Runway Magazine Spring

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Trying on clothes with Augmented Reality!?

Psychology of Fashion 3

Fairy Edge: WWTTT Chapter 3-4 4

POKEVG with Shadow 7

Interview with Serena 10

Trying on clothes with Augmented Reality!?
By Serena

Have you ever considered the possibility of trying on clothes via AR? I sure havent until
now. At CES 2017, Intels Vice President, Sandra E. Lopez, pointed out the merging of fashion
and tech.
At CES 2017, spotlight was shone on the Zenfone AR. This is a smartphone designed
specifically for augmented reality, using Google Tango and Dreamday Technology to power the
experiences that are said to reach beyond Pokemon Go or Snapchat Filters. One experiment is
Dressing Room by GAP, an app developed by the apparel retailer along with Tango and fashion
software company Avametric, which enables users to virtually try on clothing.
I can easily imagine tags with codes you scan to try clothes or taking a picture of
something then being able to put it on. One day long in the future, I can also see being able to
actually change clothes in a similar manner. As the days continue, I look forward to how this
Keeping this short to not bore anyone, this has been Serena, reporting on fashion news.
Psychology of Fashion
By VaporeonHydroxide

It can often be quite surprising how closely fashion is linked to psychology. Various studies have
shown this link exists, however, and have demonstrated that even minor changes in what
someone's wearing can greatly affect the first impressions they make - and this runs as deep
into human psychology as to affect how likely someone is to attract a romantic and/or sexual
partner. What a specific person chooses to wear can affect his or her own self-image as well as
the impressions they give - both of which play a part in how others will treat them. Studies have
demonstrated that clothing choices can affect a wide variety of performance-based activites as
well, ranging from the outcome of sporting matches to the result of a job interview. Clothing
choice can also reflect the wealth and/or social status of the wearer. An example of this can be
seen in a 1926 study which demonstrated that women of richer countries wore shorter skirts and
dresses than their counterparts in poorer countries. Despite how uncommon the knowledge of
fashion's link to psychology is, it is a very common practice to manipulate one's first impression
by wearing specific clothing. Men tend to do this by looking more wealthy than they are, while
women who do this prefer methods based around exaggerating specific bodily features. How
attractive one looks can also be manipulated by wearing specific colours, according to other
studies; which demonstrated that colours affect men's ratings of both genders' attractiveness
and women's ratings of the attractiveness of men. No link between colours and attraction
between females has yet been demonstrated, however. These studies found that red was the
most attractive colour one could wear. Another link between clothing choices and attraction that
has been proven is that men who wear tighter-fitting clothes are generally considered more
masculine and attractive.
However, these findings are only truly relevant in Western culture and civilization, as the
different values of other culture groups might lead to a different correlation between clothing and
attraction - if any at all.
Fairy Edge: WWTTT Chapter 3-4
By Serena

Were totally lost Cody finally admitted after walking around town for the past hour.
Werent you born in this town? Mirai asked with a sigh.
....Yea the boy in all black regretfully admitted.
Whatever At least were beating people. the girl with a mask and cape said with
another sigh.
Yea, were totally awesome! Five wins so far!
Aw, thats cute. a voice commented sarcastically. As Cody and Mirai turned their heads
in surprise, they saw Shamon and Erik.
We have thirty wins so far. Shamon bragged
And it would seem like were about to get our 31st. Though being friends, lets have a
fair fight! Erik added.
Lets just get started already. Mirai commented with a bored expression. The fight
began with her charging in to strike Shamon. She failed as he disappeared.
Cool your giant tits. Shamon joked.
As a gentleman, I wont hit a lady. On the contrary, Im also known as a gamer, a mind
gamer. I have no problems with trapping you in my illusions. Erik explained.
Damn already off to a bad start. Its not even night yet, just sunset, so I cant do as
much. Cody thought to himself. He joined the battle yelling, Oh well, no fucks given!
Shamon tried to launch an arrow, but Cody managed to duck and deliver a low kick, which
knocked Shamon over.
Lucky moves, Shamon commented. He did enough backflips to get far enough from
Cody before making his next move. After putting his hood on, he turned invisible.
So hes invisible now. While the other one creates illusions Cody contemplated.
As Shamon began to fire his arrows, Cody took cover behind a tree. He noticed that his
arm was struck and pulled it out quickly. He smiled as the arrow began to levitate back in the
direction of Shamon. Shamon gazed at the arrow with a confused expression before launching
another arrow to split the one coming at him in half. After giving a satisfied expression, Shamon
was clocked in the jaw by a heavy punch, which made him visible again.
What the hell was that? Shamon yelled in curiousity.
Who knows? Hes just one of my weird friends I randomly encountered one day. Cody
replied in a chill tone. He looked over to see Erik get attacked, which set Mirai free of his
My gratitude. Mirai thanked.
No prob. Cody answered
Mirai looked at Erik with a scornful expression, which was followed by him being
All she did was look at him Shamon noticed as he got up. Mirai ran over to him.
Spark Palm! she exclaimed as her palm struck him in the chest, causing him to be
electrocuted and fall over once more.
Were done here. Mirai decided as she flipped one of her pigtails and walked away.
Cody sported a stunned expression as he couldnt remember having such a strong partner.
However, his expression changed as he saw Shamon getting ready to strike Mirai from behind.
Look out! he shouted.
Mirai turned around and shrieked as the arrow was about to hit her. Her eyes suddenly
gained a mischievous gleam, as she caught and broke the arrow with her hair.
Did that fool you for a second!? Every part of the body can be useful. She explained,
which was followed by her sticking her tongue out playfully.
Not bad, big breast. Shamon complimented with a smug look.
As Cody smiled, he looked up at the sky and continued to smile as he saw it was getting
darker, because once it was dark, he could unleash his real power. In the meantime, he let his
invisible creature fight Shamon along with Mirais electrokinesis.
In another area of Wispy Willows, the team of Ashley and Blake wandered around the
city until they ended up on a beach.
Oh! A beach! Yay! Ashley exclaimed with joy.
Yay sand in my shoes Blake cheered sarcastically.
Ashley puffed her cheeks as she pouted and kicked some sand before complaining,
Blake just gave a simple aloof and bored stare at Ashley before looking up at the sky.
The giant turned his attention to his right as he saw gas come out of nowhere.
Hey, look! he asserted to Ashley.
W-what? Ashley pondered as she stared at it.
The gas wasnt coming towards them; it headed for something under the sand. After it
penetrated the sand, two men burst out of the sand screaming as they rolled on the ground. It
was only a few moments later before they were unconscious.
That must have been Hendleys work Blake assumed.
Yeah Hendley-sensei is scary Ashley replied as she shivered.
Thats what happens when people stay in a spot for too long. We better get moving.
Blake suggested.
Aww...we just got here Ashley complained as the two left.

It was now finally dark and the moon was visible. Mirai was catching her breath from
exhaustion, which let Cody know that it was about time to wrap things up. As he closed his
eyes, Shamon looked at him with a vigilant look, knowing that he was up to something. Cody
opened his eyes that were now a shining red. The creature that had been fighting Shamon was
now visible, but was only seen shortly before Cody made it disappear.
Nocturnal Beast - Shadow Betrayal! Cody exclaimed.
Its been a good and long match but its over now. he bragged. Shamon and Mirais
shadows rose from behind them. Shamons shadow shot him in the head with its arrow and
Mirais shadow electrocuted him. The combined attack resulted in him falling to the ground.
Cody and Mirai high fived as they celebrated their victory. As they both smiled, they suddenly
fell to the ground.
Foolish A voice said.
Cody took a glimpse at the sky again to see that there was still some light left in the sky
and the moon wasnt anywhere to be seen. He looked around to see all of the arrows that were
stuck in his and Mirais body, along with all the blood around them.
Damn it was stupid to assume he was out Mirai commented under her breath.
Wait, y-you mean Cody questioned with a puzzled expression as he tried to make
sense of things.
It was your own fault for looking at the sky the whole time. You made it pretty damn
obvious. Shamon explained.
And you shouldnt have assumed I had been defeated so easily. Erik quickly added.
Wow I didnt know you were so strong. Cody commented.
Sorry to disappoint, but my strength is of quite a high rank. On the contrary, I see your
intelligence isnt From the moment Mirai was released from my illusion, you were both casted
in another. One where time moved slightly faster so that youd think you could actually win and
let your guard down.
And with that, we now have our 32nd victory. Shamon stated with a hint of joy in his
voice. He and Erik walked away to find their next opponent.
POKEVG with Shadow
By: Shadow83

Heres Shadow83, from Alola Friendly, last week Fun Format on the PGL

Let's start from the basics: Alola Friendly is a trial for the Battle Spot Singles to come, and they
must be considered as the current de facto standard for BSS.

As soon, we must notice how Garchomp is the main sweeper since Gen IV, and you can find a
Garchomp in every format of Battle Spot, in OU and Battle Royale.

Garchomp is strong, fast, counters itself, can hurt the Tapus with Poison Jab, and Koko with
Earthquake, other dragons with Dragon Claw or Outrage and gets STAB from earth moves.

You can use it with berries to overcome its weaknesses, or with Lum to spam Outrage more. Or
with sash, a set lately popularized by the italian player Pardini.

A new face in the meta is Mimikkyu, and it's easy understand why. It gets a new and cool typing,
and Disguise means a free turn to boost itself. The standard set keeps Shadow Claw, Shadow
Sneak and Play Rough, that means two STABs (one with enhanced crit rate) and a STAB
priority. Items: the Z-Crystals. Cool in the Takara-Tomy toy, useful in the meta. A niche set uses
the Normalium Z for Z-Splash, the main usage sees Ghostium and Fairum, the latter strong
against the dragons scattered in the meta, with Sword Dance or Hone Claws as more reliable
boosting moves.

Cloyster, as usual, is the late game sweeper we're used to see. It comes later in the game, uses
Shell Smash and lets Skill Link play havoc with Mimikkyu's Disguise and Garchomp's berries.

Minior, however, gets to couple Shell Smash with Shields Down to pump itself more.

Alolan Marowak enjoyed greatly its new typing, that coupled with Lighting Rod allows it to
reliably take on the Tapu (with Bonemerang for Koko and Shadow Bone for the others), and
work around items and substitutes (or Disguise).
Among the Tapu, Koko brought the needed speed, Lele stopped priority and Fini weakened
Garchomp enough to let other critters shine.

Goodra got a niche with Sludge Bomb and Assault Vest (and Sap Sipper to surprise Bulu), but I
dunno if it will rise to top10, where Alolan Ninetales, with Snow Warning and Aurora Veil to turn
the snow fox into a fearsome setter.

Toxapex will join Snorlax and Clefable as a wall, coupled with a spread able to let it resist a
couple of Earthquakes.

We got to see the UC at work. Z-Hypno Xurkitree was quite gimmicky and unreliable, better use
a Shuca Berry or an air baloon and take care beforehand of Alolan Marowak.

Nihilego was just too frail, but it's got a great future in OU as a setter alternative to Landorus and
Gliscor, and Kartana confirms itself as a fast sweeper.

Celesteela is the new Ferrothorn, requiring powerful STAB to prevent being walled.

In low ladder, while Incinerorar was quite underwhelming, Primarina and Decidueye were quite
popular. Decidueye, indeed, deserved better stats.

And now, here's my own set

Riley (Mimikyu) (F) @ Fairium Z

Ability: Disguise
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Shadow Claw
- Shadow Sneak
- Play Rough
- Swords Dance

Ringo (Garchomp) (M) @ Yache Berry

Ability: Rough Skin
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Earthquake
- Outrage
- Poison Jab
- Rock Slide

Arachnera (Araquanid) (F) @ Leftovers

Ability: Water Bubble
EVs: 132 HP / 252 Atk / 124 Def
Adamant Nature
- Liquidation
- Lunge
- Crunch
- Toxic

Tackleberry (Marowak-Alola) (M) @ Thick Club

Ability: Lightning Rod
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Will-O-Wisp
- Flare Blitz
- Shadow Bone
- Bonemerang

Magni (Goodra) (M) @ Assault Vest

Ability: Sap Sipper
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 Spe
Modest Nature
- Dragon Pulse
- Sludge Bomb
- Fire Blast
- Ice Beam

Tapu Koko @ Life Orb

Ability: Electric Surge
EVs: 160 Atk / 96 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
- Wild Charge
- Grass Knot
- Dazzling Gleam
- Brave Bird
Interview with Serena
Vaporeon: And tonight on the air we are lucky enough to be joined by the Fairy Bloom herself,

Serena. Good evening, Serena.

Serena: Ohayo-yo ^^

Vaporeon: What inspired you to create your league?

Serena: Before this I was champion of Phoenix/Leaf, which was reborn from Tempest League

after I felt the champion ended it too soon. Phoenix was great but filled with drama like most big

leagues. I was more distant back then, but still a bit too nice so I was a bit of a pushover and

made mistakes. I felt the need to be champion again and 'atone' even if someone would say it

isn't necessary. I got lucky to met you all and get this far. I actually forget about the original


Vaporeon: Ah, what would you say is your greatest difficulty in running and owning the


Serena: Recruiting. It's a game of luck really.

Vaporeon: Have any members ever been...difficult, in some way?

Serena: I think it's only natural to come across at least one that's difficult in a league, similar to

how you'll always have that one bothersome family member.

Vaporeon: Your league has a unique distinction in that it has strong connections to fashion as

well as Pokmon, would you mind sharing why that is?

Serena: Honestly, I thought about making a tea room before another league too. I wanted it to

be something fun and that I was interested in. So I went with fashion. I'm actually surprised it

didn't end up full of girls though. You never know what direction the winds of fate will blow.

Vaporeon: Indeed we don't, and that's all the time we have for today. Thank you for your time

and your answers, Serena.

Serena: It was an honor, thank you. ^^

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