Resistingauthoritariangovernmentsfinalpolicypaper Ivywhittaker Deming

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Directions: Craft a well-developed policy paper that addresses authoritarian governance and
resistance tactics in Animal
Farm or Antigone.
Ideally, your policy paper will be two paragraphs
long: one paragraph to explain the tactics that authoritarian leaders use in your text and one
paragraph to explain the ways in which citizens can rebel against those tactics.

Pt 1: How do authoritarian leaders get and maintain control?

Pt 2: How could citizens respond to resist authoritarian leaders
Pt 3 (extension): Is resistance ever possible?

A claim about the most effect tactic a leader in your text uses to gain/ maintain control
A claim about the most effective tactic a citizen uses/COULD use to resist control
At least TWO pieces of direct evidence from your text
Reasoning that explains how evidence proves your claim
Transition words that guide the flow and organization of your response

Extension Assignment Requirements:

The challenge version of this assignment will be three paragraphs in length, instead of two.

A claim about the most effective tactic a leader in your text uses to gain/ maintain control
A claim about the most effective tactic a citizen uses/COULD use to resist control
A claim about the possibility of resistance, overall (given parts 1 & 2)
At least THREE pieces of direct evidence from your text
Reasoning that explains how evidence proves your claim
Transition words that guide the flow and organization of response

Indicators Below Target On Target (Entering) Above Target (Progressing)

W: Ideas: Writing lacks a claim Develops a claim with help Independently develops a supportable
Claim, Focus, claim and subclaims that work together to
Purpose make a point

W Writing lacks reasoning to Includes reasoning that explains Includes reasoning to connect data/
:Developmen connect evidence to claim or paraphrases the data/ direct direct evidence to the claim
t (Evidence) evidence

W: Cohesion/ Writing lacks structure; Uses a template to organize Independently organizes writing into a
Organization assignment length is too short to structure coherent structure
contain key components
Includes concluding statements
to summarize individual Includes concluding statements to
paragraphs summarize individual paragraphs and an
overall conclusion

W: Usage and mechanical errors that Uses resources to ensures usage Uses resources including peer/adult
Conventions distract from the claim of the and mechanics do not distract revision to work through multiple drafts
paper from the claim of the paper.

Uses formatting guide provided Selects and uses the appropriate

by instructor. formatting guideline.

R: Cite Direct or indirect evidence is Identifies and cites textual Distinguishes between quotations in order
specific missing from assignment evidence that supports an to cite the strongest textual evidence to
textual analysis of the text support an analysis of the text

The authoritarian leaders in the book, Animal Farm by George Orwell, all used used fear and superiority to gain and
withhold leadership. The animals had made amendments in the earlier days when they had just taken the farm for
themselves. One of them was that animals could not live in a house and the pigs have now broken the amendment
that they had made themselves to better suit their tastes. The pigs suddenly moved in into the farmhouse and took
up their residence there. Again, the animals seemed to remember that a resolution against this had been passed in
the early days, and again Squealer was able to convince them that this was not the case. It was absolutely necessary,
he said, that the pigs, who were the brains of the farm, should have a quiet place to work in.The Pigs have taken
the house in which all of the animals have agreed not to ever live in because that is one step closer to humanity
which is what they fought to drive out of the farm in the first place.

The pigs taking over the house is them saying that they can do what they want because they are leaders and they
are superior in which itself is another form of authoritarian tactics. They take over the house because they want to
and they cover it up by telling the animals that they need the quiet.The pigs had taken the food that the animals
enjoyed and expected to be rationed out for themselves. The animals were confused about this because they had
been expecting a life in which they were allowed these things instead of someone else taking them for themselves
like the farmer had done."Comrades!" he cried. "You do not imagine, I hope, that we pigs are doing this in a spirit of
selfishness and privilege? Many of us actually dislike milk and apples. I dislike them myself. Our sole object in
taking these things is to preserve our health. Milk and apples (this has been proved by Science, comrades) contain
substances absolutely necessary to the well-being of a pig. We pigs are brainworkers. The whole management and
organisation of this farm depend on us. Day and night we are watching over your welfare. It is for your sake that
we drink that milk and eat those apples. Do you know what would happen if we pigs failed in our duty? Jones would
come back! Yes, Jones would come back! Surely, comrades, cried Squealer almost pleadingly, skipping from side to
side and whisking his tail, surely there is no one among you who wants to see Jones come back?" The pigs had
taken what they liked and greatly enjoyed for themselves and explained their actions by blaming it on how they are
Brainworkers and even saying that they do not even enjoy milk and apples which is a lie but they control the
animals by lying to them about how it will benefit the animals as well which is not the case. They also threaten by
saying that if they do not do this Jones will come back which no animal wants and by saying this they become a
hero and idealized. Overall, the pigs have the authority but lying boasting and inflicting fear upon the animals by
threatening tem about the return of the farmer when the pigs are just as bad, if not worse.

People have marched for years, a lot of them have been about womens rights. Womens rights have been a problem
for a long time and though it is getting better it is still not fixed. People have marched for the right to vote, the right
to have a job, and many more, but the most effective way has been marching. The most effective way of protest and
to be heard when protesting is to have a march in which the media and nation knows.
In some cases, groups have tried protests that were not peaceful and those are known and get a lot of attention but
not good attention and without good attention the group gets a bad reputation and with that reputation they don't
get taken seriously and without that they don't get what the marched for even if it was for a good reason. One of
the largest protests of the suffrage movement happened the day before Woodrow Wilson was to be
inaugurated as President in 1913. In a Time article, the author gives us a brief explanation of the suffrage
movement, it states, Between 5,000 to 8,000 suffragists marched down Pennsylvania Avenue, past the
White House and hundreds of thousands of onlookers. Organizers Alice Paul and Lucy Burns had
secured a permit to march, however, many protesters were assaulted by those in the crowd who opposed
the women's right-to-vote campaign. Attacks ranged from spitting and throwing of objects to all-out
physical assaults. While many women were injured, public outrage at the violence translated to wider
support for the suffrage movement. A peaceful protest with violent onlookers is still a peaceful protest even if
the onlookers are not peaceful. After this march was for womens right to vote and it contributes majorly to the
cause. Alice Paul and Lucy Burns had planned this in a way that they would be by the white house which is most
effective because when the white house knows there is more of a chance of something being done. In the Womens
march in 2017 where people gathered at the white house to protest Donald Trumps inauguration and the
statements he has said toward women and this went nation wide with smaller sister marches in the capitals of the

If the animals had done a peaceful protest in the beginning when they were just realizing that Napoleon and
Squealer were lying the two would have been overwhelmed with the sheer amount of animals protesting and
marching. If they had marched out of the farm abruptly the pigs would have had no leverage and would have only
empty threats. A violent protest could have worked as well but only in certain situations would it work, referring to
this situation a violent protest would have been extremely overwhelming to everyone considering the nice nature
of a lot of the animals, this would have been more effective when the dogs were around rather than a peaceful
march. The pigs would be overwhelmed with destruction and pain of other animals.

There have also been violent protests in the name of womens rights as well these types of protesters and protesters
are the reason people who make the label of feminism a bad thing. Not only do they give a false label but they do
not achieve what they want. After there had been peaceful protests to Donald Trumps inauguration there was an
uproar of street clashes from protesters and police. There were at least two police officers and one other person
taken to the hospital during this violent protest. Bursts of chaos erupted on 12th and K streets as black-clad
antifascist protesters smashed storefronts and bus stops, hammered out the windows of a limousine and
eventually launched rocks at a phalanx of police lined up in an eastbound crosswalk. Officers responded by
launching smoke and flash-bang devices, which could be heard from blocks away, into the street to disperse the
crowds.This is a tactic that has been used for a long time and it not not effective and only hurts more people.
Bringing violence in does not only disrupt the rest of the city but it hurts people and also causes more reason for
people to consider the police and other authoritarian figures as subjects to retaliation and resistance in a more
forceful way. Violence brings a domino effect with protestors; they use violence to project their word, in which
police retaliate with violence in order to keep the crowd in control, which then leaves the protesters to come back
with nothing but violence. Overall, Peaceful marches have been most effective because it brings attention to the
problem at hand without causing a negative uproar from police and other people.

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