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32 Accidente Accidents UNIT

n acest capitol
s anunai un accident;
S descriei un accident.


Dialogue 1 Winston (W), a man (M), a woman (Wo)

W: Sntei acestei maini, W: Are you the driver of this car, sir?
Da. Yes.
W: Sntei oferul acestei maini, W: Are you the driver of this car,
doamn? madam?
Wo: Da. Wo: Yes, I am.
W: mi putei spune ce s-a W: Can you tell me what happened?

Wo: Conduceam de-a lungul Wo: I was driving along the Strand and
Strand"-ului l am vzut un I saw a boy on the zebra crossing.
biat care traversa pe zebr.
W: Ce fcea el? W: What was he doing?
Wo: El traversa drumul. Am frnat. Wo: He was crossing the road. I
W: Asta tot, doamn? W: Is that all, madam?
Wo: Ei bine, acest om conducea n Wo: Well, this man was behind
urma mea i Mergea me, and hit me. He was travelling
prea repede. too fast.
(indignat) Nu e adevrat. Mer- M: (indignantly) That's not true. I was
geam destul de ncet. going quite slowly.
Dialogue 2 Winston (W), a man (M), a woman (Wo)

W: mi putei spL ne ce s-a ntmplat, W: Can you tell me what happened, sir?
M: Da. Mergeam de-a lungul M: Yes. I was driving along the Strand.

W: Ct de repede mergeai? W: How fast were you going, sir?

M: Rulam destul de ncet. M: I was quite slowly. About 25
25 mile pe or. miles an hour.
W: Erai n urma mainii acestei Were you following this lady's car?
M: Da. Ea era n fa, n stnga mea. Yes. She was in front of me, on my
CAP. 32 Accidents UNIT 32

W: Conduceai aproape de ea? W: Were you driving near her?

Nu, ea era destul de departe M: No, she was quite far away from
de mine. me.
W: Ct de departe? W: How far?
Aproximativ 30 pn la 40 M: About 30 to 40 feet.
picioare (1 foot 30
Nu este adevrat, domnule Wo: That's not true, officer. He was
El conducea foarte driving near me.
aproape de mine.
W: W: Excuse me, madam. I'm speaking
Scuzai-m, doamn. Vorbesc
cu domnul acesta. to this gentleman.
Wo; Da, desigur. Wo: Yes, of course.
w: Ce s-a atunci, dom W: What happened then, sir?
M: This lady swerved to the right
Aceast doamn a virat brusc
suddenly. I breaked as quickly as
la dreapta. Am frnat ct am
possible, but I hit her.
putut de repede, dar am izbit-o.


anunai un accident s relatai ce s-a ntmplat. Mi
relatai ce fcut sau cealalt pn la un anumit
j punct. La timpul prezent vei folosi prezentul progresiv, o
Progressive): I WAS THE STRAND
i n cazul cnd relatai c ceva s-a ntmplat n timp ce dvs. svreai
o aciune, trecutul
Conduceam lungul I was driving
i am fost and I was hit.
I lovit.
I El traversa strada i am He was crossing the road and
CAP. 32 Accidente Accidents UNIT 32

Cum unde erai i ce cnd s-a accidentul.

How to say you were and what you were doing when the accident
Eu eram pe zebr I at/on the zebra crossing
El era pe trotuar He was on the pavement
Ea mergeam de-a lungul She going along...
conduceam la colul driving round the corner of

Noi ntorceam acest autobuz

traversam acestui main
Ei ajungeam acestei bicilet
conduceam n

We turning into... car.

were that bus.
They overtaking bicycle.
driving behind

2. Cum se relateaz ce s-a ntmplat (brusc).

How to say what (suddenly) happened.

Un/o main a traversat strada

Acest om a oprit (brusc)
Aceast autobuz a venit de dup col
biat a virat la dreapta

A car crossed the street

That man (suddenly) stopped
bus came round the corner
boy turned right

CAP. 32 Accidente Accidents UNIT 32


Exercise 1
c trebuie s Imagine that you have to answer a
rspundei ntrebrilor unui policeman's questions about where
privind locul unde fost cnd a you were when an accident happened.
avut loc accidentul. Folosii Use the following informations.
Exemple: Clifton Road pavement
Clifton Road trotuar I was on the pavement in Clifton
Eram pe trotuar pe Road Road.
Eram la colul dintre Clifton Road I was at the comer of Clifton Road
i New Street and New Street.
a) Ealing Road
b) Broad Street pavement
c) High Street/Graven Gardens
d)Wagon Road pavement
e) Old Church Road/Wellington Avenue
f) Victoria Road
Exercise 2
Acum dvs. cltorii cu maina. Now you were travelling in a car.
Exemple: Newton Road Examples: Newton Road
Conduceam de-a lungul strzii New I was driving along Newton Road
I was turning from High Street into
Viram din High Street n Craven
Craven Gardens.
a) Albion Street.
b) Ballards Lane/Nether Street
c) Hamspark Road
d) Avenue
e) Common Hall Lane/New Road
f) Goldhawk
Exercise 3 Road/King Street

Pe caset este imprimat rolul poliis On the cassette you will hear the
tului n conversaie. Studiai cu policeman's part of the conversation.
atenie ntrebrile lui pentru a putea Study his questions carefully in order
formula rspunsurile apoi com to work out what you wish to say. Then
spaiile goale de pe caset. speak your part in the gaps on the
CAP. 32 Accidents UNIT 32

Policeman Dvs. you

Ce se ntmpl aici? going on Erai pe trotuar
mi putei spune unde Can you tell me
erai cnd s-a produs where you were
accidentul? when the acci
dent happened?
Unde mergeai? Where were you Mergeai la gar
Ce s-a ntmplat? What happened? Un biciclist a venit de
dup col
Ce s-a ntmplat apoi? What happened Maina rsturnat pe
then? biciclist
Ce fel de main era? What sort of car Un Porsche rou
was it?
l-ai vzut numrul? Did you see the Din pcate nu

Ascultai cu atenie to this

Ascultai acest reportaj de attea ori pn cnd vei putea rspunde la
urmtoarele ntrebri.
Cine au fost primii locuitori ai insulei Tristan da Cunha?
Ce are Maria mpotriva traiului n Anglia?
Cum este clima n insulele Tristan da Cunha?
CAP. 33 Vacane UNIT 33

n acest capitol s relatai despre cum ai petrecut concediul:


Dialogue 1 Mrs Gammon (WG), Eleanor (E)

WG: Eleanor, draga mea. Ai avut un Eleanor, my dear. Did you have a
concediu plcut? nice holiday?
E: Nu prea bun. E: Not very good.
WG: Vai, drag.
E: Vremea a fost ngrozitoare. E: The weather was awful!
WG: mi pare ru. I'm sorry.
E: Camera de la a fost teribil E: The hotel room was terribly noisy.
de zgomotoas.
WG: Vai, ce pcat! WG:Oh, that is a pity.
E: Am avut o camer dubl, nu E: And I had a double room, not a
una cu un pat. single room.
WG: Vai, vai. dear.
E: i preul a fost ntr-adevr prea E: And the price was really too high.
WG: Vai, vai! WG:Dear, oh dear.
E: i a fost ceva i cu liftul. i E: And there was something wrong
scrile erau prea abrupte. with the lift. And the stairs were
so steep.
WG: Oh, mi pare ru. E: Oh, I'm sorry.
E: i ceilali oaspei nu au fost And the other guests weren't very
prea friendly.
WG: Vai drag, ce pcat. Acum bea WG: Oh, dear. That is a pity. Now have
o ceac cu cafea i te vei simi a nice cup of coffee and then
mai bine. you'll feel better.
E: Mulumesc. E: Thank you.

Dialogue 2 Winston Felicity (F)

W: Ai avut un concediu frumos, W: Did you have a good holiday,

Felicity? Felicity?
F: Da, a fost splendid. F: Yes, it was great.
W: Hotelul a fost bun? W: Was that hotel good?
F: Da, am avut o camer superb, F: Yes, we had a super room with a
cu balcon. balcony.
W: Ai avut o privelite frumoas? W: Was there a good view?
F: Da, am avut vedere la mare. F: Yes, we had a view of the sea.

CAP. 33 Vacane Holidays UNIT 33

W: Feljcjty, minunat. i de W: Felicity, you look wonderful! And

bronzat. A fost vreme bun? so Was the weather good?
F: Mulumesc. Am avut o vreme F: Thank you. We very good
foarte bun. weather.
W: Soarele a fost foarte fierbinte?
F: Was the sun very hot?
F: Da, a fost. La amiaz era prea Yes, it was. At midday, it was
cald. sometimes too hot.
W: Dar mncarea? F: What about the food?
F: Mncarea a fost excelent. i The food was excellent and very
foarte ieftin. cheap.


1. Cum se relateaz despre concediul de anul trecut.
How to tell about last year's holiday.
a. Cum se spune unde ai fost. a. How to say where you went.

n Alps.
Eu pe coast I to the coast.
am fost n zona lacurilor went Lake District.
Noi n We to Italy.
n Frana France.

b. Cum descriei locul unde ai fost b. How to describe your accomodation.

Eu un (frumos) (nice) hotel.
am stat la o pensiune stayed bed & breakfast place.
Noi un camping We a campsite.
pe cont propriu (self catering apartment.)

Eu semi pensiune half board

am avut pensiune had full board
Noi o privelite frumoas We a nice view
un a
CAP. 33 Vacane Holidays UNIT

c. Cum vremea c. How to describe the weather.

Eu soare sunshine
am avut averse niciodat never had showers
Noi n-am avut ploaie abia We hardly ever rain
vnt uneori sometimes wind
furtun adesea often Storm
zpad snow

d. Cum se spun toate mpreun d. How to sum it up.

foarte ieftin() food very cheap

Hotelul a fost cam scump() hotel rather
Camera excelent() The room was excellent
Vremea (destul) de bun() weather (fairly) good
ru (rea) bad
ngrozitor(oare) awful


Exercise 1
Imaginai-v c ai fost n
Imagine you went to the following
urmtoarele ri. countries.
Example: Italy
Am fost n Italia. I went to Italy.
a. Italy Italia
b. Greece Grecia
c. Spain Spania
d. Wales ara Galilor
e. France Frana
f. Denmark Danemarca
g. The Pyrenees munii Pirinei
h. Yougoslavia Jugoslavia

CAP. 33 Vacane Holidays UNIT 33

Exercise 2
i vremea? A fost neschimbat. And the weather? It didn't change at
Example: A fost furtun n fiecare zi.
We had storm every day.
a) Zilnic soare.
b) Zilnic a plouat.
c) Zilnic a btut vntul.
d) Zilnic a fost cea.
e) Zilnic a nins.

Exercise 3
Ascultai pe caset conversaia n Listen to the gapped conversation on
care lipsesc ntrebrile puse de the cassette. Can you ask Winston's
Winston. Le putei formula? questions?
Winston:Ai avut un concediu Winston: Did you have a good holiday
plcut Felicity? Felicity?
Felicity: Da, a fost grozav. Felicity: Yes, was great.

Felicity: Da, am avut o camer Felicity: Yes, we had a super room

grozav cu balcon. with a balcony.

Felicity: Da am avut vedere la Felicity: Yes, we had a view of the sea.

Felicity: Mulumesc, am avut o Felicity: Thank you, we had a very
vreme foarte bun. good weather.

Felicity: Mncarea a fost excelent Felicity: The food was excellent and
i foarte ieftin. very cheap.

Exercise 4
Vei auzi pe caset ntrebri On the cassette you will hear some
privind ultima vacan de var. questions about your last summer
Presupunei c sntei una din per holiday. Assume that you are the
soanele de mai jos i rspundei la people indicated below, and give the
ntrebri. answers to the questions which they
would give.
1. Unde ai fost anul trecut n con Where did you go on holiday Jast
cediu? year?
2. Unde ai stat? (locuit) 2. Where did you stay?
CAP. 33 Vacane Holidays 33

3. Cum a fost vremea? 3. What was the weather like?

4. Cum a fost mncarea? 4. What was the food like?

a) Mr Wilson Italia camping cald excelent.

b) Mrs Shaw Scoia hotel averse destul de bine.
c) Mr and Mrs Sanderson Grecia pe cont propriu apartament
soare ieftin
d) Mrs Best Suedia Camping ploaie scump
CAP. 3 4 Micul dejun UNIT 34

in acest capitol
s cunoatei unele ale micului dejun englezesc;
s alctuii un mic dejun i s unde snt alimentele.


Peter (P), Rosemary (R)

P: Ai pus ceainicul la nclzit? P: Have you put the kettle on?

Da, desigur. Apa aproape fierbe. R: Yes, of course, the water's nearly
Vrei cafea sau ceai? team boiling. Would you like coffe or tea?
c nu prea este cafea. There isn't much coffee left, I'm
P: Nu-i nimic. Oricum prefer ceaiul. P: Never mind. prefer tea, anyway.
R: i nici buci de zahr nu mai And there aren't many sugar lumps
snt. left either.
P: Atunci l voi bea numai cu lapte. P: I'll just take it with milk, then. I'd like
Mi-ar plcea un veritabil mic a real breakfast.
R: i asta vei cpta. Dac R: That's just what you'll get. If you
pregteti pinea prjit eu voi prepare the toast, I'll do the bacon
face costia cu crnail. felii and sausages. How many slices
doreti? would you like?
P: Dou, te rog. i doi P: Two, please. And two sausages.
nu pare s fie nici marmelad. Ai there doesn't seem to be much
ceva gem? left of the marmelade. Have you got
any jam?
R: Da, poftim.
R: Oh, yes. Here you are.
P: Dac nu te superi, mi dai laptele, P; Would you mind passing the milk,
te rog? please dear?
R: Nu prea mai este n sticla asta. R: There isn't much left in this bottle.
Voi deschide alta. I'll open another.
P: Nu te deranja, fac eu. P: Don't bother, I'll do it myself.

mic se compune
i eventual un fiert,
de sau tile
fructe fr^jM
ces cu cafea
CAP. 34 Micul Breakfast UNIT 34


Exercise 1

Ascultai de pe caset i spaiile goale cu

many, a lot of.

Nu mai este ceai. 1. There isn't ... tea left.

2. ap este n ceainic? 2. How ... water is in the kettle?
3. Nu, dar nu conteaz. Not ... but never mind.
4. crnai ai cumprat? How ... sausages have you bought?
5. Nu, numai ase. Not ... only six.
6. Nu e lume pe strad, dar cineva There aren't ... people in the street,
ne-a furat laptele. but someone must have stollen our
7. Crte sticle cu lapte ai comandat? 7.
How ... bottles of milk did you order?
Am comandat cinci sticle
I ordered five bottles because there
nu mai am lapte deloc,
isn't ... milk left.
8. Asta va costa bani.
8. That'll cost ... money.

Exercise 2
Unde este... indicnd poziia. Where indicating position.
P: Unde este laptele? gsesc. P: Where's the sugar? I can't find it.
R: Este n dulap, pe raftul de sus. R: It's in the cupboard, on the top
Repetai rspunsul, v rog. Repeat the answer, please.
Acum dai dvs. instruciuni, folosind Now you give the instructions, using
soluiile date. Verificai rspunsurile the clues. Check your answers with the
cu caseta. cassette.
Unde este marmelada? Where is the marmelade?
Soluia: dulap, raft mijloc. Clues:cupboard, middle shelf
2. Unde snt cuitele? 2. Where are the knives?
Soluia: sertar dreapta, dulap. Clues: right-hand drawer, cupboard.
3. Ai lingurie de ceai? 3. Have you got any teaspoons?
Soluia: da, cuite. Clues: yes, next to knives.
4. Unde ii farfuriile? 4. Where do you keep the plates?

CAP. 34 Micul dejun Breakfast UNIT 34

dulap, raftul din fund, Clues: cupborad, bottom shelf food

mixer. processor.
5. Mai snt plicuri de ceai? 5. Are there any more tea-bags?
Soluia: colul din stnga sus, Clues: top left-hand corner, cup
dulap. board.
6. Unde ii cetile i farfurioarele? 6. Where do you keep the cups and
the saucers?
Soluia: dulap, raft n fund.
Clues: cupboard, bottom shelf.
Acum gndii-v la propria dvs.
Now think of your own kitchen. The
buctrie. Rspunsurile de pe
answers on the tape are only ex
band snt numai exemple.
7, Unde snt furculiele?
7. Where are the forks?
8. A mai rmas brnz?
8. Is there any cheese left?
9. mi poi spune unde ai pus
9. Can you tell me where you've put
the milk?
Unde este tigaia?
Where is the frying-pan?
CAP. 35 interviu pentru obinerea UNIT 35
unei Job interview

Dialogue Alan (A), Personnel Manager (PM)

Bun PM Good morning, Mr ehm...

A: A: Richards.
PM: Da, Richards. V rog, luai Yes, Mr Richards, please have a
loc. DIe Richards, am cererea seat. Mr Richards, I've got your
dvs. n fa, a dori s ntreb application form here in front of
chestiuni generale mai me and I'd like to ask you a few
dac nu v suprai. general questions, first if you don't
A: n regul. A: That's all right.
PM: Am numai iniialele dvs. aici, mi PM: I've only got your initials here,
putei spune numele complet? could you tell me your full name?
A: Richards. A: Alan Richards.
PM: Din cerere vd c locuii n PM; I can see from your application
Cheltenham, Richards. form, Mr Richards, that you live in
A: Da, ne-am mutat acolo de 3 A: Yes, we moved there three years
ani. ago.
PM: i sntei cstorit? PM: And you're married?
A: Da, snt cstorit de 10 ani i A: Yes, I've been married for ten
avem doi copii. years now, and we have two
PM: i acum a dori s v ntreb PM: And now I'd like to ask you a bit
ceva despre experiena dvs. n about your work experience so far.
profesie. De cnd lucrai la ac How long have you been working
tualul dvs patron? with your present employer?
A: Am lucrat la Ancova trei ani de A: I've been working with Ancova for
cnd ne-am mutat la Chelten- 3 years now, ever since we moved
ham. to Cheltenham.
PM: i de ce cutai o nou slujb? PM: And why are you looking for a new
A: Am lucrat la un proiect de relaii A: I've been involved in a public-rela
publice timp de doi ani dar nu tions project for two years, but I
mai vd nici o perspectiv de don't see any further prospects for
promovare n actuala mea promotion within my present com
ntreprindere. pany.
PM: Atunci cutai o respon- PM: So, you're looking for more
mai mare? then?
CAP. 35 Interviu pentru obinerea UNIT 35
unei slujbe Job interview
A: Da, aa este i sper s capt A: Yes, that's right, and I hope to get
mai mult n more experience on the PR side.
domeniul relaiilor publice.
mai mult despre PM: And this project, tell me a bit more
acest proiect al relaiilor it.
A: Va fi nevoie s organizez con A: I've had to organize press-con
de pres, campanii ferences, plan publicity cam
publicitare, s scriu i s traduc paigns, write and translate adver
materiale publicitare. tising brochures.
PM: Da, pare foarte interesant i PM: Oh, that sounds very interesting
snt sigur c firma noastr v and I'm sure our company would
va oferi ansa pe care o offer you the chance you are
cutai. looking for.
A: mi pare foarte bine s aud A: I'm very pleased to hear that.
asta. mi putei spune mai Could you tell me a little more
multe n ceea ce privete about the position?
poziia? PM: Yes, of course.
PM: Da, desigur.
km in
trecut se tirrjul cu

Rugm rspundei ntrebrilor de pe Please answer the questions on the
caset folosind for" i since". cassette, using and since". The
Rspunsurile de pe band snt answers on the tape are only ex
numai exemple. amples.
1. De cnd lucrai la actualul dvs. How long have you been
patron? with your present employer?
2. Locuii de mult n actualul dvs. 2. Have you lived in your present flat
apartament? for a long time?
3. V mutai foarte des? 3. Do you move very often?
4. Sntei 4. Are you married?
5. Avei vreun animal de cas? 5. Have you got a pet?
6. Nu mai avei main? 6. Haven't you got a car anymore?
7. De cnd pe acea 7. How long have you been riding that
biciclet? bicycle?
CAP. 36 Treburi gospodreti UNIT 36

Dialogue Rosemary (R), Peter (P), their daughter Jill (J)
R: Ai ters praful de pe raftul cu R: Have you already dusted the book
shelf, Jill?
J: Nu, nc, mam, am nceput cu J: Not yet, mummy, I started the
ferestrele. windows.
R: A, deci ferestrele, nu-i aa? R: Ah, so you're cleaning the windows
first, aren't you?
J: Da. J: Yes.
R: Drgu din partea ta, drag, eu R: That's nice of you, dear. I'll do the
voi spla ntre timp vasele. dishes in the meantime.
J: aceste ferestre snt ntr- J: Puh, these windows are really
adevr murdare, dac le-ai fi if you'd cleaned them more often, it
curat mai des, ar fi fost cu mult would have been a lot easier to
mai uor de curat de data clean them this time.
R: dar abia am s fac R: { know, but I've hardly any time to
gospodria. do the housework.
J: Mm, aspiratorul nu funcioneaz. J: Mum, the vacuum cleaner doesn't
R: tiu. Dac tata l ducea la reparat R: I know. If Dad had taken it to be
luna trecut, acum ar fi fost repaired last month it would have
acas. Dar el a insistat s l been back by now. But he insisted
repare singur on repairing it himself.
J: i bineneles n-a reuit. J: And of course he never got around
R: Aa este, tii cum e tata. Bine, R: Yeah, you know that Dad's like well,
ce-ar fi s m ajui s ntind what about helping me hang out the
rufele? whashing instead?
J: Atunci s lsm aspiratorul? J: Shall we just leave the vacuum
cleaning now?
R: Da, numai dac vrei s duci
R; Yes, not unless you want to take the
carpetele n grdin s le scuturi.
carpets out into the garden and beat
J:n regul, dar maina de splat them.
nu a terminat nc. Astfel c am J: All right, but the washing machine
nc timp s terg praful de pe hasn't finished yet. So I've just got
raftul cu cri nainte de a te ajuta time to dust the bookshelf I
la rufe. help you with the washing.
R: i eu voi cura pantofii. R: And I'll polish the shoes.
CAP. Treburi UNIT 36

P: Bun ziua tuturor. P: Hello, everybody.

J: Bun ziua, tat. Ah, nu! Mama i J: Hi, Dad, Oh, no! Mum and I have
cu mine am lucrat ore ntregi i been working for hours and we have
abia am terminat de ters just finished mopping the floor! Just
duumeaua. la asta! Dac look at that! If you'd wiped your feet
ii tergeai picioarele nainte de a before you came in you wouldn't
intra, nu ai fi murdrit have dirtied the floor.
P: O, mi pare ru, nu P: Oh, I'm sorry, 1 didn't think.
Da, i dac duceai aspiratorul ia R: Yes, and if you'd taken the vacuum
reparat sau l reparai tu nsui, cleaner to be repaired or repaired it
carpetele ar fi fost de asemenea yourself, the carpets would
aspirate. been done, too.
P: OK mi pare ru. Promit c l voi P: OK, I'm sorry. I promise I'll take it to
duce la magazin the shop
In lecie forma trecut a
in cazul in n este ia mult

propoziia principal verbul se pune ia

y HAD TAKEN the vacuum cleaner to be repaired last
it WOULD HAVE BEEN back now.
Exercise 1
Vei gsi mai jos un numr de In your book you will find a couple of
propoziii incomplete. Completrile incomplete senteces. The appropriate
snt n partea dreapt, dar ntr-o endings are opposite but in the wrong
ordine inversat. ncercai s gsii order. Try to find the correct match and
perechile corecte i apoi spunei cu then say the whole sentence. Check
voce tare ntreaga fraz. Verificai your answers with the cassette.
rspunsurile cu caseta.
1. Dac i-ar fi ...dac ar fi 1. he had ...if Mary had
fcut pantofii... consultat cartea cleaned his consulted the
de bucate. shoes... cook book.
2. Dac i-ar fi ...a curat 2. If he had sold ...I would clean
vndut maina ferestrele. his car last year... the windows.
anul trecut...
3. Dac ar fi fi ascultat 3. If he had ...he would have
insistat pe cursul tirile. worked through heard the news.
de limbi strine... the language
36 Treburi 36

4. Dac a fi avut ...dac s-ar fi 4. If I had had ...if he had
ateptat s plou. time... expected it to
5. Dac Joe ar fi ...podeaua nu ar 5. If Joe had ...the floor
ascultat radioul... fi fost iar listen to the wouldn't be dirty
murdar. radio... again.
6. Budinca ar fi fi nvat o 6. The pudding ...he would have
avut un gust mai mulime. have been tasted learned a lot.

7. Pantofii ar fi ...dac a fi gsit

7. The shoes ...if I had found
fost lustruii... peria. would have been the brush.
8. El i-ar fi luat fi obinut 8. He would have ...he'd have got a
o umbrel... 1000 de lire mai taken an um thousand pounds
mult pe ea. brella... more for it.

Exercise 2
Acum spunei ce s-ar fi ntmplat. Now you say what would have hap
Rspunsurile de pe caset snt pened. The answers on the tape are
numai propuneri. only suggestions.
Dac a fi tiut c ieri a fost ziua If I had know that it was Rose-Mary's
de natere a lui birthday yesterday...
2. Dac a fi vzut oferta special... 2. If I had seen the special offer...
3. Dac a fi tiut c restaurantul 3. If I had known that the restaurant
era deschis... was open...
4. Dac a fi tiut c potaii snt 4. If had known that the postmen
n were on strike...
5. Dac a fi tiut c Judy i cu 5. If I had known that Judy and Jill had
au fcut toat done ail the housework...
6. Dac mi-a fi amintit titlul fil If I had remembered the title of the
mului... film...
7. Dac mi-ai fi spus c mag 7. If you had told me that your recorder
netofonul tu a fost stricat... was broken...
8. Dac nu a fi fost de ocupat... 8. If I hadn't been so busy...

Exercise 3
Acum formulai condiii imposibile. Now you formulate the impossible con
rspunsurile de pe caset snt dition; the answers on the tape are
numai propuneri. only suggestions.
A fi mncat friptura dac... 1. I would have eaten the steak if...

CAP. 36 Treburi gospodreti UNIT 36

2. A fi luat autobuzul 2. I would have taken the bus if...
3. A fi jucat badminton dac... 3. I would have played badminton if...
4. A fi curat casa dac... 4. I would have cleaned the house if...
5. A fi rspuns la telefon dac... 5. I. would have answered the phone
6. A fi curat pantofii dac... 6. I would have cleaned my shoes if...
7. A fi cunoscut nelesul cuvntului 7. I would have known the meaning of
dac... the word if...
8. A fi tiut mai mult despre 8. I would have known about the
country if...
in grdin Gardening 37


Dialogue Rosemary (R), Peter (P)

Trebuie s facem ceva cu R: We to do something about

grdina noastr, Peter. Dac our garden, Peter. If we spent
am petrece mai mult timp n ea, more time on it, it would really look
ar arta ntr-adevr cu mult mai a lot better.
P: Da, cred c ai dreptate, drag. P: Yes, I think you're right, dear. So,
Deci, de ce s nu facem puin why don't we do some gardening
grdinrit n aceast dup- this afternoon?

If you mow the lawn first, I shall

R: Dac coseti gazonul, eu m R:
do the weeding.
voi ocupa de buruieni. Ail right, I'll mow the lawn first and
P: n regul, mai voi cosi P; then I'll cut the hedge.
gazonul i apoi voi tunde gar
dul. And I'll go to the garden-centre
R: i eu voi merge la magazin s R: and buy some seeds and bulbs.
cumpr semine i bulbi. Yes, but If you leave now,
P: Da, dar grbete-te. Dac pleci P: you'll be back for lunch.
acum, vei fi napoi pentru masa
de prnz.


Exercise 1
Exprimai condiii probabile urmnd Express probable conditions following
exemplul anterior i verificai rspun the example overleaf and check your
surile cu caseta. Rspunsurile de la answers with the cassette. Your
numerele pot fi diferite de ale answers to numbers may differ
dvs. from the examples on the tape.
Dac e o zi frumoas m 1. If it's a nice day tomorrow I ... for a
voi duce la not. swim.
2. Dac vine acas devreme, 2. If Mary is home early, she ... us
ea ne va vizita ast sear. tonight.
3. Dac Marea este prea 3. If Great Britain is too expensive, I ...
scump, voi petrece vacana h my holiday in Portugal.
CAP. 37 Gardening UNIT 37

4. Dac se stric televizorul 4. If the television breaks down...

5. Dac este nchis cafeneaua 5. If the pub is closed...
6. Dac ntrziu la serviciu 6. If I am late to work...

Exercise 2
Exprimai acum condiii improbabile Now express improbable conditions
folosind timpul trecut i using the past tense and the condition
condiionalul. Din nou, rspunsurile al. Again your answers to numbers
dvs. pentru numerele pot diferi differ from the examples on the
de cele de pe caset. Observai c tape. Please note that would is often
este adesea prescurtat. abreviated I would I'd
Dac am pleca la 8 am sosi If we left at eight, we... before noon.
nainte de amiaz.
2. Dac ne-am cumpra o main 2. If we bought a lawnmower, garden
de tuns iarba, lucrul n grdin ing ... easier.
ar fi mai uor.
3. Dac am planta floarea soarelui, 3. If we planted sunflower, the sun
soarele ar strluci ntotdeauna n always ... in our garden.
grdina noastr.
4. Dac a ctiga un milion de lire 4. If I won a million pounds in the
la lottery...
5. Dac mi-a pierde serviciul... 5. If I lost my job...
6. Dac mi s-ar strica maina pe 6. If my car broke down on the motor
38 Avem musafiri Guests 38

n acest capitol unele funciuni ale verbelor modale ajuttoare.


Dialogue Rosemary (R), Peter (P), their nephew (B)

R: Bun, Brian, mi pare bine c te R: Oh, hi Brian, nice to see you.
B: Bun, mtu Rosemary. B: Hi aunt Rosemary.
P: Bun venit la Cheltenham. R: Welcome to Cheltenham.
B: E nemaipomenit c voi sta aici n B: Hi, it's great that I can stay for the
urmtoarele dou sptmni. next two weeks.
R: Este plcerea noastr. R: Oh, it's our pleasure.
P: Am o mulime de idei privind P: Oh, I've already got lots of ideas of
ceea ce am putea face mpreun. things we could do We
Am putea urmri un meci de could watch a cricket match or play
cricket sau am putea juca golf. golf. Or how about visiting the race
Ce-ai spune s mergem la course, would you like that?
curse? i-ar plcea?
B: Este nemaipomenit. Sun foarte B: Ah, that's fantastic, that sounds
frumos. super.
P: Sau am putea chiar s mergem P: Or we could even go to Gloucester
la Gloucester s vizitm and visit the cathedral.
R: Hai sus art camera. R: Come on up, I'll show you your
B: OK. S-mi aduc sus sacoa? B: OK, shall I bring my bag up?
P: Nu, las-o, i-o aduc eu mai P: No, just leave it. I'll carry it up for
B: Mulumesc, nu trebuie s te B: Oh thank you, but you needn't
deranjezi, m descurc eu. bother, I can manage.
R: Deci iat-ne. Asta-i camera ta, R: So, here we are. This is your room
Brian. then, Brian.
B: O, este ncnttoare. B: Oh, it's lovely.
R: Da, dar este puin neaerisit aici, R: Yes, but it's a bit stuffy in here,
poate ar trebui s deschid o perhaps I should open a window. I
fereastr. Cred c puin aer think a bit fresh air can't do any
proaspt nu stric. harm.
B: Ce fel de pom este acesta? B: What kind of tree is that? You could
Aproape te poi cra n el de almost climb onto it from here.
P: Nu, nu trebuie s faci aa ceva. P: No, you musn't do that. Do you
Nu tii ce i s-a ntmplat vrului know what happened to your cousin
tu anul trecut? last year?
38 Avem musafiri Guests UNIT 38

B: Nu, ce? B: No, what?

P: Cnd s- crat n acest copac P: When he onto that tree one
una din crengi s-a rupt i el a of the branches broke off and he fell
czut i i-a luxat glezna. and sprained his ankle.
B: A, adevrat. Bine, promit c nu B: Oh, really? Well, I promise I won't
m voi n el. climb onto it.
R: Bine. lat pentru pat, R: Well, here are the blankets for your
dou prosoape i un spun. Baia bed, two towels and a bar of soap.
este alturi. Este toat a ta The bathroom is next door. You'll
deoarece noi o folosim pe cea have it all to yourself because we
de la parter. use the one downstairs.
B: Mulumesc. B: Thanks.
R: Cina este la 7,30, deci dac R: Dinner's at 7.30 so if you want to
doreti s te rcoreti puin, ne freshen up a bit we'll see you
vedem jos.
I don't think I'll need that long, so I
B: Nu cred c va dura mult, deci a B:
might come down a bit if
putea cobor mai
that's all right.
dac e bine aa.
Fine. Why don't you join me? I'll be
P: Bine. Ce-ar fi s ne ntlnim? Voi P:
outside in the garden somewhere.
fi pe undeva prin grdin. Yes, that would be nice.
B: Da, ar fi plcut. B: So just make yourself at home and
R: Deci ca acas i ne R: I'll see you later.
vedem mai trziu. Yes, Thanks.
B: Da, B:
acest am multe de
funciuni. Astfel, n propoziia WE COULD EVEN GO TO
De dup cum ai cap. ele snt
fefette a cere

Exercise 1
n text spune Peter c are o mulime In the text Peter says he has a lot of
de idei n legtur cu ce ar putea ideas of things they could do, for
s fac. De ex. We could watch a example: We could watch a cricket
cricket match". Pentru a propune match". To suggest such ideas you
astfel de idei putei folosi could use the following structures:
urmtoarele construcii:
a) Am putea a) We could go.../watch/play...or
jucm sau b) i-ar b) the question: Would you like
plcea s mergem.../s to
privim/s jucm...

CAP. 38 Avem musafiri Guests 38

Acum unui musafir you suggest sports to a visitor of

dvs. folosind prima construcie: a): yours, using first structure a);
s joace rugby rugby
2. s joace tenis de mas 2. play table-tennis
3. s urmreasc o ntrecere de watch the rowing-contest
4. s mearg la patinaj 4. go skating
5. s urmreasc un meci de 5. watch a cricket match

Acum folosii construciile b): Now use structure b)

6. s joace voleibal 6. play volleyball
7. s urmreasc la meciul de 7. watch the ice-hockey on tv
8. s mearg la un turnir de tenis 8. go to a tennis tournament
9. s joace bedminton 9. play badminton
s mearg la not 10. go swimming

Exercise 2

Verbele auxiliare can, may, The following auxiliaries: can, may,

might se pot folosi pentru a o could, can also be used to ask
permisiune. permission to do something.
Can este mai puin oficial iar might Can is the least formal, and might is
este foarte oficial. Acum cerei per the most formal. Now you ask permis
misiunea ncepnd cu cel mai puin sion starting with the least formal in no.
oficial pentru nr. 1 i cu cel 1 and ending with the most formal in
mai oficial la nr. 4 apoi no. 4. Then repeat this process begin
aceeai procedur de ia 5 la 8. ning with no. 5.
Solicitai permisiunea s: Ask permission to:
s folosii baia use the bathroom
2. s fumai (nuntru) 2. smoke (in here)
3. venii devreme 3. come early
4. s folosii maina 4. use your car
5. s v jucai n grdin 5. play in the garden
6. s v uitai la tv 6. watch tv
7. s cptai o butur 7. get a drink
8. s facei un du 8. have a shower
CAP. 39 Ajutoare la copii UNIT 39

tn capitol cuvintele ANY, ONE.


Dialogue Alan (A), Judy (J), Linda (L)

A: Vrei s deschizi ua, te rog? A: Could you open the door, please?
J: Desigur. Bun ziua Trebuie s J: Of course. Good afternoon. You
fii... must be...
L: Linda. Snt Linda, pe L: Linda, I'm Linda, the babysitter you
care ai solicitat-o la telefon. telephoned for...
J: Da, aa m-am gndit i eu. Intr. J: Yes, I thought so. Come on in. Well,
Ei, bine, Linda, mai tnr Linda, you look a lot younger than
mi-am imaginat. Ai 16 ani, I thought. You are 16, aren't you?
nu-i aa?
L: Da, desigur. Dar am deja o L: Yes, of course I am. And I've already
oarecare experien n ngrijirea got some experience looking after
copiilor. acas i apoi la babies. First at home and then for
prietenii prinilor mei, pn cnd friends of my parents, until some
cineva mi-a sugerat c a putea body suggested that I start earning
ncepe s ceva bani din a little money with It.
aceasta. J: Ah, 1 see. Well, Caroll is sleeping in
J: A, da, neleg. Caroll doarme n her cot right now, and her tea is in
ptuul ei acum i ceaiul ei este
a bottle which put in a
ntr-o sticl pe care am pus-o n
microwave. If she wakes up, you
cuptorul cu microunde. Dac se
could turn it on for half a minut
trezete, dai drumul pentru o
and heat it up.
jumtate de i s-a nclzit. L: All right, no problem. I see you've
L: In regul, o problem. Vd got a pushchair there. She's too old
c avei aici un scaun pe rotile.
for the pram then?
E prea mare deja pentru cru? J: Yes, she's six months old now and
Da, are ase luni acum i e puin a bit too heavy for that, but if she
prea grea pentru acesta, dar
wakes up, you can always put her
dac se trezete poi s-o pui n
in the pushchair and wheel her
scaunul cu rotile i o poi mpinge
around a little.
puin. L: Yes, I thought she might like that.
L; Da, cred c va plcea acest They ususally do.
lucru. De obicei le place. J: Oh, yes, she's really fond of that.
J: O, da, ntr-adevr i place foarte And there are some nappies over
mult. Acolo snt i nite scutece.
CAP. 39 la copii 39

L: A, da, bine. Snt i prosoape? L: Ah, yes, good. Are there any
J: Da, desigur, n dreapta J:Yes, of course, right next to the
scutecelor. Este i o slicl de ulei nappies. And there's an open bottle
pentru sugari deschis n sertar for babies and another one on the
i nc una pe acolo. Crema shelf over there. The cream is right
este lng acesta. next to it.
L: Bine. i cnd c venii L: Fine, and when do you think you
napoi? Mama mea dorete ca eu will be back? My mother woulkd like
s fiu acas nainte de miezul me to be home before midnight.
J: Well, we should be back around 11
J: Bine, noi vom fi napoi pe la ora
or quarter past at the latest. My
sau cel trziu Soul meu
husband can take you home after
te poate duce dup aceea acas,
wards, so you'll definitely be home
deci sigur vei fi acas pe la ora
by 12 o'clock.
L: Oh, that's kind of you.
L: O, ce drgu din partea dum
neavoastr. J: Ah, here he comes, this is my
J: A, c vine. Acesta este soul husband, Alan. This is Linda, our
meu, Alan. Ea e Linda, babysit- Babysitter.
noastr. A: Pleased to meet you, Linda.
A: mi pare bine c te cunosc,
Linda. L: Nice to meet you, too.
L: i mie mi pare bine. A: I think we should be going,
A: Cred c ar trebui s mergem,
J: Yes, I'm coming. Well, Linda, have
you got everything you need?
J: Da, vin. Linda, ai tot ce ii
L: Yes, thank you, everything will be
L: Da, mulumesc, totul va fi bine.
J: Help yourself to anything you like
J: Servete-te cu tot ce doreti din
from the fridge, and there are some
frigider snt i ceva biscuii pe
crisps on the table over there. You
mas acolo. Te poi uita la TV
can watch TV or read, just make
sau citi, ca acas.
yourself at home.
L: Bine, mai nti voi termina temele
L: Well, I've got to my homework
cu condiia s nu se trezeasc
first, provided that Caroll doesn't
Caroll. Mai trziu poate m voi
wake up. Later on I might watch
uita la TV.
some TV.
J: n regul, ne vedem mai trziu,
J: All right then. See you later Linda.
Linda. Pa.

CAP. 39 la 39



ANY stnt cuvinte cu se de
n se SOME iar n cele interogative
sau se folosete n cazul in la ntrebare se ateapt
rspuns pozitiv, se tot Aceeai regul se aplic
i cum snt

Exercise 1
Completai spaiile goale pentru a Fill in the gaps to ask five neutral
rspunde la cele 5 ntrebri neutre questions first and then three to which
i apoi la celelalte 3 la care ateptai you expect a positive answer.
rspunsuri pozitive.
A mai rmas ceai? 1. Is there... tea left?
2. Au spus ceva despre accident? 2. Did they say ... about the accident?
3. Are cineva vreo ntrebare? 3. Has... got any question?
4. Este cineva acas? 4. Is ... at home?
5. avei nite ulei pentru 5. Excuse me, have you baby oil?
6. A putea avea ceva de mncare? 6. Could I have ... to eat?
7. Doresc copiii nite dulciuri? 7. Would the kids like...
Doreti nite suc? 8. Would you like ... juice?

Exercise 2
Vei asculta pe band cteva You will hear some sentences on the
propoziii n care snt folosite cuvin tape with SOME and ANY. Change
tele SOME i ANY. n them into the opposite.
opusele lor.
1. Snt nite portocale pe mas 1.-There are some oranges on the
acolo. table over there.
2. Este nite crem n baie. 2. There's some cream in the
3. Snt nite scutece pe scrin. 3. There are some napies on the chest
of drowers.
4. Nu mai este ulei pentru sugari. 4. There isn't any baby-oil left.

CAP. 39 la UNIT 39
5. Nu e nimeni la birou. 5. isn't anybody in office.
6. Nu am vzut pe nimeni. 6. I seen anyone.
7. Peter a plantat cteva flori noi n 7, Peter has planted some new flowers
grdina lui. in this garden.
8. Am petrecut nite timp la Paris. 8. I've spent some time in Paris.

bottle of baby the rfie^ of drawers

one ioc repeta n cea

Exercise 3
urmtoarele fraze. Translated the following sentences.

Acest restaurant nu este prea bun, dar tiu unul mai bun.
2. Acest crucior de copil este verde, dar noi avem unul albastru.
3. Televizorul lui Peter este foarte vechi, dar Alan are unul nou.
4. Am numai o carte de bucate aici, celelalte snt n locuina nou.
5. n dulap este numai o ceap, celelalte snt pe balcon.
6. Acest frigider nu funcioneaz, a putea avea unul nou?
40 Renovating UNIT

in acest captol s unele prepoziii pe care le-ai

de-a lungul acestui curs.


Dialogue Alan (A) Judy (J) Peter (P)

J: E cineva la u, Vrei s te J: There's someone at the door, Alan.

duci? Would you mind going?
A; Sigur. salut Peter. A. Sure. Oh, hi Peter.
P: Salut, Alan. cum am P: Hi, Alan, here I am keeping my
promis. promise.
A: Este ntr-adevr grozav c ai A: That's really great that you have
venit aici s ne ajui ia renovri. come over to help us with the
P: Ei bine, tiu c este mereu foarte P: Well, I know it's always nice if
bine dac cineva d o mn somebody gives you a hand when
de ajutor cnd faci renovri. you're renovating.
A: Da, i snt attea de fcut. Coarul A: Yes, and there is plenty to do. The
a spus c e o crmid chimney sweep said there was a
desprins n emineu i o igl brick loosen on the chimney and a
spart pe acoperi. broken tile the roof.
P; Bine, a ncerca s o fixez dac P; Well, 1 could try and fix that if you
vrei. want.
J: O, nu te superi nu-i aa? J: Oh, Peter, you wouldn't mind, would
P. Bine, Judy. S vd ce pot face. you?
Cum ajung acolo sus? OK Judy. I'll see what I can do. How
J; Mergi sus la etaj, apoi urci pe do I get up there?
scri pn la pod i apoi pe J: You go upstairs, and then up the
ladder through the loft, and out onto
Poi arunca iglele vechi
the roof. You can throw the old tiles
curtea spate. Altfel ar
into the backyard. Otherwise you
putea cdea pe trandafiri, sau
might drop them on the roses, or
mai ru, pe oamenii care trec
worse, on people passing by in front
prin faa casei.
P: regul. Voi fi atent. of the house.
A: timp vom ncepe s P: I'll be careful.
zugrvim camera de Mai nti A; Well, in the meantime we'll start
redecorating the living-room. First
vom tapeta peretele din dreapta
we'll paper the wall on the right and
i apoi vom vopsi peretele
we'll paint the wall on the
P: And I see you ve bought a wall-to-
P: Vd c ai cumprat un covor.
wall carpet as well.
CAP. 40 Renovating UNIT

J: Da, e aproape de dou or mai J: Yes, it's about twice as big as the
mare cel vechi. i este old one. And it's quite heavy.
destul de greu.
P: i ai pus toat aceast greutate P: And you've laid all that weight
pe balustrad? against the banister?
J: O, da, balustrada este destul de Oh yes, the banister's strong
puternic. enough.
A: In ordine. Pensula, rola, vop A: OK. Paintbrush, roller, paint,
seaua, tapetul i adezivul, wallpaper and paste, knife and
masa. Toate gata. S table. Everything ready. Let's get
ncepem atunci. started then.
P: OK, snt pe acoperi. P: OK. on the roof.
J; Noi nuntru. Fii atent s J: And we're in here. Be careful, don't
nu cazi. fall.
P: Nu-mi de grij. P: No, don't worry about me.

acum ai i folosit o the course you have used
mulime de cuvinte mici care fac many small words to link things up.
legtura ntre obiecte. Aceste These words such as at, in, on, behind,
cuvinte precum at, in, on, behind, in in front of, about, around, against are
front of, about, around, against se called prepositions. Listen to the text
numesc prepoziii. Ascultai textul on the tape and then fill in the gaps
de pe caset i nlocuii spaiile using the correct prepositions.
goale cu prepoziiile cores
1. Alan i Judy cultiv trandafiri ... Alan and Judy are growing roses...
cas. the house.
2. E o crmid desprins ... 2. There is a brick loose... the chimney
emineu i o igl spart... and a broken tile... the roof... the
acoperiul casei. house.
3. Peter poate arunca iglele vechi... 3. Peter can throw the old tiles ... the
curtea din spate.
4. Curtea din spate este ... casei. 4. The backyard is ... the house.
5. Pentru a ajunge ... acoperi 5. In order to get ... the roof you must
trebuie s ajungi... pod. go ... the loft.
6. Cnd vii napoi la parter 6. When you come back downstairs,
vedea covorul cel nou care se you can see that the carpet is
sprijin ... balustrad. leaning ... the balustrade.
7. Este o grdin mare... casei, aa 7. There is a big garden... the house,
copii nu mai trebuie s se so that the children don't to
joace strad. play the street.
8. Snt copaci care cresc casei. 8. There are trees all... the
Not you again


Andrew Fothergill

Scene One
King's Cross Travel Centre
Andrew: I want a single to York, please.
Clerk: Yes, sir. First or second class?
Andrew: Oh, Second Class, please.
Clerk: Smoking or non-smoking, sir?
Andrew: Non-smoker. How much is that?
Clerk: 25, sir.
Andrew: Will you take a cheque?
Clerk: Yes, that's all right, sir. Have you got a bank card?
Andrew: Of course I've got a bank card. Who shall I make it out to?
Clerk: Rail, sir. 25,
Andrew: (slowly) 8th February... British Rail... 25. (Hands over cheque) Is that all
Clerk: Yes, sir. Can I see your bank card, please?
Andrew: Yes, here you are. What time does the next train leave?
Clerk: The next train to York, sir, is at 10 o'clock.
Andrew: Do I have to change?
Clerk: No, sir. The 10 o'clock goes straight through to York.
Andrew: What time does it arrive?
Clerk: Into York sir.
Andrew: Thank you very much.
Scene Two
Merete: Excuse me.
Clerk: Yes, madam.
Merete I should like a return ticket to York, please.
Clerk: Yes, madam. Are you travelling First or Second Class?
Second Class.
Yes, madam. Do you require a smoker or a non-smoker?
Clerk: Oh, I don't smoke.
Merete Non-smoker.
Clerk: How much will that be?
Merete One Second-Class Return from Cross to York is 45, madam.
(counting) Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty.
Clerk: Fifty pounds. Thank you very much, madam.
Clerk: Five pounds change. One, two, three, four, five.
Merete: Thank you very much. Can you tell me what time the train arrives in
Clerk: Yes, madam. The 10 o'clock arrives in York at
Clerk: Do I have
Thank you, tomadam.
change anywhere?
No, madam, the train goes through direct.
196 Thank you very much.
Scene Three
Merete: Excuse me, is this seat free?
Andrew; Yes, I think It is free.
Merete; Must I have a seat reservation?
Andrew: No. There Is no ticket in the seat. I'm sure you can sit there.
Merete; Thank you very much.
Andrew; Are you travelling far?
Merete: Yes, I'm going to York.
Andrew; How interesting. So am I. I live in York.
Merete; This is my first visit.
Andrew; I do hope you enjoy your visit.
Merete: Thank you very much. I am sure I shall.
Andrew; I hope you don't mind my asking. You are not British, are you?
Merete: No, I'm not.
Andrew: Are you by any chance Scandinavian?
Merete: I'm Danish.
Andrew; What part of Denmark are you from?
Merete; I'm from Copenhagen.
Andrew; Ah, yes, Copenhagen. Wonderful, wonderful Copenhagen.
Merete: That's right.
Andrew; There is that lovely garden In Copenhagen, isn't there?
Merete: Ah, you must mean Tivoli.
Andrew; Yes, that's right. Tivoli. And of course there is the Little Mermaid.
Merete; Yes, indeed. The Mermaid. Tell me, where do you come from?
Andrew; Oh. I'm British.
Merete; Were you born in York?
Andrew; No, I was born in London but I work In York, I work at the University.
Oh, how interesting.
Andrew; I hope you won't mind my asking. What is your name?
Merete; My name is Brammer. Merete Brammer.
Andrew; Is that a Danish name?
Merete; Yes, it is. Now you must tell me your name.
Andrew; Oh, my name is Fothergill. Andrew Fothergill. How do you do?
Merete: How do you do?
Andrew; Are you travelling to York on business?
Merete; Yes, I am.
Andrew; What sort of business are you in, if I may ask?
I'm an architect.
Andrew; Oh, how very interesting. What brings you to York?
Merete: There Is an international conference for architects.
Andrew: Do you build very modern buildings?
Merete: Yes. Sometimes I design very modern buildings but I am also interested in
conserving old buildings. That is why I'm coming to York.
Andrew: Yes, of course. We have a lot of old buildings in York. The Minster and so
Merete; That's quite right, but you also have an Institute of Advanced Architectural
Studies that's where going. They are having a conference in the King's
Manor about conservation. I'm very interested in that.
Andrew: I think it's rather a waste of money saving old buildings. It would be far
to knock them build new ones.
Merete: How can you say that? Aren't you proud of your historic city?
Andrew; It's pleasant enough I suppose. But speaking as a businessman it's a great
problem living in a city with archaeological remains and houses have
to be preserved.
Merete: How do you mean?
Andrew: I to build a new branch of Safeline, the store, but I can't get
permission to build.
Merete: Why not?
Andrew: It seems that there are the remains of some Roman emperor's palace
underneath the place where I want to put my supermarket.
Merete: But that is extremely Interesting. Surely you want to preserve It.
Andrew: No, I don't. I shall lose two or three million pounds If let these damned
archaeologists stop me building.
Merete: But surely you want to your national heritage.
Andrew: I can't say that the Romans are my national heritage. My business is to make
money and to make it as quickly as possible.
Merete: Well I am very surprised. I thought the English had a sense of history.
Andrew: Well this Englishman has a sense of business and I will remember
this at your conference.
Merete: Well I hope you will remember that many tourists come to York in order to
admire your national heritage. So perhaps you had better do something to
conserve It. I am sure there are enough supermarkets already in York.
Scene Four
Andrew: I hope I didn't upset you.
Merete: What do you mean?
Andrew: Well, a little while ago I was talking a lot about business and profits.
Merete: That is quite all right.
Andrew: I hope you don't mind my asking. Are you married?
Merete: No, I'm divorced. What about you?
Andrew: Well, I'm single. I haven't met the right woman yet. Have you got
any children?
Merete: Yes, I have. I have a son and a daughter.
Andrew; Oh. Would you like a cup of tea?
Merete: you very much. I would prefer coffee.
Andrew: i buy you a cup of coffee?
Merete: No, I will buy my own coffee.
Andrew: I insist.
Merete: Very well then. A cup of coffee,
cups of coffee please, miss. With milk and sugar. Would you like a

No, you. I never eat biscuits.

What a p:.y. English biscuits are very good.
Merete; i m sure are. All the same, I just want a cup of coffee.
Andrew; (To the tea girl.) Two cups of coffee and a packet of biscuits, please. How
much is that?
Teagirl; 95 p, sir.
Andrew; Thank you very much. Here is your cup of coffee,
Merete; Thank you very much.
Andrew; Where do you come from?
Merete; I beg your pardon?
Andrew; I just wanted to know where you come from. You said earlier that you were
Danish and come from Copenhagen.
Merete; I come from Frederiksberg.
Andrew; Where is that?
Andrew; What's
It is a suburb
it like there?
of Copenhagen,
Merete: It is a very pleasant part of and there is a park with a palace in
it. There are beautiful lakes.
Andrew: It sounds very nice.
Merete: Yes, it is. It is one of the nicest places in Copenhagen. Tell me, have you
ever been to Denmark?
Andrew: No, I haven't.
Merete: What a pity. Excuse me, can you tell me where the toilet is?
Andrew: Yes, along the carriage to the end of the corridor and you find the toilets
at the end.
Merete: Thank you very much.
Scene Five

Merete: What's that over there?

Andrew: Oh, that's a power station.
Merete: I have already seen three power stations like that. Are they nuclear power
Andrew: No, they're not nuclear. They use coal. We are on the Yorkshire coal field
Merete: I see.
CollectorCan I see your ticket, please?
Andrew: Here you are.
Collector:(Clips ticket) Thank you sir. May I see your ticket, madam?
Merete: I beg your pardon?
Collector:Your ticket, madam.
Merete: Ah, yes, here it is.
Collector:(Clips ticket) Thank you much.
Andrew: Where do you work?
Merete: I work in the centre of Copenhagen.
Andrew; Is it a permanent job?
Merete; (shortly) Yes, it is.
Andrew; Do you like your work as an architect?
Merete; Yes, of course I do.
Andrew: Do you work for yourself or are you an employee?
Merete; I work with a number of other architects in a team. What do you do?
Andrew; i am the manager of the Superline market.
Merete: Do you enjoy your work?
Andrew; Yes, it's quite nice. I have thirty women working for me.
Merete; Really? Do you enjoy your work?
Andrew; do. Supermarket work is very interesting. How long have you been living
in Copenhagen?
Merete: I've living there for the last thirty years.
Andrew; Do you live in a house?
Merete; No, I live in a flat.
Andrew; What sort of flat do you have?
Merete: I have a very nice flat in Frederiksberg.
Andrew; How many rooms has it got?
Merete: It has a kitchen and a bathroom and three bedrooms, and then there is a
large lounge and a dining room. 199
That sounds very large.
Merete: It Is a very nice flat. do you live?
Andrew: Until now I have been sharing a flat with another man. But I am tired of that
so I am looking for a house.
Merete: Is it easy to buy a house in York?
Andrew: No, it's quite difficult. The houses are very expensive. I am going to find a
room In a hotel for the next two or three weeks, and if I am lucky, I shall find
a suitable house which I might buy. Are you interested in football?
Merete: No, afraid not. I'm not very interested in football.
Andrew: Ah, what a pity. I love football. I go to watch York Football Team every
Merete: Really?
Andrew: Do you have any hobbles?
Merete: Yes, I am fond of music. In Copenhagen 1 often go to The Opera and
the ballet.
Andrew: Really?
Merete: Are you interested in music?
Andrew: No, I'm not. At least, not in classical music. But I like pop music.
Andrew: What about you? Do you like pop music?
Merete: No, I'm afraid I don't.
Andrew: Oh, what a pity.
Scene Six
Andrew: Look over there. That is the York College of Arts and Technology. That means
we're arriving. We'll be in York soon.
Merete: Tell me, what do you think I should see while I am In York? I know there is
a fine cathedral.
Andrew: The Minster.
Merete: Yes, that's right. The Minster What else is there that I should see?
Andrew: I think you should see the National Railway Museum. There are lots of trains
and engines there.
Merete: Thank you very much for the idea. I'm afraid I'm not interested in railways.
Isn't there anything else?
Andrew: Well there is the museum If you're interested in old things.
Merete: What is the
Andrew: It is a museum about the life of the Vikings when they came to York.
Merete: The Vikings? Of course they came from Denmark.
Andrew: Is that where they came from?
Merete: Yes, they did. I must see this museum. Can you tell me where the museum
Andrew: No, I don't know. It's somewhere in the middle of York. You had better go
ask the Tourist Information Office.
Merete: Have you seen the museum?
Andrew: No, I'm not interested in that sort of thing.
Merete: What? You come from York and are not interested in the Vikings.
Andrew: I don't come from York. I just work there.
Merete: I'm sure it must be interesting.
Andrew: Perhaps it is.
Merete: I think we're arriving.
Andrew: Yes, we are. This is York.
Merete: I have to find a hotel. Do you know a good one?
Andrew: There is the Viking Hotel. You are interested in the Vikings, perhaps you should
200 go there.
Merete: Is It very expensive?
Andrew: Yes, I believe it is quite expensive.
Merete: Then I must find something else. Can you give me any advice?
Andrew: Yes, I suggest you go to the Tourist Information Office.

Scene Seven
Merete: Can you help me? I am looking for a hotel.
Clerk: Yes, madam. How long do you want to stay?
Merete: Just two or three nights.
Clerk: What class of hotel are you looking for?
Merete: I can't afford too much money.
Clerk: May I suggest the Belle Vue Hotel?
Merete: How much Is that?
Clerk: It costs 10 a night, and breakfast.
Merete: Yes, that sounds very good. Can you reserve me a room in that hotel?
Clerk: Will you want a single room or a double room, madam?
Merete: A single room, of course.
Clerk: Yes, madam, just a moment. Belle Vue Hotel? Have you a single
room for three nights? (To Merete) They have a room at 10 per night bed
and breakfast. Will that be all right?
Merete: Yes, please it for me.
Clerk: What name shall I say, madam?
Merete: The name Is Brammer. Merete Brammer.
Clerk: The name is Brammer. For three nights. 10 bed and breakfast. Thank you
Merete) I have the hotel room for you, madam. That will be 50
p. for the telephone call.
Merete: Here you are. Thank you very much.
Scene Eight
At the hotel
Merete: My name is Brammer.
Receptionist: Ah, yes. You have reserved a room through the Tourist Information Office.
Merete: That's right.
Receptionist: It is a single room at 10 per night and breakfast.
Merete: That's right.
Receptionist: Room 23 madam. Here is the key.
Andrew: Haven't we met before?
Merete: Oh, it's you...
fUnlts 2123)

Speaker: We're going to listen to some scenes in the life of two Yorkshire families.
There is a village called in North Yorkshire not far from
the city of Ripon. In this village there is a garage and filling station known as
Bells and Wing. It is run by John Bills and his sister, Wing.
John has a daughter called Jo. She Is 17. Jo is short for Joanna. Mrs. Wing
has two sons. The oldest is Tom, who is aged 22, and the younger called
Chris, who is 18. Tom is away studying at London University, but has come
for the Christmas vacation, and wants to have a party.
Scene One
Tom; Hi there, Jo.
Jo: Tom, It's good to see you. When you get back?
Tom: Last night.
Jo: Did you have a nice time in London?
Tom: Yes, super, I want to have a party.
Jo: That's a good idea. When do you want to have it?
Tom: Chris and I think Wednesday should be a good evening. Are you free?
Jo: Yes, I can come on Wednesday. Do you want me to bring anything?
Tom: Yes. It would nice if you could bring a bottle of and can you make
some cakes?
Jo: Yes, I'll make some jam tarts.
Tom: That's arranged, then. Come about eight.
Jo: Can I bring my new boyfriend?
Tom: Who's that?
Jo: name is Alan Howson.
Tom: Surely not that Alan Howson with the old motor bike? He's awful. I can't stand

Jo: He a, He's nicer than you think.

Tom: I can't him. He always drinks too much.
Jo: Well he's my boyfriend I want to bring him.
Tom: Jo, surely you can come alone.
Jo: If I can't bring Alan, I'm not coming at all, so there.
Tom: Oh, well, I suppose you must then.
Scene two
Alan: Are you enjoying the party, Jo?
Jo: Oh, yes, it's
Alan: What are you doing tomorrow?
Jo: I'm not sure. Perhaps I shall go for a walk along the river with Tom and Chris.
That's what they're to do. Would you like to come?
Alan: Oh, no, I never walk in the country. I always ride if possible.
Jo: What? You never go for a walk. You are lazy,
Alan: Well, I occasionally walk to work, but I never walk further than necessary. I
normally go everywhere on my motor bike. Can you come for a ride with me
Jo: Oh, I don't know about that. Isn't it dangerous?
Alan: No, of course it's not dangerous.
Jo: But I haven't got a helmet.
Alan: I've got two helmets. I can lend you one of mine. Come on, it will good fun.
We can go to a disco in York.
Jo: OK. Can we meet at the garage?
Alan: Certainly. I'll meet you at 6.30.
Jo: No, that's a early. How 7 o'clock?
Alan: All right. I'll meet you at 7 o'clock at the garage.

Scene Three
John Bills: What time did you get home last night?
Alan: I'm sorry Jo was so late. The motor bike broke down.
John Bills: What's the matter with it?
I think the petrol gauge has We were about three miles from Ripon,
and the motor made a funny noise and then stopped.
John Bills: What make of motor bike is it?
Alan; It's an old Honda. Can you get me a new petrol gauge?
John Bills; Yes, I can get you a new one.
Alan; How much do you think it will cost?
John Bills; About 10.
Alan; How long will it take you to get it?
John Bills; About a week, I expect.
Alan; Thank you very much, Mr. Bills, and I'm sorry that Jo was so late last night.
John Bills; That's all understand.
Scene Four

John: What's the matter, love?

Jo; I've got the most awful headache.
John; And you've got a terrible cough. You are obviously
Jo; I feel terrible.
It was raining last night, wasn't it?
Jo: Yes.
John: Did you get very wet?
Jo: Yes, I did, and it was very cold.
John; Well, I can't stop I've got to go to the garage. ask Auntie Kate to come
and look after
Jo; Oh, thanks Dad.
(Katherine Wing comes in)
Kate: What's the matter, love?
Jo; It hurts here in my chest and I've got a terrible headache.
Kate: Oh, sorry to hear about that. Let's take your temperature. Here's the
thermometer. Now open mouth and put it under your tongue.
Don't talk now. Wait until I take the thermometer out. You've got a Your
is nearly 103. Now you stay bed. I'll get the doctor. I'll bring you
a cup of tea in a minute, but then I have to go back to the garage.
Jo; Yes, OK, Auntie Kate. Thank you.
Scene Five
Kate; (Sound of telephone dialling) Is that Doctor Jackson's surgery? It's my niece, Jo.
She's got a very high temperature and a very bad cough. (Pause) Yes, 1 think
it is serious. She has a pain in her chest. (Pause) Yes, I've taken her

It's 103. (Pause) Could Doctor Jackson come and see her during the day?
(Pause) I shall be at the garage all day. (Pause) Bills and
(Pause) Thank you very much. I'll expect him later on during the
morning. Goodbye.
Speaker: Jo recovers. From her fever and her friendship with Alan deepens.
The summer comes and they decide to go away on holiday together.
Alan: Hello, is that Keswick 2419? Is that the "Sunny" Camp Site?
Telephone Voice: Yes.
Alan: I want to book a for the week of August 7th.
Telephone Voice: I'm sorry, sir. We're completely booked.
Alan: Oh, dear, I see. Thank you. What about the following week beginning
Telephone Voice: August 14th?
Alan: Yes, sir. We have a site for that week.
Telephone Voice: Good. Would you please reserve It for me?
Alan: Yes, sir. Will you be coming with a tent or a caravan?
Telephone Voice: A tent.
Yes, I've made a note of that, sir. You'll be coming with a tent. What
Alan: name is it, please?
Telephone Voice: The name Is Howson. H-O-W-S-O-N.
Will you be coming by public transport, sir, or do you have your
own vehicle?
Telephone Voice:
I shall be coming motor bike.
A deposit of 20 will secure you the site for that week, sir.
Telephone Voice:
That's all right. Can you give me the full address?
The Warden, "Sunny" Camp Site, Keswick, Cumbria.
Telephone Voice:
I'll send it off to you today.
Thank you much, sir.
Telephone Voice:
Scene Six

Kate Wing: There you are, Jo. Did you have a nice holiday?
Jo: Oh, yes, it was marvellous.
Kate: It looks as though you had good weather.
Jo: Yes, the weather was wonderful. We had sun day.
Kate: That's lovely. How about Alan? Did he enjoy the holiday too?
Jo: Yes, we had a wonderful time Auntie Kate. what do you think?
I've got some wonderful news to tell you.
Kate: You certainly look very pleased with yourself. You'd better come and sit
down and tell me the news.
Jo: Alan's asked me to marry Auntie Kate.
Kate: Well, that's a surprise. How long have you known him?
Jo: I've known him since the party, the one we had before Christmas.
Kate: That seems a very short time, dear.
Jo: Oh, no, it isn't. Not really.
Kate: Well, he is a very nice boy, I do hope you'll be very happy.
Jo: Oh, yes, Auntie Kate. I'm sure we shall. Alan wants to come and talk to
Dad about the wedding.
Kate; What? You've been talking about the wedding already?
Jo: Oh yes. We've planned everything. There are just one or two things though
that I really have to talk to you and Dad about.
204 Dad, do you think Alan and I could get married at All Saints?

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