Old DA Rates

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I I TABLE SHOWING OVERALL POSITION OF DEARNESS ALLOWANCE, DEARNESS PAY AND INTERIM RELIEP Pay Range stow Bs 85 Re BSR 109 Re NOR Ho Re, j50-Ro 209 Re. DIOR. 38 Re. 400-Rs 489 Re. 480-Rs 49 Re sok 2 Re S76RG S84 Ri SSRs, 99 Re, 100-Re. 1.019 Rs. 136-Rs L119 Re. aoe. 1250, Re 1281-Ro 309 281 and stove | ‘AS ON Dedress ‘Mlwanee Bs. a u 8 2 146 ® ‘ws Amount by ‘cy sles oF Res 1 Amoi ‘el ry cds ‘0 "09 to Amount bs sala Shao ‘wh Rea Ponte | ested as Dearaes Pay | Rs ” ry 9 0 | te 120 blest oF Cai Ni ; Ni xi Nit Intern ey hci nals et Rave @ @ rales of Rosie renner eee Iv D.A.—IIE PAY COMMISSION it | Gly Me OM No, 18-4 1 (0) dint (ORI No, Fel (an 4 dat Pay range ase per month Upto Rs, 300 Poot py. Above R6,3004nd 3 of py subject amin Seto Re 30 in of Ree pm. and 3 Makino of Rs 2pm and Spice to marginal aya af a Sod RB, oF py. () E87 Up tors 300 % sm 92 Above RS. 300 and tp to Re 1.600 0 py sujet 19 3 min Tat of a. 38 pm and atin of Re Sipe (He to marginal adherents {higher py kwteso sat he pur DA. does nt enced ase NNom.-"The payments on assount of feares allowanse shall bs ‘ound off tothe neat 10 pa ik, ML, O.M. No 1) (0), ded 612-1973 an ‘Oi Nose ist UD dated 281974 Pernt Pay rnge Rate pr mach HOTS Up to Re 300 of BID Abowe Re 300 snd 99% of pay subesto & mi epto Re 2380 iy 18 DLA. == HE PAY COMMISSION 3 G.I, MF, O.M. No. 4 (9). O.M. No. F. 1 (4)- 1 (B)/73, dated 5-3-1974 and £, 11 (B)/74, dated 23-5-1974 Period Pay range Rate per month le 1-74 Up toRs. 300 16% of pay. to 31- 1-74 Above Rs. 300 but 12% of pay subject to a mini- not excecding Rs. 900 mum of Rs. 48 and a maxi- mum of Rs. 108 p.m. Marginal adjustments so that pay plus dearness allowance does not exceed Rs. 1,008 p.m. Rs. 81 p.m. Above Rs. 900 and up to Rs. 926 Above Rs. 927 and up to Rs. 2,250 4 GL, M.F., O.M. No. F, 1 (9)-E. Uf (B)/73, dated 3-4-1974 and O.M. No. F. 1 (4)-E. I (B)/74, dated 23-5-1974 Period Pay range’ Rate per month 1- 2-74 Up toRs. 300 20% of pay. to 31- 3-74 Above Rs, 300 and 15% of pay subject to a mini- up to Rs. 1.600 mum of Rs. 60 p.m. and a maximum of Rs. 135 p.m. subject to marginal adjust- ments at higher pay levels up to Rs. 1,653 so that pay plus D.A. docs not excocd Rs. 1,735. Employees drawing pay above Rs. 1,653 will continue to draw D.A. at Rs. 8) p.m. 5 I, M.F., O.M. No. F. 1 (3)-E. II (B)/74, dated 6-4-1974 Subject:--Payment of Dearness Allowance to Central Government employees consequent on Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 1973. The undersigned is directed to invite a reference to para. 2 of this Ministry's O.M. No. F, 1 (8)-E. tf (B)/73, dated the 21st November, 1973, on the subject mentioned above. whercin it was inter alia stated that the orders contained therein would apply both to those Government em- ployces who clected or were brought on to the revised scales of pay under the Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 1973, with effect from 1-1-1973 and to those who elected to retain the scales of pay which prevailed prior to the Ist January, 1973. The question whether dearness a D.A. 1} PAY COMMISSION 19 allowance, in accordance with the orders of the 21st November, 1973, as subsequently modified in this Ministry's O.M. No. F. | (9)-E. I (B)/73, dated the 6th December, 1973 and the 5th March, 1974, should be allowed in the case of the following categories of e1aployces belonging to Classes If, UL and LV has been under consideration of Government:— (i) Categories for whom revised scales of pay under the Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 1973, have not been announced ; and » (i) Government employees belonging to categories for whom revised scales of pay under the Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 1973, have been announced, but as the time-limit for exercising option is still open, some have not yct exercised their option with reference to such revised scales. The President is pleased to decide that dearness allowance admissible under the orders mentioned above may be allowed on a provisional basis to both the categories mentioned above, In their case, ‘pay’ will be as defined in this Ministry’s O.M. No. F. 2 (43)E. II (B)/47, dated the 11th September, 1948, as amended from time to time. and will include, in addition, dearness pay, dearness allowance and interim relief as admissible on the basic pay under the ordets in force prior to 1-1-1973. The payment of dearness allowance under these orders will be readjusted when the pay of the concerned employces is fixed finally with reference to the notifica- tions regarding revised scales of pay or the options, as the case may be, 6 G.L, MAF., O.M. No. F. 1 (8)-E. I (8)/74, dated 6-8-1974 Period Pay range Rate per month 1 414 Up toRs. 300 24% of pay, 10 31 5-74 Above Rs. 300 and 18% of pay subject to a mini- up to Rs. 2,250 mum of "5. 72 and a maxi- mum of n>, 162. Subject 10 marginal adjustments at higher pay levels so that pay plus dearness allowance does not excced Rs, 2,400. 7 G.L, M.F., O.M. No. N. 13017/1-E. If (B)/75, dated 30-1-1975, as amended by O.M., dated 18-3-1975 and 9-10-1975 Period Pay range Rate per month 1. 6-74 Up to Rs. 300 28% of pay. 10 30- 6-74 Above Rs. 300 and 21% of pay subject to a mini- up to Rs. 900 mum of Rs. 84 and a maxi- mum of Rs. 189, Subject to marginal adjustments at higher pay levels up to Rs. 926 so that pay plus dearness allowance does not exceed Rs. 1,089. Employees yee seca meas Perea ' eet —_ eee ST 2 DA. —i Puy comunson 2%, MLE OLN, No BOLREM (6 date 410.4916 ate of Aina! Dearaers Period Pay emge “lwance pr mots 1716 UptoRs. 14% of pay sojet to 4 mi se sus of Re 28 and a ma ‘nur oF Re ah 10% of pay sujet 4 nk ute of Re and maa rum of Rs. ‘Amount by which pay fas Sowa ease Re. 60 subjet t> marginal Sint inal es Inclaing at higher py angst that py plot eames fllowane“ncusing add tional denon sllowane py able under thee orgs) Gott hot eased Re 3.500 23 Ti President is also pleas 1 dei thatthe eee ents of atitonal dears stows aes the sopayen One LSS as te tecowered In five instalment fom "it py ring the Fest RS une Manel yea, es rant py for October ioe Fabra 1977 The amount to be emit Lo Compuoy Depost under the ‘Audiional Ernetunents (Campers Deposh) Ack 19Te wil be cles fated a'$0%; othe net adaienl dene owas fuyabe dare "hf mts aking ita ag: te ote f the eke pens of aditonal dares lowang in he eae of employees whe ee at fn Sree now ether de toaster death reign, See ore ‘ay be etring Inthe immed fur ipower be eared {at the ces payments of aiions dexmnss te ae fas ‘jst tom har Jus, deatsevmsaienent pete es 0 Gi, MF O.M. No, 13017 3-EM I (76, dad 20-10-1976 Sibjeer—Paynent of adftional Desens Afomance to Cente “Govern erposson The undersigned is ne to fer to thi Mini's OM bo, 13017.¥a 1/36 ged the én Occ bot 976 when eens sn aad dir tht thee payer of stort dears toe fe ade to tbe employes ages V1976 igh Be meanness intents hk py om Ot 1 ey 7. Om svokalons and ot, the Prien ses To dee tt eco Above Rs. 20Dant tp tors 90 Above Rs, 990 and Upto Re Above RS. 920 nnd op to Re 250 v0 DA. PAY conession n ‘of the exces payrents of additional aryes allowance for the petod ‘rom 17-1976 to 301976 may be waived as an ex grata Measure and ‘wth «view to minimising the hardship tothe employes 1 G1, MLE, O.M, No, 13014-2368), dated 134977 Sibjec—-Payment of Deataess Allowance and Ovenine Allowance forthe pti rom 1-199 0 309.1996, tthe Come ‘Government employees ~ Clretion ogring ‘The undersigned ie aieted to seer to this Ministy’s OM ‘No, 10173/E (86, dated the 20h Geter, 1975, conveying ne Friant unison ping aver of rey ofthe xeon poe SED.A forthe ped fiom 171916 to 905-197, teulng fom he [uv efite order consined ts Ministry OM. No” 13017/]E- 1 (8) ‘esdatd the ty Oaaber, 1976, wilndawing one stale of wtin Aeires allowance ron £21976. The Prado now pleased to waive ‘he recovery of ay exo amouat af O:TA. pid for the petiod fom 151-76 to 4096197, tased on the emolomniy tg nf Becount the earns llowanos pat he Nghe tate that preva before ste ihe O.My dated fhe th Ostoben 1976, 2. Tha Presidents also pleased to dee that whet for any reason payrent of dears slionaceelO.T.A, forthe period fom [11576 to JosBaTe has at been mae fa, tho payment ofthese llowances may 1 made taking int acont the dames wane rates that proved Peto the sue of te Mnstey's OM. Na. 1OITIIE- (BT, date {he fh Getober 976 In eases whet the payment of Wes ellovancss {or thi period fas been ade ton emplaye taki ito acount the ‘eduood fae of deames allowance tool othe ode eon i the {Gi dated the te Ostober, 199, rlered to abn, he ern oF the'snount of each ofthe to allowaner taking inte acess te D.A fates that previo before the sue ofthe OM dated the sth cxoee 156, tian that already aid to hin bed onthe fas 0 D-A. at rev in the gh ofthe OM date the Ah Ocak, 6m, Be pad GL, My OM. No 3017/1, 1B), dated 310-1977 Subjck-—Arate of DA period wp to 3-4197S, credited tthe ‘PE accounts Ctcaton regard ‘The undergne sdirced to clr to ha Minty’ Offs Meno ragdam Now LOT//E. I (B)/780e- 1. dated 4.107, 0 the sabe Imonloned poe, wheicunder th intrest om the addons iowa ‘died fo th PF accounts aczordace ith pu a be one S550 0 M. would acre fom 1-197 a the aa ate andthe sant ‘of sci DA seer ad the fiertthrcon would eet ered ter SLBTGr1 i he eguae Bree and threaten be governed by onal RF, Roles References ave bse cid inthis Mini eeking ‘Saafenton on the following pots (@) Whetor tbe inert op the amouat of DLA, areas forthe riod op to 31995, reed to BE ascouns ia seme SOM dated 43419%s id wl een simple Hest oF feompovad ints asin the eas of PF er (© Wistor the rate of iter! om the atove amount wi vary Ua ference tothe Pi banes at ere os sbsciber on Srai97r, he, wheter foded rate of Steet of 7% wl apply ibe RE alan a cuit of « sbseber eels HO Sst09 oa 3-977 (©) Whether the amoune of interest isto be rounded of tothe ‘ears rupee a fey uader the PF. Rules. 2, The President i eased ly tat the nee on the areas of additonal Dearcss Allowance creed to Provdeat Fund Accounts Sh terms of Minstrys Ollce Memorandum, data 43-197, Ib ecru at 1522 per sana spe inte for he peiog fom 1319730 SiS 1917 andthe amount of interest qcalesite shouldbe rounded ot in acorcane its the povisogs contained in Ministry's Oitce Memo andar No. 15017. (B/TSPF fated 9121976. The aroant of ‘DiAvarcars so crodted together withthe nee lull the noe Sate above would be runded ot the earst spe (fy pale aad ‘ove count asthe next higher rues) only foe i's merged withthe 5 Provient Fund exe afer 31077 a requied under Rule (0) Fite General Provident Fund (ii Servi Rul, 1960, B G1, MA, OM. No. ESOT EE (77, dated 19414977 ote of Addionl Dearest Period Pay range “ilwanee por mens E97 Up toRs 300 113% of pay sobject to 8 ‘o simu OP Ra 3S and 3 ain ‘baum of R30 Abore Re, 200 and 125%" of pay sujet to Sto Re 1e00 ruinimun Of'Res 20 and & ute of Ra i, Above Re 1600 nd Amount y- whieh py falls Sp to Re 180 Sha of Re 1700, IMbowe Re 1640 and Re 6D subjece to. margin opto Re 259 djstest in all cases ‘cling highee py anges {that poy rt ers Blowaste(iluding add ‘ional deans lowtce pay Ne under these orden) does otexened Re 2.00, a trav comms 2s (GIL, MLF, OM. No O17 (878, ated 1841978 ate of Aston! Dearne Paik Payrange “Aiwance por mene . EIT) UptoRe 300 2196 ofpay ebjectio a mink e mum of Re d?and 2 mat? sors ‘Bum or, Above Rs 300 and 18% op bjt toa mak opto Ra 200 rma of Re sna max of. a a 1 earpioal aust ‘ Pepsinatca ate . er py ras oak | ‘Probl dar ewan Fencing sitonl cease ‘Mownns payable wr hese rier) does not exceed B20 pam. 1s GL, MF, OM. No 1OITY THE. MB, ded 98-4497, as amented by OM dated 53979 "Re of Adora! Desrnest Period Payrange “ilo per mene 11278 (@) Up toRs 300 255% OF ay ject to a Be Oe india of Re pe 0h tay tt pay tad maxim of Re (i) Adowe RS. 30nd RS 4% of PY. Ops Re, 100 Ui) Above Re. 400 ang ps Re 80) 143% bE pay subject 10 amb BSS ray ‘us Rey 16 and @ axiom ores a ) Above Rs, $00 20d Re, 100 pla 67 of pay Sk 0) ore Re. 90 snd Ra 127 phe 3% 6 pay ea OGRE Ba Re teins ‘ (vf) Above Rs, 1,000and Amount by which pay falls Smeal AGS ‘he Presiden tale pease 0 decide tat n arial meat of i Minteys OMe No. SOLU IL (sy ded 301.1998, the ‘samo ‘Sowunce and additonal ceame allowance payable 10

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