Hindi Work Satirical Conversation

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Hindi work

Satirical conversation

Reporter : Sir, Thanx for ur time for the interview. Are u a

reserved type..?

AAS : No I do not believe in reservations. Even when I

travel, i do not reserve tickets.

Reporter : Sir not that type of reservations..

AAS : Reservations of any type I mean.. I dont have

Reserve even in my fuel tank..

R : Sir, I meant the personal nature..

AAS : I do not accept reservations even in personal

nature. I dont reserve my hand for writing/eating and legs
for walking. I use everything for everything.

R : That's fine.. What about quota's..?

AAS : Quota is a bad word. I dont support quota's even in

my hard-disk. I allow 100% usage for everything. I dont
restrict anything.

R : No sir.. The OBC reservations 27.5%..That thing..

AAS: No No No.. I cant accept reservations for any

ABCD.. Then what is this OBC..?

R : They are meant to uplift the backward people by

reserving some seats for them in educational institutions..

AAS: I am against reserving seats in trains to handi-

capped people, old or women. I think every person is
equal and cannot be discriminated. Will u reserve seats in
cricket team or parliament for people above 60..? Then
why are we reserving seats for people above 60 in trains
and buses..That is injustice to young..

R : Sir, but will u not water the plant more that is weak.. Or
look after ur sick child more than a strong child..

AAS : No Not at all..How can I reserve my attention to sick

and weak.. It is unfair to others..

R : But will the sick and weak not suffer..?

AAS : let them suffer.. Can u reserve in ur hockey team

27.5% for the sick and weak.. Why are u doing it in
education, if u cannot do that in a sport..?

R : So u dont believe in reservations helping backward


AAS : Who asked them to remain backward.. They should

become forward..

R : Some people say they have been remaining backward

for want of education and they are being denied higher
education as their level of education is not as good as
compared to Forward castes people, because they do not
have access to quality education environment..

AAS : They are not studying properly.. If they can learn

only that much, why are they aspiring to do higher
education.. They should do jobs that fit their brains..

R : Are some backwards castes not at a disadvantageous

position, because of their caste ?

AAS : No.. Where is caste..? None of our film stars,

politicians, famous celebrities have any caste.. Do u know
the caste of Amitab Bacchan..?

R : Apart from metros, in urban and rural areas there is a

lot of caste distinction..

AAS: Which urban and rural area u r talking about..? In

which film they showed them..?

R : Not in film.. In reality they exist know sir..

AAS : It is the ploy of the politicians. There is no such

place that exist in India.. I have not seen it in films, in DD
or in any channels.. Even I have seen Australia,
Newzealand, finland and fiji in TV channels and cinema. I
have not seen anything u r talking about.. If it exists, I
would have seen it in some TV serials..

R: Sir, people who visited these places say there are

places of caste based distinction in India..

AAS: Will the distinction go off by reserving education

seats for them..? Caste is being used to divide people..
that's all..

R : With more education, will they not reach higher levels

of society..?

AAS: So u want to make all Forward castes backward and

backward castes forward.. If somebody is forward,
somebody has to be backward.. How can all five fingers
be same..?

R: So u dont want reservation for anything..?

AAS : I dont want reservation at all.. I have deleted it from

my dictionary. I am writing to Oxford to remove that word
from English itself..
Here after it should be only deserve not reserve..

R : Sir, What about the case.. The judgement has been


AAS : No i do not want jugement to be reserved. It is

unfair. How much % has been reserved..?
It should have been deserved...

R: Sir, it is not that reserved, it is as if in reservoir.. That

produces electricity..

AAS : What electricity is produced by reservoir..? No I will

not use it.. How can electricity be produced from reserv..?
No No No.. It is politicians scandal.. It should be

R : Sir What is ur message on reservation..?

AAS : Reservation is bad. Even if it is in cinema tickets.

R: thanx for reserving time for our interview..

AAS : It is atrocious.. How can I reserve time for you.. It is

too much.. U should not have accepted it.. Give it back..

The reporter faints..

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