Staff Manual: Point Punishments

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Staff Manual

Point Punishments:
RDM 10

VDM 10

Jumping out a vehicle while restrained 8

Metagaming 10

Mass RDM 20

Mass VDM 20

Breaking NLR 15

Failure of RP 15

Abuse to Players/Staff 18

Cop Baiting 10

Medic Trolling 10

Disconnecting/respawning while 15

Racism/Sexism/Homophobic language 30

Combat Logging 20

Lying to Staff 10

Leaving a support case while ongoing 15

Doing jailbreaks without actual intel 15

Robbing EMS 10

Impounding a vehicle while in roleplay 15

Duping 50

Glitch viewing inventories 40

Advertising 50

Cyber Bullying 50

Taking cop(s) hostage when there is no 30

other available officer online

Robbing fed with less than 3 cops on 15

Toxic Behaviour Perm

Parking A Car In A Vehicle In A Vehicle 20


Mugging/robbing someone before


General Rules
1.)Robbing NHS is not permitted and will result in warning points.
2.)Anyone saying in game or in teamspeak 'I will get you banned' is a
major rule break. You will receive severe punishment if you do this. If
you have an issue with a player speak to a staff member.
3.)Civilians are not permitted to be in possession or use a taser.
4.)You must not purposely bait members of the APD. For example, you
must not purposely drive in and out of the Police base to have an officer
initiate on you.
5.)Compensation must be in the form of a video or steam screenshot
6.)NHS must not try to impersonate APD police officers by doing traffic
stops, ticketing people etc.
7.)Wearing NHS clothes is not permitted and will result in warning points.
8.)After robbing a person, you must wait 20 minutes before you can rob
them again.
9.)Logging out during, after or to avoid a combat situation is not
acceptable unless you have direct permission from a member of the
Senior Management Team.
10.)Stealing NHS vehicles will result in warning points.

1.)RDM is to kill someone without the initiation of roleplay.
2.)You cannot kill someone unless they have threatened your life or have
not complied with your demands.
3.)When giving demands to someone you must give them enough
chance for them to respond before shooting at them. (10 Seconds.)
4.)When you're inside of the rebel controlled zone/rebel compound it
doesn't mean you can RDM civilians. However, all police officers inside
of the zone can be shot on site.
5.)You must give a chance for the person to comply (E.G - "Drop your
6.)Never enforce rules by killing someone, if you see somebody breaking
server rules go to 'Requesting Staff' on teamspeak.
7.)To initiate in a hostile manner you must have a visible firearm/weapon

1.)VDM is to use your vehicle as a weapon, it's not acceptable unless
the person is blocking the road.
2.)Hiding vehicles in fallen trees on the main road with intent to harm is

1.)MetaGaming is not allowed under any circumstance.
2.)You must always value your life, if you're outnumbered (E.G 3-1) and
they tell you to comply then you must.
3.)If you're in a gang you must ALWAYS value your fellow gang
members lives. (This means negotiating to get them back etc.)
4.)You must not mention anything related to Teamspeak or Support
Cases while in-game.
5.)You may not leave people zip tied/restrained and then leave.
6.)You must be outside of your vehicle to initiate.
7.)You must not go inside of the clothing store while being robbed, took
hostage or shot at. This counts as fail RP and you will be punished
8.)Do not play music while restrained.
9.)Sirens do not count as initiation, when being pulled over by the police
you MUST initiate in person.
10.)Don't create invisible knives, choke people with handcuffs, Im
putting a gun to your head when you are driving. You can only use
mechanics that are in game.
11.)No logging out / in or abusing game mechanics to avoid roleplay
12.)You must vocally initiate on someone before causing harm. (Tazing
and knocking people out are seen as ways of causing harm).
New Life Rule
1.)You are not allowed to return to the scene of your death for civilians
10 minutes APD Police Officers 5 minutes. However, if you died via RDM
or a glitch you may return. You do not remember information from your
previous life nor do you take revenge. You cannot use any information
from your previous life once dead.
2.)If you're revived by a medic you do not forget the life before you died.
3.)You may not be within 300 metres of your previous death during the
15 minute NLR period. Unless that is at a spawn zone.
4.)If you are revived by a medic you must not re-enter combat unless
you are under immediate threat.
5.)New life rule does not apply to medics.

Federal Reserve
1.)At a Federal Reserve robbery there must be some kind of roleplay, an
unarmed officer must enter the bank to conduct negotiations. Once the
officer has made contact you can refuse to negotiate, and KOS can
begin on any armed officers around the bank. You must give the
negotiators at least 20 seconds to leave the area before opening fire.
2.)The negotiator must not be armed but may use protective equipment
(Vest, Helmet, etc etc).
3.)Any armed civilians near to the Federal Reserve at the time of a
robbery will be dealt with any means necessary.
4.)Civilians are not allowed into the Federal Reserve at any time.
5.)During a Federal Reserve robbery you may not send a text to the
police saying KOS as this is unrealistic. You must always negotiate in
6.)A Federal Reserve robbery can only be declared once every 30
7.)You cannot rob the Federal Reserve 15 minutes before the server
8.)There can only be 1 major crime at a time.
9.)You can not take any negotiators hostage.
10.)A police negotiator must the trained/certified, If no trained negotiators are
online then the highest ranking officer will take over negotiations.

Police Rules
1.)Tazing people inside enclosed vehicles will result in warning points for
fail roleplay.
2.)Anyone caught not obeying higher ranking officers will be punished
accordingly. (Suspensions may come into place)
3.)Police officers must be formal and professional at all times to avoid
4.)Police officers are unable to randomly search people unless they're
being searched under suspicion of committing a crime.
5.)Any previous deals with Gangs or individuals will be forgotten after
server restart. (E.G - We will give you X for X)
6.)You may only close the Federal Reserve vault once the area is clear
from all hostiles (Declared safe).
7.)When pulling someone out a of a locked vehicle you must roleplay
within this scenario. (E.G. I am breaking the window and pulling you

NHS Rules
1.)You must not go corrupt. (This will result in a NHS ban and warning
2.)All medics should never combat revive, if there hasnt been any shots
fired for 1 minute you may start reviving.
3.)NHS is a neutral faction you must not favour civilians or police
4.)Blocking roads with Cones and Barriers is not allowed, if there is a
vehicle in the road then you must impound it.
5.)NHS must not be in possession of any firearm. (If youre caught with
said firearm, you can receive a punishment or suspension.)
Gang Rules
1.)If a member of a gang is breaking rules they will be punished,
however if it is the gang that is seen breaking rules the leader will be
responsible, if the leader does not fix the problems the gang will be
2.)There can only be one official gang leader.
3.)Gangs may only have a maximum of 30 members, any more will
result in people being kicked. (After multiple warnings, you will receive a
gang strike.)
4.)You can patrol with a maximum of 10 people.
5.)All gangs must have some form of roster that staff can access to see
who is in the gang.
6.)All gang leaders must of some way for staff to contact them.
7.)If a member is removed from the gang. The leader or co-leader must
go to requesting staff to have that person's whitelisting & teamspeak
tags removed.Gangs must have some form of standard operating
procedures for the entire gang to follow. These must state what the gang
member must abide by when online as a group/wearing the same
8.)The standard operating procedures & roster must be located in the
main gang channel.
9.)To initiate as a gang you need to have the same uniform on at all time
during the initiation, this mean you need to have: Uniform, Vest, Hat
and Backpack. Failure to do so it will be considered as RDM. If youre
across map, and in the uniform, the initiation doesnt count for you.
10.)In-game gangs need to be wearing the same clothing visible by
everyone involved in the event to initiate as a group/gang.

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