Flower Essences & Other Vibrational Remedies

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Flower Essences & Other Vibrational Remedies

Flower essences are very gentle acting remedies.

DISCLAIMER NOTE:It is not recommended that Reiki, Homoeopathy, Bach flowers, Tissue Salts or
other flower essences replace qualified medical attention or prescription medications.

There are many different types of flower essences but most are made the same way and all work on the same
principle. Some examples are:

Bach Flower Essences - 38 - discovered by Dr Edward Bach , Doctor & Homoeopath in the late 1930's. He
is probably the most well known, along with his product.

Australian Bush Essences - 50 + other experimental - Ian White, Naturopath - from the wide selection of
Australian Bush Flowers. See Ian's site Australian Bush flower Essences.

Western Australian Flower Essences - some do overlap the Australian Bush Essence and Bach Flowers. -
70 + some experimental

New Zealand Flower Essences

Californian Flower Essences - They also include - Dr Bach's flowers

Amazonian Orchard Essences - these grow in the high trees of the Amazonian tropical forests, and are
prepared by using a crystal geode, - these flowers do not even get picked to gain there energies.

These are just to mention a few. Most of the information for these essences have been channeled by one way
or the other. The way that one person puts it is, that she talks to the deva of the plant and the other elementals
surrounding it. They work in the aura on a vibrational level.

Bach Flowers
Peace, contentment, optimism, love. These are feelings that we have all experienced when spending time
surrounded by nature, by the beauty of trees, plants and flowers. Tensions, fears and so many negative
emotions are eased by contact with the natural world; yet do we really question why and how such a positive
response occurs? So often we live in conflict with nature, yet we are just as much a part of the universe as
the trees and flowers themselves. If, as it appears, the result of our living out of harmony with nature is the
emergence of detrimental moods, surely we should look to nature itself to provide healing for these negative
mental symptoms and any accompanying physical distress.

This approach was realised by Dr Edward Bach, physician, bacteriologist, herbalist and homoeopath who in
the 1930's abandoned his medical practice and went to live in harmony with nature in order to search in the
wilderness for a simple, natural and complete system of treatment. He looked for flowers from plants that
were both beautiful and perfect, grown free from contamination in the most natural conditions where their
powerful healing qualities had developed undisturbed.

Treat the patient, not the disease

During his years of practising both orthodox medicine and homoeopathy Bach had observed that similar
psychological conditions responded to certain treatments, rather than the physical illnesses themselves. He
believed that in order to truly heal we should "take no notice of the disease, think only of the outlook on life
of the one in distress." The real cure for disease is to remove the negative disturbances and help the mind

retain peace and happiness. Man can actually change his physical condition by changing his mental attitude.
This is readily observable when, for example, a person who has been suffering from constant anxiety is freed
from that concern - all tension disappears from the face and body and there is a marked improvement in any
imbalances, such as inablility to sleep or poor appetite. Bach repeatedly emphasised that "there is no true
healing unless there is a change in outlook, peace of mind and inner happiness." (Parts of the information
taken from The Beauty of the Bach Flower Remedies by Vicki Liper).

We can use Bach Flowers singularly or as a complex such as the Bach Flower Rescue Remedy.

Rescue Remedy is a combination of 5 Bach flowers - this is the most well known and used of all the
combinations, it contains: Cherry Plum - for fear of loosing control - both mentally & physically, Clematis -
for the dreamy absent-minded- mental escape from reality, Impatiens - for the impatient person, Rock Rose -
For terror & panic and Star Of Bethlehem - for shock of all kinds

Bach Flowers can be given under the tongue or even on lips, wrist or temples. Some of the other
combinations that are useful:

Radiation Remedy Discovered by Dr Westlakes - Cherry Plum, Gentian, Rock Rose, Star of Bethlehem,
Vine, Walnut, & Wild Oat Toped up with Uncontaminated Sea Water. - very useful for people that work with
computers and microwave ovens or people that get exposed to any form of radiation - X rays, Nuclear
fallout, or people taking deep-ray therapy, cobalt therapy, kimo therapy or even watching too much

Exam Remedy - Gentian, Elm, Clematis, Larch & White Chestnut- to keep the student on track in the exam

Planting Remedy - Hornbeam, Olive & Vine - Useful for newly planted seeds or seedlings

AUSTRALIAN Bush Essences

(Parts of the information on Australian Bush Essences taken from a pamphlet put out by The Australian
Flower Remedy Society)

Flower remedies are not new. The Australian Aboriginals have always used flowers to heal the emotions as
did the Ancient Egyptians. They were very popular in the middle Ages. Paracelsus in the 15th Century wrote
about how he collected dew from flowering plants, diluted it and used the liquid to treat imbalances.

This healing method was rediscovered by Edward Bach during the1930's through the use of English
flowering plants. Today there is a great need for remedies that will help people deal with the issues of the
nineties - sexuality, communication skills and spirituality to name but a few. The answer to this need has
come from the Australian plants, developed and researched by Australian Naturopath, Ian White.

Ian comes from a long line of herbalists and grew up in the Australian bush. As a young boy his
grandmother, like her mother before her, specialised in using Australian plants and would often take him into
the bush. From her deep understanding she would point out the many healing plants and flowers. He
learned a profound respect for nature through her and he too became a practitioner and started working with
native plants.

The Bush Remedies not only help to give clarity to one's life but also the courage, strength and commitment
to follow and pursue one's goals and dreams. They help to develop a higher level of intuition, self-esteem,
spirituality, creativity and fun.

Following are just a few of the Australian Bush Essences:

Mulla Mulla - Reduces the fear of fire

Crowea - Balances and centres the individual
Red Helmet - Helps father/child bonding, sensitivity, respect
She Oak - Overcomes imbalances in females
Wedding Bush - Commitment in relationships, dedication to life purpose
Jacaaranda - Decisiveness, clear mindedness, quick thinking
Sturt Desert Rose - Allows one to follow own inner convictions and morality
Sturt Desert Pea - Diffuses sad memories, allows one to let go, motivates
Red Grevillea - Strength to leave unpleasant situations, boldness
Old Man Banksia - Ability to cope with whatever life brings
Boronia - Serenity, Clarity of mind & thought
Banksia Robur - Enjoyment of & interest in life
Fringed Violet - Removes effects of past or present distress, psychic protection

Demonstration on how to make a Flower Essence

A demonstration I have used: A Flower that most people would call a weed around the back yard in
Morning Glory (one of the Californian Flower Essences ) for help in breaking free of old habit patterns,
promoting vitality, and alertness, can be an adjunct to drug or alcohol detoxification, can ease restlessness,
jitteriness & erratic energy.

There are two methods of preparing Flower Essences - (1) sun method and (2) boiling method.

(1) The sun method

You will need - a sterilised crystal or glass bowl about the size of a sugar bowl (4" in diameter),
half a pint of spring water or pure rain water collected in a sterilised glass bowl (not metal or plastic)
after it has been raining for at least three quarters of an hour (not tap water or distilled water) - purified
water from a purifier as a last resort.
Brandy for preserving and two sterilised remedy bottles (approx 25 to 30ml).

(a) Decide beforehand upon the field or hilltop where the plants, trees or bushes are growing. Choose a
cloudless sunny morning taking the bowl, jug, bottle containing water and remedy bottles half filled
with brandy. You should be on the site before 9am.

(b) All flowers should be picked around 9am or when the sun has been shining on the flowers for
several hours. This is done so that the blooms are picked when freshly opened and at their most

(c) Place the bowl on the ground near the flowering plants, away from any tall grasses, bushes or trees
which might cast a shadow over the bowl as the sun travels across the sky. Fill the bowl to the brim
with water.

(d) You should meditate before choosing the flowers and then ask permission from the plant, tree or
bush (or should I say the deva of the plant, tree or bush) if you can use those flowers for a remedy.

(e) Place a broad leaf, preferably from the plant you are preparing, on the palm of the hand and then
pick the flower-head just below the calyx, or the flowering spikes. Quickly float them on the surface of

the water in the bowl and repeat until surface is thickly covered, overlapping the flowers, but seeing
that each touches the water. Avoid casting a shadow over the bowl as you do this, or touching the
water with your fingers.

(f) Leave in the sunshine for a full three hours.

(g) With a stalk from the plant you are preparing remove the flower heads, again avoiding touching the
water with your fingers.

(h) Pour the vitalised water into the jug and then fill to the top one of the remedy bottles containing
brandy (this is called The Essence). The Essence will retain its strength indefinitely and is the one
from which Stock bottles will be prepared.

If the Essence is kept for several years, a slight sediment may form at the bottom of the bottle, this is
not harmful. The liquid can be filtered into another sterilized bottle and relabelled.

The Stock Bottle is the second stage of preparation and is the one from which the client's medicine
bottle is made up.
To prepare a Stock bottle, first fill a sterilized 25 to 30ml bottle with brandy.
Add two drops from the Essence bottle of the Remedy.
Cap tightly and label with the name of the Remedy and "Stock".
A Stock bottle prepared in this way will retain its strength indefinitely.


The medicine bottle is the third stage in the preparation of the remedy and is the one from which the
client takes daily doses.
Place two drops from Stock bottle into the dose bottle and fill with pure water with a teaspoon of
brandy, label for clients dosage -usually 4 drops 3 times a day.

(2) The boiling method

This method is for more woody style plants ie Chestnut Bud, Willow -
This involves boiling the selected parts of the plant for 30 minutes in pure water and straining off
liquid and then preserving it in brandy similar to the sun method.

In the early 1800's Homoeopathy was discovered by a German doctor, Samuel Hahnemann. He became
disillusioned with medicine and with good reason, in the 18th & 19th Century physicians believed that
sickness was caused by fluids, that had to be expelled from the body either by being cauterized, blistered,
purged or bled. From experimenting on himself he found that a remedy can cure a disease if it produces in a
healthy person symptoms similar to those of the disease, these became the first provings.

The first law of homoeopathy is based on the law of similars or

"Like is cured by like."

Hahnemann found Peruvian Bark if taken by a healthy person, starts to give the symptoms like
Malaria, he then found that like cures like after treating a person with this to cure Malaria.


A bee sting - produces red inflammation in the area of the sting with stinging pains.
If someone comes up with similar symptoms to a bee sting then you could well assume that if you give
the remedy that has been made from a bee sting (Apis) this will cure the problem within a very short

Urtica - the stinging nettle bush - on running this bush over your hands it creates a welt like effect on
the hands giving burning heat and violent itching which could well resemble a burn - 1st or 2nd
degree - this can either be taken internally or mixed in a cream base to be applied topically to burns.

The second law of homoeopathy is

The law of provings
Just as Hahnemann did in the first proving

The third law of homoeopathy

The law of Potentization
This law relates to trituration (mixing) or dilution of the substance and the succussion (forcable
shaking or striking) of the substance. This means for a X potency (10 times) take 1 part substance and
dilute it to 10 parts water then in the old days banging it on the heel of the leather shoe 10 times, this is
called 1X, taking 1X and diluting it with 10 parts water and succussing the same as before to make
2X. For a C potency (100 times), 1 part to 100 parts of water and then struck 100 times to make 1C,
and so it goes on quite often 200 or more times in some cases 50,000 times or more, to make a very
dilute but potent remedy that works in harmony with the body.

NOTE: It is not recommended that these remedies replace medical attention or prescription
medications. Homoepathic remedies can be used in conjunction with prescription medications with no
harmful effects.

Remedies that can be useful to have on hand in the home:

useful for shock, trauma & bruising.
Injury when help is refused.
Aching muscles from overwork or sports.
Can be mixed with a cream for topical application.

Aconite - (Moonshod)
In the first few hours of sore throat at onset of "flu".
An aid to meditation to help still the mind.
Aconite is good as a jet-lag remedy.

For all things dry. Colds, Influenza (worse by motion better by rest).

Influenza (Drowsy, drugged feeling), headache, anxiety & sore throat.

Hypericum - (St Johns Wart)

For puncture wounds.
This remedy heals from within to out, and is also an anti-tetanus agent.

Calendula - (Marigold)
Useful for open wounds and parts that will not heal (including ulcers) can be taken internally or
mixed with a cream for topical application.

Aids in resolving hysteria and fits
Grief remedy - eg Death of a friend or family member, Separation, Death of a pet.

Hydrastis - (Goldenseal)
Acts especially on mucus membrane relaxing them. Throat, stomach, uterus, urethra, eyes & mouth.

Euphrasia (Eye Bright) combined with Hydrastis

A very good eye lotion.

For Diarrhoea and vomiting. Motion sickness. Nausea.

For Diarrhoea.

Chamomilla (Chamomile)
For teething on babies and children, when one cheek is redder than the other.
Unbearable pain with earache, toothache and colic.

For sudden onset of high fevers - where both cheeks are flushed or red.

Liver Drainage. Taken before a 'Night-Out' prevents hang-over.
Detox for drug therapy.
Anger when throwing things.
Caution do not take if you are taking or have been injected with any form of cortisone as this will
drain it out within several hours.

Indigestion, constipation, vomiting and morning after symptoms.
Wind and flatulence.

For stiff aching joints. Better for movement. Good for arthritis sufferers.

Tissue or Cell Salts.

Founded by Dr Schssler
Dr Schussler believed that in the body there is 12 basic salts. Dr Schuessler determined that these
inorganic substances are present in the body as compounds (mineral salts), and he named twelve
principal compounds which he called "Tissue Salts". He defined the types of disease (symptoms)
arising from a deficiency of each tissue salt, and from this knowledge was able to prescribe with great
accuracy and effect.

Nat Mur
For colds. Clear runny noses. For all things clear & watery.

Ferr Phos
Blood oxygenator. For all fevers and convalescence. Infections. Temporary feelings of lassitude.

The homoepathic surgeon. Will open absesses and expel the pus. It will expel splinters and foreign

For first aid 6X potency is used.

Dosage - usually taken 1 or 2 tablets under the tongue 3 times a day.

The Bach Flowers, Tissue Salts and some of the Homoeopathic remedies can be purchased from any
health food store.
There are a wide range of books available on Reiki, Bach Flowers, Australian Bush Essences,
Homoeopathy and Tissue Salts, many of which you may find available at your local book store, health
food shop or New Age shop.

DISCLAIMER NOTE:It is not recommended that Reiki, Homoeopathy, Bach flowers, Tissue
Salts or other flower essences replace qualified medical attention or prescription medications.


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