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Test 1A Level 1 2 3 Points Points


I Read the text and answer the following questions.
I Match the picture to the correct greeting / farewell. 1 each
First time at school
1 2 3 4 Secretary: Good morning. Are you the new girl
in class 5 B? Whats your name?
Claire: Good morning. Yes, I am the new girl.
My name is Claire.
Secretary: I must fill in your student card.
7:15 a.m. 8:00 p.m. 11:45 p.m. 4:00 p.m.
Whats your surname?
a) Good afternoon! b) Good morning! c) Good evening! d) Good night! Claire: My surnames Bennett.
Secretary: Whats your address?
II Fill in the blanks by either writing the telephone number or the words. 2 each Claire: Its 10 Tottenham Road, London, WH2 4ZX.
Follow the model. [212 443 6701 two, one, two; double four, three; six, seven, oh, one]
Secretary: And your phone number?
1. 258 9734 422 Claire: Its oh-one-eight-nine-double four-three-two-one-nine-seven.
2. oh, eight, double six; oh, nine, three; double two, double oh. Secretary: Thank you, Claire.
Claire: Goodbye.

CHECK YOUR GRAMMAR 7 each II Match the questions to the answers.

I Fill in the blanks with the correct personal pronoun or possessive determiner. 3 each gap 1. Who is Claire? a) Its Bennett.
Choose the correct answer. 2. What is her surname? b) Its 0189 4432 197.

1. Seths car is so beautiful! (He / It) is a Lamborghini and (his / its) colour is 3. Is Claires address 20 Tottenham Road, London, WH2 4ZX? c) Claire is a new girl in school.
yellow. 4. Whats her telephone number? d) No, it isnt.
2. This is me in this photo. (I / You) was three years old. Look at (my / your) rosy
3. Sally isnt English. (He / She) is from Luxembourg, but (her / his) parents are CHECK YOUR WRITING
from Belgium.
2 each gap I Imagine you are talking to Jeff Collins. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.
3 each gap Then number the sentences in the correct order. Follow the example.
II Choose the correct form of the verb in brackets and complete the sentences.
Follow the example. [You are (are / am) my pupil and Im (m /re) the teacher] You: Whats her ?
1. I (are / am) a twelve-year-old girl. I (arent /m not) an 10 correct Jeff: Right! Im in a hurry and I must go now.
only child. You: Wait, Jeff! Whats your ? phone number
(each line)
2. The pencils (am / are) in the box. They (are / am) Jeff: Its 12 Castle St, Dover. Why? to meet
coloured pencils. teacher
1 You: ! How are you? Are you our new classmate? Hi
3. (Are / Is) this game difficult to play? No, it (isnt / arent).
Jeff: Oh, I know her! Shes my neighbour.
III Match the questions to the answers. 2 each You: Ok! Ill phone you later. Goodbye.
Jeff: It is 0199 5422 031.
1. Whats Vanessas address? a) George Clooney.
You: Nice you. Look, thats our , Mrs Murray.
2. Is Vanessas surname Khan? b) Its 8 Stoke Valley Sq, Manchester.
Jeff: Im , thanks. Yes, Im in your class.
3. Whos Vanessas favourite actor? c) No, it isnt. Its Smith.
You: Oh just curious!
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