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Food Systems, Sustainability, and Climate Change Journal Template

Name: Charlie Oster

1 Tu 01/17 Introductions | Class Overview

| Concept Survey

AFTER CLASS: Highlights from in-class notes (this can be in bullet-

point form, but logical and understandable):

I very much enjoyed the first class. It will be interesting to see how the
three teacher style will be able to work out. I very much like the idea of
having three different perspectives to allow a more holistic look at each topic
as we discuss them, but this can also lend itself to inefficient timing of the
class, as we saw on a small scale already. Regardless I think with a little time
this approach can grow into itself and become a very powerful tool.
I am excited for many of the topics we are going to cover in this class,
particularly how we are planning on approaching them. I am excited to learn
a lot about the complex ways food systems are not only defined, but how we
as scientists, people, and a society can think about them. I am excited and
nervous about the workload before each class as it does seem on the high
end, and a bit confusing, but I can also see how this will help us get the most
out of our time together in class, as the subject material tends to lend itself
to be quite complex.

Overall, I am excited to see not only what knowledge I can gain from
this class, but what perspective and knowledge I can bring and help share to
2 Th 01/19 Overview of Greenhouse Gas
BEFORE CLASS: Weekly journal entries should be at minimum 300
words in length and at maximum 500 words in length (one-half to
full-page single spaced)
Hello! I am very bad at taking notes on my computer, so I have a URL here to
a PDF of my scanned notes I took in a notebook. I hope you can access them.
Please let me know if this is acceptable, as I would like to continue this
method! Thanks.

BEFORE CLASS: 70-80 words in length or 500 characters and it should highlight
one thing that you have learned from the pre-assigned class material and one
question you wish to discuss in class.). This is exactly the text that you post to the
course pre-class blog page for this period.

I found it fascinating that carbon and methane capture are not only possible
to help alleviate how much GHG emissions these current energy systems
contribute, but that captured methane can actually be used as an energy
source. This is a great way to help make current, established systems less
harmful than they need be.
My question for class discussion would be which GHG should we as a society focus
on reducing first? This seems to be up to some debate, and I am curious what
others think.

AFTER CLASS: Highlights from in-class notes (this can be in bullet-

point form, but logical and understandable):
I very much enjoyed the layout of this class period, I enjoyed the small group
discussion for a more intimate learning experience with peers and then I
appreciated the time to allow each group to share their discussion to the
class. This helped me not only connect with classmates over the reading
material, but gain new insight from the entire class.
I appreciated the clarification on some of the graphs and figures from the readings
and the discussion on how the GHG emissions are tabulated and how they are
separated and connected in different ways, as well as different ways that individuals
and societies can classify efficiency when it comes to energy and output.
3 Tu 01/24 Sustainability of the US Dairy
Industry| Intro. to Instructors' Case Study
BEFORE CLASS: Weekly journal entries should be at minimum 300
words in length and at maximum 500 words in length (one-half to
full-page single spaced)
Here again is a link to the notes I took on paper!

BEFORE CLASS: 70-80 words in length or 500 characters and it should

highlight one thing that you have learned from the pre-assigned class
material and one question you wish to discuss in class.). This is exactly
the text that you post to the course pre-class blog page for this period.

I was surprised to find out the US dairy market was mostly domestically
focused until the mid 2000s.
My question for the class is how do you think the best way to keep farming
practices transparent and well-known by a majority of the public? Would it be
a government service? Third parties?

AFTER CLASS: Highlights from in-class notes (this can be in bullet-point form,
but logical and understandable):
I enjoyed learning about the different glossary terms today as that will very much
help my understanding as I come across these terms when I see them in various
readings and activities.
The activity in class today was fun as well, I hope we can continue to have at least
as much discussion time available every lecture, both in sturctured activities and
time set aside for open discussion, particularly how Joe and Paolina were debating in
the end of class. I think we can all really help push each other in different ways and
help bring different ideas and expertise to the table, particularly in discussion like
I found the power point helpful as well, despite it being more traditional lecture
style, because it related heavily to the reading and had a discussion activity as a
4 Th 01/26 Team Work Workshop and Intro to Instructors' Case
BEFORE CLASS: Weekly journal entries should be at minimum 300 words in
length and at maximum 500 words in length (one-half to full-page single

Here is the link:

BEFORE CLASS: 70-80 words in length or 500 characters and it should

highlight one thing that you have learned from the pre-assigned class material and
one question you wish to discuss in class.). This is exactly the text that you post to
the course pre-class blog page for this period


AFTER CLASS: Highlights from in-class notes (this can be in bullet-point form,
but logical and understandable):
I really enjoyed the class today. Never before in my academic career have we
had an entire class period to not only naturally form groups for projects and
had enough time to talk and get to know one another, but also to discuss our
strengths and weaknesses in group project experiences we have had in the
past. This was really a nice change of experience and it (and the readings)
really helped me better understand how I view group projects and how I can
help deal with problems that I and others bring when working in groups in
future endeavors.
Group projects are such a key part of working in the professional world and it
is amazing how little schooling we get to help us prepare for working in
groups, with the usual protocol being zero preparation. This was a super
insightful and helpful class period.
5 Tu 01/31 Food Systems | Key Concepts
BEFORE CLASS: Weekly journal entries should be at minimum 300
words in length and at maximum 500 words in length (one-half to
full-page single spaced)

Here is the link to my Journal reading notes:

BEFORE CLASS: 70-80 words in length or 500 characters and it should

highlight one thing that you have learned from the pre-assigned class
material and one question you wish to discuss in class.). This is exactly
the text that you post to the course pre-class blog page for this period

One sobering line from the reading came from Cassidy/Patterson page 8, "...from
banks and loaning institutions, which have traditionally viewed fast food and liquor
stores as the safest investments in low income areas." While painful, this shows an
obvious error in a purely capitalistic system of problem solving/urban planning.

I am curious as to what others think is an important first step in assuring fair and
equitable access to wholesome food in low income areas.

AFTER CLASS: Highlights from in-class notes (this can be in bullet-

point form, but logical and understandable):

I very much enjoyed the beginning of class today where we were allowed to spend
time looking at blog posts about the pre-class readings and were allowed to discuss
our thoughts on them. I would love it if that could become a part of as many classes
as possible to keep the readings involved with class, and to allow us as a group to
challenge one another on our understandings of things by different perspectives.
Prof. Morales presentation was very interesting too, I like the way he view
sociological relationships and how they interact in a system. They are fascinating,
because unlike bio systems which scientists study to better understand a system
separate from human control (ie we study the circulation system to figure out how it
works, not because we can alter it in our bodies), but sociological systems we study
because there are MANY ways they can work together, and each way has it's own
benefits and drawbacks, and it is interesting to see how all work together.
6 Th 02/02 Case Study | Library Workshop
BEFORE CLASS: Weekly journal entries should be at minimum 300
words in length and at maximum 500 words in length (one-half to
full-page single spaced)

BEFORE CLASS: 70-80 words in length or 500 characters and it should

highlight one thing that you have learned from the pre-assigned class
material and one question you wish to discuss in class.). This is exactly
the text that you post to the course pre-class blog page for this period


AFTER CLASS: Highlights from in-class notes (this can be in bullet-

point form, but logical and understandable):
I enjoyed the presentation by our librarian. As a science major who does little
research in the scope of papers and studies, my knowledge of the library system
here at UW is fairly limited. This really helped me better see what options are
available to us, and to what extent they can be used. The particulars on how to best
search databases was helpful as well. I am certain that this will help me in
beginning to conduct research for our group project and will allow me to better
cover all possible bases from a research perspective.
7 Tu 02/07 Methods to assess food
BEFORE CLASS: Weekly journal entries should be at minimum 300
words in length and at maximum 500 words in length (one-half to
full-page single spaced)
Here is the URL for my notes:

BEFORE CLASS: 70-80 words in length or 500 characters and it should

highlight one thing that you have learned from the pre-assigned class
material and one question you wish to discuss in class.). This is exactly
the text that you post to the course pre-class blog page for this period

I found the increasing popularity of multicriteria assessment to be a good

sign, for I believe the interconnected nature of all of the factors to be
something that should not be ignored, for understanding this can help
changes bear as little unintended consequences in other facets as possible.

My question would be to what extent do others in the class believe consumers drive
change to a food system (little study done in this area) and what extent does
availability and habit control consumers?

AFTER CLASS: Highlights from in-class notes (this can be in bullet-

point form, but logical and understandable):
Class today was quite fun, again I really enjoy discussing blogs posts in a class
discussion (when we have them assigned) because it gives us a chance to spend
15/20 minutes discussing the implications of the readings, how we each interpreted
them, and how each of our different perspectives can be shared. I found it quite
humorous how Prof. Alfonso carried on for a nice mini-lecture (he is quite talkative!)
Beyond that the activity of the two farms was helpful to examine a situation in
which different applications of sustainability could be used, despite us running short
on time.
And the presentation of research methods that Prof. Alfonso was able to briefly show
us was a nice recap of things to keep in mind as we begin to start our projects. The
presentation is quite extensive I will be utilizing it as I begin to imagine
methodology that I want to consider from my project.
8 Th 02/09 Case Study | HTML workshop
BEFORE CLASS: Weekly journal entries should be at minimum 300
words in length and at maximum 500 words in length (one-half to
full-page single spaced)

BEFORE CLASS: 70-80 words in length or 500 characters and it should

highlight one thing that you have learned from the pre-assigned class
material and one question you wish to discuss in class.). This is exactly
the text that you post to the course pre-class blog page for this period


AFTER CLASS: Highlights from in-class notes (this can be in bullet-

point form, but logical and understandable):
Michel's introduction to the research webpage that he and the team had created
was quite helpful in having a reference to what our research webpage could look
like, especially how his template was given to us to use for our own projects. That
was a very helpful short explanation of what, roughly, is to be expected from our
Beyond that the HTML presenter was quite helpful as well. From my experience in
learning python I know how hard it is to teach a programming language, and
sometimes the best thing to do is to give helpful hints, references for learning on
your own, and explain common problems/issues, and I appreciate that she covered
all these areas. It will certainly help as I begin working on our webpage. So much of
learning a language is just experimentation and frustration, but she did a wonderful
9 Tu 02/14 Institutions and decision
BEFORE CLASS: Weekly journal entries should be at minimum 300
words in length and at maximum 500 words in length (one-half to
full-page single spaced)
Here is my Journal URL:

BEFORE CLASS: 70-80 words in length or 500 characters and it should

highlight one thing that you have learned from the pre-assigned class
material and one question you wish to discuss in class.). This is exactly
the text that you post to the course pre-class blog page for this period
I found Solow's brief point at the end about population growth control fascinating,
especially that we may never see a larger scale example of it again.

Reminded by the fact that future generations will have more and more people
(assuming humans fit into standard, animal models of carrying capacity, which may
not even be true, we are not even halfway to our peak population), what area of
sustainability do you think needs the most focus if we are to survive as a species?

AFTER CLASS: Highlights from in-class notes (this can be in bullet-

point form, but logical and understandable):
10 Th 02/16 Food systems and race,
gender, ethnicity, and class
BEFORE CLASS: Weekly journal entries should be at minimum 300
words in length and at maximum 500 words in length (one-half to
full-page single spaced)
Here is my URL to my notes:

BEFORE CLASS: 70-80 words in length or 500 characters and it should

highlight one thing that you have learned from the pre-assigned class
material and one question you wish to discuss in class.). This is exactly
the text that you post to the course pre-class blog page for this period
I found it awesome that food sovereignty/security has had a shifting definition even
in just the past 10 years, I always find that more cutting edge topics in this field are
the most interesting.

My question for the class would be how do we as a global force help to try and
balance food sovereignty (self reliance, protection of food cultures, etc.) and food
security (trade, battling hunger/unstable food systems)?

AFTER CLASS: Highlights from in-class notes (this can be in bullet-

point form, but logical and understandable):
--- --- --- Class Field Trip (Sat 02/18) --
11 Tu 02/21 Food systems and race,
gender, ethnicity, and class
BEFORE CLASS: Weekly journal entries should be at minimum 300
words in length and at maximum 500 words in length (one-half to
full-page single spaced)

BEFORE CLASS: 70-80 words in length or 500 characters and it should

highlight one thing that you have learned from the pre-assigned class
material and one question you wish to discuss in class.). This is exactly
the text that you post to the course pre-class blog page for this period

AFTER CLASS: Highlights from in-class notes (this can be in bullet-

point form, but logical and understandable):
12 Th 02/23 Case Study | Team Project
Work Day
13 Tu 02/28 Institutions and decision
BEFORE CLASS: Weekly journal entries should be at minimum 300
words in length and at maximum 500 words in length (one-half to
full-page single spaced)

BEFORE CLASS: 70-80 words in length or 500 characters and it should

highlight one thing that you have learned from the pre-assigned class
material and one question you wish to discuss in class.). This is exactly
the text that you post to the course pre-class blog page for this period

AFTER CLASS: Highlights from in-class notes (this can be in bullet-

point form, but logical and understandable):
14 Th 03/02 Food waste, composting, and
BEFORE CLASS: Weekly journal entries should be at minimum 300
words in length and at maximum 500 words in length (one-half to
full-page single spaced)

BEFORE CLASS: 70-80 words in length or 500 characters and it should

highlight one thing that you have learned from the pre-assigned class
material and one question you wish to discuss in class.). This is exactly
the text that you post to the course pre-class blog page for this period

AFTER CLASS: Highlights from in-class notes (this can be in bullet-

point form, but logical and understandable):
15 Tu 03/07 Food waste, composting, and
BEFORE CLASS: Weekly journal entries should be at minimum 300
words in length and at maximum 500 words in length (one-half to
full-page single spaced)

BEFORE CLASS: 70-80 words in length or 500 characters and it should

highlight one thing that you have learned from the pre-assigned class
material and one question you wish to discuss in class.). This is exactly
the text that you post to the course pre-class blog page for this period

AFTER CLASS: Highlights from in-class notes (this can be in bullet-

point form, but logical and understandable):
16 Th 03/09 Teams A & B & C presentations
BEFORE CLASS: Weekly journal entries should be at minimum 300
words in length and at maximum 500 words in length (one-half to
full-page single spaced)

BEFORE CLASS: 70-80 words in length or 500 characters and it should

highlight one thing that you have learned from the pre-assigned class
material and one question you wish to discuss in class.). This is exactly
the text that you post to the course pre-class blog page for this period

AFTER CLASS: Highlights from in-class notes (this can be in bullet-

point form, but logical and understandable):
17 Tu 03/14 Teams D & E & F presentations
BEFORE CLASS: Weekly journal entries should be at minimum 300
words in length and at maximum 500 words in length (one-half to
full-page single spaced)

BEFORE CLASS: 70-80 words in length or 500 characters and it should

highlight one thing that you have learned from the pre-assigned class
material and one question you wish to discuss in class.). This is exactly
the text that you post to the course pre-class blog page for this period

AFTER CLASS: Highlights from in-class notes (this can be in bullet-

point form, but logical and understandable):
18 Th 03/16 Teams G & H & I presentations
BEFORE CLASS: Weekly journal entries should be at minimum 300
words in length and at maximum 500 words in length (one-half to
full-page single spaced)

BEFORE CLASS: 70-80 words in length or 500 characters and it should

highlight one thing that you have learned from the pre-assigned class
material and one question you wish to discuss in class.). This is exactly
the text that you post to the course pre-class blog page for this period

AFTER CLASS: Highlights from in-class notes (this can be in bullet-

point form, but logical and understandable):
--- --- --- Spring Break Recess (03/20 - 03/26)
19 Tu 03/28 GHG emissions from crops
BEFORE CLASS: Weekly journal entries should be at minimum 300
words in length and at maximum 500 words in length (one-half to
full-page single spaced)

BEFORE CLASS: 70-80 words in length or 500 characters and it should

highlight one thing that you have learned from the pre-assigned class
material and one question you wish to discuss in class.). This is exactly
the text that you post to the course pre-class blog page for this period

AFTER CLASS: Highlights from in-class notes (this can be in bullet-

point form, but logical and understandable):
20 Th 03/30 GHG emissions from soils
BEFORE CLASS: Weekly journal entries should be at minimum 300
words in length and at maximum 500 words in length (one-half to
full-page single spaced)

BEFORE CLASS: 70-80 words in length or 500 characters and it should

highlight one thing that you have learned from the pre-assigned class
material and one question you wish to discuss in class.). This is exactly
the text that you post to the course pre-class blog page for this period

AFTER CLASS: Highlights from in-class notes (this can be in bullet-

point form, but logical and understandable):
21 Tu 04/04 Carbon Sequestration
BEFORE CLASS: Weekly journal entries should be at minimum 300
words in length and at maximum 500 words in length (one-half to
full-page single spaced)

BEFORE CLASS: 70-80 words in length or 500 characters and it should

highlight one thing that you have learned from the pre-assigned class
material and one question you wish to discuss in class.). This is exactly
the text that you post to the course pre-class blog page for this period

AFTER CLASS: Highlights from in-class notes (this can be in bullet-

point form, but logical and understandable):
22 Th 04/06 Synthesis: GHG emissions from
crops and livestock
BEFORE CLASS: Weekly journal entries should be at minimum 300
words in length and at maximum 500 words in length (one-half to
full-page single spaced)

BEFORE CLASS: 70-80 words in length or 500 characters and it should

highlight one thing that you have learned from the pre-assigned class
material and one question you wish to discuss in class.). This is exactly
the text that you post to the course pre-class blog page for this period

AFTER CLASS: Highlights from in-class notes (this can be in bullet-

point form, but logical and understandable):
23 Tu 04/11 Virtual intl guests: Josephine
Peigne (France) and Doris Pellerin (Quebec)
BEFORE CLASS: Weekly journal entries should be at minimum 300
words in length and at maximum 500 words in length (one-half to
full-page single spaced)

BEFORE CLASS: 70-80 words in length or 500 characters and it should

highlight one thing that you have learned from the pre-assigned class
material and one question you wish to discuss in class.). This is exactly
the text that you post to the course pre-class blog page for this period

AFTER CLASS: Highlights from in-class notes (this can be in bullet-

point form, but logical and understandable):
24 Th 04/13 Virtual intl guests: Carlos
Arriaga (Mexico) and Carlos Gomez (Peru)
BEFORE CLASS: Weekly journal entries should be at minimum 300
words in length and at maximum 500 words in length (one-half to
full-page single spaced)

BEFORE CLASS: 70-80 words in length or 500 characters and it should

highlight one thing that you have learned from the pre-assigned class
material and one question you wish to discuss in class.). This is exactly
the text that you post to the course pre-class blog page for this period

AFTER CLASS: Highlights from in-class notes (this can be in bullet-

point form, but logical and understandable):
25 Tu 04/18 Environmental Impact of Food
BEFORE CLASS: Weekly journal entries should be at minimum 300
words in length and at maximum 500 words in length (one-half to
full-page single spaced)

BEFORE CLASS: 70-80 words in length or 500 characters and it should

highlight one thing that you have learned from the pre-assigned class
material and one question you wish to discuss in class.). This is exactly
the text that you post to the course pre-class blog page for this period

AFTER CLASS: Highlights from in-class notes (this can be in bullet-

point form, but logical and understandable):
26 Th 04/20 Integration (Life Cycle
BEFORE CLASS: Weekly journal entries should be at minimum 300
words in length and at maximum 500 words in length (one-half to
full-page single spaced)

BEFORE CLASS: 70-80 words in length or 500 characters and it should

highlight one thing that you have learned from the pre-assigned class
material and one question you wish to discuss in class.). This is exactly
the text that you post to the course pre-class blog page for this period

AFTER CLASS: Highlights from in-class notes (this can be in bullet-

point form, but logical and understandable):
27 Tu 04/25 Human Health Impacts of Food
Choices | Formative Course Evaluation
BEFORE CLASS: Weekly journal entries should be at minimum 300
words in length and at maximum 500 words in length (one-half to
full-page single spaced)

BEFORE CLASS: 70-80 words in length or 500 characters and it should

highlight one thing that you have learned from the pre-assigned class
material and one question you wish to discuss in class.). This is exactly
the text that you post to the course pre-class blog page for this period

AFTER CLASS: Highlights from in-class notes (this can be in bullet-

point form, but logical and understandable):
28 Th 04/27 Web page/paper presentations:
Teams A, B, & C
BEFORE CLASS: Weekly journal entries should be at minimum 300
words in length and at maximum 500 words in length (one-half to
full-page single spaced)

BEFORE CLASS: 70-80 words in length or 500 characters and it should

highlight one thing that you have learned from the pre-assigned class
material and one question you wish to discuss in class.). This is exactly
the text that you post to the course pre-class blog page for this period

AFTER CLASS: Highlights from in-class notes (this can be in bullet-

point form, but logical and understandable):
29 Tu 05/02 Web page/paper presentations:
Teams D, E, & F
BEFORE CLASS: Weekly journal entries should be at minimum 300
words in length and at maximum 500 words in length (one-half to
full-page single spaced)

BEFORE CLASS: 70-80 words in length or 500 characters and it should

highlight one thing that you have learned from the pre-assigned class
material and one question you wish to discuss in class.). This is exactly
the text that you post to the course pre-class blog page for this period

AFTER CLASS: Highlights from in-class notes (this can be in bullet-

point form, but logical and understandable):
30 Th 05/04 Web page/paper presentations:
Teams G, H & I
BEFORE CLASS: Weekly journal entries should be at minimum 300
words in length and at maximum 500 words in length (one-half to
full-page single spaced)

BEFORE CLASS: 70-80 words in length or 500 characters and it should

highlight one thing that you have learned from the pre-assigned class
material and one question you wish to discuss in class.). This is exactly
the text that you post to the course pre-class blog page for this period

AFTER CLASS: Highlights from in-class notes (this can be in bullet-

point form, but logical and understandable):

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