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Yearbook of the International Centre for Underwater Archaeology in Zadar

Godinjak Meunarodnog centra za podvodnu arheologiju u Zadru

Submerged Heritage
Potopljena batina
Number 6 / Broj 6, Zadar, December 2016 / Prosinac 2016.

Beki, Suri
Shipwreck Investigation off the Islet of Veruda
Istraivanje brodoloma u podmorju otoia Veruda
New Results from Babulja Investigation
Novi rezultati istraivanja podmorja Babuljaa
Suri, Beki
SUBMERGED HERITAGE - POTOPLJENA BATINA / Number 6 / Broj 6, Zadar, December 2016. / Prosinac 2016.

2016 Cape Uljeva Shipwrecks Campaign

Istraivanja brodoloma na rtu Uljeva, kampanja 2016. g.
Investigation of Suleimans Bridge at Darda
Istraivanja Sulejmanovog mosta u Dardi
Kaleb, Pei
Latest Results of the Zadar County Survey
Najnoviji rezultati rekognosciranja Zadarske upanije
Continued Investigation of the Piruzi Shipwreck
Nastavak istraivanja brodoloma kod hridi Piruzi
Istraivanje brodoloma kod Rta Tonarelle, Italija
Shipwreck at Punta delle Tonnarelle, Italy
Kaleb, Beki
Sv. Petar Shipwreck Investigation at Ugljan
Istraivanje brodoloma Sv. Petar kod Ugljana
Danish underwater archaeologists visit ICUA
Danske marinarkologer besger ICUA
2016 Albanian Marine Science Expedition
Albanska pomorska - znanstvena ekspedicija 2016. g.
urkovi Madiraca, Kaleb
Visit to Kingdom of Denmark
Posjet Kraljevini Danskoj

Vrgo, imii
The Early Croatian Boats at Nin

Starohrvatski brodovi iz Nina


ISSN 1848-2422

Yearbook of the International Centre for Underwater Archaeology in Zadar /

Godinjak Meunarodnog centra za podvodnu arheologiju u Zadru
Number / Broj: 6
Zadar, December / Prosinac 2016.
Publisher / Izdava:
International Centre for Underwater Archaeology in Zadar - UNESCO Category II Centre
Meunarodni centar za podvodnu arheologiju u Zadru - UNESCO centar II kategorije
B.Petranovia 1, HR-23000 Zadar, Hrvatska,
Editor / Urednik: Luka Beki
Translation / Prijevod: Neven Fereni
Graphic Design / Grafiki dizajn: Ivan Diskordia
Print / Tisak: Printera
Print run / Naklada: 500
ISSN: 1848-2422
Not for sale / Nije za prodaju
Frontpage / Naslovnica: Excavating under the frame at Veruda / Iskopavanje ispod
okvira na Verudi (Photo: B.Krstulovi)
Second page / Druga stranica: Measuring special finds in the ship remains at Veruda /
mjerenje posebnih nalaza u ostacima broda na Verudi (Photo: R.Scholz)

SADRAJ News / Vijesti

str. 4-8

Beki, Suri Pei

Shipwreck Investigation off the Islet of New Results from Babulja Waters
Veruda Archaeological Investigation
Istraivanje brodoloma u podmorju Novi rezultati arheolokih istraivanja
otoia Veruda podmorja Babuljaa

str. 9-16 str.17-21

Suri, Beki Pei

2016 Cape Uljeva Shipwrecks Underwater and Land Archaeological
Investigation Campaign Investigation of Suleimans Bridge at
Istraivanja brodoloma na rtu Uljeva, Darda
kampanja 2016. g. Podvodna i kopnena arheoloka
istraivanja Sulejmanovog mosta u Dardi

str. 22-28 str. 29-35

Kaleb, Pei Beki

Latest Results of the Zadar County Continued Investigation of the Piruzi
Survey Rocks Shipwreck
Najnoviji rezultati rekognosciranja Nastavak istraivanja ostataka
Zadarske upanije brodoloma kod hridi Piruzi

str. 36-40 str. 41-45

elebi Kaleb, Beki

Investigation of a Shipwreck at Punta Launch of Sv. Petar Shipwreck
delle Tonnarelle, Italy Investigation at Ugljan
Istraivanje brodoloma kod Rta Poetak istraivanja brodoloma Sv. Petar
Tonarelle, Italija kod Ugljana

str. 46-49 str. 50-53

Uldum Campbell
Danish underwater archaeologists visit Archaeological Discoveries on the 2016
ICUA Albanian Marine Science Expedition
Danske marinarkologer besger ICUA Arheoloka otkria tijekom Albanske
pomorsko - znanstvene ekspedicije 2016.

str. 54-57 str. 58-60

urkovi Madiraca, Kaleb Vrgo, imii

Underwater Archaeology Collaboration The Early Croatian Boats at Nin - Repair
Continues with Visit to Denmark and Reconservation Begins
Posjet Kraljevini Danskoj u nastavku Starohrvatski brodovi iz Nina - Poetak
suradnje na polju podvodne arheologije sanacije i rekonzerviranja

str. 61-66 str. 67-73

News / Vijesti
Successful Night of Museums
at the ICUA Zadar Gallery
A well-known culture event, the Night of Museums, was
celebrated this year on the 29th of January at the Inter- 1. The ICUA Zadar gallery had its debut for the Night of
national Centre for Underwater Archaeology in Zadar. On Museums event / Galerija MCPA Zadar otvorena je po
that night almost all Croatian museums are open and vis- prvi puta u Noi muzeja (Photo: L. Beki)
itors enter free of charge. Every year has seen a growing
number of visitors in all Croatian towns and cities. This
Uspjena No muzeja u Galeriji MCPA Zadar
year saw the first opening of the renovated building of
the ICUA Zadar underwater archaeology and maritime Poznati kulturni dogaaj, No muzeja, ove godine je obi-
history gallery. On exhibit was a selection of finds from ljeen 29. sijenja i u Meunarodnom centru za podvod-
ICUAs previous underwater archaeological investigations nu arheologiju u Zadru. Na tu no, otvoreni su gotovo svi
and some private donations related to maritime history. hrvatski muzeji i posjetitelji ih mogu obii bez plaanja
1,313 visitors toured the exhibition on the Night of Muse- ulaznice. Ve uvrijeeno se svake godine biljei sve vei
ums, demonstrating a great interest for the exhibits and broj posjetitelja u svim hrvatskim gradovima. Tako je ove
the stories they tell. Since then the gallery has been open godine po prvi puta otvorena novoobnovljena zgrada Ga-
by appointment and every day in the summer. lerije podvodne arheologije i povijesti pomorstva MCPA
Zadar. U njoj je izloen izbor raznih nalaza iz dosadanjih
Croatian President Visits ICUA Zadar podvodnih arheolokih istraivanja MCPA kao i neke do-
Croatian President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovi visited the In- nacije graana vezane uz povijest pomorstva. Ovu izlo-
ternational Centre for Underwater Archaeology in Zadar bu je u noi muzeja posjetilo ak 1313 posjetilaca, koji su
on the 5th of April 2016 during her four-day tour of the pokazali veliko zanimanje za izloke, kao i prie koje se iza
City of Zadar and Zadar County. The ICUA staff had the njih kriju. Galerija se od tada otvarala prema najavama, a
opportunity to show the visiting head of state the under- ljeti je bila svakodnevno otvorena.

2. ICUA Zadar staff with Croatian President Kolinda

Grabar Kitarovi / Djelatnici MCPA Zadar s hrvatskom
predsjednicom, Kolindom Grabar Kitarovi
(Photo: Arhiva MCPA)


water archaeological finds on exhibit at the ICUA under- Predsjednica Republike
water archaeology gallery and to present the work of the Hrvatske posjetila MCPA Zadar
Centre. Accompanied by County Prefect Stipe Zrili and
Predsjednica Republike Hrvatske, Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovi, po-
Zadar Mayor Boidar Kalmeta, the president visited the
sjetila je Meunarodni centar za podvodnu arheologiju Zadar
former Sveti Nikola church, the planned site of a nation-
5. travnja 2016. g., tijekom svoje etverodnevne posjete Gra-
al underwater archaeology museum. The president said
du Zadru i Zadarskoj upaniji. Djelatnici centra imali su prilike
she hoped the Centre would continue its good work and
predsjednici pokazati podvodne arheoloke nalaze izloene u
that this important museum be opened in the near future.
Galeriji podvodne arheologije MCPA i objasniti djelokrug rada
Annual Underwater Archaeology Conference centra. Nakon toga, predsjednica je, s pratnjom u kojoj su bili
in Dresden upan Stipe Zrili i gradonaenik Boidar Kalmeta, obila biv-
u crkvu Sv. Nikole, u kojoj se predvia ureenje nacionalnog
The 21st annual conference organised by the German
Muzeja podvodne arheologije. Predsjednica je zaeljela cen-
association DEGUWA was held in Dresden from the 21st
tru sreu u buduem radu i im skorije otvorenje ovog va-
to 24th of April 2016. This annual gathering has become
nog muzeja.
perhaps the premier gathering of underwater archaeol-
ogists in the European and broader sphere. The focus of Jo jedna godinja konferencija podvodnih
this years conference of international experts was on arheologa u Dresdenu
technical innovation and interdisciplinary approaches
Od 21. do 24. travnja 2016. g., u Dresdenu u Njemakoj, odr-
in underwater archaeology. Among the representatives
ana je ve 21. u nizu godinja konferencija u organizaciji nje-
from twelve countries were Croatian experts from ICUA
makog drutva DEGUWA. Tijekom godina, ovaj redovni skup
Zadar and the Croatian Conservation Institute. Experts
postavio se kao moda najvaniji godinji skup podvodnih ar-
from ICUA Zadar and RGK Frank-
heologa Europe pa i ire. Ove godine tema okupljenih meu-
furt gave a lecture on the inves-
narodnih strunjaka je bila Podvodna arheologija - interdis-
tigation of the Veruda site.
ciplinarni pristup i tehnike inovacije. Na kongresu su meu
predstavnicima iz preko dvanaest zemalja predavanja odrali
i hrvatski strunjaci iz MCPA Zadar i HRZ-a. Predavanje o istra-
ivanjima nalazita Veruda odrali su strunjaci MCPA Zadar i
RGK Frankfurt.

Predavanje o Velikom Osijekom

mostu u Zagrebu
U sklopu otvaranja izlobe Osijek i ira okolica u osmanskom
periodu, koja je tijekom svibnja 2016. g. bila otvorena u Ar-
heolokom muzeju u Zagrebu, uvodno predavanje je odrao
Mladen Pei. Predavanje pod naslovom Veliki osjeki (Sulej-
3. Scholz, Beki and Pei lecture on the Veruda site at the
Dresden conference / Predavanje Scholza, Bekia i Peia o
manov) most - podvodna arheoloka istraivanja u Dardi odr-
nalazitu Veruda na skupu u Dresdenu (Photo: ICUA Archives) ano je u dvorani Arheolokog muzeja u Zagrebu 19. svibnja
2016. g. Na predavanju su predstavljeni rezultati istraivanja
Zagreb Lecture on Great Bridge at Osijek ovog zanimljivog arheolokog nalazita koje se provodi ve ne-
koliko godina, a veliki odaziv publike svjedoio je o interesu ire
Mladen Pei gave the introductory lecture at the opening
javnosti za novim saznanjima o ovom grandioznom graevin-
of the Osijek and its Environs in the Ottoman Period exhi-
skom pothvatu iz 16. st.
bition staged at Zagrebs Archaeological Museum in May
of 2016. He delivered his lecture on The Great (Suleimans) 4. Luka Beki speaks on underwater museums in Croatia
at the UNESCO meeting in Copenhagen / Predavanje Luke
Bridge at Osijek Underwater Archaeological Investigation Bekia o podvodnim muzejima Hrvatske na UNESCO skupu u
at Darda at the hall of the Archaeological Museum on the Kopenhagenu (Photo: M. Kaleb)
19th of May. The lecture focused on a presentation of the
results of the multi-year investigation of this fascinating
archaeological site. A large turnout bears witness to the
public interest for new insight into the ambitious erection
of this sixteenth century structure.

UNESCO Regional Meeting and Scientific

Colloquium in Copenhagen
A UNESCO regional meeting and scientific colloquium was
held at the Danish National Museum in Copenhagen on
the 8th and 9th of June 2016 dedicated to the protection
of underwater cultural heritage. At the meeting the rep-
resentatives of nine countries, including Croatia, adopt-


Odran UNESCO regionalni sastanak i
ed recommendations on the protection of underwater
znanstveni kolokvij u Kopenhagenu
heritage. At the open scientific colloquium some twenty
experts presented various methods and options for im- U Nacionalnom muzeju u Kopenhagenu, Danska, 8. i 9.
proving the approaches to underwater cultural heritage, lipnja 2016. g. odran je UNESCO Regionalni sastanak te
where the Croatian approach, which has as its objective znanstveni kolokvij posveen zatiti podvodne kulturne
to bring underwater heritage to a broader sphere of visi- batine. Na sastanku su predstavnici devet zemalja, uklju-
tors, was presented. Archaeologists with the Internation- ujui Hrvatsku, donijeli preporuke za zatitu podvodne
al Centre for Underwater Archaeology set up an info desk batine. Na otvorenom znanstvenom skupu je pak dvade-
with ICUA publications and fielded questions from the setak strunjaka predstavljalo razliite naine i moguno-
many event delegates about the work of ICUA. This was sti za poboljanje pristupa podvodnoj kulturnoj batini,
the third visit by Croatian archaeologists and restorers to gdje je prikazan i hrvatski pristup koji za cilj ima otvara-
Denmark in the frame of an expert exchange conducted nje podvodne batine irem krugu posjetilaca. Arheolozi
in the frame of an international agreement with the Dan- Meunarodnog centra za podvodnu arheologiju su tom
ish Agency for Culture. prilikom postavili prigodan informacijski stol s izdanji-
ma centra te su odgovarali na pitanja okupljenih o radu
centra. Za MCPA Zadar, ovo je ujedno bio trei posjet hr-
vatskih arheologa i restauratora Danskoj, u sklopu strune
razmjene koja se provodi prema meunarodnom ugovoru
s njihovom Agencijom za kulturu.

Otvorenje izlobe Arheoloka istraivanja

Sv. Nikola u Zadru 2014. g
Povodom aktualne posjete danskih podvodnih arheolo-
ga u sklopu dvogodinjeg sporazuma o suradnji na polju
podvodne arheologije, 16. rujna, 2016., odralo se otvo-
renje izlobe pod nazivom Arheoloka istraivanja Sv. Ni-
kola u Zadru 2014. godine. Autori izlobe su: Roko Suri,
ime Vrki, Luka Beki i Mladen Pei.
5. Sveti Nikola monastery exhibition opens / Otvorenje
izlobe o samostanu Svetog Nikole (Photo: R. Suri)

2014 Sveti Nikola Archaeological

Investigation in Zadar Exhibition Opens
The 2014 Sveti Nikola Archaeological Investigation in Zadar
exhibition opened on the 16th of September 2016 on the oc-
casion of a visit by Danish underwater archaeologists as part
of a two-year cooperation agreement in the field of underwa-
ter archaeology. The exhibition was authored by Roko Suri,
ime Vrki, Luka Beki DSc and Mladen Pei.
Archaeological trenching was conducted in July and October
of 2014 at the former Sveti Nikola church in Zadar, led by Luka
Beki, ime Vrki and Filipa Jurkovi Pei. Although there were
no major finds from the prehistoric and Antiquity periods an
important medieval and post-medieval layer was found within
the complex of the former Sveti Nikola monastery and church
that bears witness to numerous graves and traces of construc-
tion. The archaeological investigation was followed by the
processing of the finds, now for the first time exhibited at the
underwater archaeology gallery at ICUA Zadar. The exhibition
was set up in the frame of an international cooperation with
Danish curators. The Ambassador of the Kingdom of Denmark
His Excellency Anders Christian Hougrd was on hand at the
opening, joined by the head of the embassys culture depart-
ment Jasmina Kovaevi. The objective of the two-year agree- Arheoloka sondiranja obavljena su u srpnju i listopadu
ment is an exchange of ideas and collaboration and network- 2014. godine kod crkve Sv. Nikole u Zadru koja su vodili
ing between Danish and Croatian underwater archaeologists Luka Beki, ime Vrki i Filipa Jurkovi Pei. Iako su izosta-
with the aim of continued education and research, the devel- li znaajniji nalazi iz razdoblja prapovijesti i antike, unutar
opment of underwater tourism and cooperation with UNESCO. arhitektonskog sklopa biveg samostana i crkve Sv. Niko-
le utvren je vaan srednjovjekovni i novovjekovni sloj o
kojem svjedoe brojni grobovi i tragovi gradnje. Nakon
arheolokih istraivanja uslijedila je obrada nalaza, a sada
su po prvi puta biti izloeni u Galeriji podvodne arheolo-
gije u sklopu MCPA Zadar. S obzirom da je postavljanje
izlobe bilo u sklopu meunarodne suradnje s danskim
kustosima, na otvorenje je stigao i danski veleposlanik u
Hrvatskoj, Njegova Ekselencija Anders Christian Hougrd
i naelnica sektora za kulturu danskog veleposlanstva Ja-
smina Kovaevi. Cilj ovog dvogodinjeg sporazuma je
bila razmjena ideja i meusobna suradnja, ali i izgradnja
mree izmeu danskih i hrvatskih podvodnih arheologa
u svrhu daljnjeg obrazovanja i istraivanja, razvoja pod-
vodnog turizma i suradnje s UNESCO-om.

Posjet strunjaka za koroziju metala MCPA

Dana 19. i 20. rujna 2016. g. u Meunarodnom centru za
7. French and Croatian restorers begin the conservation podvodnu arheologiju u Zadru u radnoj posjeti gostova-
of anchors from Gnali / Francuski i hrvatski restauratori
zapoinju s konzerviranjem sidara s Gnalia li su Jean-Bernard Memet i Phillipe de Vives, poznati re-
(Photo: L. Beki) stauratori i strunjaci na podruju zatite i korozije metala.
Memet i de Vives odrali su nekoliko javnih predavanja na
Metal Corrosion Experts Visit ICUA Zadar
teme iz svog bogatog radnog opusa, od kojih su najva-
Jean-Bernard Memet and Phillipe de Vives, well-known nija bila The recovery and conservation of the first suc-
restorers and experts in the area of the protection and cessful maritime submarine: The HL HUNLEY - 1864. te
corrosion of metals, arrived for a working visit at the In- Cathodic polarization for the conservation and restora-
ternational Centre for Underwater Archaeology in Zadar tion of underwater artefacts. Francuski su restauratori su
from the 19th to 20th of September 2016. Memet and de tijekom posjeta takoer pomogli restauratorima iz MCPA
Vives held several public lectures on the very comprehen- pripremiti i zapoeti postupak elektrolize eljeznog sidra s
sive work they have done, including The Recovery and mletakog trgovakog broda potonulog kod otoia Gna-
Conservation of the First Successful Maritime Submarine: lia. Ovo je prva suradnja MCPA i francuske tvrtke A-Corros
The HL HUNLEY 1864 and Cathodic Polarization for the Expertise koja bi se trebala nastaviti i u budunosti.
Conservation and Restoration of Underwater Artefacts.
During their visit the French restorers helped ICUA restor- Crnobradi Gusar i njegov izgubljeni brod:
ers prepare and initiate the electrolysis procedure on an Queen Annes Revenge
iron anchor from a Venetian merchant ship that sank off U uionici MCPA Zadar, u petak, 7. listopada 2016. g.g u
the islet of Gnali. This is the first time ICUA has worked 17h, odrano je javno predavanje pod naslovomCrnobra-
with the French A-Corros Expertise company, a collabo- di Gusar i njegov izgubljeni brod: Queen Annes Revenge.
ration we hope to see continue in the future. Crnobradi je moda najpoznatiji gusar u povijesti. Njegov
admiralski brod, Queen Annes Revenge, potonuo je uz
Blackbeard and His Lost Ship: obalu Sjeverne Karoline 1718. g., a ronioci su ga otkrili tek
Queen Annes Revenge 1996. g. Ve 20 godina podvodni arheolozi istrauju ovaj
A public lecture on Blackbeard and His Lost Ship: Queen fascinantni brodolom, a ovom prilikom posjetitelji su imali
Annes Revenge was held at the ICUA Zadar lecture hall priliku posluati priu o istraivanjima iz prve ruke od jed-
at 5 pm on Friday, the 7th of October 2016. Blackbeard ne od sudionica projekta, podmorske arheologinje i dok-
was perhaps the best known of the historical pirates. His torandice na sveuilitu Oxfordu, Lise Briggs.
flagship, the Queen Annes Revenge, sank off the coast of
North Carolina in 1718 and was only discovered by divers
in 1996. For the past twenty years underwater archaeol-
ogists have investigated this fascinating shipwreck. We
had the opportunity to hear about the wreck from one
of the participants of the investigation project, under-
water archaeologist and doctoral student at Oxford Uni-
versity Lisa Briggs.

8. Lisa Briggs lectures on Blackbeard / Predavanje Lise

Briggs o Crnobradom gusaru (Photo: L. Beki)


Urban Archaeology and Data
Conference in Vienna
An international conference on Urban Archaeology and
Data was hosted by the Vienna Museum Urban Archaeol-
ogy (Museen der Stadt Wien Stadtarchologie) from the
16th to 19th of November 2016 at Vienna city hall pooling
several hundred experts and featuring over a hundred lec-
tures. A special session was held on Photogrammetry in
Underwater and Aerial Archaeology chaired by Dr Marco
Block-Berlitz, Roman Scholz and Luka Beki DSc. Several of
the lectures in this segment presented the results of new
technologies applications during the investigation the
Veruda shipwreck near Pula. The conference highlighted
the importance of multidisciplinary work in the documen-
tation of cultural heritage and, in particular, the develop-
ment of specialised software and appropriate techniques.

International Centre for Underwater 9. A detail from the conference at Viennas Rathaus city
Archaeology Experts Visit Montenegro hall / Detalj sa skupa u bekoj gradskoj vijenici - Rathaus
(Photo: L. Beki)
Underwater archaeologists and conservators with the In-
ternational Centre for Underwater Archaeology in Zadar Konferencija Urbana arheologija i
visited Montenegro from the 21st to 23rd of November podaci odrana u Beu
2016 at the initiative of the Montenegrin culture minis- U organizaciji Muzeja Grada Bea - Gradske arheologije
try. The Croatian experts gave a number of lectures at a (Museen der Stadt Wien Stadtarchologie) od 16. do
workshop in Cetinje on The Protection and Promotion of 19. studenog 2016. g. u gradskoj vijenici u Beu odr-
Underwater Cultural Heritage National and Regional ana je meunarodna konferencija pod nazivom Urba-
Experiences covering the topics of the physical and legal na arheologija i podaci s preko stotinu izlaganja i vie
protection of underwater heritage, the issue of the illegal stotina strunjaka. Izmeu ostalog, odrana je i posebna
extraction and removal of underwater cultural heritage, sesija Fotogrametrija u podvodnoj i zranoj arheologiji,
the conservation and restoration of underwater archae- kojoj su predsjedali prof.dr. Marco Block-Berlitz, Roman
ological finds, the presentation and tourism aspects of Scholz i Luka Beki. Unutar ove teme ak nekoliko
underwater cultural heritage, and education and investi- predavanja je predstavljalo rezultate novih tehnologija
gation methodologies at underwater sites in Croatia and dokumentiranja prilikom istraivanja brodoloma Veru-
Montenegro. The objective of the workshop is to lay the da kod Pule. Konferencija je ukazala na vanost multi-
groundwork for concrete collaboration in underwater ar- disciplinarnog rada na dokumentaciji kulturne batine,
chaeology and the conservation of underwater finds be- i posebice, razvoju specijaliziranog softwera i priklad-
tween the two countries. ne tehnike.

Strunjaci Meunarodnog centra za

podvodnu arheologiju posjetili Crnu Goru
Na inicijativu Ministarstva kulture Crne Gore zadarski
podvodni arheolozi i konzervatori iz Meunarodnog
centra za podvodnu arheologiju u Zadru posjetili su
Crnu Goru u razdoblju od 21. do 23. studenog 2016. g.
Hrvatski strunjaci odrali su niz predavanja na radioni-
ci u Cetinju pod nazivom Zatita i promocija podvodne
kulturne batine - nacionala i regionalna iskustva koja
je obuhvatila teme fizike i pravne zatite podvodne ba-
tine, probleme ilegalnog vaenja i iznoenja podvodne
kulturne batine, konzerviranja i restauriranja podvod-
nih arheolokih nalaza, prezentacije i turistike valori-
zacije podvodne kulturne batine, edukacije i metodo-
logije istraivanja na raznim podvodnim nalazitima u
Hrvatskoj i Crnoj Gori. Krajnji cilj radionice je poetak
10. Participants of the underwater
archaeology workshop at the Montenegrin culture ministry konkretnije suradnje na polju podvodne arheologije i
in Cetinje / Sudionici radionice o podvodnoj arheologiji konzerviranja podvodnih nalaza izmeu dvije drave.
ispred zgrade Ministarstva kulture Crne gore na Cetinju
(Photo: Arhiva MCPA)


1. The waters off the islet of Veruda
showing the shipwreck area / Podmorje
otoia Veruda s oznaenim prostorom
brodoloma (Photo: R. Scholz)

Shipwreck Investigation off the

Islet of Veruda
Istraivanje brodoloma u
podmorju otoia Veruda
Luka Beki, / Roko Suri,

During the summer months the islet of Veruda, also known Tijekom ljetnih mjeseci otoi Veruda, poznat i kao Fratar-
locally as Monks Island (Fratarski otok), is a popular excursion ski otok, pretvara se u popularno izletite i kupalite broj-
and swimming area for numerous tourists and the inhabitants nih turista i stanovnika grada Pule. Ako se uzme u obzir da
of the city of Pula. If one considers that the vast majority of gotovo svaki posjetitelj barem jednom s maskom i disali-
visitors have at least once taken a mask and snorkel and dove com zaroni u atraktivno podmorje otoia tada gotovo ne-
into this attractive submarine world than it sounds al- vjerojatno zvui podatak da je na dubini od svega 5
most impossible that a post medieval shipwreck has - 6,5 m na samo nekoliko desetaka metara od obale
remained hidden at a depth of just five to six and a half ostao skriven novovjekovni brodolom. Otkrili su ga
metres and just a few dozen metres from the shore. It tek djelatnici Meunarodnog centra za podvodnu ar-
was finally discovered by staffers with the Internation- heologiju Zadar prilikom provoenja programa Reko-
al Centre for Underwater Archaeology in Zadar during gnosciranja Istarske upanije 2013. g. (Beki 2013).
the 2013 Archaeological Survey of Istria County (Beki Prepoznat je zahvaljujui specifinom balastnom ka-
2013). It was identified thanks to the specific ballast menju grupiranom u karakteristian elipsoidni oblik,
stones grouped in the characteristic ellipsoidal form, a ispod nakupine kamenja prepoznati su drveni ele-
with the wooden elements of the boats structure iden- menti brodske konstrukcije.
tified beneath the pile of stones.
Nalaz brodske konstrukcije u tako plitkom moru znaio je
The find of a ships structure in waters this shallow meant that prioritet za istraivanje koje se u MCPA-u odluilo provesti
it was an investigation priority at ICUA it was decided to u prvi trenutak koji bi za to bio pogodan. Konano, uz sred-
undertake the effort at the first suitable opportunity. Finally, stva zaklade Honor Frost te ostala koja su osigurana ugovo-
with funding from the Honor Frost foundation and other fi- rom izmeu Njemakog arheolokog instituta (DAI) i MCPA
nancing secured by an agreement between ICUA Zadar and Zadar, stvoreni su uvjeti za podvodno arheoloko istraiva-
the German Archaeological Institute (DAI), the conditions for nje. Ono je provedeno u razdoblju od 29. oujka do 19. trav-
underwater archaeological investigation were ripe. This cam- nja 2016. g., suradnjom MCPA i Rimsko-Germanske komisije
paign ran from the 29th of March to the 19th of April 2016 (RGK-DAI), Sveuilita u Dresdenu (HTW) te tvrtke UWA-Lo-
with the collaboration of ICUA, the Rmisch-Germanischen gistik. Struni voditelj podvodnog arheolokog istraivanja
Kommission (RGK-DAI), the HTW Dresden University of Ap- bio je Beki, zamjenik Mladen Pei (MCPA), te
plied Sciences and the UWA-Logistik company. Serving as ex- ostali podvodni arheolozi: Maja Kaleb i Roko Suri (MCPA),


Roman Scholz i Dominic Hosner (RGK-DAI) te Andreas Ec-
kbert Grundman (UWA Logistik). Pomoni ronioci bili su
Borna Krstulovi, Sandra Kamerla Bulji i Enis Bulji iz ro-
nilakog centra Indie. Osim ronilakog dijela ekipe, u istra-
ivanju je sudjelovao i prof.dr. Marko Block Berlitz i njegov
tim raunalnih strunjaka sa Sveuilita u Dresdenu (HTW),
koji su za zadatak imali izraditi dio dokumentacije na nala-
zitu. Logistiku potporu pruao je ronilaki centar Indie iz
kampa Indije u Banjolama.

Pregledom iz 2013. g., ustanovljene su okvirne dimenzije

brodoloma, te su pronaeni i povrinski nalazi brodskog te-
reta, koji se uglavnom sastojao od dijelova rastaljenih me-
talnih predmeta. Analiza pronaenih predmeta pokazala je
da se radi o novovjekovnom brodolomu. Takoer je nai-
njena AMS C14 analiza uzorka drvene strukture, iji rezultat
je ukazao na drugu polovicu 16. st. (Beki 2013).
2. The team on research boats at the start of the
investigation, from the left / Ekipa na istraivakim Cilj ovogodinjih istraivanja bio je u potpunosti istraiti i
brodicama na poetku istraivanja, s lijeva: Luka Beki, dokumentirati brodolom, te ga bolje zatiti. Podijeljeni su
Mladen Pei, Roko Suri, Roman Scholz, Maja Kaleb, zadaci za MCPA i za RGK, kako bi se postigla maksimalna
Andreas Grundman, Borna Krstulovi (Photo: L. Beki) /
uinkovitost i preciznost u to kraem vremenu. Glavna za-
pert leader of the archaeological investigation campaign was daa MCPA bila je iskopavanje brodoloma, dokumentiranje
Luka Beki DSc. Also on the team were deputy leader Mladen i analiza nalaza, dok je RGK-DAI preuzeo zadau dokumen-
Pei and underwater archaeologists Maja Kaleb and Roko tiranja nalazita. Za istraivanje su koritena plovila i tehni-
Suri (ICUA), Roman Scholz and Dominic Hosner (RGK-DAI) ka oprema MCPA Zadar te UWA Logistik.
and Andreas Eckbert Grundman (UWA Logistik). Serving as
assistant divers were Borna Krstulovi, Sandra Kamerla Bulji 3. A survey of the ballast pile at
the start of the investigation /
and Enis Bulji of the Indie diving centre. Joining the divers Pregled balastne hrpe na poetku
on the team in the research was professor Dr Marko Block istraivanja (Photo: R. Suri)
Berlitz and his team of computer experts from the Dresden
university, charged with the task of creating a part of the site
documentation. Logistical support was provided by the Indie
diving centre from the Indije camping grounds at Banjole.

The survey conducted in 2013 established the rough size of

the shipwreck and discovered surface finds of the ships cargo,
consisting largely of parts of melted metal objects. An analysis
of the artefacts found showed that this was a post-medieval
shipwreck. An AMS carbon-14 analysis was also conducted
on a sample of the wooden structure, the results of which Prvi korak ovogodinjih istraivanja bio je detaljan pregled
point to the second half of the sixteenth century (Beki 2013). nalazita, kako bi se ustanovile njegove jasne granice, ali i
uoile promjene u odnosu na stanje iz 2013. g., a potom
The objective of this years campaign was to fully investigate se izradila fotodokumentacija samog nalazita prije istra-
and document the shipwreck and to better protect it. Tasks ivanja.
were divided up among ICUA and RGK in order to achieve
maximum effectiveness and precision in the shortest possi- Slijedei korak bilo je postavljanje aluminijske konstrukcije
ble time. The chief mission of ICUA was to excavate the ship- na lokalitetu, a njena funkcija bila je pojednostavljenje do-
wreck, to document and analyse the finds, while RGK-DAI as- kumentacije i poveanje kvalitete i preciznosti fotografija
sumed the task of documenting the site. The watercraft and koritenih za izradu 3D modela brodoloma. Njemaki dio
technical equipment of ICUA and UWA Logistik were used in tima ju je konstruirao i dovezao iz Njemake u dijelovima,
the investigation. a potom je na obali u kampu Indije podvrgnuta probnim
testiranjima, jer se po prvi put trebala upotrijebiti na istra-
The first step in this years campaign was a detailed survey of ivanju brodoloma Veruda. Sama konstrukcija imala je mo-
the site in order to establish its clear boundaries and to see gunost pomicanja po tranicama, koje su se nalazile na
if there had been any change in relation to the condition in bonim stranama brodoloma, a na njoj se nalazio pomini
2013, following by the photographic documentation of the most kojim se dobivala vrijednost x i y osi, dok se vrijed-
site ahead of the investigation. nost z osi dobivala uz pomo metalne cijevi s mjernom


The next step was to install an aluminium structure at the
site with the function of simplifying the documentation and
improving the quality and precision of photographs used to
create a 3D model of the shipwreck. The German portion of
the team constructed the frame and transported it from Ger-
many in parts, whereupon it was subjected to testing at the
Indije campsite as it was the first time it was to be used in the
investigation of the shipwreck at Veruda. The structure could
be moved on rails located on the sides of the shipwreck and
included a movable bridge to provide X and Y axis values,
while the Z variable was acquired using a metal pipe with
a measuring tape and level, which provided for speedy and
precise documentation. A precise GPS position was taken for
the entire installation system on the sea bottom such that the
acquired documentation results were also georeferenced. 4. Test assembly of the structure on land and an
Excavation commenced with the ballast stones from the ship- elaboration of the underwater installation plan / Probno
sastavljanje konstrukcije na kopnu i razrada plana
podvodnog postavljanja (Photo: M. Kaleb)
trakom i razuljom (libela), to je omoguilo brzo i precizno
dokumentiranje. Cijelom sustavu instalacija na morskom
dnu uzeta je precizna GPS pozicija, pa su dobiveni doku-
mentacijski rezultati bili i georeferencirani.

Iskopavanja su zapoela na nain da se balastno kamenje s

brodoloma prikupljalo u vree i zatim podvodnim padobra-
nima premjetalo dalje od same brodske konstrukcije. Za
podvodna iskopavanja koritena je vodena pumpa koja je s
crijevom povezana s mamut sisaljkom, pomou koje se usi-
savao sitan sediment na brodolomu. Na ispustu mamut si-
saljke nalazila se koara za filtriranje koja je proputala sitne
5. Installing the structure at the site / Sastavljanje 6. Moving the ballast stones with the aid of
konstrukcije na nalazitu (Photo: M. Kaleb) parachutes/ Premjetanje balastnog kamena
uz pomo padobrana (Photo: M. Kaleb)
wreck collected in bags and then moved using underwater
parachutes away from the ships structure. A water pump con-
nected by a hose to a dredge was used for the underwater
excavation with which we removed fine sediment from the
shipwreck. The dredge exhaust had a filter basket installed on
it that allowed fine grains of sand to pass while retaining the
remaining sediment. When full, the basket was raised to the
surface where an examination of the collected material was
carried out on board our boat. This ensured the recovery of
even the most highly fragmented finds.

The archaeological finds can be divided into three basic

groups: the ships structure with its ballast, the ships cargo
and the ships gear.

Besides the indicative wooden elements that were sporadical-

ly visible at the site it could not be ascertained with certainty
what percentage of the ships structure has been preserved.
The investigation project was planned in line with the hy-
pothesis that further wooden structural elements would be
found beneath the ballast stones. The cited aluminium struc-
ture had already been installed over the site to speed up the
documentation process, which is the most time consuming
element in the investigation of shipwrecks with remains of
the ships structure. The wooden elements that were found


were, as a rule, quite damaged by the activity of shipworms,
but have retained sufficient compactness and firmness for
documentation in situ.

The majority of the structural elements were found in situ,

and an analysis of their attributes could be made. This analy-
sis established that the ribs, hull planks and keel are partially
preserved. The massive squared ribs are indicative of a large
sailing vessel. The thickness of the ribs varies from 13 to 17
centimetres, with a height of 13. At some places the ribs are
doubled, but the incomplete state of preservation does not
allow us to determine in what measure. Round and square
holes are visible on the ribs through which iron spikes were
driven to join ribs together and the hull planks to the ribs. The
ribs extend northwest to southeast.

7. Inspection of the material from the filter basket / Pregled

materijala iz koare za filtriranje (Photo: R. Suri)
estice pijeska, a istovremeno zadravala ostatak usisanog
sedimenta. Kada bi se napunile, koare su se izvlaile na
povrinu, gdje je tim na brodu izvravao pregled sakuplje-
nog materijala. Na taj nain otkriveni su i najsitniji nalazi.

Arheoloki nalazi su se prema karakteru mogli podijeliti u

tri osnovne grupe: brodska konstrukcija s balastom, brod-
ski teret i brodski inventar.
8. Grundmann excavates under the aluminium bridge /
Grundmann iskopava ispod aluminijskog mosta (Photo: R. Suri)
Osim indikativnih drvenih elemenata koji su mjestimino
The hull planks are of uneven dimensions. They are in a much bili vidljivi na nalazitu, nije se sa sigurnou moglo ustvr-
better state of preservation to the north end of the site. It was diti koliki je postotak brodske konstrukcije sauvan. Pro-
established that this is the outer hull plating that was joined to jekt istraivanja isplaniran je u skladu s pretpostavkom da
the ribs with iron spikes. The thickness of the hull plating rang- e se ispod balastnog kamenja pronai jo drvenih kon-
es from 5 to 7 centimetres. Along with the lower hull planks, struktivnih elemenata. Nad nalazite se postavila ve spo-
the south end of the site yielded finds of dislocated wooden menuta aluminijska konstrukcija kako bi se ubrzao proces
elements for which it is presumed that they may be parts of dokumentacije, koja kod istraivanja brodoloma s ostaci-
the upper hull plating or deck. The planks extend northeast ma brodske konstrukcije oduzima najvie vremena. Prona-
eni drveni elementi u pravilu su bili poprilino oteeni
djelovanjem brodskih crva, no i dalje su zadrali dovoljnu
kompaktnost i vrstou za potrebe dokumentacije na mje-
stu (in situ).

Vei dio pronaenih brodskih elemenata ostao je in situ, pa

se mogla napraviti analiza njihovog karaktera. Tom anali-
zom ustanovljeno je da su se od broda djelomino sauvala
rebra, oplata i kobilica. etvrtasta rebra masivnih dimenzi-
ja, upuuju na zakljuak kako je jedrenjak morao biti veih
gabarita. Debljina rebara varira od 13 do 17 cm, dok im je
visina oko 13 cm. Na pojedinim mjestima rebra se udvostru-
uju, no zbog nepotpune sauvanosti ne moe se ustano-
viti u kojoj mjeri. Na nekim mjestima su u rebrima vidljive
oble i etvrtaste rupe, kroz koje su prolazili eljezni klino-
vi koji su spajali rebro s rebrom i rebra s oplatom. Rebra se
9. Beki excavates under the structure pruaju u smjeru sjeverozapad - jugoistok.
while Kaleb documents from above / Beki Oplata je nainjena od dasaka neravnomjernih dimenzi-
iskopava pod konstrukcijom dok Kaleb iznad ja. Na sjevernom dijelu nalazita puno je bolje sauvana.
dokumentira (Photo: M. Pei)


to southwest. A wooden element was found that is presumed
to be the remains of the ships keel. The thickness varies and
the height is ten centimetres. It lies northeast to southwest.
Samples were taken from most of the ships elements and
will be analysed to discover the type of wood each of the el-
ements was made of.

After a detailed analysis of the relatively well preserved struc-

ture of the sunken vessel we will be able to conclude if there
are a sufficient number of key elements present with which
to reconstruct the ships appearance and its original dimen-
sions. We should also note that large and small fragments of
carbonised wood were found in all layers at the site, which
leads us to conclude that the ship may have been sunk by fire.
Numerous other archaeological finds associated with this
ship were found along with the wooden elements in the
course of the removal of the ballast stones. It appears that
10. The northern end of the ships structure / Sjeverni dio
brodske konstrukcije (Photo: M. Pei)
Ustanovljeno je da se radi o vanjskoj brodskoj oplati, koja
je eljeznim klinovima bila povezana s rebrima. Debljina
oplate iznosi 5 - 7 cm. Osim donje oplate, na junom di-
jelu nalazita pronaeni su i dislocirani drveni elemen-
ti, za koje se pretpostavlja da bi mogli biti dijelovi gor-
nje oplate, odnosno palube. Daske oplate smjetene su
u smjeru sjeveroistok - jugozapad. Pronaen je i drveni
element za koji se pretpostavlja da se radi o ostatku ko-
bilice broda. Debljina joj varira, a visina joj iznosi 10 cm.
Prua se u smjeru sjeveroistok - jugozapad. Uzeti su uzor-
ci s veine brodskih elemenata, a na njima e se izvriti
analize pomou kojih e se saznati vrsta drva od kojeg
11. A drawing of the wooden elements / Nacrt drvenih je pojedini element nainjen.
elemenata (By: M. Pei, R. Sholz)
the ships cargo consisted of metal objects that had to a less- Nakon podrobnije analize relativno dobro ouvane brod-
er or greater extent lost their initial function. Most are melt- ske konstrukcije brodoloma moi e se zakljuiti da li je pri-
ed and were transported as damaged metal, semi-products sutan dovoljan broj kljunih elemenata, uz pomo kojih bi
or ingots meant for further processing. Among the finds are se mogao rekonstruirati izgled broda, te njegove original-
those of bronze, copper, brass, tin, iron and lead. The initial ne dimenzije. Takoer valja napomenuti kako su svim slo-
function of some objects can be identified and these include jevima nalazita pronalaeni vei ili manji komadi
fragments of boilers, parts of vessels, candleholders, small pougljenjenog drva, to navodi na zakljuak da
12. A semi-
statues and other. Given that the wreck is in relatively je brod nastradao u poaru.
product copper
shallow water it can be presumed that a percentage of strip / Bakrena
the ships cargo was recovered from the sea soon after traka - poluproizvod Prilikom pomicanja balastnog kamenja,
the ship sank this is supported by the almost com- (Photo: M. Kaleb) osim drvenih elemenata, pronalaeni su
plete absence of large artefacts. Most of the finds of the brojni drugi arheoloki nalazi povezani s ovim
ships cargo were discovered on the northern half of the brodolomom. ini se kako se brodski teret sa-
site, likely caused by the ship having listed and turned stojao se od metalnih predmeta koji su u veoj ili
over on this side. manjoj mjeri izgubili svoju prvotnu funkciju. Ve-
ina ih je rastaljena, te su se na brodu prevozili
The second group of finds are artefacts functionally re- kao oteeni metal, poluproizvodi ili ingoti koji
lated to the ships structure and ballast. A large quantity su bili namijenjeni daljnjoj preradi. Zastupljeni su
of iron nails and spikes of various sizes indicates that nalazi od bronce, bakra, mjedi, mesinga, kositra,
the wooden elements were joined with them. The iron eljeza i olova. Nekim predmetima se mogla pre-
spikes were likely used in combination with bronze poznati prvotna funkcija, pa imamo zastupljene:
nuts objects of square cross-section with a circular fragmente kotlova, dijelove zdjela, svijenjaka,
hole. This is supported by the find of an incrusted iron kipi itd. S obzirom da se brodolom nalazi u rela-
spike inserted into one such nut. Some of these arte- tivno plitkom moru moe se pretpostaviti kako je
facts, however, especially the very numerous bronze odreeni postotak brodskog tereta izvuen iz mora


nuts are likely part of the ships cargo of waste material, u vremenu neposredno nakon havarije, a u prilog tom za-
given their high state of damage or the fact that they kljuku ide i gotovo potpuni nedostatak veih predmeta.
are partially melted. Zanimljiv podatak je da se veina nalaza brodskog tereta
pronala na sjevernoj polovici lokaliteta, to je vjerojat-
The ships ballast is also numbered in this group, no prouzroeno time to se brod prevrnuo na tu stranu.
consisting largely of rounded stones with an
average diameter of 30 centimetres. The stone Druga skupina nalaza pripada predmetima koji su
is clearly sourced from rivers and most like- funkcionalno vezani uz brodsku konstrukciju i balast.
ly does not originate from the Croatian coast, Velika koliina eljeznih avala i klinova raznih dimenzi-
mostly limestone. The interesting phenomenon of ja upuuje nas na zakljuak da su drveni elementi bili s
double ballast material is observed on this wreck. njima povezani. eljezni klinovi bili su najvjerojatnije
Alongside the rounded stones we also found a quan- u kombinaciji s bronanim maticama - predmetima
tity of fragmented construction debris plaster, bits 13. etvrtastog presjeka s krunom rupom. Tom zaklju-
of brick, roof tiles and highly fragmented sherds A partially ku u prilog ide nalaz inkrustriranog eljeznog klina
of pottery and glassware and burned parts of melted koji prolazi kroz maticu. Ipak, za neke od tih pred-
brass figurine
animal bones. This would indicate the supple- / Djelomino
meta, posebice za vrlo brojne bronane matice
mentation of the ballast capacity with waste rastaljena mjedena valjalo bi pretpostaviti da su dio brodskog tereta
materials. figurica (Photo: otpadnog metala, jer su neke vrlo oteene ili di-
R. Suri) jelom rastaljene.
The conclusion that this is most likely ballast is sup-
ported by the position of this material between the ribs of U istu skupinu spada i brodski balast, koji je uglavnom
the ship, the highly fragmented state of the material and the sainjen od oblog kamenja prosjenog promjera 30
find of construction debris brick and plaster. The ap- cm. Kamenje je oito rijenog porijekla i najvjerojat-
pearance of this type of ballast material in post-me- nije ne potjee s hrvatske obale, uglavnom vapnena-
dieval ships along the Istrian coast is not rare, ke. Na ovom brodolomu uoena je zanimljiva pojava
as is borne out by the investigation of one 14. A brass dvojnog balastnog materijala. Naime, osim oblu-
ballast pile with material of this kind at decorated holder taka pronaena je i odreena koliina usitnjenog
Kuje cove near Linjan on the eastern or lamp handle/ graevinskog otpada - buke, dijelova opeka, crije-
coast of Istria and the nearby Uljeva C Mjedeni ukraeni pa, no i sitnijih ulomaka keramikog i staklenog po-
shipwreck (Beki, Suri 2015; Beki, Suri nosaili ruka sua te izgorenih djelia ivotinjskih kostiju. To uka-
svjetiljke (Photo:
in this issue). The analysis of potsherds R. Suri) zuje na djelomino popunjavanje balastnog kapaciteta
found as ballast points to the second half broda s otpadnog materijalom.
and end of the sixteenth and the early seven-
teenth century. The highly fragmented finds charac- Na zakljuak da se najvjerojatnije radi o balastu upuuje
poloaj takvog materijala meu rebrima broda, potom ve-
lika fragmentiranost materijala, te pronalazak graevinske
ute - opeka i buke. Pojava takvog balastnog materijala
u novovjekovnim brodovima uz istarsku obalu nije rijetka
pojava, emu svjedoi istraivanje jedne balastne hrpe s
takvim materijalom u uvali Kuje pored Linjana na isto-
noj istarskoj obali te oblinjem brodolomu Uljeva C (Be-
ki, Suri 2015; Beki, Suri u ovom broju). Analiza kera-
mikih ulomaka pronaenih u funkciji balasta ukazuje na
razdoblje druge polovine i kraja 16. te poetak 17. st. Sitni
nalazi koji su okarakterizirani kao dio balasta nisu se poje-
dinano mjerili, ve su se okvirno smjetali u kvadrante di-
menzija 2 x 2 m.
15. Plaster and brick from the ballast pile / Pronaeni
dijelovi buke i opeka iz balasta (Photo: M. Kaleb) Treoj i ujedno najslabije zastupljenoj skupini pokretnih na-
terised as ballast were not individually measured and only ap- laza pripadaju predmeti brodskog inventara. Tek se nekoli-
proximately positioned within two by two metre quadrants. cina ulomaka keramikih posuda i dio staklene ae s ukra-
som u obliku lavlje glave mogu pripisati ovoj skupini. Kao
The third and least represented group of small finds includes kljuan uvjet za razlikovanje brodskog inventara od nala-
the ships inventory. Only a few sherds of ceramic ware and za iz balasta bila je veliina, odnosno krhkost samog pred-
part of a glass with a decoration in the form of a lions head meta, kao i njegova ouvanost i funkcija. Pronaeni nalazi
can be attributed to this group. Size and the fragility of the mogu se okarakterizirati kao proizvodi venecijanskih radi-
artefact, along with the level of preservation and the function onica s kraja 16. i prve polovice 17. st. Nalazima brodskog
of the artefact were the critical criteria in drawing a distinc- inventara uzimala se precizna pozicija unutar nalazita.


tion between the ships inventory and the ballast finds. The Svi nalazi sada su privremeno pohranjeni u odjelu za
finds can be characterised as products of Venetian konzerviranje i restauriranje MCPA u Zadru, gdje e se
workshops of the late sixteenth and the first half of obavljaju svi potrebni restauratorski i konzervatorski ra-
the seventeenth century. Precise positions within dovi, a potom e se izvriti tipoloka analiza pronae-
the site were taken of the finds of ships inventory. nog materijala. Tijekom ovog procesa Roman Scholz je
u Zadru, s opremom RGK-DAI, ve napravio par stotina
All finds are now temporarily stored in the ICUA Zadar XRF analiza metalnih predmeta iz brodskog tereta, kao i
conservation and restoration department, where all fotografije detalja elektronskim mikroskopom, to e
necessary restoration and conservation work will pomoi u metalurkim analizama tereta.
be carried out, followed by a typological anal-
ysis of the recovered materials. During the Po zavretku iskopavanja drvena brodska kon-
process in Zadar Roman Scholz used RGK-DAI strukcija prvo je prekrivena sitnim pijeskom, a
equipment to make a few hundred XRF analyses potom je preko toga postavljena zatita geotekstil-
of the metal artefacts from the ships cargo along ne tkanine. Povrh geotekstila nanovo je dodan pi-
16. The lower
with photography of details using an electron part of a Venetian jesak, a potom je vraeno i balastno kamenje,
microscope, which will aid in the metallurgi- glass with a decoration to je stvorilo trajnu zatitu za otkrivene drve-
cal analysis of the cargo. in the form of a lions ne elemente. Naredne godine arheoloka ekipa
head / Donji dio mletake namjerava izvriti novi pregled u svrhu prae-
staklene ae s ukrasom
Upon completion of the excavation of the nja stanja (monitoring) i zatite nalazita.
u obliku lavlje glave
ships wooden structure it was first covered (Photo: M. Kaleb)
in fine-grained sand before being further cov- Neuobiajen teret, koji je ovaj brod u trenut-
ered with protective geotextile fabric. More sand ku potonua prevozio, predstavlja unikat meu ja-
was placed over the geotextile before the ballast stones dranskim brodolomima iz novovjekovnog doba. Istra-
were restored to the position creating a permanent protective ivanjem je zakljueno da je brod u trenutku potonua
covering of the discovered wooden elements. In the coming prevozio metalni otpad, ingote i metalne poluproizvode.
years the archaeological team intends to conduct new inspec- Oni su najvjerojatnije bili namijenjeni daljnjoj preradi,
tions with the objective of monitoring and protecting the site. emu u prilog ide injenica da je veina metalnog brod-
skog tereta gotovo u potpunosti rastaljena ili na sebi
The unusual cargo transported by this ship when it sank is nosi tragove taljenja.
unique among post-medieval Adriatic shipwrecks. The in-
vestigation concluded that the ship was transporting metal Dokumentirani su svi drveni dijelovi kao i nalazi elje-
waste, ingots and metal semi-products when it sank. They znih klinova i avala, to kasnije moe biti kljuno za re-
were most likely headed for further processing, supported konstruiranje brodske konstrukcije. Iskopavanjem nala-
by the fact that the majority of the ships metal cargo was al-
most entirely melted or bore traces of melting.

All wooden elements and finds of iron spikes and nails were
documented, which may later be critical in a reconstruction
the appearance of the ships structure. The excavation of the
site yielded finds that have been characterised as part of the
ships ballast, which opens further avenues to the interpreta-
tion of this vessel. The small number of finds that can be at-
tributed to the ships inventory points to the conclusion that
the ship was likely either looted prior to sinking or that the
inventory was salvaged not long after the shipwreck.

Following the field investigation we succeeded in linking this

shipwreck with a historical source describing a major Uskok
campaign against Rovinj in 1597. In March of that year, name-
ly, a force of 500 Uskok soldiers on seventeen ships undertook
a raid. In the waters off Rovinj they raided a large number of 17. XRF analysis at the ICUA depot / Izrada XRF analiza u
ships and took plunder valued at a million gold franks. They also depou MCPA (Photo: M. imii)
captured seven ships and also raided the La Pigna ship near the zita pronaeni su i nalazi koji su okarakterizirani kao
Brijuni islands. En route they met another Uskok ship, which the dio brodskog balasta, to nam daje daljnje mogunosti
force deployed to Veruda where a ship loaded with cargo had interpretacije broda. Mali broj nalaza koji se moe pripi-
been observed at anchor. This ship was successfully raided be- sati brodskom inventaru upuuje nas na zakljuak da je
fore the entire force made their way to the island of Krk were brod vjerojatno bio opljakan prije potonua ili je inven-
the spoils of the campaign were divided up (Novak 2004, 50). tar izronjen s potonulog broda jo u ono vrijeme.


18. A part of the Veruda 2016 research team.
Standing from the left/ Stoje s lijeva: Maja Kaleb,
Roko Suri, Demijan Bulji, Sandra Kamerla Bulji,
Enis Bulji, Roman Sholz, Mladen Pei, Andreas
Grundman, Dominic Hosner; Lower row: Luka Beki
(Photo: L. Beki)

By all accounts this historical event corresponds very well Nakon terenskog istraivanja, uspjeli smo povezati ovaj
with our shipwreck at Veruda. The event and the wreck can brodolom s vanim povijesnim svjedoanstvom, opisom
be associated by the dating of the wooden structure and Uskokog pohoda na Rovinj 1597. g. Naime, u oujku te
the finds, the fact that it was a commercial vessel anchored godine se ak 500 Uskoka na 17 brodova uputilo na plja-
off Veruda and by the finds of the remains of burned sec- kaki pohod. Stigli su pred Rovinj, gdje su opljakali vei
tions of the ship and by the lack of preserved valuable car- broj brodova i prikupili plijena u vrijednosti od milijun
go and equipment. Finally we can point to the find of two zlatnih franaka. Oteli su i 7 brodova te usput opljaka-
lead roundballs, likely from a kubura flintlock gun or a mus- li brod La Pigna kod Brijuna. Putem su susreli jo jedan
ket, which may be the physical traces of an attack. Archival uskoki brod, kojeg su uputili na Verudu, gdje su primi-
research will certainly continue to sustain or refute this hy- jetili usidren brod pun robe. Ovi su ga uspjeno oplja-
pothesis. kali i zapalili, te su se svi zaputili na Krk, kako bi podijelili
plijen iz ovog pohoda (Novak 2004, 50).
The relatively shallow water in which the wreck was found
allowed for a research campaign of very brief duration, under Prema svemu sudei, ovaj povijesni dogaaj se odlino
a month, which was largely contributed to by the use of an povezuje s naim brodolomom kod Verude. Dogaaj i
aluminium structure as a documentation aid. The results of brodolom moemo povezati po dataciji drvene struktu-
this new technical approach to digital underwater documen- re i nalaza, injenici da je rije o trgovakom brodu koji
tation have proven to be excellent and the maps and models je bio usidren na sidritu kod Verude, po naenim osta-
were created quickly and with great precision. The alumin- cima izgorenih dijelova broda i nedostatku sauvanijih
ium documentation bridge is now being testing in Baltic i vrjednijih predmeta tereta i opreme. Na kraju se moe
conditions and we hope to see it in use again in the Adriatic. spomenuti i nalaz dva olovna zrna neke kubure ili mu-
kete koji mogu biti fiziki trag prepada. Svakako e se
nastaviti s arhivskim istraivanjem, koje e ovu hipotezu
Bibliography / Literatura:
potvrditi ili opovrgnuti.
Beki, L. 2013 - Archaeological Survey of the Seabed in the
Broader Rovinj and Pula Areas in 2013; Rekognosciranje ireg
Relativno plitko more u kojem se nalazi brodolom, omo-
podmorja Rovinja i Pule 2013, Potopljena batina / Sub-
guilo je istraivanje u izuzetno kratkom vremenskom
merged Heritage 3, Zadar. 46- 50
razdoblju, za manje od mjesec dana, emu je uveli-
ke pripomoglo i koritenje aluminijske konstrukcije za
Beki, L., Suri, R. 2015 - Fourth Shipwreck Found at Cape
dokumentiranje. Rezultati tog novog tehnikog pristu-
Uljeva near Linjan / Pronaen etvrti brodolom na Uljevi
pa digitalnoj podvodnoj dokumentaciji pokazali su se
kod Linjana. Potopljena batina / Submerged Heritage 5,
izvanredni, te su nacrti i modeli izraeni vrlo precizno i
Zadar. 8-15.
brzo. Aluminijski dokumentacijski most sada se ispro-
bava u uvjetima Baltika, a nadamo se da e ponovno doi
Novak, G. 2004 - Jadransko more u sukobima i borbama kroz
na primjenu u Jadran.
stoljea II. Split.


New Results from Babulja Wa-
ters Archaeological Investigation
Novi rezultati arheolokih
istraivanja podmorja Babuljaa
Mladen Pei,
Lijepo i sunano vrijeme i ove nas je godine posluilo tijekom
dvotjednih istraivanja podmorja Babuljaa koja su se provodi-
la u ranu jesen. Voditelj istraivanja bio je Mladen Pei, zamje-
nik voditelja Beki, a strunu arheoloku ekipu inili
su Roko Suri, Maja Kaleb i Zdenka Vrgo. U arheolokim istrai-
vanjima sudjelovali su i podvodni arheolozi sudionici Praktine
radionice o podvodnoj arheologiji Jelena elebi (Crna Gora),
Barbora Machova (eka), Katarina Jerbi (Hrvatska), Elizabeth
Briggs (SAD). Usluge punjenja boca i uvanja opreme pruili su
nam nai dugogodinji suradnici iz ronilakog centra Nadji La-
guna iz Pakotana. Prologodinja istraivanja provedena su uz
financijsku potporu Turistike zajednice Pakotane, dok je ove
godine istraivanja financiralo Ministarstvo kulture RH.

Nakon to je lokalitet u podmorju otoia Babuljaa otkriven

1. Documenting archaeological finds in a trench / 2012. godine, ove godine provedena je etvrta kampanja pod-
Dokumentiranje arheolokih nalaza unutar sonde vodnih arheolokih istraivanja (Pei 2015). Istraivanja su po-
(Photo: R. Suri)
kazala da se na ovoj lokaciji nalazi vremenski dvoslojno nala-
Clear and sunny weather was in store for us during this zite. Vii, povrinski sloj sadri niz nalaza antikog perioda, a
years two-week early autumn investigation of the waters analizom materijala ustanovljeno je da se radi o brodolomu
off Babulja. Serving as the head of the investigation team koji je prevozio amfore i keramike posude porijeklom iz sje-
was Mladen Pei and his deputy Luka Beki DSc, with the verne Afrike u drugoj polovici 4. ili poetkom 5. stoljea. Do-
team of archaeologists including Roko Suri, Maja Kaleb nji sloj sadri prapovijesne, bronanodobne nalaze za koje se
and Zdenka Vrgo. Also joining the archaeological investi- ustanovilo da su na morsko dno doli uslijed ispiranja sa oto-
gation team were underwater archaeologists taking part in ia Babuljaa.
a practical underwater archaeology workshop Jelena el-
ebi (Montenegro), Barbora Machova (Czechia), Katarina U sondanim arheolokim iskopavanjima koja su se provodila
Jerbi (Croatia) and Elizabeth Briggs (USA). Diving cylinder zadnjih godina na prostoru antikog brodoloma istraene su
filling and equipment care was provided by our long-time 22 sonde to je u konanici rezultiralo s 88 m2 istraenog pro-
associates from the Nadji Laguna diving centre in Pako- stora. Arheoloki sloj u sondama je razliite debljine i varira od
tane. Last years investigation was funded by the Pakotane 10-ak centimetara u pliem sloju blie otoku, do 40-ak centi-
Tourism Board, while this years effort was financed by the metara u dubljem sloju. Ove godine uzeti su i uzorci sedimen-
Croatian culture ministry. ta sa nalazita i sa okolnog prostora radi analize organskih ele-
menata unutar slojeva nalazita.
This is the fourth underwater archaeological investigation
campaign to follow on the 2012 discovery of the site in the Metodologija istraivanja je na nalazitu ustaljena, kao i pret-
waters off Babulja (Pei 2015). The investigation has hodnih godina iskopi se vre unutar fiksnih sondi napravljenih
shown that there is a chronologically two-layered site od aluminijskih kvadratnih ipki koje su meusobno povezane
at this location. The upper surface layer contains finds te na taj nain tvore okvire od 2x2 metra. Oni se postavljaju i
from the Antiquity period, with the analysis of material premjetaju prema potrebi i irenju podruja koje se istrauje.
showing it to be the wreck of a ship that had transport- Dolaskom na teren brod se sidrio nedaleko lokaliteta, a pum-
ed amphorae and ceramic ware from north Africa in the pa i mamut sisaljke smjestili bi se na manji gumeni amac koji
second half of the fourth or early fifth century. The low- se sidrio tono iznad samog lokaliteta. Praksa detaljnog do-
er layer contains prehistoric, Bronze Age finds that made kumentiranja posebnih nalaza, tj. svih nalaza koji se mogu


tipoloki odrediti nastavljena je i ove godine, a svi podatci su
nakon biljeenja unoeni u program za dokumentiranje pod-
vodnih nalaza - Site Recorder. Princip dokumentacije temeljio
se na postavljanju kvadratne mree i fiksnih toaka na njiho-
vim sjecitima, od kojih (najee od dva ugla kvadranta) su se
mjerile udaljenosti posebnih nalaza unutar kvadranata. Ovom
metodom su do sada ukupno zabiljeena 203 posebna nalaza.
Tijekom zadnjih godina iskopavanja na ovom lokalitetu poka-
zalo se koja je vrsta materijala za njega karakteristina, pa se ti-
poloki repertoar nalaza uglavnom ponavlja i u ovoj kampanji.

2. A map of the trenches investigated over the past three

years (red indicates the trenches investigated in 2016 / Plan
istraenih sondi tijekom zadnje tri godine (crvenom bojom
oznaene su sonde istraene 2016. (By: M. Pei)
there way to the sea bottom after being washed down
from the islet of Babulja.

The archaeological trench excavations conducted over

the past few years at the site of the Antiquity period ship-
wreck has seen 22 trenches examined which has result-
ed in 88 square metres of investigated area. The archae-
ological layer in the trenches varies in thickness from
some ten centimetres in the shallower layer nearer to 3. Taking samples for sediment analysis / Uzimanje
the islet, to some forty centimetres in the deeper layer. uzoraka za analizu sedimenta (Photo: M. Pei)
This year we took samples of the sediment from the site Nalazi potjeu s prostora sjeverne Afrike i predstavljaju paletu
and the surrounding area for an analysis of organic ele- iroko koritenih proizvoda u kasnoj antici. Najvie nalaza pri-
ments in the layers. pada amforama, zatim grubom i finom sjevernoafrikom posu-
u, a ove godine naeno je nekoliko opeka te tubi fittili-ja. est
We have a well-established investigation method at this nalaz su i avli koji su bili dio brodske konstrukcije.
site as in previous years excavations are done within

4. Divers during
the excavation of
archaeological trenches
/ Ronioci prilikom
iskopavanja arheolokih
sondi (Photo: M. Pei)


fixed trenches made by placing square-profiled alumini-
um bars linked to one another such that they create two
by two metre frames. They are set up and moved as re-
quired and to expand the area under investigation.

Upon arrival at the location our boat was anchored not far
from the site and the pump and dredge set up on a small in-
flatable boat anchored right above the site. The practice of
creating detailed documentation of special finds, i.e. those
finds that can be typologically determined, was continued
this year, with all data then logged in the Site Recorder un-
derwater finds documentation application. The principle
followed in documentation is that a grid is established with
fixed points at the intersections from which (usually from two
corners of a quadrant) the distances were measured to spe-
cial finds within a quadrant. This method has been applied
thus far in registering 203 special finds. 5. Setting up a small boat housing the excavation pump /
Postavljanje manjeg broda na kojem je smjetena pumpa
The past years of excavation at this site has shown what ma- za iskop (Photo: R. Suri)
terials characterise it, with the typological repertoire largely Osim najzastupljenijeg tipa amfora Keay 25 koje se javljaju u
confirmed in this campaign. The finds originate from north nekoliko podtipova, a koje se prema opoj dataciji koriste u
Africa and include a range of products broadly used in the periodu od kraja 3. do sredine 5. stoljea, naeno je i nekoliko
Late Antiquity. Most of the finds are from amphorae, followed fragmenata amfora koje zahtijevaju daljnju analizu da bi se ti-
by coarse and fine north African ware. This year we also found poloki odredile.
several bricks and Roman vaulting/fictile tubes (tubi fittili).
Nails that were part of the ships structure are a frequent find. Nakon to smo 2014. godine pronali dvije amfore s peatom,
ove godine je naena jo jedna. Radi se o peatu koji se nalazi
Along with the Keay 25 type amphora, the most represented na grlu afrike amfore jo nedefiniranog tipa. Peat se sasto-
find, appearing in a number of sub-types, generally dated to ji od dvije utisnute krunice koje su jedna uz drugu. Gotovo
the late third to mid fifth century, we also found several frag-
ments of amphorae that require further analysis for a typo-
logical determination.

Two amphorae bearing stamps were found

in 2014 and another this year. This years
example is found on the neck of an Afri-
can amphora of as yet undetermined type.
The stamp consists of two impressed cir-
cles one next to the other. An almost
identical stamp was found on an am-
phora from Tunisia of the Keay 35B
type the type of amphora also found
last year at Babulja (Bonifay 2004, 14, fig.
5.11). Finds of stamps on amphorae are
6. An not frequent, making the shipwreck at 7. Parts of Keay 25 amphorae of variants 1, 2 and 3 / Dijelovi
amphora with a Babulja with its three stamped am- amfora Keay 25 varijanta 1, 2 i 3 (Photo: M. Kaleb)
double circle stamp phorae very significant in this regard. identian peat naen je i na amfori iz Tunisa, koja pripada
/ Amfora s peatom u tipu Keay 35 B, tipu amfore koje su naene prolih godina i na
obliku dviju krunica
(Photo: M. Kaleb) Also found at Babulja this year Babuljau (Bonifay 2004, 14, fig. 5.11). Nalazi peata na amfo-
along with the stamped amphora rama nisu esti, stoga je brodolom na Babuljau s tri amfore s
necks was a fragment with a partially peatom vrlo znaajan u tom pogledu.
preserved marking incised in the clay pri-
or to firing. The partially preserved incision in the form of the Osim grla amfore s peatom, na Babuljau je ove godine pro-
letter V is on the body of an amphora, but due to the frag- naen i fragment s djelomino ouvanom oznakom koja je
mentation we cannot say with certainty if a part of the let- urezana u glinu prije peenja. Radi se o tijelu amfore na kojem
ter is missing. This possibility is supported by the relatively se nalazi djelomino ouvan urez u obliku slova V, ali radi fra-
straight fracture where the incision continues, meaning that gmentiranosti ne moemo sa sigurnou rei nedostaje li dio
the incision could also be the letter M or N. Incisions on am- slova. Na tu pretpostavku upuuje relativno ravni lom amfore


phorae that are similar to our specimen na dijelu gdje se urez nastavlja, to znai da bi urez mogao
are found on amphorae from the Gulf predstavljati i slovo M ili N. Ureze na amforama koji imaju
of Hammamet area in Tunisia, although slinosti s naim primjerom, moemo nai i na amfora iz
these amphorae are not typologically prostora zaljeva Hammamet u Tunisu, iako te amfore tipo-
compatible with the specimens found loki nisu kompatibilne s primjercima do sada naenim na
thus far at Babulja (Bonifay 2004, 20). Babuljau (Bonifay 2004, 20).

Along with amphorae the primary Uz amfore, koje je brod s Babuljaa prevozio kao primar-
cargo of the ship wrecked at Babulja ni teret, kao sekundarni teret na brodolomu nalazimo
the secondary cargo included a broad itavu paletu kuhinjskog i finog posua porijeklom iz
range of cooking and fine ware originat- provincija sjeverne Afrike. Najei nalazi ku-
ing from the north African province. The hinjskog posua ove godine su bile du-
most frequent find of cooking ware this year are 8. An boke posude za kuhanje poznate i kao
deep casseroles of the Hayes 197 type and lids of the amphora with casserole - tip Hayes 197, te poklopci
an incised marking
Hayes 195 type. / Amfora s urezanom
tipa Hayes 195.
oznakom (Photo: M.
Kaleb) Fino posue poznato kao African red
slip ware najee je predstavljeno po-
sudama tipa Hayes 50B, a ove godine su
pronaene jo dvije fragmentirane reljefne
zdjelice tipa Hayes 53A. Naalost, ouvani su vrlo mali ulom-
ci i uglavnom im je reljefna povrina izlizana uslijed djelova-
nja mora te se vjerojatno prikaz na njima nee moi definirati.
Obje vrste posua predstavljaju luksuzne keramike proizvo-
de antikog perioda koju je karakterizirala fina faktura gline u
naranastim nijansama i glatki premaz iste boje. Meu ostalim
keramikim nalazima treba spomenuti dva prljena te nekoliko
9. Cooking ware of the Hayes 197 type during
documentation / Kuhinjska posuda tipa Hayes 197 prilikom
dokumentiranja (Photo: L. Beki)
Fine African red slip ware is most represented by vessels of
the Hayes 50B type, and this year we found another two small
fragmented relief bowls of the Hayes 53A type. Unfortunately,
very small sherds are preserved and the relief surface is large-
ly worn down as a result of the action of the sea, such that
it is likely that we will not be in a position to identify what is
depicted. Both types of ware are luxury ceramic products of
the Antiquity period characterised by a fine clay fabric in or-
ange nuances and a smooth slip of the same colour. Among 10. A drawing of the Hayes 197 type vessel / Crte posude
tipa Hayes 197 (By: M. Pei)
the other ceramic finds we should note two spindle whorls,
several fragmented bricks and tubi fittili. The find of brick on fragmenata opeka i tubi fittili-ja. Nalazi cigle na brodu u ovako
a ship in quantities this small could indicate that they are part malim koliinama mogli bi upuivati da pripadaju brodskoj
of the ships equipment and may have served as a base for opremi, a moda su mogli sluiti kao neka vrsta podloge za lo-
some kind of hearth. Tubi fittili are a construction ite. Tubi fittili su graevinski materijal koji je sluio za gradnju
material used in the construction of arches, but lukova, ali u ovom sluaju imao je neku drugu funkciju. Zasi-
in this case had some other function. They were gurno nisu bili dio brodskog tereta, jer je do sada naeno tek
certainly not part of the ships cargo, as only a few nekoliko fragmenata, te su morali imati neku uporabnu funk-
fragments have been found so far, and must have had ciju meu posadom broda.
some useful function for the ships crew.
Brodska konstrukcija ni nakon etiri godine istraivanja nije na-
The ships structure has not been found in all these four ena te nam jedino bronani i eljezni avli razliitih oblika i
years and only bronze and iron nails of various dijelovi olovne oplate predstavljaju dokaz o njenom postoja-
forms and sections of lead plating constitute 11. nju. Ove su godine svi bronani i olovni nalazi podvrgnuti XRF
evidence of its existence. This year all the An analizi metala radi odreivanja postotka odreenog elemen-
bronze and lead finds have been subject- integrally ta unutar legure. Ovom analizom i usporedbom s rezultatima
preserved bronze
ed to XRF metal analysis to determine the drugih analiza bronanih avala iz istog perioda moglo bi
nail / Cjelovito
percentages of the elements in the alloy. ouvani bronani se doi do vanih podataka o porijeklu broda. Analize me-
This analysis and a comparison with the avao (Photo: tala radio je Roman Scholz iz Rimsko-germanske komisije
M. Kaleb)
12. A part of the archaeological team that took part in this years investigation at Babulja. From the left / Dio arheoloke ekipa
koja je sudjelovala na ovogodinjim istraivanjima otoia Babuljaa. S lijeva: Roko Suri, Katarina Jerbi, Maja Kaleb, Barbora
Machova, Lisa Briggs, Mladen Pei, Zdenka Vrgo, Nadji Saadatpour, Luka Beki (Photo: L. Beki)

results of other analyses of bronze nails from the same pe- Njemakog arheolokog instituta (RGK-DAI) s kojim MCPA ima
riod could lead to important data about the origin of the dugogodinju suradnju.
ship. The metals analysis was done by Roman Scholz of the
Rmisch-Germanischen Kommission of the German Archae- Osim antikih, prapovijesni nalazi su i ove godine inili dio ar-
ological Institute (RGK-DAI) with which ICUA has been col- heolokog materijala koji je iskopan unutar sondi. I dalje se
laborating for many years. radi o nalazima koji su u podmorje dospjeli ispiranjem s obale,
uglavnom dijelom manjim fragmentima, izrazito krhke struk-
Along with the Antiquity period finds, the prehistoric finds ture i zaobljenih rubova. Ipak se i meu njima nalaze pojedini
again this year constituted a part of the archaeological ma- primjerci koji su izraeni od neto kvalitetnije gline i puno su
terial excavated from the trenches. The finds continue to be bolje ouvani od veine prapovijesnih nalaza. Radi se o lopta-
those originating from land, having been washed down to the stim posudama s dvije iroke trakaste ruke kakve su se ve
sea bottom from the shore, consisting largely of small frag- nalazile u podmorju Babuljaa. Keramiki materijal ima karak-
ments of exceedingly fragile structure and rounded edges. teristike identine nalazima prolih godina i okvirno se moe
There are, however, among these some specimens that are smjestiti u bronano doba.
fabricated of clay of somewhat better quality and are much
better preserved than the majority of the prehistoric finds. Nakon etiri godine istraivanja antikog brodoloma kod oto-
These are spherical vessels with two broad strap handles the ia Babuljaa moemo zakljuiti da je otkriven itav niz poda-
likes of which have already been found in the waters off Bab- taka koji e nam pomoi u rasvjetljavanju plovidbe brodova s
ulja. The ceramic material has characteristics identical to the teretom iz sjeverna Afrike. Svi nalazi potvruju dataciju brodo-
finds from the previous year and can be placed tentatively loma u vrijeme kraja 4. i poetka 5. st., a pretpostavlja se da bi
in the Bronze Age. polazina luka mogao biti Neapolis ili neka od oblinjih luka u
zaljevu Hammamet u Tunisu. Prapovijesni nalazi zahtijevaju jo
After four years of investigation of the Antiquity period ship- daljnje tipoloke analize koje bi nam potvrdile uu dataciju i ka-
wreck off the islet of Babulja we can conclude that a broad rakter bronanodobnih nalaza sa otoia i njegovog podmorja.
range of data has been collected that will aid us in shedding
light on the navigation of ships with cargos originating from
north Africa. All of the finds confirm the dating of the wreck Bibliography / Literatura:
to the late fourth and early fifth century and it is hypothe- Pei, M., 2015 - Babulja Waters Investigation Continues / Nas-
sised that the port of departure may have been Neapolis or tavak istraivanja podmorja Babuljaa, Potopljena batina /
one of the nearby ports in the Gulf of Hammamet in Tuni- Submerged Heritage 5, Zadar, 29-33.
sia. The prehistoric finds require further typological analysis
to confirm a closer dating and the nature of the Bronze Age Bonifay, M., 2004 - Etudes sur la cramique romaine tardive
finds from the islet and its waters. dAfrique, BAR International Series 1301, Oxford.


2016 Cape Uljeva Shipwrecks
Investigation Campaign
Istraivanja brodoloma na rtu
Uljeva, kampanja 2016. g.
Roko Suri, / Luka Beki,
Rocks that were certainly detested by ancient mariners Hridina koja je zasigurno meu drevnim moreplovcima
and deadly when a strong northerly bura was blowing, bila omraena, a za snanih bura i pogubna, privukla je i
again this year drew archaeologists from the Internation- ove godine arheologe iz Meunarodnog centra za pod-
al Centre for Underwater Archaeology (ICUA). Joined by vodnu arheologiju (MCPA). Uz pomo kolega iz Slove-
their colleagues from Slovenia, the Netherlands and Oman, nije, Nizozemske i Omana djelatnici centra proveli su u
ICUA staffers investigated four shipwrecks at Kuje cove in razdoblju od 16. do 25. listopada 2016. g. istraivanje na
the period from the 16th to 25th of October 2016. The ar- etiri brodoloma i u uvali Kuje. Arheoloka iskopavanja
chaeological excavations were conducted at the Uljeva A, provedena su na Uljevi A, B, i C, dok je na Uljevi D izvr-
B and C sites, while video and photographic documenta- ena video i fotodokumentacija u svrhu izrade 3D mo-
tion was made of Uljeva D with the aim of creating a 3D dela. Ovogodinja istraivanja nastavak su viegodinjih
model. This years investigation continues on a multi-year istraivanja (Beki 2012, 2012b, 2013, 2014; Beki, Suri
effort (Beki 2012, 2012b, 2013, 2014; Beki, Suri 2015) 2015) koja se provode od 1998. g.
that began in 1998.
Struni voditelj arheolokog istraivanja bio je
Serving as head of the campaign was Luka Beki DSc, with Beki, njegov zamjenik Mladen Pei, a ostatak strune i
deputy Mladen Pei and an expert and technical team tehnike ekipe inili su arheolozi Maja Kaleb i Roko Suri

1. The strong northerly bura wind is a frequent feature of

investigation at Uljeva / Jaki sjeverni vjetar Bura zatitni je
znak istraivanja na Uljevi (Photo: L. Beki)


consisting of archaeologists Maja Kaleb and Roko Suri (MCPA) te polaznici radionice Praktine radionice pod-
(ICUA) and participants of a practical underwater archae- vodne arheologije Sara orkovi (Slovenija), Robert De
ology workshop Sara orkovi (Slovenia), Robert De Hoop Hoop (Nizozemska), Nicole Schoute (Nizozemska) i Ah-
(the Netherlands), Nicole Schoute (the Netherlands) and med Al Siyabi (Oman). Radionicu je organizirao MCPA, a
Ahmed Al Siyabi (Oman). The workshop was organised sudjelovanjem na njoj polaznici su stekli iskustvo iz me-
by ICUA with the participants gaining experience in the todologije podvodnog istraivanja, ali i iz dokumentaci-
methodology of underwater research and in site and finds je nalazita i nalaza.

Just how dangerous these shallows were for sailors is

borne out by the remains of as many as four ships scat-
tered among the rocks off cape Uljeva, which closes off the
broad Kuje cove (near Linjan) to the left side. In terms of
its geology the terrain is a large underwater rock in excess
of 200 metres in length running along the coastline with
a breadth of over fifty metres from the shore, with small-
er rocks alternating at depths of from five to half a metre.
Ships that broke on these rocks were likely torn asunder by
the powerful waves that the bura wind creates here, with
their cargoes scattered over the sea bottom. The config-
uration of the sea bottom means that the finds are found
for the most part in the crevices between the rocks, with
some later covered by sand and pebbles. These character-
istics do not bode well for the preservation of the wooden
structures of the ships and none have been found at any 2. The archaeological team loaded and unloaded all the
of the sites in this campaign. The wrecks are designated equipment on our two boats on a daily basis / Arheoloka
ekipa mora svaki dan ukrcavati i iskrcavati kompletnu
as A, B, C and D. The objective of this years investigation
opremu na dvije brodice (Photo: M. Kaleb)
was to supplement our data on the distribution of the ar-
chaeological material and round out our picture of the Koliko je pliina bila opasna za moreplovce svjedoe nam
quantity and types of finds at the Uljeva A, Uljeva B and ostaci ak etiriju brodoloma rasutih po hridinama ispred
Uljeva C sites, while at Uljeva D the objective was to cre- rta Uljeva, koji s lijeve strane zatvara ulaz u prostranu
ate underwater imaging and then a 3D model of the site. uvalu Kuje kod Linjana. Geoloki gledano teren je velika
podvodna hrid duine preko 200 m uzdu obale i irine
In order to document the finds in their spatial reference preko 50 m od obale, na kojoj se manje stijene izmjenju-
it was decided that each pit at the site be treated as a ju od dubine 5 do 0,5 m. Brodovi koji su doivjeli nesreu
separate unit. This resolved the issue of a quadrant grid, na ovim hridinama vjerojatno su se raspali uslijed jakih
which on terrain of this kind is almost impossible to set valova koje bura na tom prostoru podie, a teret im se
up. Marking out the pit was greatly facilitated by the scan- rasuo po morskom dnu. Zbog takve konfiguracije mor-
ning of the sea bottom with a multibeam sonar carried out skog dna, nalazi su zaglavili u krapama meu stijenama,
by the Harpha Sea company from Slovenia in 2014 (Beki a dio je naknadno zatrpan pijeskom i sitnim kamenjem.
2014; Beki, Suri 2015). The imaging provided a bathy- Opisane karakteristike ne idu u prilog ouvanju drvene
konstrukcije, iji se dijelovi u ovoj kampanji nisu pronali
niti na jednom lokalitetu. Brodolomi su oznaeni slovi-
ma A, B, C i D. Cilj ovogodinjeg istraivanja bio je nado-
puniti podatke o rasprostiranju arheolokog materijala i
popunjavanje slike o koliini i tipu nalaza na lokalitetima
Uljeva A, Uljeva B i Uljeva C, dok je za Uljevu D cilj bio
izraditi podvodni snimak, a potom i 3D model lokaliteta.

Kako bi se nalazi dokumentirali u prostoru, odlueno je

tretirati svaku jamu na nalazitu kao zasebnu cjelinu. Na
taj nain rijeio se problem kvadratne mree, koju je na
ovakvoj vrsti terena gotovo nemogue postaviti. Ucrta-
vanju jama uvelike je pomoglo skeniranje morskog dna
viesnopnim sonarom koje je provela tvrtka Harpha Sea
iz Slovenije 2014. godine (Beki 2014; Beki, Suri 2015).
3. Beki fills in the Uljeva A site map on the basis of the
bathymetric map / Beki docrtava plan lokaliteta Uljeva A Snimanjem morskog dna dobila se batimetrijska, geore-
na osnovu batimetrijskog plana (Photo: R. Suri) ferencirana karta podmorja na lokalitetu. Raunalnom


metric, georeferenced map of the sea bottom at the site. obradom takvih karata nainjeni su precizni nacrti jama. Na taj
Computer processing of these maps has produced precise nain je svaki pronaeni predmet pripisan nekoj od jama, kojoj
drawings of the pits. In this manner every artefact found se zna toan poloaj unutar pozicije brodoloma. Smatramo da
is attributed to a pit for which we have an exact position e nam konano mapiranje nalaza dati neki obrazac, po kojem
within the shipwreck. We believe that the final mapping emo moi zakljuiti neto vie o veliini brodova i nainu na
of the finds will provide a template on the basis of which koji su se raspali.
we will be in a position to draw more definitive conclu-
sions on the size of the vessels and how they broke up. Kao i tijekom svih dosad provedenih kampanja prikupljena je
As with all the campaigns to date we again collected a vea koliina pokretnog arheolokog materijala na brodolomu
Uljeva A nego na brodolomu Uljeva B. Glavninu materijala na
ta dva brodoloma ini keramika, dok se na Uljevi C osim ulo-
maka keramikog posua, iskopavanjem pronalo mnotvo
opeka i stakla.

Osim ronilaca, bitan dio posla obavljala je ekipa na brodu, koja

je dokumentirala arheoloki materijal odmah po njegovu izla-
sku na povrinu. Tom dokumentacijom utvrena je ukupna te-
ina nalaza, broj ulomaka amfora i njihova teina, a potom su se
tipoloki odredivi ulomci pakirali za daljnju obradu, dok su se
svi ostali ulomci vraali u istu jamu u kojoj su pronaeni. Arhe-
oloki nalazi koji su se uzimali prolazili su kroz slijedei stupanj
dokumentacije, koji je obuhvaao fotografiranje i sortiranje na-

4. The terrain at the Uljeva rocks means that excavation

is a challenging undertaking / Teren na hridinama Uljeve
zahtjevan je za iskopavanje (Photo: R. Suri)
larger quantity of small archaeological finds from the Ul-
jeva A shipwreck than from Uljeva B. The lions share of
the material from these two wrecks is pottery, while Ul-
jeva C has yielded potsherds and an abundance of bricks
and glass.

Along with the divers an important part of the work also

falls on the team on board our boat, whose task was to
document the archaeological material as soon as it was
raised to the surface. This documentation established the
total weight of finds, the number of amphorae sherds and
their weight, followed by the packing of typologically de- 5. Documentation of finds immediately as they are raised
terminable sherds for further analysis, with all other sherds to the surface / Dokumentacija nalaza odmah po vaenju
iz mora (Photo: L. Beki)
restored to the sea bottom, to the pit in which they were
found. The archaeological finds that were taken where laza, a potom i pakiranje u mreice zajedno sa signaturom. Na
then processed through the next stage of documenta- taj nain predmeti su pripremljeni za transport i proces desali-
tion, including photographing and sorting of the finds nizacije u Odjel za restauriranje i konzerviranje MCPA u Zadru.
and then packing in labelled nets. The
artefacts were Osim na brodolomima istraivanja su se zbog vremenskih ne-
thus prepared prilika vrila i u uvali Kuje, gdje se na morskom dnu nalazi bala-
stna hrpa s novovjekovnim nalazima opeka, stakla i keramike.
Po sredini balastne hrpe istraen je jedan rov veliine 3 x 1 m.

6. Some of U ovogodinjoj kampanji arheolokim istraivanjem na brodo-

the amphorae
lomu Uljeva A pronaeno je mnotvo ulomaka amfora i ulo-
finds from Uljeva
A / Neki od nalaza maka kuhinjskog posua. Ove su godine istraene jame AJ11,
amfora s Uljeve A AJ12, AJ13, AJ14, AJ15, AJ18, AJ21, AJ22, AJ23 i AJ35. Na bati-
(Photo: M. Kaleb) metrijskoj karti izvueni su obrisi jama pa su se nalazi mogli ti-
jekom iskopavanja sedimenata u jamama dokumentirati i po-
zicionirati. Do sada je iskopano 25 jama u kojima je sveukupno
pronaeno 2338,8 kilograma nalaza, koji su izvaeni na brod.


for transport and the desalinisation pro- Od toga je zabiljeeno 5145 ulomaka amfora od kojih
cess at the restoration and conservation 51 iljak, 51 ep, 132 dijelova ruki i 62 dijela oboda. U
department of ICUA Zadar. veini jama su se osim ulomaka amfora koje pripada-
ju tipu Lamboglia 2 mogli pronai i ulomci kuhinjskog
Investigation moved to Kuje cove when posua i tegula.
weather did not permit investigation of these Na Uljevi B je ove godine istraeno pet jama: BJ47, BJ52,
wrecks at Kuje there is a ballast heap on BJ56, BJ58 i BJ59. S obzirom da teren na lokalitetu Uljeva
the sea bottom with post-medieval finds B karakterizira velik broj relativno slinih malih, no dubo-
of brick, glass and pottery. A three by one kih jama, do izraaja je dolo koritenje batimetrijske kar-
metre trench was investigated at the cen- te za dobivanje plana nalazita. Na taj nain dobili su se
tre of the ballast heap. precizni obrisi jama, a ronioci su se na osnovu takvog plana
lake snalazili u nizu slinih jama na morskom dnu. Iako se u
An abundance of amphorae and cook- istraenim jamama pronalaze ulomci amfora, glavninu nalaza
ing ware sherds were found at the Uljeva A predstavljaju brojni dijelovi ECW odnosno egejskog grubog
wreck in this years campaign. This year saw the kuhinjskog posua, od kojih su neki ulomci izvanredno do-
6. The upper
investigation of pits AP11, AP12, AP13, AP14, end of a Spatheion bro sauvani s obzirom na uobiajen stupanj sauvanosti
AP15, AP18, AP21, AP22, AP23 and AP35. amphora from ostalih otkrivenih predmeta. Na Uljevi B je pregledano
The contours of the pits were extracted Uljeva B / Gornji dio sveukupno 376,4 kilograma nalaza, meu kojima se iz-
from the bathymetric map in order to doc- Spatheion amfore s dvaja 3061 ulomak amfora od ega 56 iljaka, 5 epova,
ument and position the finds in the course Uljeve B (Photo: 111 dijelova ruki, 73 dijelova oboda, 11 avala, 9 balast-
M. Kaleb)
of the excavation of the sediment. So far twen- nih kamenova i 3 ulomka stakla. Meu pronaenim ulom-
ty-five pits have been excavated yielding a total cima amfora i dalje prevladavaju nalazi afrikih tipova, koji se
of 2338.8 kilograms of finds raised to our boat. Of this we datiraju od 3. do 5. st.
registered 5,145 amphorae sherds, of which 51 spikes, 51
stoppers, 132 handle sections and 62 rim sections. In most Osim antikih brodoloma na hridi Uljeva nalazi se i brodo-
pits cooking ware sherds and tegulae were found along lom iz novovjekovnog perioda Uljeva C. Na njemu su ove
with the sherds of Lamboglia 2 type amphorae. godine istraene jame CJ4, CJ9, CJ10, CJ11, CJ15, CJ18, CJ19
Five pits were investigated this year at Uljeva B: BP47,
8. Al Siyabi
investigates at
Uljeva C /
Al Siyabi istrauje na
Uljevi C
(Photo: R. Suri)

7. Some of the post-medieval finds from Uljeva C/ Neki od

novovjekovnih nalaza pronaenih na Uljevi C
(Photo: M. Kaleb)
BP52, BP56, BP58 and BP59. Given that the terrain at the
Uljeva B site is characterised by a large number of rela-
tively similar small and deep pits the use of bathymet-
ric maps to map out the site truly came to the fore. This
gave us precise contours of the pits and the divers found
it easier to make their way around the many similar pits
at the sea bottom. Although amphorae sherds were also
found in these pits the majority of the finds are numer-
ous sherds of ECW, i.e. coarse Aegean cooking ware, with
some exceptionally well-preserved sherds given the gen-
eral preservation condition of the other discovered arte-
facts. At Uljeva B we examined a total of 376.4 kilograms
of finds, among which 3,061 amphorae sherds, of which 56


spikes, five stoppers, 111 handle sections, 73 rim sections, i CJ20, dok je CJ24 ostala nedovrena. Najvei postotak na-
and 11 nails, nine ballast stones and three glass fragments. laza s ovog lokaliteta pripada opekama i krovnom crijepu,
Among the amphorae sherds found the predominant are koji su najvjerojatnije inili brodski balast, a u trenutku bro-
finds of African types dated to the third to fifth century. doloma su se zajedno s brodskim teretom rasuli po mor-
Besides to the Antiquity period wrecks the Uljeva rocks skom dnu. Od brodskog tereta pronaeni su brojni ulomci
are now also home to a post-medieval shipwreck, Uljeva novovjekovnog staklenog i keramikog posua, dok su od
dijelova brodske konstrukcije pronaeni razni klinovi i a-
vli. Brojni ulomci koji tipoloki pripadaju novovjekovnom
stolnom glaziranom posuu gotovo u potpunosti su izgu-
bili glazuru, pa se ukras na nekim mjestima nazire samo u
tragovima, to oteava precizniju tipoloku dataciju. Razlog
za tako lou ouvanost treba traiti u injenici da je lokali-
tet smjeten u relativno plitkom moru gdje na morsko dno
djeluju snani valovi. Meu ovogodinjim nalazima se istie
konglomerat metalnih klinova i nalaz okruglog stakla, mo-
da od novovjekovnih naoala. Na osnovu pronaenog ma-
terijala brodolom bi se mogao smjestiti u 17. st.

Brodolom Uljeva D prvi put je pregledan u prologodinjoj

9. A 3D model of the Uljeva D site a view of the wreck kampanji (Beki, Suri 2015). Tada je ustanovljeno da se radi
from the west / 3D model nalazita Uljeva D - pogled na o antikom brodolomu s teretom tegula (tegulae), imbrek-
brodolom sa zapada (By: R. Suri)
sa (imbreces) i tubi fittili-a. Na ovom lokalitetu se nije vrilo
C. There we investigated pits CP4, CP9, CP10, CP11, CP15, iskopavanje, ve je izvrena foto i video dokumentacija u
CP18, CP19 and CP20 this year, with the excavation of CP24 svrhu izrade 3D modela. Glavnina arheolokog materijala
not completed. The greatest percentage of finds from this nagomilana je u jami dimenzija 10 x 6 m, te u pukotinama
site are of bricks and roof tiles, which likely served as the meu stijenama istono od jame. Na lokalitetu je izvreno
ships ballast and were scattered on the bottom when the snimanje podvodnom kamerom (GoPro HERO 3), a potom
ship broke. From the ships cargo we have found numerous su iz dobivenih snimaka izvueni isjeci (ukupno njih 750)
fragments of post-medieval glass and ceramic ware. Recov- koji su upotrijebljeni za izradu modela. Za izradu modela
ered from the ships structure are various spikes and nails. koriten je program Agisoft - Photoscan, a pomou njega
The many sherds that are typologically of post-medieval nainjen je i ortofoto plan lokaliteta. Izraeni model i plan
glazed tableware have almost entirely lost their glazing, lokaliteta moi e se u budunosti iskoristiti za potrebe do-
with the decoration visible only sporadically and in trac- kumentacije nalazita prije nego se krene u iskopavanje.
es, which hampers a more precise typological dating. The
reason for this poor level of preservation likely lies in the Paralelno s iskopavanjima na hridi Uljeva, u ovoj kampanji
fact that the site lies in relatively shallow waters, where se provelo i rekognosciranje jednog dijela uvale Kuje, a po-
the powerful local waves act on the sea bottom. Notewor- tom i iskopavanje na jednoj od balastnih hrpi. Pregledom

10. Kuje cove with indicated positions of the ballast

heaps / Uvala Kuje s oznaenim pozicijama pronaenih
balastnih hrpi (By: R. Suri /


11. The Uljeva 2016 archaeological team with fishers from Linjan;
standing from the left: / Arheoloka ekipa Uljeva 2016 s linjanskim
ribarima; stoje s lijeva: Luka Beki, ribari Dalibor i Nino Kostei, Maja
Kaleb, Sara orkovi, Mladen Pei, Ahmed Al Siyabi; ue s lijeva:
Roko Suri, Nicole Schoute, Robert De Hoop (Photo: L. Beki)

thy among this years finds are an agglomeration of metal je ustanovljeno da se na istonoj strani uvale na dubini od
spikes and the find of round glass, perhaps from post-me- 2 do 4 m nalazi vie balastnih hrpi. Za neke balastne hrpe se
dieval eyeglasses. Based on the material found this wreck ne moe sa sigurnou ustanoviti vrijeme nastanka, dok se
could be from the seventeenth century. neke na osnovu materijala mogu datirati u razdoblje 17. st.
Na dvije balastne hrpe se napravila foto i video dokumen-
Shipwreck Uljeva D was first examined during last years tacija u svrhu izrade fotomozaika.
campaign (Beki, Suri 2015). It was established then that
this is an Antiquity period shipwreck with a cargo of tegu- Na balastnoj hrpi (oznaena kao B1) u sjeveroistonom di-
lae, imbrices and vaulting/fictile tubes (tubi fittili). Excava- jelu uvale Kuje, na dubini od oko 2 m osim pregleda izvrilo
tions were not undertaken at this site as the focus was on se i iskopavanje. Na istoj hrpi je u prologodinjoj kampanji
photographic and video documentation aimed at creat- istraen rov dimenzija 3 x 1 m, a isti takav rov istraen je ove
ing a 3D model. The preponderance of the archaeological godine na sreditu hrpe, ne bi li se pronalo im vie nalaza
material is found in a 10 by six metre pit and in crevices koji bi mogli posvjedoiti karakteru ovog lokaliteta. Iskopa-
among the rocks to the east of the pit. The site was im- vanjem je pronaena velika koliina graevinskog otpada,
aged using an underwater camera (GoPro HERO 3) and a kao to su fragmentirane opeke i crijep, no pronaen je i ve-
total of 750 extracts from the images obtained were used lik broj ulomaka keramikog posua koje na osnovu stilskih
to create a model. Agisoft-Photoscan software was used karakteristika moemo smjestiti u period 17. st. Gotovo sa si-
to create the model and an orthophoto map of the site. gurnou se moe zakljuiti kako su nalazi keramikog posu-
The model and site map will be of use in the future when a, zajedno s graevinskim otpadom, bili u funkciji balasta.
documenting the site ahead of excavation.
Ovogodinjim istraivanjem nadopunjena je slika poznava-
Parallel to the excavations at the Uljeva rocks, this cam- nja karaktera lokaliteta na hridinama pred rtom Uljeva i u
paign also saw us conduct an archaeological survey of uvali Kuje. Unato injenici da su ostaci brodoloma znaaj-
a part of Kuje cove followed by excavation at one of the no uniteni zbog karaktera podvodnog terena, kao i uslijed
ballast heaps. The survey established that there are mul- devastacije zbog pristupanosti nalazita, ipak predstavlja-
tiple ballast heaps to the east side of the cove at depths ju dragocjen izvor podataka za arheoloku znanost. Arheo-
of from two to four metres. For some of the ballast heaps loka graa, koja je zbog svog karaktera ili mogunosti stil-
we cannot with certainty determine a time of occurrence, ske, odnosno tipoloke datacije vana, dokumentirana je i
while others can be dated to the seventeenth century on donesena u MCPA Zadar, gdje e u radionicama za restau-
the basis of materials found. Photographic and video doc- riranje i konzerviranje proi procese koji su nuni za njiho-
umentation was made of two ballast heaps with the aim vu zatitu, a potom e krenuti u daljnju dokumentacijsku
of creating a photomosaic. obradu i publikaciju.


12. A view of part of the Uljeva D shipwreck with remains of
imbrices and tegulae / Pogled na dio brodoloma Uljeva D,
s ostacima imbreksa i tegula (Photo: R. Suri)

Along with the survey we also conducted excavations at a Podmorje na hridi Uljeva i u uvali Kuje krije mnoge spoznaje o
ballast heap designated as B1 in the northeast plovidbi i teretu, ali i ivotu na prostoru istone istar-
section of the cove at a depth of about two ske obale kroz povijest. Kako bi
metres. A three by one metre trench was ex ova arheoloka nalazita
cavated here during last years campaign and 13. Some of dobila poseban zna-
a trench of the same size was investigated this the finds of pottery aj, potrebno ih je
year at the centre of the heap with the objective found in the investigation iskoristiti za popu-
of the trench at a
of finding as many finds as possible that would ballast heap / Neki njavanje turistike
bear witness to the nature of this site. The ex- od keramikih nalaza ponude i popula-
cavation yielded a large quantity of construction pronaenih istraivanjem rizaciju kulturne
rova na balastnoj hrpi
debris such as fragmented brick and roofing tiles batine u junoj
(Photo: M. Kaleb)
and a large number of potsherds the stylistic char- Istri. Isto tako, za de-
acteristics of which allow us to place them in the taljnije sagledavanje
seventeenth century. We can be almost entire- povijesti ovih dogaaja biti
ly confident that the pottery and construction e potrebno nastaviti istraivanja.
materials found were used as ballast.

This years investigation has supplemented our insight Bibliography / Literatura:

into the nature of the sites at the rocks off cape Uljeva and in Beki, L. 2012 - Launch of Systematic Research of Roman Pe-
Kuje cove. Despite the significant destruction of the remains riod Shipwrecks at Cape Uljeva / Poetak sustavnih istraivanja
of the wrecks attributable to the nature of the underwater antikih brodoloma na rtu Uljeva. Potopljena batina / Submer-
terrain and the devastation that its accessibility led to, it re- ged Heritage 2, Zadar. 34 - 38.
mains a precious source of data for archaeological science.
The archaeological material significant due to its characteris- Beki, L. 2012b - Rt Uljeva A i B, Linjan. Hrvatski arheoloki go-
tics or the possibility of its stylistic or typological dating was dinjak 9/2012. Zagreb.
documented and taken to ICUA Zadar where it will be given
treatment at the restoration and conservation workshops as Beki, L. 2013 - Continued Research of the Roman Period Shi-
required for its protection prior to further documentation pwrecks at Cape Uljeva near Linjan / Nastavak istraivanja an-
processing and publication. tikih brodoloma na rtu Uljeva kod Linjana. Potopljena batina
/ Submerged Heritage 3, Zadar. 31-34.
The waters at the Uljeva rocks and Kuje cove offer many yet
to be discovered insights into navigation and cargos and Beki, L. 2014 - Three Shipwrecks at Cape Uljeva near Linjan /
life on the eastern coast of the Istrian peninsula in the past. Tri brodoloma na rtu Uljeva kod Linjana. Potopljena batina /
These archaeological sites will be of even grater significance Submerged Heritage 4, Zadar. 25-32.
if developed to round out the tourism offer and to popular-
ise cultural heritage in southern Istria. Further investigation Beki, L., Suri, R. 2015. - Fourth Shipwreck Found at Cape Ulje-
is required, however, for a more detailed insight into the his- va near Linjan / Pronaen etvrti brodolom na Uljevi kod Li-
tory of these events. njana. Potopljena batina / Submerged Heritage 5, Zadar. 8-15.


Underwater and Land
Archaeological Investigation of
Suleimans Bridge at Darda
Podvodna i kopnena arheoloka
istraivanja Sulejmanovog mosta
u Dardi
Mladen Pei,
Having learned from the experiences of the previous archae- Poueni iskustvima prethodnih arheolokih istraivanja koja
ological investigation campaigns that took place during the su se odvijala tijekom hladnijih listopadnih mjeseci, etvr-
colder month of October, the fourth season of the underwater ta sezona podvodnih i kopnenih istraivanja Sulejmanovog
and land investigation of Suleimans Bridge at Darda was staged mosta u Dardi provodila se u toplijem srpanjskom periodu.
during the warmer July period. Investigation was also carried
out alongside the Mala ola fishpond in Darda, the northern-
most terminus of the wooden bridge commissioned by the sul-
tan Suleiman the Magnificent and built in 1566. The archaeo-
logical research was financed by the Croatian culture ministry,
with Mladen Pei serving as expert leader and Luka Beki DSc
as deputy leader. The expert team consisted of Roko Suri and
Maja Kaleb (ICUA), Dr Tom Levani of the Slovenian Forestry Insti-
tute (Gozdarski Intitut Slovenije), land archaeologists ime Vrki
and Marko Gai, and labourers Milan Suzi, Krunoslav Markovi
and Marko Zagorak. The services of Saa Stipani of the Za-
dar Sub company were used in the course of the investigation
for underwater work and of the Vektra company for geodesic
surveying. Employees of the municipal services department of
the Municipality of Darda offered much appreciated help in the
preparation of the land area of the site, backhoe excavation and
clearing the terrain of sand post-investigation thanks to the ef-
forts of Ruica Radovanovi and Milica Ivezi of the municipal-
itys administrative department. 1. Geodetic survey with the distribution of trenches in relation
to the Esterhazy palace / Geodetski snimak sa rasporedom
Following on the investigation carried out to date in 2009, 2011 sondi u odnosu na dvorac Esterhazy (By: Vektra)
and 2014 (Pei 2011, Suri 2014) the primary objective of this Istraivanja su vrena u i uz ribnjak Mala ola u Dardi, naj-
continuation of archaeological work was to supplement the sjevernijoj toki gdje je zavravao drveni most koji je
data on the distribution of the underwater segment of the izgraen 1566. g. po nalogu sultana Sulejmana Ve-
site, to document the remains of the wooden structure 2. Scorched lianstvenog. Arheoloka istraivanja financiralo
and the positions of finds on the bottom of the pond wooden plank in je Ministarstvo kulture Republike Hrvatske, vo-
trench A / Drvena
nagorena daska u
ditelj istraivanja bio je Mladen Pei, zamjenik
sondi A (Photo: voditelja Beki. Struni dio ekipe ini-
L. Beki) li su Roko Suri i Maja Kaleb (MCPA), prof.dr.Tom
Levani s Gozdarskog Intituta Slovenije, kopneni
arheolozi ime Vrki i Marko Gai, te pomoni radnici
Milan Suzi, Krunoslav Markovi i Marko Zagorak. Tijekom
istraivanja koritene su usluge Sae Stipania iz tvrtke Za-
dar Sub za podvodne radove, te tvrtkeVektra za geodetska
snimanja. Prilikom pripreme kopnenog dijela terena i iskopa
bagerom, kao i ienja terena od pijeska nakon istraivanja


and to take samples of the wooden structure for dendrological veliku pomo pruili su komunalni djelatnici Opine Darda
analysis. Underwater trenching was conducted in the course of zahvaljujui razumijevanju Ruice Radovanovi i Milice Ive-
this years investigation with the aid of a dredge. Along with the zi iz Upravog odjela Opine.
underwater work we continued with the manual excavation of
the embankment of sand dredged from the fishpond in 2008 Slijedom dosadanjih istraivanja koja su provedena tijekom
and the investigation of one trench on the land segment along 2009., 2011. i 2014. g. (Pei 2011, Suri 2014), prvenstveni
the banks of the fishpond. cilj nastavka arheolokih radova je bio nadopunjavanje po-
dataka o rasprostiranju podvodnog nalazita, dokumentira-
The archaeological excavations in the fishpond were done at nje ostataka drvene konstrukcije i poloaja nalaza na dnu, te
three locations, named trenches A, C and D. The first trench, A, is uzimanje uzoraka drvene konstrukcije radi njihove dendro-
located on the eastern side along the very edge of the islet. This kronoloke analize. Tijekom ovogodinjih istraivanja rae-
location was selected on the basis of the concentration of finds na su i podvodna sondana iskopavanja uz pomo mamut
here. A long burnt wooden plank and several piles strew about in sisaljke. Osim podvodnih istraivanja, nastavilo se s runim
undefined positions were found here. The second trench in the iskopom nasipa pijeska koji je izvaen iz ribnjaka tijekom
fishpond was designated C and is located on the southern bank 2008. g., te je istraena i jedna sonda na kopnenom dijelu
of the fishpond immediately adjacent to the waters edge. This uz obalu ribnjaka.
position was selected following on the finds of wooden posts
and structural elements of the bridge discovered in 2014. This is Arheoloki iskop u ribnjaku obavljen je na tri lokacije, koje
a vertical post of square cross-section that enters into a groove su nazvane sonda A, C i D. Prva sonda nazvana je sonda A i
in another horizontal beam of similar cross-section. The third un- nalazi se na istonoj strani otoia uz sami njegov rub. Ova
derwater trench, D, is an excavation along the length of a long
beam with an X mark discovered during the 2011 campaign.

No fixed quadrants, i.e. a metal structure typical of underwa-

ter sites, were installed on the bottom of the fishpond, rather
the perimeter of the quadrant was marked out with long met-
al spikes between which the excavation was carried out, with
these four perimeter points defining the quadrant. Two spikes
were installed on the waters edge and the other two in a deep-
er part of the fishpond. The excavation pump was set up on the
banks of the fishpond from where fire hose and a dredge were
moved to the individual trenches for excavation. The trenches
were two by one metres in size. Due to the poor visibility and
the resulting possibility of missing very small finds a net was
installed on the end of the dredge to collect finds from the ex-
cavation. Once the net had been filled, archaeologists aboard
an inflatable boat above the trench would examine the con-
tents. For the most part organic material created by the depo- 3. The excavation pump was installed on the edge of the
fishpond / Pumpa za iskop je postavljena na rubnom dijelu
sition of material on the bottom of the fishpond over the years,
ribnjaka (Photo: R. Suri)
including leaf litter, bulrush and reeds, was collected from the
trenches during excavation, but this search method did reveal pozicija je odabrana na osnovu nalaza koji su tu koncentri-
a number of new finds that would certainly have been missed rani. Radi se o duoj nagorenoj drvenoj dasci, te nekoliko pi-
in the murky water of the fishpond. lona koji su tu nabacani u nedefinirani poloaj. Druga son-
During the excavation of trenches A and D we observed that da u ribnjaku nazvana je sonda C i nalazi se na junoj obali
ribnjaka uz samu obalu. Ova pozicija odabrana je slijedom
nalaza drvene grede i konstruktivnih elemenata mosta koji
su tu otkriveni tijekom 2014. g. Radi se o okomitoj gredi kva-
dratnog presjeka koja ulazi u utor druge horizontalne grede
slinog presjeka. Trea podvodna sonda D predstavlja iskop
uz dugaku gredu s oznakom X koja je otkrivena tijekom
kampanje 2011. g.
4. Installing
the finds capture Na dno ribnjaka nisu postavljani fiksni kvadran-
netting on the dredge ti, tonije metalna konstrukcija kakva je uobia-
/Postavljanje mree jena na podmorskim nalazitima, ve su rubovi
za nalaze na mamut kvadranata oznaeni metalnim ipkama izmeu
sisaljku (Photo: M.
kojih se obavljao iskop, a te etiri rubne toke su
predstavljale kvadrant. Dvije ipke postavljene su


there was no archaeological layering. The silty bottom is chock uz samu obalu, dok su druge dvije bile postavljene u du-
full of the organic remains of reeds between which we observed bljem dijelu ribnjaka. Pumpa za iskopavanje je bila postavlje-
the remains of highly fragmented burned wood deposited dur- na na obali ribnjaka odakle su se vatrogasna crijeva i mamut
ing the destruction of the bridge. An interesting find is that of sisaljka prenosili na pojedinu sondu radi iskopavanja. Sonde
wooden pegs of square cross-section that served to bind the koje su postavljene su dimenzija 2x1 metar. Radi loe vidlji-
structural elements of the bridge we have found these pegs in vosti i mogunosti proputanja sitnih nalaza, na kraj mamut
the campaigns of the previous years. One large entirely scorched sisaljke postavljena je mreica u koju su se prikupljali svi na-
plank from the trench, which may be part of the walking surface, lazi iz iskopa. Nakon to bi se mreica ispunila, na gumenom
also had two visible pegs. The distance between them could amcu koji se nalazio iznad sonde arheolozi su pregledavali
help us in ascertaining its place in the structure when analysing cjelokupan sadraj iz iskopa. Najveim dijelom u sondi bi se
the bridges structural elements. Metal remains were not found prilikom iskopa prikupio organski materijal nastao taloe-
in trenches A and D, while among ceramic finds there was only njem na dnu ribnjaka tijekom godina, kao to su ostatci lia,
a small green glazed rim sherd found along with a few animal trske, ai, ali se ovom metodom pretraivanja otkrio itav
bone fragments. niz novih nalaza koje bi pregledom u mutnoj vodi ribnjaka
tijekom iskopa bilo nemogue zamijetiti.
Trench C was set at a location where we observed a greater con-
centration of massive wooden elements. Unlike the previous Prilikom iskopa unutar
trenches, in this one we observed layering. This first excavation sondi A i D zamijee-
layer consisted largely of organic material reeds, grass and leaf no je da je ne postoji
litter. Beneath it we find a loose layer consisting of pebbles, fine uslojenost nalazita u
grained sand, broken bricks and archaeological finds. Its thick- vidu arheolokih slojeva.
5. Sherds of so called Bosnian jug decorated
with rouletting / Ulomci tzv. Bosanskog vra ukraenog
ruletiranjem (Photo: M. Kaleb)
Muljevito dno prepuno je organskih ostataka trske izmeu
koje se mogu zamijetiti i ostaci sitnog nagorenog drva koje
se nataloilo uslijed unitavanja mosta. Zanimljivi su nalazi
drvenih klinova kvadratnog presjeka koji su sluili kao pove-
znica izmeu konstruktivnih elemenata mosta, a takve klino-
ve ve smo nalazili i prijanjih godina. Jedna vea potpuno
izgorena daska iz sonde koja bi mogla biti dio hodne povr-
ine takoer je imala vidljiva dva klina ija bi udaljenost pri-
likom prouavanja elemenata mosta mogla pomoi u defi-
niranju njene pozicije i konstrukcije openito. U sondi A i D
6. Find of a fragmented smoking pipe from trench C/ Nalaz
fragmentirane lule iz sonde C (Photo: R. Suri)
nisu naeni nikakvi metalni ostatci, a od keramikih ulomaka
naen je tek manji fragment oboda sa zelenom glazurom,
ness is less than ten centimetres. Beneath this layer is compact kao i nekoliko fragmenata ivotinjskih kostiju.
silt in which we find archaeological material. Among the archae-
ological finds there is a range of highly fragmented pottery, from Sonda C postavljena je na lokaciji gdje je zamijeena vea
which we can identify pottery of Turkish provenance, central koncentracija masivnih drvenih elemenata. Za razliku od
European glazed and coarse pottery and a type of Bosnian jug prethodnih sondi, u ovoj sondi uoena je slojevitost. Prvi
originating from the sixteenth to seventeenth century (Kovcs iskopni sloj uglavnom se sastojao od organskog materija-
2003, 261) and several shards of glass ware. Also interesting are la trske, trave i lia. Ispod njega nalazimo sipki sloj koji je
finds of fragments of smoking pipes, a large number of which
were recovered this year. As items of daily use they bear witness
to the frequent use of the area around the bridge.

A large quantity of animal bones was also found in this trench

following the investigation they and bones from previous cam-
paigns were sent for archaeozoological analysis to the University
of Zagrebs Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.

The wooden structural elements that were the reason for open-
ing this trench did not turn out to be a single structure, but are
rather a collection of wooden elements that were deposited
here in the wake of the bridges destruction. The fixed parts of
the wooden structure were left in situ, while one beam with a 7. Animal bones from trench C / ivotinjske kosti iz sonde C
groove that lay horizontally alongside a vertical squared pile (Photo: M. Kaleb)


and small wooden elements with traces of tool working were sastavljen od kamenia, sitnog pijeska, razbijenih opeka te
taken for conservation and further analysis of their function arheolokih nalaza. Debljine je manje od 10 cm. Ispod ovog
within the bridge structure. Although a significant number of sloja nalazimo kompaktni mulj u kojem se ne nalazi arhe-
wooden elements that formed the structure of the bridge were oloki materijal. Od arheolokih nalaza imamo itavu pale-
found during previous campaigns, we have yet to identify all el- tu sitnih keramikih fragmenata, od kojih se moe definirati
ements that would be required for a conceptual reconstruction keramiki materijal turskog porijekla, srednjoeuropska gla-
of the appearance of the bridge. New finds will certainly shed zirana i gruba keramika, te tip bosanskog vra koji potjee
light on this problem. iz 16./17. st. (Kovcs 2003, 261), a naeno je i nekoliko fra-
gmenata staklenih posuda. Zanimljivi su i nalazi fragmena-
As in previous campaigns the land archaeological investigation ta lula koje su ove godine naene u veem broju. One nam
was conducted on a section of the embankment of sand that kao svakodnevni uporabni predmeti svjedoe o uestalom
was dredged from the fishpond by the local municipal utility koritenju prostora uokolo mosta.
company. Over ninety piles in a very poor state of preserva-
tion, caused by the drying out of the wood, have been recov- Unutar sonde je naena i velika koliina ivotinjskih kostiju,
ered from the embankment in the course of the archaeological koje su nakon istraivanja zajedno s kostima iz prethodne
investigations. This large quantity of piles speaks to the signif- kampanje poslane na arheozooloku analizu na Veterinarski
icant damage that occurred in the course of the dredging op- fakultet Sveuilita u Zagrebu.
eration that has, unfortunately, irretrievably destroyed part of
the bridges structure. Drveni konstruktivni elementi radi kojih je iskop zapoeo u
sondi, nisu se pokazali kao jedinstvena struktura, ve pred-
Following the drafting of drawn documentation all the wooden stavljaju nakupinu drvenih elemenata koji su se tu nataloili
piles were placed in a depot. The depot is a section of the fish-
pond between the land and the small island where the piles
from the embankment have been placed in the hope that this
will retard their deterioration, taking into consideration their
already quite poor condition. The wet environment should at
least slow down their further degradation and they have been
deposited here until a possible future conservation intervention.

The small archaeological finds are largely consistent with the

finds from the fishpond, notably there is a large quantity of
animal bones and pottery, brick and metal finds. Most of the
metal finds are corroded and currently unidentifiable and their
function will only become clear post-conservation/restoration
treatment. What can be said so far is that broad and flat Turkish
horseshoes appear among the metal finds. 8. Some of the wooden piles at Mala ola /
Given that trenching had not been conducted on the land sec- Dio drvenog pilona u Maloj oli (Photo: L. Beki)
tion alongside the fishpond in the archaeological campaigns uslijed unitenja mosta. Fiksni dijelovi drvenih konstruk-
to date it was decided that a trench be opened immediately cija ostavljeni su in situ, dok su jedna greda s utorom
adjacent to the pond in 2016. Trench B faces the small island. It koja je horizontalno leala uz okomiti kvadratni pilon te
is two metres wide and has a length of 5.60 metres in the up- sitni drveni elementi s tragovima obrade alatom uzeti
na konzerviranje i daljnje prouavanje njihovih funkcija
unutar strukture mosta. Iako je tijekom prolih kampanja
naeno dosta drvenih elemenata koji su inili konstruk-
ciju mosta, jo uvijek nisu definirani svi elementi koji bi
bili potrebni za izradu idealne rekonstrukcije izgleda mo-
sta. Novi nalazi svakako e pridonijeti rasvjetljavanju tog

Kao i prethodnih kampanja, kopnena arheoloka istra-

ivanja su provoena na dijelu nasipa pijeska koji je
izvaen iz ribnjaka tokom jaruanja od strane lokalnog
komunalnog poduzea. Ukupno je u arheolokim istra-
ivanjima iz nasipa izvaeno i dokumentirano preko 90
pilona u vrlo loem stanju koje je uzrokovano suenjem
drva. Ova velika koliina pilona ukazuje nam na znatna
9. A detail of the wooden elements in trench C / Detalj unitenja koja su se dogodila uslijed jaruanja i na alost
drvenih elemenata u sondi C (Photo: L. Beki) nepovratno unitila dio konstrukcije mosta.


10. Trench
B in the course of
excavation / Sonda
B tijekom iskopa
(Photo: M. Kaleb)

per and 7.45 metres on the lower section. The first and second Nakon izrade nacrtne dokumentacije, svi drveni piloni su od-
layers (SU 1 and 2) of the excavation contained recent material, loeni u depozitorij. Depozitorij je dio ribnjaka izmeu ko-
while SU 2 and 3 contained sporadic brick and glass fragments. pna i otoia gdje su odlagani piloni iz nasipa u nadi da e
SU 4 can be dated by one of the glasses found to the nineteenth se njihovo propadanje na ovaj nain usporiti, budui da su
century, likely to the time of the construction of the Esterhazy ve u prilino loem stanju. Mokro okruenje trebalo bi ba-
palace when there is a partial filling in of the fishpond as part of rem usporiti njihovo daljnje propadanje, tako da su tu ostav-
the landscaping. There were also no archaeological finds in SU 5 ljani do eventualnih konzervatorskih zahvata u budunosti.
at the start of the excavation, while only SU 6, at a depth of two
metres, began to yield finds of wood, burnt wood, Turkish pot- Sitni arheoloki nalazi u velikoj se mjeri podudaraju s nalazi-
tery and bones. Continued excavation revealed that SU 5 runs ma iz ribnjaka, a istie se velika koliina ivotinjskih kostiju,
under SU 6 and that SU 5 consists of black silty soil mixed with keramike, opeka i metalnih nalaza. Veina metalnih nalaza
marsh sand and that it contains traces of eight piles. The piles je korodirana i za sada neprepoznatljiva, te e se tek nakon
have partially decayed in the silt, while some are preserved only konzervatorsko-restauratorske obrade moi definirati njiho-
as an imprint. As water began to rise in the trench quickly after va funkcija. Za sada je prepoznatljivo da se meu metalnim
their documentation, further excavation was halted. nalazima javljaju iroke plosnate turske konjske potkove.

Along with highly fragmented pottery finds, SU also yielded a Budui da se na kopnenom dijelu uz ribnjak u dosadanjim
partially preserved human skull. A bone sample was sent for arheolokim kampanjama nisu provodila sondana istrai-
carbon-14 age analysis and the skull was taken to Mario laus vanja, odlueno je da se tijekom 2016. g. otvori jedna sonda
DSc of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts Centre for uz sam ribnjak. Sonda B se nalazi nasuprot otoiu. Njene di-
Anthropology. With most of the skull missing the cause of death menzije su 2 metra irine, te duina 5,60 na gornjem i 7,45 m
could not be ascertained, but the analysis did establish that it na donjem dijelu. Prvi i drugi sloj (SJ 1 i 2) iskopa sadravali
was of a young woman from 25 to 30 years of age. The results su recentni materijal, dok se u SJ 2 i 3 nalaze rijetke opeke i
of the analysis place the skull in the fifteenth century, as meas- fragmenti stakla. Po jednoj od naenih staklenih aa SJ 4
ured 475 30 BP, with a post calibration 95 percent certainty se moe datirati u 19. stoljee, vjerojatno u vrijeme gradnje
that it is from the period from 1408 to 1454 . This establishes dvorca Esterhazy kada nastaju djelomina zasipavanja rib-
the skull as preceding the construction of the bridge, and there njaka u svrhu ureenja okolia. Arheolokih nalaza u poetku
is also the possibility that it found its way here during the park iskopa nalaza nije bilo ni u SJ 5, dok je tek SJ 6 koji je na du-
landscaping of the nineteenth century. The excavation of this bini od 2 metra zapoeo davati nalaze drva, spaljenog drva,
trench also established that the current perimeter of the fish- turske keramike i kostiju. Nastavkom iskopa ustanovilo se da
pond does not correspond with its past perimeter and that it is SJ 5 ide ispod SJ 6 te da je SJ 5 sastavljen od crne muljevite
presently visible in significantly smaller dimensions than at the zemlje izmijeane s pijeskom iz movare, te da se u njemu
time of the erection of the bridge. nalaze tragovi osam pilona. Piloni su djelomino istrulili


u mulju, dok su neki ouvani samo u otisku, a budui da
se ubrzo nakon njihovog dokumentiranja u sondi poela
dizati voda, daljnji iskop je zaustavljen.

Osim sitnih keramikih nalaza, u SJ 6 otkrivena je i dje-

lomino ouvana ljudska lubanja. Uzorak kosti poslan
je na 14C analizu starosti, a lubanja je odnoena na An-
tropoloki centar HAZU kod lausa. Radi
11. A skull nedostatka veeg dijela lubanje nije bilo mogue
section from
odrediti razlog smrti, ali je analizom utvreno da
trench B / Dio
lubanje iz sonde B se radi o mlaoj enskoj osobi od oko 25-30 godina
(Photo: . Vrki) starosti. Rezultati analize dali su podatke da luba-
nja potjee iz 15. st. i to izmjereno 475 30 BP, a na-
An important segment of the investigation of Sulei- kon kalibracije s 95% sigurnosti da se radi o razdoblju
mans bridge over the years has been to collect samples od 1408. do 1454 . g. Ovim se ustanovilo da je lubanja
of wood for dendrochronological analysis, conducted at the starija od vremena gradnje samog mosta, a mogue je
Slovenian Forestry Institute. A total of 25 wood samples have da je na ovo mjesto dospjela uslijed ureenja parka to-
been taken over the past years. The samples were taken from kom 19. st. Tokom iskopa sonde utvreno je i da dana-
piles discovered in situ, with control wood samples taken from nja granica ribnjaka ne odgovara onoj iz prolosti, te da
wood in the fishpond not found in situ or bound to the bottom. je ribnjak danas vidljiv u znatno manjim dimenzijama
The control samples were taken from piles with a large number nego u vrijeme gradnje mosta.

12. Drawn
of the large piles
was made in the field /
Nacrtna dokumentacija
velikih pilona raena
je na samom terenu
(Photo: L. Beki)

of rings in order to place the existing wooden elements in the Vaan segment istraivanja Sulejmanovog mosta tokom
overall age sequence. Given that the oak of which the bridge is godina bio je i prikupljanje uzoraka drva za dendrokro-
built is exceptionally strong and compact and that taking sam- noloke analize koje su napravljene u Gozdarskom In-
ples using a hand saw proved very demanding we were com- titutu Slovenije. Ukupno je tokom zadnjih godina uze-
pelled to use other methods. Samples were taken with the aid to 25 uzoraka drva. Uzorci su uzimani od pilona koji su
of a hydraulic borer drill for which a special trench 2.5 metre otkriveni in situ, a dodatno su uzimani i kontrolni uzorci
wide was made, and some of the samples were taken using a drva iz ribnjaka koje nije in situ ili vezano uz dno. Kon-
hydraulic underwater chainsaw. trolni uzorci uzimani su od pilona koji imaju veliki broj
Based on the samples taken it was established that they young- godova radi uklapanja postojeih drvenih elemenata
est oak was 18 years old and the oldest 93. All of the oak used to u sveukupni starosni slijed. Budui da je hrastovo drvo
1 The analysis was conducted at the Poznan Radiocarbon Laboratory in Poland, sample Poz-85609. Measurement calibration was conducted using OxCal v4.2.3
software./ Analiza je raena u Poznan Radiocarbon Laboratory u Poljskoj, uzorak Poz-85609. Kalibracija mjerenja je raena sa softverom OxCal v4.2.3.


make the piles grew in the fifteenth and sixteenth cen-
turies and that last year before the timber was felled was
1562. The greatest obstacle to the analysis was the fact
that none of the piles had preserved bark, such that it
cannot be said for any of the samples in what exact year
the timber was felled. What we can certainly conclude
on the basis of these samples is that the bridge could
not have been erected prior to 1562. One interesting dis-
covery arising from the analysis this year stems from the

13. Taking control samples with a boring drill / Uzimanje

14. Comparative results of the analysis of wood age from kontrolnog uzorka pomou builice sa sondom
2012 and 2016 / Usporedni rezultati analize starosti drva iz (Photo: M. Kaleb)
2012. i 2016. (By: T. Levani)
od kojeg je most graen iznimno vrsto i kompaktno i
successful dating of a sample taken in 2009. A compar- uzorkovanje runom pilom je bilo vrlo zahtjevno, morali
ative analysis placed it in the year 1663. Like the other smo koristiti i druge metode. Uzorci su uzimani pomo-
samples, it too lacks parts of the bark that could establish u hidrauline builice za koju je napravljena posebna
the final year of growth, but it can be ascertained that sonda irine 2,5 cm, a dio uzoraka uzet je pomou hi-
the tree was felled post-1663. This is a particularly inter- drauline podvodne lanane pile.
esting datum as it provides evidence of the renovation
of the bridge in the Darda area that may be associated Na osnovu uzetih uzoraka ustanovljeno je da je najmlai
with the major overhaul of the bridge undertaken after hrast imao 18, a najstariji 93 godine starosti. Svi hrasto-
the attack led by Nikola Zrinski in 1664. vi / piloni su rasli u periodu 15. i 16. st., a zadnja godina
prije nego to je drvo posjeeno je 1562. Najvei pro-
New conclusions arising from the underwater and land blem kod analize je taj to niti jedan pilon nema ouva-
archaeological investigation and the analyses of the age nu koru drveta na sebi te se za niti jedan uzorak ne moe
of the wood have brought us another step closer to elu- rei tona godina kada je posjeen. Ono to neminovno
cidating the secrets hidden at a part of the northern ter- moemo zakljuiti da na osnovu ovih uzoraka most nije
minus of Suleimans bridge. The mystery of the skull of a mogao biti izgraen prije 1562. g. Jedna od zanimljivo-
young woman that lived here prior to the construction sti koja je otkrivena tijekom analiza ove godine je i ta
of the bridge has yet to be interpreted and we can only to se uspjelo datirati i jedan uzorak koji je uzet 2009. g.
hope that future archaeological research in this area will On se usporednom analizom datirao u godinu 1663. Kao
provide new insight into this part of the past. i ostali uzorci, ni on nema dijelove kore koji bi odredili
posljednju godinu rasta, ali se moe zakljuiti da je drvo
posjeeno nakon 1663. g. Ovaj podatak nam je posebno
Bibliography / Literatura:
zanimljiv jer nam daje dokaze o obnovama mosta koje
Kovcs, G., 2003 - Some Possible Directions for Research
su se dogaale na podruju Darde, a mogli bi ga pove-
into Ottoman-era Archaeological Finds in Hungary. U:
zati i s velikom obnovom mosta koja je obavljena nakon
Gerelyes, Ibolya Kovcs, Gyngyi (eds): Archaeology
napada Nikole Zrinskog na most 1664. g.
of the Ottoman Period in Hungary, Opuscula Hungarica
3, Budimpeta, 257-266.
Novi zakljuci proizali iz podvodnih i kopnenih arhe-
olokih istraivanja, kao i iz obavljenih analiza starosti
Pei, M., 2011 - Suleimans Bridge at Darda / Sulejmanov
drva, doveli su nas jo korak blie rasvjetljavanju tajni
most u Dardi, Potopljena batina / Submerged Heritage
koje su bile skrivene na dijelu sjevernog kraja Sulejma-
1, Zadar, 10-19.
novog mosta. Misterij lubanje mlae enske osobe koja
je ovdje obitavala prije gradnje mosta jo uvijek nije ra-
Suri, R., 2014 - Continued Research of Suleimans Bridge
zjanjen, te nam ostaje nada da e budua arheoloka
at Darda / Nastavak istraivanja Sulejmanovog mosta u
istraivanja ovog prostora donijeti nova saznanja i o tom
Dardi, Potopljena batina / Submerged Heritage 4, Za-
dijelu prolosti.
dar, 38-43.


Latest Results of
the Zadar County
Najnoviji rezultati
Zadarske upanije
Maja Kaleb, /
Mladen Pei,

The 2016 continuation of the Zadar County archaeological

survey programme conducted by ICUA staffers surveyed a
number of new locations in the county and discovered sev- Approaching
eral interesting sites. The programme has been funded for the dive location
the past five years by the Croatian culture ministry and has with a Customs
to date greatly improved our knowledge of maritime traffic Administration boat /
and trade, safe havens used as anchorage sites and perilous Pribliavanje ronilakoj
poziciji s brodom
areas that became the final resting places for ships. Carinske uprave
(Photo: M.
The archaeological survey is based on the examination of Kaleb)
locations for which there have not been prior confirmations
of the presence of archaeological material but that certain- U nastavku programa rekognosciranja Zadarske upanije ko-
ly have archaeological potential. These locations have been jeg su i 2016. godine proveli zaposlenici MCPA, pregledana je
selected on the basis of their position (rocks, shallows, capes, nekolicina novih lokacija na podruju upanije, te je otkriveno
coves etc.) and on the basis of reports from archaeologists, nekoliko zanimljivih nalazita. Programom koji ve pet godina
local inhabitants, divers and fishers. financira Ministarstvo kulture RH je do sada uvelike nadopu-
njeno nae znanje o pomorskom prometu i trgovini, sigurnim
This year saw another round of archaeological surveying in uvalama koje su imale funkciju sidrita, te o opasnim podruji-
collaboration with the employees of various ministries as ma koja su postala posljednje poivalite brodova.
part of a collaborative effort commonly referred to as the
Coordination at Sea that is conducted in practice by vari- Rekognosciranje se baziralo na pretraivanju lokacija za koje
ous services, including the Zadar Conservation Department do sada nije bilo potvrde o postojanju arheolokog materija-
of the Ministry of Culture, the Maritime and Border Police, la, ali koje svakako imaju arheoloki potencijal. Takve lokacije
the Harbourmasters Office, the Coast Guard, the Customs odabrane su na osnovu pozicije (hrid, pli, rt, uvala, itd.), ali i
Administration and the Fisheries Inspectorate. na osnovu dojava arheologa, lokalnog stanovnitva, ronilaca
ili ribara.
The archaeological surveying in Zadar County in 2016 saw
the examination of thirteen new positions at which seven I ove godine je nekoliko rekognosciranja obavljeno u suradnji
shipwrecks were found along with several ballast heaps that s djelatnicima raznih Ministarstava u sklopu suradnje popular-
require further analysis to determine if they are the remains nog naziva Koordinacija na moru koju praktino obavljaju ra-
of a shipwreck or simply ballast ejected by ships immediately zne slube kao to su Konzervatorski odjel u Zadru, Pomorska
prior to loading a cargo, and several isolated finds. i granina policija, Luka kapetanija, Obalna straa, Carinska
One of these potentially interesting locations is Cape Kri uprava i Ribarska inspekcija.
(Rt Kri) on the far northwest end of the island of Sestrunj. It


Rekognosciranjem Zadarske upanije 2016. godine pregleda-
no je 13 novih pozicija na kojima je pronaeno 7 brodoloma,
nekoliko balastnih hrpi koje treba dodatno analizirati radi utvr-
ivanja radi li se o ostacima brodoloma ili balastu koji su bro-
dovi izbacivali neposredno prije ukrcavanja tereta, te nekoliko
usamljenih nalaza.

Jedna od takvih potencijalno zanimljivijih lokacija bila je Rt Kri

na krajnjem sjeverozapadnom dijelu otoka Sestrunja. Pokazalo
se da su putovanja pomoraca u prolosti esto zavravala na
pozicijama slinima ovoj, odnosno rtovima izloenima jakom
sjeverozapadnom vjetru - buri. Pregledano je podruje uz oba-
lu, a na oko 5 m dubine se javlja gusta posidonija (lat. Posido-
nia oceanica) koja uvelike oteava pretraivanje dna. Unato
2. A diver inspects newly discovered finds in the waters off tome, na dubini od 5 do 8 m, u livadi posidonije, izdie se ne-
Cape Kri / Ronilac pregledava nalaze netom pronaene u koliko stijena na kojima je pronaen inkrustrirani arheoloki
podmorju rta Kri (Photo: L. Beki) materijal, uglavnom amfore i keramiko posue koje okvirno
has been shown that the journeys of sailors in the past have moemo datirati u period 1. i 2. stoljea.
often ended in positions similar to this one, i.e. at capes ex-
posed to the strong northwesterly bura wind. The area off Rekognosciranje podmorja otoia Kamenjak koji se nalazi ju-
the shore was examined with dense Neptune grass (Posido- goistono od otoka Molata i u neposrednoj blizini otoia Tra-
nia oceanica) appearing at a depth of five metres that greatly te znatno je oteavala jaka morska struja. Na dubini od svega
hampers the inspection of the sea bottom. In spite of this, at 7 m pronaen je dobro ouvan brodolom iji se vidljivi ostaci
a depth of five to eight metres, in a Neptune grass meadow, tereta nalaze izmeu visokih stijena i polja posidonije u obli-
several rocks rise up on which we found incrusted archae- ku inkrustriranih konglomerata razliitih dimenzija. Dio nala-
ological material, for the most part amphorae and pottery zita koji je prekriven sedimentom je oito vrlo bogat, a pre-
that can be dated roughly to the first and second centuries. gledom arheolokog materijala kojeg uglavnom ine amfore
The archaeological survey of the waters off the islet of zakljueno je da je rije o ulomcima dugih iljatih dna, dugih
Kamenjak to the southeast of the island of Molat and very cilindrinih trbuha, te grla i ruki koji se mogu pripisati raznim
close to the islet of Trata was significantly hampered by the tipovima Spatheion amfora. One su se proizvodile na teritoriju
sjeverne Afrike, a primjerci iz podmorja Kamenjaka pripadaju
tipu 1 koji se moe datirati u period od prve polovice do sredi-
ne 5. stoljea (Bonifay 2004, 125). Od ostalih nalaza uoeno je
nekoliko dijelova manjih globularnih amfora s malim kratkim
rukicama, nekoliko dijelova izduenih amfora s narebrenim
ramenima te obod zdjele.

Na osnovu dojave mjetanina Sutomiice pregledana je po-

zicija na kojoj se pretpostavljalo da se nalazi njemaka penia
- plovilo ravnog dna za transport koje je koriteno tijekom 2.
svjetskog rata. Radi se o lokaciji u Zadarskom kanalu, oko 500
m istono od ulaza u uvalu Sutomiica na otoku Ugljanu. Pro-
stor oko dobivene GPS pozicije prvo je skeniran Side Imaging
sonarom i uoena je struktura koja se izdie s dna na 42 m du-
3. An agglomeration of amphorae between dense Neptune bine koja odgovara dobivenim informacijama. Na osnovu sli-
grass at Zanavin / Konglomerati amfora izmeu guste ke Side Imaging Sonar-a brod MCPA je usidren, a po sidrenom
posidonije kod Zanavina (Photo: R. Suri) uetu ronioci su se spustili na dno uz samu olupinu. Konstruk-
strong current. A well-preserved shipwreck was found at a cija broda je ostala vrlo dobro sauvana tako da se moe pre-
depth of just seven metres with the visible remains of the poznati pramac i krma koja je kvadratnog oblika s malom plat-
cargo found among the high rocks and Neptune grass mead- formom iznad koje je niska ograda. Ograda ide uokolo bonih
ows in the form of incrusted agglomerations of various siz- stranica broda, a s unutranje strane je prati i klupica. Vidljivi su
es. A part of the site covered in sediment is evidently quite metalni uzduni i popreno konstruktivni elementi plovila na
rich in finds and an inspection of the archaeological mate- kojima opasnost za ronioce predstavljaju stare ribarske mree.
rial reveals that it consists largely of amphorae, sherds of Budui da se na ovoj dubini boravilo kratko vrijeme, nije bilo
long tapered bases, long cylindrical bellies and necks and mogue odrediti toan tip broda, ali e se u buduim pregle-
handles that can be attributed to various types of Spatheion dima zasigurno poblie odrediti njegovo porijeklo i datacija
amphorae. These were manufactured in north Africa and te izraditi 3D model.
the specimens at Kamenjak are type 1, which is dated to the


period of the first half to mid fifth century (Bonifay 2004, 125). 4. A shipwreck
Observed among the other finds are several sherds of small in front of
globular amphorae with small, short handles, several sections Sutomiica
/ Olupina
of elongated amphorae with ribbed shoulders and a bowl rim.
broda ispred
A position that is presumed to be the site of a German pniche (Photo: M. Pei)
a flat-bottomed transport vessel used in the Second World
War was inspected on the basis of reports from inhabitants of
Sutomiica. This is a location in the Zadar channel, about 500
metres to the east of the entrance to Sutomiica cove on the
island of Ugljan. The area around the GPS position we received
was first scanned with Side Imaging Sonar and a structure was
observed rising from the bottom at a depth of 42 metres that
corresponds with the information received. Based on the Side
Imaging Sonar image the ICUA boat was anchored and divers
descended along the anchor line to the sea bottom and the
wreck. The ships structure remains very well preserved to the
extent that we can make out the prow and stern of squared
form with a small platform above which there is a low barrier.
The barrier/fence runs along the sides of the vessel and is ac-
companied by a bench to the inside. Metal longitudinal and
transverse structural elements of the vessel are visible, with old
fishing nets presenting a danger to divers. Given that stand-
ard dives at this depth are brief it was not possible to identify
the exact vessel type, but a future examination will certainly
offer a better determination of its origin and dating and the
production of a 3D model. Jo jedna zanimljiva lokacija nalazi se na poluotoku Ovjaku,
na sjeverozapadnom dijelu Ugljana nedaleko od mjesta Muli-
Another interesting location is off the Ovjak peninsula on ne. Pretraivanjem terena su uoene dvije meusobno sline
the northwest side of Ugljan not far from the settlement of hrpe oblog kamenja na dubini od oko 3 m koje se od dna uz-
Muline. An investigation of the terrain revealed two similar diu oko 1,5 m. Razliku meu hrpama ini samo njihova veli-
heaps of rounded stones at a depth of about three metres ina, tako je zapadna neto vea od istone. Pronaeno kame-
rising about 1.5 metres from the bottom. The heaps differ nje nije tipian lokalni vapnenac niti rijeno kamenje tipino
only in size, with the western heap slightly larger than the za balast, ve se radi o jo nedefiniranoj vrsti mekog kamena
one to the east. The stones are not typical local limestone, koji se lako mrvi. Paljivim pregledom samih hrpa nisu uoeni
nor river stones typical of ballast, rather this is an as yet un- tragovi arheolokog materijala koji bi nam ukazali na dataci-
determined type of soft stone that easily crumbles. A careful ju, ali po stupnju vegetacije koja je vidljiva na oblom kamenju
inspection of the heap did not reveal traces of archaeolog- jedino to se moe zakljuiti da hrpe nisu nastale u recentno
ical material that would indicate a dating, but by the level vrijeme. Takoer je sigurno da je rije o nekoj vrsti ljudske in-
of vegetation visible on the rounded stones it can be said tervencije, a ne o prirodnoj pojavi te bi sondani iskop okolnog
only that the heaps are not recent. It is also certain that this podruja mogao potvrditi svrhu ovih koncentracija kamena.
is some form of human intervention and not a natural phe-
nomenon and a trench excavation of the surrounding area Na otoku Rivnju pregledano je nekoliko lokacija na kojima je
could confirm the purpose of these concentrations of stones. pronaeno mnotvo arheolokog materijala. Zaron je zapoet
na sjevernom dijelu otoka, oko rta Zanavin, gdje su pronaena
On the island of Rivanj we examined several locations at
5. Ballast stones at Cape Zanavin
which an abundance of archaeological material was found. on the north of the island of Rivanj /
The dive began at the northern end of the island, around Balastno kamenje na rtu Zanavin na
cape Zanavin, where we found two shipwrecks. The finds, sjeveru otoka Rivnja (Photo: L. Beki)
i.e. the remains of the cargo of the first ship that was found
are scattered over a large area at a depth of up to eight me-
tres. Also visible are agglomerations of incrusted sherds of
north African amphorae of the Keay 25 type. Also found were
several sherds of African fine ware of the Hayes 50 type, a
bowl with a flat rim, and several sherds of coarse ware that
may be typologically from the Pantellerian ware pottery
group. The shipwreck can be tentatively dated to the fourth
to fifth century.


6. Keay 25 amphorae at Cape Zanavin on the island of
Rivanj / Amfore Keay 25 kod rta Zanavin na otoku Rivnju /
(Photo: M. Pei)

To the southwest of the first wreck we found another, recog-

nised by the scattered heap of ballast stones of river origin,
about 10 by 20 centimetres in size. Found along with the
ballast were only a few potsherds and one tapered base for
which we could not establish if it originates from this wreck.
7. The neck of a north African amphora from Rivanj / Grlo
To the southeast of Rivanj we inspected a position below the sjevernoafrike amfore s Rivnja / (Photo: L. Beki)
hill Zemljaina where, at a depth of six metres, a dense concen-
dva brodoloma. Nalazi, odnosno ostaci tereta prvog pronae-
tration of amphorae belly section sherds was found, while diag-
nog broda razasuti su na veoj povrini na dubini do 8 m, a vid-
nostic finds such as rims, necks, handles and bases were found
ljivi su i konglomerati inkrustriranih ulomaka sjevernoafrikih
only sporadically. All the amphorae are of the same type, with
amfora tipa Keay 25. Osim amfora, pronaeno je i nekoliko ulo-
thin walls, outcurved rims, a body that expands in a sack-like
maka afrike fine keramike tipa Hayes 50, zdjela s ravnim obo-
manner towards the bottom and short, tapered bases. Based
dom, te nekoliko ulomaka grube posude koja tipoloki moe
on the preliminary analysis these could be amphorae of the
odgovarati Pantelerian ware keramici. Preliminarno se brodo-
type found at a shipwreck in Grado, Italy. At that wreck they
lom moe datirati u period 4.-5. stoljea.
were found in combination with other amphorae that date
the wreck to the mid second century (Auriemma 2000, 27-51).
Jugozapadno od prvog, pronaen je jo jedan brodolom koji
je prepoznat po razasutoj hrpi balastnog kamenja rijenog
porijekla,veliine oko 10x20 cm. Uz balast, pronaeno je tek
nekoliko ulomaka keramike i jedno iljato dno za koje nismo
ustanovili pripadaju li ovom brodolomu.

Na jugoistoku otoka Rivnja pregledan je poloaj ispod brda

Zemljaina gdje je na dubini od 6 m pronaena gusta kon-
centracija ulomaka trbuha amfora, dok se dijagnostiki nala-
zi kao to su obod, vrat, ruke i dno nalaze samo sporadino.
Sve amfore su istog tipa, s tankim stjenkama, oboda izvijenog
prema vani, tijelom koje se vreasto iri prema dolje i kraim
iljatim dnom. Prema preliminarnim analizama, moglo bi se ra-
diti o amforama kakve su pronaene na brodolomu u Gradu,
Italija. Na tom brodolomu su naene u kombinaciji s drugim
amforama koje brodolom datiraju u sredinu 2. stoljea (Au-
riemma 2000, 27-51).

Na osnovu dojave Marka Metrova koji je otkrio lokaciju in-

taktnog brodoloma s teretom graevinskog materijala u pod-
morju otoka Vrgade, pretraeno je ire podruje jugoistonog
dijela otoka. Radi se o brodolomu koji je kao teret prenosio
krovne opeke (tegulae) i kupe kanalice (imbrices) i do sada nije
registriran u Registru kulturnih dobara. U neposrednoj blizi-
ni obale pronaena je manja hrpa koju ini nekoliko krovnih
opeka. irim pregledom okolice, na svega 10 m udaljenosti od
8. A shipwreck below Zemljaina hill / Ostatci prve hrpe pronaen je i impozantan konglomerat keramikog
brodoloma ispod brda Zemljaina (Photo: R. Suri) materijala dimenzije oko 5x15 m i visine oko 1 m koji svjedoi


9. An intact wreck off the island of Vrgada / Intaktni
brodolom na otoku Vrgadi (Photo: M. Pei)

A report from Marko Metrov of his discovery of the loca- o veliini antikog broda. Glavninu tereta ine krovne opeke
tion of an intact shipwreck with a cargo of construction i kupe kanali- ce od kojih neke nose radioniki peat. Ve
material in the waters off the island of Vrgada was povrinskim pregledom utvrene su dvi-
the basis for an examination of the broader area je razliite radionike oznake i to: Q. CLODI
of the southeast end of the island. The wreck car- AMBROSI i C. T. HERMETIS. Poznato je da
ried a cargo of roof tiles (tegulae) and roof barrel se radionica opeka Quintus-a Clodius-a
tiles (imbrices) and is not presently registered in Ambrosius-a nalazila u okolici Akvileje
the cultural property register. Just off the shore- te da je djelovala u 1. stoljeu (Matijai
line a small heap was found consisting of several 1989, 63-65). Uz graevinski materijal,
roof tiles. A broader inspection of the surrounding pronaeno je i jedno ravno dno koje
area revealed an imposing five by 15 metre agglom- svojim oblikom i dimenzijama podsje-
eration of pottery about a metre high just ten me- a na Forlimpopoli tip amfore.
tres from the first heap and bearing witness to
the size of the Antiquity period ship. The Rezultati koji su ostvareni, ne samo ove,
bulk of its cargo consisted of roofing tiles 10. ve i zadnjih nekoliko godina, dokazuju potre-
A tegula with the
(tegulae and imbrices), some of which inscription Q. CLODI
b u za konstantnim nadzorom podvodnih nalazita koja
bear workshop stamps. Just a cursory AMBROSI / Tegula s su sve vie ugroena. Takoer, potreba za daljnjim reko-
examination established two such dif- natpisom Q. CLODI gnosciranjima podmorja proizlazi iz injenice da se svake
ferent stamps: Q. CLODI AMBROSI and AMBROSI (Photo: M. godine iznova pronalaze za sada nepoznata i neregistrira-
C. T. HERMETIS. It is known that the brick Kaleb) na nalazita ije otkrivanje i istraivanje nadopunjuje nae
workshop of Quintus Clodius Ambrosius znanje o pomorskom prometu kroz prolost.
was located near Aquileia and that it was ac-
tive in the first century (Matijai 1989, 63-65). Found
along with the construction material was one flat base Literatura:
with a form and size similar to that of the Forlimpopoli Auriemma, R., 2000 - Le anfore del relitto di Grado e il loro
amphora type. contenuto, Malanges de lEcole francaise de Rome, Antiquite
T. 112, No 1. 27-51.
The results achieved, not only these, but also those of
the last few years, show the need for constant supervi- Bonifay, M., 2004 - Etudes sur la cramique romaine tardive
sion of underwater sites, which face increasing threats. dAfrique, BAR International Series 1301, Oxford.
The need for further archaeological surveying of the sea
also arises from the fact that new, currently unknown Matijai, R., 1989. - Rimske krovne opeke s radionikim igovi-
and unregistered sites are found every year, the discov- ma na podruju sjeverne Liburnije, Arheoloka istraivanja na
ery and investigation of which supplements our knowl- Krku, Rabu i Pagu i u Hrvatskom primorju, Znanstveni skup Krk,
edge of maritime traffic in the past. 24.-27. IX. 1985; Izdanja HAD-a, sv. 13, Zagreb, 61-73.


1. A panorama view of Veli
Piruzi rock facing northeast
/ Panorama hridi Veli Piruzi,
pogled prema sjeveroistoku
(Photo: M. Fiederling)

Continued Investigation of the

Piruzi Rocks Shipwreck
Nastavak istraivanja ostataka
brodoloma kod hridi Piruzi
Luka Beki,

This year saw another round of underwater archaeological in- I ove godine je Meunarodni centar za podvodnu arhe-
vestigation at Veli Piruzi off the coast of Rovinj. Collaborating ologiju u Zadru (MCPA) u suradnji s Bavarskim drutvom
in the effort were Zadars International Centre for Underwater za podvodnu arheologiju (Bayerischen Gesellschaft fr Un-
Archaeology (ICUA) and the Bavarian Society for Underwater terwasserarchologie, BGfU) iz Njemake izveo podmorsko
Archaeology (Bayerischen Gesellschaft fr Unterwasserarchol- arheoloko istraivanje na hridi Veli Piruzi kod Rovinja. Istra-
ogie, BGfU) out of Germany. The research is supported by the ivanja je sponzorirala Turistika zajednica Grada Rovinja,
Tourism Board of the City of Rovinj, which has provided assis- koja je i proteklih godina pomagala arheolokoj ekipi. Pod-
tance to the archaeological team in the previous years. Inves- vodno arheoloko iskopavanje na ostacima kasnoantikog
tigation of the site kicked off several years ago and the un- brodoloma provedeno je tijekom svibnja, a istraivanja ove
derwater archaeological excavation at the remains of the late lokacije zapoela su prije nekoliko godina.
Antiquity shipwreck were conducted this year in May.

Luka Beki DSc served as the expert leader of the underwater

archaeological research campaign, with Mladen Pei serving
in the role of deputy leader. The other members of the expert
and technical team are underwater archaeologists Maja Kaleb
2. The participants of the NAS course / Polaznici NAS teaja
/ from the left/ s lijeva: M. Kaleb, M. Ribica, L. Penezi, A.
Ribi, N. Kelemen : (Photo: M. Pei)

3. The divers always assist one another when gearing up /

Ronioci si prilikom opremanja uvijek meusobno pomau
(Photo: M. Kaleb)
Struni voditelj radova podvodnog arheolokog istraiva-
nja bio je Beki, zamjenik Mladen Pei, a ostatak
strune i tehnike ekipe inili su ostali podvodni arheolo-
zi; Maja Kaleb i Roko Suri iz MCPA Zadar, Max Fiederling i
Michael Heinzlmeier iz BGfU, te vanjski i tehniki suradnici
Marko Sreec, Borna Krstulovi i Stojan Plenar.


and Roko Suri of ICUA Zadar, Max Fiederling and Michael Osim arheolokog istraivanja, MCPA Zadar je proveo i trod-
Heinzlmeier of the BGfU, and outside and technical associates nevni teaj podvodne arheologije prema programu Nau-
Marko Sreec, Borna Krstulovi and Stojan Plenar. tical Archaeological Society (NAS) i to Uvod u priobalnu i
podvodnu arheologiju i teaj 1. stupanj priobalne i podvod-
ne arheologije. Teaj se sastojao od teoretskog i praktinog
dijela. Teoretski dio odvijao se u prostorijama RC Rubini u
turistikom naselju Villas Rubin, a praktini dio odraen je u
podmorju kod pliine Muje Sike. Prvi dio praktine obuke
odrao se uz sjevernu obalu uvale, dok su se ostala dva di-
jela odrala u junom dijelu uvale, na ostacima jo nedefini-
ranih kamenih podvodnih graevina. Svi polaznici uspje-
no su zavrili teaj.

Ostaci kasnoantikog brodoloma nalaze se meu velikim

stijenama na morskom dnu ispred jugozapadne strane oto-
ia Veliki Piruzi. Pregledano je stanje nalazita, po prvi put
nakon olujnog nevremena koje je pogodilo ovo podruje u
4. At times it was necessary to dig beneath large collapsed veljai. Nakon to je utvreno da nalazite nije u velikoj mje-
boulders / Ponekad je potrebno kopati ispod velikih ri devastirano zbog svoje dubine, uslijedilo je popravljanje,
uruenih stijena (Photo: R. Suri) a ukoliko je bilo potrebno i ponovno postavljanje avala s
Along with the archaeological investigation, ICUA Zadar also brojanim oznakama referentnih toaka. Numerirane ozna-
conducted a three-day underwater archaeology course fol- ke ine toke mreita, a njihovim povezivanjem konopcem
lowing the programme of the Nautical Archaeological Socie- ponovno je definirana mrea kvadranata dimenzija 4 x 4
ty (NAS), these being the NAS Introduction to Foreshore and m. Uz pomo tzv. mamut sisaljki u potpunosti su istraeni
Underwater Archaeology and the Part I Certificate in Foreshore kvadranti G, J, K i M, te je zapoeto iskopavanje kvadranta I.
and Underwater Archaeology. The course included a theoret-
ical and practical segment. The theoretical segment was con- Iskopavanju ostataka brodoloma se i ove godine pristupilo
ducted at the RC Rubini premises in the Villas Rubin tourist re- na nain da se iskapao kvadrant po kvadrant, a kako je koji
sort, while the hands-on segment was conducted in the waters kvadrant zavren prelazilo bi se na slijedei. Na taj bi nain
of the Muje Sike shallows. The first part of the practical training prethodno iskopani kvadrant bivao zatrpan materijalom iz
took place on the northern shore of the cove, while the other novo zapoetog kvadranta. Poloaj koji se iskopava je ka-
two parts saw us move to the southern stretch of the cove, to menita padina na kojoj se izmjenjuju velike stijene i sitan

5. The position of every special

find was measured within the
quadrant / Poloaj svakog
posebnog nalaza potrebno
je izmjeriti unutar kvadranta
(Photo: L. Beki)


the remains of still unidentified underwater stone structures.
All of the attendees successfully completed the course.

The remains of this late Antiquity shipwreck are found among

the rocks on the seabed to the southwest side of the islet of
Veli Piruzi (Greater Piruzi). The condition of the site was ex-
amined for the first time after the storm that struck the area
in February. Repairs were undertaken once it had been estab-
lished that the site was, due to its depth, not significantly dev-
astated. Where necessary new spikes were installed with ref-
erence fixed point numbers. The numbered fixed points form
a grid linking them with a rope defined a grid quadrant of
four by four metres. Quadrants G, J, K and M were thorough-
ly investigated with the aid of a dredge and the excavation of
quadrant I was initiated.

The excavation of the remainder of the shipwreck has

been approached again this year following the method
of excavating one quadrant at a time as one quadrant 6. All of the collected finds are further documented and
was completed we moved on to the next one. In this way logged on a daily basis / Svi prikupljeni nalazi se svakodnevno
the previously excavated quadrant was backfilled with dodatno dokumentiraju i popisuju (Photo: M. Pei)
the material from the newly opened quadrant. The po- kamen lomljenac. Arheoloki nalazi ponekad su ukopani i
sition that is being excavated is a rocky slope on which do dva metra u sedimentu, to ukazuje na vrlo snano ero-
there are alternating large rocks and small stone rubble. zijsko djelovanje valova. Pumpa za vodu nalazila se na ma-
Archaeological finds are at times excavated from a depth njem gumenom brodu usidrenom iznad samog nalazita,
of as much as two metres in the sediment, indicative of dok su se istraivai i oprema nalazili na veem brodu koji
the very powerful erosive force of the waves. Our water je najee bio 50-ak metara udaljen od samog nalazita.
pump was mounted on a small inflatable boat anchored S obzirom na loe stanje ouvanosti brodoloma, tei se ka
above the site, while the researchers and equipment were prikupljanju to je vie mogue informacija. Primjenjivana je
housed on a larger boat that was usually some fifty me- metoda sakupljanja arheoloke grae u kojoj se prikupljaju
tres from the site itself. svi nalazi, odnosno total collection. Na taj nain svi su nalazi
pregledani, prebrojeni i izvagani, dok su oni od vee vanosti
dobili i posebnu oznaku (PN - posebni nalaz). Njima je do-
dijeljen broj i izmjeren poloaj unutar kvadranta u kojem su
pronaeni. Svi podaci o nalazima su se nakon ronjenja uno-
sili u unaprijed pripremljene specijalne tablice. Ovom vrstom
dokumentacije dobiveni su podaci o prostornoj koncentra-
ciji razliitih vrsta arheolokih nalaza. Nakon dokumentaci-
je su tipoloki i kronoloki odredivi ulomci zapakirani, dok
je ostatak vraen u more, na isto mjesto odakle je izvaen.

Osim klasine nacrtne dokumentacije, ove godine se

pristupilo dokumentiranju nalazita uz pomo suvre-
mene digitalne tehnologije. lan istraivake eki-
7. The
pe Max Fiederling skenirao je podmorje oko
archaeological team otoia Veliki Piruzi sa Side Scan Sonarom
conducted scanning of Humminbird 1199 kako bi se napravio gru-
the sea bottom around bi 3d model podmorja oko cijele hridi. Ta-
Given the poor state of preservation of this ship- the rocks/ Arheoloki tim koer je i Roko Suri fotografirao podruje
obavio je i skeniranje
wreck we made an effort to collect the greatest podmorja oko hridi
samog nalazita te je fotografije obradio i
possible amount of information. A total collection (Photo: M. Kaleb) unio u program Agisoft Photoscan kako bi
method was employed to gather all archaeological se izradio 3d model nalazita.
material. In this manner all finds were inspected, count-
ed and weighed, with those of greater significance attrib- Tipoloki i kronoloki odredivi keramiki ulomci po-
uted a special designation (SF special find). These finds were hranjeni su ve na morskom dnu u koare s oznakom
assigned a number and the exact position within the quadrant kvadranta koji se iskopava. Takvi su nalazi zatim fotogra-
they were found in was recorded. All data on the finds were en- firani, prebrojani i izvagani, a podaci su uneseni u una-
tered post-dive in tables prepared in advance. This method of prijed pripremljene tablice. Nalazi za koje je ve prilikom


documentation provided data on the spatial concentration of iskopavanja utvreno da imaju databilne elemente, fo-
various types of archaeological finds. Following documentation tografirani su na morskom dnu zajedno s brojem koji
the finds that were typologically and chronologically determi- im je dodijeljen, te je nakon toga uzeta pozicija nalaza
nable were packed, while the remainder of the finds were re- metodom trilateracije. Nakon dokumentiranja u moru,
stored to their find location in the sea.

Along with the classic drawn documentation this year we under-

took documentation of the site applying modern digital tech-
nology. Max Fiederling, a member of the research team, scanned
the sea bottom around Veli Piruzi using the Humminbird 1199
Side Scan Sonar to create a rough 3D model of the sea bottom
around the entire rock. Roko Suri photographed the area of
the site he processed these photos and entered them into the
Agisoft Photoscan application to create a 3D model of the site.

Typologically and chronologically determinable potsherds were

placed in baskets marked with the relevant quadrant immedi-
ately upon excavation at the sea bottom. These finds were then
photographed, counted and weighed and the data entered
into prepared tables. Finds that were determined to have dat-
able elements during excavation were photographed on the
sea bottom together with the number assigned to them and a
position of the find was taken using the trilateration method.
Following underwater documentation the finds were packed
in separate, numbered net sacks and extracted from the sea
along with the other finds. Following the in situ underwater
documentation, the finds were again photographed, weighed
and the data logged in the tables. 8. The distribution of special finds within the investigated
part of the site / Raspored posebnih nalaza unutar
This years investigation saw a total of 777 archaeological finds istraenog dijela nalazita (By: M. Kaleb)
raised from the sea bottom with a total weight of 98.398 kilo- nalazi su zapakirani u posebne mreice s pripadajuim brojem,
grams that can be divided into several groups. Among the pot- te izvaeni iz mora zajedno s ostalim nalazima. Nakon doku-
tery there are amphorae, tableware, construction material and mentiranja in situ, u moru, uslijedilo je ponovno fotografiranje,
fishing equipment. The other finds are artefacts of stone or lead. vaganje i unoenje podataka u tablicu.

A total of 657 amphorae potsherds were recovered, with a total U sklopu ovogodinjih istraivanja ukupno je iz mora izvae-
weight of 70.342 kilograms. Of the 657 potsherds 36 are charac- no 777 arheolokih nalaza ukupne teine 98,398 kilograma koji
terised as special finds (SF). These are finds of amphorae bases se mogu podijeliti u nekoliko skupina. U skupinu keramikih
(9), handles (16), rims (10) and necks (1). Ceramic ware is rep- predmeta ubrajamo amfore, stolno posue, graevinski ma-
resented with 60 specimens, of which 17 are special finds. The terijal i ribolovni alat. Ostali nalazi pripadaju skupinama pred-
construction material found includes meta od kamena ili od olova.
tegulae (4), imbrices (3), bricks (6)
and one intact tubi fittili, while the Pronaeno je ukupno 657 ulomaka amfora, ukupne teine
category of fishing equipment 70,342 kg. Od 657 ulomaka, njih 36 je okarakterizirano kao
includes four specimens of posebni nalaz (PN). Rije je o nalazima dna (9), ruki (16), obo-
ceramic sinkers. Among the da (10) i grla (1) amfora. Keramike posude zastupljene su sa
stone artefacts are ballast 60 primjeraka, od kojih je 17 u kategoriji posebnih nalaza. Od
stones (40) and a whetstone (1). graevinskog materijala pronaene su tegule (4), imbreksi (3),
One lead artefact was found, a opeke (6) i jedan cjelovit tubi fittili, dok su u kategoriji ribolov-
sinker for a fishing line (1). A total nog alata zastupljeni keramiki utezi s 4 primjeraka. U pred-
of 54 special finds were isolated mete od kamena ubraja se balastno kamenje (40) i primjerak
numbered from 74 to 128. brusa (1). Od olovnih predmeta pronaen je uteg za ribolovnu
Following the documentation of uzicu (1). Ukupno je izdvojeno 54 posebna nalaza ozna-
all artefacts taken from the sea, the 9. ena brojevima od 74 do 128.
typologically determinable finds Tubi fittili
were packed and prepared for trans- with an intentional Nakon dokumentiranja svih predmeta izvae-
perforation on the
port to the restoration workshop, while the lower section / Tubi fittili
nih iz mora, tipoloki odredivi nalazi su zapaki-
remainder of the finds were restored to their orig- s namjerno probuenom rani i pripremljeni za transport u restauratorsku
rupom na donjem
dijelu (Photo: M.
inal place on the sea bottom. In this manner a part of the ships radionicu, dok je ostatak nalaza vraen u podmorje na isto mje-
cargo will remain visible at the site. sto odakle je izvaen. Na taj nain e na nalazitu ostati vidljiv
dio tereta broda.
This method of processing the archaeological material has al-
lowed us to obtain data on the spatial concentration of the Ovakvim nainom obrade arheoloke grae dobiveni su poda-
types of finds, with a map of the entire site slowly emerging. ci o prostornoj koncentraciji tipova nalaza, pa se nacrt cijelog
This year we excavated some forty square metres, and in the fol- nalazita pomalo izgrauje. Ove godine iskopano je oko 40 m2,
lowing year we hope to excavate an area at least twice as large a za narednu godinu oekuje se iskopavanje barem dvostru-
in order to bring this investigation effort to a close. Most of the ko vee povrine, kako bi ova istraivanja mogla biti privedena
artefacts are dated to the late Antiquity, while the remainder of kraju. Veina predmeta datira se u vrijeme kasne antike, dok su
the artefacts are chronologically undeterminable due to their ostali predmeti kronoloki neodredivi zbog njihove uporabe
use over extended periods of time. The lions share of the car- kroz due vremensko razdoblje. Veinu tereta na ovom bro-
go on this vessel consisted of amphorae of African provenance. dolomu inile su amfore, i to afrikog porijekla. Takoer je va-
Noteworthy are a number of finds of coarse Pantellerian ware, no napomenuti da je pronaeno vie nalaza grubog posua
originating from a workshop on the island of Pantelleria near zvanog Pantellerian ware, koji potjee iz radionica na otoku
Sicily. It is quite possible, then, that this ship, loaded with Afri- Pantelleria kod Sicilije. Stoga je lako mogue da je ovaj brod
can products in amphorae, stopped off on this island to stock nakrcan afrikim proizvodima u amforama, na putu u Jadran
up on water and food for the continued voyage in the Adriatic. stao i na ovom otoku, zbog opskrbe vodom i hranom za dalj-
nju plovidbu.
All of the archaeological finds are currently held at the workshop
of the underwater archaeological finds restoration department Svi arheoloki nalazi trenutno su u radionici Odjela za restau-
at the International Centre for Underwater Archaeology in Za- riranje podvodnih arheolokih nalaza Meunarodnog cen-
dar. The final scientific processing of the finds will take place tra za podvodnu arheologiju u Zadru. Konana znanstvena
once the desalinisation and conservation/restoration treat- obrada nalaza e uslijediti nakon desalinizacije i konzervator-
ment is completed. The archaeological team can look forward sko-restauratorske obrade. Arheoloku ekipu oekuje jo ba-
to at least one more season of investigation of this devastated rem jedna sezona istraivanja ovog devastiranog, ali zanimlji-
but fascinating site. vog nalazita.

Bibliography / Literatura:
Beki, L. 2014 - Launch of Systematic Research of the Piruzi Rocks Shipwreck, Rovinj / Poetak sustavnih istraivanja brodo-
loma kod hridi Piruzi, Rovinj. Potopljena batina / Submerged Heritage 4, Zadar. 10-16.

Fiederling, M., Beki, L. 2014 - Kroatien 2014. Neues Projekt: Das Schiffswracks Rovinj. Jahresbericht Bayerischen Gesellsc-
haft fr Unterwasserarchologie 15. 3.

Beki, L., Suri, R. 2015 - The Shipwrecks of Rovinj Project / Projekt Rovinjski brodolomi, Potopljena batina / Submerged
Heritage 5, Zadar. 34-38.

Fiederling, M., Beki, L. 2015 - Kroatien 2015. Die Shiffwracks von Rovinj. Piruzi 2015. Jahresbericht Bayerischen Gesellschaft
fr Unterwasserarchologie 16. 4.

10. The members of the

Piruzi 2016 investigation
team / lanovi istraivake
ekipe Piruzi 2016: standing
from the left / stoje s lijeva:
Marko Sreec, Roko Suri,
Stojan Plenar, Maja Kaleb,
Borna Krstulovi and
Mladen Pei; lower row,
from the left / ue s lijeva:
Luka Beki, Max Fiederling
and Michael Heinzlmeier /
(Photo: L. Beki)


Investigation of a Shipwreck at
Punta delle Tonnarelle, Italy
Istraivanje brodoloma kod Rta
Tonarelle, Italija
Jelena elebi,
In the period from the 8th to 14th of May 2016 the Tosca- U periodu od 8. do 14. maja 2016. godine Nadletvo za ar-
na archaeological authority undertook an underwater ar- heologiju Toskane izvrilo je podvodno arheoloko istrai-
chaeological investigation of Cape Tonnarelle (Punta del vanje rta Tonarelle (Baratti-Toskana, Italija). Ujedno, bilo je
Tonnarelle, Baratti, in the Italian region of Tuscany). This to zavrno istraivanje ovog trogodinjeg projekta. Ekipu
was the final investigation campaign in a three-year pro- istraivaa inili su: rukovodilac istraivanja Pamela Gambo-
ject. The investigation team consisted of archaeologist gi, arheolog, Alessandro Pareti, fotograf, Roberto Bonaiuti,
Pamela Gambogi serving as campaign manager, photogra- restaurator, Paolo Volpe Rinonapoli, tehniki asistent i Jele-
pher Alessandro Pareti, restorer Roberto Bonaiuti, tech- na elebi, arheolog. Za digitalnu dokumentaciju je bio za-
nical assistant Paolo Volpe Rinonapoli and archaeologist duen ing. David Scaradozzi. Projekat je finansiralo Ministar-
Jelena elebi. Engineer David Scaradozzi was responsi- stvo kulture Italije. Ovogodinje istraivanje imalo je za cilj
ble for digital documentation. The project was funded by iskopavanje novopostavljenih sondi, te imajui u vidu da se
the Italian culture ministry. This years campaign had as its radi o zavrnoj kampanji trogodinjeg projekta, zatiivanje
objective to excavate new trenches and having a view arheolokog lokaliteta.
to the fact that this is the final year of this three-year pro-
ject to protect the archaeological site.

The southern end of the bay of Baratti had been the sub-
ject of investigation back in 1957. At that time amphorae
were recovered (Dressel 1, Dressel 2-4, Etruscan bucchero)
and a number of dolia sherds. One of the most significant
finds from that campaign was that of a piece of wood with
nails that is presumed to be a part of a boat hull. Dating
using the carbon-14 method gave an age of 1800 years
+/- 100 (the analysis was done at the geological laboratory
of the University of Pisa). Several trenches were excavated
and it was established that the thickness of the layer of silt 1. The bay of Baratti and the Punta delle Tonnarelle / Zaliv
and sand covering the finds varies from several to some 30 Baratti i rt Tonarelle (
centimetres. A dolium section was recovered there with a location-baratti/)
weight of about 100 kilograms. The zone was once again Juni dio zaliva Baratti bio je predmet istraivanja jo 1957.
investigated in 1967 when the Scuola Federale Sub diving g. Tom prilikom pronaene su amfore (Dressel 1, Dressel 2-4,
club of Florence, with the approval of the Toscana archae- etrurski buccchero) i dosta ulomaka dolija. Jedan od znaaj-
ological authority, launched a new archaeological cam- nih nalaza sa tog istraivanja je komad drveta s ekserima za
paign. The investigation by enthusiasts had as its objec- koji je pretpostavljeno da je dio trupa broda. Datovanje me-
tive to recover five Antiquity period anchors. As this was todom C14 pokazalo je da je dio star 1800 g. +/- 100 (ana-
once again not a systematic archaeological research cam- liza je izvrena u laboratoriji za geologiju na Univerzitetu u
paign, the exact location of these finds remains unknown. Pizi). Otvoreno je nekoliko sondi i ustanovljeno da debljina
According to the testimony of divers these lead anchors sloja mulja i pijeska koji prekrivaju nalaze varira od nekoliko
were found within an area about fifty metres across. On do 30-ak cm. Tom prilikom izvaen je dio dolija teine oko
one of these a stamp was observed that most likely bears 100 kg. Zona ponovo postaje predmet zanimanja 1967. g.,
the name of the shipowner (L. FERRANI.CELERIS). In 1981 kada ronilaki klub Scuola Federale Sub iz Firence, uz sagla-
a local fisherman trawled out a complete dolium that is snost Nadletva za arheologiju Toskane, pokree novu ar-
now part of the privately owned Gasparri collection, as are heoloku kampanju. Istraivanja entuzijasta imala su za cilj
the above-cited anchors. As the finds were not properly vadjenje 5 antikih sidara, ali kako se ni ovog puta ne radi o
documented and are not located in situ it is now difficult sistematskom arheolokom istraivanju, tana lokacija ovih


to say if they are from a single or multiple shipwrecks. In nalaza ostaje nepoznata. Po svjedoenju ronilaca, ova olov-
1984 technical divers now collaborating with the Toscana na sidra naena su u preniku od 50-ak m. Na jednom od
archaeological authority located a dolium that became the njih biljei se peat koji najvjerovatnije nosi ime brodovla-
object of the first systematic archaeological investigation snika (L. FERRANI.CELERIS). Godine 1981. lokalni ribar uz po-
of Baratti bay (2014/2016). The investigation was based mo koe izvlai cjelovit dolij koji se danas nalazi u privat-
on the data from the previous campaigns and on a 2001 noj kolekciji Gasparri, kao i gorenavedena sidra. Kako nalazi
bathymetric analysis of the zone (the Saclant centre and
the Toscana archaeological authority) and in 2007 (COL-
MAR) when anomalies were identified that correspond to
dolia and amphorae.

3. The inscription on one of the anchors reads L.FERRANI.

CELERIS / Natpis na jednom od sidara L.FERRANI.CELERIS
(Photo: A. Pareti)
nisu valjano dokumentovani, te kako se ne nalaze in situ,
danas je teko rei radi li se o istom ili razliitim brodolomi-
ma. Tehniki ronioci, dananji saradnici Nadletva za arhe-
ologiju Toskane, 1984. godine su locirali dolij koji je postao
predmet prvog sistematskog arheolokog istraivanja zali-
va Baratti (2014/2016). Istraivanje se, osim na podacima s
prethodnih, baziralo na batimetrijskim analizama zone koje
su sprovoene 2001. g. (Centar Saclant i Nadletvo za arhe-
ologiju Toskane) i 2007. g. (COLMAR) kada su evidentovane
2. Sections of anchors raised in 1967 in the privately anomalije koje su odgovarale dolijima i amforama.
owned Gasparri collection / Dijelovi sidara izvaenih 1967.
godine, privatna kolekcija Gasparri (Photo: A. Pareti)
The 2016 archaeological campaign had as its objective
to open new trenches, excavate and to protect the site.
The positioning and documentation of the complete
dolium was done (dimensions: height 160 cm, diameter
150 cm, opening diameter 80 cm) at a depth of 18 metres.
Quite isolated and partially excavated in the course of the
preceding two campaigns, the dolium lay in a compact lay-
er of silt. Bearing in mind the direction of the current it can
be concluded that a large quantity of material is deposited
in this part of the bay (S-W). The zone around Tonnarelle
is constantly transformed by the effects of waves and cur-
rents, and there is a large accumulation of sand and silt
at the site. The entire surface of the dolium is covered by
sediment of various origins, with Neptune grass growing
in the area around it. 4. The ship and the divers / Brod i ronioci (Photo: A. Pareti)
Arheoloka kampanja 2016. g. imala je za cilj otvaranje novih
It was decided that excavation of the trench opened last sondi, iskopavanje, te zatitu lokaliteta. Izvreno je pozicio-
year be continued in an area 40 centimetres around the niranje i dokumentovanje cjelovitog dolija (dimenzije: visina
dolium. Metal staples were observed on the dolium bear- 160 cm, prenik 150 cm, prenik otvora 80 cm), na dubini od
ing witness to its restoration while still in use. These re- 18 m. Prilino izolovan i djelimino iskopan prilikom prethod-
pairs are characteristic of this type of vessel fragile due ne dvije kampanje, dolij je leao u kompaktnom sloju mulja.
to its size and the complexity of its production, firing in Imajui u vidu kretanje struja, moe se zakljuiti da se velika
particular. This may be the reason for its relatively brief koliina materijala taloi ba u ovom dijelu zaliva (S-W). Zona
period of us (these dolia are dated from 50 BCE to 50 CE). oko rta Tonarelle konstantno se transformie zbog izloeno-
Traces of a stamp that would aid in determining the work- sti talasima i stujama, te dolazi do velike akumulacije pijeska
shop in which it was created were not observed. The trench i mulja na lokalitetu. itava povrina dolija je prekrivena se-
around the dolium was dug to a depth of some 90 cen- dimentima razliitog porijekla, dok je zona oko njega obra-
timetres. Fragments of amphorae of various types (the sla posidonijom.
base of a Gauloise 2 amphora and the neck with handle
of a Late Roman 1b amphora) were found in the first lay- Odlueno je da se nastavi iskopavanje sonde postavljene
er, while the deeper layer yielded finds of Dressel 2-4 type prole godine u rasponu od 40 cm oko dolija. Na doliju su uo-
amphorae. This type of amphora is often seen on cistern ene metalne tipaljke koje svjedoe o njegovoj restauraciji


ships packed in the area around the prow and stern, with u periodu u kom je jo uvijek bio u upotrijebi. Takve oprav-
the central area of the ship packed with dolia. ke karakteristine su za ovu vrstu posuda budui da je zbog
svoje veliine, samim tim zbog kompleksnosti proizvodnje,
New trenches were opened in the continuation of the in- naroito peenja, bila krkha. Mogue je da u tome lei razlog
vestigation with the aim of determining the distribution njenog relativno kratkog koritenja (ovakvi doliji se datuju
of finds and thereby the size of the ship. Sherds from Dres- izmeu 50 g. p. n. e. i 50 g. n. e.). Tragovi peata koji bi nam
sel 2-4 type amphorae were found in a trench with a frag- pomogli u odreivanju radionice njegove proizvodnje nisu
uoeni. Sonda oko dolija iskopana je do dubine od 90-ak cm.
U prvom sloju su naeni fragmenti amfora razliitih tipova
(dno amfore Gauloise 2 i grlo sa rukama amfore Late roman
1b), dok su u dubljem sloju naene amfore tipa Dressel 2-4.
Ovaj tip amfora biljei se esto na brodovima cistijernama
gdje su ispunjavale prostor oko pramca i krme, dok je cen-
tralni dio broda bio ispunjen dolijima.

U nastavku istraivanja otvorene su nove sonde ne bi li se

odredila rasprostranjenost nalaza, a samim tim i veliina bro-
da. U sondi oko fragmentisanog dolija, 70-ak m udaljenog od
cjelovitog, takoe su naeni fragmenti amfora Dressel 2-4.
Ostali fragmenti keramike nadjeni u ovoj sondi (fragmen-
ti sigillate, fragmenti etrurskog bucchera), pripisuju se radu
5. The team just ahead of a dive / Ekipa neposredno pred mora, tj. konstantnom mijeanju morskog tla. Cjeloviti dolij,
zaron (Photo: A. Pareti) na kom je uoena pukotina, restauriran je in situ nanoenjem
mented dolium, some seventy metres from the complete epoksi smole. Posljednjeg dana istraivanja, lokalitet je za-
dolium. The other fragments of pottery found in this trench tien vreama pijeska i metalnim mreama, dok su na po-
(fragments of sigillata pottery, Etruscan bucchero) are at- vrini postavljene marker bove. Pravilnik o zabrani ronjenja
tributed to the action of the sea, i.e. the constant mixing na lokalitetu donijet je 2014. g., a za monitoring je zaduen
of the sea bottom. The complete dolium on which a crack lokalni ronilaki centar Baratti Diving.
was observed was restored in situ with the application of
epoxy resin. On the final day of the campaign the site was
protected with sandbags and metal netting and marker
buoys at the surface. A regulation forbidding diving at the
site was passed in 2014 with the local Baratti Diving club
responsible for monitoring.

Although this is the final campaign the site had not been
fully investigated. This would require finances the Tosca-
na archaeological authority currently does not have at
its disposal. It should be borne in mind that the site has

6. The archaeologists and the dolium / Arheolog i dolij

(Photo: A. Pareti)
Iako se radi o posljednjoj kampanji, lokalitet nije u cjelo-
sti istraen. Za takav poduhvat bila bi potrebna finansijska
sredstva kojim Nadletvo za arheologiju Toskane trenut-
no ne raspolae. Treba imati u vidu da je lokalitet prilino
devastiran u proteklih pola vijeka, otkako se sve vie ljudi
bavi rekreativnim ronjenjem. Drugi problem sa kojim se
susreemo je neadekvatna dokumentacija sa prethodnih
istraivanja, poev od 1957. g. Stoga danas nismo u mo-
gunosti rei radi li se o jednom ili vie brodoloma. Uko-
liko pretpostavimo da se radi o jednom, sidra izvaena
1967. g. i dolij koji se naao u ribarskoj mrei 1981. g., pri-
padaju istom brodolomu kao i dva istraena dolija i amfo-
7. Cleaning and restoration in situ / ienje i re naene u sondama oko njih. Ukoliko to ne bi bio sluaj,
restauracija in situ (Photo: A. Pareti) radi se o vie brodoloma slinog tereta i datovanja. Ovaj


been significantly devastated over the past half century
with the growing number of people involved in recrea-
tional diving. Another problem we faced is the inadequate
documentation from previous investigations, starting with
the one in 1957. We are not, as a result, able to say now
whether there is a single or multiple shipwrecks. If we as-
sume a single wreck the anchors raised in 1967 and the
dolium fished out in a trawling net in 1981 are from the
same ship as the two investigated dolia and the amphorae
found in the trenches around them. If this is not the case
then there are a number of wrecks with similar cargoes
and dating. This type of cistern ship (vinariae) is dated to
between the first half of the first century BCE and the first
half of the first century CE. The dolia, which were installed
in the ships during their construction on account of their
size, were used for the most part to transport wine. The
stamp on one of the anchors (L. FERRANI.CELERIS) is found 8. Fragments of dolia and amphorae / Fragmenti dolija i
amfora (Photo: A. Pareti)
tip brodova- brodovi cistjerne (vinariae), datuju se izme-
dju 1. vijeka p. n. e. i 1. vijeka n. e. U dolijima koji su
zbog svoje veliine ugradjivani u brodove u toku gradnje
istih, uglavnom je prevoeno vino. Peat na jednom od
sidara L. FERRANI.CELERIS, biljei se na jo dva sidra na-
ena u blizini Valensije. Natpis se, uz pomo prozopogra-
fije, povezuje sa imenom brodovlasnika ija se aktivnost
vezuje za Rim ili Kampaniju. Ostali brodolomi u Tirenskom
moru slinog tereta (Secche della Meloria, Marciana Mari-
na, Ardenza, Quercianella i Castiglioncello) potvruju da
se radi o zoni intenzivnog saobraaja i teke navigacije. Svi
ovi podaci od koristi su za odreivanje pomorske rute, u
ovom sluaju jug Italije - Francuska - panija, dok se ana-
lizom nalaza stie uvid o proizvodima i karakteristikama
antike trgovine.
9. Raising finds to the surface / Izvlaenje nalaza na
povrinu (Photo: A. Pareti)
on another two anchors found near Valencia. The inscrip-
tion, applying prosopography, is associated with the name
of a shipowner whose activity is related to Rome or Cam-
pania. The other shipwrecks in the Tyrrhenian Sea with
similar cargoes (Secche della Meloria, Marciana Marina, Ar-
denza, Quercianella and Castiglioncello) confirm that this
was a zone of intensive traffic and difficult navigation. All
of these data are of use in determining maritime routes,
in this case from the south of Italy to France and Spain,
while the analysis of finds offers insight into the products
and characteristics of Antiquity period commerce.

Bibliography:/ Literatura:
Gambogi, P., 2016 - Relazione fine lavori 9-13 maggio 2016

Gambogi, P. 2003 - Progetto Baratti 2001: uso di tecnolo-

gie avanzate nella ricerca di giacimenti archeologici sot-
tomarini, Atti del II Convegno di Archeologia Subacquea,

Olschki, A. 2008 - Rimembranze archeologiche sottom- 10. A 3D reconstruction of the complete dolium / 3D
arine, Archaeologia Maritima Mediterranea, 5, 153-178. rekonstrukcija cjelovitog dolija (By: D. Scaradozzi)


Launch of Sveti Petar Shipwreck
Investigation at Ugljan
Poetak istraivanja brodoloma
Sv. Petar kod Ugljana
Maja Kaleb, / Luka Beki,

1. A part of the research team on the northwest

shore of Cape Sveti Petar / Dio istraivake ekipe na
sjeverozapadnoj obali rta Sv. Petar. (Photo: M. Kaleb)

Exploratory archaeological investigation conducted by the Gotovo dvije godine nakon otkria iznimno rijetkog brodo-
International Centre for Underwater Archaeology in Zadar loma kod rta Sv. Petar na otoku Ugljanu u sklopu projekta
(ICUA) has been initiated almost two years after the dis- Rekognosciranje Zadarske upanije (Pei, 2014, 47), zapo-
covery of an exceptionally rare shipwreck off Cape Sveti ela su probna arheoloka istraivanja koja je proveo Meu-
Petar (rt Svetog Petra) on the island of Ugljan in the frame narodni centar za podvodnu arheologiju u Zadru (MCPA).
of the Zadar County Archaeological Survey project (Pei, Istraivanja su se odvijala u sklopu projekta strune razmje-
2014, 47). The investigation took place in the frame of a ne koja se dvije godine provodila s danskim podvodnima
two-year expert exchange project with Danish underwa- arheolozima.
ter archaeologists.
Struni voditelj podvodnog arheolokog istraivanja, koje se
Luka Beki DSc served as the expert leader of the underwa- odvijalo u razdoblju od rujna do listopada 2016. g., bio je dr
ter archaeological research campaign, which was conduct- sc.Luka Beki, zamjenik Mladen Pei, a ostatak strune i teh-
ed in the period from September to October of 2016, with nike ekipe inili su ostali podvodni arheolozi, Maja Kaleb,
Mladen Pei serving in the role of deputy leader. The other Roko Suri, Zdenka Vrgo (MCPA), danski podvodni arheo-
members of the expert and technical team are underwater lozi: Torben Malm (Kulturministeriet Slots - og Kulturstyrelsen),
archaeologists Maja Kaleb, Roko Suri, Zdenka Vrgo (ICUA) Otto Uldum (Langelands Museum), Andreas Bloch (Vikinge-
and Danish underwater archaeologists Torben Malm (Kul- skibsmuseet i Roskilde), Kasper Sparvath (Strandingsmuse-
turministeriet Slots - og Kulturstyrelsen), Otto Uldum (Lange- um St. George), Peter Astrup (Moesgaard Museum), njema-
lands Museum), Andreas Bloch (Vikingeskibsmuseet i Roskil- ki podvodni arheolog Roman Scholz (Rmisch-Germanische
de), Kasper Sparvath (Strandingsmuseum St. George), Peter Kommission - DAI), te vanjski suradnik Borna Krstulovi.


Astrup (Moesgaard Museum), German underwater archae-
ologist Roman Scholz (Rmisch-Germanische Kommission),
and outside associate Borna Krstulovi.

The remains of the Byzantine shipwreck, dated by its cargo of

amphorae to the thirteenth to fourteenth century, are scat-
tered across a sandy plain and within a number of crevices in
the rocks of the sea bottom. There are thousands of amphorae
sherds forming a dense cover on the sandy bottom. Ahead of
the launch of the excavation the entire site area was once again
inspected to provide a more detailed determination of the limits
of the site and to establish if there has been any possible dev-
astation, given that the site is at an important maritime traffic
position and at a depth of just eight metres, making it an easy
target for curious visitors. The fact that not a single integrally 2. Pei and Vrgo prepare for a dive / Pei i Vrgo se
preserved amphora was found confirms the theory that the spremaju na zaron (Photo: M. Kaleb)
shipwreck was looted prior to the arrival of the first archaeolo- Ostaci bizantskog brodoloma, koji se po teretu amfora da-
gists. In the course of the survey of the shallower section of the tira u 13./14. st., nalaze se razasuti na pjeanim poljima i
site it was observed that there is a rock that rises from the bot- unutar vie procjepa u stijenama na morskom dnu. Rije je
tom on the upper extent of which there is a dense concentra- o tisuama ulomaka amfora koje gusto prekrivaju pjea-
tion of incrusted amphorae sherds. Due to the find of ampho- no dno. Prije poetka iskopavanja cijela povrina nalazita
rae sherds within the crevices of this rock it is postulated that je opet pregledana radi detaljnijeg utvrivanja granica, ali i
this may be the place the ship struck, while the remainder of zbog mogunosti devastiranja jer se radi o nalazitu na va-
the sherds were shifted over time into deeper water.

4. The sea bottom is covered with thousands of sherds of

3. The rock that is presumed to be the point of impact / Stijena za Byzantine amphorae / Morsko dno prekriveno je tisuama
koju se pretpostavlja da je mjesto udara broda (Photo: R. Suri) ulomaka bizantskih amfora (Photo: M. Pei)
Given that the remains of the ships cargo are found over a nom pomorskom prometnom poloaju, a dubina od samo
much greater area than is usually the case the question arose 8 m ini nalazite lakom metom za znatieljne posjetioce.
as to the adequate documentation of the site and finds. As it injenica da nije pronaena niti jedna cjelovito sauvana
was not possible to create classic drawn documentation due amfora potvruje teoriju kako je brodolom opljakan pri-
to the size of the site, documentation was undertaken with je dolaska prvih arheologa. Prilikom pregleda plieg dije-
the aid of modern technology. Fields were selected with the la nalazita uoena je stijena koja se izdie iz dna i na ijoj
greatest concentration of finds along with some key areas se gornjoj povrini nalaze gusto koncentirani inkrustrirani
that can help us in the reconstruction of the course of the ulomci amfora. Upravo zbog nalaza amfora unutar procjepa
shipwreck. Video footage was shot with underwater cameras u stijeni, pretpostavlja se da je moda rije o mjestu udara
along with series of still photographs. The video footage was broda, dok su se ostali ulomci, koji se nisu mogli tu zadra-
rendered using Agisoft PhotoScan software to extract seg- ti, tokom vremena pomakli u dublje more.
ments used to create a 3D model and an orthophoto map of
the site. Each of the 3D models was georeferenced, i.e. situat- S obzirom da se ostaci tereta broda nalaze na mnogo ve-
ed in space by taking GPS positions of the perimeter points em prostoru nego li je uobiajeno, postavlja se pitanje
of the recorded fields. This approach has provided us with adekvatnog dokumentiranja nalazita i nalaza. Kako nije
insight into a part of the site, but the documentation method bilo mogunosti provesti klasinu nacrtnu dokumentaciju
will have to be systematically continued in order to cover the zbog veliine nalazita, pristupilo se dokumentiranju uz po-
entire expanse of the site, covering some 5,000 square metres. mo suvremene tehnologije. Odabrana su polja s najveom


This campaign saw the launch of exploratory archaeological
trenching. A crevice was selected between the rocks in which
the concentration of finds was sufficiently great to provide pre-
liminary data on the ships cargo and was designated as trench
A. Numbered spikes marked out the four points that formed
the borders of trench A, which was entirely investigated with
the aid of a dredge. The objective of this approach was to de-
termine the thickness of the archaeological layer in the crev-
ice between the rocks and to ascertain whether deeper layers
covered in sand contain archaeological material.

Given that the site covers a large area and that it was decided
that in 2016 only trench A would be investigated, the effort was
on gathering as much information as possible. All finds were
collected in the course of excavation and placed in a basket im-
mediately next to the trench. Finds of particular importance, i.e.
those that were typologically determinable, were given a spe-
cial designation (SF special find). Each was assigned a number
and their exact position in the trench was taken using triangu-
lation. Documentation under water was followed by documen-
tation aboard our vessel. Indeterminate atypical sherds were re-
stored to the sea bottom in nets and the special finds separately
packed and transported to our laboratory. Thus all finds were 6. The 3D models of dense find positions / 3D modeli gustih
counted and weighed and the data logged in separate tables poloaja nalaza (By: R.Scholz, R. Suri)
prepared in advance. This provided data on the spatial concen- koncentracijom nalaza i neka kljuna podruja koja nam
tration of the archaeological finds. Following documentation mogu pomoi pri rekonstrukciji samog potonua, te su sni-
the typologically and chronologically determinable sherds were mljene video snimke podvodnim kamerama i nizovi slika
again photographically documented and logged in the list of fotoaparatima. Iz video snimaka su u programu Agisoft Pho-
special finds, prior to the desalinisation process. toScan izvueni isjeci u svrhu izrade 3D modela i orto-foto
plana nalazita. Svaki 3D model je georeferenciran, odnosno
This years investigation effort saw a total of 677 archaeologi- smjeten u prostor uzimanjem GPS pozicija rubnih toaka
cal finds collected, with a total weight of 44.731 kilograms, all polja koja su snimljena. Ovim pristupom dobiven je uvid u
from the group of ceramic artefacts. These include finds of am- jedan dio nalazita, ali e se ovakav nain dokumentiranja
phorae and other vessels. Based on the quantity of amphorae morati sustavno nastaviti kako bi se pokrio itav prostor na-
sherds collected, and on the lack of a greater quantity of other lazita koje se rasprostire ak na oko 5000 m.

5. Excavation of trench A with two dredges / Iskopavanje

sonde A s dva mamuta (Photo: L. Beki)


Tijekom ove kampanje zapoeto je probno arheoloko sondi-
ranje. Izabran je procjep meu stijenama u kojemu je koncen-
tracija nalaza bila dovoljno velika da se dobiju preliminarne
informacije o teretu brodoloma i oznaen kao sonda A. avli-
ma s numeriranim oznakama su obiljeene etiri toke koje su
inile granice sonde A, koja je uz pomo tzv. mamut sisaljki u
potpunosti istraena. Cilj ovog pristupa je da se utvrdi deblji-
na arheolokog sloja u procjepu meu kamenjem, ali i da se
sazna da li dublji slojevi koji su zatrpani pijeskom sadravaju
arheoloku grau.

7. Measuring and documenting special finds under water S obzirom na to da se radi o nalazitu koje se rasprostire na
/ Mjerenje i dokumentiranje posebnih nalaza pod morem velikom prostoru i da je odlueno da e se 2016. godine istra-
(Photo: L. Beki) ivati samo sonda A, teilo se ka prikupljanju to je vie mogu-
ceramic artefacts, it can be concluded that this ship carried a e informacija. Tijekom iskopavanja prikupljani su svi nalazi te
cargo packed in amphorae or perhaps empty amphorae. There su odlagani u koaru koja je stajala neposredno izvan sonde.
is a possibility that the amphorae found were not the only car- Nalazi od vee vanosti, odnosno oni koji su tipoloki odredi-
go and that the remainder of the cargo may have been trans- vi, dobivali su posebnu oznaku (PN - poseban nalaz). Svakom
ported in containers made of organic materials, of which there je dodijeljen broj i triangulacijom im je uzeta tona pozicija
cannot, unfortunately, be any preserved traces. unutar sonde. Nakon dokumentiranja pod morem slijedi do-
kumentiranje na brodu. Neodredivi atipini ulomci su u mrei
All of the amphorae are of Bakirtzis type VII (Bakirtzis 1989, vraeni na morsko dno, a posebni nalazi zasebno umotani za
75) and are dated to the thirteenth to four- transport u laboratorij. Tako su svi nalazi prebrojeni i izva-
teenth century. They were manufactured gani, a ti podaci su se unosili u unaprijed pripremljene
in the Byzantine sphere of production specijalne tablice. Ovako su dobiveni podaci o pro-
and are characterised by their small size, stornoj koncentraciji arheolokih nalaza. Nakon doku-
ribbed walls, unemphasised neck and mentiranja su tipoloki i kronoloki odredivi ulomci
strap handles rising above the rim. Their ponovno fotodokumentirani i upisani u liste poseb-
appearance in the Adriatic is not frequent nih nalaza, prije poetka procesa desalinizacije.
and we know currently of only one other
cargo with these amphorae in the waters of U sklopu ovogodinjih istraivanja ukupno je iz mora
the islet of Merara (Zmai, 2012, 478) in the izvaeno 677 arheolokih nalaza ukupne teine 44,731 ki-
central Dalmatia region. Although no com- 8. The best
lograma i svi pripadaju skupini keramikih predmeta. Ri-
plete finds were collected the large quantity preserved of the je je o nalazima amfora i posuda. Prema koliini pro-
of incompletely preserved amphorae allow Bakirtzis type VII naenih ulomaka amfora, kao i prema nedostatku
us to reconstruct their appearance. The en- amphorae at Sveti Petar / vee koliine ostalih keramikih uporabnih predme-
tire site area was examined several times and Najbolje sauvana amfora ta moe se zakljuiti kako je ovaj brod prevozio te-
tipa VII prema Bakirtzisu
several amphorae sherds were found that sa Sv. Petra
ret u amforama (ili prazne amfore?). Postoji mogu-
are chronologically not associated with this (Photo: M. Kaleb) nost da pronaene amfore nisu inile jedini teret, ve
shipwreck and are dated in the previous mil- je ostatak moda bio transportiran u spremnicima od
lennium, which testifies to the active use of the organskog materijala za koje na alost ne moemo imati
navigation route on which this significant shipwreck sauvane tragove.
was found.
Sve amfore tipoloki pripadaju tipu VII prema Bakirtzisu (Ba-
kirtzis 1989, 75) i datiraju se u razdoblje 13./14. stoljea. Pro-
Bibliography / Literatura:
izvodile su se u bizantskom proizvodnom krugu, a karakte-
Bakirtzis, Ch., 1989. - Byzantine amphorae, in: Deroche V. and
ristine su po manjim dimenzijama, narebrenoj stijenci, bez
Spieser J.M (eds.), Recherches sur la ceramique byzantine.
izraenog vrata i trakastim rukama koje nadilaze obod. Nji-
Actes du colloque EFA-Universite de Strasboug, Athens 8-10
hova pojava na podruju Jadrana nije esta i za sada je poznat
avril 1987. Supplements au Bulletin de Correspondansce Hel-
samo jo jedan brodolom s teretom istih amfora i to u pod-
lenique 18. 73-77.
morju otoia Merara (Zmai, 2012, 478) u srednjoj Dalmaciji.
Iako nije pronaen ni jedan cjeloviti ulomak, velika koliina
Pei, M., 2014. - Nastavak rekognosciranja podmorja Za-
nepotpuno sauvanih amfora ostavlja nam mogunost rekon-
darske upanije, Potopljena Batina / Submerged Heritage
strukcije izgleda. U nekoliko navrata pregledano je cijelo pod-
4, Zadar, 44-48.
ruje nalazita i pronaeno je i nekoliko ulomaka amfora koje
vremenski ne pripadaju ovom brodolomu, ve se datiraju ak
Zmai, V., 2012. - Vesna Zmaji, Bizantski srednjovjekovni
i u tisuljee ranije to svjedoi o aktivnom koritenju plov-
brodolomi u podmorju istonog Jadrana, Histria Antiqua,
nog puta na ijoj trasi je pronaen i ovaj znaajan brodolom.
21/2012, Pula, 471-482.


Danish underwater
archaeologists visit ICUA
Danske marinarkologer
besger ICUA
Otto Christian Uldum,
In 2014 Queen Margrethe II and his Royal Highness Prince
Henrik of Denmark enjoyed an official visit to Croatia. During
this visit, an official collaboration programme between Cro-
atian and Danish underwater archaeology was agreed upon
(see Submerged Heritage number 5, 2015). In the summer of
2015 the staff from ICUA in Zadar went to Denmark, and in
2016 it was the Danes who enjoyed the hospitality of their
Croatian colleagues through a two-week stay in September.
The guests were each representing one institution, reflect-
ing the regional structure of Danish underwater archaeolo-
gy, where five museums each have an area of responsibility
for maritime cultural heritage, in combination covering the
entire Danish territorial waters.

The ICUA is well off in terms of diving equipment, so all the

Danes had to bring was wet suits something that actually
presented a challenge for some, since the standard equipment
for the cold Nordic waters is dry suits. But the stores of ICUA 1. Antonija Jozi, the head of restoration at ICUA, shows
saw everybody well kitted up without any problems. That the the workshop to Otto Udlum, Kasper Sparvath and Peter
Croatian centre is run on a larger scale than the smaller Danish Astrup/ Antonija Jozi, leder af konserveringsafdelingen
p ICUA viser vrkstedet frem for Otto Uldum, Kasper
museums also meant that accommodation could be provid- Sparvath og Peter Astrup. (Photo: M. Kaleb)
ed in the dormitory in Zadar, a luxury that was not possible
to offer during the visit in Denmark a year earlier. I 2014 besgte Dronning Margrethe II og Hans Kongeli-
ge Hjhed Prins Henrik Kroatien p et statsbesg. I an-
The centre in Zadar was presented by director Luka Beki, and ledning af besget blev der aftalt et officielt samarbejds-
the surrounding buildings of the former monastery includ- program mellem dansk og kroatisk marinarkologi (se
ing the church, were shown by archaeologist Roko Suri. The Submerged Heritage nummer 5, 2015). I sommeren 2015
plans for converting the now unused buildings into a visitors besgte personalet fra ICUA i Zadar Danmark, og i 2016
centre with exhibition hall in the church were conveyed in var det danskerne som kunne nyde deres kroatiske kolle-
a manner that enabled us to vividly imagine the unique at- gers gstfrihed under et to-ugers besg i september. G-
traction this addition to the ICUA would be. The conservation ster reprsenterede hver deres institution, hvilket afspejler
facilities were presented by Antonija Jozi and her staff, and den regionale struktur i dansk marinarkologi, hvor fem
many interesting finds could be seen undergoing treatment. museer hvert har et ansvarsomrde som tilsammen dk-
The amount of ceramics under desalination was an unusual ker det danske sterritorium.
experience for the visitors, as amphorae are not a feature in
Danish prehistory. ICUA er godt forsynet med dykkerudstyr, s alt hvad dan-
skerne skulle medbringe var vddragter noget som fak-
The two weeks offered plenty of diving on archaeological sites tisk var en udfordring for nogen, da standardudstyret i nor-
in the whole of Croatia. To acquaint the Danish team with the diske farvande er trdragter. Men ICUAs beholdning fik
warm and clear waters, we visited the site of the now sub- hurtigt dkket alles behov. At det kroatiske center drives
merged Roman harbour at Sukoan, not far from Zadar, with i en noget anden skala end de danske museer betd ogs
remnants of the piers and fragments of huge pithoi ceram- at indkvartering kunne tilbydes i centrets beboelsesflj,
ic vessels. Some of the Danish team had expressed concern en luksus som ikke var mulig under besget i Danmark
about diving to much greater depths than they usually do, ret fr.


Centret i Zadar blev prsenteret af direktr Luka Bekic, og
de omgivende bygninger i det tidligere kloster blev vist
frem af arkolog Roko Suric. Planerne for at renovere de
nu ubenyttede bygninger og omdanne dem til et besgs-
center med udstillingssal i klosterkirken blev formidlet p
en mde s vi tydeligt kunne forestille os hvilken enest-
ende attraktion det ville vre. Konserveringsvrkstedet
blev vist frem af Antonija Jozic og hendes personale, og
mange spndende fund under konservering kunne ses.
Mngden af keramik undervejs med at blive afsaltet var
en usdvanlig oplevelse for gsterne, da amforarer ikke
er en del af dansk arkologi.

De to uger bd p masser af dykning p arkologiske lo-

kaliteter i hele Kroatien. For at vnne det danske hold til
de varme klare vande, besgte vi en nu oversvmmet ro-
mersk havn ved Sukosan, ikke langt fra Zadar, med rester
2. The joint team at the Indie diving centre in Banjole, Pula / af moler og skr af kmpestore pithoi krukker. En del af
Hele holdet p Indie dykkercenter i Banjole. det danske hold havde udtrykt bekymring for at dykke til
(Photo: I. Kamerla) meget strre dybder end de var vant til, og den lavvan-
and the shallow site provided material for many kind jokes dede havnelokalitet gav anledning til en del venskabeli-
about this but the relative ease of actually being able to see ge drillerier om dette, men det faktisk at kunne se sin vej
your way around a site was very reassuring for the guests. rundt p lokaliteten var meget beroligende.

In the North the guests were introduced to the Croatian pro- I den nordlige del af landet blev gsterne prsenteret for
tection scheme for historic wrecks by diving on the spectac- det kroatiske beskyttelsesprogram for historiske skibsvrag
ular Baron Gautsch, a passenger steamship that sank after ved at dykke p det spektakulre vrag af Baron Gautsch,
hitting a mine in 1914. The Croatian Ministry of Culture issue en passagerdamper som sank i 1914 efter at have ramt en
permits to private dive centres for them to take divers to pro- mine. Det kroatiske kulturministerium udsteder tilladelser
tected sites. These sites are otherwise off limits to the pub- til at private dykkercentre kan tage betalende gster med
lic. The ministry receives a fee for the permit, the proceeds of p de beskyttede vrag. Disse lokaliteter er ellers omfattet af
which are then spent on underwater heritage management. dykkeforbud for publikum. Ministeriet modtager en afgift
This system is very different from the Danish situation, where for tilladelsen, og denne indtgt anvendes derefter til ma-
diving is allowed on all sites, except for especially vulnerable rinarkologisk kulturforvaltning. Dette system er meget
sites, where divers will need to obtain a special one-time per- forskelligt fra det danske, hvor dykning er tilladt overalt,
mit. In terms of actually protecting the sites, the Croatian way undtagen p meget srbare lokaliteter, hvor dykkere skal
is by far more efficient, since especially the many wrecks from ansge om en srlig engangstilladelse. Nr det glder om
the two great wars in Danish waters are being looted by divers. faktisk at beskytte lokaliteterne, er den kroatiske model

Another long trip went to the south, near the magnificent city
of Dubrovnik, where the Danes were shown two protected
ancient wreck sites consisting of mounds of amphorae. This
was very impressive, and these dives will always be among
the greatest experiences in the Danish archaeologists log
books. In the Dubrovnik area, we also dived on two other sites
in more than 40 m of water depths to which Danish under-
water archaeology does not reach! The task was to obtain vid-
eo footage that could be processed into 3D - documentation,
something that would greatly aid the analysis of the sites that
are not easy to grasp immediately in the murky depths. Even
in the Adriatic there is a limit to the crystal clear conditions!

A site in crystal clear waters not far from Zadar, was the Svt.
Petar (St. Peter) - site off the Northern tip of the island of Ug-
ljan. Here the Danes went to work with dredges and meas-
uring tapes, joining the Croats in the documentation of this 3. Croatian and Danish underwater archaeologists ahead
of a dive at cape Kostur in upa bay / Kroatiske og danske
wreck site consisting of a large area littered with broken am- marinarkologer fr et dyk ved nsset Kostur i upa-
phorae of Byzantine origin. Though the nature of the site was bugten. (Photo: M. Kaleb)


4. The Danish researchers
inspect the mast of a sailboat
at cape Kostur at a depth of 45
metres / De danske forskere
inspicerer masten p en
sejlbd ved nsset Kostur p
45 m dybde (Photo: L. Beki)

very foreign, the methods were similar to the ones used in langt den mest effektive, idet srlig vragene fra de to ver-
Denmark and presumably in many countries that practice denskrige i danske farvande bliver plyndret af dykkere.
underwater archaeology. En anden langtur gik sydp, nr den pragtfulde by
Dubrovnik, hvor de danske gster fik vist to beskyttede
The Danish contingent also had the opportunity to visit ar-
chaeological museums, two of which were mainly devoted
to maritime heritage, namely the museum in Biograd which
hold the finds of the Venetian wreck of Gnali dating to 1583,
with many finds of trade goods, and the museum in Nin, with
the very interesting medieval boats from that area. The Nin-
wrecks were being recorded by way of 3D photogrammetry
when we visited, and maybe this find could form the sub-
ject of extended collaboration between Danish and Croatian
maritime archaeologists something that was discussed on
a tentative level.
The exhibition in the ICUA gallery was also the subject of
hands-on collaboration, as the presentation of various un-
der water sites had to give way for a new one presenting the
finds from the grounds of the ICUA building compound, the

5. A 3D model created in the course of this project indicating

amphorae at the Sveti Petar B position near Kupari / En
3D-model som er blevet til i lbet af projektet, som viser
amforaer ved lokaliteten Skt. Petar nr Kupari (By: R. Suri)
vrag som bestod af bjerge af amforaer. Det var meget im-
ponerende, og disse dyk vil altid vre blandt de helt store
oplevelser i de danske arkologers logbger. I Dubrovni-
komrdet dykkede vi ogs p to andre lokaliteter p mere
end 40 m vand dybder som dansk marinarkologi ikke
nr! Opgaven var at optage video som kunne bruges til
3D-dokumentation, noget som vil lette analysen af disse
lokaliteter, da det ikke er let at f et overblik over dem i de
uklare dybder. Selv i Adriaterhavet er der grnser for de
krystalklare dykkeforhold.

En lokalitet i krystalklart vand ikke langt fra Zadar var Svt.

6. Danish and Croatian underwater archaeologists at a cage Petar (Skt. Peter), ud for den nordlige spids af en Ugljan.
protecting amphorae near Cavtat / Danske og Kroatiske
marinarkologer ved et bur som beskytter amforaer nr Her gik danskerne i gang med ejektorsug og mlebnd, da
Cavtat. (Photo: M.Pei) de sammen med deres kroatiske kollegaer dokumenterede


et forlissted hvor et stort omrde var dkket af skr af am-
foraer af byzantinsk oprindelse. Selvom karakteren af loka-
liteten var meget fremmed, var metoderne meget lig dem
vi bruger i Danmark og formodentlig i mange andre lan-
de som praktiserer marinarkologi.

Den danske gruppe havde ogs muligheden for at besge

arkologiske museer, og to af dem var overvejende viet til
den maritime kulturarv, nemlig museet i Biograd som rum-
mer fundene fra det venetianske vrag fra Gnalic dateret til
1583, med mange genstande som var handelsvarer, og mu-
seet i Nin med de to meget interessante middelalderlige
bde fra omrdet. Nin-vragene var ved at blive dokumen-
teret ved hjlp af 3D-fotogrammetri da vi var der, og m-
ske kan disse vrag blive genstand for et fortsat samarbejde
mellem danske og kroatiske marinarkologer, noget som
blev diskuteret p et indledende plan.

ICUAs galleri var ogs genstand for hndgribeligt samar-

bejde, da udstillingen om forskellige undervandslokalite-
ter mtte vige pladsen for en ny, som skulle vise fundene
fra klosteromrdet som centret ligger p. Under renovering
havde man fundet en mngde genstande fra det 19. og
20. rhundrede, og de var nu klar fra konservering. Den ny
udstilling bnede med en reception med deltagelse af den
7. Andreas Bloch and Otto Udlum prepare an exhibition on danske ambassadr i Kroatien Anders Christian Hougrd.
the / Andreas Bloch og Otto Uldum forbereder en udstilling
i Skt. Nikola-klosteret (Photo: L.Beki)
former monastery. Many finds dating from the 19th and 20th
Century had been found, and were now ready from the con-
servation process. The new exhibition was opened with a
reception where the Danish ambassador to Croatia Anders
Christian Hougrd was present.

Besides the professional content of the visit, the Danes were

treated to many pleasurable social gatherings, from the dai-
ly coffee break down the corner, to barbecue parties at the
homes of Luka Beki and Mladen Pesi, where great Croatian
food was being prepared. In fact the social side of both the
Croatian visits to Denmark and the recent visit by the Danes
in Croatia, have shown certain congeniality and many com-
mon attitudes professionally as well as socially, that bodes
well for future cooperation. 8. Danish archaeologists at the Epidaurum diving centre in
Cavtat / Danske arkologer p Epidaurum dykkercenter i
Cavtat (Photo: L.Beki)
Ud over det faglige indhold af besget, blev danskerne
budt p mange fornjelige sammenkomster, fra kaffe-
pausen nede p hjrnet til grillfester
hos Luka Bekic og Mladen Pesic hvor
9. Danish herlig kroatisk mad blev tilberedt.
archaeologists with Faktisk har bde kroaternes be-
ambassador Anders
Christian Hougrd and
sg i Danmark og danskernes
Jasmina Kovaevi of the besg i Kroatien, vist en vis
Danish embassy / Danske kongenialitet og mange fl-
arkologer med ambassadr les holdninger, bde fagligt
Anders Christian Hougaard og socialt som lover vel for
og Jasmina Kovaevi fra
den danske ambassade.
fremtidigt samarbejde.
(Photo: M. Kaleb)


Archaeological Discoveries on
the 2016 Albanian Marine
Science Expedition
Arheoloka otkria tijekom
Albanske pomorsko - znanstvene
ekspedicije 2016. g.
Peter Campbell,

In July 2016, an international team collected scientific data U srpnju 2016. g. meunarodna ekipa prikupljala je
from the southern Albanian coastline. The Albanian Marine znanstvene podatke na junoj albanskoj obali. Alban-
Science Expedition was composed of marine scientists and ska pomorsko - znanstvena ekspedicije bila je sainje-
archaeologists working together with the Albanian Center na od pomorskih znanstvenika i arheologa koji su radili
for Marine Research, National Coastal Agency (Agjensia Kom- zajedno s Albanskim centrom za pomorska istraiva-
btare e Bregdetit), Albanian Navy, and the NGO Deep Blue nja, Nacionalnom obalnom agencijom (Agjensia Kom-
Explorers. The team inspected at risk underwater cultural btare e Bregdetit), Albanskom mornaricom i udrugom
heritage and gathered information on the health of eco- Deep Blue Explorers. Ekipa je pregledavala ugroenu
systems in the northern Ionian and southern Adriatic seas. podvodnu kulturnu batinu i prikupljala informacije o
stanju ekosustava u sjevernom Jonskom moru te ju-
Albania lies at the strategic entrance to the Adriatic Sea with nom Jadranu.
the Corfu channel to the south and along ancient cross-
ing routes from Italy to the Karaburun Peninsula. During
the Roman Civil War, Julius Caesar landed along the region
and attacked the strategic points controlled by Pompey the
Great. Orikum and Vlora Bay saw some of the first naval en-
gagements of the war. The expedition surveyed at risk loca-
tions in this region, from the lake surrounding the Butrint
UNESCO World Heritage site in southern Albania to Sazan
Island and Vlora Bay in the middle of the country. Restric-
tions on SCUBA diving and coastal development during the
communist period has inadvertently provided Albania with
some of the most pristine underwater cultural heritage in
the Mediterranean, though this is changing rapidly due to
a boom in coastal tourism.

Underwater research in Albania over the last decade has

identified shipwrecks from every period, but the expedition 1. A diver inside a Roman marble quarry that is now
marks a transition toward integrating data to understand submerged by more than a meter / Ronilac u rimskom
kamenolomu mramora koji je sada potonuo za vie od 1
coastal and environmental change in the past and present.
metar (Photo: P. Campbell)
Albania contains rich cultural and natural resources, but it
is under threat from unregulated development. Oversee- Albanija lei na stratekom ulazu u Jadran s Krfskim tje-
ing these goals were Neritan Ceka (Albanian Institute of Ar- snacem na jugu i uzdu drevne rute iz Italije prema po-
chaeology) and Peter Campbell (University of Southamp- luotoku Karaburun. Tijekom Rimskih graanskih ratova
ton/Albanian Center for Marine Research), who directed the Julije Cezar iskrcavao se na tom podruju i napadao stra-
expedition and assessed the at risk sites, as well as the lo- teke toke koje je kontrolirao Pompej Veliki. Orikum i
cation of a future underwater museum to be created in the uvala Vlora bile su ukljuene u prve sukobe ve na po-
tourist town of Ksamil, opposite the Greek island of Corfu. etku rata. Ekspedicija je na ovom podruju pregledava-
la ugroene poloaje, od jezera koje okruuje Butrint, na


listi UNESCO-ve svjetske batine na jugu Albanije do otoka
Sazan i uvale Vlora u sredini zemlje. Zbog zabrane autono-
mnog ronjenja i gradnje obalne infrastrukture u vrijeme ko-
munizma Albanija ima podvodnu batinu koja spada meu
najouvanije u Sredozemlju, mada se to sada ubrzano mije-
nja zbog turistikog buma na obali.

Podvodna istraivanja u Albaniji su tijekom posljednjeg de-

setljea otkrila brodolome iz svih razdoblja, ali ekspedicija
je oznaila tranziciju prema integraciji podataka kako bi se
razumjela obalne i okoline mijene u prolosti i sadanjosti.
Albanija posjeduje bogate kulturne i prirodne resurse no to
je pod rizikom nereguliranog razvoja. Ove ciljeve nadgleda-
ju Neritan Ceka (Albanski intitut za arheologiju) i Peter Cam-
pbell (Sveuilite u Southamptonu / Albanski centar za po-
morska istraivanja), koji su vodili ekspediciju i procjenjivali
rizik na nalazitima kao i poloaj budueg podvodnog mu-
zeja u turistikom gradu Ksamil, nasuprot grkog otoka Krf.
Projekt je otkrio pokazatelje pomorske trgovine iz svih raz-
doblja, ali primarno od do 7. st. Oni ukljuuju sidra
izraena od kamena, olova i eljeza. Uglavnom su pronae-
ne amfore zapadnosredozemnog porijekla, ali je zabiljeeno
2. A stone anchor found near the ancient harbor at Triport / i nekoliko egejskih tipova. Predmeti svakodnevnog ivota su
Kameno sidro pronaeno blizu antike luke Triport takoer pronaeni, poput tegula i imbreksa, tanjura i vre-
(Photo: S. Lopez) va za vodu. Predmeti su ostavljeni neporemeeni in situ za
The project discovered evidence of maritime trade and com- budua prouavanja. Jedna od rizinih toki je Triport, gdje
merce from every time period, but primarily 4th century BC to se provode veliki nelegalni graevinski radovi izgradnje ho-
7th century AD. Finds include anchors made of stone, lead, and tela na vanoj utvrdi. Podvodni ostaci rasprostiru se na oko
iron. Predominately Central and Western Mediterranean am- 12 hektara i vrlo su znaajni, ipak i oni su oteeni uslijed
phoras were found, though several Aegean types were noted. gradnje hotela.
Items from everyday life include imbreces and tegulae, plates,
and water jugs. Artifacts were undisturbed and left in situ for lanovi ekspedicije su takoer procijenili potopljene
future study. One of the at risk locations is Triport, which has gradove i luke strukture uzdu obale Butrinta, Ori-
seen large-scale illegal hotel developments on top of an im- kuma i Triporta, koji su se potopili uslijed vie procesa

3. Divers inspect a Roman marble quarry that has

become partially submerged due to sealevel change /
Ronioci pregledavaju rimski kamenolom mramora koji
je sada potopljen zbog promjene morske razine (Photo:
P. Campbell)


portant fortress. The submerged remains cover nearly 20 acres
demonstrating great importance; however, there is damage
to the underwater site from the hotel development projects.

Expedition members also assessed submerged sites along the

coast in Butrint, Orikum, and Triport, which have been sub-
merged by a number of sea-level change processes. Ancient
archaeological sites such as cities, harbor structures, and quar-
ries around southern Albanian showed submergence up to
150 cm. These are due to a number of processes, such as plate

4. Part of a lead anchor dating between the 5-3 centuries

BC / Dio olovnog sidra koji se datira izmeu 5. i 3.
(Photo: P. Campbell)
promjene morske razine. Antika arheoloka nalazita
poput gradova, lukih struktura i kamenoloma u junoj
Albaniji pokazuju potapanje ispod dananje morske ra-
5. The expedition vessel sails by Ali Pashas castle at Porto zine do 150 cm. Do potapanja dolazi zbog brojnih proce-
Palermo Albania / Ekspedicijsko plovilo jedri uz utvrdu Ali sa poput tektonskih isostatskih promjena morske razine i
Pasha kod Porto Palermo u Albaniji. (Photo: S. Lopez) kompresije fluvijalnih sedimenata. Buduim istraivanji-
tectonics, isostatic sea-level change, and compression of flu- ma je planirano rekonstruirati mofologiju albanske oba-
vial sediments. Future research is planned to reconstruct the le u prolosti.
morphology of the Albania coastline in the past.
Podaci koje je ekspedicija prikupila obavjetavaju nas o
The expeditions data informs us about environmental and obalnim morfolokim promjenama okolia od antikih
coastal morphological changes from ancient through mod- do modernih vremena, a to je vano za otkrivanje kako
ern times, and it is important for revealing how ancient and su antike i dananje kulture plovile, provodile trgovinu,
current cultures navigate, conduct commerce, exploit marine iskoritavale morske resurse i odnosile se prema promje-
resources, and deal with changes in marine environment. As- nama u morskom okoliu. Procjena ugroene podvod-
sessment of at risk underwater cultural heritage and environ- ne kulturne batine i okolia od strane Obalne agencije
ment under the Coastal Agency will continue in future seasons nastaviti e se i u buduim godinama kroz suradnju s
through collaborations with international partners. meunarodnim partnerima.

6. The 2016 expedition team / Ekipa ekspedicije 2016. / From left to right / s lijeva na desno: Matija
Drakulic, Spiros Boikos, Sea Cox, Helen Bardas, Carmen Obied, Steven Lopez, Peter Campbell, Eleni
Michalopoulou, Lorena Sinatrakaj, Scott Tucker, Niki Karagouni, and Mateusz Polakowski.
(Photo: S. Lopez)


Underwater Archaeology
Collaboration Continues with
Visit to Denmark
Posjet Kraljevini Danskoj u
nastavku suradnje na polju
podvodne arheologije
Martina urkovi Madiraca, / Maja Kaleb,
Underwater archaeologists and conservator/restorers with U razdoblju od 04. do 18. lipnja 2016. godine podvodni arheo-
the International Centre for Underwater Archaeology in Za- lozi i konzervatorice-restauratorice iz Meunarodnog centra za
dar (ICUA) Luka Beki, Antonija Jozi, Mladen Pei, Martina podvodnu arheologiju u Zadru (MCPA), Luka Beki, Antonija Jo-
urkovi Madiraca, Roko Suri and Maja Kaleb visited the King- zi, Mladen Pei, Martina urkovi Madiraca, Roko Suri i Maja
dom of Denmark from the 4th to 18th of June 2016 in the Kaleb posjetili su Kraljevinu Dansku u sklopu nastavka suradnje
frame of the continuing collaboration between ICUA Zadar izmeu MCPA Zadar i Danske agencije za kulturu Ministarstva
and the Danish Agency for Culture (Kulturministeriet Slots - og kulture (Kulturministeriet Slots - og Kulturstyrelsen).
Ekspedicija je krenula iz Zadra kombijem, a prvo stajalite bio je
Our expedition started with our departure from Zadar in our Berlin odakle se nakon noenja krenulo preko Baltikog mora
van, with the first overnight stop in Berlin, before moving on to trajektom iz Njemake luke Rostock prema Danskoj luci Ged-
cross the Baltic Sea by ferry from the German port of Rostock ser. Odmah po dolasku u Dansku doek im je organizirao je-
to the Danish port of Gedser. Upon our arrival in Denmark a dan od domaina, Torben Malm iz Danske agencije za kulturu
welcome was prepared for us by one of our hosts during the koji je goste primio u Dragru. U tom malenom pomorskom
stay, Torben Malm from the Danish Agency for Culture, who gradiu na jugoistoku otoka Amager, djelatnici MCPA imali su
received us at Dragr. In this small maritime town on the south- priliku razgledati luku gdje su privezani drveni brodovi izgra-
east of the island of Amager, the ICUA team had an opportuni- eni tradicionalnom, tzv. stinom brodogradnjom. Osim toga,
ty to tour the harbour where wooden boats are berthed built vidjeli su i luku loionicu iz 18. st. koja predstavlja jednu od 3
in the traditional stitched method. We also saw the harbours sauvane u cijeloj Danskoj iako su nekad one bile sastavni dio
eighteenth century stokehold, one of three preserved in all of
Denmark that were once an integral feature of every harbour.
These are small structures and the only place in the harbour in
which fire was permitted due to the danger of fire breaking out
and causing major damage to wooden ships. We also visited
architect Lisbeth Dam Larsen in her wonderful modern home
and one of the oldest inhabitants of Dragr who opened the
doors to their old traditional style house with thatched roof.
We were especially captivated by the long maritime history in
this family, evident from the homes interior, which could easily
be mistaken for an ethnographic museum.

The following day our underwater archaeologists visited Hels-

ingr, a town on the northeast of the island of Zealand, at the
narrowest part of the resund strait, right across the way from
Swedens Helsingborg. Certainly the most impressive point of
interest we had an opportunity visit was the sixteenth century
Renaissance period Kronborg castle, immortalised in William 1. Torben Malm explains the dating characteristics of
Shakespeares tragedy Hamlet as Elsinore. Noteworthy is that the anchors displayed at Kronborg castle / Torben Malm
it was built to monitor the navigation route and that this tru- objanjava datacijske znaajke sidara izloenih u utvrdi
Kronborg / (Photo: R. Suri)


svake luke. Radi se o objektu manjih dimenzija, ujedno i jedi-
nom mjestu u luci gdje se smjela loiti vatra i kuhati hrana zbog
opasnosti od izbijanja poara koji bi nanio veliku tetu drve-
nim brodovima. Posjetili su arhitekticu Lisbeth Dam Larsen u
njenoj predivnoj modernoj kui kao i jednu od najstarijih ite-
ljica Dragra koja im je otvorila vrata svoga starinskog doma,
kue izgraene u tradicionalnom stilu sa slamnatim krovom.
Posebno ih je oduevila duga pomorska povijest obitelji, itlji-
va iz interijera doma, kojeg se lako moe zamijeniti za postav
etnografskog muzeja.

Sljedei su dan podvodni arheolozi posjetili Helsingr, grad

koji lei na sjeveroistoku otoka Zealanda, na najuem dijelu
tjesnaca resund, tono preko puta vedskog Helsingborga.
Najvanija znamenitost koju su imali priliku posjetiti zasigurno
je renesansna utvrda Kronborg iz 16. st. koja je ovjekovjeena
u tragediji Williama Shakespearea Hamlet kao dvorac Elsinore.
Vano je znati da je izgraena zbog nadzora nad pomorskim
2. A visit to the home of Lisbeth Dam Larsen in Dragr /
Posjet domu Lisbeth Dam Larsen u Dragru (Photo: L. Beki)
putom i da je kao uistinu impozantna graevina uvrtena 2000.
g. na UNESCO-ovu listu svjetske kulturne batine.
ly imposing edifice was inscribed on the UNESCO list of the
worlds cultural heritage in the year 2000.

Along with Kronborg castle, we also visited the Danish mar-

itime museum (M/S Museet for Sfart) while in Helsingr,
opened in 2013 and located at the old dry dock. The mu-
seum building was nominated for the old continents most
prestigious architecture award, the European Union Prize for
Contemporary Architecture Mies van der Rohe 2015, and
was among the five finalists. This museum, with its specific
interior and exterior, is home to a collection of artefacts from
Danish maritime and commercial history from 1400 to the
present day. We saw numerous ideas at the museum that
could be incorporated in the future museum of underwater
archaeology in Zadar.

A UNESCO Regional Meeting on Underwater Cultural Herit- 3. A tour of the maritime museum in Helsingr /
age was held on the 8th of June at the National Museum in Razgledavanje Muzeja pomorstva u Helsingru
(Photo: M. Kaleb)
Copenhagen with ICUA director Luka Beki DSc taking part
as a Croatian delegate. The objective of this gathering was to Osim utvrde Kronborg, u Helsingru su posjetili i Muzej dan-
promote the 2001 Convention on the Protection of the Un- skog pomorstva (M/S Museet for Sfart) koji je otvoren 2013.
derwater Cultural Heritage and to promote high standards of g., a smjeten je u prostoru starog suhog doka. Zgrada muzeja
the protection of underwater cultural heritage in European nominirana je za najprestiniju nagradu za arhitekturu na sta-
countries. Our crew of Croatian archaeologists took the op- rom kontinentu: European Union Prize for Contemporary Arc-
portunity to visit the permanent exhibition of the National hitecture Mies van der Rohe 2015., te je izborila mjesto meu
Museum, housing the most important artefacts from Den- 5 finalista. U muzeju specifinog eksterijera, ali i interijera, po-
marks wealth of cultural heritage. hranjena je zbirka predmeta iz povijesti danskog pomorstva i
trgovine od 1400. g. do danas. U muzeju su prepoznate brojne
The following day saw the UNESCO Conference on Access to ideje koje e se moi uklopiti u budui Muzej podvodne arhe-
Underwater Cultural Heritage in which Mladen Pei, Roko ologije u Zadru.
Suri and Maja Kaleb took part, with Luka Beki giving a lec-
ture on Underwater Museums of Croatia with Special Regard Dana 8. lipnja u Nacionalnom muzeju u Kopenhagenu odran
to Modern Shipwrecks. During this scientific colloquium the je UNESCO-ov Regionalni sastanak na temu podvodne kultur-
Croatian archaeologists set up an info desk where they hand- ne batine (Regional Meeting on Underwater Cultural Heritage)
ed out ICUA Zadar print material and fielded questions from na kojem je kao predstavnik Republike Hrvatske sudjelovao i
the many event delegates about the work of ICUA. The event ravnatelj MCPA Luka Beki. Cilj ovog sastanka bila je pro-
also included a visit to the Viking Ship Museum at Roskilde mocija Konvencije o zatiti kulturne batine iz 2001. g, te pro-
where, along with the fascinating Viking ships, we had an micanje visokih standarda zatite podvodne kulturne batine
opportunity to see the latest multidisciplinary exhibition meu zemljama Europe. Za to vrijeme, hrvatski arheolozi su


4. Curator Morten Ravn explains the exhibits at the Viking Ship
Museum at Roskilde to the participants of the UNESCO meeting /
Kustos Morten Ravn objanjava postav Muzeja vikinkih brodova
u Roskildeu sudionicima UNESCO skup(Photo: M. Kaleb)

that aims to bring underwater archaeology and the excava- posjetili stalni postav Nacionalnog muzeja gdje su pohranjeni
tion techniques used by underwater archaeologists to the najvaniji predmeti iz bogate danske kulturne batine.
general public.
Idui dan odran je UNESCO-ov Znanstveni skup o pristupnosti
Not far from Roskilde our underwater archaeologists also paid podvodne kulturne batine (Conference on Access to Underwa-
a visit to Sagnlandet Lejre (The Land of Legends), an open- ter Cultural Heritage) na kojem su prisustvovali Mladen Pei,
air archaeological museum covering 43 hectares that is the Roko Suri i Maja Kaleb, dok je Luka Beki odrao preda-
largest and most comprehensive experimental centre in Den- vanje na temu Underwater museums of Croatia with special
mark. Sagnlandet Lejre is characterised by a stunning nat- regards to modern shipwrecks. Tijekom trajanja znanstvenog
ural environment in which the only human intervention is skupa hrvatski arheolozi pripremili su informativni stol na ko-
the work of many volunteers reviving traditional life without jem su dijelili tiskana izdanja MCPA Zadar te odgovarali na pi-
the aid of modern technology, including pottery, fabricating tanja brojnih uzvanika o djelovanju zadarskog centra. U sklopu
grindstones and flint tools, using monoxylons on the lake, znanstvenog skupa organiziran je i posjet Muzeju vikinkih bro-
breeding animals and growing plants. The archaeologists dova u Roskildeu gdje se osim fascinantnih vikinkih brodova
wrapped up their visit with a meeting of Danish and Croa- imalo priliku vidjeti najnoviji multidisciplinarni postav kojem je
tian underwater archaeologists at the Copenhagen home cilj svima pribliiti podvodnu arheologiju, kao i tehnike iskopa-
of Andreas Bloch. vanja kojima se slue podvodni arheolozi.
5. The ICUA Zadar information desk at the UNESCO meeting
During that time ICUA Zadar conservator/restorers Antonija / Informativni stol MCPA Zadar tijekom UNESCO-vog skupa
Jozi and Martina urkovi Madiraca visited the workshop of (Photo: L. Beki)
the Danish National Museum in Brede, a suburb of Copenha-
gen. A wonderful Monday meeting with conservator/restor-
er Anne-France Le Boedec Moesgaard at the wet wood con-
servation and restoration department kicked off a weeklong
sojourn at the workshops of the Danish National Museum.

ICUA Zadar conservator/restorers took part in the custom-

ary Danish joint breakfast and coffee where ideas and pro-
jects for the coming week are presented. The meeting was
followed by a tour of the other departments in the impos-
ing complex, where we had the opportunity to exchange
experiences with our Danish colleagues in various aspects
of conservation and restoration. During our stay at the wet
wood conservation department we had an opportunity to


Nedaleko od Roskildea podvodni arheolozi posjetili su i Sagn-
landet Lejre (Zemlja mitova / legendi), odnosno arheoloki mu-
zej na otvorenom koji se rasprostire na 43 ha, a ujedno je i sa-
drajem najvei i najbogatiji eksperimentalni centar u Danskoj.
Zemlju legendi odlikuje bajkovita priroda u kojoj su jedine in-
tervencije djela brojnih volontera koji bez moderne tehnologi-
je oivljavaju tradiciju na ovom prostoru kao to je lonarstvo,
izrada rvnjeva i alatki od kremena, vonja ladvama (monok-
silima) po jezeru te uzgoj ivotinja i biljaka. Posjet arheologa
Danskoj zavren je zajednikim druenjem desetak danskih i
hrvatskih podvodnih arheologa u domu Andreasa Blocha u

Za to vrijeme konzervatorice-restauratorice MCPA Zadar, An-

tonija Jozi i Martina urkovi Madiraca boravile su u radionici
6. The wet wood conservation and restoration workshop at Nacionalnog muzeja Danske smjetenog u Brede-u, predgrau
the Danish National Museum / Radionica za konzerviranje Kopenhagena. U ponedjeljak ujutro, srdanim susretom s kon-
i restauriranje mokrog drva Nacionalnog muzeja Danske zervatoricom-restauratoricom Anne-France Le Boedec Moes-
(Photo: M. urkovi Madiraca)
gaard na Odjelu za konzerviranje i restauriranje mokrog drva,
become acquainted with the work of our Danish colleagues zapoinje jednotjedno druenje u radionicama Nacionalnog
in the field and work on various wooden artefacts in various muzeja Danske.
phases of conservation and restoration. The ICUA archaeol-
ogists joined Antonija and Martina at the wet wood conser- Konzervatorice-restauratorice MCPA prisustvovale su dan-
vation department where Anne-France showed us interest- skom obiaju zajednikog druenja uz doruak i kavu gdje se
ing artefacts during and after the conservation procedure. uz ugodan razgovor izlau ideje i projekti za naredni tjedan uz
prezentaciju. Nakon druenja slijedio je obilazak ostalih odjela
During our weeklong working visit we also visited the met- impozantnog kompleksa gdje su konzervatorice-restauratori-
als conservation and restoration workshop where we met ce imale priliku razmijeniti iskustva s danskim kolegama iz ra-
with Signe Nygaard Holm and Karen Stemann Petersen. We zliitih polja konzerviranja i restauriranja. Prilikom boravka na
exchanged our experiences and learned new aspects in Dan- Odjelu za konzerviranje mokrog drva imale su priliku upozna-
ish methods of the conservation of iron applying high tem- ti se s radom danskih kolega u tom polju te raditi na drvenim
peratures, electrolysis and other topics in the area of metals predmetima u razliitim konzervatorsko-restauratorskih faza-
conservation and restoration. We also visited the research ma. Arheolozi MCPA posjetili su Antoniju i Martinu na Odjelu za
department where Nanna Bjerregaard Pedersen and Hen- mokro drvo gdje im je Anne-France pokazala zanimljive pred-
mete u postupku i nakon postupka konzerviranja.

Tijekom radnog tjedna posjetile su Radionicu za konzerviranje

i restauriranje metala gdje su se susrele sa Signe Nygaard Holm
i Karen Stemann Petersen. Izmijenile su iskustva i saznale ne-
to novo o danskoj metodi konzerviranja eljeza paljenjem na
visokim temperaturama, elektrolizi i drugim temama iz polja
konzerviranja i restauriranja metala. Takoer su posjetile i Odjel
za istraivanja gdje su ih doekali Nanna Bjerregaard Pedersen i
Henning Matthiesen i predstavili im svoj istraivaki rad na po-
lju konzerviranja i restauriranja arheolokih nalaza.

Posjetile su i Open Air Museum koji se nalazi u blizini Radionice

za konzerviranje i restauriranje, a upravo je taj muzej jedan od
najveih i najstariji tog tipa. Rije je o povijesnom muzeju na
otvorenom iji postav ine originalni objekti iz razliitih povije-
snih razdoblja dopremljeni s najudaljenijih dijelova Kraljevine
Danske. Boravak u Kopenhagenu iskoristile su za obilazak gra-
da i posjet Nacionalnom muzeju, a posebice ih se dojmio obi-
lazak brodom sa strunim vodstvom kroz mnogobrojne grad-
ske morske kanale. Obile su i etvrt Christiania koja postoji
6. Anne-France Le Boedec Moesgaard and Antonija Jozi
at work on wet wood / Anne-France Le Boedec Moesgaard i
od 1971. g. i danas opstaje kao slobodan grad unutar grada,
Antonija Jozi rade na mokrom drvetu (Photo: M. urkovi te otok Papiren koje slovi kao mondeno okupljalite s umjet-
Madiraca) nikim dogaanjima i ulinom hranom.


ning Matthiesen presented their research work in the field Nakon tjedna u Kopenhagenu, Antonija i Martina zaputile su se
of archaeological finds conservation and restoration. na danski poluotok Jutland, odnosno na njegov zapad gdje se
nalazi maleni grad lgod u kojem je smjeten Centar za kon-
We toured the Open Air Museum near the conservation zerviranje Konserveringscenter Vest. Putem su se zaustavile u
and restoration workshops, one of the largest and old- prethodno spomenutom Muzeju Vikinkih brodova u Roskil-
est museums of its kind. The museum is home to original deu te u Clay Museum of Ceramic Art Denmark u Middelfartu.
artefacts from various historical periods from all across
the Kingdom of Denmark. Our time in Copenhagen was U Konserveringscenter Vest-u srdani su im domaini bili Gerd
also a great chance to tour the city and visit the National Nebrich, Lars Rust Jensen i voditelj Centra Michael Hjlund Ra-
Museum, and we were especially delighted with a boat smussen. Konserveringscenter Vest je suvremeno opremljena
tour led by an expert guide through the citys numerous radionica s meunarodnim timom strunjaka iz razliitih polja
seawater canals. We also toured the Christiania Freetown, konzerviranja i restauriranja. Nakon obilaska radionica i upo-
founded in 1971 and now functioning as an autonomous znavanja s kolektivom uslijedio je radni sastanak na kojem se
neighbourhood within the city, and Papiren island, a raspravljalo o problematici konzerviranja i restauriranja elje-
trendy gathering place known for its art and street food. znog sidra iz Strandingsmuseum St. George u Thorsmindeu.
eljezno sidro kao i ostali predmeti iz postava muzeja potjee
After the week in Copenhagen, Antonija and Martina s britanskog broda St. George koji se nasukao 1811. g. na spru-
travelled to the west of the Danish Jutland peninsula to du zapadne obale Jutlanda.
the small town of lgod that is home to the Konserver-
ingscenter Vest conservation centre. On the way they
visited the Viking Ship Museum at Roskilde and the Den-
mark Clay Museum of Ceramic Art in Middelfart.

At the Konserveringscenter Vest we were cordially host-

ed by Gerd Nebrich, Lars Rust Jensen and the manager of
the Centre Michael Hjlund Rasmussen. The Konserver-
ingscenter Vest is a modern workshop with an interna-
tional team of experts in various fields of conservation
and restoration. After touring the workshops and meeting
the collective we attended a working meeting at which
the issue of conserving and restoring an iron anchor from
the Strandingsmuseum St. George u Thorsminde was
discussed. The iron anchor and other artefacts from the 7. A visit to the Strandingsmuseum St. George in
museum collection originate from the British ship St. Thorsminde; from left to right:/ Posjet Strandingsmuseum
George, which ran aground in 1811 on a shoal on the St. George u Thorsmindeu; s lijeva na desno: Martina
western coast of Jutland. urkovi Madiraca, Helle Sigh, Michael Hjlund Rasmussen
and Antonija Jozi (Photo: G. Nebrich)
A visit was organised to the St. George Museum where Organiziran je posjet Muzeju St.George gdje ih je doekala vo-
we were received by director Helle Sigh who gave us a diteljica Helle Sigh i provela kroz gradilite na kojem e uskoro
tour of the construction site where a new and renovat- niknuti novi i obnovljeni muzej izgraen oko sredinjeg ekspo-
ed museum is being built around the central exhibit, the nata, kormila s brodoloma St. George visine 7 m.
seven metre high rudder of the St. George shipwreck.
Isti dan uz pratnju domaina Gerda posjetile su i muzej u Hol-
That same day our host Gerd led us through a visit of stebro-u gdje im je dobrodolicu pripremila ravnateljica Inge-
the museum in Holstebro where we were welcomed by borg Svennevig. Vrijeme su proveli uz ugodni razgovor i dru-
the director Ingeborg Svennevig. We passed the time in enje te obilazak povijesnog muzeja i velike zbirke moderne i
a pleasant conversation and tour of this museum with suvremene umjetnosti. Nakon posjeta muzejima domain je
its comprehensive collection of modern and contempo- svoje goe odveo na nevjerojatne i beskonane pjeane pla-
rary art. After our visits to the museums our hosts led us e zapadne obale Jutlanda. S obzirom da je sunce zalazilo oko
to the fascinating and seemingly endless sandy beaches 22 sata, bilo je mogue u potpunosti iskoristiti dan za raznovr-
of the western coast of Jutland. Given that the sun sets sne posjete i aktivnosti.
around 10 oclock in the evening we were able to make
the best of the long day in various visits and activities. Dani u Konserveringscenter Vest provedeni su radno tijekom
kojih su im danski kolege u detalje iznijeli svoj nain rada na
Our time at the Konserveringscenter Vest was spent in arheolokim nalazima od razliitih materijala. Voditelj radioni-
work in which our Danish colleagues presented in detail ce Michael ugostio je konzervatorice na veeri na kojoj su upo-
their work methods with archaeological finds of various znale njegovu suprugu Lise Rder Knudsen koja ih je pozva-
materials. Michael, the head of the workshops, hosted la u Centar za konzerviranje i restauriranje u Vejleu u kojem je


voditeljica. U posjet Centar u Vejleu zaputile su se u petak, na
povratku za Kopenhagen. Konzervatorice-restauratorice u Cen-
tar su dole na vrijeme za zajedniki doruak nakon kojeg ih
je Lise provela po radionicama. Osim radionica koje su opre-
mljene najsuvremenijom opremom, u centru su imale priliku
vidjeti i novosagraeni depo koji svojom veliinom zadovolja-
va potrebe za skladitenje muzejskih predmeta Muzeja u Vej-
leu, ali i okolnih muzeja. Depo je poseban i jedinstven po tome
to je projektiran tako da uz pomo koritenja izolacije i speci-
finih karakteristika okolia sam odrava optimalne uvjete za
skladitenje predmeta uz minimalnu potronju energije tije-
kom cijele godine.
8. Our conservator/restorers with Lars of the
Konserveringscenter Vest work on cleaning a wooden pulley
with iron parts / Konzervatorice-restauratorice s Larsom
iz Konserveringscenter Vest rade na ienju drvenog
koloturnika s eljeznim elementima (Photo: G. Nebrich)
the ICUA conservators for the evening where we met his wife
Lise Rder Knudsen, who invited us to the conservation and
restoration centre in Vejle where she is the director. We vis-
ited the centre in Vejle on Friday on our return to Copenha-
gen, arriving in time for the joint breakfast meeting followed
by a tour of the workshops with Lise. Along with the work-
shops, equipped with the latest technology, we also visited
the newly built depot, built large enough to be adequate
to the storage requirements of the museum at Vejle and of
nearby museums. The depot is special and unique in that it 9. Our conservator/restorers with their hosts at the
Konserveringscenter Vest / Konzervatorice-restauratorice s
was designed with insulation and specific environmental con-
domainima iz Konserveringscenter Vest; s lijeva na desno
ditions in mind to maintain optimal conditions for storage / from left to right: Michael Hjlund Rasmussen, Lars Rust
while minimising the use of energy year-round. Jensen, Gerd Nebrich, Antonija Jozi and Martina urkovi
(Photo: R. Bjarnhof)
After the visit to the centre in Vejle Antonija and Martina de- Nakon posjeta Centru u Vejleu, Antonija i Martina odlui-
cided to turn off their planned route to visit the city of Aarhus le su skrenuti s planirane rute i posjetiti grad Aarhus na
on the northeast coast of Jutland. Aarhus is a port city with a sjeveroistonoj obali Jutlanda. Aarhus je luki grad s pre-
stunning old town core and countless small shops and hos- krasnom gradskom jezgrom i mnogobrojnim malim rad-
pitality venues. On our way back we traversed the Jutland njama i ugostiteljskim objektima. Na povratku su proputo-
peninsula, crossed the bridges to the island of Funen and vale poluotok Jutland, mostovima su dole na otok Funen
then to the island of Zealand, to the east of which lies Co- te zatim na otok Zealand, na ijem je istoku smjeten Ko-
penhagen. We spent the final day of our visit in the countrys penhagen. Provele su zadnji dan u glavnom gradu zbra-
capital recounting our impressions from this intense trip and jajui dojmove ovog intenzivnog putovanja, od kojeg e
our lasting impressions of the generosity, welcoming hospi- im ponajvie ostati u sjeanju velikoduna danska dobro-
tality and kindness of our Danish hosts. dolica i ljubaznost.

10. A sandy beach on the

western side of the Jutland
peninsula / Pjeana obala
zapadne strane poluotoka
Jutlanda (Photo: M. urkovi


The Early Croatian Boats at Nin
Repair and Reconservation Begins
Starohrvatski brodovi iz Nina -
poetak sanacije i rekonzerviranja
Zdenka Vrgo, / Marina imii,

The exhibition hall of the Museum of Nin Antiquities has since Izlobena dvorana Muzeja ninskih starina u Ninu od 1980-ih
the 1980s been home to what are in the broader region unique godina uva za nae prostore jedinstveno i izuzetno vrijed-
and exceptionally valuable cultural property. These are the no kulturno dobro. Radi se o starohrvatskim brodovima tipa
early Croatian Condura Croatica boats. Years of exposure and Condura Croatica. Godine izloenosti, neodgovarajui mikro-
inappropriate microclimatic conditions in combination with klimatski uvjeti u kombinaciji s tada nepoznatim loim stra-
the questionable aspects of conservation procedures under- nama konzervatorskog postupka doveli su izloke do dana-
taken at the time have led to the present degraded condition njeg degradiranog stanja. Ove dame, najstarije predstavnice
of the exhibits. These ladies, the oldest representatives of tra- hrvatske tradicionalne brodogradnje polako, ali sigurno plo-
ditional Croatian boat building have slowly, but surely, sailed ve k potpunoj propasti. Kako bi ih skrenuli s kursa i doveli do
towards their utter ruin. With the aim of changing their course mirnije luke, djelatnici i struni suradnici Odjela restauriranja
and bringing them to a safer haven, the staff and expert asso- i konzerviranja Meunarodnog centra za podvodnu arheolo-
ciates of the restoration and conservation department of the giju u 2016. g. zapoeli su na brodovima konzervatorsko-re-
International Centre for Underwater Archaeology began con- stauratorske radove.
servation and restoration work on the boats in 2016.
Sredinom 1960.-ih g. dolazi do znaajnog pomaka u razvo-
In the mid 1960s there was significant progress in the devel- ju ronilakih aktivnosti ime raste i zanimanje za batinu
opment of diving activities that saw a concurrent growth in in- koja je stoljeima ostala potopljena i nedostupna. Tih godi-
terest for heritage that had for centuries remained submerged na otkriveni su neki od najbogatijih podvodnih lokaliteta u
and inaccessible. Those years saw some of the most significant Hrvatskoj, jedinstveni ne samo za hrvatsku, ve i europsku
underwater sites in Croatia emerge, unique not only in Croatia, pomorsku tradiciju. Meu njima svakako se istiu nalazi sta-
but within the scope of European maritime tradition. Certainly rohrvatskih i liburnskih brodova iz Nina, otkrie mletakog tr-
prominent among these is the find of early Croatian and Libur- govakog broda kod Gnalia, brojni nalazi antikih i srednjo-
nian boats in Nin, the discovery of a Venetian merchant ship at vjekovnih brodova oko Visa, Hvara, Loinja te u Istri. Svjedoci
Gnali, and numerous finds of Antiquity period and medieval smo kako iz dana u dan taj popis neprestano raste i ponosni
boats around Vis, Hvar, Loinj and Istria. We are witness to the
daily growth of this list and proud of the opportunity to par-
ticipate in the investigation of previously unknown chapters
of our history. We are also bound by our responsibility to offer
the best and greatest possible measure of protection, docu-
mentation and care of the recovered cultural property with the
aim of preserving them and in the future making them acces-
sible to everyone. The pioneers of archaeology in the 1960s
were also aware of these responsibilities and invested clearly
evident efforts to research and protect both sites and finds.

In 1966 professor Zdenko Brusi DSc, one of the trailblazers

in Croatian archaeology, received a report from a sailor from
Privlaka of the position of one of the early Croatian boats (re-
ferred to in the literature as Nin 1) at the Usta position at the
entrance to the harbour at Nin. Here sabunjar (sand miners)
from Privlaka extracted sand from the sea in the process they
hit upon pieces of old wood that proved to be parts of a boat 1. Condura boats that have been built / Jedna od dvije
structure. The second early Croatian boat (Nin 2) was discov- sagraene idejne rekonstrukcije ninskih kondura /
ered two years later in the course of the archaeological survey (


of the coastal area in the bay of Nin a little to the south of the
first boats position.

Writing of the early Croatian navy Constantine VII Porphyro-

gennetos refers to these boats as condura. This is, for Europe
as a whole, a unique, rare and precious cultural artefact.

The first systematic investigation of the boats was undertak-

en in May of 1969. The excavations were conducted in specif-
ic conditions due to the reduced visibility caused by the silty
terrain and the shallow water, only 1.5 to two metres. As a re-
sult some of the work was done without scuba gear and only
later with the use of autonomous diving equipment. The Nin1
2. The position of the boats at the entrance to the harbour
at Nin / Poloaj brodova na ulazu u ninsku luku (Juri,
Ogui, Vilhar, 1994, 50)
to imamo priliku sudjelovati u istraivanjima do sada ne-
poznatih dijelova prolosti. Jednako nas tako vee odgo-
vornost da na najbolji mogui nain i u to veoj mjeri
zatitimo, dokumentiramo i brinemo o pronaenim kul-
turnim dobrima kako bi ostala sauvana i u budunosti
dostupna svima. Te su dunosti bili svjesni i pioniri arhe-
ologije koji su tih 1960.-ih g. ulagali vidljive napore kako
bi se nalazita i nalazi istraili i zatitili.

Godine 1966. jedan od prvaka hrvatske podvodne arheo-

logije, Brusi od pomorca iz Privlake do-
biva informaciju o poloaju jednog starohrvatskog broda
(u literaturi nazvanog Nin 1) na poloaju Usta na samom
ulazu u ninsku luku. Tu su privlaki sabunjari (pjeskari)
vadili morski pijesak te pritom nailazili na komade starog
drveta koji su zapravo bili dijelovi brodske konstrukcije.
Dvije godine kasnije, tijekom rekognosciranja priobalnog
dijela Ninskog zaljeva, pronaen je i drugi starohrvatski
brod (Nin 2), neto junije od poloaja prvog broda.

Prema zapisu Konstantina VII. Porfirogeneta koji govori o

starohrvatskoj ratnoj mornarici, brodovi su nazvani kon-
durama, a pronalazak ovog rijetkog i dragocjenog kultur-
nog blaga jedinstven je na podruju Europe.
3. The underwater investigation of the Nin 1 boat / Brod Nin
1 prilikom istraivanja pod morem (Arhiva AMZd)
U svibnju 1969. g. zapoela su prva sustavna istraivanja
and Nin 2 boats had no remains of cargo or equipment and brodova. Iskopavanja su vrena u specifinim uvjetima
the excavations aimed only at investigating the boats struc- zbog smanjene vidljivost uzrokovane muljevitim tlom i
ture (Brusi 1969, 443). Because of the lack of archaeologi- malom dubinom nalazita od svega 1,5 do 2 m. Zbog toga
cal finds of pottery, glass, metal and other artefacts usually su radovi pod morem djelomino izvreni na dah, a ka-
found at archaeological sites and essential to precise dat- snije uporabom autonomne ronilake opreme. Brod Nin
ing, the time of the boats creation and use could only be 1 kao ni brod Nin 2 nije imao ostatke brodskog tereta niti
determined applying the radiocarbon method. Samples of bilo kakve opreme te su iskapanja bila orijentirana iskljui-
wood were therefore sent for radioactive carbon-14 anal- vo na istraivanja brodske konstrukcije (Brusi 1969, 443).
ysis to Zagreb and Stockholm, and the analysis placed the Zbog nedostatka arheolokih nalaza poput keramike, sta-
fabrication of the boats in the eleventh to twelfth centuries kla, metalnih i drugih predmeta koji se uglavnom nalaze
(Brusi, 1978, 11). na svim arheolokim lokalitetima i neophodan su mate-
rijal za precizniju dataciju, vremenski je okvir u kojem su
Upon completion of the investigation and the removal of brodovi nastali i plovili bilo mogue odrediti jedino radi-
stones and sand from the boats wooden structure they okarbonskom metodom. Uzorci su drva stoga poslani na
were photographed and drawn documentation was made analizu radioaktivnog ugljika 14C u Zagreb i Stockholm, a
before they were wrapped in protective foil until extraction analize su vrijeme nastajanja brodova smjestile u 11./12.
from the sea and the start of conservation. st. (Brusi, 1978, 11).


The preserved sections of the structural materials allowed for
a reconstruction of the original appearance, size and function
of these early Croatian boats. Both are built in the same fash-
ion and are of about the same length, about eight metres.
The frames of the boats are formed by ribs composed of one
or several pieces. Given their size, the boats had from 28 to
30 ribs. The other parts of the boats structure, the hull planks
and the like, were attached to the ribs with wooden pegs and
iron nails. The joints between wooden elements were caulked
with oakum before tar was poured in.

Specific to these vessels is that they lack a keel, with the func-
tion of the keel, that of providing stability, resolved with two
narrow beams running parallel along the length of the boat
and attached to the ribs over the hull planks. The advantage of
this building method is that the attachment to the outer hull
does not impact the interior distribution of the vessel and the
drawback was that it increased the hydrodynamic resistance
of the boat. The lack of a centrally placed keel is characteristic
of vessels used in shallow and sandy lagoons like the one at
Nin as this method protects the hull of the vessel when draw-
ing it up on a sandy beach and keeps the boat upright when
the tide is out (Radi Rossi, Lipschitz, 2010, 257).
4. Extraction of sections of the boats and preparation
The find of the mast step, i.e. the structure the held the mast for transport / Vaenje dijelova brodova i pripreme za
in place, indicates that these boats used sails, likely of the la- transport (Arhiva AMZd)
teen form common to the period. Also found were parts of the Po zavretku istraivanja i uklanjanja kamenja i pijeska s dr-
boats structure that point to the use of oars (Brusi, 1978, 9). venih konstrukcija brodovi su fotografirani i nacrtno doku-
By their form the condura of Nin was a narrow boat and like- mentirani te zatieni folijama do trenutka vaenja iz mora i
ly used as a speedy rowboat that could raise and use a sail if poetka konzerviranja.
the wind was favourable. Given their size these vessels could
have been manned by a crew of five to six. Sauvani dijelovi konstrukcijske grae brodova omoguili
5. Conservator B. Vilhar during the reconstruction of the su rekonstrukciju originalnog izgleda, veliinu i funkciju ovih
boats at the Museum of Nin Antiquities / Konzervator B. starohrvatskih brodova. Oba su broda jednako graena i pri-
Vilhar prilikom izrade rekonstrukcije brodova u Muzeju blino iste duine, oko 8 m. Okosnicu broda ine rebra sastav-
ninskih starina (Arhiva AMZd)
ljena od jednog ili vie komada. S obzirom na veliinu, brodo-
vi su imali od 28 do 30 rebara. Na rebra su drvenim klinovima
i eljeznim avlima bili povezani ostali dijelovi brodske kon-
strukcije kao to su daske oplate i dr. Mjesta spojeva drvenih
elemenata zatvarana su kuinom i zalivena katranom.

Specifinost je ovih plovila to nisu imala kobilicu ve su nje-

nu funkciju, funkciju stabilnosti preuzele dvije gredice koje
teku paralelno s duinom broda, a na rebra su privrene
preko oplate. Prednost ovakvog naina gradnje je to zbog
spajanja na vanjsku oplatu ne utjee na unutranji raspo-
red plovila, a nedostatak poveanje hidrodinamikog otpo-
ra broda. Nepostojanje centralne kobilice karakteristino je
za plovila u plitkim i pjeskovitim lagunama kao to je ninska
budui da se na taj nain titi trup broda prilikom izvlaenja
na pjeanu obalu te brod ostaje u uspravnom poloaju za
vrijeme oseke (Radi Rossi, Liphschitz, 2010, 257).

Pronalazak temeljnice jarbola, odnosno konstrukcije za uvr-

ivanje jarbola, govori da su brodovi koristili jedra, najvje-
rojatnije latinskog oblika kakva su se ve koristila u tom raz-
doblju. Pronaeni su i dijelovi brodske grae koja upuuje
na uporabu vesala na brodovima (Brusi, 1978, 9). Ninske


kondure prema obliku pripadaju uskim brodicama te su vje-
rojatno koritene kao brze veslarice koje su u sluaju povolj-
nog vjetra mogle brzo dignuti i koristiti jedro. Uzevi u obzir
njihovu veliinu, na brodovima je moglo ploviti 5 do 6 la-
nova posade.

Prema dokumentaciji sagraene su dvije replike kondura od

kojih je jedna izloena kraj gradskog mosta u Ninu, a drugu
koristi Sveuilite u Zadru. Obje replike su graene, osim kao
izlobeni primjerci, i za ispitivanje maritimnih sposobnosti
ovakvog plovila.

Godine 1974. brodovi su zbog osjetljivosti drvene grae i di-

jelova koji su se odvajali morali biti izvaeni u fragmentima
iz mora. Odmah po vaenju prevezeni su u Konzervatorsku
radionicu Arheolokog muzeja u Zadru. Svim je konzerva-
torsko-restauratorskim postupcima rukovodio konzervator
Arheolokog muzeja Zadar Boidar Vilhar koji je proces kon-
zerviranja mokrog arheolokog drva usavravao na slinim
projektima u Danskoj i vedskoj.

Valja napomenuti da je tih 1970.-tih g. konzerviranje drva bilo

u svom zaetku te su neke metode bile nedovoljno iskuane
da bi se moglo znati njihovo dugorono djelovanje. Primjer
6. Preparation for the desalinisation of the boats / Pripreme toga je niz kemijskih reakcija nastalih oksidacijom eljeznih
za desalinizaciju brodova (Arhiva AMZd) elemenata u dodiru s polietilen glikolom (PEG) i stvaranje
sumporne kiseline koja nagriza drvo, te se pokazala kata-
Two condura replicas were built based on the documenta- strofalnom kako za ninske brodove, tako i za sline ili jedna-
tion, one of which is on exhibit near the municipal bridge ke situacije danskih i vedskih brodova konzerviranih istom
in Nin and the other at the University of Zadar. Both replicas metodom (Fors 2008, 8). Ipak, usprkos nedostacima koje u
were built to serve as exhibits but also to test the maritime to vrijeme nije mogao predvidjeti, B. Vilhar je obavio vrlo te-
ability of the vessels. meljit posao na konzerviranju ninskih kondura.

In 1974 the boats had to be extracted from the sea in frag- Proces konzerviranja zapoeo je postupkom desalinizacije.
ments due to the sensitivity of the wooden material and the Drvena je graa od poetka bila vrlo krhka to je potvreno
7. The condura boats on exhibit at the Museum of Nin analizama koje su pokazale da zapravo vrlo malo suhe tvari u
Antiquities / Kondure izloene u Muzeju ninskih starina brodskim elementima dok najvei postotak ini voda. Proces
(Photo: Z. Vrgo) desalinizacije potrajao je dvije godine dok koncentracija soli
u otopini nije svedena na minimum. Uslijedila je impregnaci-
ja brodova u kojoj je tijekom 14 mjeseci postepeno dodavan
PEG sve dok nije postignuta 86%-tna koncentracija PEG-a u
otopini (Juri, Ogui, Vilhar 1994, 46). Nakon impregnacije
drveni elementi brodova su izvaeni i sloeni na reetkaste
police obloene plastinim folijama kako bi se izbjeglo naglo
suenje. Tijekom prvih nekoliko mjeseci suenja fragmenti su
dodatno vlaeni otopinom PEG-a. Ovako velika koncentracija
PEG-a tijekom i nakon impregnacije bila je nepotrebna te je
drvo zbog prevelike zasienosti PEG-om poprimilo umjetan
i plastian izgled.

Godine 1981. zavren je paviljon unutar Arheoloke zbirke u

Ninu te su konzervirani dijelovi brodova preneseni u taj pro-
stor gdje se zapoelo s rekonstrukcijom. Brod Nin 2 je pomo-
u drvenih ablona izraenih na temelju prethodnih nacrta
izloen u izvornoj veliini, odnosno spojeni su mu svi sau-
vani dijelovi te se nije pristupilo cjelovitoj rekonstrukciji. Ele-
menti brodske grae meusobno su spajani, osim drvenim, i
eljeznim avlima. Prostori izmeu dasaka i rebara zaliveni su


fact that parts were coming off. They were transported to
the conservation workshop of the Archaeological Museum
of Zadar immediately following extraction. All conservation
and restoration procedures were led by Boidar Vilhar, a con-
servator with the Archaeological Museum that had trained in
the conservation of wet archaeological wood during similar
projects in Denmark and Sweden.

It should be noted that in the 1970s the conservation of wood

was in its infancy and that some methods had not been test-
ed broadly enough to understand their long-term effects. An
example of this is the series of chemical reactions that occur
in the oxidation of iron elements in contact with polyethyl- 8. A detail of the current condition of the boat with visibly
ene glycol (PEG) and the creation of sulphuric acid that eats infected areas and crumbled off parts of the ribs / Detalj
into the wood this proved ruinous both for the Nin boats trenutnog stanja broda s vidljivim zaraenim dijelovima i
odlomljenim dijelovima rebra (Photo: Z. Vrgo)
and for similar or identical situations in Danish and Swedish
boats conserved applying the same method (Fors 2008, 8). In otopinom PEG-a ime se pokualo nadomjestiti nekadanji
spite of drawbacks he could not have foreseen at the time B. katran i zalijepiti sastavljene elemente. Brod je postavljen u
Vilhar was meticulous in his conservation of the Nin condura. eljezni nosa oblika kolijevke (Juri, Ogui, Vilhar, 1994, 48).
Isti je postupak primijenjen na brodu Nin 1. Izraena je elje-
The conservation process began with the desalinisation pro- zna metalna kolijevka u koju su postavljeni originalni dijelovi.
cedure. The wooden material was fragile from the outset, as Brod Nin 1 u potpunosti je rekonstruiran, a za integrirane je
confirmed by analyses that showed that there were in fact dijelove koritena druga vrsta drva kako bi se rekonstruirani
very few solids in the ships elements and that the greatest dijelovi razlikovali od originala.
percentage was made up of water. The desalinisation pro-
cess lasted for two years until the concentration of salt in the Tijekom godina u kojima stoje izloeni u Muzeju ninskih sta-
solution was reduced to a minimum. This was followed by rina, brodovi su dodatno premazivani otopinom PEG-a. Loi
the impregnation of the boats in which PEG was gradually mikroklimatski uvjeti unutar dvorane u kojoj su brodovi izlo-
added over a fourteen-month period until an 86 percent con- eni u kombinacijom s ranije spomenutim nedostatcima pri-
centration had been achieved (Juri, Ogui, Vilhar 1994, 46). likom konzerviranja doveli su do izrazito loeg stanja ovog
Following impregnation the wooden elements of the boats kulturnog blaga kojemu prijeti potpuna devastacija. Iz tog je
were taken out of the solution and placed on grille shelving razloga nuno im prije zapoeti proces rekonzerviranja da
wrapped in plastic foil in order to prevent rapid drying. During se zaustavi daljnje propadanje i u konanici potpuni gubitak
the first few months of drying the fragments were addition- drvene grae ninskih kondura.
ally moistened with a PEG solution. This high concentration
of PEG during and following impregnation was unnecessary U lipnju 2010. g. Sveuilite u Zadru je u suradnji sa sveuili-
the excessive saturation with PEG imparted an artificial and tem Texas A&M provelo ispitivanje na brodovima. Radovima
plastic appearance to the wood. su predvodili Irena Radi Rossi i konzervator arheolog Peter
Fix sa Sveuilita Texas A&M koji je preliminarno analizirao
A pavilion was completed for the archaeological collection in stanje brodova. Nabavljeni su odgovarajui mjerai vlage i
Nin in 1981 and the conserved boat sections were transport- temperature koji su pokazali dramatine skokove. Takoer
ed there to begin the reconstruction. The Nin 2 boat was as-
sembled based on drawings made previously and exhibited in
its original size, i.e. all the preserved sections were joined and
no complete reconstruction was undertaken. The elements
of the boats structure were joined with wood and iron nails.
The spaces between the planks and ribs were filled with a PEG
solution in an attempt to replace the tar that once filled these
spaces and to bond the assembled elements. The boat was
installed in an iron cradle (Juri, Ogui, Vilhar, 1994, 48). The
same procedure was applied to the Nin 1 boat. An iron cradle
was fabricated in which the original parts were assembled.
The Nin 1 boat was fully reconstructed with a different type
of wood used for the integrated sections in order to differen-
tiate the reconstructed sections from the original sections.
9. ICUA conservators conduct a preliminary cleaning
Over the years in which they have been exhibited in the Muse- of the boats ahead of imaging for a 3D model /
um of Nin Antiquities the boats have been additionally coated Konzervatorice MCPA preliminarno iste brodove prije
with a PEG solution. The poor microclimatic conditions within poetka snimanja za 3D model (Photo: R. Suri)


10. A 3D model of the Nin 1 boat / 3D model broda Nin 1
(By: Aero Photo 3D)

the room housing the exhibited boats in combination with the su uzeti uzorci drvene grae brodova i poslani na kemijske
already cited drawbacks of the conservation method applied analize (Radi Rossi, Lipschitz 2010, 3-5).
led to the very poor state of these gems of cultural heritage,
which faced complete devastation. Reconservation is essential U 2016. g. Meunarodni centar za podvodnu arheologiju u
and urgently required to halt the further deterioration and the Zadru zapoeo je prvi korak u sanaciji starohrvatskih brodova.
complete loss of the wooden material of the Nin condura boats. U projektu su sudjelovali djelatnici i konzervatori MCPA Anto-
nija Jozi, Martina urkovi Madiraca, Marina imii i Zden-
In June of 2010 the University of Zadar ran tests on the boats in ka Vrgo. Strunim su miljenjem pomogli konzervatori Jean
collaboration with the Texas A&M University. The work was led Bernard Memet i Philippe de Vivies iz francuske tvrtke A-Corros
by Irena Radi Rossi and conservator archaeologist Peter Fix of Expertise, danski strunjaci, te je takoer zatraeno struno mi-
Texas A&M, who conducted a preliminary analysis of the condi- ljenje djelatnika konzervatorsko-restauratorske radionice Ar-
tion of the boats. Suitable moisture and temperature measuring cNucleart iz Grenoblea.
instruments were acquired, showing dramatic variations in the
measured values. Samples of the wooden material were taken Programom za 2016. g. zavrena je prva faza konzervator-
and sent for chemical analysis (Radi Rossi, Lipschitz 2010, 3-5). sko-restauratorskih radova, odnosno proueni su i opisani ra-
nije provedeni postupci, dokumentirano je trenutno stanje
In 2016 the International Centre for Underwater Archaeology brodova i izlobene dvorane, prikupljeni su uzorci na kojima
in Zadar took the first step in the rescue of these early Croatian su izvrene laboratorijske analize te je izvrena analiza mikrokli-
boats. Taking part in the project were ICUA conservators Antoni- matskog okruenja. Na osnovu prikupljene grae i pregledom
ja Jozi, Martina urkovi Madiraca, Marina imii and Zdenka rezultata analiza izraen je konzervatorsko-restauratorski ela-
Vrgo. Expert advice was provided by conservators Jean Ber- borat (imii, Vrgo 2016) u kojem su navedene daljnje, prije-
nard Memet and Philippe de Vivies from the French A-Corros ko potrebne intervencije koje je nuno to hitnije izvriti kako
Expertise company, by Danish experts, and we also sought the bi se sprijeilo, odnosno maksimalno usporilo daljnje propada-
expert opinions of the colleaques at the ArcNucleart conserva- nje i sanirala postojea oteenja drvene grae.
tion and restoration workshop in Grenoble.
Pisanu, foto i video dokumentaciju o ranijim konzervator-
In the 2016 programme we completed the first phase of con- sko-restauratorskim radovima i arheolokim istraivanjima
servation and restoration work, i.e. we studied and described brodova Centru su ustupili Arheoloki muzej Zadar i Sveuili-
the previously conducted procedures, documented the current te u Zadru na emu im zahvaljujemo. Tehniku dokumentaciju
condition of the boats and the exhibition room, took samples brodova, odnosno terestriko snimanje obje kondure te krei-
for laboratory analysis and analysed the microclimatic envi- ranje 3D modela brodova u relativnom koordinatnom sustavu
ronment. A conservation and restoration report was drafted obavila je tvrtka Aero Photo 3D iz Pule, dok je izrada nacrtne
on the basis of the materials collected and the overview of the dokumentacije povjerena zadruzi Arheo KO-OP. Izraena su po
results of the analysis (imii, Vrgo 2016) in which we laid out dva tlocrta i 6 pogleda i presjeka za svaki brod u mjerilu 1:20.
the further, urgently necessary interventions to prevent, i.e. to
as much as possible retard further deterioration and to repair Analizom mikroklimatskog okruenja ustanovljeni su veliki
the existing damage to the wooden material. skokovi u temperaturi i vlazi u izlobenoj dvorani Muzeja nin-
skih starina u kojoj su brodovi smjeteni. Prevelika relativna
Written, photographic and video documentation on the earlier
conservation and restoration work and archaeological investi-
gation of the boats was provided to ICUA by the Archaeologi-
cal Museum of Zadar and the University of Zadar, for which we
wish to express our gratitude. The technical documentation
on the boats, i.e. the terrestrial laser scanning of both condu-
ra boats and the creation of a 3D model in a relative system of
coordinates was done by the Aero Photo 3D company of Pula,
while the drafting of drawn documentation was entrusted to
the Arheo KO-OP cooperative. Two plan view drawings and six 11. Drawings of the Nin 2 boat / Nacrt broda Nin 2
views and cross-sections of each boat were made in a 1:20 scale. (By: Arheo KO-OP)


The analysis of the microclimatic conditions established vlanost zraka vidljiva je i po otpadanju buke sa zidova dvo-
significant fluctuations in temperature and moisture rane. Mjerai temperature i vlage postavljeni 2010. g. pokazu-
content in the exhibition room of the Museum of Nin ju temperaturne razlike od 4 do 30 C te razlike u relativnoj
Antiquities in which the boats are housed. Excessive rel- vlanosti zraka od 33 % do 83 % tijekom godine. Uzevi u ob-
ative humidity is also evident in the visible degradation zir da je za pohranu nalaza od drva preporuena temperatu-
of the plaster on the walls of the room. Temperature and ra od 18 C i relativna vlanost izmeu 45 i 60%, ovako velike
moisture measuring instruments were installed in 2010 oscilacije u temperaturi i vlazi na dnevnoj bazi ubrzavaju pro-
and show temperature variations from 4 to 30C and padanje brodova.
variations in relative humidity of from 33% to 83% in
the course of the year. Given the recommended values S oba broda uzeto je 14 uzoraka za laboratorijske analize i po-
slano u Centar za istraivanje materijala Metris u Puli. Uzeti su
uzorci pijeska, utog praha u strukturi drva, uzorci drvene gra-
e, premaza, mjesta na kojem su bili avli te konsolidanta iz
prijanjih konzervatorsko-restauratorskih postupaka. Labora-
torijske analize pokazale su da gotovo svi uzorci sadre veliki
postotak sumpora i eljeza u razliitim spojevima te potvrdile
pretpostavku o izrazito looj kombinaciji drva impregniranog
PEG-om i spojeva sa eljezom to dovodi do stvaranja sum-
porne kiseline koja razara drvenu grau. Drvo je na brodovima
prekriveno utim i sivkastim prahom, krhko je i lako se lomi to
je tijekom godina uzrokovalo otpadanje originalnih dijelova
brodskih konstrukcija.

Tijekom nekoliko narednih godina planira se provoenje kom-

pletne rekonzerviranja brodova od ienja drvenih elemenata
12. Taking samples for laboratory analysis / Uzimanje i uklanjanja tetnih spojeva do zavrne izlobene interpretaci-
uzoraka za laboratorijske analize (Photo: M. imii) je brodova u adekvatnim prostorijama. U planu je daljnja su-
for the storage of wooden finds of 18C and a relative radnja i razmjena iskustava s francuskim, danskim, njemakim
humidity of from 45 and 60%, daily oscillations of this i drugim kolegama koji se u svojim zemljama susreu s jedna-
magnitude in both temperature and humidity are clearly kim ili slinim problemima.
accelerating the deterioration of the boats.

Fourteen samples were taken from both boats for labo- Bibliography / Literatura:
ratory analysis and sent to the Metris materials research Brusi, Z., 1969 - Podmorska arheoloka istraivanja starohr-
centre in Pula. Samples were taken of sand, yellow pow- vatskih brodova na ulazu u ninsku luku, Radovi Instituta Jugo-
der in the structure of the wood, of the wooden materi- slavenske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti u Zadru sv. 16-17,
al, the coating, areas around nails and the consolidant Zadar, 443-448.
used in the previous conservation and restoration pro-
cedures. The laboratory analysis shows that almost all Brusi, Z., 1978 - Rezultati najnovijih istraivanja i vaenje sta-
of the samples contain a large percentage of sulphur rohrvatskih brodova na ulazu u ninsku luku, Adriatica Mariti-
and iron in various compounds and confirmed the pre- ma sv. 2, Zadar, 5-14.
sumption of the exceedingly detrimental combination
of wood impregnated with PEG and compounds with Fors, Y. 2008 - Sulfur - Related Conservation Concerns for mari-
iron that lead to the formation of sulphuric acid that, ne Archaeological Wood. The Origin, Speciation and Distribu-
in turn, breaks down the wooden material. The wood tion of Accumulated Sulfur with Some remedies for the Vasa,
of the boats is covered in yellow and greyish powder, Doctoral Thesis, Department of Physical, Inorganic and Structu-
is very fragile and friable, which has over the years led ral Chemistry, Stockholm University, Stockholm.
to the crumbling off of original parts of the structure of
these boats. Juri, R., Ogui, S., Vilhar, B., 1994 - Konzervacija i poetak rekon-
strukcije ranohrvatskih brodova iz Nina, Adrias 5, Split, 43-62.
Over the coming years we plan to undertake the com-
plete reconservation of the boats from the cleaning Radi Rossi, I., Lipschitz, N., 2010 - Analiza drvene grae sred-
of the wooden elements and the removal of detrimen- njovjekovnih brodica iz Nina, Archaeologia Adriatica, Vol 4, 257-
tal compounds to the final exhibition interpretation of 270.
the boats in adequate premises. We also plan to contin-
ue our collaboration and exchange of experiences with imii, M., Vrgo, Z. 2016 - Konzervatorsko-restauratorski ela-
our French, Danish, German and other colleagues facing borat - brodovi tipa Condura croatica iz Muzeja ninskih stari-
identical or similar problems in their countries. na, Zadar.


and Croatian
archaeologis at so
called Dolium shipwreck
near Cavtat / Danski i
hrvatski arheolozi na tzv.
brodolomu Dolije kod
(Photo: M.Pei)

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