Cts Module Plan - Lesson Sequence

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CTS Module COM2155 Design - Brand Identity, COM2045 Vector Graphics 1

COM2035 Raster Graphics 1, COM2105 AV Preproduction 1

ED3601 CTS Module Planning Alphanumeric Code and Title

COM2115 AV Production 1, COM2125 - AV Postproduction 1

Component 3: Lesson Sequence Intermediate
CTS Level
Introductory, Intermediate, Advanced

Teacher Name: Duration

Total Instructional Hours Allotted
60 Hours

Lesson # 1 Introduction
Outcome(s) Basic Competencies (10.1.1, 10.1.2, 10.2.1, 10.2.3)
1 1 Explain the difference between brand and brand identity and how each is important
2 2 Describe a brands primary functions; e.g., navigation, reassurance, engagement
5.7 discuss the value of characters used in brand identity; e.g., Michelin Man
Assessment Evidence(s)
Purpose Summative (not 5.7)
Modality Write and Do
Device Quiz, observation
Criteria Explain the components/functions of brand comprehensively
Identify touchpoints
*f Demonstrate basic competencies
Learning Activity(s) Welcome to the class
Brainstorm discussion to identify differences between brand and brand identity and how each is
important. Discuss the value of characters used in brand identity
Jigsaw activity to discover brands primary functions

Lesson #2
Outcome(s) Basic Competencies (10.3.1, 10.3.2)
4.1 define touch points
4.2 identify a variety of touch points and explain why and how a brand may use them; e.g., publications,
speeches, packaging, experiences
5.8 evaluate and critique a brand; e.g., vision, meaning, authenticity, differentiation, longevity,
coherence, flexibility, commitment, value, sustainability
Assessment Evidence(s)
Purpose Summative
Modality Write and Do
Device Quiz & Journal (Rubric), observation
Criteria Identify touchpoints
Provide an astute critique of a brand with insightful justification
*f Demonstrate basic competencies
Learning Activity(s) Define touchpoints for class
Small Group Activity:
- What are some touch points that you can think of?
- How can a brand use touch points?
- Why would a brand use touchpoints
Individual Journal Activity
- Pick a brand and write an astute critique with insightful justification as to the brand. Keep
in mind vision, meaning, authenticity, differentiation, longevity, coherence, flexibility,
commitment, value, sustainability.
Introduce Market Research Assignment
- Think about a business you may want to brand

Lesson #3
Outcome(s) Basic Competencies (10.2.2)
3 Examine the process used to establish branding, including: conducting research, developing a
strategy, designing identity, creating touch points, managing assets
5.1. identify and interview stakeholders/target audiences
5.2 state mission and vision
5.3 conduct quantitative and qualitative market research; e.g., survey
Assessment Evidence(s)
Purpose Formative
Modality Say and Do
Device Conversation/ Q&A, Observation, Market Research Report (Rubric)
Criteria Identify appropriate stakeholders and mission
*f Demonstrate basic competencies
Learning Activity(s) Quiz about brand/brand identity, function of brand, and touchpoints
Think/Pair/Share activity about what the process of branding might entail. Have a discussion
about afterwards about the five main steps.
Market Research Report Assignment
- Identify potential stakeholders and target audiences.
- Come up with a potential mission and vision for your business.
- Structure questions for quantitative and qualitative research.

Lesson #4
Outcome(s) 5.3 conduct quantitative and qualitative market research; e.g., survey
Assessment Evidence(s)
Purpose Summative
Modality Do
Device Market Research Report (Rubric)
Criteria Identify appropriate stakeholders and mission
Conduct purposeful research
Learning Activity(s) Market Research Assignment
- Structure the rest of qualitative and quantitative research plan
CHECKPOINT: Student must get final go-ahead from teacher by end of this lesson.

Lesson #5
Outcome(s) 5.3 conduct quantitative and qualitative market research; e.g., survey
Assessment Evidence(s)
Purpose Summative
Modality Do
Device Market Research Report (Rubric)
Criteria Conduct purposeful research
Learning Activity(s) Market Research Assignment
- Conduct the qualitative and qualitative (interviews) research

Lesson #6 - #8
Outcome(s) Basic Competencies (10.1.3, 10.1.4, 10.2.4, 10.2.5)
5.1. identify and interview stakeholders/target audiences
5.2 state mission and vision
5.3 conduct quantitative and qualitative market research; e.g., survey
5.4 write a creative brief outlining the basic precepts of the brand
5.5 create and justify name and tag line through research
Assessment Evidence(s)
Purpose Summative
Modality Do
Device Market Research Report (Rubric)
Criteria Analyze information insightfully
*f Demonstrate basic competencies
Learning Activity(s) Market Research
- Analyze researched information
- Based on research, reidentify stakeholders/target audiences as necessary
- Adjust mission and vision as necessary
Create and justify name and tag line through research
Create a report on the research
Write a creative brief outlining the basic precepts of the brand. This is an application of the
research conducted.

Lesson #9 & #10

Outcome(s) Basic Competencies (5.1.2, 5.1.3, 5.1.4)
1.1.1 set up a document, considering printed area; e.g., single or multipage documents, artboards
1.1.2 document profile; e.g., print, Web, mobile devices, video and film, basic cyan-magenta-yellow-key
black (CMYK) colour model, basic red-green-blue (RGB) colour model
1.1.3 colour spaces
1.3.1 manage colour and transparency by setting up colour management settings and proofing colour
1.3.2 creating or loading colour swatches
1.8.1 prepare for electronic output by creating output for the Web and/or mobile devices using proper
1.8.2 choosing the correct over-printing options
1.8.3 previewing and analyzing colour separations
1.9 prepare for print output
2. identify copyright restrictions and permissions and put them into practice
4.1 Demonstrate good health and safety practices; e.g., posture, positioning of hardware and furniture
4.2 demonstrate security for hardware, software, supplies and personal work
Assessment Evidence(s)
Purpose Formative
Modality Do
Device Observation, Rating Scale
Criteria Demonstrate ability to properly format documents
*f Demonstrate basic competencies
*f Demonstrate safety and security
Learning Activity(s) Demonstrate these skills for the students
Get students to set up document for future work
Show how to set document for print and electronic output by example (which they have on their
computers too)
Review copyright.
Review safety/health/security practices

Lesson #11-#16
Outcome(s) Basic Competencies (5.1.1, 5.2.1, 5.2.2, 5.2.3, 5.2.4, 5.2.5, 5.3.1, 5.3.2)
1.2.1 draw and transform objects by: creating and modifying a vector object using a pen tool and Bezier
1.2.2 adjusting stroke settings
1.2.3 cutting, erasing, or deleting portions of an object by using the appropriate tool(s)
1.2.4 editing objects, groups, symbols and more layers
1.2.5. creating a mask to hide parts of objects
1.2.6 using open and closed paths, compound paths and compound objects
1.2.7 selecting one or more objects and arranging their stacking order
1.2.8modifying an object with one or more transformation tools
1.3.3 applying transparency options to objects
1.4.1 use type by creating text objects
1.4.2 formatting time by using character and paragraph attributes
1.4.3 creating and applying character and paragraph styles to text
1.4.4 using special characters
1.5.1 control effects, appearance and styles by adjusting the appearance of objects
1.5.2 saving and applying graphic styles
1.6.1 build objects by creating and formatting a graph
1.6.2 using and controlling gradient match
1.6.3 using and adjusting the settings for blend tool
1.6.4 choosing and/or creating the appropriate brush
1.7 import images into the document
6.1 recognize and then analyze the opportunities and barriers in the immediate environment
6.2 identify potential resources to minimize barriers and maximize opportunities
4.1 Demonstrate good health and safety practices; e.g., posture, positioning of hardware and furniture
4.2 demonstrate security for hardware, software, supplies and personal work
Assessment Evidence(s)
Purpose Formative
Modality Write and Do
Device Rating Scale
Criteria Demonstrate ability to complete these skills
Identify significant and comprehensive potential resources
Provide innovative opportunities and barriers with an insightful analysis
*f Demonstrate basic competencies
*f Demonstrate safety and security
Learning Activity(s) Introduce Vector Journal
- Give students a checklist of the above outcomes. Then have student complete each task and
give evidence of it with explanation if necessary in their journal. This will be assessed via a
rating scale with written feedback. Students should have satisfactory or higher work before
continuing to logo creation.
CHECKPOINT AFTER EACH CLASS to ensure progress and understanding. Give feedback.
Class 16 Explain career journal to students. Get students to write first entry about vector
graphics. This one is formative and will be used to help students direct following responses.

Lesson #17-#18
Outcome(s) 5.6.1 Design a logo with vector graphic software, considering: various uses; e.g., black and white, spot
color, full colour
5.6.2 colour scheme
5.6.3 typography
5.6.4 application
5.6.5 presentation
5.6.6 touch points
5.6.7 legal needs; e.g., copyright, trademark
7. Identify copyright restrictions and permissions and put them into practice
9.1 Demonstrate good health and safety practices; e.g., posture, positioning of hardware and furniture
9.2 demonstrate security for hardware, software, supplies and personal work
Assessment Evidence(s)
Purpose Summative
Modality Do
Device Rubric, Rating Scale
Criteria Design an innovative logo considering various uses, colour scheme, typography, application,
presentation, touch points, and legal needs.
*f Demonstrate safety and security
Learning Activity(s) Review copyright restrictions and permissions
Introduce logo assignment
- Hand drawn rough drafts with spoken rationale given considerations
- Have students create a logo using vector graphics
CHECKPOINT: Before class 16 students are to have shared ideas with 2 peers to receive feedback.

Lesson #19-#20
Outcome(s) 6.1.1 create a brand standards and guidelines document containing: appropriate logo use
6.1.2 visual style elements and how they should be used; e.g., signature, colour palette, typography,
tone of voice, graphic devices
6.1.3 tagline application; e.g., Freedom to create. Spirit to achieve
Assessment Evidence(s)
Purpose Summative
Modality Do
Device Rubric
Criteria Create purposeful and precise brand standards and guidelines
Learning Activity(s) Discuss importance of brand standards and guidelines document
Introduce Brand Standards and Guidelines assignment
- Give guidelines as to how visual style elements should be used such as signature, colour
palette, typography, tone of voice, graphic devices
CHECKPOINT: Before class 20 students are to have shared ideas with 2 peers to receive feedback.

Lesson #21 & #22

Outcome(s) Basic Competencies (5.1.2, 5.1.3, 5.1.4)
1.1.1 set up a document considering size
1.1.2 resolution
1.1.3 colour mode
1.1.4 background
1.2.1 organize and manage image files using correct file conventions by: considering aspects of file size
1.2.2 explaining the benefits of different file formats
1.8 automate tasks
1.9.1 manage colour by describing the process and components of colour management, e.g., profiles,
working spaces, rendering intents, settings
1.9.2 describing the proper colour conversion given common situations; e.g., profiles, working spaces,
rendering intents, settings
1.10.1 prepare images for output by creating a proof
1.10.2 discussing and using options in print dialog box
1.10.3 creating a flattened CMYK image
1.10.4 creating a layered RGB with layer comps
1.10.5 creating a .pdf with vector layers
Assessment Evidence(s)
Purpose Formative
Modality Do
Device Observation, Rating Scale
Criteria Demonstrate ability to properly format documents
*f Demonstrate basic competencies
Learning Activity(s) Demonstrate these skills for the students
Get students to set up document for future work

Lesson #23-#28
Outcome(s) Basic Competencies (5.1.1, 5.2.1, 5.2.2, 5.2.3, 5.2.4, 5.2.5, 5.3.1, 5.3.2)
1.3.1 correct, paint and retouch images by adjusting options and painting; e.g., brush types, pencil,
1.3.2 using retouch tools appropriately given various situations
1.3.3 creating and using gradients and patterns
1.3.4 using filters
1.4.1 work with selections by: creating a selection using the appropriate selection tool
1.4.2 saving and loading selections
1.4.3 moving and transforming selections
1.5.1 create and use layers by creating and arranging layers appropriately; e.g., using layer groups
1.5.2 creating and using layer effects
1.5.3 creating and using layer styles
1.6.1 work with masks by explaining the use of masks
1.6.2 using masks and painting tools to create and edit a layer mask
1.7.1 work with vector tools by creating shape layers and paths using vector tools
6.1 recognize and then analyze the opportunities and barriers in the immediate environment
6.2 identify potential resources to minimize barriers and maximize opportunities
4.1 Demonstrate good health and safety practices; e.g., posture, positioning of hardware and furniture
4.2 demonstrate security for hardware, software, supplies and personal work
2. Identify copyright restrictions and permissions and put them into practice
Assessment Evidence(s)
Purpose Formative
Modality Write and Do
Device Rating Scale
Criteria Demonstrate ability to complete these skills
Identify significant and comprehensive potential resources
Provide innovative opportunities and barriers with an insightful analysis
*f Demonstrate basic competencies
*f Demonstrate safety and security
Learning Activity(s) Introduce Raster Journal
- Give students a checklist of the above outcomes. Then have student complete each task
and give evidence of it with explanation if necessary in their journal. Must obtain
satisfactory or higher ratings before continuing on to touchpoint creations.
CHECKPOINT AFTER EACH CLASS to ensure progress and understanding. Give feedback.
Class 28 Have students write second entry about raster graphics. This one is will be
summatively graded.

Lesson #29-#32
Outcome(s) 6.2.1 create a minimum of four branded touch points, using appropriate software and equipment by:
producing touch points following the guidelines and standards document for appropriate
stakeholders/audience; e.g., letterhead, business card, packaging, advertising, favicon, Web site,
6.2.2 making use of technological advances in media production, e.g., program integration
6.2.3 combining media in a visually appealing composition and effective manner, where applicable
2. identify copyright restrictions and permissions and put them into practice
Assessment Evidence(s)
Purpose Summative
Modality Do
Device Rubric
Criteria Create innovative touchpoints that are visually appealing and effective
Learning Activity(s) Introduce Touchpoints assignment.
- Ask students to choose a minimum of three of the following touchpoints options or to
create: letterhead, business card, packaging, magazine advertisement, favicon, Website
homepage screenshot, signage, uniforms, store interior or exterior, etc.
- They should use both raster and vector graphics
- The final touchpoint will be a 00:01:00 commercial to be completed later.
CHECKPOINT (Class 26): Exit slip have students submit at least one drafted idea.
CHECKPOINT (Class 27): Exit slip have students submit all three drafted ideas and progress on
CHECKPOINT (Class 28): Have students get peer feedback from one other student and then adjust
their work according to feedback.

Lesson #33
Outcome(s) Basic Competencies (6.1.2, 6.1.4,6.3.1, 6.3.2)
1.1 describe the different types of production work flow; e.g., storyboard, script, shot list, flowchart
1.2 consider final output and criteria that it dictates
1.3 describe the characteristics of a plan; e.g., beginning, middle, end; appropriate length; audience
2.1 understand that preproduction follows a process; e.g., identify a topic, conduct research, choose the
medium/format and justify selection, develop a content/story line, develop a draft plan, collect and use
feedback to further the planning process, develop a final production plan
2.2 identify and describe the principles of planning for more than one media format
Assessment Evidence(s)
Purpose Formative
Modality Say and Do
Device Conversation/Q&A, Observation, Rating Scale
Criteria Identify considerations for final output
Describe preproduction process
*f Demonstrate basic competencies
Learning Activity(s) Play a short film (pick one according to student interests)
- Discuss with the class what work went into it and what the parts of it were. What final
output was and what criteria is dictated by that.
- Discuss the need for planning in order to have a well put together video.
Jigsaw Activity for Preproduction process
- Go through the process of preproduction for several media formats.
CHECKPOINT: Have students give topic for commercial with potential storyline/content before leaving

Lesson #34 & 35

Outcome(s) Basic Competencies (6.1.3, 6.2.1, 6.2.2, 6.2.3, 6.2.4, 6.2.5)
2.3 produce a production plan
3. identify copyright restrictions and permissions and put them into practice
5.1 Demonstrate good health and safety practices; e.g., posture, positioning of hardware and furniture
5.2 demonstrate security for hardware, software, supplies and personal work
Assessment Evidence(s)
Purpose Summative
Modality Do
Device Rubric
Criteria Demonstrate comprehensive knowledge of scripting/storyboarding process
*f Demonstrate basic competencies
*f Demonstrate safety and security
Learning Activity(s) Introduce Commercial Assignment
- Review elements of storyboard/script framing/lighting/shot types & angles/ etc.
- Have students create draft plan with short outline of script.
CHECKPOINT: Have students give draft plan to two students for feedback
- Take feedback into consideration and work on final production plan

Lesson #36
Outcome(s) Basic Competencies (6.1.1)
Present and discuss a production plan; e.g., project plan, shot list or storyboard, edited project
4.1.1 discuss the work regarding each of the following if applicable: how the elements and principles of
design help facilitate good composition
4.1.2 the technical and creative aspects of the work; e.g., quality, uniqueness
4.1.3 areas of concern/difficulty
4.1.4 the relationship of the short outline/scrip to the production plan
4.1.5 the quality of the completed project
4.1.6 meeting school and community standards; e.g., appropriate language
7.1 recognize and then analyze the opportunities and barriers in the immediate environment
7.2 identify potential resources to minimize barriers and maximize opportunities
Assessment Evidence(s)
Purpose Summative
Modality Say
Device Rubric
Criteria Pitch storyboard/script with innovative and persuasive arguments according to the criteria
Identify significant and comprehensive potential resources
Provide innovative opportunities and barriers with an insightful analysis
*f Demonstrate basic competencies
Learning Activity(s) Pitch Storyboard/ Script
- Have students who have completed their production plan pitch their storyboard and script
to the teacher discussing it according to:
o How the elements and principles of design help facilitate good composition
o The technical and create aspects of the work
o Areas of concern/difficulty
o The relationship of the short outline/script to the production plan
o The quality of the complete project
o Meeting school and community standards
- Have students make changes according to feedback.
Have students write third entry about preproduction. Summative.

Lesson #37-40
Outcome(s) Basic Competencies (6.1.1, 6.1.2, 6.1.3, 6.1.4, 6.2.1, 6.2.2, 6.2.3, 6.2.4, 6.2.5, 6.3.1, 6.3.2)
1.2 demonstrate a variety of production elements through project work; e.g., camera framing and
focusing, lighting, audio manipulation
1.3 demonstrate continuity and sequencing; e.g., costumes, lighting, location
1.4 identify and employ correct use of audio and video file formats
2.1 follow prepared production plans and storyboards
2.3 record audio and/or video using specific techniques as described in production plan
3 Identify copyright restrictions and permissions and put them into practice
1.1 produce an audio and/or video project, using prepared production plans and storyboards
7.1 recognize and then analyze the opportunities and barriers in the immediate environment
7.2 identify potential resources to minimize barriers and maximize opportunities

5.1 Demonstrate good health and safety practices; e.g., posture, positioning of hardware and furniture
5.2 demonstrate security for hardware, software, supplies and personal work
2.2 set up and operate audio and/or video recording equipment in a safe and responsible manner
1.1 use correct terminology in describing equipment, techniques, processes and procedures
Assessment Evidence(s)
Purpose Summative // Formative
Modality Do
Device Rubric, Rating Scale, Observation
Criteria Produce a video efficiently using preproduction plan
Demonstrate purposeful use of framing, focusing, lighting, audio manipulation, lighting, continuity and
Identify significant and comprehensive potential resources
Provide innovative opportunities and barriers with an insightful analysis
*f Demonstrate basic competencies
*f Demonstrate safety and security
Learning Activity(s) Review safe handling on equipment (Lesson 33)
Review correct terminology (Lesson 33)
Have students produce video.
CHECKPOINT: at beginning of Lesson 34 discuss current progress and any questions with students
Have students write fourth career journal entry about production. Summative.

Lesson #41
Outcome(s) Basic Competencies (5.1.1, 5.2.1, 5.2.4, 5.3.1)
1.3 investigate and explain emerging editing technologies and recording and editing methods
1.4 import audio and/or video
1.7 show responsibility for assigned role(s) during postproduction
1.9 use correct terminology in describing equipment, techniques, processes and procedures
Assessment Evidence(s)
Purpose Formative
Modality Say and Do
Device Observation, Conversation/Q&A
Criteria Explain current technologies and terminology
*f Demonstrate basic competencies
Learning Activity(s) Jigsaw Activity about emerging editing technologies and recording and editing methods.
Talk about roles in post-production
True/False (Stand/Sit) Activity about terminology
Import audio/video together as a class.
Review basic functions for editing program.
Lesson #42-50
Outcome(s) Basic Competencies (5.1.2, 5.1.3, 5.1.4, 5.2.2, 5.2.3, 5.2.5, 5.3.2)
1.2 identify and employ appropriate use of file formats
1.5 edit, manipulate and arrange imported audio and/or video in a timeline
1.6 use audio and/or video effects to enhance the final production
2 Identify copyright restrictions and permissions and put them into practice
6.1 recognize and then analyze the opportunities and barriers in the immediate environment
6.2 identify potential resources to minimize barriers and maximize opportunities

4.1 Demonstrate good health and safety practices; e.g., posture, positioning of hardware and furniture
4.2 demonstrate security for hardware, software, supplies and personal work
1.8 operate audio and/or video editing equipment in a safe and responsible manner
Assessment Evidence(s)
Purpose Summative, Formative
Modality Do
Device Rubric, Rating Scale
Criteria Create innovative video through skillful use of sequencing, shot selection, and audio/video effects
Identify significant and comprehensive potential resources
Provide innovative opportunities and barriers with an insightful analysis
*f Demonstrate basic competencies
*f Demonstrate safety and security
Learning Activity(s) Class 38: Review copyright restrictions/permissions
Have students work on editing their video/audio files.
CHECKPOINT (Class 38) : What difficulties are being experienced? Exit slip
Class 39: Address difficulties as necessary
CHECKPOINT (Class 40): Provide evidence that footage is sequenced
CHECKPOINT (Class 41): Show project so far to two classmates to receive feedback.
Class 41&42 Have students make changes according to feedback.
CHECKPOINT (Class 44): Exit slip providing what needs to be done yet as well as any difficulties
Class 45-46 Address difficulties as necessary.
CHECKPOINT (Class 46): Post 00:01:00 commercial to class website
Class 46- Have students complete fifth career journal entry about postproduction. Summative.

Lesson #51-54
Outcome(s) 4.1.1 present a selection of work completed in this course to an audience. Discuss the work regarding
each of the following, if applicable: How the elements and principles of design help facilitate good
composition in his or her work
4.1.2 the technical and creative aspects of the work; e.g., quality, uniqueness
4.1.3 the areas of concern/difficulty
4.1.4 the use of tools and equipment
4.1.5 the relationship of the production plan to the production
4.1.6 the quality of the completed project
4.1.7 meeting school and community standards; e.g., appropriate language.
3.1.1 discuss work regarding how the elements and principles of design help facilitate good composition
in his or her work
3.1.2 the technical and creative aspects of the work; e.g., quality, uniqueness
3.1.3 areas of concern/difficulty (if applicable)
3.1.4 the use of tools and equipment
3.1.5 the relationship of the production plan to the final product
3.1.6 the quality of completed project
3.1.7 meeting school and community standards; e.g., appropriate language
3.1.1 discuss work regarding how the elements and principles of design help facilitate good composition
in his or her work
3.1.2 the technical and creative aspects of the work; e.g., quality, uniqueness
3.1.3 areas of concern/difficulty (if applicable)
3.1.4 meeting school and community standards; e.g., appropriate language
3.1.5 the use of tools and equipment
3.1.1 discuss work regarding how the elements and principles of design help facilitate good composition
in his or her work
3.1.2 the technical and creative aspects of the work; e.g., quality, uniqueness
3.1.3 areas of concern/difficulty (if applicable)
3.1.4 meeting school and community standards; e.g., appropriate language
3.1.5 the use of tools and equipment
8.1.1 assess work regarding: suitability
8.1.2 clarity
8.1.3 branding standards and guidelines
8.1.4 how the elements and principles of design help facilitate good composition in his or her work
8.1.5 the technical and creative aspects of the work; e.g., quality, uniqueness
8.1.6 areas of concern/difficulty (if applicable)
8.1.7 meeting school and community standards; e.g., appropriate language
8.1.8 the use of tools and equipment
Assessment Evidence(s)
Purpose Summative
Modality Say
Device Rubric
Criteria Discuss creative and technical process perceptively
Discuss final project insightfully
Learning Activity(s) Discuss video and bring back to brand identity and previous work.
Introduce presentation assignment
- Have students work on presentation
- Present each aspect of the created brand identity
o Initial Research & Results Talk about Suitability
o Discuss formation of Mission & Vision, Name, and Tagline
o Discuss Logo Clarity, elements & principles of design, technical and creative
aspects, areas of concern, use of tools and equipment, meeting school and
community standards.
o Discuss Branding Guidelines
o Discuss Touchpoints use of tools and equipment (Raster & Vector), elements &
principles of design, technical and creative aspects, areas of concern, meeting
school and community standards.
o Discuss Video process elements & principles of design, technical and creative
aspects, areas of concern, use of tools and equipment, meeting school and
community standards, relationship of production plan to production, quality of
o Discuss Final Video elements & principles of design, technical and creative
aspects, areas of concern, use of tools and equipment, meeting school and
community standards, relationship of production plan to final project, quality of
CHECKPOINT (Class 47-48) After each class provide evidence of progress.

Lesson #55-59
Outcome(s) 4.1.1 present a selection of work completed in this course to an audience. Discuss the work regarding
each of the following, if applicable: How the elements and principles of design help facilitate good
composition in his or her work
4.1.2 the technical and creative aspects of the work; e.g., quality, uniqueness
4.1.3 the areas of concern/difficulty
4.1.4 the use of tools and equipment
4.1.5 the relationship of the production plan to the production
4.1.6 the quality of the completed project
4.1.7 meeting school and community standards; e.g., appropriate language.
3.1.1 discuss work regarding how the elements and principles of design help facilitate good composition
in his or her work
3.1.2 the technical and creative aspects of the work; e.g., quality, uniqueness
3.1.3 areas of concern/difficulty (if applicable)
3.1.4 the use of tools and equipment
3.1.5 the relationship of the production plan to the final product
3.1.6 the quality of completed project
3.1.7 meeting school and community standards; e.g., appropriate language
3.1.1 discuss work regarding how the elements and principles of design help facilitate good composition
in his or her work
3.1.2 the technical and creative aspects of the work; e.g., quality, uniqueness
3.1.3 areas of concern/difficulty (if applicable)
3.1.4 meeting school and community standards; e.g., appropriate language
3.1.5 the use of tools and equipment
3.1.1 discuss work regarding how the elements and principles of design help facilitate good composition
in his or her work
3.1.2 the technical and creative aspects of the work; e.g., quality, uniqueness
3.1.3 areas of concern/difficulty (if applicable)
3.1.4 meeting school and community standards; e.g., appropriate language
3.1.5 the use of tools and equipment
8.1.1 assess work regarding: suitability
8.1.2 clarity
8.1.3 branding standards and guidelines
8.1.4 how the elements and principles of design help facilitate good composition in his or her work
8.1.5 the technical and creative aspects of the work; e.g., quality, uniqueness
8.1.6 areas of concern/difficulty (if applicable)
8.1.7 meeting school and community standards; e.g., appropriate language
8.1.8 the use of tools and equipment
Assessment Evidence(s)
Purpose Summative
Modality Say
Device Rubric
Criteria Discuss creative and technical process perceptively
Discuss final project insightfully
Learning Activity(s) Students Present
- Present each aspect of the created brand identity
o Initial Research & Results Talk about Suitability
o Discuss formation of Mission & Vision, Name, and Tagline
o Discuss Logo Clarity, elements & principles of design, technical and creative
aspects, areas of concern, use of tools and equipment, meeting school and
community standards.
o Discuss Branding Guidelines
o Discuss Touchpoints use of tools and equipment (Raster & Vector), elements &
principles of design, technical and creative aspects, areas of concern, meeting
school and community standards.
o Discuss Video process elements & principles of design, technical and creative
aspects, areas of concern, use of tools and equipment, meeting school and
community standards, relationship of production plan to production, quality of
o Discuss Final Video elements & principles of design, technical and creative
aspects, areas of concern, use of tools and equipment, meeting school and
community standards, relationship of production plan to final project, quality of

Lesson #60
Outcome(s) 11.1 recognize and then analyze the opportunities and barriers in the immediate environment
11.2 identify potential resources to minimize barriers and maximize opportunities
Assessment Evidence(s)
Purpose Summative
Modality Write
Device Rubric
Criteria Identify significant and comprehensive potential resources
Provide innovative opportunities and barriers with an insightful analysis
Learning Activity(s) Discuss and review brand identity.
Talk about potential resources. Class sharing about potential careers and pathways.
Have students complete final career journal entry about design and brand identity. Summative.

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