to other people's accounts. He has to go to the bank to arrange loans. He usually communicates with his account manager by e-mail He pays 10 euros a month for the use of on-line banking services He hopes that on-line banking will eventually lead to lower banking costs. 35. RACY Units 4-6 Reading Read the article below about franchising your business Choose the best sentence to fill each of the gaps. For each gap 1-§ mark one letter (A-G). Do not use any letter more than once. ‘There is an example at the beginning, (0). Franchising your business sells the right to operate 2 busines, using the same forma, name, brand and trademark as the “franchise This is wheter it involves providing a product or a service «__G__ While the fianchise is essentially selFemployed and owns the individual unit, they must operate the business according to the tems of the franchise agreement and to the procedures et out in the franchise operating manuals. Franchisees also pay for continuing supprt fem the owner ofthe ‘business system. Payment is often a proportion of tamorer. ‘There area number of advantages of franchising a business Firstly, fachisoes invest their own capital in the business, end eecively pay the start-up costs fo each individual outlet. This means thatthe capital cost #0 che ffenchiser of expansion is reduced. Using the financial resources of individual franchisees albo means company’ can expand more rapcly via franchising Jn addition to the individual fee, the franchiser reesives an ongoing income from the franchisee ‘As the network grows, the franchser can benefit fiom increased buying power, enabling products and services © be purchased on improved terms. 2 ‘Such reductions in costs are posible bcanse eran f the factions usually provided by a Cental Head Office are caried ou locally by fnchises, Problents with recruiting staff, for example, become the tesponsbiliy of individual franchisees. Franchisees, who have their own capita invested are generlly more motivated and T he term ‘franchising’ refers to a system where a company ‘A Choosing suitable franchisees is a time-consuming process, which can also be very costly. development. B A group of highly enthusiastic franchisees can provide a valuable source of suggestions for improving business performance, © That's why it would be more profitable for a franchisee to Tun his ow business, rather than taking on a franchise. D This support usually takes the form of national promotions, training courses, administration services, and continuing product, service and system E Ifa franchiser does their job properly, there are huge start-up costs included in ‘the initial piloting of the operation. F The franchiser saves on personnel and administrative costs. G Fach outlet within a franchise network is owned and run by a ‘franchisee’ committed to the success of the individual business than employed managers. # ‘Their ideas can, of course, thea go on fo benefit the whole nefwork. As We have just seen, there are may advantages of franchising a business. However, iti important to note that it is not always as straightforward as it might seem at firs, Its {important for someone thinking of franchising a business to think through all the isones involved first. For example, while itis true that it generally costs less to establish a franchise operation than it does a company-owned network, itis not tue tht franchising aa business needs litle capital. ‘The franchiser aves to put Up ioney for developing the package, recruiting and ‘raining franckjsees and then providing the necessary suppor, In addition, there is often litle profit in the early stages until the franchisees have had the chance to build up their businesses. ‘The franchiser also has less flexibility regarding the future development ofthe business ashe or she is locked into franchise agreements lasting a number of years, ° ‘The franchiser needs to draw up a detziled list of erteria agains, ‘hich to judge all progeectiw Aanchisces — ranging fiom their finaneiat position to the state of theix heath! Although the fiaachisee i obliged to operate the business following the terms fof the agreement, the fianchiser will have less control over, franchisees’ activities than they would over employed managers, ‘And 2 final issue to consider is that if a franchisee wants to temtinate the franchise agreement, it will be much more difficult than getting ti of an employee. Introduction pages 2-3 (BEC Vantage Reading 2) 36 You work for Altrex, an international company. You have just received a fax and conference programme. Look at the fax and conference programme, on which you have already made some handwritten notes. Then, using all your handwritten notes, write a letter to Janet Morrison. Write 120-140 words. Walcroft Hotel, Birmingham I you do not receive all the pages, please telephone us on 0207-968 1423. Thank you for your phone call requesting further information about our forthcoming conference. |Lam sending you the conference programme. Please note that the cost for the {wo-day event is €320)per person, which includes lunch and refreshments on both days: To reserve a place, please contact me at the above address, indicating which of the seminars you wish to attend. CONFERENCE PROGRAMME Day 1 9-10:30 am. Opening speech ‘Effective communication’ 10:30-11:00 Coffee 11:00-12:30 Seminars (choose one) A. Improving your decision-making B (Managing your time, 12:30-13:30 Lunch 13:30-15:00 Seminars (choose one) © Providing vision D (Delegation techniques 15:00-15:30 Tea wm Introduction pages 2-3 (BEC Vantage Writing 2) 37 38 Listening 1 © You will hear a recorded message. Write one or two words or a number in the nambered spaces on the notes below. Pp RRR Bp iy te ded bbe bab Be Bee cedb ob babes OU a Event: franchise fair Date: S~8 Dec i Location: Nunworth's * Advice given on making applications anticipated *__and start-up costs, etc. i Seminars: i price per seminar: * Het i topics include: advertising and purchasing * Give reference number: © to receive discount Be Introduction pages 2-3 (BEC Vantage Listening 1) 2 |= You witt hear a woman leaving an answerphone message about an interview. Write one or two words or a number in the numbered spaces on the notes below. a Call Cynthia Fost to confirm new meeting time with * on Thursday 2 at 8 . Telephone number * Im Introduction pages 2-3 (BEC Vantage Listening 1) Posy Writing You are a team leader at a multinational company. Your team has taken part in a pilot project on remote teamworking. You would now like to hold a meeting to present the project's findings. Write a memo to your team: + saying where and when the mecting will take place + giving the objective of the meeting ‘+ asking staff to confirm whether they can attend. Write 40-50 words. MEMORANDUM | Tr : From: ? we: i b= Introduction pages 2-3 (BEC Vantage Writing 1) 39 Cea ed Reading Read the article about on-line banking. Choose the best word to fill each gap from A, B, C or D. For each question 1-15, mark one letter (A, B, C or D) The growth in on-line banking More and more people in this country are choosing to do their personal banking online, But what can on-line banking offer that other types of banking can’t? Firstly, by banking on-line you are not! to a bank’s opening hours. You can * your bank account 24 hours a day, whenever it suits you. ®_ money from a savings account to a ‘ account, opening an account or seeing how much interest you have earned, will take you just a few seconds. Compare that with the time you need to * to your local bank, queue up and camry out your® (On-line banking offers you numerous other services, from buying shares, to” deposits, to ‘ordering cheque books, to paying bills. For many people a® ___useful feature of this kind of banking is the fact that you have ? __ to a large database, which contains detais of all your accounts and the business you have done over the years. All you need is an Internet connection to download the financial data onto your PC. You may not be able to! cash on-line. As we have seen, though, on-line banking does affer many other » So, are there stil times when you might want to pop into the local '? of your bank? Apparently there are. According to a recent survey, for many people ' ____of personal data is still a concern. They don’t like giving too much information about their finances in e-mails. Some people prefer to meet their own bank manager when *_____with large sums of money, when lots of Paperwork is involved, or when they want to negotiate a bank '* or overdratt facilities 1 A reduced B lessened C limited D decreased 2 Acontrol B inspect examine D check 3 A‘ansfering ——-B Canrying © Passing D Transporting 4 A actual Beurrent € present D latest 8 Age Breach arrive D come 6 A transaction Brnegotiation ——_C deal D action 7 Adoing Braking making D having 8 A specifically B especially Cexactly D particularly 9 Approach Bavailability — Cadmission access, 10 A pay B deposit withdraw D transfer UA promotions ——_-B benefits C profits D interests 12 A section B branch Csubsidiary = D HQ. 13 A protection B security C safety D confidence 14 A going B handling C dealing D treating 48 A fund B credit loan D deposit PH Introduction pages 2-3 (BEC Vantage Reading 4) 40 You work for National Credit Bans where you are assistant tothe Branch Manager Me Alan Highsmith, Your bos hos just given you thls Ztter to deal . Look at the letter and other information, on which you have already made some handwritten notes. Then, using all your handwritten notes, write a in, using all ye vritten n : . gall 7 Write 120-140 words. 15 Lavrel Avenue Lauriston Me Alan Highsmith Branch Mavager Natioaal Credit Bank 509 Clinton Street Lauriston Apologies - he’s 0 valuable customer ond has been athe us For ages. Nov 6th, 2000 Dear Mr Highsmith Following the recent telephone conversation that I nad with Mrs Henry Lam, eninmine the complaint that { made to her conceming the €100 overdraft chanse that your bank has mistakenly debited ftom my account. ‘ag explained a her onthe phone my account has in fact aways en in ered, “Therefore can see no reason why’T should have to Pay fora mistake which must have been made by the bank. She promised tat she would look into the problem and get back to me. Howes Phas peard nothing from her since. Consequently {have decided to forward ys officia) complaint by registered post T hope that you wll be abl to rest the situation as soon as posible. Could 300 petse confi in waiting tha! my aecout as been cated with the equtalens sum, Awaiting your reply. he's been ofF cick o the meceage wasn't passed on ~ it's all been ehecked and the toward Clade error sas. debieitely cure’ Howard Chase ‘Yours sincerely, Send Wen two Hickets For the opening of the Tackson Pollock eunibition that 22 are Sponceringy bo make up for tk I Introduction pages 2-3 (BEC Vantage Writing 2) 4 42 as Reading Business and the Environment ‘The sentences below are extracts from the introduction to an environmental report ‘How Green is my Patio’ written by Martin Toogood, the Managing Director of B&Q, a British Do-It-Yourself retailer, 1 Replace the words in brackets with an appropriate word from the box. policy customers, impact stores programme issues review factory estimate goal consumption A Whilst our day-to-day running ofthe business does have an erronmental 1 the etc fone thing on anathe, i te? (cea questions oc problams} with nur pracucts were, § and atillaro fr grater. : eh eee emer oieeere Soa wal B Rather than just produce a%_ lan official cours of action uicly and tick 8 {few green abelson our products, we started a fundamental : (eaminatoninalyss ofthe poguct range andthe daytoday unningot he busess. Cc asic contradictions such as ours ___ {objective} to sel! more, so contributing the amount ef products used or bough, however, stil prodea philosophical challenge to any retailer. 4 Dd ‘Theres considerable work tobe done in the?_____ shops) and the é ‘way we communicate with our ® {the people who buy products. ‘ E 1880's environmental __(2plan of action) started at the beginning of 1990. ee tA eine F aw {apace where goods are produced) in Bol is expanding rapiytof make wooden garden furniture, We 1 teaeuate) that wo buy products from 60 counties i ae eu Vocabulary Pert mT Bre ie ay Gusala eerie! aoe Sean + peer Business and the Environment 2 Now choose the most appropriate extract (A-F) to fill in each of the gaps in the text below. +__. Agrowing number of customer enquiries and dificult media enquiries ‘mate us realise thatthe environment was ‘becoming a business issue. Action was catalysed when we were asked by a leading Sunday newspaper ‘How much tropical timber ons BAO stack. Unable to answer the question, the obvious interpretation by the journalist was ‘Ifyou don't know, you don't care’ We did care and we knew that ‘many of our staff cared and most important (ofall our customers caved.? ‘This is our third environmental review. The fist How Green is my Hammer?” was published in August 1993 and the second ‘Wow Green is my Front Door? was published in uly 1995, This roport covers Drogress to October 1998. ‘As the title suggests all he reviews focus fon the products we sel. __. Many of the issues were not obvious and were only rwalsed after considerable Investigation. Far example, brass door handles were ‘made in appalling working conditions in Ila, solvents or Volatile Organic atmospheric pollution and the wood was connected to deforestation ‘This roport as tackles in far more detail than ever before ‘sustainabilty’ and some ‘of our ideas and thoughts on this concept. hist 62 has stores in the United Kingdom our fingerprint extends across the ‘world. tn the Philippines, people in coastal villages are collecting shells to make lampshades, In Inca, there are hundreds of Tooms in cottage units in which our door spats and hand kreted age are made ¢__.n 1997 we launched our environmental programme for stores ~ "QUEST for stores = ts success has been staggering. ‘We aso recognise that our stores have a significant impact on the local communities ‘both during their planning and Construction, but also the subsequent ‘unning ofthe store. Ths Includes ‘addressing our role as a member ofthe local community and the issues associated withthe design an impact of our stores. 3 Use the correct form of the words in the box to complete the sentences below. eit effecti manufacture consult responsible Wwe commit profit sustain new This particular product is not suitable for use inside the home. We have found that in many countries, suppliers do not understand the importance of using natural resources that you can than deplete. We are going to discuss the meeting this afternoon. rather of the new sales policy at the The best way to reduce the environmental impact of business operations in developing countries is by helping companies there to take greater for managing the resources that they use. ‘When designing packaging that can be recycled, It is sometimes necessary to use the services of Although selling green products can help to protect the environment, also be genuint air pollution. ‘who can advise on the best ways to do this. must for the company. Research shows that consumers would like to see more companies making a e ____to protecting the environment. industries produce the highest levels of 43 Tiara) Language Focus 44 Expressing contrast i Read the following passage and choose the correct word from A, B or C to fill each gap. Anita Roddick, tite founder of The Body Shop, has recently added her voice to the campaign to promote the use of hemp as a substitute for various man-made substances. ' A/though hemp in fact belongs to the same plant Sroup as marijuana, it has none of the narcotic effects of its close relative. 2s the efforts by hemp supporters to stimulate interest in the plant and to persuade the farming community to grow it commercially, itis still illegal under British Law to actually plant hemp seeds. 4 hemp is no longer used in Western Europe, it is still a ‘common and valuable raw material in many other regions of the world where it provides the basis for a whole variety of products ranging from clothing to medication. to man-made fibres, hemp is entirely biodegradable and therefore does not contribute to the planet’s waste problem. & some of the materials that it could replace, like nylon, hemp requires no energy-intensive production process to tum it into something you can use or wear. (snes , the hemp campaigners have sometimes run into some rather unexpected opposition # of all the arguments that they have produced in its favour. Even Anita Roddick herself has been accused of behaving irresponsibly and of being insensitive to the issues involved in drug abuse. ° some members of the farming community would be only t00 happy to grow hemp as a promising alternative crop, the majority of people remain firmly opposed to its reintroduction because of its association with marijuana. », most consumers would have no worries about wearing clothing with nylon fibres, it would seetn that, for the time being, cannabis sativa, as the hemp plant is known, fs not something you'd went. your neighbours to see you with. 1 A Incontast —B Nevertheless Although 2 A Eventhough B Inspiteof C However 3 A although B despite © unlike 4A Whereas B Nevertheless C While 5 A Unlike B Incontrast_ © While 6 A Although BB However Unlike 7 A Although ——_B Nevertheless. € Unlike 8 A despite B © even though 9 A However B © Bven though 10 A Despite B However Although Business and the Environment ‘The passive 5 Complete the following passage with the appropriate passive forms of the verbs in brackets, ‘Anew campaign | was Jawtched (launch) earlier this year by the UK government which aims to reduce the amount of domestic waste. Households 2 (encourage) to recycle certain waste products and to or ‘and prepare others for collection at specific sites. From there they 1 ake) to special waste treatment plants where ‘pea machinery will process them for reuse as recyled material In Britain today, when the contents of the average houschold dustbin 4 analyse), we find that, in terms of weight, 35% of the total § (compose) of paper and cardboard, 22% of kitchen waste, 12% of plastics with glass, dust and asiies each representing a further 19%. There are in fact only a few items of domestic waste that cannot, s_______(recycie). One common example is disposable nappies which, as their name suggests, (esign) to be thrown away after use, However, a lot of progress could sake) to reduce the amount of kitchen waste most of which can # (transform) into a useful garden fertiliser. Indeed, if more people chose to do this then the weight of the average dustbin 1 (reduce) quite significantty. In terms of glass products, the situation is more encouraging as nearly 20% of all the glass that " (use) every year in the country 2 Geake) back for recycting, Nonetheless, its clear that the mountains of domestic waste will only decrease if efforts ___(make) both by individual households and local government authorities. Special equipment such as collection trucks must panel ______ (purchase) and people must sec — (make) aware of how they can contribute to proving the situation, This * (achieve) with increasing success in a number of regions in Europe during the last few years, a trend that ?7_ _____ (expect) to continue in the future. Writing 6 You have recently been leading a committee looking into ways of making your place of work ‘greener’ Writea short memo to the heads of department Outlining six of the suggestions that your committee has made 45 8 The Stock Market 46 tiple news a positive 1 tin the gaps in each headline with a wor from the box below. Use the tumble quits isition jump hitting trading on Profit News Taiwnnaioiy On Profit NEWS: eereemsearneorennancat MEE Shares Plunge Despite ‘eal ts es Mmmm Shares on Report ; ar : of Talk — catececatree rs he ong 9 v0 companies) nonce cnt ste Gm ceEO.CCs 6 _.Shares é wxronek ang (WEEE Shares More Than _ in First Day of eee anette con ce Oe png ad wel Shares of EE Climb on » of é ‘paras a tact The Stock Market 1 2 Now read the newspaper articles and match them with the corresponding headlines by putting the letter of the headline in the space provided ____ Sulzer Technology Corp’s shares climbed 3.2% following news of the immediate resignation of Chief Executive Fritz Fahrni. Chairman Pierre Borgeaud will take over as chief executive and intends to plan his own succession over the next two years. The Wil Set feo Eope Volvo's shares soared Thursday on a report thot Sweden's largest carmaker had hired a US investment bank to explore the sale or merger of its car division. The report in the Financial Times, which did ‘not name the bank and cited an unidenti- fied Volvo official, sald Ford Motor Co., Fiat SpA and Volkswagen AG could be bidders for the unit, which was valued as high as $5.6 billion. Volvo's B shares closed at 224 kronor ($28.50), up 12. Irmemacional Herald Tae Marks and Spencer, Britain’s flag- ship retailer, saw its stock dive Thursday after forecasting that profit this year would be down to just over half of last. year’s. In part, the news confirmed what many already knew about Britain’s Main Street: with talk of low grawth or even recession in the headlines, many Britons kept their purse-strings tight at precisely those year-end holiday times when retailers bank on profligate spending. terol Herold Tibune 2 ___ Shares of Sage Group ple rose nearly 3% on news that the UK-based software-services company is buying Peachtree Software. The $145 million acquisition from Automatic Data Processing Inc, is expected to strength- en Sage’s position in the US and signif- icantly expand the group’s customer base. 7 "The Wall Set Touma Eempe - ____ Shares of Tut Systems Inc., a maker of products that speed access to the Internet over copper telephone lines, surged $38.38 to $56.38 in trading of 7.59 million shares, making it the 13th most actively traded issue on the NASDAQ and the largest percentage gainer in US mar- kets. The stock, in a clear sign of strong investor demand, opened at $49.63, nearly three times the IPO price of $18. Rates ___ Apple shares fell sharply Thursday, a day after it reported a sharp rise in profit for its first quarter, as some ana- lysts said the quarterly sales figure was disappointing. Apple said Wednesday it earned $152 million in the quarter that ended Dec. 26, compared with $47 million a year earlier. Revenue rose 8%, to $1.71 billion. Intenatonat Herald Tibane High Street. Main Street 47 Vocabulary Language Focus 3 Match the words and expressions in the box with the headings below. losses gains climb surge analysts securities regulators. tumble shareholders closing price jump, retreat bonds brokers, prive-earnings ratio share price equities dividends_—_plunge shares 1. poor performance 2 good performance 3. financial products 4 people involved in the stock market 5 financial data ‘The third conditional 4 Founded in 1976 by Steven Wosniak and Steven Jobs, Apple Computer has undergone many changes in leadership, product development, and strategy. Complete the following sentences about Apple Computer by putting the verbs in brackets into the third conditional. 1 IfJohn Sculley, who became CEO of Apple in 1983, and Steven Jobs had shared (share) the same vision for the future of the compeay, Jobs woulda t have resigned (not resign 2. The Macintosh personal computer E (not provide) the solution for inexpensive publishing, if Apple (not Introduce) the CaserWriter, the first affordable laser printer for the Mac. 3 Apple probably (remain) more competitive if they 7 aoe (Gell) licences for their operating systems to other computer manufacturers. 4 the first generation of the Newton, a revolutionary notepad computer on ___ (work) better, sales (be) higher. 5. When the IMac was launched, people loved the colourful, fun design, Perhaps if it (be) less attractive, fewer first-time computer buyers uy) it. 6 IfApple (not launch) the IMac, they He (not recapture) 6,79 of the computer market 7 Apple shares (not rise) in 1998, iF their sales (not increase) substantially. Key oY Unit 1 Company Structures 11 Nfinneapois, USA 2 mechanical testing and simulation equipment 3 the US, Fance, Geatly 42.700 woslwide 2 1.CEO 2 Generat Manager 3 Human Resources Director 4 General Managers Secretary Sales Manager 6 Finance Manager 7 Marketing Manager 8 Customer Service 9 Noise and Vibration Division 10 R&D 1 Quality 12 Shipping 13 Assembly 24 Blecconics 18 Software Engineering 3 society 2satary 3 product Scastomer § patent 4asbaczaied 5 Lsalaty 2 product 3 society 4 patent 5 customer 6 2 formed 3set up 4 underwent Shas led @ moved 7 has become Bcame 9 embarked Ohss helped 11 has had 42 launched 13 reached has quadrupled 15 1056 724 Secauction 4d S taisedjinereased 6 7.7 8 incrense/ie 8 See model answer on page XI Unit 2 Recruitment 1 4 Car and fringe benefits mentioned. 5 Rarely referred to. 6 Rately referred to. 7 Ads cal for ‘graduates’. & Precise degree requested, 9 Precise degree requested, 10 Not mentioned. 11 Ads specify certain institutions grandes él). 12 Not mentioned. 13 Energy, ability to communicate and motivate 14 Intellectual qualities such as analytical aptitude and independence 15 Achievement, Sound knowledge, experience and competence in field. 16 Racy. 17 Boring and direct. 18 Boring and direct 19 Interpersonally complex. 20 intellectually complex. 21 Technically complex. 2-1 bonus 2 doctorate company car degree pension pian ‘qualifications health insurance diploma Badvertisement 4 enthusiasm shortlist ‘confidence Interview independence job offer wiative S job seekers candidates applicants interviewees 1 3 2 develops 3 have 4 are marketing S helps 6 are buying 7 face 8 is making 9 coomdinate 10 manage Li involves 12 meets 13 am contacting 14 am working 15 are presenting 4 1e2h3adg Se 5 1 finance 2JPS 3 film production 44 Assistant Production Manager 5 five 6 Production Manager 7 minor details Bteam 9 prebloms: TAPESCRIPT. 1 Well, began my career in a small pbroduction company called IPS Productions, where I had the chance to {get involved in many diferent things, e totally unrelated to my degree ~I studied finance at university I was able to gain experience in casting, scheduling and equipment rental. So, you cou say ferriliar with lots of diferent aspects of the fir production process which is good, because being lexble and versatile are essential inthis business. 2m definitely a team player. enjoy the ‘exchange of ideas and approaches that come fram cellaborating on a project. Working with diferent people — with diferent strengths, and weaknesses — is always a challenge! ! mean, sometimes it Can be frustrating when a team member doesn’t pull his own weight or prevents the group from moving ahead, .. I'd say there are more advantages than drawbacks... definilely mere people- otiented and dort really ike working on ay own, 3 Ym an Assistant Production Manager at Nomad Productions and I've been there for five yeas. I work very closely withthe Head of Production - we usually have meetings a couple of times a week fist thing in the morning, and | report on how everythings going or any problems that have come up and make suggestions about how to proceed. Then | spend the rest of the day phoning supplies checking schedules and equipment needs with the members of Uie Ger... and any ober last-minute things that need to be done. Well, ve had to react quickly in a critical situation on a number f occasions, ‘generally when the Production Manager's been out of town. Once l even had to take ‘over for her for three weeks when she was il, was abit overwhelming at fst, but realy learnt how to think on my feet and make quick decisions. '5 One thing I really dor’t tke is checking all the minor deta verifying the quantity of equipment needed, updating the weelly schedule and soon. I'm more interested in ce-ordinating a team and sorting out problems than making sure each task s done. Unit 3 Retailing 11126 3C4m5A6D 2 sales pitch 2 stock tumover 5 special oer 4 retll ching 5 bargain-hunters 6 department stores 7 shopping centres 3 2done research 3 doing busines 4 made ». complaint § mace loss 6 make suggestions 7 make . money 8 making plons 9 do thee be 10 made.» mistake 4 See model answer on page XI Review: units 7-3 Reading (page 18) L WHICH. 2 AND 3 CORRECT 4REEN § DOES 6 AT TTHE § CORRECT 9 LIKE 10 OF 11 CORRECT 12 ARE Listening (page 19) fa 2c 3a 4e Sb 6a 7b &e TAPESCRIPT Hello, my name is David Smith and | am Director for People at Asda, the supermarket chai, which, a5 some of you are probabiy aware, i owned by Wal- ait, the US discount company. Thank you for inviting me to speak to you today bout why I think Asda isso successful To begin with I would lke to stress that the success enjoyed by Asda, and the fact that its generally seen to be a very good ‘emplayer, has not been achieved easily, Ada ie constantly evolving its methods to keep stat happy. The success that we have hasnt occurred overnight. We have worked on this for ten years ~anel will continue to do so inthe future lesmny epnian the key to Asda's success is ‘communication ~ all the mechanics have been put in place to achieve this within the company, And itis not just about ‘getting the ight messages down from the lop of the organisation - [tis also about ‘ensuring feedback is properly listened to and communicated back to the top. ‘This is particularly important in retailing, of course, where the majority of staff are either on the shop floor dealing with customers, oF behing the scones in areas such as the supply chain, were they can {eel cutoff from central operations. But the message comes from the top in all ways ~ and in my view this is because of Asda’ lack of atracltional hierarchical structure To give you an ea about how the ‘company operate, at the Leeds headquarters all offices are open plan anc ‘everyone eats in the same canteen, Near the executive desks there isa mesting room = but the table does not have chairs around it on the basis that people have to stand up, te meetings wil be far shorted To receive feedback from sta, Asda has taken a number of measures. For example, ‘each store has a Fstening group. Senior managers regularly goto stores and see the groups of between six and twee staf. They are told they are not allowed to tall they have to stent Asda then measures Ue effectiveness of the groups with a listening survey So, what ae the pers of working for ‘Asda? Well all aff get 109 off when they shop there. But there are a number of ther benefits, canging from a law club, ‘which offers legal protection for 10p a ‘week, to special treatment for older staf, suchas “grandparents leave Stores aso have a certain level of independence ...For instance, each one gets £5,000 a year to spend in whichever ‘ay staf choose. If they want to put newspapers in the staff room every day they can doit. Or they might want to buy a television that people can watch on ther breaks. 1 5 totally up to them. You see, the whove ‘Asda culture’ is fed down from senor management 10 its indlvidual stores. As you may have heard, all shop stat start each shift with a ‘hudcle standing together to be told about key tlements of group performance and that ofthe individual store. So, would anyone ike to ask any questions before! move on? Speaking 1 (page 20) personal qualities qualifications inteligence expert knowledge TAPESCRIPT 1 In my experience different countries have different Views about whar’s important when reeruling a manager, tn the UK, Importance is given to an applicant's socal, pattcal and leadership skis — and adverts often stress personal quails tke energy and the ability to communicate effectively. Hewever, in France and Germany managers need to be highly queliied ~ and French adverts may even specify what institutions they prefer an applicant to have graduated from. In France managess are often selected for their inteligence, whereas German ‘companies look more at whether applicants for a managerial position have ‘expert knowedge or are competent in their field, So, to sum up, I'l say tha all the factors I've mentioned ate important, but which are the mast important depend primary on where you Ive, TAPESCRIPT 2 2 Suggested answers: Do you think you would make a good manage? Have you ever worked as a manager? ‘Tell me about a good manager you have worked for Does your manager have any ofthe Skills or qualities you've jut mentioned? In your apinion what isthe most Important quality of a good manager? ‘Which managerial qualities do you think you have? How important are the managerial qualltes you mentioned in your ow country? Speaking 3 (page 20) Tal me about a good manager you have worked for TAPESCRIPT 3 When first joined XT | worked for Maggie Long. She was the reeuitment ‘manager there. Although she was realy busy, she always made time to meet her staff, and to listen to what they bad to say. If anyone had any problems about Anything, she'd deal with them suaightaway. Listening (page 20) A. technical manager 2 company car 2 engineering 4 leadership skills ‘TAPESCRIPT M: Hi Sally I's Gerry here from Personnel Have you got a minute? I just need to ‘check a few details for the ad you ‘asked us to put in the paper this week F:_ For the quality control zsistant? | thought that went out last week IM: Tedd. meant the one forthe technical manager. F: Ob, yes. Of course. Go ahead. Mz The salary is stated, but there's no ‘mention of any beefits or anything. | guess the posthelder will get a company car F:_ That’ right. Theres no private heath Insurance, though, nor a persion plan. M: Isee. And, one more thing, did you ‘want to add some detals about the type of person your department's looking for? Sd Wel, fl be good if they were an engineering graduate, But snot scart Ana the jb involves managing a team of 12 peopl, 50 they need impresive leadership sls too OK make sure that’ all included in the ad Trans. Writing (page 21) See model answer on page XI Reading (page 22) 1D 28 3A-4D SC 6C 7B Writing (page 23) See model answer on page XI Unit 4 Franchising 1 1 stareup costs 2 ditect financing Sroyalty fee 4 opening inventory 5 store design 6 g70ss sales 7 taining course 8 franchise agreement 2a3b5c8d207f6g4h1 3-19 2FE 39K ANG SE ONG 7 FR SIE 9FE 10NG 4 a flexibility b dectication € popularity a ftness e investment Feommunication gagieement Inawareness 5 1c 2g 3h4e 5b 6d 7a 8F 6 2 generally 3 curently 4 aivays 5 Recently 6 eventually 7 Dusedto work 3¥ 4v S.dld you tse to spend 6 7 8 1T2F3T 47 SP6P7TST TAPESCRIPT isnot ike having your own business Where you ean jus clo whatever you want You have to do what the fanchiser wants youtto do. Sits easy on one level because you don't realy need to think a let about what you do, but you're Someone who wants to do things your ‘way and jst dosn't, you know, dest ‘agree with ther ules, then you can actually lose the franchise you don't folow the terms ofthe agreement. Finandally ifs huge responsibility. You have to put up alot of money to get started There’ the franchise fee, which basically, just buys you the right to go it bt because you then have to g financing forte store improvements ard ‘equipment. And youl be paying back all that money fora leat seven to ten years. You can estimate the inal costs, bu then youimay end up paying mote and the Franchise won't offer you any cash it youre not making it They wil erly just take the fanchise from you when you've lost quite 8 bit of money m1 io ‘think when Ist did it it was much harder than Id thought it be. twas really stressful and there were always problems with staf letting you down, and You're the one wi has to step in, maybe ‘work inthe kitchen, take orders or even ‘mop the floors. So you have toe flexible and willing to work very hard, You can Count on putting in six, maybe seven days 1 week forthe ist year oF $0, Unit 5 International Business Styles LaSb3c&diel fo g7h2is 210 2B3B 4B 5C 6A7CBA9 Cc wa 3 2Set 4 Keep 4 Don'tuse 5 Take 6 Don't schedule 7 Don't expect Don't punish 9Give 10 Pay 11 Encourage 12 Don’t restrict 13 Organise 14 Create 15 Contact 16 kee 4 2 British 3 Dutch 4 Finn S Japanese 6 Austrian 7 Portuguese 8 Swedish; Swiss 9 Spaniaed 10 hish, 5 See model answer on page XII Unit 6 Banking 1 1E2B3N 4154 6D 2 1d 2h 3ade Sg 6b7c8F 3 1 withdraw cash 2 eam interest Bopen an account 4 make a deposit 5 transfer funds 6 download financial data 7 pay bills 8 purchase goods 4 2 had; would be able to 3 were (was) would translate 4 does not improve; will Ihave to 5 do not provide; wll lose 6 diag; would lend 7 do not find; will not be able to is; will have to 9 take; will cost; buy 10 had; would accept L1 lose; will refuse 5 1F 21314" STOT7FR8F OF 10T TAPESCRIPT I: How long have you been using on- line banking? B: Wel, I've probably been using on-line banking for about teen years. We hhad this systom here in France called Mioitl whieh allowed us to do ondine banking, We could do, um probably ‘most of the things you can do nove wth the Intenet on-ine banking systems. And how long heve you been using tonne banking with your PC? 8: Un, {think t might be five years, four or five yeas. fst started with a downleading system and now I can Vv do more than that. | stated with downloading my, uh, bank statements, which, uh, saves me time, I don't have to open my statements, the ones the bank sends month, arymmore. | have them alley PC. What are the advantages of online banking? Wel VS so much quicker, and you just have to connect and wh, check yout, yaur balance and you can, uh, twansfer money from your savings to your checking account, you can buy ‘shares, you can order cheque books, ‘you can pay bis. There are plenty of ‘things you can do. How often do you check your accounts? Um, probably once a week or ence ‘every other week. ‘Wich features do you find most useful? Instead of having lots of pieces of paper, you have a big database witn all your accounts and your, well have ‘big database and I have al my ‘accounts and all the transactions Imad over the past five years, 39 ‘whenever I wonder how much I paid last year on my taxes, Ican compare it to this year, or how much I paid fora service if think there's been some increase we haven't heen notifies about. Is secunty a concern for you? Un, not at the moment, because | ‘ean’ do anything which would be dangerous, mean I can't make @ ‘transfer to any account other than my ‘own. So, | think the security's pretty ‘good. ‘You say that you never go to your branch, does that mean you can handle al your banking needs oneine? Yes, lean do almost everthing. Over the last five years I've probably been ‘to my branch maybe two or three times, | went recently because I had to negotiate a loar so there was quite 2 lot of paperwork to deal with, but ‘part from that, there's no specific. reason why Id go. It was just faster 0 190 to them and fl out the paperwork ‘with them than do it a home and ‘mail t and then have somebody check and correct it and do it again. So just ‘decided to do i that way. HF you have any problems can you ‘contact them by e-mail? Un, no they don't have an e-mail service running yet, I have contact ‘with one person by phone, Ie would be great if could e-mail the person ‘who handles my accounts, but think there concemed about privacy anc Secbry. | mean, how would they know fad rely sen the emai ad not somebody ese? How much do you pay forthe ondine banking sence? 8 Well my bank charges a fee of 10 euros 2 month, but hope tha in the ate, the general cost of banking wil go clown, linea, wy shoud Tbe paying foc the branch overneacs when don't fever goto Une branch tink there Should be a financial incentive for People to use online banking. Review: units 4-6 Reading (page 36) 1D 2F 3B 4E SA ‘Writing (page 37) See medel answer on page XI. Listening 1 (page 38) I exhibition centie 2 royalty fees 3 £42.50 4 inventory, 5 pRe733r TAPESCRIPT 1 ‘You have reached the volcemall message service of NY] Conferencing Services. For information about the Franchise fai, please hold, For all other information please press "now. ‘The forthcoming franchise fair wil beheld in the exhibition centre in Nunwort, from Sth unti 8th December. Experts fom a range of dfecent profesional areas will be ‘valable to answer delegates’ questions. Issues likly to be covered include how to make effective applications and how to ‘work out potential royally fees and startup Entry to the main events free all day. However, the business seminars, which take place during the aftemoons, cost forty-two pounds fifty each. Topics for these include advertising and purchasing inventory. Fora ful ist of seminars and to book tickets please press 2" at the end of the message. Don't forget to quote reference number P-R 9-7-3241, You wil receive ten percent off the fst seminar ticket you book! Listening 2 (page 38) 1MrAdams 2 November 13th 34:15pm. 4 329.0477 TAPESCRIPT 2 Me Hello, you've reached the home of Henry Petersen and Catherine jacobs. ‘We're unable to answer your call, but ‘you can leave 2 message after the tone ‘and we'll get back to you a8 soon as F: This Cynthia Post caling for Henry Petersen, regarding the interview with John Adams at our company headquarter. Ym afaid that Mr ‘Adams won't be able to make the meeting oa Monday, Novernber 10 at toalastminute reschedule your appointment with him, Could you possbly manage to attend an interview at our offices on Thursday, November 13 at 4:15 pum. instead? You can reach me on 329- (0477 to confirm or to arrange another ‘more convenient time “Thank you. Writing (page 39) See inode! answer on page XU. Reaaing (page 40) 1c 2D 3A 48 5A 64 76 8D 9D wo MB 2B BB 4c 18 Writing (page 41) ‘See model answer on page X. Unit 7 Business and the Environment 1 Limpact 2 issues 3 policy 4 review 5 goal 6 consumption 7 stores 8 customers 9 programme 10 factory estimate 2 1£2B3A4C SF 6D 3 2 sustain 3 effectiveness 4 responsibility $ ronsultants 6 profitable 7 commitment 8 Manufacturing 420 3B4C SB6C7B8B9C ioc 5 2 ate being encouraged 3 will be taken 4 are analysed 5 is composed G be recycled. 7 are designed be made 9 be transformed 10 would be reduced 11 1s used 12istaken 13 are made 14 be purchased 15 be made 16 has been achieved 17 is expected 6 See model answer on page XII Unit 8 The Stock Market 1 A tumble B positive; camings jump; merger D quits: fing E triple; trading Fnews; acquisition 21D2F3C4ESA6B 3 ltumble — 2climb retxat surge plunge jump losses sans Bbonds brokers securities analysts ‘equities sharehoiders shares regulators S share price losing prise sdividents pricwearnings ratio 4. 2 would not have provided; had not introduced 3 would have remained; hhad sold 4 had worked; would have been 5 had been/would have bought 66 had not launched; would not have recaptured 7 would not have risen had rot increased 5 2still 3yet Aalready § still 6 already 7 still Balteady 6 1d 2c 3b4c5d ‘TAPESCRIPT NASDAQ (North American Securities Dealers Automated Quotations) The NASDAQ Stock Market I the fastest {growing major stock market in the wort. its most distinctive feature is that it was the first electronic-based stock market ever created, More than hal ofall the shares, that change hands in the United States «ach day do so on NASDAQ. Neary five and a half thousand companies trade their securities on this market. [NASDAQ stands apart from the other stock exchanges through Its use of today’s Information technologies - computers and telecommunications in place of the traditional trading floor. Some 530 dealers known as Market Makers provide more than 60,000 competing bids to buy and coffers to sell stocks through vast computer networks. The Market Makers openly compete with each otter for invests. ‘They use their own capital to buy and sel NASDAQ securities. The combined competiive actly and capital provide ‘active, continuous trading ‘This eiflers from an auction market where 2 specialist o¢ ‘dealer’ controls al sales n a specific security on the floor of a stock exchange. NYSE (New York Stock Exchange) ‘The NYSE is a customer oriented, two-way auction market where transactions take place asa result of open outry of bids ‘and affers made by members acting on bochalf of thee customers. Buyers and sellers meet directly on the trading floor — ‘whether thelr orders ative electronically or are handled by a broker ~ and prices are determined by the interplay of supply and demand, “This ciffers from the dealer market lke es] NASDAQ where a dspersed group of brokers rade securities from their own inventories Dow Jones Industrial Average People use the Dow Jones Average to measure the health of the stock market. It J 30 companies from the NYSE that were chosen from diferent sectors of the economy and which are believed to relect the best overall movement on the stock ‘exchange. So when someone says, ‘the ow Jones Industial Average was up 30 ppoints today’ it means that the market is doing well Unit 9 Import Export 1102438 21 2c 3c 4a5d6c 3 1 quotas 2 bureaucracy 3 agent 44 duties 5 sanctions 6 lence 7 contract 8 invoice 4 Ladvice 2 relationship 3 economical 4 accepted’ latter {6 Who's 7 your 8 atfec 9 principles {0 personne! 11 proposal 12 practices 5 2 wil get 3 5/3 going to call 4 Wil you speak § won't be able to 6 am isting /am/m going to vst 7 wil call 8 Are you coming/Ae you going to come 9s representingls going represent 10 won't see TH an’m visitng /amim going to esi 2 wi ask 13 lll wat 6 Atseinceae/gouplatow 2 5 saldcopiaeerease 47 5 signifcnt ise/ubstanta increase 67 nmich more 6 highest grows 5.7 tO allfdcreasercrop 7 aS b4e3d2e1 8 Lasemble 2 applications 3 plant 4 afford § components ‘TAPESCRIPT ‘Speaker 1'In our experience as 2 ‘medium-sized operation in the ‘manufacturing sector, exporting has really been a ential factor in our success and today we rey on it for about 309% of our turnover. I would say that for us, the most important thing was to realise how that they¢__—_(do) so at least three times to buy either petrol or diesel for their vehicles. We then °___ them if they 6 (can) give us their opinion about the quality of the services that they had found. While most of cour sample group 7 that they 6 ___ (be) satisfied with the services provided, several orivers 2 us that they % (ike) to see improvements n certain areas In the future. When these respondents " to elaborate on this, several of them 12 that they co (feel) more relaxed if they did not have to do the work of refuelling their cars by themselves. Two respondents also '4 us that they "3. (be) happy to see the introduction oF systems which would make it possible for drivers to complete all transactions without leaving the car. We also *6 everyone in the sample if they (appreciate) some form of automated diagnosis of their vehicle. More than 50% of those interviewed '@ that they 1 (welcome) this especially if it could provide automated tyre pressure ard oil level checks. In the final question they 22 if they 2 (hear) about any of our latest innovations such as ‘the auto pump’ but only one person in the survey had any knowledge of this. Writing 5 You are going to give a presentation on the development of a new technology that may revolutionise the automobile industry by providing power from a Tuel Cell’. The ‘Fuel Call’ generates electricity from hydrogen and is a non-polluting technology. As part of your presentation you will be referring to the information in the three slides below. Prepare what you will say about each, of the slides. sldea Slide 2 Slide 3 ‘The world automobite market ‘The history and development Comparative costs of power ‘and pollution of the Fuel Celt generation for automobiles ‘Total no. of motor vehicles: Inventor Sir iltam Grove Internat Combustion Engine 700 milion 20-850 per iowatt Date: 1239 ‘Annual production of vehides: Fuel cell sonilion Applications (today) ‘960s S500 ~$5,000 per kilowatt Pollution: Gemini Space Program: The internat combustion Production of power in space (projected 2004) ne is responsible for $50 S60 per kilowatt Sotofeaon nonse ean for ‘eissions in major cies eeanoeee reece Power production Tepe Worer making California ~ 10% of new cors (ature) {in 2003 1 be nompolluting ‘Automiobite power generation Domestic power generation 81 mus 4 Reading a ez Product and Corporate Advertising 1 ead the following article and choose the best sentence (A-1) from the lst opposite to complete each gap. Would you call your friends if it meant hearing ads every three minutes — er, make that free minutes? You pick up the telephone, dial the number and before it rings cheerful voice says, “Hello! This call is sponsored by '__. We've come to tolerate (maybe) ‘TV ads that cut into movies just at the dramatic moment, or intrude on soccer ‘matches right when a crucial play begins, In American football, referees even halt play for commercials, But how many people would be willing to have @ phone call repestedly interrupted for “a brief word from our sponsor™? Answer: plenty. ‘That’ the verdict from Sweden, where an outfit called Gratistelefon is offering free, advertising-supported calls in a (wo- month trial. Lines are overlozded. * They are not, it seems A caller dials a toll-ftee number, then ‘made, another in 2 Combine a word from A with one from B to match each of the defi sitions below. A B target sell celebrity Jogo hard audience company endorsements ad launch publicity event public relations agency product stunt 1 __________ an aggressive, persuasive way of selling a product ‘the marketing and advertising effort that is ‘organised to promote a new item when it goes on the market 3 ___a printed symbol that stands for a business or ‘their brand 4 an organised gathering to get media coverage for a brand, product or store opening 5 the demographic group that an advertising campaign is aimed at 6 ‘well-known people promoting a particular product 7 2 firm that specialises in creating advertising campaigns for businesses 8 an unusual, sometimes shocking action intended to attract people's attention in order to promote 2 brand or product 83 unit fourteen Language Focus Gerund and infinitive 3 Read the promotional information about m@xRACKS, a postcard advertising firm based in New York City, and circle the correct form of the verbs in italics. ‘The medium isthe messoge n@xRACKS dls are miniature ae galleries that compa passersby 0 so TG taBtoking the posuards at patlulary "alto tiem Fors enoration that is accustomed to MTVtce fraphics, m@xRACKS postcards succeed Ino gelgtin their attention We ore where they 0 m@xRACKS delivers a most desirable, yet hard-to-reach audience - 20: to 30-year folds. TY or princ adveruising often fal, 3to reachlrecching this elusive audience, because they spend a lot of their leisure time at restaurants, clubs, coffee bars, gyms as well as book and music stores ~ all the places you find m@xRACKS. ‘m@xRACKS postcards are chosen Most advertising mediums are unsolicited By “to chonselchoosing an advertiser's postcard, the useritaker consciously makes 2 connection with the marketers creative Jogo and product. So, ics not surprising that 46% of m@xRACKS usorsheakers say they are Influenced to buy the products ‘they see advertised on our postcards mm@xRACKS postcards have legs ‘What happens to the postcards that people decide Sto heepiheebing? 40% are saved and 46% are mailed. Users/takers ‘often enjoy sto sharelsharing thoirfavorice jostcards with fiends and family. AS a result, each advertiser can expect "tp atractlatractng a minimum of five palrs ‘of eves per posteard. ‘m@xRACKS postcards are keepsakes m@xRACKS postcards have lsting appeal as usersitakers often want “a dplayldispaying thom on the bulletin board or refrigerator door, where they continue %to belbeing admired. That is why thoy are perfect for advertisers who seele "0 inreaselincreasing the impact of a broadcast, print or outdoor advertising campaign ‘m@xRACKS provides tracking reports ur sions appreciate to krcwknoving use how many postcards were taken. How many advertising mediums promise "4p reportreportng the number oF people who noted your ad? m@xRACKS postcards are fun! Product and Corporate Advertising The articles A Read the following newspaper article about eWatch, an American firm that aims to protect its customers’ corporate image and name, and complete the ‘gaps with the, a or (X) when no article is necessary. GEE Rumor Control On “2 the Internet Watch Listens In for Companies By Matt are James Alexander, 1 computer programmer by ‘raining, and Charles Lukaszewski, @___for- mer television producer, started eWatch Inc. 5__ company that searches ‘____Internet con behalf of corporate clients who want 10 know what S____ rest of ¢___ world is saying about them. Corporations have long paid 7__ “clipping services” to monitor their appearances in 1 conventional news media, But eWatch and its competitors have taken 9__ practice '__ step further. They check thousands of chat rooms and discussion ferums where rumors can damage corporate reputations and !é_ stock pri After O11 Simpsons acquittal on ___ murder charges in October, 1995, for example, "___ false rumor ~ fist reported con 18 popular TV show and then spread ‘on 9 Internet ~ said that Mrs. Field ‘Cookies had sponsored _____ party for 3_jurors Mrs, Fields sales fell and eWatch was hired to find online discussion groups where 22 rumor had appeared, and then post 25_ cortective messages. Cookie sales soon retuned to acemal levels, Mr Alexander sai, Ineomatonat Herald Tune (adapted) SeeeererriemimnnmEreeriesenees 5 You have recently bought the swimming pool advertised below and were very disappointed with the product. Write an e-mail of compiaint to the company using the information from the ad and the notes provided. Writing Egy inten? Hato calla plamber to repair leaks Damage clad floor Laps in your living room? ‘Always dreamed of having your own swimming pool but never had the space to build one? Now you can enjoy the benefits of aquatic exercise in the luxury of your home wth Spacesiver Poo, ied for ba beginners and expert | er fer syton aol Sudesh ow ctr nba ay eran Tes | er ler ton by 2 metre Spacesaver Poo! is easy to install and doesn't require expensive ieee q maintenance. Sate-t heart fers gurantee crystal clear water without | “ayeebie can Dodsmeling chemicals Ike chorne. Vist our web ate at | iieiicunent sting for a virtual splash or order our free video Unable pe Catalogue by calng 0167 3224567 See eee ere Keep leaving m 4 rtdee nobody bac caled bake Want fal refund plas compensation for water fee 15 Reading \ The Business Media 1 The International Herald Tribune is a global daily newspaper which covers developments in international news, business and economics. Look at the table of information about the daily features in the JHT business section. Then read the articles which follow and write in the day on which they most probably appeared. Monday _—Cyberscape Tuesday Thinking Ahead Wednesday Media Markets Thursday International Manager Friday Woll Street Watch Saturday Economic Scene 1 [NEW YORK ~ Tanzania, half of whose population is iterate, sponds onethisd of ite budget on éebt pasments, and it spends four times a8 mich elering ity deb sit des on primary education [igeri, where ie expestation sony about €7 yrs, spends moce on debe payments an ¢ does on ath {and education combined Lydia Willams of Oxfam America, 2 nonprofit ‘organization, has presented these and otter chilling facts te the House Banking Committee on bebalf jon that would have the United States [NEW YORK ~ A new form oF advertising is rewriting arold saying to declare: Now youdoatseeit, now yeu do, The magi is performed by computers, i the Fare (of cigitalvechnology tha inser electronic mages of signs, brand logos and even product packages int live and previously taped television programs. The ‘computer generated ads are sufficenty fice hat viewers Se them a eal eventhough hey are anything bus “Viral adver,” a this tickery is known, "the Harry Houeini of the media business,” says Dovid erin, chief executive at Carat North Amerie in Day Up-to-date developments on the Internet and. Network communications. ‘A weekly column that sets the world’s econamic agenda Global developments in marketing, advertising and the media, Creative solutions to cross-border management challenges, Analysis of developments in the America, ‘market from a sophisticated international perspective ‘An overview of forces shaping the world’s niaterally write off most ofits loans 0 some of worl’ poores: counties ‘The bill (Gponsored by Represative James Leach, Repoblican of lowa, the commie's chairman, and Republican Representative JobnLaFalee, Democrat of [New York) suid aleo urge intentional faancal insittions coffer the world's poorest counties more ebt rif than snow provided under 1996 nitive ofthe World Bank and Intemational Money Fund. International Herald Tribune [New York, which bays commercial time and ad space for marketers. “INS the most astonishing Kind of adversising technology I've ever seen” ‘Visual advertising hs so fy heen a novelty featre of live sports, where fottall players ack eachother in ftont of make-believe ilboards and soccer players ram acess plausibly real tradomars, For example, the baseball games of tree US. Major League teams — the San Francisco Giants, Pildelphia Pities ond San Diego Paros ~ ince vttual ads tis season = Interationat Hora Tue 3 [NEW YORK ~ When emphyees gosip about their jobs atthe proverbial water cooler, the atmosphere is ‘often one of hushed tones and. overdhe-shoulder ances, Butno such discretion applies atthe Becironic ‘Watercooler, ant fine neework of uncensored bulletin boars intended to atact employees and jobseekers at tore than $90 US. campni, The ballein bonds display office rumors, fears of Jayof, complaints about werk hours and pay, and responses to applicants queries about salary aa work ie. Day: NEW YORK — Juergen Schrempp, the man who reigns over DaimlerChiysler AG, has a weak spot for ‘ral movies, (One of his favorites is “Twelve Angry Mea" in which ‘one jor painstakingly reverses te other! views on the guilt f a murder defendant, ‘To Me. Sehrempp, the tale is a er, a waning film in persasion, “It helps me to pot my argomeats ito wos, foeus on people" si ‘The power of permmsion ga valoable commodity for corporate chiefs hoping fora front-row seat in the fslobal marketplace ~poople like Mr. Sehrempp. Day SAN FRANCISCO ~ Tho sce many brand-name banks and brokerape houses battling onthe fet ines of American investing. Only one of them, Charles Sctnvab Corp, has made peace with the Inerne Schivat, the gourter-century-old viscount broker that has long exe ise at a Wall Steet outsider, has converted most of it brokerage busines 10 the Internet with a cae hat fw analysts expocted Day 6 WASHINGTON ~ The great debate over economic _loblization has moved into new; more constretive phase. No longer isthe main focus on the sterile ‘question of whether the global ecomoay is good oF ’bad = most people now acte that is hereto sy, ‘The topic now at the center of discusion when economists and poiians gather to debate the issue Js much mere isteresting: What form should slobalization tka, what are 1 be it economic cules ‘and it polite! paielines and constants? Day The Business Media “Do we al realize tat we be making atlas vice as ch $$ if we went to Goldman?” asked one writer, ‘who identified himseif as a lawyer. "We would

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