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INSIDE THE BILDERBERG GROUP AN EXCLUSIVE REPORT PREPARED BY LIBERTY LOBBY AND THE SPOTLIGHT Soestdijk Palace, Decemiber 1956 tan ag Hage I have the honour to invite you to the next Bilderberg Conference which will take place on the 15th, 16th and 17th February 1957 at St. Simon’s Island, Georgia, in the United States of America. ‘The object of this conference will be to study common and divergent elements in the policies of the Western World. ay peter eee RS.V.P.; Dr. J. Hi. Retinger 27, The Vale, LONDON 5, W.3 Shown above is the actual invitation from Bilderberg founder, Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, asking the recipient co participate in the 1957 Bilderberg Group conference at St. Simon's Island off the coast of Georgia. (Inside this special report is the actual Bilderberg members-only report of that conference along with other revealing documents from other Bilderberg meetings during the last four decades) THIS REPORT INCORCORPORATES EXACT PHOTOGRAPHIC REPRODUCTIONS OF ‘CONFIDENTIAL’ BILDERBERG DOCUMENTS TAKEN FROM THE PRIVATE FILES OF A LONG-TIME BILDERBERG MEMBER. WHAT’S A BILDERBERGER—AND WHY DOES IT MATTER WHAT THEY DO? A Brief Introduction to this Special Assembly of Actual Bilderberg Documents . . . ‘The wide-ranging and heavy hand of Rockefeller family financial clout is evident behind the appointees named to high office by President Bill Clinton. However, Clinton is not the only president of recent memory whose appointees have moved in the Rockefeller family sphere of influence. Virtually every president in this century has had his share of Rockefeller-influenced appointees within powerful policy making positions. Many of these appointees have been affiliated with three distinct Rockefeller-created and Rockefeller-financed intemational policy power blocs which are often confused by their critics: the Council on Foreign Relations, the ‘Trilateral Commission, and the Bilderberg Group. (Clinton is a member of all three.) A reason for the confusion about the groups is that, aside from the fact that each is controlled—fully or in part—by the Rockefeller empire, the three groups are very similar in ‘content and have a largely overlapping membership, usually working indirect concert toward the same goals. The membership in each ‘of these groups is always composed of members of the Rockefeller family. their paid employees and consultants, allied international financiers and industrials, academics from the major universities and tax free foundations, high-ranking union leaders, key media Personalities and controllers, and selected political figures. However, each of the three—the Council on Foreign Relations, the ‘Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg Group—is very different. Here is a brief summary of each of the groups in question: THE COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS. Based in New York and comprised solely of U.S. citizens. Publishes the ‘quarterly journal Foreign Affairs and conducts regular meetings and seminars. Key mectings are strictly confidential and off the record. Created in 1921 with Rockefeller funding and emerged as the American branch of the British Royal Institute on Intemational Affairs (RILA), succeeding an earlier, less organized entity already established in that role. The RIA was the brainchild of English financier Cecil Rhodes (founder of the Rhodes scholarship) and devoted to the concept of reuniting the United States with the British Empire, David Rockefeller himself served as a longtime chairman of the CFR and remains its virtual master. THE TRILATERAL COMMISSION. Organized exclusively by David Rockefeller in 1973. Holds an official regular annual ‘conclave closed to the independent press, but conducts seminars and other gatherings that are less exclusive. Membership is limited to elitists from the United Staies and Canada, Western Europe and Japan, several hundred in number. Issues periodic reports known as the "Triangle Papers” and press releases and published a journal called Trialogue (now defunct). David Rockefeller has continuously served, since its inception, as "North American chairman” but is acknowledged as its primary mover. THE BILDERBERG GROUP. Takes it name from the hotel in Holland where the group met in 1954, during the earliest period ofits inception. Meets regularly (presumably on a once-a-year basis) at various locations around the world, always in extreme secrecy, ‘often at resorts controled by either the Rockefeller or Rothschild families. The Rothschild family is the leading European force within the Bilderberg Group. sharing its power with the American-based Rockefeller empire. Has a revolving membership of several hundred participants composed of elites from the United States and Western Europe, primarily—almost exclusively—from the NATO ‘countries. (Representatives from the former Soviet Union and East Bloc countries have attended recent gatherings, however.) Maintains an extremely low profile seldom, if ever, publishes reports or studies (for the publi, atleast) under its own official aegis. Bilderberg participants denied the group’s very existence for decades until forced into the open by the glare of media publicity, generated largely by LIBERTY LOBBY's weekly newspaper, The SPOTLIGHT. and its newsletter-format predecessors, "Liberty Letter" and "Liberty Lowdown" (the later now defunct). Only mentioned in passing—if atall—in the major media. The Bilderberg Group, among the three, is by far the most powerful and influential. t might be said that when a politician or ‘media personality or some other influential figure is invited to Bilderberg conclave that he or she has truly “made it.” The documents that appear within the pages of this special report are actual, exact photoreproductions of a variety of private and highly confidential “members only” Bilderberg files (including the personal files of a long-time high-level Bilderberg member). The documents appear ‘exactly as they came into the possession of LIBERTY LOBBY and The SPOTLIGHT. Any handwriting or other alterations that appear on the pages are from the original document(s). Absolutely nothing has been altered. ‘These are only a handful of perhaps several thousand photoreproductions of original Bilderberg materials that are now in the possession of LIBERTY LOBBY—much to the dismay of the Bilderbergers. The documents reproduced here provide a unique insight ino the backstage maneuvering and high-level intrigue of the Bilderberg Group members. Accompanying the documents are clearly noted annotations by LIBERTY LOBBY explaining the nature of the document and pointing out significant items relating to the ‘document. The materials selected are designed to demonstrate to the reader several things: a) that the Bilderberg Group does indeed cexist and mect annually and does so in an organized fashion; its gatherings are neither “informal” nor are they “casual” as the Bilderbergers would suggest to the public; b) that Bilderberg is attended by a veritable international elite whose impact on policy ‘making in their home countries is indisputable and that the conferences do indeed have an impact on such policy making; c) thatthe group does attempt to maintain a low profile and keep its deliberations under wraps; d) that major issues of world importance are discussed at these conferences and policies affecting those issues are indeed adopted through the aegis of the Bilderberg conferences. ‘This report is, beyond a doubt, the most detailed assembly of in-house Bilderberg documents ever issued to the world public, illustrating clearly. that the course of world events is very much a part of the Bilderberg agenda, whether the participants admit it or not, LIBERTY LOBBY and The SPOTLIGHT remain committed 10 reporting continually on the activities of this shadowy elite power bloc as we have done in-depth for now some thirty years. But where is the est of the media? On a shoestring budget, ng-time SPOTLIGHT correspondent Jim Tucker has followed the Bilderbergers around the world Jor over a decade himself. As Tucker puts it: “If a group of the world’s most popular TV personalities or football players met together for a secret meeting at an exclusive resort once a year, the worldwide media would be demanding to be admitied. But when the world’s richest bankers and industrialists and powerful politicians and heads of state get together for a secret meeting, the ‘media looks the other way. Why? Which is more important to the world at large?” The SPOTLIGHT has led the way. Now itis up to the rest of the world media to take up the challenge and bring the truth ‘about the Bilderberg Group's activities to the world public. If there’s nothing “wrong” with what the Bilderberg is doing and the ‘group has nothing to hide, then the media must DEMAND that the group open its conclaves to the media’s inspection, Lost Ue nee Cee era Cesc Peet ee ae OC Ree cn Tao cr ne ead Sw Coree re eee cer eae ee ose Bilderberg at Oosterbeck. ‘The individuals attending this rest ere ee cee heme errr ee Cri Cares cetyl secre Pars ore rer eae Caceres’ as CR a ee eee eer ey rhe eee ema te CMe Toaster eee) Peer Cpt ee roc ee Cet Ts) POeCe cece ites tei terSrmTe er net ieee tars Peete corm hot rt eet tee ears Pes aay tt ae ee etre rd Rec ei ae ctr ee ae art at ese Ca oe ace ese Pe Oe Carrhae ere Cscceyd Reece Orca Te rere rarer ters oe Lae Cem tires cee Pe ee ee str cre ret arty Ce tet ae a eet ce ees eee Ty pr eetmrt tk moet rh Cc tmtrkce toes teh Lt LO eae ere oot ie Coster a rT Pe ROR ee Ic) Poca ton ROR Oca! Poo Sear Le gee CT Le OE CeCy Ecce EO gchar sen Lacy Pratt ten eres tea ee eae eC vcr eed CSC ae eet rae een eo soar san ee ae ee three Pataca ier ea eer ee cee a eeasnc aren) Rec oea ace Mir a ae ea Te pre ee eee Pence SR cee ee Cen ec Te ae Berrien ‘Shown above and on consecutive pages are exact photoreproductions of a press release issued by the Bilderberg Group after its first formal gathering at the Bilderberg Hotel in Holland. The group had not yet formally adopted the name by which it has since become known, but it very clearly had an international ‘agenda in mind. Although the Bilderberg Group has periodically issued press releases (as a formality), it does ‘ot encourage press coverage. Critics ask the simple question: “Why? THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON March ll, 1955, MEMORANDUM FOR GABRIEL HAUGE understand that next week Prince Bernhard is having a meeting at Barbizon, continuing his exploration looking toward improving European and American relations. If personally you can fit such a trip into your schedule, I suggest you find the money ( | and go to France. (On official White House stationery, President Dwight D. Eisenhower wrote a memorandum (shown above) to his then-administrative assistant, Gabriel Hauge, making reference to the upcoming Bilderberg. Conference in Barbizon, France. (Note that he does not use the term “Bilderberg,” however, inasmuch as the ‘annual conference had not yet adopted the name.) The president suggests that Hauge “find the money and go to France.” Then, in his own handwriting, the president amended the memo and next to the reference to money he added ““govt)”—that is, “government.” In other words, he was suggesting that Hauge come up with taxpayers’ money to finance his trip to the Bilderberg meeting. This alone suggests that despite Bilderberg claims to the contrary, American taxpayers’ dollars—not to mention the tax dollars of other nations—are used to promote the Bilderberg agenda. On the two pages which follow the memorandum shown above are exact photoreproductions of Hauge’s report to the president of the events of the Bilderberg conference in France. Note that Hauge concludes his memorandum with a number of intriguing direct ‘quotations from statements made by Bilderberg attendees, although he is careful not to reveal the names of ‘those who made the remarks quoted—this in keeping with what we shall see is official Bilderberg policy. And bear in mind, of course, that Hauge was undertaking this venture at the expense of the American taxpayers who were not privy to the events taking place inside this international conclave of elitists. March 28, 1955 MEaonanDun ron ‘rue present promised to set dows for you some of the hghligte of the ‘Barblson Conference cn competitive coexistence between ‘Comma andthe Free World ar it rales tote socom mitted opie, ‘Status soporte om Communiat strength i eal {eluded hens tera: a SWEDEN there {sno correlation between povesty and {he email Commune group there; rather the correla {seth certain flnge felipioua movements, Thare ie tome attempt bythe Communlate to laflitene the waloc od in confined sow pretty math to tho northern provinces there conditions urs generally por and where there La Docadasy mith Husslns ‘illon voles. Tle represents exlncrouse since 1948 ‘rovkers {s Turin and Milan and meng the prowpercus farmers ‘peasnate ia Calabria, for example, where monarchlet Uiteet le strong. Toe virtual etppate of srnigratien to the exchange, By the program thay hope to gain acai STatrSStane! Toere was a consensus inthe gr" SLPCPaporte and eaturel exchanges shouldbe fovtereds provided that sppeerances by the Ruselane in Western ‘oantrlew are sot under auspices they select bat wade mplces we velecte “K butch delegate prvestd a asia of th peychow ‘Roles tastor among the underdeveloped peoples of the eat as being cba bass for lr poston to [lent ae Comnnites te described a sate o 0 wee latovlt and reli agua he fact at what sci ie sneatog “They Ieesfge pyetglatfelag by roneotmest sie aa ner political overlords of the West and against fo benaass wit hom on 8 {Seta tnqety. "Tee delegate ipeyce tama Sctezen representatives of tho Ean andthe We nan sifort to get fo tne latlloctaala who we 23 be avgetyagatant wor nestralit in aie Considerable dlacursioa revelved around is {S'ttt'wim the Gorsvuniet pary and ie apparaiua. Pact Gee ie dsiogaton and ilo the Duteh alegation wo Strong fox uch maneens, hu rench a l nenen, tems loue th Communities Tawra wan conse ot (abelian Barone? ates lacked ne vitally to se made the observation that che Sovlet Dtes that we are on tw rested ofan era of econerae Uitfareto'be luached aganat us by the Comments o4- Jeciny in the underdeveloped arent of Ana. Creat xphasts with respect to the Aslan problems was During the courns ofthe discussion the placed on the diluting affect on economic progr Sriginsting in popslaion tsereare, A Swedith capert fated tat 40 ye Chine \would beta the range of 275-300 millon), Wale Gere ‘War a good deal of pesuimiamm about the aisting elect eC population on ceaname improvemeat in the Par East tnd heace upon expectations from sconemie ald programs; the conclunion strongly emazged tht these uncomnitted ‘people oust sot make fais chalce betw End the free world tn an economic environment of eco= ome stagnation or deca ‘onstitate an adequate base for whatever arsirance ‘ould weetally poglves. Tals conclusion xnarged despite wldeepread feeling tat tha cold war deci Drebably be made be ‘ont tn these 23 wae tatereating too ‘arlous Dusopeat ‘he U.5., time aftr time cted our country and our eeanomy At evideace of what the free way af Ife coud produce in eatraat to the Communist 10.8, was veperted as » powuctl poopagaada factor for ihe Gomumanste Wis satinaed tat 00 mallon {2 taly, The U.S, waw charged by on allan delegite swith certain reupocatbliy forthe fastening of Come runinm upon Hay eeasse of out lnlatance Immediately ‘iter the war that Comasiat ministers be Included {nthe goveramest. ‘The U-S. High Commoner at ‘hat tthe wan reported by ie delegate to have sald te ald ot care whether Haly went Communit oF et, ‘tn HOLLAND there ta a Communit trade unfon whlch lu reported a4 20 problem {or the following vessons: 2) the Country has never had rented ta Ulustetted by te fact that whem Reselan ships ‘ome for co thelz crews are nt permite’ to land. 1 the UNITED KINGDOM Communtam was reported a8 not apoltieal deste, metely au security lovane eenera point and in some gute called 2 "bemecisters” aa a counterpart tthe Comiatefa.” Dia= Sunston on this poist waa inconclusive and tareed-isally ty of lnvohlog Article I of the KATO Pact ‘whlch provides for cooperation in non-military fe ‘plaion of « Dutch delegate, the growth ofthe uated ovement was the factor whlch bas produced fees the Russians considerable faltative In sporte and eulral froma now theze willbe ona Millon ‘axd 700 lon Indians (U.S, population them tho have their ansorted gripes againat ‘an English delagate asserted that Asians ehosld act be {eeeadng ites thn eat cnataniy fo eee {0 President Slscohomer's stom foevpance plan. Sfaten of capltalian wueh ceases wars and saerploy” ise li peopl am aoe we Iimpeette “= nitanne he sejetion by Sain oe ae dcee to tip the Hat, veto qt eee ob ‘So tate with fo mena ‘hea do the same tdivieaie coming annuals frome "bebe intrialate should go ae fa totaly at is "7 fumeton 6 the state Ua te provide Uberty and opportealty Mebedy ta worth over 12,900 per sous." 0 realy pro-Ruselan,* ‘walla Lato heighten nt tt the French = Hagen calegate | rdevlope countries anseciatln! | SLE eas awa sty oly the Intelligent cam bes te burden of belag grates" sported by an Engin delgate THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON re March 30, 1955, Dear Gabe: Many thanks for your highly informative and interesting report on the highlights of the recent Barbizon Conference, I hope 3 you won't mind if I both plagarize and quote you, With warm regard, As ever, Ane ‘The Honorable Gabriel Hauge, The White House, Washington, D.C, Shown above is President Dwight Eisenhower’s acknowledgment of his executive assistant’s report on the Bilderberg conference in France. Note, in particular, Eisenhower's comment that “I hope you won't mind if I both plagarize and quote you.” In other words, Eisenhower intended to incorporate Bilderberg thinking and philosophy into his own private and public addresses. Yet, to the best of anyone’s knowledge, although Eisenhower's foreign policy ventures often reflected the internationalist “one world” outlook of the Bilderberg Group and the Council on Foreign Relations (of which his assistant, Hauge, later emerged as an officer) the president never once attributed any of his policies to the influence of the Bilderberg Group nor, 50 far as is known, did he ever mention the group in public by name. BILDERBERG CONFERENCE ST. SIMONS ISLAND (U.S. AD 15-17 February 1956 NOTICE TO PARTICIPANTS ‘Shown above and on the next two pages are exact photoreproductions of the official “notice to participants” attending the Bilderberg Group conference held on St. Simon’s Island off the coast of Georgia on February 15-17, 1957. As befitting the highly-organized gathering that itis, Bilderberg officials provided detailed travel arrangements and other pertinent information to the invitees. By this time the group had officially adopted the name “Bilderberg” as its moniker. Hac he Cadet ron wl be eld the Ninel Pine HS Si enw Bonk Gree USAC “Teens mer | HF Sk Sion ad Ceo ‘l ptiats eg econ by wen Seu dik Coke ‘Whee hoe nto ude oh te os tpt tee hr ue tan fe hey te es aay om Fiay. 13 Foney. 1 nae Seon al nm ol eh be tne ol ol ch a atte wl eae sary ow Sle Sandy rae "lhl Iaes af the Cnr il be Ea el Fn Ai cas wil be int hero rhe ‘tsi inert lb pa tas nt ‘lla ts lie Bis tre Now Yak, Wain Insane: le Mel oy te eal rsa lee New Yaw Wn IS Ss ada a Te nes tr Cnr il mrt ner a ye tel iar anu a New Ya ote wef Waco = ah te Sent Nr Yr a ‘ya tl wy hw tn men hl Pte the Co si on 2 Se mn Canoe Enel eat Pre UN: Plan — Sed — Rew YN Tisha ser + Onl 7-3 Coben» ISTERPAN AI Faron tht he 22, The Vile — Land «SA Teen mee + FLA 7 apie low + eer tam he Ki ad Pe He, St Sint Ma Cove SAL Air and Rail Connections NEW-YORK CITY, WASHINGTON, D. C., AND BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA Aw Yok (iy Peel, Co Ar leary Noe Ya iy it Ait a Nain ‘ive label, Fle Aisem ze Sele ete i es Buss lear Nw Yak Cy ania Ast) foal we Aa Hoe Fem New Ya Cy fh, Grn Mal ewe Noe Yah Che ni Stn ie Hintah a Ras Ae Nokes eae 3 3 Wate Ee Mei, Ce ie OU AI Slee fein Air and Rail Connections ion eecomee eee Tale BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA, NEW-YORK = CITY, AND WASHINGTON, D. C. ws, nes eae eT a (bof Me ee se Weng, DC ie Reith Gone Hat Prana, Cen te Rows Ya Oy = Air - Iron Heme ve Dita A Lies Haddam ‘one bene ae niotem Aeore Weknln. D. e Prni ‘ie Ne Yok Ci Sr At teeweh Goins fa ae Py hte Cea? tome Nelan, Grae oP, Rall Na vant Aa ‘oe New Yk Cp (eanpans San) = AAS 9m Ammth, Come Winn, CA a Brith vn Daa Ale ne eer dee on Entire Al ry Re eee: mat, Ce be Wein BE Ra hs ar few Brite Nee {pee Ra vn Pesan Ral Rad BILDERDERG GROUP ST SIMONS ISLAND CONFERENCE Following the 1987 Bilderberg Group meeting on St. Simon’s Island, iderberg organizers issued this ‘member-only summary report shown here and on the ten following pages (in exact photoreproductions of each of the individual pages). Note that the cover describes the report being “strictly confidential” and “not for publication either in whole or in part.” This was the first time that a Bilderberg conference was held in the United States of America, : f oe PBK SS NEN — * tr gt, ay erie cai xen on PRIM Gos sede aoc ar Ect ition usa, nari ae ees a Yanga ne USA ‘teenie "na, ‘tome Tear Sa, "scala, ae Ea ruiamicie Waa, Siig van, ieee, ME ee Srv “Np, ten USA BRET ey oes “oraeariera ee eee Soca eT saree ieee Son ‘ae, unoniakttee —aeeg sa Tac ae Tae ee a ee foretates akc ‘Sonata same coupe Voto bites Swe, Lo mar ‘Wake Bes “Ganette Baa tae eae or ee mune Pee eh nme Nimo BS el Soney {ohne NOTE THE NAMES of some of the attendees whose names appear on these Just these particular pages: David Rockefeller; Dean Rusk of the Rockefeller Foundation and later U.S. Secretary of State; U.S. Senators John Sparkman and Alexander Wiley and U.S. Representative John Vorys. On other pages appear the ‘ames of other leading figures among the world elite who compose the Bilderberg, ee. Yar, “Te dt Cn nthe US) on Sm, on gang vm teeter Tete at cee i nt geen Noees ema Pet aa a lr al ‘ttm arniencpciomcteestoceenas naocete foc omaring wma «inno orga soa ftemet enor ur ncn oe ee ee oe fy am tah “Sper, Fnil dicunin rogcu stmplie outa ay ht Mcpeatencaruenscin comatose eit RISO gmc Cece aetna ha See Seer eae Sao emus Soe eee Seay Ee eter stem peiyeliocs alr ebeaeo atl ala ses oo fe hd Cote vr 1, REVIEW OF DEVELOPMENTS SINCE ‘Tils FOURTH CONFERENCE IN MAY 1936 Lo somone aoe ‘umpineral Weer peyton dani fp tre stn ‘GTSUAIC Ronn Ener ange the ating he ores ge, ‘SUMMEAS i ese on we Wore mb ie cp eu tr ican se hg ee Sarat Scart hecame ie hen Oo = agente Get nin nb, See tae au Sees eng enna "Sen en plo ere bane m pn om wn cn rl ips a abe a STU pn th ep eof aig —————————— 2 itiettawecmsamptgenteraion Sane ees eecacGlinaneptaciamucey teers Fa eae eee Sree ne esc setae npace pc so Ses seeteatecrtyhorcoceash notary ae St Sihemanthneyohc howe nia cae a Sere aset enone ier ape “nay ped» cio ly shh Sie eeeenearerterer Sa see meneeeene ‘det iy nd ni ne Ue Sa Sane aoa “area eas pesen ret eh Wet ad al nro oes arte prises eto Seeaee eens st pine eg tary myn ont ae eee Ee aces pe seer ‘Mil a fecig wc hover nara Leis aa Seite mere SSeeceeet eres seater ome ‘Spe conn sa a yp ‘his aa rteWotem encanto ga aay oe Foe ses ott WITHIN THESE PAGES appear ighly provocative comments by the Bilderberg attendees discussing, among other things, “the negative aspects of nationalism” and the role of the United Nations in world affairs. It is very clear that the Bilderberg Group has a particular affinity for the United Nations as a global body which it notes is, while not a “world government,” certainly a force for molding world opinion—and that is clearly what Bilderberg Group participants also seek to do. teenporn etd rc po eee sep ly tery oy pene Siete tegen oe tae tion otro ‘tet pa aad ean on ees ent nent ipa: eon anagem era ee ‘Se ae et pr cee at ‘rt mee an yao eo rb Tceea pinion tae eho tend ete ‘Sine eater Fn ising a est anh ‘Seem eon enter ee The so pt ‘Seas eei chin sn coalst ci doy eoe aed eae ainda cs Rese otic so aes op em ‘Soe tran teeny ood wat re bac ae oie aenare ied ens ees ae ie ‘Senso ote «pica ere RIT oo USetsciowertarcurgap esis came tanga Tea ‘cn wei once phe ho eee mt SSS Sean ena oy cape at sun en icine arent Unie Sty rong ie ae eg hen lies oer peer Meee ee enn Wii iti meg natin ii et pa Tes a Shaaetore eee ‘ee ep em nnn tnd cal Sphe ‘Stim oie ple he oy One oh paste nira sretic Uatnosar a om cube Tiss ee eee ‘Soe huh Wengen a rea ene as pS ATi etn po notte ae Assim ca hi ay ee mete pe tc cig rp pp Wactatfiee aut caid que Sat arg he wee ce ot lirics png vr Wanted SeuigTiietnnrncediecctens py amigo ‘Setdvagende bes er Soles cons dora er (Ses lea onl cps any armen ae SSakiapiptacl ein et nectar esta chet coer pcb rae Seta gegen eco ers eee pon shn gece Seta ic na nah ‘Sidon ental interpre The msm el prc reso ‘Sienna bers Syne Area Ae reece oni hint pie ‘let tne tote St le sree arms oe “Tediges peceltnige tp wpa itn eh rape Ne neon ane ‘ice B eel ite We ena rc pa Foe srs al Wen irentydetra tow bur som somes rginren paca SSeccces: Forbert eect pe ee ir re Meaates ae ‘Sec ake op hs pty eng tn estos Sciatica teense poe eras ets => eee Soe Smspeomeaa! = Slack eis eats peas een aera ees cetienee, Se cncinalemiceermemgge toe Seimei ernie eee rete ar aeaee ae er yf i ot, iaaitenwcacanteeees Tee Panamera. fae oeieeeree ees Rptng nanny ate pe attng wee on eh poor yt ot a he Sv Uni acd dh grt ine soccanee eee ee Soraya aoe eeee Sei arosets comes srr, neni eg te “veut owe niin aan pra ing ate ea eas ree aes Saeeneese "nh aca me igh sing th rent complnng Worn secretes eiee ocean: paren aead ee eee ne THE ADDLE BAST cee ianaansctamioss: Scares ree netfee eer: Seer e ee e See eee aac enienoarmeete re coat cece eietnnerens Seer cemeerioneatits Soca ‘tieing mitnsins a's frumeullymeguare fre, Rewer van wo rence rerescan Seer citi eect "Sitesi pecan ted ao cakes Rain seareorceemeacsrmennceeence ie Serer poeeaee aan eerertee Serene cermin een nieta Sheet coronene rene reeereereeae anna eens Sore peae etal entre gare ee Pea eme i neireas. ete tie nl int i irre pa caeremmente meen yas Tee ee ‘secu Reuarcttn anceps insiniggegoutes lopped {men nb ri wn ty. Aw open e Ieee mebppeebeg poo epee mel dle pti re hin ep Tiree apolar gions Sede sneer eNom hearer ‘este Fo ung he ge te cd a To eeic dias hat orate resting ‘eek tna esa Rae ce trewamer nie ee Abele ame aaclnntee oni cliiccatresimdpeocintnes perso conn artes eit nee fot En aipoc Yor uml ne pe eR oa Dene ‘Soreiptcts teeing is eect ccrer oat ‘Sissel Sc pn ce ‘ee tn il Sloe oe Be eos "ay parm eel th mang cen ph he SScetc betes tome ite em oss ‘Sle cet etl el oe ec ae Sete ctepepentinenic inmate asaya ge ‘Sete ty eet nr Nea nr ped re steed es epic ecunin Sree ce cnt ‘Repel rmpators yippee es greener cue ie (nthestnrhant einai oe sgn Fenelon ng eerrerertare cereal GOSUT Sori meets ey Se a “mech wl enrrage Arb ein at Wee oly et Rpt ene SA Te Nina ees "Sap ie om eh cami for deme he Font chr rai encod poi i SSecpeciedsiai on stnaiete sete ASeanr pepe Sebi rece somtrmnts tongs eth matcaat omar Rete teens sectgoniag cme SRS, en eg sone tre hen sn, ‘Tenens hecopeinf ota hyena heed ding Winn tages saa “hr sca nye say of mga tcutnesestattiionriaressirerotpeieng ease ian Spay syne tone Te We Ro soe A RGN haeritecatena ta heertiesey ST ert te tape Aap ae Siecle ie ak tere steasenents enrerend mao "rendered eet at eae eepahe 5 tc nl rt pen Sas gc Foe fastens tate 11, THE EUROPEAN FOLIGY OF THE ALLIANCE, WITH SPECIAL REVERENCE TO THE PROBLEMS OF EASTERN EUROPE, GERMAN REUNIFICATION ‘AND MILITARY STRATEGY pee eee aes: eres eens Pericles oof - teeinlee pears oer ae me ee Peeters “tard coral overhaul oer fpr oe Steen reel aerptedeeecete rice Peta a een eer ‘Steeler mee dc vst on Heng hey bad ot Sesion ‘tle ey ud ei ene may er SUSIE Acticin rset ttre wed wa teeter inc pn eng ss nd ror he See orene ‘Wowie wo the ian ppc sa he ching of Sar Cel deme aetna Eee een alae ae aa Semen nr cared ‘ie fla er ese hr aa pte i} Scanner rae Neo yi sndelahl enoe ef Seemed Re cnt a tiethamte spate partner ‘mee an et pi Ya Ug ee at pre sc py mi Shed in ya eae a ‘So omy we ig Ein oye {ist els aa pt ne tan rk ‘ckesrenth spehhunefe wal eeeopcineeeatnd ‘cebu spi hc gh a oo cS ‘Speco i on Gtr ued el op et SEES it ie poe pes i el mage bom sia Se end Michio toe vgn opcue aer tps Fata be aa set fet tad fata Someta aicenig eaeiaailneavsasierem nectar For en rain in Eastern aro om igh ogc 1 earecctes tao wn be re oprah me Ticitceetitlanchteynt fac Srauy, Went lee ieciiepaaeeted ebay cede Ces "Gasanperen Saued he apr Fo Oe Governed eee a ere coerce arate "i Snir re wae nee nti ‘Sand popaak wae en ie oe [Setter neyo ie (Cinmumetn sd poche nana ponte To pene propo itera eae indent pocttetn er SSAct to eet ae Aieyco te capt Te financed icp cin all ach whine ‘SE a pny nce ewan "Tg hen Gry a ona a ene ‘te ea Ay meld ate pode ne era wave ae Center cntpin eeepc Dera ‘SI5 Siler anya ge oe renal eae cc Soi onesie as Sie F kishore i fog aed (inurenpte. Tas Ranine nde wo ted tc wee te pbs} fala ee ie bres atin ecmererese eee ee ae nee eae ce arate aeaeans ee eect ero Shain esters cmeenctey ‘Corman dvs. Te nett might ar many i een ya Stace rete poise ees ene aes eee 2 Beetle pee tnrs trrdisOsel opt eae Sette ep ae "Qasr ning oan min oi Sache Ss int had ey sen ae wet rent ta Not ctand in peasant ar ausnta TY as ie eee sed eee sae ore erate, ‘Rorhatencna NATO aed heels te Wer coms coy ay Seep reece ee linea ial ore eee Sateen See {Evo in tat Bevin, Pond and Hogar bod tug shew weeny ond Seer pleat lore eninaectamenetaeenate iia eens =a eerie eee Seen eee aroma aaa Seekeeneemenemnereeeraes [ae crenteectremmeutetetsueremenees pe yomure an deep miley apoio se cine ch Scenes [cy were doing wed angeva Rec tne peop af NATO oid tat Sriomcsecsseen ieee eas Seen recent Foret cheer tener a a Sssocee eee Sioasnamoseeere nce Pn ooeuent scree CiSeeerierettn ction dct owinpttores te “ite i ‘Toshi ego han Tay Sreenpcarrie en Wan ee eee ETE Se ‘Sac np be ait Seer a met maroc a Und Rao fang ps ‘Seca tanga a nay pn {curate fami sa pain sarong ging ie sen at | Shona ccacectl ores teil iin he to cang ply. Thre meet appre ve cy hese it ni Comm i oe er, Oo ee a Sean Neotioenesicls metieteecenat tone car tly Oe ted at NAT Cranriomnaniee nm ors cessed cers taal ctmtne teeerenter maton, ree donapaas ce Sa Laney on et pects so thay Tig cane wee ec cee po eat poner gues re prt So ‘cen are Oneotebcpun ppc ne Fee censnnateacon sae Felony se mer cies omc tanner EEEEL ii ron and ap ee prain ienlanaie Salcweeemepae eager eer pata lpmeryreripeteal ‘Siemon he et ou ran il and he oe ec eae oath ce tee een Ooo reas ape Falta i ep "fe Gasca demo ome envi by a acetal araemecinerces emt: ‘secant otal cmtr—ant aed pe ae Shims repent mes ema ‘eae hin tre na Copesogen 38, NEW YORK OW 18 FEBRUARY «957 — Saeed econo screener etre pcan arising rn i hea ona etal op Gerry a pel non wn fe Middle were comaten ede nd crepe = oe ease Secreta Pe ere aot a See Seer COMMENTS ON TUE PROMLEAE OF THE MIDDLK EAST Byatt ‘mecrtpry ais pinnrsingartn eect NEGNCEAE jeer epi pe ab di eo ‘seen deem inen siya, ‘stp tes tbe Eo el ape Salepeaeilemeaee teeieeneaeeeeroai chat ‘pedal melbecmuyictvemabonticobaldcogsy "Se coma cm ome en ei ‘Wess mh a yeoman 8 eh oi cen on wg i tit ‘Semi ie pyc ery pen Raa anette feet eonntatanaap enemas Eicecimenn ite dion camer meets es {SnonieScennin eh aya hme oe ‘gar so ee pe nat aia pp od te ti lee mt ames pera nun heen a i wd Spor thine pete fecal can bn “face mn pensar peed nding ey ‘nono he opin cn ei pom Seng he ‘naa te can san Sec een er yt ok uni eda ic ah wi sing oe cnet Tanne peinmpiing sd eos ins Rica mage tin Une Bs Sing sree petereipoges seen te pga ety ‘ay ene pce er Ae eg nasa ct a fy hf pig Pe spiro iatcheaamget scone ys ed rth sti ty Wisweraslretcents cecmsretany kept Seip tere Re re sane pean eee ‘remedy con sepa nye rig Se ry tn ta pcs gene at ‘SultnsfiteP estan pon Te gia eatery emp pesticide ter ae te pen ot Ta ippnacaT ot Oe MEA Sets pediocin “th alee pelos int, vin ar ree Seal ape shai he and erate pam or ile he {leanne tng he eco er he ol pikes etarond xing © Su scmgt caso ‘Spr bitesIu igang tan para Lae fe mecneencepeeena ae “Te Mo ae atid oat nn his at ipa cane ats “1S perme tte we ren enabled ed he tin oc sieeorencesieaame ice etna ete oe SS eee enteric i ma it rep ade cK fo ie iad aetna tate anata tenet Seer tec ene Seon See a cc are rea ee tec ceeecs ESeesieiee scent opie Seat gee eee foe nape Ine ne od ant A i ‘Sten come gly ta aly theradoned sobs SSS ic aan ow, Arsenio sy Na i Nutane hse sodhsway af ophadeg eh anion ee sentadri canaries ces {et arbre dent reny nin Ime ino aay ies Tec aro as Me tin "Peta cng en dig ith Mi Eat Ae Ta cn mags ng stn Soren tepcattavairranae diel oor eet apay cr gh tomar otepepial peers ‘mon We na be mime tut Su Po et af Rg he Sed {dept nl pecans sng hie ca iMyehan egies These out hnkon sass fea ea a Sr on ‘Sct Neat te oi bre en Havant tiene roure Item bse pron ae recom at oke pres teaeatieeteeene carte Semi me enema an ego cco Dene a he See mtn ie bree ies er ietee tone eerie ene Facet ena ne eee at yak ing enn or te ‘Bah i sear erty Soe omar a ‘Svat hoe ey opin snd emg ge pee lecs care acetoacetate ae eee ‘SEGaeT se Utes Secon ed PEt neo cues i wt me Ue RT Diniled Sales Senate vay 28, 3557 Siti yaeiptniereign See lacnatar ‘I raply to your Letter of May ety fourth concern {See ete af here 3, Juan of Desert opp coven intrmadan fr your cee ns ater 8 Following the 1957 Bilderberg conference on St. Simon’s Island off the coast of Georgia, America’s famed Populist columnist, Westbrook Pegler, ‘wrote a column in which he exposed the ‘meeting. As a result, angry Americans wrote their lawmakers in Washington and demanded answers. At left is an exact photoreproduction of a leter sent by Sen. Gordon Allot (R-Colo, to Gabriel Hauge, assistant to President Eisenhower, asking for answers about Bilderberg. Below (left and right) is Hauge's somewhat Mippant response to Allott explaining that the Bilderberg meeting was nothing to worry, about and that media reports were, in his words, a “Peglarized fairy tale.” The friendly media reports noted by Hauge appear on the following page. renews eee invdioned «Peat aey ta Su “Tagprectte Your beng te iy uation ane of fice cece ae arta Sct oaesareoponen stacey, seta auslatne a Pode ‘ashigton D2 8 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY. NVIBWS EXCHANGED| ON NATO POLICIES Informal Session in Georuin| Fit In U.S. fe Forum for Leaders of Natlons sotlanet! Saget naps enid'—soqrr (Rb. ten “he “Spooky,” Official, Secret? Not True, Reply To Pegler 7 Pity sata Although syndicated columnist Westbrook Pegler slammed the Bilderberg Group in his hard-hitting report, the Establishment media took a different view of Bilderberg and rushed to assure its readers (in these news reports reproduced here) that the Bilderberg Group was, among other innocuous things, actually “a backdoor approach to better relations” among the nations of NATO. These clippings, from the New York Times and the Cincinnati Enquirer, are among the very few formal Establishment media reports about the Bilderberg that have appeared over the years (and these clippings actually come from the personal files of a Bilderberg member). Other reports have been few and far between, particularly in recent ‘years. Interestingly, although by all indications it was Mrs. Phyllis Schlafly who was ‘the tourist visiting St. Simon’s Island who first called the attention of the Bilderberg to Westbrook Pegler (based upon claims by Mrs. Schlafly in her famous 1964 pro-Barry Goldwater tract, A Choice Not an Echo}, Mrs. Schlafly, in recent years, has avoided public criticisms of the Bilderberg Group and even went so to back George Bush (a member of the Bilderberg-affiiated Trilateral Commission) ‘over his 1992 populist Republican challenger Pat Buchanan who has publicly scored the Trilateralists and the Bilderbergers for their pernicious, anti-American philosophies. Like Mrs. Schlafly, other ‘‘conservative” voices such as National Review (founded by William F. Buckley, Jr., who attended at least one Bilderberg Group meeting) and Human Events, a tabloid with long-standing C1A connections, are loathe to even mention that the Bilderberg Group exists. The latest “conservative leader” to participate in a Bilderberg Conference is William Kristol ‘who attended the 1995 Bilderberg conference in Switzerland. Kristol, who is also key figure in the pro-Israel lobby in the United States, is now promoting a new internationalist journal called The Standard (financed by media magnate Rupert Murdoch) which seeks to influence conservative and Republican thinking—and will do so from a Bilderberg-oriented point of view. aa Vie BILDERBERG se Ne Tne Hacer, & ‘nt = Saag i | a ee VY ‘The Secretariate has the honour to ) ‘ ose the minutes of the meeting of the Steering Jems hold at the Birgenstock in the morning f May 29th 1960. The Prince has expressed the suggestion that members of the Steering Committee, after having assisted at a conference or at a meeting of the Steering Committee, should contact as much as possible their Bilderberg friends from their own country in order to inform them about the proceed- ings of ‘the meetings. A lunch might be appropriate for this purpose. july 28, 1960. The Hague, In an exact photoreproduction above is a letter on official “Bilderberg Meetings” stationery noted as being “Confidential.” This is the cover letter that | accompanied the minutes of the Bilderberg steering committee meeting that were sent to interested Bilderbergers. The 1960 Bilderberg meeting referenced here was held in Burgenstock, Switzerland, the site of the most recent (1995) Bilderberg conference. Note that the memorandum suggests that Bilderbergers “should contact ms moch as pole ter Berber fends from tek rm contr i order fo it appropriate for this purpose. suggested that Bilderbergers should quietly advise other Bilderberg “friends” who were not in attendence at the meeting about what transpired and to do it quietly—by word of mouth—at a face-to-face meeting—that is, “a lunch.” So much for the Bilderberg “secrecy” that Bilderberg defenders say does not exist. Mar 20, 296 Doar cater United States Senate / ‘ask you so very much for your letter of marek G2 ying me the datatis of toe Bildertery Yeeting fe Canna, {Eire sev enmes ed ost ny engugeoeats fe Agesh toa wilh plan to way for tw ent 1 wns pleasant to vaik to you oy certatnty look formed 20 seeing you fe Apetie ‘eich aise personal regu, De, Gabeted Range Chatman, Pane Com ts Yenaractarere freee Conpear MPa erect Dev Hon 35) fle Tork In this letter (right), then- Congressman Jerry Ford of “Michigan sends Hauge his regrets ‘about not being able to attend the 1961 Bilderberg meeting. No problem, however. Ford did attend the 1964 and 1966 i by 1974 became the first Bilderberg Group member to achieve the (1995) another Clinton, sits in the White House, yg attended the 1991 Bilderberg meeting in Baden- Baden, Germany. the fiat and 2a By 1961 long-time top Bilderberg member and former Eisenhower “assistant” Gabriel Hauge had become chairman of the finance committee of the powerful Manufacturers Trust of New York, In this letter (left) Senator Hugh Scott (R-PA) thanks Hauge for details of the upcoming Bilderberg conference in Canada and promises to attend the meeting. i ‘Congress of the United States ‘Wouse ot Revcesentatives ‘Mashing. B.C. 1 ry, hia for your kind and Qowhefel Letter inguteing ‘to join the nent mecting of the Bilderberg Group nest quebec Srom dpeil aise eo Bed ie Seon qc Te ovary eur Yougatt oy Sten ‘ecsowe of ehte and since my comittes woth cod the Leet Propean Se poeesc ing the ieeeer pare of Api, T'teeteate" te woaia be onwcte fer ss to aake sachs Soonitarnt, 1 an move grateful for your invitation and certainly hope you elt my pane eae (eo CARNEGIE ENDOWMENT FOR INTERNATIONAL PRACE ne pmesioener uy June 19, 1962 Dear Gabe: ‘Thank you for sending me the copy of the Eastern Banker with the Little note about the Bilderberg Meetings. ‘There have been a number of unfavorable stories, originally stemming I think from a Swedish newspaper account of the meeting of "multi-millionaires.”” ‘The AP, in an instance of almost unparalleled irresponsibility, picked this up and the Times and Washington Post printed it. I have just now been shown a copy of an article in the London Observer for 3 June, which is not nearly so critical, although it does start out by speaking of "a curious conclave (that) just ended." Tt talks about Retinger and the Prince and mentions the Reston piece, so someone must have talked more than he should have. Frankly, Iam a bit concerned about this adverse publicity. It should be wonderful grist for Westbrook Pegler's and/or Fulton Lewis, Jr.'s mills. ‘The piece you sent is the first one that dignifies me by mentioning my name, But so it goes. I guess we will just have to ride this one out. Sincerely yours, Je Joseph . Johnson Gabriel Hauge, Esq. Manufacturers Hanover Trust Co. 350 Park Avenue New York, New York In this rather intriguing letter reproduced above, long-time Bilderberg functionary, Joseph E. Johnson, president of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, complains about “unfavorable” stories about speared in the media and comments that “someone must have talked more than he should have” and that he is “a bit concerned about this adverse publicity.” In other words, a Bilderberg Group member had a big mouth and shouldn't have revealed too much and given “grist” to the critics. Confidential September 5, 1962 Second Meeting of the Steering Committee September 12, 1962 Council on Foreign Relations, Inc. Atlantic Policy Studies Conspectus of Policy Problems: A Preliminary Outline: Prepared by Philip E. Mosely Some Assumptions About the 1960s I. Strategic assumptions A, The development of nuclear-missile power seems to be moving toward a more or less stable condition of nuclear parity between the Soviet Union and the United States; nevertheless, the race for technological gains and strategic power will continue at an intensive rate, and the balance of strategic power may be changed substantially by scientific and technological break-throughs. B. By the end of the 1960s Communist China will have an independ- ent nuclear capability and will endeavor to use it to weaken the political prestige and will of other Asian powers and to neutralize the U.S. ability to bring its nuclear deterrent to bear in Asian conflicts. C. It is in the U.S. interest to explore all possible ways of organizing and controlling the nuclear-missile power of the West so as to maximize its deterrent power against the Soviet Union and Conmunist China and to promote maximum unity of political planning and action by the major free-world powers. D. The Soviet Union and China will maintain a superiority of conventional forces, plus, in the Soviet case, powerful tactical nuclear armaments, in order to be ready to use its strategic weight to effect political gains in areas adjacent to their territories. E. The Soviet Union will be prepared to promote subversive political and guerrilla action wherever favorable oppor- tunities appear within the free world. ‘This “confidential” memorandum to the 1962 steering committee meeting of the Bilderberg Group indicates the close ties between the Council on Foreign Relations and the Bilderberg Group. Based upon all that is known about the CFR and Bilderberg, it appears that the CFR effectively functions both as a “think tank” and as a “mouthpiece” (ie. a public relations apparatus) for the higher-level elites who attend the annual Bilderberg conferences. CFR members serving in public offices and in public opinion-influencing positions generally carry out and promote the policies laid down at Bilderberg meetings. E Si BILDERBERG MEETING! by pR JOSEPH 8. RETINGER Revised by ARNOLD T. LAMPING On this page and on the following four pages is reproduced an official “confidential” and not for publication” history of the Bilderberg Group as of April 1982, explaining the origins of the group and summarizing its membership find structure. This history was prepared for Bilderberg members only and was intended for the eyes of the world . Only media figures such as Washington Post publisher, Katharine Graham, among others in the media who have attended Bilderberg meetings, would receive such a document. Med in Un the ©. fio belongs to 3 country at belive in defending depends promi on the Texel fe parcpan, Terre only faiea and snieraly specs the objects set by Bilderberg. ‘They shold ave no anpeing cen it hoe ey er how Ukr eon i st bs ot eat parent sald be stated ‘aaaace sho aeons {ae Steer op aH hc bile or so mentoncd above the prs is nt admit me fie mings Te recs nh Leet sat Rove Uni 2 Sere potey errata tc enooenied pele NG) Fale ed nog sper =) se Wat ade } Te peal eof conver 6 Hapa a itrnaael ade ta May 198 ot Sal The pie implications fr dhe Aa Comm 2) Getecning latina ‘welt dein BILDERBERG CONFERENCES LIST OF PARTICIPANTS INERAL FOR HONORARY SECRETARY GENERAL FOR Joveru E Jonson ay Fai) m, Dene BUR. Pemex Aen or BeserrJowe We Reamown Goleta} Bevan, Jonaa.W Demass Urine Seares Unarea Seance Bours uses, Come Unver Pease W. Bowoy, Sch Boncaianon, Can Caren, Rarvance f inva, ae a na Sin Rae cow Paso Serie a Js Feancton Jour Poconos. Wt Jeuuooe, Tae Ean, ert, Joon Umea Koon ‘Usareo Staves tees Bane Uses Spares ‘Unreo Srarer Unrt Seare at, Jue Cunt Mascot, Croan Mists ene Nexon Amant eprom ag secteetie « Siant | Bea SERS atts Ree a i ‘Ovnvaan, Je J (Neritencanon Roueanon, Dams 0 Serraino f dictates «i genesis Fuel Sesion | ee 2 ae I Gea oari tra ects rea Sears Rev, Jee Ednorear Boone Tuo ve Gener 1am, Si Jom C sre Kinonou Vow, Avoad France Sem Unres Kereoa Vowry, Jon Mt Uses Sraret Souraaso, Frame AJe LMF Wattanaens, Mances Swren Sonne, Pouvtienee so Wautamere; Mate je Swapen Senne Joan Pf sre Sones Wasa Hwan ‘Neraencae Seana, fo Unees Seat Wen, Si Gurron New Zuauane Srorronn;Gaaause Mt, Une Staat Wiusbe, Paanee ©. Uarcs Soet ser Ls ‘Uses Kinobou Whe Fantan Unneo Stet Steaniuxonn M. PL, Neruenuanae Ware, Atsxaroen Use Soares Srenvaenors; Doce Seman ‘Wino, bs Dae Canaan Srore Seco rere Sars Ye Asma f Swreen.aso Suuzeexcen Avtwon H.—Unstao Searas Wictinn, Sim Twouas — Unsneo Kinopos Teen Bao Gurr Zeranicn, james D. Una Stars ‘Toomoys, Scan 8 Frean Zones, AR Tone VinwreyBvewr At NeTmenLavoe ita of Joserm E. Jouxsox 20 October 1966 Contid tial Dear Sir, I have pleasure in enclosing a cory of the summary of the Bilderberg Conference held at Wiesbaden, Gerrany, on 25, 26 and 27 March 1966, together with conies of the speeches of Sir Anérew Cohen, Prof. Mason, Hr. Woods and fir. Bell, held during the Conference. I may remind you of the personal and strictly confi- dential charecter of these mnanarics. If you wish, for future correspondence, any chanres in the way Eilderberr correspondence is sent to you (title, nane, function, addres) you are Finély requested to infors the Secretariat of the modifications you may desire, if possible ir a short delay. With kind regards, Yours sincerely, Arnold T. Lanpi Shown above is yet another “confidential” letter to a Bilderberg “friend” which accompanied a summary of the 1966 Bilderberg conference in Wiesbaden, Germany. Note that the author of the letter, Arnold Lamping, reminds the recipient of “the personal and strictly confidential character of these summaries.” Attached to the letter was the calling card of Joseph E. Johnson, the Carnegie Endowment official who also Sered as “honorary secretary general for the United States” for the “Bilderberg Meetings"—quite an impressive title indeed for a functionary with an organization that proclaims its to be “unofficial.” On this and the following four pages is reproduced a summary (dated October 1982) of all of the preceding Bilderberg meetings. Note on the cover sheet that it was “RECEIVED FOR WINSTON LORD.” Lord, another Bilderberger, has been a long-time top-level official of the Council on Foreign Relations and has served, in among other posts, as U.S. ‘Ambassador to China. Note (below) that | Bilderberg had two one at its official hea Netherlands and one at an entity in New York known as “American Friends of Bilderberg, Inc.” which is a public t relations group that appears to have the 1 Bilderberg Group as its sole client. Any time investigative reporters have contacted the details on upcoming Bilderberg conferences, Charles W. Muller, the i “friend” in’ charge, bas little to say, thereby forcing investigative reporters such as Jim Tucker, correspondent for ‘The SPOTLIGHT, to infiltrate Bilderberg meetings on his own and to rely on his ‘own friendly sources who agree that the Bilderberg’s secrecy is wrong. Ingles elated Bderbry shoal be adreszd 1: Me. Chas W Mater ‘Anesiean Press of Berbers, In. ‘Sy Ea sta Sueet New York, NY 10022 USA Bilderberg Meetings RECEIVED FeR October 1982 nov 8 re ‘WitsTON LORD ‘BILDERBERG 1. Osga ‘The Bldeberg meetings ar held annual to acu important ues feng Western Europe, the United Stes sed Canad Bere nei mae fom he Biber Ht in Oo ‘Holland where the first meeting took place in May 1954. : ‘at pence meting wow on fhe ocr xed by may ing eizes on bother ofthe Alun tat Western Europe and ‘Newt Ameria wee not wring opt sl sty sow oo tate of cca impertance. eae 1 was hat eg, ofthe record duane would lp eete& Seles nesta ie cori ae soe ten cn ‘Wester nations inthe dict postwar perio. 2 Chamatr of megs ‘Wha i uniaue abut Bieber fu i (1) he bond cose Seaion of cig stnens otha tad et af ements Fay {ete for nea tee tay of ioral dsc sou op ot ‘Sent coner ese inthe elo en als adie noe ‘eal economy) the ston ekg aang the prc a a Wwf he cng sitades Sad exeranes tte Wester aon, Shade eae sone il et cera csecmodied td) te pay the ecg te has 90 Punose teh fouow mn snd women adn ote et ‘in pel ea. ones nan wich aitrent veep cmb expe dt ‘understanding enbanced. Date 23. Choa “The fiat ssting wat convene under the_chaimanship ot Til ins Drmbarat he Nether who served suman fo weave yeas. He war Py toc ome ofthe Hie. former Print Milter of the Uaied Kingdon, who chaved the frovings forfour years AL the 1940 rteing in Ancen, Peder Republic of Germany, Lord Home uted over the ehirmanslp (© ‘Wier cbs rien the Gran Fer epee 4 Parts ash yer, the member ofthe Sterng Commitee compile a invita fn et for he fawn Year's esting. ‘Toensurefulldacutio, individual represetinga wide range of pl eit acre ‘Watnths mework aa gveascabautone hier om ihe Coxe ‘Belin pla ern termine omar Fed inetding nance, indus, haber, edveation a Alone, Pacipats ae tsected Ux tele owed, nding and with teres toe tpi onthe Agenda Parcipns tend Bleberg ina private and nota ia capacity. 5. Contac Bilder’ rnp aii i is Coneence program. Inthe binning, bey were lately eqent and ested in alten ‘ane. Sobsequenly,tbeeame the peice oho more han one rr conference aya, Waking paper, prepared by experts forthe ‘oundwor fo Bdeber cussions At the meatng terse, 00 ‘solutions are propoted; no veer taken, and no poly Satements ‘eve Monbers Stee Commie ‘Water Sceet Former Presiden, Federal Republi of Germany or, Secretay-Gener for Europe: ‘Victor Haber Profesor of Puble Paane, Leyden Univeriy on Seeay-Geven fr USA ‘Teodor L Blt, J Dean, Ptcher Scho of aw and Diplomacy, Tus Univegy Mon These Willem F Dutenbers Preset, De Nedelndsche Bank N.Y, Hannes Androsch ‘Daniel E Jansen (Cnr, Feoeation of Began Botepries Buon Lien Lambert ‘Chairman, Groupe Brutles Lambert SA cnata: Donald. Macdonais ‘Senoe Pte, McCarthy & MeCarthy Deen ‘Ms Narang Eton Chi, RevingskeTiende ed Rep of Geman: Ale Hehasen ‘anabing Diet, Detche Bank AG, ‘Theo Sommer Eorit-Che “Die Zeit” __ Arepot ofthe mecting, which nclades working popes i clad t Parkgate and forme’ pagent Since 1934, 30 eanrences hat been held Gee aoe. ‘The name of the prtispats a well ag the Agead tems ae mad ‘ralable Belo the anal meting and we ised the pot reg The expenses of manning the Bilderberg meetings ae coveree whl by pate subsroton hes expenses cat fe cot fh Sonal Seca, tel reimbrsereat of petpaterequerting tnd the pubaaton ofthe meeting's report, ‘The bowtie ofthe anna esting ae the reeponity fhe FE Seeing Commiee members ofthe het county. Foe, “Die de Monti Dio, Font osteo neotio Relions ad Protest of Enon, Eee Paes Aone Sele ‘Beg Biesor Sener, Conpuyie Gnéne Sodse ae Pyrcatons Gece: Cost Caras 3 Member ofthe Bou, Usion of Grek Shipownes esate ‘Gee Hatrimson ember or Futaest ar Romano Prod Profesor of Indus! Eesaomis, University of Bologna slvr Fee Diel nate teins Ars Neem: Nice Were Senor Parte, Wis, Wiles Seedex ‘Sten Gustatson Manabing Direct SAABSCANIA AB. i i ml adh Ete A | ratts| Sit John Ssiebue “ae Smet ae nes stats ‘iret and Senior Vee resin, EXXON Corporation pie rene B17) Stewina ennai “om 68-9700 Teena agente, 1 Fey 3 ral Bard, omen Mapes hates Gael ar Frctsperr ote Kippontun Bete eens rn ra, mer, ali, Gump Stas Have & Feld Y Tite 4 Kini Hote Seea rste ‘Winton Lord Presiden, Caunc on Foreign Reatins, Ine. 2 Seta: "Ytor Untick Mediator Eat Aton Community Member ofthe Advisory Bou, CIBA-GEIGY Limited ald Kingdon ‘Lord Ral of lsden ‘Gairman, 8.6, Wave & Co, Lid, ato Sates of Amer: ‘George W. Bal Former Undersecretary of tate ‘Watam P.Bundy ator Chie, orign Alia” Meno 3 Hla [Siti ea tn coe ant Protea of Aets Pnd Biter ne David Rockefeller Charman, Cate International Advisory Commitee + Ail former members ofthe Stesing Commitee 3. 23.25 September 1955 V Brace K. MacLaury Present, Te Brookings aston Artur R Tape west Toe Manasing Parner, Arthur Taylor 8 Company Joseph H. Wills (Caan an Chet Exc Oe, Te Wins Congres Members ofthe Advisory Gro canta: Anthony 6. 8. Gi Company Drea Fed Rep of Germany tie Wo von Amerongen hata of he Burd f Management and Chi Executive Steer Ose Walt. hoa fnteratin Max Kohstarim Foxe Presignt, European Univesity in Florence ua ‘Giovani Agel Present Pat S.A, Netetnde: Ene am er get ‘Professor Internationa! Relaons, Leyden Universi; Director of Companies ANNEX tt 954982 12931 May 1958 | Ontrbeck, Neecande Subject: ‘A The attudetowande communism and the Soviet Union: The alte tows depenaeat seas nd peoples overseas, he Ande leas omic poles ad pens, * Eutopean Deteoce Community 2. 1820 March 955, i Bastien Prmce ‘A Srey of Westem Europea relatos sac the ft F Bideberg Caneener - 'B, Communist ifitation in varous Wester counties; € In score ee Fla and esol spect 2 Rtonemieaspe GannicrPatenicbn, Fed. Rep. f Germany Subecs: s ‘Ree oven since Baan Conn: [ ite he Non Alan Treaty Orpen; Te pol nd sate ects Of wach sag, . DB, Te remiatn f Goray, F © Eup wi 1 ‘hed pec sami ney 6, Ezenomiepbiems E Re pn | : pec of avery, { 4 Expansion of teat te, j | 1 | a | \ | | naa aay 956 Retest, subject: 1X Review of developments since the lst Conference; B Theauses of he gro oft Wester Bos In * pec These aie beaaialaai inane Between Asians anne Was D. ay “Waster et aos of Sou sid Eas A; 1. The communist campus fr poli ubverson reoniral of he newly emaneled counties of Al How te Wea an vest mee Asan requrereats nthe techie and economies So 1517 Reber 1987 SC Simon aad, USA. Subject: IR Review of evens ine the out Berberg meting fa May 19565 2, Nalonalsm nd nets as sruptive ors Ins the Western Allance, The naa East 1, The Baoan pol of the Alance, with special ‘erence tthe problems of Easter Europe, German ‘union and miliary State. 6 sone 1957 Fags ta Subjeas 1A Survey of developments snc he tt eonerenee; 1, Modeta weapone and dinwmarect i elation to Westem secur, Cc. re sting poli and economic mechaisns ‘Tibia the Wester community adequate? 1, 1820 May 1962 Satajshden Seeder sues means the Ate emus 2 Py meme pace the Untied Nos eatin or ne Aan comatose {Redecorment 12, 2931 May 196 Came, Face eden teint ‘Fake yeas between the US.A- and oe) > peght ofthe negotiations for Briain’ estar inte he Common Market, = fies nonsbeneen the Western word ad ‘developing cous 13, 2022 March 96 ‘Wilanebre, USA. subject: a oh FPS interna deretpmen {) The Commonist Bis: .. * ie eet etopments win the Wester wr 1) pai 3) mata, 9 conomic 1.1.5 September 1958 ‘Bean, Und ington, I Raveyotevent soc he ast conference; BB The uate of WATO defence; Wester econo cooperation: 1, he Wester approach to Sve Rosin and 1820 Senember 1999 ‘esoy, Tose subject Rete ofceeloomens since the st eanerenct: B Unity asd von in Western ply. 2829 May 1960 Burgesoch, Swiueriand Subjects: x sivuaton ser te ae of 5 1, New pole nd-ecoonic developments inthe Wena vod 10. 2123 Apo 1961 ‘SC Castn, Canada subject: ‘Rat initia are eget bring about anew fenweofedership and recon wii the Western sermuniy? 1, The ations for Wester unity of changes in the rvs econo sng ot Uaied States ft Western Buren 6 © 24 apa ses | fi ay ! Petes ety cooperation inthe Western 3. Te Siate ofthe AlateAllmnce* 15. 2527 pach 1966 ‘Wiesbaden, Fel Rep of Germany Subja: ‘A Sou NATO be 8 Te hur awed cman a 2 between nds and erloping coc 1631 March -2 Ape 967 ‘Cantde, Uate Kingdom, Subject: 2 haa tt ent 2 fase rr tao et » seed et iemmaieer tome ares 2628 Ap 1368 ‘Mont Tremblant Canada Subjects: ‘A: The relations between the Westend the Communist. > nats Intematinazaon of busines, Z 18 941 May 909 Mast uo we . subjects 1X" Elements fasta in Western sce, 8. Contlaingattuces iin the Wester wort towards rations with tbe USSR andthe oe: (Commun states aster Barope lathe ht sreent events 19. 149 Apa 1970 ad Rape, Stand subjects: ‘A Bata function fhe Uninet in ow soit: Petes ream poly 23.25 ape 197 ‘Woodsoc, USA. Subjects ‘A 'hve contin of business ia dealing with erent ‘oblems a soca stabi, 0, Tec cab ofa age abte Amerion ls Pe ast ewe 2, 2123 apa 972 ise, Belg Subject: {The tate of he Wester community in the Hight of hanging retinas amon the noncommunist. Indust counties and the pac of angig power ‘ehonship inthe Fur Easton Western Seay. 2224 apa ig7 ‘orgy, Eagan subject: North Amarian and Western European ates towards ‘Othe ttre othe mixed cconomer the Westra abe Core a eed eg aD 6. ” », and the pole impiations of hoe atitudes. 2123 Apel 1978 Prinetn, New dere, USA Subjects ‘A Western defense wth spol impiatons, 1, The changing siete of production and ade: ‘oosequences forthe Westra Indutlied countries. 2729 Apri 1979 ‘aden Ase subjects ‘ne oreent oteratonal monetary stain ad is {ind Aft fo the Wester Wot 1820 Apel 1380 ‘Aachen Fe Rep. of Geomany Subject ‘Aeris and Ewope: Pas, Present and Future. 22, 11413 May 1973 Saad, 1X The poses ofthe development of Boropean ‘nung poi andthe consequences for Europea ‘Nac Ameria reins? = 'B. Conftng expectations concerning the European ‘Secu Confreace. 1921 An Mente, Pace ‘Subject: respects forthe Aan wot 25.27 Ape 1915 Gomes Tekey object: ‘A ation: econo, vocal an pot Impiations, 1, Receat international pot developmen: * “Reset confitad 2. Other cent developments feng the Felons among NATO counties. 1m 196 n0 Confrence wa el. 29. 15.7 May 198 Burgeo, Sedan ee ‘Mia sod Wesem cle oma te Sais Union : Te che ain wr Siow se re ee 30. M16 May 1902 Sandeod, Noreay Subic: ‘A Diverse Policies and Atiudes in Noch ils Community * 1. What cin Arma Conta Achieve? Mile East iss a Se '. Economie lsser: Dogmas tad E. Coment Events a And just for the record... Here’s proof—from the Arkansas press, if you can believe them—that former Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton did indeed attend the 1991 Bilderberg conference in Baden-Baden, Germany—a year before he was nominated for president by the Democratic Party (and long before the average American voter had ever heard his name). But the Bilderbergers knew who Clinton was. ‘That’s why he was the lone American governor—from a small, poor, rural state, no Iess—to be invited to the high-level international conference that year. Was Bill Clinton “annointed” by the Bilderbergers to become U.S. president at the conference? Some people think so . .. This obscure news item appeared buried in the business section of the Arkansas Democrat on June 6, 1991... Clinton to attend trade conference Goy. Bill Clinton will attend the 1991 Bilderberg Meeting today through Sunday, a conference of North American and Western European leaders, in Baden-Baden, Germany, ac- cording to a statement from his office. “Of particular interest to the governor are trade al nomic development opportunities for Arkansas,¥ _mgnt said. And this item appeared in the same newspaper on June 12,1991... Governor’s visits abroad paid with private money ER is lett sate eb Serna, No, the existence of the Bilderberg Group is NOT a “right-wing extremist militia-type conspiracy theory” BUY EXTRA COPIES OF THE aul iB eee Bad) TATE EDITORIAL 108 ASTOUNDING SUPPRESSED STORIES PUBLISHED ONLY BY THE SPOTLIGHT $14.95 each Use this coupon to pare extra copies of this book. Delivered to your door. LIBERTY LIBRARY 300 Independence Ave. SE, Washington, D.C. 20003 lished Only By The SPOTLIGHT ($14.95 one copy, 3 copies $9 each,10 copies or ‘more $5 each) To charge your order, r 1 1 = 1 | Please send me extra copies of 108 Astounding Suppressed Stories Pub- 1 1 1 ! U enclose $. eet i call toll free q 1-800-522-6292. 1 Please charge my purchase to: ©) MasterCard Visa 4 y In Maryland, 301-951-6292. 1 ©#@ # ——________ Expires I Name | address | ty, State, Zp ; If You Don’t Like The Way « Your Daily Papers ae / Parrot Each Other... Subscribe to THE SPOTLIGHT. ‘300 Independence Ave. SE, Washington, D.C. 20003 YES! | would like to subscribe to The SPOTLIGHT now. | would like to subseribe for: © $70fortwo years $38 for one year SENIOR CITIZENS: (J $54 fortwo years 7 $28 for one year ' Gy 1am a current subscriber, please renew my subscription. 1G Please charge my purchase to: CI MasterCard ©) Visa t Card # Expires | Name 1 Address | City, State, Zip /imstonst 5 rant SO, “woe a ’ rs FOR FURTHER READING... Over the years, LIBERTY LOBBY and The SPOTLIGHT have made available a number of valuable reports relating to the topic of the Bilderberg Group, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the Trilateral Commission. Shown here are four of the most recent reports, all of which are available from The SPOTLIGHT at the address below. SPOTLIGHT on the Bilderbergers (a 63-page booklet) is available at $7 per copy; Who’s Behind the New World Order?, a report on the CER, is available at 10 copies for $3. The Bilderberg Group and the World Shadow Government available at 8 copies for $6; and The Trilateral Commission is available at 8 copies for $5. (A free book list will be included with your order.) To order write: THE SPOTLIGHT 300 Independence Ave., S.E. ‘Washington, D.C. 20003 Or call toll-free 1-800-522-6292 and charge to Visa or MasterCard A subscription to The SPOTLIGHT for 52 weekly issues is only $38 per year. VOICE OF THE MOUNTAINS PO, BOX 2000 ‘ASHEVILLE ASHEVIL NORTH CAROLINA 28802 CITIZEN- TIMES PUBLISHING COMPANY July 10, 1992 Thank you for your letter. Apparently, the only publication that has access to information on the so-called "Bilderbergs" is The Spotlight. To my knowledge, such an organization does not exist and a media conspiracy to keep its existence a secret would be ludicrous. Singerety 2) (ope a ine 7 eeercens Executive Editor now what

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