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Description of Lesson Plan Benchmark

Lesson planning is a critical thinking process, not merely the filling in of a lesson plan template.
The well-constructed lesson plan functions like an instructional blue print that sequentially
guides teaching-learning activities to meet the interests and needs of students.
Ability to plan effective lessons is a complex skill that is progressively developed and formally
assessed by means of the Annsley Frazier Thornton School of Education (AFTSE) Lesson Plan
Benchmark. The purpose of this benchmark is to monitor and insure each candidates continuous
progress in developing knowledge of pedagogy that results in creation of engaging, standards-
based lessons to improve student achievement. Alignment to Danielson framework is denoted
parenthetically in the template below (e.g. 1A).

Therefore, all initial certification candidates are required to submit three formal lesson plans
composed in the Lesson Plan Benchmark Template to LiveText. In addition to the Lesson Plan
Template itself, candidates are also expected to submit to LiveText as supporting evidence any
instructional materials created for use in the lesson (PowerPoint, graphic organizers,
assessments, etc.), analysis of student work, and reflection upon student work as well as the
candidates teaching performance.

Successful completion of required lesson plan benchmark: To earn a proficient score, candidates
must score at least 76 points; to earn a developing score, candidates must score at least 57 points;
to earn an emerging score, candidates must score at least 38 points; and to earn a beginning
score, candidates must score at least 19 points.

The first Lesson Plan Benchmark is submitted at the beginning of education course work
(before admittance to the school of education) and represents a lesson taught to peers in
the School of Education. A candidate is required to perform at the Emerging Level.

Revised May 2016

The second Lesson Plan Benchmark is submitted at the mid-point of education course
work (for admittance to the professional semester) and represents a lesson taught to
students in a field classroom. A candidate is required to perform at the Developing Level.

The third Lesson Plan Benchmark is submitted at the conclusion of a content area
methods class before advancing to the professional semester (student teaching). A
candidate is required to perform at the Proficient Level. This lesson plan must not only
be taught in a field classroom and videotaped for the candidates self-assessment but the
lesson is also observed by a Bellarmine instructor who evaluates the candidates teaching
performance using the Bellarmine Pre-Professional Semester Observation Form.

Lesson Planning and Preparation

Name: Amber and Cleo _____________________ Date of Observation :_____________

Ages/Grades Number of Number of Number of Number of English
of Students in Students Gifted Language Learners
Students 2nd___ Class ______ with an IEP ____ Students ______

Lesson Title:______________________________________________________________

1. Content Knowledge (1A)

Identify the enduring skills, concepts, and processes that your students should master by the end of the class/lesson.
By the end of this lesson students will be able to differentiate between fact and opinion. Students will use this knowledge to write
an opinion piece in the form of a product review. This review will be placed on a padlet. Then, students will apply this
knowledge by using reviews posted by their peers on the padlet to decide what products they would purchase if they were given
X amount of money.
Standards addressed:
1. ISTES 1.C. use technology to seek feedback that informs and improves their practice and to
demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways.

2. ISTES 3.B. evaluate the accuracy, perspective, credibility and relevance of information,
media, data or other resources.

3. ISTES 7.B. use collaborative technologies to work with others, including peers, experts or
community members, to examine issues and problems from multiple viewpoints.



Revised May 2016

Write opinion pieces in which they introduce the topic they are writing about, state an opinion,
supply reasons that support the opinion, use linking words (e.g., because, and, also) to connect
opinion and reasons, and provide a concluding statement or section.

Digital literacy addressed:

Digital commerce- The electronic selling and buying of goods.

2. Student Characteristics (1B)

a. Identify your students abilities regarding the identified enduring skills, concepts, and processes for your class.

b. Identify your students backgrounds, special needs, cultural differences, interests, and language proficiency.

3. Learning Environment (2A-2E)

a. Provide a rationale for learning theory or brain research applied in this lesson to meet students needs. (2B)

b. Describe strategies to support collaborative and individual learning. (2A)

c. Describe strategies to foster an understanding and respect for diversity. (2A)

d. Identify research-based classroom management strategies used in this lesson to support a positive learning environment (i.e.
classroom procedures (2C), managing student behavior (2D), and organizing physical space (2E).

4. Learning Target(s)/Objectives (1E)

a) The lessons learning targets/objectives should be observable and measureable. The connections to the state curriculum/content area
standards should be focused on the knowledge, skills, and/or processes identified in the learning targets/objectives.
Learning Formative Cognitive Level National and/or Adaptations and/or
Target(s)/ assessment Item(s) Level of cognitive Kentucky Accommodations
Objective(s) List item type(s) demand using Curricular For example, differentiated
(1C) below and attach the Blooms Taxonomy Standards (1F) readability, guided notes,
actual item(s) (1956; 2001) for assistive technology,
and/or scoring each assessment students with IEP's,
rubric to lesson item. (3D) students with 504 Plans

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plan. (1B)
Objective #1 -Written opinion This objective CCSS.ELA- The groups were
Create an opinion piece draft on falls in the LITERACY.W.2. differentiated by
piece about a given loose leaf synthesis level of 1 interest. Each group
product. paper. cognitive demand Write opinion was given a project to
-Opinion/review using Blooms review that they
pieces in
posted on Taxonomy. would be most
padlet under which they interested in.
the pairs given introduce the
product. topic they are
writing about,
state an
reasons that
support the
opinion, use
linking words
(e.g., because,
and, also) to
opinion and
reasons, and
provide a
statement or

Objective #2 -Notes posted This objective -ISTES 1.C. use

Read the other on padlet. falls in the technology to
reviews of your comprehension
peers on padlet level of seek feedback
and add your cognitive that informs
own short demand using and improves
reviews to other Blooms their practice
products. Taxonomy.
and to
their learning
in a variety of

evaluate the
credibility and
relevance of
media, data or

Revised May 2016


to work with
peers, experts
or community
members, to
issues and
problems from

Objective #3 -On padlet, This objective -ISTES 3.B. If we knew students

Compare the students will falls in the evaluate the and their specific
different add a note evaluation level needs, we may have
reviews and saying of cognitive given certain students
decide what Purchased, demand suing perspective, smaller amounts of
product(s) you along with their Blooms credibility and money.
would buy if initials and a Taxonomy. relevance of
you had $30.00. rationale
explaining why
they chose this media, data or
product, under other
the products resources.
they choose to
literacy- digital

5. Resources (1D)
Identify the resources including appropriate technology to support your instruction. Explain how the selected resources and
technology contribute to student learning. Cite sources when applicable.

a. Resources:
The first resource that will be used during this lesson is the weebly we created. This website was used to display resources to
students (Such as a video rereading a book we read together). This website was also used to display directions to students,
which could all be accessed in one place.

We used the book Alexander Who Used To Be Rich Last Sunday. By, Judith Viorst. This is a book we would have read
earlier in the week (maybe even earlier in the month) and we would refer students to before this lesson to refresh their memory
on money and spending money. We supplied a link to a YouTube video where the book is read on our weebly site.

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We also used the website padlet. The major reason we chose to use this website was for student collaboration. This website
enabled us to have the products and prices already set up, then it allowed students to directly type their reviews under these
products. Lastly, it allowed students to communicate with one another, add to their peers reviews, and leave comments. This
website is nice because, as long as they have internet access, students can take part in this no matter where they are.

b. Technology:
The first piece of technology that will be used during this lesson is the weebly we created. This website was used to display
resources to students (Such as a video rereading a book we read together). This website was also used to display directions to
students, which could all be accessed in one place.

We used a YouTube recording of the book Alexander Who Used To Be Rich Last Sunday. By, Judith Viorst. This is a book
we would have read earlier in the week (maybe even earlier in the month) and we would refer students to before this lesson to
refresh their memory on money and spending money. We supplied a link to a YouTube video where the book is read on our
weebly site.

We also used the website padlet. The major reason we chose to use this website was for student collaboration. This website
enabled us to have the products and prices already set up, then it allowed students to directly type their reviews under these
products. Lastly, it allowed students to communicate with one another, add to their peers reviews, and leave comments. This
website is nice because, as long as they have internet access, students can take part in this no matter where they are. This
specifically integrates student use of technology to enhance learning outcomes.

Scope and Sequence

6. Lesson Procedures (1E)
In the table below, describe procedures in chronological order. Add rows as needed. Ensure content-specific strategies showcase
your pedagogical content knowledge. Include a detailed description of the following in your procedures:
Expectations for Learning (3A)
Differentiated Activities (3C)
Formative Assessments (3D)
Class Discussion Questions (3B)
o Record specific questions/prompts of varied cognitive levels within the procedures section.
Pedagogical Content Knowledge (1A)
Developmentally Appropriate Strategies (3C)

Time Description
11:55-12:00 Students will be shown the learning objectives and chorally read them aloud.
Create an opinion piece about a given product.
Read the reviews of your peers on padlet and add your own short reviews to
other products.
Compare the different reviews and decide what product(s) you would buy if
you had $30.00.
Then, we would review our technology expectations.
1. Only visit appropriate websites for research.
2. Do not go to any other website than the one you are supposed to be on.
3. Share the IPad with your friends.
4. Think hard before you post.

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12:00-12:10 Each pair of students will be assigned a product. These products have been
chosen and differentiated based on student interests. One each pair has
been assigned their products they will be given the directive to Begin
brainstorming what you know about this product with your partner. If you
would like, you can look up some specific information about it on the iPad
later, for now brainstorm and record what the 2 of you know, like, and
dislike about it.
12:10-12:25 Students will begin drafting their opinion piece/product review on loose leaf
paper. They will also be given the option of using the IPad to look up any
extra information about their product. We will ask students What kind of
websites can you go to, in order to find this information? When multiple
students have their hands raised we will say share this with your
partner. This way everyone in the class feels like their idea is heard and
they are all able to share without taking up too much time. Then, we will
put a few websites we recommend on the board, and send students off to
work in their pairs.
12:25-12:35 Then, students will post their review to the padlet, underneath their given
product. Once multiple students have posted, they will be prompted to
comment and add to their peers posts. We will say You can ask your
peers questions, you can add something they may not have thought of,
and you can add your own opinion of the product. Not only does this
encourage collaboration amongst peers but it also ensures that a lot of
information is given about each product in the classroom store.
12:35-12:55 The rest of the time will be spent with students making decisions on how
they will spend their 30 dollars without going over. We will say Now, we
are going to be just like Alexander from the book we read, remember there
is a link to have the book read to you again on the classroom website if
that is helpful for you. Alexander had 1 dollar, you have 30. We want you
to think hard about what we have talked about the past few weeks as you
shop. Think about the facts and opinions given for each product, the
number of viewpoints given, and the price when you are making your
decisions. If you have may questions you can ask a buddy or one of us.
Then, students will add a note saying Purchased by ____ and their name,
12:55-1:00 Lastly, we will spend 5 minutes together on the carpet reflecting on the
experience they just had, the choices they made, and what they learned
from doing this project.
Reflection on Teaching and Learning
7. Analysis of Evidence of Student Learning (4A)
Reflect on the items below for each lesson you taught. On the following table, use student data to determine the success of the lesson(s)
you taught and to guide plans for future teaching.

Formative Assessment Item Student Group Correctives and Enrichments

List item type(s) below and attach Sort each student into groups based on Explain how correctives and enrichments
the actual item(s) and/or scoring Not Met Criteria & Met Criteria. will address diverse student needs in the
rubric to lesson plan. next lesson

Met Criteria Enrichments

Met Criteria Correctives

Not Met Criteria Enrichments

Not Met Criteria Correctives

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8. Flexibility & Responsiveness (3E)
Using specific examples, describe how you demonstrated flexibility and responsiveness during instruction to meet student needs.

9. Reflective Practices (4A)

Using specific examples, describe strengths, areas of weakness, and possible revisions if you taught this lesson again.

10. Evaluation of Instruction for Professional Growth (4E)

What do you see as the next step(s) in your professional growth for addressing the needs you have identified through personal


11. Collaboration (4D)

Reflect on the ways in which you collaborated with mentor teachers, colleagues, other school partners, and/or your professional
community in the design/implementation of this lesson. Include areas of possible collaboration with caregiver(s).

Revised May 2016

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