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CHAPTER III APPEAL A petition for relief from the decision of the labor arbiter must

strictly comply with 2 reglementary periods:

ART. 223. APPEAL 1. The petition must be filed within 60 days from knowledge
of the judgment; and
2. Within a fixed period of 6 months from entry of such
1. If there is prima facie evidence of abuse of discretion on
petitions filed beyond said period will no longer
the part of the Labor Arbiter or Compulsory Arbitrator;
be entertained.
2. If the decision, order or award was secured through fraud
or coercion, including graft and corruption;
3. If made purely on questions of law; APPEAL FROM THE DECISION OF THE NLRC:
4. If serious errors in the findings of facts are raised which - appeal by certiorari should be filed with the Court of
would cause grave or irreparable damage or injury to the Appeals (St. Martin Funerals Home)
A. DECISIONS OF THE REGIONAL DIRECTOR: 1. The quitclaim must be voluntarily arrived at by the parties;
within 5 calendar days from receipt of the order. 2. It must be with the assistance of the Bureau of Labor
Standards, Bureau of Labor Relations of any representative
within 10 calendar days from the receipt of the 3. The consideration must be reasonable.
The appeal must be under oath and must state if the compromise agreement was entered into without
specifically the grounds relied upon and the supporting the assistance of DOLE, it is valid and binding between the
arguments. parties but the parties can still go to the NLRC and
Where the 10th day falls on a Saturday, Sunday or legal repudiate the agreement.
holiday, the appeal may be filed on the next business
day. if the compromise agreement was entered into with the
assistance of DOLE, it shall be final and binding between
NO. The period of appeal to cases decided by the regional a. in case of noncompliance with the compromise
Director and the Labor Arbiter is NEVER extendible. It is the policy agreement; or
of the state to settle expeditiously labor disputes. b. if there is prima facie evidence that the settlement
was obtained through fraud, misrepresentation, or
PERFECTED: in such cases, the NLRC of the courts can assume
1. File a verified memo of appeal within the required period jurisdiction.
of appeal;
2. In case of monetary award, the employer should file a What is a compromise agreement?
bond corresponding to the monetary award excluding It is a contract whereby the parties, by making reciprocal
awards for moral, exemplary damages and attorneys fees. concessions, avoid litigation or put an end to one already
3. Appeal fee of P110; commenced.
4. Furnish the other party with a copy of the memo of appeal
(proof of service). May labor standards violations be settled by compromise?
Where the employer failed to post a bond to perfect its
appeal, the remedy of the employee is not a petition for What are the substantial requirements of a compromise
mandamus by a motion to dismiss appeal. agreement?
The intention of the lawmakers is to make the bond an The compromise agreement must:
indispensable requisite for the perfection of an appeal by 1. Be freely entered into
the employer. 2. Not be contrary to law, morals or public. policy
3. Be reasonable
Tardiness of an appeal form the decision of the labor
4. Be approved by the authority before whom the case is
arbiter may be considered as a mere procedural lapse.
What are the formal requirements of compromise agreements
the decision of the labor arbiter ordering the involving labor standards cases?
reinstatement of a dismissed or separated employee shall
It must be:
immediately executory insofar as the reinstatement aspect 1. Reduced into writing
is concerned and the posting of an appeal bond by the
2. Signed in the presence of the RD or his duly authorized
employer shall not stay such execution. There is no need representative.
for the arbiter to issue a writ of execution on the
reinstatement order as it is self-executory (Pioneer Note: Although generally, a compromise, once approved by final
Texturizing Case). orders of the court' has the force of res judicata between the parties
and should not be disturbed except for vices of consent or forgery. A
OPTIONS OF THE EMPLOYER TO IN COMPLYING WITH AN ORDER compromise is basically a contract perfected by mere consent.
OF REINSTATEMENT WHICH IS IMMEDIATELY EXECUTORY: Consent is manifested by the meeting of the offer and the
1. He can admit the dismissed employee back to work under acceptance upon the thing and the cause which are to constitute the
the same terms and conditions prevailing prior to his contract. However, a compromise agreement is not valid when a
dismissal or separation or to a substantially equivalent party in the case has not signed the same or when someone signs
position if the former position is already filled up. for and in behalf of such party without authority to do so.
2. He can reinstate the employee merely in the payroll.

Failing to exercise any option may be compelled under

pain of contempt and the employer may be made to pay
instead the salary of the employee.
What is the distinction between a compromise agreement with What are the rights and conditions of membership in a labor
assistance of DOLE and that entered into without assistance of the organization (LO)?
same? 1. Political right
1. As to validity and binding effect - the compromise a. Right to vote b.
agreement is valid and binding upon the parties on both b. Right to be voted for
instances. Note: Both are subject to lawful provisions on
2. As to repudiation: qualifications and disqualifications
a. A compromise agreement entered into without 2. Deliberative and decision-making right
the assistance of DOLE can be repudiated by the a. Right to' participate in deliberations on major
parties by the going to the Commission. policy questions
b. GR: a compromise agreement entered into with b. Right to decide on such major policy questions
the assistance. of DOLE can no longer be by secret ballet
repudiated, it becomes final and binding upon 3. Rights over money matters
the parties upon execution. a. Right against:
c. EXCEPTIONS: i. Excessive fees
i. In case of non-compliance with the ii. Unauthorized collection
compromise agreement iii. Unauthorized disbursements
ii. If there is prima facie evidence that the b. Right to:
settlement was obtained through fraud, i. Require adequate records of income and
misrepresentation, or coercion. expenses
ii. Access financial records
May ULP cases be subject to compromise? iii. Vote on officer's compensation
No. iv. Vote on proposed special assessments
Note: Dire necessity is not an acceptable ground for v. Deduction of special assessments only
annulling a compromise agreement, especially since it has with written authorization from member
not been shown that the employees had been forced to 4. Right to information - Right to be informed about the
execute them organization's constitution and by-laws and the CSA and
about labor laws
When may compromise be effected? 5. Other rights and conditions under Art. 241
At any stage of the proceedings and even when there is a. LOs cannot knowingly admit or continue in
already a final and executory judgment. (Art. 2040, Nee) membership any individual who belongs to a
subversive organization er engaged directly or
Can the parties enter into a compromise when the final judgment indirectly in any subversive activity
is already in the process of execution? b. A member who has been convicted for a crime
No. It cannot be entered into when the final judgment is of moral turpitude (by final judgment) is
already in the process of execution. ineligible fer election or appointment in the
What are the options when compromise agreement is violated? c. Every payment of fees, dues or other
Two options: contributions by a member shall be evidenced
1. Enforce compromise by writ of execution; or by a receipt signed by the officer and entered
2. Regard it as rescinded and insist upon original demand. into the record of the erganization
d. Every income shall be evidenced by a record
Can there be waiver of reinstatement? shewing its source. Every expenditure shall be
Yes. Like waivers of money claims, a waiver for evidenced by a receipt from the person who
reinstatement may be regarded as a personal right which was paid. The receipt shall state the date, place
must be exercised personally by the workers themselves. and purpose of such payment.
Note: Not all waivers and quitclaims are invalid as against
public policy. If the agreement was voluntarily entered into and When, how and under what conditions does an Ee become a union
represents a reasonable settlement, it is binding on the parties and member?
may not later be disowned simply because of a change of mind. It is It depends on the constitution and by-laws inasmuch as
only where there is clear proof that the waiver was wangled from an Art.249 gives a LO the right to prescribe its own rules for acquisition
unsuspecting or gullible person, or the terms of settlement are or retention of membership.
unconscionable on its face, that the law will step in to annul the
questionable transaction. But where it is shown that the person The relationship of the union and members is governed by their
making the waiver did so voluntarily, with full understanding of what mutual agreement, terms and conditions of which are set forth in
he was doing, and the consideration for the quitclaim is credible and the union's constitution and by-laws and binding on the members as
reasonable, the transaction must be recognized as a valid and well as the organization itself. (Oca v. Trajano, G.R. No. 76189, Aug.
binding undertaking, as in this case. 8, 1991)

Art. 232. Prohibition on certification election. The Bureau shall not Note: An Ee, whether employed for a definite period or not, shall
entertain any petition for certification election or any other action beginning on his first day of service, be considered an Ee for
which may disturb the administration of duly registered existing purposes of union membership. (Art. 277)
collective bargaining agreements affecting the parties except under
Articles 253, 253-A and 256 of this Code. (As amended by Section 15, How are union officers elected?
Republic Act No. 6715, March 21, 1989 They are elected directly by the members through secret
balloting. Election takes place at intervals of 5 years which is the
ART. 241. RIGHTS AND CONDITIONS OF MEMBERSHIP IN A LABOR : term of office of the union officers including these of a national
ORGANIZATION union, federation or a trade union center.

What is the nature of the relationship between the union and its Note: What positions to fill up, where and how the election should
members? be done are matters left by law to the union's constitution and by-
It is fiduciary in nature, and arises out of 2 factors: laws or to agreement among the members. Only in the absence
1. Degree of dependence of the individual Ee on the union thereof will the IRR of Book V apply.
organization and
2. The comprehensive power vested in the union to the Who takes part in the election of union officers?
individual. Only members of the union can take part in the election of
union officers. (Art. 241{c])
Who is a member in good standing? 1. For mandatory activities under the LC
Any person who has: 2. For agency fees 3. When non-members of the union avail
1. Fulfilled the req'ts for membership in the union, and of the benefits of the CBA:
2. Not voluntarily withdrawn from membership or a. Non-members may be assessed union dues
3. Not been expelled or suspended from membership after equivalent to that paid by union members;
appropriate proceedings consistent with the lawful b. Only by board resolution approved by majority of the
provisions of the union's constitution and by-laws. members in general meeting called for the purpose.

What may be used to determine eligibility to vote? What is an agency fee?

The question of eligibility to vote may be determined It is an amount equivalent to union dues, which a non-
through the use of the applicable payroll period and Ee's status union member pays to the union because he benefits from the CBA
during the applicable period - the payroll of the month next negotiated by the union.
preceding the labor dispute in case of regular Ees and the payroll at
or near the peak of operations in case of Ees in seasonal industries. Note: Agency fee cannot be imposed on Ees already in the service
(Tancinco v. Pura Ferrer-Calleja, G.R. No. 78131, Jan. 20, 1988) and are members of another union. If a closed shop agreement
Note: If none of the contending unions insisted on the use of the cannot be applied to them, neither mayan agency fee, as a lesser
payroll period-list as voting list, the act of the non-union Ees of form of union security, be imposed to them. Payment by non-union
joining the election by casting their votes is a clear manifestation of members of agency fees does not amount to an unjust enrichment
their intention to join a union. They must therefore be considered basically the purpose of such dues is to avoid discrimination
ipso facto union members. Said Ees having exercised their right to between union and non-union members.
unionism, by joining one of the unions, their decision is paramount.
(Tancinco v, Pura Ferrer-Calleja, G.R. No. 78131, Jan. 20, 1988) Distinguish union dues from agency fees.

Is it necessary that a union officer be an Ee?

Yes. No qualification req'ts for candidacy to any position shall
be imposed other than membership in good standing in subject LO.

What are the limitations in memberships in unions?

1. The LO cannot compel Ees to become members of the LO
if they are already members of a rival union.
2. The persons enumerated under Art. 241 (e) of the LC are
prohibited from becoming members of a LO.
3. The members of religious organizations whose religion
forbids membership in LOs cannot be compelled into
union membership.

Who are those disqualified to be a union officer?

1. Person who has been convicted of a crime involving moral What are special assessments or extraordinary fees?
turpitude. (Art. 241[f]) These are assessments for any purpose or object other
2. Any individual who belongs to a subversive organization or than those expressly provided by the labor organization's
who is engaged indirectly or indirectly in any subversive constitution and bylaws.
activity. (Art. 241{e])
3. Non-employees. (Art. 241{c]) What are the requisites for a valid levy of special assessment or
extraordinary fees?
What is a union election protest? 1. Authorization by a written resolution of the majority of all
It is a complaint or protest regarding election of union members at the general membership meeting duly called
officers and is treated as an inter/intra-union dispute, for that purpose;
2. Secretary's record of the minutes of the meeting, which
What are union dues? must include the:
These are regular monthly contributions paid by the members a. List of members present
to the union in exchange for the benefits given to them by the CSA b. Votes cast
and to finance the activities of the union in representing the union. c. Purpose of the special assessments d. Recipient of
such assessments;
What is check-off? 3. Individual written authorization to check-off duly signed by
It is a method of deducting from an Ee's pay at a the Ee concerned to levy such assessments.
prescribed period, the amounts due the union for fees, fines and
assessments. What is the effect of failure to strictly comply the req'ts set by law?
Deductions for union service fees are authorized by law It shall invalidate the questioned special assessments.
and do not require individual check-off authorizations. Substantial compliance of the requirements is not enough in view of
the fact that the special assessment will diminish the compensation
What is the nature and purpose of check-off? of union members. (Palacol v. Ferrer-Calleja, GR. No. 85333, Feb. 26,
Union dues are the lifeblood of the union. 1990)
All unions are authorized to collect reasonable
membership fees, union dues, assessments and fines and other
contributions for labor education and research, mutual death and Who has jurisdiction over check-off disputes?
hospitalization benefits, welfare fund, strike fund and credit and Being an intra-union dispute, the Regional Director of
cooperative undertakings. (Art. 277[a]) DOLE has jurisdiction over check off disputes

What are the requisites of a valid checkoff?

GR: No special assessments, atty's fees, negotiation fees or
any other extraordinary fees may be checked off from any amount
due to an employee (Ee) without individual written authorization
duly signed by the Ee.
The authorization should specifically state the:
1. Amount
2. Purpose &
3. Beneficiary of the deduction.
Distinguish check-off from special assessments ART. 242. RIGHTS OF LEGITIMATE, LABOR ORGANIZATIONS

What are the rights of legitimate labor organizations (LLOs)?

A LLO shall have the right to:
1. Act as the exclusive representatives of its members
2. Represent union members
3. Be furnished by the Er with its annual audited financial
4. Own properties
5. Sue and be sued in its registered name
6. Undertake all other activities for the benefit of members
7. Be exempted from taxes

When will the financial statements be given to the union?

1. After the union has been recognized by the Er as the sole
bargaining representative of the Ees in the bargaining unit
2. After the union is certified by DOLE as such sale bargaining
3. Written request from the union
4. Within the last 60 days of the life of a CBA.
5. During the collective bargaining negotiation

Do unions have the right to collect fees?

Yes, the right to collect fees is recognized in Art. 277(a)
and discussed under Art. 241 of the LC.

Note: Individual written authorization is not necessary for the

collection of agency fees.

Are Ees who are members of another union considered free riders?
No. When the union bids to become the bargaining agent,
it voluntarily assumes the responsibility of representing all the Ees.


Who reports complaint for violation rights of union members?

GR: Complaint for violation of right must be reported by at
least 30% of the union members.
XPN: When the violation directly affects only one or two
members, then only one or two members can report such violation.

What is the consequence of violation of such rights?

Expulsion of the culpable officers.

What are remedies for violation of rights and conditions of

As to impeachment of a union officer, as per reference to
the union's constitution and by-laws (CBL):
1. Impeachment must be initiated by a petition Signed
by at least 30% of all bona fide members of the union
and addressed to the chairman of the Executive
2. A general membership meeting shall be convened by
the Board Chairman to consider the impeachment of
an officer;
3. Before the impeachment is finally taken, the union
officer against whom the impeachment charges have
been filed shall be given ample opportunity to defend
himself; and
4. A majority of all members of the union shall be
required to impeach or recall union officers.

Note: Despite the practical difficulties in complying with the

procedure, petitioners should show substantial compliance' with
said impeachment procedure, by giving the union officer ample
opportunity to defend himself, as contrasted to an outright
impeachment, right after he failed to appear before the first and
only investigation scheduled.

Is the 30% support of union membership mandatory for filing of a

complaint regarding a violation of the rights and conditions of
No. The fact that the word "may" was used in the LC
negates the presumption that such is mandatory. It clearly shows
that the said req't is permissive in nature.

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