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His Excellency Fumio Kishida,

The Foreign Minister.

The Government of Japan

13th February 2017.

His Excellency,

Rohingya people are being destroyed as a group by Myanmar

Government. Rohingyas have no rights or remedies to stop the ongoing
genocide and crimes against humanity that are happening in the status quo.
The Rohingya, stateless people in their own homeland who are not entitled
to any social or legal rights. The calculated policy of terror that the
Myanmar government has implemented in Northern Arakan since 9th
October cannot be seen as an isolated event. It must be read against the
long standing pattern of violations and abuses, systematic and systemic
discrimination, and policies of exclusion and marginalization against the
Rohingya that have been in place for decades in Northern Arakan as
described in the HCs report to the HRC(A/HRC/32/18) and new UN report
that was in 3rd February 2017.

Even before 9 October, widespread discriminatory policies and /or

practices targeting them on the basis of their ethnic and/or religious identity
had led to an acute deprivation of fundamental rights. Given the events
which have unfolded in Myanmar over the course of the last several
decades, the Rogingyas do not enjoy any legal rights under Myanmar law

Rohingya Advocacy Network in Japan

S - - 049 226
+81 (0) 80 3083 5327
and therefore do not have any redress in Myanmar if they are persecuted. In
the absence of domestic or national protection, the international community
has right for intervention over the crimes of genocide and crimes against
humanity. Yet Daw Aung San Suu Kyis NLD- led government is
shamelessly denying any violations of human rights against Rohingya. The
NLD government response to the unfolding crisis has been decidedly
hypocritical. On the one hand, it has repeatedly promised to pursue
reconciliation and address the citizenship issue. On the other, it has tried to
contain the violence by imposing ever tighter restrictions on the Rohingya.
The government is trying to portray the Rohingya problem internally as
communal strife and internationally as humanitarian crisis. In fact both
have been stage managed by the military, in connivance with the NLD
government through the policies of Rohingya persecution, exclusion and
extermination. In actual fact, it is ethnic, religious and political persecution to
rid Arakan of the Muslim population and turn it in to a Buddhist region. The
governments intention of forcibly removing or destroying the group from the
country becomes manifest.

Recently Ms, Yanghee Lee, UN Human Rights Rapporteur expressed

grave concern over the ongoing mass atrocity crimes that meets the
threshold of ethnic cleansing, crime against humanity and genocide. She
stressed that the government led investigation strongly lacks credibility and
impartiality. She has strongly recommended the formation of UN
commission of inquiry similar to those were conducted in Srilanka and North
Korea. Moreover, her views were echoed and shared by Zeid Raad Al
Hussein. UN Human Rights Commissioner and Antonio Gutters, UNSG
after the release of new UN report. The high commissioner and UN
Secretary General have stressed that they are prepared to take all the

Rohingya Advocacy Network in Japan

S - - 049 226
+81 (0) 80 3083 5327
course of action to protect the defenseless Rohingyas. Their massages give
a strong signal for the referral of Rohingya case in ICC. There are ample
evidences, videotapes, photos and satellite images of crimes against
humanity and genocide. The Human Rights Watch latest report on February
6, 2017 also detailed the accounts of raped Rohingya women and girls by
the Myanmar security forces since last October.

Furthermore, the NLD government is forcing the Rohingya people to

take National verification card (NVC) by intimidation and coercion to make
them look recent illegal immigrant from neighboring countries which is
absolutely unacceptable as Rohingya are natives of Arakan for several

The commission previously appointed by the government to

investigate allegations of human rights violation in Rakhine, which was led
by Vice President U Myint Swe (Ex- General) reported just a few weeks ago
that it had found no evidence of any wrong doing by the government forces,
while OHCHR and HRW found an overwhelming number of testimonies and
other forms of evidence. The government commission is not a credible
option to undertake the investigation which was committed by their own arm
forces. We appeal that any investigation be conducted by a truly
independent and impartial body that includes international observers. Only
the international independent commission inquiry would advance the
interests of justice and stop rampant impunity for perpetrators of genocide
and crimes against humanity.

As a result of the lack of intervention by any state party and organs

such as the United Nations Security Council, when the Rohingya are
subject to continued death, destruction, rape, torture and other inhuman

Rohingya Advocacy Network in Japan

S - - 049 226
+81 (0) 80 3083 5327
acts as a group because of silence and rampant impunity, Daw Aung San
Suu Kyi is now asking for more space and time to resolve the issue. Given
the manifest intention, such allowance is tantamount to giving time to a wild
beast to devour its hapless prey.

In light of above facts I do hereby once again appeal to the government of

Japan to urge Myanmar government to let the international independent
commission to investigate the matter seriously and impartially. I also appeal
the Japanese government to take the Rohingya issue to the United Nations
Security Council for their referral to ICC since Japan is a global and regional
leader and member of current UN Security Council.

Yours sincerely,

Zaw Min Htut.

Executive Director.

Rohingya Advocacy Network in Japan (RANJ)

Attached with,

1. Report of OHCHR mission to Bangladesh 3rd February 2017.

2. Report of HRW, Security Forces raped Rohingya women, girls 6th
February 2017.

Rohingya Advocacy Network in Japan

S - - 049 226
+81 (0) 80 3083 5327
3. Statement by Adama Dieng, United Nations Special Adviser on
Prevention of Genocide 6th February 2017.
4. End of Mission statement by Yanghee Lee, UN Special Rapporteur on
the situation of human rights in Myanmar 20th January 2017.

Rohingya Advocacy Network in Japan

S - - 049 226
+81 (0) 80 3083 5327

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