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Morah Morah Teach Me Torah

(These songs are meant for instructional purposes--

we are preschool teachers, not professional singers )

Track Parsha Song Title

1 Oh, There Are 5 Books of the Torah

2 Beresheet Yom Rishona Avodah

3 Noach Noah Worked with One Hammer

4 Noah's Song

5 Lecha Lecha We're Going to Canaan

6 The First Jew's Name was Avraham

7 It's Time to Leave Your Homeland

8 Home, Home In My Tent

9 Vayera Three Guests Are Coming to Visit Us

10 Home, Home In My Tent (Longer Version)

11 Chayei Sarah Eliezer Had Ten Camels

12 Mayim

13 Toldot Rivkah and Yitzchak

14 Vaetze We Are Climbing Yaacov's Ladder

15 Here Comes the Bride

16 Yaakov Went to See Laban

17 Vayishlach Yaacov Met and Angel

18 Vayeshev Color Song (ASL)

19 Miketz There Was a Boy Named Yosef

20 Vayigash Yosef Song

21 Vayyichi Chazak, Chazak N'vitchazek

22 Shemot Pharaoh Made the Jews Work Hard

23 Ve'era Scratch Your Rosh

24 Bo Matzoh On Our Backs

25 March of the Ten Plagues

26 Beshallach Red Sea

27 Manna Song

28 Manna Song II

29 Manna Song III

30 Yitro Ten Commandments Song

31 Moshe Climbed Up Har Sinai

32 Mishpatim Be Responsible

33 We're Gonna Eat Some Kosher Food

34 Terumah Gods Gave Us Lots of Gifts

35 Tetzeveh Eight Pieces of Clothing the Kohain Wore

36 Ner Tamid

37 Ki Tissah Where Oh Where Is Moshe?

38 Vayakhel Al Nitlat Yadayim

39 Vayikra Say You're Sorry to Your Friends

40 Tazriah Say Kind Words

41 Tazriah

42 Achrei Mot Yom Kippur Song

43 Kedoshim You Are So Special

44 Kadosh Kadosh

45 Behar Schmitta

46 Bechukotai Hashem Gave Us

47 Bamidbar We're in the Desert

48 The Torah's in the Center of the Ark

49 Naso These Were the Gifts for the Mishkan

50 Beha'alotecha I've Been Teaching All the Laws

51 Shlach Lecha Twleve Spies Went Into Canaan

52 There Are Giants in the Land of Canaan

53 Korach Korach Wanted to be Boss

54 Chukat Speak to a Rock!

55 Pinchas Zelophachad Was a Man

56 Matot We're Gonna Wash Our Pots and Pans

57 We Came Upon the Jordan River

58 Masai Ufaratzdah

59 Re'eh Yetzer Hara and Yetzer Tov

60 Everybody Must be Fair

61 Ki Tavo When You Enter the Promised Land

62 Nitzavim Goofy Mitzyot

63 Vzot Ha Bracha Ring Around the Torah

64 Boom, Boom Ain't it Great to Read Torah

65 Oh Say Shalom to Moshe

66 Rosh Chodesh Oh, Mr. Moon

67 You Are My Crescent Moon

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