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Elevator Pitch:

1. Decide what is most important to pitch to the class about your 20% project
proposal. Draw from your proposal and other insights and write a 3 minute
elevator pitch.

What you must cover:

1. The name of the project

2. What you are passionate about
3. The issue it aims to address
4. The final product
5. Any challenges you may encounter
6. Pitch conclusion

2. Write your pitch

a. Transfer to note cards
b. Practice time yourself

1. In groups of 3 practice your pitch. Make sure someone is timing you
2. Group members:
a. Warm and fuzzes what do you like about the project and the pitch?
b. What do they need to refine to make their pitch better?
c. What concerns do you have about their project right now?
3. Rotate group members, allowing each person to practice 2 times at least!

On the clean whiteboard in class, please use a marker and sign up to give your pitch
for Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday. (1st period, be sure to only use half the board
so 3rd period has space!)

Tuesday- 4 spots.

Wednesday- 8 spots

Thursday-3 spots

Friday- 3 spots

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