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I . J

Gordon Lintlsriy

I \IIE\*V01; l-1-11; K A P I I I MO\i- the evangelists niitl their field of ministry jorc / i c is acccpted inlo T H E VOI.CE
I N G of events in the present w o r l c l - \vould be greatly curtailed. O F 1-1l<AI,ING directory. Sonietimcs ;i
wide revival, we bclicvc thxt a statement THE VOICI< O F HEAI,ING cxcr- iiaiiie cannot be accepted because full in-
is in order from THE VOICl< O F ciscs iiu control oucr thc liocs O j its cvm- s not avail:iblc at tlic time the
l o r m a t i o ~i ~
IEALTNG setting forth. our positiori qelists r.i-ccpt t o ask ilia! cach oiit coirditct cvarigelists ministry h:is renchctl that i l i a -
. .
and attitude to\vnid cert;iiii clcvclopli1ctits his Ia/jors i i r a iiiarmcr t/iai cui// build turiiy.
i n this revival. coiifidcncc i n thc iiiiiiislry oj dcliveraiicc As our ~~-c:icIci-slaiow, m i n y writers
/ First of a11 w e rcpc;it, what w e Iinve said aIl1owg tiif pcopic of c o d ! T H E \702c1: coiitribute to TFIE V O I C E O F 1:JlXL-
niariy tiincs beforit, that THE VOICE 01; 1-1ITA1 .I NG docs riot iii& arrangc- TNG. Tlic cvarrgclisfs tliciii.sclvc.s Iravc
. O F 1I.EALING is in iio .sciise u dciioiiii- mmts and appoiiitnieiits for the calli- u p c t d , however, tlmt the .lTArLiIiED
iiatioiz o r a rcIigiou.7 orgaiiizutioii, 13UT pai<gnsof its evangelists. They arc frcc t o EVAXGBLISTS SlXllOW slioitld bc
l<ATI-IEK AN A S S O C I A T I O N coiice aiid go os tkc Spirit lends thciii! sharcd oil a: coopcrativc basis. tlic spacc
O F EVANGEI,ISTS, O F M A N Y of wkick cncli cvaii.gelist sliall lrovr cqttal
G I I O U P S , who Iiavc joiilcd togcthcr j o r

opport.tiii.ity t o f l i l f l i l hiiiisc:lf! -
thc piirpose of proiiiotiiig w o r l t l - a d c rc- IRIPORTANT NOTICE!
I hc associatcs Iiiiuc ulso a!jrccil! t h a t if:
alld Who LISC! -1.l-IE 1;C)I Cr< 01
7JtkU/, A t last! Here is what you liave been
I I E A L T N G iiingaziinc in thcii- cnmp;ligns waiting for-a complete statement antl zcdicti, uiijl cvarigclist s l c o i i l d jiiid il
wgariling the great SALVATION- cxpediciit to havc a iriagnaiiic of his o x v i ,
as ;i iiiems oi ninking I ; n o \ \ ; n t.u thc ~ T J - his name x i l l ?io loiigcr be mrricd ill
Ill t h e \\;CjlldcrfLli\ \ C J r k S of C;otl thlit a1-c HEALING R E V I V A L ! ,

iiow taking place.

THE VOICE 01; 1-1 IL4T.1 NG.sincc hc
Be sure to get this new 64 page
\\:ill thcn h ; i w his o\vn incniis o l pub-
It is not to be thought straiigc. t h t , i i i book-
licizing his work. Hut this ominissioii, o i
revival of sucIi proportions, suiiic gootI
:i TIIE IIEALING R K V I V A L course, m i s t not be interpreted ;IS ;i IT-
. peoplc should inisuntlcrst;unc1~1US ~ I K I per- llection against that evaiigclist. 1 1 1 prac-
Is it from Heaven lor of Men?
-haps speak against us. Not- tically. all h i t very r;ii-c iiistanccs, thow
with-standing, if \vc cspect to have Gods 0 Answers over Forty Questions
w h o have bccn associ;itctl \\:it11 TFJ :1;
blessing upon LIS w e niust, like good sol- 0 Just off the Press! VOTCE O F TIEAL.1NC; i n the past are
diers, be able td t ; i I x unjust criticism, I Chncerning ttie IIcaling rtcvivat ! still our good friends.
. cixpccting God to vindicate u s and 0111-
motives in I l i s due timc. I i c a miiibcr of cosc.s I V I - I cauiigt-
(%c Page 32)
lists liavc srttlcd doic!ii.t o a pasloral w i i i -
The greatest wc;ipoii tli;it %t;un hiis
istry antl -this also aiitoiria.tically coits~~.c
is thc one that sows suspicioii aiitl misun-
lltcir tiaiiics l o b c witlidrcnvir. Since h u l l -
derstaihling. The devil, I)cing the RCCIISCT They are, Iio.rucvcr, uskid 10 labor i r i rlreds upoll huntlrctls of I;Lstors havc cx-
of the brcthrcn, is coiitiiiudly at work siich a zuay as to prodztce Aariiioiig orid
cellent succcss thtinist~lvcs in nlinistering
to - produce ill-will and cniliity anloll: good-will aiiioiig thosc w i t h wlioiii t h q to the sick, ,it bc s(cii IIOW spocc
Gods peoplc. Against this, ll-l.l< 1101C.1; iicinistcr! Most of the eynngclists are at-
liiicitatioris woiild iiiakc it iirrpossiblc t o
O F HEAT,I NG lab0r.y 011t i ~ i i c ? .t~o pro- filiated with sorne Iull Gospel group. carry tlcc iiaiiics of aicy b u t cvaiigclists
mote ziiiity and ~iiidcrsturidiitg b c t ~ e c i t -THE VOICE 017 HEALING recog-
/he cliildrcii of thc L o r d ! i1izc.s that cuclt cvuizydist ozucs certain w h o arc o n tlic.field. Moreover, if ;i pas-
rcspoiisibilitics, first to his own group, tors nnmr. \KIS in thr tlircctory,
As an example of h i ciiciiiys \vorI<, then also t o the whole body of Christ. it would be of no ;itl\wit;igc to him. siiict!
he is not in ;I position to ncccpt calls for
rumors go out, from timc to tiinc, t h a t
\Ys t:mphasize that 113 I< VOlCI< 01.. caiiipaigiis.
the rcal imrpose of H I E V O I C E O I ;
1-11L41,I NG directory does not inclrirlc a11 1t goes without s;iying t k i t 11-11 ;
l-11k-\IA1NG is to start another religious the men \\;hornGod is using ,in the cle-
organization. It i s crzoiigli t o statc tliul li\-cr;incc-iiiinisti-y by ;my nicans. Appli- 110.1 C E 0.1 ; I, I NG o.ssoricitrs rc-
siiclc m i n o r s urc utter fubricatioris! I,ikc c;itions for fcllowship iii-.l.l-l I< VOICE qiiest dhut caclc of tlicir ri:iiiiibcr shall
the iprotocols of Zion, no such plmis OF H l ~ i l l ~ l N;ire niiiiistcr according t o tlic qoldcii r d c
C ~ steadily Teceivecl :iI
exist except in thc iiiiagiiiatioii oi mis our offce. M;uiy oi these are from out- arid /invc c l ~ i ccoiisirlcratioii j o r t / i c pas-
guided persons. Oiir cvarigclists I I I O Z ! ~ . staiitling e\wigelists, but the applicaiions tors. No matter how grcnt ;I revival may
freely i n 011 tlic Fiill G o s ~ L orgaiiicci
.~ - c;in only be passed on at ;i time whcii the c o k , t o a coinmunit!;, uii~csst h a t revival
tions (IS well as airiuiiy iiidt,pciidcir~ associatcs iiicct. These meetings occur at is so dirkcted i s to !dcss t h e local church-
yroztps! I i T H E VOI.CE OF IHEAI,. I;I t h c r \vide Iy spaced in t c r va I s. M oreo \reI- es, the pastors will not be enthusiastic

ING w e r e itself a denoitiiiiation, one according to our constitution, (I iriaii . i.c :ibout it. Thcreforc., oiir usiociatcs rcq,iie.vt
couId easily see }io4 tile usefulness of expcctcti to haT:c n iiiatzirc niiiiistry De- f Continiced 011 Puge 25)

2 THE VOICE O F HEALING August, 1953

. . . ......._.. ..... ."_ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Fir wc
new sponsors ot' radio programs. UJc
have only a few thus far, but every ad- ARKANSAS-Little Rock .................................................. EGHI . 12:SO 10:45-11:15 P.M.
ditioiial spoiasor riiakrs i t possiblc f o r us CALIFORNIA-Los Angeles ................................. :... ERKD 1150 4~15-4:45 P.M.
t o takc o n another statioii!'This is one Lodi ........................................................... .......... KCVR 1570 2:OO- 2~30P.M.
FLORIDA-Tarpon Springs (Station not yet
of the finest 'ivays .a group o f people, broadcasting) ........ ..................................................... WBOY 1470 2:OO- 2:30 P.M.
or a business firm, may assist in spread-

INDIANA-Anderson ........................................................... WCBC 1470 2:30- 3:OO P.M.

ing the Gospel-sponsor a VOICE O F Warsaw ........................ 2........................................................... WKAM . 1220 5:OO- 5~30P.M.
H E A L I N G broadcast of the W O R L D NEW YORK-Albany ...................................................... WABY 1400 -' 8~30-9:OO A.M.
Corning .. .:.. ..................................................... :. ................... WCBA 1350 290- 2:30 P.M.
W I D E REVIVAL CRUSADE ! 147riic Rochester 1................................................................... WARC 950 2~00-2:30 P.M.
u s for details. OKLAHOMA-Oklahoma City ..................................... KBYE . 890 . 2~00-2:30 P.M.
OREGON-Portland ..................................................... KPDQ 80.0' 3:30- 4:OO P.M.
Those of you, who are not yet near
PENNSYLVANIA-Philadelphia ............. :...... .......... WTEL 860 5 ~ 0 0 -5~30P.M.
an outlet which carries our broadcast, TEXAS- :
may wish to knoiv somctliing of the na- Fort Worth ........................................................................ KCNC 870 8:OO- 8:30 A.M.
tun: of the program. hi a few words w e ONTARIO, CANADA-Oshawa .............................. CKLB 1240 5 ~ 0 0 -5~30P.M.
sh;ill attempt to give you some idea -of its (NOTE: New station-Lodi, Calif. Time changes for Portland and Philadelphia)
ch;ir;icter. It has Been our d c ~ i r cthat it sonalitics, in the rcligious world, will l ~ c
zcrill be Ci .wiiqiic proyruiii uti$ iiut a. copy something to \\:hichour listeners \!ill loolc
of ollicrs!, W e . believe that M'C havc a
service which is not tlup1ic;itctl clsciwherct
and which will supplmwnt ;ind etil;irge
the prcscnt' VOICE 01: I-lEAT,IWG
ministry . . .

Although music is not thc basic themc

I The fact that not 0ti.c But iiia)i;ll cvanp'-
lists will coritribaite to the program, will
o l our broadcast, we I i 3 w fclt. that, on ;I A RLU I N c; A N sw
I< IC 0 TJKA\; I .:I: . t h i s place the ciiipiiasis OIL 111cW t-IOL'E
national program, nothing less .thin the t h u s encouraging people to bclievc Got1 EODY 0t; CI-I I< IST !
bcs t \vas ry u i ied. The rc fo i-e w e secured for whatever miracle they iiccd in their At t1i.c closc u;[ tiic prograiii, \vc s1i;ill
the serviccs of Captain., Will. . I-Iulnic, life. bring ;i brief nicssagc oi f a i t h ;mtl tie-
noted war cl!aplain to help us set up the Of course, a vcr? top featiirc o j each livcraricc antl, with cv;ingclists \vho ni.c
program. We have the services of one of program will be tlic appcaraiicc of oite o / present in our studio, we 7uill prn11 n
the finest quartets, known as our o\.vii our cvutigelists, or soiiic ozitstatiditzg pcr- prayer of dclivcruiicc f o r cacit listener
VO I.CE 01; HEAL1N G Q U A R T E T , soiiulity ia tlzc Full Gospel zvor/d! During antl that God will meet his or her ewry
whose pictures appeared in a rcccnt issue that part o f the program, the evangelist ncctl.
of TI-11: VOrCE OF HEAJ,ING. Itici- piay .relate thc st.ory of a <lraniatic call to
Will you, thcrciorc, help us get this
dentally, we niay mention that ~ t will : the ministry of dclivcrniice, or give an ac-
prograin into your locality ?
jooti release a series of rccordings of some count of ;in L I I ~ U S U ; ~niiraclt
~ in his min-
of their best songs. W e also havc .two istry. wc asii that ,c;ic~irptdcr ;iticl listener
excellent trios, ;I incii's trio atid girl's To.bc nble e d i wcc.k to htar thc voicc \vi11 pray siiiccrcly, with us1 that God will
trio. These,. and other musicians' will ap- of one of the nation's o u t s t d i i i g per- blcss this n e w vcnturc of iaith !
p a r on our broaclcasts from time to time.
*. Send your gift a1 once for
l h c grcat theme of oiir proqrani is . THE VOICE .OF HEALING RADIO BROADCAST
THE M E S S A G E 01' D E L I VlZ.J'<- Dear Brethren:
AN CE, featuring lliviwe H c a l i i i g , and ' I desire to have a part in your radio ministry. I am. enclosing the following
ddkcraiice froiii c v e r y t l h g that. has Iiin- donation for your broadcast:
dered and Bligiztcd huriiaii lives! I n line
with this, w e shall relate outstanding,
testimonies o f . niiraclcs of hcnling which
. ~-~~
have occurred in the ministries of our I$ I$5 IS10 1$15 IS0 I$lOO I
evangelists. Also, each weck, w e will fea- Murk tin (x) in square showing nniount

THE VOICE OF HEALING O' August, 1953 3

ADDRESS 1)lHECTORY (Continued)
Frank Fortunato, 4337 Bleigh Ave., Philadelphia.
Velmer J. Gardner, Route 3. Box 504. Springtield,
W. V. Grant. 711 N. Mdn. Malvern. Ark.
Philip N. Green, Box 2876, Tampa,.Fla.
L. D. Hall, Box 697, Grants Pass, Ore.
H. E. Hardt, 467 Pennsylvania Ave., York, Pa.
Alton L. Hayes, 11699 Denton Dr., Dallas, Texas.
P. 0. BOX 8658, DALLAS, TEXAS R. ..E;. Hcnke, Rt. 2, Box 491, Chowchilla, Calif.
Tornmy Hicks, Lancaster, Calif.
. A monthly inter-evangelical publication of the Last- Rcy Hill, 851 19th St., Des hloines. Iowa (Hill.
Day Sign Gift Ministries, published by the Voice Bradsliaw Evangelistic Party)
of Healing, Inc., a non-profit corporation incorpo- R. W. Holmes,, Rt. 1, Box 122, Tuskahoma, Okla.
Harold Horton, 18910 Wormer, Detroit, Mich.
rated under the laws of the State of Louisiana. Fern Huffstutler, 1151 N. Cheyenne, Tulsa, Okla.
Copyright 1952 by The Voice of Healing Gayle Jackson, 46 Lark St., New Orleans 24, La.
U. S. Jaeger, Box 511, Mirror Lake, Wash.
August, 1953 Volume 6, No. 5 Richard Jeffery, 6590 Hessel Road, Sebastopol,
Article . -In This lssue- Page Ossie B. Jones, P. 0. Box 3006, Eastwood Station,
Atlanta, Georgia.
An Open Letter to the Full Gospel People-By Editor.......................................... :.. 2 S. W. Karol, 4235 Bennington St., Philadelphia,
The Voice o f Healing Radio Program............................................................... 1 ....... 3 Pennsylvania.
Radio . Schedules_ _........................ 1....................................................................... 3 John and Olive M. Kellner, 5 Genesee Park,
. , Geneva, New York.
Evangelists Address Directory and Evangelists Exchange...................................... 4 LeRoy M. Kopp. 1059 S. Hope S t , Loa Angeles
He Called Me to Rescue the Perishing 15, California.
The Story of Evangelist-Warren Litzman ............................................................. 5 Evangel Paul Kopp, 3236 Larga Are., Los An-
Evangelists Schedules.......................................................... .................................. 6-7 Gordongeles 39. Calif.
Lindsay, c/o Voice of Healing, Dallas
The Story of Demas Shakarian and the Full Gospel Business Mens Fellowship. . . . . 8 Warren L. Litzman, 1540 Lyle Ave., Waco. Teras.
Startling Incidents and Amazing Answers to Prayer..................... ...................... 11 Harvey McAlister, 380 Riverside Dr., 4Dy, New
York City 25, N. Y.

Osborn World Missions Crusade......................................................................... 12

Raymond T. Richey Column........... 13 S W. B. McKay, Box 1546, Orlando, Fla.
. K. Mabry, 2203 West 3rd, Sedalia. Mo.
The lamp Trimming Revival- Stanley MacPherson, 114 N. State St., Lyons,
Sermon by Evangelisj Fern Huffstutler.................................................................. 14 Kan.
Featured Evangelists Section . . W. H. Magee, P. 0. Box 8567, Dallas, Texas.
R. R. Vinyard, Velmer Gardner, A. A. Allen ............................... :......................... 16 Michael Mastro. Rt. 3. Box 177-A, North Ft.
Myers, Fla.
Gayle Jackson, Russell Park, Alton Hayes-Gordon Lindsay . .
Owen Murphy, 8444 E. Albia, Downey, California.
Everett Parrott (Page 30) Louise Nankivell, 900 N. Karlov Ave., Chicago, -
Israels Prophetic Destiny Revealed in Her Stamps- Illinois.
David Nunn, 2230 Fordham Road, Dallas, Texas.

. Prophetic Article by Gordon Lindsay.............................................................. 26 Jay B. Oak. 544 S. W. 34th Street, Oklahoma
Donald Gee Column...:............................. :.......................... :................................... 28 City, Okla. .
Prophecy Marches On-By Howard Rusthoi.. ........................... :............................. 2 9 Wilbur Ogilvie, Rt. 4, Box 190A,.Turlock, Calif.
Book Catalog......................................................................................................... 30-32 T. L Osborn, Box 4231, Tulsa 9, Oklahoma.
Russell Park, Hackberry Sta., P. 0. Box 7222,
Gordon Lindsay ...................................... E ~ t o r THE VOICE O F HEALING San Antonio 10, Texas.
Lottie Addy .......................... AssLtant Editor P U B L I S H E D . MONTHLY Everett B. Parrott, Box 788, Portland 7,Oregon.
Subscription Rate-10 Months ............$1.00 Homer Peterson, 47 Swanson Parkway, Ports-
ASSOCIATE EDITORS 2 Years ................$2.00 mouth, Virginia.
Canada and Foreign-10 Months___._. $1.50 Raymond T. Richey, Box 2115, Houston, Texas.
F.F. A. Bosworth
Allen Stanley McAlister
Harvey Karol , 2 Years ..................... i._........ ......$2.50 L C. Robie, Union Springs, N. Y.
Single Copy (Current Issue) ____.__________ :$ .E Howard Rusthoi, Box 647-M, Pasadena 19, Calif.
Rudy Cerullo W. B. McKay Rolls of 10 $ 1 . ~ Virgil T. Smith, Bronson, Florida.
Clifton m c k s o n Jack T. Moore Rolls of 50.................................................. $5.00 James Paul Sturgeon, 1400 Sycamore St., Waxa-
veher~~h~~ .Louise Nankivell Single Back Copies ....... ....................... :.$ !25 hachie, Texas.
Wilbur Ogilvie Entered as second:class the post A. S. Teuber, Rt. 3, Box 598, Springfield, Mo.

W. V. Grant -.
Philip Green T. L. Osborn omce at Dallas, Texas Star Thomas, Box 238, Englewood, Colorado.
Raymond T. Richey
L. D. Hall A. C. Valdez, Jr., 1027 East McKinley Street,
A:C. Valdez, Jr. Phoenix, Ariz.
H. E. Hardt
Fern Huffstutler
Richard Vinyard
Mildred Wicks
WEstbrook 6366 - Richard R. Vinyard, 7817 W. 81st St., Overland
Park, Kansas.
Gayle Jackson Doyle Zachary Please notify us of change of address, William A. Ward, Box 675. Tulsa, Okla.
giving both old addresses. Ad- Mildred Wicks, Box 7334, Dallas, Texas.
S P E C I A L CORRESPONDENTS dress all mail to: Doyle Zachary, Box 333, Greenville, S. C.
Donald Gee David du Plessis THE VOICE O F HEALING, ,

Howard Rusthoi Box 86%. Dallas. Texas

We have arranged for those living in countries where Arrangements have been made whereby THE VOICE TENT FOR SALE - Our new and
h g l l s h money Is used to obtain The Volce Of H e m g O F HEALING and Gordon Lindsay books may be2 se- larger tent is now ready for use; I will
and Cordon Llndsay books irom the following: , cured from:
THE BIBLE AND TRACT DEPOT siicrifice my 50x170 steel clad lent for
219 MARY ST. THE EVIDENCE BOOK DEPOT $1,400. Includes 5 collapsible steel cen-
BALSALL UEATH. 6 RATA ROAD, HATAITAI. ter poles, wall poles, and 5 block and
BIRMIXGHAM. ENGLAND WELLINGTON. NEW ZEALAND - tackles. If you buy tent, will let you
ADDRESS DlRECTORY have 500 steel folding chairs, perfect con-
We list in this directory the names of those B. D. Bennett, Box.232, Rosemead, Calif. dition, for SZ.O.0 each. Will also sell my
who we bclicve have a proven Divine Healing F. F. Bosworth, Box 678, Miami Beach 39, Fln. 18 van body Clievrolet truck (driven
ministry, and who are laboring in harmony with Clair M. Brooks, Box 213, Springfield, M o . only 6,000 miles) for 82,500! Cost 54,250
the policy of THE VOICE OF IEAI,ING to Paul Cnin, 516 Park Ave., Garland, Texas. new! TENT CAN R E SEEN NOW IN
unite in spirit the nicmbers of the body of Christ, Oscar Capers, P. 0. Box 11132, Horlston 16, Tex. ALTON-WOODRIVER. ILLINOIS!
and whose lives ore above reproach. Contact or see-VELMER J. GARDNER
Rudy Cerullo, 1848 E. Orleans, Philadelphia, Pa. ALTON. ILLINOIS
A. A. Allen, 1004 S. 14th St.. Lamar, Colo. David du Plessis. Box 342. Glmhrook. Cnnn:
G. 0. Baker, Box 386,,I\.Icdford,Ore. (See Schedule Page for Location)
Clifton Erickson, Rt. 8, Box 598B; Springfield, hlo.

. 14 THE VOICE OF H E A L I N G . 0 AUgUst,1953

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F . . . .. I ......................
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I , , -.

He Called M e To


Rescue the Perishing

- Warren Litzmari
IL i Available at TVH-See Page 31
. I
1, Evangelist Litzrnon
FIE G I ~ l ~ i \ r l * l ~IHRILI..
Sl t h a t cvcr ca~iic to niy . I i ic . spt)lic to him. or tic h;icI twtii given visions o i hiiiisclt (Icliver-
out. It
;it tIit* time was in
tlicii I
\vas turiietl
tleep sin :ind could tind no way ing humanity. I had nc\:er been sick, \vas perfectly healthy.
to God
: i d met the I.ovcr of my soul. ; ~ n c ldic! not h:i\ri! dreams and visions. It looked hopeless. One
\)Vli~mI gave my heart to Jesus. I gave Him everything 1 had. day I rcxl i n Mark where tirc.rc sif1rz.r shall -;fol/az~thcrri tiin/
:\lwut two \.cars later. I was gloriously filled with the Holy Drlimc. .I bemn to studv what the word bc1icvcr.r means. A s
Ghost atid lJo\Ver. I-rotn that time. 1 felt someday the T..orrl I did. I saw L a t I c o u ~ be i ~ i\. I~ELIE\{I*:K.
\\:oultl use me, soiiicho\v, in His scrvici:. A THEME FROM AN OI,T)-TIME PREACHER ASSISTED ME:
CALLED. INTO GODS SERVICE With this scripture aIicl a the& from the life-of one of our
few years later, while T was going to college ;it Raylor old-time preachers, Prcucli / h c TVorrl aird Iioltl oii to Gotl, zcii-
University. some friends o i iiiiiie and I were conducting \yeel<- iil the s i p s follow. :I began to pray. .J: prayed hours each day.
cnd rcviv;il services, whcii 1 felt. that God had definitely called Often times I would pray at night ,?fter the services were over. .
iiic to His servicc. I prayed until I almost had a nervous breakdown. At the samc
I put that call to thc -test, as I wanted to be sure that thc time 1.was praying, I: prc;ichrcl .;it night. - T h i s left rnc quite
Lord wanted to LISC me. I asked the Lord if He wanted to usc weary. There were many \Ireelis and months during this time
me, to put IIis approval,. upon niy niinistry by saving souls i n I became disappointed becpuse 1 could see no chaiigc ; but every
our next weelmid. rcvival. M y ansiver c?me ; for. in the next time I did, the thcmc I h ; ~ dchosen cheered iIie on, .tr&li thr
niceting, 2 1 .souls \vcrc savcd in three services. Froni that time Wort1 a i d izdd 011 io God, till the s i p s folloxi!
on, I had a passion to s ~ ~ c ~ s osaved.
\Yhcn I got out of school, the Great Revival of Deliverance I iound the u i o y c I prcacIrc(1 thc W o r d the iiiorc pozvrr I YLV-
\vas in the beginning. I began to preach revivals over the coun- ce&tf! Finallyt one night I was preaching. I pr;i!;ctl for theni
try and, for abouttwo-ycars, God blessed. But I was still not and the s i p s began to follow.
seeing the grcatni:ss of Pentecostal power in action. I was filled At least fifty people came foramd for pray&r---c.zmy kiiitl

with the IIoly Ghost. but soriiething zle~asiiiissing in my life! I .Of ailniciit zua.s r c p r c s r l i t d ! As I prayed, I felt the iiiighty
-began to. scarch my heart and life and to get closer. to God. I n power of God flow into the sick. TIic pozucr of Goti TWS SO
about a yc;irs tinic the iniracle took place that gave me the strong that ?tight,, that .triost of tkosr praycd f o r i c w c sriiitfcii
power to pray the prayer of faith and set the captivcs free. iiiidcr the poswer of God!
S K HOW As a result. o i that service, inany miraclcs took pl;icc. O w

lady coughed up a caiiccr iiic i i c s t riioriiiirg. Scvnrol i~vrc: hiold -.

This is tile story of how the power to deliver the captives of eye discascs airti ?i.craou.siicrs. .A ticirior . discippcarc:d mid
m i i e to me : sorile, w1io zwcrc iiirahlc t o T C I O ~brcniisc
~ of p l i ~ v i c a ldisabilitics.
t ~the question, HOW did yozc get into tiic

Man!- have a s ~ wmc PE.VYE able to retrrrri t o their jobs!

Iriiiiistrg of delivcraricr? or. What happened to you that RECEIVED A DEFINITE CALL T O I~ESCIJE THE PERISHING!! -
~ausetlyou to start. praying for the sick? I have been asked -Many great mirnclcs.occurrccl~tluring that revival. and it last- . .
concerning my ministry i n niany ways.. 1 Iiavc always noticed id over, sewn weeks. A little later 011: d d c J : v m skchiiig . / / i t -
- L o r d oiic dag, I reccived a dcfinitc call t o libtrutc peoplc. iii
that the person inquiring asked in an excited manner, espcct-
ing an csciting answer. For esample, one lady asked me to tell body, soiil aiid spirit! I was greatly impressed with the nccd
;ibotit t h e dreams and visions I had \\.henGod called me to pray , of a perishing world mid the Lord said to me-. .
inr thc sick. -4 minister asked me what siclcnesb God healed me fRescuc the perishing. W&p oer the crring one.

oi \\hen I started i n the ministry of delivcrancc. Almost \vith- Care for the dying; Lift L I the
~ f;dlcn :
out csception, s o ~ i i c o ~asks
ic me to tell my life story. .My mi- Snatch thcni in ,pity, . .. Tell then1 of Jcsus,
.mwis /hot Gods TFord Ird I I I C t o p r c i . ~/ o r the sick! T h e Bi- From sin and the grave !, The iii,ight!; to s a w !*
!)le proiniscs dclivcrancc for thc sick and, there fore, the Mord Since that day our caiiipaigns 1i;ivt: bccn 1;nown ;IS the l\c.~-
of Gotl is my lifc stoJy. ciie theP e r i s h $ Rc-Jivals!

I 1i;ivc noticcd t h a t \\:hen I tcll the pcople 1 have 110 astound- A s the years h a w gone by, 1 havc seen iiiiglity things doi?c

ing tcstimony, so~iic o i thcm become crestfallen. I.have no ior God :is I uitncssed the rescz~iiigof thc pcrishiiig!
scruples against tliosc who have Siich wonderful testimonies : DOOR OPENED FOR GREATER MINISTRY!
however, that just didnt me. About three years ago, the Lord opened thc door for greater
THESE SIGNS SHALL FOLLOW c\.angelism, RS \vc purchnscd our Iargc gospel tent. Most o l our .

THEiM THAT BELIEVE! meetings arc city-wide CH: union campaigns ;ind soii1.s arc being
I L seemed every time T heard onc of thz brethren iii the heal- saved. by tlrc thousands! Hzrirdrcds of sick arc bciiig h a l e d !
ing ministry tcll of ,his cs.pcricncc of inspired faith, I would Cities are being stirred :ind Jesus is being glorified. Thc most
leave disappointed, for I didnt have the prerequisites.. Either the iuoiiderfzrb. t h k q abozct it all, is that T H E S A M E GOD WHO
preacher hadbecn on his death bed and God hcaled him and I-IELPS ME CAN AND WILL HELP ANYBODY!
3 1 THE VOICE OF MALING August, 1953 5


All City Wide Tent Meetings: GORDON LINDSAY Staunton, Virginia...... Beg. mi.,July 17
.Minneapolis, Rlinn........... July 31-Aug. 23 HEALING RALLIES Place: Big Tent Cathedral (City Wide)
Checotah, Okla. A u ~6-23
. . ' Location: Hy. No. 250. East
Tent located, 4300 Olsm Highway Within City Limits
Contact: Rev. R. H. Olson Area Wide Union Revival in Checotah
Freemont a t 25th Ave. N. Tabernacle just north of town on Iligh- Contact: Rev. C. H. Cookeman
' ,
wya 69. 507 Grubert St., Staunton
Evansville, Ind ............................. Sept. 2-27 Fresno, Calif........................ Reg. Sept. 1.3 Merwrsburg, Penna. ..August
Contact: Hansel Vibbcrt '
Location: Citv
- " Auditorium and Calvarv
Place: Within City Limits
.. 11 W. Iowa Tabeniacle (Same Lot Occupied Last Year)
Corpus Christi, Texas ........ Oct. 7-Nov. 1 Contact: Rev. Claude Weaver Contact: Rev. E. W. Winand
355 Woodrow Ave. 36 Fayette Street

CLIFTON ERICKSON Portland, Oregon .................... Beg. Oct. 11

Area Wide Tent Campaigns:
Location: First Assembly of God MICHAEL ~ ~ A S T R O
. Church
Harrisburg, Penna. ....................... A u ~ i s t Contact: Norman D. Davidson Salinas, Calif. ..................................... July
- Contact: Rev. Leo S. Starner Box 2015, Portland 14, Oregon Location : Pentecostal Tabernacle
2648 Reel St.reet 351 Sanborn Road
Philadelphia, Penna. .............. Septeniber FERN HUFFSTUTLER . Contact: Rev. Ray Kelly, Pastor
Contact: Rev. Wallace S. Bragg C&hc+rg, Canada .............. July 19-Aug. 1 Phone 9634
8111 Eastern Ave., Zone 18 Location: Cobourg Camp Meeting :.:............ August 4
Santa Rosa, Calif..........
Nova Scotia. Canada ............. August 3 Location: Revival Center, 309 Davis St.
VELMER GARDNER (2 weeks) Contact: Rev. W. J.Griggs
Independence, RIis5Ou1-i. and Ea5t Kan- Location: Camp Meeting Phone-1308-J
sas City, 1120 ...................
July 19-Aug. 9 Hamilton, Ont., Canada ............... Sept. 6 Detroit, Michigan .................... September
Union Gospel Tent Campaign Contact: Rev. J.H. Blair Fond du Lac,Wiscorisin . ..October
Location: On Truman Road and
Northern, Independence, Mo. GAYLE JACKSON' - LOUISE NANKIVELI,
Contact: Rev. John Waldron Greenville, 'Miss. .............. July-August 16 RADIO BROADCAST:
Phone Clifton 9439 City Wide Tent Meeting
Aug. 14-27
In'dianapolis, Ind ....................... Contact: Rev. Herman Sharp . XEG-Monterrey, Mexico.
Gospel Tent Campaign
. Phone No. 3255 1050 on Dial.
. Contact: Rev. Ted Vibbert Greenville, Miss. Every Sunday, 7:45-8:15 p.m., CST.
Phone TAlbot 3559 ' Dothan, Alabania.:..Sept. 6 thru Oct.. 18 XERB-Voice of Southern California.
Springfield, RIo. .................... Beg. Seyt. 7 City Wide Tent Meeting . 1090 on Dial.
(For 3 weeks) Contact: Rev. Max McNabb
City Wide Gospel Tent Campaign Phone 3-4520 , Every Saturday Night, 8:OO-8:30 PST.

(Beginning on Labor Day with a great Dothan, Ala. Address: P. 0. Box 719.
Youth Rally-Three Services on Chicago .90, Illinois. .
Labor Day)
Contact: Rev. David Hastie Scranton (Dunmore), Pen& .____ .. July DAVID NUNN
Central Assembly, Springfield, Mo. Gospel Tent Campaign
Location: Route U. S. No. 11. Van \Vert, Iowa Beg. July 26
W. V. GRANT . Corner Grove and Third St. Area Wide Tent Campaign
Contact: Rev. D. Veater, 1106 Pine St.

,Joplin, Missouri .............. duly 24-August Two Services Daily: 10 a.m..and

City Wide Tent Campaign Phone Scranton 3-0890 7:45 'p.m.
Lorain, Ohio .... ....................... August 7-31 . Contact: Rev. M. M. Baker
PHILIP N. GREEN Gospel Tent Camp.aign Phone 19-L. Van Wcrt
Location: One block west of Elyria Ave.
Overseas-England, E:orope, F a r East., On Hy. 254, Lorain, Ohio Baton ~louge,
Louisiana ......... ~ e p t e n i b e r
Philippines ............... July-November Chairman: E. J. Hance Gospel Tent Campaign
L. D. H A L L ' .
1028 Highland Fark Blvd. Contact: Rev. James V. Courtney, Jr.
Benvick. Penna. .............. Oct. 4-25 356 South Tenth Street
Atlantic City, N. d.......July 26-Aug. IG Contact:, Rev. Wm. Eavcs Phone 3-5918
Area Wide Tent Campaign 543 Green Street Kilgore, Texas ..................... Beg. Oct. 4th
Location: Between Albany Blvd ant1 Wilmington, Delaware Nov. 1-29
Area Wide Tent Campaign
Trenton Ave., Route 40 Location: Calvary Pentecostal Church Location: Midway between Kilgore and
Across from Bader Field Pennsylvania Ave. and Franklin St.
Contact: Rev. C. F. DeArmitt, Pastor Laird Hill, Texas, on Highway 259
Contact: Rev. Melvin T. Smith.
205 Atlantic Ave. Contact: Rev. Darnell, Phone 2769
Houston, Texas................................ July WILBIJR OGILVIE
Portsmouth, K. H. .... Aug. 23,--Sept. fi Gospel Tent Campaign . Borger, Tesas............. :.... Beg. July 18
Area Wide Tent Campaign Location: 75 and Lyons Ave.
Contact: Rev. A. T. Bradstreet Gospel Tent Campaign
Denver Assembly of God, Sponsor Contact: Rev. H. H. Woods
York, Maine. Phone 159-M Contact: W. L. Suter 503 Whittenburg St.
Texarkana, Arkansas Beg. July 28
H. E. HARD!?! ..
(One week only)
York, Penna................. July 24-Aug. 16 Location: City Auditorium
Gospel Tent Campaign Sponsor: Central Assembly of God E V A N G E L I S T S A M W L B. de
Location: Carlisle Ave: at Taxville Rd. . Church KLERK of South Africa is now in
Contact: Rev. Arthur Davies, Contact: A. C. McGaugh , America and will be with Rev. A. R.
R F D 10, Yorlc, Pa. Houston, Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . August 4 Schmidt a t Evangel Temple, 43 East
Newark, Dela.............................. Sept. 3-27 Gospel Tent Campaign St. JaJnes at First St. J U L Y 17-31
Union Gospel Tent Campaign Location: E. 25th St. and h'orth Main Grants Pass, Ore., AUG. 9-23
(Inside City Limits) Sponsored by Several North Side Assembly of God Church
(No Services on Monday Nights) . . Churches I

Contact: Rev. Arthur E. Hardt . . Contact: J. P. Pecorina'.

c; THE VOICE O F HEALING . ' August, 19%

T. L. OSBOBN Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., Sept. 20-Oct. 18 R..E. VINYAED '

(See page 13 for Schedule-Osborn Place: Assembly of God Church

and other location to be announced Sherbnrne, New York ......July 24-Aug. 9
-"World Missions'' Crusade Contact: Rev. Carl B. Johnson Place: Mountain View Gospel Camp
RUSSELL B. PARK 1018 Seymour New York and New Jersey District
Minneapolis, Minn. Oct. 26-Nov. 29 of Assembly of God
Fond du Lac, Wisc. .......July 19.Aug. 1.6 Place: Full Gospel Temple
Place: Gospel. Tabernacle 2300 Bloomington Ave. Binglianiton, N. Y ...........Aug. 16-Sept. l d
Corner South and Oak Contact: Rev. J.M. Strand Contact: Rcv. R. D. E.
Contact: Rev. A: C. Liebelt. 1530 E. 26th St.
Phone DU-2772 2 High Street, Binghamton, N. Y.
120 W. Division St.

Phone 5934 A. C. VALDEZ, JR. Dallas, Texas ........................ Sept. 27

Green Bay, Wisc ................ Beg. Sept. 3rd I I o s Angeles, Calif. _ _July
. 26-Aug. 9 Place: Oak Cliff Assembly of Cod
Place: Assembly o f God Church Place: Angelus Temple Church
Contact: Rev. E. A. Beck Contact: Rev. Howard Courtney 919 Morrell Avenue
735 S. Quincy St. 1100 Glendale Blvd. Contact: Rev. H. C. Noah, Pastor

TVH lists all information available concerning meeting schedules. If we show only one date regarding a campaign, that is the
beginning dafe-most campaigns run at least ' two weeks, or longer. Further information concerning date and location should
be secured by writing local pasfors, or evangelists listed in our directory. NOTICE! TVH cannot assume the full responsibility of
directing people to these campaigns. Sometimes a meeting is cancelled or postponed, offer our magazine has gone to press.
fThis applies to schedules on Page 6 also.)



Hayward, Calif ...............July 26-Aug. 16 Nhgam Falls, N. Y .........Sept. 13-Oct. 4 Joplin, Missouri ......................... July
Location: Full Gospel Temple Place:. Revival Center Tahcrnacle Gospel Tent Campaign
. 28057 E. 12th St. Hyde Park Blvd. and South Avenue Contact: Rev. Dow Booe
Contact: Rev. John Fain, Contact: Rev. Albert Fisher Salina, Kansas
1011 Webster St. 3707 Walnut Ave.
Sari Jose, Calif ............
:....Aug. 23-Sepl. 6 Cunada-Nova Scotia, New Biiinswick Sherman-Denison, Tcs. duly :; 7
Location: Evangel Temple and Prince Edward Island __.___.____July
Woodlake Camp Meeting
43 East St. James at 1st St. and Aiigrlst
Contact: Rev. A. R. Schmidt, Location: On Highway 75 between
1523 De Anza W a y Sherman and Denisori
Renville, Minnesota.................... ..Oct. 7 ITINERARY OF
Location: Assembly of God Church EVANGELIST L E N JONES EVERETT B. PA~ZROTT
Contact: Rev. F. E. Mether, Pastor Coos Bay Oregon .............. July 12-Sept. 1
:(Editor of THE EVIDENCE o f Union Tent Revival Campaign
232 5th St. Sidney, Australia 1 All Southwest Oregon Full Gospel
Bakersfield, Cali. .............. July 18-23 Churches Cooperating
OSCAR CAPEHS - Place: Full Gospel Tabernacle Chairman: Rev. Peter Jepson
Crowell, Texas ................................... July:
Contact: Rev. C. M. Ward. Pastor Box 432, North Rend, Oregon
San Francisco. Calif. .......... Julv 28-
Place: Crowell Assembly of God A;g. 9 HOMER PETER,SON .

Place: Glad Tidings Temple Cheltenham, R.Taryland.................. July

Contact: Rev. Warren W. Everson Contact: Rev. Le1and.R. Keys, Gospel Tent Campaign
Box 482, Crowell Pastor
- .
Location: On .Crain Highway, 16 Miles
Shreweprt, La. .................... Sept. 8-13' From Washington, D. C.
R. E. HENHE Place: Life Tabernacle Contact: Albert Ark
722 Grand Ave. Cheltenham, Maryland
Phoenix, Ariz ...........
..Meeting PoStponecl Contact: Rev. Jack Moore, Pastor L. C. RBBIE
Price, Utah-Aug. 16-Sept. 6 Open Dates: Sept. 22 to Oct. 18 '

Assembly of God Church. Ashland, Penna. .................. Beg. July 21

Gospel ITent Campaign

Buckeye;. Ariz..................... Oct., 25-Nov.. 8 Location: I n edge of town, back o f

EVANGELISTS' EXCHANGE Ashland Motel, on Route 122
!ROY LC.HILL; TENT FOR S A L E d O ' . x 120', steel Contact: Rev: J. S. Zeigler, Pastor
clad, in perfect condition, used only Assembly of God Church
Galesburg, Ill...................
Aug. d - s e p t . 13 two summers. Tliree collapsible steel 1222 Walnut Street '
Location: First Church of the center poles, quarter poles and side Aug. 16
Stroudsburg; Penna....................
ODen Bible poles. Also two sets of steel stakes. Gospel Tent Campaign
656 W.Losy St. Collapsible platform 12' s 21',and Location: Lennox Street at intersection
Contact: Rev. M. W. DeWitt complete lighting equipment. Original of Rt. 611,'Near edge of City
Olive Street-Phone 8-1407 ,:i cobt '$3,5OO.OO--~ill sell for half Contact: Rev. J. Russell Cairns, Pastor
: . price! ,May be seen i n sercice during Assembly of God Church
month of August irr, York, Penna. 42 Broad St., Stroudsburg .
'R. W. HOLMES . '


Corpus Christi, Texas .................... July 12 H.E. HARDT ' ' . '
: Gospel Tent.Cam. aign ,: Rea. add. 467 Pennsylvania,Ave., RlcPherk; Kansas.......... i..Sep
. teinber
Location: Corner of.Bardwin, Ave, York, ..Pennd.; 'or- : I Gospel Tent Campaign ....
.and!Morgn St. , :.
(Spanish eeting)
I (See Schedule page .for current I. Contact: Rev. R. Ri Chappell
713 N. Walnut St. '

. . , , , . ..................... . e .

. . . . ...................... .....I.. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

THE VOICE O F HEALING August, 1953 -

+- . .


God hus prospered a business man SHAKARIAN (right) $7,000.00 check for the Full Gospel Men's Fellowship
and used him in organizing great re- International.
vival campaigns and rallies, and WHO CENTER-THOMAS NICKEL, EDITOR, Full Gospel Men's Voice!
IS NOW PRESIDENT of the newly
4s a result of sponsoring these re-
vivals, Dcmas Shalcarian c:inic to bc T h e o p p o r t u n i t y presented itself
0 H E G I N OUR STORY let us recognizcd as one of the leading fig- sooner than he thought. Some of the
T drop back twcnty years to the clays
of the great depression. I t \vas a t this
urcs a m o n g Full Gospel circles around
Los An'gelcs. O n e of his close fricnds
young people believed that the time
had come to have a great rally in the
time t h a t Deniris Shalcarian made his was the late l l r . C h a r l e s . S. Price, Sh r i nc Auditorium . J3 ut tv he re was the
first vcnture into business, having re- whose ministry was a great inspira- moncy t o come froin, in ordcr to do ',
ceived from his fathcr a motlest sum tion to him. l l u r i n g conversations with this? T h e n one day, a t a dinnkr with
of money t o help h i n i get startcd. I-ii\ llr. Price, n e m a s bccame convinced a number of busiricss mcn, Brothci-
first business ventures were, he says, that the need of thc hour was a super- Shalc;irian poured his hcart out to thcm
unsuccessful. After a fcw failures, hc natural ministry. H e also received :I of his hopes and plans. Before he 1-\ne\\.
came t o the conclusion that the chief vision of thc unity of God's people'antl what \vas happening, men came walk-
cause of his tliflicultics wnq that hc 11 a \ longed t o sec union efforts in which ing u p to him with bills of large de-
not taking God into his Dlans. T h c n he all thc various groups of Spit-it-Iillctl Iiomination. When it was counted, h e
iound that actually $6,200.00 had been
dously aft'cct his entire futurc. givcn. Soon thc rally, which was t o
m a i c e history a m o n g the young people
business mcin mho has made
a of
of Southern California, was held in the
Sh r i ne A 11 dit oriu ni .
God's work tlte cliief business of
' H e and his wife, Rose, who has his lif- story which, if fully
proved to be a most fortunate choice BOWL SPONSORED BY BUSINESS
told, would require many pages. MEN ASSOCIATES
as a life companion, together decided I t is an extraordinary account of
to consecrate not only their lives t o a mun wlto, t h o u g h engaged I3ut this was only a beginning. T h e
God, b u t to place thcir entire business 'many hours of the day in the suggestion \vas niatle that it might
in God's hands. Beginning from that business w o r l d ; B E L I E V E D be possible for the Full Gospel people
cfay, they invitctl God to be thcir full THAT GOD COULD BLESS HIS of Southern California to secure t h e
partner in all their plans. BUSINESS JUST AS N E MIGHT IIollywood Iriowl for a grcht youth
T h a t dccision resulted in the hole BLESS THE MlNlSTRY OF AN rally. I t \KIS thc privilegc of thc writcr
course of their lives being changed. EVANGELIST OR OTHER MIN- to be present a t that rally. Being the
Shortly afterward, Brother Shalcnrian ISTER OF TlIE GOSPEL. What guest of Pastor Louis Hauft', UT sat
madc,his first effort in a practical way h s happened in the life of near the ccntcr of activities, Ivhcre we
of promoting evangclism, by sponsor- Dernas Shakarian may well be witnessed the rally from an excellent
ing a H o l y Ghost rcvival. T h i s proved an inspiration to olher brrsirscss vantagc point. T h e mammoth bowl
to be so successful that he was led t o men who, though they do not overflowed with people, many of whom
assist i n other meetings. It was not feel that they have a call to tho had comc from many miles i n cvery
long before his business took a turv pulpit, have a longing for a defi- direction. So far a s we know, no other
for the better and he began t o noticc nite part in God's program for religious group, previous to this event.
that everything he put his hand t o their day! hac1 ever a t tcniptcd a similar dcmon-
seemcd to prosper. stration.
8 THE VOICE: O F HEALING August, 1953
EXECUTIVE GROUP of the Full Gospel Business Men's Club, shown around fable as they examine the first issue of the FULL GOSPEL
MEN'S VOICE. DEMAS SHAKARIAN is shown to the extreme right.

During. this time we were occupied .\iter the Los Xngeles .campaign; men oi the Church. Such a plan of
in organizing large healing campaigns which we have mentioned, Demas-Sha- bringing men together u7ho belonged
i n various parts of the country. I n Jan- liarinn continued his - labors i n - union to various religious groups, but who
uary, 1949, with t\vo other evangelists cfi'orts. Several times he !\:as chairman had a coniinon faith i n Cod's power,
we laid plans for a union healing rc- i n thc 'sponsoring and organizing of could only be a c h i e v e d by getting
viva1 i n the city of T.os Angeles. \Ye great healing revivals that have had others to share his vision of the unity
had met Rrother Shaliarinn two years a wide effect i n this great metropolitan of the Cody oi Christ. Step by step
before, but it \vas ;it this time that a iIfCi1. Cod opened the way.
close f r ie n d s h i p WI s formed bet wee n 1.11s I'EI~SOKAI. BUSIKf;5S. 3l:tDE T h e great meetings and rallies that
us. He assisted u s in this revival, along rro PROSFEI~ hnd been held brought these various
with other brethren, I,. B. 1-ewis, 1,ouis All during this time, the 'business business men together in such a way
Turnbull. and Rov Kopp. alYairs of Brother Shakarian continued that I3rother Shakarian and others felt
Night after night the various audi- to prosper.. A large. drive-in dairy was that the time \viis near to take this
toriunis that were engaged were filled founded, which included over a thou- great step. T h e projected plan o f a
to capacity. Finally the meeting \vent sand milk cattle. T h e tl;tiry is located business men's fellowship came to frui-
into the Shrine Auditorium. which was near Downey, California, and serves tion at the close of the Oral Roberts
far from adequate to seat the crowds between two thousand and twenty-five meeting i n Laos A4ngcles, when the
which attended. I t was the greatest hundred customers daily. forming of t h e fellowship was con-
sustained revival that Los Angeles had That. is' only one project i n his vari; sum mated.
had for a number of years. On one ,ous business activities. God so pros-
night, when ministers present were pered him that he was able to build F~LLOWSHIPIS RON-SECTA It 111N
asked to stand. no less than five hun- and equip two great shopping centers
dred rose to their feet which are served by the most modern I t was my privilege one evening to
m'ethods of merchandising. Recently it sit down with 13rother Shaliarian for
TO SPONSOR LARGE UNION was our privilege to visit one of -these ' sewral hours while he sketched fur-
. CAMPAIGNS . establishments. T h e s e enterprises are ther plans that had lieen made, and
During that meeting we became ac- an object lesson to Christians, i n that the Fellowship constitution that had
quainted ,with a large number of spirit- they show that God is willing to pros- been prepared. T h e whole program
ually minded men of the denomina- per His people, if they will use their \vas to center around the Church-it
tional world who,,during the campaign. prosperity for His glory. . \v;is to I)c by the Church, for the
became convinced that the days , o f ORGANIZED.FULL GOSPEL BUSINESS Church, and of the Church. T h e fel-
mass evangelism were not over. T h e y MEN'S FELLOWSHIP lowship was to be entirely non-sec-
told u s that they felt that large evan- There was yet another dream that tarian i n nature. T h e purpose was to
gelistic efforts might be possible, even Demas Shakarian longed to see ful- encourage fellowship ?nd unity among
iimong the d e n o m i n a t i o n a l groups. filled-that was a Full Gospel business the business men of the Full Gospel
Months later they cooperated in the men's fellowship. I t was his conviction group and, a t the same time, s e w r e
Billy Graham revival, the first of his that one of the most r)owerful assets their united strength i n combined ef-
campaigns that received national pub-' of the Church was not being fully used forts to advance the Gospel.
licity. -the potential power of the business (Continued on Page 101


.. .... . . . . --
.. , -

BREAKFAST for Full Gospel Business Men's Club, a s they prepare to broadcast the regular Saturday morning radio program over Sta-
tion KRKI. DEMAS SHAKARIAN is shown standing before the microphone.

STORY O F SHAKARIAN being made. Needless to say,. our breth- sention which will be held in Los An-
. (Continued from Page 91 ren were greatly, iniprcsscd thc geles, October 10, 12, and 13, of this
potentialitics of .this move aiiiong busi- year. T h e convention w i l l begin with
Brother Shakarian, of course, would ness men. T h e y recognized it as one a morning breakfast, October loth, at
be the last one to claim the credit for more step I)? the Spirit of G o d in the the Clifton Cafeteria, 648 South Broacl-
y h a t has been accomplished. Others recognition of the' unity- ol 'the Body way, 1.os Angeles.
h a w labored selflessly in the cause. o f , Christ.
Nevertheless, it must bc admitted that A VISIT TO L. A. FEIJAOWSHIP
God has used this man in the business GROUP'S WEEKLY BROADCAST
world as one of the key figures i n the Aftcr writing the above article it
notable advance that has been made
was our privilege to visit one of the
in the causc of unity i n the Full Gospel Since the. December Convention, the Saturday morning breakfasts of the
movement. plan has moved along. L o c a l fellow- 1-0s .4ngeles fellowship. It was one of
ships - are b e i n g f o r m e d iii various the most amazing men's fellowship
INTERNATIONAL FULL GOSPEL cities. 4s an organ of thc busincss men, groups that wc cvcr witnessed. God's
BUSINESS MEN'S FELLOWSIIII' t h e . m a g a z i n c , FULL G O S P E L blessing. camc down, even while thcy
INITIATED ME\r'S V O I C E has been founded, wcrc on the radio; people were saved,
L a s t December, Brother Shakarian which is n'ow published monthly. A healed, and received the Paptism of
flew to THE VOICE O F HEALING year's subscription is one dollar and the Holy Spirit during the meeting,
Convention, in Dallas, where it was the magazine may be obtained by writ- which lasted nearly all morning.
our privilege to hear him relate the ing the editor, Thomas. Nickel, 1059 Any one who visits one of thesc
plans that had been made for initiat- So. Hope Street, L o s Angeles, Cali- morning fellowships, if he is sensitive
ing the :Full Gospel Business Men's fornia. . . to the Spirit:s leadings in the slightest,
Fellowshlp International. D Ur i n g a 13usincss nicn who are interested i n will be compelled to admit that this
noon-hour luncheon, he was given op- the plan fqr a F u l l Gospel Business grcat move among thc business men
portunity to elaborate to our associ- Men's Fellbwsliip i n their community is truly a m o w that has been inspired
ates in some-detail the plans that wcrc should plan to attend the national con- of God.
.I ,

. . , .
TVH PROVES BLESSIh'G help in..its It,eaching, and for the testi-
TO MISSIONARY IN NORWAY monies o f : the .marvelous healing of .the
people! 1 also tielieve'we are going t'o see 'HICFifth Annual yoice of:Healing
u-Thank -_- - . : ,' . .
, I

.: ,
greater' wonders, as the;time .draws nigh . Convention
you very 'much for,, T H E for our Lord's coming.

Yours in Christ, December 8 to l l t h , . .

VOICE OF REALING which .I may have '

at no obligation. .I surely appreciafe .your Christofa Bruntland. Missionary, City to Be Announced Soon!
magazine and I. thank God for the great Bergen, Norway
10 \
- . I

Iraycr Causes b a v y Freight

I . ,

Slcainer To Re lifted
Saves Mans Life

PSALMS 34:15 -
The cy& of the HEBREWS 1 : l G c A r e they not [ W e thank the Lord for the loon-

IAortlare upon, the righteous, and His all ministering spirits, sent forth clerful mork accomplished by the Mis-
ears are open unto their cry. to minister for them who shall he sionaries all ozier the worl&, and .for
heirs of snlmtion? the. e s t a b l i s h i n g of local Mission
Robert Palmer, who
a devout Christian, had a won-
M Y W I F E AND I have much to praise
and thank God for today, for the
houses .and stations.]
MISSIONSTATION ilaci beell cs-

marvelous way the Lord delivered us tnblishcd n c x the village whcrc L u l a

derful answer to prayer. from our third story apartment when the
He had been a shipbuilder all his news came to us that the building in was born, and, slic, with other diiltlrei?,
life and employed five hundred men which we were living was on fire. ivns Constant i n hyr. attendance.
much of the time. He built and re- floor About 1:30 p.m. April 14, 1953, a second H c r mothcr was m d c i i k c i / o ~ ; i ~ i ~ m ~ i o ~
paired large wooden ships; in fact, he askingtenant came running up the stairs, of the witch doctor, as were all thc .\Til-
us to call the fireman, as the apart-
had what was called the largest set ment house was on fire. 'lagers. T h e ,witch doctor bcgaii to get
of marine railways in the U.S.A. at We were bath working nights; thcre- jealous arid infuriated at t!ic IcsAciiing o i I
1 1 1

that time. This was before the days fore, were sleeping at the time. My wife his power over these young ones ; there-
of huge corporations where every awakened and rushed down the stairs but,
because I waited to call the firernen, I fore, he .adopted all kinds of t r y
contingency is anticipated and pro- found I was trapped. to pryvent their attendancc .at th(,! Mis-
tected by insurance. I dropped in mid-air from the bodroom sion school.,
A large freight steamer was sent to window and, only by a miracle performed But still they continued tosteal,.a w i y
I- him to be repaired, and as i t was used b y God, was I enabled t o catch onto a on every possible occasion to school, and
to handle heavy cargoes, it was neces- blind on the second floor.winclow and hold were being inslructedin the faith, of Jesus
sarily a very heavy ship. H e hauled it to it until the firemen came with a ladder! by the, teachers. Things, .however, yere
out on the marine railways, but its weight Our apartment was fifty (50) feet from heading for a climax.
1- broke them down and the vessel sank the ground and the firemen and our The witch doctor, unwilling to 1ose:his
into the miid a n d rocks. This was a very friends were amazed that a man weigh- power and authority, worked upon the
S serious situation. ing 194 pounds, as I did, could hold onto mind of the poor heathen. motlter of Luh..
h H e sent 10 N e w York f o r large hy a blind until he was rescued. Once he made her pour boiling water
t draulic jacks to trg t o lift the boat. I t This has been a great testimony to OVOT her little girl. to prevent her from
- 1: w a s riseless. Stout howsers were attached many and has given us several opportuni- going to the, mission. However, she was
and large tugs tried to pull the ship o f f . ties to speak in different churches and so faithful .-to the mission teaching that
All was in.2;ain. Day after day the men over the radio, that God be glorified in nothing would. hinder her from. slipping
tried every means they could think of. all things! away to school.
After one very discouraging &?J, Rev. Clarence E. Buker The ,heathen mother was assured by
Grandfather came home. went in a room North Rrookfield. Mass. the witch doctor that evil spirits were ex-
b?j himself, f e l l on his kness and prayed (See Below) ercising their influence over the little ,girl.
earnestly. He said afterwards that he He persuaded her that something must be
told his Lord that he had tried to serve done. One night as Lula was returning to
Him faithfully and uphold the honor-of her village,she wus laid lwld of by tw
a Christian. and that i f he could not get devil doctor and otlmrs. and taken out
thy ship off, it would mean his financial into the forest, and there bound lwnd and
ruin, for he was responsible for its foot to a large Banyan tree,.% exercise
safety. I t would mean the ruin of his the devil of the Jesus doctrine out of her,:
business, throw all the workmen out of they said.
work and cause hardship to their fam- They returned to their village expecting
ilies. that this would- be.the ldst they would see
0 Lord, he said, if I cciiinot wmke of her. But they reckoned witliout God,
this good to the owners, i t will brwn f o r this little girl liad learned to..tmst
discredit on me as u Christian and dis- Jesus tha.t ,no harrit would befall her!

honor Th?j name. h*ow Lord. I need help. In the morning the devil doctor,. h e r
He prayed until lie felt a definite as- mother, and others went out to see:whalt
surance that his prayer was heard, so happened to her during the night. 1 5 ;
he arose and retired for the night and agine their astonishment to find her hap-
slept peacefully. py, with no apparent harm done to. her
hTezt morning the highest tide ever by the beasts of the forest. About twenty
known ltere came up, and up, washed f e e t from her was iL well-troddenpath
Over the big docks, and gently lifted tlte over which it was evident the anipals
lleavy freight steamer oztf o f its ?n?Lddy had been passing a11 n.igM. long. Dbwine
grave! providence never permatted. them to get
The sea is H i s , and H e made it. nearer than the. path!, . .~
(Genesis 1:6-10) The Lord spoke to the When asked about the lions, she said.
sea and it obeyed. Yes, they marched rgund:m d r.mnd t h
It must be noted that it was not the tree all night long, roaring and making a
time o f t / L e Perigee moon when once a terrible noise,. but they could .not.Imm
?nOntlL h i g h tides occur. Workmen a t the UPPER RIGHT window i s where Rev. Buker mei because.teacher told me. Jesus would
Shipyard talked of this for years. always protect US. if. we trust& Him; SO
dropped from. Caught on window blind on I just asked Him to;take care of me!
Grace R. Knapp
Noank, Conn. window just below. . ~
.. - . . W. G . Humphrey..
> .

3 1953 11
W ERETURNEDFROMGUATE- met with the Church of God a t Cleveland,
MALA, Central America, this Tennessee, and with the Assemblies of
God in Springfield, Missouri. Both of
spring with an indescribable burden . these organizations recognize this- as a
on our hearts; a burden that seemed plan inspired of the Holy Ghost, and have
to increase almost hourly. We were given it their warmest approval. Space
feeling the responsibility of doing does not permit my giving the details of
the perfect harmony which prevailed in
more, and more, to spread the Gos- both of these meetings.
pel to the un-reached portions of the ( W e will be meeting with other Full
earth. It seemed as though a heavy Gospel Organizations as soon as possible.)
cloud of anointing rested on us day So now, in one month's time, I am
able to report much progress to you from
and night during those four weeks the ASS'N FOR N A T I V E EVANGE-
in which the Spirit was chartering LISM.
our future course for greater world ADVISORY BOARD OF FULL GOSPEL
evangelism. -Evangelist 1.1.Osborn MINISTERS
DOORS ARE FAST CIBSING TO Determined not to create another or-
MISSIONARIES IN FOREIGN their customs. They can, therefore, ac- ganization, and having no constitution
. LANDG! complish infinitely more, ministering to and bylaws, we 'have endeavored to as-
W e are thankful for what we have them, than the best white missionary, f o r sure the public of the careful and ac-
been privileged to do, but we realize that a tenth of the financial support. But there curate handling of the funds contributed
more MUST be done, and that quickly! has, heretofore, been no means by which for this crusade by setting up an Ad-
the Spanish preachers could be supported visory Board of consecrated Full Gospel
The doom which are closing to the mis- in pioneer missionary ministry among
sioltatdes have caused us great coltcm, Ministers whose character and reputable
and the hunger of the heathen for the these tribes influence in their respective fields would
Gospel has cried out to us night and day. similar conditions exist all over the create unquestionable-confidence that this
world, and the native preachers can ef- WORLD-EVANGELEITC EWTERPRISE
All these things, we took to the Lord in fectively invade these areas with the
prayer, and asked Him what we could do operate in careful accordance with its de-
t o speed the Gospel to every nation, tribe, Gospel, if they are supported long enough .&red purposes.
kindred and tongue, in a greater way. to establish their work on the indigenous The Mawing men have mnsented to
basis. serm this Crusade as Advisons, making
As we waited upon Him, H e began to
talk to our hearts unfolding a plan which NATIVE MINISTERS WILL BE SUP- available their council and their advice at
will certainly accomplish much toward PORTED THROUGH ESI'ABLISIFFD all times:
getting the Gospel of the Kingdom to FULL GOSPEL ORGANIZATIONS Rev Noel Perkin, Secretary. Foreign
the uttermost part of the earth. Through the Full Gospel organizations lWi&oms Deparbnzenf. Assemblies of God.
PLAN TO SEND OUT NA1'IVK which are ahead established on the dif- Rev. Paul E Walker. Executive
- MISSIONAHIES TO UNREACHEI) ferent fields of t t e world, and under the sions Seadary, Church of Cod.
TRIBES! direction of a board of capable adviiors, Rev. David J. Du PlessiS, Field Repre-
This is the plan: T o make'it possible native preachers, who are definitely called sentative, Ekrr East Broadcasting Com-
for hundreds of native preachers all' over of God, anointed of the Holy Ghost, and pany.
the world to become pioneer missionaries who have a burning passion for souls, ..Rev. Warren I, Koon, Supervisor,
to the unreached tribes and -areas of will be sent to these unreached tribes of Emtern District, Foursquare Churches.
their own countries. by giving them the their own countries by giving them a Rev. Ve&e D. Hargrave, Supenisor,
monthly assistance necessary; just as .we small monthly financial assistance. This Latin-Amaaican Missionary Department,
do in sending out missionaries from the assistance will be given to these native church of God.
United States. pioneer preachers only for such a time This Advisory Board, though not yet
[The regular foreign rnissiomry.funds as is absolutely necessary for their work complete, is considered as the working
of the organizations a t home are con- to become indigenous and self supporting. committee of the Association f o r Native
fAn6ly being exhausted sending o u t mis- When this goal has been attained, this Evangelism, and is being consulted on
6 building Revival Centers. and assistance will be given to another, or a all important details. W e are now m r k -
m%hg and ma2ntaining Bible Insti- pastor will be put over these Christians, ing out an agreeable system of choosing
tutes to train the natives, while the native and the pioneer preacher will go on t o native preachers, and a medium through
churches are doing all they can do to another area, where the Gospel is not which we can be regularly informed o f
support their pastors and build their known, and proclaim Christ, with signs the activities of each native assisted,
native churches; thus, . n o m a n s has following. through their respective Field Super.
heretofore been available to send natives This assistance will be grant& through wsors.
-as 'missionaries. n?i., is; our aim.] . the Foreign Missionary Department o f , or MONTHLY REPORT OF PROGRESS WILL
Guatemala, is a staggering example of through the Field Supervisors f o r the BE CARRIED BY T H E VOICE OF
the need for this plan. Two thirds of her Full Gospel organizations, under, whose HEALING !
population is made up of pure-blood prim- supervision these native preachers are Another development has been the ar-
itive Indians, who 1ive:exactly as they being assisted. rangements made with THE VOICE OF
did. even years before ;the early Spanish Already we have contacted over a H E A L I N G to keep the public informed
conquest, speaking their own language, dozen Field Supervisors, whom we know of the monthly progress of this means
and running their own' vast communities, personally, whose fields-we know, and of "evangelizing with the natives." Each
steeped in the very depths of the most whose native workers we know. The re- month, space will ,be given for r e p r t s
heathen paganism. . ' . sults thus far have been most gratifying! c o m i n g these preachers. con-
NATIVE MISSIONARY IS EQUIPPED Since we knew this plan was of God, m i n g the nz0n.q~ra+9ed, and to whpm
WITH LANCUAGE; BUT NEEDS we believed it would be an error not t o it is being sent. Each person promsing
. FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE work, as far as possible, with the Full to contribute as little as $2.00 per month
Because of constant :trade with the Gospel organizations we are acquainted for one year, toward the support of these
Spanish people, by these Indians, scores with here in the States: therefore, vie native pioneer missionaries, will auto-
of the Spanish preachers speak these In- decided to meet with the Foreign Missions matically receive THE VOICE OF HEAL-
dian Dia1,ects fluently and understand Boards of these organizations. W e have ING for 12 full months! W e consider this

il THE \'OlcF: OF H E A L I N G AUEUSt, 1953 ,

__ ,....,. .
.__ .r , , .. . , l . .

Further reports and information concerning this GREAT MISSIONARY CRUSADE will he carried monthly un-

This work of getting the Gospel to new

as a real blessing t o this Missionary Cru-
sade, as it relieves- US of the responsibfl- tribes, areas, villages, and peoples is the
ity of informlng those who Invest to sup- OSBORN MISSIONARY AND work nearest the heart of God! I t is what
port these natives, by some other means; Jesus died for. It is our supreme task! It
something f o r which we have neither the HEALING CONVENTION is helping to carry out Christs last
time nor the money t o do. orders !
Much work is yet to be done, but we PRAY DAILY FOR THIS WORK AND FOR
are moving with the Spirit, and we be- JULY 32-26 THESE NATIVE MINISTERS!
lieve- that, in a supernatural way, great L e t us pray daily that every dollar in-
strides will be taken in a short period of . HAZELTON, PENNSYLVANIA vested in these native ministers shall ac-
time. complish the most possible for the K i n g ,
SUPPORT ALREADY RAISED FOR FIkTY Eagles Auditorium dom of Heaven; and let us hold these
NATIYE EVANGELISTS Wyoming S t . near Diamond Ave. precious brethren, who will be going into
Already, in just a few .ma?tings, and new areas, constantly before the Throne,
rvithout the slightest exertion of pressure, (Opens Wednesday 7:30) in prevailing prayer, that His mighty
the support f o r over 50 pioneer native anointing shall rest upon their ministry,
preachers abroad has been raised for a thus turning multitudes of heathen from
full year, and this is scarcely the begin- darkness to the Light of the Gospel.
ning. O h . how near the h a r t of the [For further information, be sure to,
American Christian this work is! I t they had some $12,000.00 in Canada, watch the next issue of TVII. You ma
seems that everyone who hears of this which they were considering making a b write persona^ to: ASSOCIATIO~
simple little plan of systematic giving available to our work. A Methodist lav- FOE NATIVE EVANGELISM. Box 4231,.
wants to have, a t least, a small part. mun,a contractor, promised $50.00 each Tulsa, Oklaliomal
Some, .who have means to do more, are month, and a Pentecostal preucher and NOTE: For the benefit of those who are
doing so. A precious Christian woman, his wife CEid likewise! The president of wondering if this Crusade will hinder
who had received some Insurance WMJ, a company, who is a devout Chriatian the Osborns from their overseas cam-
came with a check for $l,OOO.OO! S h e man, toEd us that he had been praying paigns, we wantTo assure the public that
said that before she went to heaven she for something just like this to develop, i t will not. The Osborns are laying plans
wanted to invest all of her money in the and said that, shortly, he expectad to right now t o launch their greatest over-
work of the ministry. Away over on the gwe 90 per cent of all profits f r o m his sea revivals .of their ministry, with .Gods
i other side of the world, in India, a de- private company for this support of help. Pray for them as they press for-
vout Christian wrote to us, stating that native missionaries! ward.

Hezekiah, the king, lay sick-nigh unto indwelt each of them, and they were able
death. The. prophet Isaiah came to him to go forth under His anointing and win
and told him he would die and not live, multitudes f o r Christ! God answers
but Hezekiah turned his face to the wall prayer!
GOD and prayed and God saw his tears and
heard his cries and added to his days
The early church prayed! In every time
of difficulty and testing;. in mry hard
fifteen years! (11 Kings 20.) I know God p e e , thsy praged! Herod the King was .
answers prayer! vexing the Church. James had been killed
ANSWERS The three Hebrew Children prayed and,
when they were cast into the furnace,
with the sword, Peter was in prison but
prayer w a s made by the church and
there was a Fourth who walked in the Peter chained, sleeping between two sol-
diers and with the keeper of the door on
PRAYER! fire .withthem and they came f o r t h w i t h
out the smell of fire on thecr garments.
(Daniel 3.) Oh yes, I know God answers
guard, m loosed by the angel of God
and went f o r t h t o join his brethren (Acts
prayer! 12). Friend, bound in the prison-of fear,
II Rev. Raymond T. Richoy Daniel dared to pray to the God of of doubt, of pain and sickness, of heart-
Heaven, when it was a forbidden thing- ache and disappointment and bitterness,
I KNOW GOD A N S W E R S P R A Y E R ! H e was thrust into the lions den, but
GOD ANSWERED P R A Y E R and all night
let God send His angel to you! I know
God answers prayer!
First of all, because He says He mil
answer prayer, and H e Us the God of long while the King knew no rest, Daniel Church History is merely a record of
Truth, He cannot lie. (Titus 1:2) H e sweetly rested in the assurance that God answered prayer! Every great Revival
says Call unto me and I will answer answers prayer! this world has ever known is the result of
thee. (Jeremiah 33:3.) W h a t child of God has not had the joy God answering somebodys prayer-the
of coming to the very end of his own result of Gods answering the fervent,
I know God answers prayer because effectual, persistent, prevailing prayer of
Jesus, Gods only begotten Son, prayed power, strength, resources, ability, maybe
even life itself, and having God come on His children-His church!
and not only prayed but taught His fol- The Reformation was born in Martin
lowers to pray! the scene and, in answer to prayer, give
I know God answers prayer. because, glorious victory! My God hath inter- Luthers prayers-the great Wesley Re-
Gods own Book, the Holy Bable as a vened! My God closed the mouths of vivals came because of the prayers of the
record of answered prayer! God moved in the lions! My God made the fire power- Wesleys and their friends, who dared to
Clays of old in answer to the prayers of less to burn! My God sent His angel to believe God. Listen, and hear John Knex
His people and He moves today in answer open the door of the prison! My God cry God give me Scotland o r I die and
to the prayers of His people. Things h a p caused the poisonous serpent to drop look a t God sending a revival that swept
lien when people pray! powerless into the flame! not only Scotland, but England and
Very briefly let us consider some things Jesus prayed a t the tomb of Lazarus. Wales!
that happened when people prayed. Jacob H e lifted His eyes to His Father and The great Revivals of the twentieth
Prayed and his whole nature, even his thanked Him that H e heard prayer, that century are Gods answers to prayers of
very name was changed-no longer was He altoays heard prayer and then H e His children! Oh. yes, friend, I know God
he Jacob-the Supplanter, but Israel, commanded Lazarus to come forth from answers prayer and the more you pray,
the Prince. (Genesis 32:28.) the tomb. Death lost his prey when the the more I pray, the more God will be
Elijah prayed and there was no rain Prince of Life spoke! God answers prayer! able to do! Chains of sin, sickness, of af-
on the earth f o r the space o f three Years The disciples of our Lord prayed. W e fliction, of demon oppression, obsession
and s i x months. He prayed and God t find that, when one hundred and twenty and possession-all the power and forces
rain. Elijah was a man of like passions of them prayed, the wffole place where of Satan-are ne match for the p@wer
as we are. (James 5:17.)Faith in Elijahs they were was shaken and the mighty there lies in believing prayer, b&ause
God will bring answer to prayer today! Holy Spirit of R n m i s e descended and GOD. ANSWERS PRAYER!
. .

The Lamp
A s Preached by Her at the Fourth Annual
Voice of Healing Convention in Dallas, Texas
Evangelist ,Fern Huastutler .
_ . the evangelistic field this April. We have THE EX CYCLE
been through all kinds of cycles in Pente- After a time, the Prophecy Cycle ran
. . MATTHEW 25:6,7-And at mid- cost; When I was a tiny little girl, we had its course. Then we went .into an Ex
night there was a cry made,,.Beliold, the real glory, power and fire, of Pente- Cycle. Every preacher was an e?-prize-
the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to costal enthusiasm. .We had it! There were fighter an ex-opera singer,. ex-movie
signs, wonders, miracles and divine gifts star, etc. I was talking to another Pente-
, meet him.
-. .
of the Holy Ghost operating in the serv- costal preacher one day and said, I dont
-Then all lhose virgins arose, and ices, as God moved in our midst. Each suppose Ill ever be a great preacher.
.trimmed their lamps.:. . service was so different you didnt know He asked why. I said, Im not an ex-any-.
. . . what was going to happen next. Perhaps thing. Ive. never been married, divorced,

. . * * . t * * right in the midst of a. testimony meet- o r a beauty.queen, or a pugilist, and it

, A number of years.ago I , w a s ,holding ing, the Holy Spirit would break in and Seems that if you arent somckind of an
a . meeting in a little Arkansas town.
someone would rise quickly to his or,her ex you can never make it.
The-re was a lady in that particular little feet- and give a message in prophecyor THE MUSICAL CYCLE
khurchwho was a real woman of God. tongues with .interpretation, which would We finally got throughhour Ex Cycle;
Friends, I have learned that there are electfify the. entire audience, and: there then for. ten or twe1ve:years we went
members of the laity who have sought would be no preaching, Just the gloryof thrpugh
God desperately, and God has talked to God was sufficient. We were born in it, wh-o was avery Musical Cycle, and everyone
successful had to play m u
them, as well as to those in the ministry. friends, and i t was born in us. sical bottles, guitars, accordians, flutes,
MXRACLES ACCOMPANIED ;: trumpets, organs, or piame. I did i t too,
. : ._ REVIVAL . . . .. BICREYS MEETINGS and I still. sing every time I get a chance.
-. I am just an old fashioned Pentecostal I still play the, piano, and give everything
This little woman had learned some preacher, and Divine healing goes with it! I have to God,. which isnt very much.
things from God through the,years. She I remember in the early days of Pente- Through that period, .if you didnt have
,asked me to come sit with her one after- cost, when I was a little girl, I went to musical talent, .you couldnt get in the
noon and I did. As I sat by her bedside, Brother Raymond T. Richey.s meetings. crowd. That is all right too, i f you cant
she took the precious Word of God and I n those days he used to load up crutches, get .the crowds any other way; but I be-
opened it. to me and unfolded to me some: canes a n d braces, by the truck-loads, lieve the power and the glory of the su-
of,:,the things that God had revealed tu which had been discarded by people who pernatural, which God instills within His
her.,I shall never forget .that look on her had been miraculously and gloriously ministers, is the advertizing plan He f a
face when she -took my hand::and looked healed by the power of God, and .take vors for the promotion of Hls gospel!
:into,my eyes as she said, Sister Fern, them through the town on parade. One
as sure as you are a preacher of the Gos- night, in one of his meetings, I sat there JESUS ESTABLBIIED HIS I~INGDOM
.pel; that sure will there be a day when spell-bound, when I saw a woman raised ..-WITHSUPERNATUECAL POWER!
God is going to send a LampTrimming up offher death bed. They had brought Jesus established a Kingdom when He
revival. to this wlorld. her on a cot. She had a large cancerous was here upon this earth. Some say that,
wiL~BECHARACTERIZEDBY THE goiter on her neck. Brother Richey pray- one of these days, Jesus is going to be
SUPERNATUBAL ed for her, and she leaned over the cot King. My:dear brother or sister, you have
. She went onto say, There will-be given
and expelled the cancer from her mouth it all wrong; Jesus is already a King!
Divine authority, in the Holy Ghost, for onto the floor. Those -hundreds of people He has Kingly power now! Jesus came to
the ministry. The, beauty, purity, .and went wild, praising God! I thank the Lord this earth .not only to exemplify the
glory of. the Apostolic power will return. that we were born in the fire and glow.of beauty of God, not only to bring men and
women out of their bondages of sin, sick-
There will be a re-kindling of Divine Pentecost. ~ . I. t
nesses .and suffering, but Jesus came to
love! There will be set aflame, in the lives : TEE PROPHECY CYCLE . this earth to establish a Kingdom, a
of men and women, the golden truths that We then had a few years of drought. Spiritual Kingdom in the lives of men and
have been .Itaught us through the years. We got into a Prophecy. Cycle, and women. He put that :Kingdom. in the
This .great revival is going; to have an everyone who came around, through our hearts-and minds and souls of humanity
element of theDivine. of the supernatu- part..of the country had a chart. They to love Hlm and the Kingdom that ,He
ral, it wil1 be characterized by signs, won- told us about the Fbur Horsemen of established. He on a basis
ders andmiracles. . .. Revelation and all about the AntiChrist: of supernatural power, and, with super-
i-In.the midst, or height, of that great They told us about Mussolini and Hitler natural convincing elements. He gave
revival, there will come a trumpet sound and the Black Pope. .They preached to his disciples a commission to go and
out..of heaven, and the call of the arch- us from Daniel and from Ezekiel. They i?n%aclt the gospel, heal the sick, cast out
angel, saying, Come u hither, my Be- told us to watch Moscow,. Berlin, Italy, devils,%.andrake tlw dead! .He said to
loved, come away! Oh Ifallelujah. Rome. and Washington, until we were them, Freely. you have recerved. freely
!-.aWhat.a thrill it was then, as she leaned watching everywhere, except where we give!? .
over the side of the bed, gripped my hand should,have been watching-the sky! . .. He didnt tell them to advertize.. -He
tightly, .and said, Sister Fern, God told . I remember a number ,of years ago, .I said, Qo with the power that I haw given
me ,that when t h a t revival came, you were went to the CentralAssembly of God Qi you, and tlw sick y i l l be healed,.the.dsuils
going tobebin it! Springfield, Missouri, to,p.reach a r e j v a l will be cast. auti!men and w o r n will be
... . ..

. , . . . ~

. . . . I
meeting. After I had pFeached about a r e l e w d from .sin .and set free, from t,&
~ENTECOST.HAS PASSED THROUGH week, three of the ladies came around, to bondage of satan! The people. w i l l - .be
I . I
me, gripped my hand and said, Were so p & p m d e d .that the KingdoF,!ofheaven i s
... /.F.mnot a novice i n the.Pentecostalmin; glad . to :hear somything about. Jesus at hand,.whsn they see,t?bese manifest&
istry. 1 c+ebrat<{ ;my:twentieth year i , . on Christ. . . . .
, , .
tions .of Hia power! ,. ,.
. .
. ,j ! , .

24 THE VOICE OF! HEALING! . * I August, 1953

The authority that Jesus gave, He gave
through the power of the Holy Spirit,
mors leave her body. I went back and
instructed her as the Spirit had told me.
Jesus said to his disciples, Ill give you
power and authority! He looked a t Peter
for He said-
I go away, birtl will sevid y o u an-
GODS POwElz il
and said-
peter, upon your confession of
faith that I am the Son of the Liz;-
ing God (because you see in me the
Rock upon which God promised to
build the church of the living God),
I will gave unto you the keys t o the
otlier Comforter. When He is conte;
He will abide with you forever.
(John 1 0 : 7 ; 14:16)
And He further said-
The things that I now do, shall Ye
do, and greater works shal!, ye do,
because I go t o nty Father. (John
That week, she passed five large tumors
from her body. She came back to that
same church the following Sunday and
gave her testimony. telling
done for her. -.
- what God Ki-d
In another place in California, a lady
came to me one night who was-badly

Kingdom of heaven, 14:12) swollen around the waist. I looked at her,

Whatsoever you bind on earth, shall The reason he went to His Father was and said, Sister, God has told me you
be bound in heaven, and whatsoever to send us the power, the dynamite. the have a tumor and will pass it from your
you loose o n earth shall be loosed a n glory, and the authority of Pentecost! body; Go home and, in Jesus Name, you
/Leaven. (Matt. I S : 15-19,) My friends, when that power came, every will pass this tumor. She went .home
I t was my happy privilege to visit thing that Jesus did became Dossible for and, within a few days, that old tumor
Rome, Italy, a couple of years ago, along His Followers to-do, not through their own had dried up. I t withered and died. inside.
with many of the other countries in Eu- strength, but THROUGH THE POWER her and p,assed from her body. She could
rope, on an expedition over there. As I OF THE HOLY GHOST - THROUGH then -wrap her dresses around- her, they
stood in St. Peters Bacilica in the Vati- THE POWER O F PENTECOST! Halle- were so,much too large.
can in Rome, I stood right over the golden lujah!
altar, where they claim the bones of St. T H I S THE D A Y OF GOIYS VISITATION
Peter were laid. I saw the Catholic Pil- I S ALL SUFFICIENT Oh, Glory to.God! This is .the day of
grims there, as they were coming in f o r I am a firm believer that anything can revival! This is Gods hour of restoration.
Holy Year from all over the world. I saw happen when the power of the Holy G h s t T h i s is the moment when the Spirit of. the
them kiss the golden altar. I saw them is present, and that not much will happen Lord is moving wherever He can find a
bow on their knees by the thousands. to when the anointing of the Holy Ghost is heart that is open to Him! This is the
worship the Shrine where they say the not there. I believe that none of the gifts day of visitation from on high! T h e day
Apostle Peter is buried. I talked to some of the Holy Spirit will operate without when Gods Glory is being revealed! Sure-
of them and, 01 course. you know they the direct anointing of the Holy Ghost ly those who know their..God shall do ex-
believe that Peter was the first Bishop to operate them and I believe, friends, ploits in His -name! This is the day of

(or Pope) of Rome. that when the anointing of God is upon Gods power! T h i s is the day for the
They believe that he held the keys to a congregation a t the same time the Church to arise-to put .on the clothing
the Kingdom in his hands and that he, anointing of God is upon the individual God has prepared for her, and go forth
in turn, passed them to the succeeding ministering to them, anything can and and conquer.all the works of the enemy;
Bishop, then each Bishop, in turn, through will happen! And nearly everything does for THEGATES O F HELL SHALL NOT
the years, has passed them on down happen! I believe, however, that Jesus PREVAIL AGAINST THIS SPIRITUAL
through the Catholic church, until now- Christ deserves the glory and the credit. CHURCH O F JESUS CHRIST! When
they believe that Pope Pius presently has The power of the Holy Ghost is our all she i s fully. armed, with the power and
the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven! sufficiency! the glory of God,.the devil will have to
When he passes away, he will pass the From the hour that great truth was rim!
keys on to the next successor. revealed to me, I have seen this ministry Thank God! Im glad Im living in these
P E T E R A N D O T H E R S GIVEN K E Y S grow. It has not been instantaneous. We glorious hours, when the Holy Ghost is
TO T H E KINGDOM have grown in the Lord from the hour He being poured out upon all flesh, and the
I heard them tell this story over and began this work in us. He spoke to each gifts of the Spirit are being restored to
over. then-in the best English I could o f us and, oh! the thrill of having God the Church of Jesus Christ.
God has done nothmg for and through
speak-to a poor Italian Priest, I said, as I sDeak to vour heart! Too. there are many one man that He ,will not do through an-
I looked a t him with such compassion in , 6mes Go2 draws us to Him by His Spirii, other, who will pay the price. God is still
my heart, My Dear Brother, if the Apos- without an audible voice. Many times l o o k k g f o r num andwomen who will be
tle Peter ever was in Rome, and I dont God has impressed us, without speaking wholly yislded to Him, who will not touch
think he nor they can even prove that, audibly, by an inward voice o r an inward the glory,. but will give H i m the praise
(I wanted to give him just a little bit of impression. He has told us things that and the glory!,All honor, glory and praise -
insight into real Christian History), He would take place. . . belongs to Him! ,Only through His.nume
was not a pastor of a Roman Catholic GODS SPIRIT WITNESSEDTHAT can any of us do anything! We cannot rob
Church. If he was ever in Rome, he was Izlt: WOLJLDHEAL! o r cheat Him, of His glory, Hfs money, or
the pastor of the First Pentecostal Church I shall never forget one such instance praise; and we must live a life humble
of Rome, Italy, because the Apostle Peter in California. As I sat meditating on the before God-to6, have Hls power and bless-
received the keys to the Kingdom on the Lord, .before I went into the service. God ing!
Day of Pentecost. And, when he received spoke to me and said, There is a woman God is looking today for such men.
the keys to the Kingdom, one hundred here today who has a.number of tumors W i l l you be thut maat? You cun be that
and nineteen ( l l 9 ) others received them in her body, and Im going tolheal her. ? n m ! All of Gods- ministry today is to
with him. When I stepped out to preach that night, have the signs following them! Not just
To me, it is perfect audacity to say that I looked the audience over and said. in a few-but many! Thki is Gods p h n f o r
Peter held the Keys to the Kingdom in my heart, God, who is i t ? I then said His church-to clothe her with His power,
his hand, and then went out and denied to the congregation, God tells me that t o prepare her f o r H i s coming!
his Lord. He didnt even get the Keys, there is someone here with a number of
until the day of Pentecost. tumors in your. body. If you wi1l;:come GOD R E V E A L S HIMSELF TO A L L
I looked again a t that Italian Priest forward, God will heal you. No one W H O SEEK HIM!
and said, My Dear Brother, the Keys came. I began to look around and .said That Church is to go forth into the
to the Kingdom were not buried there within myself, Oh. God! I know you haye world; to, liring about the awakening and
with the bones of Peter (as some might spoken. Who is it? Then God the revival before the coming of our
believe or imply they believe). nor are a,-large woman and said, That woman Lord! This is Gods day, Gods hour! This
they in the hands of any ONE man to- has the tumors in her body. is your hour! Get on your..face before
day! The Keys to the Kingdom a r e in the I called her forward and said, Sister, God. Humbly seek Him,. until :you have
hands and within the grasp of every man you know that I do not Know you, isnt heard from heaven! There are no s m t
or woman, who has been filled with the that true? She said, Yes, that is true! cuts to Gods power! God rweals.Him-
blessed Holy Ghost and commissioned by I then said,-TheSpirit of .God,has shown self only to those who seek His.face! ,
God to preach the unsearchable riches of me that you have a number of tumors in Call upon Him now for a visitation
Jesus Christ! your body, and ,God,is going to. heal you from God, for surely the Lord will.hear
AUTHORITY IS GIVEN THROUGH today. Can you believe it? She said, :yes, in this hour-because H e k&: irrstructed
HOLY GHOST I do! I then, prayed for her and .went 2L6 to call upon the Lord crord t o seek the
I believe that we are chosen and or- ahead and preached my sermon.;.titne of the lattet rain!
diined, andgiven Divine Authority by God ,. :After :service was dismissed and f w a s Now is the. time. to. akk ,for the rain!
Himself! I believe that that authority is a b u t to walk out.,thedoor, God :spoke to Ask of..,the Lord,, and .there shall
not within ourselves, but it is in the Holy me again and said, Go back and tell that showers of blessings j n your .hciart and in
Ghost, within us! woman to tell her doctor when those tu- those around you! God bless you!
THE V O I m O F HEALING August, 1953 i5
--Says Pastor
-The Spirit
iiiiointeil ministry of
B r u t tier V i n y;i r d
p r o v e d tl1at 'tile
\Vorcl o f G o d i s
.qiiiCli and powerful
ant1 s h a r p e r t h a n
any two edged
I believe I cin
truthfully sny t h a t
meetings ,of this nn-
tiire awe the answer
. tu UutTiilos greatest
need. The blessing
and presence of God
inspired and eniicli-
ed every service.
Rev. H o m e r C. Cooljer, Pnstor -_
: . The Christinn lnbernncle

.. N o r t h .Tonnwnnrla,.N. Y.


. . .IN BUFFALO, N. Y.
. By :I<:R. Vinyard . .

46 -TWAS A THRILL to us as we
entered Buffalo, New York, . t o

begin our meeting in .the Memorial .

Auditorium. We had felt the call of
God for some t h e to that great city,
but were happy that, at last, the .
Lord made it possible for us to fulfill
His leading..
Tlw very first Sunday night. convic-
tion was so strong that two hundred re- : -. .. .. ,. .
sponded to the altar call: the unsaved I. -

~wnwforward to accept Jesus Christ us FEATURED EVANGELISTS: R. R. Vinyard

Saviour, and bccksliders came to renew
tllBir covenants With God. The Lords ._ PENTECOSTAL TABERNACE in Buffalo, New York;was packed to capacity each J
pow+%- to heal was there, f r o m the be- night a s EVANGELIST R. R. VINYARD ministered there. REV. FRANK D . CHRISTIE, j
ginning, to ntset e v m j human need. The
deuf heurd tlie dumb spoke, and various Pastor and Co-Chairman of the meeting, is shown-wiih his family-in the UPPER
o t l m a f f l h i o n s vanished, tinder the . .RIGHT INSET!

Vinyard i 1)
- iniglLty miracle working power o f God! I
Many. who had been church members did just that throrigh our precious Broth-
for years, found Christ in His saving er Vinyard! .
power f o r the first time in their lives.
Over one thousand, by acliiul count. ac- People from many denominations drove

tY ir
several miles each night from various
cepted Jesus Christ as Saviour and De-
liuerer! Scores, from all faiths. received parts of Erie County and were greatly
blessed as they listened to the dynamic

a Blessiw
the baptism o f the Holy Ghost! \
,I praise God that these meetings are Bible Deliverance messages, under the

not merely healing campaigns but that mighty anointing of the Holy Ghost. (

God sends His fullness for every need o f Brother Vinyard made the Bible live
the human heart. i n the hearts of his listeners and THE:
\VORD is more precious to us now than
ever before! Many souls were brought Brotlier Vinyarcls niinis~ry in BufInlo
CHURCH FEELS IMPACT back to God, and great numbers were Iins been WCII rnincIeeI. in ~ I ~ I I I I I ~o Pf IIIC
OF MIGHTY REVIVAL gloriously saved and healed in these bless- GOSpEI.
ed meetings.
Iiy Rev. Frank D. Christie
Co-Chairman. nnd Pastor of Already our clmrch lms felt the naight?l R e v . Nelsorr J. Keriyori
T h e Pentscontal Tabernaclk scope of this precious revival! I have
Buffalo, N. Y. . heard many of the outstanding evange-
lists reach, who are sweeping this coun-
try ours, and I truly say that, among
V E A L all the wonderful things
4 them, Brother Richard Vinyard is one
accomplished during the Salvation- who stays close to The Word of God, and
luzs the results that are promised to those
Divine Healing Campaign in our city who preach H i s Word! This was greatly :i

of Buffalo, New York, conducted by in evidence, as he ministered to those who

E v a n g e l i s t R. R. Vinvard during came forward in the prayer lines. .-. !I
f:?. ,. .. , . ..::I
March-and April.
_ .,
. . .,, _ ., . <

He is one of the most unselfish. and . ..

For over two years we have needed a compassionate. .nien I lmve ever been
general stirrina in t h i s Catholic citu. and mivileaed to-work with! W P dn t h a n k

ING, . P R E A C H I KG,
--Says Minister
.This h a s been
tlie FIFTH C A M -
PAIGN in which I
Iinve been associated
with B r o t h e r Vin-
yard and I can say,
truly, t h a t encli
meeting has been
more wonderful than
the preceding one!
Llrother Vinyurds
expounding o f t h e
Wort1 has not only
been e van ge 1is t i e,
hiit :I profound min-
istry of teaching that
tlie m o d e who hear
b k 1i e V e f o r Rev. Harry J . Knisell, Pastor
themselves. This type Full Gospel Church,
o f - t e a e ll i n g a n d Fretlonia N. Y.
p r e a c h i n g is most
t)eneficial to all in tlie church, because it eniiblep tlieni
to : i d their Faith in God!
The Lord hnth done great things for us, whereof
we are exceedingly glad! ,

The miracle of seeing one thousand

lives respond to tlie altltr calls and find
Jesiis Christ as .Saviour, was. thrilling in-
deed! Tlie many heahgs, of blind, deaf.
cancer, iilcers, and crippled, were multi-
plied to astound the critics, open tlleeyer;
o f , the seeking people, and to enconrage
a11 to see that, even in this area, Gods
power is not limitcd, when-we arc inspirrcl
to believe Got1I

t. 8

. .
-, I
MAN-Rev. John Brown i s shown in the front row, seventh from the left. M a r y
, Jane Pontrello, Organist, is to his left. T o her left are Evangelist and Mrs. R . R . By Rev. Albert R. Fisher, Pastor

Revival Center Tabernacle .

R . Niagara Falls, New Yorli
-liI iI For years my heart has been longing .to
see a return. of real Pentecostal sign min-

By Homer C. Cooper, Pastor,

.!It has been my happy lot to sit under
the ministry of Evangelist Richard It. Vin-
yard at the Memorinl Auditorium, in Biif-
falo, New York, for twenty-eiglit days. These
North Tonatonnda, N. Y. have been days of lieaveii on earth, as we
beheld the power of satiin broken in the
As a result or this revival, the Ministers lives of people bound by sin and sickness.
and their churches in the Buffalo area have Miracles were perfornied every night by the
been brought to a better understanding of power of God, through, fiiitli in His Wortl.
8 .

i . Ihotlier. Vinyarcl inspired our hearts to

fellowship. God has thus proved what H e
can do, when His saints unite their etTorts b6*rilc
dfiect Of these nieetiriga upon niy
j. grenter coiiragb, in claiming the provisions for tlie salvation of souls! congregation is !reniendoiis. Tlie backslid-
iif God, bec:iiise his iiiessages have that den .have returned to the Lord. The spirit-
w r c foiindetion of. Gods Word!
t t t IiuI have dedicated themselves anew to tlic

Ily Wilbur C. Bond, Pastor . service of God. The pustor, deacons, Sunday
I;? Rev. Paul R. Buchwnlter School teachers, oficers, and Young Ieo-
Clad Tidings Tnbernncle ples leaders will nevcr be the anme. We
Springville. N. Y. :ire clianged!.Oiir fiiitli liris risen to n new
HOW perfectly clear Brother Vinyurd level. The Bible liiis beconic to lis .u new
ninde the essential truths of divine henling book. Presently, we :arc realizing definite
to lis, as God anointed and blessed his ex-
answers to prayer in behalf of tlie sick.
positions of Gods love and will for our Real Holy Ghost niiGacles are heginning to
tleliverance. multiply. Our hearts :ire Iiiinilileti bcforc
Cod, antl our spirits rcjoicc i r i Clirist our
Tlie revelation of ii loving Fathers cle- Savioiir :and Healer. I .

sire to heal His own, to glorify His Son.

and to enipower His people, has gripped I have found Brotlicr Vinyarcl to. he ;I
oiir liearts nnd enabled us to respond with iiiiin sent from God; Iiiinible, cornpassion-
faith triumphant-joy that overflows-and ate, uncompromising, a n o i n t e d with t h a t
:I consuming passion to see the mighty anointing which conics straight from the
working of His power continue to set the Tlirone.of Grace. We praise Cot1 for send-
primncrs free. ing him to US!
A PORTION OF C R O W D attending the
Before the starting of the meeting, the of a lady, M u s . Hill J Y OChicago,
~ evho
pastor of a local church co\crcdthe city had becrt a dopc fieitd f o r jive ycars! This VELMER GARDNER REVIVAL in Galesburg,
with handbills such as thy oric slim-II 111 lady had, been like ;I raving maniac. GOD Illinois, on Monday night, under l a r g e new
In spite of all o p p o s i t i o n , we feel SOUL, delivered her f r o m this . dope tent.
Galesburg has been blessed by a mighty habit, mid fillcd her with the mighty Bap-
move of God. t i s m of the H o l y Ghost! I 1
MANY, MANY, S O U L S H A V E Brother Gartlner has labored faithfully The God Of
B E E N S A V E D arid iiiariy have 'been and we have found him to be a real man
of Gocl, m e of America's outstanding Miracles Lives
able to believe God f o r their spiritual,
mental and physical deliverance. ewtngelists. Today!
Deaf ears have been opcncd. Cataracts W e want to thank God, irom thc hot- BY
Evang. Velmer Gardner
have h e n removed by the mighty power tom of our hearts, f o r a mighty mani-
A good handt-mk on
of God. M a n y have becii lzcaled of saipw festation of His woriderful power to Divine Healing aad how
diubetes, and this has bcctt cotafiniaed by save, to heal, and to fill with His mighty to receive it. Author is
successful evanzelist of
their doctors! Spirit. today. 127 p a n s .
Oire of the outstailding iiiiracles of this Pastor M. W. DcWitt
Only $1.00
meeting zty1s the salvation wid deliverance Galesbu rg, Illinois.




Was the topic of six sermons delivered by a n opposing
minister o f ' P e o r i a , Illinois, beginning April 6, 1953. Fol-
. .
I ,
OF COURSE. we' have proved, through doc.umented
andisubsicmtiated testimony that such cases as those
referred to in the facsimile (part) circular .to 'the left
have been healed, but. the IMPO.RTANT THING FOR
. ' U S TQ,.wIvlENIBER

As the

great Hebrew
teacher, Doctor of the L v ,

lowing this series 'of sermons, a commercial advertisement i

scholri. Gamaliel. advised tlie council'in Jerusalem, in . .
Acts 5:38, 39-
"U this be of man, ,it will come to',naught: but if it
be of Gad. ye cannot overthrow it; lest ye be found
even to fight agcrinst God." ,. I .
. I

We are not. 'told'to "coatend for God% Word"'-He "

will defend His W~~id--Kwp PEBFORM! IT! We qre,
._ only, told to ,'!CONTEND FOR THE FAITH!" Let all,of,.
us.see I that we!-EDITORS. I

... ' . , , .I, ..I


HUGE TENT, a s G o d confirms His W o r d
with signs following, in great A . A . ALLEN
VIVAL i n Beaumont, Texas. INSET-EVAN-
ALLEN REVIVAL, in Terre Haute, Indiana-
in progress as this goes to press! On t h e
night this picture was taken, the tent was
filled nearly fo capacity, in a downpour of

O U R LITTLE eight year old daughter
was suddenly stricken with polio. She
lost control of her right leg. a s it became
p a r a l y z e d . She
c o u l d no,t even
\Ve carried her to
the Allen revival,
and Brother Allen
cursed the spirit of
i n f i r m i t y , com- I/EATURE,D EVANGELISTS: A . A . Allen
manding it to go.
God healed her im-
niediately! We put
her down on her
feet, and inin~e-
diately s h e coztld
w a 1 IC p e r f e c t 1y !

Rev. and Mrs. M. W. Stackpole
Warren, Texas

Ii A. A. ALLEN REVIVAL T E N T S , pitched in

the heart of Houston, Texas, in the shadow
of the skyscrapers. Many declared, This NEW ALLEN TENT PROVES TOO SMALL-\H

was the greatest move of God ever seen
in the Houston area.

new section to both the Big Top and

the prayer tent, which the Allen I

party have been using for less than

a year.
Just over two years ago, A. A. Al-
len, nationally known evangelist with

I N NOVEMBER. 1952, I went to a clinic
for examination. I weighed 248 pounds,
and was cripplccl in my hips and legs. so
that I'could walk
only a little
about the housc.
Doctors at the
clinic a g r e e tl
that I must low
w e i g h t immedi-
ately. or else my
heart would stop
or my right leg
burst. 'They put
me on a very
strict diet.
I n April, after
losing 55 pounds,
my hip was no
bctter, but worse.
At this time, the
doctor took X-
rays and inform-
cd me that the
spine was fused
onto the hip bone
and t h a t. i f I
ever was any bet-
ter, it would have
to be t h r o u g h
Pastors from nearby Port Arthur, hav- God's power, as
ing been stirred and inspired by the an- there was noth-
nointed ministry of Clifton Ericson in a ing more that man could do.
tent revival which closed after the Beau- When I read in the VOICE O F HEAL-
mont meeting opened, also came in to co- ING that A. A. Allen was coming to
operate in Bcaumont. Rev. C. L. Musgrove Terre Haute, I determined to go there. I
o f Port Arthur, District Presbyter for the returned to the doctor and asked to see
Beaumont Section, declared. "Revivals the X-rav. The doctor showed me on the
such 5 s these arc just what our area X-ray that one vertebra was COMPLETE-
needs. L Y GONE.
June 14, A. A. Allen prayed for me, and
DETERMINED TO "BURN OUT I knew immediately something had hap-
@en&! I returned to the clinic for an-
FOR CHRIST" other X-ray. Both my husband and I saw
the two X-rays together. T H E VERTE-
ICE ANSWERED THE CHALLENGE! Pidured STORED and the doctor declared that I
below are those who streamed down the c,had an almost perfect spine!
Mrs. Tressie Adams
I HOUSTON, TEXAS aisle to pledge themselves to PAY THE
\; Shelburn, Ind.
PRICE for miracle working power, to carry
the gospel of deliverance far and near.
"I know, this testimony to be true."
Mrs. Zola Willis.
ed. Then, an the fall of 1952, the "Big This " a l t a r call" closes the usual "Spiritual Daughter of Mrs. Adams
Top" was replaced by a new one, adding G i f t s Service" in the Allen- campaigns. ~~ ~~ ~ ~

1000 to the seating capacity under the Allen's clear-cut, forceful preaching of this for the operation of the gifts in his own life.
tent. This tent was set up for the second message has stirred thousands to a deeper (This message is available in book form,
time, early this spring, in Houston. There,
as well as in Beaumont the following consecration, o s he ably sets forth the need enlarged and complete, from THE VOICE
month, the new, big tent was crowded be- for spiritual 'gifts, the scriptural method of O F HEALING. Titled-"The Price of God's
yond its capacity, making necessary the attaining them, and his own heart search- Miracle Working Pawer," by A . A. Allen-
enlargement program, now being plan- ing experience a s he sought G o d earnestly Price $ I .OOJ
During the Beaumont revival, heavy
rains sent rivers, both to the east and
west of the city, out of their banks, clos-
ing highways, threatening homes; and
!caving many homeless in the surround-
ing area, which normally would have
been included in the area of the meeting.
.%me parts of the city itself were flooded.
Water flooded into the tent lot to such
an extent that it was necessary to pump
water from under the tent into the storm
sewers for several hours with three large
centrifugal pumps. Yet the tent was pack-
ed to near capacity, people sitting with
their feet in' water, fervently worshiping
God. Response to the altar calls was so
great, that on 'some nights there was
hardly room in,the prayer tent for a suf-
ficient number of personal workers to
deal with the seekers.
THE VOICE O F HEALING August. 1953 21
Lee, Rev. Ralph Byrd, Rev. Smith Haley, Rev. Karl Wooster, Rev.
FEATURED EVANGELISTS: Gayle Jackson G. R. Watson, and Rev. Earl P. Paulk, J r .
B E L 0 W-IS S H O W N MINISTERS BAiQUET of Sponsoring Pastors
PHOTOGRAPH O F THE AUDIENCE in the Great Atlanta, Georgia, and their wives. Standing to the extreme left is EVANGELIST
meeting, on Holy Ghost Rally Night, showing the GAYLE JACK- GAYLE JACKSON. Mrs. Jackson is t o his left. Seated at t h e table,
SON TENT filled to capacity. INSET ARE SPONSORING PASTORS. t o extreme left, are Mrs. Verle Morgan a n d Evangelist Verle M o r -
Left to right-Rev. Jimrnie Mayo, Dr. Grover Langston, Rev. Bill gan, Campaign Manager.

Read the following comments from cooperating pastors:

Rev. Jimmie Mayo, Pastor Rev. Grover Langston Jackson meetings, I am fully convinced
Washington Street Assembly, Atlanta (LL.B., M.A.,, Ph.D., Pastor) this is the moving of God.
and Grant Park Assembly I have seen crossed eyes straightened,
President of the Atlanta Pentecostal Atlanta, Georgia blinded eyes opened, cancers disappear. I
Fellowship I sat through four weeks of Salvation saw people from my own church delivered
After four weeks of REVIVAL old fash- and Divine Healing Revival meetings con- from binding habits and saved through the
ioned Camp Meeting Style, the name ducted by Evangelist Gayle Jackson. blood of Jesus.
Gayle Jackson has become one of a Cham- During these four weeks I witnessed
pion of all that Pentecostal people hold wonderful realities of transformation made [NOTE: Dr. Langston is a graduate of
dear. vivid before us by the Word of God. Southwestern Bible Institute in Atlanta, and
Though a number of Full Gospel or- Very few have taken time to study this he represents the Correspondence Depart-
ganizations were represented in this revival, present day working sf the Holy Spirit men&of one of the largest Bible sqhools in
not one inkling of denominadonalism was through pis servwts. Many base their criti- America. For seven years he was an or-
ever secil or felt in the revival. cisms upon snap judgment made after an dained minister in the Baptist Denomina-
The Pentecostal churches of this area attendance at a single meeting. I confess I, tion-has been a Christian thirty years. For
will reap benefit from this meeting for too, was a bit skeptical for quite some the past 22 years he has been affiliated with
many, many months to come. time. However, after attending the Gayle the Assemblies of God.-EDITOR.]

22 THE VOICE OF HEALING August, 1953

revivals in its hicrtory, nnder the leadership
Rev. Bill Lee, Iaatnr itev. ItdpIi Bjml . . of Reverend Gayle Jackson.
Enst Lake Assembly of God General Presbyter of the Assernlilies of Cod Eternity .alone ,will reveal all its wonder-
instnr of Faith Memorial Church ful results.
A t k n t a . Georgia Hrother G+yie Jtickson is LI profound
.Itlrintnt Genrgin
preacher, a modern Apollos, mighty in the
My heart was thrilled as I stood o n Sun- bTlie out;tanding feature-of this meeting scriptures. We learned to love 1ii.m even
day afternoon, May 31~1,at 2:30 oclock, WLIS the great Holy Ghost Receiving Scrvioc more because of his fellowship with us. le
watching the opening service of the great when wvcr 300 people received tlie Baptism is a busy man indeed, hut is alwnys ready
GAYLE JACKSON SAIAVATIOY-HEAIdIKG of the Holy Ghost and spoke in tongues 21s with il kind word, a real handshake.
CAMPAIGN IN ATLANTA, GEORGIA, t o on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:4). This The great singing, directed by. Brother
which n e had long looked forward. WLIS one of the most thrilling manifestations Morgan, Brother Jacksons platforin man-
of Gods power I ever witnessed in niy ager, was such ti blessing ;ilso. Truly tic led
On Monday night, Mr. Lee Field, Mayor twenty-seven years of ministry. There is no u s to sing in tlie Spirit.
pro-ten1 of the city, and Mr. Stone, pronii- wny to describe tlie glory and power of Cod * * * *
nent business man, gave words o f welcome as the people received the Holy Spirit and
and stated that anything needed in tlie cam- begiin to speak i n tongues immediately upor1 Rev. Earl P. Paulk, j r .
paign would be furnished without charge, the toueli of the Iinn?. of theministry. Vice President of t h e . . -
to which Brother Jackson responded grate- Full Gospel Fellotcship of Atlanta, Georgia
fully and graciously. Truly this was one of the greatest out- Pastor, Hemplrill Acenue Church of God
pourings of Gods Spirit ever to come upon . Atlanta, Georgia
Night after night sinners were moved this Southern city. He is very careful to present the Pente-,
upon by the hand of God dnci led to the Wonderful miracles to& place i n each costal ,message ,and not ,merely some denomi-
altar. Gripped by conviction, they filled tlie service. Mothers wept for .joy as they saw- nii,tional dogmi ...
prayer tents, and wept through to God in their afRicted Children ind,lo?ed ones healed, Brother Jackson also advised the con-
the old fashioned manner. . nnd made well. by tlie .power o f God. Sonic verts hiid those who hare received-the Pen-
of the most outstanding -miracles,ever .wit? tecostal experience that tliey should choose
Baptist, Methodist and many other de- nessed, in this city, occurred during this one of the FullGospel churches .with which
nominational people were filled with tlie canipnign. All were -amazed,.as they saw t o nffiliate. -
precious Hol) Spirit. twisled limbs. nnd deformed bodies made. ; (Continued on Page 3 1 ) - . . . .

THE VOICE OF HEALING . August, 1953 23

A P O R T I O N O F THE C R O W D attending the RUSSELL B . PARK
SALVATION-HEALING CAMPAIGN in the High School Auditorium
in Iron River, Michigan. Standing in the cehter aisle, leff to right,
Iron River, Michigan, Sceneof is Evangelist Park, Rev. H . 1. Moody, Pastor, Assembly of G o d

Gods Blessing as - Church in Iron River, Sister Moody a n d Sister Park. Seated to
right of Rev. Park a r e Sister Edna lindblad a n d Sister Marjorie

RUSSELL PARK Ministers! Mitchurn, Pastors of the Alvin, Wisconsin, Assembly, who assisted
in the campaign.

The night following the campaign, 20

persons were baptized in water by the FROM THE IRON RIVER
pastor and more are waiting to be bap- REPORTER
RESULTS OF MEETING REMAIN tized soon. [Monday, M a y 25, 7953)
AFTER EVANGELIST GOES We are planning a return meeting
with Brother Park next summer.
By Rev. H. L. Moody, Pastor,
Assembly of God Church,
May God continue to bless the Ministry
of Brother and Sister Park.

Polio Victim Drops
Iron River, Michigan
Isaiah 12:3--With Joy shall Ve draw
I know that the foremost thoughts in Crutches, Pastor
wfter out of the wells of Salvation. a pastors mind as he calls an evangelist

E VANGELIST and Mrs. Russell Park

dared to trust God and come to North-
is: Will He help out Church? I s he a
fighter? Does he harvest souls for Christ Reports
or does he sow seeds of dissension for A child crippled two years ago
ern Michigan for a campaign May 3 to by polio dropped her crutches and
31, 1953. Gods blessing was upon the Satan?
Likewise, every evangelist who is called began to walk unassisted last week
meeting from the first night, as souls at the Iron River Assembly of God
were saved. As the meeting continued, of God wonders: When I leave this
place will the pastor care for the con- church during a salvation and faith
many souls were saved each night, and healing service conducted by a
a goodly number received the Baptism verts to Christ? Will he help them? Is
he really interested in them? southern evangelist, i t was reported
of the Holy Spirit. today by the pastor of the church,
Many were healed of various physical NO SUCH THOUGHTS W E R E MINE
as I left Iron River. It was a privilege Rev. Howard L. Moody.
ailments. He identified the child as the
One lady u~jcshealed of a bone condi- to be able to leave that city with the
knowledge that the converts to,Christ were eight-year-old daughter of a Trout
tion in her back which had hindered her Creek widow, Mrs. Claude Coot-
doing her work for a number of years. in the hands o f Brother and Sister
Moody, who are sincerely payin the price ware. The evangelist, Rev. Russell
As she stood in the prwer line, the Park, encouraged the girl to walk
Lord touched her. She returned to her to shepherd the flock of the f o r d . The
Deliverance message is not stilled in Iron without her crutches. She did so and
seat completely healed! River! followed him a s he walked down
One woman who had been deaf in one the aisle and circled the interior of
ear f o r 8 years, due to a dead nerve, Russell Park
the church which was filled with
had her hearing restored and now hears 200 persons, Rev. Moody said.
perfectly. DEAF EIGHT YEARS- Has this little girl been able to
A little girl who had had polio 4 years walk without her crutches? Rev.
before, and was unable t o walk or to HEARING RESTORED!
even stand without crutches, left her I WANT TO T E S T I F Y to the Lords
Park inquired of the m$her. Not
more than a step or two, answered
crutches and walked away. healing power. I was deaf in my right the mother.
Intestinal and hip trouble, left from e a r for eight years. I went to specialists The pastor said the Covtware girl
child birth-Gall bladder trouble and and later had hearing tests. Nothing left her crutches behind her in the
Arthritis are now gone. Some were even could help as they told me the nerve was church as a testimonial of the pow-
healed by their radio as we broadcast the dead. e r of faith to heal at the services
service. On May 28th. 1955, Brother Russell which Rev. Park is conducting
Under the anointed ministry of Broth- Park prayed f o r m and my hearing was nightly at 7:30 p.m. Rev. and Mrs.
e r and Sister Park the Church was edi- restored! I thank and Praise my wonder- Park are staying a t a Hagerman
fied. Their one aim seemed to be to see ful Lord for healing me! lake cottage secured for them by
souls won to Christ. Eternity alone will Mrs. Lena Hanninen Rev. Moody.
tell o f the lasting results of this meeting. Iron River, Michigan
24 THE VOICE O F HEALING August, 19%
Gorcloii Lirrclscry.4 Itoil. M u yes


oil ms \ V O R K I ~ DWII*I-I us.

lowing. in opcniiig ; I t i ~ wi v n r k on the
North Sitle o r .Indi:mapolis. Wc arc not
tluitc tlirec ycnrs old antl already \vc havc God and some were healed in almost ev- miracles of healing. One nzan who plays
built an a n n e x during the p;ist few inotitlis. e r y service! We praise the Lord for the the saxophone in our orchestra, was v i -
men whom God is raising up to preach stantly healed of a severe heart ailment.
I bclic:.;:~Ilic S ~ L C C C . ~of
. ~ this ziorlz dcpciids
the ministry of deliverance but weve He i s perfectly nor?i%(llnow, and had an
1argcl;v iipori tlic tcstiiirotrirs of thosr clio found t h a t pastors can have this snnze electrocardiogram last week and the doc-
liave rcrcivrd hcaliiig i w O W local chztrcli.. ministry. a f t e r seeking Gods face und tor found his heart normal.
Many titncs as w e begin the scrv.icct the waiting upon Him! A s I have looked upon Our hearts were deeply stirred a s Bro.
the congregation, many times God has Hayes called out different individuals and
.power o f Got1 swecps over thc congrrga- caused me to be conscious of the hunger told them what was wrong with them.
lion m c l people arc hc:ilctl in their scats. in their lives for the supernatural power Since our brethren Imve been t o Indian-
.We have had several healing revivals of God. apolis, w e have been launching oicf into CI
in our city, and have noticed that after W e were privileged lo have Bro. Lind- new realm of faith, believing God for
the nzeeling there w a s no let down b u t say and Bro. Hayes in oicr city f o r a more souls, more signs, more miracles in
people were still limngry t o move w i t h weeks meeting, and w e witnessed many the precious name of Jesus!
. .
OPEN LETTER TO THE o r perhaps even from himself, and ,that ministers, to declare themselves on this
F U L L GOSPEL PEOPLE God will give him that divinc love which point.
By The Editor is necrssary irt his 111 inistry, without .Iiistory ~ i a ssti;j\vn that tlic
which an evangelist may do harm rather owl! great religious. iiiovcriiciits of thc
(Continzced f r o m Page 2) than good to Gods cause. past have bceii thosc that. God. has defi-
that cvery evaiigelist i r z T H E V O I C E \Ye (lo, however, believe that w e should riitcliv raiscd u p ! Such iiiovcs are not
OF 1IEAT.TNG so roiidiict his riiiriistry malcc our position clear on one, point. conitiioti, for God L I S U ~ I I does ~ this only
as to fulfill t k c Biblc iiiiunclioir to have A true fclloaisfiip autorig Gods people when thc organiziitions it1 csistcricc defi-
a good report" airioiig tliosc with w l i o i i i cait o$y- be pcrntanently established nitely rcjcct the movc o f God and dc-

hc ntinisters, antl to be esetiiplary in his aiiioitg those zuho, i n thcir hearts, f ~ i . ! l . v cling into. ecclesiasticism. May C;od kccp
conduct, tilorally. financiall! , ethicall!.. bclicvc iii- the niiiiistry of t h e ~16periiut- i t s ironi that. The. saddest thing about
and in all othcr ways. irral! llicrc can be- N O h t i n g h a r ~ n o n ~the Pharisees was that they wcrc so
THE V O l C l l 01: HEALING; 1i;is. b c t w c c i ~ChriSt,~disciplcs alia thosc .zuho ljlinclcd .that thcy hadnt the slightest idcn
we bclicvc, the conficlcIicc oi t h v 1:ull T V O ! ~opP;osr?
~ arid den! tlic po7cler. of that .they had bccn rcicctcd of God. Jcstts
Gospel o r g a n i z a t i o n s . Thc c o i i f i i i d God! 011that nic dare iiot coinproiiiise, ticvcr said that they wcrc usurpers. Hc
strength of this !]real rcvival dcpcnds oii cvcii n little ! IklicF in tlit. ministry of thc ntlmitted that they sat In Moses seat!
the hariiaoity and itiiif-v of all those ;who miraculous is the pillar a i d foundation o i but that they had utterly lost the Spirit
belicvc i n it! Unity is not something that the Full .Gospel rcvivnl. JVe itzztst. s!nnti aiirl vision of God. If we should .follow
just, happens ; it is sotncthing thiit mil.: / o r the ,111iii istr? of tlw 111 iracdozis ! Wc thcir cxarnplc, God would surely raisc
be diligently striven for : it recluircs syni- m i s t conteiid f o r the faith c/elEv~~rccl up others to take our place in His plan,
pathy and coopsration from all conccrtiCcl. to t h c .rai.lLt.r! we must t,CliC\X! f o r i h c for nothing can stop God when .He
and somctimcs forgivcness of thc thought- prcscnt4;iy manifcstation of tlic Gifts of moves. .
lessness of othcrs. It iiieaiis absollitc til,- the Spirit ! Above all, v:c t?iust not pcrniit Finally miiy w c say that THE VOTCE
pendence o n God, that His S p i r i t will do ihc fit~itl;l;i?erItal t r u t h o f nut- Tmcls 01 HEAT,TNG has a unique and par-
the iieeded w o r k w i t h i n our hearts! Atonenicnt to be wealxwtl. tic1tIar work to do. I t is a united voice
WITH GOD, .ALL T H I N G S ART3 C o i i c ~ r i i i t i gt h e grcat truth of ~Christs l0.i: world-wide revival! I t s cvangclists
POSS IBLE ; thcreforc, w c look forward :ltorieiiierrt f o r s i i z arid s i c h c s s POC ,iiiu.F/ are ;froin .many organizations! The maga-
with confidencc to thc timc when all of staiid jiriii ! There must t)c no cquivocn- zinc is read by multipliccl thousands in
Gods people \vi11 bc togcthcr and uriitcd tion, no heclging; no cvasion. A m i t i tlic older. denominations. :It reachcs .the
;is onc Body in Christ, at H i s Coining1 cithcr t)clievcs that Divinc hcaling is in Iiomes of multitudcs in other hnds. 1t
W e , thcreforc, ask that all the people the atonement o t hc docs not. H c cim is a voicc that cries ;iloud to a l l who bc-
o i God labor diligently toward this end. settle the mattcr for all concerned 6, licvc i n His namc, saying, Preparc yc
Let us bc slbw in passing judgment on saying,. Yes, I believe, without qual- the way- o l the Lord, 1ilalic I-Iis paths
a n y of Gods ministers. T H E V O I C E ification, that Divine. healing is in the straight! B e ready, ye Church of thc
O F H E A L I N G was n o t raised up t o Atonement. To deny this would be Living Go& for the s o o n . c o m i n g of
be a judge o r a divider. Rather, roe to betray a l l t h a t we stand for. For your L o r d and K i n g ! By thcn must bc
mozild ask that i f one sccs :i brother fall- this reason T H E .VOICE OF H E A L - fulfilled that prayer of JCSUSwhen I l c
ing, or in jeopardy, that lie pray that God I N G goes o n record, as advising all, prykd, Father, that they may bc one,
may save hint froiii t h e cizetnys snares who consider themselves Full Gospel c.i.rn as ?loti, and I are one. (John 17:21).
THE.VOICEO F HEALING August, 1953 25
. ... ..

NE 0.t; -WE 1tos-r iummk-
0 AHLE phenomenon is the manner in
which the nations have revealed their dcs-
there-iiearly :is i t ~ ~ i as
i t 1 thc days of Joshua.
i y entered Canaan

.tiny in their postage stanlps. Artists, who STAMP 4-1SRAEL ~SYMI~OI.ICALLY

dr;tw these designs, are apparently un- TAKES THE DOVE WITH THE
;i\vare of the prophetic significance of At last-to have a place which they
their work. Tu this article we shall COII- could call their hoilic-was great r i e w s to
siclcr some of the stamps issued by the tlic friciicllcss Jc\vs of Europe. They re-
I I C W republic Israel. Mosleiiis prcpared tofight in its defense
to the last man. General Allcnby, com- c;tllctl how that Noah, af ter the great juclg-
.[sracl became indcpendent i n May, nicnt of the I.?lood upon the earth, scut
1945. In her bTief existence as a repub- niander of the English army, feared thitf.
the sacred city would be destrojed in the forth a ,dove from the Ark. She returned
lic, she has issued a considerable nuniber
struggle. A Christian himself, he went with ;in olive leaf in her mouth (Gelt.
of postage stamps, and nearly every one
to his tent and prayed that this might be 8: 7 1 ) . Now, after centuries of dispersion
.i.)f them has a rcmarkable prophetic sig- for rejection of Christ, a dove again, as
;tvoided. The answer came in a surpris-
niticance. I n this. article we shall take it w r e , brings the olive leaf to the J C \ V S
nnte of .a number of these stainps, and ing fashion.
Over 2;SOO years ago, the Prophet signifying .that t h e clays of her judginent
the Eible significance of the designs.
Isaiah had foreseen the deliverance of will soon be o\ci-.
(l?efcrcnce is by number to the stamps SIAMP 5-GOD RAISES U P H E L P
which appear on the front page.) Jcrusalitm by the airplane. H e said- IN AMERICA .
AS . BIRDS F L W A ~ , so will Stamp 5 shows the Manhattan sky-linc
the L o r d of hosts dcfend Jerusaleiii; ;1nd the Zionist House. T n the critical
deJcttding also H e w i l l dcliver i t ; clays when it seemecl that the hopes of
This notable Jewish statesm;ln .has and Passiiig over Hc T i d l prescrvc .it. Palestine becoining a national l i o y e for
pl:tyetl a n!ost unique role in t hc modern * (Isa. 31 5 . ) the Jews were about to be shattered, tlie
history of Isrnel. United States. of America stood in the
I h r i n g ,World W a r I, he wis a rioted This was surely ;L prophetic forcview
of the airplane ! Whether General Allen- gap. Thc multitudes of Isracls friends in
Iihglish chemist. During the most critical this land, mostly from New Yorli City,
by was familiar with or understood this
(lays of the war England exhausted her
prophecy, we cannot say; Anyway, he de- sent millions of tlollars to her assistance.
supply of a certain raw material essen-
cided to send over the city several scout-
tial ,in the manufacture of munitions. I n
desperation, the Rritish governnient turn- ing planes. When the superstitious Turks
ed to Dr. Weizmann, requesting his help
saw these strange objects i n the sky, they
in the search for. a substitute. Accepting fled from the city without tiriiig ;I shot.
the challenge. he was able in record tinic. Thus was the city of Jerusalciii (leliv-
crcd, ;is tlie prophet hrtcl foreseen many
after prayer, to develop a new method
of producing t h e vital chemical. In grati-
centuries before.
tude the 13ritish government asked him STAMP 3-ISRAEL FIGHTS FOR HER
how they could reward him for his serv- . RIGHT OF IMMIGRATlOK
ices. Dr. Wcizmann replied that he asked
nothing f o r himself but he implored ,the Gentile nations have always opposed
British government that it would, if the Israels possession of the Holy Land.
Mesopotamian campaign was successful, L u k e 21:24 tells us that Jerusalem was to STAMP NO. 6
be trodden down of the Gentiles and the
give the land of Palestine to his people
inhabitants scattered until the times of the STAMPS 6, 7 , 8, AWD 9-THE DESOLATE
for a national hoinc. PLACE TILLED
Thus canie about the Ba.lfow Dechra- Gentiles be fulfilled. After that, the Jews With the coming of hundreds of thou-
tion in November, 1917, in which pront- were to return despite all objections to sands of immigrants, the Jews began to
ise was made that the Jmws would be per-, ,the contrary. Ezekicl 36:24 declares,, bring the land, which had lain desolate
initted t o retzwn t o the land wltich had For- I will take you fvoiii anioitg for centuries, back into cultivation. This
bcen fheir hoiiie in Bible days! Dr. Weiz- the heathen, and gather yoti ozrt of all was foresccn by the prophet Ezekiel when
mann later became the first president of countries, and will bring y o u into he said-
the new republic ! y o w ozwu land. "The waste places shall be bztilded.
S T A M P 3 commcmorates the Jews And The desolate laxid shall be
STAMP 2 -THE AIRPLANE -WHICH successful fight f o r the right of emigra- tilled !
BECAME THE MEANS OF $E---- . fAnd they shall say, THIS LANU
;DELIVERANCE OF JERUSALEM tion to the Holy Land. The Arabs fought
bitterly against it. Britain, for a time. t h t w a s desolate has become like the
The Turks did not .give up Palestine to yielded to the Moslems pressure. But, in Garden of Eden. (Ezek. .36333-35.)
the British without-a struggle. As British the end, the Jews won. Today, a million T h e first immigrants had. to .use primi-
armies neared Jerusalem,- the fanatical and a half of them have made their home tive methods as is shown in Stamp ,6,

26 THE VOICE O F HEALING August. 1953

\r:hcrc the horse pulls the plow. This Ihc prophccics of Jacob and Moses, who
11ictliod W ~ Stoo SIOW, howcvcr, i f prophe- prophesied what would happen to thc
cy was to be fulfilled, and a irnatioii borii tribes of Israel in the last days. (Geiz.
i l t a day. With the flow of rtmericaii 49:l arid D e u t . 33) I n his prophecy, Ja-
c;ipital, tractors and other farm machin- cob speaks of the coining of Shiloh or
cry were imported an11 put. to work, as Christ. (Geii,. 49:70) I n the center of tho
is shown by Stamp S. When hostile s t a m p is the golden caiidlestick with tlic
forces tried to stop them, they armed three branches on each side. This provid-
thcinsclves as in thc days of Nehciniah, the light for the sanctuary, the only
blit fhis timc zvith a.riity iaitks! (Stamp 9 ) light pcrmittcd in thc Tabernaclc. STAMP 15-THE SEA OF G A I . ~ I L E I ~
Simultancously thc trce has become a Bible scholars universally agree that Ncstlcd and encircled in ,hills is the sea
symbol of the Jewish rehabilitation of the candlestick is the type of Christ, oi Galilee. Along its shores is the- city
the land. ( S c e Stamp 7) The Turks had our light, shining in the fullness of the of Iibcrius. Hut why show Iibcrius 0 1 1
put a tax on .trees, so the tax-hating Re- power of the sevenfold Spirit. (Sco- the stamp? Why not Capernaum, or Beth-
clouins cut them down. But prophecy field Bible) saida, or Chorazin-for those w e r e the
fpretold that the land would bccomc again Thus docs the nation Israel recognize grcat flourishing cities of Biblc days clus-
like the Garden-of ]<den-and one of the unwittingly that thc Saviour she reject- tered, as thcy were, around Galilees
outstanding beauties of Ed& was its cd has bccomc her light. Not yet do the shores ? Tiberius in those days wis just
trees. NOW millions upon millions of returned Jews?. ;is a nation, rccognizc being built. Today Hethsaida arid Chora-
trees have bccn planted in Tsrael and for- zin no longer e.xist-skarcely ;I trace of
TCSLIS as the i\ll csssiali, yct more ; i d more them is left. H o w d i d this happw ?lhosc
ests have sprung up, ivhich, are 1i;iving of their nuniber ;irc acccpting 1-1 im. and
the effect of even changing the weathcr. the time is. not far of3 whet-1, RS 12osh were thc cities which rejectccl thc heal-
STAMP 1 &ISRAEL BECOMES INDE- (Russia) iiiwdcs .the nation, the peoplc ing -revivals! Jesus said, in Matthcno
PENDENT-HAS ITS OWN FLAG! in their hour of trial will as a whole ac- 11121-23-
011Mail 16, 1948, the British withdrew ccpt the One they rejectid, as prophesied
. Woe w i t 0 Ikee, Chqrazin! IVoc
their soldiers and, simuItaneously, Israel in Z ecli. 12:.70- - wzto ihee; Bcthsaida! f o r if the
pvoclaiirixd herscll a rcpiiblic! .4iid.I will poirr zipori 1iciir:rc
mighty works, which. were done
For the first time in 2,500 years s h e of David, and upon tlic irihabitaiits in you, had bccir done i n 1 J r c a i d
was an independent nation. f f e r fhq, . of Jerzisalcin, the Spirit .qf gracc arid Sidon, they wotdd,kave re/witcd lorry
wi/h fhc cirzhlciii of ,the star of David .wpplica.tions : arid t h cy shall look... . ago in sackcloth and ashes.
zipon it,, w a s imfitrbcd aiid ruiscd OWY irporr. iii;c w l r o r i i . tkcjl Iir7ZC picrccd. Atid .thou Cnpcvizaztn~, w h i c l i ~ Y C
Jcntsalem! W h a t exalted iutto hcaveii, .dial/ bc broliglit

grcat fulfillinerit of y shall iiiuiirii f o r . h i i n . . .*

prophecy this was ! down t o hell . . >,. ..
SItYMP 1 3-TSRAEL MINTS HER OWN This picture of the Sc;i oi Galilcc, with
HEIUBLIC OF ISRAEI,! Immcdiately upon her dcclnration of in- Tiberius in its ceiitcr, unwittingly calls
Ihis stamp was issued to show that depeindencc, .Israel begari coinagc o f hrr attention to the great. judgment whlch
not only had the Jews received a nation- 072?1.1 iri.oricji-for the first time in 25 came upon the nation because its peoplc
al home, after centuries of wandering, centuries!-(Thc coin I?icturetl 011 S t a m p rciected the healing rrlinistry of Christ !
but that they LWC back ugain i n the laria 13. is an mcient FT,ebrcw coin.) E v e n in STAMP 16-THE FLYING S C R O L L
that God had qivcri t o thcrri se~hzrt they the days of Jesus, while the Je\vs iverc JUDGMENT!
crosscd o v u J o r d a n aiid took thc cily of still in l?alcstinc., the nation did not have This stamp has as its design the Flying
Jcricho! The object hcltl in tlic nians its m v i i inoney. Tt. will -be i-c:nicnibcred .C;croll. The word, scrolI) is . irirritioiicd
hand is a n oiitlinc of the bouiicl:ii-iCs o i that thk coins that y c r e shown to the 6ut twice i i z th.e Bible and both tiriics i i i
modcrn Isracl. :I.t is not quite the Saiiie Lord had. the superscription of Caesar connection with world jzcdgiriei1t at thr
outline as the. ianiiliar map of Piilestinc, lime of thc end! Read thc first :[OW
upon thein. For centuries thc Arabs nnd
for the Ar;ibs still hold a portion of the Tiirks proviclcd the coinage for. lalcstine. .of Isaiah 34, ivhcre it speal.;s o i
country. lheir 1;ist coins were niintod in 1917 a n d the Lord gathering the nations together
had the year 1335 upon thein-being t h c for the Rattle of Armageddon. A t t1i;it
1333th year of the. Mo1i;uiinicd;in Era I time the prophecy declares-
Ihnicl. has said concerning his people. A d all thc host . of 1ica.r;cri slid1
Blcs.sed is Ize that waitelh, a d coiiictli. bc dissol-Jd, arid thc hcavct1.r slid1 h i *

t o the thozrsarid tkrce 1i.iciidrcd-aiid f i i : ~ rollcd together os n scroll . . .

rirrtl /lzirty days. (Dan. 12 :12.)
(Verse 4)
/\cv. 6: 12-17 gives ;t p;ir;illcl picture
STAMP 14--.IEKUSALEM IlElNG of this-judgment which is to c o n ~ cup011
I his stamp shows tlic ne\\ univcrsitv
. thc earth, making mention again of the
\vliicli has bccii built at Jorusalcni, typicil word, scY01L~-
of thc inany fine new buildings crecterl Arid the heavcii dcparted as a
thrrc in reccnt years. scroll z h i t it is rolled togcthcr f aitd
While in Jerusaleni the writcr stay- r x r y stioriiitaiii and islaud wcrc iiinv-
ed in the beautiful Y.M.C.A. building. ed out of their places. (.Verse 14)
rkross the street is the magnificent Ho- , Thc Flying Scroll, appearing o n , IS-
tel David. T h i s ncw section of Jcrusa- raels postage stamps, foreshadows the
lem is a s modern as any city in the hour o i judgment which s1i;ill come upon
worltl. W h a t does i t mean? I t is a the land.
sign of the soon appearing of the STAMP .17--1HE EARTH AND lE1E
This stamp is of tremendous signifi- When the L o r d sliall build i i p Stamp 1 7 . i evcn
~ more startling in i t s
cance. First of all it has the emblems of Zion, lie shall appear iri his glory. significance, and it,. too, speaks of thc
the twel\:e tribes-cmbleins taken f roin (Psa. 102 :16) (Continued on Page 18) .

.. T H E I~IFFERENT SENSE i n intoxicated by crowds. and even
which American and British mistake a gaping, curious crowd. o r DONALD GEE
churches use. the. word revival a healing-seeking crowd. for a deep
tends to obscure a distinction which work of Gods Spirit. Our Lord met him without any human pre-
I hope to s h o w i n this article. I n knew differently i n Bcthsaida or arrangement. . . As the congrega-
our American churches a revival: Chorazin (iMatt. 1 1 : 2 1 ) . What we do tion left the church in Bernera and
-frequently describes a local evange- not seem sufliciently to ycognize were moving down the hill to the
listic effoi-l which i n Britain would is that our * self-styled revival main road, the power of. God fell
be called a campaign. We often often is limited to the passing ex- upon the people in Pentecostal pow-
see notices to theeffect that S o - citement of some special meetings er-no other word can describe it,
and-So will hold a revival! in Such- largely centering around the per- and the voice of prayer and praise
and-Such a place. This is quite a sonality of the special preacher. We from the people of God was mingled
good meaning, and we all hope that cannot escape the acid test of how with the cry of the penitent, many
the effort will truly revive the, local, much remains i n the way of last- of whom fell on their faces before
work of God. But I think that ing accessions to the Church when God. Within a matter of hours the
throughout the whole English-speak- our campaign is all over and the whole Island was gripped , b y an
ing world we still mean by a Re- preacher has moved on. That is awareness of God, bringing deep
vival a deep. ividqsprcad return. the final criterion. A disappoint- conviction of sin, and a hunger,
ing to God on a national or a re- ment on this line is not necessar- which found expression in crowded
gionalscale. This is the sense in . ily a criticism of the evangelist. He meetings. Perhaps the outstanding
which we refer to the Welsh Re- may have done his part nobly and feature of the movement was a
, vival of 1904. well. But it underlines the fact that deep hunger after God. Meetings
We are living in an.era, one al- a campaign, however temporarily were held during the day, and right
most said a phase, of the Pentecos- successful, is NOT a Revival. We through the night, in the church,
. tal Movement when a great number need something deeper. When a in the homes of the people, and out
of campaigns are being conducted whole community is touched by a in the open.
by gifted individual evangelists in true Revival it often is true that I trust nobody will be so foolish
many parts of the world. Most of almost all the features of the spe- as to think that I am disparaging
them feature divine healing and cial campaign are absent or ob- campaigns. Very often they thrill
have that as their main attraction. literated. Writing about the Revival my soul, and I have seen the great
- Some of these campaigns run to in San Salvador, hlrs. Ruth Steel- and lasting good they can, and
mammoth proportions and are ac- berg says that after the evangelist often do, accomplish. For pioneer
companied by almost every con- had moved on-The Revival mn- missionary work they have a unique
ceivable form of organization aiid tinues, with two meetings each day. and unrivaled value. May the Lord
publicity beforehand, and while the At least 100 profess conversion in bless and use our brave evangelists
campaign is in progress. As a result, every service. I t doesnt seem to while we give them our loyal and
huge crowds of u p - to 10,000 .or matter who preached: the results unstinted support. But I am sure
15,000 people are recorded, in which are the same. From all over the Re- that we shall not be satisfied with
very .large numbers signify some public come reports of people who anything less than true Revivals i n
form of acceptance of Jesus Christ have been miraculouslv healed. every land. And, by that, we mean
as a Saviour, and whole cammuni- Notice particularly the significant a deep and wide working of Gods
tics are made conscious of the sentence IT DOESNT SEEM TO Holy Spirit in answer to prayer,
claims of religion. He would be a .MA?TER WHO PREACHES. I until the whole spiritual atmo-
churl indeed who did not rejoice in think that nearly always marks R e sphere is charged with a power
these things and reco nize their vival. But, in a Campaign every- that convicts men of sin and of
value in the Kingdom ofGod. Last- thing rewlves around the preach- righteousness and of judgment. B y
i n g personal work is done in many er. those Christ-ordained tokens we
hearts and lives; the local churches A personal correspondent has shall know of a truth that in that
community the Comforter has come.

!I have their zeal re-kindled and. in written to me about the Hebrides
.I many ways. there is a reviving of Revival in Scotland Duncan
(DONALD GEE is Editor of a quarterly
local spiritual life. Campbell was sitting in the Con- magazine PENTECOST which giver o review of
But loosely to speak of such cam-, vention in Bangor (Ireland) when world-wide mirrionory and revival news. S u b -
paigns as a Revival in the full he felt he must leave a t once. He scription rate $1.00 for two years. Send or-
sense of the word is misleading went to Bernera, where someone
I ders to PENTECOST, Victory Press, C l a p h a m
and mistaken. Too easily we become Crescent. London. S. W . 4. Enalond.1
ISRAELS PROPHETIC D E S T I N Y ment, in which the carth shall be moved
REVEALED IN HER S T A M P S out of her plate ;IS a chased roc, is
By Gordon Lindsay
(Continued front Page 27) amazingly picturctl in this staiiip the
coming judgincnt upon the carth. /.so,kli real significance of which, thk dcsigiiers
13, begclirtniii!] nt thc 9th FCI.FC. si\
cs t h y probably had no idea.
I Behold, tlic da\l vf tlic /-ora coiii- -. IN ISRAEL
cth, cruel both w i t h Turatlt arid fiercc 1 his rcm;trkablc stninp has the I!um-
tinger. . .. ber 70 engraved upon it. !vitli ;I back-
Therefore 1will slialze thc ke(1i)- ground of harvest time ! W e are today in
cns, and the earth shall remove the worlds Harvest! (IZev. 14:15)
out of her place, in thc wrath of tlrc And it shall be as the chased The Scofield Biblc, using secular chron-
! Lord of Ilosts, a d ii7 the tinv of his roe . . . ology, shows Israel to haye entered Pal-
fierce anger. I his passage. which speaks of judg-
I .

I (Continued on Page 89).

28 THE VOICE O F HEALING August, 1953
B y Gordon Lindsay
(Continued from Page 28)
cstine i n the year 1451 13.C. According
to this, Israels 70tI; Jubilee will occur
in 1979-80 AD.Howcvcr, Bible Chron-
ology shows Israel to h;ivc cntcrcd the
1;ind in 1477 13.C. In that c:isc Isracls
70th Jubilee will occur about nest year.
The pcriotl of the 70th Jubilee will then
cstentl between 1951 and 2003 AD.
W e do not wish to sct. tlatcs; but is it
presumptious, i n view of world develop-
ments, to state .that thc crisis of world
history will surely takc placc during those
years? W e could also speak concerning LABOR TROUBLE
the remarkable prophccy o f Daniels AST YEAR in California alone there vided Germany is not according to Bible
Seventy (70) Weeks. (See Dawicl. 9 ) were 217 strikes or work stoppages, prophecy (Ezekiel 38). Students of pro-
phetic truth believe Germany must be
There are, however, some differences in affecting 234,000 job holders, who lost a united, and that all of Germany east of
total of 4,410,000man days in wages and
views concerning the fulfillment of that production. This report was contained in the Rhine will be under Russian control
prophecy and it is not the purpose of this a recent bulletin issued by Paul Scharren- before the final culmination of the pro-
article to enter into the subject at this berg, California Industrial Relations di- phecies for this dispensation. It could well
time. One ..thing is certain-we .are living rector. Trouble between capital and labor be that present trends will end in the
uniting of Germany, paving the way for
in the hour o f fulfillnient o f prophccy. is prophesied for the last days. Go to the Russians to seize control.of that coun-
now, ye rich men, weep and howl for
Now is thc time for cvcry man and WOIIF. your miseries that slmll come upon gou. try. : * * L * *
an t o . prepare for the grcatcst cvcnt of Ye have heaped treasure together for
history-the Coming of our Lord JCSUSthe LAST DAYS. If you are suffering from indigestion
Christ ! Behold, the hire of the labourers who
lmve reaped down your fields, which is or heartburn, its possible that a visit to
of you kept back . . . crieth: . . . and the the tax office. a quarrel with the wife or
STAMPS 19-23-WHICH PREFIGURE THE cries of them . . . are entered into the driving down a congested street is the
MILLENNIUM ears of the Lord. (James 5:l-4.) cause. Man wasnt built for the turmoil
+ * * * * and insecurity of modern life, according
Rcad Isaiah 35 in connection with thcsc FEARFUL SIGHTS to Dr. Clifford J. Barbrka, Chicago phy-
stamps. The wilderness and the solitary An epidemic of tornadoes has swept sician who spoke recently in Kansas
place shall be glad f o r them; and thc this country, leaving death and disaster City. Emotional stress, resulting from
the nervous tensions of this day. are be-
desert shall rejoice, aiid blossom as thc in their wake. Already this year 219 tor- lieved by this physician to be one of the
rose. (Vs. 1 ) nadoes ( a t the time of this writing)
have struck this country with a record main causes of indigestion and other, ill-
Thus shall it be when Jesus comes! of more than 400 persons killed. Such ness prevalent among so many people.
The 21st chupter of Luke surely portrays
The earth shall be restored to its condi- fearful sights are to be expected in . a picture of the pressures and tensions
tion as it was in the days of Eden. These these Last days before the return of Christ
(Luke 21:ll). Even now we seem to have which are today in evidence throughout
stamps showing the flowers and fruit of reached the time when the whole creu- the world. * c; * . *
the land point forward to the glad day twn groaneth and travaileth . . . waiting
of the Millennium which is soon to come. for the adoption, to wit the redemption
when Christ shall return again. (Ro- David Ben-Gurion, Prime Minister: of
The last stamp showing the dove, the mans 8:22,23.: * Israel,. speaking on the occasion of the
symbol o f peace, pre-figures the reigrr of fifth anniversary of the reestablishment
~ ~

peace, which shall come when the Princc EUROPEAN OUTLOOK of the State of Israel, said: We daubled
Fear that the Rig Three Bermuda meet- our population in four years. This rate
of Peace reiyris in Jerusalein! i n g will replace Russia, as the dark cloud of immigration and the tempo of its
Isaiah 2 : 2 4 also tells us abozlt this that has overshadowed Germany the past absorption are perhaps without precedent
time when- eight years, rather than be a beacon light in history. Together, veteran settlers and
and be an inspiration for Germanys fu- new immigrants, we have in thc five
rNations shall beat .their swords ture, has gripped high government circles years of our existence built new settle-
iitto plowshares, a d their spears into in West Germany, according to Karl H. ments, -villages, cities, suburbs, construct-
von Wiegand, American Foreign Cori-es- ed a network of roads, extended our rail-
pruning-hooks; iiatioii shall not l i f t pondent reporting from Zurich. ways, enlarged our ports, built new air-.
zip sword against nation, iteithcv Chancellor Adenauer has sent a repre- fields, erected houses, hospitals and
shall they learn war ariyiiiore! sentative to Washington with an appeal to schools, set up new factories, expanded
President Eisenhower and Secretary of. our agriculture, increased our industrial
T h e glorious hour is at hand! T h e State Dulles not to let Germany be sold potential.
Jcws who haw returned to Palesti~icarc down the river as the price of peace with The constructioa of 200,000 housing
yet in unbelief ; ncvcr-the-less, thc hour Soviet Russia. Adenauer was impelled to units is an index of OUF buildingactivity.
We have initiated large i r r i g a t i o n
is drawing near for national repentance. this action by alleged alarming confi-
dential information and worry that de- schemes to bring waters from the well-
And knowingly, or unknoivingly, they cisions may be reached a t Be:muda with- watered north to give life to the .arid
are depicting in the clcsigns on their out consultation with Bonn. and barren south:And in the Negev, the
postage stamps a cIcar outline of evcnts According to Mr. von Wiegand, the big southern half of our country, we have\
begun serious exploitation of our newly .
which are soon to take placc, that will question in Bonn today is: Will Presi-
dent Eisenhower, Secretary of State Duly discovered mineral resources. How per-
cffect them and also the wholc world. les and the United States Congress agree fectly this report of growth in Israel
I-[ow is it with you, sinncr friend? Will to a neutralization and permanent com- coincides with the many Bible prophecies
you now surrender all to Christ and givc plete disarmament and defenselessness of relating to the regathering of Jews to
him your heart ? DO IT N O W ! D l i L A Y a United Germany as the price of peace their own land, a n d the rebuilding of
with Communist Russia? Such an event- that country, as a sign of the endtime.
No-r ! FOR, TOMORROW I LL EE uality would be a great victory for Rus-
w When tlie Lord slmll b$ld u p Zion, he .
-roo LATE! sias new ruler, Georgi Malenkov.. A di- shull uppeur in his glory. Psalm 102:16.

THE VOICE O F HEALING August, 1953 29

MANSFIELD AREA GREATLY BLESSED acle on his body, and the boy is perfectly
healed. One woman was healed of malip
UNDER MINISTRY OF nant twzor of the breast. Her healing
was so outstanding and marvelous that
EVERETT PARROTT slze went out and rounded u p twentyfive
others to come to the service the follow-
B y Rev. A. J . Jensen, Pastor ing night!
Glotl Tirlinbs Tobern&le, Mamfidd, Ohio Spacc will not permit LIS to tell of the
scores and scores of others healed. The
E HAVE JUST CLOSED a tre- morning services were also glorious and
W mendously successful evangelis-
tic campaign with Brother Everett E.
many believers received the baptism of
the Holy Spirit. Also, there were some
healed in these morning meetings!
Parrott. One of the ouLstuzding things to me,
This meeting was onc 01 the best which I had not seen in a similar manner
revivals ever held in the Mansfield in any other revival, toas that God trans-
area. The messages were stirring and f o r i w d the liearts of several wzinisters,
renewed their callings, and re-filled them
not only 'were souls saved and filled with power from on high!
with the Spirit, but the healing power People in the "Anointing Services"
of the Lord was so great that num- were so moved upon by the power of the
bers of marvelous healings took place. I-Ioly Spirit that many of them fell, pms-
Tumors disappeared, cancers were healed, trated under the power of God, regardless
diabetes disappeared, the lame walked, of denomination. W e saw some love13
the deaf heard and, especially, were many Naxarenes, Methodists, and some f ronz
people healed of heart trouble. the Christian Church, under the power
One yomag nzun from our assenzblg, of God, as though they were dead! The
eighteen years of age, who had suflered Holy Spiril tous constantly moving tipon
from heart trouble since his birth, wab Rev. A. J. Jensen 11s all!
nmrvelousl?/ delivered. Another young We are now extending the call to ou'r
man, sixteen years of age, was healed of came upon. him, his entire body would Brother Parrott to return soon to us, for
leakage of the heart. Whenever an attack turn blue. God surely performed a mir- his message will stir this entire region!

Written or Fldited b y Gordon Lindsay


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.30 THE VOICE O F HEALING August, 1953

(Continued from Page 23)
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0 Christs Deliveronce for Soul and Body ........ 1.00 ORDER-MAKE PAYABLE TO: THE VOICE OF HEALlNG
I Saw the Lord ............................................... .25 PLEASE: 0ftI)ER BOOKS BY TITLES ONLY! THAKKS!
T. 1. OSBORN This Order to Be Mailed to:
0 Healing the Sick and Casting Out Devils.... ;2.50
0 The Harvest Call ..............: ............................... 1.00
0 Revivol Fires Sweep Cuba .............................. .25
0 Osborn Booklets. 50c each, or Set of 5 ........ 2.25
0 Infinite Light
0 The Creative Word
0 Six Methods of Power . .
0 The Revelation of Foith ORDER FORM: The Voice of Healing
0 Word Confession P. 0. Box 8658-DALLAs. TEXAS
0 This I s the Victory ...........................................
. .

THE VOICE O F HEALING Augusit, 1953 31

. .
The Voice of Healing, Box 8658, Dallas, Texas
The Healing Revival- JIas Your Subscription Expired? If so-Clip Your Nnriae C I I L ~
Address as shown below, allach $1.00 (for 10 mo.) ($1.50
Canada) or $2.00 for 2 yrs. ($2.50 Canada) and foricard to 11s
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0 5050 Ihe Gospel Medley
0 5051 If I Didnt Have Jesus
05052 Angels Watch Over
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05053 Says the Book
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05054 Drifting
0 5055 Wicked Heart
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H i 0 I S 4 A I Dont Know
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-~ . .
.. . .~ , - ....
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