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The Lava empire

By: Ekim and Areej

Map of the island

Sports and Airport Residential

Recreation District District

Supreme Court
of Justice
Volcano Palace Park

Patrol District

Medical District Ja
How Will the island be ruled?
Monarchy where power is inherited and passed down the
royal family line
Currently the empire is ruled by a Queen
How will the laws and decisions be established?
Laws and decisions are established by The Group of Five
The Group of Five:
consists of 5 commoners elected by the citizens of the island, as
well as all members of the royal family
New members are elected every 4 years
How will the laws and decisions be enforced?
Our island (empire) will have island patrol officers that
will punish those disobey the law:
Punishments include: time in prison, paying fines depending on how
serious the crime is, as well as completing community service hours
How will leaders be selected?
When a leader dies, the position gets passed on to their
If they do not have children it goes onto another family
member (e.g. sibling, niece, nephew)
How long will a leader remain the islands leader?
Until they die or they decide to resign based on how long
they want to work for
When they reach the age of 75 they are required to retire
If they become very sick, another family member is
required to take over until the original leader recovers
What powers responsibilities will be given to the leader?
To make sure island is in proper shape
Needs of people
Make sure that there are not fights happening and no
chance of leading to a war
Establish law and rules with the help of The Group of
Address and inform the citizens of the island with any
news, events, or problems
Who will work? How will work be distributed?
Once you complete grade school (grades 1-12), youre
required to get a part-time job or required to be in
community service
Based on education and interests you receive a job
(e.g. if you study physics, youre likely to be given a
engineering job)
All people are required to work, but people with
disabilities are given special jobs to meet their needs
Will there be anyone who is exempted from work?

Once you reach the age of 55,

you are given the option to
Retirement is mandatory at the
age of 60
5 laws for the island
Everyone is required to either be working or involved in
community service by the required age
Anyone who starts any type of violence will be punished
and can be thrown into jail
Everyone should be treated equally regardless of age,
gender, religion, and race
Everyone is free to practise religion, as long as they
are not causing any harm to others
Everyone must obey all rules of the monarchy

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