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Time: 1:00-1:50 # of students ___10-12________ Level: Intermediate

Materials Needed:
Accountable talk sheet

Lesson goals:
By the end of this lesson, students will:

Compare/contrast ideas to organize into short lists

Discuss and defend opinions
Increase fluencyspeaking more confidently and with less hesitation

Key Vocabulary Key Grammar

Deserted island accountable talk

Warm-up 5-7 minutes

Start with general question: Who thinks the world would be a better place if
chocolate didnt exist?
Students obviously disagree. Take a controversial stance; defend my own devils
advocate opinion.
Explain how using accountable talk can help you persuade people or explain your
reasons for things
Hand out accountable talk sheet, go over phrases

Presentation/Lead-in 5-7 minutes
Ask students to write secret list of 10 items they would want with them on a
deserted island
Share own list, use accountable talk sheet to explain some items

My list: water bottle, lighter, knife, tent, boots, flashlight, fishing pole, medicine,
axe, sunscreen

Activity 1 (group/whole class) 15-20 minutes

Groups of preferably 3, 4 groups total
As a group, choose 5 items you MUST bring if stranded on an island
Discuss and debate among each other, state opinions using accountable talk
Combine the 4 groups into 2 groups, debate and discuss and make a NEW list
Have the 2 groups debate and discuss to make a FINAL list as a whole class
WHY did you choose this?

Make sure every student is getting a chance to speak, encourage and include all
Eliminate commonly heard items (probably phone, computer, radio, etc)
Activity 2 (whole class mingle) 10-15 minutes
Write a controversial statement on board (Smokers are irresponsible)
Draw a continuum, absolutely agree -----absolutely disagree. Have students write
their name where they stand based on opinion.
Mark own stance, defend opinion
Students mingle and explain their positions to others
Give students a chance to change their opinion, ask why.


Wrap-up 5 minutes
Bring class together, ask another controversial question (Is lying as bad as
Who agrees? Who disagrees?
Get answer from 2 people on each side of the issue
Great, now we can give opinions and provide reasons WHY, which is very common
in conversation.

Friday is our last class and my last day here! Please come, itll be fun (warning: now
you have to make Friday fun!)

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